Healthy Living Fall 2015

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The Magazine For Life


eating eating well well   how

today today

pays off in pays off in yearstoto come years come


the herbal remedy that packs a punch against agains colds and flu

fall ISSUE » 2015

report on


➜ what you need

to know about this silent killer in canadian homes ➜ yes,

it's all about you!

why self-care is essential for life balance life balance and and overall health



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fall Issue » 2015


departments 5 upfront 8 new & newsworthy 13 dental health 15 healthy home 22 fitness 23 seniors 25 directory

features 10 cover story: nutrition update In part two of her four-part series, Shawn Nisbet examines the contribution of good nutrition to our long-term wellbeing.

13 Children’s Dental Emergencies Would you know what to do? Ontario’s dentists advise fast action for some common children’s dental problems and accidents.

15 Radon: The Silent Killer in Canadian Homes! You can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it. John Chenery of the Ontario Lung Association explains why we should all be concerned about radon.

Yo ur nut rition ques tion s answere d !

26 marketplace 30 healthy recipes

18 Simple Home Remedies You Can Grow: Echinacea In their continuing series, garden experts Frankie Flowers and Bryce Wylde reveal the health benefits of echinacea and its immuneboosting power.

20 Yes, Sometimes It’s All About YOU Tiffany Moffatt explains why looking after yourself is essential to your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

23 hiring a caregiver What you need to know before you start and important questions to ask potential providers.

s are i c f l Se o tial t ng! n e s s e ei wellb r u o y


from the publisher

The Winds of Change: Fall is here so let’s get out and make the most of these brisk, sunny days! This Fall issue of Healthy Living is packed full of news, advice and information to get us ready for the months ahead. Many of us dread the autumnal air and winter winds. But we know it happens every year, so why not take a positive approach to the change in the weather and get out there and enjoy it! That’s the advice from garden experts Frankie Flowers and Bruce Wylde who continue their series about home remedies you can grow yourself. In this issue, they focus on Echinacea, revealing its immune-boosting power in fighting off colds, flu and much more. Tiffany Moffatt’s article on self-care explains why looking after ourselves shouldn’t spin us off on a guilt trip. Rather than selfish, she stresses, self-care is essential to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. How, she asks, can we look after others if we don’t take care of ourselves? In our cover story, Shawn Nisbet focuses on the importance of good nutrition in keeping our bodies and spirits strong, especially with winter just around the corner. Cold weather means closed windows and less fresh air in the home. With this in mind, John Chenery of the Ontario Lung Association offers timely advice regarding radon, often referred to as ‘the silent killer in Canadian homes.’ What better time to get your house checked out against potential problems? John tells you how. Paresh Vyas shares advice on hiring a caregiver, the Ontario Dental Association helps you cope with children’s dental emergencies, Dr. Judy Snider treats that pain in the neck, and Kathy Smart serves up some easy winterwarming recipes. It’s all in this issue of Healthy Living. We hope you enjoy it!

Don Flynn, Publisher Direct: 416-917-0986

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fall issue » 2015 Publisher

Don Flynn 416.498.4996 Ext. 7 Cell: 416.917.0986 Editor


Jim Mallory 416.498.4996 Ext. 5 Graphic Designer

Priscilla Di Carlo Contributing Writers

John Chenery Frankie Flowers Tiffany Moffatt Shawn Nisbet Kathy Smart Dr. Judy Snider Lynne Stewart Paresh Vyas Bryce Wylde Distribution

Distributed throughout York Region. Available at select local food stores, health food retailers, doctor and dentist offices, health clubs, community centres, fitness centres, drugstores, medical clinics and more. Healthy Living is published 4 times yearly by The Town Crier of Markham Inc. 1 Town Crier Lane Markham, ON L3P 2T9 John Webster, President Phone: 416.498.4996 Ext. 1 Persons not in our free distribution area may subscribe. Canada: $19.78 for 4 issues. ($17.50 plus $2.28 HST) For subscription inquiries email: All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Information presented is compiled from sources believed to be accurate. However, The Town Crier of Markham Inc., assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. The Town Crier of Markham Inc. assumes no responsibility for the claims in items reported or for the opinions expressed by our writers. The information in this publication is not intended to replace or substitute for medical, legal or financial advice. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition or treatment. We welcome your suggestions. Unsolicited manuscripts are invited, but will not be returned.

4 | Healthy Living

up front

Learn to Eat Right with

EatRight Ontario

If you’re looking for news and advice to help you make healthier food choices, check out the EatRight Ontario website. Packed full of articles on food and nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating tips and tempting recipes, the site also addresses a wide range of timely topics, ranging from family nutrition and healthy weights to seniors’ nutrition and disease prevention. You can sign up to receive their eNewsletter, ask nutritionrelated questions and receive feedback by phone or email from a Registered Dietitian. Nutrition tools and links offer additional resources to help you and your family develop and maintain healthy eating habits for life. If you have a specific question or concern, you can even speak with a dietitian for free by calling 1-877-510-510-2.

Health Dates n october  Autism Awareness Month  Breast Cancer Awareness Month  Lupus Awareness Month  Eye Health Month n november  Diabetes Month  Lung Cancer Awareness Month  Osteoporosis Month

Did you know? ➻ If you were to fill one quarter of a plastic water bottle with oil, you would be looking at roughly the amount used to produce that bottle.

