Healthy Magazine | OCT '14

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October 2014



October 2014



October 2014


October 2014

VOL. XIV № 10

16 5 Ways to Do Mornings Right

Make or break your day in the first five minutes. Here are some keys to winning the day before you walk out the door.

20 Does Coconut Water Actually Have Benefits?

People go nuts for this tropical beverage, but it might not be the magic potion you hope it is.

24 A Resilient Mind

Can you face adversity with confidence? Here we look to some unusual sources for understanding how to bounce back.

34 The Doctor Payment Problem

One glaring flaw in the healthcare system, among many, is how we pay medical professionals, specifically when it comes to insurance compensation. As patients it’s essential we push for improvement.

38 Mountain Ready

Who knows all about resiliency? After some thinking, it came to us: mountaineers. Read their valuable insight on overcoming life’s biggest challenges.

44 The Real Meaning of Urine Color Maybe you don’t talk about it, but you’ve probably wondered. Find some answers here.

46 Does Lumosity Work?

Dementia is scary. Are seemingly simple games an answer for prevention?

49 Would Your Kitchen Pass a Health Inspection?

What do governing bodies consider to be the standard of cleanliness? Here are some interesting insights on how to make your home safer.


October 2014







ometimes life requires that you simply put your head down, go to work, and just keep on keepin’ on. (So to speak.) It’s not necessarily that you’re on the wrong path, it’s just that the path is a little steep, a bit rocky, and we just need to keep moving. That’s life.

We must assess things as they really are, knowing the economy and the world are obviously evolving. So how are we to resiliently thrive through through the trying transitions of our lives? Here are some ideas:

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John A. Anderson |

It’s in our extremity that we find out what we’re made of, and when we become stronger. When we confront life’s obstacles we eventually tap hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And, it’s when we face failure that we recognize that we always possessed this extra strength. So, when the road seems long and the journey is tough, hang in there and tap into your second wind. Or, as one of my favorite singers said,

FIRST, acknowledge the seasonality of the situation. Every season has challenges and opportunities. Pick your phrase to get you through. “This too shall pass.” “The sun will come out tomorrow.” “What a difference a day makes.” Life is all about patterns, and while it’s darkest before dawn, the sun will rise tomorrow and a new day with new opportunities begins again. Look forward. It’ll all work out.

MEDICAL DIRECTORS Steven N. Gange, M.D. Lane C. Childs, M.D.

“Don’t give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration you can’t go wrong.” ~Ella Fitzgerald

The thing is, things change. Constantly. Sometimes for the better. Sometimes not. Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less cushy than the one you had before. Obstacles are developmentally necessary: they teach us strategy, patience, critical thinking, resilience and resourcefulness, and these only come from having been given the chance to work though difficult problems. Sometimes the trick is maintaining a positive perspective despite our concerns and circumstances. When life is tough, I can’t help but recite a little poem I’ve known for years:

Two men look out through the same set of bars. One sees the mud; the other, the stars.

The question is, what are we going to do about our situation today? We can despair and panic. We can hide under the covers and toss our fate to the wind. Or we can be resilient and face the challenges directly. We can realize that we have the power to not only survive, but to turn a frenzied condition into an opportunity to develop and achieve.


SECOND, capitalize on pessimism. At a time of great uncertainty, the late Sir John Templeton recognized the power of maximum pessimism. During the 1930’s, he dove into a new investment career, targeting nations, industries, and companies on their financial ropes—a time he coined as ‘points of maximum pessimism.’ In his own words, “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell,” he stated. When things are down, move up. When life is hard, then is the opportunity to improve your situation. Step back from the frenzy, take a deep breath, and do what works, not what the crowd is doing. Just think, tomorrow’s fantastic success story starts today.

THIRD, choose faith. While facing uncertainty, we have a choice: fear or faith. Both are derived in our head and heart. Sure, the future is uncertain. But it is for everyone, and you can face it fearfully, or faithfully. Anthony Robbins says fear is “‘imagination undirected’ which devastates our emotions and oppresses our sense of well-being.” And faith is the opposite: ‘imagination directed’. We can flounder fearfully, moving towards nothing, or we can create a plan and move towards it with assurance, ready to accept whatever the outcome is. Choosing faith and being resilient doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but it does mean that you control it. Controlling fear allows you to see possible advantages while others speak only bleakness. Another downside of fear is that you focus on yourself only. To truly succeed, even in a down cycle of life, you must have something or someone to serve outside yourself. You need to focus not only on what you can get, but what you can give. Interestingly, it’s when you give, particularly when it’s a sacrifice to do so, that it returns tenfold. The trick? Just begin. Life has its seasons, and it’s ups and downs. Again, be resilient and remember that seasons don’t last forever. Whether you’re up or you’re, just remember that all is well. But, when you’re down, take time to stop and internalize the lessons of today. They are plenty. And, when our skies are dark, look up and remember that it’s only now that we can study the stars and plan for tomorrow. The point is, confront the challenges you face today, and create solutions. They exist. Today’s the day to take the action that will bloom great success tomorrow.



PUBLISHER Kenneth J. Shepherd | MARKETING DIRECTOR Erik Pfeiffer | DESIGN EDITOR Phillip Chadwick | MANAGING EDITOR Michael Richardson | MAGAZINE EDITOR Gayleen Webb ONLINE EDITOR Taylor Smith | DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Lyn Timboe | CIRCULATION MANAGER Ron Fennell | CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Karli Moats, Caitlin Schille, Angela Silva, Megan Moore, Linsy Hunsaker, Gayleen Webb, Jill Castle, David Joachim, Douglas H. Jones, Lisa Mathews, Mark Saunders

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“The treatment he chose was perfect.” — Bianca, 15

Whether you’re considering clear aligners, retainers or today’s braces, an orthodontist is the smart choice. Orthodontists are specialists in straightening teeth and aligning your bite. They have two to three years of education beyond dental school. So they’re experts at helping you get a great smile — that feels great, too. Go to to find an orthodontist near you or ask your dentist for a referral. © 2013 American Association of Orthodontists.

October 2014


in the kn ow

Running Increases

Longevity Running just 5-10 minutes a day was associated with a 28 percent lower overall risk of death, and a 58 percent reduced risk of death from heart disease, compared to not running at all, in a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


Researchers at Iowa State University followed more than 55,000 adults for 15 years, about a quarter of whom were runners.

lower overall risk of death


MYTH BUSTED: We Only Use a Small Percentage of Our Brains

This common myth has actually been the subject of study, even as early as 1928, when four men shaved with the same razors, same soap, same water temperature and on the same portion of their face, and shorn hairs were measured. No evidence was found to suggest shaving increased the rate of beard growth. Similar findings are present with leg shaving. And the myth is obviously false with head hair (why would anyone be bald?).

The recent movie Lucy starring Scarlett Johansson is based on the premise that humans don’t use the entirety of their brains, and that if they could, they’d have superhero-like powers. Researchers agree this is a bunch of bogus. If we damage essentially any part of our brains, negative consequences are immediately apparent. Most of the brain is active at any given time. Source: Scientific American

Here’s why this myth persists: [[

Genetic or hormonal influences can affect hair growth, causing coincidences with hair cutting leading to erroneous connections.


If skin gets rougher, thicker and more callus, the nerves may get thicker, and the hair may get thicker too. More coincidences can occur.


When hair first emerges it may be dark, as it hasn’t been exposed to the sun, chemicals, etc. Darker hair appears thicker.



Clean Fist Bumps

Hands are dirty, making handshakes great for transmitting disease. High fives and fist bumps are the cleaner options. Researchers in a recent study found that high fives transmitted about half the amount of bacteria as shaking hands, and that fist bumps are 90 percent cleaner than a handshake. The study notes that Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama have been seen using fist bumps. “If the general public could be encouraged to fist bump, there is genuine potential to reduce the spread of infectious disease,” said Dave Whitworth, co-author of the study.

Source: Aberystwyth University, Wales

Did You Know…

Women Don’t really talk more than Men Averages: Women 16,215

words a day

Men 15,669

words a day


• •

Americans have racked up more than $73 billion in new credit card debt since 2012. 2 in 5 adults have a budget. 19 % of Americans spend more than they make. 60 % don’t have a rainy day fund.

Sidenote: The range of words used per day was huge. One person used 795 words, and another 47,000 (both were men). Source: University of Arizona in Tucson


Teen Drivers


BEST 1. New York 2. Hawaii 3. Illinois

WORST 1. South Dakota 2. Mississippi 3. Nebraska October 2014


Wallet Hub examined teen driving statistics, teen driver crashes and laws concerning younger drivers across the nation, and ranked the states according to the worst and best teen drivers.


FITNESS/ longevity


f your age depresses you, here’s a scientific truth that won’t make you feel any better. By 30, most people are losing one percent of their muscle mass each year (it’s called sarcopenia).

But your fate is still in your hands. Nutritionist Mariam Nelson from Tufts University even says that a lazy 40-year-old is biologically older than a 70-year-old that works out. So whether you’re 28 or 75, eating a diet full of protein and building your muscle regularly is a must.

1. Weight Lifting

By the time we hit middle age, we should start lifting weights at least twice a week to retain our muscle. But starting early can only help, so breakout some dumbbells or strap on some ankle weights. No one is exempt.

2. Resistance Training

While some prefer lifting weights, they’re not required. Body weight exercises like pushups, squats, crunches, lunges and even some yoga can be just as effective. Nutrition professor Douglas Paddon-Jones from the University of Texas says that just “one to two short resistance workouts each week can improve muscle mass and strength.” So, losing sleep trying to make it to the gym every morning isn’t necessary.

3. Cardio Blasting

Even though cardio isn’t purely a muscle building exercise, it’s still a good idea. It improves muscle health, encourages blood flow and helps your body repair itself. So try to jump on the trampoline or grab your bike or three times a week. But don’t stop strength training.


Sources: WebMD, The Boston Globe, Care2, and EatingWell


October 2014



>> Fitness Get moving

Step it up!

challenges Start by wearing the pedometer for a few days to get a feel for how many steps you’re taking now. If it’s less than 10,000, challenge yourself to work your way up there. Little changes like parking further away from your office or the store, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and walking over to talk to your work colleagues instead of shooting them an e-mail can really add up. Remember that the number on your pedometer is an estimate of your steps. If it is off by a few steps, don’t worry about it — just focus on how much you are moving during the day.




Wearing one is a good way to gauge how much activity you’re getting while just going about your daily activities. It can tell you whether you’re active enough or whether you should build some more movement into your day.


If you don't own a pedometer, consider buying one. Look for a basic model that's easy to operate and easy to read. You don't have to get anything too expensive — there are many decent basic models available for less than $20.




If you're a seasoned walker, keep doing what you're doing. If you've been inactive and tire easily, it's best to start slow and easy. At first, walk only as far or as fast as you find comfortable. If you can walk for only a few minutes, let that be your starting point. For example, you might try short daily sessions of five to 10 minutes and slowly build up to 15 minutes twice a week. Then, over several weeks' time, you can gradually work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes of walking most days each week.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. surgeon general recommend a minimum of 10,000 steps per day (roughly four miles). If that seems like a lot, remember that every step you take during the day counts toward the total. When you add up all the steps you take walking among the different rooms in your home, down the hallway at work, and to and from your car, you’ll see that it’s an achievable goal.

“I enjoy running because it allows me to clear my mind and be alone with my thoughts. What a wonderful benefit.” -Lora Erickson, Blonde Runner Health, LLC





DANCE OFF Maybe you’ve watched the old Ginger Rogers-Fred Astaire movies and marveled how Ginger not only did everything Fred did, but she did it in high heels and backwards. Well, according to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, she was also getting a better cardiovascular workout than Astaire. In a study of competitive ballroom dancers, both men and women were working within 80 percent of their maximum oxygen consumption. In modern dance, the men recorded a heart rate of 170 beats per minute, while the women were going 173 beats every minute. In Latin American dancing, men’s hearts were coasting at 168 beats per minutes while the women were recording 177 beats per minute.

Take up modern dance to get a better workout.



When it comes to exercise, does your cardio routine rule? You’ll be doing your body a favor if you mix in some resistance exercises, too. Adding a strength-training component to your cardio workout can boost your overall fitness level. In a recent study, women who combined step aerobics with resistance training experienced greater improvements in muscular performance and cardiovascular fitness than women who participated only in step aerobics. RealAge Benefit: Lifting weights for 10 minutes three times per week can make your RealAge as much as 1.7 years younger.



Cottage cheese is great but not when it shows up on your thighs, stomach and butt. Cellulite is the lumpy collection of fat that shows up in unsightly areas and is a woman’s worst nightmare. The appearance and amount of cellulite is based on a variety of things like genetics, age and thickness of your skin. The best exercises are the ones that increase your circulation, like walking, jogging and swimming. Cardio exercises will help your body detoxify and burn fat.

Postpartum Weight Loss

Losing weight after pregnancy is high on most women’s list. Breastfeeding is an excellent source of nutrition for an infant and it can help with weight loss. Producing breastmilk requires extra calories, these calories come from some of the extra pounds from your pregnancy. Physical activity can be an organized class, a videotape, or just getting out for a walk with your infant. With persistence, the weight will gradually come off.

Break the workout mold

Yoga, Pilates, zumba and running: these seem to be the standard workouts for women. Across the world, you’ll find these classes at fitness clubs packed with women. But, let’s face it — sometimes our exercise routines get a little stale. You may get bored of the exercise or your body may need more of a challenge. Well, spice it up with some new exercises to get you excited again.




