Healthy Magazine | November 2016

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October 2016



October 2016



October 2016




Thankful 26 8

Gratitude as a Lifestyle

How to incorporate thankfulness into your holiday and your daily life:


Work, Work, Work! When to start working each day, and how long to work for greatest productivity, along with some other tips. Here’s a hint: your age matters.

Pre-Ski Preparation

It’s time to become reacquainted with our quads. November in Idaho is the perfect time to replace the slowly accumulating fat cells with rock-solid muscle — and just in time for the first few runs.


Simmer Away the Winter


What did people use before scented candles? Simmer pots! Try these easy recipes to make your house smell amazing.


DIY Beauty secrets


How To Talk About Politics With Your Family

October 2016





Dancing Through Life


ext to our bed on my wife’s nightstand sits a strangely intriguing picture. It’s a painting by Jack Vettriano entitled, ‘The Singing Butler.’ Perhaps you’ve seen it. Fairly common, and interesting on a number of levels. Kind of like a chick-flick on canvas. I’ve never really thought much about it, other than to wonder why in the world a couple in evening formalwear would be out in the rain dancing with no music while attending butlers hold umbrellas. And, why this picture was occupying a spot in my bedroom. Then I read a simple, powerful quote that connected the dots. It says,

“Life isn’t about weathering the storm, but learning to dance in the rain.” While there’s debate about who first spoke these words, I found myself immediately remembering that silly painting in my room. For the past few of years, that’s been my wife and I. We’ve had so much rain, but we’ve also had many people willing to hold the umbrellas to give basic shelter and comfort while we danced to our own soggy symphonies. And, through it all, there always seemed to be the promise of sunnier dreams and drier days. And hope. Always hope. Here’s another quote:



Sometimes we dwell on the past, or even just on the moment. Yes, it’s truly important to learn from our experiences and to face today. But it’s possibly the most healthy to hope – to look forward to the future and keep moving towards that. Kids count the days until birthdays, or trips to Disneyland, or reaching 6th grade. Teens look forward to Friday nights, the Prom, and graduation. Couples look towards commitment, marriage, children. And so it goes. Quick ADD moment as Billy Joel pops into my head, “The good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems.”

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John A. Anderson | PUBLISHER Kenneth J. Shepherd | MEDICAL DIRECTORS Steven N. Gange, M.D. and Lane C. Childs, M.D. OPERATIONS MANAGER Allyson Long | DESIGN EDITOR Phillip Chadwick | MANAGING EDITOR Michael Richardson | ONLINE EDITOR Chelsa Mackay |

But the point is, to be happy, you must have hope. You must have dreams and expectations. Something to work towards. When that drive gets doused in the rains of life, we struggle. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. And our relationships struggle. (If you want to regenerate a relationship – set a date, and plan towards it). We must be moving forward, towards a goal. An outcome. A vision.

ASSISTANT EDITOR Bridget Edwards CIRCULATION MANAGER Ron Fennell | CONTRIBUTING & STAFF WRITERS Caitlin Schille, Angela Silva, Megan Moore, David Joachim, Mark Saunders CIRCULATION

Healthy Utah® is distributed widely to more than 800 locations along the Wasatch Front. It is also direct mailed to doctors, dentists, practitioners, health clinics, banks and other businesses along the Wasatch Front.

To conclude, I believe that hope is energy. It provides motivation, direction, and inertia. So, while it’s the typical time of year that we think of gratitude and Thanksgiving, perhaps the best way to be grateful for our life is to look towards our future and find a way to

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dance, through sun or rain.

PLEASE NOTE: The content in this publication is meant to increase reader awareness of developments in the health and medical field and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction on individual health matters, which should be obtained directly from a health professional. The opinions expressed by the authors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher. Call for reprint permission. All stock photography by, unless otherwise noted.

“The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started.”


– Norman Cousins


Finding that to be true throughout my life, I took a moment recently to ponder the question and answer in my journal, ‘What is it that you hope for?’ Or, asked differently, ‘What is it that you anticipate?’ That lead to, ‘What is it that you are working towards?’ And, ‘What’s ahead?’ Then, simply, ‘What is it that you want?’ Powerful questions to ponder. Try this exercise yourself.

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October 2016



October 2016


lifestyle ©Katielittle |

gratitude as a

“Rest and be thankful.”

- William Wordsworth


What is your lifestyle?

For many of us, Thanksgiving is simply an excuse to stay home from work, watch football and stuff ourselves with delicious food. Reflecting with gratitude on the year's “harvest” of blessings is sometimes lost amidst the trips to the grocery store, college football games and coupon-clipping in anticipation of day-after-Thanksgiving holiday sales. What we may not realize is that consistent gratitude can benefit those who are grateful. A study published in the February 2003 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology helps to support the popular notion that gratitude does have a positive effect on our emotional and physical health. Researchers Robert A. Emmons, of University of California-Davis, and Michael E. McCullough, of University of Miami, led a series of studies to investigate whether gratitude is just something “happy” people experience or if gratitude can actually affect well-being. Researchers used techniques to encourage participants to focus either on gratitude, hassles or a neutral focus. Over a period of weeks, the participants indicated their mood, predictions for future well-being, health habits, physical health symptoms, instances of helping others, etc. The results demonstrated that gratitude did have a positive effect on mood and the likelihood of participants helping others. Also, in a more extensive study with a group of participants with neuromuscular diseases, participants reported sleeping better. Although the exact connections of gratitude to well-being may need to be further studied for scientists to understand the exact links between them, it certainly doesn’t hurt to be grateful, and if anything, a habit of gratitude can contribute to a healthier, happier lifestyle all year long.

How to incorporate thankfulness into your holiday and your daily life:

GIVE EACH OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS A “GRATITUDE JOURNAL.” Encourage them to write about something new each day that they are grateful for.

©Katielittle |

THINK OF SOMEONE that has inspired feelings of gratitude in you and write that person a letter expressing your thanks. SAY THANK YOU. If you have children, have a family activity where they create “thank you” cards for family members, teachers or friends, and help them to deliver or mail them. VOLUNTEER. By doing good things for other people, you will recognize the good things people do for you.

MEDITATE. Say a prayer of simple thanks.

REFLECT. Take time out of your day to reflect on the good things in your life, whether it be through relaxation, yoga, a bubble bath or a nature walk. Clearing away the hassles and appreciating the world around you will lead to greater appreciation of life. DO A GOOD DEED. Do something good and do it anonymously. This takes away that feeling of “owing people” and feeling “owed” for our good acts. Plus, it’s fun! SERVICE. Offer to help someone without being asked. October 2016


nutrition notes [ HEALTH REPORT ]


What do eggs and

bananas have in common? Both of them can be used in baking as binding agents (the stuff that holds all the ingredients together). For vegan-friendly concoctions, mash up some nanners and mix ‘em in with the rest of your eggless recipes. Plus, it will help you reach that daily potassium quota.

Salute to the Kernel

You may want to consider a snack switch. Popcorn contains 15 times the diseasefighting polyphenols of whole-grain tortilla chips, according to a recent University of Scranton study. The reason? Unlike corn tortilla chips, popcorn includes the nutrientpacked hull of the corn kernel. Beware of microwave popcorn, though: those bags are packed with extremely harmful chemicals and fake ingredients. Either grab an air-popper and do it yourself or try Newman’s Own Organic Light Butter microwave popcorn, which tastes great, has just four ingredients, and pops up at about 40 calories a cup. Not too shabby. Source: Men's Health

TAKE IT EASY THIS SUNDAE A cup of vanilla ice cream packs about 273 calories, so pick your toppings wisely.

Source: Men's Health

*Calorite counts per tablespoon


Peanuts 50 CALORIES

Peanut Butter topping 95 CALORIES Rainbow sprinkles 25 CALORIES (1 oz.) Maraschino cherry 8 CALORIES

Butterscotch topping 52 CALORIES Caramel topping 52 CALORIES

Hot fudge sauce 60 CALORIES

Whipped cream 52 CALORIES




Some other toppings:


October 2016


health news



Percentage increase in a frequent fastfood eater’s risk of depression compared with an occasional eater’s risk

Source: Public Health Nutrition

BUTT OUT (NOT) Revealing a

Cigarette’s True Colors Australia’s high court upheld the plain packaging act, which says that tobacco products must be in plain packaging without logos and bear graphic health warnings as of December 1st. The government immediately hailed the ruling, calling it a “watershed moment for tobacco control around the world.” Australia is the first nation in the world to require “plain packaging” for tobacco. Only the brand and variant name will differ against a drab, dark-color background. Other government initiatives against tobacco have included a 25% excise in 2010, restrictions on Internet advertising, and more than $85 million in anti-smoking social marketing campaigns. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills nearly 6 million people a year, 10% of them from secondhand smoke exposure.

Fish > fish oil?

Nothing beats the real thing. For treating high blood pressure, eating fish is better than taking fish oil capsules, say scientists in Australia. People with coronary heart disease who ate 1 gram a day of omega-3 fatty acids from fresh salmon saw their BPs decrease, while those who took 1 gram of omega-3s in supplement form did not. The fish may have replaced less healthy foods and provided nutrients not found in omega-3 capsules, according to the study.



Skip diabetes, not breakfast

THE NEW SKINNY ON CHOCOLATE Researchers in the United Kingdom have managed to cut the amount of fat needed to make chocolate in half, without losing any of the dessert’s delectable-ness. The new chocolate formula contains small droplets of fruit juice, explains lead study author Dr. Stefan Bon. These droplets can replace up to 50% of the triglyceride fats found in cocoa butter and milk, similar to the way air bubbles reduce the density of Aero chocolate bars. Apparently the optimal size for these bubbles is less than 30 micrometers—allowing the fat to be replaced without losing the proper chemical structure. “It's the fat that gives chocolate all the indulgent sensations that people crave—the silky texture and the way it melts in the mouth but still has a 'snap' to it when you break it with your hand,” Bon said in a press release. "We've found a way to maintain all of those things that make chocolate 'chocolatey,' but with fruit juice instead of fat.” Bon and his chemistry colleagues at the University of Warwick used a process called Pickering emulsion to infuse orange juice, cranberry juice and de-carbonated soft drinks into milk, dark and white chocolate. Source:


Erratic eating patterns can add inches to your waist and subtract from your health. Skipping breakfast raises your risk of developing diabetes, say Harvard researchers. In the study, men who skipped a morning meal were 21% more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over a 16-year period than those who ate up in the a.m. Bypassing breakfast throws your insulin levels out of whack, which can lead to reduced insulin sensitivity and eventually diabetes. Source: American Diabetes Association

October 2016



Let’s start with circadian rhythms, the body’s biological clock that regulates physical, mental and behavioral changes over a 24-hour period. Did you know that your circadian rhythms change as you age? This means that your body may change in regards to its energy and efficiency with work schedules and hours as you get older. 18 HEALTHY MAGAZINETM


SOCIAL JETLAG Before you blame your job as the cause of your exhaustion, consider social jetlag. This is when you go to sleep and wake up at different times over the course of a week. For example, you may get up at 7 am and go to sleep at 11 pm Monday through Friday, but your weekend sleep schedule is drastically different. Irregular sleep essentially gives you jetlag, as your body never adapts a set schedule.

