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EAT HEALTHY LOSE WEIGHT A Holistic Nutrition Approach for Sustainable Results


e d i u eG


H E A L T H A N D V I T A L I T Y . C O M . S G

AUTHOR'S NOTE My passion is to motivate and inspire you to radiate with vitality and good health, through educating you on better lifestyle choices. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is, of course, important so that we also look and feel great, which is part of our vitality. However, it's no secret that diets don't work; we become obsessed and get frustrated with them, and they consume far too much money and too much mind time. Using this eGuide, you will focus on the more positive challenge of being your healthiest best, while, as a wonderful side effect, you lose weight. These are factbased and proven weight loss solutions, as I don't support fad diets or quick fixes, for reasons you will read about. With the support of this eGuide, you and I will work together on adopting the very best lifestyle, sustainable habits, which work best for you. Wishing you a joyous experience as you embrace a healthier way of eating and enjoying food, while you achieve your health and weight loss goals. To our health! Liza


A little about me I am privileged to lead such a varied life, living in many parts of the world, and travelling to so many wonderful places. Work-wise I’ve enjoyed many fun-packed, challenging years in the corporate world as a business executive. When kids came along I was fortunate to be able to retrain, and I am now living my dream job — working as a holistic nutritionist while owning my own business. Currently settled in Singapore, I am following my passion by helping people achieve optimum health through better lifestyle choices — mainly nutrition, but also exercise, taking time out, living in balance, and following their own life passions. I truly believe that each and every one of us has the potential to achieve so much in life; but in order to do so, we must first love ourselves, by appreciating our amazing body and mind for all they do for us. Only when we love and care for something, are we truly motivated to look after it. Health is, without doubt, the foundation of our happiness and our life achievements — we owe it to ourselves to give our mind and our body every chance of reaching our potential. I’ve worked with so many incredible people from all cultures and walks of life — I hope I have touched them in some small way so that they take control of their health and happiness, and find the courage to get out there and make all their dreams come true.

H E A L T H A N D V I T A L I T Y . C O M . S G

Acknowledgements I am so lucky to be continuously surrounded by so many supportive, patient and talented people: Firstly my husband and soulmate, for always encouraging me to follow my passion, and for believing in everything that I do. My fantastic sons, for their unconditional love, and for putting up with all my healthier alternatives and endless 'nutrition talk'. My amazing and super talented assistant Camille, who pushes me into areas I never thought possible. Although my name is on the front of this eGuide, it would not have been possible without the hours of work and dedication from this young, rising star. My business partner, Terri-Anne Leske, who provided not only most of the beautiful photographs but has herself written three fabulous, healthy recipe books, which makes my job so easy. If you don't already own these cookbooks, please do order them here.

Note to reader

As you appreciate, hours and hours of work went into creating this eGuide for you, based on my years of teaching, writing and both work and life experiences. I have done my very best to keep the cost affordable, and I kindly ask that any friends wishing to have their own copy purchase it through the correct channels. This way they also avail of the followup tools, support and can join our private online community. Thank you for your understanding. To our health!

Liza Rowan H E A L T H A N D V I T A L I T Y . C O M . S G

a s ' e r e Th n o i s r e v r e i health thing! y r e v e of

Table of Contents 12


My Story


Menu Planning


Nutrition Basics


Healthy Shopping


Health Journal


Dining Out


Mindful Eating


Healthy Travel


Healthy Snacking


Weight Loss Tips



Introduction Based on my research, personal experiences, and various health and weight loss programs I host, I've put together this eGuide for you to focus on being healthy while you lose weight. I understand you put much energy, time and money into looking great, but you also want to feel healthy and energised and lead a long happy life. I know, that by focusing more on the latter positive outcomes, you will naturally, and easily achieve your desired weight. As people tire of fads and diets, I set up my Eat HealthyLose Weight Program to educate people on many aspects of nutrition and health, based on small changes in various lifestyle habits, which would help them achieve their goals. Although first and foremost I want you to be healthy and feel confident and energised, I understand that for many people, being a healthy weight is a substantial part of the picture. This eGuide outlines the principles used in the program, along with various tips and tools that will ensure you feel you're very best — enjoying the healthiest fare on offer as you socialise with family and friends, without the worry of weight gain. Within the comfort of our home, we tend to eat healthier as we're not faced with so many temptations. However, in life, we cannot avoid travel, dining out, BBQs and other celebrations for fear of them getting in the way of our health or weight loss goals. The eGuide is laid out to address all aspects of eating and socialising, with the understanding that we want to enjoy only the best of deliciously healthy food.



