Verona Hills Golf Course
After Prom Party at Long Shot Lanes (thank you to Bad Axe PTO)
Verona Hills Golf Course
After Prom Party at Long Shot Lanes (thank you to Bad Axe PTO)
To the Class of 2024, The time has finally come for us to graduate. It’s crazy how quickly high school went, but it’s even crazier to know that this is the last year we will all spend with each other. We will no longer be saying to have a good summer to each other; instead, we will be saying to have a good life. From this point forward, our lives will never be the same, for better or for worse. Ever since kindergarten, this was the year that we were collectively waiting for, seeing it as our end goal. But now that we’re here, I wish I never would
have wished the time away. No one told us how sad the year was actually going to be to experience all of our lasts: last summer, last game, last homecoming. After this year, most of us will lose contact and go our separate ways. However, we shouldn’t be viewing it as the end. Instead, we should be looking at this year as the beginning of numerous opportunities and accomplishments. So, to everyone in the Class of 2024: have a great life, and I cannot wait to see what each of you make of yourself!
Alyssa Hanselman
Senior Honors Night: May 15, 2024 at Bad Axe High School at 7:00 p.m.
are welcome
attend. Graduation: May 19, 2024 at the Bad Axe High School Gymnasium 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
To Mr. Mike Meissner, Thank you for everything, pushing me these last two years that you’ve been my instructor. Being in the Power Technology program has opened doors for me that I wouldn’t have been able to open without
you. You’ve pushed me to work hard, strive for the most, and compete in everything I can. So again, I thank you.
Cadence RandallBad Axe Schools is Proud to Announce Mikaela Boyle as Valedictorian Bad Axe High School Valedictorian Mikaela Boyle, daughter of Chris and Kathy Boyle, recommends freshmen entering high school become involved every chance they get. “School becomes way more fun that way.” She even offers a quote from box office sensation Marilyn Monroe for inspiration. “Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” This belief in involvement has certainly been demonstrated by Boyle. As the Class of 2024 President, Youth Advisory Committee Co-Chair, National Honors Society Historian, Interact Club Treasurer, and Student Council Member, she has been able to effectively balance her academic, athletic, community, and social life.
Boyle’s biggest influence is last year’s salutatorian Katherine Himmel. “She has been my biggest supporter and someone to look to for motivation while simultaneously being the kindest person in every room.” Himmel’s constant dedication and hard work she displays throughout every aspect of her life provided a role model for Boyle as she dedicated herself to her studies. This move resulted in her ability to consistently garner awards in English, Spanish, science, math, and history.
Academics are just one facet of Boyle’s life at BAHS. Actually, “My favorite memory in high school is winning regionals in soccer two consecutive years with my sister Lily as a teammate and my Dad as my coach.” As captain of both her varsity and club soccer teams, Boyle knows the sport well, capturing the honor of All-State First Team in 2022 and 2023. She also earned her spot as captain of the varsity basketball team as well as MVP, Best Teammate, and First-Team All-Conference. During her junior year, she was awarded Most Impactful Newcomer and Defensive Lockdown.
While she anticipates being able to enjoy the food of Italy someday in the near future, for now, she will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall to study business.
Dear BAHS,
Bad Axe Schools is Proud to Announce McKenzie Melnik as Salutatorian
Salutatorian McKenzie Melnik, daughter of Kristen Henry and Nathan Melnik, remembers the “moment [of] my last home game half-time performance for Marching Band. It was a very emotional day, but standing on the podium for the last time on my hometown field was a feeling I will never forget.” Her involvement in the arts at Bad Axe High School began young. Over the years, she has participated in Concert Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, and Pit Band for The Addams Family, Chicago: Teen Edition, and Freaky Friday. This fall she earned the honor of the Drum Major for the Marching Band and is a three-year member of the Tri-County Honors Band.
