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Giving is indeed receiving when it comes to volunteer work Did you know?

Giving is indeed receiving when it comes to volunteer work


Senior Services Director of Education & Community Outreach

We’ve all heard the phrase, “As you give, you get,” or variations on that theme. Evidence is mounting that this maxim is backed up by fact. In particular, I am referring to the act of volunteering and its role and benefit in numerous areas of our lives. So, what are these benefits?

A recent study from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh researched people over the age of 50 and found that those who regularly volunteered were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who did not volunteer.

Now, you might think that the extra pressure of being busy with volunteer efforts would create stress, but the evidence tells us just the opposite. Volunteering increasingly is shown to reduce stress. Let’s look at why that may be. • Many volunteer jobs add an element of physical activity into your day. Exercise is a proven stress-buster.

• Volunteering helps you meet and connect with others, and social connections are crucial to our sense of well-being. • Helping someone else can give you perspective when you see others with greater difficulties than you. It may also reinforce a sense of gratitude for what you have and what you are able to do.

• Focusing on helping others allows you to not worry about your own frustrations and struggles for a time. • Most importantly, making a difference in the life of another person gives a sense of continued meaning and purpose in your life.

So, how much volunteering is enough? The Carnegie Mellon study found that 200 hours a year -- less than four hours a week -- was ideal. Other studies have shown that as little as 100 hours a year has benefits. In addition to the Carnegie Mellon study, other recent research expands on the benefits of doing good for others. The Longevity Study showed that people who volunteered regularly lived longer than those who did not. If that is not enough, the Doing Good is Good for You: 2013 Health and Volunteering Study, published by UnitedHealth Group and the Optum Institute, found that volunteers felt better physically, mentally and emotionally, were better able to manage and lower stress, felt more deeply connected to others, and were more engaged in managing their own health than non-volunteering counterparts.

There you have it. Volunteering helps you live longer, better and healthier! So, what are we waiting for? Find ways to help someone, someplace, in some way. Opportunities abound, from driving for Senior Services, to reading to disadvantaged kids, to knitting hats for cancer patients. Tap into your talents, skills, or the simple gift of your presence, and evidence shows you will richly receive as you give. Call Allison Rossi Utter, Volunteer & Community Outreach Manager, at 989-633-3741 to inquire about all of the wonderful volunteer opportunities available at Senior Services.

Sarah is a Trailside Meals on Wheels volunteer driver.

Did you know?

Getting out and about is a vital component of many seniors’ daily lives, but it’s important that aging men and women recognize how much exercise is healthy for them. The Department of Health & Human Services notes that adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy. That mix should be a combination of moderate-intensity aerobic activities, which can include golfing, swimming and even gardening, and muscle strengthening activities like weightlifting that make the muscles work harder than usual. The DHHS recommends adults combine 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week with at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that these guidelines are safe for individuals who are 65 and older, generally fit and have no limiting health conditions. Individuals who do not fit that criteria should consult with their physicians before beginning a new exercise regimen, as it’s possible that they could be putting their health at considerable risk if they attempt to follow guidelines designed for people who are generally fit. It’s also important that healthy seniors avoid overdoing it in regard to exercise. Though the DHHS suggestions are the minimum recommendations, going too far beyond those guidelines without first consulting a physician could increase seniors’ risk for injury, illness or even death. 18 Senior Scope • May / June 2022

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