Healthy Directions Aug/Sept 2009

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Back to School Breakfasts


RECIPES Kid’s Supplements KIDS LOVE that Make the Grade H1N1 Healthy Eating for Two Tips Allergies • Beauty TIps • Green Cleaning



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Available at most Health Food Stores



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In This Issue: BAC K TO SC HOOL Food and Supplements for a Great Start! 10


Which Children’s Supplements Get an A+? 14


Breakfast Nutrition, Foods and Five-Day Planner 16


Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Tips




Quick and Easy Snacks You Can Make

A L L E R GY O P T I O N S A Natural Approach to Relief 26


Break Free from Pollen Problems 44


BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination for Allergies 50


Behavioral Issues or Food Allergies?

INFLUENZA H1N1 UPDATE What You Need to Know For Prevention 38


Probiotics, Oregano Oil and Vitamin D


FIT FOR LIFE Fitness Routines and Inspiration for All Ages 40


A Five-Minute Workout

MAKE IT N ATURAL Make Your Own Natural Products 42


A Natural Way to Pamper at Home



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N ATURAL BEAUT Y Look and Feel Your Best 28


18 Beauty Basics

ECO LIVING Healthier Living in Environmental Harmony 36


Baking Soda, Salt and Lemon for a Clean Shine


F O O D PA S S I O N S Igniting the Senses with Foods and Recipes 32


Bal’s Vegetarian Burger Wish-Kabobs Berry-Mango Skewers Watermelon Mojo Crispy Granola Squares Oven French Fries Cherry Chicken Salad

H E A LT H Y S T A R T S Join the Journey to Better Health 20


Adding More Colour to Your Diet 22


Nutrition during Pregnancy 25



Sea Farming and Scientif ic Extracts for Arthritis 31


What’s Missing in Your Fish Oil?

T H E PA T H T O H A P P I N E S S Finding Joy and Inner Peace 46


Transformation through Being Present 52


Perspectives from a 21rst Century Woman

8 9 45 49 51





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Editor ’s Note “W

e hope to help you make this year’s back to school transition a stress free and healthy one. This issue is dedicated to every parent who has ever begged their children to eat something, anything other than their favourite, more likely than not, sugary cereal for breakfast. It is for every parent who has found the same ham sandwich while unpacking lunch containers after school, that they packed in the morning. It’s also for parents with limited time and budgets who want to give their kids healthier choices they’ll love, but just aren’t quite sure where to start. In this issue our health experts offer up their best breakfast, lunch and snack ideas for toddlers to teens. Dietician Doug Cook helps you get your day off to a great start with breakfast tips and a five-day planner. We also offer snack tips and lunch recipes. To fill in the nutritional gaps, health expert Ph.D Michelle Honda offers information about beneficial and safe children’s supplements to help your child thrive. Ahchoo! It’s allergy time for many of us and so, we’ve also included several articles with natural approaches to addressing allergies, including topics like the health benefits of vitamin C and homeopathy. With H1N1 on the spread, more people may be dealing with the virus once the kids are back in school from holidays as well. A.W Martin DC, Ph.D, RNCP, D.N.M. offers some natural health prevention approaches, such as, using probiotics and oil of oregano. Once they’re on the bus, you can take a deep breath and treat yourself to a home spa day. We’ve included a few recipes, which describe how to make your own fragrant bath salts. Or, if your home is a mess from two months of kids on vacation and you feel the need to clean, we’ve also included some advice on how to make your own green cleaning products that are light on the budget, but high in shine. Enjoy the second half of summer and I hope you’re inspired to learn something new this fall, at whatever age you are. Yours in health and happiness,

August/September 2009 Vol. 10 No. 5 Circ: 100,000 At Healthy Directions we offer researched information that contributes to living a healthy life in mind, body and spirit, as well as, a more Earth-friendly existence. Editor Charleen Wyman Contributing Writers Michelle Honda PhD, Doug Cook RD MHSc CDE, Joel Thuna, Lorna London Sloukji, RoseMarie Pierce B.Sc. Pharm, Allison Tannis BSc MSc RHN, J.E.Croft LRCS, MRSNZ, FRSH, Michele Sevier DNM DAc, Cynthia Brian, Mark Schneider, Leslie Reichert, A.W Martin DC, Ph.D, RNCP, DNM, Greg Whyte, Anne Keefe, Silvana Fazzolari DNM, Byron Katie, Raisa Weisspapir HD, DHMS, MD (Europe), and Dini Petty Editorial: Written contributions and photos are welcome. However, all content is subject to editorial review.

Advertising Sales: Jon Cousins 1-877-276-1849 Check out our website:

Charleen Wyman BA Journalism, BA English Editor, Healthy Directions

Become a fan or start a live discussion: Look us up at Healthy Directions Magazine on

Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing, six times a year. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1488-6308

IMPORTANT : Always seek the opinion of your medical doctor before starting any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held liable should this advice not be followed.

8 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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OUR CONTRIBUTORS Doug Cook RD, MHSc, CDE is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator who currently works at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, and as a nutrition consultant. He practices a holistic and integrative approach providing sciencebased guidance on food and diet. He recently co-authored Nutrition for Canadians for Dummies (Wiley, 2008). Visit his website:

Dini Petty is a legendary, Canadian television and radio host. At 22, wearing a trademark pink jumpsuit and working for Toronto radio station CKEY, she became the first female traffic reporter to pilot her own helicopter. At City TV's daily talk show CityLine, Petty established herself as one of Canada's foremost television talk show hosts. Healthy Directions August/September 2009 9

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Raisa Weisspapir is a homeopathic doctor specializing in pediatrics and general family health problems. She is a member of the Homeopathic Medical Council of Canada and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. Weisspapir is a European trained medical doctor with over 20 years of medical experience. She welcomes your questions at (416) 227-1485 or

A powerful, clinically proven formula for venous/lymphatic insufficiency. Recommended for anyone with a sedentary job or who are on their feet all day long, those with varicose or spider veins and swelling problems.

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Michelle Honda PhD practices at Renew You Holistic Health in Ancaster/West Hamilton. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. For more information visit: Call: (905) 304-0111 Blog:

A released min mind in a relieved body

Client Dossier Date

Allison Tannis BSc, MSc, RHN is a nutritional scientist, author and leading health educator in nutrition and natural medicine. Allison is a Nutritional Consultant working in southern Ontario and the author of four books including bestseller Probiotic Rescue (Wiley, 2008) and Feed Your Skin Starve Your Wrinkles (Fairwinds, 2009). Allison is dedicated to converting the language of health science into fun, easy-tounderstand terms. Visit: for more.

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A.W Martin DC, Ph.D, RNCP, D.N.M. is the former vice president of the Ontario Chiropractic Association and the former chairman of Sports and Fitness Canada. He is also the author of several books including: Steps to fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the Modern Woman and new best seller, Medical Crisis: Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Share With You. For more information visit his website:



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Supplements that Make the Grade

Fish Oil Can Help Aid Focus.



Research continues to highlight the presence and severity of childhood disorders directly linked to an inadequate diet. The sad fact is that many children simply prefer processed food. While the best option is to offer a nutritious diet, quality supplements can help ensure a child’s nutritional intake to promote optimal health. As a parent, it can be challenging to identify which supplements are the most beneficial and safe for children. Here are some tips for evaluating which supplements make the grade.

On the premise of natural verses synthetic, purchase supplements from whole foods containing combined nutrients of enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and plant-based chemicals. The advantage of a supplement supplying whole foods, such as, fruits, vegetables and grains are the addition of tens of thousands of phytochemicals. The main noticeable difference of a natural product compared to a synthetic one is the potency level.



All ingredients should be naturally sourced in your supplement of choice, excluding additives, preservatives, gluten and artificial colourings. Seek supplements with healthy sugar alternatives, such as, a natural substitute sweetener from the leaves of the stevia plant or the natural flavours found in berries and fruit.

Antioxidants in addition to preventing and reducing oxidative stress are essential for proper detoxification. Many children have adverse effects to the thousands of chemicals used to increase the shelf life of a food or to change and enhance its flavour.

10 Healthy Directions August/September 2009




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Healthy Directions August/September 2009 11



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Acting today will help prevent bone disease tomorrow. New Roots Herbal’s STRONG BONES is the most readily absorbable type of calcium available. STRONG BONES helps reverse osteoporosis by accelerating the growth of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) which results in healthy new bone mass. New Roots Herbal’s STRONG BONES lets your bones gain strength from the most recent important advances in osteo research.

strong bones can help you keep your bones healthy and defeat the silent disease – osteoporosis.

STRONG BONES formula provides the same calcium found in humans that strengthens and maintains strong teeth, nourishes all joint tissue and reduces the risk of osteoporosis particularly for women. Bones are organs, which need protection. Among their most important functions are the production of red blood cells for oxygen transport and white blood cells to fight disease. Discover STRONG BONES: the calcium formula that works. Prev en ti o n & C ur e


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These toxic chemicals accumulate in their young developing bodies resulting in lower mental performance, immune deficiency and behavioural issues. The best source of antioxidants is from supplements containing phyto chemicals, especially those found in berries. The presence of individual antioxidants, such as, vitamin A, C, D, E, beta-carotene and selenium will also enhance the nutritional value of a supplement.

MULTI/MINERAL/VITAMINS FOR THE GAPS A high quality vitamin/mineral supplement is recommended for children over the age of four. A typical North American diet is high in refined, processed and sugary foods, while low in essential nutrients. While this establishes the need for supplementation, it should not be regarded as a substitute for whole foods.

IODINE DEFICIENCY, A WORLD -WIDE PROBLEM The importance of this trace mineral is nothing short of monumental. Iodine deficiency initiates a wide spectrum of problems locally and throughout the world ranging from mental retardation and other mental insufficiency disorders to various thyroid conditions and developmental problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 740 million people are iodine deficient and reportedly of that number, 285 million are children. These disorders stem from inadequate iodine levels required by the thyroid on a daily basis in order for the thyroid to have the ability to manufacture thyroid hormone. Unfortunately, many of these problems develop before the baby has left the womb resulting from maternal iodine deficiency. The most devastating effect to the unborn child is the damage to its developing brain before and after birth. Rapid brain growth continues throughout infancy, therefore significant thyroid hormone depends on a constant iodine supply through supplementation or diet. Iodine supplements come in child friendly forms, as well as, in liquid, tablets, capsules, powder and sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, nori, wakame).

