April 2016 mhl

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Est 1992


Get Ready For Spring



Sleep apnea is more than noisy, it can be bad for your health. Chronic, loud snoring is a sign that you could be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that causes you to actually stop breathing, often hundreds of times a night! This can lead to chronic fatigue, memory problems, high blood pressure, strokes, and more. We treat sleep apnea with a custom designed oral appliance. Many of our patients report feeling better and more rested after just one night of using the device. Call us today at (414) 208-4539 or visit www.SnoringisntSexy.com to stop the noise and start resting.

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EDITOR’S NOTE April is here and I think it is going to be an exciting month. As the weather changes, so does everyone’s mood. I am starting to take rollerblades around the neighborhood and making a few more fitness classes at my local gym. How is your fitness routine coming along? This issue I really wanted a positive spring focus with great articles to help you get out of the cold weather funk and get active. Hopefully, that will get your heart rate up. For all grade schoolers (I have two), check out the article on getting ready for camp. Being social and keeping active in the summer months really is a great combo to instill in all of us, not just kids! Now for all our senior readers out there. It is our annual Senior Spring Moving Feature. These articles will help you with all your decision making, moving hassles, selling your home and planning for a smooth transition. Keep positive and you’ll get through it. I just moved myself and I know how hard it can be. A special thanks to all our contributing writers who provide quality articles to all our wonderful readers. Have a lovely April and we’ll chat again in May.

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Est 1992


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Get Ready For Spring



Livestrong.com, Environmental Nutrition, Nutrition Action Health Letter, Columbia/St. Mary’s, Wheaton Fransician, Milwaukee Eye Care, Eye Care Specialists, Aurora, NorthShore Chiropractic, National Pedorthic Services, Lifesteps Wellness Clinic, Advance Physical Therapy, Elite Fitness and Racquet Club, Alexian Brothers Village, Transformations, NIH, Jensen Health and Energy, Foot Solutions, Allergy and Asthma Centers, Lakeshore Medical, The Ommani Center, Interfaith Older Adult Services, Laureate Group, Tudor Oaks, Luther Haven, Greensquare Center for the Healing Arts, Midwest Audiology Integrative Family Wellness Center Social Security Offices, American Camp Association, Home Instead, Manor Care, Tops, Dr Zhou, Oak Creek Pediatrics and MCFI


Lewis Media Group Amanda Lewis Malberry Media Abigail Carpenter Jerry Kornowski Marlys Metzger Barry Lewis

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MHL is published on the first of each month . The articles in this publication are in no way intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis of your doctor. We advise seeing a physician whenever a health problem arises requiring an expert’s care.



MHL Staff

Special Thanks! To all the local professionals that provide us with articles containing new information and keeping all our readers informed of the latest in healthy living.

Lewis Media Group | Malberry Media | www.modernhealthandliving.com APRIL 2016 MHL









THANKS TO OUR REVOLUTIONARY NEW PAIN RELIEF THERAPY PROGRAM We are the ONLY clinic in the region that has the combination of therapies that are critical for your most rapid recovery. First and foremost we offer the most powerful and effective Class 4 MLS Robotic Laser Therapy in the area and we have been using it extensively since 2012. Additionally, we couple the powerful Class 4 MLS Robotic Laser Therapy with a multitude of other therapies (as indicated for each patient) which have been tried and tested in our facility for validity, reliability and effectiveness over that past 3 years. If you have had enough of your ACHING, NAGGING, STABBING that no other therapy has been able to eradicate, come on in for your Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Evans to see if our program will work for you. At Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic all of the staff is %RDUG &HUWL¿HG in their chosen specialty. Early in her career, Dr. Evans worked as a Trainer with a professional football team and since has dedicated her career to helping athletes of ALL skill levels achieve their performance goals. “Our patients appreciate being able to get the care they need all under one roof, it saves them so much time. And in a lot of ways. Too many people go from one therapy to another hoping for relief,” Evans said. In my experience, combining therapies increases the effectiveness of all the therapies.

To fully understand and diagnose your condition, Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic uses several approaches including:

-MLS Class IV Laser Robotic Therapy - A complete physical examination - An orthopedic examination - A neurological examination - A complete gait analysis - Acupuncture Therapy evaluation After identifying the source of your pain, Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic is proud to offer a comprehensive therapy program all under one roof! With a customized approach, patients receive a combination of the necessary treatments, which can include: - Chiropractic care - Rehabilitation exercises and therapy - Trigger Point Therapy - Electro-acupuncture

- Massage therapy including swedish, deep tissue and therapeutic - Sound Wave Therapy - Complete Nutritional Program

FAST EFFICIENT NATURAL SOLUTION TO YOUR PAIN. CALL TODAY AND STOP LIVING IN PAIN! (OL]DEHWK LV D ERDUG FHUWL¿HG PDVVDJH WKHUDSLVW ZKR JUDGXDWHG IURP /DNHVLGH 6FKRRO RI 0DVVDJH 7KHUDS\ (OL]DEHWK KDV KDG RYHU \HDUV RI experience working in spas, physical therapy clinics and private practice. Elizabeth specializes in therapeutic and deep tissue massage with the goal of decreasing client’s pain and muscle tension. It is through massage that Elizabeth became interested in acupuncture, wanting to be able to do more for her clients. Elizabeth graduated magna cum laude from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in 2010 with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition. While in school Elizabeth completed an internship at Guangzhou University in China. (OL]DEHWK KDV FRPSOHWHG OHYHO WKUHH WUDLQLQJ LQ 5LHNL DQG KDV IRXQG FRPELQLQJ WKH WZR PRGDOLWLHV H[WUHPHO\ EHQH¿FLDO LQ EDODQFLQJ KHU SDWLHQWV Qi and alleviating pain. Elizabeth has had great success decreasing patient pain with the use of electo-acupuncture. While majority of Elizabeth’s patients come to her for pain relief, she regularly treats allergies, anxiety, digestion problems, gynecological problem, insomnia, headaches and migraines. Dr. Eliesha Evans specializes in the management and treatment of complicated chronic pain syndromes. Additionally, Dr. Evans brings more than 25 years of clinical expertise and training to each and every case thereby ensuring your best outcome. Dr. Evans and her experienced, board FHUWL¿HG VWDII XVH D ³ZKROH SHUVRQ DSSURDFK´ 7KLV DSSURDFK WR ZHOOQHVV PHDQV ORRNLQJ IRU XQGHUO\LQJ FDXVHV RI DQ\ GLVWXUEDQFH RU GLVUXSWLRQ (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Evans is able to help you accelerate and/or maintain a journey to good health.


EVANS CHIROPRACTIC & PAIN RELIEF LASER CLINIC 15720 W. National Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151


Open 6 Days a Week to serve you better! newberlinchiro.com relief@newberlinchiro.com

SEASONAL ALLERGIC RHINITIS It is estimated that between 40 and 50 million Americans suffer some form of allergic rhinitis. John E. Basich, M.D., Allergy And Asthma Centers, SC Do you develop sneezing, itchy eyes, ears, nose or throat every April? June? August? Do the symptoms last longer than two weeks (the usual duration of a cold). If the answer is yes you may have allergic rhinitis which is an allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. It is estimated that between 40 and 50 million Americans suffer some form of allergic rhinitis. Often the allergic rhinitis coexists with other allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema. Allergic rhinitis has a substantial economic impact in terms of lost days of work and school and medications used to treat it. Allergic rhinitis is caused by inhaled materials called allergens. For most people, allergens are usually harmless. For sensitized individuals, allergens can cause allergic reactions by causing cells in their immune system to release histamine and other allergic mediators. Histamine is responsible for most of the immediate allergic symptoms: sneezing, congestion, post nasal drip or itching of the nose, roof of the mouth, throat, eyes and ears. Allergic rhinitis can contribute to recurrent exacerbations of sinusitis, asthma and middle ear fluid. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis is caused by the pollens from trees (March to May), grasses (August to September) or molds (the whole growing season). Perennial Allergic Rhinitis is usually caused by danders from pets, indoor molds, dust mites. Many patients have a combination of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis. If you have symptoms of allergic rhinitis, an allergist/immunologist can help determine what allergens are causing your reaction. The doctor starts by doing a thorough health history with emphasis on allergic factors and then may test you to see if you have allergies. Skin tests or blood (RAST) tests may be done. Skin tests have the advantage of giving the test results in about 20 minutes so that they may be discussed during the patient’s office visit.There are three basic treatments for allergic rhinitis: Environmental Control: These are suggestions to remove, avoid or reduce the offending allergens. These can be quite effective for the dust mite, pet dander and mold allergens. Medications: Oral and nasal antihistamines are given to block the effects of histamine. The release of histamine causes many of the most irritating allergy symptoms including itching of the eyes and nose, runny nose and sneezing. Antihistamines may be combined with decongestants to reduce nasal congestion in patients with allergic rhinitis. Inhaled nasal corticosteroids can reduce inflammation and swelling in the nose by reducing other allergic mediators. Leukotriene modifiers block the action of Leukotrienes (another mediator of allergy symptoms and of inflammation). Allergen Immunotherapy: Allergy Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, may be considered if symptoms are not controlled with medication or avoidance or to improve the patient’s quality of life. Allergy Immunotherapy involves receiving injections of the allergens that were determined by the allergy testing to be causing you symptoms. Patients start treatment with very low doses of allergens. The concentration of the allergens is increased gradually as determined by your allergist/immunologist over a period of three to five years. Allergy Immunotherapy helps your immune system to become more and more resistant to specific allergens and lessens the need for future medications. APRIL 2016 MHL

JAMES “My stay at ManorCare Health Services – Pewaukee was great. I came in for rehabilitation after a traumatic injury. The staff was well trained, organized and worked hard to attend to my needs – both physically and mentally. They understood my needs and provided the care necessary while maintaining my dignity. The facility was clean and the entire staff was accommodating 24-hours a day. The rehabilitation staff gave me the necessary ‘push’ to attain improvement of my injuries.

•Rehabilitation services •Post-hospital care •Skilled nursing

ManorCare Health Services – Pewaukee N26W23977 Watertown Road Waukesha, WI 53188


My physical injuries have improved from rehabilitation and I feel I’m back to normal since graduating from ManorCare. I would recommend ManorCare to anyone needing rehabilitation of any kind.” www.hcr-manorcare.com


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SUPPORTING THE PILL PATROL TEAM Everyone in the business of caring for older adults agrees: medication mismanagement is a huge issue for seniors and their families. It can be the root of a whole host of other common concerns including hospitalization, hospital readmission, confusion, dizziness, falls, personality changes, sleep issues, etc. And it is so very easy to do. In a recent survey, about 20 percent of seniors said that they had some difficulty managing their medications. Another alarming statistic is that nearly one-fifth of seniors surveyed said they do not have/don’t know if they have a full list of medications that they are currently taking. It is important to help older adults and their families address these issues in some very simple ways, including: - Identifying who on the senior’s care team needs to be part of their pill patrol team. This list includes the senior, a trusted pharmacist, doctors, nurses, family members and professional caregivers, as well as anyone else involved in the medication routine.



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- Designating a single provider to keep track of the “big picture.� Appointing one medical professional, such as the senior’s primary doctor, to monitor the senior’s overall health could help to minimize the potential for medication mistakes. - Making sure everyone on the team has a complete, updated list of the medications the senior is taking and when they should be taking it. - Maintaining regular communication among the entire team to help the senior understand—and follow—doctor’s orders. In order to help seniors and their care team manage medication, Home Instead Senior Care has developed Let’s Talk about Rx, a program that includes resources for seniors and their families, a downloadable medication tracking worksheet, videos and more. For more information about helping seniors and the people who care for them, please contact Home Instead Senior Care of Milwaukee at 414-882-5464.

Free Advertising If you own a small business and can’t afford advertising, we have a solution for you. We are looking for people to deliver MHL to 10-15 places once a month in exchange for advertising space in this paper. It takes approximately 1-2 hours to make these drop offs and we will select the distribution points to be in your area.

