ALT/EDW - Extraordinary Educators - July 13, 2023

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JULY 13, 2023
Extraordinary Educators
2 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Mr. Jeffrey Ogle Roxana Senior High School

He is a phenomenal teacher, coach, and overall an amazing person. He truly cares for his students and prepares them for life after high school!

Allison Kane St. Ambrose Catholic School

She is the most amazing teacher my son has ever had! She makes learning fun, and most importantly builds up their self esteem along the way! She is simply amazing!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Bridget Kenney Alton High

Ms. Kenney works in the Special Ed Department teaching Math. She pours her heart and soul into her work and her students. She’s innovative. She’s also a disciplinarian while being caring and empathetic.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Emily Zipprich East Alton Wood River CHS

Emily goes above and beyond for her students and the faculty she leads. She is always willing to make an extra effort to ensure students have what they need and families are involved in all decisions for the students. She loves the classroom more than the paperwork but somehow she does it all seamlessly.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 3 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Nick Dorsey East Wood Elementary

Kelly Eberlin

Roxana Junior High

This teacher is amazing! My son has autism. He hated school last year. He had ran from class 22 times. His self esteem and confidence was low. I fought him daily to get on the bus, get up in the morning. Mentioning school made him sad/angry. Not this

year!! Every day Mr. Dorsey has the kids check in on dojo and there are “how are you feeling” affirmations, make it positive. At first it was I am happy I have a dog. Nothing about school. Within the first week I saw hope in his affirmations. Fast forward to today. I am happy I am in school. I am happy I am in this class. I am happy I have 10,0000000 things to do (he hated school work now loves it) I am happy we get to do science I am happy I have you! I am happy he has Mr. Dorsey too. You sir have changed my sons life and mine. You have given him a love for school and have made this little boy happy. Thank you Mr.Dorsey for giving me hope too.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Eberlin is a 6th grade math teacher and junior high cross country coach. You can easily tell that she loves her job because she exudes enthusiasm and energy in both her teaching and coaching. All the kids love her, and she is the teacher they always come back to visit after they leave 6th grade. She helps the students build confidence and spends time listening to them divulge their struggles and finds ways to help them both in the classroom and out of the classroom. It is because of her that my daughter (who was a very shy, scared 6th grader) is now a more confident 8th grader who gets straight A’s and is a fast cross country runner and a fast track runner. She is everyones’ cheerleader, and she is available for her students day and night. There is nothing she wouldn’t do to assist her students.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to all our Extraordinary Educators!

4 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Sandy Erzen Trimpe Middle School

Sandy Erzen is an outstanding educator in the Bethalto District, currently an assistant principal at Trimpe Middle School. Previously, she had been the Dean of Students at both Trimpe Middle School and Civic Memorial High School. Sandy makes it a priority to get to know each student, she is a listening ear in times of both sorrow and achievement. Not only does she love and support but she also holds students accountable and builds high standards within students to help each individual succeed. Erzen educates from the heart, if there was anyone truly born to be an educator it is, without a doubt, Sandy Erzen.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mary Lauwerens Carlinville High School

Mary is an extraordinary educator. She has spent her career supporting students in the classroom, as well as in the extracurricular realm. Mary has a passion for Mathematics. She works hard to help students overcome their insecurities, and helps them build confidence while working on their math skills. Mary makes a difference every day by being there for her students, families, and colleagues.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Shelby Norris Civic Memorial

Shelby Norris is one amazing person!She will always help you in anyway she can, she try’s her best to help you find a solution to every problem there is! She is a assistant principal at civic memorial!She is definitely one of the most amazing people at CM!Shelby will always try and get in anyway she can to solve something which is very nice she will try and get to know you as much as she can!She will always listen to you as long as you need her to,she loves to hear stories about your life or anything that you just want to get off your chest she will always be there for you!Norris is one special person in many life’s once you get to know her you will talk to her all the time!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Shelly Gentelin Evangelical

Mrs. Gentelin goes above and beyond when it comes to teaching! She makes learning come to life! When learning about bats she transforms the classroom into a cave and the kids do their work by lantern light! She reads great books, plans amazing celebrations, and loves her students well! She loves them not just in the classroom but outside of it! Attending past and current students soccer games and birthday parties! Almost daily my daughter reads the incredibly thoughtful birthday book she had the class create for her! We feel so blessed to have had her!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 5 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Mr. Shelly Gentelin Evangelical School

