The Edge 12/17/20 Telegraph/Intelligencer

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December 17, 2020 Volume 19, Issue 31

Opera Edwardsville: ‘12 Days of Christmas’

Movie review: ‘Mank’ examines ‘Citizen Kane’

Inside: Home & Lifestyles

Food For Thought: Find your thrill on blueberry hill

2 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 3

Cover story: Opera Edwardsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Religious directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Home & Lifestyles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Time’s ‘Entertainer of the Year’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Justin Beiber charity song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Nicki Minaj graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Movie review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Who to contact

Publishing changes in 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 What’s up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ESPN at home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Food for Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Prince William thanks workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

THE EDGE PUBLISHER • Denise THE EDGE ADVERTISING DIRECTOR • Carole Fredeking THE EDGE MARKETING STRATEGIST • Kristine Ressler THE EDGE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF • Jill Moon ..................................... THE EDGE CONTRIBUTORS • Vicki Bennington............... • Keith Brake

ON THE COVER: This year’s Opera Edwardsville’s (OE) 2020 poster, designed by Edwardsville graphic artist Jim Harper. This poster celebrates Opera Edwardsville’s pivot to a virtual season in 2020. Through a partnership with Once Films, OE has been able to produce vitual concerts of two signature events: “The Three Little Pigs,” which launched in November and is available to view now, and its holiday event, “The 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville.” (Jim Harper|The Edge)

• Robert Grubaugh .............. On The Edge Of The Weekend is a product of Hearst Illinois Media Group.

4 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

On the first day of Christmas OE gave to me: a full season of carols holiday classics for free

By Jill Moon

son, it was important that we find a creative way to share something with the community. “I am proud that we have been able to partner with Once Films to capture twelve special performances on film — brought to you live from the Wildey stage.” The ingenuity of Opera Edwardsville’s Christmas series is second only to its caliber. OE has welcomed performers from around the world in its first three years. But its circle of world-class core performers provides the same. “This year, it’s just family,” Hopkins, of Edwardsville, said. “We’ve invited several favorite performers from our 2018 and 2019 programs to join in the fun, with local Edwardsville and St. Louis-area artists performing live from The Wildey stage, with several singers who have sent recordings from around the globe. “These performances are led by OE’s Grammy Award-winning soprano Christine Brewer, our artistic advisor, who makes a special appearance, and among other talent, I’m also pleased to welcome tenor Marc

Schapman to perform with OE.” Schapman, a professor of voice, has become a crucial partner in Opera Edwardsville’s outreach opera for kids. He works as EDWARDSVILLE — “The 12 Days of OE’s liaison in the Southern Illinois UniverOpera Edwardsville” puts the listener — and sity Edwardsville’s Department of Music. viewer — directly into the orchestra pit for Besides having a fantastic voice, Schapman world-class operatic holiday performances, has been instrumental to student outreach. of which anyone can feel the joy this season. “I think it is wonderful to share the gift Nearly 1,000 subscribers to Opera of music with the entire community this Edwardsville’s (OE) YouTube-cast of “The 12 December,” Hopkins said. Days of Opera Edwardsville” have respond“‘The 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville’ feaed via social media to the free virtual pertures 12 artists, 12 performances, shared for formance series of filmed holiday concerts, 12 days,” he said. which began live Dec. 12. But the obvious Hopkins said he is grateful to OE’s sponbeauty of these virtual seasonal holiday consors and donors, whose generosity has made certs is, they can be enjoyed by anyone, anythe 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville possible, where, throughout the season and the world. for free performances. “I feel that one of the greatest difficulties “I hope everyone will enjoy these concerts, throughout 2020 has been the need to isothese vignettes for their holiday celebrations, late,” OE founder and Artistic Director Chase for us all to be together, actually,” Hopkins Hopkins said. said. “For the past two years, Opera Edwards“Through the generosity of the Edwardsville has played to sold-out audiences, and I ville Rotary Club, OE has been featuring a will miss the buzz of these live performances local student performer and I’m so pleased at the historic Wildey Theatre. For that reato welcome Cady Thomas,” he continued, “a recent SIUE graduate, soprano and a performer from our 2019 ‘Opera for Kids: Pinocchio.’” Thomas will show her talents to a broader audience with “The 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville.” She was meant to perform as part of OE’s fall 2020 Christmas concert, AA AFULL FULLLINE LINEOF OFFRESH FRESHMEAT MEAT&& &DELI DELI PRODUCTS PRODUCTS FULL LINE OF FRESH MEAT DELI PRODUCTS A FULL LINE OF FRESH MEAT & DELI PRODUCTS which was cancelled. “I am pleased to feature her now in a recorded performance as part of ‘The 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville,’” Hopkins noted. This year would have been Opera Edwardsville’s third annual “Christmas at The Wildey,” and the young arts organization would not stop its momentum because of a pandemic, when the world needs beautiful music more than ever. And especially PRESENT THIS COUPON AT THE MEAT COUNTER & RECEIvE: PRESENT THIS COUPON AT THE MEAT COUNTER & RECEIvE: during Christmas, when so many are alone Limit 10 Coupon 410Bacon right now. 10 lb lb bag bag of of 4 4Bacon Bacon pounds. required. 10 lb Made bag of Home 4 Bacon Excel Excel Excel Wrapped Coupon Not valid 81% 81%Lean Lean Bulk Pork Wrapped Wrapped 81% Lean A dozen performers have joined Opera Wrapped Bacon Bacon Bacon Filet Mignon required. Not with any Sausage Ground GroundBeef Beef Filet Filet Mignon Mignon Ground Beef Mignon Edwardsville,(5LB. liveBag) from The Wildey stage, (5LB. (5LB. Bag) Bag) Per Pound with any other offers. Per PoundFiletvalid PerPer Pound Pound for: for: PerPer Pound Pound Per Pound PerPer Pound Pound for: for: for: Per world. Pound Per Pound for: other offers. with recordings from around the Simply visit Expires Expires Expires Expires 10-23-19 10-23-19 Expires 10-23-19 10-23-19 Limit Limit 20 lbs 20 lbs Expires Expires 10-23-19 10-23-19 Expires 10-23-19 12/31/20 Expires 12/31/20 Expiresto 10-23-19 Limit 20 lbs Expires 10-23-19 experience 12 Days of Christmas. Tune in daily, or watch the full program now through Wednesday, Dec. 23, which is HOURS: HOURS: HOURS: HOURS: just in time for the holiday. MON-SAT MON-SAT AM PM MON-SAT88 8AM AM- -8 - 88PM PM MON-SAT 8 AM - 8 PM “Either way, we hope you enjoy a full seaSUN SUN AM PM SUN 8 AM - 6 PM SUN88 8AM AM- --66 6PM PM son of cherished carols, festive favorites and holiday classics,” Hopkins said. Presenting these free-of-charge performances was made possible by the generous support of lead sponsors, including



