Healthy & Fit Magazine July 2015

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Healthy & Fit

JULY 2015



Jane Blount Fitness is a way of life for Blount

YOUR BODY Easy exercises designed to give you focus, energy





2005-2 01

Don’t wait! Take care of chronic pain and improve your life

FEELING GROOVY Learn how dental sealers can stave off tooth decay


Get the most out of your resistance training workout

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Healthy & Fit Magazine

JULY 2015 VOLUME 11: NO 4


Want more healthy ideas and inspiration? Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! 5 00



Brain-aging sins

Tips to keep your brain fresh and energy levels high






10 12 13 15 16 4

Your daily restoration plan

Give your body a chance to restore itself. It’s not difficult!

Feeling groovy?

How dental sealants can help curb tooth decay.

It’s occupational therapy

This growing profession helps people from all walks of life.

Take care of chronic pain

Read how you can improve your quality of life.

Glute training

Get functional and shapely in just 30 days.

Healthy & Fit •

17 18 19 20 21

Keep it simple

Get the most out of your resistance training workout.

Cut down on sugar

Natural substitutes can curb sugar use.

Get the kids moving!

Encourage activity in your child’s life to help curb youth obesity.

Kids and resistance training Make sure it’s done right!

Hope for Alzheimer’s disease

Holistic treatment shows promise for early stages of disease.

JULY 2015

Why haven’t people with neck pain been told these facts?

If you suffer from neck pain, tingling in the arms, or headaches, you CAN find relief. Every week we hear statements like… • “My neck hurts so bad I can’t think.” • “Pain is taking over my life.” • “It feels like a 20lb brick is on my head.” • “I have muscle tension in my neck and pain into my shoulders.” • “I only want RELIEF.” Imagine being able to live life like a normal person, without neck pain-- being able to play with your kids, enjoy time with friends and not have to worry about the pain. Because patients tell me too often… “I only wished I had found you sooner,” I’m running a special Neck Pain Evaluation for those suffering with neck problems. Feel the Improvement – and Say “Yes” to Life Again Your neck is one of the most nerve-rich areas of your spine. Problems here can cause problems throughout your body. It can affect your sleep, your marriage and your job. Nothing’s worse than feeling great mentally, but physically feeling held back from life because your neck hurts and the pain just won’t go away! And that’s not all… trying one medication after another, feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round of drugs. It’s enough to make anyone want to scream! I’m Dr. Denise Rassel. Dr. Jean-Guy and I have seen hundreds of people with neck pain, arm problems and headaches find relief and leave our office pain free.

IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, READ THIS: Do you experience any of the following? • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Numbness and tingling in the arms and hands • Cervical disc bulging and herniations • Weakness in the arms/hands • Neck Pain • Headaches • Tension in the shoulders • Shoulder and arm pain These issues can be caused by a problem in your neck…

With my “Neck Pain Evaluation” we’ll be able to find the problem and then correct it. Think of how you’ll feel in just a few short weeks. Until July 31, $49 will get you all the services we normally charge new patients $260 for. Call before July 31: here’s what you’ll get… • An in-depth consultation about your neck pain where we listen… really listen… to the details of your unique situation. • A complete neuromuscular and skeletal examination of the head and neck so we can find the problem. • A full set of specialized x-rays to determine if posture or joint problems are contributing to your pain… (NOTE: These would normally cost $200.) • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-rays where we’ll map out how you can get rid of your neck pain once and for all. • A special report that you can take with you revealing what is happening inside you to cause the neck pain. See and feel your life change for the better. Start your body on the way to pain-free, normal living. Feel tight joints rest, relax, free up. Feel muscles tied in knots become more supple. Feel strength in your muscles increase. As you begin to see motion returning to your joints, you’re preventing and reducing chances of disability and a crippling future.

everyone from tiny babies to the elderly. Even top sports star and entertainers… like Tiger Woods, Emmitt Smith,Tony Robbins, Joe Montana, Lance Armstrong, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Gibson. These professional athletes have the money to hire any kind of doctors they want, yet they choose chiropractors for their team. A recent scientific study showed chiropractic adjustments outperformed massage treatments in reducing pain.The study concluded that patients with chronic neck pain showed “clinically important improvements from a course of spinal manipulation… The current evidence does not support a similar level of benefit from massage.” – J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2007 In another study comparing acupuncture, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and spinal manipulation found… “After a median intervention period of 30 days, spinal manipulation was the only intervention that achieved statistically significant improvements.” - J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999 The Single Most Important Solution To Your Neck Pain Take advantage of our $49 Neck Pain Evaluation. Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. (Not that you have a lack of pain medication.) Call today… Phone: (517) 336-8880. Call anytime between 9am and 6pm Monday-Friday and tell the receptionist you’d like to come in for the Special Neck Pain Evaluation before July 31. You have little risk, and a lot to gain. Call today and we can get started with your consultation, exam and x-rays as soon as there’s an opening in the schedule. Our office is called Rassel-Daigneault Family Chiropractic and you can find us across from FRANDOR next to Wendy’s at 537 N. Clippert St., or for your convenience at our Okemos location: 4650 Dobie Rd. Sincerely, Dr. Denise Rassel & Dr. Jean-Guy Daigneault P.S. How many years can your body handle taking one pill after another?