Lori Schmidt Wolf Ridge Education Center

Mrs. Gentelin is like a Miss Honey in my child’s eyes! She is sweet, personable and loves the kids in her class. She has a way of exciting them and making them feel loved and welcome. My son comes home from school so eager to share with me his day, what fun they’ve had and how Mrs. Gentelin has taught him something new! He is encouraged by her positive “brag tags” in the classroom. He looks for ways to earn these and

in return it really is helping him to be excited to share, help others and be the best kid he can be! My son has been so excited to learn sign language too. You see, Mrs. Gentelin goes out of her way to find creative ways to help her beginning readers understand letters, sounds and blends. She does this by incorporating pictures, games, and sign language! Everyday my child is happy to go to school and learn. Her passion for teaching is evident in the way she makes learning fun! Through my sons young eyes and happiness in her class, I can see how she eludes her positivity and love for students and teaching! Thank you Mrs. Gentelin for always making your kids feel recognized and important! In addition, as a parents I appreciate her weekly newsletters, friendly smiles at pickup and communication with us! We hope you know, you are important and are recognized too!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Lori Schmidt is an excellent middle school teacher teaching English Language Arts, Literature, and so much more to her 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students in our rural, Title I school. I have always heard that it takes a special person to be a junior high teacher. I find that to be true in every way when observing Mrs. Schmidt interacting with her students. Mrs. Schmidt teaches with humor and uses that humor to build positive relationships with all her students. She goes out of her way to get to know her students by greeting them at the door as they enter, talking with them in the hallways, and attending their outside of school events. She knows her students, their likes and dislikes, their fears and insecurities, and their accomplishments and strengths. When a teacher truly takes the time to get to know students, they know it and then want to respond positively. Mrs. Schmidt uses the positive relationships she forms with students to her benefit and the benefit of our students in the classroom enabling her to push them to meet their fullest potential. Better yet, Mrs. Schmidt knows what that potential is and knows she needs to use different strategies to empower different students to get there. Students are often visiting Mrs. Schmidt after they have moved on to high school. This shows that Mrs. Schmidt’s impact on our students’ lives does not stop during their junior high years.

Mrs. Schmidt is also an expert in her field with many years of expertise. Despite being in her final four years of teaching, Mrs. Schmidt is constantly bringing me new ideas and implementing new resources in her classroom. Just this year, Mrs. Schmidt has started new student jobs in her

literature circles to encourage more independence and student-led learning. A student told me, “Mrs. Schmidt trusts us with our jobs and our group doesn’t want to let her down.” Mrs. Schmidt fosters the type of classroom where everyone knows the learning goals and wants to be better. Mrs. Schmidt brings these same innovative ideas and eagerness to grow to our entire school, too. She is a leader on our junior high team organizing collaboration meetings and common junior high incentives. She developed a point system for our junior high that enabled all teachers to comment on what they are seeing in the classroom with regards to certain students. This allowed us to have important dialogue about what we are seeing, have crucial conversations with parents, and then come together as a team to develop a plan for specific students’ needs. This also encouraged and awarded positive behavior, ensured all students had an adult they had a positive relationship with, and enabled us to target assistance to those that need it most to prevent problematic behavior. This has helped shape the positive culture of our junior high in so many ways. Mrs. Schmidt is the go-to for organizing, planning, and ensuring we understand what is going on in the lives of our junior high students so that we can help them in any way needed. Earlier in the school year, we had a student that just moved in with many traumatic experiences going on in their life. Mrs. Schmidt reached out to the guardians, reached out to the student, and then reached out to me and the rest of our staff to ensure that this student had the needed supports both in and outside of school to be successful. Mrs. Schmidt is very deserving of this award. I have very high expectations of the teachers that work in my building. Many of our excellent teachers have never received any awards except for the great reward that comes with teaching in the form of student notes of thanks, parent praise, or an excellent on that evaluation. I know you are probably getting many other nominations. I encourage you to pick someone that is not from the largest district, someone not from a wealthy school, someone not with an abundance of resources and with students that have those same resources, too. Please choose a Lori Schmidt. Choose a teacher that teaches without and still is able to do so much. Thank you for your consideration.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

