Healthy Directions Feb/Mar 2011

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FEB/MAR 2011


Pomegranate for Heart Health



Top 10 Tips for Heart Health

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In This Issue: H E A R T H E A LT H

A D i e t a r y a n d We i g h t - L o s s A p p r o a c h 8


Aid Blood Vessels, Angina and High Blood Pressure 12

10 D I E T C H A N G E S F O R A H E A LT H Y H E A R T

Fabulous Olive Oil, Salmon, Avocado and more... 14


Fibre, Exercise and Low GI Foods 16


Food Selection, Caloric Intake, Sleep, Stress & Activity 30


Discover Holy Basil for Heart Health

D O I N E E D T O D E T OX ?


P r o t e c t Yo u r H e a l t h & F e e l Yo u r B e s t 20


Whole Foods Cleanse 24


How Much are You Exposed?


Join t he Journey to Better Healt h 18


Warning Signs and Tips for Parents 32



Enjoy a Healthy Holiday & Keep Food Fresh at Home 35


Lycopene, Vitamin E, and Selenium 36


Methods and Misconceptions 38


Prevention from Adolescence to Post-Menopause

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28 F O O D PA S S I O N S

Igniting the Senses with Foods and Recipes 26


Creamy Split Pea Soup with Meyer Lemon Zest and Thyme Thai Shrimp and Squash Soup Saffron Yellow Bell Pepper Soup 28


Salmon and Potato Strata Chickpea, Avocado & Pea Shoot Salad Appetizer Endive Salad


Healthier Living in Environmental Harmony 40

T H E C L I M A T E C H A N G E & H E A LT H C O N N E C T I O N

How Climate Change May Create Health Issues


MAKE IT N ATURAL D o - I t - Yo u r s e l f P r o j e c t s 33


Love Potion and Relax & De-Stress


Fitness Routines and Inspiration 22


Crescent Lunge Pose Tree Pose


T H E PA T H T O H A P P I N E S S Finding Joy and Inner Peace 42

T H O U G H T S O N LOV E A Recipe for Loving Kindness

and a Chocolate Meditation

6 7 21 41 41



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Editor ’s Note “The doctor of the future will

give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - thomas a. Edison

This Valentine’s Day pop open a pomegranate, get amourous about almonds and enjoy a succulant Salmon and Potato Strata (page 28) to show your heart, just how much you care. If you’re not sure how to get the seeds out of a pomegranate, find a great underwater approach in the article The Heart Health Benefits of Pomegranate (page 8). Looking for a few more ways to start eating a heart healthier diet? Elveta Cole BA, Nutritionist has ten in Ten Diet Changes for a Healthy Heart. This issue offers many approaches to heart health including dietary changes, exercise, stress reduction and weight-loss. We have also included recipes for a heart-friendly Valentine’s Day dinner, some sensational soup recipes, an article on how to make your own massage oils and meditations on both loving kindness and chocolate. Miss an issue of our magazine? Read us on Facebook. Look us up as: Healthy Directions Magazine

Yours in health and happiness,

at Healthy Directions we offer researched information that contributes to living a healthy life in mind, body and spirit, as well as, a more Earth-friendly existence. Editor Charleen Wyman Contributing Writers Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD, Elveta Cole, BA, Nutritionist, Rahima Hirji, ND, Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD(c), Raisa Weisspapir, HD, DHMS, MD (Europe), Vivienne Guy, ND, Martin Kirk, Michelle Honda, PhD, Terry Walters, Donna-Marie Pye, Terry Walters, Mary Sue Waisman, Mark Schneider, Erika Buckley, BSc, ND, Traci Dalrymple, Ryan Ramdeo, H.B.Sc., Heather Caruso, B.Sc., DHMS, HD, Alexander Mostovoy, HD, DHMS, BCCT, and Courtney Sunday Editorial:

Written contributions and photos are welcome. However, all content is subject to editorial review.

Charleen Wyman, BA Journalism, BA English Editor, Healthy Directions

Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing, six times a year. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1488-6308 Important: Always seek the opinion of your medical doctor before starting any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held liable should this advice not be followed.

6 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

February/March 2011 Vol. 12 No. 1

Advertising Sales: Jon Cousins 1-877-276-1849 Check out our website: Become a fan and read back issues on Facebook: Look us up as: Healthy Directions Magazine

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OUR CONTRIBUTORS Vivienne Guy, ND is the clinic owner of Kilborn Naturopathic & Wellness Centre in Ottawa where she leads a team of healthcare professionals. They have vast experience in addressing the health needs of all ages, from pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, children to teenagers, adults and senior adults. E-mail: or call (613) 738-8000. Visit:

michelle Honda, PhD practices at Renew You Holistic Health in Ancaster/West Hamilton. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. For more information visit: Call: (905) 304-0111. Blog:

Erika Buckley, BSc, ND can be found at her clinic, Aqua Vitalis Naturopathic. She provides family-focussed healthcare to the entire Durham Region with a practice in Whitby. Please visit her website and health blog at or give her a call at (905) 666-3826.

Connie D’astolfo, DC, PhD(c) is the president of SPINEgroup® Med Rehab in Vaughan. D’Astolfo is pursuing a PhD at York University. Her interests include chronic disease prevention and management, spinal disorders and evaluation. She has several published peer reviewed articles and is a chapter author for a clinical text.

rahima Hirji, ND has a practice at Target Therapeutics in Kitchener where she enjoys working with pediatric patients and has a special interest in womens’ health, infertility and autoimmune diseases. Visit: www. or call 519-593-2354.

raisa Weisspapir is a homeopathic doctor specializing in pediatrics and general family health problems. She is a member of the Homeopathic Medical Council of Canada and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. Weisspapir is a European trained medical doctor with over 20 years of medical experience. She welcomes your questions at (416) 227-1485 or

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The Heart Health Benefits of

POMEGRANATE By Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD

The slippery, garnet-red seeds of the pomegranate (dried and used in India as a spice) started to attain notoriety as a gourmet health food back in the ‘90s, when studies first linked them to heart and prostate health. These days, pomegranate is mega-trendy, and you can find it flavoring everything from water to popsicles to cocktails. It is also mega-healthy. Every bit of it. The seeds, pulp, skin, root, flower – even the bard from the pomegranate tree – are all brimming with polyphenols, diseasefighting antioxidants found in plants. (Pomegranate seed extracts and juice have two to three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea, those antioxidant superstars.) But while many foods and spices are rich in polyphenols, pomegranate is one of the few that is a top source of several varieties – flavonoids, anthocyanins, ellagic acid, punicic acid, and many others. Hundreds of scientific studies confirm that this natural pharmacy of polyphenols may help prevent or treat a variety of diseases, including three leading killers: heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

SMOOTH SAILING FOR BLOOD VESSELS Heart attacks and strokes combined kill more North Americans than any other health problem. The cause: arteries leading to the heart and brain become clogged with plaque, a deadly stew of cholesterol and ruined cells, thickened by inflammation and oxidation. The medical name for this circulatory disaster: atherosclerosis. The name of a plant so powerful it can prevent and reverse the problem? Pomegranate. Reversing arterial plaque. Israeli researchers studied 20 people with atherosclerosis in the carotid artery – the artery in the neck that supplies blood to the brain. (A blockage in this artery produces a stroke.) Ten drank pomegranate juice and 10 didn’t. After one year, those drinking the juice had a 30 percent decrease in arterial plaque, while those not drinking the juice had a 9 percent increase. The results were reported in Clinical Nutrition. Researchers at the University of Chicago studied 189 people (ages 45 to 74) with one or more risk factors for heart disease, such as, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. They divided them into two groups: one group drank eight ounces of pomegranate juice a day and the other didn’t. After one year, those in the study with the highest risk for heart disease – with the highest total cholesterol, highest LDL cholesterol, highest triglycerides, and highest level of several other risk factors – had a much slower growth rate of arterial plaque if they were in the group drinking pomegranate juice. The findings were in the American Journal of Cardiology.

REVIVING DAMAGED HEARTS Doctors from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) studied 45 people (average age, 69) with heart disease. Nearly half had suffered heart attacks, most had high blood pressure, and nearly all had high cholesterol. They were all taking several drugs to battle heart disease, including cholesterol-lowering statins, blood thinners, and blood 8 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

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pressure drugs. The researchers divided them into two groups. For three months, one group drank eight ounces a day of pomegranate juice, while the other group drank a placebo juice. At the beginning and end of the three months, the doctors gave both groups a myocardial perfusion test – a type of “stress test” that uses a CAT scan to measure blood flow (ischemia) to the heart during exercise. After three months, the group drinking pomegranate juice had a 17 percent increase in blood flow to the heart, while the placebo group had a decrease of 18 percent. And those are important test results: a study shows that the best predictor of whether or not a person with heart disease will have a heart attack is the amount of blood flow to the heart as measured by a myocardial perfusion test!

LESS ANGINA The UCSF researchers also found that episodes of angina (intense chest pain) decreased by 50 percent in the pomegranate group, while increasing by 38 percent in the non-pomegranate group. The findings were reported in the American Journal of Cardiology.

INCREASING NITRIC OXIDE The delicate lining of the arteries is called the endothelium. There, a thin layer of endothelial cells pump out nitric oxide (NO), a compound that fights oxidation and inflammation, keeping arteries flexible and young. Some experts think that a low level of nitric oxide is the primary cause of atherosclerosis. Researchers from the University of Naples in Italy and UCLA conducted several studies testing the effect of pomegranate on nitric oxide. They found pomegranate juice was far more potent than Concord grape juice, blueberry juice, red wine, vitamin C, and vitamin E (all powerful antioxidants) at protecting nitric oxide against oxidative destruction.

LOWER HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Israeli researchers asked people with high blood pressure to drink a small amount of pomegranate juice every day. After two weeks, they had a 5 percent drop in systolic blood pressure (the upper reading). They also had a 31 percent decrease in the activity of the enzyme (angiotensinconverting enzyme, or ACE) targeted by the pressure-lowering, ACE-inhibiting medications.