You don’t have to be an aggressive person to take up kickboxing. This sport combines traditional kung fu and western boxing. You’ll kick and punch your way to a stronger, balanced and more flexible body. Plus, it teaches some great self-defense moves.

Take to the wall for a muscle-building, mindchallenging workout. Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, rock climbing will strengthen your entire body. And there’s a lot of satisfaction in stepping back and knowing that you just conquered a 100 foot climb.

If you’re looking to lose some upper arm flab, try racquetball. Like tennis, but with a smaller court, racquetball will give you a strong cardio workout while making you faster on your feet and reflexes. And because you play indoors, it’s a great rainy day exercise.

October 2014


FITNESS/ pregnancy

A Pregnancy

FITNESS GUIDE Prenatal Fitness Benefits Baby’s Lifelong Health

Prenatal lifestyle expert Amy Griffith debunks myths and fears, provides tips, techniques, and truths to help women have a fit, healthy and happy pregnancy.


ccording to recent research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, exercise during pregnancy is not only imperative to keep a mom-to-be fit and healthy, but it can also benefit the child’s lifelong health. The study determined that exercise during pregnancy has a distinct molecular consequence on the unborn child that essentially allows the child to be more fit. Other studies have shown that maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy is tied to preventing childhood obesity, which has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. Of course, prenatal fitness is also imperative for the budding mom’s own health with respect to both her physical and emotional well-being.

While most understand that maintaining a pregnancy fitness regimen is beneficial, many women harbor erroneous fears and misconceptions about prenatal exercise or simply don’t know the best way to go about integrating fitness into their daily lifestyles—both of which undermine and


strength train as long as it still feels safe for her body. Whatever modality of exercise she decides to engage in, it is always of utmost importance that she listen to her body and recognize individual limitations.

inhibit a pregnant woman’s opportunity to optimize her health and fully enjoy the experience. To help moms-to-be (with no applicable medical complications) gain expert-based knowledge and innate confidence relating to their fitness choices, here are 8 tips and truths to give direction, debunk myths, and provide overall peace-of-mind. The goal is to foster a fit, healthy and happy nine months:


DON’T DELAY. If a woman becomes pregnant and has not had a structured fitness routine beforehand, she can certainly start now—and should, since exercise develops muscle tone, can help prevent gestational diabetes, aids in digestion and can help lower blood pressure. Just be sure to begin with some gentle forms of exercise. As the due date approaches, remaining active can also encourage the baby to move into proper position for birth. Even activity as simple as walking is hugely beneficial to a pregnant woman. She can even run, bike, dance and




Exercise not only has countless physical benefits with keeping muscles toned, maintaining healthy body fat levels, and improving cardiovascular health among them, but it also releases endorphins that can help boost mood, improve self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, decrease stress, alleviate pain and improve sleep. All of these can greatly enhance the lifestyle of a pregnant woman, helping her enjoy the overall experience.


Pregnant women still have them and will benefit from strengthening them in advance of delivery. Exercising abs and the entire core group of muscles will help prevent back and posture problems caused by the growing stomach, will make pushing more effective pushing during labor, and will help the new mother recover quicker. For example, a pregnant mother in her second and third trimester will mainly be

working her transverse abdominus, which wrap from front to back like a corset, and also the obliques. Keeping these muscles toned and active will help them to return to their pre-pregnancy state far sooner. Abdominal exercises during pregnancy can also reduce the risk of abdominal separation, which can lead to other physical ailments. Beforehand, be sure to research the safest types of abdominal exercise for the various trimesters and execute with proper form.



a pregnant woman who is exercising may tire out more quickly, there is no evidence that such exertion is harmful to her baby. The general rule of thumb is if a pregnant woman can continue to carry on a conversation while performing an exercise routine, then she is in a cardiovascular safe zone.


SET A FITNESS MANTRA. A mantra is a positive intention—a word or phrase that you come back to daily to “check in” and be reminded that everything is okay and on course. Setting a mantra will help you to trust your body, and accept the changes that are occurring physically. It can help to quiet down the ego and encourage you to slow down and even accept the temporary fitness limitations. This is a key lesson to reiterate throughout pregnancy and can help to keep the pregnant woman safe while exercising. Some mantras are, “I accept,”“I trust,” and “I am strong.” These positive reminders carry throughout the pregnancy and the birth of the baby.




Yoga is not just about gaining strength and flexibility, and finding calm in moments of stress, it also helps slow down our busy lives. And, prenatal yoga is a very safe form of exercise. Executed with the use of props to support the pregnant woman as baby grows, the mother can maintain the standard yoga poses but in a modified way. Prenatal yoga also teaches the powerful connection of breath and movement, encouraging the woman to let go of tension trigger points in her body. All of these elements combine to cultivate a deeper understanding of how the woman’s body moves and what she can do to relax in an uncomfortable situation, both physically and mentally. Many of the elements of a prenatal yoga class can be utilized by the mother as she moves through labor and delivery, including poses to ease labor pains, breathing techniques, and meditation.

CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE IS A-OK. The old theory of not allowing your heart rate to exceed 140 beats per minute is no longer supported by the medical community. There is about a 50% increase in blood flow when a women is pregnant, so the heart works much harder to deliver all of these nutrients throughout the body and especially the placenta. While


Get your

A carefully delivered massage from a prenatal massage specialist can alleviate pain in various parts of the body that can be caused by too much physical activity—exercise and otherwise. Massage stretches and loosens muscles that become tight as baby grows and as the woman’s body changes. Massage will also benefit the pregnant woman as it relieves tension. A pregnant woman’s low back pain, headaches, sciatica and swelling can all be eased by a trained massage therapist. When her body feels better she is able to continue to keep herself healthy with regular exercise.


Meditating can connect to a mantra you set or simply help to quiet down, clear your mind, calm your nervous system and lower your blood

flu shot!

pressure. When employed in combination with a fitness regime, a pregnant woman can reap the rewards of both physical and emotional health. Pregnant women can quiet down fears and release them through the practice of meditation. When the mother lets go of fear, it opens her up to having a positive pregnancy and birth. Labor and delivery are certainly a physical experience, but many women say it is 90% mental. Allowing oneself to move inward and “step out of your own way” gives the body permission to do exactly what it knows how to do: birth baby! Meditation enables the mom-tobe to mentally surrender while exercise gives her physical strength and confidence.


Amy Griffith

Prenatal Yoga Instructor Nationally certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor, Amy Griffith, is one of America’s leading prenatal fitness and lifestyle experts. From AmyGriffithworkout. com, she provides free advice, including eBook and video content, to her army of followers and fans. After getting married and deciding to focus on becoming a mother, Amy wanted to find the best strategies to ensure a healthy pregnancy. None of her friends had any answers outside of generic recycled advice, so Amy embarked upon on a crusade in the interest of herself, her unborn son and her family at large. What Amy discovered was that Yoga had amazing solutions and that she could teach other moms-to-be to trust their body more on what it can do naturally.

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October 2014



w e llness






veryday we are given 24 hours. Out loud it sounds like a lot, but for the majority of Americans 24 hours just doesn’t seem like enough. Many people hit the pillow at night feeling unaccomplished and dull, with a sense that life is merely speeding past them and they are barely hanging on. In reality, these people probably do accomplish a lot during their day, but are simply starting their days off wrong. A defective morning schedule can drastically affect the entire day, leading to that dreaded unproductive feeling. The moment your eyes open the clock starts ticking, and that it is why it is essential to start your day off right. Laura Vanderkam, a time management expert and author of the book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast explains that people need to embrace the morning. Her study of morning rituals found that those who are successful set aside the first hours of their days to invest in their top-priorities before other people and their priorities get in the way. The following five tips are a guide to doing mornings right. Refer to these and your days will turn from bogged down to uplifting, from busy to engaging, and from empty to meaningful. WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS “You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day,” says Elizabeth Gilbert, author of best selling Eat, Pray, Love. “This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control


things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.” When you wake up in the morning think of what you do and create positive thoughts towards those tasks. The mind is much more powerful than most of us give it credit for, so instead of fighting against it, work with it. Utilize your thoughts to create good vibes that will carry you through your day. EXERCISE Countless studies confirm that exercising in the morning is the best routine you can get yourself committed to. US News explained that morning exercise improves productivity, boosts metabolism, aids in a better diet and helps with greater sleep. Although it can be hard to jump out of bed and into your workout gear, the benefits of this habit are truly endless. So if you really want to have your days turn from dull to dynamite, take the challenge and get active early on. EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST So you want a calm, peaceful start to your day? You want a healthy body and ready-foraction brain? You want to be leaner, more energized and consume nutrients for your health? Well all that is what you are going to get with a healthy breakfast. According to the American Journal of Epidemiology, breakfast skippers are 4.5 times more likely to be obese than those who eat that morning meal. Additionally, the Journal of Adolescent Health found that high-energy breakfast foods help boost short-term memory. The key here?

Make sure your breakfast is a healthy one. High-calorie breakfast can actually reverse these positive effects. Try toast and fruit, oatmeal or a protein-packed smoothie, and be on your way to a not only happier, but healthier day. CREATE GOALS WITH VERBS We all do it. We create goals, yet no plan. We have dreams, yet no follow up. These empty promises to ourselves are a major cause of stress and letdown in our day-to-day lives. So where do we make a change? Productivity guru David Allen says that for each task or goal, start with a verb. For example, instead of simply stating “Friday presentation,” say “create powerpoint, search for images, and practice speech.” The more specific you are the greater success you will have with each task throughout the day. You better grasp what you’re accomplishing, and you don’t let yourself procrastinate until the last minute. MAKE SOMEONE ELSE HAPPY Isn’t it funny how we may feel bogged down, distressed and sad, yet the moment we help someone else we feel so much better. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science suggests that doing good works for others stimulates the same part of the brain activated in response to monetary rewards, sex and other positive stimuli. These feel-good chemicals help push away negative emotions including stress. So there you have it—if you want to have a great day, make someone else’s. Think about how you might do that when you wake up, and your day could be that much different.


fountain of youth THROUGH DIET & EXERCISE?



Too often we overexert ourselves and don’t take into account muscle recovery and refueling. Balance out your routine by adding in strength training 2-3 times a week, a few cardio workouts which may include a High Intensity Interval Training for major calorie burn and then some type of mind-body class to lengthen muscles and refresh the mind.


Our body is made up of 65-75% water depending on the source so it should be our drink of choice above anything else. Hydrated muscles work more efficiently and don’t fatigue as fast. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that water helps your body maintain a normal temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, protects the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues and gets ride of waste.


Our lack of time for preparation and confusion on the nutritional value of foods can hinder us from making good food choices. No matter how hard we work out we can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Try and eat as many foods that you can recognize every ingredient. For example, how many ingredients do you find in produce? Exactly one. Shop for foods found on the outside edge of the store and avoid the middle aisles as much as possible. Foods with an extended shelf life are not your friend.


There are a lot of electronic distractions, and jobs that require hours of chair-time which can lead to poor posture and, often times, back and hip problems. Our bodies are built to move— not sit. Create opportunities to move. Get up and walk around the parking lot every hour. Take the stairs whenever possible. Stand and do some squats or lunges. Plan activities that require physical activity, like hiking or mall walking.


Many have the mentality that we need lots of cardio to control our weight or lose those extra pounds. Don’t get me wrong, cardiovascular exercise is good, but strength training is how you can positively change your body composition. Muscles also support us structurally, which can help us avoid injuries or chronic aches. ABOUT THE AUTHOR


Treehouse Athletic Club 801-553-0123

Everything seems better if we look at it with a positive perspective. Select activities that keep you moving, but also clear your head. Connecting with family and friends to be healthy with you can have a positive impact.

Matt Kirchner is a Treehouse Certified Personal Trainer, and a Certified Personal Trainer (NPTI, CPT) CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist)

Life doesn’t have to get harder, and your body doesn’t have to get weaker. Empower yourself with smart eating, appropriate exercise and a positive outlook. Let’s love the life we are in.

Matt Kirchner

October 2014





Mountaineers share insight on

resiliency Resiliency is the ultimate goal. Whether it’s rebuffing someone’s negative comment or combating financial difficulties, we all want to weather storms with strength. But that’s easier said than done. Jim Davidson learned about hard work—and heights—working for his father’s painting company at 9 years old, and then as a geologist for 16 years. But it wasn’t until he spoke at a science conference about his climbing hobby that he found his true bliss. “I started sharing some of my adventure stories,” Davidson explains, “and a little about the lessons and insights I’d picked up.” He was surprised when his colleagues responded positively, telling him to pursue that speaking talent. Davidson has a lot of experience with hardship. In 1992, he and his college buddy, Mike Price, climbed Mt. Rainier, near Seattle. They fell eighty feet deep into a glacier. Price slowed Davidson’s fall, but was critically injured himself. Davidson tried fruitlessly to save Price with CPR, but soon found himself alone, staring up at 80-foot high glacier walls, convinced he would die alongside his friend. “But that began my ultimate challenge,” Davidson says. “[It] put what I’d learned about being resilient and being perseverant to the ultimate test.” He reflected on the example of his father, who remade himself into a painting contractor after his technology career failed. He reflected on the strength of his fallen friend. And Davidson, without enough experience and using the wrong equipment, got himself out of that glacier. He now teaches resiliency alongside expedition climbing. But you don’t need a traumatic experience to find your resilience, he says. Your inspiration may come from your best friend who survived cancer, mother who never complained, or spouse who is always there for you. Or maybe your faith keeps you going. “Look to [your] places of strength,” Davidson advises. “We all find it in different places.” Use that strength in other areas of your life, he says.

