March 2016 mhl

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Est 1992




ULTIMATE HEALTH GUIDE Modern Healthcare Directory Well-Being Directory Children’s Healthy Living Directory Camp Directory Senior Health and Living Directory



Sleep apnea is more than noisy, it can be bad for your health. Chronic, loud snoring is a sign that you could be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition that causes you to actually stop breathing, often hundreds of times a night! This can lead to chronic fatigue, memory problems, high blood pressure, strokes, and more. We treat sleep apnea with a custom designed oral appliance. Many of our patients report feeling better and more rested after just one night of using the device. Call us today at (414) 208-4539 or visit to stop the noise and start resting.

Dr. Roberto Monteagudo


1469 South 70th Street | West Allis

(414) 208-4539









THANKS TO OUR REVOLUTIONARY NEW PAIN RELIEF THERAPY PROGRAM We are the ONLY clinic in the region that has the combination of therapies that are critical for your most rapid recovery. First and foremost we offer the most powerful and effective Class 4 MLS Robotic Laser Therapy in the area and we have been using it extensively since 2012. Additionally, we couple the powerful Class 4 MLS Robotic Laser Therapy with a multitude of other therapies (as indicated for each patient) which have been tried and tested in our facility for validity, reliability and effectiveness over that past 3 years. If you have had enough of your ACHING, NAGGING, STABBING that no other therapy has been able to eradicate, come on in for your Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Evans to see if our program will work for you. At Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic all of the staff is %RDUG &HUWL¿HG in their chosen specialty. Early in her career, Dr. Evans worked as a Trainer with a professional football team and since has dedicated her career to helping athletes of ALL skill levels achieve their performance goals. “Our patients appreciate being able to get the care they need all under one roof, it saves them so much time. And in a lot of ways. Too many people go from one therapy to another hoping for relief,” Evans said. In my experience, combining therapies increases the effectiveness of all the therapies.

To fully understand and diagnose your condition, Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic uses several approaches including:

-MLS Class IV Laser Robotic Therapy - A complete physical examination - An orthopedic examination - A neurological examination - A complete gait analysis - Acupuncture Therapy evaluation After identifying the source of your pain, Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic is proud to offer a comprehensive therapy program all under one roof! With a customized approach, patients receive a combination of the necessary treatments, which can include: - Chiropractic care - Rehabilitation exercises and therapy - Trigger Point Therapy - Electro-acupuncture

- Massage therapy including swedish, deep tissue and therapeutic - Sound Wave Therapy - Complete Nutritional Program

FAST EFFICIENT NATURAL SOLUTION TO YOUR PAIN. CALL TODAY AND STOP LIVING IN PAIN! (OL]DEHWK LV D ERDUG FHUWL¿HG PDVVDJH WKHUDSLVW ZKR JUDGXDWHG IURP /DNHVLGH 6FKRRO RI 0DVVDJH 7KHUDS\ (OL]DEHWK KDV KDG RYHU \HDUV RI experience working in spas, physical therapy clinics and private practice. Elizabeth specializes in therapeutic and deep tissue massage with the goal of decreasing client’s pain and muscle tension. It is through massage that Elizabeth became interested in acupuncture, wanting to be able to do more for her clients. Elizabeth graduated magna cum laude from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine in 2010 with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition. While in school Elizabeth completed an internship at Guangzhou University in China. (OL]DEHWK KDV FRPSOHWHG OHYHO WKUHH WUDLQLQJ LQ 5LHNL DQG KDV IRXQG FRPELQLQJ WKH WZR PRGDOLWLHV H[WUHPHO\ EHQH¿FLDO LQ EDODQFLQJ KHU SDWLHQWV Qi and alleviating pain. Elizabeth has had great success decreasing patient pain with the use of electo-acupuncture. While majority of Elizabeth’s patients come to her for pain relief, she regularly treats allergies, anxiety, digestion problems, gynecological problem, insomnia, headaches and migraines. Dr. Eliesha Evans specializes in the management and treatment of complicated chronic pain syndromes. Additionally, Dr. Evans brings more than 25 years of clinical expertise and training to each and every case thereby ensuring your best outcome. Dr. Evans and her experienced, board FHUWL¿HG VWDII XVH D ³ZKROH SHUVRQ DSSURDFK´ 7KLV DSSURDFK WR ZHOOQHVV PHDQV ORRNLQJ IRU XQGHUO\LQJ FDXVHV RI DQ\ GLVWXUEDQFH RU GLVUXSWLRQ (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Evans is able to help you accelerate and/or maintain a journey to good health.


EVANS CHIROPRACTIC & PAIN RELIEF LASER CLINIC 15720 W. National Avenue New Berlin, WI 53151


Open 6 Days a Week to serve you better!

EDITOR’S NOTE Will this cold weather ever end? I am already dreaming about sunshine, outdoor walks without a heavy jacket, and fresh cut green grass...would you say Im a spring junkie? I am still doing ok on my workout routine inside, but I am craving a new kind of workout with the sun beating down on me. I need a change-up. A little Vitamin D. I have been chatting with friends and family about their workout routines and everyone tells me they have the same routine and rarely veer from it. I understand routine is just a natural part of life and keeping things straight. Guess what, when it comes to health, changing up your workout is vital. Check out the winter fitness article in this edition to help get you outside and collect some of that vitamin D that we are all probably lacking by now. It is March 2016! I am so excited about this special edition. We’ve put together another good issue for you. This is our annual Health Directory and it should help you find the best place for your health needs. So I encourage you to hold on to this special edition. We at MHL like to keep things uncomplicated because we know health care decisions are almost never easy. We strive to find articles that will answer whatever health questions you may have. We would like to thank all the great people we’ve spoken to who have contributed to this issue and we also thank you, our readers, for all your suggestions and comments! Also, thanks to all the advertisers that truly make this all possible. Stay healthy! -Amanda Lewis



Est 1992





ULTIMATE HEALTH GUIDE Modern Healthcare Directory Well-Being Directory Children’s Healthy Living Directory Camp Directory Senior Health and Living Directory


contributers, Environmental Nutrition, Nutrition Action Health Letter, Columbia/St. Mary’s, Wheaton Fransician, Milwaukee Eye Care, Eye Care Specialists, Aurora, NorthShore Chiropractic, National Pedorthic Services, Lifesteps Wellness Clinic, Advance Physical Therapy, Elite Fitness and Racquet Club, Alexian Brothers Village, Transformations, NIH, Jensen Health and Energy, Foot Solutions, Allergy and Asthma Centers, Lakeshore Medical, The Ommani Center, Interfaith Older Adult Services, Laureate Group, Tudor Oaks, Luther Haven, Greensquare Center for the Healing Arts, Midwest Audiology Integrative Family Wellness Center Social Security Offices, American Camp Association, Home Instead, Manor Care, Tops, Dr Zhou, Oak Creek Pediatrics and MCFI


Lewis Media Group Amanda Lewis Malberry Media Abigail Carpenter Jerry Kornowski Marlys Metzger Barry Lewis

For information on advertising or to submit articles call, fax or email 414-659-6705 or 608-2376000, email: Subscriptions are $20 per year. Thanks for reading MHL.


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MHL is published on the first of each month . The articles in this publication are in no way intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis of your doctor. We advise seeing a physician whenever a health problem arises requiring an expert’s care.



MHL Staff

Special Thanks! To all the local professionals that provide us with articles containing new information and keeping all our readers informed of the latest in healthy living.

Lewis Media Group | Malberry Media | MHL MARCH 2016


MENTAL & EMOTIONAL RELEASE, HYPNOTHERAPY, NEURO-LINQUISTIC PROGRAMMING Lucas J. Robak, NLP, MER® 414-949-7117, 414-292-3900 X329 MUSCLE ACTIVATION TECHNIQUE, CUSTOMIZED FITNESS & TRAINING Andrew Hoppert, LAT/ATC, MATcs, ACECPT 920-698-0597 or 414-731-2639 Brandon Miller, MS, MATcs 414-731-2639 Keith Shimon, MATcs, WLMT 414-731-2639




PSYCHIATRY, RESILIENCE, COACHING, WALK & TALK THERAPY Gina Negrette, MD, ABIHM 262-751-3730, 414-292-3900 X213








REIKI & ENERGY BALANCING, CRYSTAL HEALING Maria Giordano, RM (Usui Reiki Master) 414-292-3900 X232


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combine a health-centered approach with state-of-the-art technologies, such as: Non-metalic crowns in one convenient visit Non-invasive laser dentistry Low-dose 3D X-ray imaging technology Advanced Invisalign Training Precision placement of ceramic dental implants R

Dr. Ingo Mahn

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on Captiol Drive in Pewaukee |

SKIN CARE, ORGANIC Ashley Turner, AE 414-301-2685, 414-292-3900 X327 YOGA (HATHA) CLASSES, YOGA TRAINING, WELLNESS CONSULTANT Dr. Dale Buegel, RYT 500 414-292-3900 X220


:H SXW RXU SDWLHQWV ÀUVW Providing personalized and compassionate eye care to Milwaukee for over 70 years. All our board-certified physicians are dedicated to providing state of the art technology for your eye care needs. Our newest lens implants maximize your vision potential after cataract surgery.

:H RÍżHU VSHFLDO H[SHUWLVH LQ No-Stitch Cataract Surgery Bifocal and Astigmatism Lens Implants Blade-free LASIK Laser and Surgical Treatment of Glaucoma Charles Yang, M.D. Michael Rissell, M.D. Marc Hirsch, M.D. Benjamin Clark, O.D.

Chirantan Mukhopadhyay, M.D. Rosemarie M. Brueggeman, M.D. Kimberly Swan, M.D.



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(At Lakeshore Medical) 2000 E. Layton Ave.


(On Port Washington, N. of Marcus Theaters) 1249 W. Liebau Rd.


R.E.A.C.H. 6310 N Port Washington RD 414-961-1600 Alcohol & Chemical Dependancy DUI Assessment Mediacation Management Depression & Anxiety

Specialized Therapy Services 2111 N 92nd Milwaukee 414-778-1341 Dave Vollmers

Well Being Directory Integrative Dental Solutions Ingo G. Mahn, D.D.S. Supriya K. Shetty, D.D.S. 262-691-4555 23770 Capitol Dr. Pewaukee, WI 53072 Ommani Center 1166 Quail Court Suite 210 Peawaukee WI 53072 262-695-5311 Acupuncture, Psychotherapy, Massage Therapy, Bio-Identical Hormones, Classical Homeopathy, Family Medicine Interanal Medicine, Jungian Analysis, Therapeutic Yoga, Yoga Classes, Stress Coaching, Reiki, Nutritional Counseling. Milwaukee Yoga Center 3514 N. Oakland Avenue, P.O. Box 11113 Milwaukee, WI 53211 414-332-3551 We welcome all new students, regardless of fitness or experience level, to Milwaukee Yoga Center (MYC). The Yoga Center is convenently located on the east side of Milwaukee in Wisconsin. MYC is run by certified Iyengar instructors with two fully equipped studios, and classes range from Introductory to Advanced, with a variety of specialty classes. Students new to Yoga or Iyengar Unity in Milwaukee 1717 N. 73rd. Street Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-475-0105 A Positive Path for Spiritual Living Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. We enjoy exploring teachings from Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and more. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.

Find relief from Fibromyalgia, TMJ/ Headaches, Acute/Chronic Pain, Back & Pain, Comprehensive, Myofasical Release Programs Jensen Health & Energy Center, S.C. 500 Elm Grove Road, Suite 325 Elm Grove, WI 53122 262-782-1616 Multi-disciplinary holistic clinic offering Chiropractic care, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Rolfing and CranioSacral therapy. Our experienced practitioners also have specialized training in many areas such as pediatric care, acupuncture facial rejuvenation, exercise and rehabilitation, pre and post-natal massage and body/mind coaching.

Hughes Acupuncture William F. Hughes, Jr. PhD, Dipl. Ac Board Certified in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture 11711 W North Ave, Wauwatosa, WI 53226 414-607-0900 Dr. Hughes successfully treats many difficult problems. He uses the very successful balance treatment protocols. When you balance the body you restore good health and vitality. You deservea happy and healthy life. Give us a call. We typically get great results in a minimum of treatments. Trinity Intergrative Family Medicine New Berlin Family Practice Clinic 15350 W Nationsl Ave. Suite 212 262-782-8541 Pewaukee Location The ommani Center 1166 Quail Court, Suite 210 262-695-5311 Renew your body, mind and spirit.

Free Spirit Crystals 4763 N. 124th St. Butler, WI 53007 262.790.0748

Evans Chiropractic & Pain Laser Clinic Dr Eliesha R Evans DC 15720 W National Ave New Berlin, WI 53151 262-785-5515 Dr Evans is a graduate of the National College of Chiropractic. She specializes in the areas of orthopedic, sports related injuries nutrition, and laser therapy. Dr Evans treats a variety of conditions at her New Berlin office: headaches, neck pain, sports injuries, ankle/ knee injuries, shoulder injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, work/auto injuries, low back pain, sciatica and disc herniation’s just name a few. Patients range from pediatrics to geriatrics, weekend warriors to elite athletes as well as at home mothers and business persons

Free Advertising If you own a small business and can’t afford advertising, we have a solution for you. We are looking for people to deliver MHL to 10-15 places once a month in exchange for advertising space in this paper. It takes approximately 1-2 hours to make these drop offs and we will select the distribution points to be in your area.

Call for details. 414-659-6705

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CAREGivers Wanted


Must be able to laugh, learn and change the lives of the people around you. A career with Home Instead Senior Care® is unlike any other. Because being a CAREGiver with us requires more than what your average job description lists. This opportunity requires being genuinely interested in the people you’ll help—to change their lives for the better, and maybe even your own. ,SYVW EVI ¾I\MFPI ERH XVEMRMRK MW TVSZMHIH Learn more at or call 414.882.5464 )EGL ,SQI -RWXIEH 7IRMSV 'EVI JVERGLMWI SJ½GI MW MRHITIRHIRXP] S[RIH ERH STIVEXIH © 2015 Home Instead, Inc.


Modern Health and Living Directory Carlson Reiki Energy Healing (414) 758-0657 Reiki Energy Healing is a very powerful healing energy that began in Japan over 100 years ago. It is practiced by millions of people around the world and is gaining in popularity as people experience this non-invasive holistic healing technique. Reiki Energy Healing can complement all traditional medical treatments and can be used to help heal a number of different conditions. Reiki energy heals at a very deep level. The Reiki experience is a gift to your body, a manifestation of holistic healing and energy balance.

The Lupus Foundation of America, Wisconsin Chapter

Do you know someone with lupus? The Lupus Foundation of America, Wisconsin Chapter is a nonprofit organization that strives to support individuals and families affected by lupus. Our goals are to increase awareness, support research efforts, provide support groups and patient advocacy and ultimately find the cause and cure of lupus. Please visit our website to find out how we can support those affected by lupus at www. or call 414-443-6400. ManorCare Health Services Pewaukee N26 W23977 Watertown Rd Waukesha WI 53188 262-532-0933

HCR ManorCare is a leading provider of short-term, post-hospital services and long-term care with decades of experience helping patients and their families. Our growing network of more than 500 skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and hospice and home health care agencies provide an exceptional brand of care. Foot Solutions 262-241-FOOT At Foot Solutions our business is about feet and how to best care for them. We use today’s most advanced computer technology, the knowledge of proper fitting footwear and trained staff in foot pathology and physiology. If your work requires you to be on your feet all day, every day, you are probably already painfully aware of the need to care for your feet. There is no better way to achieve this than to put Foot Solutions arch supports or accommodative inserts in your shoes.