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HOW TO BUY POMEGRANATE The only time to enjoy fresh pomegranate seeds is when the fruit is in season, from October to January. The fruit is picked ripe and can range in size from an apple to a large orange. The largest and heaviest should give you the juiciest seeds. Look for fruit free of cracks and soft spots, with a bright skin color (which can vary from pink to red). Pomegranates will stay fresh at room temperature for several weeks before drying out, but will retain their moisture better and longer in the refrigerator. They should stay fresh in the refrigerator for a month or longer. The seeds can be frozen and will keep for six to nine months. You can only find anardana in an Indian market or perhaps a specialty spice shop. Anardana (dried pomegranate seed) is available dried or ground. The dried seeds are dark red with a black tinge. They will keep indefinitely. Soak them in water to soften them. Ground seeds keep for a year or longer if stored in an airtight container away from moisture and heat. Find pomegranate molasses in Middle Eastern, Armenian, or Indian markets. The molasses is easy to keep and doesn’t need refrigeration. If it gets too thick, sit the bottle in hot water for a few minutes.

IN THE KITCHEN WITH POMEGRANATE The inside of a pomegranate is mostly all seeds, which are layered in two chambers. The key to getting delicious seeds is to avoid the pulpy and bitter pith and connecting membranes. The easiest way to open the fruit and remove the seeds – and avoid stains – is to do it underwater at the kitchen sink. The first step is to put on an apron. Then start by placing the fruit on a paper towel. Make a single cut around the circumference using a sharp knife. Be careful not to cut deeper than the skin. Place the scored fruit in a large bowl filled with water and break it open while holding it underwater. Rub your fingers across the seeds to separate them from the yellow membrane. As they separate, the seeds will float to the top. Use a strainer to retrieve them and transfer to a bowl. To make juice, put the seeds in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Press the liquid through a strainer to remove the fiber. One medium pomegranate will provide about 1 cup of seeds and ½ cup of juice. You can sprinkle pomegranate seeds on almost any prepared food that would benefit from sweet flavor and crunchy texture. Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD, earned his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, and did a postdoctoral fellowship in endocrinology at the University of California Medical Center, San Francisco. Since 1989, Dr. Aggarwal has been with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, where he is currently professor of cancer research, biochemistry, immunology and experimental therapeutics. 10 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

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Ten Diet Changes for a

Healthy Heart

Here’s How to Love Your Heart. By Elveta Cole BA, Nutritionist, Holistic Lifestyle Consultant February is Heart Month and the perfect time to get the heart in check. A heart-healthy diet can help keep our blood vessels clear of plaque, and help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, which includes heart attack, congestive heart failure, and congenital heart disease. One of the biggest culprits of cardiovascular disease is high cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, a waxy-like substance made in the liver, which is also derived from the foods found in all animal tissues, including meat, fish, poultry, egg yolk and dairy products. The body needs a small amount of cholesterol to function properly. But we tend to get too much saturated fat and cholesterol in our diet and both raise levels of LDL “bad” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can cause plaque to build up in arteries to become narrow and clogged, leading to heart disease. HDL “good” cholesterol, on the other hand, helps clear bad cholesterol from your blood. To lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, start with your diet by eating foods that are high in fibre and lower in fat and salt. Here’s how to kick-start your way toward a heart-healthy diet and optimal health.



The Mediterranean diet has long been linked to heart health and longevity, this monounsaturated fat has been researched extensively to lower bad LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Olive oil helps the body’s heart remain healthy and also aids in regulating cholesterol levels. A study that looked at cardiovascular disease incidences across the globe showed that while men in Crete had a predisposition for high cholesterol levels, relatively few died of heart disease because their diet focused on heart-healthy fats found in olive oil (Kromhout D, Keys A, Aravanis C, et al. Food 12 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

Consumption Patterns in the 1960s in seven countries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989). Helpful Hint: There are three main grades of olive oil: extra virgin olive oil (the least processed), virgin olive oil, and pure olive oil.





Try to eat a rainbow of colourful foods at mealtime. Antioxidants in these foods are proven to provide important benefits. Foods enriched with plant sterols, such as, some margarine spreads, yogurts, and other foods, can also help lower LDL cholesterol. They also have a wealth of vitamins and minerals, such as. vitamin C and folic acid, and they’re an important source of fibre. Pass the Cauliflower. According to a study by The Journal of the American Medical Association, cauliflower lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease (Kaumudi J. Joshipura, ScD; Alberto Ascherio, MD; JoAnn E. Manson, MD, et al.JAMA. 1999). As a member of the cruciferous family, cauliflower has been shown in studies to decrease the occurrence of stroke (George Mateljan, World's Healthiest Foods and cardiovascular support, 2011). Cauliflower also has a high vitamin C content that combats free radical damage to the arteries and prevents the build-up of artery clogging cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Helpful Hint: Choose more oranges, bananas, and mushrooms because they are high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and salmon can effectively help reduce blood pressure. Fish is low in saturated fat

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and high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. They may also help lower cholesterol, slowing the growth of plaque in arteries. Other fatty fish, such as, mackerel, tuna, trout, herring and sardines are also good for your heart. Helpful Hint: Adding a fourounce serving of fish like these to your menu twice a week is a great way to get more omega-3 fatty acids into the diet.



Skinless chicken or turkey is a terrific lean protein to add to your diet for better health. Chicken is low in fat and calories, and can be very tasty when prepared with low fat methods using herbs, such as, roasting. Protein is needed for the muscles, one of which is your heart. Turkey has some great health and heart benefits when it is included in your diet. It is a lean protein, and it contains tryptophan, which can help you relax, helping to lower the stress hormones the body produces.






A great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, avocados have been proven to help lower LDL levels while increasing the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. Compared to other fruits, avocado has more beta-sitosterol (a plant-based fat). An Australian study showed that beta-sitosterol has the ability to block the bad LDL from the intestine, thereby, lowering blood cholesterol levels.




Oats have a much higher concentration of well-balanced protection than other cereals. They are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. Rich in soluble fibre, oats contribute to healthy cholesterol levels, reduce hypertension or high blood pressure, and lower LDL and help keep arteries clear.







Like olive oil, nuts have been proven to be an excellent source of good fats which protect the heart and increase fiber in the diet. Cashews and walnuts are especially high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. Almonds supply heart-healthy nutrients, such as, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin E.

Loaded with fiber and packed with omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and soluble fibre, legumes are also good sources of protein and contain less fat and no cholesterol. Try to include garbanzo beans, kidney beans and black beans in the diet regularly.

Berries, such as, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and gogi berries are excellent for your health because they are full of anti-inflammatories and important heart-healthy nutrients, such as, fibre, vitamin C, potassium and folate. Strawberries may support heart health. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a ten year long Women`s Health Study of approximately 27,000 women and their dietary intake of strawberry. Lead researcher Dr. Sesso looked at levels of strawberry consumption and several risk factors for heart disease. The findings revealed women who ate the most strawberries – two or more servings per week – compared to those who reported eating none in the past month, were 14 percent less likely to have elevated C-reactive protein levels – a blood biomarker that signals the presence of inflammation in the body.


Substitute herbs and spices for table salt. Avoid mixed seasonings and spice blends that include salt or garlic salt. Reducing salt will help you to prevent high blood pressure. This in turn may reduce your risk of coronary heart disease. Also, look out for the salt content if you buy ready-made foods, as these are often high in salt.

Elveta Cole, BA, C.E.O., Nutritionist, Holistic Lifestyle Consultant worked as a nurse for many years which allowed her to see the importance of good healthy living and proper nutrition. She decided to pursue her passion for holistic nutrition; now she is currently the founder of Spring Valley Healthcare Services where she provides home healthcare, post discharge care and nutritional support to clients throughout the GTA, Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Mississauga and Oakville. As a Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Consultant, Elveta helps individuals make dietary and lifestyle choices that will have profound and long lasting effects on the quality of their life. Email:



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Getting Control Over


By Rahima Hirji, ND Diabetes is a chronic disease that arises from the body’s inability to produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is the hormone we make in order to use sugar as an energy source. When there is not enough insulin, or the cells in the body don’t respond to insulin, the sugar continues to circulate in the bloodstream causing damage to the body’s internal organs. There are three types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually affects children or adolescents and it occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Type 2 occurs when the pancreas does not produce insulin or when the insulin produced is not used properly by the body. Although Type 2 diabetes usually occurs in adults, increasing numbers of children are being diagnosed. The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes and this type occurs in pregnant women. It is a temporary condition but increases the risk of mother and child to develop diabetes later in life. Diabetes is a serious illness. If left untreated, it can lead to other serious health conditions, including kidney disease, eye disease or nerve damage. It can also increase the risk of developing heart disease. In fact, research shows that having diabetes doubles your risk of developing heart disease or stroke. People with diabetes also tend to develop heart disease earlier than other people. The treatment for Type 1 diabetes is insulin. Since the body doesn’t make insulin, insulin needs to be provided from an external source. For Type 2 diabetes, modification of lifestyle factors is key. Factors, such as, obesity, inactivity and smoking can be significant risk factors in developing the disease; so, changing eating habits, losing weight and quitting smoking can significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes and can also be tremendous factors in treating or reversing the illness. Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise are, by far, the two most important factors in the treatment of this condition. Maintaining a healthy weight, or losing weight if you are overweight, can seem daunting, but if you start with small steps, the weight will start to come off. It often helps to think of it as a “Health Maintenance Plan” as opposed to a “Weight-Loss Plan” or “Diet”. Start by increasing the amount of fibre you eat. Fibre reduces the glycemic index or GI of foods. GI is a measure of how quickly foods become converted into sugar in the body. The longer it takes to convert the food into sugar, the lower the GI and consequently, the 14 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

less insulin the body needs to use that food effectively. Low GI foods also help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Increase fruits and vegetables and other whole foods like nuts, good fats and whole grains in the diet. These foods are usually lower in GI and provide nutrients and antioxidants the body requires to fight illness and stay healthy. Reducing alcohol, refined foods and sweets are also important. When dealing with diabetes, it is also important to eat small meals more frequently. Eating low GI meals and snacks every three hours helps to keep the blood sugar levels stable. This is not only good for blood sugar control but also for encouraging fat loss. Also, when trying to lose weight, be accountable. Keep a food journal to see what you are actually eating and weigh yourself weekly to track progress. Incorporating an exercise plan into your life can be equally simple. Start by taking daily walks for 30 minutes. Once you fall into a routine, start incorporating exercises that build strength, increase flexibility and endurance. Finding an exercise buddy is also very helpful. Many studies have shown that having a partner to exercise with increases the likelihood that you will exercise regularly. Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle can help reduce blood sugar levels but its benefits go beyond blood sugar control. Regular exercise can reduce blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol and the risks of developing heart disease. These benefits are achieved even if significant weight loss is not. Although the benefits of regular exercise are irrefutable, it is important that if you have not been active or if your blood sugar level is very high, that you consult with a healthcare practitioner before embarking on an exercise plan. Other factors like quitting smoking will also help reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Herbs, such as, bitter melon, gymnema silvestre and cinnamon and supplements like chromium, to name a few, can also help to prevent or treat diabetes and can be taken on the advice of a naturopathic doctor or other qualified healthcare practitioner. Rahima Hirji, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor at Target Therapeutics in Kitchener. She has an eclectic practice where she enjoys working with pediatric patients and has a special interest in weight loss, womens’ health and infertility. Check out her website at www. or call 519-593-2354.