Mountain climber Jeff Evans guides injured vets and seasoned climbers on expeditions around the world. Companies like Microsoft and Apple hire him to teach their employees about dealing with adversity. “Another way to think of resiliency,” he says, “is how you deal with adversity. Evans and colleague Erik Weihenmayer started Soldiers to Summits to lead our war veterans on climbing expeditions. He thought that he would be teaching them, but feels like it’s the other way around. “I’ve learned the most from them,” Evans says, “about resiliency and standing up in the face of adversity.” He says it’s not just what they’ve gone through, but the strength with which they went through it. “I continue to do it…simply because I continue to learn from them,” he says. “We learn how to be resilient over time, from watching people.”

After all he’s learned, Evans believes that the most important ingredient to a resilient life is being present in the moment. But he’ll be the first to admit it’s not easy. “Sometimes when it’s dark and cold and scary, I check out,” Evans admits. “I’ve done [Kilimanjaro] 14 times, but every night at the summit…I go kite surf for a couple hours in my head.” There’ll be times when you just can’t do it. “[But] when it’s time to come back, be back,” Evans says. “Find that mechanism that allows you to recalibrate and be present,” whether that’s breathing, taking a moment to yourself, exercising, or drinking coffee. Find your reset switch. And if you want to flex your resiliency muscle, “embrace the challenges that attract you,” Davidson says. Whether that means yoga, running, music, or climbing, build resilience in your areas of strength, he says, and take it with you to fight your family difficulties and financial troubles. Follow Jim Davidson’s Everest Resilience Project at, and find Jeff Evans at Source: PBS

October 2014





is Really Good For THE TRUTHS AND MYTHS BEHIND ALL THE COCONUT WATER BUZZ Lately it seems that everyone is nuts for coconuts—coconut water that is. From celebrity endorsements to the “mother nature’s sports drink” nickname, coconut water is falling off the shelves around the nation. So what’s all the hype about? Coconut water is said to be low in calories, cholesterol free, bursting with potassium and incredibly hydrating. Not to mention it has also been dubbed as a fountain of youth and immune system booster. Are all these promises fact, or could there be some fiction?



HEALTHIER THAN THE AVERAGE SPORTS DRINK: Coconut water is the better choice when it comes to sugary sports drinks. It contains less sugar, less sodium, and more potassium when compared ounce to ounce with Gatorade. A study from the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that coconut water was just as effective for rehydration when compared with the average sports drink. LOW CALORIES: With one cup standing at 45 calories, this low-cal drink fulfills promises in this department. PROMOTES HEALTH: Coconut water promotes kidney health and is low glycemic. It also contains electrolytes and enzymes to benefit your body.


INTENSE WORKOUT HYDRATION: During intense workouts, sodium leaves the body through sweat. If you are in a highly intense workout, the low sodium of coconut water may not replenish as well as other sports drinks. Depending on your body and workout regimen, you may want to choose conventional sports drinks. KEEPS YOU YOUNG: Cytokinins are plant hormones that slow aging in plants and fruit flies. Coconut water does contain cytokinins, but the benefits of this hormone on humans have yet to be proven. BOOSTS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is a natural immune booster found in mother’s milk. However, coconut water has almost no lauric acid in it. With only .5 g of fat per 100g, the immune boosting are pretty much a no show in this so-called miracle water.

When it all comes down to it, coconut water is a healthy choice. It keeps up its end of the deal in most areas, with a few exceptions. So if you’re looking for a new drink, try some coconut water.

The Fitness JOURNEY “Part of success is taking a moment to realize how far you have come.” This is the quote on about 5 posters in the Taylorsville Recreation Center; posters of those who have made remarkable strides in their fitness journey through Boot Camp Strong and with their own personal desire to improve their lives—to become healthy, strong, and physically fit. We all have a story of our journey. Mine began at the age of 50, when my 5 children were growing up and beginning to leave home. All of my self-esteem and good feelings were surrounded around them and my husband for so many years. They were my positive reinforcement wherever I turned, when they did well, I felt I did well. But all at once I was kind of alone and had to depend on myself for reinforcement and I just didn’t see myself as anything special or worthwhile or contributing to my environment. I went to a doctor who prescribed me medication. I remember looking at it, not believing I was to this point. I asked the doctor, “if I go to the gym every day will that make it so I won’t have to take this?” The doctor looked at me a little surprised and nodded in the affirmative. Most people would not follow through with that kind of a prescription—exercise. But from that point on I was a faithful gym participant determined to prove the doctor wrong. I slowly started adding classes. Every time I weighed myself, I slowly began to lose weight, largely because I cut my portions. When I found I could run 3 miles (my son asked me how far I was running and I didn’t

know, so we got in the car and tracked it), I was so surprised at how far I was running, I did not want to stop. I couldn’t believe it. There is something empowering about finding out what your body can do that you didn’t know it could do. It raises your confidence tremendously. After about a year, I began to feel so much better about myself, not only losing weight but handling challenges so much better. I decided I would really like to teach those classes I was doing, to help others (women in particular), and feel the confidence and strength and positive feelings I had experienced. A new world opened up, and I was out of my comfort zone. My first training exam left me in tears. After much tribulation (I would call it that), I finally passed the Group Exercise exam and practical and became an instructor. Finding people to teach was the next challenge. I began teaching classes for 50-year-olds. Then started teaching a water aerobics class and I substituted for a cycling class. I started Boot Camp in May 2008 at the suggestion of the Gym. I received my first Personal Trainer Certification before Boot Camp started (and I never thought I would ever become a Personal Trainer—it was way over my head) and now have been certified with AFAA and NASM as a personal trainer. I know more about muscles and body mechanics than I every thought existed. Boot Camp Strong is now alive and running. And best of all it works. People do get better and stronger physically working out a minimum of three days of week with workouts programmed to meet their fitness levels and progress. We have between 40-50 people in the program, which is so great. The friendships we make go hand in hand with the idea of

Working Hard, Eating Right, Being Inspired and Inspiring Others. It takes time, commitment and hard work all the while having “fun”. Recently we had Boot Campers (15 of us) run in the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon, and I was able to run with my husband. We placed 14th out of 88 teams. I ran it in 2:06—7th in my age group. Boot Camp works! Now I am looking forward to training with one of the top 10 gyms in America this fall, to learn and develop opportunities for Boot Campers to be the very best they can be. Our Mantra is to get 1 percent better every day and to do things that you didn’t know your body could do. It doesn’t matter where you are on the fitness scale. You give to your body and your body gives back to you. It is a natural law. The only boundaries you have are the ones you surround yourself with. Challenging yourself truly changes your life for the good, helping you to become healthier and happier for not only yourself but for those around you. Now who wouldn’t love to pay the price for that? Ten years later, life is better than ever!


Pam Balls

Certified Personal Trainer 801-386-3790 Pam has a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University. She is also certified in Group Exercise, Yoga, Cycling and Water Aerobics. Pam has worked for 10 years in the fitness industry and started Boot Camp Strong nearly 6 years ago in Salt Lake City, Utah.

October 2014


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• 40% greater chance of dying within three years • 50% increased risk for heart disease, cancer, and related conditions BETWEEN 1980 AND 2000:

• Exercise rates stayed the same. • Sitting time increased by 8 %. • Obesity rates doubled.

Death by

CHAIR HOW SITTING MIGHT KILL YOU The job you work to support your family could actually take you away from them sooner than you would have ever thought possible. Your job could be killing you— literally. I’m not talking about the “it’s one of those weeks that never seems to end” type of unbearable that you feel from time to time. There are physiological reasons why the ideal office job could lead to an early expiration. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) indicates that the more time one spends sitting in a day, such as at an office job, the greater the risk of dying in three to 15 years. More time at the office could mean less years of living, and is even more likely to mean less years of happy living as the years go by. It has long been known that sitting too much can lead to back problems. However, the health risks don’t end there. Those who sit for long periods of time have an increased risk of developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and related conditions that affect not only the amount of years you live, the but the quality of the years that you have left.


S o u rce: m ed ica lb illin g a n d co d i n g. org


The study also reveals that regular exercise doesn’t seem to affect the outcome. Regular and consistent exercise helps of course, and is better than none at all, but if you exercise in the morning and then proceed to sit for the rest of the day, you are still in the same boat as your coworkers who slept in and went straight to work. The reality is that our bodies are not meant to be sedentary. The more time we spend sitting, the lower our metabolic rate becomes and the less calories we burn. As the metabolic rate slows, energy we consume is, more often than not, turned into fat. Sitting also results in a decrease of a blood enzyme called lipase, which breaks down fat in our bodies. Other negative consequences of the office chair are less electrical activity in leg muscles and poor circulation, in addition to the body becoming less sensitive to insulin. All of these things notably lead to the chronic health problems that are plaguing Americans today, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Get a footrest if needed. You should be able to use the keyboard with wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. Place computer screen at eye level and an arm’s length away to reduce neck strain. OO

STAND UP AND WORK. Standing burns 1.5 times more calories than sitting and also stimulates better blood flow.


ASK YOUR BOSS IF YOU CAN TAKE A BREAK AT LEAST ONCE A DAY, TO WALK AROUND THE OFFICE BUILDING. The Mayo Clinic recommends moving as much as possible. Exercise regularly—but this alone is not enough to cancel out negative effects of sitting. In addition to regular exercise, get up and walk around at least every 30 minutes.






WALK OR BIKE TO WORK. If you live too far away take the bus or train and get off a stop early to walk the rest of the way.




SIT CORRECTLY WITH FEET FLAT ON THE FLOOR AND FACE STRAIGHT AHEAD. Don’t cross your legs. Avoid positions where your neck has to strain. The lower back should be completely supported and knees should be level with hips.

we l l ne s s

Joblessness H I D D E N DA N G E R S O F



Unemployment is a burden, and not just on the bank account. Being out of a job means there’s time to kill and discouragement to remedy, and research shows that the antidote to both these problems is often substance abuse, which leads to addiction. It’s a brutal cycle: unemployment leads to substance abuse which leads to addiction, which makes holding a job difficult, increasing the chances of starting the cycle all over again. WHEN TOO MUCH FREE TIME LEADS TO TROUBLE Why do persons who are unemployed turn to drugs and alcohol? The answers usually fall into one of a few categories. The person becomes bored by all the extra time they have and are looking to “liven things up” or they are looking for a way to cope with unhappiness about their lack of income. The person may suffer from depression or anxiety and feel the need to “self-medicate.” Of all the persons in the workforce, studies consistently show that those who are unemployed among those most likely to smoke, drink excessive amounts of alcohol or use illicit drugs. Those employed fulltime account for far less of the amount of substance abusers connected to the workforce. THE VICIOUS CYCLE Unemployment doesn’t always last forever; that individual may eventually find a new work opportunity. The problem is that often, continuous substance abuse follows that person to their new job. They miss time due to the effects of drugs or alcohol. They may show up to work still under the influence of certain substances. Their addiction can lead them to make decisions that negatively impact their ability to work at the level their boss expects. Eventually, that person may be fired due to issues brought on by drug or alcohol addiction. The drug abuse goes on, filling the time once occupied by a job. This is the vicious cycle some people find themselves caught up in.

BABY BOOMERS HAVE A PROBLEM This cruel effect of unemployment isn’t limited to the young. Ageism is an uncomfortable reality in today’s workforce. Some people retire from work willingly, meanwhile others are forced out. When one isn’t prepared to stop working and forced to deal with discrimination, it can have a negative emotional impact. This can contribute to the decision among Americans in their 50s and 60s to abuse drugs and alcohol. Studies show that drug and alcohol abuse is on the rise among Baby Boomers. It could be that as many are retiring or finding themselves unemployed over long stretches, they are more likely to turn to drugs to cope. A 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that in 2002, 1.9 percent of 55-59 year-olds reported illicit drug use in the previous month. By 2012, that percentage jumped to 6.6. The increasing numbers are similar for ages 50-54. The survey authors estimate that by 2020, 5.7 million adults age 50 and older will need alcohol or drug treatment, which would double 2002-06 rates. It’s important that those in this age group find worthwhile pursuits to fill their time so they can avoid the drug abuse trap. Not everyone who becomes unemployed will find themselves battling a drug addiction. Some people are more prone to it than others. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to ask questions, and if at all possible, seek treatment for these issues. Source: Learn more: 12 Keys Recovery ( 12 Keys Recovery Center, located in Florida, offers addiction treatment programs. Visit their website for additional information about addiction, including video presentations and infographics.

5.7 million adults age 50 and older will need alcohol or drug treatment, which would double 2002-06 rates. October 2014


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October 2014




RESILIENT Mind Can you roll with the punches and bounce back?