Call for details. 414-659-6705




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The Spring Must Haves

Living with wounds really isn’t “living”. Earthway Commercial 100-Pound Tow Behind Spreader 2170T

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A healthy summer lawn starts with spring maintenance. This large capacity EarthWay Ev-N-Spred Tow-Behind Broadcast Spreader is a great fit for commercial operators and people with big yards. The EV-N-SPRED 3-hole drop system ensures balanced distribution of all types of granular material. Up to 12-ft. spreading width.. EarthWay’s 100-pound Ev-N-Spread is a broadcast spreader built to last from top to bottom. The spreader has a stainless-steel axle with twin brushing-bearings and fully enclosed gears. The included hopper screen effectively breaks up clumps in fertilizers and seed, and the spreader has an easy-access calibrated flow control handle. Depending on product size and towing speed, the broadcast range is 5 to 12 feet. Ev-N-Spread also offers jumbo 13-by-5-inch treaded pneumatic tires for sturdy, easy gliding. Although this model is not as rich in features as EvN-Spread’s C25S commercial broadcast spreader (for example, the C25S has a stronger gear case), the price makes it more accessible for those who want a highquality spreader but don’t need the extra features. Assembly required. earthway.com

Keen Footwear KEEN Women’s Durand Low WP

KEEN Men’s Durand Low WP


Hiking footwear is the contact point between you and your hike on the trail. It is essential to your comfort and enjoyment to have footwear that suitably matches your hiking goals. Our best pick is Million step comfort! No matter how far the trail takes you, the KEEN Durand Low WP stays comfortable. This women’s low hiker delivers long-lasting durability and dependable performance thanks to the KEEN PU and dual compound rubber outsole. PU resists breakdown and compression, while preserving its shock-absorbing qualities, keeping you comfortable while hiking. The KEEN Durand Low WP keeps your feet dry and comfortable, thanks to the KEEN.Dry waterproof, breathable membrane. This hiking shoe for women is American Built with material from around the world. where to buy: keenfootwear.com.com

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T EYE CARE SPECIALISTS Medical, surgical & laser services for every age and every need Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practice Trusted by more than 130,000 doctors & patients since 1985 ■ ■ ■ ■

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April is National “Sports Eye Safety Month”

KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL! SPORTS-RELATED EYE INJURIES ARE A LEADING CAUSE OF BLINDNESS By Cheryl L. Dejewski From major league stadiums to small-town courts, sports make for great memories. But, according to the National Eye Institute, for more than 100,000 sports enthusiasts (one-third of them children), this year’s remembrance will be of painful eye injuries, ranging from bruised lids and corneal abrasions to internal damage and permanent vision loss. And, for 42,000 of these athletes, their eye injury will lead to a trip to the emergency room. Most Accidents are Preventable “What’s frustrating is that 90 percent of sports eye injuries could be prevented by wearing protective eyewear. That’s why we’re using ‘Sports Eye Safety Month’ to urge parents and players to stop endangering vision and start wearing eye protection,” explains Mark Freedman, MD, of Eye Care Specialists, an ophthalmology practice that provides medical, surgical and laser vision care for virtually every eye condition, including accidents and injuries. “More professional athletes are wearing goggles, faceguards and other protective eyewear,” notes Brett Rhode, MD, who has seen more than his share of minor to serious eye injuries as the Head of Ophthalmology at a Milwaukee-area hospital and partner at Eye Care Specialists. “Besides protecting their careers and future, they’re setting an example that could save the vision of thousands of people, especially children. If a well-known player uses protective gear, then it’s more acceptable for amateurs as well.” Common Sports-Related Injuries According to corneal transplant surgeon Daniel Ferguson, MD, “Baseball is one of the most common culprits. Some Little League pitchers have been clocked at 70 miles per hour. Imagine what that can do to an unprotected eye.” He adds, “Basketball, football, volleyball and soccer may seem like they don’t require eye protection because the balls are larger. The truth, however, is that even large balls can hit the eye and cause damage. Or, even more likely, you’ll get poked in the eye by someone’s finger or elbow. Hockey, tennis, golf and racquetball can also put unprotected players at risk for serious eye injury. Even a badminton shuttlecock can travel at speeds over 100 miles per hours. And, believe it or not, fishing accounts for 15 percent of sports eye injuries in the age 10-40 group because of people getting hooks in their own or someone else’s eye.” Paintball, airsoft and Nerf guns have also drawn the attention of eye care specialists because these activities appeal to boys, and more than half of eye-related injuries are to boys age 10 to 19. “Paintballs, airsoft BBs, and Nerf darts are like slow-moving bullets. So, the injuries they cause impacting the eye are quite serious and visionthreatening,” reports Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an ophthalmologist with credentials from both Harvard and Johns Hopkins. “I can’t stress enough the importance of wearing protective goggles, or better yet a full helmet, for these activities.” Children & Sports Safety “Many leagues, schools and teams don’t require eye protection. When they do, the incidence of eye injuries plummets. That’s why parents need to lobby for protection. They should insist that their own kids wear eye protection every time they play and should set a good example by wearing it themselves. Just like a bicycle helmet, you should introduce athletic eyewear at the youngest age possible. That way, it

Mark Freedman, MD

Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD

Brett Rhode, MD

Daniel Ferguson, MD

Michael Raciti, MD

David Scheidt, OD

www.eyecarespecialists.net West Allis Wauwatosa Milwaukee 10150 W. National Ave. 2323 N. Mayfair Rd. 735 W. Wisconsin Ave. 414-321-7520 414-258-4550 414-298-0099

EYE>>page 47 APRIL 2016 MHL

Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic 262-785-5515

ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING IN PAIN? HAVE YOU STOPPED DOING THINGS YOU ENJOY? KNEE PAIN, NEUROPATHY, BACK PAIN, MIGRAINES? Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic, is pleased to announce that they are now offering a revolutionary new Pain Relief Treatment Program which was designed by Dr. Evans, DC Board Certified in Orthopedics and Board Certified in Physical Rehabilitation, Ms. Elizabeth Brink, Board Certified Acupuncture physician and Board Certified Massage Therapist and Miss Casey Hamill-Barth, Board Certified Athletic Trainer to treat difficult acute and chronic pain syndromes. We have used the Pain Relief Treatment Program on patients’ of all ages and athletic abilities. The most amazing results so far have been that all of our patients with NEUROPATHY have gotten better. This was always the most difficult condition to resolve for our patient’s, finally we have discovered the treatment program that really helps these people, it’s been very rewarding to see patient’s recover from this debilitating syndrome! Clearly it is the combination of natural, non-invasive anti-inflammatory therapies all under onE Roof with providers who are taking a hands-on team approach to patient care. Together the treatment team brings more than 50 years of clinical experience to each patient’s case. If you or a loved one are suffering, Call today to see how our Pain Relief Treatment Program can help!!

Ms. Elizabeth Brink is Board Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She is a 2010, Magna Cum Laude Master degree graduate candidate from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. Elizabeth completed her Internship training at Guangzhou University in China where she was exposed to a wide variety of Acupuncture procedures that she was not exposed to in her training here in the states. She is proficient in Electro-Acupunture, Needle Trigger Point Therapy, Cupping, Guasha, and Reiki. Elizabeth’s compassion for her patient’s is really what sets her apart from her peers. Elizabeth is also a board certified Massage Therapist and incorporates many different massage techniques into her patient care with patient comfort being paramount. ElizabETh bRink, licensed acupuncturist

Dr. Evans Specializes in the management and treatment of complicated chronic pain syndromes. Additionally, Dr. Evans brings more than 30 years of clinical expertise and training to each and every case thereby ensuring your best outcome. Dr. Evans and her experienced, certified team deliver personalized care to each and every patient and look forward to helping you recover and feel better! Dr. Evans and Elizabeth work closely in the management and successful treatment of the many chronic pain conditions treated successfully every day at Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic. DR. EliESha EVanS


EVANS CHIROPRACTIC & PAIN RELIEF LASER CLINIC 15720 W. National Avenue • New Berlin, WI 53151


Open 6 Days a Week to serve you better! newberlinchiro.com relief@newberlinchiro.com This Power ReachTM advertisement is a product of the Journal Sentinel, for information contact your account executive or 414-224-2087.


VITAMIN D-FENSE Against Disease

RESEARCH REVEALS A NUMBER OF STARRING ROLES THAT VITAMIN D PLAYS IN HUMAN HEALTH Sharon Palmer, R.D. Environmental Nutrition Vitamin D is in the spotlight these days. You probably already know that this vitamin helps your body absorb calcium to maintain strong bones; but what you might not be aware of is the astonishing variety of benefits “the sunshine vitamin� holds. Vitamin D played an important role in human health back in early history. “One billion years ago, the sea was a bubbling fertile soup; phytoplankton synthesized vitamin D and there was plenty of calcium for bones. But as life forms evolved on terra firma and there was no calcium available on land, exposure to sunlight on the skin allowed calcium to be stored for skeletons,� says Michael Holick, Ph.D., M.D., renowned vitamin D expert and professor at Boston University School of Medicine, who spoke at the 6th Annual Nutrition and Health Conference: State of the Science & Clinical Applications in Chicago on May 12, 2009. Our ancestors skin evolved in order to make vitamin D. Darker skin manufactures lower levels of vitamin D from the sun, so early humans developed lighter skin as they traveled north, away from the sun, to darker regions.

Benefits Galore. Research reveals a number of starring roles that vitamin D plays in human health: Healthy Bones, Teeth and Muscles. It’s a known fact: you need vitamin D to maintain strong bones and teeth. Scientists have known for the past century that lack of vitamin D causes rickets (childhood skeletal deformities), and now they are linking it with periodontitis (serious gum infection), fibromyalgia (chronic body pain), osteomalacia (softening of bones), osteoporosis and muscle weakness, reports Holick. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, people with low levels of vitamin D have lower bone density and are more likely to break bones when they are older. In addition, a Mayo Clinic study published in Pain Medicine in March 2009 found that patients who require narcotic pain medication for chronic body pain, and who also have inadequate levels of vitamin D, take much higher doses of painkillers. Vitamin D deficiency is also linked with decreases muscle strength and can mimic the symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Holick reports. And higher vitamin D levels were associated with better lower-extremity function in both active and inactive persons 60 years and older, according to a September 2004 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Cancer Prevention. Seventy years ago, scientists noticed that people living at higher latitudes with less sunlight were at higher risk of dying of cancer. Today, scientific evidence indicates that being at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of developing and dying of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate, breast and ovary, with more recent evidence linking it to cancers of the esophagus, pancreas and leukemia, according to Holick. In a 2007 issue of Recent Results in Cancer Research, scientists found that more than 17 different types of cancers may be vitamin D-sensitive, and that a 50% reduction in colorectal cancer might be linked with an intake of 1,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D per day. Autoimmune Disease Protection. An intriguing connection exists between vitamin D deficiency and such autoimmune diseases as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type I diabetes. If you are born north of 35 degrees latitude (at about Atlanta, Georgia) and live there for the first 10 years of your life, you have a 100% increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis, explains Holick. And women who take more than 400 IU of vitamin D a day reduce their risk of rheumatoid arthritis by as much as 42%. Researchers also found that newly diagnosed type I diabetics had significantly lower levels of vitamin D than normal subjects did, according to a study published in Hormone and Metabolic Research in November 2005. A Defense against Other Diseases and Conditions. Vitamin D may have a VITAMIN>>page 47

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In Chinese medicine, arthritis is categorized under the term “painful obstruction syndrome’. Acupuncture can be helpful in treating the pain, swelling and stiffness of arthritis. In Chinese medicine, arthritis is categorized under the term “painful obstruction syndrome’. It occurs when the circulation of energy (Qi) and blood through the acupuncture channels is “obstructed” by an invasion of wind, cold, heat or damp. In the United States we consider ourselves vulnerable to the outside elements such as wind and cold when we think of being exposed to a draft, or “catching a cold”. This results in an upper respiratory infection or an acute viral infection such as the flu. This is also true in the Chinese tradition. In addition, it is believed that cold, wind, heat and damp can invade the acupuncture channels and obstruct the flow of Qi and blood. There are different symptoms when various elements are involved. In Chinese medicine, there are four principal types of obstructions: 01 WIND BLOCKAGE: pain in the joints is widespread and moves from one area of the body to another. 02 DAMP BLOCKAGE: pain or soreness is localized, does not move, and there is a feeling of heaviness and numbness of the limbs. Discomfort is aggravated by damp weather. 03 COLD BLOCKAGE: severe pain which becomes better when the area is warm, and more painful with cold. 04 HEAT BLOCKAGE: area is hot, red and swollen; there is limitation of movement and severe pain. In many cases there is a combination of different types of blockage. The treatment of any of these blockages is directed towards opening the acupuncture channels to spread Qi and blood, expelling the factors (wind, cold, damp, heat) that have invaded the channels, and eliminating the resulting local “obstruction” in the channels. This is done with acupuncture, and in some cases, Chinese herbal therapy. The result is relief or lessening of the symptoms. Recent studies have verified that acupuncture significantly reduces pain and improves mobility in cases of arthritis. For more information or to schedule an appointment for treatment, please contact the Jensen Health and Energy Center at (262) 782-1616. 500 Elm Grove Road, Suite 325 APRIL 2016 MHL 13

