December 2016
Youth is a gift; age is an art.
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December 2016
December 2016
December 2016
My Money Manager
Did you know 41 percent of shoppers feel obligated to spend more than they can afford during the holiday season? Here are some tips for keeping your bank account happy this year.
App, App and Away
We dabble in games and squander time on Instagram, but smartphones should be much more. Let your device make life simpler and better with these ingenious apps.
Contention, greed, and exhaustion threaten us during the holidays, but a simple gameplan makes the season much brighter.
There are some great snacks out there waiting for you. Why go back to the same old, same old?
Why all the big players are pushing their telehealth platforms, and what it means for the future of medicine.
Winter Snack Guide
What did people use before scented candles? Simmer pots! Try these easy recipes to make your house smell amazing.
Try making your own blush and facial mask. Use these recipes to know what your applying isn’t harmful.
Simmer Away the Winter
How Your Life Seems More Complicated Than It Is
So you’re drowning in activities and responsibilities, and there’s no buoy in sight. Here are some ideas on how to rearrange the pieces of your life so they fit better.
Build Your Beauty
Plus: The Annual Healthy Magazine Gift Guide Recipes to Lighten The Season
Telehealth In Miami
Work, Work, Work!
When to start working each day, and how long to work for greatest productivity, along with some other tips. Here’s a hint: your age matters.
Dangerous Apps For Kids Smartphones give us access to the world, but also give the world access to us. Learn how to protect your children.
December 2016
SIMPLICITY SOMEWHERE ALONG THE WAY WE GOT THE NOTION THAT MORE IS BETTER. UNFORTUNATELY WE SPEND MOST OF OUR TIME PURSUING MORE, WHICH MEANS WE AREN’T HAPPY WITH LESS. (Or simply just happy, period.) Whatever happened to ‘less is more’? Which begs the question—more of what? Or less of what? I submit that the answer to those questions for each of us personally is the key to our happiness. I read some striking statistics in the book, Affluenza – The All Consuming Epidemic, by John de Graff. He points out that Americans boast a higher GDP than Europeans because Europeans use a larger portion of their productivity for leisure, and leisure isn’t a GDP ‘product.’ “Americans,” he notes, “work nearly nine weeks longer each year than the western Europeans.” And yet Europeans seem to be faring much better than we are in terms of general health rates. Coincidental? He continues: “We (Americans) have the most product, the widest choices, but is that what life is about? I think our priorities are out of whack. We have the greatest gap among industrialized nations between rich and poor, and that seems to press everybody to compete to live like the people at the top. We focus on producing and consuming stuff, and we’ve forgotten that all of these other values are losing out: friendships and family, health and civic participation, a future for our children.”
If money were no object, what would you do in life? If you have only 5 years left to live, how would you change your life? If you had only a day to live, what did you NOT get to do, or become?
When we cut out the clutter and truy simplify, it’s not about just sustaining or materializing life. It’s about truly living life. Life isn’t a race or a competition to win, rather, it’s a canvas to paint or a blank page on which to write. How poetically do you live your life? How often do you seize the day? Can you define what’s deeply meaningful in your life? Do you live your life pursuing or strengthening that meaning? Which would rank higher—your job or family, your stuff or your friendships? Do you have friendships simply because of your stuff? Do you take time for creativity and spirituality in your life? Typically, when people honestly answer these types of questions, having more or enough isn’t as important to them as having intimacy and connection and personal inner growth. Not surprisingly, much of what we really want doesn’t cost a lot of money. But pursuing our dreams does require management of money, and sometimes choosing to downsize and apply a budget. For me it all comes down to time. How we spend it—how we consume it. Time is what you really need to give to others, and really, what you want from them. Time is money, and your attention and focus is a gift. Think about that as you decide what to ‘get’ your mom this year.
I consider this to be a profound spiritual issue. Think about it—we earn three times as much as our grandparents did, so why aren’t we three times as happy? Income and earning money gets emphasized more than happiness, family, or even freedom. We daily jog on a steady treadmill of materialism, but don’t seem to be gaining much ground in areas of real importance. As the holidays, and all their materialism tidal-wave around us, we need to consider some fundamental questions about where we’re going, and why.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John A. Anderson | john@healthy-miami.com PUBLISHER Kenneth J. Shepherd | ken@healthy-miami.com MARKETING DIRECTOR Brenda Escobar | brendae@healthy-miami.com MEDICAL DIRECTORS Steven N. Gange, M.D. and Lane C. Childs, M.D. OPERATIONS MANAGER Allyson Long | allyson.long@stardocs.com DESIGN EDITOR Phillip Chadwick | design@stardocs.com MANAGING EDITOR Michael Richardson | michael@stardocs.com ONLINE EDITOR Chelsa Mackay | chelsa@stardocs.com ASSISTANT EDITOR Bridget Edwards | editor@stardocs.com CONTRIBUTING & STAFF WRITERS Caitlin Schille, Angela Silva, Megan Moore, David Joachim, Mark Saunders #HealthyMiami www.healthy-miami.com (305) 209-4633 l info@healthy-miami.com
CONTRIBUTING & STAFF WRITERS Caitlin Schille, Angela Silva, Megan Moore, David Joachim, Mark Saunders To be included in our free online directory, or to advertise or get content published please e-mail us at info@healthymagazine.online PLEASE NOTE: The content in this publication is meant to increase reader awareness of developments in the health and medical field and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction on individual health matters, which should be obtained directly from a health professional. The opinions expressed by the authors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher. Call for reprint permission. All stock photography by Shutterstock.com, unless otherwise noted.
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December 2016
December 2016
Everyone wants to be happy, but many people aren’t. So how can you be happier? Well, there’s good news and bad. Unfortunately, approximately 50% of your happiness, your “happiness set-point,” is determined by personality traits that are largely hereditary. Half of how happy you feel is basically outside your control. (I know. That kinda sucks.)
The good news is that 50% of your level of happiness is totally within your control: things like your relationships, your health, your career, the things you do... so even if you’re genetically disposed to be a Debbie Downer you can still take steps to make yourself a lot happier.
Healthy-Miami.com Healthy-Idaho.com
DO WHAT YOU DO BEST AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. You know the old cliché regarding the starving, yet happy, artist? Turns out it’s true: artists are considerably more satisfied with their work than non-artists even though the pay tends to be considerably lower than in other skilled fields.
Why? I’m no researcher, but clearly the more you enjoy what you do and the more fulfilled you feel by what you do, the happier you will be. In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Anchor writes that when volunteers picked “one of their signature strengths and used it in a new way each day for a week, they became significantly happier and less depressed.”
Everyone has at least a few things they do incredibly well. Find ways to do those things more often. You’ll be a lot happier.
It’s easy to focus on building a professional network of partners, customers, employees, connections, etc., because there is (hopefully) a payoff. But there’s a definite payoff to making real (not just professional or social media) friends. Increasing your number of friends correlates to higher subjective well-being; doubling your number of friends is like increasing your income by 50% in terms of how happy you feel. And if that’s not enough, people who don’t have strong social relationships are 50% more likely to die at any given time than those who do. (For relative loners like me, that’s a scary thought.) Make friends outside of work. Make friends at work. Make friends everywhere. Above all, make real friends. You’ll live a longer and happier life.
So be grateful for what you have, and then actively try to achieve more. If you’re pursuing a huge goal, make sure that every time you take a small step closer to achieving it, you pat yourself on the back. But don’t compare where you are now with where you someday hope to be. Compare where you are now to where you were a few days ago. Then you’ll get dozens of bite-size chunks of fulfillment -- and a never-ending supply of things to be thankful for.
It will also remind you that even if you still have huge dreams, you have already accomplished a lot -- and should feel genuinely proud.
And probably a lot more successful.
In one study couples who expressed gratitude in their interactions with each other experienced increased relationship connection and satisfaction the next day -both from the person expressing thankfulness and (no big surprise) the person receiving it. (In fact, the study’s authors say gratitude is like a “booster shot” for relationships.) Of course the same is true at work. Express gratitude for an employee’s hard work and you will both feel better about yourselves.
Happy people focus on what they have, not on what they don’t have. It’s motivating to want more in your career, relationships, bank account, etc., but thinking about what you already have, and expressing gratitude for it, will make you a lot happier.
Goals you don’t pursue aren’t goals, they’re dreams... and dreams only make you happy when you’re dreaming. Pursuing goals, though, does make you happy. David Niven, author of 100 Simple Secrets of the Best Half of Life, writes, “People who could identify a goal they were pursuing [my italics] were 19% more likely to feel satisfied with their lives and 26% more likely to feel positive about themselves.”
Another easy method of fostering thankfulness is to write down a few things you are grateful for every night. Another study showed that people who wrote down five things they were thankful for once a week were 25% happier after 10 weeks; in effect, they dramatically increased their happiness set-point.
Of course it’s unreasonable to think you can chuck it all and simply do what you love. But you can find ways to do more of what you excel at. Delegate. Outsource. Start to shift the products and services you provide into areas that allow you to bring more of your strengths to bear. If you’re a great trainer, find ways to train more people. If you’re a great salesperson, find ways to streamline your administrative tasks and get in front of more customers.
PLAN A TRIP... EVEN IF YOU NEVER TAKE IT. As opposed to actually taking a holiday, simply planning a vacation or break from work can improve your happiness. A study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life showed that the highest spike in happiness came during the planning stage of a vacation as people enjoy the sense of anticipation:
HELP OTHER PEOPLE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. While giving is usually considered unselfish, providing social support may be more beneficial than receiving it. Intuitively, I think we all know that because it feels awesome to help someone who needs it. Not only is helping those in need fulfilling, it’s also a reminder of how comparatively fortunate we are -- which is a nice reminder of how thankful we should be for what we already have. Plus, receiving is something you cannot control. If you need help -- or simply want help -- you can’t make others help you. But you can always control whether you offer and provide help. And that means you can always control, at least to a degree, how happy you are, because giving makes you happier.
“In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation boosted happiness for eight weeks. After the vacation, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people.” Try it. Think about where you’d like to go and plan the trip, even if you can’t afford it right now. Much of the fun is in the planning, plus you never know: if you work hard enough at your plan you might find you actually can afford to go. Win-win.
Continued on next page >>>>>
December 2016
>>>>> Continued from previous page
MAKE MONEY... BUT ALSO MAKE MEMORIES. Money is important. Money does a lot of things. One of the most crucial being that it creates options. But beyond a certain point, money doesn’t make people happier. After about $75,000 a year, money doesn’t buy more (or less) happiness. “Beyond $75,000... higher income is neither the road to experience happiness nor the road to relief of unhappiness or stress”, say the authors of one study.