Eye Care Specialists, S.C. West Allis 10150 W. National Ave. West Allis 414-321-7520 Mayfair 2323 N. Mayfair Rd. Wauwatosa 414-258-4550 Downtown 735 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee 414-298-0099 Eye Care Specialists has been a leader in the art of medical, surgical and laser eye care since 1985. More than 130,000 doctors and patients have trusted their team for world-class treatment of virtually every eye concern. They are pacesetters in ultrasonic, no-stitch, and laserassisted cataract removal methods and advanced technology lens implantation. They are also forerunners in OCT laser scan technology to detect glaucoma and retinal disorders and medication injection therapy to treat macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease. Drs. Mark Freedman, Brett Rhode, Daniel Ferguson, Daniel Paskowitz, Michael Raciti and David Scheidt conduct one of the country’s largest educational programs for both patients and health professionals and are sought-after sources for local media stories. They have been recognized as “Top Doctors” by both Milwaukee and M Magazines and are skilled artists at combining the latest technology with personalized care—for every age and every need.

Living with wounds really isn’t “living”. Don’t put your life on “hold” because of non-healing wounds. Call us today and ask about our state-of-the-art healing options. We haven’t met many wounds we can’t heal. Bring us yours and reclaim your life.

2400 Golf Road Pewaukee, WI 53072 (262) 524-2771 © 2012 Healogics, Inc. All Rights Reserved

TOPS - Take Off Pounds Sensibly 4575 S. 5 th St P.O. box 070360 Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-482-4620 TOPS Club.Inc. is a nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss support organization based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with chapters located worldwide. Its twofold objective is to encourage healthy lifestyles through weight-management support groups and to sponsor obesity research. Most members refer to the organization simple as “TOPS” an acronym for “Take Off Pounds Sensibly.” Chapter meetings emphasize nutrition and exercise education focused on supplementing a member’s effort to manage their weight. TOPS healthy lifestyle guide “The choice is Mine” , TOPS Retreat, Rallies and Recognition Days along with “TOPS NEWS” a membership magazine included for a low $26. per year membership fee.


Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic 262-785-5515

ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING IN PAIN? HAVE YOU STOPPED DOING THINGS YOU ENJOY? KNEE PAIN, NEUROPATHY, BACK PAIN, MIGRAINES? Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic, is pleased to announce that they are now offering a revolutionary new Pain Relief Treatment Program which was designed by Dr. Evans, DC Board Certified in Orthopedics and Board Certified in Physical Rehabilitation, Ms. Elizabeth Brink, Board Certified Acupuncture physician and Board Certified Massage Therapist and Miss Casey Hamill-Barth, Board Certified Athletic Trainer to treat difficult acute and chronic pain syndromes. We have used the Pain Relief Treatment Program on patients’ of all ages and athletic abilities. The most amazing results so far have been that all of our patients with NEUROPATHY have gotten better. This was always the most difficult condition to resolve for our patient’s, finally we have discovered the treatment program that really helps these people, it’s been very rewarding to see patient’s recover from this debilitating syndrome! Clearly it is the combination of natural, non-invasive anti-inflammatory therapies all under onE Roof with providers who are taking a hands-on team approach to patient care. Together the treatment team brings more than 50 years of clinical experience to each patient’s case. If you or a loved one are suffering, Call today to see how our Pain Relief Treatment Program can help!!

Ms. Elizabeth Brink is Board Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She is a 2010, Magna Cum Laude Master degree graduate candidate from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. Elizabeth completed her Internship training at Guangzhou University in China where she was exposed to a wide variety of Acupuncture procedures that she was not exposed to in her training here in the states. She is proficient in Electro-Acupunture, Needle Trigger Point Therapy, Cupping, Guasha, and Reiki. Elizabeth’s compassion for her patient’s is really what sets her apart from her peers. Elizabeth is also a board certified Massage Therapist and incorporates many different massage techniques into her patient care with patient comfort being paramount. ElizabETh bRink, licensed acupuncturist

Dr. Evans Specializes in the management and treatment of complicated chronic pain syndromes. Additionally, Dr. Evans brings more than 30 years of clinical expertise and training to each and every case thereby ensuring your best outcome. Dr. Evans and her experienced, certified team deliver personalized care to each and every patient and look forward to helping you recover and feel better! Dr. Evans and Elizabeth work closely in the management and successful treatment of the many chronic pain conditions treated successfully every day at Evans Chiropractic & Pain Relief Laser Clinic. DR. EliESha EVanS


EVANS CHIROPRACTIC & PAIN RELIEF LASER CLINIC 15720 W. National Avenue • New Berlin, WI 53151


Open 6 Days a Week to serve you better! This Power ReachTM advertisement is a product of the Journal Sentinel, for information contact your account executive or 414-224-2087.


See the best you can see

T EYE CARE SPECIALISTS Medical, surgical & laser services for every age and every need Wisconsin’s leading ophthalmology practice Trusted by more than 130,000 doctors & patients since 1985 ■ ■

COULD YOUR JOB BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR SIGHT? By Cheryl L. Dejewski Despite safety legislation and educational programs, more than 2,000 American employees suffer job-related eye injuries each working day. Of these, one-third are treated in hospital emergency rooms, and up to 400 will be disabled because of temporary or permanent vision loss. “I have seen more than my share of work-related eye injuries. The majority of these are the result of small particles or objects hitting, abrading, burning or penetrating the eye. In other cases, there is blunt force trauma to the eyeball or eye socket as a result of running into or being hit in the eye or face by a large object. Even the tiniest sparks, slivers and splashes can lead to terrible pain and lost wages. That’s why our practice has joined the American Academy of Ophthalmology in promoting March as ‘Workplace Eye Wellness Month.’ It’s a way to educate people and hopefully reduce eye injuries at the local level,” says Mark Freedman, MD, senior partner at Eye Care Specialists, a Milwaukee-area ophthalmology practice with a base of 130,000 patients. “Each workplace has its own unique eye-related hazards,” comments Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an ophthalmologist who frequently conducts continuing education lectures for local optometrists and community groups. “For example, chemical burns are common for farm and dairy workers using ammonia to make fertilizer or clean equipment. Carpenters and construction workers often suffer ‘foreign body’ injuries from pieces of metal or wood breaking off and flying up into the eye. And, welders typically suffer corneal burns . . . surprisingly, not so much from flying sparks, but caused more from staring at the intense UV-light of the torch without eye protection. It’s like staring directly at the sun.” Brett Rhode, MD, Head of Ophthalmology at a major Milwaukee hospital and a partner at Eye Care Specialists, adds, “Industries such as construction and automotive repair can be especially hazardous. There isn’t a week that goes by that we don’t see a welder, plumber, construction laborer, machine operator or carpenter at one of our offices. In addition to trauma-related eye injuries, however, there is another type of eye concern not usually thought of by most people—infection. Health care workers, laboratory staff, janitorial personnel, animal handlers, and other people may be at risk of acquiring infectious diseases via ocular exposure.” As noted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “Infectious diseases can be transmitted through the mucous membranes of the eye as a result of direct exposure (e.g., blood splashes, respiratory droplets generated during coughing or suctioning) or from touching the eyes with contaminated fingers or other objects. These infections may result in relatively minor conjunctivitis or reddening/soreness of the eye or in a life-threatening disease such as HIV, B virus, or possibly even avian influenza.” “When people think of eye injuries, they often think of car accidents, fist-fights or sports activities. But, in reality, workplace accidents are a leading cause of ocular trauma, visual loss and blindness. What’s frustrating is that—just as with sports-related accidents—90 percent of these injuries can be prevented by wearing protective eyewear. Accident victims often express their regret when they acknowledge that they didn’t think they needed eye protection, or that they were using inappropriate eyewear,” states ophthalmologist Daniel Ferguson, MD, who before donning a surgical cap, wore safety goggles in his previous career as an engineer, which included designing and installing the first proprietary post-combustion technology in a U.S. steel mill. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) can include safety glasses, goggles, face shields and/or full-face respirators. The American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices code “ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015,” is the latest edition of the standard for eye and face protection. An ANSI marking on the frame or lens indicates that specially tested and approved shatterproof polycarbonate materials were used to make the eyewear. EYE>>page 49

■ ■

Comprehensive Eye Exams In-Office Diagnostic Laser Scans Cornea, Lid & Retina Cases Dry Eyes/Ocular Infections

■ ■ ■ ■

Cataract, Glaucoma & Diabetes Care Macular Degeneration Treatment Laser Therapy & Vision Correction Accept Medicare/Most Insurances

“TOP DOCTORS” — Milwaukee & M Magazines

Mark Freedman, MD

Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD

Brett Rhode, MD

Daniel Ferguson, MD

Michael Raciti, MD

David Scheidt, OD West Allis Wauwatosa Milwaukee 10150 W. National Ave. 2323 N. Mayfair Rd. 735 W. Wisconsin Ave. 414-321-7520 414-258-4550 414-298-0099

MARCH 2016 MHL 11

JAMES “My stay at ManorCare Health Services – Pewaukee was great. I came in for rehabilitation after a traumatic injury. The staff was well trained, organized and worked hard to attend to my needs – both physically and mentally. They understood my needs and provided the care necessary while maintaining my dignity. The facility was clean and the entire staff was accommodating 24-hours a day. The rehabilitation staff gave me the necessary ‘push’ to attain improvement of my injuries.

•Rehabilitation services •Post-hospital care •Skilled nursing

ManorCare Health Services – Pewaukee N26W23977 Watertown Road Waukesha, WI 53188


My physical injuries have improved from rehabilitation and I feel I’m back to normal since graduating from ManorCare. I would recommend ManorCare to anyone needing rehabilitation of any kind.”




Health & Wellness Department

6700 W. State • Wauwatosa SHOPMETCALFES.COM MARCH 2016 MHL 13

Redifning Health

DETOXIFICATION AS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF MAINTAINING HEALTH Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D. Spring is upon us, a perfect time of year for detoxification. As the seasons change, many of us are motivated to do ‘spring cleaning’ in our homes and gardens. The same need applies to our bodies. When the body is detoxified, it can function more efficiently and gain resilience. Physicians have been seeing increasing symptoms of toxicity in their patients over the last few decades. Hormone imbalances, obesity, mental fog, memory loss, fatigue, lack of vitality, metabolic syndrome, sleep disturbances are all manifestations of a toxic body. Conventional medicine does not acknowledge toxicity as an important issue, but many studies have shown this to be the underlying cause of many chronic symptoms experienced today, including the rising rates of cancer over the past two decades. An article in the NY Times (1) discusses the major risks of every day contaminants in our bodies and a statement made by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2) claims that these toxins are interfering with reproductive health. “Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society — diabetes and obesity,” the Endocrine Society said in announcing its 150-page “scientific statement.” It added that “mounting evidence also ties endocrine disrupters to infertility, prostate cancer, undescended testicles, testicular cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and neurological issues. Sometimes these problems apparently occur in adults because of exposures decades earlier in fetal stages.” Endocrine disruptors are chemicals found in plastics, cosmetics, synthetic hormones injected into factory farm animals, as well as pesticides, which when consumed, mimic hormones that disrupt endocrine function in the body. I liken these toxins to dirt in an engine. An engine cannot run well with dirt in it because its parts cannot make contact with one another. Our bodies can be likened to a biological engine. The collaboration and communication between four major systems in the body is critical to its proper function. These four systems are the endocrine or hormonal system, the immune system, the liver, and the gut. If any of these systems is compromised, the “bio-engine” will not run well. Toxins and hormone disruptors are like dirt in the engine of the body which interferes with the communication and collaboration between its major systems. The liver is the detoxifier of the body. When it is overwhelmed with toxins, it cannot function to its full capacity - it cannot produce the anti-oxidants it is responsible for, that keep cancer at bay - nor can it detoxify fat soluble hormone disruptors easily. It cannot breakdown hormones like estrogen or insulin efficiently and their levels begin to build in the body. Furthermore, when it is busy detoxifying alcohol, it cannot perform its functions well either. It has been shown that women who drink one glass of wine per day have a ten-fold higher incidence (3) of breast cancer then the general population. The incidence of many other cancers can also increase with alcohol consumption. This is likely because the liver becomes toxic with alcohol use which reduces its production of antioxidants. EYE>>page 15

14 MHL MARCH 2016


Vegetables IN YOUR DIET

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to include a variety of vegetables in meal planning. The health benefits of eating vegetables are many and include reducing the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon cancer. It can be a challenge to include a sufficient amount of this tasty and beneficial food group to menus. These tips from TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the nonprofit weight-loss support organization, offer some creative ways to eat more vegetables: 1. Make a “pasta� dish with spaghetti squash instead of noodles. 2. Puree cooked vegetables and add them to stews, gravies, and soups. 3. Add raw spinach leaves and an extra-ripe banana to a fruit smoothie. It may sound strange, but the sweetness of the banana masks the taste of the spinach. 4. Baking? Add shredded carrots to muffins or bread. 5. Instead of cheese and meat, pile your morning omelet with onions, mushrooms, and red and green peppers. Chop vegetables the night before to save time in the morning. 6. Add chopped spinach to meat when preparing meatballs or hamburgers. 7. Try mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. Experiment with different flavorings such as garlic, a dab of butter, and Parmesan cheese. 8. Add salsa to a breakfast burrito, pile it on a veggie burger, or use it in place of high-fat, creamy vegetable dips. 9. Puree pasta sauce with vegetables such as winter squash or chopped broccoli. 10. Add chopped carrots to casseroles or meat loaf. Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free of charge. To find a local chapter, visit or call (800) 932-8677.