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A Guided, Approach to


By Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD(c) The obesity pandemic in Canada and link to chronic diseases has been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Worldwide, more than 1 billion adults are overweight with at least 300 million being clinically obese. Moreover, over 22 million children, now over the age of five, are estimated to be overweight. Obesity is also associated with a sedentary lifestyle which now ranks among the ten leading causes of death and disability worldwide. The 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) reported that 23.1% of Canadians (5.5 million) aged 18 or older were obese (having a BMI over 30). An additional 36.1% (8.6 million) were overweight (having a BMI between 25 - 29.9) and almost 2/3 (59.2%) of Canadians are overweight or obese. Recent research confirms that the risk of death is directly related to Body-MassIndex (BMI), waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio. The good news is that weight reduction results in reduced mortality risk. Weight gain, particularly around the mid section has 16 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

life-threatening complications including the risk for Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke. There is also an increased risk of breast, colon, prostate, endometrium, kidney and gallbladder cancer. Non-fatal, but debilitating health problems associated with obesity include: respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems including arthritis and back pain, skin problems and infertility. Not surprisingly, addressing the underlying lifestyle behaviours of obesity — overeating and inactivity — has had a major impact on reducing the cumulative incidence of diabetes. Effectively combating obesity requires a shift in food choices with increased physical activity. Maintaining a healthy weight is dependent on five key factors: food selection, caloric intake, sleep, stress and activity. Your food selections should focus on whole grains, EFAs and mono-unsaturated fats, fruits, vegetables and lean protein sources. Try to select organic, wild and free range (grass or grain fed) whenever possible and eat fish rich in omega oils, such as, salmon, mackerel and anchovies at least 2 times a week. An easy rule to remember in terms of caloric intake is the 10 servings rule. This means eating 4 daily servings of quality protein and fats (serving size is the size of your palm), 3 servings of complex carbohydrates (3 cups) and 3 servings of fruits. New research indicates that you should not sleep more or less than 7 hours per night. Any less or more will lead to weight gain. Mitigate your stress levels through exercise, relaxation, meditation, yoga, vacations and nutritional supplementation. Vitamin C and multi Bs are great vitamins that combat stress producing cortisol in the body. Lastly, exercicse – at least 30 minutes a day. Health benefits of regular exercise are overwhelmingly documented. Make walking and/or cycling part of your daily routine. Whatever you choose, remember to address all five factors and you will be on your way to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk for many chronic diseases. Individualized weight management plans can help you reach your weight-loss goals. They are designed to strengthen your metabolic system and ensure rapid weight loss while preserving and building your muscle tone. Seek programs that include vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals to support your weight loss, cognitive behavioural therapy to address food addiction (centered on self-care and motivation) and strength training with the aid of whole body vibration technology. Connie D’Astolfo, DC, PhD(c) is the director of SPINEgroup® Med-Rehab. The clinic is located in Vaughan ON. You can visit our website at or contact our client care representative at 905-850-7746 for more information on our clinical programs including our popular Weight Management Program.

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Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight • Don’t starve yourself. • Prepare your own meals and snacks. • Read labels - watch out for added sugar, salt (sodium), and ingredients you can’t pronounce (additives and preservatives). • Eat smaller portions and leave something on the plate. • Eat almost nothing from a box, can, or plastic container. • Eat 5 – 6 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Forget the fruit juice - just eat the fruit. • Eat whole grains - complex carbohydrates only. Choose healthy grains, such as, spelt, kamut and quinoa. • Minimize animal fat intake (saturated fats) with the exception of coconut oil. • Drink plenty of filtered water. You can also drink green and/or black tea every day. • Exercise and have fun doing it! • Plan at least one social event with friends or family per week. • Take vitamins, minerals or nutraceuticals to supplement your diet and support your body’s various systems.

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Allergies and

Juvenile Arthritis

By Raisa Weisspapir, HD, DHMS, MD (Europe) Juvenile arthritis is a form of rheumatoid arthritis that occurs in childhood and adolescence (before the age of sixteen). The disease primarily affects the joints, but can also cause heavy damage to organs and systems, such as, the heart, blood vessels, skin, eyes, and peripheral nerves. Unfortunately, it's one of the most persistent childhood diseases. It may take a mild form, however at times it can lead to serious complications. It affects one in one thousand Canadian children under 16 years old. More girls than boys are affected and its severity differs from child to child.

“MYSTERY� CAUSES It is considered to be an autoimmune disease, when the body attacks its own tissues. In this case the immune system behaves as if some normal part of a child's body is actually a foreign substance. As a result, it mistakenly attacks his/her joints, causing the symptoms of painful juvenile arthritis. Some researchers feel that the disease may have a genetic basis. It seems to occur more often in some families than in others. Other researchers think that bacteria or viruses may cause it, such as, mycoplasma pneumonia. Environmental factors may also be involved in the development of the disease. 18 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

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ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Pollen, dust, mold, animal, food allergens, chemical, or infectious agents may all be capable of triggering symptoms. Such chemical triggers to be considered are: sulphites (preservatives in some foods and alcohols), artificial sweeteners, food dyes, fragrances, natural gas, chlorine, formaldehyde, paint fumes, products containing phenol, fabric softeners, insecticides, air fresheners, new carpet odours and new-car smells, scented candles, plug-ins, tobacco, odours emanating from soaps and shampoos and conditioners, as well as VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) smells from mouldy, musty places.

for reducing inflammation. Red tart cherries can relieve pain and inflammation too. Go organic to limit your child's exposure to toxins as much as possible. Chemicals, such as, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), phthalates, bovine growth hormones, chlororganic pesticides, DDT and others have been linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Include more sulphurcontaining foods, such as, asparagus, garlic and onions. Sulphur is needed for the repair and rebuilding of bone and for better absorption of calcium. Avoid the nightshade vegetables

(peppers, eggplant, tomatoes), because the substance solanine may cause pain and discomfort. Eliminate milk and dairy products, as well as, any food your child is sensitive to. Let your child spend more time outdoors getting fresh air and sunshine. It helps with synthesis of vitamin D, which is also needed for proper bone formation. Homeopathy can also gently help to relieve acute inflammation of joints and aid the immune system. For more information visit:

CAN FOODS CAUSE ARTHRITIS? Yes, joint pain can be a delayed manifestation of a food sensitivity. Sometimes, joint pain can appear only in 48 to 72 hours after the meal. The most common foods known to produce allergic arthritis include: cow's milk, wheat, eggs, corn, beef, pork, chicken, nuts, tomato, chocolate, alcohol, and citrus. Surprisingly, pork allergy may be a trigger for juvenile arthritis. Meats in general appear to be notorious for triggering arthritic pain; that is why many specialists recommend a plant-based diet. Cow-milk contains at least 30 protein components that may provoke antibody response.

ARE THERE WARNING SIGNS? Small children with arthritis do not always complain of pain. Sometimes, the only initial clue to arthritis may be that the child is: stiff upon awakening in the morning or after a nap, limping or walking on toes, gets tired quickly while walking and wants to be carried, has long-lasting ”growing pain” at night or has a swollen joint after a viral infection. A child is generally diagnosed with juvenile arthritis if the signs and symptoms of arthritis (swelling, redness, stiffness and warmth in the joints) last more than six weeks.

TIPS FOR PARENTS Make raw foods part of your child’s daily diet – raw foods contain enzymes that aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. For example, fresh pineapple contains bromelain - an enzyme excellent Healthy Directions February/March 2011 19

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Approaches to Spring Detox

Whole Food Cleanse Do I Need to Detox?

By Vivienne Guy, ND Does the idea of a detox sound extreme or a little bit daunting? Do you think “Rehab” and not just a trip to the whole foods section of your grocery store? What if you don't drink alcohol in excess and you mostly eat well? Do you still need to detox? Maybe, you do. Toxins may enter your system through the air, chemicals in food, drugs and they may come from allergic reactions. It doesn't matter how they get in, it matters just that they get out again. But why the need to detox? Doesn't the body know what it is supposed to be doing? Yes indeed, toxins move in the body through blood and get filtered through the liver for processing out of the body to prevent damage. But with chronic exposure in daily life, the liver can get congested and sluggish. This results in the liver not performing at its best and we can experience problems. Ask yourself some questions. Do I feel sluggish? Do I suffer from skin rashes or eczema? Do I eat fried food and junk food? Do I crave bread or sweets? Is my stomach bloated? Do I suffer with PMS? Are either my moods or my bowels irritable? Do I have less energy than I used to have? A lot people reach the conclusion that there is some level of toxin build up for them and this time of year proves to be a good time to do a little Spring cleaning. We're good at this at home. We open the windows and let in fresh air, we clean under the beds, clear the dust bunnies. I encourage my clients to do the very same for their bodies and their minds. 20 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

METHODS OF DETOXIFICATION For some it is more extreme with fasting or colonics. There may be necessary liver supporting supplements. For others, it can be a simpler matter of eating whole foods, ie: foods that don't come packaged, drinking more water and perhaps using herbs to improve the process of removing toxins from the body.

THE WHOLE FOOD DETOX A whole food detox helps improve the digestive system, reduces the toxic load on the body and helps improve elimination through the liver and kidneys. Diet and herbal programs are designed to stimulate toxin breakdown, as well as, proper digestion of foods and nutrients to enable you to move toxins from your cells and ensure that you are eliminating them and not reabsorbing. The goal is to feel better energy, have better digestion and better mood. Speak with your ND or other health practitioner for specially designed programs for you and to find out if it is safe for you to detox. There are some people, such as, those who are ill, pregnant, taking certain medications that should not detox.