Source:, National Geographic

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 National Lung Month  Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month

眀眀眀⸀渀甀爀猀攀渀攀砀琀搀漀漀爀⸀挀漀洀 簀 洀愀欀椀渀最 氀椀瘀攀猀 戀攀琀琀攀爀글 Healthy Living | 5

up front Water Conservation Tips

Save Water Now! Before It’s Too Late

Füdi food: Locally Grown with Global Flavours

A new Canadian food brand is changing consumers’ perceptions of frozen food. füdi is also proving international flavours can be achieved with local ingredients straight from Ontario farms. “Only a generation ago, every meal started with a simple trip to the neighbourhood farmers’ market and corner butcher,” says founder, Maurizio Racco. That’s why he thinks it’s important to offer consumers a more wholesome shopping experience in a fast-paced world. füdi’s freshly pre-made, pre-packaged globally inspired entrées and spices are now available at major grocery stores and are 95% Ontario sourced. Using an all-natural, preservative-free sous-vide cooking process, dishes are cooked slowly to maximize flavour. füdi has linked up with Southern Ontario’s Baretta Farms, producer of organic meats from grass-fed sources raised without antibiotics. Other suppliers include Burnac, for organic Ontario baby kale and Malabar Superspice for fair-trade spices from around the world, as well as Ottawa Valley Grain Products for pearl barley. The current selection of fudi entrées is Pollo Tandoori, Pollo Cajun, Pollo Alla Cacciatore, Pollo Jerk and Pollo Santa Fe, with a range of spices to match. The nutritional breakdown on each pack is per package, not per serving so consumers can see exactly what ingredients and what quantities each entrée contains.


füdi spices

We are warned continuously that water is a limited resource. So why do we still waste so much of this valuable substance that is essential to life? Follow the ‘3 Rs’ of water conservation and you’ll not only save water: you’ll save money, too!  Replace! Many new models of toilets, showerheads and faucets use much less water, yet operate equally well. They are also good investments, as they quickly pay for themselves in water savings over time. Look for low-flow products with the WaterSense® logo at your local home improvement store. WaterSense indicates a quality-tested product.  Reduce! There are many ways to reduce water use in the home. It’s surprising just how much water we waste: Always run full loads in your clothes washer and dishwasher. Take a five minute power shower. Check the weather for rain before watering your lawn – grass only needs 2.5cm of water per week.  Repair! A leaking toilet can waste 400 litres of water per day; that’s about $36 each month, based on Markham’s water rates. Slow leaks are silent, so test your toilet by putting a drop of food colouring in the tank. Wait 20 minutes. If the colour appears in the bowl, you have a leak. You can fix leaks yourself using a repair guide and simple household tools, or hire a plumber. Remember: saving water saves money. Visit Markham’s Waterworks website to learn more: Markham/Residents/Water/

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT to LOCAL BUSINESSES by letting them know you saw their ad in Healthy Living Magazine and by recommending them to others. And, tell us what you would like to see in your local magazine. Contact the publisher: or 416.917.0986

6 | Healthy Living

How to bake your

holiday treats with

far more nutrition

(NC) Fresh baked cookies, hot-out-of-the-oven pies, flaky pastries and decadent desserts are unavoidable during the holiday season. Some people look forward to holiday treats all year, but we know that baked goods tend to have a lot of sugar and fat. Avid bakers have become creative with ingredients to decrease the amount of empty calories in their recipes and replace them with healthy, natural alternatives that pack a nutritional punch. Let’s start with a few inventive alternatives for white flour, refined sugar, butter and oil.  Substitute white flour with a can of black beans in your chocolatey brownies. Use one 15-ounce can (drained, rinsed and pureed) for every one cup of flour. It’s an excellent way to make your recipe gluten-free and the beans add protein. If you are making pie or cake in which you can’t use black beans because of the noticeable appearance, you can always use flour alternatives such as cashew nut, hazelnut and coconut flours. The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) says that these products can be found at their member health food stores.  Instead of using refined sugar in your recipe, you can substitute it with unsweetened organic applesauce. This smart switch adds sweetness to delectable baked goods without the extra calories. Use a one-to-one ratio of applesauce for sugar, but reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe by one quarter of a cup for every cup of applesauce.  Avocados have a similar consistency to butter at room temperature, making them a great substitute for butter in your chocolate cake recipe. Use one cup of puréed avocado for every cup of butter. Bananas can also act as a substitute for oil and butter, and are low in fat with the added benefit of fibre. If you want to use bananas in your recipe, use one cup of mashed banana for every cup of oil or butter.  Chia seeds are a versatile ingredient that can be added to your smoothies and yogurt to increase nutritional content. They are high in protein and are packed with nutrients like potassium, calcium and omega-3 fats. But did you know you can use chia seeds to replace butter and eggs in your baked goods? Soak two to three tablespoons of chia seeds in one cup of water for 15 minutes and use the gel formed to substitute one cup of butter in your recipe. If you have an egg allergy or intolerance, you can use chia seeds as an egg alternative, too. One tablespoon of chia seeds soaked in one cup of water for 15 minutes can substitute for one egg. Little changes add up over time and with the extra calories during the holiday season, these substitutions can make all the difference with far less guilt. Additional tips and healthy eating options are available at

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Healthy Living | 7

new &newsworthy


lanlay herbal tooth powder

Preventative action against tooth decay and other dental problems You know what they say? Prevention is better than a cure! LanLay Herbal Tooth Powder is a new herbal dental treatment developed to help in the prevention of and fight against tooth decay and dental conditions including periodontal disease and gingivitis. This 100% natural product is designed to help keep teeth and gums healthier for longer. Available online at

mettrum originals hemp products

New Hemp-Based Foods and Skincare With Mettrum Originals™, a new Canadian brand of hemp-based foods and skincare, it’s easy to include hemp and its health benefits in your daily diet and skin routine. Hemp seeds contain essential fatty acids and amino acids. The new range includes Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds, Hemp & Quinoa Bars, Hemp & Salba Chia Bars, Hemp Seed Flour and Lip Balm. Hemp seeds are tasty and nutritious sprinkled on food, eaten on their own or added to a smoothie. Two tablespoons provide almost 7 grams of protein – the equivalent of two egg whites.