Introduction I assure you, there is no need to give up on your health goals as you focus on having fun. What's the point in living unless we're having a great time, right? So, ideally, we need to 'marry the two' — get out there, enjoy great company, great food and festivities, while always keeping in mind that nothing is more important than our health. It's easier than you think...

How to use this eGuide The guide flows so that you can read it through from beginning to end. However, you might wish to go straight to a section if you need tips for a particular occasion or activity; for example, dining out, grocery shopping or meal planning. Each new section is introduced by a purple banner, containing various subsections for you to explore. All hyperlinks are bolded in green, which directs you to further support or additional detail on a topic, should you wish to delve further. The eGuide contains a number of exercises to help you develop good habits; these are indicated within green banners. Once you have downloaded your eGuide, you will receive a number of emails with further tools - e.g. a health journal, meal plans, recipes, portion tracker and more. Finally, I invite you to connect with other readers of this eGuide, whose goal is also to lose weight through healthy eating. Please join our private closed Facebook community. Click here to request to join.


My Story

My Story Weight Loss Is Not About What You Can’t Have I used to be a serial ‘dieter’. I tried them all from Weight Watchers, Atkins, and Jenny Craig to self-created versions of what I thought would help me lose 7kg or so. None of them ever worked — at least not after a few weeks of me feeling very deprived. You see the thing is, I LOVE food – which is just as well because I teach about it, write about it, play with it and create it. Basically, I think about it all the time! In addition, as a mum to two young boys, like many of you, I am up at 6 am preparing breakfast and school lunches, thinking about what I’ll have for my own lunch, and planning for our family dinner. So, again like you, I’m continuously surrounded by food.

I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets. — Dolly Parton


My Story

Photo credits to Inge Kuipers

Although never really obese, my nickname when growing up, thanks to one of my five siblings, was ‘Fudge’, as I carried a ‘stone’ or so in excess weight. (FYI, a stone equates to 14 pounds, or 6.4kg, and is the common unit of weight measurement in the UK and Ireland.) It wasn’t until years later that my dieting woes became a thing of the past — when my focus changed from being thin to getting healthy. I was in my late 30s and trying to conceive, so I started my ‘pre-pregnancy campaign’ to really clean up my diet, and that of my husband. I took any opportunity to slip zinc-rich pumpkin seeds into his dishes; zinc being great for male fertility. Thankfully, this all worked to our advantage, and we now have two wonderful, healthy sons.

By focusing on what I could eat — all that nutritious, delicious food that surrounds us, I soon realized that not only did I feel revitalized, but I easily attained, and maintained, my target weight. I had always thought that pregnancy and having kids automatically meant putting on many kilos, and often never being able to lose them again. However, to my total delight, I was back to my prepregnancy weight within weeks and with little effort. No fads, no diets, no magic pill in sight; and certainly no deprivation. So, what was, and is, the secret to sustained weight loss?


My Story

It’s about enjoying healthy food for the right reasons, and understanding the positive impact that this has on our body and our mind. Why would I ever not continue to enjoy a way of eating that has enabled me to not only look and feel my very best, but to also have energy and enthusiasm to spare.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m an Irish, funloving gal, so I was never going to deprive myself of having a good time. I simply made a few smart, healthy adjustments here and there to my daily routine, learned to eat mindfully while enjoying the delights of life, such as red wine, quality chocolate, great coffee — but all in moderation. Typically, when one wants to lose weight they know they face a period of deprivation; they struggle to come to terms with all the things they will have to give up. From all my dieting experience, there is nothing worse than denying ourselves something we really want to enjoy. Isn’t life far too short for that? We also know that diets don’t work. Some of the many reasons I don’t endorse them are: Diets are short-term solutions We become obsessive and can’t stop thinking about food we really want to have They force us to be unsociable, and there’s NO fun in that! We risk not getting the nutrients we need for good health and therefore increase our chances of becoming physically and mentally ill They lead to yo-yo dieting and weight fluctuations over years, or decades Diets slow down our metabolism, which means that weight goes back on even easier They bring about feelings of guilt, failure and lack of confidence We become self-absorbed about how we look, rather than how healthy we want to be, and how good we want to feel