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Dr. William Dunbar, President of Midwest College

EYE<<page 4914

When the liver is overwhelmed, and fat soluble toxins accumulate in fat, they generate more fat. Many people in the U.S. have difficulty losing weight despite exercise and diet due to these fat soluble toxins that the body cannot easily release. Toxin release by the body involves a process called glucuronidation, where toxins are released from the cells and made water soluble and eliminated by the kidneys. Without this process, toxins that are fat soluble remain in body fat. Although some detoxifying cleanses release these from fat, they are unable to eliminate them out of the body (as they do not engage the process of glucuronidation). This causes them to re-sequester in fat causing rebound weight gain. The most effective detoxifying cleanses engage the process of glucuronidation. They can eliminate toxins from the body for months at a time. A diet that supports detoxification consists of plenty of organic, fresh vegetables and fruits and a moderate amount of water. Aerobic exercise is a great detoxifier as well as a good night’s sleep. During sleep, the body regenerates itself. A broad spectrum probiotic, with at least 8 to 10 strains of organisms, enhances the process of nutrient absorption and is critical in decreasing inflammation in the body and stimulating serotonin production. Healthy gut flora (4) has been shown to be critical for preventing inflammation and dementia, and can enhance healing when combined with detoxification. Much of the information detailed above needs to become a common part of our pursuit of health. It can have a significant impact on the prevention and treatment of


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MARCH 2016 MHL 15


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16 MHL MARCH 2016

Living a rushed and busy lifestyle can often catch up with people. In a world of accomplishing, doing, making and moving relaxation does not get much praise. Relaxation to many seems like a waste of precious time. Time that could be better spent doing something that will likely get you somewhere. In a world where stress and anxiety seem to be the norm and often times even used as a badge of honor it is not surprising that people do not make the time for relaxation. Reiki is all about relaxation. The treatment in fact is so relaxing that it allows the body to activate its innate ability to heal itself. Reiki is a very powerful healing energy that began in Japan over 100 years ago. Reiki is a laying on of hands in order to balance energy systems within the body. An imbalance of energy within the body may be the underlying cause of many illnesses both on the physical and emotional level. Living a rushed and busy lifestyle can often catch up with people. This can result in illness, extreme fatigue, pain or emotional instability. Often when we do not allow enough time for relaxation we lose touch with ourselves. Forgetting to make time for the things that make us happy or make us feel excited. We lose the joy and fun in our lives because we are too busy worrying about our busy schedules and how we are going to get it all done. Reiki reminds us to slow down, listen to our inner voice and contemplate our lives at a deeper level. It helps us to remember what is really important and reminds us of how we really want to spend our time. This is very powerful. Reiki calls us to live the lives we are meant to live that often have nothing to do with what we are very busy doing. When someone has a Reiki treatment they are often surprised by how powerful it is but in a very gentle and relaxing way. It allows for messages to emerge about how you can change your life in order to increase your level of happiness. It connects you with a deeper more core part of yourself that knows what will bring you more love, peace and joy. Reiki helps the body and mind heal. Healing comes from the inside and can only occur in a state of relaxation. Reiki is practiced by millions of people around the world and is gaining in popularity as people experience this non-invasive, very gentle holistic healing technique. For more information contact Cindy Carlson at 414-758-0657 or visit

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SPECIALISTS IN CHRONIC PAIN RELIEF You have only one body. Let it play to its full potential with the benefits of therapeutic massage. Relieve chronic and acute pain, accelerate recovery time and experience the benefits of postural alignment. Massage Services Offered: • Deep Tissue • Therapeutic • Muscle Release Therapy • Lypossage • Hot Stone • CranioSacral

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Call Rob Reader, L.M.T., official massage therapist of the Milwaukee Ballet or Wendy Halfpap, L.M.T., integrative massage specialist at 414-721-6942.

18 MHL MARCH 2016

Posture There are many postural imbalances that massage therapy can correct. How we carry ourselves and our posture says a lot about who we are. How hard we work, our level of security or happiness or how stressed we are. Poor posture is now noticeable in women of all ages. With all the demands women have and the list of tasks to be completed in a day, it’s no wonder why you would feel like you just ran a marathon. It feels like every muscle in your body aches and you feel drained of energy. It’s no surprise that so many of us are no longer aware of our posture and are starting to hunch already at a young age. Whether you are an executive spending long hours at the office staring at a computer screen, a salesperson spending hours on the road or a stay at home mom taking care of the home and family, these daily activities take a toll on our bodies. The primary target is the upper body, especially the back where the stress can really strike hard. Working at a computer for too long without a break to stretch once in a while can stiffen the back and neck fairly quickly. Long hours of driving will have the same affect and also fatigues the legs muscles as well. Constantly bending to lift children or all the household tasks stress the entire back. Imbalance also occurs when placing too much weight on one side more than the other while either carrying groceries or toting around a heavy purse or laptop. Emotional stress can physically change a body’s posture as the sympathetic nervous system, the fight or flight response engages, we stiffen up our muscles in defense and depending on the situation, we can stay locked in this compromising posture for years. Of course we can’t stop living or moving but how we choose to maintain our bodies is the key. Massage therapy can change the way you look and feel. There are many postural imbalances that massage therapy can correct. Proper posture is shoulders relaxed, brought back so that they are in a straight line with the ears and hips. There are natural curves to the back but some are exaggerated due to imbalance. Too much of an upper back curve is referred to as hyperkyphosis and hyperlordosis for the lower back. An effective massage treatment will first address the muscle group primarily causing the dysfunction. In the case of low back pain, the center quardricep or thigh muscles, can be too tight. These are specifically postural muscles that help us to stand up straight. Once these muscles are smoothed out and relax, they start to lengthen and shift the body to a more upright position, therefore relaxing the overstretched low back muscles. Upper back pain can be due to tight pectoral or chest muscles which cause the back to roll inwards creating that hunch. This also can pull the neck and head forward as well. The neck muscles are loosened to bring the head back. The shortened pectoral muscles are treated to relax and lengthen them which brings the shoulders back. Now the back itself is treated to smooth out the knots and any remaining restricted tissue is released. Just one massage therapy session can make you feel taller, not to mention boosting your confidence, making you feel younger, stronger and a bit lighter and happier. Rob Reader has been a full-time massage therapist since 2005. He has worked on headline performers at Summerfest and professional wrestlers, and is the official massage therapist of the Milwaukee Ballet since 2006. He currently works in Mequon at Active Body Wellness LLC, 909 W Mequon rd. For more information, call 414.721.6942 or visit Active Body Wellness offers holistic pain relief through several different types of massage. These include swedish massage, deep tissue, hot and cold stone massage, therapeutic massage, Muscle Release Therapy® and Craniosacral Therapy®. Our goal is to have you pain free within as short of time possible through soft tissue manipulation.

THE Lost Art OF SLOWING DOWN You’re always on the go.

You have a never-ending To-Do list.

There’s always too much to do and too little time to do it.

THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE TELL ME EVERY DAY. As a culture, we have created a super fast-paced, busy lifestyle for ourselves. Technology contributes to this: so many new devices and 24/7 availability anytime, anywhere. Over the years, we’ve learned how to speed up and now the problem is that we have forgotten how to slow down. You want to slow down, yet you just can’t seem to do it (can’t seem to find the time!). What happens when we don’t slow down? The obvious cost: stress and anxiety are on the rise with over 40 million people in our country suffering from anxiety. The not-so-obvious cost: when you never slow down, you start to live life on “Autopilot.” Life is driven more by outside activities and influences, rather than being guided by YOU - by what YOU really want and need to feel happy and healthy. You have to slow down for a moment to connect with yourself and find out how you really feel. What do you really want? You may feel like you can’t change the situation...too many responsibilities and expectations seem out of your control. It feels like life is happening TO you (Autopilot), instead of you being in charge of your life and your happiness. You have to slow down to turn off the Autopilot. If you keep operating on “automatic,” you will automatically keep getting more of what you automatically got in the past. Slow down and you’ll you have a better idea of the way you want your life to be instead of the way Autopilot created it. A New Year invites us to slow down. Stop long enough to reflect on what you loved from last year and what you didn’t love. You’ll need a little quiet time and a paper and pen to make notes. Breathe deeply and imagine… what would you like to have different and better in your life? What inspires you and makes you feel good? Once you have that vision of what you want, how do you create it? It’s time to take charge of creating your life the way you want it. Creating something new in your life requires 3 things to be congruent: thoughts, feelings and actions. 01 Your Thoughts and Words: Slow down enough to stay conscious of your thoughts. Everything that has ever been created started as an idea or thought. Choose your thoughts deliberately. Think about what’s important to you. Think specifically about those things you want to be different and better. Think about them every single day. 02 Your Feelings: The way you feel is always a result of the thoughts you’ve been thinking. Slow down enough to pay attention to your feelings. If you’re not feeling good about how your life is being created, it’s a sign to stop and think more about the positive you want to create. 03 Your Actions: Slow down and ask yourself: What small thing could I do today to bring me closer to what I really want? Move consciously in the direction of your vision one little action at a time. Di Philippi, MA, LPC is a Holistic Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in non-medication solutions for anxiety and worry. She integrates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with holistic wellness practices that address body, mind, spirit, emotions, and energy. Her practice is located inside of Integrative Family Wellness Center in Brookfield. To learn more, see her website or call 414-588-0969.

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MARCH 2016 MHL 19

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20 MHL MARCH 2016

GOOD OR BAD? Some wise person once said, “Nothing is either good or bad, except naming makes it so.” One of life’s lessons, that for me has been and continues to be a challenge, is taking life too seriously. A person with this tendency (or shall we say affliction) sees the weeds instead of the flowers, the bad instead of the good, the imperfect rather than the perfect. Perhaps, I learned this from growing up during the depression years or was it from the nuns at the Catholic schools? I’m not sure. One thing is sure – focusing on the negative rather than the positive becomes a deeply ingrained, unconscious habit that seems difficult to break. The point is that at its core, life cannot be known or understood if there are no contrasts to differentiate qualities. So life is always going to be a mixture of contrasting circumstances and conditions that sometimes are good, sometimes are not so good, and sometimes are positively terrible. In today’s world, the contrasts seem to be even greater than before. Not that the world is better or worse, but now we have 24-hour news channels and talk radio constantly stirring the pot in order to draw in listeners. And disasters, violence and tragedies attract far more attention than acts of kindness and compassion. Here’s the point. If contract is and always will be part of the earth experience, what is accomplished by focusing on the bad, the ugly or the disgusting? I have learned by experience that when I focus on the bad, I have a tendency to feel bad. When, on the other hand, I focus on the good, I feel good. It doesn’t take a college professor to figure out that good is good and bad is bad. But there is a deeper message here. By focusing on the imperfect, we energize the imperfect. It’s like pouring gasoline on an open fire. We are drawn into the conflict and become part of it. We begin to take sides and now we have adversaries to fight or convince or win over in our own personal war. This is how conflicts begin, grow and eventually consume even innocent bystanders. Consider this. Life is no more than a game. There are winners and losers. The point of the game is to be a winner more than a loser. And how do you do that? The answer is by concentrating on the good rather than on the bad. Remember, good is good and bad is bad. Simple, huh? Maybe the old song “you have to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative” had it right. This too becomes a habit. There is always a good side and there will always be a bad side. Which one do you see? Which one do you look for? The answer to that question and the results that follow are all up to you. It’s probably a cosmic joke that we have spent so much of our lives judging the behavior of others or seeing things that needed fixing instead of just appreciating the contrast of what is. I suspect that when our time is up and when we arrive on the other side, the first message we will hear is “the jokes on you, it was all an illusion, anyway!” Keep these thoughts in mind as you travel on your life’s journey while you still have time to smell the roses. You might as well be happy than miserable. You might as well be rich than poor. You might as well be healthy than sick. Remember in Genesis what God said after he finished his creation. He looked out upon it and said: “It is good.” For more information contact Unity In Milwaukee at 414-475-0105 or visit




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Integrative Physicians What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis can be defined as an altered state of consciousness, awareness, or perception. Hypnosis is a highly relaxed state in which a person’s conscious and subconscious mind is focused and receptive to positive suggestion and imagery. Our minds essentially operate at two levels, the “conscious mind” and the “subconscious mind.” Our conscious mind is the analytical and/or task oriented part of us. Our subconscious mind contains emotions, habits, and perceptions. The subconscious mind directs how we perceive and relate to the world around us. For effective long-term change to take place we must implement change at the subconscious level. Hypnosis is simply a sway to speak directly to the subconscious mind. Is Hypnosis Safe? Almost everyone has experienced an altered state at some time in his or her life. Think of those times when you were driving to work and you get there not remembering passing streets or buildings totally unaware of what you were doing until you pulled into the parking lot What about when you or your children were so engrossed in a TV program that you were unaware that someone else had entered the room. These are the simplest explanations of what hypnosis is. NO mind control, no giving away of secrets, not sleep, just a safe and relaxed experience that is pleasant, refreshing and beneficial.

Can everyone be hypnotized?

Most people can go into a hypnotic trance. The only types of people that cannot be hypnotized are: • Those suffering from psychosis or a thought disorder • A person with a low IQ • A person does not want to be hypnotized. It is very easy to resist hypnosis if you want to. What are some misconceptions about hypnosis? • Loss of consciousness. One of the major myths about hypnosis is that you will lose consciousness. Hypnosis is altered level of consciousness, but you are not rendered unconscious. You will be aware of everything in the environment and hear everything that the hypnotist is saying. • Weakening your will. Your will is not weakened or changed in anyway. You are in control and, if you wish for any reason to terminate the hypnotic state, you may do so simply by opening your eyes. You cannot be made to do anything against your will. • Spontaneous talking. Patients do not spontaneously begin talking or revealing information they wish to keep secret. You can talk while under hypnosis and you and your hypnotherapist may wish to use some talking procedure in order to assist you with your problem. • Sleep. Hypnosis is not sleep; you will not fall asleep. The hypnotic EEG pattern is entirely different from the sleep EEG pattern. You may hear everything that’s going on around you. You are in an “altered” state of consciousness. How Does Hypnosis Work? By making positive and ACCEPTABLE suggestions directly to the subconscious mind at a time when the client or patient truly wants those changes to take place we can facilitate wonderful changes with relative ease. This is so because the subconscious mind doesn’t have the capability to analyze anything. It simple likes an idea or it does not. If it likes the idea it will attach itself to that idea. Hypnosis can be so effective in reducing pain that patients can even stop using conventional painkillers. The hypnotic state simply capitalizes on our natural capacity to focus our attention. Hypnosis involves the focusing of attention to the point where you can make what you imagine feel real at the same time as being able to switch off from what is real. Who can benefit from hypnosis? Anyone with a true desire to make positive change in his/her life and is willing to accept the responsibility for his/her own motivation to make the necessary changes. For more information contact Karla Herman at Hypnosis for Change, 262-264-0214.

n n n n n


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Katherine de Shazer, LMT, CLT | 414-292-3900 ext 265 GreenSquare Health Center Green SquareIntegrative Center for the Care Healing Arts 6789 N. Green Bay Avenue, Glendale, 53209 MARCH 2016 MHL 21

Are y




Kids deserve the best. That includes your primary care pediatrician. Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin has 19 primary care locations throughout Southeast Wisconsin, including Oak Creek Pediatrics. Our doctors are trained as pediatricians so they are experts in treating kids from birth through adolescence. And because our pediatricians are connected to the #4 pediatric hospital in the nation (according to Parents magazine), you’ll always know your child is in the very best hands. Oak Creek Pediatrics (414) 764-5726 8375 S. Howell Ave. Same-day appointments available Accepting new patients



22 MHL MARCH 2016

So Much to Do


As President and Mrs. Obama send their daughter to summer camp, they may be wondering what activities will fill her day. Depending on interests and camp offerings, a day at camp can vary greatly — including so many exciting experiences and opportunities to learn something new. Every summer, happy campers return home after their time at camp with new found skills, greater confidence, and a sense of community that can only be found at camp. Some camps offer a little bit of everything, and campers have the option to participate in a buffet of activities — including swimming, horseback riding, archery, canoeing, ropes courses, art, drama, and many, many more. Other camps may specialize in one or two activities, such as academics, the arts, or soccer. There are other activities – such as campfires, family-style meals, and quiet moments in nature — that are as much a part of the camp experience as the zip line or high ropes course. The American Camp Association® (ACA) reminds families that the camp community is wide-ranging, and that there truly is a camp suited for every child. Whether families are looking for an all-around experience, or one that focuses more on one or two activities, ACA encourages families to find the camp that meets their children’s needs. “It’s important for families to consider their child’s interests when choosing a camp,” said Peg Smith, ACA’s chief executive officer. “Open, honest conversation about camp expectations, and talking openly with the camp director about the camp’s activities and philosophy, will ensure that the camp experience is positive and exactly right for the child.” For some campers, camp is the ideal time to try something new. According to ACA’s Youth Development Outcomes study, conducted in conjunction with Philliber Research Associates and with generous support from Lilly Endowment Inc., 63 percent of parents reported that their child continued to participate in new activities learned at camp after they returned home. President and Mrs. Obama, along with the parents of over 10 million campers this summer, can rest assured that regardless of whether their child is focusing on favorite activities, or trying a wide variety of new ones, their child’s camp experience will offer unlimited opportunities to make new friends and participate in camp traditions that have a 150-year history. For more information about camp activities, or to use ACA’s Find a Camp database to find the perfect camp experience for your child, visit In addition, families can follow ACA on Facebook and Twitter for helpful hints and camp information.