“Will This Really Work For Me?”

Call today. (517)


Chiropractic care has been around for over a hundred years, and has been used to help

*Insurance restrictions may apply. Cannot be combined with Medicare/Medicaid.




Stay motivated this summer: I will!

’’m a YouTube junkie. I’ll lose myself for hours, clicking on different videos. YouTube, of course, allows users to upload videos of anything-and I mean anything--for public consumption. You can find how-to videos ( for example, how to build a shed), to walkthroughs for the latest video games, to the latest music videos, and more. My favorite videos are those with movie clips, or coaches, set to music. If I’m looking for a pick-me-up, or just need to get the blood pumping and creative juices flowing, I start clicking on motivational clips. My favorite: 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 minutes. Search for that on YouTube or find the link at If features clips from Spartacus, Goonies, Hoosiers and even Peter Pan. It’s awesome. Everyone needs motivation, especially when trying to achieve a long term goal. I worked toward a weight loss goal this past winter, and I know what it means to stick to plan. You have to have daily motivation to keep on track. My overriding motivation was to get ready for a September trip to Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest with my brothers and dad. I have to be able to fit into lederhosen. Sometimes the motivation is just to get out of bed and accomplish a daily goal. Both of my kids play sports and they have specific goals each day to get outside and get some work done. I’m not worried about their motivation; they eventually get out there and get the work in. I need the motivation to keep my sanity as I make sure they do the work before the sun goes down. Dealing with teenage girls is not easy! Here are some tips to consider when setting a goal and motivation: How bad do you want it? If you’re only going to put forth half an effort to achieve a goal, staying motivated will be exceptionally hard. You get out what you put in. Set achievable goals and you’ll have a better chance of staying motivated. Visualize it. Picture yourself after achieving your goal. Seeing your success may be just the push to get moving. Have a plan. It is easier to generate motivation when you establish smaller goals on the path to a larger one. Instead of wanting to lose 50 pounds, break it up into smaller parts. Also be specific. Lose those 50 pounds by walking or running a couple miles a day and keeping a food journal as you eat fewer calories. Reward yourself. Sometimes chasing a goal is better than reaching the goal. I’m a big believer in rewards—rewards always work for my kids and my pets. I’m amazed at my kids’ motivation when there’s a reward in it for them. It works for you too, I bet. That reward should be as unique as the goal. My reward is a slick-fitting pair of lederhosen. They’re more comfortable than you might think. I may even post a video on YouTube of my style. Stay motivated this summer. Drop us a line and let us know how you’re doing! Enjoy the issue.


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Justin is the owner of State of Fitness in East Lansing. He is also a certified nutrition coach. Reach him at 517.708.8828.

Lisa Marie Conklin

Lisa Marie Conklin is a certified personal trainer and freelance writer.

Susan Maples, DDS, MSBA

Susan is a dentist in Holt. She is also a speaker, health educator and author. Her e-mail:

Want more healthy ideas and inspiration? Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! SUBSCRIBE ONLINE For advertising information GREATER LANSING/JACKSON

517.599.5169 Healthy & Fit Magazine is a free, trademarked, monthly publication distributed throughout Michigan. It is financially supported by advertisers and is distributed to local neighborhoods and businesses, education centers, libraries, bookstores, fitness centers, health practitioners’ offices, hospitals and other locations. This magazine is published by Kissco Publishing, LLC, Mason, Michigan. Reproduction, of whole or in part, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed by the authors and advertisers of Healthy & Fit are not necessarily those of the publisher. Healthy & Fit, and those in its employ, are in no way responsible for situations arising from the application or participation in anything written, or advertised, in this publication. PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OR NUTRITIONAL ADVICE.

JULY 2015

Fit Features

Fit Bits by Lisa Marie Conklin

by Lisa Marie Conklin

Renee Boonstra Renee Boonstra’s weight loss was sparked by a startling warning her neurologist gave her. For five years, Boonstra, 38 , of McBain, has suffered from swelling on her optic nerve as a result of her pseudo tumor cerebri. Until recently, she was able to manage that swelling with lumbar puncture. But her weight had escalated and her neurologist said to lose the weight or face vision loss. With a husband, two active children and a busy career as a nurse, she knew she had to do something fast. “I’m super lazy,” she said. “Plus, I have pain issues so I wanted something that I knew was going to work for me and wasn’t just going to last a couple of weeks.” She started following a very low carb diet and increased her protein intake. She also started walking a mile and eventually worked up to six miles and added some strength training, at least four days per week. Reasonable goals were key for Renee. “I would set 5 pound weight loss goals for each month and when I would hit that or pass it, it was the best feeling in the world!” She lost 52 pounds in six months taking her from a size 20 to a size 8. She is very happy about this!