EXERCISE FOR TWENTY MINUTES AFTER YOU WAKE UP. Researchers at the University of Vermont found that aerobic training of “moderate intensity,” with an average heart rate of around 112 beats a minute--elevated, sure, but it’s not like they were hammering away -improved participants’ mood for up to twelve hours after exercise. According to Dr. Jeremy Sibold, “Moderate intensity aerobic exercise improves mood immediately and those improvements can last up to 12 hours. This goes a long way to show that even moderate aerobic exercise has the potential to mitigate the daily stress that results in your mood being disturbed.”
“Perhaps $75,000 is the threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals’ ability to do what matters most to their emotional well-being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure.”
Clinical Research Study
And you’ll also feel smarter; exercise creates new brain cells and makes those new cells more effective. As Gretchen Reynolds says, “Exercise does more to bolster thinking than thinking does.”
DELWEISSAndclinical research studyanother is evaluating if you don’t buy that, here’s take: “The materialistic drive and satisfaction with life are negatively related.” Or, in layman’s terms, possessions tendsdrug to make you less ety and effectiveness of“Chasing an investigational happy.” derate to severe endometriosis pain.
So there you go: Work out first thing. Feel better. Be smarter. Sure, you could work out after work, but then the happy feelings and extra brain power will be wasted while you’re asleep. Remember, you only need to do about 20 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise. For most people, “moderate” means your heart rate should be within 100 to 120 beats per minute depending on age, fitness level, medical conditions, etc.
Think of it as the bigger house syndrome. You want a bigger house. You need a bigger house. (Not really, but it sure feels like you do.) So you buy it. Life is good... until a couple months later when your bigger house is now just your house. New always becomes the new normal.
y may last up to about 15 months aboutbursts of happiness. To be “Things” provideand onlyinvolve momentary happier, don’t chase as many things. Chase a few experiences isits. instead.
be able to join the study if you:
8 to 45 years old and have not gone through menopause been surgically diagnosed with endometriosis in the past 7 years and have pain oms during your period and at other times in your menstrual cycle ot have a history of osteoporosis or another bone disease ot pregnant or breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant within the next 10 months Clinical Research Study
That’s a small price to pay for being happier all day.
LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE. Bonnie Ware was a palliative care worker who spent time with patients who had only a few months to live. Their most common regret they expressed was “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” What other people think -- especially people you don’t even know -- doesn’t matter. What other people want you to do doesn’t matter. Your hopes, your dreams, your goals -- live your life your way. Surround yourself with people who support and care not for the “you” they want you to be but for the real you.
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Make choices that are right for you. Say things you really want to say to the people who most need to hear them. Express your feelings. Stop and smell a few roses. Make friends, and stay in touch with them.
You may be able to join the study if you: • Are 18 to 45 years old and have not gone through menopause
• Have been surgically diagnosed with endometriosis in the past 7 years and have pain symptoms during your period and at other times in your menstrual cycle
The study may last up to about 15 months and involve about
ARN MORE OR SEE YOU MAY QUALIFY • Do not have a history of osteoporosis or another bone disease 12 study visits.IF • Are not pregnant or breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant within the next 10 months HE STUDY, CALL: You may be able to join the study if you:
Courtesy of Jeff Jahn, a fellow Inc. columnist and part of the Young Entrepreneur Council, who sent me this:
There are other requirements to be in the study that the study doctor will discuss with you to determine if you are • Are 18 to 45 years old and have not gone through menopause eligible to participate.
• Have been surgically diagnosed with endometriosis in the past 7 years and have pain
Study participation is voluntary. You will receive investigational study medications and study-related tests and symptoms during your period and at other times in your menstrual cycle procedures at no cost.
• Do not have a history of osteoporosis or another bone disease • Are not MORE pregnant orOR breastfeeding or planning get pregnant within nextSTUDY, 10 monthsCALL: TO LEARN SEE IF YOU MAYto QUALIFY FORthe THE
“I have one to add. I’ve found that there are almost always one or two things on my “to do” list that aren’t necessarily big, but that I really don’t want to do. When I let them linger, I finish the day with a level of stress and weight that keeps me from enjoying the afternoon.
Samantha, There are other requirements to be in the385-695-2300 study that the study doctor will discuss with you toMichael determineL. ifTwede, you areMD, eligible to participate. FACOG, Layne A. Smith, MD, FACOG Physicians’ Research Options, LLC/Corner Canyon OB/GYN,
Study participation voluntary. YouStreet, will receive study medications and 11724is South State Suite investigational 201, Draper, UT 84020 study-related tests and procedures at no cost.
“If instead I make the commitment to hit those first thing in the morning and get them off my plate, my level of relaxation and happiness at the end of the day goes through the roof.”
December 2016
>> Fitness Holiday plan
Your holiday guide to the BY HEALTHYMAGAZINE.
olidays can be crazy, and fitting a trip to the gym on your milehigh to-do list is anything but convenient. Healthy Magazine has explored and put these top 12 gym-free workouts to the test. The best part is they can be done at home or from a hotel. No stretchy bands, balls or dumbbells needed. These tried and true fitness routines will leave you feeling festive and guilt-free. Do one or all to amp up the difficulty as you countdown to Christmas. Plus, you will have already had a jump start on the New Year. That common Christmas song you’re no doubt familiar with is now the model for one solid workout. Here are 12 exercises that will amp up your holiday training.
EXERCISE #1 SIDE BRIDGE WITH ABDUCTION Lie on your left side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and with legs stacked. Brace your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you’re balancing on your forearm and feet and your body forms a diagonal line. Lift your right leg at least 6 inches. Lower and repeat on each side to complete one set. Reps: 10-12. Sets: 2-3
EXERCISE #2 DOUBLE-STOP PUSH-UP In push-up position keep hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your back straight. Keeping your neck in line with your spine, lower yourself halfway and hold for one second. Continue lowering until your chest is only a couple of inches from the floor. Pause, then push back up to the halfway point and pause again before finally pressing back up to start. Too hard? Do the move with your knees on the floor. Reps: 10-12. Sets: 2-3
See your progress soar by swapping your stale workouts for a unique holiday plan that you can stick to.
BURPEE OR SQUAT THRUST Squat low in a “frog” position. Kick your feet out behind you so that you are in the top of a push-up position. Jump your feet back under you to the “frog” position. Now jump straight up with arms overhead. Reps: 10. Sets: 2-3
LUNGE JUMP Stand with your feet together, elbows bent 90 degrees. Lunge forward with your right foot. Jump straight up as you thrust your arms forward, elbows still bent. Switch legs in midair, like a scissor, and land in a lunge with your left leg forward. Repeat, switching legs again. Reps: 10. Sets: 2-3
V-UP FULL CRUNCH Lie faceup on the floor with legs and arms straight. Hold your arms straight above your head to form a straight line. In one movement, simultaneously lift your torso and legs and try to touch your toes. Return back to the starting position. Reps: 10-12. Sets: 2-3
ine t u o r y a d i Hol
>> Fitness Holiday plan BREAK A
SWEAT MOUNTAIN CLIMBER In a push-up position with your arms straight, form a straight line from your head to your ankles. Lift the right foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can. Touch the floor with your right foot. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. Alternate back and forth for 30 seconds. Sets: 2-3
JUMPING JACK Step instead of jump and keep arms even with the chest as they move. For a more advanced version, rotate while you jump and see if you can make your rotations as big as possible. For example, see if you can jump 360 degrees in 2 or 3 jumping jacks, then change directions. Reps: 12. Sets: 2-3
WINDSHIELD WIPER Bend your knees and lift your legs until your thighs are above your hips. Press your palms into the floor and lower your legs to the left. Go as far as possible while keeping your right shoulder glued to the floor, then bring your legs back to center. Next, lower them to the right. Reps: 12. Sets: 2-3
EXERCISE #9 WRAPAROUND ANKLE TOUCH Stand with your legs together and bend your right knee 90 degrees so you’re balancing on your left leg. As you squat, reach your right arm across your body and try to touch the outside of your left foot with your fingertips. Keep your back as straight as possible while reaching. Press back up to start. Repeat on your right leg. Reps: 10-12. Sets: 2-3
EXERCISE #10 TRICEP DIPS Sit on a bench or chair. Begin with the hands next to or slightly under the hips. Lift up onto the hands and bring the hips forward. Bend the elbows (no lower than 90 degrees) and lower the hips down, keeping them very close to the chair. Keep the shoulders down. Push back up without locking the elbows. Reps: 10-16. Sets: 2-3
EXERCISE #11 CALF RAISES Stand on the edge of a step. Stand tall with your abdominals pulled in, the balls of your feet firmly planted on the step and your heels hanging over the edge. Rest your hands against a wall or a sturdy object for balance. Raise your heels a few inches above the edge of the step so that you’re on your tiptoes. Hold the position for a moment, and then lower your heels below the platform, feeling a stretch in your calf muscles. Reps: 10-15. Sets: 2-3
tine u o r y a d i l Ho Exercises using your bodyweight work well but are greatly underutilized. Using gravity as an aid, our bodyweight acts as an outstanding source of resistance we can use to put together effective workouts. Use this holiday fit guide to complete one or all of the recommended workouts. Your body will thank you.
EXERCISE #12 THE T-PUSH-UP Get in your regular push-up position. Explode up (as if you’re trying to push the ground away) and turn your body to one side. If done correctly, you should be balancing on the side of your lower foot and one hand. As you extend the other hand up above you, your body should resemble the letter “T.” Face forward on your way down and perform the next repetition facing the other side. Reps: 10. Sets: 2-3
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or a simple cardio workout, just hop on the row machine for 10-20 minutes. A good pace for someone who is relatively fit is 18-22 strokes per minute. That is a stroke every 3-4 seconds.
WHY ROWS? • Excellent for the back, which is often neglected. • Low impact cardio, which is great for the middle aged. • Works the whole body, which is always a good thing.
For a more intense rowing experience, try an interval workout, described below. *These workouts are for rowing machines with sliding seats.
INTERVAL WORKOUT FOR THE ROW MACHINE Row machines can be a little tricky for people who’ve never used them, because mastering the proper technique isn’t easy, and because many aren’t sure how to push themselves. First, about form: The proper order when extending in a row is to engage the legs, then the core, then the arms. After finishing the extension, recovery is the opposite: punch out the arms, then bring in the core, then bend the legs. Here’s a simple guide for good intermediate workouts that can be integrated into your weekly fitness plans.
