Spider Veins and Leg Pain Only older people get spider veins, right? Wrong! Although it is true that aging is a factor for many patients who have spider veins, the fact is that anyone can get spider veins. Of course, spider veins only occur on the legs, right? Wrong again! Another fact about spider veins is that they can occur just about anywhere on the human body that has veins. However, it is true that spider veins tend to be more prevalent on the legs. Why? The answer is simple ... gravity. Your legs are tasked with carrying a lot more weight than, say, your arms or your face. And, although it is still possible to develop spider veins on these areas of the body, it's also true that spider veins tend to occur more often on legs for the simple fact that legs take the brunt of gravity. And, while it is true that many people who have spider veins on the legs don't have any symptoms at all from their condition except for a few unsightly veins here and there, it's also true that spider veins in the legs may cause discomfort for some patients, and they can also lead to circulation problems. The good news is that spider vein treatment in Morristown has many more options than ever before. The symptoms of spider veins are different from those of varicose veins, which are the more serious, bulging, painful between spider and varicose veins. Spider veins for most folks are rather harmless. However, for some people the symptoms of spider veins are more serious and can even lead to more harmful medical conditions, including varicose veins. Though many people who have spider veins never experience any other symptoms, for those who do experience accompanying symptoms, leg pain is one of the most prevalent and significant of those symptoms. In fact, over and above their reddish-purple, weblike appearance, leg pain is probably the most typical of all symptoms. Other symptoms can include swelling, itching, tingling, and even a burning sensation in the legs (or any other area where spider veins develop). Because the legs are tasked with carrying the weight of the body, it's typically a lot easier to develop spider veins in the legs, ankles, and feet than any other area of the body. That's why it's important for everyone, no matter their age, to do what's necessary to avoid developing spider veins. Thankfully, spider veins are not as harmful as varicose veins. They're relatively painless and symptom-free in most people. Of course, that doesn't mean you want them. The most
important thing to remember in the prevention of spider veins is blood flow. Ask yourself this question: What can I do to keep my blood circulating the way it should? The answer to this question is, of course, diet and exercise. What you eat will have a profound effect on your blood. Eating a diet of processed, sugary, starchy foods will slow your blood down, making it more difficult for your organs to get the blood they need to keep your body performing optimally. So too will living a sedentary lifestyle keep your blood from circulating properly to the organs it needs to reach. Nothing in your body can work properly without proper blood flow. If you want to lessen your chances of developing spider veins, especially in your legs, the first and most important steps to take are observing good nutrition and a regular exercise program. If you're already experiencing leg pain from your spider veins, talk to your physician about what types of foods to eat and what types of exercise are right for your situation. While it is true that many folks who have spider veins in their legs never develop any symptoms from them, it's also true that many folks do, indeed, have symptoms such as pain and/or trouble with ambulation. The main reason spider veins can lead to pain or difficulty walking is that they can lead to circulation problems. In fact, it's pretty safe to say that most spider veins in the legs develop because of circulation problems. If you're someone who has spider veins and you're noticing an increase in symptoms, such as discomfort, pain, or difficulty with ambulation, contact your doctor to discuss treatment options. Thankfully, there are so many more options today than ever for spider vein treatment. For more information about spider veins and their correlation to leg pain, contact a vein specialist in your area to schedule a consultation.