Healthy Start
of North Central Florida CoaliƟon
Volume 6, Issue 2
January 2014
A Le er from the Director Happy 2014! We had many accomplish‐ ments in 2013 and I’m eager to see what the year 2014 holds for the Central Healthy Start Coali on.
Most of us are well aware that changes are taking place across the state of Florida with Medi‐ caid Reform. Many programs and organiza ons will be affected by these changes, in‐ cluding Healthy Start.
The Florida Associa on of Healthy Start Coali ons (FAHSC) is and has been work‐ ing very closely with the De‐ partment of Health (DOH), the Agency for Healthcare Admin‐ istra on (AHCA) and the Man‐ aged Care Organiza ons to ensure that our mothers and babies con nue to receive the care they need during the transi on process. It is ex‐ tremely important that our mothers and babies con nue to have access to healthcare
during the state and federal healthcare reforms. Please re‐ member Healthy Start when speaking with your Florida Sen‐ ate members and House of Representa ves. We need help with the infrastructure building for changes resul ng in legisla‐ on for Medicaid Reform.
We’ll see you in February! Julie Moderie, MPH Program Director
Coali on Updates Board Director Openings
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Healthy Start of North Central Healthy Start of North Central Flor‐ Community Organiza on: Florida has a Facebook page! ida has a Pinterest account! To Member of a community agency Please visit us at the following link check out what we are pinning, or organiza on that has an inter‐ please visit us at est in maternal/child health issues. and “like” us!
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Advocacy: healthystartofnorthcentralfloridacoali on Member of an advocacy group Follow us on Twi er serving pregnant women and/or infants. Healthy Start of North Central Flor‐ If you know of anyone who may ida is on Twi er! If you would like be interested in joining our Board, to follow us, please visit us at the please Heather Hollingsworth at following link and click the “follow” bu on.
h ps://twi
Inside this issue:
Annual Report
Coali on staff completed the 2012 ‐2013 Annual Report and will be distribu ng them to our Legisla‐ tors, community members, Board Directors and contracted providers over the next several months.
Upcoming Quarterly Mee ngs
Last Quarter Highlights
Healthy Start Bulle n
Prenatal Screening Rates
Infant Screening Rates
Coali on Spotlight Contact Informa on
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Healthy Start of North Central Florida Coali
Last Quarter Highlights
First quarter report was submi ed to DOH. Monthly reports for September, October and November were submi ed to DOH. The quarterly e‐newsle er was issued in October. Service Delivery Plan was approved by the Board of Directors and submi ed to DOH. The Coali on held it’s quarterly Board mee ng on Thursday, December 12th at the Florida High School Athle c Associa on. The Service Provider Council met on Thursday, December 12th following the Coali on Board mee ng. Rebekah Blevins, a Putnam County Healthy Start consumer, was elected to serve on the Board of Directors. Coali on staff par cipated in the Parents As Teachers conference in Atlanta in October 2013.
Prenatal Screening Rates* Coali on Goal: 70%
July 2013— December 2013 Alachua County
795/1,460 = 54%
69/162 = 43% 310/438 = 71%
You have the highest Dixie County percentages of women Gilchrist County consen ng to screen! Hamilton County *Prenatal Screening Rate = Lafaye e County Total Consen ng to Screen / Es mated Number of Pregnant Levy County Women Marion County
55/81 = 68% 51/96 = 53% 68/85 = 80% 40/42 = 95% 130/204 = 64%
Healthy Start screening form is valuable for all mothers
1,188/1,748 = 68%
regardless of age,
Putnam County
205/460 = 45%
race or economic
Suwannee County
159/242 = 66%
Union County CoaliƟon Total State Total
45/100 = 45% 3,115/5,118 = 61% 79,629/112,901 = 71%
Infant Screening Rates* Coali on Goal: 85%
Comple ng the
July 2013—December 2013 North Florida Regional Med. Center (Alachua)
Shands at UF (Alachua) CONGRATULATIONS North Florida Regional Medical The Birth Center of Gainesville (Alachua) Center, Shands at LakeShore, and Putnam Birth and Beyond! Shands at Lakeshore (Columbia) You have the highest percentage Munroe Regional Medical Center (Marion)