#1 5 MINUTES: alternate between the following 30 SECONDS: at 24-26 strokes a minute (spm) 30 SECONDS: at 28-30 spm
#2 WARM UP: Do 5 minutes of rows at 15-20 spm SPRINT: 2 minutes at 25-28 spm REST: 2 minutes MEDIUM EXERTION: 4 minutes at 20-25 spm REST: 2 minutes SPRINT: 2 minutes at 25-28 spm REST: 2 minutes COOL DOWN: 3 minutes at 15 spm
Rowing is about rhythm, so find some up-tempo music that you can workout to.
TOTAL TIME: 22 minutes
Most of the power should come from the legs.
The extension phase should last half as long as the recovery phase (when you’re coming back into the bent-knee position).
WHAT IF I DON’T HAVE A ROW MACHINE? There are multiple alternatives that workout similar muscle groups, though the benefits are slightly different. Try the following:
• Bent-over barbell row • Seated cable rows • Single-arm dumbbell row December 2016
December 2016
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December 2016
You Should Know Earlier work/school times mean
Just go to bed earlier? Research says people just don’t do it. For example, research recently published in the journal SLEEP found that people who started work between 7-8 am got about 50 minutes less sleep on average than those who started at 9-10 am.
5-Second Rule Not True For all Foods Researchers at Rutgers recently showed that the 5-second rule for eating food that has been on the ground is not of much value. They dropped four kinds of food on contaminated surfaces (salmonella, E. coli), and analyzed the food. The foods were watermelon, gummy candy, bread, and bread with butter. Watermelon was the most contaminated food, and the candy was the least contaminated. Researchers say moisture seems to be a big factor in the transfer of bacteria, so avoid eating any wetter food that has been on the ground. The researchers also said food can be contaminated instantly upon touching the floor. But it is true that the longer food is on the ground, the more contaminated it gets. Source: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Pepto-Bismol For Travel Bugs Traveler’s diarrhea (TD) is a common issue, and one that can easily show up during holiday trips. It is caused by ingesting contaminated water or food, but it can also come about as a result of anxiety, allergies, fatigue, and dietary changes. There has been some documented success in preventing TD by taking two chewable Pepto-Bismol tablets or two ounces of the liquid four times a day before and during travel. Be aware, however, that children should not take PeptoBismol for more than three weeks. Sources: nytimes.com, The Journal of the American Medical Association
Sneezing Facts and Fiction • Does your heart stop during a sneeze? This is an old wives tale, and sometimes it certainly feels like it’s true, but what you’re really feeling is an air pressure change. The heart, thankfully, isn’t disrupted by a petty sneeze. • Tweezing your eyebrows can make you sneeze. This is true. When the nerve endings on your face are irritated, it can send signals to the nasal nerve, causing you to sneeze. • Why do I sneeze more than once? A sneeze is the body’s mechanism for getting rid of irritants in the nasal passages. If you sneeze multiple times, you just have a weaker sneeze, and the irritants didn’t leave after one. • Bright light makes you sneeze. This is true, but only for a third of people. It generally happens when they move from dim to bright light. Source: npr.org
Hydration: You Need Lots of Water, But Much of That Is In Food In 1945 it was recommended that people consume about 2.5 liters of water a day. Many people mistakenly thought that meant to drink that much water, forgetting how much water common foods contain. For example: Milk, strawberries, lettuce, celery, pickles:
90-99% water Yogurt, apples, grapes, oranges, broccoli:
Men Who Eat Salad Smell More Attractive to Women Low-carb, fruit and vegetable rich diets produced a more floral,
80-89% water
fruity and sweet sweat,
Bananas, avocados, cottage cheese, potatoes, corn:
while high-carb diets
70-79% water This means that a serving of these foods is additionally a serving of water. And remember that most foods have a significant amount of water. Even a steak is about half water!
resulted in a stronger, less pleasant body odor, recent research says. Source: Evolution and Human Behavior
Source: Vox.com
Pollution In the Brain Magnetic nanoparticles called magnetite, which are produced during combustion (like in an engine), have been found in human brains, recent research shows. These particles are found in high levels in polluted areas. Researchers are worried that these particles are toxic, and may be a risk factor for brain diseases like dementia. Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
December 2016
Stay Financially Fit During the Holidays
he holiday season is a wonderful time of year for many reasons—quality time with friends and family, the celebration of special traditions and numerous opportunities to give. But sometimes this season can also become financially overwhelming. The numbers show us why.
A 2015 survey from Experian® Consumer Services found that 41 percent of shoppers felt obligated to spend more than they can afford, with respondents saying they planned to spend $806 on gifts. Nearly half or 49 percent of those shoppers planned to use a credit card to cover the cost. While those who pay their credit card statement balances immediately can take advantage of special promotions and cash back rewards, many Americans negate those benefits by carrying a balance on their card. A separate 2015 survey conducted by MagnifyMoney™ found that 55 percent of Americans plan to take more than five months to pay off holiday debt or will only make their minimum payment. With the national average annual percentage rate (APR) above 15 percent, many households are paying a lot more for the holidays and are stretching themselves too thin.
of Americans plan to take more than five months to pay off holiday debt
Instead of letting finances steal your joy, consider how you can alleviate stress and stay focused on celebrating with the help of personal financial management resources like My Money Manager℠, a free tool to all Mountain America Credit Union members. This personal financial management tool helps you view all of your accounts in one place and easily track spending. A 2016 survey conducted by business consulting firm CGI found that 61 percent of consumers identified personal financial management resources as a highly valued service. Imagine being able to set a holiday budget, track what you’ve spent on gifts and avoid overspending on credit cards all together. Plus, you won’t need to constantly log in as alerts notify you when you’re approaching a budget cap. Mountain America Credit Union has found that the ability to track all of your accounts in one place can even encourage savings behavior. Members who became users of My Money Manager saw their savings increase by 18 percent over a four-month period (August–December 2015) while non-users experienced a two percent decrease. That’s a 20 percent gap between members who take advantage of personal financial management tools and those who don’t.
So what’s stopping you from being able to better manage your spending and reduce stress this holiday season? Consider these tips to get started: • CREATE A COMPREHENSIVE VIEW: In order to accurately track your spending, you need visibility around all spending accounts. Whether you’re writing checks or swiping cards, financial management tools work with the data you supply to develop a complete picture. • INSTITUTE A HOLIDAY BUDGET: Create a list of people you’d like to purchase gifts for and estimate how much you plan to spend. Consider doing a gift exchange or drawing names among friends or family to help everyone stay within budget. • SET UP ALERTS: Become a more disciplined spender by setting up budget alerts for certain categories (e.g. shopping, entertainment, housing). • PAY YOUR HIGHEST INTEREST DEBTS FIRST: If you exceed your holiday budget and have bills into the new year, focus your efforts on the credit cards with the highest interest rates first. Tools like My Money Manager make it easy to sort debts by interest rate and balance. Help yourself and your family make smart choices this holiday season with personal financial management resources.
shoppers % offeelholiday obligated to spend
more than they can afford
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December October 2016
If you don’t keep your guard up, the holidays will leave you holidazed. Here are some common holidangers and how to safely stay away from them.
It’s pretty easy to let the mind get overrun with what you need and want, but isn’t this season about giving? We’ve probably learned this lesson before, but sometimes it doesn’t stick: giving feels better than receiving.
The holidays are about family, and sometimes it’s hard on spouses to have to ditch their own families for their spouse’s. This can be especially hard for newlyweds who are used to spending time with their own families.
You Get Too Caught Up On Things and Yourself
Evade this danger by helping refugees. If this winter seems stressful, consider what it would be like without knowing English and without having basic necessities. To make the holidays more meaningful, look into the following:
You Get Stressed Out Because You Have to Split Time With In-Laws
It is no crime to prefer spending time with your own family, but it is inconsiderate to disregard your spouse’s similar desires. There may be a temptation to focus on the annoyances of visiting a spouse’s family, while at the same time trying to minimize the conflicts associated with visiting your own family.
Avoid the danger: Here are some key points to remember when in-laws come into the picture: 1.
Remember that being with your spouse’s family is valuable because it is bound to teach you more about your spouse. After all, it’s the environment he or she was raised in.
gg Family mentoring, youth mentoring
gg Learn basic language skills of refugees you want to help
If you care about your spouse’s family, your spouse will love you more.
Your spouse probably cares very much that your children get to know their side of the family, even if it’s a distasteful, sometimes bothersome environment (for you).
gg Help teach English gg Donate school supplies or toiletries gg Donate money
These acts of service need not be done alone. There are donation centers and refugee centers to work with, such as: gg Refugee Education and Training Center, Salt Lake City, serverefugees. org
gg United Way of Salt Lake, uw.org gg Catholic Community Services, ccsMiami.org
gg LDS Charities, ldscharities.org 7.
Don’t be walked on. Some people are tempted to always yield to their spouse’s family demands, which can breed inner resentment. Always be positive when going to see your spouse’s family. It can be a bummer to realize your own family is together without you, but this is what the sacrifice of marriage is all about. Don’t commit too soon. This is a rookie error that leads to a lot of conflict. Always consult with your spouse and plan how you’ll split family time at least a couple weeks in advance. Let your spouse know what’s most important to you. You may see Christmas as the most important family time, and your spouse may say it’s New Year’s for them. Never sacrifice the health of your relationship for a family visit. Be aware of when your relationship needs its own time.
The Pressure to Make Things Magical Is Too Much
Parents feel obligated to provide all the lights, tastes, moments and memories that are supposed to be associated with the upcoming holidays. Sometimes it’s just too much. Here’s the root of the problem: a slew of traditions rain down upon us during Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it’s up to a select few (mostly moms) to make them happen. Sooner or later, every parent pauses and says, “Wait a second, this is supposed to be magical for me, too.” Take inventory of your traditions— whether it’s some dish of food, display of lights, a decoration or activity—and ask yourself if these traditions bring the joy you’re looking for. Ask if the family actually cares that much about them. Decide if it’s time to create a more meaningful, less stressful tradition.
Some stressful traditions: gg Complicated light displays or decorations gg Difficult dishes and meals gg Endless treats gg Intricate ornaments gg 12 Days of Christmas gg Annual parties gg Travelling somewhere gg Window art
Some easy traditions: gg A timely movie gg Watch a football game gg Go find a family restaurant gg Read a book aloud together
If you’re at a serious stalemate, consider celebrating a holiday on a different day. It may feel strange at first, but it can be a necessity that you get used to.
December 2016
{OVER-STUFFING} This Holiday Season
WRITTEN BY JENNIFER CHRISTMAN, RDN, LDN, CPT Clinical Nutrition Manager at Medifast, Inc.