My Story

So, time for a new approach! Rather than thinking about what you CAN’T have, focus on what you CAN have. And this does NOT entail giving up your favourite foods, or your favourite treats. By focusing on being healthy, you will want to eat foods that are not only good for you, but that will enable you to feel energised, have great skin, build a strong immunity and, of course, manage your weight. These are foods that don’t contain refined sugars, processed grains, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or the plethora of permitted additives and chemicals in our foods. These foods which we want to avoid for health reasons, are also the ones that make us fat. Not only that, they zap us of energy, making us feel down and lethargic; we lose the motivation to do things, including striving to be healthy. In addition, these foods, particularly sugar, are addictive and cause us to crave more — that infamous rise in blood sugar levels, and then the crash. This abuse of insulin causes us to feel tired, stressed, and hungry all the time. So in order to lose weight, focus more on being healthy, and look forward to all the amazing, tasty, nutritious foods you can enjoy. It’s that simple.


My Story

Weight-loss is all about what you CAN have that's better for you... I lost weight when I was eating more, but healthier versions, of ‘off-limit’ foods — and these were actually good for me. Of course, I wanted to continue to feel this great, and look my best, so I’ve been ‘eating clean’, if I can use that cliché, ever since. In business, we are advised to adopt a tagline which expresses our persona. Despite much deliberation, I continue to be torn between two, as I quote these all the time:

‘Being healthy should be fun’

‘There’s a healthier version of everything’ So now it’s my mission in life to prove to you that both are possible, and equally important, in helping you lose weight and achieve your other health and life goals. Let’s explore some of the healthier versions of your favourite foods which you can enjoy, whereby you don’t feel deprived — as no food is off limits. We simply avoid the kind that is loaded with refined sugars, hydrogenated fats and chemical additives. We will focus on some of the foods and drinks you might like to enjoy on a night out with family or friends, proving that you can embrace your fun side while still being healthy and lose weight!


My Story When contemplating going on a ‘diet’, or trying to be healthy, here are some of the things that might prey on your mind: I’m really going to miss chocolate, which I love to have most evenings: Learn to enjoy chocolate mindfully so that you are satisfied with a few squares. Dark chocolate, 70%+, with all those flavonoids, not only makes you feel good by raising serotonin levels, it is also proclaimed to be good for your heart. I can’t resist Ben & Jerry’s when watching House of Cards: Whizz together a large frozen banana with a little milk (dairy or a substitute) and a generous splash of vanilla essence; you can add cacao nibs, chopped nuts or some unsweetened coconut — totally scrumptious. You save the cost of the lesshealthy B&J’s, while you enjoy a really healthy alternative. No room for guilt here! There goes my weekly movie date, as I’m not sure if I can sit there without my comforting bag of popcorn: Make your own popcorn! It’s so easy and you can ‘dress’ it up any way you like. Rather than having to choose between the usual ‘salty’ or ‘sweet’ offered at the movies, popped in cheap vegetable oil, check out the countless number of ways you can enjoy popcorn by making your own healthier version. (see appendix for recipe)


My Story What can possibly replace my morning Nutella on toast? As I say, ‘There’s a healthy version of everything!’ Refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, and chemical additives are the type of foods that make us fat. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Nutella contains all three! Check out the far healthier version at the end of this eGuide, which I guarantee you and your kids will love. The kids won’t be happy without our weekly 'Fun Family Friday Pizza': No need to change that tradition. Rather than ordering in, pizza can be made so much healthier at home — with a thin whole wheat crust, some good quality cheese, veggie toppings and your protein of choice. More money saved, your kids learn the skill of cooking; and each can have their toppings of choice on their own personalised pizza! What about my glass of wine with friends during our book club evening? Of course, you must enjoy this, but again, learn to appreciate it mindfully, saying ‘no, thank you’ after one or two glasses. Plan activities for the next morning so that you want to get up feeling fresh to enjoy an active day without a hint of a hangover. These are just a few examples, but believe me, everything can be made healthier and still be just as delicious and satisfying for you to enjoy. You can ‘have your cake and eat it’ so to speak, while you go down a healthier, ‘lighter’ path to your optimum weight and wellness!