Teens and Young Adults

30-40 Year Olds

40+ Years Old

For teens and young adults, studies have shown that a work/school schedule later in the day may be better. Dr. Jess Shatkin, a psychiatrist at the Child Study Center at NYU, says this is because adolescents naturally tend to go to bed later and wake up later. This is associated with the release of melatonin being later in the day compared to adults. So, according to Shatkin, a schedule starting around 9 or 10 am may be ideal.

When it comes to people ranging from 30 to 40 in age, most studies have suggested that there isn’t a specific, ideal work schedule, but that it is more of an individual preference. But this age group must consider sleep as an asset, as lack of sleep is a well-documented factor in many diseases, including heart disease.

Here is where things get interesting. Economic researchers recently found that for those that are 40 years of age and older, a work schedule of about 3 days a week and no more than 25 hours per week is ideal. This work schedule leads individuals of this age to perform at their best, their research suggests.

Researchers have shown many times that Americans, on average, don’t get the sleep they should. It has been shown that if work starts an hour later, people sleep about 20 minutes longer. Getting enough sleep can be vital, especially if there is a history of heart disease in the family. Be aware of what you sacrifice with every early morning surge of productivity.

“Work can be a double-edged sword, in that it can stimulate brain activity, but at the same time, long working hours and certain types of tasks can cause fatigue and stress which potentially damage cognitive functions,” the report from Keio University said.

Research suggests that later start times for school may improve performances among high schoolers. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine tested this theory on a high school district in Kentucky and found that starting classes 8:30 aligned their biological sleep rhythms, and even reduced the amount of teen driving accidents.

THE REALITY: Earlier work/school times mean less sleep. Just go to bed earlier? Research says people just don’t do it.

While these findings need to be taken with a grain of salt, as few employers would survive if all their experienced staff suddenly stopped working two days a week, it does serve as a reminder to be cognizant of how much you work. Studies show that working an excess amount of hours in all age groups also drastically increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart trouble and arthritis.

For example, research recently published in the journal SLEEP found that people who started work between 7-8 am got about 50 minutes less sleep on average than those who started at 9-10 am. So in general, a later work time is probably healthier.

October 2016




Diabetes Awareness Mo. R U D E


The demand the growing number of seniors has put on the medical community has sent many into overdrive to develop new strategies to deal with the rapidly increasing geriatric population. Experts warn that medical, social and financial problems will be fast upon us and that the world is just beginning to realize the magnitude of these problems.




2 3

one in every three Americans will have diabetes, according to The CDC. That’s 165 percent more people with the disease by the year 2050. The statistic comes from researchers who identified trends in the health data of 360,000 Americans.




Health experts blame the increase in diabetes largely on the parallel rise in obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. We may be eating too much fatty food and sitting too long in front of computer and TV screens instead of getting sufficient exercise. The rise in North America’s aging population is also considered a contributing factor. Doctors say the news is alarming because diabetes is largely preventable. They emphasize regular exercise and a healthy diet go a long way toward prevention.
“Especially worrisome,” says Dr. Mladen Vranic, a diabetes researcher and past chair of physiology at the University of Toronto, “is the fact that type 2 diabetes is now rising steeply, not only in those formerly most affected [people over 45], but also among young people in their 30s and even teenagers.” This means that the effects may now be disabling people in their prime and shortening their life expectancy.

risky business




KNOW THE SIGNS Possible symptoms of type 2 diabetes include excessive thirst, frequent urination, sudden weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision or tingling and numbness in the hands or feet. Check with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms, particularly if you’re overweight. And also check with your local American Diabetes Association branch. Some may be offering free screenings.



Diabetics are at 15 times the risk of experiencing limb amputations following initial injury as compared with the non-diabetic population. Five to 15% of diabetic patients require an amputation at some time in their lives. Diabetes is the leading cause of lower extremity amputations, which are also on the rise. Consider 73,000 amputations in 2010, up from 54,000. In 1990. Source: American Diabetes Association


Often called The Silent Killer, diabetes is a growing epidemic, which can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes. Almost 29.1 million Americans have diabetes and another 21 million are diagnosed with diabetes, yet more than 8.1 million Americans have it, but aren’t aware of their condition. Millions of Americans don’t realize they have the potentially deadly disease, and that ignorance could cost them dearly. Diabetes is increasing at a startling rate. In the last decade, there has been a 33 percent jump in people with type 2 diabetes. Drastic improvements forever in your risk for diabetes can be made with only modest changes in behavior.


16 ways to escape the growing epidemic

An article entitled “Lung Cancer Prevention” might plainly say, “Um…quit smoking.” Just like lung cancer, we can control the growth of type 2 diabetes by actually making the healthy lifestyle choices we have heard for years. Remember, “our genetics may load the gun, but our habits pull the trigger.” Here are 17 things you can do RIGHT NOW to prevent type II diabetes.

1| EXERCISE. National studies prove that exercise alone is the single most important factor in diabetes prevention and control.


Food and beverage companies sneak appetite stimulants into the majority of our food to make us eat – and thus buy – more food. Search out and avoid the following: high fructose corn syrup (in almost everything we eat!), food colorings, MSG or Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, nitrites and nitrates, and others.


author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan says, “Stock your kitchen with plenty of fruits and vegetables and at every meal and snack include a few servings. Your diet will be enriched with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, and if you fill up on super-nutritious produce, you won’t be reaching for the cookie jar.”

4|GO FOR WHOLE GRAINS. Whole wheat breads and baking

flour, brown rice, cereals and crackers with at least five grams of fiber per serving, and popcorn. These keep you full longer than refined white grains and also promote heart health.


5|EAT SMALLER PORTIONS to prevent the glucose/insulin

roller-coaster from overeating. Use smaller plates, bowls and cups to make your meals look bigger and not feel portion deprived.

Do you or someone you know have mild Alzheimer’s disease? Then you may be interested in the DAYBREAK-ALZ clinical research study. We’re looking for volunteers to help us find out whether an investigational medication will slow the rate of cognition and functional decline.

6|EAT IN. Restaurant food contains more fat, calories than homemade meals.

7|EAT 4-5 SMALL, SENSIBLE MEALS throughout the day. This keeps your glucose from spiking, balances insulin production, and supports a healthy, high metabolism.


Protein helps you feel full longer and ebbs those late afternoon munchies. Tasty options include low-fat yogurt, soy, eggs, beans, fish, and small portions of nuts.

9|DRINK 6 TO 8 GLASSES OF WATER PER DAY. Water consumption is one of the best ways to curb your appetite.

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the diabetes sugar myth

10|EAT BREAKFAST EVERY DAY to kick-start your metabolism

Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

and prevent insulin levels from plummeting around 10:30 AM.

FACT: The answer is not so simple. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics


and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories from any source contributes to weight gain. Research has shown that drinking sugary drinks is linked to type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people should limit their intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to help prevent diabetes. Sugar-sweetened beverages include beverages like:

of oil to decrease the fat and calories in your meals.

12|USE SPICES INSTEAD OF SALT to decrease your dietary sodium. Spicy foods also boost your metabolism.


By tracking what you eat, you can detect your personal trouble spots in your diet and take control.

14|READ FOOD LABELS and choose foods with low fat, calories, sugar, and sodium. Reach for low-fat versions of salad dressings, dairy, and condiments. Also, replace your normal condiments and dips with hummus, salsa, and vinaigrettes.

15|RELAX – try deep breathing, yoga, walking, and soothing music. 16|SIT DOWN TO EAT.

Your body does not register the act of eating if you are busy doing other things. So sit down and enjoy your meal!

• • •

regular soda fruit punch energy drinks sports drinks other sugary drinks.

fruit drinks sweet tea

These will raise blood glucose and can provide several hundred calories in just one serving. See for yourself— Just one 12-ounce can of regular soda has about 150 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrate. This is the same amount of carbohydrate in 10 teaspoons of sugar! One cup of fruit punch and other sugary fruit drinks have about 100 calories (or more) and 30 grams of carbohydrate.

October 2016



>> Advisor Diabetes

Diabetes, The Sneaky Disease THAT MUST BE STOPPED QUESTION: What do you get when you combine pre-diabetes, type 1, and type 2 diabetes? ANSWER: Three powerhouse organizations (and three fantastically passionate women) dedicated to raising diabetes awareness, helping those in the community impacted by this disease, and finding a cure for an illness that affects approximately 235,000 people in the great Beehive State. Laura Western, executive director, JDRF; Beverly Bartel, manager of mission delivery, American Diabetes Association (ADA) Utah Chapter; and Brenda Ralls, epidemiologist, Healthy Living through Environment, Policy and Improved Clinical Care Program (EPICC), Utah Department of Health, are collaborating for November National Diabetes Month and holding a press conference on World Diabetes Day, November 14, 2013, at the Capitol in Salt Lake City to address the public on this pandemic. “Many of our young people struggle with obesity and sedentary lifestyles, putting them at risk for developing pre-diabetes,” said Brenda Ralls. “With pre-diabetes, blood sugars are elevated but not high enough to meet the threshold for a diabetes diagnosis. Pre-diabetes usually precedes type 2 but can be prevented or delayed through simple lifestyle changes.” While type 2 individuals make insulin, their body cannot use it properly. But by eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and losing weight, people can achieve normal body function again. With type 1 (T1D), individuals do not make any insulin – their pancreas has stopped working and they must manually give


themselves insulin to live. “I see firsthand the challenges of T1D for Utah families who live every day with this difficult disease,” said Laura Western. “With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, we are partnering with two powerful organizations to bring awareness and attention to this disease. It’s important for the community to know its propensity so we may rally to find a cure.” Beverly Bartel wants Utah to know that “Diabetes doesn’t stop… ever! It’s a 24/7, 365- days-a-year disease. It takes extraordinary effort to live with this, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.” WHAT THEY ALL WANT UTAH TO KNOW: Diabetes is a sneaky disease that claims lives and robs health. Don't wait. Ask your doctor for a diabetes screening today! • More than 135,000 Utah adults (about 6.9%) have been diagnosed with diabetes, and approximately 100,000 with pre-diabetes. • If not well controlled, diabetes can lead to serious complications, including blindness, amputation, cardiovascular disease and kidney failure. • In many cases, progression from prediabetes to type 2 can be prevented or delayed through simple lifestyle changes. • If you are a Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American, Asian or African American, you are at a much higher risk.