What Is It? Resilience is the secret sauce to any endeavor, be it physical, mental, social or occupational. It is the ability to face challenges in a healthy, productive way. Some call it the art of living. Measuring your own levels of resilience is difficult, but as a start, see how you stack up against these common traits of resilient people: [[ Positive self-views, hope [[ Strong self-control (emotions, actions, thoughts) [[ Self-awareness (able to identify thoughts, emotions and behaviors as productive or unproductive) [[ Mental agility (the ability to look at things from a different perspective. This also makes resilient people good problem solvers) [[ Strong coping skills [[ Gratitude [[ A service-oriented attitude [[ Good connections with other adults

Due to the heavy toll military service can take on soldiers and their families, the Army recently incorporated a program for developing mental strength in soldiers, specifically skills like selfawareness, optimism and connection, says Master Sgt. Jennifer Loredo, Senior Enlisted Advisor Of The US Army’s Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness program. Some Army leaders call this the education to be able to “bounce back.” One skill the Army’s new program teaches is mental agility, defined as the ability to think flexibly, take new perspectives and try different solutions. This resiliency skill is important for effective problem solving and to avoid getting bogged down by the pressures that inevitably come. To teach the skill, the program helps people identify six thought traps, and how to get out of them. The traps are universally applicable.

This is the mole-hill-to-mountain kind of thinking that gets us stressed. It also strains relationships when we make assumptions about others. The solution here is to slow down, and ask yourself to provide the evidence for the conclusion you’ve created in your mind. For example, if you’re struggling to find a job, you may jump to the conclusion that you lack talent and intelligence. Does the struggle to find work really prove that, or are you missing a few pieces of the logic puzzle?

This development often comes with the passage of life experiences, but learning resilience also depends on the effort we exert to attain it.

Note: Every thinking trap has some aspect of jumping to conclusions.

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient,” says author Dr. Steve Maraboli.

Mental Traps That Destroy Resilience

A look at Army life, one of the toughest professions out there, provides insight into the inner workings of resilience. Military life demands resilience if a soldier’s future is to remain bright (though the same could be said of any life).


Sometimes we fall prey to the idea that we ourselves are the cause of every problem we face. This inability to look outward is a sign you aren’t able to think from multiple perspectives, which increases the pressure we feel in our lives. Take responsibility for your actions, but be willing to ask yourself how others, and circumstances, contributed to your problems. Understanding the multi-faceted nature of your problems is key to bouncing back from them.



“Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone,” says the American Psychological Association.

You Learn It

what you’re feeling? Your ability to be resilient is unnecessarily strained when you aren’t expressing yourself.


This is the trap of assuming people know what you’re thinking or assuming you know what they’re thinking. You evade this trap by remembering to speak up, and by asking yourself “Did I express myself and did I ask for information?” For example, if you’re bothered by a peer’s behavior, do they have any idea it bothers you? Or do you think that they should just understand

The opposite of the last mental trap, this problem arises when we blame other people and outside circumstances for every problem we face. It is the inability to selfevaluate. Once you discover how you’re contributing to the problems you face, you discover a path to personal resilience.


This mental trap has to do with the sense of control. Often we fall into a pattern of thinking that the negative aspects of our lives are out of our control and unchangeable. This makes any attempt at resilience seem futile. Resilient people take control of their lives, and are always sorting issues into things they can and can’t control, moving forward to improve the things they can control. This gives cause for hope.

Continued on next page >>>>>

It is helpful to see how these thinking traps can come into play for everyday scenarios, and how these patterns chip away at our resilience. Consider the following situation:

Mental Traps In Action


J U M P I N G TO C O N C LU S I O N S : “My wife must have overspent on clothes.”


MIND-READING: “She should have known not to spend too much because of recent changes in our insurance.”


ME/ME/ME: “This all boils down to me not being able to provide for my family.”


THEM/THEM/THEM: “I didn’t spend all of our money. She did.”


A LWAY S / A LWAY S / A LWAY S : “We’ll never get out of debt.”


EVERY THING/EVERY THING/EVERY THING: “If I can’t trust her with money, I can’t trust her with anything.”

October 2014


Continued from previous page 27


This mental trap is when you let a single situation determine your beliefs about yourself and others. It is an inability to separate singular events from your character and the rest of your life. For example, if you forget to pick up your child from school, you may be tempted to doubt your ability as a parent. This doubt may bleed over into other aspects of life, such as “If I can’t even be responsible for my own children, how can I ask for a promotion at work?” This trap is dangerous because it doesn’t let us make mistakes in a healthy way. Resilient people are self-aware enough to identify the specific fault that caused the problem, and the specific area of life that will be affected. Note: These ideas, used by the Army, are based on training materials developed by the University of Pennsylvania.

The People Factor of Resilience

One common myth about resilient people is that they don’t need help from other people. Think Hercules, Superman, etc. Our heroes are tough and do it by themselves, even if “it” is saving the world. But resilient people in real life are actually very different.


“Resilient people are resourceful, and friends and family are among their most important resources,” says PBS’s This Emotional Life. “Resilient people have strong social networks, close connections to family and friends, are able to self-disclose about their troubles to people close to them, and ask for help when they need it.” Research shows that social support is vital for making it through challenges in a healthy way.

How Does Mental Strength Actually Help Us?

Resilience is more than just not drowning. It is about thriving. For example, research shows that physical performance improves with mental resilience, be it in a basketball game or on a battlefield. Resilient people are the pillars of their families, friends and coworkers. They are productive because discouragement isn’t quicksand, they smile because setbacks don’t determine their attitude. “Positive emotions like kindness, amusement,

creativity, and gratitude put us in a frame of mind to explore the world around us and build a larger repertoire of assets that we can draw on in stressful times,” says This Emotional Life. Resilient people are continuously drawing things from life experiences, adapting their viewpoints and progressing in knowledge. This in turn increases capacity to weather future storms. Also, research suggests that positivity and happiness spread, meaning that resilient people influence others to be more resilient. Choose your friends wisely. Lastly, resilience is the lifeblood of anyone’s best qualities. A nice person is consistently nice, and not just when convenient. A hard worker is a hard worker regardless of the scenario. A generous person doesn’t stop giving when they don’t have as much. The resilient nature of your virtues is in fact what makes them virtues that matter at all.

October 2014



BREAST CANCER OR SOMETHING ELSE? Lumps in the breast are more often the result of benign breast disease or a breast cyst— non-cancerous and non-life-threatening— and it’s important to know which is which.



ancer is a terrifying disease that has probably touched your life or the life of someone you love. It’s something that is frequently in the back of our minds, especially as we get older. Every woman dreads finding a lump in her breast because of what it might mean. Surgery, chemo, radiation—all are potentially life saving measures that come at the cost of time and prolonged pain. What you might not know is that lumps in the breast are more often associated with benign breast disease or breast cysts. The National Cancer Institute reports most breast lumps are benign, meaning they are not cancerous or life threatening. They can, however, be the result of natural circumstances or one of many other conditions. It’s important to know the difference between the conditions causing lumps in the breast and breast cancer, and what it means for your health.



A woman’s breasts are always changing. As women approach middle age, the lobules that produce milk give way to soft, fatty tissue. This kind of breast lumpiness is most often found around the areola and in the upper and outer parts of the breast. Moreover, many women experience a natural swelling of the breasts during menstrual cycles, making any kind of breast lumpiness more pronounced than normal. Pregnancy, too, may result in increased lumpiness in the breasts. Lumps of this nature are typically benign and very rarely become cancerous. They can, however, hide the presence of malignant lumps or tumors that can be detected on a mammogram. For this reason, any lump detected in the area of the breast should be mentioned to your health care provider.


Simply put, cysts are just fluid filled sacs. The National Institutes of Health reports that breast cysts are most common in women between the ages of 35 and 50. These sacs can often swell during or around the menstrual period. This swelling may cause tenderness or pain in the breast. If swelling persists, a doctor may decide to drain the cyst. If you have any questions or concerns about a lump or the condition of your breasts, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Even if you have had benign lumps before, speak to your doctor about the formation of any new lumps. The earlier you speak to a doctor the better off you’ll be, especially if the lump is found to be cancerous. You can never be too safe.

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Breast Cancer & ORAL HEALTH M

ost people realize the major risk factors of oral cancer. These include smoking, alcohol use and others. The surprising fact is how your oral health has a connection to breast cancer. You may be 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer if you have poor oral health or gum disease. The Journal of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment and the World Health Organization have both conducted studies that show that gum disease increases risk of breast cancer, and the mercury from your silver fillings may play a part.

In 2011 a Canadian research team assessed breast cancer tissue biopsies and found significant accumulation of heavy metals often found in dental materials. Such as, mercury, zinc, and nickel. Those that are already undergoing or about to undergo traditional cancer therapy such as chemo and radiation, should be aware that there may be side-effects that may affect the

mouth. Also, for those treated with Bisphosphonate chemotherapies there may be long-term destruction of the jaw-bone.

For those that may be interested in more natural approaches to breast cancer therapy, there are many options available. Actress Suzanne Somers is known for refusing chemotherapy to treat her breast cancer, using instead natural alternatives such as Mistletoe. Others may include diet, ozone, alkalinizing, homeopathies, acupuncture and mind wave treatments. Also, Dr. Thomas Rau from the famous Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland has reported that 98% of his breast cancer patients have had one or more root canal teeth on the same acupuncture/energy meridian as the original breast cancer tumor and there are others with similar reports. Obviously, claims like this are highly controversial and not taken as fact by most dentists or traditional oncologists,

but it certainly is interesting to note, if nothing else. Regardless of which camp one choses to follow, traditional or natural, it is apparent that improved oral health can pay great dividends in both prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Maybe a little flossing and regular visits to your dentist aren’t such bad ideas after all? A holistic/biological dentist would be someone who could offer more information on these topics. ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Dr. Scott Chandler, DMD Silver Creek Dental 675 South 100 West, Ste. 1 Payson, UT 84651 801-853-8803

Dr. Chandler, father of ten, was trained at the University of Kentucky’s dental school. As a trustworthy professional and a perfectionist at his work, he is Payson’s elite dentist.

October 2014


My Breast Care.

My Healthy Future

Comprehensive breast care and women’s health services: • • • •

Genetic testing High-risk assessment counseling Digital mammography Stereotactic and ultrasoundguided biopsy • MammoPad® technology • Certified cancer patient navigators • know error® system

• • • •

Obstetrics, including high risk Incontinence treatment Osteoporosis screenings da Vinci® robotic-assisted technology for minimally invasive hysterectomy, pelvic prolapse, uterine fibroids and endometriosis • Comprehensive Cancer Center opening Fall 2015

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 866-431-WELL. | 3580 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT 84088 34 HEALTHY MAGAZINE

Know Your Risk

Healthy lifestyle practices to help lower your risk of breast cancer

Anne Kieryn, MD Jordan Valley Medical Center

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in women, and an estimated one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Although these statistics may be disconcerting, there are several nutritional and healthy lifestyle practices that may help lower your risk of breast cancer. Women at any age—pubescent through postmenopausal—should implement these healthy behaviors in order to improve overall health and wellbeing. First and foremost, an important step to take is educating yourself about breast cancer facts, risk reduction and breast self-awareness. Learning what feels normal for you at each stage in life can be a valuable tool if changes do occur in your breast health.

at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, including strength-training exercises. Being active can lower your risk of breast cancer development, recurrence, and breast cancerrelated death. Additionally, physical activity can improve your bone health, energy and wellbeing. Breast Self-Awareness • Know your personal risk of breast cancer and family history of breast cancer • Recognize what feels normal for you through self exams • Get clinical breast exams beginning in your 20s and mammograms every year starting at age 40 • Speak with your doctor about your health and risk factors Cancer Center at Jordan Valley Medical Center The Breast Care Center, which is the first center in the Salt Lake area to provide women with comprehensive breast health care, offers a high level of individualized care from a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals in a comfortable and supportive environment.

Healthy Weight Body weight can affect a woman’s risk of many diseases and cancers, including breast cancer. Studies show that a combination of excess body weight, physical inactivity and poor nutritional choices contributes to an increased risk of breast cancer. Excess weight or obesity in a postmenopausal woman can increase her risk of breast cancer by 30–60 percent.

Cancer Center at Jordan Valley Medical Center to open fall 2015

The link between excess weight and cancer risk is complicated, and while more information needs to be gathered, research shows that extra fat cells in the body, especially concentrated around a woman’s midsection, can contribute to the growth and development of certain types of breast cancer. However, weight gain and obesity have a different affect on a woman’s risk depending on her age. Postmenopausal women should take extra precautions when it comes to their weight, as excess fat is the leading source of estrogen among women after menopause.

In the fall of 2015, Jordan Valley Medical Center will open its new community Cancer Center—a two-story cancer facility for inpatient and outpatient care. The Cancer Center’s specialties will include breast, urological, gynecological, head, neck and gastrointestinal treatment. This expansion includes exciting changes for the Breast Care Center. In addition to the services already provided, the Breast Care Center will have the space, technology and expertise needed to treat each patient completely—from diagnosis through treatment and after care.

Staying Active Exercising for your health does not necessarily mean an intense workout every day. The American Cancer Society recommends

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 866-431-WELL (9355).

October 2014





PROBLEM Our system for paying medical professionals is broken, and patients foot the bill.




American healthcare is an enormous tangled knot made over decades, and one strand that must be untied before quality and affordability improve is how America pays their doctors. The problem is right in our face and in our wallets. Consider the following. • • •

From 2001 to 2007, personal bankruptcies from illness and medical bills rose by 50 percent, to about 2/3 of all such bankruptcies. 1.7 million (2013) Americans live in households that will declare bankruptcy due to their inability to pay medical bills. 10 million Americans ages 19-64 with year-round insurance coverage will face medical bills they cannot pay.