ASSISTING THE BODY’S DETOXIFICATION SYSTEMS While on a whole foods cleanse the liver gets a break. Support this with other methods of detoxifying. We detox through our skin

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and this can result in rashes, little bumps, and eczema. To clear this, use a loofah sponge daily to gently brush off any dead skin cells just before showering. Use circular movements, beginning in the extremities and working towards the trunk. Detoxification also occurs through the lungs. Get outside daily for 20 minutes of fresh air. Open windows and let stale air out and fresh air in. Take a big deep breath in and slowly let it out while saying in your mind, “Breathing in I Cleanse My spirit. Breathing out I smile,” (from “Peace is Every Step” by Thich Nat Han). Try it now! How did that make you feel? We detox through our kidneys. Drink enough water for toxins to get carried out and flushed away. A goal is to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. We detox through our lymphatic system. Massage therapy, dry brush massage and contrast shower will help with lymphatic circulation and improve detox.We detox through our bowels. When constipated, we can reabsorb waste into our blood stream. We might get headaches, get tired or grumpy and become susceptible to chronic degenerative diseases. To change this, increase fibre to at least 25g a day. I recommend clients track their diet for a number of days and then calculate the fibre content in each day. Many are unpleasantly surprised by how little fibre there is in their normal diet. Why don’t you track a few days of food intake and then calculate out how much fibre you are getting? We detox through our mind and remove negative thoughts and emotions which may be clouding our day. Stress, tension, anger, resentment create an unpleasant state in the body. Our digestion is affected, our hormones are out of balance and when you aren’t thinking well, you are less able to take good care of your health. It's easier to slip into bad habits, and choose quick unhealthy snacks. Spend at least 10 minutes a day with

relaxation therapies, journalling or meditation. You may not be suffering with a disease, you may take good care of yourself most of the time. But if you aren't feeling the absolute best that you could be feeling it is worth taking a few days and improving how your body is clearing chemicals, waste and inflammation. The end

result will be a rejuvenated, clearer, refreshed, spring cleansed you! Vivienne Guy is a Naturopathic Doctor in Ottawa and she is the clinic owner of Kilborn Naturopathic & Wellness Centre. She welcomes your questions at 613738-8000 or via email at

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Crescent Lunge Pose Alanasana

1 Start in Downward-Facing Dog.

4 2

Inhale, step your left foot forward into a lunge, and keep your back leg straight.

Inhale and lift your torso up and bring your hands onto your hips. Press down with your left foot and pull it back against the resistance of the floor as you pull from the right foot forward to square your hips.


Inhale and stretch your arms over your head and clasp your hands with the index fingers pointing up to the ceiling. Exhale and root from your low belly down through your feet. Inhale and extend from your low belly up through your hands. Lengthen your neck and press your head back to curl your shoulder blades more onto your back in a back bend. Hold for a few breaths. Pull your legs toward each other as in step 3, inhale, and come up. Repeat on the other side.

Gentle Variation

Follow the instructions for steps 1 and 2, but bring your foot only as high as your ankle.


PHYSICAL & MENTAL BENEFITS • Strengthens the arches, ankles, knees, and thighs • Stretches the hips and shoulders • Opens the chest • Stimulates digestion • Increases muscular endurance • Relieves symptoms of sciatica • Builds mental focus • Develops willpower •Stimulates the mind 22 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

• Neck injury • Knee injury (use the gentle variation)

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Solutions on

Health & Wellness

Tree Pose Vrksasana


A Are re you you ttaking aking tthe he Calcium? riright ght Ca lcium?

Stand in Tadasana. Roy Ro yK Kiss is s C C.N. .N. Certified C e r ti f i e d N Nutritionist u t ri ti o ni s t

Often O f ten consumers consumers trying t r y i ng ttoo cchoose hoose tthe he bbest e st ccalcium a lcium ssupplements upplements aare re left e c au s e le f t cconfused onf used bbecause tthere here aare re ssoo m many a ny ffo forms orms and a nd combinations combinations of of calcium ca lcium on on the the market m a rk e t today. make today.. T Too m a ke tthe he bbest e st wee m must look cchoice, hoice, w ust lo ok aatt way tthe he w ay ccalcium a lcium iiss

aabsorbed bsorbed aand nd uutilized. t i l i z ed.



Spread your toes and root down through all four corners of your feet. Inhale and draw muscularly from your feet up into the core of the pelvis and hug your legs together. Focus on a point in front of you. Keeping your left leg strong and steady, inhale, bend your right leg and place the right foot against the inner left thigh. Bring your palms together in front of your heart.

Not N ot aallll ccalcium a lcium ssupplements upplements aare re ccreated reated eequally. qua lly. re Most market a lcium ssupplements upplements oonn tthe he m a rket aare M ost ccalcium water. not iinsoluble nsoluble iinn w ater. IIff ccalcium alcium is is n ot di ddissolved i s s ol ve d rd e r water, cclear lear in in w ater, iitt ccannot annot bbee aabsorbed. bsorbed . IInn oorder he bbody ffor or tthe ody ttoo bbenefit enefit ffr from rom ccalcium a lcium ttablets, ablets, tthe he tablets tablets m must ust fifirst rst ddissolve issolve iinn tthe he sstomach. tomach. Studies Studies sshow how aalmost lmost hhalf a lf ooff tthe he w women omen pprone rone ttoo osteoporosis nott eeffectively osteoporosis ddoo no ffeectively cconvert ff onvert ccalcium a lcium tablets tablets iinto form nto aann aabsorbable bsorbable ffo orm iinn tthe he sstomach. tomach. IInn oother ther ppowders owders oorr lliquid iquid ccalcium a lcium ssupplements upplements yyou ou w ill no will notice tice tthey hey hhave ave a cchalky ha lk y oorr a ggritty ritt y aappearance ppea ra nce iinn tthe This nott he lliquid. iquid. Th is iiss no ppre-dissolved re-dissolved ccalcium; needs a lcium; yyour our bbody ody sstill till ne eds ttoo bbreak rea k tthese hese pparticles a rticles ddown. ow n . C A LCIU M B CALCIUM BALANCE™ from Natural at u r a l A L A NCE™ ffr r om N B Balance® a la nce® iincludes form ncludes a uunique nique ppre-ionized re-ionized ffo orm ooff calcium magnesium which ca lcium aand nd m agnesium w hich tturns urns iinto nto a completely water completely cclear lea r lliquid iquid oonce nce w ater iiss aadded. dde d . Calcium Balance mix Ca lcium B a la nce ccaps aps aand nd ppowder owder m i x iinstantly nsta ntly and water, a nd dissolve dissolve cclearly lea rly iinn w ater, pproviding roviding aapprox pprox 98% Through 98% of of eelemental lementa l ccalcium. a lcium. Th rough iionization onization of magnesium of minerals minera ls tthe he ccalcium a lcium aand nd m agnesium bbypass y pa s s the moves the digestion digestion pprocess rocess aand nd m oves sswiftly wif tly into into tthe he blood blood stream strea m and a nd is is easily ea sily utilized utilized by by the the body b o dy and a nd bones. bones. This This offers off ffeers a ssuperior uperior aabsorption bsorption rrate ate to to any a ny oother ther pproduct. roduct.

Inhale, lengthen the sides of your body from the hips up to the shoulders and bring your shoulder blades onto your back. Extend your arms over your head beside your ears and bring your palms together. Hold for several breaths then lower the arms and leg simultaneously. Repeat on the other side. From Hatha Yoga Illustrated by Martin Kirk. Copyright © 2006 by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Excerpted by permission of Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. Available to order from Human Kinetics Canada at or by calling 1-800-465-7301.

re ttaking a k ing a ddaily a ily ccalcium a lcium ssupplement upplement ttoo IIff yyou ou aare one he health, a lth, tthe he ttype y pe ooff ccalcium a lcium yyou're ou're ssupport upport bbone ould m make a ke a bbig ig ddifference. iff ffeerence. G Getting he ttaking a k ing ccould etting tthe rright ight calcium ca lcium ssupplement upplement iiss kkey ey ttoo aabsorbing bsorbing Ass w wee aage, ccalcium. a lcium. A ge, sstomach tomach aacid cid aand nd leading aabsorption bsorption ooff nnutrients utrients ddeclines eclines le ading ttoo making a k ing tthe he rright ight fo fforms orms ooff ccalcium a lcium ddeficiencies, eficiencies, m more ore iimportant. mporta nt. eeven ve n m

CALCIUM BALANCE health C ALCIU M B ALA NCE iiss aavailable va ilable iinn he a lth For more ffood ood sstores. tores. F or m ore iinfo nfo ggoo to to w w lciumba la or or w w lba la

Gentle Variation Follow the instructions for steps 1 and 2, but bring your foot only as high as your ankle.

For more info 1-800-667-2011

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Protect Yourself from

Electromagnetic Field (EMS) Pollution How Much Are You Exposed?

By Michelle Honda, PhD Many agree technology makes our lives easier and yet we find ourselves faced with illnesses that did not exist a short time ago brought on by the very conveniences we enjoy today. The consensus among researchers is rather than causing direct harm, EMF’s create subtle changes within the body that can lead to serious diseases. Extensive research throughout the world is being conducted over this growing worldwide health concern. Forward thinking governments and individuals alike have taken steps to bring awareness and to offer solutions for protecting citizens from the harmful exposure of EMF’s. Other than the actual blocking of radiation, the most successful approach in dealing with the problems of exposure is to assist the body in the removal of damaging radioactive toxins. This can be accomplished through various detoxification methods, which encourage elimination on a cellular level, such as, specific nutritional and dietary regimes, herbal remedies and sweating through saunas.

WHO IS SUSCEPTIBLE TO RADIATION POISONING & ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (EMF’S)? Anyone who has been previously or is currently exposed to the following circumstances is susceptible: • Living near high voltage lines, radio and cell towers • Laptops and computers, TV, microwave oven, lighting, power cords, electronic devices, frequent flyers • Smart meters, fluroscopy/mammography or other medical x-ray exams, radiotherapy treatment • Living near a nuclear reactor facility • Working in nuclear processing industries 24 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

EVIDENTIAL STUDIES Leukemia: Maria Feychting of Sweden’s Karolinska Institute examined 127,000 children who lived near big power lines for over 25 years and found twice the risk of leukemia. Brain Tumours: A study in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine reported a steep increase in brain cancer rates over the past 12 years among the general public. Individuals working with computer monitors are developing primary brain tumours at nearly 5 times the expected rate. EMF’s and Melatonin: The hormone melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. Studies indicate that EMF exposure can shut down melatonin secretion in the body. Madga Havas is an expert in the field of electromagnetic pollution. Professor Havas confirms that some individuals are sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) emitted by wireless devices such as DECT cordless phones. “DECT” is a European standard for wireless communication technology. There are several areas of concern emanating from the proximity of this wireless communication. DECT cordless phones emit radiation full-time whether the phone is on or off. A survey of EMF home inspections found DECT phones in more than 95% of homes. The market has also expanded into many of the new baby monitors. DECT cordless phones are now banned in schools throughout parts of Europe. Other EMF’S symptoms: migraines, birth defects, depression, parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s, alzheimer’s, dizziness, chronic pain, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, heart irregularities, flushing and skin rashes.

