2023 HDT Top 50

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May 13, 2023

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 2 | May 13, 2023 Visit midmich.edu/summe on Congratulations Congratulations our achievement ions eg Email admissions@midmich.edu Tex t (989) 444-5967 | Call (989) 386-6661 Contact Admissions today! Visit midmich.edu/fall-reg to get started. Ma ke me a n in gf ul progres s towa rd you r goa l wh il e savi ng t i me a nd mon e y at Mid . In fact , stud en ts sa ve, on a vera ge, over $16 ,000 on th eir ba ch elor ’s de gree by sta rti ng w i th two years at Mi d. No mat ter your destin a tio n, Mid ca n be a pa rt of you r jou rn e y. Fa l l Re gis t ra tion is now op en for on lin e a n d in- per so n cou r se s. Cour ses be gin August 28. Re gister Toda y!

Michael Jacobs

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Sebewaing

Parents: Scot and Bobbie Jo Jacobs

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society president, Rotary Interact, Youth in Government, basketball, cross country, basketball, track and field, marching band, concert band.

Community Activities: Coin drive, helped set up and run the middle school track meets, coached third through sixth graders at the USA basketball camp, volunteered at our elementary school.

Future Plans: Plans on attending the University of Michigan.

Mikel Good

Laker High School

Hometown: Caseville

Parents: Jon and Kim Good

Extra Curricular Activities: Football, basketball, baseball, FFA, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society, student council, Rotary Interact, Youth Advisory Committee, robotics.

Community Activities: Pigeon River Mennonite Church, Shammah Outreach Ministries, Rosedale International City Challenge, Youth for Christ, youth sports camps, elementary reading program, Thumb breadbasket and blood drives.

Future Plans: Attend Michigna State University and obtain a degree in mechanical engineering.

Clare Batzer Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Katie and David Batzer

Extra Curricular Activities: During high school, I have been an an active member of the Bad Axe marching and concert bands as well as the drama program. I have also served as the vice president of the National Honor Society.

Community Activities: Through the National Honor Society, I have participated in a variety of service projects aimed at community improvement.

Future Plans: In the fall, I plan to attend the University of Michigan to study history.

Maze Gusa

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ubly

Parents: Andy and Jeanne Gusa

Extra Curricular Activities: FFA, cross country, basketball, track, NHS, NTHS and FCCLA.

Community Activities: Huron County Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Committee, St. John’s Catholic youth group and Bad Axe Free Methodist youth group.

Future Plans: Northwood University, hospitality management with hopes of becoming an event planner.

Tatum Boyce

Laker High School

Hometown: Caseville

Parents: Brant and Bradi Boyce

Extra Curricular Activities: Varsity girls soccer, varsity girls basketball, National Honor Society, club soccer, exchange student (four months in Italy), FFA, Science Olympiad.

Community Activities: Community service, Special Olympics helper, Covent Kids fundraiser, coach at Laker Soccer Academy, prom setup/plan, ref girls basketball, ref AYSO soccer games, ran events/clean up elementary PTOC carnival, Bay Port State Bank BBQ helper.

Future Plans: I plan to attend the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and possibly study computer science and continue after undergrad to a graduate program. I also plan to participate in club soccer while I am there.

Kendal Boyce Laker High School

Hometown: Caseville

Parents: Brent and Bradi Boyce

Extra Curricular Activities: Laker girls varsity soccer, Science Olympiad, FFA chapter officer, yearbook editor, served on the prom committee and senior class council secretary.

Community Activities: Volunteer youth soccer referee, aid with Laker Soccer Academy, Hurricane Ian trash pickup, line leader for Project Red, helped with Laker FFA Living to Serve Phone-a-thon, aided with Bay Port State Bank’s biannual BBQs, helped at Cross Lutheran’s mother-son game night and aided with Laker Elementary’s carnival.

Future Plans: I plan on attending the University of Michigan to study earth and environmental sciences.

Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 3

Naythan Gough

Deckerville High School

Hometown: Deckerville

Parents: Janel Gough and Sean Gough

Extra Curricular Activities: Band, marching band, robotics, student council.

Community Activities: National Honor Society, blood drives, adopt-a-family, Mental Health Advisory Council.

Future Plans: Attend University of Michigan College of Engineering, obtaining a degree in computer science with a career as a software engineer.

Reagan Boyce

Laker High School

Hometown: Caseville

Parents: Drs. Brent and Bradi Boyce

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, student council, yearbook committee (editor), FFA, chapter officer, prom committee.

Community Activities: Dance, employed at Dairy Queen and Lakeland Outfitters.