MARCH 2016 MHL 23

Summer Camp and Activities

just around the corner Summer is fast approaching, but even if you haven’t made all your summer plans, there are still several reasons why it’s not too late to plan for camp—whether you’re a parent looking for great programs for your child, or you’re a student looking for the perfect summer job. A great day camp can be right around the corner—literally. The ideal day camp program for your child may be right in your neighborhood. Check with your local YMCA, Jewish Community Center, 4H, or city parks and recreation department for programs that suit your child. A wide variety of programs with many choices are available. From cartooning and playing the guitar to animal care and designing theatre costumes and sets—there is a day camp nearby offering sessions for every interest. Parents can research camps by location, cost, and activities offered, as well as other options at Here are important questions for parents to ask about day camp programs: • Is the camp accredited by the American Camp Association® (ACA)? • Is transportation available? • What about extended care before and after camp? • Will the camp provide lunch? • Are campers grouped by age, activity, or both? • Does the price include the full range of activities? •Are parent visits encouraged? Camps today offer a variety of sessions—including ones for the whole family. Over 25 percent of camps today offer family camp programs. For parents looking for a new way to spend vacation time together with their children this summer, and even do it close to home, family camps offer a great option for parents looking for healthy, positive experiences to share with their families. Parents participate in the same activities as their child would if the child was at camp by him or herself. Everyone in the family—from grandparents to young children—can participate and enjoy the same camp experience together. Family camp programs have grown over 215 percent in the past fifteen years. A major trend has been for camps to offer family sessions with much more programming and many more instructional activities. Responding to accommodate families’ busy schedules, some camps may offer variations such as overnight camping trips, oneday tours, or evening programs. Family camps also help parents introduce the camp experience to younger children who have yet to experience time away from their parents. A family camp program serves as great training wheels for a future resident camp experience for children. Students can find a rewarding summer job at camp. Every year, an estimated 1.2 million Americans find a job at camp. Although jobs for the coming summer season are filling up, camps are still recruiting staff now. A job at camp offers a unique life experience while earning summer pay. Camp prepares students for their future careers by teaching leadership and teambuilding. Camp complements the academic skills that are learned in school with experiential, life-based lessons. In a summer camp setting, young adults working as counselors have the opportunity to master real-life, problem-solving skills, as well as have a significant and positive influence in the lives of children. Whether it’s a day camp in your neighborhood, a camp experience for the whole family, or a great summer job, camp offers rewarding life experiences for people of all ages. The good news is that there’s still time to take part in a memorable camp experience this summer. There’s a camp for every budget. ACA’s family-oriented Web site, www. includes a searchable database of over 2,400 ACA-Accredited® camps, where families can search by many variables, including cost, location, activities, and length of session.

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MARCH 2016 MHL 25

CHILDRENS DIRECTORY Spring/Summer 2016 The Goddard School 355 Intertech Drive, Brookfield, WI 262.781.1400


Phantom d Lake YMCA Camp (262) 363-4386


t Tamarack, our teachers integrate the arts into all aspects of learning, while emphasizing year-round outdoor play, developmentally appropriate curriculum, and specialty classes including: music, handwork, and foreign language. Pre-K through Gr. 11.

High Scho ol Tamarack Open Hou se March 13, Waldorf 1 - 4pm C all for info! School High School: 2628 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. ~ 414.265.7075 Grade School: 1150 E. Brady St. ~ ~ 414.277.0009

Established in 1896, Phantom Lake YMCA Camp has been around a very long time. Actually, PLYC is the second oldest Y Camp in the nation and we’re proud to offer Resident (overnight), Teen Camp, and Day Camp, all in the comfort of your backyard. Located in Mukwonago, Phantom is centrally located between Madison, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Rockford… easy access for most families. In the mind of a camper, it feels like a world away, but for a parent it’s a short drive for drop-off and pick-up. PLYC sits on 72 acres of beautiful rolling hills and an expansive waterfront. Our program offers a variety of activities which include sailing, swimming, arts & crafts, paddle sports, target sports, skateboarding, bouldering, and zip line. Activities like these can be found at many camps; however, the PLYC staff, the years of tradition, and the energy of our summers are one-of-a-kind. These factors are what sets us apart from other camps and continue to be three reasons our campers return each and every summer. We are strong supports of the summer camp experience and encourage families to get their kids to CAMP. If you think we’re right for your family, then we encourage you to contact us to learn more about Phantom, our programs, and set up a time for a tour.

health Oak Creek Pediatrics 8375 S Howell Ave Oak Creek, WI 53154 (414) 764-5726 Oak Creek Pediatrics is proud to be one of the leading practices in Southeastern Wisconsin. As a member of Children’s Medical Group, and affiliated with Children’s Hospital and Health System, we have six board-certified pediatricians ready to serve your child’s needs. Our pediatricians and staff are dedicated to making your child’s health and medical care a top priority. 26 MHL MARCH 2016

The Goddard School offers the foundation to encourage your child’s lifelong love of learning. In our warm, loving atmosphere caring teachers support the healthy development of your child from six weeks to six years old. Our year round program offers your family the choice of either a half- or fullday schedule. Whether gently holding your infant, encouraging your toddler to share, or providing your preschooler with a wide range of enriching activities, our teachers understand your child’s needs. Goddard Developmental Tamarack Waldorf School 1150 E Brady Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-277-0009 Waldorf schools offer a developmentally appropriate, experiential approach to education to inspire life-long learning and enable each student to fully develop their capacities. Offering Pre-school through 9th grade, Tamarack educates the whole child – head, heart, and hands - through the Waldorf curriculum which integrates academics with the arts. The home-like environment of the kindergarten encourages imaginative play and gently prepares children for grade school. Special subjects include foreign language, handwork, music, drama, and movement. Playgroups are available for young children. Tamarack is a private school established in 1996 and affiliated with the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America.

Shoreview Pediatrics 2524 E Webster Place Suite 301 Milwaukee Wi 414-272-7009 Shoreview Pediatrics has caring compassionate physicians that are commited to educationg you about precentative medicine as your child grows into adulthood. We endoeavor to deal with urgent issues on a sameday basisi and handle emergencies promptly as they arise. We accept children and adolescents from birth through 18 years of old. All of our physicians are on staff at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and St. Mary’s Hospital of Milwaukee.


MARCH 2016 MHL 27

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Insomnia in Older Adults

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28 MHL MARCH 2016

SLEEPING BETTER AS YOU AGE About Sleep We all look forward to a good night’s sleep. Sleep allows our body to rest and to restore its energy levels. Without enough restful sleep, not only can we become grumpy and irritable, but also inattentive and more prone to accidents. Like food and water, adequate sleep is essential to good health and quality of life. Two Types of Sleep There are two types of sleep: non-rapid eye movement -- or NREM sleep -- and rapid eye movement -- or REM sleep. NREM sleep includes four stages, ranging from light to deep sleep. Then we go into REM sleep, the most active stage of sleep when dreaming often occurs. During REM sleep, the eyes move back and forth beneath the eyelids and muscles become immobile. We cycle through the NREM-REM stages of sleep approximately every 90 minutes. How Sleep is Regulated Researchers believe that two body systems -- the sleep-wake process and our circadian biologic clock -- regulate our sleep. They program our bodies to feel sleepy at night and awake during the day. The sleep-wake process works by balancing the amount of sleep a person needs based on the time spent awake. Our circadian biologic clock is a 24-hour body rhythm affected by sunlight. It regulates hormones such as melatonin, which is secreted during the night and promotes sleep, and other processes like body temperature. Sleeping at a time that is in sync with this rhythm is important for healthy sleep. Diagram of changes in sleep patterns as we age. - Click to enlarge in new window. Sleep Needs, Patterns Change With Age Sleep needs change over a person’s lifetime. Children and adolescents need more sleep than adults. Interestingly, older adults need about the same amount of sleep as younger adults -- seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Unfortunately, many older adults often get less sleep than they need. One reason is that they often have more trouble falling

asleep. A study of adults over 65 found that 13 percent of men and 36 percent of women take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. Also, older people often sleep less deeply and wake up more often throughout the night, which may be why they may nap more often during the daytime. Nighttime sleep schedules may change with age too. Many older adults tend to get sleepier earlier in the evening and awaken earlier in the morning. Why These Changes There are many possible explanations for these changes. Older adults may produce and secrete less melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep. They may also be more sensitive to -- and may awaken because of -- changes in their environment, such as noise. Older adults may also have other medical and psychiatric problems that can affect their nighttime sleep. Researchers have noted that people without major medical or psychiatric illnesses report better sleep. Poor Sleep Can Lead to Problems Not sleeping well can lead to a number of problems. Older adults who have poor nighttime sleep are more likely to have depressed mood, attention and memory problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, more nighttime falls, and use more over-thecounter or prescription sleep aids. Poor sleep is also associated with a poorer quality of life. If You Have Trouble Sleeping Many people believe that poor sleep is a normal part of aging, but it is not. In fact, many healthy older adults report few or no sleep problems. Sleep patterns change as we age, but disturbed sleep and waking up tired every day are not part of normal aging. If you are having trouble sleeping, see your doctor or a sleep specialist. There are treatments that can help. Treating Sleep Disorders Once You’ve Been Evaluated Based on your sleep evaluation, your doctor or sleep specialist may recommend individual treatment options. It is important to remember that there are effective treatments for most sleep disorders. If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder, your doctor may suggest specific treatments. You should ask for information to find out more about your condition and ways to improve your sleep. Therapies You may want to try limiting excessive noise and/or light in your sleep environment. Or, you could limit the time spent in bed while not sleeping, and use bright lights to help with circadian rhythm problems. Circadian rhythm is our 24-hour internal body clock that is affected by sunlight. Relaxation techniques also may be helpful in reducing physical and emotional tensions that can interfere with sleep. There are also cognitive therapies aimed at changing attitudes and concerns people may have about insomnia and not being able to sleep well. Some specialists believe medications also can be useful early in your treatment, and if necessary, you can use them from time to time if you have trouble falling asleep. Treating Sleep Apnea People who are diagnosed with sleep apnea should try to lose weight if possible, but often they may need other treatments as well. Adjusting your body position during the night may benefit you if you experience sleep apnea more often when you lie on your back. The CPAP. The most effective and popular treatment for sleep apnea is nasal continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. This device keeps your air passages open by supplying a steady stream of air pressure through your nose while you sleep. To use the CPAP, the patient puts on a small mask that fits around the nose. Air pressure is delivered to the mask from a small, quiet air pump that sits at the bedside. The patient not only wears the mask at night but also during naps, since obstructions can occur during these times as well. Dental Devices. If you have a mild case of sleep apnea, sometimes a dental device or appliance can be helpful. Surgery. If your condition is more severe and you don’t tolerate other treatments, your doctor may suggest surgery to increase the airway size in the mouth and throat. One common surgical method removes excess tissue from the back of the throat. Treating Movement Disorders Very often, people who suffer from movement disorders during sleep such as restless legs syndrome or periodic limb movement disorder are successfully treated with the same medications used for Parkinson’s disease. People with restless legs syndrome often have low levels of iron in their blood. In such cases doctors often prescribe supplements.Treating REM Behavior Disorder Medications can also treat people with REM behavior disorder. If there are reports of dangerous activities such as hitting or running during these episodes, it may be necessary to make changes to the person’s sleeping area to protect sufferers and their bed partners from injury.

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MARCH 2016 MHL 29


What Do You Know? These stories highlight some of the challenges to saving for retirement faced by people in their 40s, 50s, and early 60s and offer suggestions for increasing retirement saving. This summary highlights steps you can take that might help make your retirement vision a reality. •Start now. It’s never too early or too late to start setting aside money for your retirement. The younger you are when you begin, the more time you have to save and the more your money can grow over time. Time can also provide a cushion that might help your savings to recover from dips in the investment markets (like stocks and mutual funds), which occur from time to time. •Take part in the retirement plan at work. Sign up for your employer’s retirement plan as soon as possible. More and more employers are automatically enrolling workers in their 401(k) plans unless the worker makes a clear choice not to sign up (sometimes called “opting out”). If possible, put in the maximum allowed each year—or as close as you can get. Your employer might also match part of your contributions. Try to take advantage of these matching contributions. Ask your Personnel or HR (Human Resources) representative how your company’s plan works. Also, talk with the professionals who manage your firm’s 401(k) for advice. If your employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan, ask if the organization can start one.

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•Make the most of your other retirement-saving options. Consider putting money in more than one retirement-saving plan. That is especially important if your employer doesn’t offer one. Some kinds of plans could help you to save, and some

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can help to lower or defer (put off) your taxes. For example, you might contribute regularly to an individual retirement account or IRA, which you can open at a bank or through a broker or mutual fund. One type of IRA, a Roth IRA, allows you, the investor, to earn dividends (income) tax-free, with some restrictions, and to withdraw the money during retirement without paying Federal income taxes. You might set up an annuity (a contract between you and an insurance company). An annuity pays you income on a regular schedule, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly, after a certain age. •Figure out how much you’ll need. If you’re like the average person, you’ll probably need at least 70 percent of your annual pre-retirement income to maintain your standard of living after you retire, possibly more. Resources are available to help you calculate what you might need. For example, one useful online tool,, will help you estimate how much you’ll need. The introduction and FAQs on that website can help you get started. Other calculators to help you plan can be found at Remember to plan for health care and other costs, which likely will go up in the years to come, as well as for unexpected expenses or changes in the economy. •Set specific goals. Plan to save a certain amount—even if it’s small—each week or month. For example, you might set a goal to invest at least $250 a month in your employer-sponsored retirement plan, or you might put $25 a week into another savings plan. •Keep an eye on your investments. Get to know how your retirement plans work, how your money is invested, and what fees are charged. Review your investments at least once a year. Remember that it’s best to think about your investments over time, rather than reacting to ups and downs in investment markets. As you near retirement, you might also consider shifting your money from more risky investments like stocks to usually less risky investments like bonds. A bond is less risky because it is like an IOU, but it does carry some risk. You give money to a government or company, and they promise to pay it back with interest after a certain number of years. You may also have heard about target-date funds, also known as life-cycle accounts, available in some 401(k) plans. These plans automatically shift your investments based on the date you expect to start using your retirement funds. They may not be for everyone. Information about different types of investments is available on the Securities and Exchange Commission website at

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•Find ways to save more. Try to find a few ways to lower your weekly or monthly expenses. Can you reduce your cell phone costs or other monthly expenses? Bring your lunch to work instead of eating out every day? Carpool so commuting costs less? Saving this “found” money can help you build your retirement nest egg over time. Some people find it helpful to put a part of any salary increase directly into their retirement-saving plan. •Be realistic. Make a plan at which you can succeed. Start by saving an amount of money you are comfortable with. It’s better to have realistic goals—even if they’re smaller than you’d hope—than to set goals you can’t reach and later give up. •Be wary of investing too much in one company’s stock. Put your money in different kinds of investments (such as American stocks, international stocks, bonds, or real estate) and avoid putting too much of your money in the stock of any one fund or company, including the company you work for. If your employer invests matching retirement money in company stock, think about moving some of that money to other kinds of investments, if possible. •Look ahead. If you retire early and receive reduced Social Security benefits, be aware that there are other possible consequences. For example, if you are married, survivor benefits for your spouse also will be reduced if you began receiving Social Security benefits early. Also, consider buying long-term care insurance or other forms of coverage for uncovered medical expenses. •Be prepared for change. A sudden change in health, the death of your spouse, divorce, a stock market decline, or a job layoff could dramatically affect your household’s financial picture. Whether you’re close to retirement or not, having enough savings available can help you and your family weather these unexpected changes. Try hard to avoid using your retirement savings or permanently withdrawing money from your retirement accounts before you retire, unless absolutely needed. •Consider working past retirement age. Americans are living longer, healthier lives than their parents or grandparents. Working a little longer than you had planned before retiring can help add to your retirement savings. It also means you will have fewer years in retirement to dip into those savings. Experts suggest that working 5 more years makes your annual retirement income larger, giving you more to spend when you retire. Or, you might find that a part-time job before retirement provides enough to support your present needs so that you don’t have to use your savings.