Descrambling the code on egg labels Have you noticed a lot more labels on your eggs? There’s organic, cage-free,free-range, and more. Here’s your cheat sheet for your next shopping trip.

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To keep her body healthy, she is pursuing a healthier lifestyle that she can maintain for life by slowly adding back a few carbs. Her journey isn’t over but she’s closing in on her goal weight of 130 lbs and a size 6. “I want to look fit and healthy, not just skinny.” Well said, Renee!

On the Cover: Jane Blount Jane Blount, 27, of Potterville, is a 911 dispatcher who has changed her perspective on what it takes to be healthy and in shape. She’s reduced her cardio, increased her weight lifting and eats clean. “Stepping away from the treadmill has really changed my perspective on working out,” she said. “I spend less time in the gym and see more results. At the end of the day the results are the best part of working out, whether it’s changes you see in your body or just how you feel. Those results have me hooked on lifting.” She works out four days a week, with a day of rest. “Consistency and habit are crucial when it comes to working out so even when I’m exhausted and there aren’t enough hours in the day I make sure I do something, even if it’s not my typical full workout,” said. “Plus, I drive a lifted truck so every day is leg day.” She said the secret to eating healthy is taking time to prepare the meals. “I have at least one cheat meal a week for my sanity.” she said. “It comes down to trying to make as many good decisions as possible and having healthy meals prepped and ready to go will help make those good decisions easier.” 8


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CAGE-FREE: This means the hens are uncaged but not necessarily clucking about outside. They are actually held inside a barn or warehouse. Unfortunately, this usually still means very tight living conditions with little space to roam freely. FREE-RANGE: The hens primarily live in the barn or warehouse but do have time outside. Since the term “free-range” is not certified by the USDA, there is no way of knowing how long they actually get to spread there wings in the great outdoors. ORGANIC: Hens are fed an organic vegetarian diet, free of animal by-products, pesticides and genetically modified foods. They are uncaged but that time is usually limited. CERTIFIED HUMANE: Hens are uncaged (though not required to have free-range access), inside barns or warehouses but typically kept indoors. However, they are allowed to live like Old McDonald’s Farm chickens and nest, perch, dust bathe and spread their wings in a greater space than the standard warehouse or barn. Also, no antibiotics or hormones are administered but beak cutting is allowed.

ABC farm market favorites Asparagus can be steamed, roasted, grilled or blanched. One cup yields 3 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar and contains just 27 calories. Try poking holes in the asparagus. Pour vinaigrette over the asparagus and marinate in the fridge for a few hours. Roast in the oven or place on the grill. Blueberries are bite sized wonders of tasty goodness. 4 grams of fiber and about a quarter of your daily vitamin C requirement. Plus, just 84 calories for a cup. But the benefits don’t stop there. These gems contain anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant which shields skin against harmful free radicals. Toss them in smoothies or eat half frozen. Perfect summer treat. Cherries steal the show, especially if you’re near Traverse City, the cherries’ hometown. Pop all you want. One cup contains 77 calories, 10 percent of your daily fiber and 40 percent of your daily Vitamin A. In addition, cherries boost melatonin levels and may help regulate sleep cycles, giving you a better night’s sleep. JULY 2015

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Your daily restoration plan

Give your body a chance to restore itself. It’s not hard! by Justin Grinnell


hrough activity and daily life, our bodies sustain a lot of physical and mental stress. While being fit greatly helps the body improve its resiliency and strength, you also need some daily restoration techniques. Performing a few simple, yet highly effective restorative exercises each day can help keep aches and pains at bay and improve your overall health. You only need about 10 minutes a day to perform this routine in order to experience 24 hours of better posture, breathing and movement. You can break these exercises up or do them all at once. Let’s take a look at the routine.

HEAD NODS Kneeling on all fours with your hands extended and posture upright, move your head up and down as far as you possibly can for about 20 repetitions. Don’t move into pain, just comfort. Make sure you have your eyes follow the direction that your head goes.

Importance Every muscle in the body is connected to the movement of your head. The body is designed to follow the head. Remembering how to move your head will, in a sense, sharpen and improve all the reflexive connections from your head to the rest of the body.

ROCK BACKS Stay on all fours for this one as well. Keep your head up and chest proud as you rock your hips back and forth towards your feet. Rock back as far as you can while maintaining a strong chest and flat back. Do not move into pain and move gently.

Importance Rocking integrates all the major moving joints in the body. It makes you whole and prepares your body to move gently and flow together like it was designed to do. Rocking also sets and restores your posture.