Genuine Health fast pain relie


Fast, effective relief – in just five days! Fast arthritis pain relief+ from Genuine Health reduces pain and inflammation, nourishes and repairs damaged joints, thanks to a combination of BiovaFlex® eggshell membrane, whole-food ingredients, AvoVida® and Bromelain. This all-natural, clinical strength anti-inflammatory support offers sufferers increased joint mobility. Bromelain, a natural enzyme found in pineapples, is highly anti-inflammatory, while egg membrane provides essential nutrients for joint health and flexibility. Also from Genuine Health, new allnatural clinical strength fast pain relief+ helps relieve headaches, back pain and muscle aches.

8 | Healthy Living


TARGETS PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!  FIND OUT how you can zoom in on your target market and get positive results from your advertising!

 ONLY interested people choose Healthy Living Magazine — it lasts for weeks, months and longer, and reaches multiple readers.

Healthy Living Magazine published by The Town Crier of Markham Inc. 100-7 Town Crier Lane, Markham, ON L3P 2T9 Tel: 416-498-4996 | Email:

cover story

The four Keys to Overall Wellness:


10 | Healthy Living

In part two of her four-part series, Shawn Nisbet examines the basics of good nutrition and its essential contribution to our long-term wellbeing.

Nutrition is often defined as the process of eating the right kind of food so we can grow properly and be healthy. Such a simple definition for what has become a very complicated topic! Unfortunately, the old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is not exactly correct either. ‘You are what you eat, swallow, digest, absorb and assimilate’ would be more appropriate. All vertebrates, including man, require a minimum of 16 vitamins, carbon-based essential nutrients that can prevent and cure hundreds of diseases.

What is a Nutrient? A nutrient is a substance in food that provides energy to allow lungs to breathe, hearts to pump, brains to work and bodies to move. The six essential nutrients our bodies need daily are: carbohydrates; proteins; fats; vitamins; minerals; and water. Macronutrients, necessary in large amounts to fuel our bodies, include carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Micronutrients are necessary in smaller amounts, typically milligrams daily. The best way to get these nutrients is by following a varied, healthy diet including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, organic dairy products, healthy fats and clean water. The positive effects of a properly nourished body range from more energy, fewer aches and pains, better sleep, less overeating and a more positive attitude to more persistence, greater focus, decreased cravings, increased activity, and healthier hair, skin and nails.

Making Nutrition Simple: Some Common Questions  How much sugar is allowed in a healthy diet? The World Health Organization recommends a daily maximum of 10% of calories from free sugars. On average, in 2004, Canadians consumed 110.0 grams of sugar a day, the equivalent of 26 teaspoons or 21.4% of their total daily calorie intake. This amounts to 6 to 8 teaspoons of sugar

over and above naturally occurring sugar in milk products, fruits and vegetables. Read food labels carefully to calculate how much sugar you are eating daily (4 gm of sugar = 1 teaspoon). For example, a 12-ounce can of regular Coke contains 39 grams of total sugar: that’s about 9 1/3 teaspoons.  Should I be worried about diabetes? If incidence and mortality rates remain at

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The positive effects of a properly nourished body include more energy, fewer aches and pains, better sleep, and a more positive attitude

2008/9 levels, the number of Canadians aged one year and older living with diagnosed diabetes will reach 3.7 million (1.7 million females and 1.9 million males) by 2018/19. This will pose a major challenge for health services because diabetes can lead to heart disease and stroke, kidney disease and failure, nerve damage, amputations and sight loss. An estimated one million Canadians live with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, underlining the importance of raising awareness of its risk factors. Become aware of how much sugar you eat daily and eat less processed, refined, bagged and boxed foods. ( “People are fed by the Food Industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the Health Industry, which pays no attention to food.” – Wendell Berry  Do I need to drink cow’s milk for strong bones? This is a controversial topic, but I believe the answer is no. Bone-thinning osteoporosis can lead to small and not-so-small fractures. Although many people regard calcium as good protection for their bones, this is not the whole story. In a 12-year Harvard study of 78,000 women, those who drank cow’s milk three times a day actually broke more bones than women who rarely drank milk. Similarly, a 1994 study of elderly men and women in Sydney, Australia showed that higher dairy product consumption was associated with increased fracture risk. Those with the highest dairy product consumption had

12 | Healthy Living

approximately double the risk of hip fracture compared to those with the lowest consumption. The most healthful calcium sources are green leafy vegetables and legumes, or ‘greens and beans’ for short. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard, and other greens are loaded with highly absorbable calcium and a host of other healthful nutrients. ( “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates  Should I avoid gluten? Gluten-free grains are amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, sorghum, teff and wild rice. The estimated 1 to 2% of the population who suffer with celiac disease – an autoimmune form of gluten intolerance – must eat a gluten-free diet for life. Other people may experience digestive issues when they eat gluten products. Know your own body, make sure you eat a wide variety of whole foods and don’t concentrate on breads, rolls, muffins, cereal and pasta to make up a large part of your diet. Start eating more vegetables with all of your meals to aid digestion.  Why are fresh vegetables and fruits so important? Cooking foods, let alone processing and refining them, depletes enzymes. When food is heated above 118 degrees F, virtually all enzymes naturally occurring in food are destroyed, along with up to 85% of the original nutrients. Enzymes found in fresh food