MARCH 2016 MHL 31

THE ART OF CONVERSATION The true art of conversation has changed from the warm exchange of face to face encounters to a form of isolated interaction.

Not too many years ago, funny stories, life changing conversations, serious topics and creative ideas all took root on the front porch. After the chores were done, it was the place for family and friends to gather and share their experiences of the day whether good, bad or otherwise. It seemed that no one was lonely because there was a place to gather and talk…the front porch. The true art of conversation has changed from the warm exchange of face to face encounters to a form of isolated interaction. Today the advanced technologies of hundreds of cable channels and internet conversations seem to connect us to the world without using the true skills and courtesies of conversing. The opportunity to enjoy that type of front porch conversation is in jeopardy. If you grew up enjoying the freshness of discussion with lemonade in you hands…you understand what is missing in today’s electronic forms of interaction.

It’s interesting to note that early in the morning local restaurants have attracted the “Front Porch Gang” as have retirement communities. The lifestyle of a retirement community is by design a front porch gathering place. One of the main reasons a person decides on joining a community is for social opportunities – a.k.a the good old fashion front porch conversations. Recently at Tudor Oaks Retirement Community after a workout in the fitness class, a long time resident invited a soon to be resident to enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat. “It was so nice to have someone to talk with, just like the days when we used to chat on the front porch” was the follow up comment by the newcomer. She looks forward to reviving the art of fun conversations as she finalizes her plans to move into the community. She shared “It has been so quiet in my home, I look

forward to talking with people again I can hardly wait to move in.” Retirement communities routinely offer the opportunity to come together and share ideas and learn about new ones. Most offer educational seminars on a variety of topics to help spark conversations and interactions on timely topics that are key in keeping the lines of communication open. If you look in the right place, the Front Porch is still buzzing with lively, informative conversation. Use the new technology of today to help you reconnect with friends and family you have lost contact with, and then invite them to join you on the Front Porch. Provided by The Front Porch Gang at Tudor Oaks Retirement Community Call 414-525-6500 to learn move about upcoming conversation sparking seminars and the gang.

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PUTTING RETIREMENT PLANS TO THE TEST Although often anxious about the economic sturdiness of their retirement plans, many people remain in the dark about just how sound – or unsound – their financial futures might be. “Too many people try to go it alone, without professional assistance,” says Travis Chance, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM (www.chancefinancialgroup. com). “Most people have worries about their retirement and whether they will have enough money, but a Society of Actuaries study showed that just 52 percent of preretirees and 44 percent of retirees consult a planner.” Chance is a big proponent of testing a retirement plan to make sure it’s sound. To do it right, though, means being thorough, he says. Often, testing is based on just projected income, but that doesn’t go far enough because it doesn’t take into account real-world fluctuations that affect investment returns or the amount of money needed to live. “You will never have static returns and static withdrawals,” Chance says. He said one thing he likes to do is look for pressure points, gauging how well a retirement plan will stand up to the scenarios it might face over time. “It’s almost like the way an engineer or an architect will look for pressure points for an office building or a bridge,” Chance says. “You want to make sure that the plan you choose should have the ability to withstand the forces it might encounter.” Plenty of factors can knock a dent in retirement plans, such as health care costs, inflation and long-term care. And one of the reasons retirement planning leaves so many people fretting is that predicting the future is an iffy proposition. Here are three basic dynamics that impact everyone’s retirement planning: • Available money. This is the base to start with. A monthly pension is one source of income, though fewer people have those these days. Social Security remains a significant portion of retirement funding for many people, although Social Security alone won’t meet too many people’s needs, Chance says. Savings is the other factor, and could be the crucial one. “The more you have been able to stash away over the years in an IRA, a 401k or another retirement account, the better your financial picture will look,” Chance says. • The income you require. Theoretically, retirement opens up lots of possibilities for how to spend that extra free time. But not all retirements are equal. Do you want to maintain your current lifestyle? Do you hope to travel? Likely, you won’t be content sitting home, relegated to watching sit-com reruns because you barely have enough money to pay bills and buy groceries. The question retirees must face is whether the combination of a pension, Social Security and savings withdrawals will give them what they need. That’s where the help of a financial advisor comes in handy, Chance says. For example, he says, a common mistake is to make decisions about Social Security planning and nest-egg withdrawals independently of each other. “That can cause issues,” Chance says. “But if you take them into account together and make decisions accordingly, you can maximize how much you have to spend on a monthly basis.” • How long will you live? This is the retirement-planning wild card. It’s an unknowable factor, but one that plays a major role. “One thing we do know is that life expectancies have been growing, and many people underestimate how long they will live,” Chance says. “People need to expect they could live 20 years, 30 years or even longer in retirement, and plan accordingly.” About Travis Chance Travis Chance ( is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM and has been awarded the Retirement Income Certified Professional designation through the American College. His financial planning practice, CFG Wealth Management, LLC, has become a leading resource for south Georgia, and South Carolina low country residents over age 50. Chance specializes in the Retirement Income Planning area, and speaks regularly to groups on this topic. He holds a Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree from Georgia Southern University, and a Financial Planning degree from Kaplan University.

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Senior Living Community MARCH 2016 MHL 33

Get Sociable! A number of early studies found that people who are involved in hobbies and other social and leisure pursuits may be at lower risk for (and less likely to develop) some health problems, including dementia. Research shows that people who are sociable, generous, and goal-oriented may be happier and less depressed than other people. Sitting at home alone could help explain why Melvin is not feeling like himself. Volunteering might help Melvin feel better. According to researchers, older adults who participate in what they believe are meaningful activities, like volunteering in their communities, say they feel healthier and happier. For example, older adult volunteers from an urban community worked approximately 15 hours a week in their neighborhood public elementary schools, in a special program designed to improve children’s school success. Researchers learned that the older volunteers increased their cognitive, social, and physical activity levels. Participants also reported feeling personal satisfaction from the experience. Although more research is needed, researchers think that over the long term the participants may have decreased their risk for disability, dependency, and dementia in later life. Many causes need help from volunteers. For example, groups that help homeless people need volunteers to serve meals or organize clothing donations. The USO needs people to send care packages to soldiers stationed overseas. Animal shelters need help caring for dogs and cats. Senior groups need aides to help people with disabilities run their errands. The list goes on. Researchers have found that older adults, like Maria, who take part in these types of activities often do so to make a difference in their communities and feel good about what they are doing. But, there are plenty of other options for places to volunteer or be socially active. Where you look to find these opportunities might depend on what you are interested in doing. The following are some examples of social and productive activities you might like: Volunteering at a library, hospital, or other community health facility Joining a senior center Playing cards and other games with your friends Going to the theater, a movie, or a sporting event Traveling with a group of older adults, perhaps a retiree group Visiting friends and family Trying different restaurant Gardening in your backyard or at a community park Organizing a park clean-up through your local recreation center Taking a cooking class Singing in a choral group Joining a local theater troupe Forming or joining a book club Going dancing Taking a group exercise class Playing a musical instrument, learning a new instrument Joining a group interested in a hobby like knitting or wood carving Getting a part-time job Everyone has different limits to the amount of time he or she can spend on social or other activities. What is perfect for one person might be too much for another. Ted may cut back his volunteer hours and find that doing a little less is just right for him. His friend Rasheed may feel that doing two activities—a monthly book club and tutoring once a week in the high school—is enough.

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MARCH 2016 MHL 35

Moving Into An Assisted Living Residence:

making a successful transition You have made the decision to move into an assisted living residence. Yet you still have many questions. Do I really need the help? Will I make new friends? Will I receive help when I need it? Will I continue to see my family and friends? While all these questions are common, the answer to all of them is the same— Yes! You can make new friends, you can receive the personal assistance you need, and you can continue to see your family and friends. Change can be challenging. The time it takes to transition is different for everyone. The keys to success are preparation, a positive attitude, a supportive network of family and friends, along with patience and understanding—all will prepare you for a smooth transition. Privacy Concerns One of the biggest differences between living in your own home and assisted living is the number of people under one roof. You will have the opportunity to be around your contemporaries and make new friends. However, that doesn’t mean you will lose your privacy. Your apartment is your space. Friends and family can visit you, but you determine when. You may want to request a key to your apartment for added privacy and security. What To Bring To Your New Home Soon after selecting a facility, residents say to begin planning for your move, including deciding which personal items such as furniture, keepsakes, and photographs to move. Based upon their personal experiences, many residents suggest you see the actual apartment or unit that you will move into and take measurements. Ask the administrator or director what furniture, if any, the residence will provide. Some residences may provide minimal furniture, such as a bed or chair upon request; other residences encourage you to bring whatever furnishings will make you feel comfortable in your new home. Experience indicates that making choices about personal possessions is difficult at the time; however, one resident said, “It’s not as bad as you think . . . Try to remain positive and have family and friends help you.” Residents suggest that you might want to leave large pieces of furniture at home, since your apartment will probably be smaller than your current home. They also suggest that you bring smaller prized possessions to create that “at-home” feeling in your new assisted living apartment. And, for those possessions that you can’t part with but aren’t sure that you want to bring with you, consider putting those items in a storage unit or asking family to temporarily store the items for you. This way you will have time to determine which items are important to have with you at your new home. You should start packing well in advance of the actual move. Sort through your clothes and decide what you will need and how much your new closets will hold. Residents advise to be sure to look at available closet and storage space to avoid bringing more than the closets can hold. Avoid bringing too many of one thing such as coats. Moving Day Helpers When moving day arrives and you are ready to set up your new home, ask family and friends to help arrange and organize your apartment. Many assisted living residences have staff members who can help move your furniture and other heavy pieces into your new apartment. You will want to find out what assistance the residence offers before you arrive on moving day. Although staff, family members, and friends are there to help you, it is important that you decide how your apartment is arranged. Remember, arranging your apartment to suit your preferences will make your adjustMARCH 2016 MHL 37

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THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL INTERACTION FOR OVERALL HEALTH At all ages, social interaction plays a key role in overall health. This is especially true when it comes to older adults. Studies have shown that staying active and engaged increases your overall health and wellness! Staying active keeps seniors sharp mentally and physically, as well as enhances their immune system. Ways to stay social Stay in touch with friends, family and neighbors. Join a club in the community or at the local senior center. Volunteer. Spend time with your children and grandchildren. Join a gym or fitness class. Take a class at a community college or senior center. Attend local worship services. Improves physical health Socialization, whether it’s through a senior center, your family or volunteering, has many physical health benefits, according to the University of Rochester. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, and potentially even lower risks for cardiovascular problems, some forms of cancer, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Improves memory Social activities have been shown to improve memory and cognitive health in older adults. According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Neurology, a positive link exists between social activities and mental well-being, finding that people with active social connections have an increased likelihood of maintaining cognitive health. Staying connected with friends and family is good for you! Keeps spirits up Continuing to get out of the house and socialize helps keep people from feeling lonely or isolated. According to the Center for Disease Control, in the U.S., about seven million people over the age of 65 experience occasional depression. Spending time with the people you care about can have a direct impact on your overall mood. If mobility or physical distance is an issue, you can always keep in touch with friends and family over the phone or via email. A CapTel captioned telephone makes sure you can catch every word of the conversation, even if you have difficulty hearing over the phone. It shows you captions during your call, so you won’t miss a thing.


Imagine your mom just turned 70 years old. She’s in good health, but she lives alone and doesn’t get out much. She may talk to her neighbors once and in while, but usually she’s home alone. You try to visit when you can, but you can tell from recent conversations that she feels lonely and bored. Sound familiar? What can you do? The hardest part may be just knowing where to start. Interfaith Older Adult Programs is proud to serve more than 17,000 clients in Southeast Wisconsin. Thousands of those clients are older adults who take advantage of the variety of resources and engaging activities Interfaith provides to support our mission of “Linking Older Adults with a Caring Community.” Other clients are caregivers seeking resources and support on how to care for their aging parents –– perhaps someone just like you. “If mom and dad are getting older, and you want to help them stay active, are concerned about their health and well-being, or you just need a little help, we want you to know that Interfaith is here for you,” said Felice Green, PR/Marketing Director for Interfaith. Helping Your Parents Stay Active and Engaged Social isolation is a concerning and serious problem among our aging population, so it’s important that older adults have an active lifestyle. And providing safe, engaging and fun activities for older adults is one of Interfaith’s primary goals. Older adults in the Milwaukee area can visit one of the six senior centers Interfaith manages and take part in fun, engaging activities, such as wellness and fitness classes, stained glass, woodworking, socializing with other older adults, and even day trips around Wisconsin. Participation at the senior centers is free, with the exception of Hart Park Senior Center in Wauwatosa, which has a small annual fee. If you’re concerned about your mom or dad getting a proper meal on a daily basis, each Interfaith-managed senior center also has a senior dining site where adults 60+ receive a hot, nutritious meal. Meals are free with a suggested contribution of $2.50 per meal to help offset the cost. Additional senior dining sites are located in the Milwaukee area.