ROLLING ON THE FLOOR This may sound funny but it works. You can roll however you want. In this picture I show you the egg roll. Roll side to side, segmentally, backwards — however you feel comfortable. If you get dizzy slow down. Make sure your lead each direction with your eyes and head. Do this for about 2-3 minutes.

Importance Rolling sharpens your balance and feeds your brain with rich nourishment; it makes your brain healthy. Rolling prepares the body to coordinate more complex movements like running.

STAND UP Lie down on the floor and then stand up. Repeat. Do this in as many ways as you can think of. Be creative. Importance Your ability to get up and down off the ground easily will improve your longevity and quality of life. We must always master our body’s movements and resist gravity with ease. When gravity starts to win the battle, we lose our resiliency. 10

Healthy & Fit •

JULY 2015


Feeling groovy?

How dental sealants can help curb tooth decay. by Dr. Susan Maples


n today’s world of raging tooth decay, we can’t overlook dental sealants as part of our personal combat strategy. Sealants are cavitypreventing resin coatings applied to the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth to protect the deep pits and fissures that often funnel deep into the tooth. Without being sealed, pits and fissures act as perfect catchalls for plaque-bacteria and sticky sugars—a textbook combo for tooth decay. Unfortunately these little crevices are much smaller than the tips of your toothbrush bristles—so brushing gives you no help in cleaning them out. Today dentists use cavity-detecting lasers to “look” into these grooves and help identify a normal groove from a decayed one. Detecting decay early, before your dentist’s instrument “sticks” into the resulting hole, means a smaller filling for a lifetime. But wouldn’t you


rather avoid the cavity in the first place? Traditionally we have worried about kids teeth during those “cavity prone years,” so we focused our efforts on sealants on newly erupted teeth—the 6-year and 12-year molars—and then pre-molars if the child was highly susceptible to decay. But wait, what about us adults? It turns out those cavity prone years go on and on, especially given the high-sugar and acid-rich foods and drinks that tempt us all. So if you didn’t get sealants as a child and/or you aren’t getting your sealants maintained by your dentist, it’s not too late. Getting your grooves sealed as an adult makes all kinds of sense. Let’s take a look at the evidence. No matter how the research studies are grouped, ( for example by material, by duration of the study, etc) the positive effects of sealants remain strong and consistent. In an average of six recent studies the results showed 74% reduc-

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tion in decay rates for teeth with pits and fissures that had sealants applied versus those that did not. Dental sealants are relatively easy and painless for your dentist or hygienist to apply. They hold up well under chewing forces, especially in the deep crevices where they are most effective. Sealants may last several years before reapplication is needed and your dentist can easily evaluate their condition at each 6-month preventive appointment. No one I know wants another cavity and dental sealants are just one more way to be proactive in your protection strategy. Ask your dentist to evaluate your grooves at your next appointment. Dr. Maples is a dentist in Holt. She is also a speaker, health educator and author. Reach her at

JULY 2015


It’s occupational therapy

This growing profession helps people from all walks of life. by Breanna Snyder


ccupational therapy (OT) is a health and wellness profession that focuses on assisting individuals across the lifespan to gain the skills necessary to be safe and independent in all areas of daily life. Occupational therapy is one of the most misunderstood professions in our society. That’s right, occupational therapists don’t just help individuals who are injured while at work! You can think of an “occupation” as anything you need to do or want to do from the moment you get up, until the moment you go to bed. If for any reason you cannot perform those tasks, an occupational therapist is qualified to assist you. Occupations are how all humans create identity and occupy time. While OTs frequently work with individuals who have physical or cognitive disabilities, they may also work with

JULY 2015

Think of an “occupation” as anything you need to do, or want to do, from the moment you wake, until you go to bed. able-bodied individuals to promote and maintain health. One concept that is fundamental to the promotion of wellbeing is occupational balance. Occupational balance refers to the balancing of work, leisure

and rest within your day. One way to achieve occupational balance is to plan ahead, and build leisure and rest into your weekly schedule. Try to schedule one hour of the day to engage in a meaningful occupation, whether it be exercise, meditation, baking, crafting, or any other activity that brings you joy and helps you to relax. In today’s busy world, it is easy to push aside those things that bring us back to center. Making time for one hour of leisure participation takes up only four percent of your day and leads to a more balanced lifestyle, an important piece of the health and wellness puzzle. Breanna Snyder is an occupational therapy intern at the Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation Center. Reach her at (517) 332.1616. • Healthy & Fit



Lifestyle changes yield lasting results MSU’s Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is here to help. by Mathew Zatkin, DO


fter a long winter of hibernation and with summer quickly approaching, you may be looking to lose a few pounds. When it comes to diet plans, there are so many to choose from. But the problem with the diet ‘mentality’ is that these short term approaches tend to only yield short term results. This is mainly because as soon as someone finishes their diet, they go back to their old way of eating, and the weight just comes back. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is more than a diet, it needs to be considered as a lifestyle. Each person has their own reasons for why they may struggle with certain symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no one size-fit all approach to anything in medicine and weight loss is no exception! However, there are some things that tend to be more common among