In addition to the arts, Melnik has been active in Destination Imagination and the Positive School Climate teams. She also serves as the Vice President of the Bad Axe High School, Student Council. All of the activities have been well-balanced with academics as she will be graduating with high honors having served as the junior honor guard last year and receiving academic acknowledgment in the national Rural and Small Town Recognition Program. Additional honors include the Veterans Day Writing Contest First Place and a Health Occupations Students of America Finalist.
Melnik credits her friends as “they push me to do well in school and give me something to look forward to every day.” She encourages freshmen to stay the course and to find the friends who will support you. “If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up - it pushes me to fight for the things that are important to me
Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others or worrying about what others think of you. You can’t control others’ actions, but you can control your reaction. Stay focused on the things that truly matter.” She has certainly created her niche at BAHS.
While she hopes to someday visit Ao Island, in the fall Melnik will be attending the University of Michigan to study Biomedical Science.
The last four years have been a blur. From starting our freshman year by looking at each other through a Zoom meeting to graduating soon, it has all been one long adventure. Being in high school has brought us all nights filled with sports, studying, and trying to figure out what step is next. It has also brought us some of our best memories including our APUSH class that Mrs. Sutherland made entertaining every day and the Dominican Republic service trip that some of us went on. It has also been a hard four years. I never
would have made it through pre-calc if Mrs. Johnson hadn’t been there early every morning before a test for people to come to ask questions. But even though we are all going our separate ways, we have all been set up for success. I have learned a lot after listening to all of Mr. Pokleys random life lessons and Mrs. Kervin’s senior success lessons. These last four years will be some of the most memorable of our lives. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.
Regan Hobkirk
When given the school email as a kindergartener, I did not understand how quickly those years would go by. I still feel as if I just finished 6th grade coming into high school. As you enter high school, people go their separate ways between sports, musicals, band, or other school activities. Whatever route you take, you will create many memorable memories and friendships. For me, it really hit me that I am going to be graduating this year during
I think everyone can agree on the fact that high school is filled with some of the best and worst moments of your life. Battling through the stress and chaos of trying to get perfect grades while trying to ensure you have a life outside of school can be a lot to handle at a young age. At some point, you realize that you need a support system to help you get through those hectic moments when it feels like everything is impossible. Personally, I can guarantee that I would not be where I am today without the support of people in my life. I know that
the second semester right after I finished applying for colleges and continued to apply for scholarships. This year was my last first day, last time playing sports, last homecoming, last prom, and the last time I will be able to eat lunch with my friends. Even though I am sad that my high school career is almost over, I am so very grateful for the memories and friendships that Bad Axe Public School has provided me.
Sarah Howard
my accomplishments have come from my own hard work, but my ability to remind myself that I am capable of doing that work has come entirely from the people around me. On my most difficult days, I have always had a friend, teacher, family member, or guidance counselor ready to remind me that I can get through anything. I could never fully express my gratitude for the people who have pushed me to be where I am today. To each and every one of you: Thank you for believing in me.
MaKenzie Melnik
Congratulations to the following individuals who are graduating with high honors (3.5 or higher):
• Collin Bingham, son of Deanna Sutherland and Todd Bingham - attending Ferris State University for survey engineering
• Mikaela Boyle, daughter of Chris and Kathy Boyle - attending the University of Michigan to study business.
• Alexis Bucholtz, daughter of the late Rhonda Bucholtz, granddaughter of the late Alice Talaski, niece of Rodney Tinsey - attending Saginaw Valley State University to study nursing.
• Natalie Bucholtz, daughter of Brian and Rose Bucholtz - attending Central Michigan University to study Elementary Education.
• Andrew Clarent, son of Rikkii and John Clarent - attending Grand Valley State University to study Physical Therapy.
• Emily Dennis, daughter of Kurt Dennis and Rhonda Dennis - attending Central Michigan University to study psychology
• Caleb Geiger, son of Tim and Stephanie Geiger - attending Delta College to study finance.
• Bethany Gucwa, daughter of Abby and Nick Gucwa - attending college to study
• Kathryn Gorkowski, daughter of Timothy and Dolores Gorkowski - attending SVSU to study nursing.
