Thrive Health & Wellbeing Issue 3

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 Erin Molan takes on the cyber trolls  Love yourself, imperfections & all!  Get strong & toned with a Pilates home circuit  Food, your best medicine or greatest enemy  Powerful steps to take for a better life  Flourish and nourish through menopause  Why it’s important to embrace change in the age of COVID


Welcome Welcome to the third issue of Thrive magazine. Thank you to all of you who gave us such excellent feedback and valued suggestions for the topics and updates you would like to see more of in future issues. It is a great pleasure researching for you every month, as we consult with health and wellbeing leaders to bring you diverse and comprehensive mind, body, lifestyle and relationships content to help and inspire in these ultra-challenging times. As October was Mental Health Month, we have a wealth of content to help ease stress, keep perspective and motivate you to enjoy life to the fullest while embracing the challenges life serves up on our daily plate. Speaking of plates, we have more nutritious and delicious recipes for you. While especially good for those going through hormonal changes, they are ideal for the whole family. Plus, inside you’ll find easy at-home strengthen and tone Pilates exercises, guidance on tools to keep you happier with your mirror image and more. We want to make sure we keep tapping into the topics and issues vital to your physical and emotional wellbeing, and that will enhance your quality of life. So we’d love to hear from you. Please turn to Page 48, where we ask for your feedback about Thrive. By way of thanks, five readers will receive a

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Enjoy the issue and we’ll see you again next month. PUBLISHED BY Thrive Magazine | CONTACT US

105 Carpenter Street, Brighton, Victoria 3186 Phone: 03 9592 8986 PUBLISHERS Lachlan McPherson & Anthony McCabe EDITOR Jenni Gilbert PARTNERSHIPS MANAGER Kirien Withers PRODUCTION Mick Carney

Blue Banana Graphics & Design - Kelsie Spies

CONTRIBUTORS Tory Archbold, Lee-Anne Carter,

Dr Natalie Flatt, Trish Hammond, Lee Holmes, Erica King, Belinda Kirkpatrick, Glenn Marsden, Renee Scott, Josephine Zappia










































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After years of weathering online abuse and threats, Nine network NRL football frontwoman Erin Molan finally cracked in 2018. While pregnant with her daughter, Eliza, she received a vile message on social media: “I wish you a [expletive] stillborn and you die in the process, hip, hip, hooray”. The perpetrator, who was revealed to be a young father of girls, was eventually tracked down and arrested, becoming a rare example of an online troll who was successfully convicted. He received a suspended sentence. The incident had a devastating affect on the mum-to-be, giving a radio interview soon after in which she broke down on air. But it also steeled her 4 | THRIVE #3

to launch her campaign to lobby government to make changes to legislation, which could see cyber bullies and trolls jailed. In another emotional interview on Nine’s 60 Minutes on October 11, Erin wept as she revealed to 60 Minutes reporter Tom Steinfort that the message took her to “some pretty dark places”. Her older sister suffered a stillbirth in the years prior to her own pregnancy, leading her to have a “pretty anxious' wait” for the birth of her daughter. “She carried a beautiful little girl to full term and to watch her bury that little child - It really impacted me,” Erin says.

“Legislation is clear about the illegality of behaviour such as verbal abuse, swearing and continual humiliation, name calling, put-downs, psychological abuse, making threats, creating fear, harassment, stalking, and intimidation.

“Importantly, it will provide police with the necessary powers to regulate this unacceptable behaviour. Perhaps more importantly, new laws will help to change the public discourse on this issue and put the significant weight of the Government behind the message that you can no longer hide behind a fake profile or anonymous account. That perpetrators are accountable for what they post and send online. These cowards deserve to have the full force of the law thrown at them.”

"Every single [trolling comment] was either that I was a woman, that I was ugly, that I looked like a sl*t, that I'd never played the game, that I belong in the kitchen. About different footballers that I've had dalliances with, about bosses at Channel 9 that I must have slept with. It's just vile." “When these incidents happen in our society, our common understanding that they are criminal drives the public discourse and response. We would never tell a victim of domestic violence to just `ignore it’, to `stop reading abusive emails or letters’ or to become more resilient. Yet, we tell this to victims of online abuse. “I was sick of seeing trolling, abuse, threats and nothing being done – not just to me – but to plenty of others. I was sick of reading about young people taking their lives or suffering serious illness as a result of cyber bullying, I got fed up.” Earlier this year, Erin along with Aboriginal leader and politician Warren Mundine and Paul Conlon, a judge of the District Court of NSW, met with Communications Minister Paul Fletcher and advisors. In September, she met with Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prior to the 2018 trolling incident, Erin says she received a regular stream of cyber abuse: “Every single one was either that I was a woman, that I was ugly, that I looked like a sl*t, that I'd never played the game, that I belong in the kitchen. About different footballers that I've had dalliances with, about bosses at Channel 9 that I must have slept with. It's just vile.” Erin says her own bullying experience still makes her angry but it doesn’t cripple or hurt me like it used to. It drives me more to fight for change. Just because I am somewhat immune to it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t fight it with the same passion and commitment. My daughter, your kids, everyone in this country deserves protection from these cowards.

“I am lobbying the Government to clean up the online space; to introduce legislation that better reflects the standards that exist. I have been told legislation is on the way but it takes time. I trust the Government to do this because it impacts every single Australian … and it will save lives. THRIVE #3 | 5


“If abuse occurs in a real-world setting (be it domestic, public, in the workplace or otherwise), there are criminal consequences,” Erin, 38, tells Thrive.


She says victims are regularly told things like `get off social media’, `stop reading the comments’, `ignore it’, `report it to the platforms’ (often fruitless – how can we trust these companies to regulate themselves?), `don’t let it affect you’, `stop being sensitive’, `build up your resistance’. “I personally am constantly told just to block, ban, delete, ignore. I'm so over it, it is exhausting. The victim-blaming thing astounds me. Apparently I `want the fame’, `I put it out there so cop it on the chin. CLICK HERE

“Why should we be the ones to get off social media, or get `tougher’?

To watch Erin’s emotional 60 Minutes interview on 9now

“Not only does this messaging not address the issue - even worse, it implies that the victim has caused or contributed to the situation. “

I have received tens of thousands of pieces of correspondence and messages of support. Hundreds of prominent and high-profile Australians have pledged their support to making this change happen. Athletes from all codes, actors, musicians, television personalities and journalists.

“This is not in any way intended to compromise free speech. Nor are we looking to punish people for being critical or even nasty. This is about holding people to account who cross the line into threatening, abusive, bullying, intimidating behaviour. “Determining where to draw the line will be incredibly complex but it’s a challenge worth confronting head on now, as this issue – and its consequences for peoples’ mental health, wellbeing and lives - will only get worse.” In recent weeks the momentum of public attention and support for the campaign has escalated after a powerful interview she gave to morning radio hosts Jonesy (Brendan Jones) and Amanda (Keller) - see the video on the following pages – and then on 60 Minutes. “[The Jonesy and Amanda interview] has been viewed over a million times.

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“Thousands of teachers and parents have contacted me and all expressed genuine concern for their children’s welfare and committed their support to get this over the line.” A message from one teacher painted the issue in heartbreaking detail: “So, so often, kids are in tears at school. So, so

 Erin’s powerful interview with Jonesy and Amanda, hosts of Sydney’s WSFM 101.7 morning show, has been viewed more than a million times

“A public education campaign, targeted particularly (but not exclusively) at our young people, will publicise these consequences and drive significant behavioural change. With strong support from sectors including media, sport and business, this campaign has a real opportunity to impact and influence society at large.

“It is rife and it is relentless. The amount of bullying, trolling, abuse, intimidation and genuine mean behaviour that happens on social media and over online gaming is astronomical.

“The significant groundswell of support on this issue from Australians indicates that the time is right. I am ready and willing to work closely with the Government, and leverage all my platforms, networks and efforts to make this happen.

“We have tried everything from external professional programs, chaplaincy, counselling and nothing seems to get through [to the kids]. “I just want to let you know, Erin, that I played your [radio interview] to my class during the week. It was phenomenal! You could hear a pin drop in the room. I have personally changed my conversations with kids about getting offline and just ignoring it. Now, I am going hard on the bullies and the cowards who are doing the bullying!! They will be held accountable! My students have been referring to it all week and I have sent the link for the parents to listen to it as well...”

"If the government gets tough, the social media companies - I promise you - will get on board." LIFELINE: 13 11 14

Erin has discussed potential solutions with Judge Paul Conlon and Peta Credlin (political commentator who served as Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Tony Abbott from 2013-2015), including enforcement options involving tribunals, “which do not clog up the courts, but still possess significant power.