Redifning Health

DETOXIFICATION AS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF MAINTAINING HEALTH Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D. Spring is upon us, a perfect time of year for detoxification. As the seasons change, many of us are motivated to do ‘spring cleaning’ in our homes and gardens. The same need applies to our bodies. When the body is detoxified, it can function more efficiently and gain resilience. Physicians have been seeing increasing symptoms of toxicity in their patients over the last few decades. Hormone imbalances, obesity, mental fog, memory loss, fatigue, lack of vitality, metabolic syndrome, sleep disturbances are all manifestations of a toxic body. Conventional medicine does not acknowledge toxicity as an important issue, but many studies have shown this to be the underlying cause of many chronic symptoms experienced today, including the rising rates of cancer over the past two decades. An article in the NY Times (1) discusses the major risks of every day contaminants in our bodies and a statement made by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2) claims that these toxins are interfering with reproductive health. “Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society — diabetes and obesity,” the Endocrine Society said in announcing its 50-page “scientific statement.(3)” It added that “mounting evidence also ties endocrine disrupters to infertility, prostate cancer, undescended testicles, testicular cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and neurological issues. Sometimes these problems apparently occur in adults because of exposures decades earlier in fetal stages.” Endocrine disruptors are chemicals found in plastics, cosmetics, synthetic hormones injected into factory farm animals, as well as pesticides, which when consumed, mimic hormones that disrupt endocrine function in the body. I liken these toxins to dirt in an engine. An engine cannot run well with dirt in it because its parts cannot make contact with one another. Our bodies can be likened to a biological engine. The collaboration and communication between four major systems in the body is critical to its proper function. These four systems are the endocrine or hormonal system, the immune system, the liver, and the gut. If any of these systems is compromised, the “bio-engine” will not run well. Toxins and hormone disruptors are like dirt in the engine of the body which interferes with the communication and collaboration between its major systems. The liver is the detoxifier of the body. When it is overwhelmed with toxins, it cannot function to its full capacity - it cannot produce the anti-oxidants it is responsible for, that keep cancer at bay - nor can it detoxify fat soluble hormone disruptors easily. It cannot breakdown hormones like estrogen or insulin efficiently and their levels begin to build in the body. Furthermore, when it is busy detoxifying alcohol, it cannot perform its functions well either. It has been shown that women who drink one glass of wine per day have a ten-fold higher incidence 14 MHL APRIL 2016

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these pages that this issue is just bursting with health! We have something for men and women of all ages. We contact local health professionals every month and are thankful that many have contributed to this issue. They are keenly aware of health concerns for this region (very important). We stay in touch with them so they can stay in touch with you. I think you’ll find something Many in the difficulty losing herepeople that can help youU.S. lead ahave healthier life. We hope thatweight you sharedespite this special issueand withdiet friends andto family, too.fat soluble toxins that the body exercise due these Speaking of famicannot ly, I try toeasily keep mirelease. ne active throughout these cold months. My children are taking a Tae Kwon Do class 4 times a week. I encourage you to cancer try to find something to keep your children active and social. Wheather its (4) of breast gymnastics, dance, sportThe or just running around in circles, staying active keepsinthen the general population. incidence of many other cancers can also the body and mind healthy and developing. crease with alcohol consumption. This is likely because the liver becomes toxic with To us reduces adults with Super BowlofSunday and myself hosting the monthly alcohol use which its production antioxidants. Bunco get together this equals food, food and even more food. It’s so important When the liver is overwhelmed, and fat soluble toxins accumulate in fat, they gento keep ourself active, so it might be time to get that gym membership or start erate more fat. Many people in the U.S. have difficulty losing weight despite exercise walking the malls again. Stay active!!! I hope you have a wonderful February and diet due to these fat soluble toxins that the body cannot easily release. and will touch base again in March Toxin release by the body involves a process called glucuronidation, where toxins -Amanda Lewis are released from the cells and made water soluble and eliminated by the kidneys. Without this process, toxins that are fat soluble remain in body fat. Although some detoxifying cleanses release these from fat, they are unable to eliminate them out of the body (as they do not engage the process of glucuronidation). This causes them to re-sequester in fat causing rebound weight gain. The most effective detoxifying February 2011of EDITION cleanses engage the process glucuronidation. They can eliminate toxins from the body for months at a time. A diet that supports detoxification consists of plenty of organic, fresh vegetables and fruits and a moderate amount of water. Aerobic exercise is a great detoxifier as well as a good night’s sleep. During sleep, the body regenerates itself. A broad spectrum probiotic, with at least 8 to 10 strains of organisms, enhances the process of nutrient absorption and is critical in decreasing inflammation in the body and Lewis Media Group publishers stimulating serotonin production. Healthy Amanda Lewis gut flora (5) has been shown to be critical editor Malberry Media and can enhance healing when combined graphic design for preventing inflammation and dementia, Marlys Lewis with detoxification. Jerry Kornowski Much of the detailed above needs to become a common part of our Marlys Metzger travelinformation editor pursuit of health. significant Lewis impact on the prevention and treatment of founderIt can have a Barry chronic diseases in our country and the world at large. I encourage you to detoxify your body this Spring and take this very important step forward in reclaiming your health. Footnotes: (1) New York Times, Contaminating Our Bodies With Everyday Products http:// www.nytimes.com/2015/11/29/opinion/sunday/contaminating-our-bodies-with-ev-eryday-products.html?_r=3 (2) Int’l Journal of GYN & Obstetrics, Federation Opinion on Reproductive Health Impacts of Exposure to Toxic Environmental Chemicals http://www.figo.org/ sites/default/files/uploads/News/Final%20PDF_8462.pdf 6000, email: info@lewismediagroup.com. (3) The Endocrine Society, Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals https://www.google. com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwinv6rMpqf LAhUBhiYKHSwDATMQFggnMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.endocrine.org% intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis of your doctor. We advise seeing a physician when2F~%2Fmedia%2Fendosociety%2FFiles%2FPublications%2FScientific%2520Sta ever a health problem arises requiring an expert’s care. tements%2FEDC_Scientific_Statement.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEf5mPXR81-e855n0Fg1 ZF1kyBjCQ&bvm=bv.115339255,d.eWE (4) National Cancer Institute, Alcohol and Cancer Risk http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/alcohol/alcohol-fact-sheet (5) Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, The gut microbiota and inflamMedia Group | Malberry Mediahttp://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091| www.modernhealthandliving.com matory Lewis noncommunicable diseases 6749(14)01650-9/fulltext ©March2016 Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar M.D., CEO and Medical Director of The Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine, Pewaukee, WI Dr. Kumar is accepting new patients; call our office to schedule at 262.695.5311. www.ommanicenter.com Author of Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife. 2011, 2014 Medial Press

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APRIL 2016 MHL 15


Vegetables IN YOUR DIET

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16 MHL APRIL 2016

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to include a variety of vegetables in meal planning. The health benefits of eating vegetables are many and include reducing the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon cancer. It can be a challenge to include a sufficient amount of this tasty and beneficial food group to menus. These tips from TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization, offer some creative ways to eat more vegetables: 1. Make a “pasta� dish with spaghetti squash instead of noodles. 2. Puree cooked vegetables and add them to stews, gravies, and soups. 3. Add raw spinach leaves and an extra-ripe banana to a fruit smoothie. It may sound strange, but the sweetness of the banana masks the taste of the spinach. 4. Baking? Add shredded carrots to muffins or bread. 5. Instead of cheese and meat, pile your morning omelet with onions, mushrooms, and red and green peppers. Chop vegetables the night before to save time in the morning. 6. Add chopped spinach to meat when preparing meatballs or hamburgers. 7. Try mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. Experiment with different flavorings such as garlic, a dab of butter, and Parmesan cheese. 8. Add salsa to a breakfast burrito, pile it on a veggie burger, or use it in place of high-fat, creamy vegetable dips. 9. Puree pasta sauce with vegetables such as winter squash or chopped broccoli. 10. Add chopped carrots to casseroles or meat loaf. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. To find a local chapter, visit www.tops.org or call (800) 932-8677.

SPECIALISTS IN CHRONIC PAIN RELIEF You have only one body. Let it play to its full potential with the benefits of therapeutic massage. Relieve chronic and acute pain, accelerate recovery time and experience the benefits of postural alignment.

Breathing Recently I was on a website called Quackwatch and was reading what they had to say about massage therapy. While they did say that legitimate massage therapy as a whole was a perfectly viable treatment for sore muscles and relaxation, I saw that they specifically said that massage therapy cannot help with breathing. While there does not appear to be any scientific study to offer published proof to the contrary there is some anecdotal evidence. I am an asthmatic and had a particularly rough spring last year due to large amounts of pollen in the air. I ran in to an acupuncturist and he offered a free demonstration. He could see I was having a lot of trouble breathing and audibly wheezing. I was also very hunched over and fatigued from the effort of breathing. By hitting a few shiatsu points on my back for about 30 seconds my breathing had improved by 100 percent. This does not mean I was back to breathing normally again, but that my capacity for breathing had about doubled. That was extremely significant to me. He was doing acupressure, A modality that involves putting pressure on certain points commonly used in acupuncture to provide relief from various ailments. This is my own personal account of how soft tissue manipulation can improve breathing. As massage therapists we encounter asthmatics all the time. Most are used to their restricted breathing and don’t notice the loss of breathing capacity anymore. There are several muscles that can be worked in order to help obtain more movement within the chest cavity. The intercostals are the muscles that are between the ribs in your body. By working on these muscles many clients have gotten significant changes in breathing. Many have said that their chest felt less heavy and less compressed. Working the muscles of respiration is extremely important on asthmatic clients because their energy level can be increased by a great deal with increased respiration. Now since it is cold and flu season would massage help with those who have recently recovered from a cold or flu? The answer is yes. While we do not recommend you go and get a massage while suffering from a cold or flu, we do recommend you see a massage therapist afterwards to help with the achy muscles and muscles that have been traumatized by coughing sneezing and vomiting. All those actions will stress the muscles involved with respiration greatly. Sometimes it hurts to take a deep breath, or maybe to bend down or twist around. Sneezing and coughing will greatly affect the neck muscles and can cause increased headaches and neck pain. When you are feeling better you want the rest of you to feel better too. Sometimes a massage or two is exactly what you need to get your breathing back to normal faster or to get rid of that residual neck pain. A licensed massage therapist should know where to go to release the stomach and neck muscles to reopen the ribcage and get things moving like they should again. So, when you’re not feeling you best and think that maybe your breathing has gotten a little weak then maybe you should find a local independent massage therapist to lend two helping hands in getting your breath back to normal. Rob Reader has been a full-time massage therapist since 2005. He has worked on headline performers at Summerfest and professional wrestlers, and is the official massage therapist of the Milwaukee Ballet since 2006. He currently works in Mequon at Active Body Wellness LLC, 10620 N. Port Washington Road. For more information, call 414.721.6942.

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APRIL 2016 MHL 17

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APRIL 2016 MHL 19

KIDS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS REAP THE SAME BENEFITS OF SUMMER CAMP Campers with special needs get to bond with others and develop lasting relationships.


Kids with special needs reap the same benefits of summer camp as any other child -- a chance to play, have fun, make new friends and explore nature. It’s a place where children and teens get a sense of acceptance and belonging, gain confidence and independence, and discover new interests. “It’s a new environment where they can get difference sensory experiences,” said Deon Franszczak, who organizes camping programs at the Milwaukee Center for Independence. “They gain new physical and emotional skills. They learn how to kayak, work as a team and build a fire. Campers experience challenges that will build character.” As importantly, she said, campers with special needs get to bond with others and develop lasting relationships. MCFI offers two types of camps for children and young adults with special needs – five weeks of day camp -- with one week especially for young people with autism – and three sessions of resident, or overnight, camp. Day camps are for those ages 12 to 30, and each 5-day session costs $300; this year, sessions will be held July 25 to 29, Aug. 1 to 5, Aug. 8 to 12, Aug. 15 to 19 (for campers with autism only), and Aug. 22 to 26. The campground is at Blue Lotus in Grafton, and the staff-to-camper ratio is 1 to 4. Overnight camps are for those ages 14 and older, and each session costs $325; the dates this year are July 6 to 9, July 11 to 14, July 16 to 19, and July 21 to 22. The campground is at Friendship Center in Dodgeville, and the staff-to-camper ratio is 1 to 3. Both styles of camp offer the same outdoor recreational experiences – fishing, kayaking, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing and, of course, spending time around a campfire. There are camping programs in Wisconsin where wheelchairs can be accommodated, said Franszczak, mentioning specifically Team Up with Families day camp. The Wil-O-Way Summer Day Camp Program, sponsored by Milwaukee County and staffed by Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin, is designed for those who may otherwise not have an opportunity to experience camping and operates at two locations – on Milwaukee’s west and southeast side. Wisconsin Lions Camps are 5-day experiences for children with special needs, and there are sessions specifically for children who or deaf or hard of hearing, or blind or visually impaired. The 440-acre campsite is at its Retreat and Conference Center in Rosholt, in central Wisconsin. For more information on Milwaukee Center for Independence camping programs, visit www.mcfi.net or call (414) 937-2020.