Laura concludes “I dedicate this month to every Mom and Dad with a T1D child, to every doctor who holds the hand of a newly diagnosed, to every person affected by diabetes, and to every researcher with a laser focus on solving this problem. We are forever grateful for your dedication, passion, and commitment to find a cure.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Aimee Greenholtz JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Aimee is a content editor for, and Having this disease for more than 20 years and being a pastry chef, Ms. Greenholtz knows the importance of living healthfully and enjoying life. She can be reached at

(from left to right) Beverly Bartel, ADA, Brenda Ralls, UDOH, and Laura Western, JDRF join forces to bring diabetes awareness to Utah during National Diabetes Month in November.


leading cause of death in the United States.

371million Diabetes affects: • 25.8 million people in the US, 371 million globally. • 8.3 percent of the US population (diagnosed:18.8 million, undiagnosed: 7 million)

Half of people with diabetes worldwide don’t know they have it.


4.8 million

people died worldwide due to diabetes. Source: IDF

Source: International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

Diabetes at a Glance

It is the


new dietary guidelines for diabetic individuals, including new regulations for sugary drinks and sodium consumption. The ADA says diabetic patients should choose nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods, and should avoid processed foods with added sodium, fat and sugars, which isn’t all that different from dietary recommendations for the general population.


WHAT DAMAGE DOES DIABETES CAUSE? • Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20-74. • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. • About 60% to 70 % of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage. This can mean impaired sensation or pain in the feet or hands, slowed digestion of food, carpal tunnel syndrome and more. • More than 60% of nontraumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes. In 2006, there were nearly 66,000 such amputations performed in diabetic patients in the United States. • Diabetic adults are twice as likely to have periodontal gum disease than those without diabetes. • Diabetic individuals are twice as likely to have depression.

recommendations is a warning against sugar-sweetened beverages. Also, the previous recommended limit of 2000 mg/day of sodium for diabetic patients is raised to 2300 mg/day, which is the same as the general population. Research, the ADA says, doesn’t support a lower sodium consumption for these patients. The new guidelines also advise patients against using vitamin or mineral supplements, or herbs. Furthermore, the document states, omega-3 supplements aren’t proven to prevent cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. It is hoped that a nutritional focus for treating diabetes will receive the priority it deserves. Diet is a crucial factor in dealing with diabetes.


Tom Hanks, actor Halle Berry, actress Jay Cutler, NFL quarterback Brad Wilk, drummer, Rage Against the Machine Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice Nick Jonas, singer, Jonas Brothers

October 2016



How To Talk About Politics WITH YOUR FAMILY The presidential election makes politics the topic of the hour, and it’s leaving many sick to their stomachs, so we thought it would be good if we chimed in a few words to ease the pain. Heated arguments are just a few sparks away in most family gatherings, so here we’ve outlined the common temptations when it comes to political discussions, and how to cool things down. THE CHEAP SHOT If you know someone leans a certain way, don’t dish out a snide remark in a setting where you know most others are on your side. For example, if your brother in law has certain ideas about immigration that you most of the family don’t agree with, don’t call him out at a gathering.

THE TEMPTATIONS Humans are great at thinking their point of view is smart, and that anyone who disagrees is dumb. Hey, you love your country, and you believe important things are at risk. It’s okay to be passionate, right? Yes, but biting words and spite never take an argument far. In fact, if you lose your cool during a discussion, people are more likely to disagree with you.


A WAYWARD CHILD Don’t freak out if your child says something you disagree with about an issue. Learn about his perspective, and express your own views respectfully. If you’re so anxious to convince a child one way or the other, use tried and true tactful discussion, and don’t be condescending.

THE DISDAIN Many people treat this election as a big joke–indeed it has been comical at times, if darkly so to some. Try to be understanding of those who feel real belief in a candidate, even if you don’t have an ounce of hope. Disdain also comes into play on social media. Some find it difficult to believe that anyone could support a candidate they despise. Some don’t feel safe sharing their opinions, because of very cemented ideas in certain environments.

THE EVANGELIST If someone wants to hear preaching, they’ll go a church. Don’t show up to family gatherings like some kind of missionary for your politics. Also, don’t email articles to everyone that support your views. THE GLOATER This one’s obvious. Don’t throw a victory in your family’s face.

HOW TO COOL THINGS DOWN Be genuinely curious. Try saying something like “I hadn’t thought of it that way before. Tell me more.” Ask for permission to talk politics. Say something like “I’ve had this thought and I wanted to run it by you. Is that okay?” Focus on what areas of agreement. Just drop it. Know when to quit. If someone is feeling hurt, or someone is being too aggressive, it’s time to change the subject. Source:

October 2016




Want naturally fabulous hair? Mix bananas with honey to make a conditioning mask that will leave your hair silky smooth in ten minutes.

HONEY FACIAL MASK Once a week, use a natural honey face mask for softer skin and cleansed pores. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and the best type to use is a raw honey, which usually has a sugary texture and doesn’t drip like processed honey.

EGG-WHITE FACIAL MASK Use egg whites to make an at-home face mask. Leave it on for 5 minutes. The proteins give the skin moisture and hydration.

PREPARATION-H Use the hemorrhoid cream on the bags underneath eyes – it de-puffs and is perfect in a pinch before a big event.

FLAX SEED OIL Stimulate lash growth the natural way, by patting flax seed oil on your lashline with a Q-tip to make lashes grow.

BAKING SODA For clean nails simply sprinkle baking soda on a lemon wedge and rub it on nails for a fresh look.

OLIVE OIL Put it on a cotton pad and use it as make-up remover in a pinch. Remove any oil residue with a clean pad dipped in water. If you have unruly curly locks in the summer, try mixing a dime-sized amount of olive oil in with your regular styling cream. You’ll get smooth texture and unbeatable shine.


These time-tested beauty routines now seem charming and simple in an age where we’re constantly fed a barrage of beauty ads and overly photo-shopped images of perfection.

October 2016




Common Fitness & Nutrition

MISTAKES Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals?


1.) JUMPING ON THE FAD DIET BANDWAGON. Forget the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Atkins Diet and the South Beach diet, to name a few. These methods might work temporarily but they aren’t sustainable. Making balanced, life-long changes is what works...period.

2.) NEGLECTING TO FUEL PROPERLY PRE- AND POST WORKOUT. Ingesting the proper amount of nutrients before and after your workout plays a key role in the effectiveness of your workout and optimizes recovery/protein synthesis. One to two hours before your workout, ingest .25 g of protein per pound of target body weight and .25 g of carbohydrate per pound of target body weight. Follow the same guidelines within 60 minutes of completing your workout. Some good protein sources are egg whites, chicken, fish and beef. Some good carbohydrate sources are whole grain toast, oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa.

3.) FOREGOING BREAKFAST. You’ve heard this one a million times. Eating when you first wake up does two things. It jumpstarts your calorie-burning engine (metabolism) and it keeps you from binging later in the day. Enough said.

4.) PUSHING LIGHT WEIGHT. Many women falsely assume that lifting heavier weight will create a bulky appearance. The fact of the matter is that women simply don’t have enough testosterone to achieve a football player-like physique. Lifting heavy weight (failure at 6-10 repetitions) is optimal. Muscle is important to weight loss because it is more metabolically active than fat tissue. One pound of muscle burns approximately 6.5 calories per hour whereas one pound of fat burns approximately 1.2 calories per hour.

5.) ADHERING TO THE SAME WORKOUT. If you perform the same routine at the same intensity, duration and frequency day-in and day-out, your results will stagnate. Strive to mix up your workouts every four weeks.

6.) EATING TOO LITTLE. It seems counterintuitive that not eating enough will slow your weight loss progress, but that is exactly what happens. After a few weeks of severely restricting your calorie intake, your body senses a large decrease in dietary energy and sounds an alarm to conserve energy. Your body signals the thyroid, which is responsible for fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, to slow down in order to maintain energy balance. Additionally, your body begins to “feed” on muscle tissue for energy. As I stated earlier, you want to spare muscle due to its metabolically active nature, not surrender it.




October 2016


FITNESS Six methods for toning to get you results that last.

STRENGTH TRAINING Forget the quick fixes. Get results that last. This is the real deal. by Dominic Barsi


©Suzanne Tucker |

Tune up your routine.


MANY WHO EXERCISE WANT THE SAME THING: to look toned. This happens when one's body fat percentage is low enough to reveal the shape and definition of muscles. Structure your workouts around these six steps, and you'll get there.

1. RESISTANCE TRAINING Use varied resistance exercises to properly train all major muscle groups: legs, chest, back, shoulders, arms and core. Varying workouts between lighter weight with higher repetitions (30–50 reps) and heavier weight with lower repetitions (10–15 reps) works both major types of muscle fibers, resulting in complete muscle development and tone. I recommend 3-5 sessions per week depending on one's workout intensity and fitness level.

2. FAT BURNING CARDIO Muscles utilize varying fuel mixtures of carbohydrates and fats to contract and accomplish work. Depending on exercise intensity (determined by heart rate), one can maximize fat metabolism. Exercising at 60–70 percent of maximum heart rate (MHR) uses up to 85 fats/15 carbohydrates. Exercising above 70 percent MHR uses roughly a 50/50 mixture. Resisting the urge to go harder in order to "feel the cardio burn" will tone your body sooner than going hard.

3. DURATION Walking two miles takes longer than running them, but for fat metabolism and toning, walking is most efficient.


One of the most important benefits of regular physical activity is that it promotes cardiovascular fitness — that is, it strengthens your heart and circulatory system.

Physical activity helps build and maintain strong bones. Active women have stronger bones than women who do not exercise.

Physical benefits are not all you get with regular exercise.

Staying active promotes mental well-being, relieves stress, and reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. •

Looking toned is the absence of subcutaneous fat. Fat is energy. Burn the fat, develop the muscle, and voila — you're toned! Energy metabolism occurs at the cellular level, so persistence and consistency are key. The more minutes you rack-up between 60 percent and 70 percent MHR, the more fat energy you burn. I recommend at least 45-60 minutes of cardio per day.

4. FREQUENCY People often ask, “How often should I workout?” In regards to toning, the answer is “As many days as you eat” — leaving one day's rest, of course. The risk of “overdoing it” is low because the intensities are low, therefore the body doesn't require the recovery that more intense workouts necessitate.

Moderate daily physical activity totaling 30 minutes, which may be spread throughout the day, can offer health benefits.