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NATURAL SOLUTIONS Potassium iodide is the preferred thyroid blocker for those personally handling radioiodine and as a treatment and prevention of radiation sickness. Cysteine hydrochloride is an amino acid used for its protective qualities against radiation by halting the free radicals generated by ionizing radiation. Seaweeds, brown seaweed, blue green algae and chlorella are whole perfect foods that protect the body against radiation and assist in the detoxification process. A macrobiotic diet is recommended for any form of radiation treatment or sickness. Dandelion, licorice root and milk thistle herbs are regarded as an essential component in any liver or kidney elimination and repairing procedure. Raw vegetable and fruit juices encourage the body to cleanse naturally, while providing it with a high quality and easily assimilated form of nutrition. Kombucha tea is a fermented beverage that has shown to be a potent detoxifier. Senna, cascara sagrada, black walnut hulls, vitamin C, antioxidants, niacin, sweet potatoes, spinach, parsley and asparagus help alleviate the side effects of radiation while offering protection, as well as, amplifying the expulsion of many toxins.

EXTERNAL DETOXIFICATION Epsom’s salt and baking soda baths help the body extract all forms of radiation. Calcium bentonite clay is also an effective radiation detoxifier which may be used internally and externally. It is impossible to live our lives without exposure to some form of EMF frequency. Be that as it may, we can still maintain control over the amount and frequent exposure; by deciding what proximity our homes are to power lines; by controlling where electronics are placed in the home to minimize our daily onslaught of radio waves; by installing blockers in the areas you live and work in; by employing health regimes to eliminate radiation from the body through cleansing programs and diet; and by simply being and staying informed about the hazards and consequences of technology as it continues to advance. Michelle Honda, PhD is a holistic doctor practicing at Renew You Holistic Health located in Ancaster Meadowlands. In addition to her doctorate, she holds an advanced degree in nutrition (RNCP), is a Master Herbalist and an IIPA Certified Iridologist. Visit her website at: and Call: (905) 304-0111

References: 1) Devra Davis: Scientist who wrote “ Disconnect”. The truth about cell phone radiation. What the industry has done to hide it and how to protect your family 2)Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms. J. Aust. Coll. Nutr. & Env. Med. Vol 26 No. 2 (August 2007) 3-6. 3) Potassium Iodoate Compared to Potassium Iodide: Pahuja DN, Rajan MG, Borkar AV, Samuel AM. Radiation Medicine Centre, B.A.R. C. Bombay. PMID: 8225995 4) Kevin Byrne of EMF solutions speaks to Canada AM on June 2009 on the health effects of EMF pollution and informs people about some of the common EMF emitters found in today’s modern homes. 5) Global News 16X9 The Bigger Picture investigates: Electric Shock, January 2009. The fourth segment of Global’s investigation into Dirty Electricity and Electrical Hypersensitivity featuring Kevin Byrne 6) Int J Neurosci. 2003 Jul; 113 (7):1007-19. Effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human EEG: a brain mapping study. 7) Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Jun;111(7):881-3. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.

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CREAMY SPLIT PEA SOUP WITH MEYER LEMON ZEST AND THYME My local natural food store has an incredible selection of prepared foods, yet I always end up selecting the split pea soup. While I love making my own, it’s so comforting to know that this soup is always there prepared and waiting for me. No matter where I am in my day, I find it a calming and soothing treat. This version is perked up with the addition of sweet and tart Meyer lemons. It freezes well, so make enough to put some away for another day.

INGREDIENTS 1 large onion, diced 3 stalks celery, diced 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil 3 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves 3 tablespoons mirin Sea salt White pepper 3 cups green split peas 10 cups vegetable stock 1 Meyer lemon (zest and juice)

Makes 6 Servings.

DIRECTIONS In soup pot or large Dutch oven over medium heat, sauté onion and celery in oil until soft (about 4 minutes). Add thyme and mirin, season generously with salt and white pepper and sauté 2 minutes longer. Rinse split peas and add to pot with sautéed vegetables. Add stock and bring to boil. Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 2 ½ hours or until peas are soft and soup is thick. If peas don’t fall apart completely, puree with handheld blender until smooth. Remove from heat, stir in lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper. Top with lemon zest and serve.

Excerpted with permission from “Clean Start: Inspiring You To Eat Clean and Live Well” by Terry Walters. Terry Walters is all about good health-body, mind, and soul. She is the author of the award-winning cookbook, “Clean Food.” Terry is the author of the popular blog, Eat Clean Live Well (

26 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

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1 lb large shrimp, deveined, shells on 8 cups vegetable broth Makes 6 Servings. 1 cup diced carrots 3 stalks lemongrass, crushed •Minimum 4-quart 4 slices gingerroot slow cooker 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1 cup cubed butternut squash (1-inch/2.5 cm cubes) 1 1⁄2 tbsp finely chopped fresh Thai basil 1 1⁄2 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint 1 1⁄2 tbsp finely chopped fresh cilantro 1 serrano chile pepper, seeded and thinly sliced Freshly squeezed juice of 2 limes, reserve 6 lime wedges 1 can (14 oz/398 mL) unsweetened coconut milk 1⁄2 tsp sambal oelek chili paste

4 large Ontario greenhouse yellow bell peppers, roasted, peeled and seeded* 1 tbsp butter 1 white onion, diced ¼ cup vegetable oil 1 garlic clove, minced 2 cups chicken stock 1 large carrot, sliced 1 small jalapeño ¼ tsp saffron threads 1 cup half and half cream Salt and white pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS Remove shells and tails from shrimp and reserve. Place shrimp in a bowl, cover and refrigerate. In slow cooker stoneware, combine shrimp shells and tails, broth, carrots, lemongrass, ginger and garlic. Cover and cook on Low for 31⁄2 to 41⁄2 hours or on High for 2 to 3 hours, until stock is bubbling. Strain broth and return to slow cooker. (Discard solids.) Stir in squash, basil, mint, cilantro, chile pepper, lime juice, coconut milk and chili paste. Cover and cook on High for 25 to 30 minutes or until squash is tender. Add shrimp and cover and cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until shrimp are pink and opaque. Ladle soup into bowls and garnish with lime wedges. Thai basil can be found in Asian supermarkets. If you can’t find it, substitute Italian basil. If you can’t find a serrano pepper, substitute 1 tsp hot pepper flakes. Sambal oelek is an Indonesianinspired chili sauce used to “heat up” any food. Excerpted from “Canada’s Slow Cooker Winners” by Donna-Marie Pye © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Makes 4 Servings.

DIRECTIONS In a large sauce pan, melt the butter over medium heat, then add garlic and onions. Sauté for 5 minutes. Stir in the stock, carrot, roasted Ontario greenhouse yellow bell peppers and jalapeño pepper. To obtain an even colour with saffron, soak the threads in hot liquid for 15 minutes before adding another ingredient. Crumble in saffron. Bring stock to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer. Cover for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Purée in food processor until mixture is smooth. Strain, add cream and season to taste. Serve immediately with sprigs of cilantro.

*ROASTING METHOD Coat peppers with a light layer of vegetable oil. Rotate peppers over open flame, either on a bbq or gas stove, until peppers turn black and blister. If an open flame isn’t available, a broiler can be used. Slice the pepper in half and remove the core, seeds and membrane. On a broiler plate, place peppers open side down and broil until skins are black and blistered. Cover peppers in a bowl and allow to rest for 15 minutes. Peel the black skin off. Courtesy of Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers. Visit: Healthy Directions February/March 2011 27

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Heart Healthy Omega-3

•Minimum 5-quart slow cooker, stoneware greased •Makes 4 to 6 servings INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp 1 cup 2 tbsp 3 cups 1 cup 2 tbsp 1⁄2 tsp 1⁄4 tsp 8 cups 2 1 cup 3 tbsp

butter thinly sliced leeks (white and light green parts only) all-purpose flour half-and-half (10%) cream or evaporated milk shredded Gruyère or Swiss cheese chopped fresh dill salt freshly ground black pepper thinly sliced peeled yellow-flesh potatoes (8 to 10) cans red sockeye salmon, drained and skin removed, broken into pieces dry bread crumbs butter, melted

DIRECTIONS In a skillet, melt 2 tbsp (30 mL) butter over medium-high heat. Sauté leeks for about 5 minutes or until softened. Sprinkle flour over leeks and stir to coat. Gradually add cream, whisking constantly, and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in Gruyère, dill, salt and pepper until cheese has melted. Spoon 1 cup of the leek mixture into prepared slow cooker stoneware. Spread one-third of the potatoes over the leeks. Spread salmon over potatoes. Arrange the remaining potatoes on top. Pour the remaining leek mixture over potatoes. In a medium bowl, combine bread crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle over mixture in stoneware. Cover and cook on Low for 6 to 8 hours or on High for 3 to 4 hours, until strata is heated through and potatoes are tender.

MAKE AHEAD This dish can be assembled up to 12 hours in advance. Prepare through step 2, cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, place stoneware in slow cooker and proceed with step 3. Excerpted from “Canada’s Slow Cooker Winners” by Donna-Marie Pye © 2010 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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½ small red onion, minced 1 large carrot, finely chopped 2-3 red radishes, thinly sliced 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas 4 cups water ½ red bell pepper, finely chopped 2 avocados, peeled, pitted and diced 1 cup pea shoots, washed

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice Zest of 1 orange 1 tablespoon lime juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

DIRECTIONS Makes 4 Servings. Place onion, carrot, radishes and chickpeas in a large bowl. Bring water to boil and pour over vegetables. Let sit 2-3 minutes to soften vegetables. Drain water well and set aside. In small skillet over medium heat, prepare dressing by whisking together olive oil, vinegar, orange juice and zest, lime juice and dill. Season to taste with salt and pepper and simmer until heated through. Add red pepper, avocados and pea shoots to salad and drizzle dressing evenly over top. Toss to coat and serve warm. Excerpted with permission from “Clean Start: Inspiring You To Eat Clean and Live Well” by Terry Walters.