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Camp is a special time for children and youth. Through a positive camp experience campers develop self-esteem, ward off summer learning loss, and develop a sense of independence. For the families at home, communicating with their campers is a fun and exciting way to share in the camp experience. The American Camp Association® (ACA) suggests the following do’s and don’ts for families to keep in touch with their happy camper: DO give your child pre-addressed, stamped envelopes or postcards so that he or she can keep you informed of camp activities. DO send a note or postcard in advance to the camp so there will be a personalized touch of home when your child arrives. This lets young campers know that the family is thinking about them, assures campers that parents know they are having a good time, and expresses enthusiasm for the camp’s activities. DO check with the camp director to see what the camp’s policies are regarding care packages. Be sure to ask what items may or may not be included. Also, consider sending your child to camp with photos or a favorite stuffed animal. DO avoid mentioning how much parents, siblings, family, and even pets miss them. DON’T worry. Your natural reaction is to call on the first day just about bedtime to see how your camper is doing. Remember that counselors are trained to help campers adjust to camp life. Many camps also offer families the opportunity to check in from afar, using technology to post photos and video of daily activities to camp Web sites. It’s important for families to always check with the camp director prior to camp to get the scoop on policies — from what electronics are allowed at camp to correspondences with home. ACA reminds families that there truly is a camp for every child and every situation. For more information on the life-changing experience of camp, or to use ACA’s Find a Camp database to find the perfect camp experience for your child, visit www.CampParents.org. In addition, families can follow ACA on Facebook and Twitter for helpful hints and camp information.

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APRIL 2016 MHL 21



...genetic factors appear to explain 50–60 percent of a person’s risk of developing strictly defined autism.

In the latest study, the Population-Based Autism Genetics and Environment Study (PAGES) team, led by Joseph Buxbaum of the Seaver Autism Center of New York’s Mount Sinai Health System, tapped into the powerful research resource provided by Sweden’s universal health registry. Utilizing blood samples collected by this registry, they examined 500,000 common genetic variants spread across the genomes of 3,046 Swedish individuals—466 with strictly defined autism and 2,580 without. This analysis found that people with strictly defined autism tend to share more of certain genetic variants than people without the disorder. While each particular variant may increase autism risk by just a tiny amount, the researchers found that when the effects of hundreds or even thousands of such variants are added together, the odds of developing autism increase significantly. The PAGES team then combined these data with those from another Swedish study that’s following more than 1.6 million families with more than 14,000 cases of autism. Using sophisticated new statistical methods to analyze the vast amount of data, Buxbaum’s team was able to calculate what proportion of risk of strictly defined autism is genetic, and which kinds of genetic differences contribute to this. Specifically, they were able to deduce that inherited common variants account for the bulk of the genetic risk for strictly defined autism. Rare inherited variants that interact with other genes to cause autism account for only a small proportion of risk; rare inherited variants that act alone (including mutations inherited in a recessive pattern), also a small part; and rare, spontaneous mutations, another small part. While spontaneous mutations may be in the minority, researchers noted that they may have a disproportionately large impact, perhaps serving as the final trigger for autism in a person whose genome is already filled with high-risk common variants. All told, genetic factors appear to explain 50–60 percent of a person’s risk of developing strictly defined autism [2]. That still leaves about half of the risk unexplained, most likely caused by non-genetic factors that are often referred to as “environmental factors.” Such factors, for example, may include the environment of the womb during embryonic development or the chemistry of cells during conception. The debate about whether genetics or environment is responsible for autism has been intense over the last few years. Clearly this study shows the answer is “both/ and” not “either/or.” No doubt there will be lots of additional studies that look at this distribution. But thanks to the collaborative efforts of the PAGES team, we now have a much clearer picture of the genetic “architecture” of strictly defined autism. The next challenge will be to trace in much greater detail how all of these various genetic factors act individually, as well as in conjunction with one another, to affect brain development. It will also be important to identify how these findings apply to other disorders within the autism spectrum that fall outside the “strictly defined” category. The goal is to translate such knowledge into new strategies for diagnosing, treating, and perhaps even preventing, this extremely challenging group of disorders. 22 MHL APRIL 2016


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By Cheryl L. Dejewski & Carolyn Vescio For years mothers have been telling their children: “Eat your carrots they’re good for your eyes.” Now, they can back their claim with scientific research. There is growing evidence to suggest that proper nutrition and certain foods can help prevent, slow and/or treat such common eye disorders as cataracts, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and dry eye disease. While the following research is fascinating, Dan Ferguson, MD, partner at Eye Care Specialists, one of Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practices, wants people to balance this information with another crucial bit of advice, “Good nutrition is just part of the whole process of maintaining healthy vision. It is not a substitute for examinations, medications or treatments recommended by your eye care specialist.” Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in people age 65 and older. Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition in which the specialized area of the retina responsible for sharp central vision and color discrimination (called the “macula”) is damaged. “Macular degeneration sufferers often can no longer distinguish faces, clocks, street signs, or other objects straight ahead in the center of their field of vision,” explains Norman Cohen, MD, an ophthalmologist who sees hundreds of older adults each week. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), a major clinical trial sponsored by the National Eye Institute involving 4,757 participants age 55-80, was a breakthrough study involving nutrition and AMD. AREDS numbers showed that an antioxidant formula (including vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and zinc) proved effective at reducing the risk of progressing to advanced stages of the disease by 25% and cut the risk of subsequent vision loss by 19% in patients with certain types of AMD. Later research also concluded that a diet rich in antioxidants—especially lutein and zeaxanthin, is beneficial against AMD. (An AREDS2 study is looking further into this connection.) One theory is that lutein and zeaxanthin concentrate in the retina and lens of the eye to help block UV radiation. These two antioxidants can be found in egg yolks, leafy green vegetables (such as spinach, kale, green leaf lettuce and beet greens), and yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (such as squash, peaches, sweet potatoes and carrots). However, in order to reach the recommended amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, a person would have to eat five to nine servings of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. “The high levels of nutrients that were evaluated in the original AREDS are very difficult to achieve from diet alone,” notes Cohen. “Because of this, several companies have come out with over-the-counter supplements aimed at giving patients what is deemed necessary from the study.” Ferguson adds, “It is extremely important, however, that you check with your eye care specialist before spending money on these products. He or she will evaluate if you have AMD, how advanced your condition is, and whether you may benefit from using a supplement. And, people with a current or former history of smoking have to be careful because beta-carotene has been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.” While eating certain “good” foods can reduce your risk of developing disease, overeating “bad” foods can increase your risk. For example, according to a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a diet high in carbohydrates from refined, white flour and sweet desserts could boost the risk of developing AMD. Researchers from the Tufts University Laboratory for Nutrition and Vision

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VISION>>page 27 APRIL 2016 MHL 25

WORLD’S OLDER POPULATION GROWS DRAMATICALLY The world’s older population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. Today, 8.5 percent of people worldwide (617 million) are aged 65 and over. According to a new report, “An Aging World: 2015,” this percentage is projected to jump to nearly 17 percent of the world’s population by 2050 (1.6 billion). An Aging World: 2015” (PDF, 6.9M) was commissioned by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, and produced by the U.S. Census Bureau. The report examines the demographic, health and socioeconomic trends accompanying the growth of the aging population. “Older people are a rapidly growing proportion of the world’s population,” said NIA Director Richard J. Hodes, M.D. “People are living longer, but that does not necessarily mean that they are living healthier. The increase in our aging population presents many opportunities and also several public health challenges that we need to prepare for. NIA has partnered with Census to provide the best possible data so that we can better understand the course and implications of population aging.” “An Aging World: 2015” contains detailed information about life expectancy, gender balance, health, mortality, disability, health care systems, labor force participation and retirement, pensions and poverty among older people around the world. seeing healthwise populationad_Layout aging in1 every in every final “We 1/2 pgare bridgeway 3/23/12country 11:18 AM Page 1part of the world,”

said John Haaga, Ph.D., acting director of NIA’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research. “Many countries in Europe and Asia are further along in the process, or moving more rapidly, than we are in the United States. Since population aging affects so many aspects of public life—acute and long-term health care needs; pensions, work and retirement; transportation; housing—there is a lot of potential for learning from each other’s experience.” Highlights of the report include: America’s 65-and-over population is projected to nearly double over the next three decades, from 48 million to 88 million by 2050. By 2050, global life expectancy at birth is projected to increase by almost eight years, climbing from 68.6 years in 2015 to 76.2 years in 2050. The global population of the “oldest old”—people aged 80 and older—is expected to more than triple between 2015 and 2050, growing from 126.5 million to 446.6 million. The oldest old population in some Asian and Latin American countries is predicted to quadruple by 2050. Among the older population worldwide, noncommunicable diseases are the main health concern. In low-income countries, many in Africa, the older population faces a considerable burden from both noncommunicable and communicable diseases. Risk factors—such as tobacco and alcohol use, insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruit, and low levels of physical activity—directly or indirectly contribute to the global burden of disease. Changes in risk factors have been observed, such as a decline in tobacco use in some high-income countries, with the majority of smokers worldwide now living in low- and middle-income countries. The report was prepared by Wan He, Ph.D., and Daniel Goodkind. Ph.D., of the International Programs Center in the Population Division of the Census Bureau, and Paul Kowal, Ph.D., of the World Health Organization’s Study on Global Aging and Adult Health. Research for and production of the report were supported under an interagency agreement with NIA’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research. About the National Institute on Aging: The NIA leads the federal government effort conducting and supporting research on aging and the health and well-being of older people. The Institute’s broad scientific program seeks to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. For more information on research, aging, and health, go to www.nia.nih.gov. About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation’s medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit www.nih.gov.

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VISION<<page 25 Research examined the eyes and diets of 500 women ages 53 to 73 during a 10-year period. Participants who favored less healthy carbohydrates, which can cause spikes in blood sugar, were more likely to develop AMD than women who ate healthier carbohydrates, such as high-fiber fruits and vegetables, which maintain more even blood sugar levels. Cataracts A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens located behind the pupil. Treatment involves surgically removing the old lens and replacing it with a new artificial lens. As with macular degeneration, the cataract development process appears to be slowed by a diet rich in antioxidants, specifically vitamin C. Eating fish, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, has also been linked to potentially reducing the risk of cataract progression. Some studies have also linked high intake of less-than-healthy items, like too much salt or large amounts of sugary and starchy foods, may increase your odds of developing cataracts or having them progress. “Although cataracts are most commonly caused by the aging process, and six out of 10 people over age 60 have some form of cataract, we still stress the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. It’s not only good for your eyes, but your overall health,” advises Dr. Robert Sucher, a state leader in cataract surgery techniques and technology who has performed more than 25,000 cataract Independent operations. Glaucoma Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve, the part of they eye responsible for carrying visual information from the retina to the brain. “Because it affects peripheral (side) vision before central vision, glaucoma is usually not noticed until very late in its course,” explains leading laser eye surgeon Mark Freedman, MD, who has lectured on the topic to local physicians. The usual treatments for glaucoma include medications, laser therapy, and filtering surgery. “It is important that patients with glaucoma or a family history of glaucoma be monitored regularly by their eye care specialist,” notes Freedman. In the area of nutrition and glaucoma, there are some studies that suggest that essential fatty acids may play a role in helping eye fluids drain, which helps regulate intraocular pressure, which increases when glaucoma is present. Studies also suggest that people who develop glaucoma may have a decreased ability to absorb thiamine. Chromium deficiency has also been found in people with glaucoma. However, both chromium and thiamine can be found in most multivitamin supplements. Another study demonstrated that vitamin C reduced pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients. Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is a disorder most likely triggered by a variety of biochemical, metabolic and blood-related abnormalities brought on by diabetes (a condition which affects the body’s ability to use and store sugar). These abnormalities cause the deterioration of the small blood vessels, which nourish the retina, the thin layer of nerve tissue in the back of the eye. These weakened vessels may begin to leak fluid or bleed, thus damaging the retina and blurring the images sent to the brain. “For all diabetics, healthy eating is an important component of managing their

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VISION>>page 39 APRIL 2016 MHL 27

Differences Between Mild Forgetfulness And More Serious Memory Problems She decided to see her doctor. After a complete check-up, her doctor said that Mary was fine. Her forgetfulness was just a normal part of getting older. The doctor suggested that Mary take a class, play cards with friends, or help out at the local school to sharpen her memory.

MARY’S STORY Image of older woman sitting on sofa looking out the windowMary couldn’t find her car keys. She looked on the hook just inside the front door. They weren’t there. She searched in her purse. No luck. Finally, she found them on her desk. Yesterday, she forgot her neighbor’s name. Her memory was playing tricks on her. She was starting to worry about it.

What is mild forgetfulness? It is true that some of us get more forgetful as we age. It may take longer to learn new things, remember certain words, or find our glasses. These changes are often signs of mild forgetfulness, not serious memory problems. See your doctor if you’re worried about your forgetfulness. Tell him or her about your concerns. Be sure to make a follow-up appointment to check your memory in the next 6 months to a year. If you think you might forget, ask a family member, friend, or the doctor’s office to remind you. What can I do about mild forgetfulness? Image of older man with young child ordering from menusYou can do many things to help keep your memory sharp and stay alert. Look at the list below for some helpful ideas. Here are some ways to help your memory: * Learn a new skill. * Volunteer in your community, at a school, or at your place of worship.

