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InnoCaption provides easy, fast and accurate real-time call captioning to your deaf and hard of hearing patients. When you recommend InnoCaption, it gives patients a critical tool to help stay connected and conduct phone calls with confidence Whether it's to make calls to friends and family, on-the-job, or to assist with communication during an emergency, InnoCaption’s service is life-changing and empowering for the deaf and hard of hearing community.
dear editor: What a terrific magazine! I’m delighted to get the newest Winter 2023 edition of Hearing Health. I’ve been wearing hearing aids since 2001 and have upgraded them as my hearing declines.
Recently I have been appointed to my church’s Worship Team, focusing on hearing issues, and two particular articles really relate to my situation.
The article “Not Everyone Qualifies for OTC Hearing Aids” is wonderful as well as exactly what people who are just starting their hearing journey need to read. I would like to buy some reprints of the article to hand out to the people who ask me about OTC aids. Is this possible?
And the article titled “Educate, Educate, and Advocate, Advocate” contains very important information for the people with whom I work. Could I buy some reprints of this, too?
I’m delighted to have found your publication! Thanks for all the pertinent information. (I never even heard the word “misophonia” before, let alone know how to treat it.)
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Susan Monroe North Carolina
from the editor: We fully appreciate this wonderful letter! We encourage our readers to freely make copies of the articles they want to share with their community, citing Hearing Health Foundation as the source (and our website hhf.org). If you email editor@hhf.org we can send PDFs that may be easier to copy.
To read the Winter 2023 issue and all our past issues, please see hhf.org/magazine.
We are thrilled that after following up with Susan by email, she shared her own story—with lots of humor and candor—on page 23.
on the industry. The jury is still out on that.
Along with valuable information is always the realization that even with my corrected moderate hearing loss that occasionally causes me minor frustrations, I have absolutely no tinnitus and none of the other severe hearing problems mentioned in every issue that can and do seriously impact the quality of life.
It reminds me what I already know—that I have a blessed life at age 79-plus. It also jogs my memory to remind me that that a rock and roll palace (a former roller skating rink) with large loudspeakers every few feet was partially responsible for my hearing loss… learned too little too late.
Thanks again for your excellent magazine.
John Morrison
Michigan dear editor: I read Pat Dobbs’ story “Let’s Remember No One Hears Perfectly” in the Spring 2022 issue and have to admit, I’ve tried many of her techniques. I plan to start looking for quiet spots in the future as well.
Typically, when I encounter a new person, I debate whether I’ll let them know that I’m wearing hearing aids and hear poorly. If I decide to keep it a “secret” sometimes I regret my decision as the conversation progresses. At that point I say, “I wear hearing aids and hear poorly, you’re probably picking up on that.” It’s a fun way to put out the information.
Thomas Silveria
dear editor: I have been receiving your magazine for about five years and never an issue goes by without several very helpful articles. Good one this Winter 2023 issue on OTC hearing aids. Been wondering about their impact
We always appreciate hearing from our community with any and all types of feedback. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Please email us at editor@hhf.org.