3. Chemicals of Concern

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Use these documents that describe partially restricted and/or chemicals of concern to demonstrate to students the limited controls that are placed on chemicals. Examples are given of where those chemicals of concern exist in common building products, how they move through the environment and how they ultimately enter the human body.

Skye Gould, “Here’s how lead is poisoning American children,” Tech Insider, 2016

Spring 2019

Compound Interest, 2016

Spring 2019

Canadian Environmental Health Atlas, Accessed 2017

May 2008


Formaldehyde can cause contact help form smog and ground level ozone 1 Formaldehyde (CAS No. 50-00-0) is dermatitis, associated with an allergic in the outdoor environment. Inside of also known as methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, reaction to the chemical.5 In addition to buildings, it is a growing threat to human or oxomethane and has the chemical its own toxic properties, formaldehyde health due to its use in a wide range of abbreviation HCHO. can react with other chemicals in the building and consumer products that 2 California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Health atmosphere to create carbon monoxide.6 release it into the indoor air environment. Hazard Assessment, “Safe Drinking 1 It is designated a Hazardous Air Pollutant ormaldehyde is a colorless, for exterior use (due to Toxic its higher Water and Enforcementwater Act Formaldehyde can be released to the by the US EPA as one of the major of 1986—Chemicals Known to the flammable gas with a resistance than urea formaldehyde). user from products treated directly with State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive toxic constituents of smog.7 In 1992, pungent, suffocating Also used increasingly as an Toxicity” March 2008. http://www. formaldehyde, such as fabrics, and from formaldehyde was formally listed by the odor. It is released into the alternative to urea formaldehyde in oehha.org/prop65/prop65_list/ products that use formaldehyde-based files/032108list.pdf. California Air Resources Board (CARB) as atmosphere from forest fires, interior composite wood products. binders. Urea formaldehyde continues 3 International Agency for Research a toxic air contaminant in California, withexhaust, and tobacco smoke; automobile PF is also used asonaCancer binding agent for (IARC), Monographs on to outgas formaldehyde for years after no safe level of exposure.8 it is a significant component of smog. paper-based products as paper Evaluationsuch of Carcinogenic Risks for manufacture and has been a target of Humans—Formaldehyde. http:// Very small amounts of formaldehyde composite countertops. Methanol, from which formaldehyde is green building programs and regulatory monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Meetings/88are naturally produced in humans and formaldehyde.pdf. • Melamine resin (CAS #108-78-1): An action. Products containing phenol made, causes eye, skin and respiratory other organisms and can naturally occur 4 National Institutelaminate of Health, 11th Report amino resin used to make formaldehyde also outgas formaldehyde irritation and long-term chronic on Cancer, National Toxicology Program in some building materials (e.g. wood). countertops, glues, fabrics. during use, however at a far lower rate exposure can damage to the central 1998.and http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/ Formaldehyde is produced industrially for index.cfm?objectid=32BA9724-F1F6has recently than urea formaldehyde-based Melamine products. formaldehyde nervous system and vision.9 Some of 975E-7FCE50709CB4C932. use as a preservative, disinfectant, and for been the products made with formaldehyde Some paints, adhesives and other wetintroduced as an alternative 5 Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Bruze M., the manufacturing of a number of glues, to UF and wood are chemicals of concern as well. Phenol applied products create formaldehyde as PF for composite Occupational Dermatosis in Composite resins, and other materials for building Production. J Occup Environ Med. April products. formaldehyde, for example, is listed as they cure. 1999, 41(4):261-6. products. For industrial scale production, a suspected immunotoxicant under the • Methylene diphenyl 6 Agencydiisocyanate for Toxics Substances and Methanol feedstock and heavy metal formaldehyde is manufactured from the National Institute of Health’s Database on Disease Registry Toxicological (MDI–CAS #101-68-8): used(ATSDR), directly in catalysts of formaldehyde manufacture oxidation of methanol (wood alcohol Profile for Formaldehyde, July 1999. Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational composite woodhttp://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofi and other products les/ notisknown remain present in the CAS No. 67-56-1),are which in turntoderived Diseases.10 as a binder or glue and as a building tp111.html. finalheavy product andsilver hence from fossil fuels. The metal is are considered 7 US EPA, 1996 National-Scale block material (feedstock) in the Air Toxics purely occupational exposure issues. one of the primary catalysts used in the Occupational exposures Assessment. http://www.epa.gov/ttn/ production of polyurethane (PU) for atw/nata. process. Other catalysts include a mixture Formaldehyde and methanol exposure LEED™ credits buildings that source both hard plastics and Air foams. 8 California Resources Board. Technical of metals, including iron oxide. are both problems in the workplace. Support Document: Final report on products without urea formaldehyde, the identification of Formaldehyde as The Occupational Safety andFormaldehyde Health two of the other products is ahowever, key component Health impacts a Toxic Air Contaminant. Sacramento, Administration (OSHA) has established described that are frequently used of several polymers used in here building CA: CARB. July 1992. http://www.arb. Cancer ca.gov/toxics/id/summary/formald.pdf. a formaldehyde standard for materials protectiveincluding as urea alternatives to UF (PF and melamine) formaldehyde, Formaldehyde is targeted forOrganization elimination 9 World Health “Health clothing and equipment thatphenol appliesformaldehyde still expose (PF—orusers moreto formaldehyde and and Safety Guide No. 105 Methanol” because it has been classifi ed as a known to all occupational exposurescommonly to (MDI) exposes workers to knownthe as third phenolic resin), International Programme on Chemical carcinogen by the State of California Safety, 1997. http://www.inchem.org/ Disease formaldehyde.11 The Center for formaldehyde. and melamine resin. It is also a building 2 documents/hsg/hsg/v105hsg.htm. and the World Health (Proposition 65) Control’s (CDC) National Institute blockfor in the manufacture of methylene 10 National Institute of Health, “Relational Organization (International Agency Resources Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI). Database of Hazardous Chemicals and 3 TheDiseases” National for Research on Cancer). Occupational http://hazmap. regulates occupational exposures to More information on formaldehyde, its • 13Urea Formaldehyde (UF–CAS nlm.nih.gov/hazmapadv.html. Institute of Health’s National Toxicology 12 formaldehyde and methanol. health impacts, and recent regulatory #9011-05-6): An amino resin widely 11 29 Code of Federal Regulations § 1910.1048. Program (NTP) states that formaldehyde actions to reduce emissions can be found 12 National Institute for Occupational used as a binder in composite wood is reasonably anticipated to be a human Indoor air quality and Safety and Health, “International in the PharosWiki entry on Formaldehyde4 products (particleboard, plywood, and carcinogen. Chemical Safety Card: Formaldehyde”. other user exposures at www.pharosproject.net/wiki/index. paneling), as well as in carpet; http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/ Formaldehyde is one of a group of php?title=Formaldehyde neng0275.html. Non-cancer • Phenol 13 National Institute for Occupational volatile organic compounds (VOCs) thatFormaldehyde (PF–CAS Formaldehyde causes eye, nose, and Safety and Health, “International Chemical #9003-35-4): Used as a binder in respiratory irritationSafety andCard: can be an Methanol. ” http://www.cdc. fiberglass batt insulation and in gov/niosh/npg/npgd0397.html. asthma trigger in sensitive individuals. composite wood products designed