ZINC FOR GROWTH AND METABOLIC FUNCTIONS Zinc is an essential mineral involved in numerous aspects of our growth and metabolic functions. Zinc is required for normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence. Children with lower zinc levels have shown an increased susceptibility to infections ranging from pneumonia to the common cold. The area of risk appears to be after breast milk (4 – 6 months); for infants aged 7 to 12 months who need 3mg. daily. Supplemental zinc has improved the growth rate in children especially those demonstrating a mild to moderate problem.

VITAMIN D, TOP MARKS The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants get 200 IU of vitamin D through a supplement via the child’s formula daily during their first two months and continue to take this amount throughout childhood and adolescence to protect against bone deforming disorders.

FISH OILS FOR BRAIN FUNCTION, CONCENTRATION AND BEHAVIOR Research has shown the importance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (EFA’s) for brain function and development, visual

function, concentration and behaviour. Fish oil products tested by the International Fish Oil Standards organization follow much more stringent testing than many consumer labs, checking for the presence of unsafe levels of mercury, dioxins and PCB levels. Also to aid compliance, many companies produce child friendly supplements to exclude the fishy taste.

VITAMIN C FOR GROWTH AND REPAIR Perhaps the most widely taken supplement, vitamin C benefits children on many levels as do other nutrients although primarily in the area of growth and repair. It also helps in the body’s absorption of iron and reduces the effects of many allergy producing substances. Rose hips and acerola cherries are the richest sources of vitamin C containing bioflavonoids.

ACIDOPHILUS AND BIFIDUS FOR HEALTH ISSUES Probiotics are particularly beneficial during infancy and adolescence, aiding a bad diet, yeast infections, constipation, cradle cap, diarrhea, earaches and the use of antibiotics. There have been no side effects reported even when large doses were consumed. In an ideal world our nutrition would come solely through the food we eat. Living in today’s era of soil depletion, toxic environment, processed food, and storage problems, parents must look to other sources to compensate for the lack in their children’s diet. High quality supplements may be an essential component to protect a child’s health.3 Michelle Honda PhD is a holistic doctor practicing at Renew You Holistic Health located in Ancaster Meadowlands. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. Visit her website at: and Call: (905) 304-0111 Healthy Directions August/September 2009 13



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Get the Best Start to Your Day with


Sources of Carbohydrates By Doug Cook RD MHSc CDE Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so goes the saying, but is it really? Arguably, it is. Research shows when people, kids or adults, skip breakfast they are more likely to be overweight and also run the risk of not getting the nutrition they need to stay healthy. Think of it as a lost opportunity for nutrients. Skipping breakfast can also set you up to overeat at the next meal by increasing hunger. Often people will end up eating more later on in the day to make up for the energy that the body needs – it’s virtually impossible to trick the body, and without even thinking about it, you can be driven to eat; usually something quick that can be lower in nutrients and higher in refined sugars, fat and calories. According to a national survey for Breakfast for Learning, a national non-profit organization dedicated to child nutrition, about 31 per cent of elementary school kids and 62 per cent of high school students don’t eat breakfast. The number one reason they give is a lack of time, and the number two reason is because kids don’t like to eat breakfast according to 32 percent of parents surveyed. 14 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

Fruit, 100% fruit juice, dried fruit Bottled fruit smoothies, home-made smoothies in a reusable stainless steel canister Dairy: organic milk (also chocolate milk], yogurts Milk alternatives like fortified soy, rice or oat-based beverages Whole grain breads, crackers, buns and iron-fortified cereals Breakfast really is about ‘breaking the fast’ from the night before. During sleep, the body uses up carbohydrate that is stored in the liver and there is some muscle break down to supply other parts of the body with amino acids (the building blocks of muscle). When we eat breakfast, we top up our stores of carbohydrate, replace the lost protein along with some vitamins and minerals. Think of it as time to refuel in order to face the demands of the day. As well, research has shown that children who have breakfast have better concentration and do better in



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Sources of Protein Nuts, seeds and nut butters like almond, peanut, cashew Dairy: organic milk (also chocolate milk), yogurt, cheese Ready to serve ‘breakfast shakes’ Cold meats and eggs school, have more energy, and are more likely to meet their daily nutritional needs, which are necessary for healthy growth and development. So, what should your kids eat for breakfast? Ideally, wholesome nutritious foods that include a source of protein, calcium, iron, good quality carbohydrates with a source of fibre. Believe it or not, anything is better than nothing. While some may cringe at the thought of a doughnut or cookies, these would at least provide a basic source of carbohydrates, the very thing that fuels the brain and muscles. It’s better than running on empty. These choices however, won’t be a source of vitamins and minerals and ideally should not be the foundation of breakfast. The building blocks of a healthy breakfast include sources of carbohydrates, protein and fats.3 Doug Cook, RD MHSc CDE is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Educator who currently works at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, and as a nutrition consultant. He practices a holistic and integrative approach providing science-based guidance on food and diet along with nutritional supplements and natural health products where appropriate. He recently co-authored Nutrition for Canadians for Dummies (Wiley 2008). In addition, he has served as the nutrition expert for the Ministry of Health’s website Visit

Sources of Fats Fish oil supplements Ground flax, chia, hemp seeds Nuts, seeds, nut butters

his website:

A Family Friendly Breakfast Meal Planner Monday





Whole wheat bagel, Whole grain fortified Banana dog Leftovers like Trail mix of nuts, dried English muffin, toast or cereal with organic (peanut butter, a cold pizza fruits, pretzels, crackers, milk (or chocolate milk) banana, and raisins in a pita with melted and dry cereal long whole-grain bun) Piece of fruit or a glass cheddar cheese Piece of fruit of 100% fruit juice Organic milk, chocolate A good source of: milk, cheese or yogurt Fresh berries or a glass A good source of: of 100% fruit juice A good source of: • Fibre • Protein • Fibre A good source of: • Fruit • Calcium • Fruit A good source of: • Protein • Fibre • Iron • Carbohydrates • Potassium • Fruit • Fibre • Folic acid • Fruit • Carbohydrates • Protein • Fruit • Vitamin C • Protein • Monounsaturated fats • Calcium • Protein • Calcium • Lycopene • Carbohydrates • Calcium • Carbohydrates • B-vitamins • Carbohydrates • B-vitamins • B-vitamins • Vitamin C • Zinc • Vitamin C • Vitamin C Healthy Directions August/September 2009 15



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Get Ready, for a Stress Free

Back to School Are You Ready? Create a checklist of things to do. Update the calender with school holidays and professional development (PD)days for the year. Work out after-school care and driving plans early. Find out your school start and bus pick up times well in advance.

Get Off to a Great Start! By Joel Thuna

It is that time again. Days start getting shorter and we enjoy the splendour of colour as the leaves change. Back to school, when kids begin to realize books will be replacing baseball equipment, and parents start to plan who drops off and picks up whom, where and when. Back to school is a stressful time for parents, children and believe it or not, teachers. The best way to ensure that back to school, as well as, the entire school year goes off with as few hitches and glitches as possible is to be prepared, have a plan of action and execute your plan. Much like the boy scouts "always be prepared". Along with school supplies (books, backpacks, etc.), your child needs other essentials to not just survive, but thrive. The first step in successful support is nutrition. Without proper nutrition your child will have no foundation on which to build from.

BACK TO SCHOOL WITH BREAKFAST A healthy breakfast should be the first priority. Every morning a child's body needs to refuel for the long day ahead. Breakfast gives them what they need to hit the road and start the day. Studies show children who eat breakfast often have better concentration, better 16 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

attitudes towards school and are more attentive. Have a breakfast that includes at least three of the four food groups from Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating: grain products, vegetables and fruit, milk products, and meat and alternatives. Any food can be a breakfast food. If children like left over spaghetti or pizza for breakfast, go for it! If they ask for a sandwich or salad, that's great too! Remember to keep it natural and low in sugar. Artificial ingredients and high sugar foods lead to problems in school, not solutions.

LUNCHES AND SNACKS THAT PACK SOME POWER Back to school inevitably means back to school lunches. With hectic schedules, the challenge of packing healthy, tasty lunches is a daunting task for even the best of us. We often rely on convenience foods and pre-packaged meals; however, these foods are high in salt, sugar, and empty calories, and low in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Packing a healthy lunch your child will love does not have to be difficult. Plan lunches ahead of time with your child before you go to the grocery store. Involve your children in the process. Children tend to eat what they help prepare. 444



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Along with school supplies, clothes and shoes, shop for healthy breakfast, lunch and snack foods. Provide healthy snacks. A snack for mid-morning and midafternoon will keep your child energized and alert all day. Try some easy, healthy and portable snacks, such as, trail mix, yogurt tubes, fruit, and string cheese. Avoid foods that will energize and then cause a crash, anything with high amounts of sugar or caffeine. After a long day at school many children are also hungry for an after-school snack. Offer your children nutritious snacks. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and milk products will help your children feel satisfied until dinner and give their growing bodies important nutrients.

SUPPLEMENTS FOR HEALTHY MINDS AND BODIES No matter how hard you try, no child's diet can cover everything. That's why we need to supplement their diets, just a bit. For their minds, we need to add brain food, namely DHA, the omega-3 essential fatty acid that makes up a good part of the brain. For their bodies, we need to make sure they get enough fiber. The easiest ones to get them to take are those made from instant inulin. This is a fiber that you can add to almost any drink or soft food and they'll never taste or sense it. Despite this they will get all the health benefits of fiber along with improved immunity and digestion. There are products available that contain instant inulin and DHA (along with EPA another essential fatty acid) to make supplementing even easier. For their immune systems (to make sure they are actually in class and able to learn) give them a super strength oil of oregano (drops for the little ones, capsules for those who can handle them). To make it easy and fun, one drop of the liquid in a teaspoon of manuka honey is quite a tasty treat kids love! Oil of oregano fights off infections, and supports their immune system to help fight of the thousands of infections they come across (at school) and also improves their digestion to absorb the nutrients from food. Most importantly of all supplement their routine with childhood. Let them be kids on a regular basis. Kids need to run, jump, laugh and play. It helps them develop physically, mentally and emotionally. Exercise, art and fun are all necessary parts of being a kid. Also, active fun helps build their immune system and helps wards off obesity.3 Joel Thuna MH is a third generation master herbalist with over 30 years experience in the natural health products field. Courtesy of Global Botanical. Visit: 18 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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Quick and Healthy

Back to School Snacks By Lorna London Sloukji It’s that time of year again, when you fill your shopping cart with binders, pens, paper, dividers, highlighters, and calendars. The kids are going back to school, which means less time for physical activity, more homework, an increase in computer time, and lessthan-ideal snacking. Did you know that childhood obesity has tripled in Canada since 1981? With obesity rates on the rise, encourage more physical activity for your children, such as, swimming, soccer, hockey, dance, and martial arts. What goes hand-in-hand with a consistent exercise routine? Healthy and balanced nutrition, of course! When your kids consume wholesome foods, they have better attention spans, allowing them to score higher on tests and get better grades. Here are some quick, healthy, and delicious snack ideas for you and your family.