* Spend time with friends and family. * Use memory tools such as big calendars, to-do lists, and notes to yourself. * Put your wallet or purse, keys, and glasses in the same place each day. * Get lots of rest. * Exercise and eat well. * Don’t drink a lot of alcohol. * Get help if you feel depressed for weeks at a time. What is a serious memory problem? Image of medical professional talking with older coupleSerious memory problems make it hard to do everyday things. For example, you may find it hard to drive, shop, or even talk with a friend. Signs of serious memory problems may include: * Asking the same questions over and over again * Getting lost in places you know well * Not being able to follow directions * Becoming more confused about time, people, and places * Not taking care of yourself—eating poorly, not bathing, or being unsafe What can I do about serious memory problems? See your doctor if you are having any of the problems listed above. It’s important to find out what might be causing a serious memory problem. Once you know the cause, you can get the right treatment.

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Achieving financial security is an important part of enjoying a satisfying retirement. By Bob Trotter Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Milwaukee, WI Achieving financial security is an important part of enjoying a satisfying retirement. Social Security has many tools to help you plan for your future. A great first step is to visit www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. With a my Social Security account, you’ll get immediate access to your personal Social Security Statement, your earnings record, and an estimate of your retirement benefits at age 62, at your full retirement age, and at age 70. You can also verify your earnings are correct, since we base your future benefits on your earnings record. When you open a my Social Security account, we protect your information by using strict identity verification and security features. The application process has built-in features to detect fraud and confirm your identity. Your personal my Social Security account can help you figure out how much more you might want to save for your future, but it can do a whole lot more. For example, in the District of Columbia and several states, you can request a replacement Social Security card online — find out if you can at www.socialsecurity.gov/ssnumber. In addition to using your personal my Social Security account, you can prepare for a secure, comfortable retirement by visiting www.myra.gov. There, you’ll find myRA, a new retirement savings option from the Department of the Treasury for the millions of Americans who face barriers to saving for retirement. myRA is a simple and secure way to help you take control of your future. myRA makes it easy and affordable to start saving for retirement, even if you can save only a little bit right now. It’s designed for people who don’t have a retirement savings plan through work, or lack other options for saving. If you already have access to a retirement savings plan, such as a 401(k), learn more about that plan because it might offer matching contributions or other benefits. myRA helps workers grow their money faster than they can with most traditional savings accounts, and there’s no risk. Since it’s not tied to a particular employer, workers can hold on to their myRA account when they move from one job to another. With your personal my Social Security and myRA accounts in place, you too can prepare to reap the joys of a financially secure retirement. Learn more about all of your choices at www.socialsecurity.gov.

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THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING HYDRATED FOR ACTIVE SENIOR LIVING While the importance of hydration is often stressed in the warm months, keeping your body hydrated in the winter is equally as valuable. And because it is typically colder in the winter, sometimes it may not seem like your body needs as many fluids because you are not in the heat. Nonetheless, hydration is key to healthy living all year round! Why it is important to stay hydrated Adequate hydration is essential for the quality of life of seniors, according to the Nestle Nutrition Institute. Specifically, water helps promote brain function, intestinal comfort and urinary continence. The better you manage these aspects of your health, the easier it is to enjoy the active life you want. How to stay hydrated Drink before you’re thirsty to keep your body hydrated. Being thirsty is actually an indication that your body is already slightly dehydrated. Everyone’s body is different, so there is no set amount of fluids needed per person

per day, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, a rule to live by is to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day. Seniors who exercise more, live in warmer environments (indoors or outdoors) or have other health conditions such as a fever will typically need more than 64 ounces of water each day. To reach the daily water recommendation, the Nestle Nutrition Institute advised setting a daily schedule to keep people on track with their water intake. The regimen is roughly based around drinking a glass at every meal and in between meals. The best ways to stay hydrated Staying hydrated requires a combination of drinking, eating and environmental factors. Typically, food accounts for 20 percent of a person’s daily total water intake. Liquids make up the rest. The best liquid for staying hydrated is water. Other options for drinks include milk, sugar-free juice and coconut water. It is important to avoid or limit diuretics such as coffee, tea and soda. These caffeinated drinks prompt the body to flush out fluids, making it more difficult to remain hydrated. If you still need your daily coffee fix or your afternoon tea, opt for decaffeinated or herbal versions of your go-to brands! “Staying hydrated is a combination of drinking, eating and environmental factors.” As for foods, many fruits and vegetables clock in up to 90 percent or more in water weight. The Mayo Clinic highlighted watermelon and spinach as healthy foods that contain large amounts of water. Cantaloupe, grapefruit, cucumber and zucchini, among others, are also more than 90 percent water, according to the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture. Ways to ensure you’re hydrated Noticing the color of your urine is a quick and easy way to touch base on your hydration level, according to the Nestle Nutrition Foundation. The lighter the color, the more hydrated you are. If it is a darker hue, it may mean that you are not drinking enough. However, check with your health care provider to make sure dark urine is not caused by another underlying condition. Signs of dehydration, according to the Cleveland Clinic, include dark urine, dry cough, fatigue, flushed skin, intolerance to heat, light-headedness and loss of appetite. The Mayo Clinic said drinking too much water is rare, but is a possibility. Overhydrating typically happens, if at all, to endurance athletes like marathon runners. So do not worry and drink up! How do you stay hydrated? Do you have certain tricks to make sure you meet your daily recommended water intake?

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DOES POOR SLEEP RAISE RISK FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE? Studies confirm what many people already know: Sleep gets worse with age. Middle-aged and older adults often sleep less deeply, wake more frequently at night, or awake too early in the morning. Could these problems be related to risk of cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease? Older woman sleepingScientists are beginning to probe the complex relationship between the brain changes involved in poor sleep and those in very early-stage Alzheimer’s. It’s an intriguing area of research, given that both risk for disturbed sleep and Alzheimer’s increase with age. “Nearly 60 percent of older adults have some kind of chronic sleep disturbance,” said Phyllis Zee, Ph.D., a sleep expert at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. It’s long been known that people with Alzheimer’s often have sleep problems— getting their days and nights mixed up, for example. Now scientists are probing the link between sleep and Alzheimer’s earlier in the disease process and in cognitively normal adults. They wonder if improving sleep with existing treatments might help memory and other cognitive functions—and perhaps delay or prevent Alzheimer’s. Which comes first, poor sleep or Alzheimer’s? The chicken-and-egg question is whether Alzheimer’s-related brain changes lead to poor sleep, or whether poor sleep somehow contributes to Alzheimer’s. Scientists believe the answer may be both. “We’re gaining new insights, primarily in animal studies, about a possible bidirectional relationship between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease,” said Mack Mackiewicz, Ph.D., who oversees sleep research for NIA’s Division of Neuroscience. Findings show that brain activity induced by poor sleep may influence Alzheimer’s-related brain changes, which begin years before memory loss and other disease symptoms appear. NIA-funded scientists are studying the biological underpinnings of this relationship in animals and humans to better understand how these changes occur. Although evidence points to certain sleep problems as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s, “it is not known whether improving sleep will reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s,” Dr. Mackiewicz said. He adds, “There is no scientific evidence that sleep medications or other sleep treatments will reduce risk for Alzheimer’s.” Effects of good and bad sleep At any age, getting a good night’s sleep serves a number of important functions for our bodies and brains. Although our bodies rest during sleep, our brains are active. The process is not totally understood, but researchers think that sleep might benefit the brain—and the whole body—by removing metabolic waste that accumulates in the brain during wakefulness. In addition, it has been shown that some memories are consolidated, moving from short-term to long-term storage during periods of deep sleep. Other sleep stages may also influence memory and memory consolidation, research shows.

32 MHL APRIL 2016

Disturbed sleep—whether due to illness, pain, anxiety, depression, or a sleep disorder—can lead to trouble concentrating, remembering, and learning. A return to normal sleep patterns usually eases these problems. But in older people, disturbed sleep may have more dire and long-lasting consequences. Scientists long believed that the initial buildup of the beta-amyloid protein in the brain, an early biological sign of Alzheimer’s, causes disturbed sleep, Dr. Mackiewicz said. Recently, though, evidence suggests the opposite may also occur—disturbed sleep in cognitively normal older adults contributes to the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. For example, in a study of older men free of dementia, poor sleep, including greater nighttime wakefulness, was associated with cognitive decline over a period of more than 3 years (Blackwell et al., 2014). Sleep was assessed through participants’ reports and a device worn on the wrist that tracks movements during sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea may pose an even greater risk of cognitive impairment. In a 5-year study of older women, those with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)—repeated arousals from sleep due to breathing disruptions, as happens in sleep apnea—had a nearly twofold increase in risk for mild cognitive impairment (a precursor to Alzheimer’s in some people) or dementia (Yaffe et al., 2011). In addition, certain types of poor sleep seem to be associated with risk of cognitive impairment, according to Kristine Yaffe, M.D., of the University of California, San Francisco. These include hypoxia (low oxygen levels that can be caused by sleep disorders) and difficulty in falling or staying asleep. What’s the connection between sleep and Alzheimer’s? Evidence of a link between sleep and risk of Alzheimer’s has led to investigations to explain the brain activity that underlies this connection in humans. Some recent studies suggest that poor sleep contributes to abnormal levels of beta-amyloid protein in the brain, which in turn leads to the amyloid plaques found in the Alzheimer’s brain. These plaques might then affect sleep-related brain regions, further disrupting sleep. Studies in laboratory animals show a direct link between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease. One study in mice, led by researchers at Washington University, St. Louis, showed that beta-amyloid levels naturally rose during wakefulness and fell during sleep (Kang et al., 2009). Mice deprived of sleep for 21 days showed significantly greater beta-amyloid plaques than those that slept normally. Increasing sleep had the opposite effect—it reduced the amyloid load. A subsequent study, also by Washington University researchers, showed that when Alzheimer’s mice were treated with antibodies, beta-amyloid deposits decreased and sleep returned to normal (Roh et al., 2012). Mice that received a placebo saline solution continued to sleep poorly. The results suggest that sleep disruption could be a sign of Alzheimer’s disease beginning in the brain, but not necessarily its cause. Studies in humans have also addressed the relationship between sleep and biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. One study found that in cognitively normal older adults, poor sleep quality (more time awake at night and more daytime naps) was associated with lower beta-amyloid levels in cerebrospinal fluid, a preclinical sign of Alzheimer’s. Another study, by researchers at NIA and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, found that healthy older adults who reported short sleep duration and poor sleep quality had more beta-amyloid in the brain than those without such sleep problems. Emerging insights—stay tuned How exactly do poor sleep and Alzheimer’s influence each other? Research so far suggests a few possible mechanisms: Orexin, a molecule that regulates wakefulness and other functions, has been found to affect beta-amyloid levels in mice. Chronic hypoxia, insufficient oxygen in blood or tissue that is a feature of sleep apnea, increased the level of harmful beta-amyloid in brain tissue of mice. Reduced slow-wave sleep leads to increased neuronal activity. Other factors may also be involved. For example, it has been shown in laboratory animals that the glymphatic system, the brain’s waste removal system, removes beta-amyloid during sleep. A recent mouse study suggests that sleeping in different positions impacts waste removal from the brain (Lee et al., 2015). Sleeping on the side cleared beta-amyloid more efficiently than sleeping on the back or belly, researchers found. They pointed to the glymphatic system as a possible pathway for intervention. Further biological and epidemiological studies and clinical trials should cast more light on the mechanisms behind the sleep-Alzheimer’s connection, and whether treating poor sleep might help delay or prevent cognitive decline in older adults. “Sleep is something we can fix, and people with sleep problems should consult a doctor so that they can function at their best,” Dr. Mackiewicz said. As for Alzheimer’s, for now, he said, improving sleep is “not the same as preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers are committed to a achieving a better understanding of this complex dynamic in hopes of making a difference in the lives of older adults.” Studies to examine the value of a good night’s sleep in delaying or preventing Alzheimer’s disease are underway. The following clinical trials are currently recruiting volunteers: APRIL 2016 MHL 33

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Right For You? Having an active social life is vital to your health and happiness. Being alone much of the time is a recipe for depression. The social aspect of assisted living is a huge benefit. If you’re trying to decide whether assisted living is right for you, ask yourself the following questions: Do you need more help than family and friends are able to provide? Are the activities of daily living becoming stressful or overwhelming? If family or in-home help is not able to bridge the gap, assisted living is an option. Do you feel lonely or isolated at home? Having an active social life is vital to your health and happiness. Being alone much of the time is a recipe for depression. The social aspect of assisted living is a huge benefit. Good facilities offer a range of social and recreational activities. And the community environment also gives the opportunity to make new friends. Do you worry for your safety? Perhaps your mobility is limited, making it difficult to get out of bed by yourself, for example. Maybe you’re afraid of what might happen if you fell and couldn’t get up, or experience another problem and couldn’t get help. Are you tired of maintaining a home? There are a lot of responsibilities that come with living in your own home. Assisted living facilities can provide a home-like atmosphere, without the work of cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries, and doing laundry. Is transportation an issue? Perhaps you’re having trouble driving or can no longer drive. If public transportation or another alternative isn’t easy and convenient, you may be increasingly housebound. Assisted living facilities offer transportation, so you can get where you need to go without having to rely on friends and family. Signs that a parent or loved one might need assisted living It’s not always easy to tell when your parent or another family member or loved one needs more help. The following warning signs may indicate that it’s time for a talk about assisted living. The refrigerator is empty or filled with spoiled food or your parent is losing weight. These may be signs that he or she isn’t eating well because shopping or cooking is difficult. You notice frequent bruises, although your parent may try to cover them up. This may be a sign of falling, or mobility and balance problems. Your parent wears the same clothes over and over again or neglects personal hygiene. This can indicate that doing laundry and bathing is physically challenging. The house and yard isn’t as clean and tidy as it used to be. Your parent forgets things, including doctor’s appointments and when to take medication. This may be due to memory loss. Your parent seems depressed. Depression is common in seniors who are isolated and alone. You notice strange or inappropriate behavior. For example, your parent may dress inappropriately for the weather. This can be a sign that he or she is experiencing confusion.