APPETIZER ENDIVE SALAD INGREDIENTS 2 pears (unpeeled), diced 1 tsp (5mL) grated orange zest 1 tbsp (15 mL) freshly squeezed orange juice 2 – 3 oz (60 – 90g) blue cheese, crumbled 1/2 cup (125 mL) chopped walnuts, toasted Seeds from 1 pomegranate 4 heads Belgian endive, separated into leaves

DIRECTIONS Freshen up with the authentic taste of nature alongside this no cooking necessary, two-step quickie appetizer. In a medium bowl, toss pears with orange zest and orange juice. Add blue cheese, walnuts and pomegranate seeds. Toss gently to combine. Divide filling evenly among endive leaves. Yields: 30 appetizers. Serving size: 2 appetizers.

VARIATION Make this into a salad. Break endive leaves into bite-size pieces and toss with the other ingredients. If desired, drizzle with 1 to 2 tbsp (15 to 30 mL) olive oil and 1 tbsp (15 mL) white wine vinegar. Excerpted from Dietitians of Canada, COOK! by Mary Sue Waisman © 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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Nature’s Answer to Stress

HOLY BASIL By Mark Schneider

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and for many people it seems impossible to manage. For the health-conscious among us, it often feels like the hardest challenge to overcome. After all, we can take charge of our health through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices, but the amount of stress we are confronted with in our everyday lives is less within our control. However, even if we can’t erase stressful situations from our lives, we can give our bodies the tools to defend our health from the damaging effects of stress. Perhaps, the best tool we have at our disposal for meeting this challenge is holy basil, a little-known herb with big anti-stress benefits. Revered as “Tulsi” or “The Incomparable One” in Ayurvedic medicine, holy basil is very effective at modulating the body’s physiological and psychological response to stress. Of primary importance is its ability to normalize the hormone cortisol, the chief culprit when it comes to stress-related illnesses. Here it is important to understand how stress affects us physiologically. When we're under stress the body's first response is called the alarm reaction, where the stress hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol are produced and the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system revs up. This involuntary “fight or flight” response is a product of evolution and serves us well in realistically dangerous situations by readying us for physical threats where our survival is at stake. However, it has not adapted so well to modern-day stressors of a more mental and emotional nature, and the result is typically an overproduction of stress hormones in the body, with excess cortisol being of particular concern. Cortisol functions to increase blood sugar and maintain adequate blood pressure in times of stress. Blood sugar rises to provide more fuel for energy, and our heart rate and blood pressure soar to increase the flow of blood to the brain for heightened awareness. Digestion is de-prioritized as blood travels away from the gastrointestinal tract to the large muscles of the arms and legs to provide more strength for combat or speed for getting

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away from potential danger. The problem is that everyday, non-life threatening situations often trigger this fight or flight stress response, which is both unnecessary and inappropriate. As a result, today’s fast-paced and chronically stressed-out society has most of us in a state of excess cortisol, which is worsened all the more by smoking, coffee and alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and insufficient sleep – lifestyle habits that often accompany stressed lives. When cortisol is continually elevated in the body, it can lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, tension, thinning of bones, and a weakened immune system. This is what makes holy basil so valuable. It modulates the amount of cortisol released during stress. In doing so, it protects the body by preventing a full-blown stress response. It also helps to normalize blood sugar, because blood glucose levels correspond to cortisol levels. Chronically high glucose levels increase the risk of developing not only type 2 diabetes, but also obesity, since excess glucose may be stored as fat (especially around the waistline). High glucose levels also cause inflammation, which scientists have found plays a key role in the development of heart disease and cancer. Fortunately, in addition to its cortisol-lowering abilities, holy basil also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and a rich supply of antioxidants for protecting against inflammation-related free radicals.

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Furthermore, holy basil helps to relieve anxiety and depression. People who suffer from anxiety and depression experience more stress than normal healthy individuals. Holy basil demonstrates a calming and uplifting effect on one’s mental health, which can dramatically alleviate the impact of stress on one’s physiology. When choosing holy basil, be sure yours is specifically Ocimum

sanctum, the kind studied in India. For best results, use a supercritically extracted holy basil product. This unique extraction process yields a highly concentrated, superior herbal extract of the highest purity and potency, all without the use of chemical solvents. The result is a holy basil product that offers superior stress protection for your health.

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Tel: (905) 477-8558 (416) 907-3586 (613) 482-6589 (514) 907-3299 1-888-212-0213 Healthy Directions February/March 2011 31

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Food Safety Tips for Travel and Home

Food Safety

By Erika Buckley, BSc, ND and Stacey Fritsch, BSc, ND

Food Safety Tips • Watch your expiry dates. • Choose fresh fruits and vegetables with unbroken skins. • Wash all fruit and vegetables in soapy water. Even organic produce can be contaminated with parasites! • Shop for cold and frozen foods last, pack them together in a cooler bag. • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator. • Refrigerate leftovers immediately. • Wash hands thoroughly with soap before preparing food, after handling raw food and before handling cooked food. • Wash cutting boards in the dishwasher or in hot soapy water. Keep separate cutting boards for meat and poultry from the one used for vegetables. • Use a meat thermometer to ensure all meats are cooked to 165 F or higher (180F for poultry). • Avoid raw and very rare meats. • Avoid fruits, vegetables and cheese that show signs of mould. Naturopathic Doctors Erika Buckley and Stacey Fritschenjoy educating their patients in Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine at their clinic, Aqua Vitalis Naturopathic, in Whitby, ON. Please feel free to visit them in person or online at

32 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

Food. . . just the thought of it conjures up all sorts of wonderful sensations. Maybe right now you’re smelling your mom’s homemade cinnamon buns, or your dad’s perfectly grilled BBQ steak. Food sustains us both physically and emotionally. It is not just a necessity of life, but also a joy. But even at its most delicious, food can be at its most dangerous. Whether experiencing new cuisine at home or abroad, being armed with a little knowledge can prevent a lot of pain down the road. One of best things about travelling is experiencing new cuisine; one of the worst things about travelling is the possibility of food related illnesses. When choosing a place to dine, go with the flow. Try to dine in busy tourist destinations, which are more likely to have higher food safety standards and practices in order to maintain their reputation and return business. If you're in a non-Englishspeaking country, it's a good idea to have a phrase book on hand to help translate the menu and avoid potentially risky dishes. Make sure your food is always cooked thoroughly and served hot. This is not the time to enjoy a rare steak or runny egg huevos rancheros. Order portions well done and avoid raw eggs, unpasteurized dairy and undercooked meat and seafood. Sometimes the danger is only skin deep. Only eat fruits that have a protective, peel-able layer, such as, oranges, banana and mango. The peel acts as a barrier to microorganisms, which protects the fruit inside but also means that it harbors the growth of bacteria and fungi. So, before you eat any fruit make sure you peel it first. Is that a refreshing drink, or a recipe for digestive chaos? If drinking water is questionable, simply add 2-5 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) to each glass of water. To get its full effect be sure to stir it well and let it sit for a few minutes before consumption. GSE is an excellent antimicrobial that is great to have on hand to ward away digestion complaints while travelling. GSE is quite bitter; so, don’t be alarmed on your first sip. However, the best advice is to only consume bottled beverages that are served to you sealed, as it is not uncommon to refill water bottles from a contaminated source, and order drinks without ice (this includes blended drinks). Don’t forget to wash your hands! Washing your hands is even more important in a foreign land than at home because of the possibility of picking up microbes to which you have never been exposed. Food safety is not just something to pay attention to while travelling to exotic locales. With our global community comes a global food supply. Your favourite everyday fruits travel thousands of miles to grace your breakfast table and even produce that is local is touched by many hands before you pick it up yourself. Food hygiene is common sense for all of us, but especially important for those individuals with immune compromised conditions.

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Make Your Own

Massage Oils By Traci Dalrymple

Massage is an ancient healing art form that has seen a revival with spas on every street corner and almost every hotel you visit these days. Creating your own massage oils is fun and easy. They make unique Valentine’s Day gifts for your loved ones too. When creating your own massage blends there are a few things to consider before beginning. What carrier oil or base do you want to put the essential oils in? What essential oils do you want to use? How much essential oil do you add to your carrier oil? Jojoba oil and almond oil are two carrier oils that come to mind for aromatherapy massage. Jojoba oil most closely represents our own skin’s sebum and absorbs quickly making it a perfect choice to deliver essential oils to your body. Jojoba oil is also a good choice for sensitive skin. Almond oil is richer giving your massage blends more glide and allowing you to use less when massaging yourself or your partner. Both oils are skin nourishing and moisturizing. I recommend purchasing certified organic carrier oils to keep pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals out of your body. Patchouli, ylang ylang, lavender and vanilla are great additions to carrier oils for Valentine massage oils. Patchouli, ylang ylang and vanilla are aphrodisiacs that help spice up the bedroom. Patchouli is also skin healing, regenerating skin on a cellular level. Ylang Ylang is an exotic flower from Asia and is also beneficial for anxiety. Both are excellent choices for relaxation and sleep. Lavender is another good choice for many reasons. It helps balance emotions, is skin healing and good for stress relief. Purchasing high quality essential oils is important to receive their health benefits. Look for suppliers who test their essential oils for purity.

A good rule of thumb for adding essential oils to your carrier oil is 8-10 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil. Here are some recipes to help you get started. Traci Dalrymple is a Certified Aromatherapist and previous Spa Director. She is the Founder of Kokokahn, an organic aromatherapy company. Visit her website at for quality essential oils and Vanilla Jojoba Oil.