• Alyssa Hanselman, daughter of Tonya and Adam Hanselman - attending Michigan State University before transferring to dental hygiene school.
• Regan Hobkirk, daughter of Bob and Stacie Hobkirk - attending Grand Valley State University to study nursing
• Sarah Howard, daughter of Sherry Breault and Terry Howard - attending Saginaw Valley State University to study nursing.
• Owen Kociba, son of Brian and Melodie Kociba - attending Saginaw Valley State University to study accounting.
• McKenzie Melnik, daughter of Kristen Henry and Nathan Melnik - attending the University of Michigan to study Biomedical Science.
• Nathan Pawlowski, son of James Pawlowski and Beth Pawlowski
- attending Saginaw Valley State University to study Exercise Science
• Cadence Randall, daughter of Sam and Kassie Randall
- attending Mid-Michigan College and Ferris State University to study Welding Engineering
• Kaylee Salas, daughter of Kelcey Crawford and Adam Cameron
- attending Central Michigan University to study Public Relations and Communications
• Chase Sosnoski, son of Mark and Charlotte Sosnoski
- attending Michigan Technological University to study mechanical engineering.
• Makayla Stambaugh, daughter of Keith and Kristy Stambaugh
- attending Fox Valley Technical College to study agribusiness.
• Reese Vaerten, daughter of Troy and Christi Vaerten
- attending Central Michigan University to study Psychology
Dear BAHS,
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Bad Axe Public Schools and can only look back at fond memories aging all the back to Kindergarten with Mrs. Stapleton. I am very thankful for our amazing staff and teachers who have aided so much to my success by simply making me enjoy my classes. Mr. Pokely has somehow managed to make me laugh every day while teaching a subject I notoriously despise. I appreciate your jokes and your patience. I have been reminded continuously of my love for learning by Mrs. Sutherland and her phenomenal group projects. The Nicest Man in Bad Axe, Mr. Van Tiem, has given me a class to look forward to every day, and I can only imagine how disorganized the senior class would be without Mrs. Kervin guiding us through senior year. I would like to extend my gratitude to each of my classmates who have made each day entertaining. Countless inside
jokes, dance parties during football games, victories in soccer and basketball, or even just attending trivia night with my best friends, I have enjoyed every moment. I would like to advise any incoming freshman to get involved in anything offered to them. Some of the highlights of the last four years have been attending YAC meetings, going to the Dominican Republic with the Interact Club, or participating in pep assemblies with the student council. It is so important to take advantage of these potentially once-in-lifetime experiences. Community members you meet are rooting for you to succeed and can help you get there - I would like to thank all of them as well. I am so excited for my next chapter at the University of Michigan and feel prepared because of our wonderful faculty.
Thank you, BAHS.
Mikaela BoyleCongratulations to the following individuals who are graduating with honors (3.0 or higher):
• Alexzander Andrich, son of Jodi and Eric Hessling and Kyle Andrich, - studying to become a master electrician
• Cody Bannick, son of Heidi Lesoski
- attending Wayne State University to study Pre-law Political Science
• Calden Eisinger, son of Nick and Sara Eisinger
- attending CMU to study finance
• Mackenzie Copeland, daughter of Kim and Andrew Copeland
- attending Michigan State University to study accounting to become a Certified Public Accountant.
• Samantha Gucwa, daughter of Abby and Nick Gucwa
- attending SVSU to study social work
• Charlie Hollingsworth, son of Micque and John Adam Hollingsworth
- attending Delta and transferring to GVSU to study accounting
• Katherine Ingram, daughter of Brian and Sarah Ingram
- attending SC4 to study nursing
• Thomas Knarian, son of Matt and Debb Knarian
- serving in the army and attending Northern Michigan University to pursue a construction degree
• Jack Kubacki, son of Robert and Jenifer Kubacki
- attending Saginaw Valley State University
• Logan Miles, son of Heather and John Miles
- studying fisheries and wildlife management at Northern Michigan University
• Ellen Miller, daughter of Tracey and Randy Miller
- attending Central Michigan University to study art and animation
• Alyshea Partaka, daughter of Christopher and Amanda Partaka
- attending Delta Community College and Saginaw Valley State University to study education
• Trista Pril, daughter of Wayne and Angie Prill
- attending Saginaw Valley State University to study nursing
• Grace Shupe, daughter of Peter Shupe
- attending Oklahoma State University for sports media
• Rhiannon Varin, daughter of Paul Varin
- studying forensic psychology to become a behavioral analyst.