MARCH 2016 MHL 39


Financial Plan

Experts agree, people who use financial planning tools, such as retirement calculators, usually end up better off financially than those who do not take advantage of such tools. By Karyl Richson Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Milwaukee, WI As you’re dusting your house and cleaning out the clutter, don’t forget another important matter deserving of your attention. Spring is a good time to dust off your financial plan, too. The best way to renew your financial plan and to make sure you’re on your way to a comfortable retirement is to go to and visit the retirement planners. Experts agree, people who use financial planning tools, such as retirement calculators, usually end up better off financially than those who do not take advantage of such tools. Of course, the best place to begin any retirement calculation is by knowing what you may receive from Social Security ... and how much more you will need to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Each year, every worker age 25 and older is mailed a Social Security Statement. Read it carefully because it is a roadmap to your personal financial future. It shows how much you and your family can expect to receive from Social Security when you retire, or if you become disabled or die. If you can’t find your last Statement you don’t have to wait for your next one. Just visit to ask for a new Statement to be mailed to you. In addition, you should also visit Social Security’s financial planning website at You can use the calculators there to test different retirement ages or different scenarios for future earnings amounts. And you can link to a non-Social Security worksheet that will help you decide how much you need to save and invest for retirement. Most financial advisors say you will need about 70 to 80 percent of your pre-retirement earnings to comfortably maintain your pre-retirement standard of living. Under current law, if you have average earnings, your Social Security retirement benefits will replace only about 40 percent, so you will need to supplement your benefits with a pension, savings or investments. That’s why it’s a good idea to evaluate your financial plan for retirement now.Make use of the financial planning tools available to you at

MARCH 2016 MHL 41


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Cable Package Included

42 MHL MARCH 2016

A randomized clinical trial of 100 patients found that diet and exercise—alone or combined—improved exercise capacity in obese older patients with a particular type of heart failure. The trial is the first to show that this dietary intervention was effective in improving exercise capacity and reducing symptoms in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF). The results appeared in the January 6, 2016, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The study was supported primarily by the NIA. HFPEF is the most rapidly increasing form of heart failure, especially in older adults. It occurs primarily in overweight and obese older women and is associated with high rates of morbidity, mortality, and health care expenditures. Exercise intolerance—fatigue and shortness of breath with exertion—in HFPEF patients was recently shown to be associated with increased body weight. Dr. Dalane Kitzman and colleagues at Wake Forest University School of Medicine randomized trial participants to four groups: diet alone, exercise alone, diet and exercise together, or control. After 20 weeks, people in the three intervention groups showed improved exercise tolerance, measured by peak exercise oxygen consumption. The diet and exercise groups both showed improvement; however, the combination group had almost twice the improvement in oxygen consumption. In addition to improving exercise capacity, diet and exercise decreased the amount of fat cells within the leg muscle, the researchers found; fat, which infiltrates leg muscle, contributes to reduced exercise capacity in heart failure. This is the first randomized controlled trial of calorie restriction in this patient population. While the researchers noted that follow-up studies are needed to investigate the loss of muscle mass associated with weight loss, this research supports a treatment for heart failure that relies on diet and exercise, unlike previous treatments which focused on regulating heart function through medication. Leading an active lifestyle is a key to independence for everyone. From strength training and stretching, to balance and endurance, physical fitness is important and fun. Here is a breakdown of four senior-friendly exercises: Strength Improving your muscle mass through strength-training exercises improves muscle growth, metabolism and overall body weight. Exercises that enhance strength include wrist curls, side arm raises, knee curls and toe stands. Using lighter weights for a higher number of repetitions will improve body tone and reduce the risk of overworking yourself. Balance Tai chi and yoga are two of many exercises that hone and develop balancing skills. They concurrently increase flexibility and decrease stress. Furthermore, exercises that work on balance also reduce the risk of falling. Tai chi is particularly adaptable. It can be customized to meet anyone’s physical ability, as the special techniques can be done sitting on the floor, in a chair or standing. Stretching Allotting time each day to stretch is important for encouraging fluid movements and increased agility. To keep your body flexible, stretch your arms, legs and joints at least three times per day. To easily hit the three-per-day recommendation, schedule your stretching before breakfast, lunch and dinner! Endurance Building endurance can help you feel, look and move better. To hone and cultivate your endurance skills, try riding a stationary bike or elliptical machine, jogging, swimming and cycling. If you’re working out using stationary equipment, turn on a television to catch up on your favorite shows or bring a book or magazine to spice up the routine. As always, speak with your physician or health care provider prior to starting a new exercise regimen. Your doctor may have specific tips or guidelines that will make your workouts even more safe and seamless!



Whether you are moving to an independent, assisted or any other senior community, changing your lifestyle can be stressful and emotionally draining on yours The decision about where you should move is often tricky and emotional. Each individual will have its own reasons for wanting to take such a step. You may decide a move is right because you no longer need so much space or cannot manage the home. Others may need for hands-on care in a long-term care facility motivates a change. In some cases, a move frees up cash so that the parent can afford a more suitable situation. Keep in mind that leaving a home, community, and familiar medical care can be very disruptive and difficult.

Older adults and their families have some choices when it comes to deciding where to live, but these choices can be limited by factors such as illness, financial resources, and personal preferences. Making a decision that is best for youcan be difficult. Try to learn as much as you can about possible housing options. Older adults, or those with serious illness, can: stay in their own home, or move to a smaller one, move to an assisted living facility or retirement community, move to a long-term care facility, or move in with another family member. Experts advise families to think carefully before moving an aging adult into an adult child’s home. In its fact sheet

Home Away From Home, the Family Caregiver Alliance suggests considering the following issues before deciding whether or not to move your parent to your home: Evaluate whether you needsconstant supervision or assistance throughout the day, and consider how this will be provided. Identify which activities of daily living (eating, bathing, toileting) you can perform independently. Take an honest look at your health and physical abilities, and decide if you are able to provide care for yourself. Consider the type of medical care you need and find out if appropriate doctors and services are available in your community.Once you’ve decided on a place to live you must get your things in order.

Taking inventory on your possesions is the first step to a easier move. Start with the basement and work your way up. You will have gathered quite a few belonging and will probably need to sort through your keepsakes and your throw aways. To help keep the clutter to a minimum, it is wise to have your family hold on to important items you are not ready to let go of. Moving can be physically demanding. Getting your friends and family involved is always a good idea whether you decide to hire movers. With extra help you can concentrate on other important matters. When planning out a time table, make sure to give yourself at least a week break that will help you not become so overwhelmed.

Our NEW senior communities specializing in dementia care and individuals needing physical and medical care.

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is a newly completed, stately 24-suite assisted living community.

Haven in Bayside

is a beautiful 20-suite assisted living community minutes from Lake Michigan in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods.

Call or email today for more information! MARCH 2016 MHL 43


Scrub Down Your Budget Instead

By Karyl Richson Social Security Public Affairs Specialist Spring is officially here. That means it’s time for spring cleaning! People everywhere are shedding the effects of fall and winter. But what about dusting off your long-term financial plan? April is National Financial Literacy Month — the perfect time to spring into action when it comes to planning your financial future. And if you already have a plan, this is a great opportunity to take another look. According to a 2011 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, more than half of workers report they’ve put away less than $25,000 in total savings and investments; a whopping 29 percent have less than $1,000 saved for the future. If you haven’t started already, now is the time to begin saving for your retirement — no matter what your age. If retirement is near, you’ll want to jump into the

fast lane right away. If you’re younger and retirement seems a lifetime away, it’s still in your best interest to begin saving now, as compound interest will work to your advantage. Experts agree that saving when you’re young will make a world of difference when the time comes to draw on your retirement savings. Don’t take our word for it. You can check out the numbers yourself. A great place to start figuring out how much you will need for retirement is to learn how much you could expect from Social Security. You can do that in minutes with Social Security’s online Retirement Estimator. The Retirement Estimator offers an instant and personalized estimate of your future Social Security retirement benefits based on your earnings record. Try it out at

We encourage saving for retirement, but there are reasons to save for every stage of life. A great place to go for help is is the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are planning to buy a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401(k) plan, the resources on www. can help you. Another excellent resource is the Ballpark E$timator at This online tool takes complicated issues, like projected Social Security benefits and earnings assumptions on savings, and turns them into language and numbers that are easy to understand. Get started right now at www.socialsecurity. gov.


A Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center A NEW LEVEL of Care

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Henry Shearrill, Short-Term Care Resident & Active Participant in the Respiratory Care Program Patty Robertson, Respiratory Care Program Director

Wellspring of Milwaukee excels in providing Respiratory Care Services to our residents that include Tracheostomy Management, Weaning and Support Services. Our program includes: * Highly successful trach weaning programs with speech language pathologists and respiratory therapists on-site * CPAP/BIPAP therapy for patients with sleep breathing disorders *Communication intervention including use of the Passy Muir speaking valve * Pulse oximetry monitoring * Nursing & Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Staff certified in Respiratory Care * Consulting Pulmonologists on regular rounds, Dr. Abbas Ali

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Wellspring of Milwaukee offers

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NIH STUDY FINDS CALORIE RESTRICTION LOWERS SOME RISK FACTORS FOR AGE-RELATED DISEASES TWO-YEAR TRIAL DID NOT PRODUCE EXPECTED METABOLIC CHANGES, BUT INFLUENCED OTHER LIFE SPAN MARKERS A National Institutes of Health-supported study provides some of the first clues about the impact of sustained calorie restriction in adults. Results from a two-year clinical trial show calorie restriction in normal-weight and moderately overweight people did not have some metabolic effects found in laboratory animal studies. However, the researchers found calorie restriction modified risk factors for age-related diseases and influenced indicators associated with longer life span, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin resistance. The study was reported in the September, 2015 issue of Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. Calorie restriction is a reduction in calorie intake without deprivation of essential nutrients. It has been shown to increase longevity and delay the progression of a number of age-related diseases in multiple animal studies. Called Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE), the randomized trial was funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, both part of NIH. It was conducted at Washington University in St. Louis, Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, and Tufts University in Boston. The study coordinating center was at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. CALERIE was designed to test the effects of calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate (after adjusting for weight loss) and body temperature, which are diminished in many laboratory animal studies and have been proposed to contribute to its effects on longevity. “The study found that this calorie restriction intervention did not produce significant effects on the pre-specified primary metabolic endpoints, but it did modify several risk factors for age-related diseases. It is encouraging to find positive effects when we test interventions that might affect diseases and declines associated with advancing age,” notes NIA Director Richard J. Hodes, M.D. “However, we need to learn much more about the health consequences of this type of intervention in healthy people before considering dietary recommendations. In the meantime, we do know that exercise and maintaining a healthy weight and diet can contribute to healthy aging.” In laboratory animals, calorie restriction’s favorable effects on life span have generally been found when it is begun in youth or early middle age. An equivalent trial in people would take decades. However, shorter trials can determine feasibility, safety and effects on quality of life, disease risk factors, predictors of life span and effects on mechanisms influenced by calorie restriction in laboratory animal studies. CALERIE was a two-year randomized controlled trial in 218 young and middle-aged healthy normal-weight and moderately overweight men and women to measure these outcomes in a calorie restriction group, compared with a control group who maintained their regular diets. The calorie restriction participants were given weight targets of 15.5 percent weight loss in the first year, followed by weight stability over the second year. This target was the weight loss expected to be achieved by reducing calorie intake by 25 percent below one’s regular intake at the start of the study. The calorie restriction group lost an average of 10 percent of their body weight in the first year, and maintained this weight over the second year. Though weight loss fell short of the target, it is the largest sustained weight loss reported in any dietary trial in non-obese people. The participants achieved substantially less calorie restriction (12 percent) than the trial’s 25-percent goal, but maintained calorie restriction over the entire two-year period. The control group’s weight and calorie intake were stable over the period. The study found a temporary effect on resting metabolic rate, which was not significant at the end of the study, and no effect on body temperature.


Providing compassionate, Christian assistance with the activities of daily living while maintaining independence and dignity

MARCH 2016 MHL 45



Did you know that moderate-intensity physical activity can help you live longer and reduce health problems? Regular exercise helps control blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol levels, and cuts the risk for hardening of the arteries, heart attack and stroke. It conditions muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones to help fight osteoporosis, keep your body more limber and stabilize your joints, thus lowering the risk of everyday injury. It also improves digestion and is good for managing lowback pain, arthritis and diabetes. Regular physical activity helps you maintain your independence. And recently, there’s been more research that suggests an active lifestyle lowers the risk of some cancers. But perhaps the best reason for incorporating regular exercise into your life is that you’ll feel better. Exercise helps you sleep better and manage stress better, and gives you more energy to enjoy work and play. Fitness Is Golden A good exercise program includes cardiovascular exercise, muscular conditioning and flexibility exercises. The best cardiovascular exercises for seniors are non-jarring, such as walking, swimming and cycling. Start with a light regimen and gradually build up to a total of at least 30 minutes of activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Playing with children, gardening, dancing and housecleaning are other ways to incorporate activity into your daily routine. Strengthening exercises such as lifting light weights (or even household items such as canned foods or milk jugs) help to maintain your muscle mass and promote bone health. Plus, research suggests that adults older than 50 years who do not per-

46 MHL MARCH 2016

form resistance training lose nearly 1/4 pound of muscle mass per year. Since muscle mass is directly related to how many calories your body burns each day, resistance training is important for weight management. And strong leg and hip muscles help to reduce the risk of falls, a cause of considerable disability among older adults. Aim to participate in resistance training at least two days per week, making sure to exercise all major muscle groups through a full range of motion. End each workout with stretching exercises to help maintain your mobility and range of motion and decrease your risk for injury. Discover the Exercise You Like Best The best way to keep fit is to choose exercises you enjoy. Favorites among some older adults include aqua aerobics, yoga, Pilates, tai chi, line dancing, square dancing, ballroom dancing or simply walking the dog. You may enjoy group exercise classes, since they offer an opportunity to socialize and develop friendships. When you’re deciding on a class or program, make sure the instructor is certified by an accredited professional organization such as the American Council on Exercise and has completed specialty training in senior health and fitness. And remember the other elements that contribute to good health in your golden years: A well-balanced diet, not smoking and seeing your doctor regularly. Look at your retirement or senior years as an opportunity to do things you have never done before. Most of all, enjoy yourself!

Senior Care


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VMP Manor Park • 3023 S. 84th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53227 • (414) 607-4100 VMP Trinity • 7300 W. Dean Road • Milwaukee, WI 53223 • (414) 371-7316

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Rehabilitation can assist patients in regaining their highest level of functioning. Therapy and care plans are tailored to meet patients goals and surgeon recommendations. We’ll help you regain mobility and improve your quality of life so you can return home safely.