Healthy-Miami.com Healthy-Idaho.com
Try incorporating these tips during the holiday season to avoid over indulging and maintain your healthy lifestyle.
Have you ever planned on “saving” your calories by dodging food all day for a party later that evening? Many people do, but what they don’t realize is that the body will naturally try to compensate for the lack of calories and nutrients later in the day. By skipping meals and starving yourself prior to the event, you’re more likely to overindulge and eat more than you would have had you maintained your normal eating pattern! So, stick to eating every few hours to help with metabolism, normal blood sugar levels, and preventing those binges later on.
3 BE PICKY! Let’s face it; there are bound to be several tempting treats that you cannot completely avoid because making and serving them are truly a part of your family’s holiday tradition. If you were completely honest with yourself, it wouldn’t be the holiday season without a taste, right? So, be picky when it comes to indulgences. Have a plan and carefully choose which higher calorie foods are truly worth it. Does your mom make the most amazing chocolate chip cookies? Is your aunt’s double chocolate cake a tradition? Choose wisely and watch your portion size to keep overall calories down.
4 KEEP THE DRINKS SKINNY 1 EAT BREAKFAST Start off the day with a balanced breakfast. Include at least three of the following for a nutrient dense and energy-packed meal: low-fat dairy, fruit, whole-grains, lean protein and vegetables. This will give you the nutrition you need to plan holiday activities, run errands, shop, or wrap gifts. Try a veggie omelet made with egg whites, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and low-fat cheese. Include a glass of unsweetened almond milk or skim milk and a cup of berries to round out the meal. A balanced breakfast will help jump start your metabolism and give you the energy you need to stay focused throughout the day.
Free flowing alcohol tends to be a staple during the holiday season and can be a trigger for many people. A few drinks add extra, non-nutrient calories while lowering inhibitions, which leads to overeating. Avoiding alcoholic beverages when possible will help keep your calorie intake down. If you do choose to imbibe, stick with zero calorie mixers and light beers. Fill your glass with ice to add water and reduce the volume of the alcoholic beverage. While enjoying spirits, drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic beverage to ensure you stay hydrated.
5 WATER, WATER, WATER! Staying hydrated is one of the habits to help you sustain your energy level and keep you feeling your best. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times throughout the holiday season. When you go out shopping, refill it at a water fountain for free. When attending a party, try adding a little fizz and/or flavor to your hydration regimen with options like seltzer or sparkling water with a lemon or lime wedge.
6 AVOID GRAZING Prior to arriving at a holiday party, make a plan to avoid grazing. How many times have you stood by the buffet table and mindlessly ate whatever was being served while catching up with family and friends? By the end of the night, the number of calories you consumed is a complete and utter mystery. High-calorie foods, such as sweets and high-fat dips, are often a part of the holiday menu and can cause unwanted calories to add up fast. To prevent yourself from overeating, make a plan to create distance between you and the buffet table. Talk with friends in a different room other than the one with food in it to avoid grazing.
7 FILL UP WITH COLOR Fill your plate with low calorie, nutrient dense fruits and vegetables. Enjoy vegetables like; peppers, carrots, sugar snap peas, celery, cauliflower, and broccoli. Seasonal fruits like pomegranate, pears, oranges, and clementine make a sweet addition to any buffet. Filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables can ensure you keep your overall calorie intake low and get the fiber you need to stay full and satisfied.
December 2016
Simmer Pots
Just fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil, and add your favorite aromatic things. Let it bowl for a few minutes, and then turn it down to a simmer. You’ll also need to add more water every 30 minutes or so, until the house smells the way you want. Here are some winning combinations to try for a cozy winter aroma: RECIPE #1 1 Tablespoon whole cloves 2 Cinnamon sticks 5 Bay leaves RECIPE #2 3 Sprigs evergreen or a handful of pine needles 2 Pieces of lemon rind 2 Pieces of orange rind 2 Bay leaves RECIPE #3 3-5 drops of vanilla Orange peels RECIPE #4 Lemon peels Orange peels 2 Bay leaves 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves RECIPE #5 Apple juice
2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves OT H E R I N G R E D I E N T S TO T RY: Lavender leaves Rose petals Anise seed Nutmeg Dried rosemary Dried rosemary Dried eucalyptus
SIMMER POT RECIPES THAT WILL MAKE YOUR HOUSE SMELL AMAZING Candles are great, but they’re expensive. Furthermore, mass produced candles are bound to have some wacky artificial ingredients. What did people do before scented candles to make their home smell nice? 34 HEALTHY MAGAZINE
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December 2016
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
A hilarious book called Reasons My Kid Is Crying compiles a list of ridiculous reasons why kids cry, submitted by parents along with pictures of the sobbing children. Here are some of the funniest reasons: •
“He thought the microwave ate his lunch.”
“Someone ate all the muffins (it was him).”
“There was a hot dog hidden in his cornbread (it was a corn dog).”
“I told him we couldn’t keep a lobster as a pet.”
“She keeps dropping her fork (she’s wearing oven mitts).”
“He thinks the letters on his shirt are upside down (because he doesn’t understand that’s only his point of view).”
“He couldn’t get the last Cheerio on the spoon.”
“He thought if he colored himself green we would grow into the Incredible Hulk (he did color himself green).”
Just a silly child, right? Well here’s the truth: someone has made the same observation about adult you. We’ve all cried over a metaphorical missing cake, and a lot of times, we were the ones who ate it.
LOOSE ENDS When things seem to be getting complicated, we tend to lose control of our thoughts and priorities, and we get riled up to feeling overwhelmed. Part of the problem is that the world is much more cerebral than ever. Technology today allows us to simultaneously juggle many different commitments, relationships and forms of entertainment. At any moment, we could be fulfilling one of a dozen tasks, and that thought is a heavy one to carry around. Inevitably, all our tasks, duties and to-dos that come from different segments of our lives will get jumbled. Every day, there is probably something each of us wanted to do that didn’t get done. Over the course of weeks, those little things that are left undone start to weigh on our minds, even though we probably can’t name specifics. It’s just a complicated clutter.
“I wouldn’t let him get a tattoo (he’s two).”
“There was no more cake, because he’d eaten it all.”
When things get messy in the mind, it’s easy to lose track of what we do and don’t need to worry about, so we worry about everything. Essentially, our grip on reality slips. We experience mental strain on a mirage of duties, and when commitments are all knotted up in our minds, they are heavier than what they would be when separated.
“T-rex’s jaw is not big enough to bite this Lego-man’s head.”
“My son put himself in time out.”
Parents reading this probably have their own slew of similar stories. We know children can be illogical, absurd and funny this way, but adults often miss their own irrationalities. As grownups, we can paint an unrealistically dramatic portrait of our situation, failing to see things from a true perspective, just like a child. “Being overwhelmed comes from a breakdown of your thoughts about life, not a breakdown of your life,” lifehack.org writer Siobhan Harmer wisely observed. The children mentioned above can teach us about this concept. Take the child who was crying because there was no more cake, because he had eaten it all. In his eyes, life became distressingly complicated when the cake ran out. An adult will quickly observe that the child has made himself sad. There was a terrible lack of foresight on the child’s part and no accountability. Furthermore, the child fails to see that cake really doesn’t matter that much and that it’s not good for him anyway.
Think of apps running in the background on your phone, that are draining battery and using data, without you knowing. The purpose of a mind dump is to gather all of your tasks, chores, ambitions and to-dos and have them present in front of you. Step 1: Get a pen and paper Step 2: Record all tasks, duties, to-dos on the paper Step 3: Re-write this list in order of things that matter the most. As you do this, you’re essentially removing the weight of your to-do’s from your mind to the paper. You’re bringing reality into a firmer grasp, which is almost always relieving. Even if it’s a long list, there is something satisfying about knowing the quest ahead of you. There will always be things left undone, but you’ll feel more in control and more satisfied about life.
The problem is, each day springs new commitments upon us. The car breaks down, a child gets sick, or one of a million other things happen that we don’t expect. When these surprises pop up, it can be difficult to integrate them into our days. The temptation is to be negative about it and to get overwhelmed, to see it as just another thing to do when you already have too much on your plate. Other responses to feeling overwhelmed include escaping and neglecting your duties, complaining and despair. But the hardiest people in life are the ones who are most open to change. They realize that change is life, not an inconvenience.
Stop saying, “I’m so busy.” You stress out yourself and those you interact with. These vocal complaints accomplish nothing.
Identify the most pressing thing that needs to be done, and do it! Action is a great way to relieve stress.
Think of your day in context of a year. Stepping back will help you overcome the blip that is today.
“It’s possible for a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control,” writes David Allen in Getting Things Done. “That’s a great way to live and work, at elevated levels of effectiveness and efficiency.”
• You’re thinking of all your commitments at the same time.
• You assume the worst about future situations. • You overestimate how much other people care about things. • You’re trying to control the uncontrollable. • You aren’t able to say something is good enough and leave it alone. • You’re caught up in the moment. You respond negatively to new things that pop up in your life.
If we could only be left alone, we could complete the stuff we need to do, right?
December 2016
APPS TO MAKE MANY ASPECTS OF OUR LIVES BETTER AND SIMPLER. Make a call, snap a picture, text a friend. Is that all our smartphones are good for?
App, App and Away
A clean, reliable budget tracker that connects you to your financial institutions and your purchases in a simple way.
Sure, we dabble in an occasional game, and of course Facebook and Instagram vacuum up our time, but smart people in countries across the globe are constantly developing apps with better functionality, more practical uses and sleeker design. It’s time we utilize our smartphones like the modern age allows us to.
Wallet – Budget Tracker (Android Only)
This app is for saving, which can be a hard habit to form. The app analyzes your spending and removes a small amount from your checking account every so often to put into savings.
Acorns For the inexperienced investor, this app takes small sums of money and invests them for you.
Jefit This app works as a gym log to keep your fitness goals on track. It includes 1300 exercises to provide inspiration, and the interface is simple.
Runkeeper Track your pace, distance, weight loss and goals with this simple app that represents the best of the GPS fitness app world. With 45 million users, this app is quickly outpacing other apps with similar purpose.
Why you should use your bank’s app Some may avoid using a banking app because it is unfamiliar, but doing so sacrifices great convenience that usually won’t cost a dime. Paying bills, moving money to different accounts and depositing checks can be done in seconds, from the comfort of your home. “Using a mobile app to manage and move money is not only extremely convenient but now essential to most users,” said Ryan Caldwell, Founder and CEO of MX, a company that provides digital banking solutions to enhance the account holder experience. “You’re no longer limited by branch hours and burdened with travel. You have more time for what matters when you can deposit checks remotely or transfer funds to another person or account without the requirement of a teller.”