Breakfast Smoothies

Blend fresh or frozen fruit with yogurt.

Trail Mix

Choose a whole grain cereal with dried fruit (cranberries, apricots) and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower).

Fresh Veggie Sticks

Chop some vegetables the night before and seal them into a few Ziploc bags, so you can just grab one in the morning and put it in your child’s lunch bag. Celery, carrot, cucumber, and sweet bell pepper sticks are usually favoured by children.

Fruit Salad

Make a big batch of fruit salad with grapes, oranges, grapefruit, and berries. Serve some in a container and include it in your child’s lunch bag.

TIPS FOR PARENTS Make meals a family affair. Create a positive environment when eating, by setting the dinner table and encouraging open conversation. Avoid sitting in front of the television.

Be the gatekeeper. You’re the one with the wallet, so make a conscious effort to purchase good, healthy food and avoid buying sugary snacks, such as, cookies, pies, ice cream, and pastries. Control what goes in the kitchen. Of course, treat your children once in a while to dessert, but having unhealthy snacks readily available in your cupboards and pantries will encourage mindless snacking and eventually, an unhealthy weight.

HELPFUL HINTS Look for the word “whole grain” on the food label and in the ingredient list. Products labeled with the words “multigrain” or “organic” are not necessarily whole grain, as flour or grains in the products may be made with little or no grains.3 Lorna London Sloukji is the managing editor for Can-Fit-Pro magazine. Can-Fit-Pro is the leader in fitness and wellness education. With over 19,000 members, Can-Fit-Pro delivers quality education, certification, conferences, trade shows, and membership services.

Healthy Directions August/September 2009 19



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Add More Colour to Your Diet with

The Colours of Health

Twice as Nice Together! By RoseMarie Pierce B.Sc. Pharm. Add more colour to your diet! That’s the constant message we’re getting from nutritional scientists who study the health effects of foods. They’re telling us that all those naturally coloured plant foods are not only beautiful, they’re downright essential to our living the healthy life. That’s because the many pigments (colours) in plant foods are nothing short of little chemical factories producing hundreds of their own phyto (plant) nutrients – like polyphenols and flavonoids. They don’t really do it for us; they do it for themselves, to protect themselves against disease. Turns out, what’s good for the plant is good for us, too! All those colours protect us from disease, as well.

started with greens really. Greens are what got us all thinking about the colours of foods in the first place and how we need them to be healthy. Wheatgrass, barley grass and green algae are the concentrated green foods that led the way. Rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals, it’s especially the greens that cleanse and alkalize. How about yellow? Think lemons and pineapples. The puckering effect of lemons is from a family of phytochemicals called limonoids, while phenols are part of the phyto power in pineapples. These compounds are anticancer, cholesterol-lowering, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents.

DO THE MATH BREAK THE COLOUR CODE What’s in a food’s colour? Take those reds. The reds that colour strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, and cherries are the same reds that give us the antioxidants that prevent cancers and diseases linked to aging. What about the blues and purples? Well, they’re obviously the colours we get from blueberries, elderberries, grapes and blackberries. They contain resveratrol and anthocyanidins, the phytochemicals that help prevent heart disease and brain aging. Greens? We all know about greens. The whole colour thing 20 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

The wider the variety of colours we eat, the better our chances of being healthy. And what’s really exciting about adding more colour to our diets is the way it adds up. The effects are not merely mathematical (like adding 1+1+1 to equal 3). The benefits are exponential! Eating a wide variety of coloured foods together multiples the positive effects they have on our health. 3 RoseMarie Pierce, B.Sc.Pharm, is a holistic pharmacist with more than 40 years experience in both conventional and natural medicine. For more information on this popular writer, lecturer, and hormonal health specialist visit her website at:



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Healthy Eating for Two By Allison Tannis BSc MSc RHN It’s not so much, ‘You are what you eat,’ but rather ‘Your baby is what you eat.’ Your baby relies entirely on you for nutrients, so what you choose to put on your plate is now affecting two of you. You really are eating for two. And, scientists have discovered that what you choose to eat now can affect the health of your baby for years to come. With the right information, you can eat your way to and through a healthy pregnancy.

DON’T EAT THAT! A quick search on the internet about many of your favorite foods will likely find you an argument of why pregnant women shouldn’t eat it. How do you know if it’s true or false? The dietary principles for a healthy diet during pregnancy are very similar to those used for most of your life. In a nutshell, focus on natural foods that are not processed, covered in fat or salt. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and fruit. And, particularly when you are pregnant do not forget the fish and a glass of milk and water to wash it all down with.

KEY NUTRIENTS There are many nutrients that are of particular importance as you enter into pregnancy and motherhood. Many of them you are probably familiar with such as folate and calcium. But, many women do not know the importance of other nutrients like iron, DHA and vitamin B6. Some experts suggest that your nutritional needs during pregnancy are more accurately pegged at: increase of 100% for iron, 60% for vitamin A, 50% for vitamin B6 and folic acid, 30% for vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B12 and vitamin B2.


During pregnancy eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and fruit. And, don’t forget including some fish and a glass of milk! 22 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

This B vitamin plays a vital role in the growth and division of cells, a process that occurs at an astounding rate in your developing baby. Experts now suggest that women take a folic acid supplement at least three months before conception to give their baby the best start at life. Deficiencies in folic acid during pregnancy have been linked to increased incidence of neural tube defects and lower birth weights in research studies. Folic acid also plays a role in the formation of red blood cells and aids in the formation of proteins in the body. There are many foods that are excellent sources of folic acid including leeks, asparagus, tahini and pinto beans.



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CALCIUM You’ll be trading in that glass of wine for a glass of milk during pregnancy. Your calcium requirements double during pregnancy; in fact, you will need about 1000mg of calcium a day. That’s about the amount of calcium you will find in four glasses of milk. It’s well known that calcium is important for healthy bones, of which your baby is trying to grow 300 of them. Yet, many women do not know that calcium is a medical marvel. Keeping your calcium levels up can help decrease your risk of developing preeclampsia, a condition that can develop during pregnancy in which a mother’s blood pressure becomes too high.

Ease the Quease with B6


IRON Iron is a component of your red blood cells which are responsible of taking oxygen (the body’s main source of fuel) from your lungs to the rest of your body. Suffering from low iron levels will slow the movement of oxygen around your body, making you feel fatigued and preventing you from pumping-iron. Anemia, the clinical term for low iron levels, is associated with fatigue. During pregnancy, your iron requirements increase in order to support your new blood volume (which can be almost double what it was before) and the development of your baby’s developing blood cells. Lamb, apricots, spinach and pumpkin seeds are all great sources of iron.

Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium in your body and improves your ability to use calcium to make bone. You need about 400 IU of vitamin D a day which you can get from sunlight and most dairy products. British researchers have found that giving pregnant women vitamin D supplements could also reduce the risk of their child developing multiple sclerosis later in life. Plus, researchers from the University of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom, reported that women who consume more vitamin D during their pregnancy have children with a lower risk of developing asthma symptoms. PAP pub VS Lalma-Direction aout 09:Layout 1

Probiotics and Pediatrics Of all age groups, children and infants can benefit the most from the addition of probiotics to their diet. Our overly, sanitized lifestyle can lead to several pathologies of the immune system that can last a person's lifetime. Several clinical studies studying infants demonstrated that adding probiotics to their diet: improved an abnormal bifido/clostridium ratio, reduced the incidence of allergies and atopies, reduced the rate of circulating IgE, normalized intestinal leakage, and normalized the Th2 cytokine profile. Presentations were given on the positive effects that probiotics have on the immune system at the 3rd International Symposium on Probiotics and Health in Montréal. Several new clinical trials show that when a mother and her nursing infant take probiotics, atopic eczema and allergies can be prevented. At the symposium probiotics were shown to be immunostimulating due to the way they modulate the body's cytokines and activate the T-cells (also called helper cells). Also, probiotics were also shown to reduce sensitivity (heighten tolerance) to food allergies. Courtesy of Virage Santé. Visit: viragesanté.com.






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This vitamin is helpful in keeping your energy levels up. Plus, it is well known to quench the nausea and vomiting that some women experience during their first trimester (and some longer) of pregnancy. Studies suggest that between 30mg and 75mg of vitamin B6 is needed to stop this queasy pregnancy complaint. Including foods like paprika, red bell peppers, basil and leeks can help you get the vitamin B6 you need.

Scientists have discovered that a mother’s diet during pregnancy has some lasting effects on the health of their baby. Epidemiological studies indicate that fetal nutrition may significantly influence the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Also, eating more fish may help reduce the chances your baby will develop asthma or eczema later in life. And, fish intake during breastfeeding reduced a child’s risk of having asthma-related symptoms.



Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential fat found primarily in your diet from fish. Babies whose moms consume more fish have been found in clinical trials to have higher IQs, better sleep patterns and visual acuity. Early results from study involving 14,000 British children who have been followed from development in the womb throughout their early teens indicate that eating higher fat fish like mackerel, sardines, anchovies, salmon and tuna, (about 300mg of DHA a day, or 2-4 servings of fatty fish servings a week) during pregnancy leads to better language and communication skills. And, research has found that moms who enjoy fish more than a few times a week have a reduced risk of developing postpartum depression.

A typical newborn may weight about 7 pounds, but you will likely put on anywhere from 25 and 40 pounds during your pregnancy. Here’s where those pounds are going: baby 7 lbs, breasts 2 lbs, maternal fat stores 7 lbs, placenta 1.5 lbs, uterus 2 lbs, amniotic fluid 2 lbs, blood 4 lbs, body fluids 4 lbs. As you can see, the changes happening in your body require a lot of nutrients. Do not diet! Don’t let the scale prevent you from eating during pregnancy – just eat right ensuring you and your baby are getting the nutrients you both need to be strong and healthy – and any extra baby pounds will slip away in due time.

WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE? BENEFITS TO YOU What you eat has a profound effect on your body and how well it will endure the adventure of motherhood. Eating healthy foods and a good mixture of them can help your body stay armed with nutrients that will help it fight nausea, leg cramps, stretch marks and other pregnancy-related complaints.