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Edwardsville’s Stifel, Lewis Rice, the Edwardsville Rotary Club, and Opera Edwardsville’s 2020 donors. “We hope you enjoy!” Hopkins exclaimed. Opera Edwardsville could not have made this series happen without many supporters. “We have been so fortunate for the continued generosity of our lead sponsor and donors,” Hopkins said. Those are Rod Vaught, of Edwardsville’s Stifel financial planners and the partners at Lewis Rice LLC, both of which has continued their support of Opera Edwardsville from its inception in 2018, alongside a number of donors who made contributions towards its efforts. Additionally, the Edwardsville Rotary enabled OE to imagine this year’s virtual season, which included two main pieces of filmed programming, as well as a virtual SIUE masterclass with renowned voice teacher, Karen Brunssen. The attention that Opera Edwardsville gave its performers during this pandemic is an example to all arts organizations. “Performers are some of the hardest hit, as an unbridled pandemic continues to force closures for theaters and live performances,” Hopkins said. “Our industry stands to be one of the last to re-open, as talk of vaccines and reduced restrictions begin. “I have taken great personal offence to those who have put themselves ahead of others, and neglected care for the businesses and organizations, which will be impacted by its choices to ignore scientists and health professionals’ best guesses as to safety measures that could protect the most vulnerable in our communities,” he continued. The arts represent a large part of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the GDP is an engine for local business in theater districts across the county. “I hope that people will begin to appreciate the arts, as an industry like any other, and be mindful of how their actions directly affect others,” Hopkins said. “I fear for the state of the arts, amid turmoil for many industries and am all the more grateful for the support we have received to ensure we do our part to keep the arts alive through this difficult period.” And, in case you’re wondering, “The 12 Days of Opera Edwardsville’s” musical program has deliberately been kept a secret to add to the fun. Each day a new carol or holiday favorite will be introduced to the program, shared via email and on our facebook. We hope you enjoy some of our holiday favorites!”

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 5

(Photos credit Scott Evers | For The Edge)


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6 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend


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Home & Lifestyles • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 7

Home and Lifeestyles H&L

8 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • Home & Lifestyles


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Home & Lifestyles • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 9

Eggnog is a classic for holiday celebrations No beverage is more associated with holiday cocktail parties than eggnog, which is a beloved beverage come the holiday season. While it’s perfectly acceptable to purchase store-bought eggnog in the dairy case and dress it up with a favorite spirit, most eggnog recipes only feature a handful of ingredients and are quite easy to make at home. Rum, whiskey and brandy are customary liquors to use in eggnog recipes. However, The Spruce: Eats has taste-tested them all and believes brandy tops the others for the perfect finished product. Enjoy their version of “Quick Brandy Eggnog” below. Quick Brandy Eggnog 1 cocktail 1 ounce brandy 11⁄4 ounces milk 1⁄2 ounce simple syrup 1 egg yolk Grated nutmeg or cinnamon for garnish In a cocktail shaker, combine the brandy, milk, simple syrup, and egg yolk. Dry shake without ice. Fill shaker with ice, then shake vigorously for about 30 seconds to ensure the egg is well mixed. Strain into an old-fashioned or cocktail glass. Add a dash of grated nutmeg or cinnamon as a garnish. Note: Only use a fresh egg. Test the egg’s freshness by placing it in a glass of water. If the egg floats, discard it, as this indicates the egg is too old. Only use eggs that rest on the bottom of the glass. This will ensure the most flavorful drink and helps to reduce the risk of salmonella. HL20A286 SOCIAL MEDIA TEXT: While it’s perfectly acceptable to purchase store-bought eggnog in the dairy case and dress it up with a favorite spirit, most eggnog recipes only feature a handful of ingredients and are quite easy to make at home.