Erin with fellow Nine NRL commentator Peter Sterling

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often, kids are highly anxious and don't want to come to school,” the teacher wrote to Erin. “The reason? Social media and bullying/trolling on social media. I would say that close to 80% of my student welfare time is spent on talking to students about issues that have happened online the night before or over the weekend.


LOVE YOURSELF … imperfections and all 1


Glenn Marsden


By JENNI GILBERT For near 18 months, a typical day for Glenn Marsden went something like this … 4am: Get up, go to the gym to work out, simultaneously study an audio course for a life- and business coaching certificate. 6am-6pm: Work on construction sites as a general labourer, complete assessments for course on the bus to and from work. 7pm: Home for dinner with wife, Catareeya, son Lincoln, 7, and daughter Leighton, 2, then put the kids to bed. 9-11.30pm: Get on the laptop to work on his mental health awareness mission, Imperfectly Perfect Campaign (IPC); networking and getting the message out. Today the campaign has reached its two-year mark, with a combined international reach now surpassing 4.5 million people and having attracted more than 250 influential public figures across corporate, entertainment, and infrastructure to reinforce IPC’s mission. That is, to drawn attention to and normalise 8 | THRIVE #3

the conversation around a multitude of mental health struggles - from anxiety and depression, to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-natal depression, bipolar disorder and more - enabling people to live without the isolation and stigma so often attached. IPC has attracted mainstream media coverage across Australia, New Zealand, the US and UK, and South-East Asia. Celebrities and sports stars, for instance, who have lent their names to the cause with their own stories include Rebecca Gibney, Grant Denyer, Angie Everhart, David Meltzer, Justin Guarini, Dominic Purcell, Anthony Trucks, Rebecca JR MARTINEZ, the cast of the original Baywatch series, Willie Mason, Shar Jackson and Christina Moses, among many more. British-born, Sydney-based Glenn, 36, decided to launch Imperfectly Perfect just over two years ago, after losing a close friend in the UK to suicide.



2. Heather Maltman - Actress who made headlines after having her heart broken by Sam Wood during 2015’s The Bachelor 3. Grant Denyer - Popular TV and radio presenter, Gold Logie Winner, race car driver and dad 4. Jeremy Jackson – US actor, singer, and former Baywatch star 5. Paul DeGelder - Former army airbone and navy bomb disposal diver, shark attack survivor, TV host, actor, author and speaker




6. Marny Kennedy - Actress, singer and dancer, best known for her roles in TV series Mortified and The Saddle Club

“The phrase `snap out of it’, or similar, is frequently uttered to people in the midst of a torrential mind battle engulfing their lives but who, on the outside, may appear to be doing basically okay.” 7. Nathan Philips – Actor best known for his role as backpacker Ben Mitchell in the film Wolf Creek (2005) 8. Patrick OConner - Actor who plays Dean Thompson on Home and Away




Robert Mack – US coach, speaker and author who helps individuals and organisations achieve a balance of personal happiness and professional success

10. Simon Pryce - Singer and actor known for his work on children's show The Kingdom of Paramithi; currently the Red Wiggle 11. Willie Mason - Australian-Tongan former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 2000s and 2010s



12. Rob Mills - Actor, TV host and singer-songwriter. He was one of the finalists from the first season of Australian Idol

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1. Julie Snook – Nine news presenter who made headlines in 2017 after becoming embroiled in the network’s now infamous “jacketgate” affair

WELL MIND In 2012, radio and TV Personality Mel Greig was involved in the now infamous and tragic "Royal prank call". Due to the guilt and shame that followed, Mel developed a major depressive illness which resulted in her contemplating taking her own life. “One day I went to work happy and healthy and within days I had major depression," she says. "My battle with mental health took two years to overcome. I now advocate for mental health awareness; we need to break down the stigma and understand that it can happen to anyone and we should never feel ashamed or scared to talk about it.” “I was hit for six hearing of an old friend taking their life and seeing social media posts flooded with pictures of him and his young son,” Glenn says. “I couldn't fathom the place he must have felt he was in, and to think his son or anybody else would be better off without him.

enable him to take on his audacious goal of getting the message out globally.

“I also couldn't fathom it as a parent myself, knowing how much my kids idolise me and their mother. Imagine someone having to tell a kid their parent wasn't coming home.

“The money in that industry isn't the greatest, either, so I got talking to some guys at the gym how much they were earning in construction.

The tragedy also brought to the fore the battle he had with his own demons for several years with body dysmorphia, a mental health disorder where a sufferer can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in their appearance. “Six or seven years ago I became obsessed with my perceived flaws and comparing myself to other people’s bodies and their 'highlight reels' on social media,” he recalls. At the time, Glenn was running health clubs but decided to give that away; he went into the construction industry for more than 12 months to 10 | THRIVE #3

“Working in health and fitness is amazing, but it can be long hours and running teams and having your phone on 24/7 takes its toll,” he says.

“Although the hours were long, how I thought of it was if I wanted to take my message global, if I went into construction for at least a year, I could save x-amount a lot quicker, put money aside for our mortgage and bills, and then take the message international. “I knew I had to raise much-needed awareness and points of action so people knew where to seek help but, most importantly, create a worldwide community so they knew they were not alone. “The overarching aim of Imperfectly Perfect is to change the face of mental health by dismantling

“The phrase `snap out of it’, or similar, is frequently uttered to people in the midst of a torrential mind battle engulfing their lives but who, on the outside, may appear to be doing basically okay. The pain of mental health disorders is very real and raw, however, so it is devastating when it becomes a conversation others don’t want to hear. “Effectively isolated, every minute of the day sufferers fight a battle that leaves them bereft, broken, and exhausted. “Many, many people in this situation will isolate themselves – as I did - so I wanted to create a space, a community, to showcase how every one of us can be affected by mental health battles, directly or indirectly. “If this was someone you loved - your wife, husband, brother, sister, or friend - how would you champion them in their constant battle?” The key messaging tool of Imperfectly Perfect is Glenn’s powerfully poignant portrait photography. He has taken hundreds, if not thousands, of images of people who have supported the campaign with their own stories of mental health struggles. He captures the visceral emotion frame by frame, teardrop by teardrop.

“I have always pursued photography as a creative side passion; anything that can capture a moment to convey a story into a single image,” he explains. “The visuals I’ve used with IPC represent people’s raw emotion when thinking of their own story. They can’t hide or disguise it. It’s beautiful and authentic. That’s what the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is about, accepting ourselves for who we are - mind and body, with all of our imperfections.” Starting out with no team, or any experience dealing with publicists, agents, management teams, large corporations, press releases, marketing, assembling media kits, or podcast hosting, Glenn learned as he went. Within three months, local media publications picked up on it; within six months, TV networks. Within 12 months, international press and networks got on board when he took it to the US. At the same time as all this, Glenn took on study to gain more knowledge about mental health management and a first aid and diploma in mental health, and regularly converses with clinical psychologist and therapists. IPC now runs international solution-based workshops, fronted by faces of the campaign sharing their stories, accompanied by international mental health and wellness professionals.

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the stigmas associated with it, such as that issues start and end quickly.

WELL MIND And a highly acclaimed podcast has been picked up by Iheartradio, featuring chats with the names behind the campaign’s efforts, as well as experts and professionals in the mental health space. For more information, and how anybody can help and get behind IPC’s efforts, go to:

Imperfectly Perfect Campaign is a privately run awareness campaign. It is not a registered charity and not a substitute for professional advice. Should you need help, call 000 for all emergencies, or Life Line Australia on 13 11 14. or across all social platforms @

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By JENNI GILBERT In the previous issue of Thrive, Erica King wrote about how, in 2002, working dozens of hours a week at her dental consulting business and “feeling overweight and tired at 38”, she wanted to find new meaning in her life. She decided she needed a new challenge and – as you do! – picked training for and running the New York Marathon, even though she was not a runner. Nine life-changing months later, she achieved her goal. As a “complete non-runner” at the outset, Erica couldn’t do 100 metres without puffing. It took her nine months to go from zero to crossing that finish line in New York. There are myriad health benefits of running and jogging: they help to build strong bones, as they are weight-bearing exercise, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness and burn plenty of kilojoules. But getting started - and to keep going - can be a daunting prospect.

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ERICA'S TIPS FOR GETTING ON THE RIGHT TRACK: If you have always wanted to be a runner and incorporate this into your weekly fitness routine here are some winning strategies that will make all the difference for you to achieve this super-life-enhancing goal. Running is such an efficient and effective fitness strategy. The time outside with just your thoughts or some favourite tunes is absolutely invigorating. My number one tip is to take it slowly. Stop when you feel “puffed” and never be hard on yourself because you will be a runner with patience and kindness to your body and soul. The run/walk approach will transform you into a runner in matter of weeks.