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According to a group of Russian researchers, women do not eat enough of the right foods during pregnancy. In 2005, a study involving a hundred pregnant women (age 23 to 32), looked at the diets they consumed. The researchers found that the pregnant women did not eat enough vegetables, fruit, dairy products or protein. Plus, they consumed alarming low levels of folic acid (only 27% of recommended amounts) and iron (only 17% of recommended amounts) two of the most important pregnancy nutrients. Meanwhile, researchers around the world are finding that the connection between diet during pregnancy and the health of the mother and baby is strong and linked at many levels. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is so important that prenatal vitamins are currently recommended by health organizations around the world! Proper nutrition during pregnancy can reduce the chances of birth defects, may reduce the risk of miscarriage, can quiet pregnancy complaints, improve birth weight and pregnancy duration and may improve development of the brain and eyes of infants. Eating right during pregnancy is really important.3

References: Chatzi L et al. Mediterranean diet in pregnancy protective for wheeze and atopy in childhood. Thorax 2008 Jan 15 (Epub ahead of print) Devereux G, AA Litonjua et al. Maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy and early childhood wheezing. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(3):853-859. Murrin C et al. Self-reported pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index and infant birth-weight. Ir Med J 2007;100(8):20-23. The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy. Walker, W.A. and C. Humphries. McGraw-Hill 2006 New York NY pp 211. Medrela-Kuder E. Some nutritional habits of pregnant women. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2006;57(4):389-95. Romieu J, M Torrent et al. Maternal fish intake during pregnancy and atopy and asthma in infancy. Clin Exp Allergy 2007;37(4):518-525.

Allison Tannis BSc MSc RHN is a nutritional consultant and author in southern Ontario. She is the author of four books, including “Probiotic Rescue” (Wiley, 2008) the soon to be released “The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy” (Fairwinds, 2009). Visit: 24 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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Sea Farming and Scientific Extracts for Arthritis By J.E.Croft LRCS, MRSNZ, FRSH For more than 30 years the clean waters of the South Pacific Ocean around the coast of New Zealand have been farmed for the cultivation of the New Zealand green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus). A complex extract from this unique shellfish has been proven to provide significant benefit for both human beings and animals suffering joint and mobility problems.

the other monitoring and quality assurance programs carried out by governmental regulatory authorities ensures that New Zealand shellfish are always perfectly safe. As the mussel extract is used all around the world for the safe and effective relief of painful, inflammatory joint problems this assurance of the safety and quality of the mussels from which the extract is produced is very important.



For the production of the extract it is essential that strict quality control of the cultivation of the mussels is exercised and therefore the mussels are not taken from natural beds but are cultivated on licenced marine farms. The marine farms are very strictly controlled by the New Zealand government and the regulations are such that it is possible to trace an individual batch of extract back to the time of day, specific farm and from which batch the mussels were harvested. The mussels are grown on special ropes which hang down from horizontal lines at the surface. These horizontal lines are supported by buoys at each end and other buoys are added at intervals along their length as the mussels grow and increase the weight on the lines. They are usually harvested between 14 and 18 months from being seeded. No fertilizers or herbicidal type agents are involved in this farming as it merely optimizes the natural properties of the sea water column by having the shellfish suspended vertically throughout the water column. New Zealand is fortunate in having, clean, unpolluted coastal waters which are highly productive and of an excellent temperature range for cultivating a variety of marine species. New Zealand also has a highly effective monitoring program to ensure that the mussels are not contaminated by blooms of certain marine algae that might contain toxins. All farming sites are monitored on a regular basis and the regulatory authority prohibits the harvesting of any shellfish from any farms within a suspect area. This program, in addition to

Cetyl myristoleate is another effective aid in the relief of joint and mobility problems. Cetyl myristoleate is a fatty acid ester that functions as an immunomodulatory agent and anti-inflammatory reported to inhibit aberrant T-cell activity. Type II collagen derived from unhydrolyzed chicken sternum cartilage is another product worthy of investigation by anyone looking for relief from arthritis. Several clinical studies conducted with human subjects and have indicated various levels of benefit for relief of the classical symptoms of both rheumatoid arthritis and osteo arthritis. The mechanisms by which type II collagen appears to mediate these symptoms is by a combination of oral tolerization (Tcell and cytokine mediation) with angiogenesis inhibition and potential chondroprotective functions due to the natural content of glycosaminoglycans in the product. Hyaluronic acid is also worth consideration as an effective natural component in the war on arthritis and joint disorders. Hyaluronic acid is widely distributed in the body and has a major role in the maintenance of joint health. A balanced combination of mussel extract, cetyl-myristoleate, type II collagen, and hyaluronic acid would undoubtedly be an extremely effective arthritis remedy.3 J.E.Croft LRCS, MRSNZ, FRSH is a licenciate of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London, UK), a member of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Health (London, UK).


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Healthy Directions August/September 2009 25



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Break Free from Pollen Problems

Natual Allergy Solutions

Enjoy all that is Nature!

By Michele Sevier DNM DAc It is medically known as allergic rhinitis, literally interpreted as allergic nose inflammation, most commonly known as allergies, but to millions of Canadians who fall prey to them, probably best referred to as true misery. Allergies can develop at any age and are often related to immune depression. An allergic condition evokes an inappropriate response from the body’s immune system, mistaking a simple irritant as a deadly enemy thereby creating an overreaction to what is ordinarily a harmless foreign substance. An allergen is the foreign substance that causes a reaction within the body leading to a cascade of events. When it invades the body, the allergen is often consumed by a macrophage (immune cell) which then begins a chain of reactions resulting in the production of histamine and other chemicals. The release of histamine causes the irritating symptoms associated with allergic reactions along with an inflammatory response. Seasonal allergic symptoms predominantly involve the respiratory system and the lining of the nasal passages evoking 26 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

irritating symptoms like wheezing, coughing, runny nose, watery and bloodshot eyes. Headaches are very common due to sinus congestion. Hayfever is the most common form of seasonal allergic rhinitis or allergy. It often flares due to contact with various pollens and spores of trees, grasses, weeds and ragweed. Mold spores can cause seasonal allergies as they can be airborne for extended periods of time throughout the spring, summer and fall. Treatment from a modern medical perspective utilizes prescription drugs based on the symptoms and severity of the allergic reaction. Antihistamines along with decongestants are often used to stop the itching and sneezing caused by the release of histamine. Many antihistamines cause drowsiness and may adversely affect coordination. Dry mouth is another common side effect. Allergies definitely affect the quality of one’s life. For those individuals who suffer from the constant symptoms it is imperative to find solutions to reduce the discomfort while supporting the body’s systems as naturally as possible.



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TREATING SEASONAL ALLERGIES NATURALLY As with any prevention program, an individual’s body terrain/environment should be addressed through modifications to the diet and lifestyle, reducing stressors and exposure to allergens. Our food has become increasingly “convenient”; high in sugar and calories while low in nutrients. Make sure to reduce or remove these “pro-inflammatory” foods and beverages including refined and pre-packaged products and those containing saturated fats. Avoid mucous forming foods including dairy products and meat. Steer clear of allergenic food including wheat and gluten. Inflammation is an important symptom to address in any disorder but when it comes to an allergic response, some immune cells once activated can contribute to tissue damage and further exacerbate chronic inflammation.

FIGHT Seasonal Allergies and Infections

OMEGA-3, QUERCITIN, VITAMIN C AND RESVERATROL Increase foods rich in omega-3 EPA/DHA found in cold water fish or supplement with a high-potency omega-3 product. These essential fatty acids encourage the body’s production of inflammation-suppressing compounds and help turn inflammatory reactions off when they are no longer needed. The flavonoid quercitin is a naturally occurring nutrient that is found in various fruits and vegetables. It is a potent antioxidant often used as an anti-allergenic as it can prevent the release of histamine thereby mitigating many allergic symptoms. It decreases the number of cells contributing to allergic responses while blocking enzymes to reduce inflammation and strengthening cells walls. The synergistic use of vitamin C and quercitin can be beneficial. Vitamin C supports the immune system in general while enhancing the effectiveness of bioflavinoids. Studies show that vitamin C exerts a number of effects against histamine. This vitamin has the ability to not only prevent the secretion of histamine but to increase detoxification of this substance. Another popular compound is resveratrol. Research has confirmed its potent antioxidant reputation. And much like quercetin, resveratrol can block the release of histamine to help alleviate symptoms. Unlike many over-the-counter antihistamines, these natural health remedies do not cause drowsiness or reduce alertness. For people looking for effective combination products, there are a number of great products available at your natural health store or through your professional practitioner. And, don’t forget about various therapeutic treatments. Sinus irrigation with a saline and water solution can help flush out the pollen in the nasal passages. Daily or twice daily washes will help reduce congestion and help hydrate the nasal area. Lymphatic treatments, acupuncture, chiropractic, allergy testing and other therapies can be powerful allies to not only reduce symptoms but to address the underlying allergic condition. 3 Michele Sevier DNM DAc is an educator and advocate of natural health and healing. As an independent advisor for Nutrition House, she is actively involved in many facets of integrative medicine including the formulation of specialized supplements and providing natural health solutions to the general public. Contact Michele through Nutrition House’s “Ask Our Expert” service at

“In addition to relieving seasonal allergy and hay fever symptoms, stabilized allicin as found in Allimax® is an excellent natural antiviral agent that has been proven in double blind placebo controlled studies to both PREVENT the onset of viral disease and to help remove symptoms.” Peter Josling Director, Allicin International

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Healthy Directions August/September 2009 27



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Awesome at Any Age

18 Beauty Basics

By Cynthia Brian

28 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

You’ve heard it said that “beauty is only skin deep” or “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Everyday we are bombarded by the media with images of what the current beauty rage is. I don’t know about you, but beauty magazines make me feel ugly. No matter how much I weigh, what makeup I wear, or what clothes I buy, I never look as gorgeous as the models portrayed. And yet…I am one of those models! For years, I have worked modeling, acting, appearing in print and commercials. I have a secret to share with all of you - all of us are incredibly imperfect.




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What I have discovered is that beauty is an inside job, and you can be awesome at any age, whether you are thirteen or thirty, fifteen or fifty, eighteen or eighty. When you have a positive outlook, adopt an attitude of gratitude, enjoy close relationships, tap into your spirituality, manage stress, exercise sufficiently, and eat nutritionally balanced meals, your body, mind, and spirit will glow. Makeover shows on television are prolific. Being beautiful is not about plastic surgery, your makeup, hair, and clothing styles. It’s about taking care of you, loving the person inside, being healthy, and serving others.