1,417/1,419 = 100% 1,350/1,359 = 99% 9/12 = 75% 452/452 = 100%
of infants screened! *Infant Screening Rate = Total Screened / Total Infants
Putnam Birth and Beyond Putnam Community Medical Center (Putnam) Coali on Total State Total
1,222/1,228 = 99% 2/2 = 100% 214/226 = 95% 4,683/4,715 = 99% 106,865/112,901 = 95%
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VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2 Upcoming Quarterly Mee ngs Care Coordinator Unfunded Prenatal Care Execu ve Commi ee
Friday, February 7, 2014 @ 9:30 AM Thursday, February 20, 2014 @ 10:00 AM Thursday, February 20, 2014 @ 2:00 PM
Service Provider Council
Thursday, March 20, 2014 @ 1:00 PM
Board of Directors
Thursday, March 20, 2014 @ 2:00 PM
Healthy Start Bulle n The most recent edi on of the Healthy Start Bulle n featured topics such as: Breas eeding and the Working Mom; What to Expect—Your Baby at Six Months, Your Baby at One Year; Mom and Baby Exercises; What to Pack for the Hospital or Birth Center; Common Signs of Labor; Car Seat Safety for Babies Under Two; Fact Vs. Myth—Tobacco; and Daddy
Time—How to Change a Diaper. We hope everyone enjoys the bulle n! This bulle n does replace our previous newsle er, For Starters. If you need copies of the bulle n for your Healthy Start par cipants or clients, please contact our Community Liaison, Karen Woulf, at
Coali on Spotlight: Legisla ve Priori es for Healthy Start Florida Associa on of Healthy Start Coali ons (FAHSC) has put together our 2014 Legisla ve Priori es that can be used when talking to our Legislators on behalf of Healthy Start.
Increase in Healthy Start Ser‐ vices Funding. Funding in‐ crease of $2.5 million to Healthy Start program services as recurring funds to protect Florida’s babies and reduce im‐ mediate and future costs. This will allow Healthy Start to pro‐ vide services to 8,670 addi on‐ al pregnant women and infants, including those at the most in‐ tensive risk level.
Assistance with Infrastructure Building for Mandates of Medicaid Reform. $2.5 mil‐ lion in funding to for fy the Healthy Start Coali ons for the mandates associated with the expansion of Medicaid Reform including forma on of an Ad‐ ministra ve Services Organiza‐ on (ASO), Quality Assurance for Medicaid Managed Care Organiza ons, and a produc‐ ve new data system. These mandates are outlined in the language of CSHB 7107.
Expand Funding for Fetal and Infant Mortality Reviews (FIMR). Resources provided to expand and fund a FIMR project to 22 Healthy Start Coali ons. Local FIMR teams and profes‐ sionals review infant deaths to determine cause and make rec‐ ommenda ons to reduce future risk. Of 33 Healthy Start catch‐ ment areas, currently only elev‐ en receive funding for this na‐ onally recognized model. Funding of $1.07 million would allow expansion of the present system and add 11 addi onal FIMR teams throughout Florida.
Coali on Staff Julie Moderie Program Director
Kendra Auguste MIECHV Program Planner
Debora Bland QA Specialist
Alachua County, Stacy Morgan 352.314.6933
Rebekah Blevins Consumer
Bradford County, Maricelis Wood 904.964.7732
Sarah Catalano o, Treasurer Suwannee River Area Health Educa‐ on Center
Columbia County, Susie Tyson 386.758.1065 Dixie County, Yvonne Rodriguez 352.498.9959
Fay Davis Senior Planner
Olga Garcia QA Specialist
Gilchrist County, Kathie Cooper 352.463.6252 Hamilton County, Susie Tyson 386.234‐0560 Lafaye e County, Colleen Cody 386.294.1321
Levy County, Diane Wilson Heather Hollingsworth 352.486.5300 Associate Planner Marion County, Lynne Hough 352.629.0137 Vicci Mills Putnam County, Randy Terry MIECHV Comm. Specialist 386.326.7391 Suwannee County, Colleen Cody Heather Rogers 386.362.2708 Contract Manager
Karen Woulf Community Liaison
Shelly Vickers QA Specialist
Roseann Fricks Early Learning Coali on Marion County
Mona Gil de Gibaja Consultant
Shirley Lick Shands Lakeshore
Mary Peoples‐Sheps, President UF College of Public Health and Health Professions
Board of Directors
Care Coordinators
Union County, Cindy Kent 386.496.3211
Ellen Prosser RN, Past‐President Munroe Regional Medical Center
Julie Samples, Vice President North Florida Regional Medical Center
Cathy Winfrey, Secretary Healthy Families Alachua
MomCare Program 352.334.8810
Phone: 352‐313‐6500 Fax: 352‐313‐6515
1785 NW 80th Blvd, Gainesville, FL 32606