As the name implies, this approach involves alternating intervals of running and walking. For example, you can start by walking for 8 minutes and running for 1 minute, and then repeat the cycle once for a total of 18 minutes. As you get fitter, slowly increase the amount of time you run and reduce your walking.

• A great strategy for beginners is to run every second day so that your body has good recovery.

Run at a pace that doesn’t leave you breathless. If you go out too hard, too soon, you won’t be able to start running again after your walking break. “Slow and steady” is your mantra.

• Please run in supportive shoes with lightweight socks. This will significantly reduce impact on your joints.

RUN 30 MINUTES AFTER EIGHT WEEKS Remember those elusive 30 non-stop minutes? This program will get you there in eight weeks. Warm up for 5 minutes before each workout with a brisk walk and some dynamic stretches such as high knees and walking lunges. Walk for 5 minutes at the end of your workout to cool down. Aim for three sessions per week.

Week 1: Walk for 5 minutes, then run for 1 minute. Repeat three times.

• Add some short bursts of faster running to improve your cardiac fitness. This can be mixed in with your longer runs and just once a week is enough.

• Notice your breathing and try to settle your breath into a rhythmic pattern. Music at 130 to 150 beats per minute can really help with this strategy. •

Keep your head looking straight ahead, body upright – no slouching, think about pulling in your stomach and lifting your legs from your large glute muscles.

• Arms swing forward close to your body not across your body to conserve energy. • Lift your feet consciously to improve your pacing. Smaller short steps feels strange to start with but you will progress much faster by using this strategy. • Always take a few minutes after your run to do some static stretches and if you have a foam roller this is your new best friend to reduce muscle soreness.

• Week 2: Walk for 4 minutes, then run for 2 minutes. Repeat three times.

Once a week or after a run where you feel muscle fatigue, my favourite reward is to have a lovely warm bath with some soda crystals or Epsom salts. Great for body and mind relaxation.

• Week 3: Walk for 4 minutes, then run for 4 minutes. Repeat three times. Week 4: Walk for 3 minutes, then run for 5 minutes. Repeat three times. • Week 5: Walk for 2 minutes, then run for 7 minutes. Repeat three times. Week 6: Walk for 1 minute, then run for 9 minutes.

Always take some water with you to sip on or map out a route where you know that you can access some bubblers. Just a few sips makes the world of difference to endurance. This is even more essential when you run in hot and humid weather.

Repeat three times.

Week 7: Walk for 1 minute, then run for 12 minutes. Repeat three times. Week 8: Workout 1 – Run for 20 minutes continuously. Workout 2 – Run for 25 minutes continuously. Workout 3 – Run for 30 minutes continuously.

If you run on an empty stomach you will burn extra body fat – who doesn’t want to do this? Then reward yourself when you finish with a delicious meal combining equal amounts of carbs and protein.

The most critical factor is to have fun and enjoy this time just for you!

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• Add some hills into your runs to build leg strength as you build confidence.


At Home Physio Technology Breakthrough


The digital health industry is expanding rapidly, particularly during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. With the impacts of so many people working from home and in isolation, technologies such as telehealth are helping to provide better access to healthcare for everyone, as well as revolutionising the way we capture and use data to support clinicians being able to help their patients, and track their progress. Physiotherapy is one area of health care that is now able to assist most people via Virtual Reality technology to get better, or to undertake a rehabilitation program, at home. Thrive talked to XRHealth, a company that has recently made revolutionary breakthroughs that 16 | THRIVE #3

have made having to do physiotherapy as much fun as it can be, which in turn leads to faster results, because most of us are more likely to keep up our exercise schedule if we enjoy doing it. XRHealth’s Director of Operations in Australia, Esme Naidoo, explains: “We are really excited to launch our first Australian clinic, which offers fun and engaging physiotherapy via telehealth and virtual reality (VR) technology. This is how the system works; after an online consultation, all patients receive a tailored treatment plan and access to their own healthcare portal which displays data to better inform them of their condition and symptoms. We combine the application of digital health with personal consultation to offer our XRHealth patients the best chance of recovery.”

While the XRHealth launch in Australia is focused on Physiotherapy, the company is in the process of expanding their offering to include mental health, occupational therapy, cognitive therapy and more, care streams that are already in practice by their sister clinics in the USA.

"most of us are more likely to keep up our exercise schedule if we enjoy doing it" We asked Esme how one gets to use a physiotherapy headset at home, she explained: “The process to sign up with XRHealth as a patient is simple. Patients register online and have an initial consultation with their clinician of choice. Their clinician assesses their suitability to ensure they can safely use a VR headset, then the headset is shipped to the patient via courier to ensure prompt delivery.

can also see and remotely control what is on the patient’s headset during the session, which allows them to guide and instruct on correct usage and ensure that the movement is correct and appropriate for that patient’s condition. In between appointments with their clinician, patients are given exercises to complete, both with and without the headset. Headset-related exercises might include a virtual boxing game, where the patient has to punch a colour as it appears on the screen, or a balloon-popping game where one has to swipe a sword to pop balloons in a row. Each exercise/game is designed to promote proper movement of a particular muscle or limb, and increase their range of movement, whilst simultaneously measuring and monitoring progress. By turning these movements and exercises into a fun, interactive video game-like experience, XRHealth’s VR technology increases the likelihood that patients will complete their prescribed exercises correctly. It also captures detailed clinical data that their clinician can access to help manage the care plan and fine-tune it as required. This is something that has not previously been possible in a traditional face-to-face setting. We asked Esme how people are responding to the VR headset model in Australia, she says that: “To date in Australia our patient engagement data shows that on average, people spend time in VR above and beyond their prescribed care plans, indicating they are having fun while getting better.

“From there, the patient can see their clinician as often as required, with appointments available at a range of days and times.” She continues, “Telehealth offers more flexibility and convenience to fit around family, work and other commitments, meaning you can see your physiotherapist at 8:00pm at night if needed. “During the clinician-led appointments, the patient uses the headset to complete tasks and exercises which are designed to give the clinician data to assess and monitor the patient’s progress.” A great advantage of this system is that the data is available in the XRHealth Portal, which is accessible to both the patient and the clinician, so that both parties can track progress over time. The clinician THRIVE #3 | 17


Esme advised that using their TGA-registered medical device technology, they can treat a range of physical conditions including whiplash, shoulder, neck and spinal arthritis, bursitis, rotator cuff tendinopathy, frozen shoulder, hip and knee injuries, and postural problems. They can also offer treatment for a range of other conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, stroke rehabilitation, and Cerebral Palsy.


“We are conscious that many patients who see a physiotherapist in a traditional setting are not always very good at completing their at-home exercises, or may complete them incorrectly. The benefit of using the VR headset is that it encourages proper movement and motivates patients to complete their exercises as often as required, while also empowering our clinicians to monitor and influence their adherence to their exercise program.

For those of us with a competitive streak, the app also provides statistics to the patient showing how they compare to other users on each app. This can offer an additional incentive to work hard and improve performance.

“In a 40 patient Bupa trial we ran in May-July 2020, our patients reported high satisfaction scores, displayed engagement above and beyond prescribed care plans, and we were able to show a clinical improvement or resolution of the leading symptom.”

We queried how we get the headsets and how they are handled with the COVID-19 cautions. Esme told us that XRHealth is responsible for the entire VR headset logistic cycle, including sending out headsets from their Melbourne fulfillment centre directly to patients to be used during their care plans, which are then sent back once discharged. When they are received back at XRHealth the team enacts COVID-19 sterilisation protocols, software updates and repackaging to be ready to send to the next patient.

Esme explained to us that there is a mobile app that is used alongside the VR headsets which is also a valuable tool in a patient’s treatment journey. Patients use the app to review their data and progress, so they can see their results from when they started their treatment and then view their improvement over time quickly and conveniently. The app also sends regular notifications to the patient to remind them to complete their exercises, particularly if they have not logged in for a period of time, which can be helpful for those who may have lost motivation or need a reminder to complete their exercises.

The good news is, XRHealth are happy to treat patients from all around Australia, regardless of location, provided that the patients have access to a stable internet connection. Esme says: “We are excited to be increasing accessibility to virtual reality physiotherapy, and happy to advise that our services can be claimed back from most private health insurers (depending on your level of cover) and we are proud to be a Member’s First Provider with Bupa. Patients can also be treated via all compensable agencies in Australia, private health insurers, DVA, Medicare chronic health care plans, and privately.”

Check out this video to learn more about XRHealth and how virtual reality technology can help you

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Physiotherapy is hard, but virtual reality makes it fun! Fun and engaging physiotherapy, using data and technology to track your progress. We provide telehealth physiotherapy using virtual reality technology in your own home. Discuss your symptoms in your initial evaluation, then we’ll send out your virtual reality headset to you. As part of our launch offer, we’ll waive the headset rental cost!