As the acronym suggests, this app helps you get off the couch and be able to run a 5k in 8 weeks (“C” for Couch). It’s a great goal applicable to millions.
FitStar Yoga and Personal Trainer FitStar asks a simple set of questions at the end of every workout, so you’re not a sheep that gets crushed by generic workout routines. The personalization makes it a good fit for a broad range of people.
Nike+ Training Club Choose from more than 100 workouts crafted by trainers, for a wide variety of fitness levels. You can even pick your focus (get lean, toned, strong or focused). The videos are crisp and reliable.
Sworkit For those tired of YouTube workouts, which sometimes involve a time-consuming search, strange personalities and questionable advice, this is a great app. It lets you get started quickly, and lets you choose a workout duration.
Spring (iOS) Just shuffling a playlist doesn’t always cut it for an exercise session. This app matches your rhythm with the songs of the same rhythm. It’s great for runners looking to escape into their stride with the help of music.
Continued on next page >>>>>
December 2016
>>>>> Continued from previous page
HealthyOut Want lactose-free, low-fat food but you aren’t sure where to go? This is a great app for generating healthy ideas. It will show you specific dishes at restaurant chains around you that fit what you’re looking for.
Search restaurants nearby and make reservations from the app. OpenTable is great for the weekends when reservations can be a must. And the app has been around long enough that there is a broad selection of restaurants that participate.
Perfect Produce How do you pick a cantaloupe? How are you supposed to store apples? How do you help avocados last longer? This app will educate you as you make selections in the grocery store produce section, and will help you be smarter about keeping your produce at home.
Family Locator For parents worried about whether their child is where they think he or she is, this is a good app that utilizes the reality that most children have phones now. There are a few apps that offer this service, but Family Locator is probably the best.
Relax Melodies Need to de-stress? Use the soothing influence of sound with this highly rated app, and drown out the worries.
Don’t Cry My Baby
Ingredient1 (iOS)
This highly rated app let’s you choose from lullabies, instrument noises, white noise and more to calm your baby. Some other options are heartbeat, storm, dryer, tapwater and bird.
This is a good app for finding new things to cook at home. It lets you list ingredients you like and dislike, and suggests foods to make based on your profile.
Farmstand (iOS) This app connects you with locally grown food by pointing you to farmers’ markets, and connecting you with the local community of local food consumers.
AllergyEats Eating with food allergies is a hassle many parents deal with. This app allows you to find out which restaurants can accommodate your needs.
Kitchen Stories Free recipes, HD videos and photo instructions make this a very popular app. With millions of downloads and a high rating, it’s one to try out.
O R G A N I Z AT I O N / H O M E CalenGoo (Android)
This is a calendar app you can really manhandle to make it what you want. Sync it with Google calendars or iCloud.
A simple to-do list app that will help you stay organized. Stylish and simple, this app has millions of downloads.
December 2016
If you think you’ve finally got Facebook figured out and there’s no way anything bad could get through to your kids, I’m sorry to report that your kids are starting to veer away from Facebook. According to a Pew Center Research survey, teenage Facebook users began declining in 2013, apparently because their parents and other adults are active on there and, to the dismay of the young, have it figured out. The survey found that instead kids are now active on other sites and apps. So here is a list of some popular apps that can be dangerous in the hands of unsupervised kids.
This is an anonymous social wall, which is often used to post anonymous hurtful posts about kids’ peers or to send anonymous threats against schools. “Yaks,” which is what the comments and messages are called, can be voted up or down by users to make them more visible in “yikkers,” or users, feeds.
This app allows users to send and receive photos and videos that disappear within seconds. This seemingly temporary sharing empowers users to send risqué photos, but most users don’t realize that these photos can still be stored and saved with screen-shots.
This app features a question-and-answer format, and users ask questions for anyone to answer. There have been significant reports of cyberbullying and even reports of suicide linked to ask.fm. There are loose regulations and monitoring, so often this behavior goes unreported until the damage is done.
This is a kind of texting app, but more personal. It doesn’t require a phone number so users can text with people outside of their phone contacts or whomever they find. Reviews on the Google Play store indicate that this app is often used to hook up with strangers for sexting, so be aware of that if you see it on your kids’ mobile devices.
Stats To Consider VINE
From funny videos to graphic porn, Vine is Twitter’s mobile app that consists of short loops of video, and it’s all too easy to accidentally stumble upon extremely graphic content.
You may have heard of this popular dating app among young adults, and although it is rated for 17+ users can be as young as 13 to register. This app uses its users’ locations to find others in their geographic location. If two users “like” each others’ profiles by swiping right on the app, they can then view their photos and instant message them. The geo-location and anonymity makes it dangerous, as anyone can say they are anyone on this app, and then start searching for matches nearby.
Focused around anonymity, this app allows users to make messages or confessions on images or graphics, and other users can interact with those images. The problem is the overly personal information that is shared in conjunction with the visibility of the user’s location.
73 %
of teens have access to a smartphone.
of cell-owning teens ages 12-17 say they have received sexually suggestive nude of nearly nude images of someone they know via text messaging.
Similar to Tinder, this app is meant to connect people in the same geographic location, by viewing profiles of people with their pictures, chatting with them, and rating their “hotness.” But anybody can be anybody, and younger users should use caution.
A popular photo and video sharing app, Tumblr displays users’ photos and videos for the entire world to see unless one goes through the difficult hoops to set up privacy settings. Searches for certain dangerous topics, such as “suicide” or “rape” lead to hundreds of images and other sources of content that may glorify dangerous activities.
This app is often used as an alternative to texting, and 650 million people use it every day. It is even more popular than the Facebook messenger. Teens love it because of the privacy, which is exactly why it’s dangerous. There is no age enforcement mechanism.
A poll of 11 to 17-year-olds by McAfee, an internet security firm, found that 35% experienced cyberbullying in the past year.
7% In 2014, the co-founder of Tinder said that 7 percent of users were between the ages of 13 and 17.
40% of all teenagers have posted or sent sexually suggestive messages.
This app is wildly popular, but also a portal for pornographic or inappropriate content in the wrong hands. Although there are options to flag inappropriate content, more than enough still exists. Cyberbullying by trolls is also a common problem on Instagram, but this can be prevented by ensuring profiles are set to private and followers are screened.
These apps are icon-hiding apps. If you’re already diligent about checking your youth’s phone, they may have found a way to keep some questionable apps hidden by the use of these apps. Google these to see what the icons looks like, so you can watch out for them.
Keep in mind that the best offense when it comes to monitoring dangerous online activity is a good defense. Set rules you’re comfortable with about apps and sharing information online. Know how to work the privacy and filtering settings of each app, and keep a note of any apps you hear about in the news associated with any problems. Keep an open dialogue with your kids about their app and internet usage, and most importantly let them know you’re on their side to help them win and succeed in life, so they know you are their safety net when a problem does arise. WRITTEN BY ANGELA SILVA
15% of teens who have sent or posted nude/ semi-nude images of themselves send these messages to people they have never met, but know from the Internet.
10% About 10 percent of teenagers have experienced unwanted sexual
solicitation online. Sources: Pewinternet.org, dosomething.org, University of New Hampshire
December 2016
WHY ALL THE BIG PLAYERS ARE PUSHING THEIR TELEHEALTH PLATFORMS, AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE. Suppose a bank were to announce that it’s online services were terminated. Suppose Amazon said they would only be selling things in physical stores. It would be inconvenient, bad for business, and against the flow of the modern age. One day, we may have similar expectations from healthcare. “Telehealth is a tool that hopefully 5-10 years from now will be completely indistinguishable from the general continuum of care that a patient experiences,” said William Daines, MD, medical director for Intermountain Connect Care, a telehealth service that gives people access to medical providers 24/7/365. One day, Dr. Daines says, the word telehealth will go away, because its integration in healthcare will be so complete. Intermountain’s commitment to telehealth is strong, and the same can be said for other healthcare systems, including University of Miami healthcare, Mountain Star and Iasis. All of these groups have implemented some from of video medicine, allowing patients to see a doctor from their homes, and these groups have big plans to expand their telehealth services.
PATIENT POWER In the established medical system, the provider decides the specifics of a visit; the where, when and how of it is really out of a patient’s hands. “We want to bring it back to where the patient gets to set the terms of engagement,” Dr. Daines says. “The patient gets to decide where they are when they get care, and when they get care.”
This on-demand concept resonates; surveys suggest that most people wish their provider would offer some kind of online healthcare. Truly, illness doesn’t know if it’s the middle of the night or a holiday. It also doesn’t care if you’re 100 miles away from the right doctor, or if you don’t feel well enough to get out of bed. Telehealth breaks down geographic barriers and provides convenience when people most want convenience: when they’re ill. Telehealth might actually be able to improve outcomes in some cases. Catching an illness early will generally result in better outcomes, and a video visit allows one to contact a provider faster, especially if you live in a rural area. “It’s not so much that we are inventing a new form of healthcare,” Dr. Daines says, “we are bringing the healthcare delivery system into a more modern age.” Modern technology means medical innovations don’t have to slowly trickle down from research institutions, meaning progress is faster. University of Miami Healthcare is able to spread the advancements they’ve discovered and developed through telehealth, according to Ted Kimball, MD, Medical Director of their
USE TELEHEALTH FOR: TeleHealth Services. U of U Healthcare has more than 30 established telemedicine programs and works with 60+ healthcare facilities across the Intermountain West. “Inherent in our mission as a teaching hospital is our responsibility to share clinical best practices, research advances, and provide our community partners with the educational resources we’ve developed as a university,” he says. “We want to be a resource to improve the health and wellbeing of residents across the West and we can now accomplish that through the use of TeleHealth services.” Patients are further empowered through telemedicine because of the lowered costs. Besides lower travel costs, telehealth visits don’t demand brick and mortar, and the lowered costs are passed on to the patient. Connect Care, for example, says that the most a telehealth visit can cost is $49, and with insurance it’s less. A typical doctor’s visit is twice that, and an urgent care visit costs hundreds of dollars.
