Safe Ways to Whiten Teeth In today’s culture, having nice white teeth is sis important. In fact, 18% of people in a recent study said that they hid or concealed their teeth when taking a photo of themselves. 18% might not seem too serious, but that's quite a bit! Your teeth are undoubtedly one of the first things that people see when they see you or meet you – which makes this an important issue. If you want a way to whiten your teeth but you don’t want to get into the whole teeth whitening with strips, creams or foams deal, there are other options available to you, read below for more information. Apple Cider Vinegar Mouthwash When it comes to mouthwash, apple cider vinegar isn’t as strong as commercially made mouthwash. However, it is a good gum cleaner, mouth cleaner and it can remove stains on the teeth. This is a proven method that does work, but you will have to be consistent when using it. Since this is an acid, it can eat away at the enamel on your teeth, though, so make sure that after you rinse your mouth out with it – or brush your teeth with it, that you re-brush your teeth with regular toothpaste. Rinse your mouth out well after using apple cider vinegar and try to use a non-fluoride toothpaste too. Strawberry Paste Many of the celebrities out there swear by this, so hey, its worth a try. You would simply take some strawberries and your toothpaste and mash them together, place some on your toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally would. The acid content in the strawberries is what whitens your teeth, but this is also a pithy fruit, and it has those tiny little “seeds” in it that help scrub away stains on your teeth. If you hate the way minty toothpaste tastes with strawberries, that’s okay. You can also just use macerated strawberries on a toothbrush or just start eating more strawberries. Either way, you choose, just make sure you rinse your mouth out well. Crunchy Fruits and Veggies If you want another easy way to make teeth whiter, consider eating or adding more