Future Plans: University of Michigan Ann Arbor to study molecular, cellular and developmental biology — premed.

Dirk Rierson

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Sebewaing

Parents: George and Darlene Rierson

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Rotary Interact Club, Student Leadership Committee, baseball, basketball, football, hockey.

Community Activities: Make a Difference Day, Thanksgiving meal donations, Christmas coin drive, supporting military through Aaron’s gifts from home, blood drives, blanket drives, doughnut donation.

Future Plans: Attend the Michigan State University Eli Broad College of Business to study finance or management.

Brianna Yoder

Laker High School

Hometown: Pigeon

Parents: Shane and Kimberly Yoder

Extra Curricular Activities: Class valedictorian, National Honor Society member, Rotary Interact member, senior yearbook editor, Science Olympiad member, FFA chapter president, FFA parliamentary procedure team president, FFA ag communications team member, senior class president, varsity tennis player.

Community Activities: Volunteering with Thumb Bread Basket food drives, assisting with the Pigeon Chamber of Commerce town lighting ceremony, setting up for the Pigeon Womens’ Auxiliary Fall Fashion Show, assisted with running the Cross Lutheran Middle School robotics competition, organized and volunteered with the Living to Serve phone-a-thon.

Future Plans: To attend Michigan State University’s Lyman Briggs Honor College to obtain a bachelor’s degree in biology.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 4 | May 13, 2023

Levi Klaski

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Allen and Neisha Klaski

Extra Curricular Activities: Basketball, football, track, student council.

Community Activities: Camp counselor, food pantries, Kids Kloset, commodities handout, refree youth games, mission trips.

Future Plans: Study pre-physical therapy at Ferris State University, play football at Ferris State, pursue a graduate degree in physical therapy.

Thomas Muter

Cass City High School

Hometown: Cass City

Parents: Dale and Catherine Muter

Extra Curricular Activities: Robotics, student council, NHS.

Community Activities: Volunteering at the VFW hall, moving furniture for the Cass City Promise and helping local residents with their yard work.

Future Plans: I plan on attending the University of Michigan for nuclear engineering, while also doing NROTC to become an officer in the United States Navy.

Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 5 Co n g ratu latio ns to all the Lake r Stu dents w ho place d in the 2023 Tr ibu n e To p 50 Tatu m Bo yce Ken dal Bo yce Reagan Bo yce Mikel Go o d Devo n ee Gnag ey Grace Trost Em ily Sm ith Alexa Sm ithe r s Br ianna Yo de r 6436 Pigeo n Rd, Pigeo n, MI 48755 (989) 453-4600 • www lake rscho ols org 9 South Main St. • Pigeon 989-453-2323 Har Jo’s BEN FRANKLIN Congratulations! Stop in for supplies for grad par ties.

Katherine Himmel

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Nick and Sharon Himmel

Extra Curricular Activities: During high school, I have been a member of the volleyball, basketball and track teams. I have served in the National Honor Society and the Interact Club.

Community Activities: I’m active in the community and participate in activities offered through the clubs and organizations at my school.

Future Plans: In the fall, I will be attending Saginaw Valley State University to major in nursing and become a nurse practitioner.

Samuel Beagle

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Sebewaing

Parents: Jason and Nanette Beagle

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, student leadership, varsity football, varsity golf, powerlifting, Rotary Interact.

Community Activities: Blood drive, Shop With a Hero, coin wars, caring and sharing, Aaron’s gifts from home.

Future Plans: I plan to attend Grand Valley State University to study exercise science.

Kylie McGrath

Cass City High School

Hometown: Cass City

Parents: Deb Cook and William McGrath

Extra Curricular Activities: Varsity soccer, varsity basketball, drum major for marching band, academic games, class president, prom committee president, mental health committee.

Community Activities: Recreational soccer coach, home delivered meal driver, reffing youth basketball games, VFW spaghetti dinners, homecoming float building, snowcoming banner building and tutoring.

Future Plans: Attend Grand Valley State University for pre-med.

Abigail Guza

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ubly

Parents: Christopher and Angel Guza

Extra Curricular Activities: Cross country, track, FFA, 4-H.

Community Activities: Volunteer at St. Isidore Parish.

Future Plans: Michigan State University, major in crop and soil science.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 6 | May 13, 2023

Corinn Torma

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Unionville

Parents: Mark and Dorice Torma


Grace Trost

Laker High School

Hometown: Pigeon

Parents: Michael and Laura Trost

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, gold academic excellence award recipient in FFA this year, FFA, band.