6. MIND SET As you think, so you are. Thought habits live below behavior habits. Determining personal goals is always the first step in achievement. Making realistic goals allows you to achieve them. Words create reality. Think, speak, and behave in the direction of your goals — whatever they may be.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dominic Barsi owns BEAM Fitness and Seminars, Inc. Certified in 1994, he is a health and wellness speaker, fitness coach and author and certified fitness trainer.

5. DIET Only fuel (eat) for the next 2–3 hours of activity. Wait between eating if you aren't going to burn calories within a few hours. Keep fat intake to 30 percent or less. Find a basal metabolic rate calculator online and determine what your needs for calories, protein, carbohydrate and fat balance. Be disciplined but realistic. Avoid empty calorie sources like alcohol and processed snacks. If you do indulge, be willing to spend the extra time to burn it off. 1 pound = 3500 calories.

October 2016



Yoga vs Pilates

These days, you can scarcely turn on the TV or open a celeb-based magazine without hearing your favorite stars tout the role of yoga or Pilates in shaping their to-die-for bodies. The most beautiful people seem to know exactly which discipline best tones their physique. Which regimen should you adopt? According to expert trainers, your choice between yoga and Pilates depends on your goals. Take a moment to reflect on your body and mind goals while we give you a side-by-side comparison of these two hot workouts. by Aubrey Merrell

The Toner Type.


Y oga





It is a common misperception that yoga only has to do with flexibility and relaxing. The reality is found in the word Hatha, where all yoga posture practices originate from. It literally means Sun-Moon (Ha-Tha in sanskrit). According to Marisa Smith Weppner, co-owner and yoga instructor at Sage Yoga & Wellness in Boise, this sun energy refers to strong, active, powerful energy, while moon refers to flexible, passive, receptive energy. She says yoga asanas seek to balance both sun and moon energies and a yoga practice requires the use of both.



PHYSICALITY Yoga keeps your body supple, toned and strong. Yoga poses also recruit different muscle groups to work together, reinforcing the movements of every-day life. This “team work” effect corrects and prevents muscle imbalance common to athletes and weight lifters. Pinpointing any imbalance, the yoga poses force weak muscles to work harder and force tight muscles to stretch. The poses in yoga work to optimize the deep breathing meditation. Many poses teach students to open their chest and lung cavity, increasing the amount of oxygen they receive with each breath. More oxygen means better circulation and heart health, and increased circulation.

MENTALITY Pilates, also called “Controlology”, utilizes mental prowess differently. Rather than deep meditation, the Pilates mind works to acutely control muscle movement. Joseph H. Pilates said, “Ideally, our muscles should obey our will. Reasonably, our will should not be dominated by the reflex actions of our muscles.”

YOGA’S 5,000 YEAR-OLD Eastern-based philosophy is a journey of self discovery. The relaxation and meditation central to yoga apply not just to studio workouts, but they envelope everyday life. Even the term “students” implies that yoga teaches a new way of being and interacting. More so than Pilates, yoga is a lifestyle, not just an exercise.

Y oga

Pilates Pilates

MOVEMENTS Pilates takes two forms: floor-based and machine-based. Floor based Pilates uses a mat, along with elastic bands and the Pilates “magic circle” (exercise ring) to build strength through resistance. The machinebased version uses the Cadillac and Reformer pulley machines for weight and resistance. Unlike yoga, both types of Pilates involve sets and reps, more like a weight-lifting routine. You remain in motion for the majority of a Pilates session.





PHYSICALITY Pilates combines flexibility and strength in every move, with particular focus on the core muscles. These deep muscles wrap your abdomen and lower back and provide support to every movement of your body. Strength in these muscles enhances every activity, from vacuuming to playing tennis to good posture (your mother would be so proud). Core strength plays special importance in sports and exercise, powering and propelling you through every movement with an effortless appearance.

Y oga GOAL


Yoga encourages introspection, inner peace, and self-reflection. After just one yoga session, you will feel calmer, refreshed, and more open. Studies actually document stress reduction as a yoga benefit. Flexibility and range of motion fall in at a close second. With each progressing class, the goal is to move deeper into each pose, hold them for more breaths, and learn more challenging poses.

Y oga GEAR

Pilates GOAL

Pilates is corrective in nature. Joseph Pilates founded this exercise in the early 1900s to improve his own strength and then to help wounded World War I soldiers recuperate. Modern physical therapy incorporates Pilates-based movement for recovery. The goal with Pilates, whether you attend rehab or gymbased classes, is to realign natural spinal curvature, improve flexibility and muscle tone, and balance muscle strength.


Pilates GEAR

Yoga equipment includes a thin, sticky mat, support blocks (bamboo or foam), straps (when your flex-

Pilates equipment includes a thick exercise mat (at least ½ inch thick), exercise band (wide yet thin ribbon

ibility isn’t quite there for a particular move), stretchy and form-fitting clothing, and your bare feet.

bands are preferred to tubing), a Pilates “Magic Circle” (a flexible ring made to add resistance), and stretchy and formfitting clothing.

Y oga

LEARNING Choose a registered yoga teacher (RYT) registered with the Yoga Alliance. This registration ensures at least 200 hours of yoga instruction training.



LEARNING Look for an instructor certified by STOTT Pilates or the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA).

October 2016



October 2016




CORE? A GUIDE TO COMPLETE CORE TRAINING It should come as no surprise to us when fitness experts and physical trainers continue to harp about the importance of our core muscles. It is called our “core” for a reason. So core means abs, right? Nope.

Core muscles are an essential and fundamental part of movement and muscle efficiency, she says. They are used in everyday activities like bending over to pick up a child or twisting to see what’s behind us.

According to Lisa Matthews, a personal trainer at Treehouse Athletic Club in Draper, Utah, “The word ‘core’ generally refers to the muscles of the lumbo-pelvic region, abs, hips and lower back.”

Starting with whole core workouts and progressing to isolated muscle groups in the core, here we provide a complete guide to core fitness.


WHOLE CORE WORKOUT A strong core allows us to advance the rest of our body to a higher fitness level, according to Matthews. “You can train your upper and lower body to look good but you will have limitations to their progression without the support of a strong core,” she says. In addition, strengthening your whole core is a great way to prevent lower back injuries, to improve your balance, and even promote better breathing.


Traditional exercises like crunches or sit-ups are good places to start. Consider adding in workouts like a kettlebell pullover. Lie on your back with both of your knees bent to 90 degrees with the soles of your feet together. Lift a kettlebell of an appropriate weight for your skill straight above your head, holding the handle with both hands. Slowly lower the kettlebell behind you until it’s about a foot off of the ground. Hold the weight there for about 30 seconds (or as long as you can without dropping it) and bring it back above you head. That’s one repetition. Do about 5 of these and you’ll be feeling the burn in your abs and your oblique muscles, especially if you add a little twist. To target your oblique muscles and your lower back, lay on your side with your back completely straight. Crunch your legs in toward your torso without bending your legs (you’ll be raising your legs and head off the ground, not bringing your knees to your chest). At peak contraction, hold that position for 30-45 seconds (or as long as you can) and then return to rest. Do this on each side. You can do this with a weight between your feet if you want to see better results.


THE PSOAS (PRONOUNCED SO-AZ) MUSCLE This muscle runs from the lumbar region of your spine (lower back) to the top of your femur. It’s a very important stabilizer muscle for your back and your hip flexors, which allows you to bring your knees toward your chest. Tightness or weakness in this muscle is often associated with lower back stiffness or pain, especially for those of us who sit at a desk all day. The reason for this is that, as we sit for extended periods of time, the psoas can become rounded (picture the shape of a banana); then, when we stand up, the psoas pulls on our lower back, increasing the potential for low-back pain and tightness. Furthermore, because the psoas is a stabilizer for our hip flexors, if it’s weak or shortened due to extended sitting, the hip flexors have to compensate for the psoas. This can result in pain in the knees.


The only way to strengthen the psoas is to bring your knees above 90 degrees. Sit with your back straight (posture is very important for this exercise) on a low bench or box, no more than one foot off the ground. Keeping your core tight, lift one bent knee above your hips and hold in this position for five seconds before returning to the starting position. Make sure you don’t lean forward or backward while lifting your knee. Do 3 sets of 5 repetitions with each leg. And, in a shameless plug for the next section, squats and lunges can also help strengthen this muscle.

QUADS, GLUTS, & HAMSTRINGS Some of you might be thinking, “what have my legs got to do with my core?” and you could be forgiven for doing so. Although not technically part of your core, quads and hamstring exercises will help you to strengthen all of the stabilizing muscles in your hips and lower back, not to mention you’ll have stronger, healthier legs in the process. For all intents and purposes, quads, hamstrings, and gluts should factor into your efforts for a strong core. Not only will exercising these muscles help improve your balance and athletic performance, studies show it will also produce more Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and testosterone than any other workout. HGH and testosterone are important if you’re looking to put on muscle mass, especially in the upper body, and these hormones can also help maintain muscle mass and stay lean in ageing adults.


I hate to break it to everyone, but running or riding the stationary bike doesn’t count. Squats, deadlifts, and lunges, on the other hand, are great ways to work out all of the muscles listed above. Squats will help you build better balance and greater strength in your hip flexors and abductor muscles. You can use a squat rack at the gym or do simple body-weight squats in your living room. Both are good options for strengthening your quads, gluts and stabilizing muscles in your hips and lower back. If you really want to engage your core, do your lunges and squats on a Bosu ball. Deadlifts are another great exercise for your hamstrings and gluts. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with a bar and weights in front of you. Squat and grab the bar, evenly spacing your hands. Stand, making sure to lift with your legs, not your back, until you’re standing up straight. Bending only at the waist and keeping your knees as straight as possible, lower the bar to the ground and bring it back up to your upright position. You should feel the burn in your gluts and your hamstrings. Complete three sets of eight to ten repetitions.


October 2016



PRE-SKI PREPARATION Warm up now for a fantastic winter. by Joel Addams


JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT SUMMER’S STREAK of half marathons, triathalons, and cycling races were winding down … it hits. The first few snowfalls have quickly reminded us that our winter is about to provide new sport. Most of us have settled back into work and school routines that commonly have us snacking during football games and avoiding our rigid summer workouts.


It’s time to become reacquainted with our quads. November in Idaho is the perfect time to replace the slowly accumulating fat cells with rock-solid muscle — and just in time for the first few runs. Fortunately, Idaho’s Novembers give us a nice variety of activities to strength the legs, the core, and the cardio.