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Home & Lifestyles • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 11

12 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • Home & Lifestyles

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 13

Biden, Harris named Time magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Time magazine has named President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris its “Person of the Year.” Time’s editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal says Biden and Harris won the honor for “changing the American story, for showing that the forces of empathy are greater than the furies of division, for sharing a vision of healing in a grieving world.” Felsenthal notes, “Every elected President since FDR has at some point during his term been a Person of the Year, nearly a dozen of those in a presidential election year.

This is the first time we have included a Vice President.” Time’s other Person of the Year candidates were President Donald Trump; frontline health care workers and Dr. Anthony Fauci; and the movement for racial justice. Also Thursday, Time named the Korean boy band BTS its Entertainer of the Year and named Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James its Athlete of the Year.

14 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Time magazine names BTS its Entertainer of the Year By BROOKE LEFFERTS Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — BTS has had more than just a “Dynamite” year — they’ve become such a global phenomenon that Time magazine named the South Korean group its 2020 Entertainer of the Year. The magazine announced the honor for the seven-member K-pop boy band on Thursday, hours before a prime-time special

that will culminate with the naming of Time’s Person of the Year: President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. The magazine cited BTS’ massive global presence amid the pandemic, including leveraging their massive fan base to support causes like Black Lives Matter. The group has become a staple of recent awards shows, performing their flashy No. 1 hit “Dynamite.” The song

in November brought BTS its first Grammy nomination. “There are times when I’m still taken aback by all the unimaginable things that are happening,” BTS member Suga told Time for an interview that accompanied the announcement. “But I ask myself, Who’s going to do this, if not us?” Time Executive Editor Ben Goldberger in an interview with The Associated Press o n T h u r s d a y c re d i t e d t h e

relationship between the group and its fans for transcending COVID-19. “The communal experience of watching a show, being at a concert, it just dissipated out of thin air and BTS managed to forge a really rich connection with their audience around the world in spite of these barriers which fell many, many other acts,” he said. Ti m e a l s o a n n o u n c e d Thursday the selection of Los

Angeles Lakers star LeBron James as its Athlete of the Year. “He is the greatest basketball player of his generation, arguably of any generation. And he won a fourth title this year. That’s no small thing, but his true influence was what he did off of the court,” said Goldberger. “LeBron has had a remarkable influence across activism for athletes around the world.”

Justin Bieber, UK health workers team up for charity song LONDON (AP) — Justin Bieber has teamed up with a choir of London medical staff to record a special charity Christmas single. The choir, made up of nurses, doctors and other health care staff working in the British capital’s Lewisham and Greenwich public health service, joined the Canadian pop star for a special version of his song “Holy” in a bid to top the Christmas chart. Choir members recorded their vocals at London’s famous Abbey Road Studios. Profits from the collaboration will go to National Health Service charities. The choir gained fame when it vied

with Bieber in 2015 for the Christmas No. 1 song. Bieber urged his millions of fans on Twitter to support the choir, not him, and it eventually won the top spot on the singles chart. The star then travelled to London and presented them with their charity award. “It’s great to be reunited with the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS choir, as we share a fun bit of U.K. chart history together,” said Bieber, 26. “Especially in these difficult times, I’m humbled to team up with them for a charity single that will benefit NHS workers on the frontlines of this pandemic and pay tribute to their unbelievable dedication.”

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 15

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16 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 17

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18 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

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Graduate thanks Nicki Minaj for tuition – med school next

LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — A University of Louisiana at Lafayette student who just graduated is thanking rap artist Nicki Minaj for paying his tuition. Three years ago, someone on Twitter reached out to Minaj with a request for the musician to help pay for college. Minaj agreed — on the condition that they show her perfect marks. She wrote , “Show me straight A’s that I can verify w/ur school and I’ll pay it.” A few dozen fans took Minaj up on the offer including Artavion Cook. He asked on Twitter if she could help pay his current outstanding balance of $1,300. She did

and this week Cook graduated with a bachelor’s in science in biology. “This day is even more special because @NICKIMINAJ paid my tuition a few semesters ago, and today is her birthday!” he Tweeted, according to the Daily Advertiser. The newspaper reports that Cook is looking forward to medical school and is getting ready to take the MCAT in the spring. He’d like to go to LSU Shreveport, Morehouse, Howard University, or Meharry Medical College.

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 19

By Robert D. Grubaugh Contributing columnist

‘Mank’ a cross exam of ‘Citizen Kane’

For The Edge EDWARDSVILLE — There was a time about 20 years ago when I considered David Fincher to be a revolutionary talent in film directing. He’d made “Seven” and “Fight Club” by that point and we were all anxiously awaiting “Panic Room” to hit theaters. I realize now — and am perfectly happy with the realization — that Fincher’s movies are merely reliably good and often very entertaining. No one bats a thousand every season and that’s OK. I don’t have as many of the same hard opinions about everything being “everything” as I did 20 years ago. This is no slight against Fincher, because his newest film, “Mank,” is remarkably engrossing and about one of my all-time favorite subjects. “Mank” is a biopic about the man who wrote the greatest movie ever made, in my humble opinion, and how it threw under the bus one of the most powerful men in the world, his friend and benefactor. It’s the story of Herman J. Mankiewicz and how Hollywood giveth and Hollywood taketh away. Mankiewicz was a journeyman newspaper correspondent and script doctor in early Hollywood at Paramount and MGM. He influentially fleshed out some of the greatest work of the 1930s (“Dinner at Eight” and “Pride of the Yankees”) without a lot of credit, especially of the on-screen type. He was a serious alcoholic who couldn’t reach the pinnacle of fame because, after every success, he spiraled downward into his own despair. He was given over to Orson Welles to script “Citizen Kane” when the wunderkind director Welles was new to the industry and eager to make as big of a splash as possible with his Mercury Theatre. In “Mank,” the title role being played by Gary Oldman, Mankiewicz, with a broken leg, is hauled to the middle of the Mojave Desert with a secretary (Lily Collins)

