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Weekly Facebook Live with Dr. McSwain – 5:306pm. More info: MIHolisticMed.com.
The Goddess Workout Beginner Hula Dance Class – 6:30-7:30pm. For absolute beginners of all ages, sizes and shapes. Learn basic hula moves and combinations. $80/8-wk session, $15/drop-in. First Congregational Church, 8066 W State St, Central Lake. AmiraHamzarRaks.com.
Red Tent: Women’s Circle – 7pm. 2nd Thurs. Meet local women, share your journey and grow together. Hosted by Aria, Red Tents are a gentle introduction to women’s sacred circles. Free. Yoga Bellaire, 216 Portage Dr, Bellaire. YogaBellaire.com.
Community Night – 7-9pm. 4th Thurs. Each month we will host a different theme for connecting with your fellow Bellaire community members. Movie nights, potlucks, cacao and conversation, etc. Everyone welcome, including families; do not need to practice yoga. Yoga Bellaire, 216 Portage Dr, Bellaire. YogaBellaire.com.