Community Activities: Done through FFA, NHS, NHS, donating broilers to local food banks after the poultry contest for FFA, helped with tutoring last year for NHS, participated in the adopt-a-highway program for NTHS.

Future Plans: Plan on attending Northern Michigan University to study biology with a concentration in ecology. I want to also join a research project for undergrads while at college.

Logan Volmering

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ubly

Parents: Richard and Wendy Volmering

Extra Curricular Activities: Football, FFA, 4-H, student council, NHS.

Community Activities: Student service, 4-H camp.

Future Plans: Michigan State University, mechanical engineering.

Olivia Peter

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Cass City

Parents: Mike and Carrie Peter

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, Rotary Interact, cross country, track and field, band.

Community Activities: VIP, tutoring, making boxes of Thanksgiving dinners for families that we were helping through Rotary, buying Christmas presents for children that we were helping through Rotary, working at track meets, helping with the middle school success camp.

Future Plans: I am going to be attending Lake Superior State University to study environmental science and run on their cross country and track and field teams.

Extra Curricular Activities: Varsity girls soccer, JV girls basketball, FFA.

Community Activities: Laker Elementary kids carnival, Cross Lutheran Church vacation bible school, selling Ribstock tokens, Bay Port State Bank BBQ fundraiser, selling 50/50 raffle tickets for Caseville Chamber of Commerce during Cheeseburger, making tie blankets with Laker Elementary students, helping at Cross Lutheran Church’s Fat Tuesday event.

Future Plans: I plan on attending Saginaw Valley State University as part of the pre-medicine program with a major in rehabilitation medicine to go into physical therapy.

Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 7
S alute
the 2023
Best Wi shes For Your Future Endeavors! We
Top 50 Stude nts

Emily Smith

Laker High School

Hometown: Sebewaing

Parents: Jim and Jill Reithel and Jeff Smith

Extra Curricular Activities: Science Olympiad, volleyball, National Honor Society, prom committee, FFA, class council.

Community Activities: Member of the Huron County Junior Livestock Association; served as the 2022-23 junior swine superintendent; frequently participate in a plethora of community service events through: Thumb Bread Basket, Huron County Junior Livestock Association, Laker FFA and national FFA, Thumb National Bank, Bay Port State Bank, Laker PTOC.

Future Plans: I have plans to attend either Michigan State or Alma College and obtain a degree in biosystems engineering/biotechnology.

Alyssa Johnson

Deckerville High School

Hometown: Deckerville

Parents: Kristie and Bradley Johnson

Extra Curricular Activities: Student council president, band, clay target sports.

Community Activities: National Honor Society, blood drives, adopt-a-family.

Future Plans: Attend Saginaw Valley State University to pursue a degree in occupational therapy.

Karlee Guza

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Terry and Jean Guza

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, basketball, softball, student council and National Honor Society.

Community Activities: Volunteering at Holy Name of Mary Parish’s breakfasts and festivals, altar serving in church.

Future Plans: I plan to attend Central Michigan University to earn a bachelor’s degree in exercise science.

Jeanna Bischer

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ruth

Parents: Kevin and Tammy Bischer

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, track and field, National Honor Society, student council and FFA.

Community Activities: n/a

Future Plans: Ferris State University, product design engineering technology.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 8 | May 13, 2023

Regan Emming

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Jim and Connie Emming

Extra Curricular Activities: Softball, basketball, volleyball, trap, bible study group, student council and NHS.

Community Activities: I have volunteered my time and helped with Knights of Columbus dinners and breakfasts. I have donated clothes, toys, food and other items to those in need. I have also taken part of adopting a family during Christmas time.

Future Plans: I plan to enter the workforce in construction trades.

Carson Holland

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Akron

Parents: Michael and Sherri Holland

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, student leadership, Rotary Interact, Youth in Government, FFA, football, cross country, track and field, golf and band.

Community Activities: Aaron’s Gifts for Home, caring and sharing, blood drive, mentoring, middle school track proctor.

Future Plans: I plan to attend Michigan State University to study biology and then transfer to the University of Michigan to attend dental school.

Alexis King

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Brian and Alissa King

Extra Curricular Activities: Throughout high school, I have participated in multiple theatrical productions, marching band, and varsity tennis. I have served in the National Honor Society. Likewise, I was a part of the Quiz Bowl team and could often be found in the pep band or jazz band.

Community Activities: I am constantly participating in Port Austin Community Players theatrical productions. I was briefly a member of a community service group called Teens Inspire Connections.

Future Plans: In the fall, I will be attending Western Michigan University to study music education.