• Nicole Wozniczka, daughter of Stacey And Ross Smaglinski
- obtaining a cosmetology license and an aesthetician license, working my way to starting my own salon or spa.
• Hayleigh Zurek-Woodruff, daughter of Dawn and Chuck Bolzman & Stan Woodruff
- attending SVSU, with a transfer to MSU for veterinarian school
“The future is always uncertain, but we who celebrate what you have done, who celebrate all of your achievements, we are certain of one
~Tom Hanks
High school is a wild journey, one that I definitely could not have completed alone. I am eternally grateful to all of my supporters and the roles they have played in my life; I could not be where I am today if it weren’t for them.
As a freshman, I believed that the most exciting part of high school was the opportunity to choose my own classes. Those classes ended up including not only numerous AP and dual enrollment courses, but also courses I took because I thought I would enjoy them, including anatomy, multiple years of Spanish, and art classes. Every one of my teachers reinforced the idea that learning is fun and complex and can be done any way you like. I loved school as a child and was afraid higher-level classes would take that joy away from me, but my high school teachers did the opposite. I cannot thank them enough for the difference they have
made in my journey.
This journey included more than just academics, of course. My extracurriculars shaped me as a person, giving me experiences I never could have fathomed before being part of them. My club advisors and coaches offered me crucial advice that helped me to develop into a person I could never imagine being. I have to thank these wonderful people for helping me to build responsibility, leadership skills, and so much more.
The invaluable relationships and experiences I have had throughout my school years have guided me on my journey through this amazing quest we call life and I can honestly say I don’t know where I would be without them. Because of them, I am confident in my ability to navigate the challenges that come with my next steps.
Valedictorian: Alison Siemen
Salutatorian: Savana Roggenbuck
Commencement: Sunday, May 19, at 1 p.m. on the football field (weather permitting - otherwise in the HS Gymnasium).
Seniors’ last day: Friday, May 10 (final exams the following week)
Prom: April 27at Ubly Heights
Class song: “Safe and Sound” by Capital Cities
Class quote: “Nothing we do changes the past - everything we do changes the future.”
Class colors: Black & Orange
Class flower: Orange tulip with baby’s breath
Class Song: “You’re Gonna Miss This” by Trace Adkins
Class Quote: “If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed.” - Kanye West
Class Flower: White Carnation
Class Colors: Carolina Blue, Navy Blue, White
Class Officers: President: Konnor T. Olson
Commencement: May 24, 2024
7:00 p.m. at the Laker High School Gymnasium
Vice President: Kadie L. Jarson
Secretary: Ellie M. Rujan
Treasurer: Cassidy A. Fritz
Representative: Gavin S. Smith
Student Council President: Heidi M. Keim
Student Council Vice President: Grace E. Suggitt
Student Council Secretary: Grace G. McArdle
Student Council Treasurer: Elizabeth E. McArdle
Student Council Representative: Alexis M. Stafford
Valedictorian: Layton Krohn
Salutatorian: Heidi Keim
Prom: Saturday, May 4, 2024, Ubly Heights
My experiences at Lakers have not only equipped me with academic knowledge but also with valuable life skills. Basketball, for instance, has been more than just a sport for me; it has been a lesson in perseverance and dedication. Through countless hours of practice, hard work, and battling
Dear Laker Class of 2024, Some of my most cherished memories that we have had together involve the atmosphere and support that we have given and/or shown during sporting events. We cheered for one another, regardless of the game’s outcome or the level of competition. It didn’t matter if we were the ones cheering from the bleachers or
through injuries, I’ve learned the value of resilience and the importance of never giving up, lessons that will serve me well in the future. Additionally, the demanding workload of
dual-enrollment has prepared me for college and after. It has taught me
the ones competing on the field, court, or track, we have all felt the adrenaline during these moments. As we approach the end of our senior year, I hope that we can all look back on these moments and be thankful for the experiences that we shared.