Avoid sugar, our most commonly abused recreational drug. overweight people. Obviously, what we choose to put in our mouths is critical. It not only affects our weight, but more importantly it affects our health. And one piece of this puzzle that is so often overlooked is our most commonly abused recreational drug, sugar. A great first step to any lifestyle change towards a healthier you begins with the elimination or at the very least, a substantial decrease in the amount of sugar consumed. This is not just sweets; this is anything that is rapidly turned into sugar by your body after it’s eaten. This includes processed grains – breads,

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cereals, pasta, crackers, cookies, cakes… etc. Although we don’t consider grains a sweet treat they are treated exactly the same way as sugary things by your body. They cause a rapid increase in a hormone called insulin. Insulin’s job is to take sugar out of your blood. One of the ways it does this is to take the sugar and store it for later use. Every time you eat something like this, you are putting your body into storage mode. If you want your body to not store fat, and to start using up the fat it already has, the answer is simple; reduce and or eliminate sugar from your diet. This is a great first step in a healthy new lifestyle. Written by Mathew Zatkin, DO, Assistant Professor, Department Of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine.

JULY 2015


Take care of chronic pain And improve your quality of life! by Tom Matt


or two years I had been dealing with a nagging knee injury, not enough to keep me down but enough to remind me that something was not right. And my quality of life suffered. Chronic pain doesn’t just hurt your body; it hurts your emotions. It can impact your mood, your memory, your relationships, and your overall quality of life -- if you let it. Don’t let it. Chronic pain can bring loss — loss of your physical function, your athletic abilities, a favorite hobby, a career, and even close relationships. Don’t allow it. Chronic pain can diminish concentration, memory, critical thinking abilities, and productivity. It’s hard to stay on your game at work when you’re in constant pain. Don’t give into it.

“Whomever said, ’No Pain. No Gain.’ never had chronic pain.” - Amanda Lakso

It was up to me to have my game face ready. Getting a second opinion only confirmed what my initial doctor had said, but getting the second opinion was critical to my decision to not be a pansy and get it fixed. Get a second opinion! I am here to say that I was afraid of being laid up, and that was foolish. When you have an injury, or suffer from chronic pain, do not give into the mindset that as we grow older chronic pain is part of life. It is not, and it is up to you to make the decision to man or

woman up. If you hurt, do everything you can to fix it. • Don’t let pain make you a victim • Not all chronic pain can be linked to an identifiable physical condition or injury • Plan your recovery, do what your healthcare pro tells you to do • Pain relief is more likely when you and your doctor maintain an optimistic attitude • Rehab is a journey, embrace it and it will embrace the new you Tom Matt is the host of the ‘Boomers Rock’ radio talk show. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from Michigan State University, is a certified personal trainer, a fitness nutrition, senior fitness and weight loss specialist from the National Academy of Sports Management. He has authored three books including his latest “Attracting Abundance.” For more information please visit his website at



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Glute training Get functional and shapely in just 30 days. by Jason McCammon


hat does an elite high jumper have in common with a soccer mom with three kids? They both need a good set of glutes. The glutes are the primary source for explosive running and jumping which is great for athletes. And they are really important if you are a non-athlete who wants to tone-up your backside and get rid of nagging back pain. The glutes should be the epicenter or focus for both producing and absorbing forces in sports and in everyday tasks. Over the years I have found the glutes to be the top dumb groups of muscle in the body. This poses a huge injury risk, both for athletes and non-athletes. This is because most human movement involves us having to lift or hold up our spine, along with any load, for almost every activity. For example, if you were loading some heavy camping gear you would need glute strength to avoid throwing out your back. Back pain affects at least 80 percent of adults, with a chronic rate of 50 percent. Sure you need a strong core to have a healthy back, but weak glutes are the true cause. Need more convincing? How about the fact that women have an ACL (knee ligament) rupture up to five fold more than males of the same age! Part of this is due to the gender differences in biomechanical alignment, but weak glutes are largely at fault as well. There are many glute builders to pick from. I usually recommend starting with closed-chain movement (think primal movement). Therefore, a basic bridge on the floor is a great place to start. However, there a few tweaks you might want to pay attention to as they increase the glute involvement, while reducing stress on your lower back. Glute bridge: laying flat on your back, with your knees bent, place your feet together and about 12 inches from your butt. Put your arms out to the sides for stability. Before pushing your hips off the ground, lightly squeeze your thighs together, engage your glute like you are clenching two fists and draw in your core. Maintain a neutral spine while you keep your glutes and core tight the entire time. Experiment driving through the heels, flat/mid-foot or forefoot to see what hits the glutes harder. As for tempo, I suggest pushing the hips up over one second, hold at the top for five seconds, then lower over two seconds. Repeat five to ten times for two to three sets, three times per week. Progress this by holding one knee to the chest throughout the rep. Or, stick with the two legged version and use a mini band at the knees. Keep your knees and feet about 18 inches apart. Now go keep that backside from saggin’!