Most professional skiers spend the majority of their workouts toning and bulking their quads. This allows control on the turns and strength through the entire run, as well as offering skiers and riders longevity on the slopes. No one wants to get tired by 10 a.m! Not only do the legs “do most of the work” when skiing and riding, but they also protect against injury if well toned. “Start low and go slow” is a good mantra for any workout schedule. Warm up by jogging or slowly spinning. Start with repetitions of lunges and squats, but make sure that you begin


Get Winter Fit.

with less weight than you anticipate. People often strain and damage muscles the first time they return to the gym: this could cost you weeks of recovery and the first good drop of powder! Pros also keep a heavy regimen of cycling, so if the gym is too expensive or not your thing, tune up the roadie or mountain bike and enjoy some crisp autumn air. November is unpredictable in northern Idaho, but an Indian summer could allow for some pleasant riding. Hill work is especially helpful for the cross-trainer, as it smoothly builds both strength and endurance into the quads.


Skiers and snowboarders know that central muscles in the thorax, abdomen and lower back provide the day-long stabilization on the mountain. By strengthening these sometimes neglected muscles, you can strengthen areas that keep you balanced and that anchor the arm and legs motions that begin and end every turn. If the gym is for you, augment the traditional sit-ups with work on the cable machine where you can comfortably stand and drag the cable freely across your body. Also, become good friends with “The Ball.” Pushups and situps on the ball work a >>>

November October 2016


FITNESS variety of areas on the core and protect the vertebrae from the floor. If you prefer to acclimate to the cool air, stay with your running workouts that continually tighten the core muscles and keep your heart strong. Depending on lack of snow, diversify your outdoor workouts to include hill climbs like the canyon trails in Idaho and with cycling expeditions around Rocky Canyon Road near Boise & Route of the Hiawatha Rail Trail.


With the weather turning colder and the days becoming shorter, the die-hard summer diets and exercise schedules may start to slide with plummeting temperatures. Some argue that your body wants to put on more fat for the upcoming chilly season. Whether we’re like bears or not, you’ll more likely be an animal on the slopes and in the backcountry if you can stay trim. Save the cookies for the high-calorie-burning days of January and February.

For now, stick with your summer plan. You were so good at eating the fruits and vegetables that were cheaper during the summer, and now you have an entirely new set of fresh fruits coming in the early winter months, especially the citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines. Whatever your combo for exercise and diet, keep it up. By strengthening the muscles that will be the most taxed during your ski days, you won’t feel as much “burn in your turns.” The first few days back to the snow will feel as if summer had never come.

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Skiing is a dance, and the mountain always leads.

- Reg Albert

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joel Addams is a freelance outdoor and travel photographer and has photographed for Healthy Magazine since 2004. Visit his website at


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October 2016






H E A LT H A N D H E A L I N G by Sarah Sanders

©Gemenacom |

De-stress with the sounds of music.



MUSIC HAS LEFT ITS MARK throughout several generations. Whether you were rocking to the Beatles on your 8 track, singing along with Madonna on your CD player or falling asleep to Josh Groban on your iPod, music has always been around. But when you turn on your favorite tunes, you may not only be entertaining yourself but also healing your body. A study at Tel Aviv University found that premature babies who listen to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart may gain weight faster than those who don’t. The newborns who listened to the classical pieces expended less energy and grew even more rapidly. But healthy music is not limited to newborns and Mozart. For years, Dr. Mike Miller of the Maryland Medical Center has been studying the effects of happiness. He studied laughter and found it can open up blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate more freely. But he didn’t stop there. Miller decided to study music’s effect on the cardiovascular system. Through Miller’s study, he found that music has the unique ability to impact both your blood pressure and stress levels. Long-term stress can bring havoc to your cardiovascular system. When stressed, your blood vessels will constrict, causing your blood pressure to rise. The rise in blood pressure then increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. But music has a way of countering these effects. “Turns out music may be one of the best de-stressors — either by playing or even listening to music,” Miller said. “It gives us an overall feeling of good, well-being, a sense of euphoria in some cases.”


Even if it’s not Mozart or Bach, Miller said that music is still going to be healthy for you. Perhaps it is even better. During his study, Miller found that when participants listened to music they didn’t necessarily enjoy, their vessels actually began to close up. Music has also found a place among patients with brain damage. Psychologist Ted Rubinstein said music is so complex that it’s the only experience that activates almost every part of the brain. Music simply bypasses the brain’s damaged language centers and creates new pathways to the part of the brain that processes the music.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

Music has a “melody, rhythm, beat, and timbre. It also has an organized sound that matches our heartbeat, the way our blood moves, and creates a feeling in us,” Rubinstein said. He explained that in time, people who were unable to speak as a result to brain damage or disease are able to sing words they still cannot speak. More and more healthcare practitioners are turning to music for healing, according to Dr. Ariel Ortiz, an authority on psychomusicology. No matter the music, “together with an eclectic assortment of traditional strategies, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, can drastically improve a patient’s health.” So don’t be embarrassed about your love for Donny Osmond songs or Justin Beiber tunes. If it makes you happy, listen to it. And your body will be happy too.

October 2016



October 2016



September/November 2016 48

October 2016


FITNESS 34 of the smartest diet tips ever.






©Stefan Redel |

by Top Dietitians of the American Dietetic Association


GOT A DIET DILEMMA? ASK a true diet pro: an RD, or registered dietitian. Her job is turning complex nutrition research into doable plans for real people.

FITNESS Courtesy of the American Dietetic Association (ADA), we took our readers’ eleven toughest diet problems and ran them by some of the top dietitians in the US: RDs who, in addition to their private careers, serve as media spokespersons or heads of specialty practice groups for the ADA. Here’s what they told us, in their own words. These tips are solid gold, learned from successful experience with thousands of clients. Some tips are new. Some you’ve heard before, but they’re repeated because they work. This treasure trove of RD wisdom could change your life-starting today.

21. Sit when you eat. 22. Dilute juice with water. 23. Have mostly veggies for lunch. 24. Eat at home. 25. Limit alcohol to weekends.

How do I eat more veggies? 26. Have a V8 or tomato juice instead of a Diet Coke at 3 pm.

I can only handle one diet change right now. What should I do? 1. Add just one fruit or

veggie serving daily. Get comfortable with that, then add an extra serving until you reach 8 to 10 a day.

2. Eat at least two servings of a fruit or veggie at every meal.

3. Resolve never to supersize your food portions — unless you want to supersize your clothes.

4. Make eating purposeful, not mindless. When you put food in your mouth, peel it, unwrap it, plate it, and sit. Engage all of the senses in the pleasure of nourishing your body.

5. Start eating a big breakfast. It helps you eat fewer total calories throughout the day.

6. Make sure your plate is half veggies and/or fruit at both lunch and dinner.

Are there any easy tricks to help me cut calories? 7. Eating out? Halve

your meal, and bag the rest. A typical restaurant entree has 1,000 to 2,000 calories, not even counting the bread, appetizer, beverage and dessert.

8. When dining out, make it automatic: Order one dessert to share.

9. Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.

10. See what you eat. Plate your food instead of

27. Doctor your veggies to make 13. Juice has as many calories, ounce for ounce, as soda. Set a limit of one 8-oz glass of fruit juice a day.

14. Get calories from foods you chew, not beverages. Have fresh fruit instead of fruit juice.

29. Don't forget that vegetable soup counts as a vegetable.

It works wonders.

31. Use prebagged baby spinach

16. Follow the Chinese saying: “Eat until you are eight-tenths full.”

everywhere: as "lettuce" in sandwiches, heated in soups, wilted in hot pasta and added to salads.

17. Use mustard instead

32. Spend the extra few dollars

of mayo.

11. Eat the low-cal

noncreamy ones are filling but low-cal.

switch to 1 percent. If you drink one 8-oz glass a day, you'll lose 5 lb in a year.

of beans and some diet Italian dressing. Eat this three-bean salad all week.

30. Rediscover the sweet potato.

18. Eat more soup. The

12. Instead of whole milk,

28. Mix three different cans

15. Keep a food journal.

eating out of the jar or bag.

items on your plate first, then graduate. Start with salads, veggies and broth soups, and eat meats and starches last. By the time you get to them, you'll be full enough to be content with smaller portions of the high-calorie choices.

them delicious: Dribble maple syrup over carrots, and sprinkle chopped nuts on green beans.

19. Cut back on or cut out caloric drinks such as soda, sweet tea, lemonade, etc. People have lost weight by making just this one change. If you have a 20-oz bottle of Coca-Cola every day, switch to Diet Coke. You should lose 25 lb in a year.

20. Take your lunch to work or school.

to buy vegetables that are already washed and cut up.

33. Really hate veggies? Relax. If you love fruits, eat plenty of them; they are just as healthy (especially colorful ones such as oranges, mangoes, and melons).

34. Keep seven bags of your favorite frozen vegetables on hand. Mix any combination, microwave, and top with your favorite low-fat dressing. Enjoy 3 to 4 cups a day. Makes a great quick dinner.

The American Dietetic Association RDs serve as media spokespersons or heads of specialty practice groups for the ADA.

October 2016



>> News That’s crazy

Th at’ s

FOREIGN PHENOMENON For centuries, it has been common knowledge that Asians have one of the longest life expectancies in the world, and for decades, researchers have been searching for the reasons behind that phenomenon. Many believe the secret lies in their diet, which consists largely of fish, poultry and the vegetables grown in the region, but Dr. Nathalie Valkov — an expert in Oriental medicine and author of the book Cordyceps: Treating Diabetes, Cancer and Other Illnesses — believes the secret lies in an Asian herb that is just now getting noticed by Western medicine.



“While it is acknowledged that some of the best medical care in the world can be found in the United States, we have to remember that our medical culture is barely a couple of centuries old,” Valkov said. “Asian medicine has been around for thousands of years, and since people from the Far East tend to live much longer than we do in the West, it’s not a stretch to say that there may be some ancient secrets hidden in their diet and medicines that may help us unlock the keys to longevity and good health.”


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This Chinese mushroom, has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries to aid in the treatment of various autoimmune, pulmonary, cardiovascular and other illnesses, according to Valkov. “Recent clinical studies performed in China are now confirming the benefits of Cordyceps, providing the clinical proof to practitioners of Western medicine that the herb has some unique medicinal properties,” she said. “Herbal medicine is also a part of oriental medicine and has also been practiced for thousands of years. Today, prescriptions are based on ancient formulas that have been time tested and that are known to have helped millions of people. The Chinese pharmacopoeia is comprised of hundreds of herbs, minerals and animal products that are combined to suit the constitution, the imbalance and the immediate relief of symptoms of the individual being treated.”

Asian ingredient is shown to eleviate many health issues.



While Western medicine has regarded some of these remedies as quackery, Valkov cautioned not to dismiss Cordyceps and effectiveness of Oriental herbs so rashly. “Acupuncture, which is now a common therapy used in the U.S., came from Asian healers who have been using it for centuries, so it’s logical that there may be some other practices from which we can all benefit,” she added.

