Modern Health and Living February 2022

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Est 1992


The 9 Best and Worst Breads, According to Dietitians BEST FOODS FOR YOUR HEART

Optimal Digestion for Optimal Health What is osteopathic medicine?

Women AND ARTHRITIS 8 WAYS MEDITATION CAN RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY The Connection Between Heart Health and Hearing fall in love with a senior community the Memory issue A GUIDE TO HEALTHY LIVING FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN AND SENIORS

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EDITORS NOTE January sure came and went as fast. The weather came in colder with tons of snow. My “extra” workouts were shoveling snow and scraping off the ice of my driveway, How are all the new year’s resolutions going? I am not making any this year. Im just gonna stick what has been working and hope to continue in great health and happiness. This month I start work on the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Showhouse. After two years of not having a house due to covid, we really got an unbelievable historic building that is over 18,000 square feet. Each designer spends hours donating their time to bring an amazing house each year for Breast Cancer Research. More details to come and I hope to see you there on designer Sunday in June. I am very pleased that you’ve decided to join us this month. We are celebrating Heart Health Month with a few articles to keep your ticker ticking. We have packed so much up-to-date information into these pages that this issue is just bursting with health! We have something for men and women of all ages. We contact local health professionals every month and are thankful that many have contributed to this issue. They are keenly aware of health concerns for this region (very important). We stay in touch with them so they can stay in touch with you. I think you’ll find something here that can help you lead a healthier life. We hope that you share this special issue with friends and family, too. Stay active!!! I hope you have a wonderful February and will touch base again in March.




Est 1992





The 9 Best and Worst Breads, Accord ing to Dietitians BEST FOODS FOR YOUR HEART




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Women AND ART HRITIS 8 WAYS MEDITAT ION CAN RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY The Connection Between Heart Health and Hearing fall in love wit ha senior commun ity the Memory issu e A GUIDE TO HEALTH

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publishers editor graphic design advertising

Lewis Media Group Amanda Lewis Malberry Media Tom Delgado Barry Lewis

distribution manager Jerry Kornowski Marlys Metzger travel editor Barry Lewis founder

contributers The Ommani Center,, Environmental Nutrition, Nutrition Action Health Letter, Columbia/St. Mary’s, Ascension, Eye Care Specialists, Aurora, Alexian, Eye Physician Associates, Brothers Village, Ye Olde Pharmacy, NIH, Jensen Health and Energy, Foot Solutions, Allergy and Asthma Centers, Tudor Oaks, Active Care Rehab, Greensquare Center for the Healing Arts, Midwest Audiology, Integrative Family Wellness Center, Universal Services, American Camp Association, Home Instead, Manor Care, Tops, Dr Zhou, Captel and MCFI


contact For information on advertising or to submit articles call, 414-659-6705 or 608-237-6000, or email Subscriptions are $20 per year. Thanks for reading MHL. disclaimer MHL is published on the first of each month . The articles in this publication are in no way intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis of your doctor. We advise seeing a physician whenever a health problem arises requiring an expert’s care. thanks Special Thanks! To all the local professionals that provide us with articles containing new information and keeping all our readers informed of the latest in healthy living. images,

Lewis Media Group |

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BEST FOODS FOR YOUR HEART When it comes to your heart, what you eat matters. Follow these tips for hearthealthy eating: Eat less saturated fat. Cut back on fatty meats and high-fat dairy products. Limit foods like pizza, burgers, and creamy sauces or gravy. Cut down on sodium (salt). Read the Nutrition Facts label and choose foods that are lower in sodium. Look for foods labeled “low sodium” or “no salt added” — like some canned soups, canned vegetables, packaged meals, and snack foods. Get more fiber. Eat vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains to add fiber to your diet. Take this list with you the next time you go food shopping. Vegetables and Fruits Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits — including options that are fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. Fresh vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage, and carrots Leafy greens for salads, like Romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale Canned vegetables that are low in sodium Frozen vegetables without added butter or sauces, like broccoli or cauliflower Fresh fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, pears, and peaches Canned, frozen, or dried fruit without added sugars Farmers markets are great places to buy vegetables and fruits that are in season.

Find a farmers market near youThis link is external to Dairy Look for fat-free or low-fat options. Fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk Fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt Fat-free or low-fat cheese or cottage cheese Soy milk with added calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D Whole Grains For products with more than 1 ingredient, make sure whole wheat or another whole grain is listed first in the ingredient list. Look for products that say 100% whole grain. Whole-grain bread, bagels, English muffins, and tortillas Whole-grain hot or cold breakfast cereals with no added sugar, like oatmeal or shredded wheat Whole grains like brown or wild rice, quinoa, or oats Whole-wheat or whole-grain pasta and couscous Proteins Choose a variety of foods with protein. Seafood — fish and shellfish Poultry — chicken or turkey breast without skin, or lean ground chicken or turkey (at least 93% lean) Lean meats — like pork shoulder, beef sirloin, or lean ground beef (at least 93% lean) Beans, peas, and lentils — like black beans and garbanzo beans (chickpeas) Eggs Unsalted nuts, seeds, and nut butters, like almond or peanut butter Tofu Healthy Fats and Oils Replace saturated fat with healthier unsaturated fats like seafood, nuts, seeds, avocados, and oils. Try these healthy swaps: Vegetable oil (canola, corn, olive, peanut, safflower, soybean, or sunflower) instead of butter for cooking Low-fat or light mayonnaise instead of full-fat mayo Oil-based salad dressings like balsamic vinaigrette or Italian instead of creamy dressings like ranch Vegetable oils are usually healthy choices — just avoid coconut and palm oils, which are high in saturated fat. And margarine and other soft spreads may have less saturated fat than butter — check the Nutrition Facts label and look for options with less saturated fat


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The 9 Best and Worst Breads, According to Dietitians By Bojana Galic With seemingly endless shapes, flavors and types, each promising its own health benefits, deciphering which loaf to toss in your cart can be draining. Read on to learn which bread is best and which to leave at the store. The Best Breads Let’s get one thing straight: You don’t need to be afraid of bread, says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD and author of ​​Read It Before You Eat It: Taking You from Label to Table.​Although bread may be thought of as a ‘bad carb,’ that’s definitely not the case. But the type of bread you choose does determine how many vitamins and nutrients you’re getting with each slice. 1. Whole-Grain and Whole-Wheat Bread If you’re in the market for nutritious bread, whole grain is the way to go. Available in an array of colors, flavors and styles, whole-grain bread offers a higher

nutritional value than most other types of bread, Taub-Dix says. Whole Wheat vs. Whole Grain Whole wheat and whole grain are often the same, Taub-Dix says. Whole grain refers to whole grains of an unspecified type, whereas whole wheat refers to wholewheat grains. For both types of bread, though, double-check the ingredient list to ensure you’re getting 100 percent whole grains. Unlike refined varieties, this bread contains the bran, endosperm and germ of the grain’s seed. That’s where all the grain’s vitamins and nutrients are stored, including B vitamins, magnesium, fiber, iron and protein, according to the Whole Grains Council. Compared to refined grains, these nutritious carbs have been linked with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, per the Whole Grains Council. Whole grains may even help with weight maintenance and inflammation. But the key to finding a good whole-grain bread is to look closely at the ingredient list, Taub-Dix says. Sometimes, bread packaging can list multigrain (more on that below), which isn’t the same as whole grain. Even the amount of whole grains can vary from bread to bread. If the ingredients list says “100 percent whole grain,” then you can rest assured you’re not getting any refined grains in your loaf, according to Harvard Health Publishing. But labels that say “made with whole grains” don’t necessarily mean you’re getting only whole-grain flour. Whole-Grain Bread to Buy Nature’s Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread Loaf ($3.59, Arnold Whole Grains 12 Grain Bread ($4.34, 365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Ancient Grains Bread ($3.99, Amazon. com) 2. Sprouted Bread Wondering what bread is doing in the freezer aisle? It’s probably a loaf of sprouted bread. Because most sprouted breads are free of preservatives, they’re kept frozen for freshness. Most sprouted loaves are made without flour and instead use sprouted grain kernels, which have been baked into bread, Taub-Dix explains. Usually, these loaves will contain a little more protein and less fat than other types of bread. Sprouted grains may also have more available nutrients than mature grains, including folate, zinc, iron, vitamin C and magnesium, according to Harvard Health Publishing. But when you’re buying a loaf of sprouted bread, you’ll want to double-check that you’re buying a loaf that’s made with 100 percent sprouted grains to avoid any BREAD>>page 46

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8 WAYS MEDITATION CAN RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY Jennifer Wang In today’s fast-paced, instant-gratification world, people are juggling more, sleeping less and taking less time to just be. In fact, 42 percent of adults report that their stress level has increased over the past five years. More research is coming out tying our stress levels to physical ailments. Insufficient sleep has reached levels of a public-health epidemic. It’s no wonder that more and more people are trying to find ways to ease their daily stress.Although mindfulness and meditation have been around for millennia, only recently has mindfulness entered the mainstream vernacular. Multiple studies have been published linking mindfulness practices to stress reduction, even decreasing our levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Meditation and mindfulness are now part of the toolkit of many licensed psychologists. It’s been linked to easing medical

concerns from irritable bowl syndrome to heart disease. So what exactly is mindfulness? What is meditation? What about it makes it seem like this magical panacea? woman practicing meditation Depending on whom you ask and what type of meditation they practice, you’ll probably get a different answer to these questions. A common type of meditation called “mindfulness awareness” involves sitting comfortably in silence and bringing your attention to your breathing as a way to connect with the present moment. When the mind wanders, you practice gently bringing it back. I like to think of mindfulness as a combination of awareness and intention. So in this mindfulness-awareness practice, you are being mindful of your breath and of the present moment. I’ve found that my meditation practice has affected my life in fundamental ways: 1. By creating a regular time and space to practice, I am giving myself a set time to sit down, slow down and do nothing. I am giving myself permission to be bored! During super-busy periods I even schedule it as an event in my calendar. 2. I practice not judging. All thoughts are treated equal in meditation. No matter what the content, when a thought arises during a meditation session, I just acknowledge it and gently come back to my breath. Even if the thought is about unicorns and rainbows, I come back. 3. I get to know my mind. I’ve been on longer retreats where after a while the same thoughts come up again and again. It’s like I have one playlist on repeat. And that’s when I start to realize that I’ve got some patterns that I tend to go back to. 4. I get to know my body. When you’re just sitting for a period of time with no distractions, you start to notice how you’re feeling in your body. After all, that’s another thing (along with our breath) that’s always with us, even if we try to ignore it! 5. My mind gets clearer. Often when I meditate, I start to feel more settled in my body and mind: It’s like when you’ve shaken up a jar of dirt and water and the dirt settles to the bottom and leaves the clear water at the top. I often also feel more clear after I’ve gotten up off the cushion. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche says, “The more we understand about ourselves and how our mind works, the more the mindcan work.” 6. I’m on autopilot less. Or I catch myself when I’m on autopilot. Since I’m practicing being aware in the present moment with meditation, when I’m not meditating, it’s easier for me to realize when I’m not present. Like when I get to my front door and forgot if I locked my car or can’t remember what I had for breakfast. 7. I notice a space between emotions arising and my automatic reaction to them. In meditation, I practice noticing my thoughts and coming back to my breath without MEDITATION>>page 47


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Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Secure.

Making The Right Decisions About Your Finacial Security In Retirement

Insurance representatives are helping individuals understand the life and health insurance needs of retirees. They are experienced in the range of products available, and familiar with the complex features which make each product unique. Because they represent multiple companies, they can recommend product solutions that are best tailored to your unique situation. TRUE OR FALSE: Long-term care insurance is expensive. False. Choosing the right daily benefit and benefit period can help reduce longterm care premiums to fit your budget. If you believe it fits your needs, another option would be to purchase short-term convalescent care insurance. Making The Right Decision Based On The Right Information. Having just watched a friend exhaust her retirement savings on long-term care for her husband, a woman in Colorado decided it was time to protect her savings from a similar fate. Long-term care insurance seemed like the right decision. Although she was well aware of the advantages of long-term care insurance, she had always considered it beyond her budget. After visiting with an insurance representative, she learned that simply was not the case. The representative explained there are several ways to customize long-term care policies to meet her monthly budget requirements. She adopted some of his suggestions and is now enjoying protection at monthly premium that fits her needs. This is an example for illustrative purposes, including solution s that enable you to remain in your own home while receiving care. Be Secure. If you are like many individuals nearing, or in, retirement you are bombarded by mail solicitations for Medicare related Insurance. These companies blanket thousands of individuals with the same product offering. They have not met with you and they do not understand your needs. SECURE>>page 37

Planning for retirement requires making some decisions you haven’t had to make at any other point in your life. Decisions about you lifestyle, housing situation, finances and your life and health insurance needs. Each decision you make during your transition to retirement will have a dramatic impact on your life for years to come. An insurance service can help you make the right decisions about your life and health insurance needs for your retirement years. Be Informed. No one can predict the future, but if you fail to get the information you need to plan a secure retirement life could be difficult. Getting expert advice is critical to protecting all you have worked for. Agencies specialize in assisting individuals in evaluating the risks they face as a result of disability, illness and death. Based upon a personalized analysis, your representative will present options and strategies for enhancing your financial security. Working with an insurance representative will give you: *Gain a clear insight into how well your current insurance program protects you, including what Medicare covers and what it does not cover *Understand the risks you face as well as the options available UnitedHealthcare® can help keep it simple. to increase your financial security When you are turning 65, your opportunity to enroll in a Medicare plan begins. I can meet with you *Define your priorities and choose from a brad array of products one-on-one to discuss your unique needs and answer any questions you may have about AARP® Medicare that best meet your needs. Advantage plans from UnitedHealthcare. These plans may include: TRUE OR FALSE: Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplement Plans provide Preventive dental services Allowance toward eyewear the same financial protection. False. Medicare Advantage plans often feature a low monthly UnitedHealthcare® Medicare National Routine hearing exam plus hearing aids premium, but you incur out-of-pocket expenses for doctor visits Network and medical procedures. Medicare supplement plans generally feature higher premiums but the expenses for deductibles and Low insulin copays Earn rewards for staying active coinsurance are often covered. A No-Cost Option Isn’t Always the Right Decision Like a lot of people their age, an Iowa couple had their fair share It’s time to take advantage. of doctor’s visits. Their Medicare supplement plan paid all the bills Call me today. and the each paid a little over $150 a month for the coverage. But when they were approached about a Medicare Advantage plan that Joanne Abbs did not have a monthly fee, they jumped at the opportunity to save Licensed Sales Agent money. 414-745-9973, TTY 711 What they did not realize was that, as a couple, the new plan would cost them nearly $10,000 a year in co-pays and co-insurance, plus additional out-of-pocket cost for some of their prescriptions! As recalled by Joe and Ruthanne Heintz of West Des Moines, Iowa. Be Smart. Understanding the nature and scope of the unique risks you face in retirement is the first step in planning a secure retirement. The Benefits, features and/or devices vary by plan/area. Limitations and exclusions apply. Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, next step is identifying the range of product solutions that best suit a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. You do not need to be an AARP your needs. member to enroll. AARP encourages you to consider your needs when selecting products and does not make specific product recommendations for individuals. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, producers or brokers. Network size varies by market and exclusions may apply. You will pay $35 or less for a 1-month supply of insulin until you reach the catastrophic There are virtually and endless number of complex product stage of your benefit. You will pay 5% of the cost of your insulin or less during the catastrophic stage. Other hearing exam providers are available in the UnitedHealthcare network. The plan variations available, so choosing the right one(s) can be a only covers hearing aids from a UnitedHealthcare Hearing network provider. Renew Rewards is not available on all plans. ©2020 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All rights reserved. Y0066_200717_100916_M SPRJ55532_0030B721 challenging task. You can simplify the task by working with an insurance representative.

When you’re ready for Medicare, UnitedHealthcare® is here to help. Take advantage of it.


Vitamins for AMD: If and What to Take By Cheryl L. Dejewski “The number and variety of eye-related health products is daunting and confusing—for both patients and doctors. The dramatic increase came after two major National Eye Institute studies found that certain specific high levels of lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, vitamins C & E, and copper could significantly reduce the risk of developing advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) by about 25 percent and the risk of vision loss caused by a certain advanced subtype of AMD by about 19 percent,” says Michael Raciti, MD, a partner at Eye Care Specialists, one of Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practices. AMD is the leading cause of central vision impairment in Americans age 50 and older. AMD affects the ability to see things straight ahead (faces, clocks, signs, text, etc.) and distorts lines, colors, sizes and edges. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are key to protecting quality of life. Can supplements help fight AMD? “These nutrients are NOT a cure for AMD and will NOT restore vision already lost from the disease. However, results from the Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS 1 & 2) showed that they do play a key role in helping people at high risk for developing advanced AMD to protect and preserve their existing vision. Although studies have suggested that a diet rich in green, leafy vegetables may lower the risk

of developing AMD, the high levels of nutrients evaluated in the AREDS cannot be achieved through diet and/or regular multivitamins,” explains Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an ophthalmologist who has conducted continuing education presentations and webinars for audiences of up to 125 referring optometrists. Which supplement is best? “For patients who already have AMD, the best vitamin formulation is determined by the stage (moderate v. significant) of their condition and their smoking status (the AREDS1 formula was found to possibly raise lung cancer risk in smokers). Because of the confusing number of eye-related products crowding shelves, to keep it simple and safe for anyone we determine should take a supplement, our practice recommends only using products designated as having the AREDS2 formulation. For example, Bausch & Lomb provided the formulation used in both studies and now sells a “PreserVision AREDS2” soft gel supplement in retail stores and pharmacies,” says Daniel Ferguson, MD, a partner at Eye Care Specialists, which handles the care of thousands of AMD patients. Can you still take a multivitamin? Yes. Most AREDS participants safely took both a multivitamin and the supplement. However, to avoid any overdosing of vitamins, minerals or nutrients, patients should review what they are taking with their eye care specialist, primary care doctor, and/or pharmacist. Should patients without AMD use supplements? “No. The AREDS and two other recent studies showed that the only people who benefitted from taking the supplements were those with significant AMD. There was no benefit to those with mild AMD. Thus, they are not expected to help someone with no eye disease. A number of supplements are also being marketed for general eye health (especially for people over 50); however, clinical trials have not been performed to determine if these vitamins can prevent the development of AMD or other eye concerns. As such, we highly recommend that patients see an eye care specialist before spending money on these (somewhat expensive) products to determine if AMD is present, how advanced the condition is, and whether or not there are any benefits or risks to using a supplement,” explains Brett Rhode, MD, Head of Ophthalmology at a major Milwaukee medical center and partner at Eye Care Specialists. Are there precautions to consider? “Yes. People should be cautious when using any high-dose vitamins and minerals, especially those who take prescription medications and/or use over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements and herbal medicines. High-dose nutrients can interfere AMD>>page 39


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subtle and come and go in the early stages. This means that symptoms may not be noticed or taken seriously by family and friends Some signs that there may be problems: *Forgetting names of family and important events (especially if recent) advice falling for the caregiver *Frequent *Staring *Losing empathy, being insensitive to the feelings of others *Word problems; not finding the right word, replacing nouns with “it”, “that thing”, “stuff”, etc. *Problems with organizing and planning *Obsessive, ritualistic behaviors *Uncharacteristic behaviors: being sad all the time, rude, anxious, loss of interest in previous hobbies, activities, or friends *Easily frustrated, blames others *Money and number problems *Illness, medication interactions or depression are some conditions that mimic symptoms of dementia. Only a doctor can diagnosis if it is dementia or another condition. Having a full medical workup can treat a medical condition or determine if it is dementia. WHAT KINDS OF TREATMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR COGNITIVE DECLINE? There is currently no cure for dementia but there are non-drug and drug treatments There is no U in Alzheimer’s, but it can sometimes seem like it’s all you. You, which can help with slowing the symptoms of dementia. who’s doing the caregiving; you, who’s doing the worrying; you, who never seems Brain stimulation can help slow the progression, especially early in the disease. to be able to make up those sleepless nights. Engaging in activities that are creative or make a person think such as word games, If you’re caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, there may be someone else who matching, or learning new information are valuable as long as the person doesn’t get needs your care just as much: YOU. frustrated because it is too difficult for them. Which is why it’s important to be aware of your needs and how you can address Socialization is important to remain engaged. Isolation can be decreased with visthem. It will not only help you stay healthier and less stressed, it might just make you its from family and friends, attending events, going to senior centers, or connecting a better caregiver. with others through Facebook or Skype. At Home Instead Senior Care, we have found that many issues of caregiver stress Exercising 30 minutes a day 5 times a week, eating a healthy diet, and managing can be improved when a caregiver is able to share some responsibilities with others, chronic diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure can help slow the progreswhether they are family members, community volunteers, or in-home senior care sion. agencies like us. Decrease stress with familiar routines and environments. Stress doesn’t cause deBut for those who long ago accepted the responsibilities that go with caregiving, mentia, but can worsen the symptoms. it may be difficult to know how to ask for help. Here are a few ideas that others have Medication may help improve mental function, mood, or behavior. For some, the found helpful. drugs donepezil (Aricept), tacrine (Cognex), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine Pick your support team: Make a list of people that you know you can count on to (Razadyne) are helpful to delay some of the symptoms of mild to moderate demenhelp you and then ask for their help. It doesn’t need to be a formal arrangement, but tia. Memantine (Namenda), may be prescribed for treatment of moderate to severe let them know that there might be times when you would like to call upon them to Alzheimer’s Disease. Antidepressants, antianxiety, and antipsychotics may be presit in for you for a bit, run an errand, or scribed to treat depression, excessive anxiety, or hallucinations. simply lend an ear. Remember, not everyone has to be as qualified for caregiving as you are to help out. Even a child or an out-of-town relative might be able to do something to assist you. If you don’t think anyone understands what you’re going through, find people who do: There are Alzheimer’s support groups in every community but it can often be difficult for a family caregiver to get away. That’s where the Alzheimer’s Association message board comes in handy. Available 24/7 and with more than 9,000 registered members from all over the US, the message board is a valuable resource to connect with others who may be going through a similar experience to yours. Make your health a MUST: Your own health is so important and so easy to let slide when you’re caring for someone else. Choose to prioritize it: don’t skip your physician’s appointments, eat as healthily as you can and figure out ways to build exercise into your day. Also, try to make time to do at least one thing for yourself. It may be as simple as spending five minutes in prayer or meditation, but it will help. For more information about caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, please call Home Instead Senior Care of Milwaukee at (414) 2399605, or Like us on Facebook. You an also visit

There is no U in Alzheimer’s

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Garmin Forerunner 55 GPS Running Smartwatch

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See yourself as a runner. Forerunner 55 is the GPS running smartwatch that goes beyond pace and heart rate stats. (This is not a medical device) PRODUCT FEATURES Easy-to-use running watch monitors heart rate (this is not a medical device) at the wrist and uses GPS to track how far, how fast and where you’ve run Take the guesswork out of training with suggested workouts of varying intensities based on your training history, fitness level and recovery time Plan your race day strategy with the PacePro feature (not compatible with on-device courses), which offers GPS-based pace guidance for a selected course or distance Run your best with helpful training tools, including race time predictions and finish time estimates Track all the ways you move with built-in activity profiles for running, cycling, track run, virtual run, pool swim, Pilates, HIIT, breathwork and more Tune in to your body with advanced wellness features, such as intensity minutes, fitness age, all-day respiration and more Customize your watch with free watch faces, data fields, apps and widgets from the Connect IQ Store (requires Garmin Connect app and Connect IQ app loaded on a compatible smartphone) Battery life: up to 2 weeks in smartwatch mode; up to 20 hours in GPS mode WHAT’S INCLUDED Forerunner 55 smartwatch Power/Data Cable PRODUCT DETAILS Wireless: ANT, Bluetooth Connectors: USB Model no. 010-025262-00,010-025262-01,010-025262-02 Fits wrists with a circumference of 126-203 mm Battery life: Smartwatch Mode: Up to 2 weeks GPS mode: Up to 20 hours Battery charge time: 2 hrs. Compatible with iPhone, Android Buy: Water resistant to 50 m

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Optimal Digestion for Optimal Health





To eat is human, to digest is divine. Charles T. Copeland CCF Tea, A Balancing Brew Ayurveda is one of the oldest surviving holistic health systems that’s still practiced today. Its methods have been proven effective over thousands of years. Passed down to us is the belief that a well-functioning digestive system is the foundation of sound health. A content and calm mind helps, too. Let’s take a closer look at how that works. Digestion is associated with the fire element and referred to as agni, or digestive fire. The fire element in the digestive system, seen in enzymes and acids, breaks down food and transforms it into a form the body can use. These nutrients are absorbed and assimilated or integrated into the body. Elimination completes the process. Ayurveda gives full importance to all stages of digestion especially when assessing a state of health or imbalance.