Sources: American Journal of Medicine, Nerdwallet Health

Clearly medical insurance isn’t what it once was. Patients are grasping for solutions in the face of unexpected medical costs, and physicians are struggling to stay afloat as problematic compensation pushes them under. Here are the worst knots we must untangle when it comes to paying doctors: THE WAY INSURANCE COMPANIES AND MEDICARE PAY DOCTORS GIVES INCENTIVE FOR UNBALANCED, EXPENSIVE CARE. Some doctors report they feel pressure from insurance companies to practice a certain way, because the current systems of payment overvalue some services and undervalue others. For example, if a habitual smoker comes into a doctor’s office, the doctor doesn’t necessarily get paid for getting the patient to quit smoking. The doctor can charge small fees for asking about smoking habits and consulting about how to quit, but the real money comes from how many billable procedures he performs. Granted, some of these procedures are important for improving the patients health, but they can’t fill the place of time spent consulting the patient, which insurance doesn’t cover nearly as handsomely. In general, tests and procedures are highly compensated, and time spent with a patient is not. Paying based on volume of services given takes focus away from what it should be: the patient’s overall well-being. Furthermore, it results in unnecessary procedures and wasted money.

“A phrase I’ve heard people say, that I think sums up the current fee-for-service way of paying for care pretty well, is that it can make doctors feel like they’re practicing medicine in a professionally undignified way,” says Andrea Ducas, MPH, a program officer with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a health philanthropy and social change organization. Dr. Andy Peiffer, medical director of the Men’s Health Center in Salt Lake City, moved to a cash-based system of payment in 2005, and doesn’t accept insurance for his services. He says this allowed him to begin practicing medicine like he wanted. Perhaps most importantly, he says, it allows him to spend more time with patients. “In preventive medicine, the most important thing a doctor can offer is time,” he says. Peiffer says people still need insurance, and that most of his patients have some form of it. Patients pay him out-of-pocket simply because it is worth the value of his time, he says. Patient satisfaction has gone up since he stopped accepting insurance, he reports. The problem becomes more complicated when Medicare is inserted into the picture. Medicare doesn’t give doctors as much money for medical services as most insurance companies do, which means that if a doctor is going to see Medicare patients, he must see a larger number of them to make it financially worthwhile. The end result is that our senior population, which needs the most medical attention, is often getting the hastiest doctor visits and the least professional consultation. THE WAY WE PAY DOCTORS DEMANDS AN ABSURD AMOUNT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LABOR ON THEIR PART, WHICH INCREASES COSTS. Medical practices must have an office staff to fight compensation battles with insurance companies. The doctor performs a procedure, and bills the insurance company of the patient, but then the insurance company often denies the claim, claiming faulty paperwork or some other issue. The doctor’s office modifies and resubmits the claim, and the battle continues. “Offices spend inordinate amounts of time on claims,” Peiffer says. “People are nickel and diming and getting nickel and dimed.” Peiffer says booting insurance allowed him to get rid of overhead costs. Research suggests that the ratio of administrative (paperwork) versus care delivery (actual doctors and nurses) staff has increased significantly in the last 20 years, wasting billions of dollars. • •

Administration (versus people who actually practice medicine) consumes 31 percent of health spending in the United States. Cutting that in half could save $400 billion annually.


Proponents of a one-payer system (the payer being the government, federal or

New Systems in Place There are:

7,000 medical practices that

are certified patient-centered medical homes.

600 Accountable Care

Organizations (ACOs), serving 18 million people. An ACO is an organization that ties reimbursement to quality metrics.

500 hospitals, health systems or providers using Medicare’s Bundled Payments for Care Initiative (BPCI).

state), like Canada has, use the argument of bureaucracy costs as one of their main weapons. Having a single body to submit claims to, versus 10 different insurance companies, each with different policies, would supposedly cut costs dramatically. While arguments abound about the quality of Canadian healthcare, our neighbors to the north spend about 15 percent of health spending on administration, or about half of what the US spends. David Himmelstein, MD, an associate professor of medicine at CUNY and administrative waste researcher, says that hospitals could save about $120 billion annually if the United States switched to a system like Canada has. Doctors would save $95 billion. “A single-payer national health insurance would make universal, comprehensive coverage affordable by diverting hundreds of billions of dollars from bureaucracy to patient care,” he told The Hastings Center. In Canada, citizens pay for healthcare through their income tax, for the most part, and pay nothing at the point of service.

October 2014


Before we go crazy about Canadian health care, however, realize that some polls show that many Canadians aren’t content. A 2011 Gallup poll showed that 17 percent of Canadians are very dissatisfied with the availability of affordable healthcare (in the US that number was at 44 percent). Furthermore, 48 percent aren’t satisfied with the quality of medical care in Canada, the poll showed (50 percent aren’t satisfied in the US). THERE IS NO STANDARDIZATION OF PRICES FOR PROCEDURES. Say you need an MRI. That procedure could cost a few hundred dollars or a few thousand, based on where you have it performed, even though it is the same exact test in both places. Medicare, for example, will pay much less for a medical service if it performed in a freestanding doctor’s office versus a hospital facility. The most enraging part of this is when doctors abandon their private practice and join a large medical organization. These doctors will often stay in their own building, but work under the larger organizations salary versus billing patients themselves. The result of this is that the price for a procedure will jump from $300 to $2000, even though it is the same procedure in the same office done by the same doctor. Certain organizations help set the values for medical services: The Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The National Commission on Physician Payment Reform recently called on these bodies to be more accurate and accountable in finding the real values of medical services. Due in part to the variation of prices, consumers are rarely aware of the true costs of the procedures they’re getting. The cost a patient sees is often just the remaining balance of a bill. The insulation of insurance and Medicare coverage often leads people to seek elective medical services without realizing the burden it will place on themselves and the medical providers. Research suggests that when patients receive all the information about costs, benefits, risks and tradeoffs of elective procedures, they choose about a third less treatment than if they weren’t given all the information transparently, according to Obviously a 30 percent decrease in services represents a tremendous weight removed from America’s back.

WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN Changes must occur with insurers, providers and patients. •

Insurers must start providing incentive for preventive medicine, and must stop rewarding doctors for performing high numbers of procedures. Fixed payments for healthcare and outcome-based reimbursement need to replace the fee-for-service model.

Providers need to become better coordinated. When a patient requires consultation and services from multiple medical professionals, care


and the billing for that care is often disjointed, which wastes money and decreases quality of care. New models put patients under a team of doctors, and billing occurs in a lump sum, decreasing overhead costs and paperwork.This requires cooperation with insurance companies. Providers and value-setting bodies also need to standardize costs for specific treatments across different settings. •

Patients need to start asking about different health plans, and choosing better ways to pay doctors.

There are actually already a large number of medical organizations and physicians that have adopted new payment models, and insurance companies are offering more and more contracts based on fixed payment. Check out these success stories. BUNDLED PAYMENTS Bundled payments, or episode-based payments, are a way to reimburse patients needing multiple services for a specific medical condition. Hip surgery, for example, includes pre and post-operative appointments, along with the surgery. A bundled payment plan would cover anything associated with the surgery, including complications. The efficiency of covering costs of multiple services under one payment saves money and decreases paperwork. The Baptist Health System in Texas instituted bundled options for dozens of cardiac and orthopedic procedures, and saved $4.3 million in two years. POPULATION-BASED PAYMENT This system tries to align the interests of patients with incentives for doctors. With this kind of payment, which is also called “global payment,” a provider takes responsibility for a certain amount of people, for a set amount of money from an insurance company. The doctor receives more money when care for these patients is deemed effective, making it a value-based system. In one such case, Blue Shield agreed to pay a healthcare system a predetermined amount for the care of more than 40,000 people of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). About $30 million was saved in 3 years, which prevented rate hikes for patients. This system is effective because instead of paying doctors per procedure, they were paid a set amount, which offers no incentive for doctors to perform more procedures. In the case above, since the new plan went into action, the number of surgeries dropped 13 percent, and inpatient days dropped by 15 percent. PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOMES Under this system, insurance companies pay primary care practices to provide teambased medical care to patients, and pay per month, per patient. This system encourages continuity of care and clear communication between providers, which is important for prevention and symptom control, keeping patients out of emergency rooms and hospitals. One doctor will generally lead the

team, coordinating care for the patient across medical specialties, allowing each physician to emphasize his or her field. Hill Air Force Base in Utah implemented this model, and saw improved control of blood sugar and diabetes symptoms. Additionally, their costs went down, and patient satisfaction sits at 95 percent. WHICH IS BEST? This is a hard question to answer, because it depends on the market context, according to Andrea Ducas, MPH. Some communities will benefit from one model, while others won’t benefit from the same model. Choosing the right change is difficult, but Ducas says changes are already occurring, and the future looks bright. “There are a lot of really smart, dedicated people trying to innovate,” she says. Both insurers and doctors seem to feel a sense of urgency about the current state of affairs. Employers and individuals can help the progression continue by seeking out better health plans.

Are Insurance Companies the Bad Guys? Medical insurance isn’t what it was ten years ago, when a patient could expect most everything to be covered. Insurance companies used to even cover annual exams, even if a patient hadn’t met a deductible. But the current state of insurance compensation can’t be blamed entirely on insurance companies, says Dr. Steve Schroeder, Distinguished Professor of Health and Health Care at the University of California, San Francisco. Doctors, especially in some fields, have pushed price-setting bodies to up the level of accepted compensation for many procedures, which insurance companies must deal with. “There is a circularity to the issue,” Dr. Schroeder says. Furthermore, insurance companies are putting big money into plans that move away from the older problematic fee-for-service models. Blue Cross Blue Shield, for example, recently announced that they are spending $65 billion annually on “value-based” care, meaning they are rewarding doctors for outcome-based medicine using plans like the ones described above. “I don’t think there are any real bad guys,” Ducas says.

Healthy WITH




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October 2014



Don’t let

FOOD LABELS fool you

We’ve cracked the nutrition code. Learn how to read food labels and what those ingredients really mean.

milk and milk products. Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and nuts. Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt and added sugar. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. It also helps you control body weight by balancing the calories you take in from food with the calories you expend each day. Let’s face it; food labels can be deceiving. According to Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, publisher of Nutrition Action and Bruce Silverglade, CSPI’s director of legal affairs, it has been nearly 20 years since the government overhauled food


You probably already use the nutrition facts label in some way — maybe to check calories, fat or sodium content. But the more familiar you are with the information, the more you’ll want to use it daily to ensure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet. Use the label when you shop, as you plan your meals and as you cook each day. The label makes it easy to determine the amounts of nutrients you’re getting and to compare one product to another. Strive for a diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat

labels, and since then, many companies have come up with new schemes to trick consumers. They give three ways on how the food label can trip you up and what to watch for. • The claim “made with whole wheat” should reveal what percent of the grain is actually whole. • If a food is made with coffee, caffeine or guarana, the label should tell you how much of those ingredients are in each serving. • Many labels claim that a food or ingredient can “support,” “enhance,” or “maintain” your joints, bones, heart, breasts, prostate, digestive health etc. Most claims aren’t backed by much evidence.

Calorie counts on nutrition labels aren’t always accurate.

Researchers at Tufts University recently analyzed 269 food items from 42 national sit-down and fast-food restaurant chains, and they found that nearly 20 percent of samples contained 100 or more calories than reported by the restaurants. Think about it like this: If every meal you eat has 100 more calories than you need, you’ll gain more than 30 pounds this year.


Jacobson and Silverglade advise that the label shouldn’t count polydextrose, maltodextrin or similar isolated fibers as equal to the intact, natural fiber in whole grains, beans or vegetables.




Any food that contains high fructose corn syrup is not at all natural.

A food with 5 grams of saturated fat per serving shouldn’t be allowed to boast that it has 0 grams of trans fat.


>> Food Nutrition


The nutrition facts label information is based on ONE serving, but many packages contain more. Look at the serving size and how many servings you are actually consuming. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and nutrients, including the percentage of the recommended daily value (DV).

For protein, choose foods that are lower in fat. Most Americans get plenty of protein but not always from the healthiest sources. When choosing a food for its protein content, such as meat, poultry, dry beans, milk and milk products, make choices that are lean, low-fat, or fat free.


When you compare calories and nutrients between brand, check to see if the serving size is the same.


This is where you’ll find the number of calories per serving and the calories from fat in each serving.


The % DV is a general guide to help you link nutrients in a serving of food to their contribution to your total daily diet. It can help you determine if a food is high or low in a nutrient — 5 percent or less is low, 20 percent or more is high. You can use the % DV to make dietary trade-offs with other foods throughout the day. The * is a reminder that the % DV is based on a 2,000-calorie diet.


Fat-free doesn’t mean calorie-free. Lower fat items may have as many calories as full-fat versions.

• To help reduce your risk of heart disease, use the label to select foods that are lowest in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. • Trans fat doesn't have a % DV, but consume as little as possible because it increases your risk of heart disease. • The % DV for total fat includes all different kinds of fats. • To help lower blood cholesterol, replace saturated and trans fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in fish, nuts and liquid vegetable oils. • Limit sodium to help reduce your risk of high blood pressure.

If the label lists that 1 serving equals 3 cookies and 100 calories and you eat 6 cookies, you’ve eaten 2 servings, or twice the number of calories and fat.