Nutrition Basics

Nutrition Basics

We all love to eat. Also, we shop for ingredients, organise our kitchens to store food items, cook meals daily for our families — so really, we are all nutritionists in our own way. However, food companies, the media and marketers have over complicated nutrition. As a result, many people are confused as to what constitutes the components of a healthy meal, and the kinds of food we require to 'fuel' or energise us throughout our day. So a great place to start is with the basics. Let's explore what each of the energy providing food groups, called macronutrients, provides nutritionally; and the best wholesome, foods items that you should choose within each group.

Nutrition Basics

Complex Carbohydrates Carbs are made up of sugar or glucose units, which our cells require to thrive. There are good and bad carbs; the better ones provide slow-releasing energy which is required for brain-power and for physical energy to get you through your day. In their best form carbohydrates are unprocessed, thereby retaining all their wonderful fibre and nutrients. Examples include; wholegrain bread and pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and starchy vegetables - such as sweet potato, pumpkin and squash. In their worst from carbs are stripped of most of their nutrients and should be avoided; e.g. white flour, refined sugar, processed grains and all the products that contain them. For extra reading click here.



Healthy Fats For optimum immunity and brain development enjoy a variety of fats. Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats are found in avocados, olives, extra virgin olive oil and almonds.


Polyunsaturated fats, especially Omega-3s, are important to help combat inflammation; these are found in oily fish such as salmon, trout and sardines; flax and chia seeds; walnuts, and grass-fed meats. Saturated fats, once deemed 'bad' and implicated in raising cholesterol and heart disease, are now known to be healthy and can be enjoyed in moderation; butter, coconut oil, full-fat milk, full-fat natural yoghurt and cheese. For extra reading click here.

Nutrition Basics

Quality Protein Protein is essential for the growth and repair of all our brain and body cells. Protein is made up of amino acids, which provide structure and strength to our skin, hair, nails, organs and muscles. 'Complete' protein, containing all the essential* amino acids, comes from meats, poultry, fish, and animal products - eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurts. Plant foods provide 'incomplete' protein — grains, legumes, nuts and seeds; combine these ensures that all amino acids are attained if following a vegan diet. *essential in 'nutrition' speak means that we can get this only through our diet



For extra reading click here.

F RUITS & VE GE TAB LE S Photo Created by Kjpargeter -

Fruits and Vegetables These provide an abundance of micronutrients — minerals, vitamins and fibre, which are all required for increased immunity and better health. Choose from an array of multicoloured fresh produce, for maximum micronutrient variety. Additionaly, plant foods offer phytonutrients (or phytochemicals) which provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, among others — often determined by the plant characteristics such as colour, smell and flavour.


Nutrition Basics

Components of a Healthy Meal For optimum wellness, you should consume healthy options from each group throughout the day. Put simply, the best options are those that are fresh from nature — foods that are recognisable as coming from a plant, a healthy animal or from unpolluted oceans and rivers. The objective is to avoid refined, processed foods that have been stripped of their goodness (white sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, etc) so that you not only feel more satiated but you also naturally nourish your body as opposed to depriving it. More on this to come. When planning your meals, consider variety within each macronutrient group over your day and over your week. This keeps meals interesting and also ensures that a wider range of micronutrients is attained. Meal planning and cooking don't need to be complicated. Keep things simple, but insist on giving your body only the very best of ingredients. For each meal include:

Carbohydrates: complex and fibrous Protein: animal and plant sources, for essential amino acids Fats: saturated & unsaturated, especially Omega 3 essential fats Along with a balance of Micronutrients a wide variety vitamins and minerals Phytonutrients — from colour produce; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple Variety within Food groups — for a range of nutrients Flavours — sour, bitter, sweet, spicy, salty Textures — puree, chunky, crunchy, smooth

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