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48 MHL MARCH 2016

Rev. Joe Jagodensky, SDS Our 12 second attention span has been reduced to the smaller number of 8 says news account. A 90 year old friend tells me that he has a year to live but wishes it would be sooner. Ahhh, patience: gift or grief? We can blame technology for its quickness at every step. TV ads have been eliminated thanks to the “fast forward” button. I believe our impatience began when we destroyed darkness and kept our caffeinated minds awake far too long. If you think that “Yahoo” is a sound a cowboy makes after lassoing a calf or “Google” is a sound a happy baby makes - you may be better off than the rest of us. I remember the “mini series” “Rich Man, Poor Man,” with evolving characters for seven weeks, that’s right; seven weeks. It was a risk for ABC but they pulled it off. I also remember driving home fast before the next episode aired (no VCR’s, DVD’s or reruns then). It launched Nick Nolte into fame and the same patience was needed for ABC’s “Roots” even if I already knew that ending. (We loved advertisements during those years. It gave us time for those bathroom visits, “Hurry up, the show’s coming back on!”) Your doctor tells you “one year” or their usual timetable of six months, a safe bet. If the person gets a full year then the doctor looks good; almost. Patience is a developed and blessed gift that transcends technology. How many authors have predicted advances that we witness today but that does not mean we ever stop being us. I could recommend to my friend a “happy book” talking about the “joys of heaven” but my own nausea couldn’t stand it. Death is not a happy place but it is a time we will all face. community I would hope that my doctor would say through if I had a terminal condition thatliving “everything seems okay with you today” and I could take that home with me smiling  Independent Living because he used the words “seems” and “today” in one sentence. Driving home I can Custom, spacious apartments put the two words together and come up with “one year” or “six months.” While in Assisted Living the hospital you’ve even been named after a virtue! You’ll never hear a nurse say, “You’re a patient, so please me atmosphere patient.” Neighborhood Patience is not derived from the outcome (death, hence impatience) but in the Term time frame ofShort right now. YourRehabilitation friendly, recorded credit card company announces “shortly” someone will care about you or (my favorite word) “in a moment” while Complete therapy services weird music repeats itself. (I think they want to forget why you called.) Skilled Patiencedoesn’t beginNursing with the end leaving you to live whatever present you have. Patience is living within the present “5 Star” rating by with all the gusto that the old Schlitz Beer ads promised. “Gusto” doesn’t mean bungee jumping, it means honoring your spiritualCenters for Medicare ity, cherishing your family and friends and finishing as much of your personal homeMedicaid work, as your& mother wouldServices say, “before bedtime.” I deliberately look for informative material when waiting to see a doctor. I read  Memory Care most of a “Time” magazine during one wait. “Patience” is not what’s about to hapIndividually defined care plans pen but what you do with these “shortly’s” and these “moments.” My dad andAdult his secretary the only employees of a small credit union. While Day were Center at lunch his sign on the door read, “Back in a moment.” If you read it at noontime it Independence through conveyed the same message read by someone else at 12:20 p.m. My dad had wonsupportive derful, relaxing lunches. services, activities My friend wants to “fast forward” through his one year to what can only happen in real time. He needs to wait patient for Milwaukee, the next exciting episode “Rich 9301 N.and 76beStreet, WI of53223 Man, Poor Man.” Why? Because he wants to see how it ends. Rev. Joe Jagodensky, SDS. is director of communications, Alexian Village of Milwauee


EYE<<page 11 Because each workplace, job and task can be different, selection of protective eyewear should be based on an assessment of: the nature and extent of the hazard, the circumstances of exposure, any other protective equipment being used, any applicable regulatory requirements, and personal vision needs. Eye protection should then be fit specifically for the individual or adjustable to provide appropriate coverage, comfort, and sufficient peripheral vision. “The best safety goggles in the world won’t help, however, if you don’t wear them,” notes Michael Raciti, MD, an ophthalmologist who teaches surgery techniques to doctors-in-training. “An effective occupational eye care program should do three things: recognize potential hazards, designate proper protection, and enforce safety rules with appropriate disciplinary measures. This goes for workers AND anyone else who enters a job site where there is a hazard of flying objects, chemicals, and/or UV-light/radiation exposure.” Office workers can also face ocular injuries and concerns. Common complaints include eye fatigue, discomfort, and difficulty focusing at various distances. If not properly arranged, lighting, furniture, computer and desk configurations can create problems. Computer monitors don’t actually damage vision, but they can lead to eye strain. Rearranging your work-station, frequently staring away from the screen, adjusting the size and brightness of images on the screen, and wearing the right prescription eyewear can often relieve these symptoms. Dry eye problems are another frequent concern for people working in office, retail and manufacturing buildings. Symptoms include stinging or burning eyes, scratchiness, a feeling that there’s something in the eye, excessive tearing and/or difficulty wearing contact lenses. Heating and air conditioning systems, as well as prolonged staring at a computer screen, can aggravate the condition. “Over-the-counter artificial tear drops usually do the trick by adding moisture to the eye. If the problem persists, however, you should see your eye care specialist for a comprehensive evaluation and treatment recommendations to help relieve any discomfort, impaired vision or infection issues,” notes past president of the Milwaukee Optometric Society David Scheidt, OD. “You may need a simple, five-minute, in-office procedure called a ‘punctal plug occlusion’ to eliminate tear loss and retain natural moisture. Or, you may be a candidate for Restasis™ prescription eye drops to increase tear production.” To learn about protective eyewear for your occupation or to pinpoint the cause of any ocular discomfort or concerns, see your eye care specialist. The physicians quoted in this article are partners at Eye Care Specialists, SC. Since 1985, this leading ophthalmology practice has provided comprehensive medical, surgical and laser care for virtually every eye condition to more than 130,000 people throughout Milwaukee, southeastern Wisconsin, and the world. They frequently lecture to the public and fellow physicians and have written their own series of booklets on cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, dry eyes, and macular degeneration. Call 414-321-7035 for FREE copies or to schedule an appointment for a thorough examination at their offices on 7th & Wisconsin Avenue, Mayfair Road across from the mall, or 102nd & National Avenue. They also offer information at

MARCH 2016 MHL 49

SENIOR DIRECTORY Spring/Summer 2016

independent living

V Independent, Assited and Other Care

Capri Senior Communities www.capricommunities

Stoney Creek S69W14142 Tess Corners Dr, Muskego, WI 53150 (414) 422-4686 Stoney Creek is a friendly retirement community located on ten beautiful country acres in Muskego, Wisconsin. It was especially created for senior adults who want to be free from taking care of the many chores associated with ownBradley Manor 4527 West Bradley Road Brown Deer, WI 414-371-9590 Beautiful park like setting, conveniently located near senior center & senior meal sites. private patio or balcony & underground parking, heat, and water included

Are You 62+? Do you enjoy Bingo? Movies? Parties?

Greenbrook Gardens Apartments 4955 S. Greenbrook Terrace Greenfield, WI 53220

(414) 282-5020

50 MHL MARCH 2016

ManorPointe Oak Creek Independent Senior Living 700 East Stonegate Drive Oak Creek, WI 53154 414-435-0450 Beautiful Retirement Community in Oak Creek Wisconsin ManorPointe Oak Creek Independent Senior Living community is located on the campus of Meadowmere Senior Living community in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

V Finding a home for your loved one is about more than just ensuring their needs are met. You want a place that offers comfort, support and community. Your loved one doesn’t just need a “place to live.” They need a home.

Capri Senior Communities is devoted to providing for and supporting the independent lifestyles of older adults. Each one of our campuses and communities are designed to provide for the unique needs and desires of today’s seniors. With wellness programs, support services and state-of-the-art care, our residents and their needs are at the heart of everything we do. The Luther Manor community V As a nonprofit, faith-based organiza-

tion and one of the finest senior living communities in Southeastern Wisconsin, Luther Manor has been caring and advocating for seniors for more than 50 years. Our mission is to share God’s love by enriching the lives of older adults through excellent housing, care and services. In addition to independent housing, assisted living and long-term care options, we offer rehabilitation services, adult day services, hospice care and community outreach programs. Guided by our Christian heritage and values, we consistently strive to exceed the expectations of those we serve, and you can count on our commitment and reputation when selecting housing or healthcare services for yourself or someone you love. For more information, please call (414) 464-3880.

Silver Creek Village 2455 W Silver Spring Dr. Glendale, WI 53209 414-578-3612 414- 578-3620

Sunrise Village 2500 10th Avenue South Milwaukee, WI 53172 414-764-7997

One and two bedroom apartments with a beauty salon, exercise room, surface and underground parking, elevator access, patios, controlled access entry system, and a community room.

48 one and two bedroom apartments in one three-story building with elevator access, porches, controlled access entry system, coin operated laundry, surface and underground parking, and a community room with kitchen, TV, and VCR. Pets allowed.

Algonquin Manor 5005 West Bradley Road Brown Deer, WI 414-357-7100 Spacious Apartments with heat and water included! Grand entry with fireplace, library, exercise, community room and beauty salon

Tudor Oaks Retirement Community S77 W12929 Mc Shane Drive Muskego, WI 53150 414-525-6500 Contact Person: Judy Radish At Tudor Oaks we offer a senior lifestyle that reflects what’s important to you and customized to meet your idea of senior living at every life stage. From our beautiful apartment homes to assisted living and healthcare, Tudor Oaks offers the best in amenities, service and care. Join us for lunch and a tour to experience what we call, Classic Senior Style! Call Judy or Lorri at 414-525-6500 or visit us on line at Williamstown Bay 3400 East Ramsey Avenue, 414-481-8580 Affordable senior homes for seniors 55 and better. Come and enjoy spacious elegant living at Williamstown Bay. One and two bedroom apartments homes with new resource room, beautiful decorated community rooms, intercom entries and elevators, same floor storage and laundry. Walking distance to stores, clinics, pharmacy and restaurants. Heat included in select units, social activities and much more. San Camillo Retirement Community & Assisted Living at St. Camillus 10101 W. Wisconsin Ave. Wauwatosa Independent Retirement and Assisted Living 414-259-6333 V Like a friendly small town community, San Camillo is home to over 300 residents from varying backgrounds who share an exciting, secure and comfortable lifestyle. Daily opportunities for fine dining, busy calendars, transportation, and health and wellness services are framed by personal privacy and selfdetermination.

Alexian Village 9301 N 76th St Milwaukee, WI 414-355-9300 V Alexian Village offers a variety of one bedroom, two bedroom or custom floor plan apartments, designed for our vibrant seniors who desire community living. What makes Alexian Village special is our emphasis on “wellness” which is focused on supporting our residents independence. If further care or services are ever needed in assisted living, rehabilitation, memory care or long-term skilled nursing care, then Alexian offers quality and compassionate services in its Village Square, The Courtyard or the Health & Rehabilitation Center .

Becker Property Services, LLC 11520 N. Port Washington Rd., Mequon, WI 53092 262-240-9406 F:262-240-9729 Becker Property Services is a privately owned and operated real estate firm specializing in consulting, development, and management of affordable multifamily housing, established in 1984. The company currently operates 11 apartment complex in the communities of Cudahy, Mequon, Milwaukee, Waukesha, West Allis, and West Milwaukee. 8 of the apartment complexes provides affordable and accessible subsidized housing to low income senior citizens age 62 and older, 2 complexes provide affordable and accessible subsidized housing for the physically disabled, and 1 complex provides affordable and accessible housing for seniors age 55 and older. We pride ourselves in providing safe, secure, well maintained, barrier free affordable housing for our senior and disabled residents. RiverBend Senior Apartments West Bend WI 262-306-0876 Senior Apartments with heat and water included. Professional on-site Management, Laundry room on each floor, Elevators access all floors, Controlled Acces Entry Small pets Welcome. Deer Creek Village Apartments 3601 S. 147th St. New Berlin, WI 53151 262-641-9410 145 one and two bedroom luxury apartments in a three-story building with a private dining room. Includes community room with a kitchen, TV, and VCR. Library, bank, computer room, guest suite, beauty salon, porches, elevator access, and a controlled entry access Sussex Mills W240 N6345 Maple Avenue Sussex, WI 53089 262-820-1118 F: 262-820-1119 One and two bedroom apretments in a three-story building with a senior center, nutrition center, elevator access, surface and underground parking, porches, coin operated laundry, and controlled access entry system. MARCH 2016 MHL 51

VMP Manor Park 3023 S. 84 St. Milwaukee, WI 53227 414-607-4322

Exceptional Living... .. Exceptional People


VMP Trinity 7300 W. Dean Road Milwaukee, WI 53223 414-371-7316

Care Center


9047 W. Greenfield Ave. West Allis, Wisconsin 53214 Phone: (414) 453-9290 Fax: (414) 777-7356


Respite Stays Skilled Nursing Services Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services

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Call for more details



PROFESSIONAL CARE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH An affordable alternative serving the special needs of the elderly community. Our elderly living facilities provide a comfortable and charming homelike atmosphere.

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Helping people remain safe in their homes by providing: 

Supportive home care

Personal care services 

vides a full continuum of care, including independent living apartments, assisted care, nursing care, short-term rehabilitation services, physician clinics, and ventilator care. VMP’s full continuum of care provides benefits to residents and family members because they never need to do another search for a community when their health conditions change, and they can get medical care right on campus.Monthly rental options are also available. VMP’s Senior Community Club is open to residents and community, offering in-house events, classes, and offcampus trips.

Heriatage West Allis 7901 W. National Ave West Allis, WI 53214 414-302-9700 (Assisted Living) 414-302-0600 (Independent Living) V Walk through the doors of one of our

Assisted Living or Memory Care Communities and youwill immediatley sense the home-like and friendly atmosphere. Choose between studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartments. Our Memory Care Neighborhoods offer special care for the unique needs residents with Alzheimers Disease or related dementias.

Courtyard Senior Apartments 11505 W. Greenfield Ave. West Allis, WI 53214 414-479-0660 Spacious floor plans with generous closets, cupboards and in-unit storage Heat, water, sewer, and rubbish removal included Fully equipped kitchens with refrigerators and ovens Air-conditioning units provided in each residence


Medically oriented tasks under the supervision of an RN 

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52 MHL MARCH 2016

V VMP Senior Care community that pro-

Jackson Crossing N168 W22022 Main Street Jackson Wi 53037 262.993-2838 Independent Apartments Supportive Care Assisted Living Memory Care

Reilly-Joseph Company 1661 North Water Street, Suite 509 Milwaukee, WI 53202-6377 414-271-5201 The Reilly-Joseph Company is a privately owned and operated apartment development firm, established in 1970. The company operates apartment complexes in the communities of Menomonee Falls, New Berlin, Pewaukee and Waukesha, Wisconsin. Premiere apartment communities are Village Square Townhomes, Apple Glen Apartments, Hunters Ridge Apartments & Townhomes, Stone Creek Apartments, as well as the award winning senior retirement community, Hawthorne Terrace in Wauwatosa. Our philosophy is that a cheerful environment makes a cheerful resident. We pride ourselves in providing well-maintained buildings and superior service to our residents. Saint John’s on the Lake 1840 North Prospect Ave Milwaukee 414-831-7300 Saint John’s On The Lake is Milwaukee’s premier retirement location where an exciting lifestyle, a proud tradition and a confident vision of the future offer a better view on life. Maintenance free-living in one of our spacious apartment homes leaves you free to choose from a long list of daily experiences planned just for you. Or to do nothing at all. The choice is yours. Live life the way you like at Saint John’s On The Lake. Sacred Heart 414-409-4848 1 and 2 bedroom amenities include community gathering areas, barber shop and beauty salon, heated underground parking, state of the art fitness facility, weekday continental breakfast, and room service available. Each apartment contains a washer and dryer and spacious floor plans with ample storage space.

assisted living Oak Park Place 1621 Rivers Bend Wauwatosa WI 53226 414-292-0400 Assisted Living and Specialized Memory Care Services. Friendly neighbors, caring staff, fresh meals made by an expert chef, comfortable living spaces and spacious apartments. Helping hands to provide support when needed.

Creative Living Environments, LLC Senior Assisted Living CLE HAVEN BAYSIDE 414.540-2324 CLE HAVEN CUDAHY 414-930-4811 CLE AUTUMN VILLA WEST ALLIS CLE CLARION MANOR WAUKESHA CLE LAYTON COURT GREENFIELD CLE RAINBOW TERRACE NEW BERLIN CLE WASHINGTON HEIGHTS MILWAUKEE Main office: 262-258-9955 Fax: 262-258-9584 Creative Living Environments (CLE) offers comprehensive, person-centered assisted living for older adults needing more support than available at home. From early stages of memory care, mobility concerns, health changes to end of life supports CLE strives to bring compassionate and thoughtful caregiving to our residents and families. Each of our five neighborhood homes plus our newest additions to the family, CLE Haven Cudahy and CLE Haven Bayside are unique, providing skilled caregiving, engaging social lives, tantalizing home cooked meals and comforts of home. Havens cater to older adults who have memory care needs and/or complex medical and physical supports. Lighthouse of Brown Deer 7909 North 47th Street Brown Deer, WI 53223 (262) 290-4313 Lighthouse of Mequon 3111 West Mequon Road Mequon, WI 53092 (262) 290-4310 Lighthouse of West Bend 2130 Continental Drive West Bend, WI 53095 (262) 384-4056 Lighthouse of Brookfield 16720 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 290-4311 Lighthouse Communities have incorporated those evidence-based areas that have the most impact on successful aging into our Four Pillars for Living Life on Purpose™. We provide design, amenities and programming that support active participation under each pillar for all our Lighthouse memory care residents.