• Use the label not only to limit fat and sodium, but also to increase nutrients that promote good health and may protect you from disease. • Some Americans don’t get enough vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium and iron, so choose the brand with the higher % DV for these nutrients. • Get the most nutrition for your calories — compare the calories to the nutrients you would be getting to make a healthier food choice.


Some foods make an immunity claim because they contain a vitamin or two. That can be deceiving so watch out.

You may need more or less, but the % DV is still a helpful gauge.


• Fiber and sugars are types of carbohydrates. Healthy sources, like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains, can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve digestive functioning. • Whole grain foods can’t always be identified by color or name, such as multi-grain or wheat. Look for the “whole” grain listed first in the ingredient list, such as whole wheat, brown rice or whole oats. • There isn’t a % DV for sugar, but you can compare the sugar content in grams among products. • Limit foods with added sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose, corn or maple syrup), which add calories but not other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Make sure added sugars are not one of the first few items in the ingredients list.

October 2014



Healthy Snack Solutions

FOR KIDS It’s common knowledge that after school is prime time for snacking, and it is also a time when many kids make, shall we say, less than nutritious food and beverage choices. Try these waistline-friendly after school snack alternatives your kids are sure to love: •

POTATO CHIPS/FRIES: Cut the potato in the desired shape (round, rectangular, oblong, etc.). Fully coat with egg whites. Season with a touch of salt or other herbs as desired. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown. Serve with sugarfree catsup.

POPCORN: Air pop popcorn and on it drizzle a moderate amount of powdered butter substitute, light parmesan cheese, or even honey for a tasty twist.

PIZZA: On a fat-free/low-calorie/lowcarb whole grain tortilla (or whole grain bagel), smear tomato paste or sauce and top with fat-free cheese, whatever veggies the child likes, and even lean meats like ham or turkey dices. Bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted with a few brown spots on top.

TORTILLA CHIPS: Cut Chinese wonton squares (usually found in the produce aisle) in half diagonally so they become triangles. Spread out evenly on a baking sheet, lightly spray with cooking spray, and sprinkle on a dash of salt. Bake at 350 degrees until crunchy. Eat alone or serve with fat-free salsa or the below-described Mexican bean dip.

MEXICAN BEAN DIP: Drain and food process two 14-ounce cans of black beans. Add 3/4 cup of fat-free salsa and 1/2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and blend until completely smooth. Top with a dab of fat-free sour cream, fatfree cheese, diced tomatoes, chopped green onions, etc. as desired.

FRUIT SMOOTHIES: These are a warm weather staple that can, and should, be enjoyed year-round. While fruit smoothie recipes abound, it need not be a complex process. Simply blend, in amounts to your personal liking, either plain or flavored fat-free/sugar-free yogurt with skim milk, ice cubes, and


of non-fat yogurt, low-fat granola (or other heart-healthy cereal product), and fruit slices or whole berries. Make as many layers of each as you like and then dig in!

either fresh or frozen fruit chunks. For added sweetness, you can add a touch of honey or an artificial sweetener, such as stevia. Blend and enjoy! •

HEALTHY ICE CREAM SANDWICHES: These are a snap—and always a crowd pleaser! Purchase any type of round fat-free/sugar-free cookie on the market (preferably the new whole grain varieties) or bake any low-fat/ low-calorie cookie recipe from scratch. Sandwich waistline-friendly sherbet, sorbet, or gelato between two cookies and press to make a sandwich. For added excitement, flavor, and visual interest, you can also roll the outside edge of the “sandwich” in chopped unsalted nuts, shredded coconut, raisins or finely diced fresh or dried fruit. PARFAIT : While the word “parfait” may not be in your child’s vocabulary, he will love making—and eating—this snack layered with goodness. In a cup or bowl, simply create thin, alternating layers

JELL-O®: Let’s not forget how much colorful, jiggly Jell-O® can delight, especially when it is jam-packed with diced fruit.


Children’s health advocate, health industry veteran and two-time fitness champion, Merilee Kern, is the creator of the ground-breaking “Kids Making Healthy Choices” APP for children, parents/caregivers and educators (available on iTunes), which is based on her award-winning, illustrated fictional children’s book, “Making Healthy Choices – A Story to Inspire Fit, Weight-Wise Kids.” She may be reached online at:

October 2014


w e llness

Does LUMOSITY Really Work?

A recent study in the Journal of Neuroscience found that brain-training games might help people perform specific tasks better, but that the enhancement probably doesn’t transfer to other areas. So a game that teaches your brain impulse control may not help much on that math test. Last year, a study published in the journal Nature found that a video game called NeuroRacer could improve longterm focus and short-term memory in older adults, suggesting that a brain game could help with more than just specific tasks.


But the jury is still out. Scientists aren’t sure what effect, if any, brain-enhancing games have on IQ or brain health. Meanwhile, businesses are maximizing upon the popular idea of brain training. Lumosity is the most popular. Its co-founder Michael Scanlon went to Stanford for his Ph.D. in neuroscience but dropped out to make Lumosity in 2005. They advertise that Lumosity’s more than 40 games will “train memory and attention” because they are “based on the science of neuroplasticity.” In 2007 at Columbia University a study was published that claimed that one hour of memory training was enough to improve someone’s IQ by one point. But researchers at Georgia Tech didn’t believe it. And their study published last year found that while memory tasks improve memory, the improvement doesn’t transfer to other areas. And a

Western Reserve University study last year agreed. They saw no mental improvement from almost three weeks of problem solving training. But they agreed that the participants got better at the training tasks themselves. Meanwhile, Lumosity has those losing memory due to age and those hoping to boost their IQ downloading their program. In January of 2013, it was downloaded around 50,000 times a day. But research has not caught up with the hype. So if you like brain training games because they’re fun, keep downloading. But don’t be so sure they’re going to help on the SATs.


Sources: Scientific American, Business Insider, The New York Times, and Slate


e all like the idea of braintraining games; we want to play an app on our phone that makes us smarter. But the truth isn’t as glamorous as the commercials lead us to believe.

we l l ne ss



CLEAR, LUCID, AND NO COLOR: You are drinking a ton of water. You might not even need as much as you are drinking. FAINT GOLDEN COLOR: Your body is in balance. You are hydrated, and healthy, as far your urine can indicate. TRANSPARENT YELLOW: Your body and health is normal.

DARK YELLOW: Your body is normal and you are healthy, but the dark yellow tells us you need a little hydration. You want to drink some water soon. DARK HONEY COLOR: Your body is in desperate need for water. Drink water as soon as possible. BROWN SUGAR OR SYRUP COLOR: Your body is severely dehydrated. This lack of liquids can be dangerous to your body and can even lead to liver disease. Drink water immediately and if the color continues see a doctor. PINK OR RED: This discoloring of your urine could be harmless. If you have eaten things like beets or berries, it may be that. However, pink or red urine can also be extremely dangerous. It could be that blood is in your pee, a sign of urinary tract infections, kidney disease, tumors, or other issues. No matter the case, see a doctor to get the situation figured and to make sure nothing serious is going on.

ORANGE: Various things may cause your pee to look orange. You might be dehydrated, have a liver or bile duct condition, or it could be food dye. Either or, contact your doctor to get your urine back to normal. GREENISH BLUE: You may think this is a joke, but there is a rare genetic disease that can cause urine to look blue and green. Other causes could be food dye, medication, or bacteria, talk to your doctor if this is the case. RAINBOW: Wouldn’t that be cool? Don’t worry, rainbow urine is impossible. Don’t be scared to check the color of your pee. As urine comes directly from your body, it is a perfect source to find out what is happening inside. It is important to talk to your doctor if you see any abnormalities as these could be signs of serious problems.

October 2014



>> Fitness Energy


ULTIMATE 3-minute oxygen Booster



or time-pressed individuals who work around the clock, listen up. This one’s for you. To help improve your mental and physical health, Susan recommends the following tension-relieving yet rejuvenating exercises that can be performed anytime, anywhere. Increase mental alertness and eliminate certain levels of career stress with Pilates lower back exercises:

STEP #1 The swinging warm-up: To relieve tension at your desk.


Stand up with arms and knees loose, lift your arms over your head and swim them down to the floor. Slightly bend your knees, let your upper body hang like a rag doll and swim them back up. Repeat while breathing deeply during movements.

STEP #2 Lower back stretches:

Targets key spot for stress in the office place.

Sit at desk and place your back flat against the chair, engage your abdominal muscles by pulling them in and up — holding for three seconds then releasing. Repeat for three minutes.

STEP #3 Neck & shoulder stretches: Relieves built-up stress.

Sit at desk and tilt your head to the right (right ear to right shoulder) without raising your shoulder to your ear. Return to center and tilt to the other direction. Repeat 5 times per side.

STEP #4 3-minute oxygen booster: Yoga breaths of fire flush out excess carbon dioxide, replacing it with energizing oxygen. Sit with your arms stretched out to your sides, and bring your arms up over your head, so that your wrists cross. For maximum oxygenation, breathe through your nose only, inhale and then exhale in 20 to 30 short, rapid bursts drawing in your stomach muscles to force out each burst. Repeat three times, taking a few breaths between each cycle.


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October 2014


w e llness






Dr. Gottman, a renowned marriage and relationship therapist, is able to predict divorce with startling accuracy. He does this using a “magic ratio” of positive to negative interactions.

Research published in American Behavioral Scientist showed that positive words in the work place are important for productivity.

Researchers in China conducted a study where they had nurses use positive or negative words with patients who underwent surgery. For patients who received “doses” of negative words, pain intensity, stress levels and morphine consumption increased for hours afterward.

Negative: Arguing, criticism, sarcasm, whining Positive: Touching, smiling, paying compliments, laughing, sympathy As long as there are five times as many positive interactions between partners as there are negative, the relationship is likely going to be stable, Gottman’s research says. This holds true even if the negative interactions are volatile and angry. Why do we need so much positivity? One reason may be that negative experiences and interactions tend to be much more influential than positive ones. Social psychology professor at Florida State University, Roy F. Baumeister, wrote about this phenomenon in an article called “Bad Is Stronger Than Good.” “Bad emotions, bad parents, and bad feedback have more impact than good ones, and bad information is processed more thoroughly than good,” he and colleagues wrote. “…you are more upset about losing $50 than you are happy about gaining $50.”


The study measured the positive and negative interactions of different teams, and then measured their productivity. The highest-performing teams had a positive to negative comment ratio of 5.6 to 1. Low-performing teams had an average of 3 negative comments to 1 positive one. Positive Comments: “I agree with that” , “that’s a good idea” Negative Comments: “We shouldn’t do that” , “I disagree”

So negativity directed at us does in fact hurt us, sometimes literally. But we can use words ourselves to counter painful experiences, research shows. Researchers from Keele University in England say that swearing alleviates pain. Expletives come from a different part of the brain than normal language, and somehow influence pain sensation, researchers say. This may be why swearing is a natural response to injury situations.

Bear in mind this is no indication to discard negative feedback entirely. In fact, surveys indicate that negative feedback is just as helpful, if not more helpful than positive feedback. It just doesn’t have to come in equal doses.

To come to this conclusion, researchers had study subjects see how long they could keep their hands immersed in cold water. Participants who were allowed to swear during the exercise reported less pain and endured significantly longer than those who used neutral words.

Sources:, Forbes

Other researchers agree that swearing can be a beneficial response. Swearing raises one’s heart rate, allows expression and raises our defenses. Be aware, however, that swearing too much decreases swearing’s positive effects.

Sources: Nanjing Medical University, Scientific American

we l l ne ss


health inspection? WRITTEN BY ANGELA SILVA


ou feel a sense of pride after finishing a home-cooked meal that leaves your family finger-licking and asking for more. You enjoy teaching your kids how to bake and cook, and sometimes letting them experiment on their own. Your kitchen is a place of creativity and a source of happiness. But you could be inadvertently creating some health hazards that would cause an outcry if they were discovered in a restaurant or public kitchen. If a health inspector came knocking on your door, would you pass the inspection? According to a recent study by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, one in seven homes would fail a restaurantstyle health inspection, and only three out of five would receive an A or B grade. Here are five common mistakes made in the kitchen at home that are considered health violations in restaurants. OO

DOUBLE DUTY DISH RAGS – Using the same dish rag to dry your hands and to wipe down counters causes crosscontamination. After you cut raw poultry, meat or dairy and then wipe your hands on a towel after washing them, you are spreading the germs to the towel. By using that same towel to wipe the counters or dishes, you are spreading those germs to other surfaces.

The proper way: Have a separate towel for drying hands and for wiping counters or other surfaces. Soak the counter towels in a solution of bleach and water. OO

FOREGOING THE COOKING THERMOMETER – Undercooked foods are one of the leading causes of food borne illnesses. Restaurants are required to know the exact temperature of their ovens and grills, and although we may think we’re preheating our kitchen ovens to 350 degrees, a test by Cook’s Illustrated found that different ovens set to the same temperature can vary by as much as 90 degrees. The proper way: Especially when cooking meat, always use a cooking thermometer to ensure it reaches the proper temperature. For poultry, the internal temperature must be at least 165 degrees, and for beef products it should be at least 160 degrees.