Kendal Blanchard

Cass City High School

Hometown: Cass City

Parents: Laurie and Stan Messing, Chris Blanchard

Extra Curricular Activities: Excel Dance Studio of Arts competition team, customer service representative at Thumb Bank and Trust, member of the Cass City National Honor Society and student council with multiple leadership roles.

Community Activities: Over 130 hours of community service including tutoring, classroom assistant, assistant dance instructor, altar serving, highway cleanup, pop can drives, and VFW, Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce events.

Future Plans: Michigan State University to study finance.

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Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 9

Aidan Querback

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Essexville

Parents: Robert and Stacy Querback

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society, Rotary Interact, soccer, cross country, basketball, track and field, golf.

Community Activities: Volunteered at the elementary school, helped proctor middle school track and field events.

Future Plans: I plan to attend Delta College to study computer programming then transfer to Lawrence Tech for their video game design program.

Noelle Rick

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Matt and Stacy Rick

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society treasurer, student council and varsity soccer.

Community Activities: Helping compile exploration packets for HISD, Camp Intention mentor and active member of Zion Lutheran Church.

Future Plans: Attend Saginaw Valley State University to pursue a Bachelor of Science in nursing.

Michaella Marie Vyt-Norton

North Huron High School

Hometown: Port Hope

Parents: Tom and Kate Norton

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, basketball, bowling, softball, student council, National Honor Society.

Community Activities: Polkafest, breakfast, Toys for Tots, Adopt-a-Highway

Future Plans: Attend Ferris State University for pharmacy.

Alexa Smithers

Laker High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Darren and Amy Smithers

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, powerlifting, FFA, NHS, NTHS, barista at Emma’s Coffee House.

Community Activities: Worship team at Bad Axe Free Methodist Church, singing the national anthem for Laker High School and Bay Port Memorial Day services, volunteer at special Olympics.

Future Plans: Attend Grand Valley State University to obtain a Bachelor in Science degree in nursing.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 10 | May 13, 2023

Carly Guza

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ubly

Parents: Anthony Guza and Renee Guza

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, basketball, softball.

Community Activities: Show cattle at fair.

Future Plans: Attend the University of Michigan to study neuroscience/pre-med.

Devonee Gnagey

Laker High School

Hometown: Bay Port

Parents: Brant and Carla Gnagey

Extra Curricular Activities: FFA, volleyball, softball, student council, NHS, Rotary Interact.

Community Activities: Junior Livestock Association, Friends of EPBP.

Future Plans: I will be attending Michigan State University to major in crop and soil science.

Morgan Zurek

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Gina Zurek

Extra Curricular Activities: Softball, trap, National Technical Honor Society, bible study group.

Community Activities: I have volunteered numerous hours after serving at my church. I have also helped the Knights of Columbus and Men’s Club with their breakfasts.

Future Plans: My future plans are to attend Delta College to earn my associate degree in agricultural technology.

Jalyn Kolar

Ubly High School

Hometown: Minden City

Parents: Geralyn Kolar and Mitchell Kolar

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball.

Community Activities: n/a

Future Plans: Saginaw Valley State University, Master of Science in occupational therapy.

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Peyton Brown

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Dan and Chenoa Brown

Extra Curricular Activities: n/a

Community Activities: I am part of the Barn Burners hockey program.

Future Plans: In the fall, I plan on attending SVSU to study mechanical engineering.

Connor Palmer

Deckerville High School

Hometown: Deckerville

Parents: Tammy and Paul Palmer

Extra Curricular Activities: Football, basketball, track and field, cross country, clay trap shooting.

Community Activities: National Honor Society.

Future Plans: Attend Saginaw Valley State University.

Nichole Gornowich

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Nick and Beth Gornowich

Extra Curricular Activities: Soccer, volleyball, National Honor Society, student council.

Community Activities: Little League involvement, AYSO referee, OLLH festival volunteer, HB Christmas parade volunteer.

Future Plans: I plan on attending Oakland University to obtain my bachelor of science degree in nursing.

Jordis Lexi Pitts

North Huron High School

Hometown: Port Hope

Parents: Don and Kristi Pitts

Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, softball, student council, National Honor Society.

Community Activities: Polka Fest breakfast, Toys for Tots, adopt-a-highway, blessing boxes, senior citizen day.

Future Plans: Attend Central Michigan University for accounting.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 12 | May 13, 2023

Andrew Hornbacher

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Sebewaing


Parents: Justin Hornbacher and the late Ashley Duran

Extra Curricular Activities: DECA — state qualifier, FFA — treasurer.