6 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Bernard Long Madison Jr/Sr High School

They have done so much for the school, and has given his students such wonderful opportunities

Mrs. Katie Snider

South Primary Elementary

Mrs. Snider is the Special Education teacher at South Primary Elementary in South Roxana, Illinois. She has made all of the difference in our lives with the love and passion she has for educating children. The advances and strides our two boys have made having her as their teacher is only one testimony out of her decades of service to the community. Mrs. Snider’s passion and dedication to her craft is truly inspiring. Our community is a better place because of the efforts she makes every day to educate her students.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Beth Burrow Greenfield High School

Mrs. Burrow is the Ag teacher at GHS. She has worked tirelessly to build a program that is the envy of the area. She has expanded the facilities to include an upgraded Metals shop, greenhouse, FFA plot and most recently, an FFA Farm where students receive hands on experience raising animals. Students renovated and maintain the facility. Greenfield students get a complete agriculture experience thanks to the countless opportunities and time provided by our outstanding Ag teacher, Beth Burrow!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Ketterer

East Alton Middle School

Mrs. Ketterer does an amazing job of helping the 6th grade. She always makes sure her students are learning and having fun in her classes. She does fun art projects and makes class fun. She loves dressing up and making her students laugh.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 7 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Jessica Huebner

Wolf Ridge Education Center

Stephanie Hawk Killion Lewis and Clark Community College

Mrs. Huebner is every kindergarten parents’ dream! She is also every kindergarten students’ dream and administrator’s dream! The parents of her kindergarten classroom stay constantly informed and are brought into the education process on a daily basis. She uses Facebook live videos so that parents can truly see what is happening in the classroom. She communicates with families constantly to ensure that they feel included and are confident in the care and education their child is receiving. Mrs. Huebner’s students are equally blessed to have her as a teacher.

She dresses up, plays fun games, dances, and shows a genuine passion and excitement for whatever lesson or learning is happening on any given day. Mrs. Huebner is a kid, herself. She wears the goggles during science experiments, gets dirty and messy with them during art time, and acts out math to make it more fun for them. The students in Mrs. Huebner’s classroom are learning tons, but they would never know it. To them, they are just having fun with the teacher that loves them. That is the true art of a kindergarten teacher. Kindergarten teachers make learning seem like a game and they are the cheapest, but best, actresses of all time! Mrs. Huebner puts on a show each day for her kindergarten students. They want to be here at school. They don’t want to miss the show. That show is learning. I hope you will consider Mrs. Huebner who has a true passion for teaching and learning for this award. (I am doubt she will win an Oscar despite her best efforts so this will do.)

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Amazing college math teacher! The level of engagement, support and desire for student success is immeasurable. She is understanding and realistic. She made learning easy. So easy that I’ve taken 3 of her classes! I wanted to celebrate her with all of you! I can’t thank you enough for all you have done, Stephanie!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Shelly Gentelin Evangelical

Mrs. Gentelin is truly a once in a lifetime kind of teacher. She is so patient and loving. My son absolutely adored her. He would come home every day with something new and exciting they did in class. Not only is Mrs. Gentelin amazing inside the classroom but outside as well. She attended student soccer games, answered emails and texts on her own time, and spends countless hours of her personal times loving her students. She spent hours and hours extra with me working with my son to get him educational evaluations and the help he needed. We wouldn’t be where we are today without her love and passion for teaching!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

8 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Bernard Long Madison Senior High School

Mr long is one of the best and supportive band director I’ve ever met he’s willing to go above and beyond for anyone with musical talent and works his hardest to teach those who have yet to tap into it. There is an endless amount of positivity that he generates he is one of the greatest teachers I will ever meet and respect the most

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Randi Smith Eastwood

Helped my kiddo love school and made the transition into learning so smooth. Love love love Ms. Smith!!