THE PUBLIC RESPONSE According to Dr. Daines, the public response to Connect Care has been very strong. Patients have rated their online visits at 4.8 stars out of 5 on average. The University of Miami’s Telehealth Services had 3,000 specialty visits in 2015, and are on track to surpass that number in 2016. The big hurdle for these services is awareness. “Lot’s of people are aware in the abstract, that you can see a provider online,” Dr. Daines says, “but they might not be aware that it’s available to them literally today, and with the device that they already own.” A person who becomes ill often resorts to instinct, meaning telehealth simply doesn’t come to mind, because it isn’t a typical decision to make. There may also be some misgivings about a diagnosis from a video visit. But concern about quality of care isn’t a new issue for physicians and patients alike. As Dr. Daines explains, there is always a concern for a provider that he or she is giving the highest quality of care. Even in a regular doctor’s office visit, a physician may realize that he is not equipped to deal with the patient, and will refer elsewhere. The same concept is true in telehealth. Many conditions can be safely and thoroughly evaluated with telehealth, while others cannot. Modern medical training must now educate doctors on how to be digitally discerning, to know if a patient would be better served with a visit in-person. These training protocols are already in place.
“We’ve strongly counseled our providers, that if at any point they feel the severity of the illness is higher than should be treated over telehealth, it’s a no brainer: you send that patient on for an in-person evaluation,” Dr. Daines says. The telemedicine programs of each healthcare group in Miami differ. For example, University of Miami Health Care offers telemedicine in a variety of specialties, including dermatology, cardiology, speech therapy, burn care and behavioral health. Intermountain offers a similar spread of telehealth care for specialty care. On the other hand, Connect Care from Intermountain has full time advanced practice clinicians dedicated to the general telemedicine services, with supervising medical doctors and specialists providing back up. MountainStar’s program is called “Virtual Care,” and it allows patients to choose a doctor from their network online, and talk with him over the phone or video chat. Similar to Connect Care, they promote it as a convenient solution for “minor problems” like headache, sore throat, fever, and pediatric issues like cough and skin rashes.
Stuffy and runny nose
Sore throat
Eye infections
Ear ache
Painful urination
Lower back pain
Joint pain or strains
Minor skin problems
Chest pain or pressure
Uncontrolled bleeding
Sudden or severe pain
Coughing / vomiting blood
Difficulty breathing or shortness of
LIMITATIONS Before rushing to call telehealth the savior of modern medicine, its limitations must be acknowledged. For example, it is an important service for rural communities, but these populations are generally the ones with poor internet connections. Implementation is another worry. This is somewhat uncharted territory, and healthcare groups have spent years figuring out the best ways to deliver online medicine. Many obstacles to telehealth are found in public perception. People worry about everything from the accuracy of a video diagnosis to the security of their personal information. While establishing sound telemedicine protocol is a first priority for the hospital groups in Miami, affecting public opinion might be a taller hurdle. But one idea keeps the future of telehealth bright: it’s good for the patient. As more and more people experience the convenience and affordability of quality medical care from the comfort of their home or mobile device, the more solidified telehealth becomes in the healthcare system at large.
breath PP
Sudden dizziness, weakness, change in vision, slurred speech, numbness, or other neurological changes
Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Changes in mental status, such as confusion
Assault, physical or sexual abuse, or child abuse
Avoiding urgent care and the ER is not only good for the patient; unnecessary visits (if the condition isn’t an emergency) to these centers is a huge burden on the healthcare system in general. Telehealth just might be in an ingredient in the formula that corrects the inefficiencies of our healthcare system.
FIND TELEHEALTH SERVICES IN MIAMI: Connect Care (Intermountain): intermountainconnectcare.org University of Miami’s Telehealth Services: healthcare.Miami.edu/telehealth MountainStar Virtual Care: mountainstar.com/service/virtual-care
December 2016
December 2016
Migraines are the third most prevalent illness in the world and affect an average of at least someone in every one of four US households. Often perceived as “bad headaches,” migraines are much more than that, and if you have had one before, you know it! Migraines cause intense throbbing throughout the head and may be accompanied with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound and vision problems. There’s a reason that migraines can be one of the most painful and day-paralyzing experiences. Several studies have been done trying to pinpoint why migraines occur and how to prevent them. Research has produced a variety of potential factors, placing blame on things such as diet, genetics and deficiencies. Although these factors may play a role, a recent study dives in a little deeper and makes an unexpected discovery. A team of researchers at the International Headache Genetics Consortium (IHGC) took thousands of adults who suffer from migraines and studied their genetics; they then compared their findings to those who don’t suffer from migraines. Their results: 28 new genetic variants associated with migraines. Not only that, but researchers also found that the majority of these genetic variants overlapped with genes that regulate the vascular system, or that have been linked to vascular disease. This indicates that migraines can occur due to impaired blood vessel function. Members of the IHGC are hopeful that this new information will be used to inspire additional studies and lead the way to finding personalized, evidencebased treatment for those who suffer from migraines. This discovery could be a substantial step towards really helping individuals with this illness.
Source: Medicalnewstoday.com
The holidays are intended to be a time of joyous celebration. As the holidays approach, many long distance family members will visit their aging parents or other loved ones, perhaps the first opportunity in several months to personally observe older relatives. Often it will allow us to observe a loved one’s situation through new eyes.
THE ALZHEIMER’S ORGANIZATION PROVIDES FAMILIES WITH 10 COMMON WARNING SIGNS OF DEMENTIA. COMMON WARNING SIGNS*: 1. Memory Loss that disrupts daily life 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks 4. Confusion with time/place
LATEST ALZHEIMER’S NEWS Cancer Drugs for Alzheimer’s Research shows that some cancer drugs may be beneficial for treatment of Alzheimer’s. Specifically, a drug used to treat renal cell carcinoma may help reduce levels of a toxic brain protein linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Researchers are looking at ways to repurpose the drug for Alzheimer’s patients. Source: Georgetown University Medical Center
Odor Identification to Identify Alzheimer’s A smell test may be a practical, affordable alternative to more expensive options currently used to detect Alzheimer’s. Research conducted on a senior population over the span of four years showed a connection between the inability to correctly identify odors and dementia later in life. Source: Columbia University Medical Center, New York State Psychiatric Institute
5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships 6. New problems with speech or writing 7. Misplacing items or ability to retrace steps 8. Decreased or poor judgment 9. Withdrawal from social activities 10. Changes in mood or personality If you or someone you love is experiencing any of the symptoms it may be time to see a good doctor for help. This year make the most of your holiday visit, be a your loved ones best advocate, remembering that checking for warning signs is not for the purposes of judgment or criticism. It’s a check for wellness, wellbeing and safety. It’s done out of love. *www.alz.org/national/documents checklist_10signs.pdf
December 2016
December 2016
D O I T YO U R S E L F Looking for something fun to do with family or friends? Try making your own facial mask or blush. Save money, and rest easy knowing your beauty tools don’t have any strange ingredients.
Black Forest Chocolate Cake Facial Mask This recipe is made with such yummy ingredients, like cocoa powder and luscious ripe cherries, that you’ll need serious willpower not to bake up a vegan cake to match. Oh, what the heck, why not make both? As Oscar Wilde wrote, “The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.” BEST FOR: All skin types SUPERSTAR INGREDIENT: Cocoa powder is antioxidant-rich, so it helps neutralize harmful free radicals and repair skin cells. YOU’LL NEED:
Blender 3 large ripe cherries, pitted 1 tbsp kaolin clay 1 tbsp almond milk 2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1. In blender, purée cherries, clay almond milk and cocoa powder until smooth. Spoon into a small bowl. 2. Using fingers, spread mask all over damp, cleansed facial skin. Let stand on skin for 10 minutes. 3. Rinse face with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Follow with your favorite toner and moisturizer. 4. Cover and store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Courtesy of The Compassionate Chick’s Guide to DIY Beauty by Sunny Submaranian & Chrystle Fiedler © 2016 www.robertrose.ca Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold.
TOP TIP: Cherry juice is useful for lightening skin and clearing up dark spots. Cherries contain the antioxidant vitamins A and C, plus the minerals potassium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. The fruit and juice are antiinflammatory, moisturizing and healing for damaged skin.
Shimmer Blush It’s time to talk about your sweet cheeks (the ones upstairs, not your hindquarters). Using blush is a fabulous way to appear youthful and healthy, and this natural option rocks at rosying up your complexion. BEST FOR: All skin types SUPERSTAR INGREDIENT: Beets contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Red beets also contain a pigment called betanin, which gives them their bright magenta coloring. In addition to using beet root powder to make blush, you can also use it as natural food coloring. YOU’LL NEED:
Makeup sifter jar 1 tsp finely ground beet root powder, alkanet root powder or hibiscus flower powder 1⁄2 tsp arrowroot powder 1⁄4 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder Pinch gold mica powder 3 to 5 drops lavender essential oil
1. Pour beet root powder into a small bowl. Whisk in arrowroot powder and cocoa powder, a little at a time, until desired shade is achieved. Discard any remaining arrowroot powder and cocoa powder. 2. Whisk in mica powder and lavender essential oil until well combined. Pour into jar. 3. Sprinkle blush onto a fluffy blush brush and apply to cheeks. 4. Store at room temperature for up to 6 months. VARIATION MATTE BLUSH: Omit gold mica for a matte finish. TOP TIP: Make sure your beet root powder is super-duper finely ground, and then grind it some more in a blender. The finer it is, the better it’ll adhere to your skin.
December 2016
Original San Antonio Chili
To reconstitute dried chiles, remove the stems and place in a heatproof bowl. Add 2 cups (500 mL) boiling beef stock and soak for 30 minutes, weighing the chiles down with a cup to ensure they remain submerged.
If you want to make a version of this dish that is similar to the one made by former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, substitute venison for the beef. You can also cube a beef chuck roast and use it in place of the stewing beef.
If you are looking for the ground beef chili your mother made for Friday night dinner, this isn’t it. If instead you want to taste what amounts to a fabulous, highly spiced beef stew, then I highly recommend this chili. Leftovers reheat well. • Blender • Dutch oven 2 each ancho and guajillo chiles, reconstituted (see Tips) 1⁄2 cup fresh cilantro leaves and tender stems 2 tbsp pure lard or oil 1 lb each trimmed boneless stewing beef and stewing pork, cut into 1⁄2-inch cubes and patted dry (see Tips) 2 onions, thinly sliced on the vertical 6 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp each ground cumin and dried Mexican oregano Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 serrano or jalapeño pepper, thinly sliced (optional) 6 green onions (white and green parts), very thinly sliced (optional) Crumbled Mexican cheese, such as soft cotija 1. Transfer reconstituted chiles with liquid to blender. Add cilantro and purée until smooth. Set aside. 2. Meanwhile, in Dutch oven, melt lard over medium-high heat. Add beef and pork, in batches, and brown on all sides, about 2 minutes per batch. Transfer to a plate as completed and set aside. Reduce heat to medium. 3. Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C). Add sliced onions to pan and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add garlic, cumin and oregano and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Return beef and pork to pan. Add reserved ancho and guajillo chile mixture and stir well. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover and transfer to preheated oven. Bake until meat is very tender, about 2 hours. 4. Ladle into warm soup plates. Garnish with serrano pepper (if using) and green onions (if using). Sprinkle with cheese. Courtesy of The Chile Pepper Bible by Judith Finlayson © 2016 www.robertrose.ca Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold.