Your Student Council Vice President, Kadie Jarson
Attending Laker High School for my K-12th grade years has prepared me in many ways for a post secondary education as well as made me the individual I am today. I accredit the majority of my academic growth and success to the Dual Enrollment courses Lakers provided me with the opportunity to take. Through this experience I was able to learn from professors who were passionate about their field and truly wanted the best results out of my work. I was pushed out of my comfort zone in order to begin thinking for myself and to personally “claim my education”, as Aimee Hair, my English professor, would often ask of us in class. Relationships with like minded students from different areas of the county were formed and remain as some of my greatest friendships. From taking this advanced coursework I was able to reach
time management and prepared me to balance academics, extracurriculars, work, and social life. Most importantly, my parents have taught me to look for and follow God’s calling on my life.
I am confident that the lessons and values instilled in me will guide me
To the Laker High School 2024 Senior Class:
I hope you all find this next chapter of your life exciting and view it as an opportunity to excel in your future. I’ve enjoyed the many years of athletic games, classes, pep-assemblies, assemblies, trips and years of laughter with each and every one of you. I can’t wait to look back at these moments many years from now and re-tell these
my goal of top two in our graduating class. Gaining the title of Salutatorian with a GPA of 4.27 is my greatest academic achievement thus far. Outside of academics, I participated in many clubs including YAC, Rotary, Student Council, and Soccer. I was a player on the Varsity girls soccer team all four years of high school, gaining the role of captain my senior year. This group of teammates along with our encouraging coach, Becky Krohn, created great memories and taught me what it means to act not for oneself but for the good of everyone around me. As I served the student body as the Student Council President, I learned what it means to be a leader and have a voice in difficult situations. Without role models to look up to I do not believe I would have the motivation I did these past few years. My three older siblings, Halle, Hunter, and
successfully through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I am grateful for the support and guidance of my parents, teachers, mentors, and classmates. - Layton Krohn
stories. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, feel free to reach out to me at any time. As Mr. Grifka would say, “I hope you all have a safe, sober, drug free, smoke free, vape free, and Corona Virus free rest of your life.” Peace out Class of 2024!
Sincerely, Your Student Council Treasurer, Cassidy Fritz
Hannah have all instilled good morals and values in me which has made me strive to be the best student and classmate I could be. They have always been my greatest friendships and I am grateful to follow in their footsteps. My parents, Brian and Lisa Keim have been a constant support system in my life and will always be the people I go to first for advice. As I am taking the next steps into a post secondary education, my hope is to attend Ferris State University to major in Dental Hygiene and receive a Bachelor’s of Science degree. I am confident that I have the ability to achieve this goal because of my time spent improving my learning skills through Dual Enrollment, increasing my social skills through participation in extracurricular activities, and having a solid support system. -Heidi Keim
Commencement: Thursday, May 23 @ 7:00 p.m.
Owendale-Gagetown H.S. Gymnasium
Valedictorian: Shelby Bowers & Karsyn Gruehn
Salutatorian: Hannah Wood
Class Motto: “The little class that couldn’t agree on anything” –Class of 2024
Class Song: “Good Ol’ Days” by Macklemore
Class Flower: Purple Carnation
Class Colors: Mint Green & Purple
Class Officers
President: Shelby Bowers
Vice President: Karsyn Gruehn
Secretary: Hannah Wood
Treasurer: Alesia Oswalt
Student Council Rep: Addison Bach
Advisor: Janice Bowers
Commencement: Sunday May 19th at 1:00pm in the high school gymnasium.