or produced by our bodies allow us to break down and absorb nutrients. Eating too many foods depleted of naturally occurring enzymes (heated, processed, refined and packaged foods) can have a negative effect on our immune system, digestion and overall health.  I am eating a healthy diet, but I still don’t feel ‘good.’ There may be medical reasons for not feeling good, but when you experience issues such as gas after meals, bloating, flatulence, loose stools, constipation, skin problems, recurring headaches, muscle aches, pains, muscle wasting, anemia or depression, these could be signs of poor digestion. You may be eating healthy food, but if your body is not digesting the food properly it will not absorb the nutrients. Eating more fresh or minimally cooked vegetables and fruits can help digestion because they are full of digestive enzymes. Also, did you know that stress has a negative effect on digestion?  Why should I chew my food? Chewing food correctly begins the digestion process. Enzymes in our saliva activate enzymes in our stomach. We also have digestive enzymes in our small intestine and pancreas, and they all work together to break food down into particles small enough to be absorbed through our intestines and utilized by our bodies. “Sit up straight, chew your food and don’t talk with your mouth full.”Yes, Grandmother was right. And she still is! HL Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher & Nordic Pole Walking Master Instructor. 416.804.0938; info@;

dental health


Dental Emergencies: Would You Know What To Do? Ontario’s dentists remind you to be ready for the unexpected Accidents can happen to children anytime and anywhere. Falling off a skateboard, getting hit in the face with a baseball, or just biting into a hard candy can cause chipped or lost teeth. Knowing what to do when a dental emergency occurs can mean the difference between saving a child’s teeth and serious damage to their smile and their health. “Early access to dental care can really affect the outcome,” says Dr. Victor Kutcher, President of the Ontario Dental Association (ODA).“Get to a dentist as soon as you can to prevent infection and increase the chances of saving the tooth.” Continued on next page 

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Digital Impressions – NO MORE GOOP! – Healthy Living | 13

 Continued from page 13 Be prepared before an accident happens. While dentists will accommodate patients with emergencies during office hours, talk to your dentist about where to go for after-hours emergency care. Your dentist will provide you with an alternate phone number or the location of an emergency dental clinic in your area. Have this information readily available – post it on your refrigerator or store the number in your cell phone. Here are some tips on how to deal with common childhood dental emergencies.

Sports accidents reportedly account for 10-39% of all dental injuries in children. Talk to your dentist about the type of mouth protection that is right for your child.

❱ What to do if a baby tooth is knocked out Contact your dentist as soon as possible. If there is bleeding, rinse the mouth with water and place gauze in the opening. You can also apply cold compresses on the outside of the mouth to reduce swelling. Keep the child calm instead of looking for the tooth – baby teeth will never be replanted. Never try to reinsert the tooth into the opening – you may damage the permanent teeth growing underneath.

❱ What to do if a permanent tooth is knocked out

Open wide and say ah! (Or oooh! Or whoa!)

Our Dental Health special feature, published quarterly, is the perfect opportunity for you to sink your teeth into the marketplace and grow your practice. We can offer area exclusivity, editorial consideration, we’ll provide you with extra copies for your office, and, not to be forgotten, we have a circulation throughout York Region! For more information on this business opportunity, contact Don Flynn, Publisher at 416-917-0986 or email:

14 | Healthy Living

Find the tooth. Rinse it gently in cool water; do not scrub it or use soap. If possible, gently place the tooth in the socket and hold it there with clean gauze or wash cloth. If the tooth does not fit in the socket, or if you think the child may swallow the tooth, place it in a container of milk. Bring the child to immediate dental care.

❱ What to do if a tooth is chipped or broken If your child is bleeding or in pain, contact the dentist immediately. Fast action can save the tooth, prevent infection and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment. Rinse the mouth with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If you can find the broken tooth fragment, bring it to the dentist. Many dental emergencies can be prevented. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, sports accidents reportedly account for 10 to 39% of all dental injuries in children. Any sport or activity with a strong chance for contact with other participants or hard surfaces requires mouth protection. Players who participate in basketball, baseball, soccer, wrestling, squash, racquetball, lacrosse, rugby, in-line skating and martial arts, or even recreational sports such as skateboarding and bicycling, should wear mouthguards when practicing or competing. Talk to your dentist about the type of mouth protection that is right for your child. HL For more information on other oral health topics, go to

Healthy Home


The Silent Killer in Canadian Homes You can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it. You don’t even know it’s there. So what is radon and why should we all be concerned? John Chenery of the Ontario Lung Association explains.

Like many Canadians, Michael and Jana Katz knew next to nothing about radon when the man from Mike Holmes Inspections suggested conducting a radon test on their home in Niagara Falls. When the results came in, they listened, stunned, as he revealed that their finished basement tested at almost five times the maximum level recommended by Health Canada.

What is radon and why is it so dangerous? Radon is a radioactive gas that’s present – in varying amounts – in every home in Canada. It is generated naturally as small amounts of uranium in the soil and the rock beneath a house break down. The deadly gas then seeps into the building through cracks in the foundation, floor drains or openings for pipes. The Katzes have lived in their house on a quiet suburban cul-de-sac since it was built 28 years ago, without once suspecting there might be a problem.“You can’t see it, you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it,” says Michael.“You don’t even know it’s there.” Radon is indeed colourless and odourless – but it’s certainly not harmless. It is responsible for 16% of lung cancer deaths, making it the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. This gas kills an estimated 3,200 Canadians every year. “Our test came back 957 – that’s unbelievably high,” says Jana, referring to the 957 Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3) the Holmes company technician found in their home.

In fact, Health Canada says people who live in homes that test at 200 Bq/ m3 and above should take immediate action to reduce the amount of radon entering the building.