and forced to dictate “what he knows.” The story he generates in 60 days while out in the desert is a timeless tale of political puppeteer and fictional character Charles Foster Kane, who was always rumored to be a vehicle for Mank’s revelations about William Randolph Hearst, the tycoon he befriended through their mutual relationship with Louis B. Mayer (Arliss Howard, connivingly wonderful in this picture). Generous flashback sequences show how Hearst (Charles Dance) influenced Kane in two major ways: by disrupting Upton Sinclair’s (Bill Nye) California gubernatorial run in 1934 and by carrying on in excess at his San Simeon castle with his mistress, Marion Davies (Amanda Seyfried), an actress. Seyfried is captivating in her performance and her scenes with Oldman are the best. There is no shortage of name-dropping in this movie. Mank runs afoul of Irving Thalberg (Ferdinand Kingsley) and John Houseman (Sam Troughton) on the reg. His little brother, Joe (Tom Pelphrey), continuously tries to counsel him to shape up. If you take the story told in “Mank” as gospel, you’re in for a rocky road. Fincher’s father, Jack Fincher, wrote this screenplay specifically for his son to make, but died in 2003, before they could collaborate. It’s a well-crafted movie, visually stunning in its use of thick black-and-white cinematography. None of the players from this juicy historical period still are around, including Pauline Kael,who literally wrote the book on this Hollywood era. In her twopart New Yorker”essay,“Raising Kane,” Kael explored the making of “Citizen Kane,” a movie made in 1940-1941 that launched a few almost-famous folks into the stratosphere who burned out with mere whimpers at the box office. Today, generations later, “Citizen Kane” is hailed as the best example of what the magic of movies is all about. Here, we see the idea that Kael supported the movie. While Welles was the maker of the movie, he hardly had

a hand in writing the screenplay at all. Mank died 10 years after he and Welles won Oscars for the “Kane” script, on which at least one of them worked on really hard. The best thing to come out of

“Mank” will be a desire to watch “Citizen Kane.” Don’t be deterred. If Joseph Cotten could shine in Welles’ considerable shadow, then there’s room for both “Mank” and “Kane” to thrive. “Mank” is currently on a limited engagement

at Landmark’s Plaza Frontenac theater, in St. Louis, and streaming on Netflix. ”Mank” runs 131 minutes and is rated R for some language. I give this film three stars out of four.


20 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Publishing saw upheaval in 2020, but ‘books are resilient’

NEW YORK (AP) — Book publishing in 2020 was a story of how much an industry can change and how much it can, or wants to, remain the same. “A lot of what has happened this year — if it were a novel, I would say that it had a little too much plot,” said Simon & Schuster CEO Jonathan Karp. Three narratives ran through the book world for much of the year: an industry pressed to acknowledge that the status quo was unacceptable, an industry offering comfort and enlightenment during traumatic times, and an industry ever more consolidated around the power of Penguin Random House and Amazon. com. To its benefit and to its dismay, publishing was drawn into the events of the moment. The pandemic halted and threatened to wipe out a decade of growth for independent bookstores, forced the postponement of countless

new releases and led to countless others being forgotten. The annual national convention, BookExpo, was called off and may be gone permanently after show organizers Reed Exhibitions announced they were “retiring” it. The industry had long regarded itself as a facilitator of open expression and high ideals, but in 2020 debates over diversity and #MeToo highlighted blind spots about race and gender and challenged the reputations of everyone from poetry publishers to Oprah Winfrey, from book critics to the late editor of Ernest Hemingway. Employees themselves helped take the lead: They staged protests in support of Black Lives Matters and walked off the job at Hachette Book Group after the publisher announced it had acquired Woody Allen’s memoir, which Hachette soon dropped. (Skyhorse Publishing eventually released it.)

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 21 Skyhorse Publishing eventually released it.) Through it all, books managed to sell, keeping a steady pace at a time when film and theater, among other industries, faced dire questions about their future. “My main takeaways from 2020 are that books are resilient and that the industry has indicated a willingness to change (about diversity) and to make opening gestures towards sufficient, industry-wide change,” said Lisa Lucas, executive director of the National Book Foundation, who next year will take over at two prestigious Penguin Random House imprints, Pantheon and Schocken Books. An alarm bell rang early in the new year. Jeanine Cummins’ novel about Mexican immigrants, “American Dirt,” had been widely cited as a top seller and critical favorite for 2020 and was likened by “The Cartel” author Don Winslow to John Steinbeck’s Depression-era classic “The Grapes of Wrath.” In January, Oprah Winfrey announced she had chosen it for her book club and Cummins began a nationwide tour. But to the surprise of the publisher, Macmillan, and Winfrey, Latino authors and critics alleged that Cummins had reinforced stereotypes about Mexico and Mexican immigrants. Along with Cummins, Winfrey invited a panel of detractors who faulted an industry that is an estimated 75 percent white, and the talk show host herself for choosing few works by Latino writers. In the following months, leaders at the National Book Critics Circle, the Poetry Foundation and International Thriller Writers resigned or were forced out amid allegations they had failed to address issues of diversity and racial justice. The Center for Fiction removed the late Maxwell Perkins’ name from its award for editorial excellence, noting that besides working with Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald he published books by eugenicists supporting white supremacy.