Michael Adams Wolf Ridge Education Center

Mr. Adams is a phenomenal band/music instructor. He has high expectations of his students and his students work hard for him due to the great level of mutual respect he has built with his students. The bonds he forms with his students last a lifetime and the lessons he teaches reach well beyond the music/band room walls. Mr. Adams uses humor and innovative practices to ensure his students reach their fullest potential and have fun while getting there. He spends everyday after school working with students one-on-one or in small groups to better their abilities. Mr. Adams takes great pride in the band/music program he has built in our district. It is truly amazing!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Kim Viviano North Elementary

She is always smiling and so positive and patient with her students.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 9 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Dawn Gockel

Wolf Ridge Education Center

Ms. Gockel made the most tremendous impact on both of my boys during their third grade year and even still to this day as they are now older. What is truly amazing is that this sentiment is not unique to my two boys. As Principal, I hear this same sentiment time and time again from the parents of our students. “Ms. Gockel knows my child better than I do.” “My kids still argue about who is Ms. Gockel’s favorite.” These are just some of the many comments I hear from the parents at our school. More so, I have heard it from community members that are now adults that had Ms. Gockel when they were younger as a teacher. Her impact goes beyond this school and lasts a lifetime. While Ms. Gockel does some pretty amazing academic lessons, it is the positive relationship and bond she forms with her students that truly makes a difference. Each student in Ms. Gockel’s class feels like they are Ms. Gockel’s favorite. That must be a pretty special place to learn.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Thank you!

Kristi Doering Alton High School

Krist is the most talented Theater Educator Alton Little Theater has every worked with. She inspires her students and prepares them for Artistic and Technical careers in the Arts! And she supports students doing internships with ALT!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Jamie Secor Berry Roxana

Jamie gives a 100% to her students. She always goes the extra mile putting her students needs first. Jamie puts the relationship with the students as a priority building that special bond. She makes a huge difference in the lives of others daily!!!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

10 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Christine Mattis

St. Francis Holy Ghost

Ms. Mattis is an exceptional 7th and 8th grade math teacher whose knowledge and love of math are passed on to her students. She not only helps her students learn math skills but she helps them build confidence in themselves. She goes above and beyond by hosting a math club in the summer and tutoring students before and after school. SFHG is lucky to have such an amazing teacher!

Renea Wilhite Wilbur Trimpe

Mrs. Wilhite does an amazing job teaching Eagle Academy to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. She has a big heart for her students and it shows she cares. She is always there for her students no matter how big or small the need may be. She is one that always has an ear to lend or shoulder to cry on. She has made a difference in the lives of students in her first year at the middle school. Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary

Lisa Lovett Alton Middle School

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators! Congratulations to one of our

Mrs. Lovett has been a pillar of her community for years. She taught my son who just needed stern guidance, and someone who believes in him. With her love and patience she has helped him so much. I truly believe she should be recognized for all the hard work she does for my child and everyone else’s.

July 13, 2023 • 11 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer
Tom Lane, Agent 115 W. Bethalto Blvd Bethalto, IL 62010 (616) 377-8912 w w Community means everything. That’s why I’m pround to be here to help life go right”and support the Riverbend Communities. If there’s anything you need, call me.

Breanna Hamilton Trimpe Middle School

Breanna has been a blessing to my daughter and her math skills. She has taken time and gotten my daughter to love math again. She has also seen my daughter’s potential and gives her the tools she needs to be successful. Breanna is a fantastic math teacher and a positive influence on her students.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Kristen Wieneke Jerseyville Middle School

My son said she is a great teacher. My son never liked science until Mrs. Wieneke’s class. Thank you for all you do!!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Angie Garrett Gilson Brown Elementary

Angie has been a special Education Teacher for 34 years. She is a kind, caring, and supportive teacher. She is not only there for her students she is there for her co-workers as well.

Riley Canania Alton Middle School

He’s an awesome 6th grade teacher and I really appreciate him. He’s really great. He’s only been kind to us since day one.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

12 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer
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Mrs. Kelly Slayden Hartford Elementary

Mrs. Kelly is the most caring and supportive teacher! She does an amazing job in the classroom, but also attends all of the extra events and the kids absolutely love that! She also goes above and beyond to help in all situations presented. We LOVE Mrs. Kelly!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Chris Coles Roxana

Ms. Coles is so caring. She is always enthusiastic, uplifting and happy to be around. She is the type you can tell anything to. Everyone wants to go to her classroom.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Hilary Duncan Lincoln Middle School