Some research has been published in which Cordyceps has been used to protect the bone marrow and digestive systems of mice from whole body irradiation. In addition, one experiment indicated that Cordyceps may protect the liver from damage. Another experiment with mice revealed the mushroom may have an anti-depressant effect. Other researchers believe that it has a hypoglycemic effect and may help diabetics who suffer from insulin resistance. “Other research from the region points in the direction of Cordyceps potentially thwarting certain cancers,” Valkov added. “I believe that we need to embrace these new findings, coupled with the anecdotal evidence of millions of Asians who seem to live longer and healthier lives than we do in the West, and combine the methods of the two regions to create better medicine for everyone.”

Nathalie Valkov L.Ac holds a PhD in oriental medicine and was trained at Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine. Since 1999, she has had the opportunity to practice such healing methods as acupuncture, electro-stim acupuncture, acupressure, tui na, cupping, moxibustion and herbal therapy. She has successfully treated ailments such as diabetes, arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, asthma, colds, flu, heart problems, various types of pain, stress, insomnia, tonsillitis, fibromyalgia and gynecological dysfunctions.

October 2016


Spice Up


>> Food Nutrition

Life health

for good



BASIL Basil can give a fresh flavor to any pizza or pesto, but this spice is more than just a seasoning. Basil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent swelling and alleviate pain caused by arthritis. It also contains the flavonoids orientin and vicenin that can shield a person’s cells from radiation and other damage. Have a cut or scrape? Basil has strong antibacterial capabilities and can help prevent infections.


Cinnamon has a subtle heat that is perfect for baked treats and warm beverages. Significant attention is being directed toward its potential in diabetes management. Research suggests that cinnamon may lower blood glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and improve lipid profiles. Also, the sweet aroma of cinnamon has been shown to boost brain function.

PARSLEY Parsley adds flavor and color to meals and is a source of vitamins A, C and K. It also has antioxidants and can aid heart and optimal health.

SPICES AND HERBS CAN GIVE A BOOST OF FLAVOR TO ANY MEAL, BUT THEY ALSO HAVE HEALTH BENEFITS. MINT Found in tea, ice cream, toothpaste and more, mint is a versatile flavor. Containing vitamins A and C, mint has antioxidants and can help decrease the risk of cancer. It can soothe an upset stomach, relieve heartburn, loosen congestion and help calm. Let’s not forget that mint can also keep a person’s breath fresh.

Want variety?


With increasing interest in “functional food,” herbs and spices have been receiving greater attention for their potential to decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of cancer, fight heart disease and more. Here is how different spices can benefit people who are on their own wellness journey.


>> Food Nutrition




An increase in body temperature or heart rate upon ingestion of a pepper is believed to increase metabolism. Red peppers contain capsaicin, which accelerates energy expenditure and increases lipid oxidation. Studies also suggest that consuming capsaicin decreases fat intake. Chili peppers can fight inflammation and help relieve pain.

ROSEMARY Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Labiatae family that is related to mint. Rosemary contains substances that are useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation and improving digestion. Rosemary also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks. In addition, rosemary has been shown to increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration. So, the next time you enhance the flavor of some special dish with rosemary, congratulate yourself for a wise as well as delicious choice.

Advantages of

Perks to eating

It derives from the fruit of Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree. Studies have shown that it improves digestion eases the symptoms of menstruation and induces calm and sleep. Medically, nutmeg has strong antibacterial properties. It is effective in killing a number of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth and combating asthma, according to In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat impotence and liver disease. In Arab countries, nutmeg is valued as an aphrodisiac.

Garlic has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral capabilities. It also can lower cholesterol and the risk of cancer and contains vitamins B6 and C, which fight heart disease.



Healthy side of GINGER

Ginger provides gastrointestinal and nausea relief. Recent studies also suggest that ginger may play a role in preventing inflammation, which could be useful in alleviating pain caused by arthritis. Ginger plays a potential role in cancer prevention with its antioxidant properties. Its immunity boosting capabilities is another advantage.

Source:, Take Off Pounds Sensibly Club, Inc. (TOPS), the original, nonprofit weight-loss support and wellness education organization, was established more than 63 years ago to champion weight-loss support and success.

TURMERIC Turmeric, a popular spice in curry powder, contains curcumin. Curcumin gives turmeric its yellow pigment and may reduce the risk of cancer, osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. It also has antioxidant properties.

CAYENNE This spice is derived from the fruit of the Capsicum annuum plant in the Solanaceae family, along with the chile pepper. It is known to eliminate gas from the stomach and intestines, soothe sore throats, colds and flu symptoms. And it also increases the metabolism for better weight control.

OREGANO Leaf of the Origanum plant in the mint family, oregano has been proven to loosen mucus, help treat respiratory illnesses and calm indigestion. It is often used in many Italian tomato-based foods.

October 2016




Experts say a healthy diet could boost brain power, prevent cancer and may even help treat diabetes.



- Julia Child

1Follow a diet



3Focus on

4Go granola.

5Eat several

include legumes,

Salmon and other fish as well as nuts

deficiency has been linked to diabetes,

throughout the day, keeping your insulin

soluble fibers found in oat bran, beans,

nuts, seeds and peas, or lean animal pro-

and seeds are excellent “good fat foods”

eat lots of brewers yeast, wheat germ,

and blood sugar levels regulated.

nuts, and apples, for example helps to

tein (turkey, chicken and fish) with each

that help combat disease. Another

whole grains, soy products, onions, and

balance blood sugar. An excellent source is ground flax seeds

meal. Protein drinks that have low sugar levels are good as

way to integrate more quality fats into your diet is to

garlic. Onions and garlic will help lower blood sugar levels

6Enjoy plenty

which should be consumed daily.

they help modulate blood sugar levels.

use olive and flax oil in your salads.

and protect against heart disease.

high in fiber, vegeta-

bles, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, water


vegetable proteins which

quality fats.

Because hormone

small meals

of berries,

plums and grapes which contain vital chemicals that protect your vision.

©Stephconnell, Ghb007, Picamaniac |


Life itself is the proper binge.


Unlikely spice splashes blood sugar levels.


Healing powers Cinnamon may prevent and combat diabetes, has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, slows the spoiling of food and was traditionally used for indigestion, gas and bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. It improves colon health and protects against heart disease. Also, cinnamon’s scent boosts brain function.

Nutrition Calcium, iron, fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and manganese.

“ innamon may merit a place in your medicine cabinet as well as in your spice rack.

While Ginseng has been a busy little herb these last few thousand years, cinnamon has recently been found to pack a powerful medicinal punch. A tasty addition to hot chocolate and apple pie, nutritionists agree this popular spice offers surprising benefits for those suffering from diabetes. The popular spice may help prevent and combat diabetes by acting as an insulin substitute for people with type 2 diabetes, according to cellular and molecular research done jointly by the University of California, Santa Barbara, Iowa State

University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Cinnamon itself has insulin-like activity and also can potentiate the activity of insulin. The latter could be quite important in treating those with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon has a bio-active component that we believe has the potential to prevent or overcome diabetes,” researcher Don Graves said in a prepared statement.

-Ellen DeGeneres

“More than 170 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, and for many, drugs or other forms of treatment are unavailable. It may be possible that many of these people could benefit from readily available natural products such as cinnamon,” said Graves, an adjunct professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

©Monkeybusiness, Murasaki |


I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon.

October 2016





4 soft corn tortillas, cut into 1-by-2-inch strips 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, trimmed of fat and diced 3 cups frozen bell pepper and onion mix (about 10 ounces) 1 tablespoon ground cumin 2 14-ounce cans reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 15-ounce can diced tomatoes, preferably with green chiles 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons lime juice 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro 3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese


1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread tortillas in a

single layer on a baking sheet. Bake until lightly browned and crisp, 10 to 12 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a Dutch oven over

medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook, stirring occasionally, until beginning to brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a plate using a slotted spoon. Add pepper-onion mix and cumin to the pot. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions are lightly browned, about 4 minutes. Add broth, tomatoes, pepper and lime juice; bring to a simmer and cook, stirring often, until the vegetables are tender, about 3 minutes more. Return the chicken and any accumulated juice to the pot and cook, stirring, until heated through, about 1 minute. Remove from the heat; stir in cilantro. Serve topped with the toasted tortilla strips and cheese.

Chicken Tortilla Soup [ 1 1/3 CUPS EACH ]

serves 4

Making soups may have once been an all-day affair, but here’s a great example of how a few choice convenience products can renovate an old favorite for our modern, hectic lives. Some frozen vegetables, a few canned tomatoes and canned

Nutrition Information:

Per serving: 357 calories; 12 g fat (5 g sat, 4 g mono); 87 mg cholesterol; 24 g carbohydrate; 37 g protein; 4 g fiber; 603 mg sodium. Source:



©Jessieeldora |

Soupe à l’Oignon Gratinée

[ ON I ON SOU P ] serves 6

Onions always make me thinkof Alsace-Lorraine. So, perhaps a Riesling from there will do the trick here, or a Crémant d’Alsace whose bubbles will help cut through the richness of the cheese and sweetness of the Ingredients

6 tbsp unsalted butter 8 cups cold Beef Stock 81/2 cups sweet onions, thinly sliced Salt and pepper as needed 4 garlic cloves, minced Cayenne pepper as needed 2 tsp curry powder 1 2 toasted baguette slices, 1/4-inch thick 11/2 cups Chablis 3 cups grated Gruyère cheese 2 tbsp all-purpose flour 1 tsp chopped parsley


1. Preheat the oven to 450°F. 2. Heat the butter on medium heat in a large, thick-

bottomed pan. Add the onions and sauté until they’re softened and a light caramel color, 20 to 25 minutes. 3. Add the garlic and curry powder and continue to cook

for another 2 minutes, until the spices release their oils and subsequent aroma. Add the Chablis and reduce until the wine is cooked dry, 18 to 20 minutes. Add the flour and cook for 2 more minutes.

4. Take the pan off the heat and pour in the cold stock,

stirring thoroughly to distribute the flour throughout the soup. Return the pan to the heat and bring to a boil; reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. 5. Season the soup as needed with salt, black pepper, and

cayenne pepper. Ladle the soup into oven-safe bowls, and top with slices of toasted baguette covered with plenty of Gruyère. Place the soup into the oven or under a broiler and cook until it’s golden brown and bubbly, about 10 minutes. 6. Sprinkle each bowl of soup with parsley and serve

it immediately.

Bistros and Brasseries: Recipes and Reflections on Classic Cafe cooking, from The Culinary Institute of America

October 2016



Photo credit: Colin Erricson/


Excerpted from The Mixer Bible, Third Edition by Meredith Deeds and Carla Snyder © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. www. Reprinted with publisher permission.