Is your home a radon risk? “The only way to find out if the air in your house is contaminated with radon is to conduct a radon test,” says Connie Choy, air quality co-ordinator with the Ontario Lung Association.“The best time for this is late fall and winter when the house is closed up against the cold.” Choy says once you’ve decided to test your home, there are two options: you can either contact a radon professional, who will come to your house and take you through the testing procedure (see for a nationwide directory of radon contractors); or buy a home test kit from a hardware store or order one online from The Lung Association ( When buying a kit, make sure it’s the long-term version that measures radiation levels in your home for at least three months. Then simply place the puck-sized tester in the lowest level of the house where people spend at least four hours a day (usually the basement or first floor). After three months, retrieve the device, seal it and send it to the lab in the addressed envelope provided. Results will be mailed to you in a few weeks. The total cost is $30 to $40.

Healthy Living | 15

The good news? Help is at hand A few years ago, a Health Canada study determined that 7% of a random selection of 14,000 homes nationwide had radon concentrations higher than the recommended maximum (200 Bq/m3). Contaminated homes were found in every province and territory, with the exception of Nunavut. And while the study identified high-risk regions where a higher than average number of houses were contaminated, living outside these regions is no guarantee of safety. Michael and Jana’s house in Niagara Falls is in a so-called low-radon zone.


In another example, a young couple who tested their home in the northern Toronto suburb of Don Mills found high radon levels, while their nearest neighbours had low readings. “The good news for homeowners is that if the radon test confirms your house is contaminated, fixing the problem is easy and relatively inexpensive,” says Choy. The most common and effective mitigation method is called Active Soil Depressurisation (ASD). The contractor drills a hole in the basement floor and installs a pipe with a small fan. This draws the radon gas from under the house and vents it into the outside air. Health Canada recommends hiring a professional certified under the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program to complete the remediation work. You can find a list of certified radon professionals at www. The cost depends on the size of the home and the mitigation system required. “The average remediation project will take a day or less, and will cost between $1,500 and $3,000,” says Choy.“That’s less than the cost of a new furnace – and money well spent for your family’s safety and peace of mind.” HL For more information about radon, or to order a home radon test kit, go to If you have questions about radon or other indoor air quality issues, phone The Lung Association Lung Health Information Line at 1-888-344-LUNG (5864) or email Photos courtesy of the Ontario Lung Association. Infographics courtesy of Health Canada.

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16 | Healthy Living

What a Pain in the Neck! And what you can do about it

Neck pain can be painful, limiting, and even debilitating, affecting many aspects of daily life. Knowing the common causes and treatments can help to improve life for those with neck pain – and inspire others to be aware of the wear and tear the neck goes through, as Dr. Judy Snider explains.

 What Causes Neck Pain? Injury, age and daily wear can all affect your neck. When the cervical spine goes through sudden force, the vertebrae can become misaligned. This can be caused by anything from a minor slip to a car accident. Another common neck injury is whiplash: when the cervical spine is forced forward, then pulled back in a fast motion, that whipping motion strains the spine and supporting tissues of the neck and head. As we age, degenerative disorders can affect the spine. Osteoarthritis causes deterioration of the cartilage and the bones develop bone spurs – boney projections that irritate surrounding tissue. Spinal stenosis causes nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, trapping nerve roots.

Degenerative disc disease reduces the height and elasticity of intervertebral discs, causing the discs to bulge or herniate, resulting in pain among themselves and the surrounding areas. Daily life and personal habits can also generate neck pain. Poor posture leads to the build-up of scar tissue around the spine and associated muscles, causing the neck to stay in that position. Obesity and weak abdominal muscles also contribute to the neck being pushed forward in an unnatural position, while stress can cause neck muscles to contract, bringing on tightness and pain.

Help Neck Pain

performed, and if needed, a CT scan, an MRI or an EMG. For misaligned joints in the neck, your chiropractor can perform neck adjustments by hand, using quick, precise movements to shift the neck back into line. Decreasing the pressure the misalignment is causing provides pain relief to the area. Your chiropractor may also want to use massage, mobilization or exercises. Treatment type and duration will depend on the cause and severity of your neck pain. So if you have a stiff, swollen or painful neck, schedule an appointment to see your chiropractor. Don’t let neck pain stop you living your life! HL

When you first see your chiropractor, he or she will ask questions about your neck and the pain you are feeling. Physical and neurological exams will be

Dr. Judy Snider. Snider Chiropractic Clinic. 905-770-5131.

 How Chiropractic Care Can

Healthy Living | 17

second in a series:

Simple Home Remedies You Can Grow

echinacea By Frankie Flowers and Bryce Wylde

Echinacea—popularly known as coneflower—originated in eastern North America and is part of the daisy family (Asteraceae). If you look closely at the centre of each flower, you’ll notice a spiny cone-shaped disc that resembles a sea urchin. That’s where this plant gets its name: from the Greek echino, which means “sea urchin.” Coneflower has long been popular in gardens, but it recently gained new popularity as an herbal remedy. An AC Nielsen MarketTrack report in 2010 showed Canadians spent more than $12 million on echinacea, with sales growing 7% each year. That makes it the fastest-growing remedy in the herbal category in Canada.

Research also suggests taking echinacea may increase red blood cell production and oxygen intake in healthy men, which may be linked to improved athletic performance. Combine this with the known immune-stimulating effects of echinacea, and it seems anyone who exercises at a gym, with its plethora of germs, should be taking this plant extract before and after workouts!

Health Benefits

put it to work

In North America, Aboriginal peoples have used echinacea for hundreds of years, and it has enjoyed a dramatic resurgence in the 20th century. It is frequently taken at the onset of a cold or flu to reduce the duration of the illness and the severity of symptoms. It is also believed to boost the immune system by stimulating the body’s white blood cells. There is a growing body of research about its effectiveness. In one large study of 755 adults, researchers at Cardiff University found that both cold episodes and number of days with a cold were reduced by 25% in the group that took echinacea.