Formaldehyde Found in Building Materials


Healthy Building Network, 2008

Written and produced by Healthy Building Network. Production funded by the Global Health and Safety Initiative with the support of Health Care Without Harm.

Formaldehyde can cause contact Formaldehyde can and cause contact contact help formassociated smog ground level ozone dermatitis, with an allergic dermatitis, associated with 5 an allergic h an allergic in the outdoor environment. Inside to of reaction to the chemical. In addition 5 In addition to reaction to the chemical. In addition to buildings, it is a growing threat to human its own toxic properties, formaldehyde its own toxic ormaldehyde health due toother its use informaldehyde a wideinrange can react withproperties, chemicals the of can react with other chemicals in the micals in the building and consumer products that 6 atmosphere to create carbon monoxide. 6 to create carbon monoxide. bon monoxide.6 atmosphere release it into the indoor air environment. It is designated a Hazardous Air Pollutant designated Hazardous Air Pollutant us Air Pollutant It byisthe US EPA asa one of the major Formaldehyde can of bethe released to the by the US EPA as one 7major e major toxic constituents of smog. In 1992, user from products treated directly with 7 In 1992, toxic constituents smog. listed g.7 In 1992, formaldehyde wasofformally by the formaldehyde, as fabrics, and from wassuch formally listed by the y listed by the formaldehyde California Air Resources Board (CARB) as products that use formaldehyde-based California Resources in Board (CARB)with as oard (CARB) as a toxic air Air contaminant California, binders. Urea formaldehyde continues contaminant in8California, with California, with anotoxic safeair level of exposure. to outgas formaldehyde 8 for years after no safe level of exposure. manufacture hasformaldehyde been a targetisof Methanol, fromand which Methanol, from which formaldehyde is maldehyde is green building programs and regulatory made, causes eye, skin and respiratory made, causes eye, skin and respiratory action. Products containing phenol d respiratory irritation and long-term chronic irritation and long-term chronic formaldehyde also outgas formaldehyde hronic exposure can damage to the central exposure can damage to central duringsystem use, however atthe a 9far lower he central Some ofrate nervous and vision. 9 9 Some of nervous system and vision. than urea formaldehyde-based products. n. Some of the products made with formaldehyde the products made with formaldehyde ormaldehyde paints, and other wet areSome chemicals ofadhesives concern as well. Phenol are chemicals of concern as well. Phenol as well. Phenol applied products create formaldehyde formaldehyde, for example, is listed as as formaldehyde, for example, is listed as e, is listed as they cure. a suspected immunotoxicant under the aNational suspected immunotoxicant under theon ant under the Institute of Health’s Database Methanol feedstock and heavy metalon Institute of Health’s Database h’s Database on National Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational catalysts of formaldehyde manufacture Hazardous Occupational Diseases.10 Chemicals and Occupational are not10known to remain present in the Diseases. final product and hence are considered Occupational exposures purely occupational exposures exposure issues. Occupational xposures Formaldehyde and methanol exposure Formaldehyde methanol nol exposure creditsand buildings thatexposure source areLEED™ both problems in the workplace. are both problems in the workplace. workplace. products without urea and formaldehyde, The Occupational Safety Health The Occupational and Health nd Health however, two(OSHA) ofSafety the other products Administration has established Administration (OSHA) hasfor established s established described here that are frequently used a formaldehyde standard protective aclothing formaldehyde standard for protective for protective as alternatives to UF (PFthat and melamine) and equipment applies clothing and equipment that applies hat applies expose usersexposures to formaldehyde and tostill all occupational to to all occupational exposures to 11 ures to the third (MDI)The exposes workers to Center for Disease formaldehyde. 11 The Center for Disease formaldehyde. er for Disease formaldehyde. Control’s (CDC) National Institute for Control’s (CDC)Safety National for nstitute for Occupational andInstitute Health (NIOSH) Resources Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health (NIOSH) Occupational regulates occupational exposures to regulates occupational exposures 12 13 to posures to More information formaldehyde, its and on methanol. formaldehyde 12 13 13 and methanol. formaldehyde anol. health impacts, and recent regulatory Indoor quality actions toair reduce emissionsand can be found Indoor air quality and y and other user exposures in the PharosWiki entry on Formaldehyde other user exposures sures at www.pharosproject.net/wiki/index. Formaldehyde is one of a group of Formaldehyde is one of a group of that group of php?title=Formaldehyde volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ds (VOCs) that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that