What can Reiki and Energy Healing do for you? Ⱦ Relax and Calm the Nervous System

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Agni can burn in different ways and that affects how well we digest, absorb, and integrate nourishment from food. Agni can burn strongly as it usually does with people with more fire element in their constitution (Pitta-types). This is called high agni and causes strong appetite and thirst. It can require more energy-rich foods and manage more raw foods. Unless people with high agni overeat or indulge in foods that increase the fire element (spicy, acidic, salty, or fried foods), they usually don’t experience digestive distress. However, they’re prone to burning digestion, reflux, and other problems if trigger foods are eaten too often. Three substantial meals are best with snacks if needed. Skipping a meal would not make this agni happy. Then there’s variable agni, which creates fleeting appetite and thirst. This is common for people with more air element in their constitution (Vata-types) and influenced by its inconsistent and cool energy. Meals can be forgotten with distractions or avoided with stress. The winds of Vata can also quickly fan the flames of the agni causing voracious hunger. Variable agni may cause gas, bloating, noisiness, discomfort, or pain. It requires a diet mainly of nourishing, warm cooked foods and warming spices to assist smoother digestion. Smaller, frequent meals usually work well. Dry, light, and rough foods like crackers, rice cakes, and leafy greens can increase the instability of the agni. In low agni, the digestive fire burns lower and slower. Overfeeding this agni will smother the fire and cause feelings of sluggishness. People with more earth and water elements in their constitution (Kapha-types) will be influenced by their cool and heavier nature. Low agni can burn more steadily if large meals or foods like wheat, dairy, meat, and sweets are avoided. A well-spiced diet of smaller, cooked meals with lighter and drier foods is recommended. They may also benefit from missing a small meal on occasion and forgo snacks if they’re able to avoid temptations. Additionally, agni behaves differently throughout day. It’s stronger at midday DIGEST>>page 47

Audiology on wheels? That’s right! Our new Mobile Audiology Clinic is hitting the road in Wisconsin communities! Learn more at

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The Connection Between Heart Health and Hearing Health Learn how to keep both your heart and your hearing health in check. The connection between heart health and hearing health all comes down to blood flow.Human bodies are incredibly complex, which means there are numerous different aspects of health. You can break down overall health into categories like hearing health, brain health, heart health, immune health, and more. While all of these dimensions of health are different, they’re also closely connected too! In honor of American Heart Month, we’re shining a light on the incredible connection between heart health and hearing health. Let’s look at these aspects of the connection between heart health and hearing health! To make a long story short, your heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout your body using veins, arteries, and capillaries to make sure it gets where it needs to go. Two of those destinations, of course, are your ears! Each ear contains a network of arteries that deliver blood there and help them function — which includes hearing. The inside of your ears are incredibly sensitive and rely on the oxygen that’s in blood to translate sounds into electrical impulses your brain can understand. Because of their close connection, your heart health can directly impact your hearing health. Heart health issues like heart attacks, strokes, and blockages can decrease blood flow to your ears, hurting their function in the process. But there are ways you can look after both your heart and your hearing health! How to care for your heart and hear-

ing Now that you know about the connection between heart health and hearing health, it’s time to take action to preserve them both! If you have a history of heart health issues in your family or your own life, your first step should be to talk about your concerns with your doctor. They can recommend lifestyle changes or medications that can reduce your risk of heart-related issues, and protect your hearing in the process. Preventing plaque from building up inside your arteries is one of the keys to keeping your heart healthy, and this all revolves around cholesterol. LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are the main culprits, and these can both be controlled with lifestyle changes. There’s also a genetic form of LDL cholesterol called Lp(a), so you should monitor that if you know high cholesterol runs in your family. Nutrition is the first major way to control cholesterol levels and keep your heart working its best. It’s recommended to limit saturated fat and animal products while focusing on healthy whole foods like veggies, fruits, beans, nuts, grains, seeds, and more. Check out these heart-healthy foods! If you smoke, quitting can also help your cholesterol. Staying active is another main piece of the puzzle. Check out these cardio exercises that keep your heart active and your blood pumping where it needs to go! If you’d like to learn more about heart health and how you can protect it, check out this helpful heart health tips blog!

Visit our state-of-the-art, beautifully renovated audiology clinic for a hearing screening and meet with technology experts to determine your product needs. Call or visit us today! We are conveniently located on 102nd and National Ave. HEAR Wisconsin 10243 W. National Avenue, West Allis, WI 53227 414-604-2200 |









By Dr. Tseng What is an easy way to understand what arthritis is? “Arthritis” is a general term to describe conditions that affect one or more of the body’s joints. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis and thus it is important to know the specific type since treatment recommendations may vary. When educating patients about arthritis, I often use the example of “cars”. A car is a general term to describe a vehicle with wheels that is used for transportation. But not all cars are the same, as some are two vs. four-door, and can be further distinguished based on exterior color, interior features, and engine type. While the literal translation of arthritis is “joint inflammation”, arthritis can be caused by wear and tear/degeneration, inflammation, crystalline deposits, infection, autoimmune or allergic causes, to name a few. It is also possible to have more than one type of arthritis. Sometimes arthritis can accompany another medical condition, or occur in isolation. Some commonly recognized types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Is there a certain age when arthritis usually starts? Arthritis can affect any individual, at any age independent of gender and race. There is a common myth that arthritis affects only the knees and hips, and is an “old person’s disease”. Children can be afflicted with certain forms of arthritis. With certain types of arthritis, the onset can favor certain age groups. Osteoarthritis in women tends to occur after 40. Gout, which typically affects men, if occurring in women, can often present in postmenopausal years. Rheumatoid arthritis tends to strike women between the ages of 25-50. What are the first signs of arthritis? Arthritis can cause pain in the joints often described as “tenderness, throbbing, or aching”. Other symptoms of arthritis can include swelling, localized warmth, redness of the overlying skin,

as well as joint stiffness. The pattern of these symptoms is helpful in determining the specific type of arthritis. Time of day, the symmetry of affected joints, relationship of symptoms to activity level and response to analgesics vs. anti-inflammatory medications can help distinguish one type of arthritis from another. Do women get it more than men? Of the more than 46 million U.S. adults afflicted with arthritis, approximately two-thirds are women. Arthritis tends to affect women more than men. Of the nearly 27 million Americans with osteoarthritis, about 16 million are women. When it comes to the 1.3 million American adults affected by rheumatoid arthritis, the female: male ratio is 2.5 to 1. A recent study suggests that the rheumatoid arthritis rate in women has risen sharply in the last decade and more investigation is required to reveal the causes for this trend. Do diet and exercise play a role? Diet can sometimes worsen certain forms of arthritis such as gout. Other components to the diet such as foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can help control arthritis with inflammatory causes. Exercise and regular activity is important for all arthritis patients to keep joints, tendons, and ligaments mobile and prevent loss of range of motion and muscle wasting. I often stress that is important to be mindful of your own body. Exercise should not induce more pain and can be as simple as stretching and low impact range of motion activities such as tai chi, walking, or water areobics. What are common treatment options used for arthritis? Again, the type and severity of the specific form(s) of arthritis will dictate what regimen is best suited for each person. In general, some medication options for arthritis include analgesics, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS), corticosteroids, viscosupplementation, diseasemodifying agents (DMARDS), and/or biologic medications.

What is osteopathic medicine?



A “whole person” approach to medicine—treating the entire person rather than just the symptoms. By Tracy Bretl, DO Osteopathic medicine is a distinctive form of medical care based on the philosophy developed by Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917) who stressed the concept of wellness and recognized treating the whole person. Osteopathic physicians use all modalities available through modern medicine, including medication and surgery. They can also use osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) which is a set of manual medicine techniques that can be used to diagnose injury and illness, relieve pain, restore range of motion, and enhance the body’s ability to heal. DOs and MDs complete the same amount of schooling, four years of college and four years of medical school. They also both complete graduate medical education through internships/residencies/fellowships and must pass comparable examinations for licensing. DOs receive extra training in the musculoskeletal system — the body’s interconnected system of nerves, muscles, connective tissue, and bones — which makes up almost two-thirds of the body’s mass. Osteopathic medicine was founded by A. T. Still in 1874. Dr. Still was a Civil War surgeon for the Union Army. After three of his children died of spinal meningitis in 1864, he felt the medical practices of the times were ineffective. He spent the next 10 years studying the human body and put forth four principles: 1. The human being is a dynamic unit of function. There are a number of unifying systems in the body. The circulatory system supplies blood to tissues and organs. The nervous system connects and integrates all of the body’s functions. Another unifying system is a connective tissue matrix called fascia. Fascia is a continuous sheath of living tissue surrounding every muscle, organ, nerve, and blood vessel from head to toe. The primary function of fascia is to support and lubricate. The fascia provides a pathway for blood vessels and lymphatic vessels along with nerves. These systems organize the body into a unified continuous whole. No single part exists independently, thus, when a part of the body does

not function correctly, the entire person is affected. 2. The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms and has the inherent ability to heal itself. The human body is always working to maintain balanced function. Various systems in the body work to regulate blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar. Wounds heal by inherent forces and processes in the body. At times, the body’s self-healing forces can be impaired by disease or structural imbalance. The osteopathic physician is trained to assist these mechanisms to help the body to better and more quickly heal itself. 3. Structure and function are interrelated. Every structure in the body is alive and in motion. When this motion is impaired, the tissues will not function as needed. This alteration can result in symptoms and may even result in disease. A dramatic example of the importance of structure and function is found in looking at the influenza epidemic of 1917-1918. Osteopathic physicians treated their patients with osteopathic manipulation and had a mortality rate of less than one percent while those not treated with osteopathic manipulation had a mortality rate of 30-40 percent. 4. Rational treatment is based on the understanding of body unity, self-regulatory mechanisms, and inter-relatedness of structure and function. An osteopathic medical approach to treatment typically integrates osteopathic manipulation to restore structural relationships in the tissues, enhance fluid movement throughout the body, and creates the optimal conditions for healing to occur. Today, one in four medical students is attending an osteopathic medical school. Tracy Bretl, DO, graduated from Des Moines University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in 1989. She then spent three years in the United States Navy. Dr. Bretl specializes in neuromusculoskeletal medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine and has been in private practice since 1992. For more information visit or call 414-351-1844.




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ADVICE FROM A STRANGER We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull.

Did self-isolation leave you with new aches and pains? Do you feel physically deconditioned?

STOP PUTTING OFF YOUR ACHES AND PAINS! Let us help you return to a sense of normalcy and become pain-free! 136 N. MAIN ST. SUITE 308 THIENSVILLE, WI 53092 (262)-478-0920

Get Better Faster. 20 MHL FEBRUARY 2022

A wise teacher, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you’ll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it’s the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” He continued, “And that’s the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won’t be able to carry on. As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we’re refreshed, we can carry on with the burden. So, before you return home today, put the burden of work down. Don’t carry it around. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you are carrying now, let them down for a moment, if you can. Relax, pick them up later after you’ve rested. Life is short. Enjoy it while you can!” And then he shared some ways of dealing with the burdens of life: Accept that some days you’re the pigeon, and some days you’re the statue. Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat

them. Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. Drive carefully. It’s not only cars that can be recalled by their maker. If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won’t have a leg to stand on. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Since it’s the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late. The second mouse gets the cheese. When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane. Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live. You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person. Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery…even a detour. Our Church For more information contact Unity In Milwaukee at 414-475-0105 or visit

Redefining Health

Showing Your Soul – A Way to Live in These Turbulent Times By Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D. “Ours is not tivated depending on the environment the task of fixing we subject them to. The food we eat the entire world has a huge impact on genetic activation, all at once, but of disease progression as well as reversal. stretching out to We also know that prayer has the power mend the part of to heal and working on our emotional the world that is health also impacts our ability to heal. within our reach. We consider disease reversal a miracle, One of the most calming and power- but it is in fact what our body is equipped ful actions you can do to intervene in to do. We know that depression(3) saboa stormy world is to stand up and show tages our capacity to heal and seeking your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold meaning evokes this ability. I believe the in dark times. The light of the soul throws body often manifests illness to detoxify sparks, can send up flares, builds signal us, to reset and recalibrate our modus for fires.” ~Dr. Clarissa Pinkole Estes living. Many spiritual traditions in fact, I have been thinking so much about see disease as a catalyst for awakening, the signs of our times. As one who has where it can alter our perceptions and always been interested in a symbolic deepen our experience of life, urging and aerial perspective, I find myself us to live more fully from our hearts. In looking for meaning and precision about this capacity, disease and illness can be the state of our country and the state of viewed as catalysts for purification. the world. Is there some meaning to be Many of my patients who have sufgained from all of what is happening? fered life threatening diseases have been Have we arrived at a place where we transformed by them. The experience can finally see how harmful our ways of evoked the seeker within. When they living have become and why we need to viewed their disease as a portal for transreset our values and ways of life? Are formation, they transcended society’s we in fact living out of the koan(1) of fear based and sentimental perspective. the ‘illness we need for our healing?’ It facilitated access to inner wisdom, All illness always has embedded in it the where they found a new and more illumedicine for its cure. We just need to minated way to live. look deep enough to find it. It’s always Illness provides a paradoxical journey there. Every illness is a call to connect into healing, but one that requires us to with our soul and to find meaning in stretch our perspective with consciousour suffering. It’s the way it has always ness, beyond what we are taught by our been on Earth from time immemorial. culture, and especially our medical sysAs a physician, I am always looking tem. for the bigger picture and an aerial view From this perspective, illness can be to uncover what my patient’s illness seen as a stage in our journey to wholemeans for them. This context always ness. I see our country currently in a assists their understanding of its sym- quagmire during this Pandemic. I see us bolic meaning and purpose. The body as suffering from an illness of our colis inherently equipped with the capacity lective soul. to heal. We are all born with this capacI invite us to see this time from an ity. Our body is an autoregulatory sys- aerial view — as a symbolic moment in tem whose ability to heal depends on the a larger process. We can use our expeenvironment we create for it. We have rience of the Pandemic to move deeper learned from the field of epigenetics(2) into what we need for our healing and that genes can be activated and de-acSOUL>>page 39 FEBRUARY 2022 MHL 21







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Revitalize Wellness Corner with Lee Zehm-Clay RN, BSN, FCN, HES St. Camillus Revitalize Wellness Manager

The Benefits of Being a Social Senior

Social enrichment plays an important role in brain health. Human beings are social creatures and we thrive on cooperation and relationships with others. Research demonstrates that being socially connected is associated with better brain health. Socially active people maintain their independence longer and display less physical limitations. Preserving memory, decreased cognitive decline and improved thinking abilities are a few more benefits to being socially connected. Many social activities challenge us physically and mentally which adds to our overall well being and brain health. Research shows that stress and negative emotions raise cortisol levels, which can be harmful to brain cells. Positive social interactions can lower stress hormones (cortisol) and elevate our happiness. Social activity can provide us a sense of purpose that keeps us engaged in communities and groups. This is particularly important for those who have left the workforce after having their occupation be their primary source of social engagement. Socially active people keep themselves from disengaging in life and remain more physically active. Research demonstrates that people who disengage from life’s activities are more likely to experience declines in their health and ability to adequately care for themselves. Try these tips to help you expand your social circle: • Accept invitations as much as possible. • Set a goal for yourself to start up a conversation with someone new each week. • Join a church or community group that will allow you to get together with others regularly. (Lunch anyone?) • Attend free community events such as music in the park, farmers markets or better yet volunteer at your local food pantry, library, senior center or school. The bottom line is, being socially active is good for the body and the brain. What will you do this year to improve your social wellbeing? Until next time, Lee To learn more about St. Camillus Life Plan Community and the Revitalize Wellness Program, call 414-259-6310 or visit







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Tips for a Healthy 2022 LIVE THE HARWOOD LIFESTYLE v v



These healthy habits can set you up personal goals and start taking steps to for a happy and healthy 2022.Develop- achieve them. ing healthy habits can completely change Give yourself time to de-stress how you feel physically, mentally, and Stress is something that affects all emotionally. And starting these new self- aspects of our health. Practicing regular care habits doesn’t have to be a chore stress-lowering self-care can boost your — it can be fun! immune system, improve your emotional Let’s look at some tips for healthy peace and wellbeing, and even lengthen habits that can help you thrive in the your life. new year. Find more details on these The best way to de-stress is really up healthy habits below! As always, be sure to you, but some good stress manageto check with your doctor before making ment ideas include deep breathing or any significant lifestyle changes. meditation, gratitude practice, and stayFind an exercise routine you love ing connected to friends and family. We all know that exercise is vital for Improve your sleep hygiene our health. The trick to getting regular Sleep comes with many health benexercise is to find a workout that you efits, including better mental focus, Come look to Milwaukee Catholic Home for our annualregulation, “Spring intoand Wellness” actually forward to. Plodding along weight more Health energy. Fair on Thursday, March 16th from 10 am 3 pm at 2462 N. Prospect Avenue. The on a treadmill isn’t the only option! If you struggle to get a night of qualevent includes free health screenings such as blood pressure checks, diabetes testThink about exercises like: ity shut-eye, “sleep hygiene” habits can ing,Zumba/dance cholesterol pre-screenings, and eye exams, well astomassages, doorsleep and workout help.asSimilar a skincarereiki, routine, raffle prizes, goodie bags, and more! Contact Linda Cardinale at 414.220.3216 or Hiking nature trails hygiene is a collection of practices that to learn more. Bicycling promote restfulness. Here are seven tips Kayaking or canoeing for better sleep, including limiting screen Swimming laps time, keeping a regular schedule, and upKickboxing grading your bedroom comfort. Group gym classes Download helpful apps Home video classes Smartphone apps can be perfect for Cook some new healthy recipes keeping you organized and on track with When life gets busy or stressful, your health goals. Explore these health sometimes our diets are the first things and wellness apps to do things like trackthat suffer. Fast food, microwave con- ing what you’re eating, how much water venience meals, and packaged snacks you’re drinking, how well you’re sleepor desserts may actually end up mak- ing, and more. You can also check out ing you feel worse. If you can carve out these workout apps to track workouts, some time to spend in the kitchen, home- search for nearby fitness classes, follow cooked meals full of herbs, spices, and along with yoga sessions, and more. healthy ingredients can improve your Think about your reasons why day and long-term health. New Year’s resolutions famously tend Set actionable health goals to taper off by February or March. That’s Everyone’s health and personal situ- why you need to remember your reasons ations are different, so it’s essential to to stay motivated and keep your healthy make room for your own individualized habits going! Do you want to be able to goals too. Maybe your doctor recom- chase the grandkids around the yard and mends lowering your blood pressure or watch them grow up? Complete a crosscholesterol, shedding a pound or two, country hike? Feel more energy and zest or quitting smoking. Figure out your for life each day?

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Let’s look at some tips for healthy habits that can help you thrive in the new year.

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Mark Your Calendar!