18 BEAUTY BASICS I have created eighteen tips for being the beautiful star you were born to be. When you adopt these simple natural strategies, you will discover the secrets of healthy, happy living showcasing your inner and outer beauty.

1. POSITIVE ATTITUDE Adopt an optimistic, adaptable, easy-going approach to life. Age is not a limitation to your ability to enjoy life.

2. RELATIONSHIPS Close relationships and strong social support systems are central to happiness.

3. SPIRITUALITY Develop an awareness of your spiritual side. Believing in something greater than yourself helps you cope.

4. EXERCISE Maintaining physical strength is essential. Weight training maintains muscle strength and bone mass as you age.

5. NUTRITION Eat moderately and sensibly. Grow your own produce. Eat a diet high in calcium, antioxidants, fruits, and vegetables. Minimize meat, saturated and hydrogenated fats, and sweets.

6. MANAGING STRESS Take deep breaths, be grateful, and employ humor.

7. NO SMOKING PLEASE Smoking ruins your skin, hair, and teeth while adding wrinkles and lines.

8. ALCOHOL IN MODERATION Wine may increase longevity, hard alcohol packs on the pounds.

9. DRINK LOTS OF WATER In addition to a healthy diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, drink several tall glasses of water daily for a fresh, clear complexion.

10. BE SUN SMART Vitamin A is important. Use plenty of sunscreen or sun block. The sun's ultraviolet rays break down the skin's collagen, which thins the skin, forming wrinkles.




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11. SLEEP TIGHT Sleep is not a luxury. Hit the pillow for seven or eight hours of quality repose and body repair. According to researchers at Stanford University, problems with memory and concentration increase without sufficient shut-eye.

12. SMILE Care for your teeth. Brush, floss, and see the dentist every six months. Avoid drinking too much coffee or red wine. Use toothpaste that has hydrogen peroxide or baking soda to maintain a white bright smile. Smiling transmits nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the limbic system, a key emotional center in the brain. The more you smile the better you feel. Smiling gives your face value.

Reflexir surpasses Glucosamine or MSM Containing a scientifically supported combination of Maca Root and Cat’s Claw, Reflexir not only reduces inflammation and symptoms related to osteoarthritis, it activates the gene responsible for rebuilding joints and bone cartilage.

13. REGULAR CHECK-UPS Visit your doctor at least once a year for a physical. For sexually active women, schedule a pap smear and mammogram according to your doctor’s recommendation.

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We have only one life in this body. Take the time to celebrate the beautiful person you are. Get a massage, take a bubble bath, slather on soothing oils. Bask in your in-born beauty. Your body is your tabernacle. Protect and honor it. Implement these beauty basics to create your own personal fountain of youth. Take a look in the mirror and admire yourself. You are a wonder of creation. Be awesome at any age!3 Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best selling author of several books, an internationally acclaimed lecturer, actor, model, TV and radio personality, and lifestyle coach. Her newest book is “Be the Star You Are! for TEENS”. Cynthia is the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501c3 charity empowering women, families, and youth through improved literacy and positive media. To book Cynthia as a speaker, coach, or writer and buy her books, contact or call 925-377-STAR. Email:



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What’s Missing in Your Fish Oil? By Mark Schneider, Certified Nutritional Practitioner These days, it's hard to find anyone who is still unaware of the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. News reports abound with studies demonstrating omega-3's importance for healthy brain, joint and cardiovascular function. Not surprisingly, omega-3 rich fish oil supplements have become the number one and fastest growing category in the natural health product industry. But, are all of these fish oil supplements really delivering on their health promises? A closer look at the majority of the products on the shelves reveals some disappointing truths about today's massmarketed fish oil supplements. First, it is important to note that while docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are important omega-3 fatty acids, they are far from the only valuable omegas in fish. Yet, nearly all conventional fish oil brands are chemically processed and manipulated to produce isolated DHA and EPA, without the naturally-occurring complement of other fatty acids and nutrients that fish have to offer.

SALMON OFFERS MORE OMEGAS Many people are unaware of the other fatty acids in salmon like omega-5, 7 and 9. Myristoleic acid (omega-5) supports normal cell growth, modulates inflammation and has anti-microbial properties. Palmitoleic acid (omega-7) protects skin and the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Omega-9 fatty acids help to maintain brain and nerve function while supporting healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If these supporting omega fatty acids are missing, you are not receiving the full spectrum of nature's benefits from fish oil. The over-processing and overheating involved in the manufacturing of fish oil supplements also results in the loss of other valuable properties, like vitamin D, E and astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant found in marine animals and microalgae that contributes to the colour of salmon flesh (a pale fish oil supplement is a good indicator that astaxanthin is lacking). Vitamin D – an

increasingly recognized and valued health protector of which salmon is listed as the most abundant natural source is also lost in processing. Some manufacturers will attempt to add synthetic antioxidants or vitamins back into the product afterwards, but the full benefits of the whole are lost forever. This extensive processing would not be necessary if not for purity and freshness challenges that come from polluted waters and long transportation times. Fish oil manufacturers often source many different types of fish stocks (with varying levels of beneficial omegas) and ship these catches over long distances from various fisheries before processing. This means that they need to employ complex, high-heat purification and distillation processes to deliver an acceptable product. Unfortunately, distillation destroys beneficial compounds that give fish oil its full value. For a fish oil supplement to realize its full health-promoting potential, it must be sourced from pure waters, minimally-processed without chemicals or extreme heat, and cold-pressed immediately after harvesting. Harsh processing to deliver purity is not required. Utilizing an extra virgin, low-heat process, the oil delivers nature's full array of 16 vital omega fatty acids and naturally-occurring nutrients, including Vitamin D and astaxanthin. As a food-grade oil produced in a government inspected facility, it is extensively tested for detectable PCB's, heavy metal contaminants, and toxins that other fish oil products must "purify" or distill out. To prevent oxidation and ensure stability, powerful herbal antioxidants like rosemary and oregano are added in supercritical extract form. Clinical studies have already validated the effectiveness of whole, cold-pressed salmon oil for reducing inflammation and LDL cholesterol, improving energy, mood and memory, and supporting digestive and joint health. So, before you buy another fish oil supplement, ask yourself where it came from, what it's gone through and what its environmental impact will be. An informed choice can make a difference for your health and the health of the planet.3

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Go Ahead, Take a Bite!

BAL’S VEGETARIAN BURGERS One day I cooked way too many kidney beans. I used some to make Kidney Bean Masala and froze the rest. On my monthly freezer-cleaning day, I discovered the beans. Once they were thawed, I had to do something with them and came up with these vegetarian burgers. The thawed kidney beans were all mashed up, so here I call for refried beans to make it easier to prepare. Many of my vegetarian friends have tried this recipe and rave about it.



One 14 oz can refried beans 1/4 cup chickpea flour 1 large red onion, finely chopped 1 tbsp. ginger, finely chopped 1 green chili, finely chopped 1 tsp. fenugreek leaves 1 tsp. Garam Masala 1 tsp. Chana Masala 1 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. grapeseed oil

In a large bowl combine the refried beans, chickpea flour, onion, ginger, green chili, fenugreek, garam masala, chana masala, and salt. Mix gently but thoroughly to combine the ingredients. Form into four small patties. Heat the oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Place the patties in the pan, making sure they aren’t touching. Cook until golden brown on both sides, about three minutes. Serve on whole wheat buns with bean sprouts and avocado, or your choice of vegetables and condiments.

32 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

Bal Arneson author of “Everyday Indian” is originally from a small village in Punjab, India. Arneson learned how to cook from her elders when she was just seven-years-old. At 20, Bal immigrated to Canada. Drawing on the culinary knowledge she gained in India, as well as, her own natural talents, in “Everyday Indian,” she shares her recipes and her fresh approach to food and cooking, which fit so well with today’s busy, health-conscious lifestyle.



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FAMILY LUNCH FAVOURITES WISH-KABOBS Use this idea as a springboard and use any healthy ingredients that you wish!

INGREDIENTS 1/2 pound lean deli ham, sliced, rolled and cut into 1 inch chunks 4 slices multi-grain bread, cut into cubes 1 cucumber, cut into chunks 1 pint cherry tomatoes 1 cup cubed Colby Jack cheese

DIPPING SAUCE 1/2 cup light ranch dressing 1/4 cup taco sauce 12 wooden skewers

INSTRUCTIONS Alternate threading ingredients on wooden skewers. If your children are old enough, let them participate in the fun. Combine ranch and taco sauce, garnish with chopped green onions and grated cheese if desired. Healthy eating expert Janis Bowers provides a weekly menu plan for Dinner Spin members: Her nutritious recipes, clever tips and timesaving tricks motivate lifelong, healthy eating habits. Along with “taste-testers” Norah and Cole, she develops each recipe with her own wholesome spin.

BERRY-MANGO SKEWERS Make fruit more attractive and fun! Get creative with these strawberry-inspired skewers.

INGREDIENTS 8 large strawberries, cut into thirds 1 mango, cut into small chunks 8 seedless green grapes 8 seedless red grapes

DIP 1/2 cup plain non-fat yogurt 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 wooden skewers, cut in half

DIRECTIONS Alternately thread strawberry slices and mango. Top each end with a grape. Combine yogurt and vanilla for optional dipping sauce. Courtesy of healthy eating expert Janis Bowers from Dinner Spin. Along with “taste-testers” Norah and Cole, she develops each recipe with her own wholesome spin. Visit: Healthy Directions August/September 2009 33



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FAMILY LUNCH FAVOURITES WATERMELON MOJO Cool off with this refreshing watermelon and guave juice mocktail.

INGREDIENTS 1/3 glass, shaker cut watermelon 1 and 1/2 oz. guava juice 1/2 oz. sour mix 1 bar spoon of sugar

DIRECTIONS Muddle watermelon and sugar then add remaining ingredients. Shake with ice and pour. Garnish with a watermelon wedge. Courtesy of Chef Michael Cressotti from SUSHISAMBA's Kids Menu. The menu, created by Executive Chef Michale Cressotti makes healthy foods appetizing and fun for kids. It's been a huge success at SUSHISAMBA and all recipes can be easily made at home. Visit:

CRISPY GRANOLA SQUARES Crisp rice cereal is fortified with B vitamins, and the carbohydrate from the marshmallows, raisons and chocolate chips can be readily fit into the meal plan of active children. Kids will love findng these squares as a surprise in their lunch.

INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup soft margarine 3 cups mini marshmallows 5 cups crisp rice cereal 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp. vanillla 1/3 cup quick-cooking rolled oats 1/3 cup unsweetened flaked coconut 1/4 cup raisons 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

DIRECTIONS In a large, heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt margarine. Add marshmallows and stir constantly untl marshmallows are melted, about ten minutes. Remove from heat, stir in rice cereal, cocoa and vanilla and mix until evenly coated. Add oats, coconut, raisons and chocolate chips and mix until evenly coated. Press evenly into prepared baking pan. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour, until firm. Cut into squares. Recipe reprinted with permission from “Canada's Best Cookbook for Kids with Diabetes,� by Colleen Bartley, published by Robert Rose Inc. 2005

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Baked Foods are Better for You!


OVEN FRENCH FRIES These fries taste scrumptious and have an impressively low fat content compared to regular french fires, saving many calories and helping decrease overall fat intake for the day.

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs. baking potatoes, peeled (about 5 large) 4 tsp. olive oil salt or seasoning salt

DIRECTIONS Cut potatoes lengthwise into 1/2-inch (1cm) strips. Soak in a large bowl of cold water for at least 15 minutes. (Or let them soak, ,refrigerated, until ready to use. Make sure they are completely immersed; so, they won’t go brown.) Drain and pat dry with paper towels. Preheat oven to 450˚F (230˚C). Spritz baking sheet with with vegetable spray. Toss potatoes with olive oil and arrange in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Turn and continue baking for 15 minutes until crisp and golden. Sprinkle with salt and serve. Recipe reprinted with permission from “Canada's Best Cookbook for Kids with Diabetes,” by Colleen Bartley, published by Robert Rose Inc. 2005

Dried cherries are now as easy to find in the grocery store as raisins, a development that makes this variation on chicken salad a simple and delicious change of pace. When your braces come off, add 1/4 cup of slivered almonds for extra pizzazz.

INGREDIENTS 1 (12.5-ounce) can (or 1 1/4 cups) cooked chicken 1/4 cup (about 3 ounces) dried cherries, presoaked in hot water for 10 minutes, then drained 1/4 cup (4 ounces) black-cherry yogurt 1 tbsp. mayonnaise

DIRECTIONS Drain the chicken and break it up into a medium-sized bowl. Add cherries, yogurt and mayonnaise. Stir together well. If you have time, let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for an hour to absorb the moisture and flavors. This serves up nicely in tiny scoopfuls on ruffled red-leaf lettuce, and is also excellent as a filling inside sliced miniature croissant rolls.

CHEF AMEE’S GOURMET TOUCH Add 1/4 cup ground almonds and 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried mint leaves to add a little bit more color and texture to this scrumptious chicken salad. Excerpted with permission from “The Braces Cookbook 2: Comfort Food with a Gourmet Touch”, by Pamela Waterman and Amee Hoge. (The Discovery Box 2009; ISBN 978-097749223-7) Visit: Healthy Directions August/September 2009 35



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Top Ingredients for

Green Cleaning

By Leslie Reichert So you’ve decided to try “greening your cleaning,” but you just don’t know where to start. And there’s also that underlying question – do green cleaners really work. One great way to get started is to get to understand the basics of green cleaning and what the ingredients do. My great-grandmother used things from her pantry, and she kept her family clean and safe while living on a dirty farm. She had four basics that she used for cleaning and these are the four basic ingredients you can use to make your own green cleaners.

1 2

DEODORIZE WITH BAKING SODA Baking soda acts as a natural scrub and deodorizer.


Salt – also acts as a scrub. You can use different salts for different types of cleaning. You can use sea salt for really tough cleaning, table salt for a gentle cleaner and kosher salt for those in between jobs.

3 4


Lemon juice is natural bleach. If you combine the lemon juice with baking soda or salt you can make your own “green soft scrub”.


Distilled white vinegar is the cornerstone to green cleaning. Vinegar can clean, disinfect and remove mold and mildew. It is the hidden treasure in your green arsenal for cleaning. A simple trick I have learned to remove the smell (which is a big reason people don’t

36 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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use it to clean) is to add a few drops of an organic essential oil directly into the vinegar, before you start to mix it with anything else.



Leslie Reichert is a “green” cleaning coach. Her mission is to teach and encourage others in the “art” of homekeeping and green cleaning. Leslie has seen scores of people who fight a daily battle with asthma and allergies, which many believe are caused by using harsh chemicals in the home. Leslie is an author, coach, presenter, and speaker for the green cleaning industry. Leslie can be contacted at her cleaning hotline at 1-866-50clean or on the web at

Another bonus item that really boosts all your green cleaners is borax. Borax is pure boron mined in Death Valley. It is a mineral that adds a boost to all your cleaning. You can add a little borax to a combination of vinegar and water and it will boost cleaning power exponentially. The only thing you need to remember about borax is to rinse if you are cleaning anywhere around food. Now that you have the basics you can start creating your own cleaners. Don’t be afraid, you really can’t hurt anything. Just remember to not use anything too abrasive on things that could scratch, like a glass topped stove or a special type of counter top. Another thing you need to watch out for is a granite counter top. The manufacturers have recommended not using vinegar on them. It’s not that white vinegar will hurt the granite – really there isn’t much that can “hurt” granite, but the acid in vinegar can break down the sealant they use on the countertop, which makes it shiny. And getting that shine back can be very expensive. So go ahead, give the basics a try. You will be very surprised at how well they clean. And don’t worry about killing germs. Vinegar and salt have been used for years to kill bacteria and to preserve food. They can handle most of the germs in your kitchen . . .or at least 99% of them.3

Make A “Green” Hand Wipe Want to make sure your childrens’ hands are clean and healthy for lunch? Pack them a “green” hand wipe. This simple recipe will keep your kids clean, and protected from bacteria without harmful alcohol products.

INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar 6 drops tea tree oil 10-12 paper towels – use a heavy duty towel

DIRECTIONS Mix the essential oil with the vinegar. The tea tree oil will cancel out the smell of the vinegar and kill bacteria. You can also add another essential oil like Lemon Grass or OrangeOrange - for a clean smell. Dip the paper towels in the mixture and wring them out so they are damp, but not dripping. Fold and place in zip lock plastic bags and write a “love note” in permanent marker on the outside. Billings Bridge Plaza 613.737.9330

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Healthy Directions August/September 2009 37



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Get Ready for By A.W Martin DC, Ph.D, RNCP, D.N.M. The H1N1 virus (swine flu) is a contagious upper respiratory infection. The media has been all over this pandemic, giving it more hype than it deserves. However, that being said you never want to take this type of virus lightly. This virus has been generally mild, but, it has caused some deaths in people with an otherwise compromised immune system. Because we live in a global village where viruses can spread rapidly, one needs to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection. Traditional medicine emphasizes the frequent washing of hands and staying out of the public if you have a cold. These things, good in themselves, will do little to truly prevent you from contracting the H1N1 virus.

38 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

I have a few suggestions which will keep your immune system functioning at a high level to minimize any risk of infection including the H1N1 virus.

A BROAD SPECTRUM PROBIOTIC TREATMENT Do a broad spectrum probiotic treatment for 30 days. Broad spectrum means a probiotic with many different strains (at least 10). Probiotics replace the bowel’s micro flora and elevate your resistance to viruses and bacteria. Far too many people today suffer from a condition called “leaky gut”. This is where the bowel’s micro flora (good bacteria) have been compromised. This is due to overuse of antibiotics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and a



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poor diet including the consumption of sugar and processed foods tend to strip away good bacteria. When this occurs one’s immune system is battered due to toxicity leaking from the bowel into the bloodstream. Probiotics are the good bacteria that are essential for: proper digestion, increased immune function, fat absorption, Vitamin D3 absorption, healthy skin, reducing acne and blemishes, diminishing exzema and psoriasis, killing the H pyloric bacteria in the stomach (often the cause of ulcers), obliterating yeast, fungus, parasites, aiding in the correction of leaky gut.

times a day and brush your gums vigorously for maximum absorption.

VITAMIN D3 The sunshine vitamin needs to be at the top of the list when it comes to a healthy immune function. In the fall, one should take 2000I.U. a day. Obviously, the best way to get Vitamin D3 is by sunbathing 1/2 hour, 3 times a week with no sunscreen on the legs and arms for maximum benefit.3

MAINTAIN AN ALKALINE PH Only in an acidic environment 6.5 or less can viruses or bacteria proliferate. Using a Ph strip (check first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth) your saliva should be 7.0. If slightly alkaline your body’s resistance will fight the virus. Many health problems are associated with being too acidic including: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, atherosclerosis, most cancers, diabetes, auto immune disease, osteoporosis and practically all degenerative diseases.

HOW TO BECOME ALKALINE? The best alkaline foods are fruits and vegetables. Every fruit, even acidic fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruits, once they hit the small intestine turn the body fluids alkaline. Increasing the fiber intake really helps one to become alkaline. Fiber sources other than fruits or vegetables include legumes, beans, lentils, oatmeal, oat bran, nuts (especially almonds), flax and hemp seed. Hemp seed is particularly good because it contains chlorophyll which is quite an alkalizer.

OIL OF OREGANO Don’t leave home without it. This antifungal, anti-viral, natural antibiotic is very effective in killing the H1N1 virus. Oil of oregano is high on antioxidant activity. Oregano has many other health benefits, such as, soothing sore throats, digestive problems, cough clearing abilities and eases breathing problems. Take several drops a day, or spray your tooth brush two

A.W Martin DC, Ph.D, RNCP, D.N.M. is the former vice president of the Ontario Chiropractic Association and the former chairman of Sports and Fitness Canada. He is also the author of several books including:“Steps to fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the Modern Woman”, “The New You - Nature’s Way”, Pycnogenol “The Bark with the Bite,” and new best seller - “Medical Crisis: Secrets Your Doctor Won’t Share With You.” For more information visit his website:


Low Energy? Joint Pain? Low Immunity? Scientists and Mother Nature finally agree on your Solution! arely does Nature reveal a therapeutic agent so incredible that medical researchers—and the people that try it—are astounded by its health enhancing benefits. Humate is such an agent. Humate is a rich organic compound composed of the biodegraded and compressed remains of ancient tropical rain forests that are over 100 million years old. Humates contain high levels of bioavailable organic acids like humic acid and fulvic acid, which are largely responsible for their life enhancing effects. Humates derived from ancient ‘freshwater’ sea beds are the most biologically diverse and powerful of all humates. Agricultural civilizations have relied on ancient sea beds as vital fertilizers for soil and ultimately, for providing nutrient-rich foods and healing nutrients.