34 MHL APRIL 2016



It’s a good time to make your next move. Now that the weather has become warmer it makes it easier to get around searching for your next residence. It’s a challenge to make the move to a new place after all the years you’ve spent creating and taking care of your current home. If you own your home and plan to sell you might want talk to your realtor about a Competitive Market Analysis so you can estimate a selling price. If you are renting and you need some advice on your move you can always find a moving coordinator to help you make the transition. Of course, many people simply choose to rely on family and trusted friends to help them make a move. You’ve spent your life helping them out, now it’s their turn to help you. We’ve put together some moving tips that should make your move easier. Seems pretty simple, but consider many things. Would you like to be close to family, friends, shopping centers, healthcare facilities? Will you need to use transportation other than your car? Will you have access to recreational activities? Do you want to climb flights of stairs? Do you want maintenance-free living? Is it secure and safe? Do you need assistance with daily activities? Can you keep your pet? Research new home alternatives long before you make your move. Spend time in the area where you plan to move and get answers to all your questions. Whether you are moving to a smaller home, apartment, or senior residence you

need to downsize your possessions. Sort through your belongings and keep what you absolutely need. Go to the least used rooms and areas first. Sort only a few hours at a time to avoid being overwhelmed. At this time you should create a floor plan of your new living space showing each room and the placement of each piece of furniture. Take measurements of each room. Make a note of doors, windows, outlets. Take measurements of your furniture. Give the remaining items to family and/or friends. Think about having an estate sale, a tag sale or donating belongings to charities (many charities will pick up the items at your home). Keep in mind space limitations. Let family members know what you plan on taking with you. Make a schedule of the times when you expect to have family members, friends, or charities pick up the items. Clearly label all items, use colored stickers to mark what will or will not go to your new home. This will help you remember what goes where when you begin packing. If you plan on selling your home it’s time to make minor repairs and note major repairs which you should report to your realtor. Small repairs make the home look well cared for and usually cost little time and money. These details make a difference in how the buyer views the home. Itemize cosmetic changes such as fresh paint or new carpets. The home looks ready to move into. Be sure to keep up the exterior maintenance of your home. Remove interior clutter. All of these tips create a favorable impression on a buyer. Renters make sure your apartment is clean and contact your apartment manager to discuss what time your apartment will be shown. Packing should be easy for you and your family or professional movers if you’ve already labeled and sorted your belongings. If you are doing the move yourself be sure to have enough boxes, packing materials, and tape. Do not wait until the last minute to decide whether or not to keep an item. Make all decisions about the belongings you intend to keep long before packing day arrives. Try to do packing a day or two before you move if you are doing it yourself. Of course if you hire professional movers, let them do the packing for you. It will be less stressful on you and will guarantee that the moving company insures the contents of the boxes in case of damage. Also keep in mind that if the move takes longer because you are disorganized, the movers may charge more. Label each box with the room where it will be placed and list a few of the items contained. You can even photograph your belongings so you have a record of their condition before the move. Take special care of your smaller valuables. You’ll want to keep them separate from the other boxes. Carry them on your person, or place them with your personal items. You PLAN>>page 39


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36 MHL APRIL 2016

I’ve had a small rock on top of my bedroom bureau for years. When I move, I pack the rock and again place it on top. It’s to remind me of… I’ve forgotten the “where or when” of the rock but to toss it out would be to forget what I can’t remember. It looks like it was pulled from the east or west U.S. ocean. Was it kept to remind me of something wonderful or to not do something again? (Why would someone save something to be reminded not to repeat?) The rock quietly rests there, collecting dust. I rarely look at it but when I do I think to myself, “Oh, that must be important.” When I move again, I’m sure I’ll take the small rock with me. Easy to pack but not easy to remember. Recalling an actor’s name may take days for my recall – I use the alphabet method. I may be trying to remember something else and the puzzling actor’s name silently slips back into my memory. “Oh, of course,” I say to myself. Is it age? Too easy. Is it a growing disease? Insurance help, I hope. Is it too many names and information accumulated but never assimilated? I choose the latter. It’s safer and without medications or new housing. It’s happening to me more and more. It’ll be a song on the radio and I know I know the lead singer’s name but don’t know the lead singer’s name while driving and wondering if the person behind me wants me to run that yellow or red light in front of me. Luckily, the person behind me follows my lead and stops at the red light when I remember that it’s David Gates, the lead singer from “Bread” and their biggest hit, “I Want To Make It with You.” I sigh with relief that I was not only saved from being killed but my memory kicked in when it needed to and one community more memory queryliving was through resolved.  Independent Living But I still wonder why that small rock is on my bureau. Must be something imCustom, spacious apartments portant or why else would I have kept it? Rev. Joe Jagodensky, SDS. is director of communications, Alexian Village of MilAssisted Living waukee


Neighborhood atmosphere

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April Is National Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month

Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that leads to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination. It affects about half a million people in the United States although the numbers may be much higher. The average age of onset is 60 years, and the risk of developing Parkinson’s goes up with age. Paper called the “shaking palsy” by James Parkinson. - Parkinson’s disease was first described in 1817 by James Parkinson, a British doctor who published a paper on what he called “the shaking palsy.” In this paper, he described the major symptoms of the disease that would later bear his name. Four Main Symptoms Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of neurological conditions called movement disorders. The four main symptoms of Parkinson’s are: - tremor, or trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head - rigidity, or stiffness of the limbs and trunk - bradykinesia, or slowness of movement - postural instability, or impaired balance. Parkinson’s symptoms usually begin gradually and get worse over time. As the symptoms become more severe, people with the disorder may have difficulty walking, talking, or completing other simple tasks. They also experience non-motor, or movement, symptoms including mental and behavioral changes, sleep problems, depression, memory difficulties, and fatigue. Parkinson’s disease is both chronic, meaning it lasts for a long time, and progressive, meaning its symptoms grow worse over time. It is not contagious. Diagnosis Can Be Difficult About 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year. However, it’s difficult to know exactly how many have it because many people in the early stages of the disease think their symptoms are due to normal aging and do not seek help from a doctor. Also, diagnosis is sometimes difficult because there are no medical tests that can diagnose the disease with certainty and because other conditions may produce symptoms of Parkinson’s. For example, people with Parkinson’s may sometimes be told by their doctors that they have other disorders, and people with diseases similar to Parkinson’s may be incorrectly diagnosed as having Parkinson’s. A person’s good response to the drug levodopa may support the diagnosis. Levodopa is the main therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Who Is at Risk? Both men and women can have Parkinson’s disease. However, the disease affects about 50 percent more men than women. While the disease is more common in developed countries, studies also have found an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease in people who live in rural areas and in those who work in certain professions, suggesting that environmental factors may play a role in the disorder. Researchers are focusing on additional risk factors for Parkinson’s disease. One clear risk factor for Parkinson’s is age. The average age of onset is 60 years and the risk rises significantly with advancing age. However, about 5 to 10 percent of people with Parkinson’s have “early-onset” disease which begins before the age of 50. Early-onset forms of Parkinson’s are often inherited, though not always, and some have been linked to specific gene mutations. APRIL 2016 MHL 37

38 MHL APRIL 2016

VISION<<page 27 disease and maintaining good blood sugar control is one of the keys to preventing complications like diabetic retinopathy,” notes David Scheidt, O.D., a local optometrist and member of the Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, a study of more than 1,000 patients, showed that following a low-fat diet, slowed retinopathy progression by 33.2 percent. Some animal trials suggest that a 2% increase in omega-3 fatty acids intake (as found in tuna) could cut disease severity in half. Also, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that users of vitamin C and E supplements had a decreased risk of diabetic retinopathy. Dry Eye Disease Dry eye disease is an irritating condition involving a lack of or an imbalance in the components of the tear film. There are many causes for dry eyes including: medications, autoimmune diseases such as lupus; skin problems such as psoriasis, allergens, hormonal changes and the natural decrease in tear production as we age. Millions of people live with this condition which can cause redness, burning and itching in the eye, a gritty or sandy sensation, fluctuating vision, light sensitivity and watery eyes. “Artificial tear substitutes, inserting silicone plugs into the drain openings of the eye and Restasis (a prescription eyedrop that increases tear production) are the common and effective treatments for dry eye disease,” comments Brett Rhode, MD, Head of Ophthalmology at Aurora Sinai Medical Center. However, several recent studies have found that increased levels of essential fatty acids (especially omega-3 as found with flaxseed and fish oils) might prove beneficial for the prevention and treatment of dry eye disease by working in the body to protect cell membranes and reducing inflammation. Rhode warns, however, “As with any supplement, check with your family doctor, pharmacist or eye care specialist about any possible risks (such as increased bleeding), especially when combined with your current medications.” Good Nutrition = Improved Visual & Overall Health Daniel Paskowitz, MD, a local eye care specialist with credentials from Harvard University and the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins, summarizes, “While there are many factors that make up a person’s risk for developing eye diseases, including age, gender, race, family history, smoking, sun exposure, steroid use, and eye trauma, the growing body of research suggests that good nutrition can help you in the fight to protect your vision and improve your overall health.” Bon appetit! Eye Care Specialists’ doctors are dedicated to providing the highest quality AMD, cataract, diabetic eye disease, dry eye, glaucoma, and laser vision correction care. They frequently lecture to the public and fellow physicians and have written their own series of booklets on these conditions. Call 414-321-7035 for FREE copies or to schedule an appointment for a thorough examination at their offices on 7th & Wisconsin Avenue, Mayfair Road across from the mall, or 102nd & National. They also offer information at www.eyecarespecialists.net.

PLAN<<page 35 may even want to place them in a safe deposit box during the move. If you choose a professional mover be sure to consult two or three reputable companies and always get a written estimate. If you label all the belongings that are to be moved this will help you to receive consistent bids from potential movers. Once you decide on a mover you should sign a contract showing a specific price. Be sure to understand the amount of insurance that is provided by the mover before you sign a contract. If you have access to the internet or a library try to research what the law requires of moving companies. You’ll be better prepared to ask the right questions. You can even hire a Senior Move Manager or a Moving Coordinator to take care of all the moving details for you. This person can handle your move from assessing your belongings to decorating your new home. The National Association of Senior Move Managers has guidelines for many of these professionals. If you find the thought of a move overwhelming you may want to consider contacting a Mover Manager. Contact your utility companies and let them know what day you plan to move. Fill out change of address forms for the post office seven to ten days before moving day. Make sure you have phone service at your current home and new home on moving day. Have the name of the contact of your new apartment or senior residence ahead of time. Know the name of the person you need to contact if a situation comes up on moving day. Some residences will have you reserve a freight elevator. Make sure you know the time of the reservation. If the residence has a dining room, be sure to schedule your move around the meal times. On moving day have your family or friends help out even if you have hired professional movers, you may need to put them in charge if you find you need to take a rest from all the activity. And finally, introduce yourself to your new neighbors. APRIL 2016 MHL 39



By Arlene Becker Tennis is one of the great games to play. It is one of the least expensive as well. All you need is a racquet, and you can start playing with an inexpensive one. Public as well as private courts are everywhere. Althea Gibson, one of the tennis greats, learned how to play on the streets of Harlem with a very cheap racquet. It’s also a game that you can learn at almost any age. Aniela Neuberger, who is the tennis director at Elite Sports Club-Brookfield, and who has fourteen years of experience in teaching tennis said “children as young as three who are gifted can learn.” She also said that on the other end of the spectrum, “any age is good.” Neuberger, who represented the US on Fed Cup Teams, has been ranked on the WTA circuit 250 in singles and doubles and is a five time All American. She specializes in junior development advanced stroke biomechanics, pattern play, percentage tennis, and specialized fitness for tennis. When asked how difficult or easy is it for someone to learn how to play tennis who has never played before she answered, “It can be challenging without proper instruction, however with the correct teacher and advice, the learning process can be fun and rapid.” She spoke of learning how to play the game. “Tennis is a sport that has many elements to the game, which include; technique, strategy, fitness, and match play and it is a process in terms of development. Lessons are very important and learning the correct technique early versus later on is key to reaching a player’s potential. One or two private lessons, along with one or two drill groups a week is important. Match or