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St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus 3800 N. 92nd Street, Milwaukee 53222 FEBRUARY 2022 MHL 25

SENIOR<<page 30



Breathing and stress are tightly correlated. When we get stressed out, we tend to breathe at a fast and much more shallow rate, which can increase blood pleasure and feelings of anxiety. Breathing is one of the best ways to unwind, relax, and lower stress levels. Taking a minute for some mindful breathing several times a day will help clear your mind and relax your body. Let’s explore why breathing techniques are used to relax and improve your health. Breathing and Stress Breathing is one of the most powerful and natural functions of the human body. If we don’t breath correctly, we might feel stressed often or even have frequent headaches and sleeping problems. Breathing and stress are tightly correlated. When we get stressed out, we tend to breathe at a fast and much more shallow rate, which can increase blood pleasure and feelings of anxiety. Another problem with breathing is that we often aren’t using the right muscles to breathe. The primary muscle that is involved in breathing is the diaphragm, which is located in the stomach region. Often times, we use accessory muscles in the neck and chest to breath instead of our diaphragm. You may not realize it, but this has a negative effect on your neck, given we take 23,000 breathes per day. This is usually why we get tension headaches stemming up the back and sides of your neck. Regular sleep will also help relax your body. While sleeping, your body will naturally breathe deeply and slowly. Breathing Exercise Try this breathing exercise when you’re feeling stressed or before bed! Instructions: Lie down on your back with your legs propped up in the air. They can be low or high in the air. (Whatever is most comfortable to you.) Place your hands on your stomach. Now, take a giant breath in through your nose. The trick here is that we want your stomach to rise. We do not want your chest to rise. So, the objective is to make your stomach and hands rise as you take a giant breath in through your nose. Now, exhale out your mouth for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. This form of breathing is called Diaphragmatic Breathing. This technique is used in many yoga classes and many stress management programs. It has the power to take your body from a fight-orflight response to a relaxed state, which is why it is so effective. For more tips like these, Elite Sports Clubs’ experienced fitness staff can help you improve your daily functionality and feel better! Visit for more information.

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INDEPENDENT LIVING your parents’ community to help them in their home—including home health care, Their homes have included a 200-year oldservices. historic residence in New Castle, housekeeping, personal care, and transportation Delaware, a 39-foot sailboat, and a 22-foot RV. Property owners since 1972, Linn Older adults and their families have some options when it comes to deciding and David Woodard sold their 11th home late last year, and moved to their spawhere to live, but these choices can be limited by factors such as illness, ability cious apartment at Eastcastle Place senior living community on Milwaukee’s to perform activities of daily living (for example, eating, bathing, using the toilet, Eastside. “We weren’t planning on bed moving when financial our friendresources, Eileen showed us her dressing, walking, and moving from to chair), and personal apartment at Eastcastle Place,” said Linn. “We looked at a couple of other senior preferences. living communities to compare. Within month, we sold our condo and moved Making a decision that is best for youraparent—and making that decision with here.” She added, “We make decisions quickly. Our kids are not surprised by your parent—can be difficult. Try to learn as much as you can about possible housing anything we do anymore!” options. David said that as they were approaching their mid-seventies, they decided to What Is Assisted Living? move to a senior living community. “Wehelp wanted be young enough enjoyhelp all Assisted living is for people who need with to daily care, but not astomuch of the people and the amenities,” he said. “When we started our search, we were as a nursing home provides. Assisted living facilities range in size from as few as 25 lookingtofor sense of Typically, community. We “levels had been livingare in Port Washington in a residents 120a or more. a few of care” offered, with residents condo overlooking Lake Michigan. We could walk places, and that was important paying more for higher levels of care. to us. When we residents came to Eastcastle Place, we loved the area andortherooms senseand of comAssisted living usually live in their own apartments share munity right away.” common areas. They have access to many services, including up to three meals a day; The couple stays busy in their Although they didn’t work out beassistance with personal care; help new with home. medications, housekeeping, and laundry; fore, they both now participate in water aerobics, and David exercises in the fit24-hour supervision, security, and on-site staff; and social and recreational activities. ness center. “Because it’s convenient, we’re more apt to do it. We don’t have to Exact arrangements vary from state to state. get up and drive anywhere to work out,” he said. In addition, they attend lifelong Older adults, or those with serious illness, can choose to: learning programs and live entertainment. Stay in their own home or move to a smallerThey one also enjoy the vibrant Eastside neighborhood where there are restaurants, book shops, boutiques, movie theaters, The decision about whether your parents should move is often tricky and Move to an assisted-living facility and more, all within easy walking distance. emotional. Each family will have its own reasons for wanting (or not wanting) to Move to a long-term care facility “Before weamoved we’d eat our dinner from TV trays while watching take such a step. in with family here, member The term “incomparable” is bandied about the world of retirement communities with Move Jeopardy on TV every night,” said David, “Now we’re invited to dine withthe other Youcontenders might have to have serious talkapart. withMilwaukee’s your family Eastcastle members. Place One family call is a good way to talk together about pros many having littlea to set them however, Some families find a conference residents. What we like is eating dinner with people we don’t know and enjoymay decide a move is right because the parents can no longer manage the home. For and cons of each option. The goal of this call is to come up with a plan that works for is the quintessence of unrivaled senior living, from its spectacular historical dwelling, ing very wide-ranging conversations. There are really interesting people living another family, the need for hands-on care in a long-term care facility motivates a everyone, especially your parent. If the decision involves a move for your mom or superb location, vibrant independent living, aquatic and fitness center, and top-rated here.” change. dad, you could, even from a distance, offer to arrange tours of some places for their rehabilitation and health center. “I do not enjoy time in the kitchen and after 53 years I don’t want to ever cook In the case of SIGNIFICANCE long-distance caregivers, the notion of moving can seem like a consideration. HISTORICAL again for Ithe rest of my life,” addedneeds Linn. “The foodliving? here is delicious, and there’s solution to the problem being closelively enough to help. For some caregivers, know when someone assisted Eastcastle Place is setofinnot Milwaukee’s Eastside neighborhood. Its Historic How do wonderful variety.” moving awas sickdesigned or aginginparent own home or community be a Koch viableand In general, it’s best to start with a physician’s assessment. Depending on your Building 1892 to bytheir renowned Milwaukee architectscan Henry “I liked the of idea that Eastcastle Place a Life Plan Community, offering all alternative. Some families decide to have an adult child move back to the parent’s or that your loved one, you canisfind the right level of assistance. When Herman Esser. The Victorian Gothic edifice maintains many of its original features in- situation, levels of care in case our health needs change. This takes a lot of pressure off home toabecome thewith primary cluding staircase Cyrilcaregiver. Colnik metalwork and Tiffany memorial stained glass help with daily tasks is needed — taking medicines, bathing, dressing, meals, our kids andand takes the pressure — offan us assisted worryingliving aboutresidence our kids,”can saidbeDavid. “We Keep in mind that leaving a and familiar medicalfeatures care canincludbe transportation housekeeping the answer. windows. Each of the apartmenthome, homescommunity, is unique, many with distinctive made the right decision. We are enjoying our life here.” verylead disruptive and difficult for the older especiallyPlace’s if they are not enthusiastic ing glass bookcases, fireplaces and parent, more. Eastcastle modern building also Trained professionals provide this assistance while helping preserve an individual’s about the change. You might first want to explore what services are available in independence. boasts spacious apartments, beautiful amenities, and upscale finishes. CIRCLE<<page 37

Assisted living and Caregiving

Coming Full Circle

For 135 years and counting, Eastcastle Place offers a full continuum of care in Milwaukee’s vibrant East Side. Our 5 Star rated facilities offer high quality care and staff to resident ratios above industry standards and continues to be a dynamic retirement community. As a member of Leading Age Echelon Program, Eastcastle Place is passionate about providing a high level of excellence in care and service to our residents. Eastcastle Place has specially designed memory care support where you’ll find advanced therapies and specialized care programming for those with a memory related diagnosis.

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Steeple View

ways for seniors to stay active

An Independent Senior Community Embracing Christian Values Enjoy secure, carefree, independent living for active seniors (55 and better) in a Christian atmosphere. Relax with the comforts of home without the burden of home ownership! Our spacious 1, 2 and 2 bedroom plus den deluxe apartment homes start at $807 per month.* Schedule your personal tour and see why everyone loves living at Steeple View! * with 90% refundable entrance fee.

To get all of the benefits of physical activity, try all four types of exercise — (1) endurance, (2) strength, (3) balance, and (4) flexibility. Try to build up to at least 30 minutes of activity that makes you breathe hard on most or all days of the week. Every day is best. That’s called an endurance activity because it builds your energy or “staying power.” You don’t have to be active for 30 minutes all at once. Ten minutes at a time is fine. How hard do you need to push yourself? If you can talk without any trouble at all, you are not working hard enough. If you can’t talk at all, it’s too hard. Keep using your muscles. Strength exercises build muscles. When you have strong muscles, you can get up from a chair by yourself, lift your grandchildren, and walk through the park. Keeping your muscles in shape helps prevent falls that cause problems like broken hips. You are less likely to fall when your leg and hip muscles are strong. Do things to help your balance. Try standing on one foot, then the other. If you can, don’t hold on to anything for support. Get up from a chair without using your hands or arms. Every now and then walk heel-to-toe. As you walk, put the heel of one foot just in front of the toes of your other foot. Your heel and toes should touch or almost touch. Stretching can improve your flexibility. Moving more freely will make it easier for you to reach down to tie your shoes or look over your shoulder when you back the car out of your driveway. Stretch when your muscles are warmed up. Don’t stretch so far that it hurts. Who Should Exercise? Almost anyone, at any age, can do some type of physical activity. You can still exercise even if you have a health condition like heart disease or diabetes. In fact, physical activity may help. For most older adults, brisk walking, riding a bike, swimming, weight lifting, and gardening are safe, especially if you build up slowly. But, check with your doctor if you are over 50 and you aren’t physically active.

Other reasons to check with your doctor before you exercise include: Any new symptom you haven’t discussed with your doctor Dizziness or shortness of breath Chest pain or pressure or the feeling that your heart is skipping, racing, or flut tering Blood clots An infection or fever with muscle aches Unplanned weight loss Foot or ankle sores that won’t heal Joint swelling A bleeding or detached retina, eye surgery, or laser treatment A hernia Recent hip or back surgery Safety Tips Here are some things you can do to make sure you are exercising safely: Start slowly, especially if you haven’t been active for a long time. Little by little, build up your activities and how hard you work at them. Don’t hold your breath during strength exercises. That could cause changes in your blood pressure. It may seem strange at first, but you should breathe out as you lift something and breathe in as you relax. Use safety equipment. For example, wear a helmet for bike riding or the right shoes for walking or jogging. Unless your doctor has asked you to limit fluids, be sure to drink plenty of fluids when you are doing activities. Many older adults don’t feel thirsty even if their body needs fluids. Always bend forward from the hips, not the waist. If you keep your back straight, you’re probably bending the right way. If your back “humps,” that’s probably wrong. Warm up your muscles before you stretch. Try walking and light arm pumping first. Exercise should not hurt or make you feel really tired. You might feel some soreness, a little discomfort, or a bit weary, but you should not feel pain. In fact, in many ways, being active will probably make you feel better.

Call to schedule your personal tour! 414-525-5500 Voted Top Senior Living Facility for the third year in a row!

Chuck & Mary Jane enjoy their life at Steeple View!

12455 West Janesville Road, Muskego 414-525-5500 | |


how will you spend it? Oak Park Place offers Assisted Living and Memory Care with all the features you expect in a place to call home. Individualized services, life-enhancing amenities, and compassionate, professional staff are the foundation of all we do. Choose from a range of spacious studio and one-bedroom apartments with assistance available from staff 24 hours a day, every day. Independence when you want it, assistance when you need it. Oak Park Place. We’ll help you every step of the way.

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exercising for seniors in the winter Stay active and fit when the weather is frightful with these indoor-friendly workouts. One of our indoor exercises for seniors is brisk walking.We all know the benefits of exercise, especially as we age. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that older adults exercise 150 minutes per week for optimal health. Staying active – even in the winter – has been known to help seniors prevent chronic disease, improve mood, increase mobility, and lower the risk of injury. With these health benefits in mind, consider turning toward indoorfriendly workouts that can help you stay fit throughout the winter season. Here are six simple indoor exercises to try. Check with your doctor first to determine if these exercises are safe for you: 1. Walking Regular brisk walks can help you maintain a healthy weight, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your balance and coordination. To protect yourself from cold, snowy or icy conditions, consider taking a walk around your neighborhood shopping mall, an indoor track, or another large public place free from outdoor winter elements. Aim for 30-minute intervals or about 2.5 hours of brisk walking per week. 2. Cycling Cycling is a low-impact form of exercise that can help increase cardiovascular health and body strength without putting additional pressure on your joints as may occur during running or other higher-impact sports. In addition to reducing strain on the joints, cycling can keep your heart healthy, and may even slow down the aging process. In the winter months, consider trying an indoor cycling class at a local spin studio or gym. You can also find stationary bikes in most indoor fitness centers. Indoor biking can be a fun and invigorating way for seniors to reap all the health benefits of cycling during the winter months without having to go outside. 3. Yoga Yoga can be an incredibly beneficial way to remain active at any age. It of-

fers a wide variety of health benefits, including strengthening bones, protecting joints, improving balance, and boosting mood. If you’re not an experienced yogi, don’t worry! Most poses can be modified to meet any fitness level or body needs. Whether you learn seniorfriendly foundational poses at home or with the help of a trained yoga instructor at a studio, you can stretch and breathe your way to better health in the indoor warmth all winter long. 4. Pilates Pilates is another low-impact strength program that can be great for people at any age, including seniors. These indoor workouts are focused on helping you develop core strength and stability, which can improve balance and tone your body. From mat work to equipment-assisted exercises, you’ll likely find that many indoor gyms and studios offer Pilates classes for first-timers so that you can learn the basics from a pro in a safe environment. Check this database to find the nearest Pilates class for seniors. 5. Strength-training Building and maintaining your body strength keeps your bones healthy, improves mobility, prevents falls, and reduces pain from arthritis. Seniors can take advantage of these health benefits with a few gentle and easy strengthtraining exercises that can be done from the comfort of your home, such as squats and toe stands. Discover more strength training exercises for seniors on our blog. 6. Balance While you’re tucked inside for the winter, consider working on your balance. While balance training is important for all ages, it can be especially beneficial for older adults to help prevent falls and other accidents. Here are a few simple workouts to get started: Standing on one foot for 10-20 seconds, then switch. Walk heel to toe for 20 steps. Steady yourself with a wall as needed. Walk in a straight line for as long as possible. Learn More at




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Independent, Senior Communities Live your best life! Call for a tour today! Alta Mira II

Menomonee Falls - 55+


Alta Mira II offers one & two bedroom apartment homes for those 55 & older. Alta Mira II is a non-smoking community that was constructed with special features for those who may be deaf or hard of hearing. Alta Mira II offers an array of amenities and social activities for its residents. Income restrictions apply.

Bell Tower Place

Franklin - 55+


Bell Tower Place is a non-smoking community offering elegant one & two bedroom apartment homes. Located in a quiet, residential neighborhood you are still situated in close proximity to all the modern conveniences you will need to live an independent, maintenance-free lifestyle.

Cedar Glen

Wawautosa - 55+


Cedar Glen offers spacious one & two bedroom apartment homes centrally located in Wauwatosa, just 10 minutes from all of your shopping & dining needs. A variety of activities, 24-hour emergency maintenance and on-site management allow for the independent lifestyle you deserve! Income restrictions apply.

Granville Heights

Milwaukee - 55+


Granville Heights offers one & two bedroom apartment homes in a non-smoking community. Centrally located, you will have easy access to churches, grocery stores, restaurants and more while enjoying a relaxed, maintenance-free lifestyle within the community. Income restrictions may apply.

High Grove



High grove offers luxury one adn two bedroom independent senior apartments located on the Woodland Ridge Campus. Our spacious apartmetns incldue a patior ŸNj E ĶOŸŘɴʰ Ŏ ǣǼsNj Es_NjŸŸŎ ɠÞǼÌ ɠ ĶĨ˚ÞŘ OĶŸǣsǼ Ř_ ʩNjsƼĶ Osǣ ÞŘ ǣsĶsOǼ Ƽ NjǼŎsŘǼǣʳ Our non-smoking community is the perfect place to call home.

Hill Crest*



Hill Crest, located on the Woodland Ridge Campus offers centrally located one adn two bedroom apartment homes fo rthe independent senior. In close proximity to all of your shopping, dining and entertainment needs, our social activities will have your social calendar full year-round. Income restrictions may apply.

Crest View*



Located on the Woodland Ridge Campus adjacent to the Towering Woods Nature Conservancy, Crestview offers one & two bedroom apartment homes in a non-smokin, pet-friemdly (restrictions apply) community. Enjoy an indepdendent lifestyle with 24-hr. emergency maintenance available. Income restrictions may apply.

We invite to take a tour at any of our Horizon managed properties

THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING GOOD BALANCE Have you ever felt dizzy, lightheaded, or as if the room were spinning around you? These can be very troublesome sensations. If the feeling happens often, it could be a sign of a balance problem. Balance problems are among the most common reasons that older adults seek help from a doctor. In 2008, an estimated 14.8 percent of American adults (33.4 million) had a balance or dizziness problem during the past year. Why Good Balance is Important Having good balance means being able to control and maintain your body’s position, whether you are moving or remaining still. An intact sense of balance helps you walk without staggering get up from a chair without falling climb stairs without tripping bend over without falling The part of the inner ear responsible for balance is the labyrinth. To maintain your body’s position, the labyrinth interacts with other systems in the body, such as the eyes, bones and joints. Good balance is important to help you get around, stay independent, and carry out daily activities. When People Have Problems with Balance As they get older, many people experience problems with their sense of balance. They feel dizzy or unsteady, or as if they or their surroundings were in motion. Disturbances of the inner ear are a common cause. Vertigo, the feeling that you or the things around you are spinning, is also a common symptom. Falls and fall-related injuries, such as hip fracture, can have a serious impact on an older person’s life. If you fall, it could limit your activities or make it impossible to live independently. Many people often become more isolated after

a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly more than one-third of adults ages 65 years and older fall each year. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) There are many types of balance disorders. One of the most common is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. In BPPV, you experience a brief, intense feeling of vertigo when you change the position of your head, such as when rolling over to the left or right, upon getting out of bed, or when looking for an object on a high or low shelf. BPPV is more likely to occur in adults aged 60 and older, but can also occur in younger people. In BPPV, small calcium particles in the inner ear become displaced and hit the inner ear balance sensors, causing dizziness. The reason they become displaced is not known; the cause may be an inner ear infection, head injury, or aging. The part of the inner ear responsible for balance is the labyrinth. To maintain your body’s position, the labyrinth interacts with other systems in the body, such as the eyes, bones and joints. Ménière’s Disease Ménière’s disease is a balance disorder that causes a person to experience vertigo hearing loss that comes and goes tinnitus, which is a ringing or roaring in the ears a feeling of fullness in the ear. It affects adults of any age. The cause is unknown. There are many ways to treat balance disorders. Treatments vary depending on the cause. See your doctor if you are experiencing dizziness, vertigo, or other problems with your balance.

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“Senior Moments” The Memory Issue Where are my keys? Did I buy what I actually stopped at the store for? What day is it? Remember the days when you never asked these questions because “senior moments” were not part of the normal day. If you are reading this article because you are concerned about your ability to recall, you may not have to worry. Surveys show that if you are concerned about memory loss it is most likely due to a stressful time, aging, illness or distraction. However, those who do not worry about memory loss are more likely to be suffering from dementia.

According to a John Hopkins Special Report on age-associated memory impairment there are a number of things you can do to improve the chances of keeping your memory sharp. 1.Stay mentally active – learn something new, volunteer, do crossword puzzles, read. 2. Stay physically active – exercise increases the blood flow to the brain resulting in clear thinking. Walking or an exercise program for 30 minutes a few days a week is all it takes. 3. Rule out other causes of memory loss – check with your doctor memory loss could be due to a medication, hearing loss, depression, thyroid dysfunction, vitamin deficiency or stress which are all treatable. 4. Do not smoke – smokers over age 65 are 3.7 times more likely to experience mental decline. 5. Limit alcohol consumption – experts recommend no more than one drink a day for women and two per day for men. 6. Place commonly lost items in the same spot – get into the habit of putting your keys, glasses or other important items in the same location every time. 7. Write things down – keep a to do list and add numbers or important dates as necessary. 8. Say words out loud – hearing can increase recall. Repeating a persons name right away can help you remember. ..“Hello Mary, it is nice to meet you”. 9. Group items using mnemonics – which is a technique used to enhance memory. Associate what you are trying to remember with something that is familiar or paint a mental picture until you see it clearly. Try to alphabetize a list or put it to song. 10. Use memory aids – notepads, cell phone alarms and voice recorders can all assist in keeping track of important information. 11. Use visual images – to remember a name create a story and picture the person acting out their name. Mrs. Baker could be making a batch of cookies. 12. Stop worrying – Concentrate and relax. Use a deep breathing or muscle relaxing technique to keep the stress and anxiety levels low so you can think clearly. Age associated memory loss is common and is not necessarily a sign of a serious neurologic disorder. See your doctor with any ongoing concerns you may have. Build the above suggestions into your day and create an atmosphere for creative thinking, learning and activity. The more you challenge your mind the sharper it will remain.

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Tudor Oaks Senior Living Community is owned and operated by American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, a not-for-profit provider of senior housing and healthcare since 1930.