Lucas and others questioned if the underlying structure of publishing would change. Saraciea J. Fennell, who leads the advocacy group of book professionals Latinx in Publishing, worries that the wave of new hirings and imprints is simply cyclical and asked, “How long are they going to last? Is all this going to be around in 10-15 years?” Macmillan CEO Don Weisberg, who cited a wide range of diversity programs at the publishing house that began before “American Dirt,” said he “understands the skepticism.” “It’s not going to happen overnight,” Weisberg said. “You’ve got to build an entire infrastructure that makes it part of the norm.” The CEO of Penguin Random House U.S., Madeline McIntosh, noted how well book publishing could meet the public’s needs during the pandemic and other events of 2020. The early days in March led to a surge of sales for children’s activity books as schools shut down and parents looked for ways their kids could fill time and continue to learn. Summer bestseller lists were filled with filled with books on race, from “How To Be an Anti-Racist” to Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility,” as many responded to the killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests. But relief over the bottom line ran parallel with concerns over who benefitted most. Some of the country’s leading independent stores, including City Lights in San Francisco and Anderson’s in suburban Illinois, relied on customer support to stay in business. Len Vlahos, co-owner of the Tattered Cover in Denver, called the financial impact of the pandemic “devastating” and sold the store in December to a group of local investors. Vlahos, who will remain in an unofficial capacity through June, added that even with the lift from Barack Obama’s “A Promised Land,” holiday sales would likely be a “pale shadow” of the previous year. “We hold out strong hope for a vaccine in the first quarter of 2021, so life can once again return to normal,” he said.

22 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

What’s up…

• Tri Township Tri Township Park is open but asks users to use social distancing when in the park. All sports fields, playgrounds, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts are closed. • City of Troy All in-person events are canceled or postponed until further notice. • Village of Glen Carbon The village of Glen Carbon has made the decision to not have a Community Garden for the 2020 season. • Collinsville parks The trails and restrooms are open. Playgrounds are closed at all locations. • Maryville parks Maryville parks are open. The playgrounds and restrooms are closed at all locations. At Drost Park, the outdoor exercise area is closed. The lake is open for fishing, the bike and walking trails are also open. • Glen Carbon parks Tennis courts, ball fields and pavilions are open to the public. All walking and biking trails are available for use. Restrooms will remain closed. Movie in the park is canceled. Kayaking on Drost Lake is canceled. Master Gardeners Open Gate House is postponed. • Glen Carbon Yard Waste Village residents may drop off these items at the public works garage, behind Village Hall and police station, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Dec. 5. Acceptable items include grass clippings, leaves, sticks and twigs. • MCT walking paths, trails open While city parks remain closed, the walking paths and trails are available for walking and jogging. Playgrounds, restrooms, drinking fountains, pavilions, basketball courts, volleyball courts and baseball/softball fields will remain closed. • Village of Glen Carbon The Glen Carbon Senior/Community Center is closed for all group activities and events. At this time, transportation services will continue. • Grow Solar Power Grow Solar Metro East is providing free, no-obligation webinars to explain the program’s benefits. To find out more, check out our website or Facebook page, for dates and times and to register for a webinar. Experts will be on-hand at the seminars to answer your questions. https://www.facebook. com/GrowSolarMetroEast or https://www. • Metro East Humane Society Camp MEHS kits are available for purchase. Kits cost $75 for adults (supplies for 2), $50 for kids (supplies for 2), $10 for an animal, and $20 per additional child and can be purchased at

camp-mehs • Edwardsville KC Fish Fry The Edwardsville Knights of Columbus are hosting a Fish Fry on the first and third Friday of the month, serving 4:30-7:30 p.m. at 7132 Marine Road, Edwardsville. • American Legion Post 435 in Glen Carbon American Legion Post 435 in Glen Carbon has resumed curbside carry out orders for their Friday night fish fry. Phone in orders at 618-288-7118 or 618-288-7119 or order at curbside. Chicken fingers are also available. • The Troy/Maryville/St.Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce The Chamber is meeting virtually. The first Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. “Networking.” The third Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. “Business

Before Breakfast.” For a link go to the website • Madison County Historical Society Although the building is closed to visitors at this time, the Society researchers are taking questions and providing advice on local history and genealogy through the Facebook page, “Madison County Historical Society,” or by calling 618-656-7569. • Pin Oak Senior Citizens The Pin Oak Senior Citizens Club that meets on the fourth Thursday of each month has been canceled. • Edwardsville Main Street Community Center The center has ended all group activities. All essential activities, including homedelivered meals, transportation and assis-

tance appointments will continue. • Glen Carbon Senior Community Center The center will be suspending all group and social activities until further notice. Essential services will continue at this time. • Edwardsville Children’s Museum All museum programs will be canceled during this time and the museum will be reaching out to reschedule what it can and provide refunds for things it can’t. • IBEW 649 Retired Members Club The club is canceling its monthly breakfast meetings until further notice. • Cribbage Club Cribbage Club at the Camelot Bowling Alley, 801 Beltline Road, Collinsville has suspended meeting until further notice.