Makes 6 servings
This is an updated version of classic French pots de crème. You won’t taste the chile, but it adds appealing depth to the flavor of the chocolate. Served with a big dollop of sweetened whipped cream, this dessert is a welcome indulgence.
Chile-Spiked Chocolate Pots
This makes four 1⁄2-cup servings. If you prefer, you can make 6 smaller servings, reducing the cooking time slightly. To make these chocolate pots in your slow cooker: You may need to play with cups or ramekins to find 6 that will fit comfortably in your slow cooker. Demitasse cups make a spectacular presentation. I also use taller French porcelain ramekins, which fit nicely in my largest (7-quart) slow cooker. Place them in the stoneware insert and pour in hot water to come halfway up the side of the cups. Cook on High for 1 hour, then cool and chill as directed. If your slow cooker will only accommodate 4 ramekins, they will obviously be fuller, so expect the cooking time to be closer to 2 hours.
Vegetarian Friendly Gluten-Free Friendly • Fine-mesh sieve • 4-cup heatproof glass measuring cup or heatproof bowl with spout • 4 to 6 tall ramekins or demitasse cups (see Tips) • Large roasting pan 31⁄2 oz bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped 3⁄4 cup heavy or whipping (35%) cream 3⁄4 cup whole milk 1⁄4 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp Aleppo pepper, divided 1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract Pinch salt Sweetened whipped cream 1. In a medium saucepan, combine chocolate and cream. Cook over low heat, stirring, until chocolate is melted. Add milk and sugar, whisking well to combine, and bring to a simmer. Remove from heat. 2. In a medium bowl, beat together eggs, egg yolk, cocoa powder, 1⁄2 tsp of the Aleppo pepper, vanilla and salt. Whisk in 1⁄2 cup of the chocolate mixture until well combined. Gradually whisk in remaining chocolate mixture until blended. 3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Place fine-mesh sieve over measuring cup and strain chocolate mixture into cup. Pour into ramekins and sprinkle remaining Aleppo pepper over top. Cover ramekins tightly with foil. Set in roasting pan and pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins. 4. Place pan in preheated oven and immediately reduce the temperature to 325°F. Bake just until the centers of the custards quiver, about 25 minutes. 5. Remove ramekins from pan and let cool completely. Refrigerate until well chilled, about 4 hours. Serve each with a dollop of whipped cream. Makes 4 to 6 servings
December 2016
Surviving the Holidays!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but holiday
weight gain has become as much a tradition as a fruitcake. And, not to be the Grinch who stole Christmas, but it needs to be asked: Since when did Christmas, a time of giving, turn into a time of gorging? Studies with staggering results show the average person packs on between one and seven pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day — something people may not think of when they’re loading up their plate for seconds at the dinner table. No matter how many pounds you packed on last year, it’s never to late to begin building body confidence and exerting a little willpower. Holidays bring family and friends together to celebrate traditions and spread good cheer. They also bring lots of
opportunities for socializing, eating and drinking. Even the most disciplined people struggle with temptation during the holiday season. To navigate the party landmines with your healthy diet intact, you need a strategy. Experts agree: Having a plan in place will help you handle night after night of festive eating and drinking. This year, resolve to shake off the pounds of Christmases past, indulge in family festivities and forgo the fattening food. Instead focus on family and friends and not the food. With a little effort and these eating strategies, you’ll keep the weight gain at bay and avoid those pesky, unwanted pounds.
The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.
- Johnny Carson
Go all out and deck the halls with boughs of holly, glitter and lights, but when it comes to holiday food,trim back the trimmings. To shave calories, go easy when adding nuts, cheese, cream sauces, gravy, butter and whipped cream — additions that don't add much to the meal but can add plenty to your waistline. Trim calories wherever you can so you leave the party feeling satisfied, but not stuffed, recommends Carolyn O'Neil, MS, RD, author of The Dish on Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous.
THE OTHER. One of the most effective ways to maintain or lose body weight is to engage in regular, sustained aerobic activity. To burn off extra calories, kick up your exercise. If you exercise for 30 minutes a day, increase it to 45 minutes. If you exercise three times a week, move it up to five times a week. Christmas shopping can be an optimal time to go for a walk. Make a few more rounds in and out of the stores. Whatever you do, keep moving.
Tips 5&6
Tips 1&2
Soups are great wintry meals, but ditch the creambased broths.
When you arrive at the party, grab a sparkling water with a twist, and wait at least 30 minutes before eating. Most importantly, don’t stand around the food table when you are at a party — focus your energies on making conversation with others instead of focusing on the food selection. Conversation is calorie-free.
6. ROCKIN’ AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE. Cynthia Sass, MPH, MA, RD, coauthor of Your Diet Is Driving Me Crazy, says take the focus off food and getting family and friends more active during holiday parties. Think horseshoes, badminton, sledding, ice skating or building snowmen. When indoors, try a spirited game of charades or rent an instructional dance video followed by a dance-off. According to dietbites.com, for every 15 minutes of dancing, a 150-pound individual may burn 86 calories and a 170-pound person may burn 97 calories.
Tips 3&4
3. A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS TIME. While you can’t control every situation, you can control how much food goes into your mouth. If you are constantly bombarded with holiday parties and displays of desserts or candies, you can still effectively help prevent overeating and weight gain. One way is the one-a-day method. Allow yourself one small serving of a cookie or piece of candy each day during the holiday season. Remember that you may have to compensate for it later in the day by reducing your total caloric intake or by burning a few extra calories while exercising. If you aren’t confronted with holiday foods that day, just skip your one-a-day — but don’t compensate and double-up on your serving the next day.
4. A GROWN-UP CHRISTMAS LIST. Make sure you eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. When compared to other snack foods like chips, crackers and cookies, gram for gram, fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories and tons more nutrients. The fiber in fruits and vegetables fill you up faster than traditional snack foods. So add it to the shopping list and pack your refrigerator with bags of cut-up vegetables and whole or cut-up fruits. Grab a bag while on the go or at work. Make a pact with yourself that you’ll eat your five-a-day before you snack on any cookies or other holiday treats. You’re sure to take in fewer calories overall.
Tip 7 The Twelve Days Of Christmas 7. EAT RIGHT. For one reason or another,
the closer Christmas is, the easier it is to forget basic healthy ways of eating, such as regular daily meals. As the pace of the holidays pick up, eating a well-rounded meal is often the last on the list. “People who skip meals to save up calories tend to overeat everything in sight” says Katherine Tallmadge, MA, RD, author of
INGREDIENTS 1 cup water 1/3 cup quick oats ¼ cup canned pure pumpkin ¼ tsp. cinnamon 1 pear, chopped 1½ tbs. chopped pecans, toasted Pinch of ground nutmeg Pinch of ground cloves DIRECTIONS 1. Bring water to a boil. Add and oatmeal. Cook and stir for 2 minutes. 2. Combine remaining ingredients in small bowl. Turn stove heat to low and stir in pumpkin mixture. Spice to taste, then serve immediately. Per serving: 123 calories, 1.6g fat, 0mg cholesterol
Diet Simple. “Eating sensibly throughout the day will take the edge off the appetite and empower a bit of restraint.” Start with a nourishing breakfast, have a light lunch, then a small snack or salad shortly before the event. And don’t skip meals. Here are a few heart healthy meal ideas. Feel free to change it according to your dietary needs.
INGREDIENTS 2 multigrain crispbread crackers 2 tbs. low-fat cream cheese 1 3 oz. can chunk light tuna 1 sliced scallion 1 lemon wedge Freshly ground pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Top crackers with cream cheese, tuna and scallion. Squeeze lemon over the top and season with pepper. Per serving: 229 calories, 6g fat, 42mg cholesterol
INGREDIENTS 3 cups mixed salad ½ cup shredded carrots 2 tbs. red onion, chopped ¼ cup light dressing 10 cherry tomatoes 4 slices roast turkey breast, cut up (3 oz.) 2 slices reduced-fat Swiss cheese, cut up (2 oz.) DIRECTIONS 1. Toss ingredients in a large bowl until coated. Serves one. Per serving: 180 calories; 4g fat, 27mg cholesterol
December 2016
Spaghetti Squash Bolognese
When you really feel like spaghetti, dive into this low-carb version. You will be hard-pressed to tell the difference from wheat pasta, and your blood sugar will be happy. First: Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C) 1 large spaghetti squash (about 6 lbs), halved lengthwise and seeded 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 lb ground grass-fed beef 4 slices pasture-raised bacon or turkey bacon, chopped (optional) 1 large onion, finely chopped (about 1 11⁄2 cups) 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 medium carrots, diced (about 3 11⁄2 cups) 2 stalks celery, diced (about 1 cup) 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 tbsp dried oregano 1⁄4 tsp ground cinnamon 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh parsley 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil 1 can (28 oz) crushed tomatoes 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes, drained and juice reserved Additional chopped fresh parsley DIRECTIONS 1.
Place squash, cut side up, on a baking sheet. Brush cut sides of squash with oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast in preheated oven for 45 to 55 minutes or until squash can be easily pierced with a fork. Meanwhile, over medium heat, cook beef and bacon (if using), breaking beef up with a spoon, for 5 to 7 minutes or until beef is no longer pink and bacon is crisp. Using a slotted spoon, transfer meat to a bowl and set aside. Pour off all but 2 tbsp fat from the pot. Add onion to the fat remaining in the pot and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Add garlic, carrots, celery, mushrooms, oregano and cinnamon; cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Add parsley and basil; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Stir in crushed tomatoes and diced tomatoes. Return beef and bacon (if using) to the pot, along with any accumulated juices, stirring well to combine; bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30 to 40 minutes to allow the deep tomato flavor to develop. Add reserved tomato juice as needed if the sauce gets too thick. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Using a fork, scrape out the squash flesh into spaghettilike strands. Divide among serving plates and top with Bolognese sauce. Sprinkle with additional parsley.
If you don’t have fresh parsley and basil on hand, you can use 2 tbsp dried parsley and 1 tbsp dried basil in their place. Omit the parsley garnish.
Courtesy of The Paleo Diabetes Diet Solution by Jill Hillhouse and Lisa Cantkier © 2016 www.robertrose.ca Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold.