help form smog and ground level ozone ENDNOTES help form smogenvironment. and ground level ozone in 1the outdoor Inside of Formaldehyde (CAS No. 50-00-0) is in the outdoor environment. Inside of also known methylene buildings, itasismethanal, a growing threat to human oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, buildings, itto is its a growing to human health due use in a threat wide range of or oxomethane and has thein chemical health due to its use a wide range of building and consumer products that abbreviation HCHO. building consumer products that 2 California Environmental Protection release itand into the indoor air environment. Agency, Office ofthe Environmental release it into indoorHealth air environment. Hazard Assessment, “Safebe Drinking Formaldehyde can released to the Water and Toxic Enforcement Act Formaldehyde can be released to the user offrom products treated 1986—Chemicals Known to the directly with user from products treated directly with State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive formaldehyde, such as fabrics, and from Toxicity” March 2008. http://www. formaldehyde, such as fabrics, and from products that use formaldehyde-based oehha.org/prop65/prop65_list/ products that formaldehyde use formaldehyde-based binders. Urea continues files/032108list.pdf. binders. Urea formaldehyde continues International Agency for Researchfor years to3outgas formaldehyde after on Cancerformaldehyde (IARC), Monographs onfor ayears to outgas after manufacture and has been target of Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks for a target of manufacture and has been green building programs Humans—Formaldehyde. http:// and regulatory green building andphenol regulatory monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Meetings/88action. Productsprograms containing formaldehyde.pdf. action. Products containing phenol formaldehyde also outgas formaldehyde 4 National Institutealso of Health, 11th Report formaldehyde outgas formaldehyde during use,National however atProgram a far lower rate on Cancer, Toxicology during use, however at a far lower rate http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/ than1998. urea formaldehyde-based products. index.cfm?objectid=32BA9724-F1F6than urea formaldehyde-based products. Some paints, adhesives and other wet 975E-7FCE50709CB4C932. Some paints, adhesives and other wet as applied products create formaldehyde 5 Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Bruze M., applied products create formaldehyde as Dermatosis in Composite theyOccupational cure. Production. J Occup Environ Med. April they cure. 1999, 41(4):261-6. Methanol feedstock and heavy metal 6 Agency forfeedstock Toxics Substances and heavy metal Methanol and catalysts formaldehyde manufacture Disease of Registry (ATSDR), Toxicological catalysts of formaldehyde manufacture Profileknown for Formaldehyde, July 1999.present in the are not to remain http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofi les/ considered are knownand to remain present in the finalnot product hence are fipurely nal tp111.html. product and hence are considered occupational exposure issues. 7 US EPA, 1996 National-Scale Air Toxics purely occupational exposure issues. Assessment. http://www.epa.gov/ttn/ LEED™ credits buildings that source atw/nata. LEED™ credits buildings that source 8 California Air Resources Board. formaldehyde, Technical products without urea Support Document: Final report on products urea formaldehyde, however, without two of the other products the identification of Formaldehyde as however, two of the other productsused described thatSacramento, are frequently a Toxic Airhere Contaminant. described that used CA: CARB.here July 1992. http://www.arb. as alternatives to UFare (PFfrequently and melamine) ca.gov/toxics/id/summary/formald.pdf. as to UF (PF and melamine) stillalternatives expose users to formaldehyde and 9 World Health Organization “Health still expose users to formaldehyde the third (MDI) exposes workers toand and Safety Guide No. 105 Methanol” the third (MDI) exposes workers to International Programme on Chemical formaldehyde. Safety, 1997. http://www.inchem.org/ formaldehyde. documents/hsg/hsg/v105hsg.htm. Resources 10 National Institute of Health, “Relational Resources Database of Hazardous Chemicals and