18 | Healthy Living

 Cold or flu? Echinacea is for you! Rigorous trials have shown that echinacea extracts shorten the duration and lessen the symptoms of the common cold. Fresh-pressed juice and alcoholic tinctures of echinacea root are the forms most commonly studied and proven effective. You can make your own tincture using the purple flower top and roots—that’s where the powerful medicine is found. Dig up 4 mature echinacea plants, chop off the roots and flower tops, and discard the leaves and stems (all the green stuff). Wash the flowers and give the roots a good scrubbing.

Using a sharp knife, chop the flowers and roots into fine pieces. Loosely pack them into a resealable glass jar (like a Mason jar) until two-thirds full. Pour in enough vodka (at least 80 proof) to fill the jar. Place wax paper over the jar and then screw the lid on tightly to seal it. Label the jar, including the date prepared and the alcohol used. Set aside in a cool, dark place for at least 2 weeks, shaking the jar vigorously for 2 minutes every day. After 2 weeks the tincture can be strained through a fine-mesh sieve (optional). Pour the tincture into a sterile dark-coloured glass container with a tight-fitting lid to protect it from light. The tincture will keep for at least a year stored in a cool, dark place. At the first sign of a cold or flu, dilute 1 teaspoon of the tincture in 1 ounce of water and gargle for 1 minute before swallowing. Repeat 3 times daily. You will feel your tongue get slightly numb or tingly—this is normal. It indicates the activity of some of the phytochemicals in the echinacea and will last only a few minutes.  Got gingivitis? Swish with this! Gingivitis is chronic inflammation of the gums, causing them to bleed and swell. It is the most common type of gum disease and a common cause of tooth loss after age 35. Gingivitis is caused by plaque around the teeth. Flossing and brushing

diFFiculty Easy Hardiness Perennial in zones 4 to 8 (some varieties hardy to zone 3 time to Plant Spring time to Harvest Flowers in summer, roots in fall location Full sun soil tyPe Well-drained

regularly can help treat and prevent it, but because recent research has linked gingivitis with heart disease, adding a third layer of protection is a good insurance plan. It turns out echinacea may help. Open a new bottle of your favourite mouthwash and swish with the first dose (a capful, or about 1 ounce). Then pour 1 ounce of echinacea tincture into the bottle. Continue to use the mouthwash as directed. Do not swallow.  Weekend warrior? Add echinacea to your water bottle! Once you’re into exercise, you typically can’t stop. Some athletes and weekend warriors end up

with a condition called overtraining syndrome, where performance begins to deteriorate and the immune system begins to malfunction. One sign is an increased incidence of upper respiratory tract infection after excessive exercise. One way to help prevent the immune suppression caused by overtraining is adding echinacea to your water. Start by making echinacea tea. Boil 1 cup of water with ½ cup of freshly chopped echinacea flower and root for 10 minutes. Cool and strain through a finemesh sieve into 4 to 8 cups of water and consume as you normally would during exercise. HL

Excerpt from: Power Plants © 2014 by Frank Ferragine and Bryce Wylde. Photographs © 2014 by Shannon J. Ross. Published by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Available at


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Healthy Living | 19


elf-care is about looking after the most important person in your life – you! Essential to life balance and overall health, self-care fuels our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Without self-care, our lives can feel harried, stressed and out of control. But so often we put our own needs on the back burner, feeling a sense of guilt if we carve out time for ourselves.

Modern life: ‘doing’ versus ‘being’ If you are feeling low in energy or stressed, lacking balance in some areas of your life, you can develop a regular self-care practice. Learn how to make time for ‘you’ in your busy life and discover why self-care is such an important step to better health. Through self-care, you give yourself ‘permission’ to do what your body needs. Signals from our bodies tell us to slow down, take a nap or take time for that yoga class. However, we often ignore these signals, choosing to forge ahead and keep doing. Often we choose ‘busyness’ or productivity in lieu of taking a walk in the woods. We live in an age where productivity is the new normal. From the time we wake up, we are in a rush: to get kids ready for school, to get to our jobs, to get home again, to do housework and errands. Then it’s homework, dinner, dishes, bath and bed. For many of us, life has become a treadmill from which we can’t slow down or escape.

Self-Care Caring about everybody else? Who’s caring for you? By tiffany moffatt

20 | Healthy Living

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

This state of always ‘doing’ versus ‘being’ is not good for our health. It can make us feel worn out, stressed and run down. This is especially true for women, who are notorious for putting others first and themselves last, for always nurturing others, but never themselves. Often sacrificing their own needs, many women develop a martyr syndrome without even realizing it. The result can be stress, resentment and unhappiness.

it doesn’t have to be that way Self-care is important for physical and mental health, as well as self-esteem. When you take care of yourself, you convey to others that your needs are important, too. It reminds people that you value yourself and they need to respect that. This is not being selfish. It is as essential as breathing. Only when we help ourselves can we effectively give our best to others. Stress has become one of the greatest health risk factors. According to Statistics Canada, stress carries several negative health consequences, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, as well as immune and circulatory complications. Exposure to stress can also contribute to behaviours such as smoking, over-consumption of alcohol, and less healthy eating habits. Statistics Canada reports that in 2013, 23% (6.6 million) of Canadians aged 15 and older reported that most days were ‘quite a bit’ or ‘extremely’ stressful. Without a self-care routine, we are at risk of disease and unhealthy behaviours. So how do we create a practice of self-care and slow down that treadmill? It’s well within our own power to do so. As a yoga instructor, I often teach my participants to permit themselves to be present during their practice, to let go of their ‘to do’ lists and allocate this time for themselves. This allows them to centre, to become more mindful, like pressing a reset button during their day - instead of mindlessly plodding through the daily routine.