Get to the core of a strong toned body



By RENEE SCOTT Want to sculpt and align your body? Work your core with Pilates Mat and Barre Attack an ideal combination of standing stability, body weight resistance training and flowing, core-strengthening exercises. Pilates Mat, created by Joseph Pilates in New York in the late 1920s, uses just your own body weight and a sequence of flowing exercises on a mat, with control, precision, alignment, concentration and the connection of your "powerhouse", which we now often refer to as our core. This series of exercises done on a regular basis will help tone, lengthen and align the body. helping with posture, injury prevention and mental and physical wellbeing. 20 | THRIVE #3

Barre Attack is the number one Australian barre workout, created by me. Also known as the “sweaty barre workout”, it combines standing Pilates, ballet-based moves and fitness to create a low impact, high intensity full bodied workout. Using a ballet barre or a chair, your own body weight and small equipment, it’s a flowing, fun combination of endurance and strength-based exercises, while aligning and engaging the core. The bonus of Pilates and Barre is that anybody can do it. They're appropriate for all ages and fitness levels; low impact, and endurance-based exercises that you can take at your own pace. Before you know it, you will have a bounce in your step, you will stand taller, hold great posture, feel great and everybody will start to notice the positive changes!

WHAT IS YOUR CORE? The key core muscle groups are around the trunk of the body. Think of a cylinder around your torso the main supporting muscles such as: • The pelvic floor, at the base of the pelvis • Transverse abdominus, wrapping around the centre of the body like a wide belt • Internal and external obliques, extending diagonally from ribs to pelvis • Rectus abdominus, known well as the six pack • The mulitifidus and erector spinae, along the spine from the base of the pelvis to the head They work together to help our balance, posture, sports or daily activities. If you complete regular core-based activities with correct alignment you will feel more energised, lighter and more "in tune" with your body.


You can do this workout just about anywhere. Do these moves as a circuit – approximately 10-20 reps in rounds of 3-4 for a full body workout. The only equipment you might need is a Thera band (available at outlets like sports stores, some department stores or chemists) or a Barre Attack elastic, available online:


Here is a fun, five-move workout to help you stand taller and feel stronger. It engages the key muscle groups to support and activate your core, benefit your posture and overall wellbeing.

2. Golf Swing Rotation Start: Hook a resistance band under one foot. Loop up the band in your hands. Staying in a second position pitch the upper body forward to 45 degrees, keeping a long spine. Move: Holding the elastic with both hands, rotate the upper body away from the where the elastic is under the foot. Keeping the lower half of the body stable, try and reach to the floor like you are swinging a golf club and putting a ball along the floor. Reps: 15-20

1. Second Position Plie with Waiter Arms Start: Legs out wide and turned out, elbows in next to the body with palms up towards the ceiling holding onto resistance band. Move: Bend the knees and open the forearms to the side, keep the knees following the toes and the elbows pinned in next to the waist. Feel the chest opening and the upper back engaging as you work the rotator cuff, the inner thighs, quads and pelvic floor in the plie. Reps: 20

3. One-Armed Tricep Extension Start: Keeping your second position, grab the elastic in one hand only, (opposite arm from the foot where the elastic is attached). Move: Staying pitched forward with your upper body, draw the elbow out to the side and up towards the ceiling, then extend the arm out and return it back to release the resistance. Reps: 15-20 reps THRIVE #3 | 21

WELL MIND 4. Planks With Elastic

5. Supermans

Start: Come down onto the hands and knees holding the elastic, one side in each hand. Align the elastic so it is just below the shoulder blades and there is some resistance. Stretch the legs out and come up into a plank position.

Start: Hop down into a four-point kneeling position with elastics in hands and over one foot.

Move: Hold the plank, feeling a slight lift up into the resistance of the elastic. Activate your internal corset by imagining you are tightening a belt around your waist and keep breathing naturally. Reps:5-10

Move: Keeping both hands on the floor to start. Lengthen and lift the back leg to hip height, engaging the abs and glutes. Try to repeat 10 times, breathing throughout. If you can, combine the movement with a lift of the front arm as you lift the back leg. Too much? Just do the legs only. You will feel the glutes, hamstrings and core engage as you move through this exercise. Reps: 10 each side

Give Away

Renee is giving away 5 x 2-week passes to train with her face to face at her Balance Moves studio in Sydney’s Bondi Beach or live via Zoom, streamed from Balance Moves onto any device. To be eligible, please comment on Balance Moves' Facebook and/or Instagram pages as to why it would benefit you:

to purchase Pilates or Barre equipment

For only $29 per week you can stream unlimited classes via Zoom from Balance Moves. There are up to three classes per day to choose from, seven days a week:


Renee Scott is the owner and director of Balance Moves and the creator of Barre Attack Teacher training and method. Renee danced with the Hamburg Ballet, holds a diploma in dance, is Pilates certified under Romana Pilates, BASI, Pilates ITC and Balanced Body. She regularly enjoys running teacher training courses, workshops and presenting at conferences in Barre Attack and Pilates. If she is not working you will find her with her husband, Tim, and playing with her two children in Bondi Beach.

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� Therapeutic � Pillow™




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Gut health is imperative for many functions of the body. It’s a complex system vital to our overall wellbeing, and gut bugs help regulate metabolism and nutrient absorption.

Some medications will disrupt the microbial actions in your gut, either by preventing and slowing bacterial growth, or killing them. For example, antibiotics will predispose to gut dysbiosis, a condition that occurs when the normal balance of bacterial flow, or microbiota, is disrupted in the body.

The needs of the body vary during different stages of life, and each person must find their most comfortable and beneficial diet. We are not only what we eat - we are also how well we digest and absorb our food. Fresh is obviously best: freshly picked fruits and vegetables that are in season rather than frozen or packaged varieties are ideal. Organic produce is better again. 24 | THRIVE #3

Cortico steroids are a common prescription in conventional medicine for inflammatory conditions. The prolonged use of cortico-steroids depletes mineral absorption, particularly calcium, leading to osteoporosis. Some useful natural anti-inflammatories are turmeric, boswelia and glucosamine (used to repair joints and reduce pain) but should be prescribed by a practitioner to suit a client’s individual state of health.

Gluten are the proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. These proteins contribute to creating a leaky gut. A leaky gut allows gluten and many other foreign toxic substances to penetrate the body. They need to be eliminated and the skin is one of the acting organs for elimination. Therefore, many cases of eczema, dermatitis or any other skin pathology often are gluten-related. Try eliminating gluten from the diet and see what happens.

"We are not only what we eat - we are also how well we digest and absorb our food." FRUITS, VEGETABLES, HERBS & SPICES AS MEDICINE Aloe Vera: Used for healing purposes internally and externally and in the treatment of bruises and burns. It is beneficial for skin allergies and injuries. Used in herbal medicine for the treatment of ulcers, skin burns, and to antidote poison.

Cardamom: A member of the ginger family, cardamon is used to relieve stomach problems and heartburn. Sweetens the breath similar to cool mints. Chewing cardamon seeds is an effective breath freshener. Carrots: Juice a carrot and mix it with a teaspoon of honey for healthy eyes. Take in the morning before breakfast. Chives: Used to promote good digestion and to help lower high blood pressure. They also make a good diuretic. Cinnamon: Known as one of nature’s strongest antiseptics. Cinnamon also contains sedative components and is believed to lower blood-sugar levels. Cloves: used to treat toothache and reduce inflammation. Coconut: Many uses helping to protect and relieve the body of internal and external ailments. Coconut milk has many uses, most of which build the immune system and the body’s defences. Coriander: Used to aid digestion. It is also known to alleviate migraine headaches. Dill: helps to calm a nervous stomach. Also known to kill intestinal bacteria. Garlic: The nutritional powerhouse ~ Thought to prevent all including heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

Anise: Used to loosen mucous and clear respiratory congestion. Also used to relieve bloating and indigestion. Anise is also said to soothe acne scars and damaged skin. Can minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Ginger: Helps to stimulate the heart and circulatory system and also reduces inflammation. Use fresh ginger with boiling water as a tea for gas, flatulence, or wind. Dried ginger can be used for stomach problems such as stomach ache, diarrhea and nausea.

Basil: Beneficial in the treatment of stress. Tea can be prepared with basil leaves, infused with sage leaves, and sweetened with honey. Due to its antispasamodic properties, basil can be used to ease an upset stomach and stimulate the cilia in the nose to help clear the nasal passages.

