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The last issue of Healthy & Fit Magazine!
Thank you for 16 great years
In April 2005, Kissco Publishing, LLC, printed its first copy of Healthy & Fit Magazine. Every month since, Healthy & Fit Magazine found its way to thousands of readers through hundreds of distribution points, subscriptions, athletic events, and more.
Covers have featured governors, television and professional sports stars, and most importantly local people who are living a healthy lifestyle. Through our popular Fit Features, Success! Stories, columns written by local health experts and local business advertising, Healthy & Fit Magazine thrived.
The magazine has sponsored hundreds of athletic events, launched a successful health and fitness expo, The Healthy & Fit Magazine Expo, and much more.
It’s truly been a privilege and honor to print this magazine. It has been a community effort. Without your support, it wouldn’t have prospered as it has. However, as the old saying goes, all good things come to an end. And so will Healthy & Fit Magazine. This issue, the September 2021 issue, will be our final magazine. Due to COVID, we have not printed an issue since the government shutdown in March 2020. While our online presence is still very popular (more than 10,000 reads/ views of the magazine per month), our business model has always been to print. With the current online-only version, we’ve found it increasingly challenging to revamp our efforts to meet that goal.
In addition to printing Healthy & Fit Magazine, Kissco Publishing, LLC was created to provide a means for me to be there for my children. Both of my girls were very young when I started this business. My oldest, Autumn, has now graduated from Oakland University and is returning for an advanced degree in physical therapy. My youngest, Sage, graduated high school and is now on campus at Ashland University, Ohio, where she is playing volleyball.
Because of this awesome magazine, I didn’t miss a practice, doctor’s appointment or school event. But with the girls in college, my attention has shifted to other business pursuits.
So, this is it. The last issue. Thank you for being so supportive of this small business. It has been a dream come true. And for the last time, please ….
…enjoy the issue!