When Should I Eat Having to keep track of what to eat each day and when to eat, can become incredibly overwhelming and stressful. Rather than just worry over what you eat, you should really be putting an emphasis on WHEN you eat. Here are a few tips for when to eat. In addition to the best time to eat you should also keep track of what you are going to be doing after the meal, it is not a good idea to eat prior to a workout, eating before a workout can increase cramping or even be a cause for stomach pain; but after a workout it is important to consume protein as this can aid in muscle development. You may also want to avoid eating a heavy meal prior to a big meeting as this can make you tired and drowsy and if you are stressed a heavy meal may give you stomach pain as well. Breakfast – Morning Time Your mom was right, breakfast IS one of the most important meals of the day. If you still don’t believe your mom, believe the research that has been put into this topic that states how important breakfast is because it helps your body (and your mind) prepare for the day ahead. Also, research shows that when people eat breakfast you can also lower your risk of heart disease, which is a huge benefit. A report was done by the American Heart Association where the Harvard School Of Public Health did a study on 26,902 males over the range of 16 years. The males were all health professionals aged between 45 and 82 years old. The study helped them to discover that those who skipped breakfast, 27% of the group, had a higher chance of heart disease or attack than those who actually ate breakfast in the morning. That might not seem like a lot, but remember we are dealing with a very large number – 7,263 men. Breakfast – What to Eat Its important to remember to eat breakfast, but its also important to remember TO eat healthy. Pass on the sugary stuff. You are essentially setting your blood sugar pattern for the day when you eat breakfast. So make sure you are eating something healthy like whole grains which also have a mixture of healthy fats and proteins to it as well. Some
options to consider are oatmeal, whole wheat toast with coconut or almond butter or even an omelet with some yummy spinach. Afternoon Eating Tour lunch should be all about fueling your body for the rest of the day. In the 1960s nutritionist Adele Davis phrased it best when they said you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Fueling up earlier in the day with breakfast and lunch allows your body to do any hard labor or expel energy without getting you too tired for the rest of the day. In many countries, such as countries in Europe (France, Italy, etc) the largest meal of the day is lunch! A great option for lunch would be a healthy salad with various healthy toppings and of course a protein like fish or chicken.
Dinner Time Theoretically its okay to eat after dark because the calories will get burned anyway, however, if you eat a heavy meal and then go right to bed, you are less likely to burn those calories than if you stayed awake for an hour or two. Your metabolism DOES run while you sleep, but at a much slower speed. When you eat and then go right to bed you wont be burning off those calories and they will sort of be at a standstill. Then, these will turn into stored fats. Also, when you eat late and then go to bed, this will increase blood sugar and the insulin in your body and you will find that you have a harder time falling asleep. Dinner time should always be at least 3 hours before you go to sleep! This includes desserts. In a lot of cases when people have desserts or they have a snack before bed its always something sugary or sweet (unnaturally sweet), these sweets can send the
blood sugar levels soaring beyond normalcy. All of this adds up to lower levels of melatonin – the stuff that helps you get relaxed and fall asleep, so it only makes sense that if you have less melatonin you will have a harder time going to bed and falling asleep. Keep It Light – At Night In many locations in Europe, people actually do eat late at night, however, when they do, its always something light. These people aren’t eating huge heavy meals like most people do in the USA. You have your steak, your potatoes all the fixings, a veg (maybe!), a side salad, dessert, etc. That’s a huge meal for dinner.