Jason McCammon, B.S., NFPT-CPT, is president of I.Q.FIT Fitness & Wellness Center. Contact him through


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Keep it simple

How to get the most out of your resistance training workout. by Jon Greene


etting the most out of your workouts when it comes to resistance training can be a bit confusing. It seems like everyone has a different opinion on what routines provide the best results. How many reps and how many sets should I do? Are free weights better than machines or is body weight training the way to go? Anyone who has ever been around someone who participates in CrossFit certainly knows that it is undeniably the best way to workout. All kidding aside, there are so many different training philosophies; it’s no wonder why people don’t know where to begin. I’m a big believer in following the KISS principle. No, it’s not some physiological term; it just means “keep it simple, stupid.” Resistance training routines don’t have to be fancy to get results, nor do you have to use every single piece of equipment in the gym just because it’s

Resistance training routines don’t have to be fancy to get results there. A basic recipe for a resistance training routine should look something like this: • Perform four to eight exercises that incorporate all the large muscles of the body. • Perform three sets of each exercise for eight to 12 repetitions, with a rest period of about two minutes in between sets. These numbers weren’t pulled out of thin air. Science has shown that for most individuals this is optimal. Sure, you can do more than three sets, but you reach a point of diminishing returns after that

and who has two hours to spend in the gym anyway? Choosing how to apply resistance can be just as puzzling as deciding on how many reps and sets to do. Resistance is resistance, whether it’s body weight or weight plate; the difference is body weight exercises for the most part target muscular endurance, while weight training usually targets muscular strength. Your goals should dictate which aspect you focus on. Adhering to this simple training philosophy and being consistent with your workouts will deliver the results you’re looking for in a resistance training program. Jon Greene is a personal trainer and wellness director at the Downtown YMCA Wellness Center. Reach him at (517) 827.9690 or visit

MOtIvAtION that’s why it’s my Y



JULY 2015

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Cut down on sugar Natural substitutes can curb sugar use.


utting down on sugar is no easy task—especially when your craving for sweets is driven by hidden imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. According to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of The Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction (Fair Winds Press, May 2015), “There are a number of tried and true herbs and supplements that can keep your sweet tooth under control by supporting adrenal function and decreasing low blood sugar, two of the chief health concerns common to sugar addicts.” He recommends using these supplements under the guidance of a holistic health care practitioner; and as with any herbals, do not take with Coumadin unless OK’d by your physician. Here are Dr. T’s top recommendations: GINSENG Both American and Asian ginseng can help if you crave

sweets when you are under stress and are especially helpful in curbing emotional overeating and keeping blood sugar levels stable. CHROMIUM This herb helps keep blood sugar levels stable, thus decreasing both irritability and sugar cravings. BERBERINE This herb comes from Goldenseal and is also helpful in diabetes and for treating gut Candida and other infections. Dose: 250 mg three times a day and can be as high as 500 mg three times a day if it does not cause upset stomach. CINNAMON This has a modest effect on blood sugar, but added to foods like cereals and coffee, it adds flavor in a way that decreases the need for adding sugar. VITAMIN D Research shows that when Vitamin D levels are low in the body, the hormone that helps turn off your appetite doesn’t function and you feel hungry, no matter how much you eat. In 2009, researchers at the University of Minnesota found that

those who have enough Vitamin D tend to lose more weight than those with low levels. Low Vitamin D is also associated with increased diabetes risk. Take: 400 to 2000 IU daily as part of a good multivitamin. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS Found in cold water fish like cod and salmon, Omega-3 fatty acids are good for healthy brain function and mood, but are also good for glucose control. VITAMIN POWDER Supplement with a good Vitamin Powder to stop sugar cravings. Getting optimal nutritional support is important for overall health in general. Every sugar addict can benefit from a good powdered multivitamin. That’s because inadequate levels of nutrients will trigger food cravings in general and sugar cravings in particular, as your body instinctually seeks to get the nutrition it needs. Because human beings need more than 50 key nutrients, you’ll find that using vitamin powders makes sense.