On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 23

SEC on ABC: ESPN to be exclusive TV home, starting 2024 By RALPH D. RUSSO AP College Football Writer The Southeastern Conference’s signature mid-afternoon Saturday game will move from CBS to ABC starting in 2024 as part of a new 10-year contract announced Thursday with ESPN and the powerhouse football league. The deal makes ESPN the exclusive media rights holder of SEC football and men’s basketball, and will end the conference’s relationship with CBS after three decades. CBS has been airing the league’s Saturday afternoon centerpiece game and football championship since 1996. “The SEC has now, has had and will have a 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time broadcast network game. The change will be from CBS to ABC,” SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey told AP. “So that’s a point of consistency.” The SEC football championship game will also air on ABC. The SEC and ESPN are already in the midst of a 20-year deal that includes a partnership on the SEC Network. The new deal will line up so both will run through the 2033-34 sports season. The difference in the new deal: The midafternoon game is less likely to be the SEC’s game of the week. For the first time, SEC games will be available for ABC’s Saturday Night prime-time slot, too. “So Saturday night, prime time on ABC is the highest profile window, the biggest stage in terms of college football. And we love the fact that we can now bring the ABC platform into the mix, starting in 2024,” ESPN Chairman Jimmy Pitaro told AP. Sports Business Journal first reported a year ago the SEC and ESPN were moving toward a partnership. The deal would likely have been announced sooner if not for the pandemic. The SEC’s contract with CBS was worth about $55 million per year to the conference. Both Sankey and Pitaro declined to reveal financial terms, but Sports Business Journal reported the new deal will be worth more than $300 million annually — an amount confirmed to The AP by a person familiar with the agreement on condition of anonymity because the value of the contract is private. The new deal also gives ESPN the right starting next season (2021-22) to place one nonconference football game and two nonconference basketball games from each school per season on ESPN+, the network’s subscription-based online streaming service. The company said ESPN+ has 11.5 million subscribers. “It’s a recognition of ... the changing

dynamics around media availability and media consumption,” Sankey said. Sankey said moving the SEC’s media rights under one roof will allow the conference to set start times for more games much farther out. The conference hopes that’s a boon for both TV and online viewers as well as fans going to the games. “I think more than half of our games we can set up (kick-off times) during the summer,” Sankey said. “They’re still going to be some of the 12-day and even maybe narrower adjustments, but those will be limited.” Unlike most major spectator sports, the vast majority of game times in college football are set within two weeks of kickoff. The lack of lead time is a frequent complaint from fans across the country and has contributed to dips in college football attendance. “It’s common sense, but we have just not operated that way in college football,” Florida athletic director Scott Stricklin said. “There is still going to be a lot of flexibility for our partners to adjust and put the more interesting games in the highest-profile windows, but it’s a good balance what the league has worked out with Disney. “It’s going to allow fans to have a lot more clarity on when their favorite team’s going to be playing a lot earlier ahead of time.” Sankey said schools will be allowed to set kickoff times for games shown exclusively on ESPN+. There has been speculation the SEC could buy out part of the remaining three years of its current deal with CBS and hasten the move to ESPN. Asked about that possibility, Sankey said the SEC and its members “look forward to maintaining our strong relationship” with CBS. ESPN executive vice president Burke Magnus said that while the network would be happy to have the new deal with the SEC start sooner rather than later, it’s not something ESPN can control. “We’re open to that possibility, but it would have to be a circumstance that works for all involved,” Magnus said. As for the familiar SEC on CBS theme song, Magnus said he gets asked a lot about whether ESPN would consider trying to acquire it. “I enjoy it the same way other fans do. It’s iconic,” Magnus said. “I’m not in the music business, I don’t even know what’s possible necessarily or who owns it. But I do understand the special place it holds among SEC fans.” ESPN already has exclusive rights to the Atlantic Coast Conference, which also has

a network partnership with ESPN, and the American Athletic Conference. ESPN holds at least partial rights with almost every FBS conference, including the Big Ten, Big 12 and Pac-12. Pitaro said adding more SEC inventory to ESPN’s portfolio would not deter the network from being involved with other conferences when deals come up in the not-so-distant future. The Pac-12’s current deals with Fox and ESPN expire in 2024; the Big 12’s end in 2025; and the Big Ten’s latest contracts with ESPN, Fox and CBS run through 2023. “College sports in general will remain a huge priority for ESPN as we move forward,” Pitaro said. “And as each individual deal comes up for renewal, we treat it on a case-by-case basis.”

24 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Food For Thought… with Vicki Bennington

I found my thrill … on blueberry hill By Vicki Bennington For The Edge

EDWARDSVILLE — Well, OK, it was a hill of blueberries that was thrilling, but you get the association. Hammonton, New Jersey is known as the blueberry capital of the United States, it is said, because of the soil, the weather and the geographic location. The “season” in Hammonton is mid-June through August, producing some 57 million pounds of the berries. And there are many other states that grow and distribute the berries, as well. But where Vicki do we get the blueberries we Bennington find in the produce section of our local grocery store in the cold winter months? Many of them come from Chile, some from Argentina, and some from New Zealand. And while I’m really not sure where mine came from, I bought them at the local Schnucks store, and as far as I’m concerned, they were a prime crop – even if it was November when I pur-

chased them. When I first brought them home, I was going to make a smoothie, maybe put them on top of oatmeal, or some other creative way to use the fruit that is supposed to be so good for us. Touted as a food full of antioxidants and phytoflavinoids (trust me, these are a good thing), blueberries are also high in potassium and vitamin C. I’ve even read they can lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, and are anti-inflammatory. Sounds like a super food, right? Just as I was deciding how they would make their way into my day, I ran onto a recipe for Blueberry Crostata, and this particular batch of blueberries had found its fate. Not only was it delicious, it was really easy. I have to confess, I went the route of the Pillsbury boxed crust, which worked out fine. But I’ve included the recipe for a “from-scratch” crust, too, which does add to the difficulty, or at least adds time. Now, this may not be the very best way to eat blueberries for health purposes, considering there is added sugar and butter, but it was a tasty one. And it was a hit at my house. I served it as dessert, but it could be a nice breakfast pas-