Love Potion 2 ounces Vanilla Jojoba Oil 6 drops Patchouli 4 drops Ylang Ylang 8 drops Lavender

Relax & De-Stress 1 ounce Jojoba Oil 1 ounce Almond Oil 2 drops Roman Chamomile 3 drops Lavender 4 drops Bergamot

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Antioxidants for

Prostate Health

By Ryan Ramdeo, H.B.Sc. Ensuring our bodies have enough antioxidants to protect against free radical damage is also an essential component in the prevention of prostate cancer. Lycopene, vitamin E, and selenium are three clinically tested ingredients that provide a boost for prostate health. Research has shown that lycopene, one of the strongest antioxidants found in nature, may lower the risk of developing prostate cancer (Rao, A.V., Fleshner, N., and Agarwal, S., 1999) and should be the core ingredient in any prostate health formulation. When combined with vitamin E and selenium, these ingredients have synergistic effects on each other to boost individual antioxidant properties and have shown superior benefits in PSA (prostate-specific antigens) level reduction. Populations with high levels of selenium in their diet have been found to have decreased risk of prostate cancer. Blood plasma levels of selenium tend to drop with age, and is therefore extremely beneficial for older men to supplement their diets with selenium. Selenium is used by the body to activate enzymes which prevent free radical damage to cells. Vitamin E may inhibit prostate cell over-growth and lower the chances of free radical damage on prostate cells. A multi-ingredient approach to prostate health including a combination of lycopene, selenium and vitamin E may have a positive impact on prostate cancer prevention (Venkateswaran, V, et al, 2009).

Daily Multi-Vitamin Mineral Supplement with key antioxidants for long term prostate health, with Lycopene.

BPH Symtom Relief Formula with standardized saw palmetto. Helps to relieve frequent urination.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) affects more than 11% of men starting at age 20 and up (Marsalek, M., 2007). Symptoms include pain around the nerves of the prostate, pelvic area, lower back, and frequent painful urinations with diminished flow. Patients with this syndrome may find no relief with antibiotics or antivirals as the cause is not bacterial or viral, rather an inflammation of nerves and tissue around the prostate. Flower pollen extract has been shown to be effective in placebo controlled clinical trials to help reduce the inflammation of the nerves that surround the prostate (Dreikorn, K., 2002). Plant phytosterols aid with urinary volume and flow regulation as it helps to restrict prostate enlargement around the urethra, allowing urine to freely flow through again. Flower pollen extract combined with phytosterols can provide extra support in reducing inflammation of the prostate and nerves around it. Flower pollen and plant phytosterol should be produced by a manufacturer with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and post-production standards to ensure that the product contains the right ingredients with the correct amounts, as described on the label. These controls also ensure the safety, purity and efficacy of the product. The best way to be proactive about prostate health is to supplement your nutrition with a multi-factorial, multi-ingredient approach. For more information, ask your naturopath. Courtesy of BioAdvantex Pharma Inc. Visit: or call 1-888-550-5350.


1) Rao, A.V., Fleshner, N., and Agarwal, S., (1999) Nutrition and Cancer, 33(2), 159-164. 2) Venkateswaran, V. et al. (2009). Micronutrients and prostate cancer prevention, Sunnybrook Health Sciences centre & Princess Margaret Hospital. 3) Dreikorn, K. (2002). The role of phytotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia. World Journal of Urology, 19, 426435. 4) Marsalek, M. (2007). Symptoms suggestive of chronic pelvic pain syndrome in an urban population: Prevalence and associations with lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile function. The Journal of Urology, 5, 1815-1819,

Prostatitis-Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrom Symptom Relief Formula with flower pollen extract.

Recommended by 71% of Ontario Urologists and Growing...

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Homeopathy Efficacy By Heather Caruso B.Sc., DHMS, HD For over 200 years, like the Hatfields and the McCoys, the war between allopathic, rigid science and homeopathy wages on. Each time the homeopathic community takes a step forward, it receives a counterattack from skeptics claiming to be an authority on science. In recent years homeopathy has received government regulation, which helps maintain a minimum standard for education, treatment and medicine. Despite it’s attacks, homeopathy continues to thrive. There are extensive positive studies on homeopathy and its efficacy. Here are a few websites one can view such studies: ol_study.html,,,, and Homeopathic medicines are diluted and a form of energy medicine. This is the beauty of homeopathy that people are attracted to. This is the misfit of using a traditional medical model to study a medicine where less is more. Many drugs work in ways scientists do not understand, such as, the popular drug aspirin. Acupuncture is an energy medicine and has been proven effective in many conditions. Science does not know how it works either, thus it also is subject to great attack. We don't fully understand many aspects of quantum physics but that does not make it invalid. A skeptic or medical scientist who claims homeopathy is a placebo is calling all of the people who respond to homeopathy wrong or crazy. Does that mean when patients who use homeopathy and are aided from asthma, eczema, nephritis, irritable bowel syndrome and migraines that they are still really sick or crazy? Of course not, it simply means that

science does not have a proper methodology to study the effects of this medicine. You don’t need a study to tell someone they get a migraine at the approach of a storm or that Belladonna 30CH works for them better than a pain killer without the side effects. For the secure individual this information is redundant and they don’t need to prove what they already know. Remedies are matched to a person's unique symptoms. For example, we all know the substance red onion produces symptoms like watery, burning eyes and nose. When this onion is prepared homeopathically, it is called Allium Cepa and used to treat exactly these symptoms of cold or allergies. One would not take this remedy if they had thick yellow mucous and a hoarse cough. A layperson could try Allium Cepa and claim it didn't work. However, they took the wrong remedy. Luckily, there is no harm in doing so. There is a 200 year old protocol on how to research the effects of homeopathic medicines. Although science cannot prove how a homeopathic remedy works in the body, we think that homeopathic remedies work like an inoculation, stimulating the body to heal itself without any side effects. The energy pattern of the medicine allows the body to recognize this foreign substance and awakens an innate healing mechanism. When we wake up this mechanism, it is thought to work to correct or modify our body's response to these symptoms and heal ourselves. Some people deal with the things they don’t understand by condemning them. Some accept homeopathy as a blessing due to its safe and gentle nature and efficacy. For more information visit:

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Choose Life

Grow Young with HGH From the landmark book Grow Young with HGH comes the most powerful, over-thecounter health supplement in the history of man. Human growth hormone was first discovered in 1920 and has long been thought by the medical community to be necessary only to stimulate the body to full adult size and therefore unnecessary past the age of 20. Recent studies, however, have overturned this notion completely, discovering instead that the natural decline of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), from ages 21 to 61 (the average age at which there is only a trace left in the body) and is the reason why the body ages and fails to regenerate itself to its 25 year-old biological age.

in the blood at the same levels HGH existed in the blood when we were 25 years old.

There is a receptor site in almost every cell in the human body for HGH, so its regenerative and healing effects are very comprehensive. Growth Hormone first synthesized in 1985 under the Reagan Orphan drug act, to treat dwarfism, was quickly recognized to stop aging in its tracks and reverse it to a remarkable degree. Since then, only the lucky and the rich have had access to it at the cost of $10,000 US per year.

The next big breakthrough was to come in 1997 when a group of doctors and scientists, developed an all-natural source product which would cause your own natural HGH to be released again and do all the remarkable things it did for you in your 20’s. Now available to every adult for about the Modern medical science now regards aging as price of a coffee and donut a day. a disease that is treatable and preventable and that “aging”, the disease, is GHR is available now, just actually a compilation of various in time for the aging Baby diseases and pathologies, like a rise Boomers and everyone else in blood glucose and pressure to from age 30 to 90 who diabetes, skin wrinkling and so on. doesn’t want to age but All of these aging symptoms can be would rather stay young, stopped and rolled back by beautiful and healthy all of maintaining Growth Hormone levels the time. Like a picked flower cut from the source, we gradually wilt physically and mentally and become vulnerable to a host of degenerative diseases, that we simply weren’t susceptible to in our early adult years.

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This program will make a radical difference in your health, appearance and outlook. In fact we are so confident of the difference GHR can make in your life we offer a 100% refund on unopened containers. ct o f A P ro d u ea l t h H l a b G lo P ro d uct s

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The new HGH releasers are winning converts from the synthetic HGH users as well, since GHR is just as effective (for anti-aging) is oral instead of self-injectable and is very affordable.

GHR is a natural releaser, has no known side effects, unlike the synthetic version and has no known drug interactions. Progressive doctors admit that this is the direction medicine is going, to get the body to heal itself instead of employing drugs. GHR is truly a revolutionary paradigm shift in medicine and, like any modern leapfrog advance, many others will be left in the dust holding their limited, or useless drugs and remedies. It is now thought that HGH is so comprehensive in its healing and regenerative powers that it is today, where the computer industry was twenty years ago, that it will displace so many prescription and non-prescription drugs and health remedies that it is staggering to think of. The president of BIE Health Products, stated in a recent interview,“I’ve been waiting for these products since the 70’s”. We knew they would come, if only we could stay healthy and live long enough to see them! If you want to stay on top of your game, physically and mentally as you age, this product is a boon, especially for the highly skilled professionals who have made large investments in their education, and experience. Also with the state of the health care system in Canada which appears to be going into serious decline, it’s more important than ever to take pro-active steps to safeguard your health. Continued use of GHR will make a radical difference in your health. HGH is particularly helpful to the elderly who, given a choice, would rather stay independent in their own home, strong, healthy and alert enough to manage their own affairs, exercise and stay involved in their communities. Frank, age 85, walks two miles a day, plays golf, belongs to a dance club for seniors, had a girl friend again and doesn’t need Viagara, passed his drivers test and is hardly ever home when we call - GHR delivers. HGH is known to relieve symptoms of Asthma, Angina, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Lower back pain and Sciatica, Cataracts and Macular Degeneration, Menopause, Fibromyalgia, Regular and Diabetic Neuropathy, Hepatitis, helps Kidney Dialysis and Heart and Stroke recovery. For more information or to order call 1-877-849-4777 ©copyright 2000

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A Prevention Plan for

Breast Cancer other forms of birth control. Even the weakest pill contains seven times the amount of estrogen naturally occurring in your body. Research has determined that the single greatest risk factor for future development of breast cancer is lifetime exposure of the breasts to estrogen. It would appear that controlling the influence of estrogen on the breasts would be the single most important method of primary breast cancer prevention.

BREASTFEEDING FOR CANCER PREVENTION Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 59% even if there is a family history, or if one has the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Further, multiple pregnancies along with breastfeeding provides additional risk reduction.


By Alexander Mostovoy, HD, DHMS, BCCT The ever growing cancer rates have become acceptable in today’s society; however, we should not accept this simply out of complacency. We need to look at cancer statistics and rethink our entire approach. Only 90 years ago one person in eight was afflicted with cancer, today it is estimated that 40% (or 3.2 people in eight) are going to get cancer during their lifetimes. While there is an enormous need to find the cure for cancer, a focus shift towards prevention is also necessary. There are simple and effective ways of lowering the risk of cancer, and of breast cancer in particular. Even women with family history or those who have inherited genetic predisposition can significantly reduce the incidence of breast cancer.