NEGLECTING THE KITCHEN FLOOR – That’s right, the floor! If a health inspector found any cracks or missing sections of grout or tile, you would face a major health violation. Bacteria and viruses will grow and thrive in cracks in the floor, and as you walk over them you will spread those germs throughout the house. The proper way: Always wet mop your floors, don’t just sweep. Use bleach to clean them if the type of floor allows it. If you discover a crack, fix it immediately.

KEEPING THE FRIDGE TOO WARM – Many people don’t realize that a major source of bacterial growth is the temperature of their refrigerator. Keeping the temperature beneath 40 degrees will discourage bacterial growth. Sometimes the refrigerator thermometer can be inaccurate, so only a separate thermometer will ensure the fridge is set to the proper temperature. The proper way: Keep a thermometer near the front of the refrigerator. When the door is open, the front is the first to warm up. This way you’ll know for sure that the entire refrigerator is a safe temperature.


WASHING IN A FULL SINK – The germs from your hands will wash away and right onto any dishes or pans in the sink. In a restaurant setting, workers must wash their hands in a separate sink than where food is rinsed or dishes are washed. Germs from hands can get onto the surface where produce is washed and cut. The proper way: Keep the sink clear of any dishes before you wash your hands, and use separate towels for drying hands and drying dishes. Keep liquid soap and paper towels or dry towels in the bathroom for hand-washing.

October 2014


Smoke ‘Em Out


baby back RIBS

However, a few tricks will help you cook baby back ribs perfectly every time. To prepare them, first remove the membrane from the inside of the ribs by inserting a knife between the clear membrane and the rib bones. This is a lot easier toward the large end of the ribs. Work a pocket between the membrane and the bone big enough that you can grab hold of it. Using a paper towel, gently pull the membrane off the bones without tearing it. If you cook it with the membrane on, no smoke or flavor will penetrate through the membrane into the meat; also the membrane becomes tough and chewy. Because of the lack of fat in the ribs, I like to coat them with a small amount


of oil to allow the rub to adhere to the ribs. Some people use mustard, which works as well, but I don’t want the taste of the mustard on my ribs. Sprinkle the rub on lightly enough that you can still see the meat through the rub. Let the ribs stand for 15-20 minutes until the rub is moist on the ribs. Place the ribs bone side down on the smoker set at 275 degrees. Cook the ribs for 2 hours on the smoke without touching them. Then place the ribs on some foil bone side up, create a basin in the foil, and cover the ribs with brown sugar, honey, or agave syrup. Also pour a little apple juice in the bottom of the foil. Carefully wrap the ribs and then wrap them again, making sure that nothing will leak out. Cook the ribs for 1-1.5 hours more. Check for doneness by inserting a thermometer between the bones. The probe should go through easily (internal temperature should read 195 degrees). If the ribs are still tough, cook for 30 minutes longer and try again. Once they are done, open the ribs and let them relax for a few minutes. Return the ribs to the smoke, bone side down, and glaze them with your favorite sauce. Cook for 20 minutes until the sauce is setting up a little. Let the ribs relax for 10 minutes or so before cutting and eating.

Photo Credit: Cedar Fort Publishing and Media

Baby back ribs have become a cult favorite since the 90s, with the restaurant chain Chili’s singing the lyrics in their jingle, “Chili’s… Baby Back Ribs!” Baby back ribs, or loin back ribs, are cut from the highest portion of the rib cage right below the loins. They have a lot more curve to the bone, they are smaller than St. Louis ribs (thus the term “baby” back ribs), and they have much less fat than the St. Louis. The lack of fat in comparison gives baby back ribs the appeal to people who want to eat ribs but don’t like the fat. The lack of fat also causes challenges in the cooking process—baby backs will generally cook a lot faster than St. Louis ribs and are much easier to overcook, resulting in dry ribs.

Written By Matt Pelton Up In Smoke: A Complete Guide to Cooking With Smoke




I must start off by saying that I am a sucker for fresh herbs, so when I walked into this place, which has about 100 herb pots scattered everywhere, I was already a googly-eyed goner. The Wild Zucchini has an organization to it a lot like Aubergine. You start by picking the type of food you want: sandwich (piadina), pasta bowl, chopped salad or handmade pizza. Then you choose your sauces, meats and toppings. We had their Birkshire pulled pork and American “Kobe” steak in pasta bowls. I wasn’t sure which sauce to choose with my steak and pasta, but they man behind the counter gave me a suggestion, which was perfecto. They have hot and cold sauces, including Diavolo, aioli and pesto cream, which taste as good as they sound. Then choose your toppings to make it yours. I’m also a sucker for restaurants that let me really have ownership over my food, so another point for the Wild Zucchini. You could literally go there a hundred times and not have the same thing twice. And right before the register, you can have them scissor off some fresh herbs onto your dish. I felt like a king. After lunches at sandwich joints and burger shacks, this food redefined my definition of “flavorful.” The food grabbed my attention and kept it there until I was done. And I was sad the meal was over. 496 N 990 W, American Fork, Utah 84003 11 am - 10 pm | (801) 756-5340






Tasty food and healthy food aren’t always a match made culinary heaven. In fact, tasty food is, more often than not, food we know we shouldn’t eat but we just can’t help ourselves, and healthy food always seems like some form of cruel and unusual punishment. Thanks to restaurants like Aubergine & Company in Orem, UT, healthy and tasty don’t have to be mutually exclusive terms any longer. Aubergine is doing their best to prove health-conscious food can be flavorful and fun. Aubergine & Co. do breakfast, lunch and dinner, so they’ve got all your meals covered. This isn’t your typical breakfast menu, though. With a focus on nutrition rather than calories, Aubergine is serving up a number of delicious smoothie concoctions that fill, but the real draw goes to their Acai bowls. The traditional Brazilian style bowl and the Thai bowl are both authentic and exotic dishes full of great fruity flavors. The Brazilian bowl comes with granola for some added texture and good crunch. The Oatmeal bowl is another crowd favorite that’s perfect for breakfast on the go. Whichever bowl you get, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting a high quality, all natural and organic meal that will help power you through the day with lots of healthy energy. You wont find refined sugar here in anything. Only natural sweeteners. You also won’t find anything fried. Furthermore, everything is made from scratch daily. Try the falafel for an excellent non-breakfast option. 1365 S State St, Orem, UT | | (801) 224-7484


Specializing in the food of northern Mexico, this delectable restaurant is stationed on the east side of the Wasatch in Midway, opposite the crowded cities on the other side. Their menu is typical Mexican fare, with a few twists. Prime rib carne asada, Mahi Mahi dishes, leg of lamb and carnitas are recurring themes. So many Mexican restaurants mess up their carnitas, Tarahumara instilled a fresh love of the dish with their fruit braised pork shoulder tacos. Nobody does salsa like this place. They make about 20 fresh salsas every day, each an intriguing variety. They test your bravery (try the cilantro con jalapeno) and expand your taste bud horizons, as well as compliment your food. The restaurant is separated into three sections: bar, dining and bakery. The bakery is a new and welcome addition, with tres leches, flans and other fresh pastries every day. Overall, we recommend it if you’re looking for trustworthy Mexican food. Be ready for a crowd if you go on the weekend—lot’s of other people have already found this gem. Open Monday-Saturday 11:00 am to 9:00 pm Address: 380 East Main Street Midway, UT Phone: 435-709-2023

October 2014




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Ortho-tain Less Time Less Money Less Awkwardness


e live in an incredible era of change, as advancements in science and technology continually improve the lives of millions of people around the world. The field of medicine is certainly one industry that has felt the direct effects of such exciting changes, with technology paving the way for new and improved treatments of a variety of ailments. With our refined understanding of the human body, preventive medicine is becoming a more effective and more common way of maintaining your well-being. As we pay more attention to healthcare we find that finding problems early on or, better yet, preventing problems is less expensive and produces better results than waiting for a problem to get worse. Maintaining a healthy, attractive smile can sometimes be an intimidating process for those unfamiliar with dental treatment options. There are a wealth of choices available to improve the look and function of your smile, but what if there were a treatment option that could prevent the need for more invasive procedures? Fortunately, preventive medicine has touched the field of dentistry in the form of Ortho-tain, a means of preventive orthodontics designed for children ages 5-12 whose teeth are still coming in. This new and advanced orthodontic process takes less time than braces, costs less than half as much, and prevents the need for more extensive treatment later in life.


Ortho-tain works differently from traditional orthodontics in a number of key ways. First and foremost, Orthotain foregoes the use of evasive wires and brackets and instead guides the teeth into alignment using a clear, removable appliance. This appliance is only worn periodically—normally at night—which allows patients to continue to enjoy their favorite foods and activities during the full length of the treatment phase. Because Orthotain appliances guide the teeth into alignment as the teeth are coming in, it is an effective means of preventing relapse and misalignment as the patient grows older. Many of us remember having to undergo traditional orthodontic treatment as teenagers. It was a long process that seemed to punctuate everything that was awkward about being young. It is fortunate that we live in a time in which such awkwardness and discomfort can often be avoided outright, so why not take advantage of it? With hundreds of dentists having successfully completed over 2,000,000 Ortho-tain cases, this is a tried and true way of improving the overall experience of orthodontic work and in-turn improves the lives of those you love.

Despite the countless happy Ortho-tain patients nationwide, this revolutionary treatment technology has not yet seen widespread adoption in the state of Utah. At Apex Dental, we are strong advocates for the use of Ortho-tain and we are proud to offer this treatment in our Draper and Riverton locations. To schedule a free evaluation to determine if your child is a candidate for Ortho-tain, please call one of the following Apex Dental locations today: RIVERTON: (801) 758-5459 DRAPER: (801) 758-5461


Dr. Joseph S. Maio D.D.S.

Apex Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 801-576-1155 Dr. Maio grew up in Riverton, Utah. He received his undergraduate education in Denver, Colorado at the prestigious private institution, Regis University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He has been recognized as an American Top Dentist for 4 consecutive years, as chosen by the Consumers Research Council of America.



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elf sabotage is when you know what to do, but you just don’t follow through. You may recognize it as procrastination, lack of motivation and making excuses. But whether we follow through or not has to do with our brain. It was week four of teaching “A Lighter You” healthy weight loss class. I welcomed everyone in and asked, “So what are you all doing for exercise?” All I got were blank stares. Everyone was avoiding eye contact. Finally one lady blurted out, “If we liked to exercise we wouldn’t be here.” This piqued my attention. So I asked, “What comes to mind when you think of exercise?” “Sweaty!” “Hard work!” and “Yuck!” they chimed in. These ladies all had a history of forced exercise in schools and the old mentality of “no pain, no gain” that pressured them to exercise to exhaustion. This negative history caused negative feelings and so they avoided it. But they were stuck with extra weight as a result. They had picked up some mental blocks about exercise. And so I created the Hypnosis CD: Motivation for Fitness to change the thinking errors about exercise, part of the Mind Body Weight Loss set. If we simply focus on the action, making ourselves do it, we’ll end up frustrated and working against ourselves. To be more effective, we must address what the brain is doing through the Thought – Feeling – Action

Cycle. What you think causes what you feel and how you feel about something leads to whether you’ll do it or not. And motivation is a feeling. Start with self awareness. Pay attention to yourself and notice your feelings. Then identify the thoughts that caused the feelings. Ask yourself, “what was I thinking before I felt this way?” Think positive thoughts and feel positive feelings which lead to positive action – it’s simple right? Well, yes and no. The mind is a little more complicated. Sometimes the thoughts that are causing us trouble are happening so quickly we are not aware of them, we are only aware of the feeling. And sometimes these thought and feeling patterns are wired into our brain. These recurring patterns are so ingrained they become automatic and get picked up by the unconscious mind. You may have had a negative thought and consciously you knew better, but it still felt true. These are mental blocks and we can have them about anything: ourselves, health, exercise, relationships, money, happiness, and the list goes on. If these mental blocks are part of the unconscious, they are especially tricky to change and more than just positive thinking is needed. We need to update the mind at the

unconscious level through Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis. Recurring feelings, fears, anxiety, stress, worry, unhappiness, negative thinking and self criticism are all programs of the mind. If they are ingrained in the unconscious, they can feel out of your control because they run automatically. Don’t fight against your own mind, discover the “brain training” difference. In just a few sessions we can clear the mental blocks, even if you’ve had them your whole life. With advances in applied psychology, it’s easier than ever to update the brain. And your brain makes all the difference. FREE Instant Motivation ebooklet and Uncovering Your Mental Blocks series when you register at:


Holly Stokes

The Brain Trainer 801-810-9406 The Brain Trainer, offers Hypnosis and Neuro- Linguistic Programming in Salt Lake City. She loves helping clients change habits, patterns and programs of the mind to achieve health, happiness and success. She has developed “brain training” programs for weight loss, life happiness, and business achievement. Visit the website: or email

October 2014




-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT

6. Eat whole fruits

Environmental Toxins

and Fertility


ertain toxins put you at risk for low fertility, reduced hormone production and autoimmune problems. How can you protect your fertility and future family? The first step is to know what to avoid. Dioxin chemicals, produced by certain industrial processes, increase the risk of endometriosis and significantly increase the risk of preterm deliveries. PCBs and BPA (Bisphenol A) found in plastic bottles left in sunlight or heat affect mitotic spindles and reduce the pool of a woman’s eggs (her ovarian reserve), alter the estrogen response, reduce fertilization rates by as much as 50 percent in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer cycles, contribute to poor embryo quality and increase miscarriage risks. In males, these BPAs reduce male sperm concentration and quality. Certain herbal medications as well as some shell fish contain heavy metal contaminants including cadmium, lead and mercury which cause increased oxidative stress to the oocytes (eggs), modify estrogen receptors and reduce the ability of the embryo to implant in the uterine lining.