Choose what works for you If yoga isn’t for you, think instead about what makes you feel refreshed, energized or soothed. Take time to identify

your own needs and take steps towards meeting them. What activities nurture you? How do you define self-care? Your definition should let you do whatever you want to do. Self-care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others. The good news is that there is no right answer as to what self-care looks like. It might be getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, eating healthy foods, having a massage, exercising regularly, meditating, or taking time to relax with friends. These examples of self-care may seem obvious, but they are essential elements of feeling happy, productive and fulfilled at work and at home. Your needs encompass three important areas: mind, body and spirit, and all three need equal nurturing. Your physical body needs healthy food, sleep and exercise; your mind needs to pause from a demanding work or family life and continue learning; your spirit needs to be refreshed and renewed, perhaps by going for a walk or writing in a journal. When developing your own self-care routine, remember to balance out activities for all three of these areas of your life.

Time for a fresh start! How do you begin a self-care routine? Start by introducing 10 to 15 minutes a day of an activity that nurtures you, and once a week commit to an hour of self-care time. Instead of tuning them out, listen to those cues to slow down or take a nap. Self-care only works when you listen to your body and do what you want without resistance. With practice you will hear that voice begging for some ‘me’ time and become more agreeable that you are very much worth it. If you care enough about yourself to make room for what nourishes you, you will invite better health, happiness and joy into your life. Remember: self-care can only be provided for you, by you. HL Tiffany Moffat is is a certified Personal Trainer Specialist, Fitness Instructor Specialist, Pre and Postnaatal Specialist (Canfitpro certified) and freelance writer who has worked in the fitness industry for 25 years.

Healthy Living | 21



play for Grown-Ups

Choosing the right exercise for your constitution and your personality

Remember when we were kids – playing games, running around, having fun? We didn’t realize it then, but we were exercising. So why, as adults, do we turn exercise into a chore? By lynne stewart Boutique fitness studios are popping up everywhere, providing an alternative for people who find the gym a chore, draining and intimidating. Yoga studios are the staple of boutique fitness studios, pilates studios are morphing into barre studios, and all support mindbody programming. To bring cardio into the equation, spinning merged into mind-body studios, while bootcamps and running clinics started to pop up, too. Then weight training brought gyms to the fore. No one approach will satisfy us all, so how can we better understand our choice of preferred fitness? Ayurveda, or the ‘science of life’, which underpins the yoga movement, outlines three primary constitutional tendencies: Kapha, Vata and Pitta. Kaphas tend to be bigger boned with stronger frames; Pittas are more muscular, athletic and competitive; and Vatas are leaner and thinner. Ayurveda’s goal is to find a form of movement or play that leverages the best of one’s personality traits and keeps emotions in balance. Vata is one of the most delicate of natures. Always busy and moving, Vatas gravitate towards running and step classes. But too much movement leads this constitution beyond busyness and movement towards emotions such as anxiety. This is when Vatas need to step back, find calm and breathe into ‘stillness’ to balance their emotions. Yoga – more specifically hatha yoga and restorative yoga – help Vatas to find balance. Pittas, full of passion and intensity, naturally move towards competitive forms of play. But when emotions move beyond passion, the heat intensifies and emotions such as anger can signal imbalance. At this point, Pittas must allow themselves to play, surrender the outcome and forget the race. A great balancer for Pittas is to be outdoors, near water, cooling down, slowing down and breathing into ‘surrender.’

22 | Healthy Living

Last but not least, Kaphas are calm, grounded and strong. Stable and structured on their best days, their calm energy can morph into lethargy and laziness, and significant weight gain can occur. Because their loss of energy can lead to depression, Kaphas are at their best when challenged, structured and progressing. This is where intense weight training programs find their strongest following. These personalities need to breathe into the chest to open up, expand and lift their energy. When it comes to play, what is natural for Vata (cardio forms) and Pitta (intensity and competition) is actually more suited to Kapha to maintain balance. What is natural to Kapha (slower, calmer) is more suited to Vata and Pitta to ground energy and keep emotions balanced. At boutique fitness studios, the form of fitness resonates with particular constitutions and suddenly everyone feels they’ve found their tribe. As we become more sophisticated in choosing our form of play, we can modify our approach to better suit our constitutions. For example, yoga encourages breathing techniques to calm Vata, to help Pitta surrender and encourage Kapha to find energy. Yoga will lead the charge in educating and bringing more sophistication to clients through knowledge of their constitutions. In making your choice, move beyond marketing and proposed results. Ask how a particular form of play resonates for you and your personality, and how it will help to balance your emotions. Finding your tribe, connecting with others, and improving alliances within your community are all necessary to a healthy balanced life. HL Lynne Stewart, B.Sc., MBA is the Studio Owner/Instructor at Sol BARRE, Pilates & Yoga/SOL Wellness. 416.948.7685.


Hiring a

Caregiver: What you need to know before you start

“Unfortunately,” says Paresh Vyas, owner of Nurse Next Door Home Care, “in our line of business we often hear horror stories from families about hiring caregivers – negligence, abuse and simply not caring. With such experience, gun-shy families frequently ask how to ensure they are making the right choice regarding who looks after their loved ones.” Firstly, when hiring caregivers, be sure to validate their credentials! What should you look for?  Personal Support Worker Certification: this is local college certification accompanied by a reference check. For new graduates, one of their references should be their preceptor (teacher or supervisor) who supervised their placement experience at a local facility, hospital, etc. Contact all references. Check for up-to-date tuberculosis (TB) test and CPR training (only valid for two years). Request a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screen.