Meadowmere Assisted Living Community 2330 S. 54th Street West Allis, WI 53219 414-615-7100 Meadowmere offers spacious apartments which you can personalize with your own furnishings and decorations. Experience our Healthy Generation Recreation Programs which include outings to area shows and restaurants. “Brain Fitness” programs are designed to be fun while keeping your mind active and alert. Join us in table games, entertainment, glee club, drama club and arts and crafts groups. Pets are welcome, too! We invite you to have lunch with us and a personal tour. Meadowmere is located within the Mitchell Manor Senior Living Community in West Allis, Wisconsin. Meadowmere Northshore Assisted Living Community 10803 North Port Washington Road Mequon, WI 53092 262-478-2200

Meadowmere Northshore Assisted Living Community offers all the comforts of home and more. Our residents enjoy 24hour assistance with day-to-day tasks, in a setting that fosters independence. We recognize that a person’s optimum health and well being are the results of caring for the whole person -- physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and socially

Meadowmere Senior Living Community 701 E Puetz Rd Oak Creek, WI 53154 414-766-2100 At Meadowmere, you will always find the support you need to live well and enjoy all that life has to offer. From a variety of exciting activities, to fine dining, and a focus on wellness, Meadowmere is the perfect place to enjoy a health, happy retirement. Meadowmere Senior Living Community includes ManorPointe Independent Living, Meadowmere Assisted Living and Mitchell Manor Assisted Living. Our multiple levels of care allow a person to remain in our community as they age or their care needs change. Contact us at Meadowmere to set up a tour and learn more about our wonderful community today!

Expires March 31, 2016

MARCH 2016 MHL 53

senior services Universal Services 262-257-0850 Specializing in Senior Moving and Transportation Universal Transportation 262-257-0250 Consign w/US 414-397-5987 v1_new health ad 4.75x3.qxp


11:24 AM

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LIFE. CHANGING. Maintain your independence with reliable in-home assistance from NHS Home Care. NHS Home Care provides personal care and help with daily tasks to help you stay in control of your well-being, your household, and your future. Let s talk about the resources available to you today!

(414) 937-2030 �

Captel Captioned Telephone 800-233-9130 Ideal for people with some degree of hearing loss, the Captioned Telephone, or CapTel, works like any other telephone with one important addition: It displays every word the caller says throughout the conversation. CapTel phone users can listen to the caller, and can also read the written captions in the CapTel’s bright display window. Christian Family Solutions W175 N11120 Stonewood Drive Germantown, WI 53022 262.345.5530 At Wisconsin Lutheran Living Center, we provide the right level of support and care when it is needed. What sets our assisted living community apart is the caring, Christian atmosphere that focuses on wellness, while respecting the privacy and dignity of our residents. Our small, intimate facility offers homecooked meals and an activity program to keep our residents active and engaged. Our experienced staff and geriatric nurse provide exceptional care for a variety of residents, ranging from the frail elderly to those who suffer from early to mid stages of dementia. For a tour, please call 262.345.5588. Learn more at www. Wisconsin Parkinson Association 945 N. 12th Street, Suite 4602 Milwaukee, WI 53233 800-972-5455 or 414-219-7061

54 MHL MARCH 2016

The mission of the Wisconsin Parkinson Association is to expand medical professional and public awareness and understanding about Parkinson disease that will lead to maximum support, the best individual health care, assistance for caregivers and families, and increased funding for research. Among the WPA’s programs and services are information and referrals for help with treatment, assisted living or care facilities, and allied health professionals;

MCFI 414-937-2030 New Health Services Home Care serves older adults and individuals with disabilities who want to remain living independently in their own homes. Our professional interdisciplinary team works with clients and their families to improve quality of life. Customized care plans may include medication and health monitoring, personal care, homemaking, transportation, shopping assistance, companionship, respite care and assistance with moves and relocations. For family members who need to arrange for quality care from a distance, NHS Home Care can be your on-site provider and coordinator. For more information or to arrange a consultation, call (414) 937-2030 or visit Midwest Senior Select, Inc. 11518 N. Port Washington Rd. Mequon, WI 53092 414-241-3662 At Midwest Senior Select, Inc. We understand that finding the best affordable Health or Life insurance protection plan can be confusing, frustrating and expensive, especially as we get older. That’s why we’ve done the “Homework” for you Representing Selected Major Insurance Companies For Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans, Long Term Care, Final Expense Life, Annuities, Under 65 Major Medical Plans, Health Or Life For Under 65. Allied Senior Services 7421 W. Becher Street 414-545-7878 Contact: AnnaMarie Allied Senior Services has been doing business since 1989. We have been endorsed by many large groups and their leaders. Allied Senior Services is a full service insurance agency handling many types of insurance from several companies. We meet your individual needs by shopping for the best product and the best price. Independent representatives, located in various areas of the state, provide excellent, convenient service for you. Clement Manor 3939 S 92nd St. Greenfield WI 53228 414.321.1800 Short-term comprehensive and customized approach to medical and physical needs, Primary Team Model: Licensed nurse and certified nursing assistant providing direct care, Expanded insurance contracts, Private rooms available

Rent-A-Daughter is a family owned business dedicated to providing reliable home care and companionship services. We care about people who need assistance to remain independent, wherever they are. Our home care assistance is customized to meet your needs with flexible hours. Personal care, housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, transportation, shopping and companionship are some of the services we offer. We specialize in older adults, disabled, convalescing, and those with Alzheimers. Hourly, daily or weekly respite assistance is available.

Midwest Audiology Center, LLC 4818 S76th Street Greenfield 414-281-8300 Dr. Douglas Kloss Quality Hearing Healthcare Services Cosmetically appealling designs availavle. Offering the latest hearing aid technology asales and service. Interfaith Older Adult Programs 600 W. Virginia Avenue - Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53204 414-291-7500 A leader in older adult and caregiver services in Milwaukee since 1975. We make a difference in the lives of thousands of older adults, caregivers and volunteers every year: We connect adults 50+ with opportunities to share their expertise, experience and talents to build stronger, connected communities. We provide resources, services and solutions to ensure that older adults continue to live independently in their own homes. To learn more call 414 220-8686 or visit online at Zounds Hearing Aids 15280 Bluemound Rd. Elm Grove, WI 53122 262-395-4421 Our hearing is integral to keeping us connected with the world around us, and to those we love. At Zounds, we truly understand the impact hearing loss has on quality of life and overall wellbeing. Peace of Mind Services 414.453.1562 Simple Cremation, Traditional Funerals Serving all of Wisconsin

Older Adult Services’ Care Management Program 414-390-5800 1300 N. Jackson Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202 5800 N. Bayshore Drive, Suite B215, Glendale, WI 53217 Older Adult Services care management provides an individualized program to help older adults and their families deal with the issues of aging. It is designed to meet the needs of older adults and their families, including personal independence, health, social connectedness, nutrition and psychological well being. The care management team emphasizes compassion, quality and affordability and the program is open to all faiths and organizes specialized care plans and acts as a liaison for families separated by distance. Community outreach programs related to caregivers and older adults are available upon request.


Waukesha Springs Health and Rehabilitation Center 1810 Kensington Drive Waukesha WI 53188 262-548-1400 A personalized rehabilitation experience that will get you better and get you home, as quickly as possible. Allis Care Center 414-453-9290 Allis Care Center is a full-service nursing facility offering rehabilitative care, longterm care, skilled nursing and Alzheimer’s care. Our specialized approach is designed to help each resident achieve the highest level of independence possible. We deliver the most comprehensive care available by providing for the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of our residents. Our goal is to serve our residents on an individual basis in the best possible way and to provide a living environment that offers comfort and safety. surance plans. We encourage you to visit us at 9047 W. Greenfield Avenue, West Allis, WI 53214 or call us at 414453-9290 for more information. Well Spring 9350 W Fond du Lac Ave. Milwaukee WI 53225 414-438-4360 Our state-of-the-art rehabilitation and skilled nursing center is more than a place where residents receive top-notch, personalized care from our talented professional team. It’s a place where patients flourish and enjoy a rich quality of life. It’s a place where our health care staff takes great pride in the compassionate, cutting edge treatment they deliver on a daily basis.

EASY LIVING WINTER SPECIAL Move in to Assisted Living or Memory Care between January 1, 2016 – March 31, 2016 and receive a wonderful gift: • $500 off rent for the first 4 months Offer valid with move-in 1/1/16 through 3/31/16 to Assisted Living or Memory Care apartments only. See Management for complete spectacular details.

S c h e d u l e Yo u r P e rs o n a l To u r Tod ay N168 W22022 Main Street Jackson, WI 53037

262-993-2838 ©2016 Five Star Quality Care, Inc.

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MARCH 2016 MHL 55

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ReSound LiNX™ is different. Really different. The first (and only) hearing aid that gives you more of every listening situation. And you will hear an amazing difference with the microscopic cutting-edge sound processor inside. It makes traditional hearing aids a thing of theThe past.Bottom line on

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Did I get your attention? Good. ing aids from. Especially if you are be- It is in your best interest to find an Audiologist who has experience with several Take 5 minutes out of your day and ing charged the same price! hearing aid companies so they can select read this article so I can help you purWho makes hearing aids? which product is most appropriate for chase hearing aids properly. If you are Hearing Aids are manufactured by 6 As seen in... over the age of 60, you are probably major world-wide manufacturers and your hearing loss and lifestyle. Hearing Aid Advertising. getting several pieces of direct mail several subsidiaries. There are plenty of I oftentimes look at advertising for that advertise the latest and greatest brand names and models but, in general, in hearing aid technology. You prob- most hearing aids that are sold are man- hearing aids. The truth is that the na“New smartphone apps that link to hearing aids are helping people with impaired ably also noticed that there are plenty ufactured by one of these 6 companies. tional franchise that is selling the “latest and greatest” the same levelto of of advertisements in your localup news6 companies are Widex, Resound, hearing to pump the These volume on their devices or to use them isasselling headphones paper for hearing aids. Let me tell you Oticon, Siemens, Starkey, and Phonak. hearing aid technology others are, just stream phone calls, YouTube videos and music.” - Reuters why. However, you won’t buy hearing aids under a different name……and at a far I have been an Audiologist for 23 directly from these companies. Hearing higher price. I’m disappointed when I years and have offices in Milwaukee aids are dispensed by local audiologists, hear some of the folks come in and tell and Madison, WI. I hear comments hearing aid dispensers, and large hearing me what they paid for technology that I “The technology melds aids with popular consumer withless. theMy adroutinelyproducts, sell for $1,000.00 from my patients on a weekly ba- hearing aid franchises. is for youdevices.” to get an estimate of what sis about how they are being overWhen you have made the decision to vice hopes of lessening the stigma associated with wearing hearing whelmed by hearing aid advertising. investigate purchasing new hearing aids, it would cost for the hearing aids that are Minneapolis Star Tribune Who- dispenses hearing aids? many folks take advantage of advertised recommended for you, and then compare Hearing aids are sold/dispensed by offers. My intent in writing this article that cost with others. Get the hearing aid two groups of professionals, Audi- is to educate the public on what to look manufacturer name and model number. ologists and Hearing Aid Dispensers. for and how to save you significant time Forget about the $1000.00 coupons, 50% discounts, buy in oneeach get one freeon offers, There “Users is a significant difference in the and money. adjust everything from the volume to the bass and treble ear the training of these 2 groups of profesThere are many tricks and gimmicks phony research studies, and fake evaluReSound Smart app, which means more withfora“new giant device You on ation periods technology”. sionals. that I have seen no in my years fiddling as an Au- around Audiologists are the- most highly Please ask yourself who you need the final cost and the level of techyour head.” New Yorkdiologist. Daily News trained professionals to diagnose and think is paying for the expensive adver- nology that is being recommended to treat hearing loss. Audiologists are tising you are seeing. Is this company in make an accurate comparison. Many audiologists concentrate on direquired to have at least a Master’s the paper every day? Do they send you degree in Audiology, and many have direct mail on a weekly basis? You can agnostic skills, hearing aid dispensing Doctoral level credentials. This means bet you will be paying a premium price and patient care. Unfortunately, they do not spend as much time as large hearing they have extensive graduate level for their hearing aids. college training on ear anatomy and Remember, only 6 companies make aid franchises and hearing aid dealers physiology, diagnostics, and hearing the overwhelming majority of hearing that market heavily and aggressively. aids. aids. The top level hearing aids from Let me ask you this question…Are you The second group of people who each company are all high quality prod- really going to spend thousands of doldispense hearing aids are called Hear- ucts that can be fit successfully on most lars on a set of hearing aids when you ing aid dealers/dispensers. They must patients. There is not one hearing aid can get the same technology, fit by an pass a state exam to earn their license company that stands out and has “the audiologist, for a lot less money than to dispense hearing aids. There is no best” hearing aids in my opinion. How- what you would have to spend at a large formal training, college courses, or ever, there are hearing aid companies that franchise? Here is a set of questions you can ask degree required to be a hearing aid do have technology that is “the best” for dealer. You will often pay the same certain hearing losses. This is where the when purchasing new hearing aids? 1) What level of technology is being price for your hearing aids whether skill of an independent audiologist who you see and Audiologist or a Hearing works with several of the top hearing recommended for you? Why is this level Aid Dispenser. aid manufacturers is most advantageous. being recommended? Who manufactures One would be wise to find the Some companies have hearing aid fea- the hearing aid? What model is it? 2) How many channels do the hearing most qualified person to obtain hear- tures that other companies do not offer.


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4818 S. 76th Street • Suite 3 Greenfield, WI 53220 Doug Kloss, Au.D.

aids have? Channels allow for greater programming and fine tuning ability. The more channels you have, the greater the technology and ability to adjust to your needs. For example, a 16 channel hearing aid is generally more technologically advanced than a 6 channel hearing aid BUT, the prices can be the same. You would want the 16 channel hearing aid, not the 6 channel. Again, a quality hearing aid manufacturer is essential. 3) How long is the warranty, does it include loss and damage, and how much are office visits? 4) Who pays for batteries? Are the hearing aids rechargeable? What accessories are available? 5) How long is the trial period? If I return my hearing aids during the trial period, how much will it cost me? Some establishments do not offer any refunds, or charge large return fees. If you don’t like your $6000.00 set of new hearing aids, you can get stuck with them. Feel free to contact me and ask these questions. I’d be happy to evaluate your hearing and provide a free consultation to give you my opinion of your hearing loss. Dr. Douglas Kloss is an audiologist with over 23 years of experience. He has locations in the Milwaukee and Madison area. Midwest Audiology Center, LLC, 4818 S. 76th St., Suite 3, Greenfield, WI 53220. 414-281-8300 Wisconsin Hearing Aids, Inc. 1310 Mendota St., Suite 113, Madison, WI 53714. www.wisconsinhearingaids. com 608-244-1221 Dr. Kloss offers a free comprehensive diagnostic audiological exam and free hearing aid consultation for all patients. By appointment only.

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