Mrs. Duncan always greets us at the door and is excited to see her students each day. Her science class is engaging, and she does the best labs. Not only does she make Science fun, but she also makes us feel heard and loved. I want to be a teacher because of Mrs. Duncan.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

14 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Mrs. Kristen Toner Roxana South Primary

Mrs. Toner was my son’s Kindergarten teacher. She was sweet and caring and attentive to all our needs. It was a tough year to start kindergarten after living through covid. No norm in the classroom. Many behaviors to navigate. She was always available for me, even over the silliest concerns. She set the bar high for following teachers and will always have a special place in our hearts.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Dot Kraus Glen Carbon Elementary

She is a great communicator. She made the transition to kindergarten easy for both kids and parents. She made learning fun!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Janice Fee Meadowbrook Intermediate

Mrs Fee is fabulous. She has taught in Bethalto for many years and touched the life’s of so many students. Her love for her job exceeds in and out of the classroom. Mrs fee attends any activities her students are in. The one thing I especially admire about her is that each and every student is treated equally no matter who they are.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Ruth Shipley Goshen Elementary

It has been 3 years since our daughter was in Mrs. Shipley’s preschool class at Goshen, but everything she did for her during those years she had her, were truly such amazing building blocks for the years that have followed. Her approach to teaching and molding these preschoolers is truly unique and something they will carry the rest of their lives.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 15 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Nicole Heap Edwardsville High School

Ms. Heap was my school mom in my last two years of high school. I’ve never met another woman so caring and loving to her students. Because of her and her class I got through some really tough times. I strive to be as good of a daycare teacher as she was my child development teacher. She will always hold a place in my heart.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Lauren Heigert Albert Cassens Elementary

She’s that one teacher that will go above and beyond for her students my son in now a freshman and still she checks on him and that just makes her that extra special and a awesome teacher plus she has the cutest family

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Wendy Adams Woodland Elementary School

She is so amazing and caring! Made me love the 3rd grade!

Lisa Patterson Silver Creek Elementary - Triad District

Mrs. Patterson’s love and dedication for her students is so apparent every single day! She makes learning so much fun for her first-grade students and is constantly coming up with creative ways to keep it exciting. She takes time to connect with each of her students and does a fantastic job working in partnership with the parents of her students. She is a world class educator and an absolute gem!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

16 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

Jason Maclin Silvercreek Elementary School

Mr. Maclin has gone above and beyond to make our daughter feel comfortable, confident, and cared for! The beginning of the year was a tough start but he made sure to check in with her and report back to us. Had always made her feel important and we adore him! Sad to leave his class this year.

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

Mrs. Shelly Gentelin Evangelical School

Mrs. Gentelin is a rare find in the education world. She works diligently to provide creative ways to help our students learn each day. From coming up with songs, to making dances, to drawing pictures to playing games…she surely has a creative soul! My child has enjoyed being in her class so much! She makes him feel loved, understood, & valued. She does this for all her students. One day at a time she finds ways

Mrs. Victoria Voumard Edwardsville High School

They are one of the reasons I am so I am today!! Thanks for being an inspiration Mrs.V!!!!!!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

to make them feel special & allow their creativity to flow! I love that she challenges my child & instills confidence & kindness. I enjoy listening to my son come home & share his excitement about what activity they did; how he learned to spell multiple words, how he knows how to read that sentence or understands those math facts because of Mrs. Gentelin’s kind practice. She is a rockstar! Teaching kindergarteners is no easy feat, but she puts in the time & effort to find ways to help each student in their own way! I also admire her willingness to be vulnerable & silly in front of her students. I value her communication with us parents & take pride in knowing my child was lucky enough to have her as his teacher! This starts his foundation of education & shapes his attitude of school. Luckily, he has been guided by the BEST teacher! Thank you Mrs. Gentelin!

Congratulations to one of our Extraordinary Educators!

July 13, 2023 • 17 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer

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Extraordinary Educators

18 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer
July 13, 2023 • 19 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer
20 • July 13, 2023 Extraordinary Educators Alton Telegraph & Edwardsville Intelligencer 2450 N. Henry Street • Alton, Illinois 62002 | 618-462-3205 |
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