Herbicides, pesticides, Round-Up, high levels of hydrocarbons, high sugar intake, processed foods, steroid fed animals, lack of exercise, insulin resistance and obesity all increase body inflammation, reduce fertility, interfere with normal DNA repair and increase the risk of autoimmune diseases, clots, heart attacks and cancer development.


Dr Glen Andrew D.O. East Bay Fertility Center EDUCATION


Brigham Young University, Provo, UT Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO Metropolitan Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI West Michigan Reproductive Institute, Grand Rapids, MI

There are important to keys to reducing your exposure to some of the above toxins.


16+ years of experience in infertility Has performed over 1,000 In Vitro Fertilization & Embryo Transfer Cycles with an 80% success rate 15+ years of experience in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

1. Alter your diet and eat more natural organic foods 2. Reduce rapid heating of foods in non-safe plastic containers in the microwave oven 3. Lose weight 4. Reduce insulin resistance 5. Eat and drink things with high amounts of antioxidants including cruciferous vegetables—broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and all green leafy vegetables

His infertility training took on a greater personal meaning and importance as Dr. Andrew and his wife were experiencing problems conceiving their first two children. They know firsthand, from their own experience, the frustrations, invasive tests, procedures and emotional roller coaster that come with infertility. Dr. Andrew and Kaylene have a beautiful family with four children. They enjoy spending time together traveling, hiking, canyoneering, rock-climbing, camping and scouting.



-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT

Lap Band Secret Information Revealed

You’re Not So Hungry!


hat? That’s it? It’s true. The solid silicone ring around the top of the stomach helps people feel less hungry. Lap-Band puts pressure on the top of the stomach causing nerve signals to be sent to the brain, making us feel like the stomach is already partially full. Studies have shown that even without eating, people feel less hungry with a Lap-Band adequately adjusted. The Lap-Band helps people feel satisfied on small meals, which means fewer calories are taken in and weight loss can occur without hunger struggle.

• Recovery is about 5-7 days to get back to full time desk work—a little longer for more strenuous jobs.


• Regular short office visits provide the best weight loss results.

• It is the safest weight loss surgery available. • It is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning after the operation people go home the same day.

• It is adjustable—the tightness is customized to each patient’s needs during office visits. • It is reversible—the band can be removed. • Malnutrition of vitamins minerals or protein is rare.

HOW WELL DOES IT WORK? I’m glad you asked! Long-term studies show that people keep off about 50% of their excess weight.


Darrin F. Hansen, MD, FACS Premier Lap-Band

Dr. Hansen is a Center of Excellence surgeon for the LAP-BAND procedure. This credential is given to surgeons who maintain the highest standards for bariatric patient care. With over ten years of weight loss surgery experience in Utah and over 1000 LAP-BAND procedures combined with ongoing advanced training and techniques, patients have the best chance for excellent results.

October 2014




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Tooth decay in toddlers, preschoolers and schoolage children is one of the leading preventable diseases in the U.S. It can lead to several health and lifestyle complications, including pain and soreness, improper speech development, inability to chew properly, missed school days, premature loss of baby teeth, infections, inflammation and gum disease. Here is a quick guide to help you understand your child’s oral care needs from birth through teenage years.


Just because kids lose baby teeth doesn’t mean they don’t need them—baby teeth are important placeholders for adult teeth and are at risk for tooth decay without proper care. Birth to 12 months: • Make oral health check-ups part of your baby’s well-child visits with your doctor. • When the first teeth erupt from the gums, wipe them gently with a wet washcloth or lightly brush them with water and an extra soft bristle toothbrush. Do not use toothpaste. 12 to 24 months: • Brush your child’s teeth at least twice a day using a baby toothbrush and water. Talk to the dentist about whether you should use toothpaste. • Avoid sugary drinks like juice or milk between meals and fill bottles with water when putting children to sleep.

• •

Wean children of sucking habits on things like pacifiers or thumbs. Take your child for their first visit with a dentist before age 2. Talk to your dentist about how to help your child get enough fluoride, especially in Utah where it’s not in the water.


hen your child was first born you probably started following a rigorous schedule of appointments with your pediatrician to keep him or her healthy. Many parents are not aware that children also need proper dental care and oral check-ups starting at an early age.


Baby teeth play a role in helping toddlers and preschoolers with chewing, swallowing, speech development and creating space for adult teeth. Ages 2-5: • Help children brush their teeth for 2 minutes, 2 times a day. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste, making sure the child doesn’t swallow it. • Begin flossing as soon as two teeth touch each other. • Dentists recommend that you continue to help your child brush until the age of 4, or around they time they have the motor skills to neatly write their name. • Go in for dental check-ups once or twice a year. • Fill sippy cups with water and limit sugary drink intake (juice, milk, sports drinks, soda, lemonade and tea). • Feed your child healthy meals and snacks that are low in sugar. Ages 6-10: • Around age 6 children will start losing baby teeth as permanent teeth erupt. • Schedule dentist appointments every six months for check-ups and cleanings. • Feed children healthy food and snacks to help develop strong teeth and healthy gums. • Talk to your dentist about getting sealants on permanent molars to protect against cavities. • As children begin participating in sports and outdoor recreation, make sure teeth are protected with a mouthguard. • The American Academy of Orthodontists recommends children get screened around age 7 to identify developmental, jaw, or bite problems. Correcting issues early may prevent more extensive (and expensive) orthodontic treatment later.


As children grow they should take on more of the responsibility for good oral health. • • • • • •

Teens should be brushing morning and night with a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Encourage flossing at least once a day to remove plaque between teeth. Continue to visit the dentist for check-ups twice a year. Help your teenagers eat a healthy diet that is high in lean protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in sugar and processed foods. Teach your children about the dangers of cigarette and secondhand smoke, which can contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and other health issues. Visit an orthodontist (if you have not done it yet) to find out if your child will need braces.

Proper oral health care at an early age can help prevent problems later in life. Oral health is intricately connected to our overall health and should be just as much a priority as doctor visits. If you don’t have a dentist, contact The Dental Clinic at Roseman University (www.rosemandental. com) to find affordable and high quality dental care for your whole family.


William Carroll, DDS Roseman University of Health Sciences

Dr. Carroll is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine. He graduated from the UCSF School of Dentistry, completed a two-year AEGD residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD and recently retired from the US Navy after more than 30 years of service.



-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT

Feminine Rejuvenation and Treatment of

Stress Urinary Incontinence with Laser


any women are bothered by how their feminine parts have changed since having children or growing older. Some women have embarrassing urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, jogging or jumping. The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in women under 50 is much higher in those who had a vaginal delivery vs. cesarean section. The prevalence of SUI in women over 50 is similar among those who had vaginal or cesarean deliveries, implying that both aging and childbirth contribute equally to symptom development. Kegel exercises and muscle stimulation have been tried, but those therapies will not improve the vaginal skin and tissue laxity that contribute to the problem. Until recently, the only option for treating female urinary stress incontinence was with complicated and risky surgery. We now have lasers that heat gently at precisely the correct depth to stimulate growth of new tissue-strengthening collagen and elastin. This newly strengthened vaginal tissue can eliminate or at least improve symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, as well as return some of the vaginal tissue strength present in a woman prior to having babies. These same lasers are also used to safely and non-invasively treat face, neck, arm, leg, and abdomen skin laxity. The treatment for stress incontinence can be combined in one treatment with cosmetic treatment to tighten the surrounding vaginal tissue for either improved sexual pleasure or improved appearance. This

treatment will benefit women who have SUI due to bladder prolapse as well. This laser treatment only takes 45 minutes, and is virtually pain-free. No general anesthesia is needed, and only a small quantity of topical numbing spray is used on the external skin. Patients describe just mild sensations of pressure and warmth during treatment. Recovery is simple and involves abstaining from sexual activity and swimming for one week. There is no significant discomfort during recovery, except for some mild external warmth and sensitivity lasting just 24 hours. Symptoms tend to start improving right away, and full improvement is seen within six to eight weeks. Some women need a second and rarely a third treatment to see improvement. At Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center, we are the only physicians in Utah offering this groundbreaking treatment, learned from our colleagues in Europe. To see if you would be a good candidate, call to set up a free consultation.


Karen R. Stolman, M.D. Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center

Karen R. Stolman, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon at the Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center. She specializes in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine and surgery. For more information visit or Dr. Stolman’s blogs at and Initial cosmetic consultations with Dr. Stolman are free. The Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center is located at 440 West 200 South, Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. Their phone number is 801-595-1600.

October 2014




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Kids with Asthma and Obesity



or years, doctors have known that there is a link between childhood obesity and asthma, but have found it difficult to determine which condition tends to come first, or whether one causes the other. An article published in the September issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the scientific publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), suggests it is more probable that childhood obesity contributes to asthma, although the connection is complex and has many factors. “The relationship between obesity and asthma in adults, which shows that being overweight and obese can precede the onset of asthma, is supported by a number of studies,” said allergist Perdita Permaul, MD, lead author. “There isn’t as much evidence for children, but the progression from obesity to asthma, rather than the other way around, seems probable.” The article cites a study that showed that rapid growth in body mass index (BMI) during the first 2 years of life increased the risk of asthma up to 6 years of age. It


has also been shown that the onset and duration of obesity and the composition of the excess fat can affect lung function. In a proverbial chicken vs. egg scenario, doctors often don’t know if the constricting of airways caused by asthma causes kids to avoid exercise and therefore to gain unhealthy amounts of weight, or if it is because kids are overweight that their airways narrow and they develop asthma. “Most kids who suffer from asthma also have allergies,” said allergist Michael Foggs, MD, ACAAI president. “These allergic responses in the lungs can lead to symptoms of allergy. Coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath are all symptoms that make exercise harder. We work with our asthma patients to make sure they are breathing well enough to exercise and play.” According to ACAAI, children with asthma and other allergic diseases should be able to participate in any sport they choose, provided the allergist’s advice is followed. Asthma symptoms during and immediately following exercise may indicate poorly controlled asthma.

For the most accurate information on correct diagnosis and treatment of allergies and asthma, please call 801-775-9800 and make an appointment with a board certified allergist. It really does matter who you see. Do you want to get advice on someone who has read a few articles or someone who is board certified and specializes in this area? Asthma and allergies can be complicated with many nuances. You deserve the best. Your children deserve the best. Visit for more for information.


Douglas H. Jones, MD

Rocky Mountain Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Dr. Jones specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions relating to allergies, asthma and immune system disorders. He is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the American Board of Internal Medicine. He earned his MD from Penn State University and completed his specialty training at Creighton University.ars.



-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT

URINARY INCONTINENCE New options for an embarrassing problem. U

rinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine, is an extremely common condition affecting nearly one third of all women of childbearing age and nearly one half of all women beyond the age of menopause. In fact, more sanitary pads are used for urinary incontinence than for menstrual bleeding! Not only does this create embarrassing and problematic situations for those affected, but can lead to depression and social isolation. Incontinence is more than twice as likely to occur in women than men, in large measure due to child- bearing and due to the female urinary anatomy. The female urethra is only about 4-5 cm in length and it is frequently “ abused “ with the long rigors of lengthy and prolonged labor. Besides pregnancy, the other main etiology for incontinence is obesity, with the heavier a women is, the more likely she is to have problems controlling her bladder. As the muscles that control the bladder neck are damaged with delivery and with the excess stress of weight, the short muscles surrounding the short female urethra simply cannot stop the pressure placed upon it and leakage occurs. There are two main types of incontinence. By far the most common is called “ stress incontinence.” This occurs with excess pressure such as with coughing, sneezing, running and lifting. Stress incontinence is very amenable to treatment with surgical and more recently, with non-surgical therapy. The other most common type, is called “urge incontinence” in which when a woman gets the desire to need to urinate and then cannot stop the flow or control the loss of urine with simply feeling the need to go.” Urge incontinence is not amenable to surgery, but can be helped with medication. In the past, the only solution for stress incontinence was invasive surgery. Unfortunately, the most effective and widely used method has been the use of a midurethral sling using “mesh.” In the past few years there have now been multiple studies citing multiple complications from the “mesh“ material used for these procedures. Although highly effective, these so called “Tension Free Vaginal Tape“ procedures with mesh have met with many lawsuits over these potential complications. I have been excited to learn of a new device from InControl Medical that offers significant improvement or even complete cure for both stress and urge incontinence. The device helps teach a woman how to do “Kegel exercises in the privacy of her own home. It is inserted into the vagina and causes electrical impulses to strengthen the urethral muscles that help control the flow of urine. The device has been nearly 100% effective in more than 10,000 women who have used it thus far. In summary, the two most common types of incontinence are treatable with either surgery, which although effective, can have complications, medication with certain side effects, or now with a home device that can be used for both stress and urge incontinence and is highly effective.


Mark Saunders, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Personal Care

Dr. Mark Saunders is a wellrespected board certified obstetrician and gynecologist that has been practicing in the American Fork area for over 18 years.

For more information on any of the potential treatments, or for consultation, contact Dr. Mark T. Saunders OB/GYN at

October 2014


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October 2014


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October 2014



October 2014



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