P hy s ic s AS/A le ve l Entry Requirements 5 GCSE grades A* - C or equivalent (expected) including Mathematics, English, and Science GCSE BB (higher tier) Triple or Additional Science. Physics is a subject which allows you to explore the building blocks of the universe. You will come to understand how and why the world and everything around you behaves as it does. Through experimentation and theory, you will learn to explore and communicate ideas. Achieving a good grade in Physics, when combined with other appropriate A level subjects, can help you go on to further study or get into careers such as food scientist, climatologist, radiographer, ergonomics expert, geophysicist, pilot, oceanography, audio technician, engineering. Course Outline AS Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: A2
Unit 4: Fields; Further Mechanics Unit 5: Unit 6:
Assessment AS Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Controlled assessment (20% of AS, 10% of A2) A2
Unit 4: Fields and Further Mechanics Unit 5: Unit 6: Internal Assessment (10%of A2 level)
Sixth Form Centre For further information please contact
Ms J Clegg