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Certified Half Marathon & Certified 5K5K Certified Half Marathon & Certified 1/41/4 Mile & 100Yard CHUM RIDER’S DASH KID’S CHUM RUN Mile & 100Yard CHUM RIDER’S DA KID’S CHUM RUN JULY 2015 Healthy & Fit • Facebook Us! Benefits to C.H.U.M. Therapeutic Riding Facebook Us! Benefits to C.H.U.M. Therapeutic Riding

: A: well marked course on paved and and dirt roads beginning at Dansville HighHigh school parking lot, finish on trac Course A well marked course on paved dirt roads beginning at Dansville school parking lot, finish on Course

n - 5K


Get the kids moving! Encourage activity to help curb obesity. by Graham Filler


hildhood obesity is a big issue in communities across America. Too many kids stay inside and play video games instead of running around in this big world of ours. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7 percent in 1980 to nearly 18 percent in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5 percent to nearly 21 percent over the same period. One way to combat childhood obesity is to encourage kids to stay active and involved with athletic pursuits. I’ve helped combat childhood obesity by encouraging my little

brother in his athletic pursuits. I met Savion Culpepper through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Savion and I bonded over weightlifting and football training. We would find a field anywhere in Lansing and push tires or go jogging, encouraging each other and building our friendship. It was very gratifying to see Savion get in great shape and eventually be named a starter on the Everett High School football team. Here are ways you can encourage the young person in your life to stay active: • Encourage them to join local gyms and sports teams • Teach them the finer points of sports (i.e. how to swing a golf club, how to shoot a basketball, how to use proper weight lifting techniques) • Encourage them to go outside

The 10K Run will begin at 8:15 a.m. The 5K Run/Walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. at St. Casimir. Both courses are accurate and Run/Walk Kid's scenic Challenge run along~Lansing’s River Trail.Runs Kids Challenge Runs will begin at 9:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast begins at 9:00 a.m.

PICTURED ABOVE: Savion Culpepper (left) poses with article author Graham Filler. Filler is an assistant attorney general, specializing in policy and administrative law. A resident of Dewitt, Graham is proud to serve as a mentor in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program. He also sits on the Conquest Health and Fitness Foundation Board of Directors.

- Pancake Breakfast

mir Parish, 815 Barnes Ave., Lansing, MI. 48910. Register online at ---------------------------------------------------------------Run will begin at 8:15 a.m. And the 5K Run/Walk will begin at 8:30 a.m. Cost iscourses $25 per individual up until August 2015. simir. Both are accurate and3,run along Lansing’s scenic River Trail. After, it will be $30. The St. Casimir Parish is allenge Runslocated will begin at 9:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast begins at 9:00 a.m. at 815 Barnes Ave., Lansing.

online at or • Healthy & Fit JULY 2015 stration forms to St. Casimir Church, 815 Sparrow Ave., Lansing, MI 48910



Kids and resistance training Make sure it’s done right! by Joe Eisenmann, PhD


supervised resistance training program is relatively safe for youth. In the vast majority of published studies, no overt clinical injuries have been reported during well-designed resistance training programs. Most injuries occur when youth are unsupervised. What age is appropriate to begin resistance training? Resistance training has been safely conducted on youth as young as 7. A rule of thumb is “as long as the child is mature enough to follow directions and practice proper technique.” Will resistance training stunt my child’s growth? This statement comes from 1) a report of malnourished youth engaging in heavy labor, and 2) emergency room reports of fractured growth plates of youth performing improper lifting technique, maximal lifts, and/or lack of qualified supervision. No effects to growth plates have been found from studies utilizing well-designed and supervised resistance training programs. How often should my child

resistance train? Youth resistance training studies have shown improvements in muscular strength and power from as little as one training session per week with the greatest results coming from a frequency of 2-3 days per week. What makes a resistance training program safe and effective for the young athlete? Qualified instruction and supervision. This does not mean a former college athlete…… the person should have formal academic training and credentials in kinesiology or exercise science. The person should also understand growth and maturation and have experience working with young people. They are not miniature adults! Dr. Joe Eisenmann, PhD is a professor of pediatric exercise medicine within the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Director of Spartan Performance. To learn more about Spartan Performance visit












es, resistance training is ok for kids—if it is a properly designed and supervised program. In fact, resistance training offers many benefits for the growing young person, but there are important caveats that need to be emphasized. Here’s what you need to know about youth strength training. What is resistance training? Don’t confuse resistance (or strength) training with weight lifting, bodybuilding or power lifting. Resistance training can include: Body weight exercises (pushups, pull-ups, squats, sit-ups); movements involving resistance bands or tubing; and movements involving the use of weight machines, dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells. Is resistance training safe for kids? Several professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) support that a properly designed and



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JULY 2015


Hope for Alzheimer’s disease

Holistic treatment shows promise for early stages of disease. by Dr. Nicholas Morgan


eversal of Cognitive Decline,” the headline was modest but the implications profound. The article suggests Alzheimer’s disease can be reversed, not with a miracle drug or new technology, but with proper nutrition and lifestyle modifications. This approach addresses some of the underlying metabolic dysfunctions seen in Alzheimer’s disease. There is some level of decreased glucose utilization in neurons which causes them to literally starve. Alternative fuel sources for your neurons, like ketones, have been shown to slow cognitive decline. Because neurons become insensitive to insulin, Alzheimer’s is sometimes referred to as Type 3 Diabetes. Insulin was briefly explored as a potential treatment in the 1970s. Currently some insulin sensitizing drugs are being investigated for being potentially preventive and therapeutic. Researchers at UCLA created individualized treatments for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s based on the known