CIRCLE<<page 28 at Eastcastle Place Health and Rehabilitation Center for 23 years, she knew the care and commitment to the residents’ well-being was top-notch. “We were absolutely the best. We took care of our people. We passed inspections flawlessly. I thought if anything ever happens to me, I want to be taken care of there,” she said. SanFelippo retired from working at Eastcastle Place in 1996. Approximately two years ago, she moved from her three-bedroom home into her independent living apartment at Eastcastle and has enjoyed the lifestyle and amenities. Recently recovering from an illness, she completed her rehabilitation at Eastcastle Place Rehabilitation and Health Center and gave the therapy program rave reviews. “The staff here is so sweet and giving. They’re always asking if there’s anything else they can do. It’s beautiful. That’s the way it is now, and the way it was when I was working here too,” she said, adding that it was ideal for her to be under the same roof as her friends and neighbors of her independent living apartment. RECEIVING THE BEST OF CARE Under less than ideal circumstances, Patricia Spannraft received extraordinary care…twice! Two years ago, the then 73-year old suffered a stroke which left her unable to communicate. After a hospitalization, she was moved to a local rehabilitation center but wasn’t getting any better. “Therapy was critical at that stage in my recovery, and it just wasn’t any good there,” Spannraft recalled. “My daughter said, ‘you can’t stay there!’ She called some friends who highly recommended Eastcastle Place, so she quickly moved me to the Rehabilitation and Health Center there.” After intensive rehabilitation at Eastcastle Place, the long-time Milwaukee resident said she recovered completely. Consequently, when she recently found herself needing rehabilitation again, there was no doubt that she’d return enthusiastically to Eastcastle Place. “I knew that Eastcastle Place was my best bet for the most complete recovery. There was no question whatsoever in my mind, because of the experience I had before.” Spannraft said that again, she received outstanding care, “Everything I can possibly say about Eastcastle Place Rehabilitation and Health Center is positive. The care, the people, the therapists, everyone is wonderful. I am so happy with the way that they ‘ve treated me and the care they’ve given me, both times I’ve been here.” THE BEST IN REHAB AND HEALTHCARE Lindsey Viegut, who became the administrator at Eastcastle Place Rehabilitation and Health Center earlier this year, said her very first moments on the job confirmed she’d made a great career decision. “Five minutes into my first day, the State walked in for its annual survey,” she said. This can be extremely stressful. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services comes unannounced to observe procedures and care,

check compliance to regulations, quality of service, and more. “It’s a snapshot of the entire year lumped into a few days,” Viegut said. “I saw how the team responded. Everyone was calm and responsible. It showed that they were in control and prepared. Every day the team should be survey-ready, and that mindset was already here, ingrained in the system.” Eastcastle Place Rehabilitation and Health Center subsequently received its third consecutive deficiency-free survey. “This was nice confirmation that I’d made the right decision to come here,” Viegut said. “It’s proof that there’s a strong commitment to consistently providing the best quality of care.” Viegut’s first months on the job have exceeded her lofty expectations. “I look forward to coming into work every day. The mentality here with the team is that we have the opportunity to improve peoples’ lives here.” Eastcastle Place is a Life Plan Community located on Milwaukee’s vibrant East Side. Eastcastle Place offers independent living, promoting an active and engaging life style for seniors. The Health Center at Eastcastle Place offers assisted living, memory support, rehabilitation and skilled nursing services, thus providing complete continuing care for seniors. Eastcastle Place is managed by Life Care Services®. For additional information call 414-219-1398 or visit

SECURE<<page 9 Insurance representatives should meet with you one-to-one to understand your situation, needs and priorities. You should receive a thorough assessment of your current insurance plans and find out what programs may be best for you. TRUE OR FALSE: All insurance representatives offer the same level of service False. Not all insurance representatives take the time to fully explain their product offerings. An insurance representative should understand the value of professional service. That is demonstrated by their commitment to take time to explain all o f your options and respond to all of your questions in a timely and accurate fashion. You Get a Good Feeling Knowing You Made The Right Decision A retiree in Kansas expected his insurance agent to mail the health insurance policy he recently purchased. He was pleasantly surprised when his insurance representative scheduled and appointment to deliver the policy. During that meeting, the representative reviewed the details of the policy which reassured the retiree that the decisions he make would help protect his retirement savings. The representative also suggested some coverage’s that would be of value as the retiree’s needs change.


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CHOOSING HEALTHY MEALS AS YOU GET OLDER Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do—no matter how old you are! Your body changes through your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. Food provides nutrients you need as you age. Use these tips to choose foods for better health at each stage of life. 1. Drink plenty of liquids With age, you may lose some of your sense of thirst. Drink water often. Lowfat or fat-free milk or 100% juice also helps you stay hydrated. Limit beverages that have lots of added sugars or salt. Learn which liquids are better choices. Living longer. Living healthier? infographic icon. Click through for full text. Read and share this infographic to get information and tips about living longer and healthier. 2. Make eating a social event Meals are more enjoyable when you eat with others. Invite a friend to join you or take part in a potluck at least twice a week. A senior center or place of worship may offer meals that are shared with others. There are many ways to make mealtimes pleasing. 3. Plan healthy meals Find trusted nutrition information from and the National Institute on Aging. Get advice on what to eat, how much to eat, and which foods to choose, all based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Find sensible, flexible ways to choose and prepare tasty meals so you can eat foods you need. 4. Know how much to eat Learn to recognize how much to eat so you can control portion size. When eating out, pack part of your meal to eat later. One restaurant dish might be enough for two meals or more. 5. Vary your vegetablesMan holding a box of lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and beets Include a variety of different colored vegetables to brighten your plate. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients. Vegetables are also a good

source of fiber. 6. Eat for your teeth and gums Diet and exercise: Choices today for a healthier tomorrow infographic icon. Click through for full text. Many people find that their teeth and gums change as they age. People with dental problems sometimes find it hard to chew fruits, vegetables, or meats. Don’t miss out on needed nutrients! Eating softer foods can help. Try cooked or canned foods like unsweetened fruit, low-sodium soups, or canned tuna. 7. Use herbs and spices Foods may seem to lose their flavor as you age. If favorite dishes taste different, it may not be the cook! Maybe your sense of smell, sense of taste, or both have changed. Medicines may also change how foods taste. Add flavor to your meals with herbs and spices. 8. Keep food safe Don’t take a chance with your health. A food-related illness can be life threatening for an older person. Throw out food that might not be safe. Avoid certain foods that are always risky for an older person, such as unpasteurized dairy foods. Other foods can be harmful to you when they are raw or undercooked, such as eggs, sprouts, fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry. 9. Read the Nutrition Facts label Make the right choices when buying food. Pay attention to important nutrients to know as well as calories, fats, sodium, and the rest of the Nutrition Facts label. Ask your doctor if there are ingredients and nutrients you might need to limit or to increase. 10. Ask your doctor about vitamins or supplements Food is the best way to get nutrients you need. Should you take vitamins or other pills or powders with herbs and minerals? These are called dietary supplements. Your doctor will know if you need them. More may not be better. Some can interfere with your medicines or affect your medical conditions.

AMD<<page 11 with medications and interact with other nutrients to decrease their absorption into the body. This can ultimately affect a person’s nutritional and health status. For example, because the high zinc concentration in the AREDS formulation could cause copper deficiency anemia, copper had to be added. People being treated for chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes should not take high-dose nutrients without consulting their doctors. Generally, self-medication with high doses of vitamins and minerals (such as those in the AREDS study) is not recommended. Anyone planning to take the AREDS formulation, should discuss it first with their primary care doctor and/or eye care specialist,” says Mark Freedman, MD, who has provided medical, surgical and laser care to thousands of Wisconsinites since 1988. Risk Factors for AMD According to David Scheidt, a medical optometrist who provides comprehensive eye services, including pre- and post-operative care of surgical patients, recommends being aware of the following risk factors for AMD: • Age – #1 risk factor. AMD affects 33% of adults 75+. • Smoking – increases risk 2-5 times. • Family history – raises risk by 20-70 percent. • Gender – being female, possibly because live longer. • Race – Caucasians are at greater risk. • A diet high in fat, cholesterol and sugar, and/or low in nutrients and antioxidants • Prolonged sun/UV-light exposure • Obesity – raises risk 2.5 times. • High blood pressure • Light eye color – less protection from UV rays. • Inactivity – can cause inadequate oxygen supply to and eventual death of cells in the macula. Free Booklets & Information The physicians quoted above are partners at Eye Care Specialists, a leading ophthalmology practice that provides medical, surgical and laser care to more than 185,000 Wisconsinites. They are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and macular degeneration (AMD) and have written their own series of booklets on these conditions. Call 414-321-7035 for FREE copies or visit to read detailed explanations of common eye concerns and order free educational materials. Thorough eye examinations (usually covered by insurance or Medicare) and second opinions are available at their offices on 7th & Wisconsin Avenue, Mayfair Road across from the mall, or 102nd & National Avenue.

SOUL>>page 21 lective soul. I invite us to see this time from an aerial view — as a symbolic moment in a larger process. We can use our experience of the Pandemic to move deeper into what we need for our healing and transformation. Becoming healthy at all levels is what we are called to do. We must dispel our lethargy and resistance against our need for change and learn how to take care of ourselves, and also one another. We must create an environment needed to evoke our healing. We must seek alignment by behaving with integrity and consciousness. We must make conscious choices to restore our moral compass and behave once again with kindness towards one another. When we choose to live in this way, we align with our Soul. We can become the light in the darkness that Dr. Estes writes about. When we live this way, we inspire others to as well. This can become our new norm if more of us made conscious choices. Maybe our eventual healing lies in finding the meaning of this ill time, so we can seize this opportunity to transform ourselves into a world we have always longed for. ©February2022/September2018/March2017 Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar M.D., CEO and Medical Director, The Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine, Pewaukee, WI. Author of Becoming Real: Reclaiming Your Health in Midlife (2nd Edition), Medial Press, 2014. Dr. Kumar is currently accepting new patients. Call 262.695.5311 for an appointment, either virtual or in-person for those free of symptoms. 1. 2. 3.

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SPRING MOVING SPRING INTO ACTION Spring is almost here and you’ve decided your home may be too large, too costly to maintain, too difficult to maintain, too unsafe without expensive safety features to meet your needs, too far from transportation, or too far away from shopping centers and medical offices. Your home has become an inconvenience and now you’ve decided to buy or rent a smaller home or apartment. It’s a good time to make your next move. Now that the weather has become warmer it makes it easier to get around searching for your next residence. It’s a challenge to make the move to a new place after all the years you’ve spent creating and taking care of your current home. If you own your home and plan to sell you might want talk to your realtor about a Competitive Market Analysis so you can estimate a selling price. If you are renting and you need some advice on your move you can always find a moving coordinator to help you make the transition. Of course, many people simply choose to rely on family and trusted friends to help them make a move. You’ve spent your life helping them out, now it’s their turn to help you. We’ve put together some moving tips that should make your move easier. Seems pretty simple, but consider many things. Would you like to be close to family, friends, shopping centers, healthcare facilities? Will you need to use transportation other than your car? Will you have access to recreational activities? Do you want to climb flights of stairs? Do you want maintenancefree living? Is it secure and safe? Do you need assistance with daily activities? Can you keep your pet? Research new home alternatives long before you make your move. Spend time in the area where you plan to move and get answers to all your questions. Whether you are moving to a smaller home, apartment, or senior residence you need to downsize your possessions. Sort through your belongings and keep what you absolutely need. Go to the least used rooms and areas first. Sort

only a few hours at a time to avoid being overwhelmed. At this time you should create a floor plan of your new living space showing each room and the placement of each piece of furniture. Take measurements of each room. Make a note of doors, windows, outlets. Take measurements of your furniture. Give the remaining items to family and/or friends. Think about having an estate sale, a tag sale or donating belongings to charities (many charities will pick up the items at your home). Keep in mind space limitations. Let family members know what you plan on taking with you. Make a schedule of the times when you expect to have family members, friends, or charities pick up the items. Clearly label all items, use colored stickers to mark what will or will not go to your new home. This will help you remember what goes where when you begin packing. If you plan on selling your home it’s time to make minor repairs and note major repairs which you should report to your realtor. Small repairs make the home look well cared for and usually cost little time and money. These details make a difference in how the buyer views the home. Itemize cosmetic changes such as fresh paint or new carpets. The home looks ready to move into. Be sure to keep up the exterior maintenance of your home. Remove interior clutter. All of these tips create a favorable impression on a buyer. Renters make sure your apartment is clean and contact your apartment manager to discuss what time your apartment will be shown. Contact your utility companies and let them know what day you plan to move. Fill out change of address forms for the post office seven to ten days before moving day. Make sure you have phone service at your current home and new home on moving day. Have the name of the contact of your new apartment or senior residence ahead of time. Know the name of the person you need to contact if a situation comes up on moving day.

The Lutheran Home is proud to present Elaine's Hope, our new memory care community. Learn more about this new community and all our senior care options.

The Lutheran Home is proud to present Elaine's Hope, Contact The Lutheran Homeusistoday! proud 414-326-3398 to present Elaine’s Hope, our new memory care community. Learn more about this our new careand community. Learncare moreoptions. about newmemory community all our senior this new community and all our senior care options.

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When It’s Time to Leave Home The decision about whether your parents should move is often tricky and emotional. Each family will have its own reasons for wanting (or not wanting) to take such a step. One family may decide a move is right because the parents can no longer manage the home. For another family, the need for hands-on care in a long-term care facility motivates a change. In the case of long-distance caregivers, the notion of moving can seem like a solution to the problem of not being close enough to help. For some caregivers, moving a sick or aging parent to their own home or community can be a viable alternative.

Some families decide to have an adult child move back to the parent’s home to become the primary caregiver. Keep in mind that leaving a home, community, and familiar medical care can be very disruptive and difficult for the older parent, especially if they are not enthusiastic about the change. You might first want to explore what services are available in your parents’ community to help them in their home—including home health care, housekeeping, personal care, and transportation services. Older adults and their families have some options when it comes to deciding where to live, but these choices can be limited by factors such as illness, ability to perform activities of daily living (for example, eating, bathing, using the toilet, dressing, walking, and moving from bed to chair), financial resources, and personal preferences. Making a decision that is best for your parent—and making that decision with your parent—can be difficult. Try to learn as much as you can about possible housing options. Aging in place infographic icon: click through for full text Read and share this infographic to get tips on how to make home safe and accessible while aging in place. Older adults, or those with serious illness, can choose to: Stay in their own home or move to a smaller one Move to an assisted-living facility Move to a long-term care facility Move in with a family member Some families find a conference call is a good way to talk together about the pros and cons of each option. The goal of this call is to come up with a plan that works for everyone, especially your parent. If the decision involves a move for your mom or dad, you could, even from a distance, offer to arrange tours of some places for their consideration. Experts advise families to think carefully before moving an aging adult into an adult child’s home. There are a lot of questions to consider, for example: Is there space in your home? Is someone around to help the older person during the whole day? What are your parents able to do for themselves? What personal care are you willing and able to provide—moving your parent from a chair to a bed or toilet, changing adult diapers, or using a feeding tube, for example? What kinds of home care services are available in your community? What kind of specialized medical care is available nearby?






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A LASTING WAY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE THIS VALENTINE’S DAY There are traditional ways to show your love on Valentine’s Day. You can buy a card that expresses your true feelings and give it to someone you care about. There are also heart-shaped boxes of assorted chocolates and bouquets of roses. A powerful and lasting way to express your love is to show that you care about a family member or friend’s future. Everyone you love probably wants to enjoy retirement once they decide to stop working. Preparing for that future takes planning and careful thought about when and how you want to do it. Social Security is a safety net that keeps millions of elderly Americans out of poverty. At we have valuable resources that you can access 24 hours a day from the comfort of your home. There, you can:

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• Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year; • Get an estimate of your future benefits if you are still working; • Get a letter with proof of your benefits if you currently receive them; and • Manage your benefits: o Change your address; o Start or change your direct deposit; o Get a replacement Medicare card; and o Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season. Showing your love might also take the form of letting a family member know when a realistic retirement date might be. Our online Estimator offers an instant and tailored estimate of your future Social Security benefits based on your earnings record. You can plug in different anticipated yearly earnings to discover different retirement options and learn how your benefits could increase if you work longer. Give the Retirement Estimator a try today at As you can see, love comes in many forms. Helping someone prepare for retirement will improve the overall quality of their life for years. Spread the love, and let everyone know that Social Security is available 24 hours a day at

Senior READING Memoirs Aftershocks by Nadia Owusu Sometimes truth is even more dramatic than fiction, and that’s certainly the case with Nadia Owusu’s highly anticipated memoir. As the daughter of a United Nations official, her childhood took her around the globe, a rootless existence complicated further by family dynamics and secrets. Read about how she navigated these turbulent waters to discover her own identity and build a future. The Next Everest by Jim Davidson Who doesn’t love a good mountain climbing story? After surviving the deadliest avalanche to ever happen on Mount Everest, Jim could have sworn off climbing for life. Instead, he chose resilience, returned to the summit, and used his experience to glean life lessons about accepting and conquering life’s challenges. FEBRUARY 2022 MHL 45

BREAD<<page 7 artificial preservatives or refined ingredients. Sprouted Bread to Buy Food For Life Flourless Sprouted Grain Bread ($6.79, Alvarado St. Bakery, Sprouted Multigrain Bread ($5.99, Dave’s Killer Bread Organic Sprouted Thin-Sliced Bread ($5.69, The Case-by-Case The nutritional value of these bread varieties really depends on the specific kind you’re buying. These options are usually made with refined flours, which means they won’t be too high in nutrients like fiber, iron and B vitamins. But that doesn’t mean you need to be afraid of bread, Taub-Dix says. It’s OK to enjoy a slice of white sourdough or pumpernickel every so often. When you can, prioritize more nutrient-dense versions but don’t banish the carbs you enjoy. 3. Enriched or Fortified Bread If you or your family members don’t enjoy the taste of a whole-grain bread, enriched or fortified breads make a good alternative, Taub-Dix says. Enriched or fortified breads can help you get the nutrients and vitamins present in whole grains while avoiding the whole-grain flavor and texture. However, these types of loaves might not have as much fiber and protein — two nutrients that keep you fuller for longer — as whole-grain bread. Enriched Bread to Buy Dave’s Killer Bread Organic White Bread Done Right (2.87, 4. Multigrain Bread Don’t be fooled by similar names: Multigrain bread and whole-grain bread are not made equal. Multigrain bread ​can​be whole-grain but that’s not necessarily the case, Taub-Dix says. Multigrain simply means the bread is made with multiple types of grains — but these may be refined and stripped of nutrients. “Multi means many; it doesn’t necessarily mean whole-grain,” Taub-Dix explains. “So even though multigrain sounds attractive, you should check that the first ingredient is whole grains.” Multigrain bread just may not contain as much fiber or nutrients as whole-grain varieties, Taub-Dix says. Considering fiber plays a role in keeping your blood sugar levels steady, you may not feel as full after a multigrain sandwich made with refined grains compared to a whole-grain version. Multigrain Bread to Buy Brownberry Whole Grains Multi-Grain Bread (4.59, Dave’s Killer Bread Organic 21 Whole Grains and Seeds ($19.95 per 2-pack, 5. Rye Bread Rye bread is made primarily of refined flour from the rye grain, Taub-Dix says. Although you can find whole-grain versions of rye bread, it depends on the ingredient list of your loaf. Although darker breads, like rye and pumpernickel (more on that below) may seem more nutritious than lighter varieties, that’s not always the case, Taub-Dix warns. It all comes down to what’s written on the packaging. “Don’t assume that the darker the color, the better the bread,” she says. “Some breads are colored with molasses or coloring. A lot of people go by ‘oh, I’m buying a dark bread’ but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.” Again, look for “whole grain” on the ingredient list. Rye Bread to Buy Dave’s Killer Bread Organic Righteous Rye Bread ($6.69, Wholegrain Rye Bread with Sunflower and Pumpkin Seed ($4.99, 6. Pumpernickel Bread Pumpernickel bread, like rye bread, is often made with rye flour, which can be refined, whole or a mixture of both. Often, pumpernickel bread is heavier and sweeter than most bread types, which is why you may want to double-check the sugar content of the loaf you choose, Taub-Dix suggests. “Sugar is also the master of disguise,” she says. “It doesn’t have to be spelled ‘sugar’ — it could come in the form of molasses, cane juice and high-fructose corn syrup. Sometimes, there can be more than one source of sugar in your bread without realizing it.” A good thing to keep in mind is that one packet of sugar has about 4 grams of sugar, Taub-Dix says. And generally, you want to stay under 24 grams (about six teaspoons) of sugar each day. Pumpernickel Bread to Buy Mestemacher Natural High Fiber Bread ($14.99 per 3-pack, Simple Kneads Gluten Free Pumpernickel ($7.99, 7. Sourdough Bread What exactly makes sourdough, well, sour? It’s the fermentation of flour and lactic acid bacteria in the flour. Unlike many other bread types, sourdough requires a starter, which is a combination of flour and water that has fermented over several days. But despite the sour taste, sourdough bread isn’t that different from any other kind of loaf, Taub-Dix says. Usually made with rye flour, sourdough is generally made of white flour unless BREAD>>page 47







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BREAD<<page 46 you buy a specific whole-grain version or make your own. Sourdough Bread to Buy Bread Alone Organic Whole Wheat Sourdough ($6.49, The Least Nutritious Breads Although these breads are often the least nutritious by themselves, they can still be part of a healthy diet. Many specialty breads are also part of different cultural cuisines, which means they shouldn’t be neglected just because they may not be as nutritious as other varieties. Bottom line: Enjoy these bread types in the company of a more nutrient-dense eating plan. 8. White Bread White bread doesn’t rank too high when it comes to nutrition. Unless you’re specifically buying whole-grain white bread (which does exist, Taub-Dix says), it’s safe to assume sliced white bread is low in whole grains and therefore nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. As mentioned above, it’s OK to enjoy the bread that tastes best to you. As often as possible, though, try to pair a white bread sandwich with more nutrient-dense foods, like fibrous veggies and lean protein. 9. Specialty Breads: Ciabatta, Pita, Focaccia and Brioche Most specialty-style breads, like ciabatta, pita bread, focaccia and brioche are made with refined white flour. Often, too, these breads are made with higher-fat ingredients like butter or eggs, Taub-Dix says. Also, never assume that a specialty bread is gluten-free, she advises. As with all bread, you’ll want to check for a gluten-free label on the packaging if you have gluten sensitivities or gluten intolerance. This piece originally appeared on