Cranberry Maple Squares Makes 24 squares

Enjoy a deliciously wonderful treat for the whole family this holiday, or any day of the week! Flat beater Wire whip Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C) 13- by 9-inch (3 L) metal baking pan, greased and lined with greased parchment paper 2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1⁄4 cup granulated sugar 2⁄3 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 1 tsp baking powder 1⁄4 tsp salt 2 eggs Filling 3⁄4 cup lightly packed light brown sugar 1⁄2 cup unsalted butter, softened 1⁄4 cup pure maple syrup 4 eggs 11⁄4 cups pecan halves, chopped 11⁄2 cups dried cranberries Pinch of salt






Place flour, sugar, butter, baking powder and salt in the mixer bowl. Attach the flat beater and mixer bowl to the mixer. Set to Speed 2 and beat until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until dough forms a ball. On a floured work surface, roll out dough into a 13- by 9-inch (33 by 23 cm) rectangle. Carefully fold twice so it is easier to transfer to the prepared pan. Unfold into the pan, pressing evenly into the bottom and 1 inch (2.5 cm) up the sides. Refrigerate while you prepare the filling. Prepare the filling: Place brown sugar and butter in clean mixer bowl. Remove the flat beater and attach the whip and mixer bowl to the mixer. Set to Speed 4 and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in maple syrup. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until smooth. Remove the mixer bowl. Using a rubber spatula, stir in pecans, cranberries and salt until evenly incorporated. Pour filling into dough and spread evenly in the pan. Bake in lower third of preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until pastry is golden and filling is set. Let cool completely in pan on a wire rack. Cut into squares.

Make ahead Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 4 weeks.

Pink Chantilly with Cranberries Photo credit: Colin Erricson/

Makes 4 servings Filled with antioxidants and loaded with vitamin C, cranberries are very healthful. However, we hear so much about their health benefits that we sometimes forget how truly delicious they can be. This recipe is certainly the simplest and one of the most beautiful ways to serve cranberries. Four 8-ounce (250 mL) tall jars Blender Fine-mesh sieve Electric mixer 11⁄2 cups raspberries, fresh or frozen 3 tbsp confectioner’s (icing) sugar 2 cups frozen cranberries, thawed 1⁄2 cup maple syrup (see Tips) 11⁄2 cups heavy or whipping (35%) cream 1 tbsp granulated sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1⁄2 cup cranberry juice Mint leaves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In blender, purée raspberries and confectioner’s sugar. Transfer to a fine-mesh sieve placed over a bowl and press mixture through. Discard seeds and set raspberry purée aside. In a saucepan over medium heat, cook cranberries and maple syrup, stirring often, for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. In a large bowl, using electric mixer at high speed, whip cream, granulated sugar and vanilla until soft peaks begin to form. Beating constantly, slowly add cranberry juice and half the raspberry purée. Spoon remaining raspberry purée into jars, dividing equally. Top with whipped cream mixture, dividing equally. Refrigerate for up to 30 minutes. When you’re ready to serve, remove jars from refrigerator and top with cooked cranberries. Using a long spoon, mix delicately. Garnish with mint leaves and serve immediately.

Tips Make sure to use real maple syrup. Maple-flavored and other table syrups contain a lot of granulated sugar or corn syrup and do not cook the same way. It’s worth every penny to get the real thing. Excerpted from The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks, Volume 3 by The Best of Bridge Ladies © 2013 www. Reprinted with publisher permission.

Cranberry Scones Makes 8 large scones.

Photo credit: Colin Erricson/

Perfect for holiday snacks and entertaining!

Excerpted from 150 Best Desserts in a Jar by Andrea Jourdan © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. May not be reprinted without publisher permission.

3⁄4 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt 1 large egg 2 3⁄4 cups all-purpose flour 4 tsp baking powder 1⁄2 tsp baking soda 1⁄2 tsp salt 1⁄2 cup margarine 1 cup coarsely chopped cranberries (fresh or frozen) 1⁄2 cup granulated sugar Grated zest of 1 orange 1 tbsp butter, melted 1⁄4 cup confectioners’ (icing) sugar Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Beat buttermilk and egg in small bowl and set aside. In large bowl, Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Cut in margarine until mixture resembles small peas. Mix in cranberries, sugar and orange zest. Add buttermilk mixture and stir until soft dough forms. Using your hands, form dough into a large ball and place on floured surface. Pat out to 1-inch (2.5 cm) thickness. Cut in 4-inch (20 cm) rounds. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake scones for 15 to 20 minutes. While still warm, brush with butter and sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar.

October 2016


Spaghetti Squash Bolognese


If you don’t have fresh parsley and basil on hand, you can use 2 tbsp dried parsley and 1 tbsp dried basil in their place. Omit the parsley garnish.

When you really feel like spaghetti, dive into this low-carb version. You will be hard-pressed to tell the difference from wheat pasta, and your blood sugar will be happy. First: Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C) 1 large spaghetti squash (about 6 lbs), halved lengthwise and seeded 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 lb ground grass-fed beef 4 slices pasture-raised bacon or turkey bacon, chopped (optional) 1 large onion, finely chopped (about 1
11⁄2 cups) 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 medium carrots, diced (about 3
11⁄2 cups) 2 stalks celery, diced (about 1 cup) 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 tbsp dried oregano 1⁄4 tsp ground cinnamon 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh parsley 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil 1 can (28 oz) crushed tomatoes 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes, drained and juice reserved Additional chopped fresh parsley DIRECTIONS 1.





Place squash, cut side up, on a baking sheet. Brush cut sides of squash with oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in preheated oven for 45 to 55 minutes or until squash can be easily pierced with a fork. Meanwhile, over medium heat, cook beef and bacon (if using), breaking beef up with a spoon, for 5 to 7 minutes or until beef is no longer pink and bacon is crisp. Using a slotted spoon, transfer meat to a bowl and set aside. Pour off all but 2 tbsp fat from the pot. Add onion to the fat remaining in the pot and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add garlic, carrots, celery, mushrooms, oregano and cinnamon; cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add parsley and basil; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Stir in crushed tomatoes and diced tomatoes. Return beef and bacon (if using) to the pot, along with any accumulated juices, stirring well to combine; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30 to 40 minutes to allow the deep tomato flavor to develop. Add reserved tomato juice as needed if the sauce gets too thick. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Using a fork, scrape out the squash flesh into spaghettilike strands. Divide among serving plates and top with Bolognese sauce. Sprinkle with additional parsley.

Courtesy of The Paleo Diabetes Diet Solution by Jill Hillhouse and Lisa Cantkier © 2016 Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold.

Makes 6 servings










Photo credit: Colin Erricson

Crunchy Tuna Salad IN PEPPER CUPS MAKES 2

Photo credit: Colin Erricson


>> Food Recipes


Photo credit: Colin Erricson


Photo credit: Colin Erricson

October 2016


Cranberry Pear Kuchen

Orange and

Sprout Salad

This old-fashioned baked dessert combines two fruits not often seen together — but the combination is perfectly pleasing.

Cool, crunchy bean sprouts combine with tangy orange for a scrumptious salad that makes a star appetizer.

Preheat oven to 350°F

9-inch round or square glass baking dish, greased Fruit layer:

2 cups cranberries, chopped 8 tsp granulated sugar Pinch ground cinnamon 1 tbsp cornstarch ¼ cup cold water ½ pear or apple, peeled and coarsely chopped

Ingredients: 2 small oranges, peeled and sectioned 2 stalks celery, sliced 2 cups torn lettuce 1 cup bean sprouts 2 tbsp slivered almonds, toasted

Kuchen layer:

1 cup all-purpose flour 1½ tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 3 tbsp granulated sugar 1 egg 2 tsp vegetable oil ½ tsp vanilla extract ½ cup crunchy topping

Crunchy topping:

¼ cup butter or margarine 1½ cups quick-cooking oats ¼ cup packed brown sugar ¼ cup chopped nuts ½ tsp ground cinnamon

1. Fruit Layer: In a saucepan, combine cranberries, sugar, cinnamon and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and boil gently, stirring, for 5 minutes. 2. In a small bowl, whisk together cornstarch and cold water. Stir into cranberry mixture and simmer, stirring, until thickened. Remove from heat and stir in pear. Set aside. 3. Crunchy topping: In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in oats, brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon; cook, stirring, for about 3 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from heat and spread out on a large plate or baking sheet to cool. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. 4. Kuchen Layer: In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. 5. In another bowl, whisk together sugar, egg, 1⁄3 cup water, oil and vanilla until frothy. Stir into flour mixture until just blended. 6. Spread kuchen layer in prepared baking dish. Pour fruit layer over kuchen layer. Sprinkle with topping. 7. Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Serve warm.

Dressing: 2 tbsp unsweetened orange juice 1 tbsp cider vinegar 1 tbsp vegetable oil ½ tsp celery seeds ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp granulated sugar

1. In a salad bowl, combine oranges, celery, lettuce, bean sprouts and almonds. 2. Dressing: In a small bowl, whisk together orange juice, vinegar, oil, celery seeds, salt and sugar. 3. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat.

Nutrients per Serving: Calories 96, Carbohydrate 11g, Fiber 2g, Protein 3g, Total fat 6g, Saturated fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 168mg

Nutrients per Serving: Calories 116, Carbohydrate 5g, Fiber 1g, Protein 1g, Total fat 2g, Saturated fat 1g, Cholesterol 4mg, Sodium 11mg

Excerpted from 250 Essential Diabetes Recipes by Sharon Zeiler, Canadian Diabetes Association © 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Excerpted from 250 Essential Diabetes Recipes by Sharon Zeiler, Canadian Diabetes Association © 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Crunchy Tuna Salad

Vegetable Frittata

in Pepper Cups

For this frittata, choose green vegetables that are in season for the best quality and the best price.

Each serving of this main course salad sits in its own cup, so it is easy to serve on a luncheon or party plate. Waistwatchers will love it because it is low in fat and calories.

4 eggs 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried parsley) ½ tsp dried oregano ¼ tsp garlic salt (optional) Pinch freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp margarine or butter 2 green onions, chopped ½cup chopped broccoli, asparagus or green beans ½ cup chopped celery

1. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, parsley, oregano, garlic salt (if using), pepper and 1 tbsp water. Set aside.

2. In a heavy skillet, melt margarine over medium heat. Sauté green onions, broccoli and celery for 4 to 5 minutes or until tender-crisp.

3. Pour egg mixture over vegetable mixture and cook for 30 seconds. Cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until set. Cut frittata in half and slide out of the skillet onto warmed plates.

