Spinal Stenosis Relieve Pain without Surgery
Established health care centers in New York provide customized treatment plans for treating leg and back pain with non-surgical modalities.
Spinal stenosis is one of the major causes of acute and chronic neck and lower back pain among older adults. This degenerative condition is characterized by a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, which puts pressure on the cord and the nerves. Though it can develop anywhere within the spinal column, lumbar spinal stenosis usually occurs in the lumbar (lower) spine and sometimes, in the cervical spine (neck). In addition to aging and osteoarthritis, factors that cause spinal stenosis include heredity, spondylolisthesis, tumors, and traumatic accidents and injuries. Compressed nerves in the lumbar spine may cause pain or cramping in the legs when you walk or stand for a long time. Numbness and weakness or tingling in a leg, foot, arm or hand are the typical symptoms of nerve compression in the lumbar spine. The good news is that effective non-surgical treatment for back pain is available in New York based health care centers. Diagnosis Diagnosis would begin with a physical exam, and evaluation of symptoms and medical history. X-rays or an MRI scan may be carried out to help confirm diagnosis. While X-rays can reveal broken bones, changes due to arthritis and deformities, MRI can provide a clear picture of the extent of disc degeneration by diagnosing disc tears or a herniated disc.
Non-surgical Options – The First Line of Treatment In a professional health care center, a team comprising pain management doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors and other specialists develop customized treatment plans for back pain based on the causes and individual circumstances. Treatment plans may include the following: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Epidural steroid injections Physical therapy Spinal decompression therapy Muscle relaxants Exercise programs Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy involves stretching and elongating the spine through gentle traction forces in order to ease pressure on the discs. The therapy creates a suction or vacuum force which pulls the discs back into their natural position. It improves the delivery of blood, nutrients and oxygen to the discs, thereby promoting recovery. Many patients experience positive results with just one session, though multiple sessions are often needed to optimize outcomes. Surgery is recommended only if these conservative treatments do not work.
Help Yourself You can manage/prevent back pain with some simple strategies such as: Core strengthening and stretching exercises and physical activities such as swimming and cycling Avoiding heavy lifting which puts strain on the back muscles Weight management Maintaining correct posture In a reliable multispecialty health care center, the physical therapist will guide you in building your strength and endurance with a customized exercise program for spinal stenosis. This will help maintain the stability of your spine and improve your balance.