More information on formaldehyde, its Occupational Diseases”on http://hazmap. More information formaldehyde, its health impacts, and recent regulatory nlm.nih.gov/hazmapadv.html. health impacts, and recent regulatory actions toof reduce emissions 11 29 Code Federal Regulations § 1910.1048.can be found actions to reduce emissions can be found National Institute for Occupational in 12 the PharosWiki entry on Formaldehyde Safety and Health, “International in the PharosWiki entry on Formaldehyde at www.pharosproject.net/wiki/index. Chemical Safety Card: Formaldehyde”. at www.pharosproject.net/wiki/index. php?title=Formaldehyde http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/ php?title=Formaldehyde neng0275.html. 13 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, “International Chemical Safety Card: Methanol.” http://www.cdc. gov/niosh/npg/npgd0397.html.

ENDNOTES ENDNOTES 1 Formaldehyde (CAS No. 50-00-0) is also known as (CAS methanal, methylene 1 Formaldehyde No. 50-00-0) is oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, also known as methanal, methylene or oxomethane and has the chemical oxide, oxymethylene, methylaldehyde, abbreviation HCHO. or oxomethane and has the chemical HCHO. 2 abbreviation California Environmental Protection Agency, Offi ce of Environmental Health 2 California Environmental Protection Hazard Assessment, “Safe Drinking Agency, Office of Environmental Health Water and Toxic Enforcement Act Hazard Assessment, “Safe Drinking of 1986—Chemicals Known to Water and Toxic Enforcement Actthe State to Cause CancerKnown or Reproductive of 1986—Chemicals to the Toxicity” MarchCancer 2008. or http://www. State to Cause Reproductive oehha.org/prop65/prop65_list/ Toxicity” March 2008. http://www. files/032108list.pdf. oehha.org/prop65/prop65_list/ les/032108list.pdf. 3 fiInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Monographs on 3 International Agency for Research Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risksonfor on Cancer (IARC), Monographs Humans—Formaldehyde. http:// Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks for monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Meetings/88Humans—Formaldehyde. http:// formaldehyde.pdf. monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Meetings/884 formaldehyde.pdf. National Institute of Health, 11th Report on Cancer,Institute NationalofToxicology Program 4 National Health, 11th Report 1998. http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/ on Cancer, National Toxicology Program index.cfm?objectid=32BA9724-F1F61998. http://ntp-server.niehs.nih.gov/ 975E-7FCE50709CB4C932. index.cfm?objectid=32BA9724-F1F65 975E-7FCE50709CB4C932. Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Bruze M., Occupational Dermatosis in Composite 5 Isaksson M, Zimerson E, Bruze M., Production. J Dermatosis Occup Environ Med. April Occupational in Composite 1999, 41(4):261-6. Production. J Occup Environ Med. April 6 1999, Agency41(4):261-6. for Toxics Substances and Disease for Registry Toxicological 6 Agency Toxics (ATSDR), Substances and Profile for Formaldehyde, July 1999. Disease Registry (ATSDR), Toxicological http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofi Profi le for Formaldehyde, July 1999.les/ tp111.html. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofi les/ 7 tp111.html. US EPA, 1996 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment. 7 US EPA, 1996http://www.epa.gov/ttn/ National-Scale Air Toxics atw/nata. http://www.epa.gov/ttn/ Assessment. 8 atw/nata. California Air Resources Board. Technical Support Document: FinalBoard. reportTechnical on 8 California Air Resources the identifi cation of Final Formaldehyde Support Document: report on as a Toxic Air Contaminant. Sacramento, the identifi cation of Formaldehyde as CARB. July 1992. http://www.arb. aCA: Toxic Air Contaminant. Sacramento, ca.gov/toxics/id/summary/formald.pdf. CA: CARB. July 1992. http://www.arb. 9 ca.gov/toxics/id/summary/formald.pdf. World Health Organization “Health Safety Guide No. 105 Methanol” 9 and World Health Organization “Health International Programme on Chemical and Safety Guide No. 105 Methanol” Safety, 1997. Programme http://www.inchem.org/ International on Chemical documents/hsg/hsg/v105hsg.htm. Safety, 1997. http://www.inchem.org/ 10 documents/hsg/hsg/v105hsg.htm. National Institute of Health, “Relational of Hazardous Chemicals and 10 Database National Institute of Health, “Relational Occupational Diseases”Chemicals http://hazmap. Database of Hazardous and nlm.nih.gov/hazmapadv.html. Occupational Diseases” http://hazmap. 