Community Activities: 4-H volunteering.

Future Plans: I want to get my master’s degree and start my own business.

Amelia Weiler

Cass City High School

Hometown: Cass City

Parents: Dave and Heather Weiler

Extra Curricular Activities: Golf, basketball, National Honor Society, vice president of the excutive board, Rolling Hills Golf Course employee.

Community Activities: Highway cleanup, Octagon Barn tour.

Future Plans: Study biomedical engineering at Lawrence Technological University.

Monica Nieschulz

Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School

Hometown: Sebewaing

Parents: Brian and Roxanne Nieschulz

Extra Curricular Activities: National Technical Honor Society, FFA.

Community Activities: Shop With a Hero, Caro Pumpkin Festival, MAD Day — community service in Sebwaing, adopt-a-highway.

Future Plans: Attend Delta College for criminal justice.

Maggie Nicole Koroleski

North Huron High School

School: North Huron High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Rich and Kristie Koroleski

Extra Curricular Activities: National Honor Society (parliamentarian), student council (historian), class vice president, volleyball, basketball, softball.

Community Activities: Adopt-a-highway, Toys for Tots, Meadow Lanes volunteer, North Huron athletic booster volunteer, Polka Fest breakfast, movie night volunteer, village of Kinde Easter activities.

Future Plans: Attend Cleary University to obtain a degree in accounting, then return for an additional year to earn my CPA license.

Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 13 HURON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT “Helping Inspire Success And Dreams” 1299 S. Thomas Rd. • Bad Axe 989-269-6406 Cong ratu lations Trib u n e TO P 50

Tate Gordon

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Filion

Parents: Tim and Denise Gordon

Extra Curricular Activities: During high school, I have been a member of the soccer, bowling, hockey and golf teams. I have served in National Honor Society and Interact Group.

Community Activities: I am active in Bad Axe Rotary Interact.

Future Plans: I will be attending Northern Michigan to study computer science.

Anthony McCarty

Ubly High School

Hometown: Ubly

Parents: Jason and Carol McCarty

Extra Curricular Activities: FFA, baseball, NHS, NTHS, 4-H, power technology program at tech center.

Community Activities: n/a

Future Plans: Attend the University of Northwestern Ohio for associates in heavy duty diesel technology. After graduation I plan to return home and haul milk for our family business.

Amber Hiller

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Ricky and Jeanne Hiller

Extra Curricular Activities: During high school, I have been a member of the Cass City gymnastics team, the Bad Axe cheer team and the Bad Axe marching band.

Community Activities: I was active in dance at Step It Up studio and I volunteered at the Rapson Sportsmen’s Club.

Future Plans: In the fall, I will be attending Saginaw Valley State University to study nursing.

Isabel Learman

Harbor Beach High School

Hometown: Harbor Beach

Parents: Paul and Christine Learman

Extra Curricular Activities: 13 years of dance, 4-H and livestock showing, one year of volleyball, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society.

Community Activities: Harbor Beach Fire Department member, Harbor Beach Blessing Box, Harbor Beach Goodfellows, Holy Name of Mary Parish activities.

Future Plans: Ferris State University for a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice focusing in corrections.

michigansthumb.com Top 50 Students 14 | May 13, 2023

Shelby Flanagan

Deckerville High School

Hometown: Deckerville

Parents: Laura and Michael Flanagan


Extra Curricular Activities: Basketball, softball, FFA, Girl Scouts.

Community Activities: National Honor Society (treasurer), blood drives, adopt-a-family.

Future Plans: Attend Centenary University to major in equine studies and business management.

Emma Mae Kociba

Bad Axe High School

Hometown: Bad Axe

Parents: Brian and Melodie Kociba

Extra Curricular Activities: During high school, I have been a member of the cross country, basketball, track and field, softball and golf teams. I have served in the Bad Axe National Honor Society, as well as the Bad Axe Rotary Interact Club.

Community Activities: I am active in my church group as well as the National Technical Honors Society.

Future Plans: In the fall, I will be attending Saginaw Valley State University. I plan on becoming an early elementary education teacher.


We salute the Graduates from our Agri-Valley Communications family

Morgan Chandler, Laker High School

Regan Emming, Harbor Beach High School

Leah Gothro, Laker High School

John Warren Hunt, Bad Axe High School

Abbey LaPratt, Caro High School

Anthony McCarty, Ubly High School

Hanna Rapson, Bad Axe High School

Jayden Sanchez, Bad Axe High School

Top 50 Students michigansthumb.com May 13, 2023 | 15
16 | May 13, 2023
Top 50 Students

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