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Healthy Directions August/September 2009 39


Page 40

5-minute workouts

Lunges For Strength and Power


Lunge Lunge

5-minute workouts

Strength Strength and and power power

easy • Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart and looking forward • Take a large step forward • Keeping the upper body upright and looking forward, bend the front leg to 90º so that the knee is over the foot • Return to the start position • Repeat with the other leg Repeat 10 times

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3:03 PM


houlder-width shoulder-width

houlder-width shoulder-width


Lunge Strength and power Lunge Strength and power

EASYmedium n n n n n

• Stand upright with feet shoulder-width

Stand upright with feet shoulder width apart and looking forward apart and looking forward Take a large forward and immediately Take a •large stepstep forward bend the front leg to 90º so that the knee Keeping the upper body upright and looking forward bend the front leg to 90°; so, that the knee is over the foot is over the foot, keeping the upper body Return upright to theand start position looking forward Repeat with the other leg Repeat• with the other leg Repeat 10 times

Repeat 10 times


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n Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart and looking forward n Take a large step forward and immediately bend the front leg to 90º so that the knee is over the foot, keeping the upper body upright and looking forward n Repeat with the other leg Repeat 10 times

40 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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HARD n n n n

Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart and looking forward Take a large step forward Keeping the upper body upright and looking forward, bend the front leg to 90°; so, the knee is over the foot From the lunge position, drive the body upward using the legs, and while in the air, swap legs and return to the lunge position with the other leg leading


Repeat 10 times for each leg

From “Fit in 5” by Greg Whyte. Copyright © 2008 by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Excerpted by permission of Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Available to order from Human Kinetics Canada at: or by calling 1-800-465-7301. Greg Whyte is the UK’s leading sport scientist and a former Olympic pentathlete. A past director of research for the Olympic Medical Institute and director of science and research for the English Institute of Sport, he is now professor of sport and exercise science at Liverpool John Moores University. Whyte has also worked as a consultant physiologist for Premiership football teams, formula one racers, and the Great Britain Olympic teams. He holds a PhD in cardiovascular physiology, an MSc in human performance, and a BSc in sport science. He is an Ironman athlete and has competed in other ultraendurance events, such as the Race Across America and swimming the English Channel.

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Natural Ways to Pamper at Home

Easy to Make, Natural, Bath Salts

By Anne Keefe


Nature has provided us with many beauty ingredients that are safe and effective. Many of them can be found in our pantry because we already buy them on a regular basis, for other things. You can easily make your own skin care and beauty products at home using pure and natural ingredients. Here are a few of the ingredients you may need for bath salt recipes and other beauty products.

This herb is wonderfully soothing to inflamed and acne prone skin because it is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is commonly diluted in rose water or witch hazel to make an astringent for the face. It also repels bug and soothes insect bites, burns and even helps you get to sleep.



Not only is it a tasty and healthy sweetener, it is good for skin. Honey is great for skin rashes and dry spots. It is especially yummy to use in lip balms for dry and chapped lips. Honey can even be used on wounds because of its natural anti-bacterial qualities; so, it can aid in healing skin as well. It makes a great healing, facial mask that can be applied as is or it can be added to a homemade cream.

This ingredient is commonly used in baths to soothe and exfoliate. The lactic acid in milk helps to slough off dead skin cells; so, that new ones can emerge. Milk can also be used to make facial masks as well.

BAKING SODA AS A FACIAL SCRUB This versatile ingredient can be used to make ant-bacterial facial scrubs. It is safe and mildly abrasive making it a good clean cleanser for all skin types including acne prone skin. Baking soda is also great for brushing your teeth.

42 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

CARROTS MAKE A FACIAL MASK Carrots are very high in vitamin A and are a source of vitamin C, folacin and potassium. Just cook them lightly and blend with a bit of honey to make a great facial mask.

BEETS CAN ADD SOME COLOUR Beet roots contain powerful antioxidants and they have a red pigment that makes them a great ingredient for making liquid blushes and lip color. You can’t get make-up more natural than that!



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Easy & Fragrant Bath Salts Relax and leave your skin feeling great. 3 cups of Epsom salts 2 cups of baking soda 1 cup of sea salt 20 drops of a fragrant essential oil, such as, lavendar, sandalwood or chamomile Mix the Epsom salts, baking soda, and sea salt. Add about twenty drops of a fragrant essential oil. Mix thoroughly. EPSOM SALTS Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England and are rich in magnesium sulfate. Absorbed through the skin, they are an inexpensive and natural way to reduce stress, treat skin problems, and draw toxins from the body. They have been used since Shakespearean times as a natural remedy for many ailments.

BATH SALT ESSENTIALS Going to the day spa may not be possible these days. However, you can pamper yourself at home. Fragrant bath salts will help you relax and leave your skin feeling great. Bath salts can make a great present for mom, a child's school teacher, or anyone celebrating a birthday. Present the bath salts in a pretty jar tied with a ribbon.3 Anne Keefe is a San Francisco Bay Area native currently residing in Danville, CA. After spending 27 years in the Dental field Anne decided to take on a different path running her own business and making products that smell great and your skin feel amazing. Using a synergistic approach in formulating products, Anne uses ingredients that soothe and protect your skin, along with natural fragrance that can transform your emotions and heal your body. Visit:

A Great Home Spa Idea!

LAVENDER, MILK & HONEY BATH 3 tbsp. dried lavender flowers 1 1â „2 cups whole milk or cream 1/3 cup honey In a blender process your lavender flowers into a fine powder. In a glass bowl, whisk together the lavender powder, milk and honey. Pour into a jar. Before use, shake jar really well and then pour half into the bath. You can store covered in the refrigerator up to one week. This recipe makes enough for two baths. *Dried lavender flowers can be found in the spice section of gourmet and specialty stores, or grow lavender in your herb garden and dry. Healthy Directions August/September 2009 43



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BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination for Allergies By Silvana Fazzolari DNM There are many aspects to the cause of allergy. Over the last 100 years, our world has undergone drastic changes. The food industry has been refining food, using artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and food additives. Atmospheric pollutants have increased exponentially. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) play a role in the incidence of increased allergy. New studies have shown that EMF from cell phone can mimic DNA signaling between the body’s cells, which can alter immune system functioning and further affect allergenic responses to foods and environmental substances. Over the past few decades, various natural modalities were developed to help alleviate symptoms associated with common allergic reactions. These methods were costly, time consuming, ineffective and often discouraging for the desperate victims of this rising epidemic. Research is currently being conducted at The Institute of Natural Health Technologies in Oakville, Ontario, to not only test for allergies, but also desensitize allergies completely without symptom Discover a powerful, state of the art approach that uses a scientific and effective method to radically eliminate all symptoms of allergy and intolerence!

I.N.H.T is proud to present a new, life-altering seminar on Food and Environment Sensitivity eliminations. AUGUST OPEN HOUSES Wednesday, Aug. 12th, 2009 SEPTEMBER OPEN HOUSES Wednesday, Sept. 9th, 2009 Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, 2009

Time: Location: Contact:

44 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 410 North Service Rd E. 2nd Floor, Oakville, ON Please call ahead to reserve a seat as seating is limited: 905-465-3830

reoccurrence. The study predicates that we are able to influence frequencies within the cells with a specific use and sequencing of frequency exposure. A unique state-of-the-art device is used to desensitize the allergens using electro stimuli, photon strobes or laser. The higher frequency of the allergen is also introduced simultaneously. The result is a neutralization of the allergen’s frequency. Once the painless procedure is complete, the body no longer seems to regard the allergen as a threat when exposed to it, therefore ceasing to produce any further adverse reactions. In postulation, this simple method simply resets the body’s cells to allow for allergen adaptation. This is not a means of manipulating the body to accept harmful substances; it’s simply a way to help the body to achieve homeostasis; so, it can differentiate between harmful and non-harmful substances. Evidence proved that virtually any allergy could be desensitized in minutes without the use of needles or drugs. The procedure is referred to as BIE (BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination). There are now over 80 clinics across Canada and the U.S. where BIE has helped thousands of individuals find complete relief from food, pet dander, mold, dust and even chemical allergy symptoms.3 Doctor of Natural Medicine Silvana Fazzolari is the Director of The Institute of Natural Health Technologies. For more information go to: or call toll free: 1(877) 393-7700.



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Loving What Is By Byron Katie

Presence Can Create Joy

“When the body talks to itself it can heal itself. Healing really can be that simple.” BodyTalk is a revolution in health care. It works gently to restore the body’s innate ability to heal, and this simple approach has proven to be so effective that BodyTalk is the fastest growing health care system in the world today.

Explore and Experience BodyTalk locate a BodyTalk Practitioner near you, call toll-free

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The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is, is what we want. If you want reality to be different than it is, you might as well try to teach a cat to bark. You can try and try, and in the end the cat will look up at you and say, “Meow.” Wanting reality to be different than it is is hopeless. And yet, if you pay attention, you’ll notice that you think thoughts like this dozens of times a day. “People should be kinder.” “Children should be well-behaved.” “My husband (or wife) should agree with me.” “I should be thinner (or prettier or more successful).” These thoughts are ways of wanting reality to be different than it is. If you think that this sounds depressing, you’re right. All the stress that we feel is caused by arguing with what is. People often say to me, “But it would be disempowering to stop my argument with reality. If I simply accept reality, I’ll become passive. I may even lose the desire to act.” I answer them with a question: Which is more empowering? — “I wish I hadn’t lost my job” or “I lost my job; what can I do now?” No one wants their children to get sick, no one wants to be in a car accident; but when these things happen, how can it be helpful to mentally argue with them? We know better than to do that, yet we do it, because we don’t know how to stop. I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality. We can know that reality is good just as it is, because when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration. We don’t feel natural or balanced. When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, kind, and fearless.

STAYING IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God’s. (For me, the word God means “reality”. Reality is God, because it rules. Anything that’s out of my control, your control, and everyone else’s control, I call that God’s business.)

A Rare Opportunity to see Byron Katie in Toronto Join Byron Katie bestselling author of Loving What Is and A Thousand Names for Joy for a powerful, weekend workshop that will take you on an incredible journey of self-discovery.