2 large bell peppers ¼ cup light mayonnaise ¼ cup plain yogurt ½ tsp grated lemon zest 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 ⁄8 tsp salt Pinch of black pepper 2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped 1 can tuna, drained 1 cup chopped iceberg lettuce ¼ cup sliced green onions 4 crisp lettuce leaves 1. Cut green peppers in half crosswise to form shells; carefully remove core and seeds. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil over high heat. Add peppers, cut side up. Cover and boil for 3 minutes or until tender-crisp. Using a slotted spoon, remove peppers and turn upside down to drain. Refrigerate until ready to use. 2. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise, yogurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add tomatoes, tuna, chopped lettuce and green onions; fold gently to coat. Spoon into pepper shells, piling high. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, until well chilled, or for up to 8 hours. Place each pepper on a lettuce leaf.

Nutrients per Serving: Calories 198, Carbohydrate 5g, Fiber 1g, Protein 13g, Total fat 14g, Saturated fat 4g, Cholesterol 372mg, Sodium 313mg Excerpted from 250 Essential Diabetes Recipes by Sharon Zeiler, Canadian Diabetes Association © 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.


Nutrients per Serving: Calories 127, Carbohydrate 11g, Fiber 2g, Protein 10g, Total fat 5g, Saturated fat 1g, Cholesterol 15mg, Sodium 286mg Excerpted from 250 Essential Diabetes Recipes by Sharon Zeiler, Canadian Diabetes Association © 2011 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Simmer Pots

Just fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil, and add your favorite aromatic things. Let it bowl for a few minutes, and then turn it down to a simmer. You’ll also need to add more water every 30 minutes or so, until the house smells the way you want. Here are some winning combinations to try for a cozy winter aroma: RECIPE #1 1 Tablespoon whole cloves 2 Cinnamon sticks 5 Bay leaves RECIPE #2 3 Sprigs evergreen or a handful of pine needles 2 Pieces of lemon rind 2 Pieces of orange rind 2 Bay leaves RECIPE #3 3-5 drops of vanilla Orange peels RECIPE #4 Lemon peels Orange peels 2 Bay leaves 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves RECIPE #5 Apple juice


2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves OT H E R I N G R E D I E N T S TO T RY: Lavender leaves Rose petals Anise seed Nutmeg Dried rosemary Dried rosemary Dried eucalyptus

SIMMER POT RECIPES THAT WILL MAKE YOUR HOUSE SMELL AMAZING Candles are great, but they’re expensive. Furthermore, mass produced candles are bound to have some wacky artificial ingredients. What did people do before scented candles to make their home smell nice?

October 2016


HEALTHY MAGAZINE | Advisor Client Content

WASTE NOT WANT NOT UTILIZING YOUR AVAILABLE HEALTHCARE BENEFITS FOR DENTAL WORK. The end of the year is a great time for reflection, an opportunity to look back on the past twelve months and examine how things are going in you and your family’s life. Many people measure their yearly progress by the changes in these three aspects: financial growth, physical health, and social influence. This is your chance to consider these three categories, what you are happy with, and what you want to improve during the next year. What many people overlook is the influence that their dental health plays on each of these three aspects of life. Too often people wait until they are in pain to visit their dentist. What they don’t realize is that by waiting until a significant problem arises, they are negatively affecting their physical health, increasing the likelihood that the procedure they need will be more costly, and overlooking the impact their smile, or lack thereof, has on their social life. Visiting the dentist isn’t on the top of most people’s priority list. But take a moment to consider the benefits of visiting your dentist on a regular semi-annual basis, not just when your teeth are bothering you. FINANCIAL


If you have insurance, be sure to take full advantage of your premiums you have paid all year. If you aren’t going in for your covered bi-annual check-ups and cleanings you are paying for coverage that you are entitled to but not using. Most dental insurance plans cover this expense, so there is no reason not to use it.

Even without insurance, regular visits for an exam, cleaning and X-rays can be a good financial decision. Regular exams provide a chance to diagnose problems before they become larger issues. Taking care of minor issues before they become costly major problems is always more comfortable, and less costly.

First impressions can make a huge impact in your life. Many surveys confirm that the first thing a majority of people notice is your smile. Events like a first date or an important job interview can hinge on how the other person first perceives you. Having a smile you are proud of will not only boost your confidence, it will also increase other people’s perception of you. There are many ways to improve a smile from a simple take-home whitening kit to a complete cosmetic smile makeover. If you are self-conscious about your smile, schedule a consultation with your dentist and discuss your options.

You still have some time to visit your family dentist before the year ends. Taking care of your teeth provides you with a great smile, while also allowing the financial, health, and social aspects of your life to benefit.


Joseph S. Maio D.D.S.

Poor oral health has been shown to be a factor in serious health conditions such as: Cardiovascular disease, dementia, and respiratory infections and even pre-term birth. Everyone knows having pain in your mouth can have a significant negative influence on your day. Simple things like eating, talking, and sleeping, all become bothersome when a tooth is hurting.


Apex Family & Cosmetic Dentistry


Dr. Maio received his undergraduate education in Denver, Colorado at the prestigious private institute, Regis University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. Dr. Maio is the CEO and a practicing dentist at Apex Dental, with 7 office locations across Salt Lake, Utah, and Tooele counties.

HEALTHY MAGAZINE | Advisor Client Content

Getting Smaller Is a


Holiday weight loss goals matter for your loved ones and your future.


hat is your plan for the Holidays? Many think of holidays as a time for giving. What are you doing for yourself that would also help the special people in your life? May I suggest getting healthier. One of the “biggest” things you can do for your loved ones is to get smaller. Most people don’t want to lose their luggage but rarely is anyone disappointed in losing some of what they are carrying around 24/7 when it’s more than they should have. Sure, you may ask, but what am I supposed to do? Follow as many healthy suggestions you can reasonably can. If that is still not working and you need help then what? Have you considered weight loss surgery but were too afraid of the risks, complications, expense? Have you considered Lap-Band? It is still the safest surgical option available. It is also adjustable and reversible, with a fast recovery time; most people are back to work in a week. It will help you feel better, have more energy, be healthier and can help with a better outlook on life! It’s not magic. It’s a tool to help you get where you would like to be, like a car or bike helps you get were you want to go.

It can help you feel less hungry, more satisfied on smaller portions and more comfortably eat portions that will help you fit into the life you may be missing out on. There are many die-its out there and several surgical options. This one doesn’t irreversibly alter your intestinal tract. Consider your priorities, abilities, hopes and dreams and make it happen. If weight loss is one of those then do it. If you need some significant help then consider a Lap-Band. If could change your life. By the way, did you know you can even use your Health Savings Account funds for any uncovered expenses?

Darrin F. Hansen, MD, FACS Lap-Band and General Surgery 801-523-6177

Dr. Hansen is a Center of Excellence surgeon for the LAPBAND procedure. This credential is given to surgeons who maintain the highest standards for bariatric patient care. With over ten years of weight loss surgery experience and over 1000 LAP-BAND procedures combined with ongoing advanced training and techniques, patients have the best chance for excellent results.

October 2016


First discovered in 1928, penicillin antibiotics have been a medical staple to fight bacterial infections for many years. They are important for strep throat, ear infection and sinus infection, to name a few conditions. Supposed adverse reactions to the drug have led to an abundance of penicillin allergy diagnoses, however. Some patients report reactions to the drug at a young age, and therefore don’t take it as an adult, even though penicillin allergy often fades with time. Others develop rashes they mistakenly attribute to the drug. When a patient is thought to be allergic to penicillin, broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used as an alternative, which are more expensive, and increase the risk for antibiotic resistance (when a bacterial strain becomes immune to the drug). Furthermore, broadspectrum antibiotic therapy is often not as helpful to the patient’s condition as penicillin might be. Research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology showed that patients with presumed penicillin allergies had longer hospital stays and more hospital-acquired infections, compared to those without a penicillin allergy. The CDC release urges physicians to undertake the appropriate steps to determine if a patient is truly allergic to penicillin. Some important symptoms to identify are:

• The reaction occurs immediately or within one hour • Hives • Angioedema • Wheezing and shortness of breath • Anaphylaxis • Faintness, chest pain • Nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea


Skin tests and challenge doses are also encouraged to confirm a penicillin allergy. Less than 1 percent of patients actually have an allergy to penicillin. And even if a patient is confirmed to have a penicillin allergy, it is important to re-test the patient after a time, as studies show that allergic patient often lose their sensitivity to this class of drug after ten years.

What Does This Mean For Patients? Patients who have been diagnosed with a penicillin allergy should request that a follow-up evaluation and tests be done to confirm the allergy. If the patient isn’t truly allergic, this can mean more affordable, more effective care for their medical condition. To have this evaluated please call 801-775-9800 for an appointment.

The CDC recently released a report showing that while about 10 percent of all US patients report having an allergic reaction to a penicillin class antibiotic, further evaluation shows that less than one 1 percent of the population has a true allergy to penicillins. 68 HEALTHY MAGAZINETM



Dr Jones is the medical editor for Healthy Magazine for Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. He attended school at Penn State University College of Medicine. He can be reached at: 801-773-4865, Twitter:@RockyMtnAllergy

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Polycystic Ovarian SYNDROME

Imagine being a young woman and suddenly developing cystic acne along your jawline, chest and/or back so severe you are embarrassed to go without wearing makeup or to wear a swimsuit. Imagine losing your hair the way men do or worse yet growing hair where they do—on your face, chest or abdomen. Imagine gaining weight without any explanation and only being told that you just need to exercise and eat better, but you already are. You may be embarrassed to seek medical attention. But if you have these symptoms in addition to infrequent periods or irregular menstrual patterns, you really should seek the advice of a medical professional. You may have a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. PCOS is estimated to affect one in 10 women of childbearing age and is caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. This imbalance of hormones can not only lead to the previously mentioned symptoms of acne, hair loss, excessive body hair, and weight gain but many women also experience skin tags, menstrual cycle changes—either less frequent or more frequent, recurrent ovarian cysts, and darkening of the skin at the neck, groin, underarms, and under the breasts. PCOS usually develops during adolescence but most women are not diagnosed until their late 20s or 30s because symptoms may take time to develop and can vary widely from one woman to the next. Also, not all the symptoms develop at one time. Most women do not seek medical attention until they are trying to become pregnant, but diagnosis can be made whenever the symptoms develop. A PCOS diagnosis is made through a detailed medical history, physical exam, pelvic exam, pelvic ultrasound and blood tests. Establishing a diagnosis is important because PCOS women are at higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, sleep apnea, uterine cancer, depression and anxiety. Through proper education and medical management, the risks of these other diseases can be lessened and in many cases prevented. If you or your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, please contact a women’s health specialist to help you with finding the cause.

Tammy Hadfield, MSN, WHNP-BC has been caring for women for over twenty years. See her online at

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