Wrap crust around blueberries and brush crust with a whisked egg. (Vicki Bennington|For The Edge)

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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 25 try or an afternoon snack. Crust (or use a Pillsbury boxed crust, which is quite good) 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1-1/2 teaspoons Kosher salt 1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks), well chilled 4 to 6 tablespoons ice water Place the flour, sugar and salt in the bowl. Mix to evenly distribute the sugar and salt. Cut the butter into 1/2-inch cubes. Use a little of the flour mixture to keep the butter pieces from sticking together. Chill the cut butter cubes for 15 minutes. Prepare the ice water by filling a small bowl with ice cubes and adding water. Stir until the water is well-chilled. Place the butter cubes in the bowl with the flour mixture. Stir or pulse in food processor to cut the butter into the flour (the flour-butter mixture will be coarse with some pea-sized pieces of butter remaining). Add 2 tablespoons of the ice water by sprinkling on top of the flour and butter mixture. Mix. Continue adding ice water by the tablespoon, mixing after each addition until a rough dough is formed. Test the dough by pinching together (if it holds together, enough water has been added. If it crumbles apart, add another tablespoon of water, but avoid adding too much water). Remove dough from the work bowl, gathering it into a rough ball. Flatten dough ball into a disk about a half-inch in thickness and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill the

wrapped dough disk for an hour or overnight. Remove the dough from the refrigerator when ready to bake the crostata and let set for 10 minutes on the countertop while mixing the filling. Blueberry Filling 5 cups blueberries 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch Stir the cornstarch and sugar together, then sprinkle over the blueberries. Gently toss the fruit to distribute the cornstarch and sugar mixture. Set aside while finishing crust preparation. Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 16-inch rough circle with about a 1/8- to 3/16-inch thickness. Transfer the rolled dough to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (I actually used foil, which was fine). Place the prepared blueberry filling in the center of the crust circle and spread into an even layer, leaving about a 2-1/2-inch perimeter of crust free. Fold the edges of the crust over the filling. Crust Topping 1 egg for egg wash 1 tablespoon white sugar for crust topping Beat an egg with 1 teaspoon of water in a small bowl. Brush the egg wash on the crust’s surfaces. Sprinkle with coarse sugar. Chill the crostata in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes while the oven preheats. Bake in a 400 F oven for 20 to 25 minutes, checking after 15 minutes. The crust will develop a golden-brown color, and the filling will be bubbling and slightly

Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth and especially you.

thickened. The filling continues to thicken as is cools. Serve warm or cooled to room temperature with a side of vanilla bean ice cream, or whipped cream, if desired. Give it a try. Let me know how you like it and if you made your crust from scratch – or maybe you’ll decide to put your own spin on it. It’s always fun to hear how it goes. In this column, Vicki Bennington shares her love

Blueberry Crostata in process Bennington|For The Edge)

of food and all that involves, from special dishes at local and regional restaurants to new trends and fads, and things to try at home. Contact her at with comments, ideas or suggestions.

(Vicki Blueberry Crostata (Vicki Bennington|For The Edge)

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26 • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • On the Edge of the Weekend

Prince William thanks pandemic workers at Christmas show

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s Prince William and his family attended a Christmas show in London on Friday night, where he paid tribute to medical staff and other frontline workers for their efforts during the pandemic. William, his wife Kate, and their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, watched a traditional British pantomime performance at the Palladium organized to thank the city’s essential workers and their families. It was the first time the family of five has appeared together at a “red carpet” event. William noted the contributions of health service staff, teachers, emergency services workers, and researchers, among others. “You have given your absolute all this year, and made remarkable sacrifices,” he told the audience before the show began. Earlier in the week, the couple took a three-day train tour of Wales and Scotland to spread Christmas cheer and thank frontline workers there for their hard and dangerous work. However, they received a frosty welcome from leaders in those regions, with one Welsh official saying he would rather “no one was having unnecessary visits” during the coronavirus pandemic. Britain has Europe’s deadliest COVID-19 outbreak, with more than 61,000 reported dead.