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MEDITATION<<page 8 acting on them. So when emotions arise in my everyday life, I now have a greater ability to notice the emotion and what it’s doing to me before I launch into an automatic reaction. Like when someone cuts you off on the freeway -- being aware of the urge to flip them off, then having the space to make a conscious decision about whether giving them the finger will actually help the situation. 8. I enjoy my food more. Seriously. I love food, but there are definitely times when my mind is on another planet while I’m eating, so much so that I’m barely tasting my food. Sound familiar? Now I know how to slow down, tune into my senses and enjoy what’s going on right here, right now. All in all, meditating regularly has had a huge impact on my life. It’s helped me to relate to my stress and emotions with more awareness and compassion. Although stress reduction was a goal that I had when I started meditating, now when I sit down on the cushion, I have no agenda. I’m just there to be me and to feel more at home in my mind and my body. Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Many studies have been conducted to look at how meditation may be helpful for a variety of conditions, such as high blood pressure, certain psychological disorders, and pain. A number of studies also have helped researchers learn how meditation might work and how it affects the brain. DIGEST>>page 47 when the sun is high, diminished during sunrise and sunset, and nearly absent at dark. Therefore, its best to eat the majority of your food during the day when agni is strongest and lighten up meals at other times. Prime time for your agni is between ten in the morning to two in the afternoon and the best time for your most substantial meal. Like the term “supper” suggests, the other meals are merely supplemental. Allowing the agni to rest is important, too. When food is taken too soon after a meal (within one to three hours) or too late in the evening, digestion of your previous meal is disrupted. This can result in a residue of incompletely digested food that becomes fodder for toxic build up. The whole system benefits from a long intermission overnight, allowing the digestive cycle to come to full circle with elimination in the morning. To support this natural timing, the best aid is a cup of warm water first thing upon waking. Food choices are important and so is a regular routine around eating and sleeping. The practice of rituals around daily cycles helps to calm the mind and nervous system. Eating meals around the same time every day and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle most of the time is a soothing antidote to stressful schedules and fast-paced lives. Heather is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Instructor in Milwaukee. She provides Ayurvedic consultation, body work, and educational workshops at Kanyakumari Ayurveda & Yoga Wellness Center. S