 Nursing (Registered Practical Nurse is college educated versus Registered Nurse who is university educated): All nurses should be registered in good standing with the College of Nurses. Follow the link and search a nurse by first name and last name. You should look for ‘Entitled to practise with no restrictions’. Ensure you follow the additional details section which lists any pending issues or claims. Newly graduated nurses will offer references from their placements and their preceptors, while experienced nurses will offer client/employer references. Check for up-todate tuberculosis (TB) test and CPR training (only valid for two years). Request a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screen. *NOTE: The government’s strict regulations regarding privacy of information make it challenging to get references. Families have to accept in writing that the caregiver will provide their name as a reference. Hence, if a potential employee is unable to get references, it may be because his/her clients do not want to share their information and should not reflect poorly on the employee. During the interview, it’s important to gauge how much the caregiver loves what he or she does. Plan well for the interview with a list of standardized questions for all candidates. The purpose of the interview should be to drive more of the soft skills that will be so vital in providing quality care. Continued on next page 

Healthy Living | 23

 Continued from last page As an employer, you will be responsible for the calculation and payment of the caregiver’s Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Unemployment Insurance (UI), Workman’s Compensation (WSIB), Vacation Pay, Statutory Pay, and Ontario and Federal taxes. You will need to be cognisant of the Employment Labour Laws. For example, in Ontario, a live-in caregiver requires a minimum of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. You will also be responsible for managing the caregiver’s vacation and sick days. The alternative is hiring a homecare company or agency. Agencies typically do simple placements. Homecare companies should do more of the hands-on resource management and co-ordination. Here is a list of some important questions to ask all potential providers:  1. How easy is it to reach you? Think 24/7 because you can never plan unforeseen circumstances.  2. What is the no charge cancellation policy?  3. Are the caregivers employees or contractors? This is crucial, since you will need to ensure the company has sufficient coverage for liability insurance and WSIB. Each of these can lead to significant financial liabilities if things go wrong. You can search the employer on the WSIB website and under ‘ESIB’ click on ‘find a company.’ Enter the legal name of the company. Under status, it should say ‘eligible for clearance Certificate.’ Please be aware: the homeowner can be deemed

liable for injuries that occur in the home if the appropriate insurance is not in place.  4. Are skilled supervisory oversight, sufficient documentation and controls in place to ensure safety, security and peace of mind?  5. How do you track if a caregiver is really there or left on time?  6. How flexible or empowered are the caregivers to do what is required in the home? Events change every day and caregivers need the freedom to change what they do when necessary to accommodate their clients. It’s important to have care plans as a guidance tool, but there are social, emotional and physical needs that don’t always go to plan. For clients being cared for, it’s already difficult having to give up control and be dependent. It is crucial for the caregiver being hired not simply to take over the tasks in order to get the job done, but to work with the client to see what can still be achieved with assistance in order to regain some order of independence.  7. Does the provider have medical and non-medical options? It is never easy to hire the right people and a great deal of planning and co-ordination is required to do it right. However, if done right, the rewards are significant peace of mind and cost savings. HL Paresh Vyas, Owner, Nurse Next Door Home Care, York Region and Scarborough. E:; T: 416 803 3514

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Healthy Living | 25

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Healthy Living | 29

Healthy Recipes

"Fall" into clean eating with Kathy Smart's seasonal selections! Curried Butternut Squash Soup RECIPE HIGHLIGHTS:


 Dairy Free and Vegan (if using coconut oil)  Gluten Free  Low Glycemic
 Simple and Quick
 No Added Refined Sugars

In a large stock pot, sauté the onions and butter until the onions are soft and translucent. Add the spices, squash, sweet potatoes, and apples and cook a few minutes more. Add stock and coconut milk to the mixture. 
Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes until the ingredients are soft and tender. Purée the ingredients with an immersion blender. 
Serve with a dollop of yogurt or swirl of coconut milk.

This soup embodies the best flavours of fall. The combination of squash, apples and the little heat of curry are sure to warm your stomach on a cool fall day. Serves 12

free, dairy (if using n vega ut oil) n o c co ee ten fr u l &g

2 cups of onions, chopped 2 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil 
if dairy intolerant 1 tablespoon of ground cumin 1 tablespoon of Garam Masala* 2 teaspoons of ground coriander 2 teaspoons of sea salt 6 cups of butternut squash, peeled and chopped 2 cups of sweet potatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped 2 cups of apples, peeled and coarsely chopped 6 cups of vegetable or chicken broth 1⁄2 cup of coconut milk

*Garam Masala is a blend of Indian spices. You can find this spice in health food stores, bulk food stores or Asian grocery stores. per Serving:

137 calories, 2 g protein, 5 g fat, 24 g carbohydrates, 3.5 g fibre, 8 g sugar

Gluten Free Pecan Pumpkin Muffins These muffins are moist with a taste of cinnamon, nutmeg and a crunch of pecans. Eat local and get an iron hit from pumpkin seeds in this delicious Pumpkin Muffin Recipe! Serves 12

1½ cups gluten free flour blend 2 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg 2 tsp baking soda ½ tsp sea salt and black pepper 1 can (15oz) pumpkin puree (approx. 1½ cups) 2 eggs ¼ cup coconut oil ½-¾ cup of maple syrup/agave nectar 1 tbsp. vanilla extract ½ cup pecans, chopped ¼ cup pumpkin seeds


Combine all dry ingredients, combine all wet ingredients then add dry ingredients to the wet ½ cup at a time. Bake in preheated oven at 350 for 20-25 minutes. per Serving:

181 calories, 4.5 g protein, 9 g fat, 23 g carbohydrates, 3 g fibre, 9 g sugar

get a hit of ir from pumpk on in seeds!

Recipes created by Kathy Smart, North America’s Gluten-Free Expert, Best Selling Author Chef and Nutritionist.

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