PREVENTION CAN START AT PRE-ADOLESCENCE The increasingly lower age of menarche (onset menstruation) among girls due to improper diet and inadequate levels of exercise and physical activity raises the risk of breast cancer. Proper dietary measures, weight control along with appropriate amounts of physical activity will decrease the risk factors in the future years for these young women. Young women in their teenage years becoming sexually active should avoid or limit their use of oral contraceptives in favour of 38 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

Women in this stage, along with any other group can certainly benefit from reducing their exposure to carcinogens and environmental factors. However, these are hard to avoid and do not necessarily have a direct causative relationship to cancer but act as catalysts when combined with an improper diet. Protein as a micronutrient may play a significant role in cancer development. Specifically the type of protein one eats can promote cancer growth. Protein derived from commercial animal sources contributes to cancer while protein from plant sources appears to inhibit this process. Studies have shown that the high intake of casein, which accounts for 87% of commercial dairy protein, promotes cancer development. Reduce unnecessary exposure to X-ray radiation. The Journal of Clinical Oncology, July 2006 reported that women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, having at least one chest x-ray were 54% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who had never had one. It is not hard to see that a certain segment of the female population becomes more susceptible to cancer by early exposure to regular X-ray screening. Additionally, X-ray radiation is cumulative. The more frequent the exposure, the exponentially higher the risk. The good news is that breast thermography has become more widely available today. This non-invasive test does not use any radiation but rather measures the surface temperature of the breast providing a physiological assessment. This method can provide women of all ages with a risk assessment of their breast health and can identify areas of concern early in its development. Regular breast thermography examinations can establish a baseline that can be a reference point for monitoring breast health over a long period of time. Any deviation from normal or baseline points to increased risk and can be dealt with to resolve the issue at hand before any serious problems develop. Breast thermography can warn of a pending problem far in advance.

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WOMEN IN POST MENOPAUSAL STAGE These women need to understand that weight gain increases the incidence of breast cancer. The inverse is also true, a reduction in weight by at least 22 lbs can reduce their risk of breast cancer by 40% and if they have managed to keep the weight off for at least four years the risk is reduced by 60%. Obesity and high levels of insulin in the blood also increase the risk for cancer. My personal preference for cancer protective diet is a plant based diet. The typical Western diet with its incessant emphasis on protein is one of the major causes of cancer and cardiovascular disease - the two leading causes of death in our society. Over-estrogenic activity has been wreaking havoc for years now and certainly contributes to the rise of incidence in breast cancers. Excess estrogen is a global ecological problem the affects all people today, men women and children alike. However, one needs to understand that some estrogens are cancer protective, while some are cancer permissive – they are not all created equal. Keep your E-2/16 ratio in check (ratio of good to bad estrogen). A simple urine test can provide you with this information. The lower the amount of (bad) estrogen, the slower the potential growth of cancer. The most important advice for preventing cancer is to maintain and enhance your liver's ability to metabolize estrogens from different sources. This can be done through proper nutrition and requires very specific concentrations of nutrients and occasional liver support and detoxification. Studies show that three to four hours per week of regular exercise can decrease your risk of Breast Cancer by up to 50%. Lean body mass (muscle) does not generate estrogen like fatty tissue. Any form of exercise will affect the endocrine system by balancing one's hormone levels, increasing the levels of HGH (human growth hormone) naturally while aiding the lymphatic system in detoxification of the body. Physical exercise represents a simple, non-invasive, non-chemical, inexpensive means of cancer prevention. We have learned and continue to learn more and more about cancer, however to this day the cause of cancer remains a mystery to science and medicine. In spite of raising incidence we should not become complicit and accept the inevitable. It is up to all of us to accept responsibility for our own health and start by practicing preventive healthcare. Simple and effective means of protecting our health are actually much easier and more effective than dealing with the full blown disease.

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References: (1) Archives of Internal Medicine, Aug., 2009 (2) The China Study, T. Colin Campbell (3) the Journal of the American Medical Association Jul., 2006 Alexander Mostovoy is recognized as a leading authority on the application of clinical thermography. Since 1999, he has pioneered the use of Infrared Medical Thermography in his clinic in Toronto, Canada with a special interest in breast thermography and women’s health. He is clinic director of Thermography Clinic Inc., and a founder and CEO of a growing company that helps integrate thermography into clinical practices around the world. He can be reached at 416.636.2916 or by email

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The Climate Change & Health Connection Dear EarthTalk: Aren’t environmental issues primarily about health? Detractors like to trivialize environmentalists as “tree huggers,” but the bottom line is that pollution makes us sick, right? Wouldn’t people care more if they had a better understanding of that? – Tim Douglas, Stowe No doubt many of the ways we harm our environment come back to haunt us in the form of sickness and death. The realization that the pesticide-laced foods we eat, the smokestack-befouled air we breathe and the petrochemical-based products we use negatively affect our quality of life is a big part of the reason so many people have “gone green” in recent years. Just following the news is enough to green anyone. Scientific American reported in 2009 that a joint U.S./Swedish study looking into the effects of household contaminants discovered that children who live in homes with vinyl floors – which can emit hazardous chemicals called phthalates – are twice as likely to develop signs of autism as kids in other homes. Other studies have shown that women exposed to high levels of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants common in cushions, carpet padding and mattresses – 97 percent of us have detectable levels of these chemicals in our bloodstreams – are more likely to have trouble getting pregnant and suffer from other fertility issues as a result. Cheaply produced drywall made in China can emit so much sulfur gas that it not only corrodes electrical wiring but also causes breathing problems, bloody noses and headaches for building occupants. The list goes on and on.... But perhaps trumping all of these examples is the potential disastrous health effects of global warming. Carbon dioxide emissions may not be directly responsible for health problems at or near their point of release, but in aggregate they can cause lots of distress. According to the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, climate change over the coming decades is likely to increase rates of allergies, asthma, heart disease and cancer, among other illnesses. Also, it is quite likely that,

40 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

as global temperature rises, diseases that were previously found only in warmer areas of the world may show up increasingly in other, previously cooler areas, where people have not yet developed natural defenses against them. Given the link between environmental problems and human health, more of us are realizing that what may seem like exorbitant up-front costs for environmental clean-up may well pay us dividends in the end when we see our overall health care costs go down and our loved ones living longer, healthier lives. To help bridge the understanding gap between environmental problems and human health, the nonprofit Environmental Health Sciences offers the free website, Environmental Health News, which features daily reports on research showing how man-made environmental problems correspond to a wide range of individual and public health problems. Even your local TV station or newspaper likely carries an occasional story about the health effects of environmental pollution. We don’t have to look very hard to find examples of environmental neglect leading to human suffering. But with newfound public awareness and the commitment of younger generations to a cleaner future, we are moving in a good direction. CONTACTS: Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment,; Environmental Health News, SEND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk®, c/o E – The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; E is a nonprofit publication. Subscribe:; Request a Free Trial Issue:

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Thoughts on Love By Courtney Sunday As Valentine’s Day approaches, we either take the cynical or the no-holds barred approach: downing a bottle of Gamay Noir or gazing at a lover with unrealistic expectations of passion. However, there is a part of us all that wonders why love needs a marker, why indeed we need February 14th as permission to delve into our romantic sides unabashedly. This is where yoga can come in. Yoga, as a word, means “union” and as a practice it is meant to address the individual as a whole. Therefore, being a lover is a necessary part of our whole selves. The practice of yoga likes to explore the idea that there is a part of us that is the same, whether we are doing some mighty fine forward bends or crying on our couch after a breakup. So how does this extend to love? Well, this takes the pressure off. The ideal is that we love by honouring our partner, recognizing their divinity without attaching expectation to who they “should” be. This is not “I love you because you do the dishes.” It is beyond task. Try to be more present in your own life through yoga (on and off the mat) and this will flow into your love life, allowing you to be with your partner with more patience and less struggle. Simplifying your interest in the details of your significant other, like the back of your partner’s neck, can make sex blissful even within unions that are decades old.


Courtney Sunday is a yoga teacher, trained in Prague who has taught around Europe and now Toronto. She can be reached through:

Recipe One: LOVING KINDNESS This meditation addresses the feelings of love that reside within all of us. Within moments we can literally feel our love multiply and expand, allowing us to be more fully rounded people, and thus, better partners.

INGREDIENTS One person with no time for romance One cozy corner of solitude Five minutes of time for nurturing

DIRECTIONS Sit in a quiet space and consciously move your mind away from its worries. Draw yourself into the present by focusing on the easy sensation of the breath moving in and out of the nostrils. After a few moments, focus on on all the good in your life and within yourself, and silently wish yourself peace, health, happiness and love. Start to really feel those qualities within: Peace. Health. Happiness. Love. Bask in the feeling for a few moments and imagine a perfect love for yourself. Once immersed in this feeling, start to move the attention away from yourself. Focus on your partner (or a dear friend if single). Silently wish your partner, in the same way you did yourself, peace, health, happiness and love. Repeat again: Peace. Health. Happiness. Love. Let your loving kindness for your partner spread throughout your body with every repetition, feeling genuinely immersed in this vision of pure love. When finished, open your eyes, let the corners of your eyes smile, and let your partner (or friend) know how much they mean to you.

42 Healthy Directions February/March 2011

Recipe Two: CHOCOLATE MEDITATION The sensual pleasures of life include dessert. So, if you are in a relationship, grab a bar of the best quality chocolate you can find and split it in two. If you are single, fabulous, more chocolate for you!

INGREDIENTS One bar of extravagant, beautifully packaged chocolate One or two people with full permission to indulge One soundtrack of groovy beats to your liking

DIRECTIONS Meditation is about mindfulness. What better time to slow time down than dessert? Put on your music and unwrap the bar of chocolate. Take in all of the elements of this delightful concoction: smell, colour, form, weight…every element appreciated. Break off a piece. Allow it to melt on your tongue down to nothing. Perhaps exchange a chocolate kiss. Break off another piece. Munch on it mindfully, using your teeth and really paying attention to the difference between the first bite. Take every piece as an opportunity to enjoy fully and to celebrate the true joy of tasting, such a divine indulgence. Creativity unleashed, the only thing not allowed is to talk about diets or deprivation. This is epicurean pleasure at its finest.


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