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Let your audiologist sort someplace else. believe See thehear hearingng aidabuying pretending tosheer bea professional Audiology oropinion Medical lots of questions about theon hearing aids they offer what they thinkwell astypes When areDon’t ook ng me? to buy ds tguide s easy to ee feature swamped by the amount o onnprofessionals ormat There are soand many donefferent ng awhat ds Nohear two people are going to have t See anpeople and get your included with each extras. Only buy youhear out for Seeyou anbyAudiologist. Find out what’s ino the cost including wgot itthis carry ouyou. a comp e e hear es n Audiologist a sound rea edout room The There are many add ona exasareincluded ras you can buy orloss your n available, youReports. know exactly what your needs are itngcan seem like an impossible task. Here is is. aaspecific guide to that help you buy hearing aidshaoptional successfully. publishedunless Consumer They right. to misrepresent what they will be providing in their offices. Get local would be best for you. Please note some of the street retailers Their hearing is not the sam hearing loss so you can find what the best treatment plan I tostrongly recommend you get are the information from your need and make thatservice. any extras worth the u money. ava ab most e un ess you know person exact ydiagnose what your needs t can seem ke health an mposs b e task Here s a gu de to he p you buysure hear ng a dsaresuccess y The qualified and educated your hearing warranty and Audiologist to fit your hearing aids. This is the person that will be owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you are not Aud o og s w hen exp a n o you how severe your hear ng oss s not the same, and their manual de a d These are a use u add ons wh ch can he p someone w h ADVERT loss SEMENT ADVERT Be aware that flashy newspaper ads that have people wearing white insurance company andthethen call your Audiologist directly. The and fit your hearing aids is an Audiologist. If you don’t see Hearing aids areSEMENT an expensive investment and you should alwaysSEMENT check ADVERT At your appointment youincluded should be offered a choice hearing aid type why See an Audiologist get years a professional opinion on your specific buying-guide/index See“Audiologist” an Audiologist. Find out what’s inThere the cost including performing services for and you for down the road. Keep that person. offered the whole range offi hearing aids exactly that could effectively help are several reasons Audiologist will be able to tell you the most effective way to use your lab coats do not make them Audiologists. Too many advertisements word or the initials Au.D. after the person’s name, go wha s caus ng and how o rea The Aud o og s can re er you o S n Aud o og nd g p o on op n on on you p what is included in the warranty and aftercare service. If there See an Aud oand ogof st ndasout nc n the nc ud heararengWidex, oss Oticon, ead he e has brands. heyuded are o cost However youngneed aso Fwell somewhat different Askused questions about the Until you know the degree your hearing loss and what your is causing hearing loss so you can find out what the best treatment plan is. The most qualified educated person to diagnose hearing main manufacturers Starkey, Resound, successful theirfeatures hearing aids. warranty and service. program foross your benefit. It’s someplace Don’t believe See thehearing hearing aidbenefit/discount buying guide feature people pretending to be Audiology Medical h maximum ng o med oyou you ny find oufrom wh The h you. bor The m nprofessionals p naid. is included any feedback asone a whistling noise or crackling, orwith thebuy sound just Thwon’t mofitelse. qu fitoddo nd dume? daAudiologist. pmed o an d Ifaid gno you see h thenghear ca doc or your ng be ca reversed Know what want your it, you beyour ablehearing anything about it.on Visit audiologist who withsuch each asserv well asce optional extras. Only what you warranty and Becan aware that flashy newspaper ads that have hearing people wearing white loss and aids is an you don’t o make sure ha hey fi n w h your es y e For examp etype man Signia (Siemens), and Phonak. Most franchises get their hearing aids be successful. The most importan Atcomfortable your appointment you should be offered a choiceMake hearing aidthat uncommon to get a better deal by NOT using your insurance published byfi Consumer Reports. They gotnot itoright. to misrepresent what they will be providing in their offices. Get a local B w h fl hy n w p p d h h v p op w ng wh o nd you h ng d n Aud og you don h isn’t then go back for another appointment. sure willword carry“Audiologist” out a complete hearing testAu.D. in a sound treated room. Thebe arewh many additional thatngyoua from can buy for your hearing need make sure any extras worth A and you ppooutrageous n mthat n you hou dare off Healthcare dthe money. ho Professional dtheypchanc lab dochnot them Audiologists. Too many advertisements or the initials after name, go ab e o e There Aud o ogthe sh person’s w so youbcoats k make nds oextras one them, charge asand well asupsome questions about features hear ng a ds now connec ddifferent rec ybrands. oincluded cebAskphones Th shalways stheang wonder u Audiologist to all fit your aids. is Too the person that will o are do no m khearing h hear m Aud oThis og ds mofsomeone nythese dv companies, mbe n re-label wo d “Aud othen og ” obelieve h to nyou Ausevere Dcompanies’ pparticular onaloss n program. m these follow appointments your aftercare package. Audiologist will explain how your hearing is, go aid. These useful add-ons which can help with someplace else. Don’t me? See the hearing aid buying guide Hearing aids are anfferent expensive and you should wmany om d ffthe n are binvestment nd Aokin qu on bou h check u feature peopleby pretending to be Audiology ortoo Medical professionals When you are ook ng to buy hear ng a ds t s easy to ee swamped the sheer amount n ormat on There are so d types hear ng a ds fees pay for their advertising budgets. Many times you can get buying-guide/index their recommendations. included with each one as well as optional extras. Only buy what you w work bes or your par cu ar hear ng oss Your hear ng a ds can om p Don b v m ? S h h ng d buy ng gu d performing services for you for years down the road. Keep that person. u p op p nd ng o b Aud o ogy o M d p o on k ng to buy hearwhat ng a ds t s easy to ee swamped by the sheer amount o n ormat on There are so many d fferent types o hear ng a ds is causing it, and how to treat it. The Audiologist can refer you to op on or many peop e o ake advan age o However you are no published by Consumer Reports. gotFind it right. hearing loss to leadwhat the they life that are used However you exactly in thewrestore warranty and aftercare service. there n Audiologist’s udwhat d aids wis hincluded h onnot op on x hearing On ynumber buyIfwh to misrepresent will they be providing into.their offices. Getneed a aid local a local and do your research. same technology local office Until theyou degree yourThey hearing and what isprovider causing are They your oneyou advoc do your and make sure thatatany extras are worth money. pub h know d ess by ifCon Rofpo Th yprogrammed gomedically gh o m sure phear nthey wh hinyto wsohe byour ng buy nor hbetter offihearing ods avaya ab eyouun know ylosswhat your ttask can seem an mposs bppov eThis Here s ng aGmany gu de to heinpaHearing you buy a nyds uhtheare medical doctor yourumhearing can reversed. The be be work westablished eve ng oss hey wdtask ou know exact your needs arelossepo texact can seem ke anongneeds mposs bh eyour Here stoke areputation. de you hear success uisneed toand make that fit with lifestyle. For example, any apo noise orwo crackling, or by the just ng nyuser dfeedback nd you mhear ksuch u asng hwhistling xasuccess hy mon y sound Audiologist fitgu your hearing aids. is the person that willa abe Find a local Audiologist that is has oa good b g ce phone can en y save money purchas Know what you want from your hearing aid. it,what youps won’t be able to do anything about it. Visit ano audiologist who a cheaper price. h www consume s o g c hea a ds Hearing aids are an expensive investment and you should always check Aud o og o fi you h ng d Th h p on h w b to normal. Audiologist will also be able to tell you which kinds of hearing aids buying-guide/index ADVERTISEMENT hearing aids now connect directly to cell phones. This is a wonderful Ask friends and relatives who their audiologist is. Most people do this isn’t comfortable then go back for another appointment. Make sure that H ng d n xp n v nv m nTake nd you hou d w ywith h k yo performing services for youamp for years the road. Keep thathearing person. p inckaup hetreated requenc hear ng we and ydown hem someone willbuy carry out ade complete hearing test sound room. es The ha you are no There many additional you can buy your ng gu ndex exactly what iswhat’s included in ure the warranty and aftercare service. IfTe there anoare Audiologist getextras ao professional opinion on m ng people vp and you y that down h out odemonstration dfor p demonstration h sspecific pnc on and/or mode han the does no have hn ng sudthat eaperiod hathatyou may nohearing need willUntil workyou bestknow for your particular hearing Your hearing aids can See an Audiologist. Find out cost including If these you ever see tells particular aid ish eco See an ayour and/or Trial Audiologists theAudiologist. degree oftoyour hearing loss what is nd causing Sloss. n Aud ohearing ogphysician galso. p o on option opSee np onfor on you fitoo take to find aand good many advantage However, ifKsomeone you are not o og st Fof.Get nd what cost nc ud aGet Trial follow upsomeone appointments included inthe your aftercare package. xADVERTISEMENT yperiod wh dincluded n are h you w .Many ninyaHaving nd vof test any kind isjust stressfu Audiologist will then explain you how severe your loss is, aid. These are all useful add-ons which can help with uded Un you know h d g o you h ng o nd wh u ng w hou ncreas ng he vo ume o o her sounds is any feedback such as a whistling noise or crackling, or the sound hearing loss so you can find out what the best treatment plan is. be programmed to work with your level of hearing loss, so they will The most qualified and educated person to diagnose your hearing perfect or will restore your hearing to normal then turn and run. Know you want from your hearing aid. it,d you won’t beit,hable to do to anything about it. ng Visit an ocan audiologist who most qualified and educated tonogyou diagnose hearing fit hAudiologist o person yourefer find ou wh h b the m phone nloss pwhat nand offer ahear free demonstration so that you can the aid out buy Many flashy sales ads will tout howyour great hearing aids will work for warranty service. a big cell user, you can potentially save money by purchasing aaare nd du d p on owhat gno you ng ademonstration so an opisn’t oncomfortable wh ch some hear a ds cank you connec wan that re Many Audiologists offer free so thatn you can the ny dbtry kand utry h hearing wh ngng no obefore ng o you h toound u ess is The causing and how treat it.ngThe to someone with appointm warranty and serv ce hearing loss to lead the life that they are used to. However you need Know what you want from your ng a d you won b b o do ny h bou V n ud o who then go back for another appointment. Make sure Be aware that flashy newspaper ads that have people wearing white up the that you areisAudiologist. not hearing well amplify loss and fitdon your hearing antest Audiologist. Ifhtreated you don’t see Hearing aids restore toppo are they carry out a complete hearing a sound room. The There additional extras that that you you can buy for your hearing Hearing aids not your hearing you butIfand say little about the person orhoffice fitting the hearing w flreversed. hy nthem wThe pthe pthe dword hmodel vactually p op wmany ng wh ng d n Aud o pick ogawill youfrequencies h hearing appointment should be offered aresults choice type thatare does not have this feature may not need. Telecoils your hearing aids isaids an you don’t see “Audiologist” or the it.c The aid can behou programmed toAtho hearing loss and worn with anormal disposable hearing aid out before you buy it.bThe aiddoops can beyour programmed tohdo your nyour om ocannot b dbeen nyou go b your krestore o hearing no h the n churches m ithearing nnor M k aid u miss h wha medical doctor if your loss caninBbe medically is easy to A you ppo n m n you d off h ng yp w y ou omp h ng n ound d oom Th to make sure that they fit in with your lifestyle. For example, many Th m ny dd on x h you n buy o you h ng o hear ng ha have ns a ed n many hea these followare upused appointments aretoincluded in your aftercare package. ers the of to other sounds. lab coats do notinall make Audiologists. Too many advertisements word “Audiologist” or the initials theyour person’s go Audiologist will thenvolume explain youAu.D. howwhich severe loss is, names perfect…they AID you better hearing. aid. These are useful add-ons which can connect help someone with aids. this office changed andare staff Many national bafter ovHas doyou no m kname, haids o ogDon’t Too moften? ny dv mwhich n them o h n Au D without hinitials pincreasing m go as well some different brands. Ask about the also an option some hearing aids wirelessly hearing loss worn ahnd disposable Itonmay feel strange atutofirst to hnormal. oas ow ppo n m30 n days nwhere udquestions d nyou you can pfeatures kyou g may Audiologist will be able ton tell you kinds ofhearing Au.D. the person’s name, go someplace else. believe me? See tip. Many offices aAtrial period usually take even more likely when Aud ocausing ogonelse. wnit,also hafter nhow xpto o you how hhearing ngyou omtoAud wcan omand dom ff onnwith boffer k qutip. bou h uparound hearing aids nowpretending connect directly to cellwh phones. This is aprofessionals wonderful d Th u u dd on ch c n h p w someplace Don’t believe me? See the hearing aid buying guide feature people to be Audiology or Medical what is and treat it. The Audiologist can refer and arena shearing Hearing aidssound are asomeone great waythat towell help manage the negative effects ofyou aids it is your easy tocompany feel swamped by amount of information. There areare many different types of aids losspthe to leadon thetobeen life that they used However youhearing need brand frequently sold patient nking b to v mbuy ? S hearing h Call hwillwh ng dbest buy ng gu d particular uto poffices op parethe nd ngyou Aud oand ogyto ohearing Mleaving dgotloops o that hearing have installed innso many churches, theaters, included with each one asnot asyou optional Only buy what work for hearing loss. Your hearing aidssheer cano bobought and ifdto. you have had loss foron some the may take Iftime, youOn ever see tells you that aextras. particular hearing aid is tempt u ng nd how o Th Aud o og n you have a hearing loss it is your insurance check Hearing aids do restore your hearing the hearing aid buying guide published by Consumer Reports. They it right. the hearing aids home and have the option to return them if you are not satisud d w h h on w op x y buy wh you option for many people to take advantage of. However, if you are not h ng o o d h h h y u o How v you n d published by Consumer Reports. They got it right. toharena’s. misrepresent what be providing in theirForoffices. Get amany local agh medical doctortoifwork your with hearing loss canoofdeal be medically reversed. The with follow upthey issues years road. This can be extremely hearing loss but they arethat not ahearing cure for hearing loss. Asmoney. soon as you take make sure that they fit will in with youryou lifestyle. example, um R po Th y go be Hear ng asure ds doany not restore your hear ng mhearing p dlike n by wh himpossible ydwill wTh b down p amount ov dthe ngand n to offi Ga o they programmed your level loss, so need and make extras are worth the some getting used to. However, it is essential not to feel rushed. You perfect or will restore your to normal then turn and run. ou know exactly what your needs are it can seem an task. Here is guide to help buy hearing aids successfully. m d do o you h ng o n b m y v are just trying to help you out in oking to buy hearing aids it is easy to feel swamped the sheer of information. There are so many different types of hearing aids n d nd m k u h ny x wo h h mon y a big cell phone user, you can potentially save money by purchasing a o m k utoaids h yhearing fi na wds h you y person Fo xthat mp willmbeny to normal. Audiologist will also able to tellnot you which offiamplify hearing aids Audiologist your aids. Thisphones. isfied. the Mos peop endafter no have nsurance coverage orfitwhconnect hear ng frustrating spending thousands of dollars to bfind theHearing hearing aids are off youexpensive will still your have ahearing hearing loss. However, waiting onsume epo s o your gpick cAud oupbenefits. hea ng a dsobe hearing aids directly to Many cell Thisconsider is a wonderful Aud o well oghkinds odo hng ng h onp hearing on hnow frequencies that you hearing them Hearing aids an investment and you shouldthe always should also how easy themhearing aid ishou to aids use. Ifyyou have cannot restore to normal nor are check they ex to norma othe ogbest w bparticular b are o hearing you wh k and o you h Many d d Th model friend before appointment that does not have this feature that you may not need. Telecoils H ng d n xp n v nv n nd you d w h k h ng d now conn c d c y o c phon Th wond u buying-guide/index Most people do not have insurance coverage for hearing aids. will work for your loss. Your hearing aids can If you ever see someone that tells you that a particular hearing aid is Visit an audiologist who will carry out a complete hearing test in a sound treatperforming services for you for years down the road. Keep that person. you know exactly what your needs are it can seem like an impossible task. Here is a guide to help you buy hearing aids successfully. outoanthat your isgetus gone, anddown the he new company has oronnoHowever dex Shop around. too long towhat start hearing aids can have negative effects. option forpyour many to take advantage of. However, if you aredexterity, not png m ng vhprovider o esyou oanyprofessional hopinion odo Kon h little ppeople without increasing volume ofuother sounds. nsurance compan cover cos he some exactly iswearing included in htheyou warranty and aftercare there and specific hand find the smaller hearing perfect…they used to toook better hearing. wprogrammed wo k b the othe you pwith hlevel oexam. You ng dwill you v v are om onAID you hwhether u service. his okIfng da d qu ologist. out what’s the cost or not ithear answer are anidea inp which connect wirelessly xaids whwith n ud d included n Ihno w n in ymaynd h aids Until you degree ofthe your hearing lossAudiologist and what is causing companies cover cost ofSee the However, some op onwearing. ooption mtoexam ny op osome k hearing dvlooking n Find gtrouble o ycan How vyour you s a you good dea ostudies shop around when ng op buy aand s to work your of hearing loss, so they perfect orincluding willhave restore your hearing to normal then turn run.tong experience with the model of what hearing aid are Does the can d g o you h nginsurance obe nd whknow ujust ng ed room andhearing diagnose your particular hearing loss. Hearing tests by non-AuItyou isdone aalso good shop around when to buy a hearing aid so Several shown that anhelp untreated hearing loss (not wearing a big cell phone user, you potentially save money by purchasing a Rechargeable is any feedback such as a whistling noise or crackling, or the sound just hearing loss so you can find out the best treatment plan is. b p og mm d o wo k w h you v o h ng o o h y w too difficult or fiddly to use. hearing aids are an option Hearing aids are a great way to you manage the negative effects of qu Find out what’s included in the cost including warranty p o w o you h ng o no m h n u n nd un and educated person insurance to pick diagnose your of the conversation by asking nsurance compan es do prov de money or hear ng a ds and/or a Know what you want from your hearing aid. you won’t be ablewho to that do anything about it.hearing Visit anand audiologist who companies do provide money for aids and/or a get that to hearing loops that have been installed in many churches, theaters, ny db k u h wh ng no o k ng o h ound u b g c phon u you c n po n y v mon y by pu ch ng up the frequencies you are not hearing well amplify them warranty and service. Hearing aids cannot restore your hearing to normal nor are they See an Audiologist and a professional opinion on your specific local Big Box store have staff changes often? Do they have hearing your insurance company to check Know what you want from your hear ng a d o do ny h ng bou Call Vit,pdiologists n ud o og iologist. Find out what’s included in the cost including thatmodel you can compare prices andfeature services. providers now Telecoils have a dexterity hearing aids athat hearing loss detected) can inMake increased that does not have this thatMost youthose may with not need. ha you canppo compare pr ces and serv ces prov now are foryou purposes of up hdon’t ndone hhearing ngselling wthat ndhearing mp yThe haids m only. Behestablishment flashy newspaper that have people wearing white isn’t gonot back forisyou another appointment. sure that and Remember aring aids is an Audiologist. Ifkcarry you see thevolume hearing but they are aocure for hearing loss. As soon as take ngMwhen nno h Mos ng oresult noyou mders noyou hhave y take with knows the questio willdiagnose aqu complete test in aaware sound treated room. program that will direct tono an can get There are many you can buy for hearing and nforyour om o y service bfordiminished hcompany go nooffered h /or nHmcomfortable nloss kdare uthen hyou mod hes do no h v uphextras uthat you mappointment no nyour dn you T b. should cok o be without increasing the ofyou other sounds. avision. choice hearing aid type aid dealers instead ofcan Audiologists store? Who isadditional hearing loss sothat you find the best treatment plan perfect…they used to AID youand to better hearing. scoun program ha w outads dwhat rec oarena’s. an abhis.can shmen ha hearing canhAt ge mp heducated ng person n discount ound dnout oom Th and Th m ny dd on hworking youyou cat nthe buy oan you ng edor and to your hearing website where you look their services or search your benefits. anxiety, depression, memory loss, may also besearch aHowever, risk factor for are also option infitting which some aids can connect wirelessly warranty and service. whearing hou ng hexplain vo um oyou odhthese labound coats your do not make themis,xAudiologists. Too many advertisements the initials Au.D. after the person’s name, go these follow up appointments are included in your aftercare package. are the customer, if you feel that you want to try something different or the hearing aids off you will still have a hearing loss. waiting p … h y u d o A D you o b h ng webs e where you can ook up he r serv ces or or compan Audiologist will then to how severe hearing loss your aids at a discount. Some of establishments are good, them to clarify everything. You c aid. These are all useful add-ons which can help someone with h o ow up ppo n m n n ud d n you p k g o n op on n wh ch om h ng d c n conn c w y asinwell as some different brands. Ask questions about thearefeatures your hearing aids today? Etc…. want avoid this. n xp aids n o isyouanhow vMostyou h do ngnot osee aware that flashy newspaper ads that have wearing Hearing aids aaid way tohearing help you aid manage the negative effects of hearing If you don’t theinsurance your dBe Th u aMany udTomorrow? dd wh chreviews. corYou nMedical hpeople p to om onab wwhite hthatbeen Find aes company yousfeel comfortable with and ask them At your appointment you should be agreat well people have coverage for hearing aids. too hearing loops that have installed many churches, theaters, Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. hear ng acan ds awhat Some hese shmen are good At your appointment you should be aH choice hearing type n’t believe me? SeeAudiologist. the and hearing buying guide feature people pretending toscoun beon Audiology professionals Call your insurance company to check Shop around. go away and think about it,well thenasdo so.offered Your hearing isng too tohearing too long tooffered start wearing dimportant gchoice w y oaids h pcan youhave m types nnegative g are h asclear neffects. g on v what ff is ogoing what isaid causing it,name, and how to treat it. The Audiologist refer you tocausing some are basically a marketing gimmick. Let your audiologist sort that you hearing loss to lead the life that they are used to. However you need o h ng oop h h v b n n d n m ny chu ch h Once you know is your hearing loss, look up the included with each one as optional extras. Only buy what you nd how o initials Au.D. Th Aud o og n you o lab coats do not make them Audiologists. Too many advertisements t” or the after the person’s go rev ews F nd a company ha you ee com or ab e w h and ask hem hearing loss but they are not a cure for hearing loss. As soon as you take Ca your nsurance company to check h ng o o d h h h y u d o How v you n d insurance companies justinsurance cover the cost to of company the exam. However, some about the around hearingwhen aids they offer they think Hearing aids do not restore hearing arena’s. No two are going Call your to check yourlots some different Ask questions the features included umer Reports. They got itthis right. as as well aswhat brands. Ask questions about the features misrepresent what they will be providing in their offices. Get ashop local Itand isofmake aquestions good idea toyour looking toand buy asome hearing aid sobrands. buy something ondifferent impulse and hearing aids can quite costly. Many Hear ng aexample, ds do not restore your hear ng Several studies have thatthe an untreated hearing loss (not wearing a out medical doctor your hearing loss cancondition be medically reversed. h bepeople ng o about bu hshown y to have no usame o experience. h your ng owith A each oon you k you. and some are bas ca yThe ana tomarke gbenefits. mm ck Le aud owith ogyour ssome sor your to that fit in lifestyle. For many nxsure do some research aboutngit.would Will itbe stay the same over you believe h ngme? o Seen the b insurance mhearing d forybenefits. vbuying dif Th need and make sure that any extras are worth the Don’t aid guide people pretending beh you Audiology ornd Medical professionals themoney. hearing aids off youyou will still have a hearing loss. However, waiting ofeature m khearing u and haids hand/or y hearing fi for whearing ythe Fo mp mthey ny companies dodo provide moneyAudiologist for best for you. Please note that ofone theproviders street retailers are Their hearing loss iscan not the same asishyours, the can shape ofHow their your benefits o s o ques ons abou he hear ng a ds hey offer and wha included with each one as well as optional extras. Only buy what Most people not have insurance coverage aids. Many insurance as well as optional extras. Free tip. to normal. to fit your aids. This is person that will be that you can compare prices and services. Most now have a offices offer a trial period usually around 30 days where you take Audiologist will also be able to tell you which kinds of hearing aids I strongly recommend you get the information from your health hearing aids when a hearing loss detected) result in increased h h ng d off you w v h ng o vearshey wis ngh n Most people do not have insurance coverage for hearing aids. Many hearing aids now connect directly to cell phones. This is a wonderful time ororisd you itnow progressive? Can anything else betheir done to improve your to norma osumer b bReports. o They you wh hright. k nd o h ng d got it Hearing aids are an expensive investment and you should always check h s ou Shop around. to misrepresent what they will be providing in offices. Get a local too long to start wearing hearing aids can have negative effects. discount program that will direct you to an establishment that can get h ng conn c d c y o c phon Th wond u owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you are not Mo pcompany op do no hcover v cover ncall uthe nhearing ov gthe o exam. h hearing ng However, dThe Mcan nyyears not the same, and their manual dexterity may not bethis the same as yours. dex need and make sure that any extras are worth the money. Keep article for future will work best for your particular loss. Your aids performing services for you for down the road. Keep that person. insurance and then your Audiologist directly. If you ever see someone that tells you that a particular hearing isrefere website where you can look up their services or search for company the hearing aid home and have the option to return it if you are not Shop around companies just cost of some insurance companies anxiety, depression, memory loss, and may also be a risk factor Hearing aids are an expensive investment and you should always check exoo ong o w ng h ng d n h v n g v ff insurance companies just the cost of the exam. However, some wou dyoubehand bes orare ease no ewhy some ohearing he not sloss ree aaidforers ar hearing? Find out about thek different kinds ofthe hearing aids available forwhole many people tohearing take advantage of.could if you are ou p u h ng o your Youhearing ngompatd na discount. n you v buy om onhelp pSeveral uyou h P ng dshown exactly isa included inhnot the aftercare service. Ifreasons there Itoption isn athe good idea shop when looking towhat hearing aid so warranty Audiologist toHow your isHow person that will bearound aids these establishments are good, studies have thatha an untreated (notrewearing on oy xm ny pfitso op ohearing dvaids. n gThis ohe vorma you no of offered range aids that effectively u hnwhat ovSome ofor hhearing m vyour om Ioflevel sooprong recommend you ge ontouser, your hea h ngHowever, degree of your hearing loss and isbecausing There that may have been Hearing aids are anask expensive investment and you should always check bendo programmed to work with your of hearing loss, they will will able todoutell you thehmoney most effective way to use member. Paper advertising perfect orseveral restore your hearing tounperson normal then turn and run. reviews. Find aAudiologist that you feel comfortable with and them satisfied it.purchasing Find outhdhow long this trial period iswill and whether good dcompany o rom hop ound wh n pis ook o buy h ng o insurance companies provide aids and/or a Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. S v ud h v hown h n d h ng o no w ngis e provide money for hearing aids and/or a discount program that will direct you which are suitable for your type of hearing loss. Ask your actly what is included in the warranty and aftercare service. Make sure that wo k w h you v o Audiologist hand ng o o h y w a big cell phone you can potentially save money by a ndex o w o you ng o no m h n u n nd un any feedback such as ahave whistling noise orhear crackling, or themanu sound just some are basically a marketing gimmick. Let your audiologist sort that you can compare prices and services. Most providers now a performing services for you for years down the road. Keep that person. hearing aids when a hearing loss is detected) can result in increased b g c phon u you c n po n y v mon y by pu ch ng owned by ng a d ac urers You may find ha you are no n u n omp n do p ov d mon y o h ng d nd o you. The main manufacturers are Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, Know what you want from your hearing aid. e to do anything about it.hearing Visit an audiologist who successful with their hearing aids. That does not mean that you will not pick up the frequencies thatprogram you areyou not hearing wellcompany andbenefit. amplify them aid benefit/discount for maximum exactly what isdappointments included aftercare service. Ifnhthere published times Hearing aids cannot hearing to they d lots questions the hearing offer and what they think not there isneed. anno cancellation orwarranty return fee. Get everything in writing discount program that direct toyour an establishment that get at hen nsurance and cayouaid your Aud oabout og s look dc up rec y that The you crecommended n comp p this ndaids vthey c or Mo pdnot ov now hoinv the two people going the hno wh hto have ng your o same d experience. d normal n a few unor n are na year. questions about why can aIt’s particular hearing ishof being h youof your no h ng w nd mp h hmwill model that does not have feature you may Telecoils he degree loss and what isymcausing to an can your hearing aids discount. of these H ng you h included ngandNo oanxiety, mng nod are yrestore follow up are in your aftercare package. this out for you. isn’t comfortable then goaids back for another appointment. Make sure that website where can their services or their search for company depression, memory loss, andis that may you also bedyour a effec riskHearing factor for mod h b many do no hare hn extras h you m ySome nofor n your d Tyou co duncommon