Grapefruit: The health benefits of grapefruit are enormous. A glass of chilled grapefruit juice, especially in winter, will increase your vitamin C intake. Grapefruit is full of the benefits of nutrients, vitamins, potassium, lycopene. It also contains calcium, sugar and phosphorus. THRIVE #3 | 25


Sugar. This might be really obvious, but I can't tell you how many people easily dismiss it. The link between sugar and inflammation is convincingly high. Patients whose presenting complaints are acne, arthritis, fibromyalgia or other general inflammatory diseases should avoid sugar. Sugar prevents the proper function of the immune system, including cough- and antibiotic syrups. With a compromised immune system, the skin remains the eliminating organ for toxic waste.

NUTRITION Josephine Zappia at the food markets Horseradish: Promotes good blood flow. Horseradish inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses and helps promote good blood flow. Juniper berry: Is not a fruit, it’s a spice. Berries and needles, bark, wood, and root are all active. Juniper properties include antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti-inflammatory (great for skin problems). The berries must be tinctured in alcohol and eaten whole to be effective. The berries are used for urinary tract infections. The berries or needles for upper respiratory of GI tract infections. The heartwood, roots, bark, berries or needles are used for skin infections and infectious dysentery. The essential oil for airborne sinus and upper respiratory infections. Add any part of the plant to wound powders or use alone to prevent or treat infection in wounds. Lemons: So many uses; Helps heal hoarseness, inflammation (of the mouth and throat) and digestive disorders. Useful for gout and urine retention. Useful remedy for asthma, fresh lemons very beneficial taken in the morning into a glass of warm water. Useful for insomnia, nervousness, and heart palpitations. Useful remedy for arthritis and Vitamin C deficiency. Powerful natural cleaner keeping our stomach, liver and intestines in good shape. 26 | THRIVE #3

Nutmeg: Helps stimulate the cardiovascular system, and increases concentration. Oranges: One of the best sources of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed to produce collagen that strengthens the capillaries that supply the skin. Vitamin C also enhances absorption of non-haem iron from foods consumed concurrently. Therefore a vitamin C deficiency will cause an iron deficiency. Oregano: Used for indigestion, flatulence, bloating and to help ease stomach pains. Stand 3 tbs freshly crushed oregano leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 mins. Parsley: Strengthens the digestive system and is also used as a diuretic. It also has high levels of Vitamin C among other health benefits. Pepper: Stimulates taste buds causing reflex stimulation of gastric secretions, improving digestion and treating gastro-intentional upsets and flatulence. Pepper calms nausea and raises body temperature, making it valuable for treating fevers and chills. Cayenne pepper is used to stimulate the digestive and circulatory systems. Saffron: Eases fatigue and exhaustion and also strengthens the heart and nervous system.

Thyme: Relaxes cramps and gas, and also helps to relieve sore throats.

Treating an infected surface or surgical wound Honey has always worked! Honey is also excellent for satisfying cravings (among many other reasons) and help maintain a healthy weight. ~never heat honey~ Any organic wildflower honey can be used effectively in the treatment of antibiotic-resistant skin and wound infections. Actions - Potent antibiotic against all known forms of resistant bacteria that infect the skin and wounds. Promotes healing for wounds, moist wounds, peptic ulcers, and bacterial gastroenteritis; reduces plaque; good for gingivitis; facilitates debridement; soothes inflamed tissues; acts as a wound barrier; and stimulates skin and muscle regeneration.


Tumeric: The anti inflammatory spice from the ginger family. Tumeric can be used with barley and yogurt for sunburn relief. Tumeric is also used to reduce the risk of gallstones.

Take Away Message: The effects of toxic food consumption are not acute. It is slow, often silent and insidious, has long term consequences which are then often treated symptomatically and labelled “chronic and incurable� by conventional medicine.

Josephine Zappia is a qualified holistic health practitioner and counsellor, practising since 2005. For more than a decade, she has been practising homoeopathic medicine and specialises in skin disease and nutrition. She is also Australian ambassador for Still Aware, a professional community helping individuals deal with the emotional and physical aftermath of stillbirth. Growing up in a family of fruit and vegetable providers, Josephine always intuitively understood the nutritional power of natural produce. It would be her own skin condition that would lead her to seek natural remedies and discover the ability to treat and heal the body holistically. THRIVE #3 | 27



By DR NATALIE FLATT The pandemic has brought about radical, unexpected changes to most people’s environments and, as would be expected, we see varied responses to those changes.

need to adapt to change, even that we’re making within ourselves. Even when we complain about not being happy with our current position, it doesn’t mean we’re ready to launch into something different.

As the number of COVID-19 cases rose by the minute across the globe, so too did the impact it was having on people and community mental health. During this time, we have witnessed a sharp rise in pre-existing mental health challenges becoming apparent due to the stringent rules of self-isolation, job uncertainty, working from home, home schooling, relationships - not to mention fear of the virus itself.

THE CYCLE OF CHANGE We can try to use denial to soften the “shock” blow. If a change is big and unexpected our first reaction is shock, then denial. We try to live our normal “pre-change” existences before our brain can decipher the feelings of fear and discomfort and learn to adjust to the different news/environment/ situation.

Change in general, can be challenging, especially in times when it comes suddenly and unexpectedly. Our challenge with change is not because we’re obstinate; rather, because we’re human and we 28 | THRIVE #3

Change brings a spectrum of emotions - and some are uncomfortable. We like to feel safe and happy. This is our comfort zone. We like to follow a routine and you can predict the consequences. Outside of the comfort zone, your assumptions can be challenged. As 19th century novelist James Lane Allen

said – adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it. It’s how we react to change; when the feelings of fear, anger, sadness or other difficult emotions arise.

Many people find themselves spending a great deal of time and energy trying to avoid change, creating stress in itself. But learning skills to navigate the transition of change will lower the risk of anxiety and depression, your personal and working relationships and goals will hold greater value and the body to feel healthier overall. So, what are some positive steps we can take to prepare ourselves to cope on the path to change? Firstly, get investigative. Ask yourself: • What am I thinking right now? • How am I feeling? • How am I behaving? • Am I prepared energy-wise? • What emotions continually rear their head? • What have I done in the past to create change and did I succeed? • Where am I sitting on the road to change? Answering these questions allows for an understanding of your internal dialogue and to discover solutions and narrow down the scope of your blockers. Acknowledge current emotions to highlight problem solving. Acknowledging intense “unhelpful” emotions such as anxiety or anger at the outset of change allows you to become aware of how it might distort your thinking or disrupt your personal and working relationships. Tell yourself you are forgiven and allow you to move on.


It can take away the control from us. Control about what will happen next keeps our stress response at bay. We want to calculate what the next day will bring so don’t then see moving forward through each day and week with trepidation. Our stress response is only supposed to be used in short sharp bursts. It is not supposed to be a long term existence which causes both mental and physiological responses in the body that can have a direct impact on immunity, hormone balance, decision making, organisation and rational thinking, to name a few.

Your greatest power is your perspective. Then aim to look for practical solutions about what to do next. By doing so, you’ll zero in on the problems you can solve, instead of lamenting the ones you can’t. Reflect on past experiences. Take some time to examine your thought patterns and assess how rational they are. When you have these thoughts, how do they make you feel and behave? You can also generate more positive thoughts if you take the time to remind yourself about transitions and challenges you successfully navigated in the past. Make a list of ways you’ve been resilient in your life when change needed to occur and consider what thoughts and behaviours might be able to see you through the current challenge. Adopt a positive mindset. Use positive language and self talk which will elicit positive emotions, in turn creating positive behaviour. Research supports the notion that positive self-talk leads to success, reduction in stress, higher confidence levels and a generally happier life. Start taking note of your self-talk. Is it more self-deprecating? If you constantly say, “I cannot”, you can easily convince yourself that this is true. Challenge each thought pattern and replace with THRIVE #3 | 29


a positive statement. By focusing on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, you will feel more empowered to meet what lies ahead. Write down those statements and stick them in conspicuous places to help maintain that mindset. Evaluate your level of control. Sometimes it’s all too easy to become fixated on events over which we have no power, or people who might never change their actions or attitude. But rather than focus on blaming others or moving the immovable, individuals who show more resilience set their sights on what they can control. Creating a list of what is in my control and what is out of my control makes it easier to accept the current situation. Further, it’s a great step to identify where your energy is currently placed and how it makes you feel; visually allowing you to place those positive statements or saying out loud “I’m not going to spend so much energy on what I can’t control”. Practice self care. If we feel we are overwhelmed by change presented, it can create a stress response in the body. As stated above, prolonged stress can lead to many unhelpful mental and physiological states. Implementing self care strategies will relax the “lizard brain”. Calm body, calm mind! Ways to better care for yourself: • Eating foods high in protein, vitamin B, C and E a will help with concentration, productivity and mood. •

Exercise is a must to release feel-good chemicals in the brain and increase problem solving abilities. Not only does exercise keep blood, glucose and oxygen levels high, feeding the brain, it releases endorphins into the body, giving your mood a boost and increasing your motivation and self-confidence levels.