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40 MHL APRIL 2016

point play in the week is also important.” She spoke of the difference between learning how to play with private lessons versus group lessons. She spoke of the differences between the two types of lessons. Private lessons are one on one with a pro, typically technique is the main focus of private lessons, however strategy and other components are also stressed in private lessons. It all depends on what is needed. Group lessons are more drill based with a syllabus containing point play, strategy, fitness, and drills. According to Neuberger, age apparently does play a factor in learning how to play. “The younger player learns much faster than someone who is older. The best age to learn is between five and fourteen years of age as this is when players are like sponges. However, an adult who has never had instruction can learn very quickly also. It takes a long time to undo bad technique and then have to re-teach the correct way.” Physical fitness does seem to play an important part in tennis as well. “Tennis is a physical sport however it is a sport for everyone as there are many levels. You need to be able to run and move forwards and backwards and from side to side on the tennis court and it requires eye to ball coordination. Simply throwing and catching a ball can help prepare a player to play tennis.” “However,” she added, “the beauty of tennis is that anybody can learn how to play tennis whether they are fully fit, or have a handicap like a hip or knee replacement.” Several years ago Elite Sports Club- North Shore had regular handicap tennis playing where players were in wheel chairs.” Neuberger spoke about equipment. “There are rackets and equipment that pertains to every age and every level. The QuickStart program we have at Elite really embraces the ages and levels of different kids. Younger, smaller kids will have smaller rackets and different tennis balls to play with. The tennis court is also smaller in size. Adults will have larger rackets and play with regular balls just as the more advanced tennis juniors do.” You can contact Neuberger at 262-786-0880 or visit the Elite Sports Clubs website to check on their variety of tennis programs for all ages by visiting eliteclubs.com


of independence

Along with aging, health issues often arise that make it difficult for seniors to live on their own without some assistance. But today, there are a number of options to help seniors maintain their highest levels of independence. For older adults who are able to stay in their own homes with some help, personal care services can be the answer. A trained personal care worker can do household tasks such as laundry, light housekeeping, preparing meals and light housekeeping. Caregivers can also run necessary errands and help with bathing, grooming and dressing. Some nonmedical home care services will either match you with a qualified caregiver, or train the caregiver of your choice, - such as a friend or relative - to become your personal care worker. Your caregiver can help for just a few hours a week, or 24/7, depending upon your needs. Personal care services that offer Medical Assistance Personal Care can also provide nurse-directed assistance with medically related tasks, such as using a Hoyer lift and medication assistance. If you need a higher level of medical support, a licensed home health service may be the answer. These organizations offer skilled nursing care under a plan of treatment ordered by your physician. Home health services also can provide occupational, speech and respiratory therapies if that is part of your treatment plan. Seniors who may be living with other family members or in a community-based residential facility (CBRF) can opt to socialize, participate in a wide variety of activities, including wellness programs, at day centers designed specifically for older adults. Usually, seniors attend day center programs when their caregivers are at work or need some time to take care of themselves. Assisted living is another option for people who need some level of care monitoring services. An assisted living residence, usually an apartment, combines housing, personalized supportive services and health care for people who need help with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, eating, etc.) According to the Wisconsin Assisted Living Association, the state has more than 2,400 assisted living facilities. Residents range from fairly independent seniors to those who have serious chronic conditions and disabilities. A good source of information on residential options for seniors, including resources for care in your home or alternatives to living in your own home, is the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Website. Visit www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/bqaconsumer/assistedliving/index.htm For information on home care, contact MCFI Home Care at (414) 290-0050 or visit www.mcfi.net/MCFI homecare.htm.

APRIL 2016 MHL 41

Bell Tower Place Elegant one & two bedroom apartment homes for those 55 & older.

Bell Tower Place was built on the promise of independent, carefree living where your neighbors are sure to become your friends.

ONE MONTH FREE!* CALL OR EMAIL TODAY (414) 254-8410 belltowerplace@horizondbm.com 7760 South 51st Street, Franklin


*Specials apply to applications received between 4/1/2016 and 5/1/16.. Once the application has been approved the move-in date must occur within 30 days.

Give your checkbook a break!

Between a mortgage, extra maintenance, and repair fees to keep it running, owning a home is downright expensive – and it can weigh you down at a time in your life when you should be free to relax.

Glenwood Senior Apartments 1920 27th Avenue, in Kenosha (262) 945-7110 glenwood@horizondbm.com

Granville Heights Senior Apartments 6840 Granville Circle, in Milwaukee (414) 357-6740 granvilleheights@horizondbm.com

Clare Heights Senior Apartments 717 West Holt Avenue, in Milwaukee (414) 254-8410 clareheights@horizondbm.com

For more information, photos & floor plans visit www.horizonseniorhousing.com

Christmas is Coming Early This Year CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY SPECIAL ENJOY 2 FREE MONTHS* Move in by April 30th and enjoy our largest savings of the year. Call us today or stop in for a tour to learn more.

*Offer valid with move-in by 04/30/16 only. Free month credits applied to rental rates for July 2016 and December 2016. Level of care fees additional.

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Pet Friendly


“You’ll be safe!” “No more work, No chores!”, “No more lawn mowing or shoveling snow!” ”You’ll have help when you need it!” If these phrases sound familiar you are probably over 50. They are used by many families in an effort to convince an older family member to move into Senior Housing. Are these really good arguments for moving? Leaving the home you’ve had for many years? No! They are not the best reason for moving! No wonder so many older adults tune out this discussion. It does sound like they are being turned out to “pasture’. It sounds like the family doesn’t want to help anymore. Mom and Dad are insulted that you think they are not safe or able to maintain their home. They are angry that you don’t want to have to check on them or help with outdoor chores, They feel that their children don’t want to be bothered any more. On top of being insulted and angry, they are afraid. Afraid of the unkown; afraid of losing control of their life and the decisions that go with daily living. The real reason older people should move is to stay healthy in body and mind. The healthier one is, the better able you are to take control of your life. The past 20 years there have been hundreds of research studies all reaching the same conclusion- In order to stay healthy, physically and mentally, people must not live alone . As you age, you experience limitations on driving and moving your body due to aches and pains. People have retired from jobs and as a result see more limitations on the number of people and mental challenges they encounter. Gradually, as time goes on, the relationships with people and new activities decreases. If you want to stay healthy and able to control your life, then it is simple! Move to a community where you see and talk to people every day. Where new people come and go. Where there are tours, trips, games and lessons. Get your brain working and your body moving. In Wisconsin, this means moving to a building of apartments or condominiums so even in bad weather you won’t be alone - a prisoner in your home. In a 24 hour day , 7 days a week, there is still plenty of time and need for family to stop by for visits and help. Time for them to participate in your life. But, even if family visits 1-2 hours every day, that leaves 22 hours of time alone. It is not enough to keep you healthy. So be fearless! Be healthy physically and mentally by moving to a community where you talk to a variety of people every day. Where you can take trips to shop, learn and laugh. Be in control of your life because you are as healthy as you possibly can be. Jackson Crossings is one such community that offers independent apartments for seniors who want to stay active and involved. Check out Jackson Crossings Retirement Community at www.jacksoncrossings.com or call (262) 993-2838 to schedule a visit.

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LIFE. CHANGING. Maintain your independence with reliable in-home assistance from NHS Home Care. NHS Home Care provides personal care and help with daily tasks to help you stay in control of your well-being, your household, and your future. Let s talk about the resources available to you today!

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44 MHL APRIL 2016

Problems in Living Problems in living typically cause emotional and physical stress and often leave you feeling that you can’t stand yourself or the world around you.

By Boris Matthews, Ph.D. Problems in living typically cause emotional and physical stress and often leave you feeling that you can’t stand yourself or the world around you. If you take the time and energy to work through the problem consciously, you can come to know yourself better than ever, as well as find a more authentic and satisfying way to be in the world. The challenge is finding out how to use your external adaptedness for the good of your most personal and intimate life, and how to bring it to the right pitch of development. Florence came to her therapy session in turmoil. “I’ve got this awful burning sensation in my stomach, and it’s not acid indigestion,” she said. Flo looked agitated and weary. “A burning sensation in your stomach,” I repeated. “Can you tell me more about that burning sensation?” “Well, it’s not just that. I feel like I’m going to burst, just explode. And I don’t know what it’s about.” Florence lived a busy, stressful life. Her family and her job of several years took a lot of energy. She had an autistic son and older parents who would soon need to be moved out of their home of 51 years. She loved both her family and her job, even though she sometimes felt overextended. Flo tried to resolve these issues by exploring her conscious feelings with no relief. She understood everything about her life situation except what was causing the burning sensation in her gut. It didn’t make any sense to her. I asked Flo if she recalled any dreams since our previous session. “I did have a troubling dream. I saw this huge bonfire. And in the middle of it I saw a person, a figure, and it looked like it was eating somebody, shoving a human body into its mouth.” Flo shuddered. Cautiously I asked her to talk about what was going on in her current life and notice the sensations that came up. (I was wondering where she might feel both “burned up” and “devoured.”) By the end of the session, Florence had begun to recognize that her beloved family and her satisfying job didn’t leave her much time or energy for herself. In the course of further work, Florence and I realized that she had put a few strong interests on hold to address the needs of others. “Devoured,” she realized, was a good way to image the demands she felt from many sides. In moments when Florence was not focused on job or family, thoughts about those neglected interests flitted through her consciousness. Those interests were “heating up.” They were the “fire” that was “burning up” the all-consuming obligations that Flo had taken on--(the devouring figure in the dream). Over the course of several months, Flo came to see that the balance between obligations she wanted to fulfill and nurturing and cultivating personal needs and inter-

ests was one-sided. It was difficult for her to make choices that did not immediately respond to other people’s needs. She needed to set boundaries to allow herself time for the things she loved: spiritual reading and pottery. As she chose more consciously and deliberately to nurture herself, she experienced less and less stress and the burning sensation in her gut gradually diminished. Flo began to be more satisfied with her life. Roger worked hard at his job managing the shipping and receiving department of a local business. He was efficient and conscientious. He was generally liked by his co-workers, but his interactions with them were usually rather shallow. When I asked Roger about his interpersonal communication, he said he joked around a lot and didn’t feel he could relate to anyone very deeply. Roger had been married for 11 years. His wife worked as a pharmaceutical rep. Roger’s wife told him she wanted a divorce. I asked Roger to tell me how he felt. “I’m coming apart at the seams,” he said. “I don’t know if I can hold it together.” Roger’s world— the structure by which he and his wife had lived for most of their marriage—was indeed dissolving, and Roger’s feelings clearly depicted what was happening. “Yes, Roger,” I said, “the day-to-day world you have known is indeed breaking apart. So it feels like your world in fragmenting.” “The structure of your life is changing. You have to find a new way to deal with both the world you live in and yourself. It doesn’t feel good, and I know what I’m saying isn’t much comfort.” Roger didn’t look very reassured. Roger looked frightened. “I don’t know how to do anything but joke around!” he protested. “Yes, that’s probably part of what went wrong in your marriage, Roger. People need deeper connection than joking around. You can learn new skills that invite people to share themselves with you in a more satisfying way. And you can find ways of showing others more of who you really are. This crisis in your life can lead to something better—but you have to be willing to do the necessary work to make that happen.” Over the course of several months, Roger and I met weekly. I suggested various materials he could study and we discussed how he could apply what he was learning. We explored ways he could be more authentic and invite people into deeper conversations. His wife followed through with the divorce. It was hard on Roger. At the same time he recognized he was learning to engage people in more satisfying ways. Roger is still discovering that he is more than a guy who always jokes around. Now he feels that he is rebuilding his world in a more solid way. He’s getting his feet back on the more solid ground of his authentic nature. Florence’s burning sensation in the belly and Roger’s feeling that he was falling apart are two of the several experiences people can have when their status quo is beginning to change. When your live has been too narrow, the life force in you challenges your limited range. Both Florence and Roger had been living restricted, inauthentic lives. Many people feel as though they are being confined, imprisoned, restricted, and tied down. As they explore their lives in therapy, they begin to recognize that for all the freedom they have experienced they don’t feel very substantial or grounded. Their lives have been provisional. None of us successfully avoids problems in living. They are part of the natural process. The challenge is to find the best fit between what we essentially are and the circumstances in which we exist. ---------Boris Matthews, Ph.D., is an Analytical Psychologist. He practices at The Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine, 1166 Quail Court, Pewaukee, WI Phone: 262-695-5311. www.ommanicenter.com Dr. Matthews is also a long-time faculty member at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago where he teaches a new generation of therapists.