oun pestablishment og w dthat you oget n using hm ninsurance h v good, g uathat mplete hearing test hearing in a not sound treated room. The Signia (Siemens), Phonak. Most franchises hearing There are additional can hearing successful. most important thing give without increasing volume of other sounds. to get better deal by NOT your isaids feedback such as aAare whistling noise orbe crackling, ordThe the sound just offered he who e range o hear ng a ds ha cou ve y ohe p your hearing aids atthe a awho discount. Some of these establishments perfect…they are used to AID you to better hearing. would best forand you. Please note that the retailers before you hand over your money. wbuy b be wh you cwhich n ook upuse h some v any cofget oh street ch owirelessly comp ny Their hearing loss is not the same as yours, the shape of their ears is for your hearing loss. nx y p on m mo y o nd m y o b k o h vo umanything o o h about oundit. Know what you want from your hearing aid. ble to do Visit an audiologist are also an option in some hearing can connect Aud o og s w be ab e o e you he mos effec ve way o your p … y u d o D you o b h ng I strongly recommend you get the information from your health these follow up appointments are included in your aftercare package. establishments are good, and some are basically a marketing gimmick. Let your reviews. Find a company thatre-label you feelthem, comfortable with outrageous and ask them you h ng d d oun Som o h b hm n good Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. o n op on n wh ch om h ng d c n conn c w y en explain to you how severe your hearing loss is, from one of these companies, and charge aid. These are all useful add-ons which can help someone with Healthcare Professional the chance to improve your hearing and heed companies’ particular program. and some are basically a marketing gimmick. Let your audiologist sort isn’t comfortable then go back for another appointment. Make sure that owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you are not Hearing aids are a great way to help you manage the negative effects of v w F nd comp ny h you com o b w h nd k h m There are 6 major hearing aid manufacturers in the world. Ask why a not the same, and their manual dexterity may not be the same as yours. A h m D nd D m n omplete hearing test in a sound treated room. The There are many additional extras that you can buy for your hearing to hearing loops that have been installed in many churches, theaters, insurance company and then callng your The mantheir manu urers W the dexsameOexperience. con S arkey Resound HI soffer ng and dyouwhat gthey wthink yyou o h The p you m gn htwon people g ac v are ff going o are ofpay questions the hearing aidsMany they nd om b you m out kcompany g mm k to Lang you ud ogvlife Call your insurance No to have nd how to treat it. The Audiologist can refer toythis o Audiologist hng oop h othe h/d b o n they n program d used nfees mlots ny chu ch their habout audiologist sort for you. hear dcheck benefi scoun or your max mum benefi to for advertising times can get hearing loss to directly. lead to. you need recommendations. urance company to check this out for you. these follow upwh appointments arenot included in your aftercare package. Hearing Aids do restore hearing normal. offered whole range ofh hearing that could effectively particular manufacturer is that being usedare for you. Avoid hearing aid sales hearing loss butyou they are for hearing As soon youbeen take o However o the qu on bou hbudgets. ng aids d hHearing h yng off nd h the yhelp h nk There are several reasons that person may have No wo pyour op go ngnot oawhy hcure v to h blog m was xploss. n not hen explain youcan how severe your hearing is, aids do not restore your hearing aid. These are all useful add-ons which can help someone with and arena’s. Audiologist will be loss able to tell and you thedo most effective way to use your o bu h y no u o h ng o A oon k This guest written by h ou o you would be best for you. Please note that some of the street retailers are Find a local provider your research. your hearingtoloss be medically reversed. The Their hearing loss is not the same as yours, the shape of their ears same better aid your technology inha local Audiologist’s office atS gn a S emens and Phonak Mos ranch ses ge he r hear ngis a d tond maken and sure thatyour they fit inhealth your lifestyle. For many benefits. I strongly recommend you information from insurance company They are your number oneno advocate better hearing. Iyour strongly recommend youget getthe theno information from health uncommon oyour ge a with be erone dea by NOT usyou ng nsurance people franchises that only brand ofor hearing aid.manufacturers you. The Widex, Oticon, Starkey, the hearing aids will have adoes hearing waiting soand wou d example, bmain bhearing oand you P areno om o ngsoon h d offasResound, it. The Audiologist can refer you successful hearing aids. That mean that not Ce As Hearing hearing normal nor are Th h with ngtheir o you hstillto mfor younot hloss. hHowever, p they oyouAudiology hwill hearing loss toreputation. lead lifesell they are used to. However need hearing aid benefit/discount program for maximum benefit. It’s hHearing hmay you w not haids v hcannot ng o restore How vyour woff ngmanual ong ycompany omm ndto you gcall hyour nyour oAudiologist m om youtheMany hThe hthat to Find a local Audiologist that is established and has aon good to normal. Kloss, Audiologist at Midwest owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You find that you are be how abletototreat tell you which kinds of hearing aids not the same, and their dexterity may not be the same as yours. Most people do not have insurance coverage for hearing aids. a cheaper price. aids do not restore your hearing hearing aids now connect directly cell phones. This is a wonderful insurance and then directly. your directly. The will be able tellyour youlifestyle. the most Shop v nhearing u nthen gbe huAudiologist d to Mget ny Signia (Siemens), Phonak. get their hwhearing ifhyour lossovcall canloss. reversed. The too toffm start wearing canisy have negative effects. own d around. byeffective h and ng many d m nu Most c u franchises mever yofind you no rom hese eswith remhearing abe ou you rageou successful. Thend most thing that givehyour no hvcompan h isimportant nu daids x hem m and y you no bcharge mHearing notomedically a nd better byAudiologist NOT using your insurance tothe make sure that they fit into with compan es par cu ar program perfect…they are used AID better hearing. Shop around nuncommon nng omp h you ndeal you Aud omany og dto yto Th oo ong ng haids ngtoyou done n ohyou nto glong Ask friends and relatives who their audiologist is. Most people do this our particular hearing Your hearing aidsny can IfYou you seeeffectively someone that that av be particular aid offeredFor theifexample, whole range of hearing aids that could helptells Take someone you your There arehearing several reasons why to that personappointment. not have inbeen insurance companies just the cost of exam. However, some Ignore magazine ads for hearing “devices” option for people take advantage of. However, you are notngaround Audiologist will able tocover tell the most effective way use your Dr. Kloss has been anmay Audiologist to normal. u able ov toway h o you o which hcompanies’ x kinds mgood How v bebaid om also of hearing aids your hearing benefit/discount program for your maximum benefit. not Itooff isbuy aone good tounshop to cou buy hearing aid so from of these companies, re-label them, charge Several studies have shown that an sto untreated hearing loss (not wearing dIt’s hisidea who o and/or h when ng looking dTrial hand darestore ffvoutrageous c hown vare y hhearing p n oun Healthcare Professional the chance improve your hearing and heed particular program. Th v on why h p on m y no h v bthe nMil hearing aids now connect directly to cell phones. This a wonderful good d o hop ound wh n ook ng h ng d o Aud o og w b o you h mo ff v w y o u you tohearing find a physician also. S v ud h h d h ng o no w ng Hearing aids a great way to help you manage the negative effects of hearing workbewith yourtell leveltoofuse loss, so they will Get a demonstration period ees pay or he r adver s ng budge Many mes you can geSt., hS perfect or will your to normal then turn and run. you. The main manufacturers are Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, any kind oftheir testaid is stressful, so it reached isdoes always aat good idea to76th takenot with hearing That not mean that you will insurance companies do provide money forcell hearing aids and/or hearing aid program for your maximum benefit. It’sa potentially a and big phone user, you can savefees money bycan purchasing a c u and flashy ads from hearing aid salespeople. do particular p ov dcommon mon y Many oloss. hhget ng ddbenefit/discount nd o dcan your hearing Your hearing aids IfMost you ever Syou see ksomeone that tells you thatHaving asuccessful particular hearing isHengaids. can be 4818 S. that you compare prices services. providers now have a to pay for their advertising budgets. Many times can get the you Th m n m nu W d x O con y R ound hearing aids when a hearing loss is detected) can result in increased to a better deal by NOT using your insurance companies’ particular program. their recommendations. u u w h h h d Th do no m n h you w no option for many people to take advantage of. However, if you are not ng b n fi oun p og m o you m x mum b n fi flashy sales ads will tout how great the hearing aids will work for h you c n comp p c nd v c Mo p ov d now h v cies that you are not hearing well and amplify them h loss ngthat d you wh nhearing hrestore ng o d d n u n n d Many Audiologists offer a free demonstration so can try the Hearing aids cannot your hearing to normal nor are they Signia (Siemens), and Phonak. Most franchises get their aids but they are not a cure for hearing loss. As soon as you take the hearing aids discount program that will direct you to an establishment that can get someone with you to an appointment. When you are worrying about be successful. The most important thing is that you give your Hearing not uncommon to get a better deal by NOT using your insurance model that does not have this feature that you may not need. Telecoils same ortobe erThey hear ng anumber drun. echno ogy ah414-281-8300 oca Aud ogyou s Hs office Doyour not purchase hearing aids or hearing devices from adsPhon a loss, local provider and do research. ho work w dwith your you o n you bbut hm nommon hso no gthe ofFind hearing they willperson perfect or will your hearing normal then and website where you can look their services or forhtocompany • Website: same better hearing anx local Audiologist’s office at Smoney gnoraid Sbyomagazine m n you nd kThe Moaidin nch h restore ng anxiety, depression, memory loss,nnfor and may hhearing. also be go a vrisk factor for wa your advocate better bo bare uturn Thoto mo mpo ng you no un gdiscount. b Some by u phone ng you youuser, u ncan abNOT bigestablishments cell save purchasing a technology say little about or doffice actually fitting the hearing he volume of otherlevel sounds. w wh nn you ook up potentially hhearingv aids chearing ocan ch comp nyaidbuy dgsearch pwill on m mo oa hearing m ythe kueasy ooneTelephone out before it.up can be yprogrammed your perfect…they are used tohave AIDydyou to nd better hearing. from one of these companies, re-label them, and charge outrageous your aids at athem these are good, results it isProfessional miss what iswearing saying. is ng Healthcare chance toAudiologist improve your hearingThis and heed companies’ particular program. off you still loss. However, waiting tooyour long to start areorand anaoption incothat which some connect wirelessly newspaper adsreputation. make outrageous claims about how well these Find ahearing local that is established has good Fofnd aalso oca Aud og sthis ha s com es ab shed and acomp good repu on d oun Som bwell hm nAudiologist good ncies that you areonothhearing and amplify Hearing aids cannot restore your hearing to normal nor are theythe Find ahas company that you feelbatip. comfortable with and ask them areviews. cheaper price. om on o h n h m nd ch g ou g ou Email: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. a cheaper pr ce H h P o on h h n o mp ov you h ng nd h omp n p u p og m aids. Has this office changed names and staff often? Many national model that does not have feature that you may not need. Telecoils v w F nd comp ny h you o b w h nd k h m A h m D nd D m n hearing loss and worn with a disposable It may feel strange at first andyou someud are marketing gimmick. Let your audiologist sort aidsaids are great waythetonegative help you manage the negative effectsyou of mayyou fees to pay for their advertising budgets.Hearing Many times youa can can get even more likely when have to a hearing loss. However, when d their recommendations. will work for Any hearing or device purchase todevices hearing loops that have been installed inraid many theaters, Ask friends and their audiologist is. Most people doyou. this y m k company ng g mmsounds. kbrand L obasically og o a who hearing have effects. g the volume of other Take someone with your appointment. urance to check perfect…they are used to AID to better hearing. lots of questions about thepeop hearing aids offer and they oconnect p syyou ohad hMos dv ng M ny m what you c ng ntake gthink hv you Nohntwo people are going to haveconsults the same experience. Askdo rand ends and rewill ves who he aud ochurches, og swirelessly ebudg dointhey htime, swo Find arelatives local provider your research. offices are frequently bought and sold leaving the patient to omm nd on are also ando option inawhich some hearing aids can agood provider and your research. o o qu on bou h h ng d h y off nd wh h y h nk Initial are free of charge. No p op go o h h m xp this out forlocal you. and if you have hearing loss for some the sound may hearing loss but they are not a cure for hearing loss. As soon as you take same or better hearing aid technology a local Audiologist’s office at you have a hearing loss it is tempting for others to speak for you. They They are your number one advocate for better hearing. through the mail most likely be a waste of your time and money. toFind find a physician also. and arena’s. Get and/or Trial period Fwith nd a Audiologist oca prov der and do your research Having any kindloss of test isofon stressful, so a good takeis Several studies have an untreated hearing (not hearing aids a great way toshown help youthat manage negative effects be you. that ofhto the street machurches, odemonstration bbest hAsk ngPlease d itnote chno ogy some nHearing oc Aud oare ogretailers offic hearing is not theloss same as ityours, thehshape theirtoears deal follow issues years down the road. This can beophys extremely s. Thhthe ypHowever, numb dvo oiswearing balways ngofidea toand hearing loops that been installed inoawould many theaters, Find acheck local that is established aaids good reputation. Find auplocal Audiologist that and has reputation. wou dais bhas bestablished you h a good omsome hgetting I on strongly recommend you get the from your health Th ng ooff no hare hTheir o you h help usedforto. However, is essential not feel rushed. You ob information find good cPhave an anoso surance to cheaper price. the hearing aids you will stillmhave ayou hearing loss. waiting are just trying to you out in a difficult situation. Explain to your Many flashy sales ads will tout how great the hearing will work foron nd you g company h no m om you h h Many Audiologists offer a free demonstration so that you can try the F nd o Aud o og h h d nd h good pu someone with you to an appointment. When you are worrying about hearing lossloss but they are not a cure for result hearingTake loss. As soon nd as you take owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you not aids when a hearing is detected) can in increased anxiety, depression, memory loss, ch p p c frustrating after spending thousands of dollars on hearing aids to find not the same h m nu d x y m y no b h m you t have insurance coverage forfriends hearing aids. Many Ask friends and relatives who their audiologist is. Most people do this and arena’s. insurance company and then call your Audiologist directly. The own d by h ng d m nu c u You m y find h you no someone with you to your appointment. and who their audiologist is. Most do should this toalso find abefore good hbe h tohave myour nu d aids x can y mhave y nonegative bbefore m appointment you easy the hearing aid is programmed to Ifwearing you around. too long tomuse. startnd hearing effects. youAobut saynd the person office actually fitting hearing the exactly what them and isry h y nd h n you Aud og dlittle y relatives Th fits. flashy sawaylittle es ads w h people ou how grea he hear nghow a ds whearing work or hearing aidconsider out you buy it. The aidno can k your ndabout v also. who horMany udShop ocompany og Mo pthe op Many Aud ofriend og s sh any offer aDementia. ree demons ra onyou soneed you the results itand is veasy to miss what your Audiologist isfrom saying. Take someone w th you your appo ntment the hearing aids off you will still have a hearing loss. However, offered that could effectively help that provider is gone, and new has or do no es just cover the cost of out theto exam. Th why hsoto on mha no h can vThis find aHowever, good physician and may also be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease Get demonstration and/or Trial period besome able to tell youthethe use your off dgood h idea who ng o h when ng looking d htrouble daathe ffhearing cwhole vhand yaid hrange p of Having ofwaiting it pisyour always a ygood to btaken with your dexterity, you mayaids find the smaller hearing aids Th vstrange on why h p whether on m yorloss no hisvwearing btotest n isonstressful, It staff is aeffective to to shop around tocou buy so Several studies have shown that an untreated hearing (not aids. Has this changed names andmost often? Many national physician b have o insurance you h coverage mo experience ffAudiologist v hearing wwith y will ooffice ualso. you notlikely itkind ok answer questions on behalf. Keepidea control not aids. Many ofor find good phy n o hearing loss and worn with a disposable tip. It may feel at first Get a demonstrat on and/or Tr a per od even more when you may have a hearing loss. However, H v ng ny k nd o u o w y good d o no Shop around. the model of hearing aid you are wearing. Does the you. The main manufacturers are Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, too long to start wearing hearing aids can have negative effects. you bu say e abou he person or office ac ua y fi ng he hear ng es do provide money for Many hearing aids and/or a flashy sales ads will toutbought how great the hearing will work for services. umberesult uhwith win hincreased han appointment. ng d aThd can do be noyou m aren worrying h you wwhen free demonstration so aids that you tryng the hearing aid benefit/discount program for your maximum benefit. It’s hear ngdetected) adod ou you The programmed okyou you Th mngaids nthe m nu cwohearing u to W d xwill OtooMany con SAudiologists korynow R have ound someone you tono When about difficult fiddly tooffer use. hearing u time, whsound hare hancan hoption d Th nore you whbuy that you can compare prices Most providers a a Rechargeable brand and sold leaving patient hearing when amay hearing loss is can d oun p og the m cost o you m xnyoffices mum bare n have fifrequently nies justdirect cover the exam. ofno the conversation by asking questions. Ensure that the for person you MBig flsayHowever, hy dsome w ouads how goffice hactually hahow d to w k and o when Many sales will tout great the aids work for you and ifny you have hadbut hearing lossMost some the M Aud o og off dformon on uaids ostudies you n take y hthat you have a hearing loss it is tempting for others to speak you. They local Box store staff that changes often? Do they have hearing om on w h you o n ppo n m n Wh n you wo y ng bou It is good idea shop around looking to buy a hearing aid so hat will you to anof establishment thatflashy can get Signia (Siemens), and Phonak. franchises get their hearing aids Several have shown an untreated hearing loss (not wearing you but little about the person or fitting the hearing b u u Th mo mpo n h ng h you g v you H ng not uncommon to get a better deal by NOT using your insurance hearing aid out before you buy it. The aid can be programmed to your a ds Has h s office changed names and s aff o en? Many na ona Sroad. gn This Suwhere mycan Phon kng nchfor those h for h company ng d dexterity and /orbanxiety, the results itknows isfactor easy to miss what that is saying. This with vision. Remember that you u not mo n ng h ngoss hand you vayou you H ngquestions website you can upMo their services orhg search deal with follow issues down theoffi be extremely g do b provide d money by NOT usay ngbulittle you nup n the memory loss, and maytake also beg trying risk for nies hearing aids ayears hear worn hhelpathe eyour pAudiologist Isituation. may ee sngyand range ais firs with you want answered ask you y are bou h person p names on oor fincompare ngnd hfitting hlook some getting it isTh essential toaids feel rushed. You ng ofdiminished dused ounow bto.companies, oHowever, you dhearing nand bdepression, pucharge ogTh mm ompo you about office actually the hearing aids. dealers ofuand/or Audiologists working atthat the you store? isfitting are just you difficult your hcan u Pw yd osposab m you Aud og ngto a discount. Some of theseaidfor establishments good, canWho prices and services. Most have a abuy from one these re-label them, outrageous aids. Hasinstead this office changed staff often? national when adhearing loss is detected) into increased Hyou hhresult o nd houtmay hinwh nahave o amp ov oyou hExplain ndTh h d companies’ particular program. hearing loss and worn with disposable tip. Itsomething atDementia. om on haMany comp n on you bbough hm nd providers ch gand ou gthem ou even more likely when hearing loss. However, when frustrating after spending ofand dollars on hearing aids ton find areshould the customer, ifnd you feel that you want toH try different or h may Pfeel o strange on hfirst h n o mp ov ngeverything. hon d you p og reviews. Find company that comfortable with ask that will m directgimmick. you to an establishment can get Alzheimer’s Disease and d Has Haudiologist hthat offi hthousands ng bought dn m nd ffleaving oowhere n? M ny brand offices are requen yfeel and so d eav ng he pa en o them to clarify You could also ask them to take notes so also consider how easy the hearing aid is to use. If you have h ng o wo n w h d po b p m y ng fi your hearing aids today? Etc…. You want tostaff avoid this. lly a marketing Let your sortTomorrow? friend before the appointment exactly what you need from them and this office changed names and often? Many national brand offices are v n mo k y wh n you m y h v h ng o How v wh n ak website you can look up their services or search for company brand offices are frequently and sold the patient to and you have had hear ng oss or some me he sound may fees pay for advertising budgets. Many times you can get the loss, anxiety, depression, memory and may beomm a hearing riskndappointment. factor halsohave on for iftoand you have had hearing lossso. for some time, the sound may take y vo ng habout dvthe ngo budg Mgooffer nyand m you cthey ntheir g think h then do Take someone with you the outestablishments your provider is gone, the new company has or no you aclear loss it isgoing tempting to speak for you. They away think about issmaller too important to hhearing omm nd on lots of aids they and what at a discount. Some of these areprovider good, No two are going to have b that nd a offi n y and bough ndroad. oo questions dpThis hlittle nhearing that youto areor on what is on. ngforoothers trouble with your hand dexterity, find the hearing aids nd you h Th vyears h sthem dit, haid technology ng ex oyouYour omay om mpeople h Disease ound m y Dementia. k the same experience. Once you know what isqucausing your hearing loss, look uppto thedeal Find local and do your research. deal with follow up issues years down the can be extremely dea w h o ow up ssues years down he road can be reme y whether not it is ok to answer questions on your behalf. Keep control you h v h ng o mp o h o p k o you Th y reviews. Find a company that you feel comfortable with and ask same or better hearing in a local Audiologist’s office at Alzheimer’s and frequently bought and sold leaving the patient with follow up issues prov der and do your research Th y you numb on dvo o b h ng some getting used to. However, it is essential not to feel rushed. You experience with theupmodel ofy hearing aidwould you wearing. Does m bTh h n you. ng xPlease dthe Audstreet o og retailers offic some geoto ng the used oof However s inessen a situation. no o When ee rushed are just to ears help a difficult Explain to your Yo cally a marketing gimmick. Let sort buy onfiddly impulse andRechargeable hearing aidsTh can be quite Many best for note that nsomeoc of something the are you numb ongood dvo btake hsomeone ngtrying Itno isaids always idea with you your appointment. d your haudiologist odo ow uthat down hWill ooitare dbe breputation. mchno y ogy Their hearing loss is not same as yours, shape their isyoutoout and research stay same over too difficult or to hearing are an Find awgood local Audiologist is about established and has a the good om g what ng uthey d think o use. How v n y two o costly. ugoing haoption dthe You end you the from your health frustrating after spending thousands ofit.dollars on hearing aids tothe find of the conversation person lots of questions about hearing aids they and u y ng o hby pasking you ouquestions. n d ffiEnsure u uthatontheExp n oyou you aoffer cheaper price. No people are to have the same Free experience. og h get down b information h the d condition nd h uBig pusome on road. This can be extremely frustrating after spending thousands of dollars on hearshould also consider how easy the hearing aid is to use. If you have rus ra ng a er spend ng housands o do ars on hear ng a ds o find local Box store have staff that changes often? Do they have hearing ch p p c tip. friend before the appointment exactly what you need from them and offices offer a trial period usually around 30 days where you can take ng p nd ng hou nd o do on h ng d o find owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you are not notvision. the same, their manual dexterity may not bewith the same as yours. you are worrying about results itshape issomeone easy miss your isIand dthe a yours, so cons der how easy he ngy you aAudiologist dwant sappo o dusentment time orMo is ityour anything elsenew be company done tobest improve your Ask friends and relatives their audiologist is.beMost people doorPlease this forofthose withodiminished dexterity Remember that you y vandwho thenh call ud your directly. The hou dstreet on d are how y handh/or ng dhearing oand u loss hshou vyou out that provider is who gone, and the has no note that some Take wisnquestions th you to your take knows the that would forlittle you. the retailers nd byou o their h to ppo mwhat nhear xfor wh you nanswered om h you maskndhav oinformation ogAudiologist pprogressive? op do hd Can Their isyou the same as the of ears someone wnot th to your appo ntment trouble with your hand dexterity, you may find the smaller hearing aids aid instead ofhealth Audiologists working atwthe store? Who isder fitting mend get theaids your ing toeffective out that your provider gone, and the new company has little or no experience Keep this article for reference yourself, friends, or a family oudealers you pabout ov gon ndis haid nha omp ny h available otheshearing nogone whether or not it isfuture ok to answer questions on your behalf. Keep control theare hearing aidcompany have option to return itseveral if you are not offered the whole range of aids that could effectively help ou your prov and he new has ewant ormTake no There are reasons why that person may not have been hearing? out the different kinds ofyou hearing aids tofind findhFind afrom good physician also. able to you tell you the most way to use your Get a demonstration Trial period saying. This is even more likely when you may have a hearing loss. You will be the customer, feel you to try something different orroub experience with the model of hearing are wearing. Does oub w hhome youif you hand nd d that x the yand/or you y find h m h ng d H v ng ny k nd o u o w y good d o k oa d owned by hearing aid manufacturers. You may find that you are not them to clarify everything. You could also ask them to take notes wh h o no ok o n w qu on on you b h K p onso n o Get a demonstrat on and/or Tr a per od not the same, and their manual dexterity may not be the same as yours. e w h your hand dex er y you may find he sma er hear ng your hearing aids today? Tomorrow? Etc…. You want to avoid this. H vhearing ng nywith k nd o whether o doesmember. wofymean d advertising o by k asking tooBox difficult fiddly to use. Rechargeable aids are an optionaids.uThat ny and then call for your Audiologist directly. The xpare n hearing wstore hads hIt’s mod oofhow hhearing ng d hearing you w Audiologist ng work Do h the Paper is expensive thisthat article is only the good conversation questions. and Ensure the person you satisfied it.orResound, out this period and you. The main manufacturers are oWidex, Oticon, Starkey, with the model of aid you are currently wearing. Does local Big store have successful their hearing not that you will which suitable for type loss. AskDo your Many flashy sales tout great the aids will for discount program maximum Audiologists offer athen demonstration that you can the local have that changes often? they hearing goMany away and about do so. hearing isistoo important toon oo ddwith ffiyou uthink oFind fidd y it,ohow ufree R h Your g trial bhe honso w ng dsignificant ntryop exper ence w hyhave he mode hear ng acould you are wear nglong Does getting aseveral amount ofperson information this appointment. om wnot hatng you onot n isppo mon.n on Wh En n you bou dbe wable ou how g the most hyour hOnce ngBig dgBox wbenefit. wo kyour owill offered the whole range ofnghearing aidsonthat effectively help that clear on what o you honare onv on by kgoing ngn qu u h woh ypng on you M ny Aud o og off d mon o h n y h There are reasons why that may have been you know what isstaff causing your hearing loss, look up the om h you o n ppo n m n Wh n you wo y bou for those with diminished dexterity and /or vision. Remember that you to tell you effective way to use your o B Box o h v ff h h ng o n? Do h h v h published a few times a year. take with you knows the questions that you want answered and ask oo d fficu or fidd y o use Rechargeab e hear ng a ds are an op o or not there is a cancellation or return fee. Get everything in writing Signia (Siemens), and Phonak. Most franchises get their aids questions why aDo particular hearing aidyou. is the recommended becan The mostto is that hyou give your Hearing you say little the person or office fitting theishearing staff changes often? they have hearing aid dealers instead of Widex, Audiologists working at get ah better bythat NOT your aid dealers instead of Audiologists working store? fitting hearing aid outhon buy it. The aid programmed your buy aids can quite Many opsomething ho whearing myou n you h dand dhave xhearing y nd osuccessful. v bebe on Rwith mcostly. mb himportant youaids.thing y onot mh quwh on you hAud ou p program ondeal o offi u using ybut fi about ng hninsurance habout The main manufacturers are Resound, kmean wu that hyyou know youo og w n n wy ngdThnd k hfrom ng dstay ou b?Who osame you Thha dchanges nOticon, bare og mm ddbefore oifimpulse successful their ThatAud doesothem not will condition and do some research about it. Will ithBox over oca Batactually gbeing sthe ore have oStarkey, en? Do ng fit/discount forfor your benefit. It’s hto y ohearing mthe or wh you og ngyou Th the customer, youhey feel that youhear wantHealthcare tryusomething different dmaximum dHas d ong Aud o ognames wo k ng othese Who fibuysngaff before you hand over your money. to clarify everything. You could also ask them to take notes so one of companies, re-label them, and charge outrageous your hearing loss. aids. this office changed and staff often? Many national Professional chance to improve your hearing and heed ar program. your hearing aids today? Tomorrow? Etc…. You want to avoid this. Free tip. hearing loss worn with a disposable tip. It may feelhstrange first fitting your hearing aids today? Tomorrow? Youpwant avoid this. offices trial period usually you ua and om you h around you w n30 odays y where om ng dcan ff attake nor o hose w ishthat dvhm ngive and h ng d n the mdealstore? nd ffWho o using ny ninsurance on nmmo kv ydex wh y h /or v dvh soon ngk Remember oh mHow Signia and Phonak. Most gethoffer their hearing aids o shed v ynner hyou ngymYou ou o kv nowhhan oyo time orn?hisisM ityour progressive? Can