Control your blood sugar levels, learn to play an instrument or pick up a new language, and exercise. risk factors like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and decreased intellectual activity. This research is the very essence of holistic medicine; there is no single cause to chronic disease. In the study, researchers treated the whole patient, looking at sleep quantity and quality, stress, exercise, intellectual activity, micro nutrient intake, hormonal balance, gut health, etc. This approach allowed the scientists to reverse subjective or objective symptoms in nine out of ten patients. The patient that did not respond had more developed disease at the start of the study than the other patients involved. This suggests that there are still treatment options for those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.


There is currently not a miracle drug or new technology on the market to treat cognitive decline, but there are ways to improve multiple risk factors. Many studies have failed because they manipulate one variable and the duration of the studies are only one to six months. This study manipulated multiple variables and lasted over a year. There is no fast and easy way to improve cognitive function as you age, but three simple recommendations I make for my patients are: control your blood sugar levels, learn to play an instrument or pick up a new language, and exercise. Metabolic changes occur years before the Alzheimer’s disease progresses to a noticeable state. Emphasizing prevention and early intervention gives these potential sufferers hope. Dr. Nicholas Morgan is a naturopathic physician, and founder of The Center for Integrative Wellness. Reach him at (517) 455.7455.

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Keep your brain sharp

Here are some bad habits that diminish brains and undermine work performance


s demands grow and resources shrink, we all struggle to do more with less—and without proper coping skills, we slide down a slippery slope of chronic exhaustion into debilitating burnout. That’s bad news for the middle-age-ish among us who must compete with the endless line of fresh-faced, energetic younger workers jostling for position. Marcel Daane, a performance expert who synthesizes best practices from nutrition, exercise, and neuroscience. says we may be committing predictable brain-aging “sins” on a regular basis. Here are some of the most damaging: BRAIN-AGING SIN #1: You regularly forgo a daily walk in favor of a flop on the couch. After a long day, it’s tempting to talk yourself out of exercise with a weary, “I’m just too tired.” But sedentary behavior doesn’t reward your fatigued brain and body—it makes you more fatigued. It may sound counter-intuitive, but it’s true: Your brain recovers faster when your body moves. BRAIN-AGING SIN #2: You hit the snooze button (again) and run out of time for breakfast. While you’re still lying in bed, it may seem like a good idea to stay there for an extra 30 minutes at the expense of breakfast. But robbing your brain of essential nutrients in the morning is a big mistake. In the same way that an athlete needs fuel for the body to perform and recover from training, you need fuel for the brain to perform and recover from stress. BRAIN-AGING SIN #3: You skip lunch to take an emergency conference call. If your workday includes last-minute meetings, emergency conference calls, staffing issues, or other urgent craziness, taking time to refuel your brain can seem impossible. Interruptions can derail the most well-intentioned healthy meal plan. It may be tempting to skip lunch or snack and just keep working. But how can a brain perform without fuel? It can’t. BRAIN-AGING SIN #4: You don’t stock up on good snacks (so you naturally grab bad ones when temptation strikes). Stress and fatigue are notorious triggers


for bad-food binges. That’s why many people grab chips or cookies and mindlessly devour them while multitasking. Daane says the problem is that stress causes chronic brain inflammation, and processed foods like cookies, sodas, and cakes only add fuel to the fire. They speed up brain cell destruction from stress, resulting in memory decline similar to what we see in Alzheimer’s patients. BRAIN-AGING SIN #5: You swill coffee and soda instead of water. You may think your morning jolt of caffeine is revving you up, but it really isn’t. Yes, it creates a momentary lift as it blocks neurons in the brain that make you feel tired, but the lift quickly declines and fatigue sets in. The more you consume, the greater the impact of stress on your brain, and the more dehydrated you become. The best hydration is water, which transports nutrients and oxygen

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into your tissues and brain cells. BRAIN-AGING SIN #6: You regularly “relax” with an after-work beer or a nightcap. No one is saying you have to be a teetotaler. The occasional drink with friends is okay. But don’t go beyond one 250-ml glass of wine or two 8-oz glasses of beer a day—at most. Any more and you’re accelerating brain aging. BRAIN-AGING SIN #7: You sacrifice sleep on the altar of work. On occasion we all have to burn the midnight oil to finish a project. Yet many workers think it’s a badge of commitment to regularly sacrifice sleep in favor of working late or starting up in the wee hours of the morning. The irony is that a bit more sleep would make them far more effective by allowing the body to recuperate and super-compensate (a fancy word that means to store excess energy for the next day).

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