Makes 6 servings
Coconut Banana Soft-Serve
You won’t be going back to commercial ice cream once you taste this! Plus, there’s no added sugar, stabilizers or preservatives — just frozen real food. You’ll need to plan ahead for this recipe, as it requires frozen ingredients. Variation Substitute 1 cup of any frozen sliced fruit for the bananas. Most fruit works well with coconut milk! • Ice cube trays • Baking sheet, lined with waxed paper • High-power blender or food processor 1 can (14 oz) full-fat coconut milk 2 bananas 1. Shake the can of coconut milk to make sure it is emulsified and the milk is smooth, without any lumps. Open the can and pour half of the milk into ice cube trays. Freeze until solid. (Refrigerate the remaining coconut milk in an airtight glass container for another use.) 2. Peel bananas and cut crosswise into 1-inch thick slices. Arrange in a single layer on prepared baking sheet and freeze until solid. 3. Add coconut milk cubes and frozen banana slices to the blender and process to the consistency of soft-serve ice cream, stopping the blender to stir as needed for even blending. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings
December 2016
Simmer Pots
Just fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil, and add your favorite aromatic things. Let it bowl for a few minutes, and then turn it down to a simmer. You’ll also need to add more water every 30 minutes or so, until the house smells the way you want. Here are some winning combinations to try for a cozy winter aroma: RECIPE #1 1 Tablespoon whole cloves 2 Cinnamon sticks 5 Bay leaves RECIPE #2 3 Sprigs evergreen or a handful of pine needles 2 Pieces of lemon rind 2 Pieces of orange rind 2 Bay leaves RECIPE #3 3-5 drops of vanilla Orange peels RECIPE #4 Lemon peels Orange peels 2 Bay leaves 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves RECIPE #5 Apple juice
2 Cinnamon sticks 1 Tablespoon whole cloves OT H E R I N G R E D I E N T S TO T RY: Lavender leaves Rose petals Anise seed Nutmeg Dried rosemary Dried rosemary Dried eucalyptus
SIMMER POT RECIPES THAT WILL MAKE YOUR HOUSE SMELL AMAZING Candles are great, but they’re expensive. Furthermore, mass produced candles are bound to have some wacky artificial ingredients. What did people do before scented candles to make their home smell nice? 60 HEALTHY MAGAZINE
December 2016
December 2016
CINNAMON RAISIN SWIRL PEANUT BUT TER Cinnamon Raisin Swirl is peanut butter blended with cinnamon and raisins. It’s like spreading your peanut butter on cinnamon raisin bread without the bread. It’s delicious on apples, bagels or straight from the jar. $6 – ilovepeanutbutter.com
PICKY BARS Picky bars are more than fun packaging and names (Cookie Doughpness, Need For Seed); they provide a wide variety of excellent ingredients and nutrients. They are healthy protein bars made out of real food, not some chemical concoction. 10 Pack – $27.50, pickybars.com
HALO TOP ICE CREAM Healthy ice cream that tastes like ice cream? It sounds to good to be true, but we were very impressed. Low calories, high protein, low sugar, and excellent taste. It’s available at most stores. halotop.com
CHEF’S CUT JERKY Have you ever tried uncured bacon jerky? Well, it’s time. The sriracha flavor is our favorite, though the applewood isn’t far behind. It’s available at most stores, or online. chefscutrealjerky.com
LATE JULY MULTIGRAIN TORTILLA CHIPS Chips are usually not wholesome, but these can be munched on frequently for good nutrition. The lime and sweet potato flavors offer an intriguing new experience to the taste buds. They are available in select stores, so visit their website to know where to buy. latejuly.com
B’MORE ORGANIC SKYR SMOOTHIES Who knew Iceland has its own kind of yogurt? It was a pleasant surprise for us. These smoothies are low in sugar, high in protein, and have some excellent probiotics. We liked the mango banana best. B’more smoothies are available in select grocery stores. bmoreorganic.com
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December 2016
>> Beauty Skin
Baby, it’s cold
If you’re travelling to cold weather this winter, warm up with Healthy Magazine’s favorite skincare experts and their top secrets for beautifully radiant winter skin.
xperts agree winter skin can be rough, but with a few tips from the pros, you’ll be glowing in no time. Cold winter air and artificial heating can lead to excessive skin dryness. People with acne-prone skin need to be mindful not to overdo acne products that can contribute to this drying effect of cold air and artificial heat. Here are a few tips to take care of your skin during winter while keeping acne under control.
Dr. Naila Malik, creator and founder of Naila MD Skincare, gives her top three winter skin care tips. • The right acne product for winter skincare should contain the right concentration of acne medications to treat acne with light weight, non-comedogenic skin hydrators, without drying ingredients such as alcohol, astringents and gels to keep you acne-free but not too dry and flaky. • Most acne treatment products tend to increase photo-sensitivity, increasing your incidence of sunburns. Definitely put on a non-comedogenic broad spectrum sunscreen, minimum SPF 15, every day even in winter — especially if you use any acne treatment products. • Maintain skin hydration from inside out. In addition to lightweight, non-oily, non-comedogenic skin hydrators, drink lots of water and keep up adequate intake of
good fats, such as olive oil, salmon and walnuts. These fats help keep water in the skin for supple, healthy, well-hydrated skin.
Dr. Michael Gold, dermatologist of Gold Skin Care Center, says keeping skin hydrated is crucial during colder weather and key to having a radiant glow. A common mistake we all make, he says, is using products that zap the moisture from our skin. He gives six tips on how to choose the right cleanser when degrees drop. • Look for products that contain humectants like glycerin. These ingredients lock in moisture, blocking the cold air from dehydrating skin. • To get a winter glow, choose products with ceramides and peptides, as they can perk up dull skin while packing a potent antiaging punch. • Creamy, glycerin based cleansers, such as Neocutis Neo-Cleanse Gentle Skin Cleanser, are best during the winter to protect skin’s natural barrier. • Neo-Cleanse is a luxuriously creamy cleanser rich with glycerin which helps gently purify without stripping the skin's natural barrier, and the formula is ideal for soothing dry skin • Do not over exfoliate. Monthly, mild chemical peels or microdermabrasion can keep skin fresh and soft. • Always avoid hot water, which
zaps moisture. • Apply moisturizers as soon as you get out of the shower, as the dampness of your skin will help the ingredients penetrate for maximum moisture.
If you’re like most of us, your holidays are filled with one party after the other, which can leave your skin dehydrated, dull and tired. With the help of Tony Silla, co-owner of Face Place and head esthetician of Face Place LA, you’ll be able to party hop without looking like a zombie. Silla’s product recommendations and at-home remedies to maintain glowing, healthy skin during the holiday season have been Hollywood favorites for years. • Rehydrate your skin with Face Place Collagen Elastin Treatment. • Mix your foundation with a good moisturizer, like the Face Place Cell Regenerator, for coverage and moisture. • Lathering your skin with hot water tends to dry out skin. Instead, use luke warm water when cleansing your face. • With natural aloe vera extract, Face Place Collagen Moisturizer helps skin retain its moisture, elasticity and suppleness • Prepare a face mask for dry facial skin by mixing together a teaspoon of honey, ½ teaspoon olive oil, one egg and a few drops of water. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Here are Tony Silla’s tricks for minimizing dark circles under the eyes. • Apply crushed mint leaves and leave under the eyes for 20 minutes. • Apply cucumber or potato juice to the skin around the eyes with a cotton ball. • Face Place Firming Eye Gel is great for depuffing eyes after long sleepless nights, as it contains vitamin K, ginseng and seaweed extracts.
Having beautiful skin is simpler than you think.
Neo-Cleanse Gentle Skin Cleanser The glycerin-rich cleanser helps remove makeup and surface impurities to prepare your skin for medications and skin care regimens. Skin Types: All
Aloe Vera Calming Gel This pure soothing formula works to leave the skin hydrated, while simultaneously promoting cellular calming. Skin Types: All
Fine Herbal Facial Scrub An effective scrub blended with a gentle, herbal cleanser, specifically designed for sensitive skin. Apricot kernels and walnut shells are finely ground and polished into smooth granules to gently and safely exfoliate the skin. Skin Types: Dry Sensitive
December 2016
Varicose Veins
Making Unattractive Appearances Everywhere VARICOSE VEINS ARE MOSTLY A LEG ISSUE, BUT CAN APPEAR ALMOST ANYWHERE Unsightly and embarrassing bumps on the legs from varicose veins are an issue millions deal with. But these problematic veins can actually appear in many different places on the body.
FOR EXAMPLE, VARICOSE VEINS CAN APPEAR IN THESE LOCATIONS: • VEINS ON THE HANDS AND ARMS • VEINS OF THE VAGINA AND VULVA • VEINS ON THE ANUS • VEINS ON THE BREASTS AND CLEAVAGE • VEINS AROUND THE EYES, FACE While problematic veins in these areas aren’t generally a dangerous issue, they can be unattractive. There are various procedures for dealing with these issues.
Varicose veins in the legs are the more common problem with more serious consequences. In fact, millions of people suffer from varicose and spider veins, and the accompanying leg heaviness, pain, and swelling.
HOW CAN YOU TREAT THESE ISSUES? Here are some of the procedures that are used for varicose veins in the legs, as well as other areas. • VEIN ABLATION: Radiofrequency is used to completely remove the varicose and spider veins. • PHLEBECTOMY: A procedure that removes varicose veins from the surface of the skin. • DERMAL FILLERS: Unsightly veins give the appearance of old age. Fillers can be used to increase fullness in the skin, giving a more youthful appearance. • LASER TREATMENT: This uses heat to target problem veins, and close them.
Varicose veins in places other than the legs are generally a cosmetic issue, rather than medical problem. Severe varicose veins in the legs, however, can result in significant interference with daily living, as well as serious medical consequences, like ulcerations, blood clots, and intense pain. Varicose veins cause bulging and discoloration in the legs that can also severely impact appearance, which can be serious for reasons of confidence, first impressions, professionalism and more. For varicose veins in the legs, there are reliable, minimally invasive options that are exceptionally effective. Vein ablation is one such option. Venaseal, which uses a revolutionary adhesive to close problematic veins, represents the pinnacle of vein care.
DO I NEED MEDICAL HELP FOR MY VEINS? The following symptoms are a good indicator that you should see a medical professional. •
Leg heaviness or fatigue
Leg pain-aching throbbing, burning or tightness
Leg cramps at night
Swelling in the ankles
Restless legs
Skin changes in the lower leg with redness or darkening of the skin
Leg ulcers that won’t heal
Varicose veins
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