anything bengers done tonndimprove hfees o(Siemens), wovo nodwyour h Etc…. d budgets. po mtimes yto ng fithe benhearing successful. your Hearing o get a better by NOT you ng d frequently od y? Tomo ow? … wloss, oAsk vng mo isktooyThe wh most n youimportant m y h v thing h ng How wh go away and think it,Who then do so. Your important to ayour dEelse dea ns ead ogb sfranchises work amanufache sabout ore? soption fiosome thatoyou you are clear on what isreference going on.for yourself, friends, or a family pay for their advertising you can get There are 6 major hearing manufacturers intoYou the world. why athe brand offices are bought and sold leaving the patient to o their Once you what isaid causing hearing look uphAud Keep article for and ifng have had hearing for the sound may take the hearing aid and have the totime, return ifooyoumpo are not go wyou yound nd hhome nk bou hloss n do You hrecommendations. ng itProfessional narechance o he cus qu program. n y bough There dare v6 ng hknow pout n who aid major hearing manufacturers in world. Ask why asMany particular you hpthis vyou h you ng ofuture mp h some o p h k ongyou Th y o from one ofvothe these companies, re-label them, and charge outrageous hearing? Find about the different kinds of you hearing aids available hyour you on wh go ngngonooo ry nd h h d h ng o o om m h m y k Healthcare the to improve hearing and heed ular omer ee ha you wan dis fferen On you know u ng you h ng ook up h buy something on impulse and hearing aids can be quite costly. Many you h v h ng o mp ng o o h o k o Th y provider andnd dooparticular your research. manufacturer isy being for you. Avoid hearing sales deal with follow yearsused down the road. can beaid extremely same orThis better aidover technology in a local Audiologist’s office atHowever, condition and some research about it.fees Will itpay stay the same one advocate forblog betterwas hearing. member. Paper advertising is nand expensive andu by this article only your hear ng ahearing ds oday? Tomorrow? Ebuy c… You wan ohow avondlong ditharound sThey some getting used to. ish essential not feel rushed. You u y down dwhich Th nsuitable b for xdoup missues satisfied with Find out this trial period isnumber and om huit. ng on mpu ng d are nyour bto qu owhether yM ny guest This written by amended Dr. Douglas u y ng o h p you ou d ffi u on Exp n o you are for your type ofhearing hearing loss. Ask your Audiologist to for their advertising budgets. Many times you can get the turerh is oand being used you. Avoid aid sales people and franchises that sell only one om g ng u d o How v n no o h d You their recommendations. ond on nd do om h bou W y h m ov Free tip. ogist that is established has a good reputation. offices offer a trial period usually 30 days where you can take u y ng o h p you ou n d ffiand u hu nk onabou Exp n o hen you do so Your hear ng s oo mpor people franchises sell only one brand ofbehearing frustrating spending thousands of dollars on hearing aids toyour find aelse cheaper price. time or isresearch. itafter progressive? Can anything done toaid. improve gok away nd ng hou ndand o dodo onmhand ng o that find published few a year. Center, the isy to Ifyou Free taarticle p htimes or not isconsider ang cancellation oru return fee.he Get in you writing provider your offi off uook y hearing ound 30aiddeverything whuse.number nhave at inyou Greenfield, questions about why aall particular hearing aid being recommended n x LLC yforwhyourself, nfriends, d omorWI. ha m ndan same hearing aidyou technology in Audiologist’s office atod easy Once you know wha ng your hear hou disbor obetter on dmp how ys hcaus h losses. nga local dshould othere ualso hposs vhow o your og vis hearing ?the C different n and ny h ng don oaids ovor They are better hearing. brand of hearing aid.pdprovider Not aid companies can fit all hearing The public has atives who their audiologist is. Most people doabout this Keep this forppo future family the hearing aidyou home and have theup option to breturn ith if you are not nd o your ppowith n one mKloss, nadvocate x Audiologist y for whyour you nndMidwest db oom hAudiology m ndn m reference Take someone you to appointment. out that gone, the new company has little no hearing? Find out kinds of hearing available dologistgon nd h n wIgnore omp ny h o no that is established and has a good reputation. trouble with your hand dexterity, you may find the smaller hearing aids K p h o u u n o you nd o m y before you hand over your money. h h ng d hom nd h v h op on o u n you no for your hearing loss. buy some h ng on mpu se and hear ng a ds can be qu e cos y whan o Paper w is qu onArea onand you b28hyears. K pisononly oMan and cheaper price. h ng? Fwith nd ou bou hof for d offf hearing n aid koub hand ngyou. dnd bresearch ads hearing “devices” hwearing. you hAudiologist dv xthe y and/or you m y find h mperiod h it. ng day cian also. Get aoware demonstration Trial member. expensive article satisfied with Find out he howsame long this trialh period is and whether wh o no o isnDr. w Kloss qu soon you bahAudiologist hgood Kno p toadvertising onok nongway ofwhich knowing this. Your Audiologist will guide experience model hearing you Does has been inoothen Milwaukee forthis Having any kind ofoktest stressful, it ison always idea take cond on do some abou W s nd over aremagazine for your type loss. Ask your mod who o h their d you ng Dobthe hthis elatives audiologist is. wMost people do toongdifficult orh nfiddly to ou Rechargeable hearing aids are an wh option m happointment. mb onv P p on dv ng xponn En v und hh h p on you on y fi d w F ong h p od nd h There are 6suitable major hearing aid manufacturers in the world. Ask why a Take someone with you to your o by k ng qu wh h u o you yp o h ng o A k you Aud o og oo d ffi u o fidd y o u R h g b h d op on ds will tout how great theand hearing aids will work for Many Audiologists offer a free demonstration or so not thatthere you can the published a year. a try cancellation or returnyour fee. everything writing local Big have staff hearing that changes often? they have hearing offices offer rpub aare od usua yy around days where you can ak osomeone hGet onv ontoin byan kHe ng can qu be on Ena uyou hatper h a few p S.times on you flashy ads from aid with you appointment. When worrying about questions about a particular hearing aid issalespeople. being recommended reached 4818 76th St., Suite 3,30 Greenfield, WI 53220. h v also. ff h h ng o particular n? Do honyBox h bou vstore hwhy ng ysician me or progress ve? Can any vh be ng e mseperiod beisdiminished done mprove Get aDo demonstration Trial for those with vision. Remember you d idea w m take manufacturer ispbeinguused aid hmb n o dexterity on o and u n/orHaving G ADVERTISEMENT v ykind h ngof that ntest w is ng guest any stressful, so blog it is always a hgood to qu why h for ng d said bout ng kn wwritten know onandhamended you w nby nDr. w Douglas d nd k ADVERTISEMENT out the person or office actually fitting thehearing hearing oyou. hoAvoid wstore? hhearing d before m nomm hisyou dsales dnd x dit. The yand/or ndaido can onoprogrammed Rnoyou you This was hearing buy your aid dealers instead of ng Audiologists working at the Who fitting Dofor purchase aids or hearing devices from magazine ads before hand hto over your money. w h you qu on h ng youa wd wyou d•by ndhave your hearing loss. thektoresults it isknow easydifferent to hmiss what your Audiologist isn hsaying. This iskh qu Telephone 414-281-8300 Website: oads Aud o tout og how wogreat k ngthe hnot o ? Who fi will hearing aids will work for he hear home and he op on o re urn you Many Audiologists offer a free demonstration so that you can try the people and franchises that sell only one brand of hearing aid. are the customer, if you feel that you want try something or b o you h nd ov you mon y someone with you to an appointment. Whenhyou are worrying about o you h ng o Ask why a particular manufacturer is being used for you. hear ng? F nd ou abou he d fferen k nds o hear ng a ds ava ab e m o y v y h ng You ou d o k h m o k no are o no e changed names and staff often? Many national h u om you h you w n o y om h ng d ff n o your hearing aids today? Tomorrow? Etc…. You want to avoid this. or newspaper ads that make outrageous claims about how well these hearing loss and worn with a disposable tip. It may feel strange at first Kloss, Audiologist at Midwest Audiology Center, LLC in Greenfield, WI. h m more o likely y vwhen y h you ngEmail: You d a hearing o k hloss. m However, o k no wheno There major hearing aid manufacturers in the world. Ask why a it. The aid can be programmed to your even may have d y? Tomo ow? E office … You w n are o 6vo d hohearing about the person actually fitting the hearing aid out before you buy go away and think about it, then do so. Your hearing is too important to Th 6 m h ng d m nu u n h wo d A k why the results it is easy to miss what your Audiologist is saying. This is equently boughtorand sold leaving the patient to h you on wh go ng on sa sfied w h F nd ou how ong h s r a per od s and whe he ADo not purchase hearing aids or hearing devices from magazine ads or newsgo w y nd h nk bou h n do o You h ng oo mpo n o Once knowfor what causing your hearing loss, look upsales theloss for will work you. hearing aid orifare device you purchase and yousu have time, the take particular manufacturer being used for you. Avoid hearing aid wh ch abhad enghearing or your ypesome o tip. hear ngsound oss may Ask your Aud o ogaids h s have you a hearingonloss whit is tempting go ngKloss on forhas others to speak for you. Ignore magazine ads for hearing “devices” wh changed u ng youandhdevices ng oyou ook up hu isAny ffice names staff often? Many national This guest was byThey and amended Douglas Dr. been an Audiologist in the Milwaukee Area forby 28Dr. years. loss and worn with a hdisposable It bmay feel strange atny first and hearing you buy something on impulse canmore be quite ppaper u mail mextremely nu boutrageous ng uone d brand oit.hearing you Avo dused hon dover Initial consults are free ofwritten charge. even likelycostly. whenMany you may have a blog hearing loss. However, when issues years down the road. This can be buy om h ng mpu nd ng d n qu o y M condition and do some research about Will it stay the same through the will most likely be a waste of your time and money. ads that make claims about how well these devices will work for people and franchises that sell only of hearing aid. Th s gues b og was w en by Sen o ca e e and amended by D Doug as some getting to. However, it is essential not to feel rushed. You or no here s a cance a on or re urn ee Ge every h ng n wr n are30just trying to you helpcan you out incan a difficult situation. Explain to your om h bou andWsold y nd h the m ov from frequently bought patient toh ons abou whyod au par cu hear ng asound dyou s may be ng recommended flashy hearing aid salespeople. Kloss, Audiologist Midwest Center, in Greenfield, WI. Free t 4818 pfor you. you had hearing for ar some the be at S.Audiology 76th Suite 3,LLC WI 53220. offices offer a trial around days p leaving op nads on yques on offi band nd odone h have nding thousands of dollarsand on hearing aids tohfind youDoug have a as hearing loss ittake isHe tempting forreached others tosatspeak TheyoSt., Free t pwhere time or oisAny itmp progressive? Can or anything else beifoff tong improve p dthrough u loss ythe ound 30are dtime, yisso wh nperiod ktake usually Dr Kaids oss Dr Amy W Greenfield, za n G eenfie should also consider howyour easy hearing aid to many use.likely If youdifferent have Joanne Co ombo MA K oss Aud o og a M dwes Aud ogy Cen e LLC d W you. hearing aid device you purchase the mail will most be v ? C n ny h ng b don ov you friend before the appointment exactly what you need from them and p issues years down the road. This can be extremely it is easy to feel swamped by the sheer amount of information. There types of hearing Do not purchase hearing aids or hearing devices from magazine ads K over p hndExplain otomyour uy u n o you o m y getting used to. However, it op is essential feelyou rushed. be hand your money thenot hearing aid home and havetypes the option it ifto you not it isisgone, easy swamped by the sheer amount of“devices” information. are so different hearing Telephone 414-281-8300 Website: der andto thefeel new company hasmagazine little orabout no the orhearing your oss Ignore ads for arepto just trying help you out in ayou difficult out different of hear hearing aids available Kof hreturn oaids uare uanswer nKloss o Aud you o •control Aud hsome hSee ng dng hom nd h vandyou hThere ntomany noYou o og s Area for 28ndyears. Dr.ore has been ans Audiologist in theAud Milwaukee osituation. og trouble with your hand dexterity, findo theusmaller hearing aids bou h thousands d ff n kofnd oorhearing? hnewspaper ng Find dof v that bfind dollars onwaste hearing aids tothe oronotog issand ok to on behalf. Keep magaz ne ads forkinds hear ng “dev ces” agnore your time and money. an Audiologist getmay aonprofessional opinion ads make outrageous claims about how well these should also consider how easyong the hearing aid isodtobuy use. Ifhearing you have Dquestions ossvwhat hasyour been an Aud og sand nnghe M xp waukee m Pfrom p othem dv n v Andea ho 28 yea s on y satisfied with it.hearing Find out how long thiswhether trial period isitthe whether epending model of hearing aiditit you are wearing. Does our needs are can seem like an impossible task. Here is a guide to help you aids successfully. Email: friend before appointment exactly youmb need which are suitable for your type of hearing loss. Ask your Audiologist m mb P p dv ng xp n nd h on y and flashy ads from hearing aid salespeople. fi d w h F nd ou how h p nd wh h our are can seem like an impossible task. Here is a guide to help you buy aids successfully. There are 6 ma or hear ng a d manu ac urers n he wor d Ask why a He can be reached at 4818 S. 76th St., Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220. too difficult or fiddly to use. Rechargeable hearing aids are an option ovider youneeds yp o h ng o A k you Aud o og is gone, and the often? newdevices company has little oryou. no the conversation in by asking He questions. Ensure thath the will work for Any hearing aid oradevice you purchase on your specific hearing loss so you can find outdexterity, what the best treatment plan is. aids or return of and flashy ads from hear ng sayour espeop with find smaller hearing have staff that changes Do they have hearing pub d person w mcontrol y h S Su e 3 Greenfie d W 53220 orthe not there fee.whether Get can be reached 4818 Syou76 questions about why adthe particular hearing aid ishd being recommended or not itmis okwriting to questions on your behalf. Keep Do notng purchase hearing aids orbe hearing devices from magazine adseo you h everything d you wknows y answer ofortrouble no nhand on uand n may G vRemember yyou h ng isAvo nathat wcancellation nghear ng a d sapub Initial consults are freeanswered ofacharge. those with diminished /or vision. you y model p uof hearing h ngaid dyou bare omm nd Telephone 414-281-8300 • Website: wearing. Does take with the questions that you want and ask the mail will a waste your time and cu manu ac urer be ng used or d es Do no pu hads h most nglikely d a onewspaper hpar ng dofdifficult var om m gmoney. ndexterity dsRechargeable ofheAudiologists working atthrough the store? Who is fitting too or fiddly to use. hearing aids are an option See an Audiologist and get professional opinion on your specific Be aware that flashy ads that have people wearing white lab coats do before you hand over your money. Te ephone 414-281-8300 Webs e www m dwes aud o ogy com for your hearing loss. Find out what’s included in the cost including of the conversation by asking questions. Ensure that the person you or newspaper that make outrageous claims about how well these See anthey Audiologist and get a professional opinion specific bareothe you h ndon ovif your you mon y want to try something Find out what’s in the costeverything. including customer, you feel that you different or includedthem eday? haveTomorrow? staff that changes Do havethis. hearing Email: to clarify You also ask them to take notes so o n w p p d h m k ou g ou m bou how w h Etc…. often? You want to avoid for those with diminished dexterity and /or vision. Remember that you hearing loss so you can find out what the best treatment plan is. peop e and ranch ses ha se on y one brand o hear ng a d There are 6 major hearing aid manufacturers in the world. Ask why a our hearing not make them Audiologists. Too advertisements featurehearing people pretending Ema that m dwes aud o ogy@a take with you knows the questions you want answered and askne willdloss work for can you.find Any aid ormany device you purchase hearing sok iswhy you outhearing what go the best treatment plan, then do so. hearing warranty and hdyour ng d m nu working u atdevices ndthe hv store? wo Awo of Audiologists Who away and about is too important to service. you are clear on what is going on.consults are free of charge. warranty and service. that wmanufacturer k fitting omost you Anyused hads ngare dof oyour d think vtime you pu h that you Your what is causing yourAudiology hearing loss,the look up the Initial the customer, if you feel wantbetoproviding tryAt something or Be that newspaper that have people wearing white particular is being you. Avoid hearing aid sales don’t see the through mail will likely be a for waste and money. thema to clarify everything. You could also ask them to takebyge notes so Medical professionals to misrepresent what they will indifferent their Bewant aware that dflashy flashy newspaper ads that have people wearing white don’t see the utoday? bTomorrow? ng uto dbeoEtc…. you You Avo daware h or ng your appointment you should be offered choice hearing aid type to avoid this. Th s gues b og was w en Sen n a con u a e ee o cha buy something on impulse and hearing aids can be quite costly. Many At your appointment you should be offered a choice hearing aid type h ough h m w mo k y b w o you m nd mon y Th s gues b og was w en by Sen o ca e e and amended by D Doug as o ca e e and amended by D Doug as omename, research about it. Will it stay thefranchises same over and that sell only one brand of hearing aid. go away and think aboutisit,the thenperson do so. Your hearing is too important to lab coats do not make them Audiologists. Too many advertisements n’s go that you areabout clear on what isKgoing on. coats notup make them Audiologists. Too many advertisements n’s go hname, on offices. y on your b nd opeople hlab ng Audiologist ddo what is causing hearing loss, look the Get a local to fit your hearing aids. This that will be performas well as some different brands. Ask questions the features Free tip. offices offer a trial period usually around 30 days where you can take oss Aud o og s a M dwes Aud o ogy Cen e LLC n G eenfie d W as costly. some Many different aboutAud the ofeatures sive? Can anything else be done to people improvepretending your K oss brands. Aud o Ask og squestions a M dwes ogy Cen e LLC n G eenfie d W uying guide buy something onprofessionals impulse and hearing aids canasbewell quite feature toto be Audiology or buying guide ingabout feature people pretending be Audiology or Medical Medical professionals somethe research it. of Will it stay thefor same over down included each one asaswell asasoptional Only buy what you Keepextras. this article for future reference for yourself, friends, or a family the hearing aid home and have the option to return it if with you are not services for you years the road. Keep that person. Ignore magazine ads for hearing “devices” about different kinds hearing aids available included with each one well optional extras. Only buy what you K oss has been Aud s n he M waukee A ea o 28 yea s Free tip. zessive? ne ads for hear be ng “dev ces” offices offer aoffices. trial period usually around 30 days where you can take totodone misrepresent what they inintheir Get aalocal D any K oss hasare been anthe Aud o og s n he D M waukee Aand ea this o an28article yea os isogonly Can anything to Audiologist improve your what theywill willbe beproviding providing theiroffices. local need make sure that worth money. advertising is expensive satisfied with it. Find Get out how long this trial period is and whether or your type of hearingelse loss.and Askmisrepresent your needand and that anyextras extras aremember. worth thePaper money. flashy ads from hearing salespeople. Keep athis articleS for future reference forGreenfie yourself, friends, or aSfamily He cane be reached ad 4818 76 h S Su e 3 Greenfie d W 53220 theaid aid home and have the or option to return it ifmake you sure are not Audiologist totoavailable fitfit your hearing aids. This ishearing the person that will be ring-aids/ ds from hear ng a d sa espeop e tying-aids/ about the different kinds of hearing aids Do no purchase hear ng a ds hear ng dev ces rom magaz ne ads Audiologist your hearing aids. This is the person that will be He can be reached 4818 76 h S Su 3 W 53220 Hearing aids are an expensive investment and you should always check published a few times a year. or not there is a cancellation or return fee. Get everything in writing a particular hearing aid Do isperforming being recommended an expensive investment and you Paper should advertising always check not hearing aidsfororyears hearing devices fromKeep magazine adshow long this trial Hearing member. isephone expensive andaud this oarticle isWebs only e www m dwes aud o ogy com satisfied with it. Find out period isaids andarewhether services for you down the road. that person. Te 414-281-8300 o hof hearing ng d vloss. ompurchase m g n d es.forngyourd type Ask your Audiologist performing services for you for years down the road. Keep that person. Te ephone 414-281-8300 Webs e www m dwes ogy com exactly ininthe warranty and service. IfIfthere before you hand overwell your money. Know what youorwant for your hearing aid. newspaper ads ha make ou rageous c awhat ms isinabou how we hese what isincluded included the warranty andaftercare aftercare there or isnewspaper these published a fewservice. times a year. or not about there ishow a cancellation or return fee. Getexactly everything writing causing Ema m dwes aud o ogy@a ne hatat isismacausing k ou g hearing ou m bou how wads that h make outrageous claims why particular aid being recommended Ema m dwes aud o ogy@a ne just is such as whistling noise or hearing aid manufacturers in the world. Ask why ayou.want There many additional extras that you can buy for hearing Know what from your hearing aid. work for Any hearing aid orwyou device you purchase isany any feedback suchce asaayou whistling noiseor orcrackling, crackling, orthe thesound sound just dev ces work or you Anyyour hear ng a feedback daid.orThese dev purchase before hand over your money. what you want from your hearing aid. diologist who h ng d odevices oiologist you who Any dKnow v will you puare hyou oss. n a con u a e ee o cha ge isn’t comfortable then go back for another appointment. Make sure that urer is being used for you. Avoid hearing aid sales drd hearing room. mail will most be that athat waste your time There are many additional extras you for your hearing ngo aback conforublog a was e appointment. eewritten o cha by geMake isn’t comfortable thenThis another sure that and amended by Dr. Douglas areworld. all useful which can help someone with hearing to lead life room. The mo The k ymanufacturers b w othrough you mthe nd mon yadd-ons There are additional extras youofcan can buy forand your hearing the Ask why a likely hrough hebuy ma w money. mos ke y beloss a these was e othe your me guest and money es thatloss sellaid only one brand ofinhearing aid.many follow up appointments are ininyour package. aring is, These are all useful add-ons which can with these appointments areincluded includedat youraftercare aftercare package.Center, LLC in Greenfield, WI. aring is, used for you. aid. Kloss, Audiologist Midwest Audiology that they used However need to make sure that they fit infollow withupyour cturerloss is being Avoid hearing aid aid. These areare allsales usefulto. add-ons whichyou can help help someone someone with This guest blog was written by and amended by Dr. Douglas refer you totoonly one brand hearing loss totoFor lead used you nzine refer you ises that sell ofhearing hearing aid. loss lead the the life life that that they they are arehearing used to. to. However However you need need lifestyle. example, many aids now connect directlyHearing to cell phones. ads for hearing “devices” aids not restore your hearing Dr. Kloss has been an in the Milwaukee AreainforGreenfield, 28 years. WI. Kloss, atAudiologist Midwest Audiology Center, LLC Hearing aidsdo do notAudiologist restore your hearing versed. The toto make sure that they fit in with your lifestyle. For example, many eversed. The make is surea that they fit inoption with your example, This wonderful forlifestyle. manyFor people to many take advantage to of. normal. However, if He can be reached at 4818 S. 76th St., Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220. ds from hearing aid salespeople. hearing aids azine ads for hearing “devices” hearing aids directly totocell phones. This isisaawonderful normal. hearing aids Dr. Kloss has been an Audiologist in the Milwaukee Area for 28 years. aidsnow nowconnect connect directly cell phones. wonderful save moneyto earing aids or hearing deviceshearing from magazine youfor are not aads bigtocell phone user, youThis canifpotentially ing aids can IfIfby you ever that tells you that aid Telephone 414-281-8300 • hearing Website: option many people take advantage of. However, you are not ring aids can hearing aid youpurchasing ever see see someone someone tells that aa particular particular is Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220. ads from salespeople. Hethat can beyou reached at 4818hearing S. 76thaidSt., option for many people to take advantage of. However, if you are not hat make outrageous claims about how well these so perfect or will restore your hearing totonormal then turn and run. a model that does not have thissave feature that you maya not need. Telecoils are also Email: so they they will will or hearing devices aabig cell phone user, you can potentially money by purchasing perfect or will restore your hearing normal then turn and run. hearing aids from magazine ads Telephone 414-281-8300 • Website: big cell phone user, you can potentially save money by purchasing a or you. Any hearing aid or device you purchase mplifymake them aids cannot restore your hearing an option inmodel which some hearing aids canthatconnect wirelessly to hearing loopsHearing that have amplify themoutrageous that does not have you about how well these Hearing aidsbeen cannotInitial restore your hearing normal nor nor are are they they consults are freetoto of normal charge. model that does not havethis thisfeature featurethat youmay maynot notneed. need.Telecoils Telecoils Email: illthat most likely be a wasteclaims of your time and money. perfect…they k for you. Anyinstalled hearing aid purchase are also an option ininwhich hearing aids in or many theaters, arena’s. perfect…theyare areused usedtotoAID AIDyou youtotobetter betterhearing. hearing. aredevice alsochurches, anyou option whichsome someand hearing aidscan canconnect connectwirelessly wirelessly Initialtoconsults are free of charge. effects of Hearing most likely be a waste oftotoyour timeloops and money. hearing that have been installed ininmany churches, theaters, Hearingaids aidsare areaagreat greatway way tohelp helpyou youmanage managethe thenegative negative effects of kwill hearing loops that have been installed many churches, theaters, k hearing loss but they are not aacure for hearing loss. As and arena’s. hearing loss but they are not cure for hearing loss. Assoon soonasasyou youtake take and arena’s. the hearing aids off you will still have aahearing loss. However, waiting the hearing aids off you will still have hearing loss. However, waiting aids. Many Shop around. g aids. Many Shop around. too Shop around. toolong longtotostart startwearing wearinghearing hearingaids aidscan canhave havenegative negativeeffects. effects. wever, some owever, some s aidea good deaaround o shop alooking ound to when ook ngaid ososobuy a hea ngSeveral a d sostudies ha you ItItisisaagood totoshop when buy aahearing have shown that an untreated hearing loss good idea shop around when looking to buy hearing aid Several studies have shown that an untreated hearing loss(not (notwearing wearing ds and/or a ids and/or a that can and Most providers have hearing isis detected) can inin increased canyou compa e p prices ces and se v ces ma nnow manu dexaids O when con aa hearing Douglas Kloss, Audiologist at Midwest Audiology Center, that you cancompare compare prices andservices. services. MostThe providers now haveaac a ues ae W hearing aids when hearing loss lossDr. detected) can result result increased that can get t that can get website where you for loss, may also be aa risk factor S a key Resound S up gn a Sservices emensoror search and Phonak Mos na ona anxiety, anchdepression, ses ge memory website where you can can look look up their their services search for company company anxiety, depression, memoryLLC loss, and and may also be risk factor nts are good, in Greenfield, WI.forforDr. Kloss has been an Audiologist in the nts are good, reviews. Find aang company that you feel comfortable with and ask them Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. reviews. Find company that you feel comfortable with and ask them he hea a ds om one o hese compan es e abe hem and cha ge ou a Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. diologist diologistsort sort lots ofofquestions about the hearing aids they and what think No Milwaukee Area for 28 years. lots questions theyoffer offer whatthey they Notwo twopeople peopleare aregoing goingtotohave havethe thesame sameexperience. experience. geous ees oabout paytheohearing he aids adve s ngand budge s think would be best for you. Please note that some ofofthe street retailers are Their hearing loss isis not the same asas yours, the shape ofof their would be best for you. Please note that some the street retailers are your health Their hearing loss not the same yours, the shape their ears ears isis Many mes you can ge he same o be you e heanotng a d echno ogy n a oca your health owned not owned by by hearing hearing aid aid manufacturers. manufacturers. You You may may find find that that you are are not irectly. The notthe thesame, same,and andtheir theirmanual manualdexterity dexteritymay maynot notbe bethe thesame sameasasyours. yours. directly. The Aud o og s s o ce a a cheape p ce offered There offered the the whole whole range range ofof hearing hearing aids aids that that could could effectively effectively help help There are are several several reasons reasons why why that that person person may may not not have have been been ytotouse useyour your you. The main manufacturers are Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, successful you. The main manufacturers are Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, successfulwith withtheir theirhearing hearingaids. aids.That Thatdoes doesnot notmean meanthat thatyou youwill willnot not m benefit. benefit. It’s It’s Signia be ur Signia (Siemens), (Siemens), and and Phonak. Phonak. Most Most franchises franchises get get their their hearing hearing aids aids besuccessful. successful.The Themost mostimportant importantthing thingisisthat thatyou yougive giveyour yourHearing Hearing ur insurance insurance from Healthcare from one one ofof these these companies, companies, re-label re-label them, them, and and charge charge outrageous outrageous HealthcareProfessional Professionalthe thechance chancetotoimprove improveyour yourhearing hearingand andheed heed fees their fees toto pay pay for for their their advertising advertising budgets. budgets. Many Many times times you you can can get get the the theirrecommendations. recommendations.

5 8HEARING AIDS. 1 TOP 10 TIPS FROM A PRO ON HOW TO PURCHASE 88 Amountaids. 11When10 Top tips from a Hearing propurchase on how to purchase hearing tips from aYoupro on how to hearing aids. Are Looking To Buy Aids It Is Easy To Feel Swamped By The Sheer Of Information. 5 3 9 5 10 8 1 a pro on how to purchase 8 7 tips from hearing aids. 55 tips from a pro on how to purchase hearing aids. 9 2 2 99 6 6 8 5 2 8 5 22 6 9 9 11 66 55 99 32 6 64 10 7 3 3 10 33 7 7 10 66 10 77 3 11 10 10 7 7 11 11 11 10 4 77 10 a pro on how to purchase hearing aids. 4 11 11 44 8 11 4 4 11 5 4818 S. 76th St., Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220 9 Telephone: 414-281-8300 Call your insurance company to check your benefits.

Shop around.

Find a local provider and do your research.

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Ignore magazine ads for hearing “devices” and flashy ads from hearing aid salespeople.


Website: Email: Initial consults are free of charge.

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