• Adequate water intake will help increase in productivity through the expansion of your grey matter. • Develop a consistent sleep schedule by reducing screen time an hour before bed and aim for at least seven hours’ sleep. •

Bring yourself back to the present. While it’s important to look to the past to find your strengths, sometimes you can feel too pulled into the future in times of change. When you worry about what the future will bring or what mistakes you might make, you tend to forget the small and patient steps it takes to reach that end change, get in tune with your body. Relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation. Headspace or Smiling Mind are great tools to investigate for “taking time out and being present” moments.

Find the humour in the situation. Laughter, however hollow, is one of the main coping mechanisms during periods of sickness, death and anxiety. So don’t feel guilty. Support from others. Humans are social creatures by nature, so you weren’t built to withstand every sudden event in life without the support of others. Talk to family and friends who are experiencing similar changes or who you know will support you in a non-judgemental manner. Ask your doctor about how to prioritise your health during change, and don’t be afraid to talk to a mental health professional If you are finding you need extra professional support for changes. Change is an emotional road we must travel in order to get from where we are now to where we want to be. The more we acknowledge that it might be a winding road and welcome that with a level of resilience, the more profoundly positive its impact on us can be through opportunity, growth and knowledge.

Dr Natalie Flatt Ph.D is co-founder of ConnectPsych Services online e-counselling platforms that support employees with psycho-education and mental health in a flexible and convenient manner. Natalie has extensive experience in solution-focused cognitive behavioural presentation and interventions to assist with anxiety, resilience, stress management, relationships, workplace conflict and compassion fatigue. Her therapeutic work offers practical, evidence-based solutions to assist professionals to overcome a wide variety of difficulties to ensure ongoing emotional resilience, wellbeing, and improved self-confidence, resulting in higher work life satisfaction and productivity.

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The Beauty of Technology A GOOD SKINCARE ROUTINE AND SUN PROTECTION ARE VITAL TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY, GLOWING COMPLEXION. BUT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN THEY ARE JUST NOT ENOUGH TO ACHIEVE THE RESULTS WE WANT. ENTER COSMETIC INJECTABLES AND BEAUTY DEVICE TECH. By TRISH HAMMOND Once upon a time, we only had superficial weapons in our beauty armory to address the signs of ageing and sun damage or treat “imperfections”, as we might consider physical features that bother us. While skincare products have come a long way over the last decade – especially the latest medical and evidence-based, vitamin-infused formulations – they can be expensive and, in reality, can only go so far in turning back the clock on the signs of ageing. But we now live in a wonderful age where technology has allowed us to genuinely and truly turn back time on our appearance, with a range of non-surgical injectable procedures and device technology treatments that can provide outstanding results in a matter of minutes, days or weeks. 32 | THRIVE #3

That deep frown furrow that you feel makes you look older and cranky? It can be virtually eliminated with some well-placed muscle relaxing injections. Bothered by deep facial lines and grooves, from nose to mouth or at the mouth corners, for instance? There is now a wide range of dermal fillers that can instantly plump out the hollows. In fact, in the hands of an experienced and talented injector, you can effectively “rebuild” the foundations and sculpt the anatomy of the face. Fillers, almost more than any other medi-cosmetic treatment, can provide instant results. Instant gratification!

FABULOUS FILLERS There is a wide and growing range of injectable fillers designed to suit almost every region of the face. Again, in the hands of a talented and qualified injector, the clock can be turned back almost instantly but, as with any medical procedure, choose your injector carefully. The level of expertise and experience can be the difference between a subtle yet sensational result, or one that is disappointing, even alarming.

“We can now with ease minimise the features … we don’t like, while emphasising and building on those we do”

MARVEL OF MUSCLE RELAXANT INJECTIONS Without naming brands, most people are familiar with the benefits of a medical professional injecting small amounts of muscle relaxant into strategic areas of the face to help soften, and in some cases, eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles in certain areas, usually where repetitive muscle movements have formed permanent grooves. While every face is different, there are some who exhibit the most signs of ageing around the eye area; for others, the movement of the forehead or brows can leave unattractive deep lines and wrinkles. But when it comes to regular injections of muscle relaxant in these areas, the result can be nothing short of miraculous as the face is restored to a softer, less lined appearance.

LASERS – BIG GUNS THAT PRODUCE BIG RESULTS There are almost too many types of lasers to mention here. But as with all cosmetic/medical treatments, choose the best practitioner you can. Your laser professional can explain which laser is best for you according to your particular skin type and treatment expectations. In the right hands, sun damage, rosacea, fine lines, and even scarring, can be addressed. It must be noted, though, that multiple treatments may be required to achieve the optimum result. Other medi-cosmetic devices harvest a range of energies, such as light, radiofrequency, ultrasound, and cryolipolysis to produce specific outcomes (see Glossary for more information about these treatments). FREEZE FAT TO DEATH For some people, no amount of exercise and dieting can produce the desired results in certain areas of the body. Often due to genetics, they hold on to stubborn fat pockets in areas like beneath the chin, inner and/or outer tights, midriff, stomach and love handles. These “problematic” areas of the body can now be permanently reduced and/or sculpted with the latest cryolipolysis technology, commonly known as fat freezing (again, see Glossary). To reiterate, it’s vital to have an experienced and talented practitioner perform the procedure. THRIVE #3 | 33


We can now with ease minimise the features of our face that we don’t like, while emphasising and building on those we do. Here’s a taste from the smorgasbord of options available to Australian consumers:


A Glossary of Beauty Device Tech By JENNI GILBERT •

Dermal fillers are a gel-like formula that work by imitating a naturally occurring substance in the body, hyaluronic acid – a sugar molecule that exists naturally in almost all living organisms. It is important for the transport of nutrients and in regulating water balance in skin. Fillers revitalise and add volume to the treatment area instantly, reducing or even eliminating the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and giving a natural, softer look.

• Muscle relaxant injectables comprise a purified form of botulinum toxin. They work by causing temporary muscle paralysis where injected, helping to smooth lines and wrinkles caused by repetitive muscle movements. Muscle relaxants can also to help lift features, such as the brows. •

Lasers, or microscopic beams of light to generate heat to stimulate the growth of fibroblasts, which are precursors to new collagen in the skin. Laser resurfacing is a very controlled burning procedure during which a laser vaporises superficial layers of skin, reducing or removing not only wrinkles and lines caused by sun damage and facial expressions, and tightening skin, but also treating acne scars, some folds and creases around the nose and mouth, and even precancerous and benign superficial skin spots. It is also used for concerns such as pigmentation, removing/reducing tattoos, vascular conditions (redness), and excessive or unwanted hair growth.

• Radiofrequency (RF) treatments generate heat energy that is electrical rather than light-based to stimulate collagen and elastin production, helping to firm and tighten sagging skin. • Ultrasound therapy harnesses high-frequency sound waves to improve the appearance of moderately loose or sagging skin by depositing focused ultrasound energy below the surface to stimulate the body's creation of new collagen. • Cryolipolysis, commonly known as fat freezing, is a non-invasive procedure that uses a controlled cooling device technology to permanently kill fat cells, without surgery. It's one of the most effective ways to permanently reduce stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Trish Hammond is founder and blogger of Plastic Surgery Hub, which provides independent, down-to-earth Australian information on plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. It offers real experiences and practical advice for women and men looking for suggestions and advice on available procedures. She started Hub when, after having plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures of her own, Trish could find little helpful advice from a patient experience perspective. “At Plastic Surgery Hub, we feature only the most reputable surgeons and other related, allied medical practitioners. All of our contributors and members are reviewed, qualified and highly recommended,” says Trish. 34 | THRIVE #3

The COVID Times Resource Centre MOTIVATION

WATCH FOR INSPIRATION AND RELAXATION TRY SOMETHING NEW FOR 30 DAYS It could change your life! TED Talks are produced by an American media organisation that posts online talks for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading". In this video, technologist and TED speaker Matt Cutts - an early employee at Google and now an administrator at USDS, a tech group in the Executive Office of the President that improves government services relied upon by millions of Americans - talks about the 30-day challenges to try something new, for which he is widely known. At a point in his life and career and stuck in a major rut, Matt decided to take on board the thinking of US philosopher Morgan Stanley and persist at something for 30 days he'd often dreamed of doing. He's since become an avid (but slow!) distance runner, written a (bad!) novel and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro. But Matt says that while big challenges bring great satisfaction if persisted with and – better still - achieved, it's the smaller ones that are most likely stick and truly change your life.

REMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU Dr Laura Trice is a counsellor for addiction rehab clinics, life coach and, in her other life, the head of Laura's Wholesome Junk Food, making healthy cookies and brownies. She is devoted to practices that help people find fulfillment. In this TED talk, Dr Trice muses on the power of the magic words "thank you" - to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you. She also encourages people to not be afraid of asking others to express their thanks and gratitude to you. As we all know, thanks and gratitude are especially precious to us in these ultra-challenging times.

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DON'T WORRY! You don't have to BE HAPPY all the time


By LEE-ANNE CARTER Chasing happiness. Sounds like a plan, right? Who doesn’t want to be happy - isn’t that what we all strive for? I’ve written stories on how to manifest positive change, that is how much faith I have in positive energy. And therein lies part of the problem: we are all (myself included) so vested in becoming happy that we can lose sight of everything else. Today, much is made of Happynomics, and the need for positivity in all aspects of life, said to be achieved through life-changing affirmations, gratitude lists, vision boards, mindfulness etc., all of which I believe in - to a point. You will find happiness front and centre of nearly every agenda these days. In India they even teach happiness classes to primary school-age children. 36 | THRIVE #3

Annually, we receive a list of the Happiest Countries in the World from the World Happiness Report survey - an arm of the United Nations - which looks at the state of global happiness in 156 countries, incorporating six measurement factors. The report is very serious – remember, depression and other mental health issues cost governments billions on a global scale. For those wondering, in 2020 the happiest country in the world is Finland, for the third year in a row, followed by Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, and Norway. Anyone else see the correlation? March 20, 2021, has been assigned International Day of Happiness. Newspapers have (s)ad blockers. The lists go on.

“No-one can be consistently ‘up’ all the time. Not without some form of substance abuse, or endless chanting reverberations to keep the brain in a heightened state …” Unfortunately, there is a dark side to relentlessly chasing happiness. As a recent WGSN (the global authority on consumer and design trends) future consumer report so articulately put it: It’s difficult to see red flags through rose-coloured glasses. Trying to maintain happiness all the time often leads to failure, and the danger of “toxic positivity”, as termed in the aforementioned report. No-one can be consistently “up” all the time. Particularly during a pandemic. Not without some form of substance abuse, or endless chanting reverberations to keep the brain in a heightened state - which allows for no other thought, by the way - just the steady murmuring hum of a repetitive chant overtaking the brain. Granted, this also has its time and place. But, although I love a meditation class or two, I draw a line at a consistent hum used to drown out the “noise of the world” in order to make me happy. To me, it’s akin to a bottle of trapped bees buzzing in my brain.

Being force-fed happiness is not cool. That does not mean that optimism is uncool, it just means that a balance is needed. Mindful of being balanced, the World Happiness Report also looks at the unhappiest places in the world. For 2020, Afghanistan was named the unhappiest place in the world, followed by South Sudan and Zimbabwe, although the pandemic may upend those stats. The focus on positivity being the only way to live life creates more issues than it rectifies. I have said it once, and I will state it again - a balance is needed in all things. Embracing negative emotions keeps us anchored. In fact, it does much more than that. According to recent reports, embracing and accepting the down side of things leads to better decision-making skills (that stands to reason, as it means we examine things from all sides), increased wealth (which is probably a result of those great decisions), better marriages (kind of interesting) and lower risk of heart attack (say what? How?). But there you have it. Negativity can beget success and, even more so, negative emotions assist our survival. That is the very reason they exist. Instead of the happiness train, how about we take the time to just be a little kinder to ourselves? Accept the good and the bad as part and parcel of the human condition. Embrace the fact that life is not a bed of roses, the grass is not always greener, and sometimes feeling down can give us the impetus to get back up again. Confronting challenges builds resilience, which is a positive (strange much?) So, it would do us good to remember: only with shadow do we know light exists.

Lee-Anne Carter is an Australian-born journalist who has worked variously for the BBC and as Lifestyle Director of New Idea magazine. In 2009 she became Head of Global Trend Intelligence for Swarovski Professional, based in their headquarters in Austria. This role saw her travelling the world visiting major fashion and creative houses to tap into and predict forthcoming consumer trends. She still consults to Swarovski but moved to Morocco with her husband Andre in 2018 to start her own business, Creative Soul, as a creative consultant and writer. THRIVE #3 | 37


Today, it seems we want to - or is that need to? surround ourselves with happiness, be uplifted, feel good, be kind. Nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong.




After nearly 20 years, in April 2019 powerhouse PR Tory Archbold staged her last big-name brand event, launching actress Drew Barrymore’s Flower Beauty makeup range. She decided literally that day – surveying the star-studded success of the scene at Icebergs restaurant, overlooking Bondi Beach on a spectacular sunny day – that it was time to step onto a new path.

“Believe in yourself. Once you hold the key to your inner belief, it unlocks everything.”

The very next day, after dropping Drew at the airport, Tory put moves in motion to start winding up her business, Torstar Communications, and make plans for her next incarnation, Powerful Steps.

truly meant to be.

“Working with some of the world’s top brands, celebrities and influencers throughout my Torstar career, I preferred to be the girl in the little black dress who made things happen behind the scenes,” Tory tells Thrive. “But my gut had been telling me for a couple of years, after the experience I had been through in my personal life [more of that shortly], I had another career in me, to help other people empower themselves; to become who they’re 38 | THRIVE #3

“A few weeks after Drew’s visit, I launched a mentoring and public speaking business, Powerful Steps, and a new life journey began.” Tory brings her skills as an inspiring yet grounded speaker to empower audiences to be and present their best selves. Her first piece of advice: “Believe in yourself. Once you hold the key to your inner belief, it unlocks everything.” It’s a lesson she has lived by – and one she’s teaching daughter Bella, 15.


 “Mum’s determination to never give up has inspired me,” says Bella, who wants to be an actress (like Margot Robbie) or a publicist (like her mother) when she leaves school. “Everything we’ve been through has brought us together. Mum’s my sidekick!” Powerful Steps is about “stepping into your power and learning to let go. Your struggles challenge you, develop your strengths and define who you are,” says Tory. A key facet of Powerful Steps is the power of connection, and after two decades working alongside CEOs, media personalities and celebrities, it meant that Tory was able to launch Powerful Steps in a big way. In early October, Tory took it to the next step the in her quest: launching the Powerful Steps podcast series at an all-star event at Sydney’s chic Chiswick restaurant. Within a week it had already had 5000 downloads.

But stepping back to where it all began … Tory founded her namesake publicity agency Torstar Communications in 2000, for the next two decades the agency attracting Australian brands wanting to launch internationally, and international brands launching into Australia. When Torstar opened the doors to Australia’s first Zara store in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall in 2011, there was a stampede. More than 22,000 customers queued around the block (some from 3am) to be the first into the three-level emporium. Within three minutes, 80 per cent of the stock was sold. It remains the biggest fashion launch in Australia’s history. The agency represented some of the world’s biggest retailers, including Neiman Marcus, Next UK, Shopbop and Nespresso, and iconic brands such as Victoria’s Secret (lingerie) and Steve Madden (shoes).

In the compelling series, Tory connects with the likes of entrepreneurs and CEOs, celebrities and influencers, who open up to her about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made to achieve their life and business goals - their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. Women such as Candice Warner, Chelsea Pottinger, Jo Gaines, Sally Obermeder, Elle Halliwell, and Elka Graham. These stories aren’t just great listening but invite viewers to step up and take hold of their power. THRIVE #3 | 39


She was regularly travelling to London, Los Angeles and New York – in the eyes of the industry and to her 22-strong staff she was on top of the world.

“I looked at my then-nine-year-old girl asleep next to me and realised no amount of money could buy time with her. I thought, ‘There’s more to life’.”

But in private Tory was the victim of severe stalking and harassment by her ex-partner. She had left him in 2004, when their daughter, Bella, was nine months old.

Following that epiphany, Tory drastically downsized her business, focusing on eight high-profile core clients and special projects and started working part-time. And ultimately, of course, came Powerful Steps.

For the ensuing decade, no-one in Tory’s professional or work social circle guessed what she was dealing with. But it all came to a head in February 2013 when her appendix burst and she was rushed to hospital, drifting in and out of consciousness, and had emergency surgery.

“I stepped into my power and found my internal fire,” says Tory, who is now in a “loving relationship with my life partner. I’m a survivor. My daughter’s a survivor.”

During the five days in hospital on life support, Tory contracted septicaemia and her family was told to expect the worse. When she was finally discharged from hospital, the doctor told her she was lucky to be alive and gave her a six-month recovery period.

Find Your Fearlessness

“I couldn’t do anything for the first few months; I couldn’t walk upstairs or go to the bathroom by myself,” she says.

PUT YOURSELF FIRST “No” is a very powerful word – don’t be afraid to use it. Creating boundaries brings true alignment to your personal journey, and gives you power and purpose. Placing myself first has set me free on multiple levels.

