HLN December 2020

Page 7

Toledo Clinic Foundation helps cancer patients defray non-medical expenses CANCER CAN BE a very costly diag- the guidelines have been met. Once nosis. In addition to the physical and approved, funds are sent directly to emotional toll the disease takes on the billing company or organization. patients, it can also impose a tremenWalrod got involved in The Todous financial burden—not simply ledo Clinic Foundation back in 2018 due to the high cost of medical treat- at the urging of current members ments. In fact, according to Mary Kern and Cindy Jim Walrod, president of The Taylor. “I’ve been on a Toledo Clinic Foundation, lot of boards, but this one approximately two-thirds really resonates with me of cancer patients’ monebecause it’s a local board tary expenses are actually helping local people,” non-medical, for example he says. As president, the cost of transportation his current focus is on to and from treatment apgenerating funds as well pointments and lost wages. as raising awareness of Of course, routine expenses the foundation and its such as rent, childcare/eldermission throughout the Jim Walrod care, and utilities continue community. He notes that to mount and become even more with the COVID-19 pandemic still daunting as income declines. foremost in people’s minds, it can He explains, “Success in beating be challenging to get the word out, cancer relies on a continuum of care, and he reminds HLN readers that which can involve taking time off cancer hasn’t stopped because of work multiple times each week for the coronavirus. treatments and doctor appointments. The Toledo Clinic Foundation’s Not working often means not getting fundraising and awareness campaid, and those lost wages can be paign involves collaborating with extremely impactful.” community partners whenever The good news for Toledo Clinic possible. For instance, Lambie’s Legoncology patients is that help in acy—which strives to “bring people offsetting non-medical expenses is together to support organizations available through The Toledo Clinic that promote health awareness and Foundation, a tax-exempt, 501(c) cancer research in the hope of giv(3) charitable organization that was ing people more time to share the established in 2018 with that mission extraordinary moments of everyday in mind. life”—has provided a grant to the foundation in support of its mission. “Also, we’re currently encouraging Toledo Clinic employees to donate directly to the foundation as part of their monthly giving campaign, and we’ve reached out to Epic Toledo to help us attract more board All money raised by The Toledo members. Our goal is to raise money Clinic Foundation goes to help pa- as efficiently as possible, and that tients in need—not to The Toledo involves partnering with other Clinic—to defray expenses such as organizations,” Walrod says. The Toledo Clinic Foundation utility bills, groceries, or rent. “I’ve even seen an application approved welcomes the support of the general to fix a broken-down car that the public as well and asks interested recipient depended upon to get to individuals to donate through the and from medical appointments,” foundation’s website, ToledoClinicWalrod says. To qualify for financial Foundation.org. Gifts can be made aid, patients are required to complete through the “Donate Now” button a formal application process and to located on the site’s main page. submit the application with their Walrod puts the current need for bill. Then a committee reviews the financial assistance in perspective: application to determine whether n Toledo Clinic - continued on p23 Connect with our advertisers via our online issue at hlntoledo.com

4126 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Suite 105 Toledo, OH 43623 4126 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Suite 105 Toledo, OH 43623

Call 419.479.5605 Call 419.479.5605 Located on N. Holland Sylvania Road, we have laboratory, and other specialty services Located onMRI N. Holland Sylvania Road, we have conveniently located on the premises. laboratory, MRI and other specialty services conveniently located on the premises.

The Only Cancer Center in the The Only Center inof the Region toCancer Offer Prevention Region to Offer Prevention of Loss Chemotherapy Related Hair Chemotherapy Related Hair Loss Dr. Adnan Alkhalili Dr. Dhaval Parikh ■

Dr. Al-Nsour Dr. Mohammed Adnan ß■■ Dr. David Alkhalili Brown

■ ■

Richard Phinney Dr. Dhaval Parikh ßDr. Dr. Dhaval Parikh

■ ■

Dr. Brown Al-Nsour Dr. David Mohammed ß Dr. Shaili DavidDesai Brown

■ ■

Dr. Burton Dr. Mark David ß Dr. Mersiha Hadziahmetovic Shaili Brown Desai

Hammad Rashid Dr. Richard Phinney ßDr. Dr. Richard Phinney Dhaval Parikh

■ ■

■ ■

Dr. Shaili Desai

ßDr. Dr.Hammad Hammad Rashid RichardRashid Phinney

Dr. Mark Burton ß Dr. Tim Kasunic Mersiha Hadziahmetovic

■ ■

Dr. Shaili Desai ß Dr. Rex Mowat Tim Kasunic

Dr. Mersiha Hadziahmetovic

Sachs ßDr. Dr.Bradley Charu Trivedi Hammad Rashid

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■

Dr. Kasunic Dr. Tim Mersiha Hadziahmetovic Dr. Mowat Dr. Rex Tim Kasunic

ß Dr. Rex Mowat

■ ■

Dr. Bradley Sachs

Dr. Nauman Shahid

Dr. Shelke Dr. Abhay Nauman Shahid Dr. Charu Trivedi Dr. Abhay Shelke

ß Dr. Charu Trivedi Dr. Charu Trivedi

Dr. Rex Mowat

For we also also have have satellite satellite Forthe theconvenience convenience of our patients, we offices in Bowling Green, Maumee andand Monroe. offices in Adrian, Bowling Green, Maumee Monroe. For we also also have have satellite satellite Forthe theconvenience convenience of our patients, we offices in Bowling Green, Maumee andand Monroe. offices in Adrian, Bowling Green, Maumee Monroe.

ToledoClinicCancerCenters.com ToledoClinicCancerCenters.com

Healthy Living News | December 2020 7

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Articles inside

Healthy aging, part 3 by Daniel J. Jachimiak, BA

page 24

CBD and tinnitus by Shelly Horvat, AuD, CCC-A

page 25

Quitting smoking doesn’t have to expand your waistline

page 34

Elizabeth Scott builds nature trail for residents

pages 31-33

Elizabeth Scott earns national honor

page 23

It’s never too early to set your New Year’s fitness resolutions by Amanda Manthey plus Dave’s Races

page 22

How to help de-stress the holiday season

page 21

Laurels outdoor therapy course prepares clients for real-world challenges

page 8


pages 19-20

timely tips on healthy holiday

pages 12-16

Five common fitness mistakes that undermine motivation

page 18

Seven tips to keep your teen driver safe this winter

page 9

Toledo Clinic Foundation helps cancer patients defray non-medical expenses

page 7

Considerations for holiday travel during

pages 10-11

The full scoop on safe snow shoveling

page 17

Sunset affiliates with Otterbein, bids fond farewell to retiring CEO

page 6

Time to look as young as you feel

pages 2-3

Breastfeeding: benefits abound for mom and Baby by Dennis Bova

pages 4-5
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