11 nlm.nih.gov/hazmapadv.html. 29 Code of Federal Regulations § 1910.1048. 11 Code ofInstitute Federal Regulations § 1910.1048. 12 29 National for Occupational Safety and Health,for “International 12 National Institute Occupational Chemical Card: Formaldehyde”. Safety andSafety Health, “International http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/ Chemical Safety Card: Formaldehyde”. neng0275.html. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/ 13 neng0275.html. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, “International ChemicalSafety 13 National Institute for Occupational Methanol.” http://www.cdc. Safety Card:“International and Health, Chemical gov/niosh/npg/npgd0397.html. Safety Card: Methanol.” http://www.cdc. gov/niosh/npg/npgd0397.html.

Written and produced by Healthy Building Network. Production funded the Global SafetyNetwork. Initiative Written andby produced by Health Healthyand Building Written and produced by Healthy Building Network. with the of Health Without Harm. Production funded by support the Global Health Care and Safety Initiative Production funded by the Global Health and Safety Initiative with the support of Health Care Without Harm. with the support of Health Care Without Harm.

Healthy Building Network, 2008

Spring 2019

Perkins + Will, Healthy Environments: Strategies for Avoiding Flame Retardants in the Built Environment, 2014


Interior / Exterior Latex Paint

Fiberglass Insulation


Health Effects


Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxicant



(f )




(f )


Carcinogen, Asthmagen




Lead/Heavy Metals

Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxi- Banned (Added cant, Carcinogen, Developmental heavy metals) and Reproductive Toxicant


Banned (Added heavy metals)

Alkylphenol ethoxylates (including nonylphenol ethoxylates)(c)

Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxicant, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant

Banned (Nonylphenol ethoxylates)

Banned (Dec. 2019)



Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxicant, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant


(f )

(f )


Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxicant, Reproductive Toxicant


(f )

(f )


Carcinogen, Developmental and Banned Reproductive Toxicant, Endocrine Disruptor

(f )

(f )

Vinyl Chloride

Carcinogen, Mutagen


(f )

(f )

Coal Fly Ash

Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxi- Banned cant, Carcinogen, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant

(f )

(f )

Halogenated flame retardants (including brominated flame retardants)(c)

Persistent, Bioaccumulative Toxi- (h) cant, Carcinogen, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant

(f )


Antimony Trioxide

Carcinogen, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant

(f )


Isocyanates (b)




Table by Healthy Building Network, based on Home Depot Chemical Strategy released October 25, 2017

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Health effects taken from Pharos Chemical and Material Library, October 25, 2017. Home Depot also restricts formaldehyde emissions from laminate flooring to 0.0073 ppm or less, well below the State of California’s CARB 2 standard of 0.05 ppm. Different specific chemicals may have different associated hazards, but one or more chemicals in this class are known to have the hazards listed. Home Depot also eliminated phthalates from vinyl resilient flooring in 2015. Contains heavy metal impurities with the listed hazards. Not commonly present in this type of product. Occasionally present in this type of product as residuals of production. May be present as intentional substance in this type of product, but not banned by the Chemical Strategy.

Healthy Building Network, 2017

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