The health scare forced Tory to re-evaluate her life and priorities. On a flight from New York to LA, she had her first realisation she needed to invest more in herself and happiness. “Staring out the plane window I thought about all the things I’d missed while I was growing a business and dealing with my personal situation. I felt like I’d hit rock bottom, and for the first time I cried about everything that had happened.

Tory’s advice for stepping into your power – at work and in life:

FIND FORGIVENESS I love the concept of sitting in your pain, owning it and letting it go. I have a Buddhist monk in Thailand to thank for teaching me the practice. We all have #WTF moments that are easy to overcome by finding forgiveness.

 Tory took Bec Judd to attend a Victoria's Secret event in the US 40 | THRIVE #3

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THRIVE #3 | 41



Since the most recent release of information showing Hormone Replacement Therapy (aka HRT) increases the risk of everything from breast and lung cancer to diabetes and dementia, thousands of Australian women have been left searching for alternate therapies to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Expert naturopath and nutritionist Belinda Kirkpatrick and chef, clinical nutritionist, yoga and meditation teacher Lee Holmes from Supercharged Food, have partnered to create a six-week course for women to prepare for and who are experiencing menopause. Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause is a holistic, intuitive and all-natural program; an online course based on the duo’s own experiences, and that of the women who they both have helped through the issues of menopause. The course is based on the ethos that menopause is a natural process that needs to be supported and understood - from symptom management in peri-menopause to long-term health maintenance in menopause, and beyond into post-menopause. 42 | THRIVE #3

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“Menopause can be a time for women," says Lee. "Almost overnight I noticed my hormones going haywire, my usual sleep was all over the shop and temperature control was swinging from hypothermia to feeling like my body was on fire, then shivering from the effects of night sweats. “And to think the answers to the flushes were already in my kitchen - just two tablespoons of flaxseed a day calmed them right down! “I am so motivated to offer this course and nutritional information to women all over the world so they no longer have to suffer in silence." Belinda says: “Over the last 15 years, I have worked with many women and nearly all of them report feeling lost, out of control of their bodies and not sure where to turn for advice and guidance during the menopausal transition.

“I know how effective diet and lifestyle changes can be for managing menopausal symptoms and wanted to share this precious information and support all women as they transition through menopause”.

body naturally wants to transition and move towards good health. “The message is to be gentle with yourself and to allow flexibility and acceptance in all areas of your life.”

The course aims to educate and inspire women to take control of their own health using easily accessible whole foods, lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements. With six modules over a six-week period, the program delivers a thorough remedy for peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause by integrating essential nutrition, gentle exercises and meditation. They are tailored to not only reduce and relieve menopause symptoms, but to provide women with personalised guidance and, if required, in searching for the right health practitioners to enlist to ensure optimal results. In keeping with Holmes’ famous foodie reputation, the course includes over 50 simple, economical and fuss-free recipes along with video instructions, taking you from breakfast, lunch and dinner to desserts, snacks and drinks. Turn to the following pages for a four-recipe taster from the book. “There are instructions, easy to find ingredients and a selection of videos to help make the cooking process even easier,” says Lee. “Even better is that you don't need to cook twice these are recipes the whole family can enjoy. “Each recipe is also able to be mixed and matched to meet yours and your family's taste and requirements. ”All recipes are of course nutritionally balanced to support women with the nutrients they need, with each recipe adaptable to be mixed and matched to meet taste requirements. “The emphasis is on balance, moderation and celebrating a new and empowering cycle of life,” says Lee. “Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause promotes positivity, self-love and self-acceptance while understanding that the

Belinda has more than 15 years of clinical experience and Is the author of Healthy Hormones. She specialises in women’s health and Is especially passionate about hormonal health. With both a naturopathic degree and a Masters in reproductive medicine, Belinda practises an evidence-based approach to integrative healthcare and is well known for her extensive knowledge of natural and conventional treatments. Lee's specialty is gut and immune health and has created a range of gut-friendly programs and products including Love Your Gut powders, Golden Gut blend and Love Your Gut capsules, the number one natural gut-health product in Australia. With a focus on wholefoods, she is an Ayurvedic chef and the author of the bestselling Supercharged Food series. Lee runs popular website and other online health programs helping her clients reach their wellness goals.

Give Away

Lee and Belinda are offering two places on the Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause program. Just email them at and tell them why you would like to take the course. Flourish and Nourish Through Menopause includes instructional videos, tips and tricks to help you through this transitional period, menopause-positive activities, the recipe e-book and meal plans, yoga instruction videos and guided meditation audios. THRIVE #3 | 43


“I was inspired to create this course to empower women and help them understand what is happening and take back control of their bodies and symptoms.



Tuna red onion a nd zucchini frittata SERVES 2 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 small zucchini (courgette), diced 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 1/2 red onion, sliced 1 large can tuna 70 g (2 1/2 oz/1/2 cup) cherry tomatoes, halved small handful of basil, torn 4 medium eggs Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Serve with leafy greens Heat the oil in a small frying pan over medium heat. Add the zucchini, garlic and onion, then cook for 5–7 minutes, or until the zucchini is tender. Add the tuna, tomato and basil, then increase the heat to medium–high and cook for about 5 minutes, or until the moisture has evaporated. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl, then season with salt and pepper. Add the zucchini mixture and stir to combine. Pour the mixture back into the pan and cook over medium heat until the eggs are set. Note: The frittata can be browned under the grill (broiler) at the end if preferred.

Supercharged Tip: Eggs are a saviour on days when you’re dragging your feet. To get a complete meal on the table, you can frittata just about any vegetables or herbs you have on hand – very thinly sliced, sautéed or roasted. It’s another good reason always to have eggs in the fridge.

44 | THRIVE #3




saag chicken curry


Spinach has been smoothied way too much. The time has arrived to return this superstar ingredient to its cooked form, gently softened, with its many vitamins and minerals. 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 400 g (14 oz) skinless chicken breast fillets, cut into strips 1 brown onion, sliced 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 400 g tinned diced tomatoes 250 g (9 oz) baby English spinach leaves 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon grated fresh turmeric or ground turmeric

1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chilli flakes pinch of ground cinnamon 6 curry leaves (optional) 150 ml (5 fl oz) almond milk 2 tablespoons coconut flour 2 tablespoons chopped coriander (cilantro), to serve

Heat a few drops of the oil in a medium frying pan over high heat, add the chicken, onion and garlic, then cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients except the coriander, stir well, then cover and cook for 15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove the lid and simmer for a further 2–3 minutes, to let the curry thicken. Serve topped with the coriander. THRIVE #3 | 45



Sweet potato, broccoli a nd ham soup SERVES 4 This soup is so delicious and easy to throw together. It’s also great to freeze, for use as a quick midweek work meal. In my eyes, ham is one of the most scrumptious, joyous, flavour-filled foods in the world. But not all hams are created equal. Make sure you find a passionate butcher and invest in quality free-range or organic nitrate-free ham, which will be browner and not so pink (pink ham has been treated with nitrates). The taste is second to none, and you only need small amounts to bring an immense salty ham flavour to your meals. 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 leeks, pale part only, thinly sliced 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 4 thin nitrate-free ham slices, chopped 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) sweet potato, peeled and chopped 1 turnip, chopped 1 head broccoli, chopped 1 litre (35 fl oz/4 cups) vegetable stock or filtered water 2 teaspoons picked thyme leaves, plus extra sprigs to serve sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 80 ml (21/2 fl oz/1/3 cup) coconut cream Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, then cook the leeks, garlic and ham for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the remaining ingredients except the coconut cream, then bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked. Transfer half the soup to a blender, allow to cool slightly, then purée until smooth. Return the puréed soup to the pan to heat through. Ladle into bowls, swirl in the coconut cream and serve garnished with thyme sprigs and a grind of pepper.

Supercharged Tip: Roasted sweet potato slices make a lovely garnish for this soup, as do edible flowers.

46 | THRIVE #3




baked eggs

SERVES 2 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil, or your oil of choice 200 g (7 oz) cherry tomatoes, halved 1 small red capsicum (pepper), cut into dice 1/2 red onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 45 g (1 1/2 oz/1 cup) baby English spinach leaves 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/2 teaspoon paprika pinch of ground cinnamon 2 medium eggs Celtic sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste coriander (cilantro) leaves, to serve Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F). Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Add the tomato, capsicum, onion, garlic, spinach and spices, then cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally (add a little water if necessary to prevent sticking). Spoon the mixture into a 3-cup capacity ovenproof dish, make two indents in the top of the mixture with the bottom of a spoon and crack one egg into each. Season with salt and pepper, then bake for 12–15 minutes, or until the yolks are cooked to your liking. Remove from the oven and serve sprinkled with coriander.

THRIVE #3 | 47

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