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APRIL 2016 MHL 45

Senior Living


46 MHL APRIL 2016

By Jan Rupnick Senior housing has come a long way over the years. Starting approximately 30 years ago, this industry saw new options develop to meet the demands of a growing senior population. Initially limited in its offerings, there is now a plethora of senior housing options available. With more and more baby boomers getting ready to retire, the senior housing market is growing with new senior housing developments. Some baby boomers are looking into senior housing options for themselves, while others are looking for communities that can help care for their aging parents. Finding the right option comes down to knowing what’s available and understanding the needs of the person who is going to be living in the community. Below are descriptions of the various senior housing options available and the segments of the senior population that they serve. Independent Senior Housing For seniors who are tired of maintaining their own home or looking to down-size, independent senior housing is ideal. Those looking to move into an independent senior living community have two choices. One is to purchase a senior condominium and the second is to rent a senior living apartment. Both provide independent, active seniors with the freedom they enjoy, but without all of the burdens of home ownership like mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow, or making home repairs. Some independent senior communities have also adapted a lifestyle approach, including such amenities as a salon and spa, golf course, on-site restaurants, on-site shopping, housekeeping and more. Assisted Living Assisted living provides a great alternative for seniors who need some additional help with medication, grooming, dressing, eating, etc. Assisted living has two options including; Residential Care Apartment Communities (RCAC), which allows seniors to live in their own apartment, but only offers 28 hours of care, and CommunityBased Residential Care Facility or CBRF. This type of community is an ideal living option for seniors who need more assistance that what can be provided by an RCAC, offering care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Assisted living communities tend to offer more of a residential, home-like environment, as well as provide meals, social activities, housekeeping and transportation. Specialized Care Community There are some CBRFs that specialize in caring for one kind of illness. One of the most common is an Alzheimer’s or memory impairment care community. In specialized assisted living communities, the environment, staff and programming is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of those individuals who are living there. Like a non-specialized assisted living community, a specialized care community also provides 24/7 care, social programming, meals, housekeeping and transportation are generally provided. Nursing Home This is probably the most commonly known, but often confused type of senior living option. It’s also one of the only options that used to be available to seniors. Nursing homes provide 24-hour skilled nursing services for seniors who need rehabilitation after a surgery, or require care for issues like feeding tubes. The levels of hospitality services in nursing homes vary greatly depending on their targeted clientele. Whether you’re looking to down-size your home or a community to meet the needs of an aging parent, there is a senior living community to meet your needs. Being prepared and understanding the options available will help you to choose what type of senior living community is best for you or your loved one. Byline: Jan Rupnick is the director of public relations for CRL Senior Living Communities. CRL owns and operates state-of-the-art senior care residences that deliver the highest quality, cutting-edge level of care in specially designed therapeutic environments. The company meets the needs of seniors with independent living, assisted living and Alzheimer’s/dementia care communities.

VITAMIN<<page 11 promising role in a number of other conditions. One area of interest is proper immune system function, since vitamin D intake has been linked with lower incidence of childhood recurrent wheezing and protection against tuberculosis. “There might be a reason that the flu season is always in the winter,” adds Holick, referring to reduced sun exposure and the “sunshine” vitamin’s promising connection to immune health. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and glucose intolerance also have been associated with vitamin D status. There may even be a mental health connection; vitamin D receptors exist in the brain and vitamin D stimulates the production of serotonin, which may help reduce depression. Holick sums up: “You will live longer if you have high vitamin D intake; it’s really important from birth until death.” How Much D is Enough? That’s a hot question in the scientific community. The most recent recommendation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) is 200 IU of vitamin D/day for those under 50 years of age, 400 IU/day for people ages 51-70, and 600 IU/day for those over 70. But many scientists feel that’s not enough. A landslide of evidence since the last recommendations were made in 1997 has prompted an IOM expert committee to reevaluate vitamin D guidelines. Holick suggests that, in the absence of sun exposure, 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 (a form of vitamin D) a day is necessary to maintain healthy blood levels. On the flip side, concerns over vitamin D toxicity include potential kidney problems. The highest level deemed safe by the IOM is 2,000 IU, which many experts believe is too conservative. The best way to know if you’re getting enough vitamin D through sun, food and supplements is to test your serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH)D.) A level of <15 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) is considered inadequate; and levels >15 ng/ml are recommended, but experts like Holick suggest levels of >30 ng/ml for disease prevention. One thing’s for sure: Many people don’t get enough vitamin D. Holick reports in The New England Journal of Medicine in the July 19, 2007 issue that an estimated one billion people in the world are currently vitamin D-deficient (based on his vitamin D recommendations.) Dishing up Vitamin D. Unfortunately, there aren’t many vitamin D-rich food sources, although a growing number of products, from milk to orange juice, are now fortified with D. Your skin can produce plenty of vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, but here’s where more controversy comes in: Do the benefits of sun exposure outweigh the risks of skin cancer? “Sun exposure has been demonized for the past 40 years. We need sensible recommendations to get enough vitamin D and still reduce the risk of skin cancer,” says Holick. Many vitamin D experts suggest that it’s safe to get about five to 30 minutes of sun exposure to the face, arms, legs or back (without sunscreen) between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at least twice week to get adequate vitamin D. But if you live north of Atlanta, have heavily pigmented skin, wear heavy clothing or sunscreen, or live in conditions where UV rays are limited, it can become a problem to get enough D through sun alone. Look for vitamin D to loom large in coming health research. Reprinted with permission from Environmental Nutrition, 52 Riverside Dr., Suite 15-A, New York, NY 10024.

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EYE<<page9 will seem like a natural part of playing that sport,” explains Michael Raciti, an eye care specialist who sees patients of all ages at offices in Milwaukee, West Allis and Wauwatosa. Match Protection to Your Game David Scheidt, OD, past president of the Milwaukee Optometric Society, notes a common misconception, “People often mistakenly think that wearing glasses, sunglasses or contacts makes them safe. What they don’t realize is that even industrial safety glasses can shatter from the impact of a baseball-sending broken glass and frame parts into the eye. That’s why you need goggles, face shields or guards made of polycarbonate plastic and recommended specifically for your sport.” If your vision is good or you wear contacts, non-prescription eye guards offer minimum distortion and maximum comfort for about $20-$40. If you wear glasses, you can wear eye guards over your existing lenses or have a prescription pair made for about $60 or more. Since bad fit is the number one reason why protective eyewear is discarded, it’s a good idea to make your purchase at a sports specialty store or through your eye care professional. FREE Booklets & Information The physicians quoted in this article are partners at Eye Care Specialists, an ophthalmology practice dedicated to providing the highest quality AMD, cataract, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, dry eye, accident/injury, pediatric, and laser vision correction care. They frequently lecture to the public and fellow physicians and have written their own series of booklets/handouts on these conditions. Call 414-3217035 for FREE copies or to schedule an appointment for a thorough examination at their offices on 7th & Wisconsin Avenue, Mayfair Road across from the mall, or 102nd & National Avenue. They also offer detailed educational information at www. eyecarespecialists.net.



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APRIL 2016 MHL 47

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Did I get your attention? Good. ing aids from. Especially if you are be- It is in your best interest to find an AudiTake 5 minutes out of your day and ing charged the same price! ologist who has experience with several read this article so I can help you purWho makes hearing aids? hearing aid companies so they can select chase hearing aids properly. If you are Hearing Aids are manufactured by 6 which product is most appropriate for As seen in... over the age of 60, you are probably major world-wide manufacturers and your hearing loss and lifestyle. getting several pieces of direct mail several subsidiaries. There are plenty of Hearing Aid Advertising. that advertise the latest and greatest brand names and models but, in general, I oftentimes look at advertising for in hearing aid technology. You prob- most hearing aids that are sold are man- hearing aids. The truth is that the na“New smartphone appsufactured that link are helping people impaired ably also noticed that there are plenty by to onehearing of these 6aids companies. tional franchise thatwith is selling the “latest of advertisements in your localup news6 companies are Widex, Resound, and greatest” the same levelto of hearing to pump the These volume on their devices or to use them isasselling headphones paper for hearing aids. Let me tell you Oticon, Siemens, Starkey, and Phonak. hearing aid technology others are, just videos andbuy music.” - Reuters why. stream phone calls, YouTube However, you won’t hearing aids under a different name……and at a far I have been an Audiologist for 23 directly from these companies. Hearing higher price. I’m disappointed when I years and have offices in Milwaukee aids are dispensed by local audiologists, hear some of the folks come in and tell and Madison, WI. I hear comments hearing aid dispensers, and large hearing me what they paid for technology that I “The technology melds aids with popular consumer withless. theMy adfrom my patients on a weekly ba- hearing aid franchises. routinelyproducts, sell for $1,000.00 sis about how they are being overWhen you have made the decision to vice is for you to get an estimate of what hopes of lessening the stigma associated with wearing hearing devices.” whelmed by hearing aid advertising. investigate purchasing new hearing aids, it would cost for the hearing aids that are Minneapolis Star Tribune Who- dispenses hearing aids? many folks take advantage of advertised recommended for you, and then compare Hearing aids are sold/dispensed by offers. My intent in writing this article that cost with others. Get the hearing aid two groups of professionals, Audi- is to educate the public on what to look manufacturer name and model number. ologists and Hearing Aid Dispensers. for and how to save you significant time Forget about the $1000.00 coupons, 50% There “Users is a significant difference in the and money. discounts, buy in oneeach get one freeon offers, adjust everything from the volume to the bass and treble ear the training of these 2 groups of profesThere are many tricks and gimmicks phony research studies, and fake evaluReSound Smart app, which means more withfora“new giant device You on sionals. that I have seen no in my years fiddling as an Au- around ation periods technology”. Audiologists are the- most highly Please ask yourself who you need the final cost and the level of techyour head.” New Yorkdiologist. Daily News trained professionals to diagnose and think is paying for the expensive adver- nology that is being recommended to treat hearing loss. Audiologists are tising you are seeing. Is this company in make an accurate comparison. required to have at least a Master’s the paper every day? Do they send you Many audiologists concentrate on didegree in Audiology, and many have direct mail on a weekly basis? You can agnostic skills, hearing aid dispensing Doctoral level credentials. This means bet you will be paying a premium price and patient care. Unfortunately, they do they have extensive graduate level for their hearing aids. not spend as much time as large hearing college training on ear anatomy and Remember, only 6 companies make aid franchises and hearing aid dealers physiology, diagnostics, and hearing the overwhelming majority of hearing that market heavily and aggressively. aids. aids. The top level hearing aids from Let me ask you this question…Are you The second group of people who each company are all high quality prod- really going to spend thousands of doldispense hearing aids are called Hear- ucts that can be fit successfully on most lars on a set of hearing aids when you ing aid dealers/dispensers. They must patients. There is not one hearing aid can get the same technology, fit by an pass a state exam to earn their license company that stands out and has “the audiologist, for a lot less money than to dispense hearing aids. There is no best” hearing aids in my opinion. How- what you would have to spend at a large formal training, college courses, or ever, there are hearing aid companies that franchise? degree required to be a hearing aid do have technology that is “the best” for Here is a set of questions you can ask dealer. You will often pay the same certain hearing losses. This is where the when purchasing new hearing aids? price for your hearing aids whether skill of an independent audiologist who 1) What level of technology is being you see and Audiologist or a Hearing works with several of the top hearing recommended for you? Why is this level Aid Dispenser. aid manufacturers is most advantageous. being recommended? Who manufactures One would be wise to find the Some companies have hearing aid fea- the hearing aid? What model is it? most qualified person to obtain hear- tures that other companies do not offer. 2) How many channels do the hear-


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ing aids have? Channels allow for greater programming and fine tuning ability. The more channels you have, the greater the technology and ability to adjust to your needs. For example, a 16 channel hearing aid is generally more technologically advanced than a 6 channel hearing aid BUT, the prices can be the same. You would want the 16 channel hearing aid, not the 6 channel. Again, a quality hearing aid manufacturer is essential. 3) How long is the warranty, does it include loss and damage, and how much are office visits? 4) Who pays for batteries? Are the hearing aids rechargeable? What accessories are available? 5) How long is the trial period? If I return my hearing aids during the trial period, how much will it cost me? Some establishments do not offer any refunds, or charge large return fees. If you don’t like your $6000.00 set of new hearing aids, you can get stuck with them. Feel free to contact me and ask these questions. I’d be happy to evaluate your hearing and provide a free consultation to give you my opinion of your hearing loss. Dr. Douglas Kloss is an audiologist with over 23 years of experience. He has locations in the Milwaukee and Madison area. Midwest Audiology Center, LLC, 4818 S. 76th St., Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220. www.midwestaudiology. net 414-281-8300 Wisconsin Hearing Aids, Inc. 1310 Mendota St., Suite 113, Madison, WI 53714. www.wisconsinhearingaids. com 608-244-1221 Dr. Kloss offers a free comprehensive diagnostic audiological exam and free hearing aid consultation for all patients. By appointment only.

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