Valedictorian: Jaxson Susalla
Salutatorian: Aran Harris
Class Song: “Good Old Days” by Macklemore
Class Flower: Tulip
Class Officers: Erica Klee, Madeline Langenburg, Jenna Particka, Kelcie Shaltonis
Student Council: Courtney Puvalowski, Emily Greyerbiehl, Addison Hagen, Leah Schumacher
Prom: Friday, May 3rd, 2024, at Ubly Heights
Ubly High School is proud to announce the honor students for the Class of 2024.
Valedictorian is Jaxson Susalla, Jaxson is the son of Joshua and JaNice Susalla of Ubly. Throughout high school, Jaxson has participated in football, baseball, and FFA. He is also a member of the
National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. After graduation, Jaxson plans on attending Michigan State University to pursue a degree in Crop and Soil Science.
Ubly students earning high honors:
Mitchell Foote, son of Jeromie and Amy Foote
Utah Gusa, son of Andrew and Jeanne Gusa
Erica Klee, daughter of Michael and Mary Beth Klee
Jacob Messing, son of Jeffery and Tammy Messing
Rose Brilinski, daughter of Eric and Elizabeth Brilinski
Addison Hagen, daughter of Clint and Melissa Hagen
Madeline Langenburg, daughter of Leigh Langenburg & Sharon Langenburg
Ryan Learman, son of Gary and Susan Learman
Brett Mueller, son of Aaron and Kara Mueller
Emily Greyerbiehl, daughter of Shaun and Susan Greyerbiehl
Salutatorian is Aran Harris, Aran is the daughter of Jason Harris and Amy Schmitz. Aran is a student at Ubly High School and attends the Huron Technical Center for dual enrollment. She is a part of the cross country, track, and soccer teams. She also likes to draw, hike, skate, and read in her free time.
Ubly students earing honors:
Aaron Weber, son of Randy and Angela Weber
Julia Maurer, daughter of Craig and Dawn Maurer
Mason Hughes, son of Steven and Heather Hughes & Angela Stefan- Hughes
Courtney Puvalowski, daughter of Scott and Caren Puvalowski
Leah Schumacher, daughter of Christopher and Rebecca Schumacher
Makaila Cantrell, daughter of Melissa and Ryan Kramer & Matthew and Brenda Cantrell
Seth Maurer, son of David and Rhonda Maurer
Austin Franzel, son of Steven and Laura Franzel
Jenna Particka, daughter of Frank and Kay Particka
Jocelyn Bambach, daughter of Shawn and Nicole Bambach
Landon Dekoski, son of Jeffrey and Amy Dekoski
Wade Messing, son of Scott and Tammy Messing
Colin Grifka, son of Timothy and Jennifer Grifka
Brianna Beaver, daughter of Richard Beaver & Tiffany Saaby
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.”
—Martin Luther King Jr.
Commencement: May 23, 2024 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium
Senior Scholars: Sophia Wanless, Gabriella Crumm, and Taylin Sutherland
Class Song: “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” - Tears for Fears
Class Quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” - Dr. Seuss
Class Flower: Lotus
Senior Class Adviser is me, April Gremel, my son happens to be in this class and since I have worked at USA Schools the entire time they have been in school, I have been able to follow these kids as they have grown into kind and respectful people. Having worked on both campuses the past few years has given me the opportunity to get to know them all again and I couldn’t be prouder of them. Congratulations, Class of 2024!
“If we’d all stuck with our first dream, the world would be overrun with cowboys and princesses. So whatever your dream is right now, if you don’t achieve it you haven’t failed and you’re not some loser.”
—Stephen Colbert
Commencement: June 2, 2024, at 3:00p.m. in the North Huron Gymnasium.
Class Song: “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts
Class Motto: “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” - Winnie The Pooh
Class Flower: Carnation
Class Colors: Black and Gold
Class Officers:
President: Sara Koth
Vice President: Natalie Talaski
Treasurer: Cecilia Kramer
Secretary: Peyton Talaski
Student Council Representative: Dakota Prill
Class Advisors: Amelia Osantoski and Emily Polega
Prom: May 11th at Ubly Heights Golf Club, “Vegas” theme.