e-Learning Brochure

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Ministry Of Education and Culture CYPRUS


e-Learning - Move forward!


As an organization the only direction that we can go is move forward. In order to do that we cannot overlook online education and e-learning.

...enabling the future...

This is the perfect time to prepare our organization correctly and utilize all the tools that e-learning has to offer us in order for us to continue to be successful.

A quick reference guide to online learning and the types of e-learning available

Let’s all embrace this new effort and the benefits will be evident to the teachers, the learners and everyone involved.

Ministry Of Education and Culture CYPRUS

54 Liberty Avenue Strovolos 2000 Nicosia, CYPRUS Phone: +357-22-123456 Fax: +357-22-654321

Email: ckalapodas@yahoo.com

Types of e-learning There are four types of e-learning as described by Broadbent (2002): Informal, Self-paced, LeaderLed and Performance Support Tools.

education as we know it. It can be adjusted to any situation as long as we are able to plan it correctly and with the help of the necessary training apply it to our teachers and learners in

Informal: The ability of a learner to access a

the best possible way so that the organization

website or online material

benefits the most of it.

Self-Paced: When learners are able to access

There are numerous success stories out there

Computer Based Training (CBT) material or As Palloff and Pratt (2001) quote from the

of successful implementation of e-learning,

Web Based Training (WBT) material using

why can’t our organization be one to. Let’s all

website of Blackboard, online education is

their own learning pace.

embrace e-learning and

Leader-Led: Learners can access asynchro-

lead our organization to

nous or synchronous material online facilitated

the future based on the

by an instructor or a leader.

strong foundations that

Online Education


stand is that e-learning is here to complement


defined as “an approach to teaching and


learning that utilizes Internet



Performance Support Tools: All the online

gies to communicate

material that a learner can access in order to

and collaborate in

achieve their goal.

an educational context. This includes technology that sup-

Important Conclusions Online education is a very concept that accommodates traditional method of teaching. It comes to supplement everything that we knew about teach-

plements traditional classroom training with

ing so far.

web-based components and learning environ-

E-learning and it’s four types is an excellent way to

ments where the educational process is experienced online”. A very important defini-

References Broadbent, B. (2002) ABCs of e-learning: Reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. ISBN: 0787959103 Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (2001) Lessons from the cyberspace classroom: The realities of online teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787955191

begin thinking about adopting it in the organization. The best way to consider is by examining the pos-

tion considering the fact that we are trying to

sibilities that each of these types gives and incorpo-

adjust online education and more specifically

rate a blend of it, to create the best suited way of

e-learning to the needs of our organization.

we have set so far

delivering it for the organization. The most important thing everyone must under-

Ministry Of Education and Culture CYPRUS

54 Liberty Avenue Strovolos 2000 Nicosia, CYPRUS Phone: +357-22-123456 Fax: +357-22-654321

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