October 2 to 4, 2009 Metro Toronto Convention Centre “Katie’s work is a great blessing for our planet.” - Eckhart Tolle, author, “The Power of Now”

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Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our own business. When I think, “You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better care of yourself,” I am in your business. When I’m worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God’s business. If I am mentally in your business or in God’s business, the effect is separation. I noticed this early in 1986. When I mentally went into my mother’s business, for example, with a thought like “My mother should understand me,” I immediately experienced a feeling of loneliness. And I realized that every time in my life that I had felt hurt or lonely, I had been in someone else’s business. If you are living your life and I am mentally living your life, who is here living mine? We’re both over there. Being mentally in your business keeps me from being present in my own. I am separate from myself, wondering why my life doesn’t work. To think that I know what’s best for anyone else is to be out of my business. Even in the name of love, it is pure arrogance, and the result is tension, anxiety, and fear. Do I know what’s right for myself? That is my only business. Let me work with that before I try to solve your problems for you. If you understand the three kinds of business enough to stay in your own business, it could free your life in a way that you can’t even imagine. The next time you’re feeling stress or discomfort, ask yourself whose business you’re in mentally, and you may burst out laughing! That question can bring you back to yourself. And you may come to see that you’ve never really been present, that you’ve been mentally living in other people’s business all your life. Just to notice that you’re in someone else’s business can bring you back to your own wonderful self.

MEETING THOUGHTS WITH UNDERSTANDING A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It is not our thoughts, but the attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attaching to, often for years. Most people think that they are what their thoughts tell them they are. One day I noticed that I wasn’t breathing — I was being breathed. Then I also noticed, to my amazement, that I wasn’t thinking — that I was actually being thought and that thinking isn’t personal. Do you wake up in the morning and say to yourself, “I think I won’t think today?” It’s too late: You’re already thinking! Thoughts just appear. They come out of nothing and go back to nothing, like clouds moving across the empty sky. They come to pass, not to stay. There is no harm in them until we attach to them as if they were true. No one has ever been able to control his thinking, although people may tell the story of how they have. I don’t let go of my thoughts — I meet them with understanding. Then, they let go of me. Thoughts are like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the raindrops falling. They appear like that, and through inquiry we can make friends with them. Would you argue with a raindrop? Raindrops aren’t personal, and neither are thoughts. Once a painful concept is met with understanding, the next time it appears you may find it interesting. The next time it appears, you may find it funny. The next time, you may not even notice it. This is the power of loving what is.

The Power of Loving What is Can Transform Your Life. PUTTING THE MIND ON PAPER The first step in is to write down your judgments about any stressful situation in your life, past, present, or future — about a person you dislike or a situation with someone who angers or frightens or saddens you. (Use a blank sheet of paper; or you can go to to the section called “Do The Work,” where you’ll find a Judge-Your-Neighbour Worksheet to download and print). For thousands of years, we have been taught not to judge — but let’s face it, we still do it all the time. The truth is that we all have judgments running in our heads. Let those judgments speak out, or even scream out, on paper. We may find that even the most unpleasant thoughts can be met with unconditional love. I encourage you to write about someone whom you haven’t yet totally forgiven. This is the most powerful place to begin. Even if you’ve forgiven that person 99 percent, you aren’t free until your forgiveness is complete. The 1 percent you haven’t forgiven them is the very place where you’re stuck in all your other relationships (including your relationship with yourself). If you begin by pointing the finger of blame outward, then the focus isn’t on you. You can just let loose and be uncensored. We’re often quite sure about what other people need to do, how they should live, whom they should be with. We have 20/20 vision about others, but not about ourselves. See who you are by seeing who you think other people are. Eventually you come to see that everything outside you is a reflection of your own thinking. You are the storyteller, the projector of all stories, and the world is the projected image of your thoughts.


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Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to change the world so that they can be happy. This hasn’t ever worked, because it approaches the problem backward. Change the projector — mind — rather than the projected. It’s like when there’s a piece of lint on a projector’s lens. We think there’s a flaw on the screen, and we try to change this person and that person, whomever the flaw appears to be on next. But it’s futile to

try to change the projected images. Once we realize where the lint is, we can clear the lens itself. This is the end of suffering, and the beginning of a little joy in paradise.3 This article is an excerpt from “Loving What Is� by Byron Katie reprinted with permission. Byron Katie is the bestselling author of “Loving What Is� and “A Thousand Names for Joy�. For more information visit:






48 Healthy Directions August/September 2009





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Behaviour Issues or Food Allergies? By Raisa Weisspapir HD, DHMS, MD (Europe)

Q: My 9-year-old son suffers from severe seasonal allergies with sneezing and itchy eyes mostly in the early summer time. His food sensitivity test shows that he is highly sensitive to dairy products. He also has been diagnosed with ADD recently. His teacher complains that he is often “day-dreaming” in class and can’t finish his work on time. Can homeopathic treatment help my son?


Food allergies are very common in children. Yes, homeopathic medicine greatly relieves food and environmental sensitivities, allergies and learning problems. It can help aid children's ability to focus and improve their concentration.

TYPES OF FOOD ALLERGY There are basically two types of food allergies: immediate and delayed ( IgE-mediated and non-IgE mediated in medical terms). An immediate reaction occurs within minutes of eating a food and consists of hives, swelling of the lips, face and eyes or difficulty breathing. The latter reaction can be very serious and must be treated immediately. Common foods that can cause this are shrimp and nuts. The second type of reaction is a delayed one, called food sensitivity. Symptoms may vary from painful and bloated stomach to feelings of fatigue. It may occur hours or even 2-3 days after eating a certain food. The most common symptoms are hay fever, sinus congestion, itching eyes, and abdominal discomfort. The unusual symptoms may also include behavioral problems.

RECOGNIZING BEHAVIOR REACTIONS TO FOODS Because of the body’s delayed response it’s difficult to make an association with a specific food. Further more, we are used to thinking that an allergic reaction might appear as a skin rash. However, being exposed to certain kinds of foods, chemicals, pollen or mold, the reaction can be manifested in mental, emotional and behavior spheres. Have you ever noticed that your child reacts differently after certain meals, especially after “junk food snacks”? Does your child behave differently on the days he/she eats candy, peanut butter, popcorn, pizza or soft drinks? Have you seen any differences after a party? Just think how do birthday parties, Christmas and Valentine’s Day affect your child? Remember what happens during Halloween when kids eat lots of candy? Perhaps, you’ve seen kids being a little “hyper,” acting silly, throwing tantrums and yelling loudly?

SIGNS OF A POTENTIAL FOOD SENSITIVITY Children can display a number of actions which can and may be signs of a potential food sensitivity. They may act as if they are “spaced out” or appear sleepy and become tired quickly. Some may be fidgety and can’t sit still or react by pushing, biting, kicking, or punching. Lapses in their concentration may be present or they may not be able to stay focused or respond normally to advice or instructions. Hyperactivity, depression, fatigue, headaches, abdominal discomfort are other potential symptoms, as are, silliness, irritability, aggression, falling asleep after eating, persistent yawning and impulsiveness.

FOOD THAT MAKES KIDS SENSITIVE It is known that children often have an intense craving for the foods to which they are most sensitive. This sensitivity could be towards a variety of foods based on a child’s individuality. For example, dairy products can make some children hyperactive or mean, some kids might turn blue with asthma, and others might develop headaches, weakness, or wet their bed.

HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM In my experience, homeopathic medicine combined with life style changes, special elimination/rotation diets and some supplements (like Vitamin C) are very important to keep a child healthy. Homeopathy gently works for every child individually, helping the body to heal itself. It balances a child mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.3 To find out more visit: This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or if you symptoms persist. 50 Healthy Directions August/September 2009



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An Age-Old Conundrum for a 21st-Century Woman

By Dini Petty When I turned sixty, I figured I was old enough to give advice. A few years later, I realized I was old enough to take my own advice and that's the hard part. No one wants your advice, what we want to hear is how you agree with my position, whatever it is. That coupled with the truism, "You only teach what you need to learn" brings me to lessons for the 21st Century Woman. This is the advice I find myself giving most often and the advice/lesson I keep teaching/learning over and over again. "Slow down" is the phrase I use most often for my friends and myself. We have fast food, instant messaging, speed dialing and a recognition that instant gratification, takes too long. We move as fast as we can, having been convinced we can have it all, do it all and multi task our way to wherever it is we are rushing to. Multi tasking is impossible. Your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. You can read this and comprehend it, stop reading and text/email someone a message and then stop that and continue a conversation but you can only focus on one thing at a time. So, you’re not multitasking, you’re changing your focus every minute or two, which is exhausting and ineffective. We run as fast as we can because we learned that's the way to do it from the work alcoholics/over achievers who came before us. So, we focus our attention on where we are going, what we have do next and our inner dialog sound like a curling game: "Hurry, Hurry,

Hurry." We teach this to our children as we over schedule their lives, spending ours driving them around. In recognition of this hurried child /parent relationship there is a new series of bedtime tales, " The One Minute Story." Now that kind of says it all. We all have this "not enough time problem" as we propel ourselves into becoming overactive underachievers but what to do about it? Recognizing you have the problem is step one. Step two, you could try out this mantra I've been using for a few years now. I've written about this before but its worth repeating and it's not that I get anymore or any less done in a day but I do it with a slightly different attitude and it does slow me down. At first you'd hear me in my car, repeating it out loud over and over, drilling it into my mind like the lyrics from a favourite song. Then, I found myself using it in stores with frantic salespeople, "Sorry, I'll be with you in a minute," I reply to, "It's okay, I have all the time in the world." Once a sales woman stopped, and turned back to me, smiled and shook her head, "I've done this job for twenty years and never heard anyone say that." One last thought on what it is we are all rushing to get or be. The question often asked is "Is the glass is half full or half empty?� Perhaps, the glass is just two or three times the size it needs to be.3



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54 Healthy Directions August/September 2009

Energy AD

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Dr Peter Ou , earned his PhD in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology from University of London (UCL), is one of pioneer researchers on antioxidant effect on Type-II diabetes in London Guys’ Hospital and UCL, UK. Dr. Ou was a former medical doctor from China, and currently is a chief formulator and scientific advisor for development of Glucoless and other Maplelife brand products.

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The last thing you should worry about is your prostate. As men age, testosterone and dihydrotesterone (DHT, a dangerous and potent form of testosterone) play a role in the enlargement of the prostate. Testosterone is converted to DHT by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase 2. This enzyme decreases testosterone levels while increasing DHT levels, thereby enlarging the prostate gland. PROSTATE PERFORM restricts the production of this enzyme.

prostate perform is the natural solution for better prostate health. Get peace of mind and a good night’s sleep! P r ev en ti o n & C ur e

New Roots Herbal’s PROSTATE PERFORM is the natural approach that offers relief in 3–7 days! PROSTATE PERFORM is effective in stopping the urgency, the low volume, the frequency and the strain of urination. Now you can sleep all night, and enjoy a stress-free day because you’ve discovered the formula that works.

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