On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 27


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On the Edge of the Weekend • Thursday, December 17, 2020 • 31

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3 000 0

3 000

2,500 5,500 DoDge SXT $ram Cab % 500 % Charger500 % 1500 Crew2,500 DoDge Charger SXT1,000 ram Crew Cab 0 for 0 for %0$ % 1500 , % % 1,000 2,500 , 1,000 3,000 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 0 0 0 75 moS.* 75 moS.*

0 2,500 0

$ 2015 $ New 2015 $ rebaTe New rebaTe New 2015 or 75 moS.*$ 75 moS.* 2015 New or $ apr for apr for 75 moS.* reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe pluS reTail boNuS pluS CaSh$ pluS pluS apr for apr for reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe pluS reTail boNuS CaSh pluS pluS pluS 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* apr for 75 moS*. rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 apr for 75 moS*. $ $rebaTe $ New$2015 2015 or $$rebaTeNewrebaTe or $rebaTe for for Retail ConsumeR Cash* or $ or ConsumeR pluS pluS for for Retail Cash* rebaTe reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 pluS pluS $ $ rebaTe rebaTe $ $ $ New 2015 New 2015 75 moS.* $ $ pluS $or 75 apr for $ $ moS.* apr for pluSor 75 moS.* reTail apr for aprreTail for boNuS CaSh pluS or rebaTeCaSh CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer pluS CaSh pluSor 75 moS.* reTail boNuS CaShboNuS rebaTeCaSh uS reTail boNuS CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75CoNSumer moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* New 2015 New 2015 rebaTe rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 rebaTe rebaTe $ $ $ $ $ or $ $ $ $ for pluS 2015or rebaTe rebaTe $for New 2015 apr New pluS 2015or pluS for or rebaTe $ moS.*rebaTe $ moS.* pluS rebaTe rebaTe $ for $for New 2015 apr for apr for or 75 or 75 $ moS.* New $ moS.* 75 pluS pluS apr for reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe or 75 or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh pluS pluS reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer 75 moS.* CaSh rebaTe 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* New 2015 $ or $ New 2015 for $rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 $rebaTe $rebaTe for pluS pluS or $ for for or $ or $ 75 rebaTe$ rebaTe pluS pluSfor $ $ $ rebaTe rebaTe New 2015 moS.* 75 moS.* New 2015 $ $ apr apr for or or $ $ New 2015 rebaTepluS 75 moS.* reTail boNuS CaSh New 2015 pluS apr for orpluS apr for reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTeCaSh or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer pluS 75 moS.* CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* rebaTe rebaTe $ $ $ $ $rebaTe $rebaTe for $ $ for pluS or pluSor for for rebaTe 75 rebaTe pluS or pluSor rebaTe 75 $ moS.*$rebaTe $ $moS.* $$ New 2015 or 75 or $ moS.* reTail $ moS.* New 2015 $ $ New 2015 apr for apr for New 2015 reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe or 75 or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh pluS $ $ pluS apr for apr for for for boNuSCaSh CaSh rebaTe CoNSumer CoNSumer CaSh pluS pluS pluS pluS for for 75 moS.* 75 moS.* pluS pluS 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* reTail boNuS 75 moS.* rebaTeCaSh rebaTe 75 moS.* or 75 moS.* $ rebaTeCaSh $ rebaTe or rebaTe reTail boNuS rebaTe or $ or $ rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe New 2015 New 2015 apr for $ $ $ $ New 2015 $ $ apr for New 2015 $ $ or or $ $ $ $ for pluS pluS $ $ apr for apr for $ $ or or for CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh or or pluS pluS pluS for for CoNSumer CaSh CaSh or or 75CoNSumer moS.* pluS 75 moS.* rebaTe rebaTe pluS 75 moS.* pluS rebaTe 75 moS.* rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe 75 moS.*rebaTe 75 moS.* rebaTe 75 moS.* reTail boNuS 75 moS.* reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe CaSh rebaTe $ New 2015 apr for New 2015 $ $ 2015 New New New 2015 apr for pluS or or $$ $ $ $or $ New 2015 2015 apr for New 2015 2015 apr for pluS pluS or or $$ $ for $ New $ $or CoNSumer CoNSumer for pluS $ *Residency restrictions apply. CaSh Must delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed basedor on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyersCaSh CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh pluS pluS 75 moS.* 75takemoS.* for for *Residency restrictions apply. Must delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed basedor on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. SeerebaTe Dealer for rebaTewill qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for pluS 75 moS.* pluS rebaTe 75takemoS.* rebaTe rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe rebaTe 75 moS.* 75 moS.* rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subjectmoS.* to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title reTail , license & doc fee boNuS extra. 0% APR for 75CaSh months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 75 moS.* reTail boNuS CaSh 75 rebaTe rebaTe $ $$ New 2015 New 2015 $ $$ New 2015 apr for orpluS apr for or New 2015 pluS $ apr for orpluS apr for $$ $ or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh $ pluS $ $$ $ for CoNSumer CaSh CaSh or or *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for $ for 75CoNSumer 75bymoS.* pluS for for or *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery bymoS.* 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. NotmoS.* all buyers will qualifypluS for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for 75 moS.* pluS or 75 rebaTe rebaTe pluS rebaTe rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to 75 change moS.* without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe rebaTe 75 moS.* rebaTe rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to 75 change moS.* without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 75 moS.* reTail boNuS reTail boNuS CaSh rebaTe CaSh rebaTe $ $ New 2015 $ New $ $ 2015 $ or or New 2015 New 2015 $ $ apr for apr for or or pluS pluS apr for apr for CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh $ $ *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for pluS pluS CoNSumer CoNSumer CaSh or or 75 moS.* 75 moS.* restrictions apply. Must take deliveryCaSh by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for$ well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens or $ *Residency or rebaTe rebaTe 75 moS.* Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice75 & maymoS.* affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months rebaTe on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe rebaTe rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months rebaTe on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe


75 moS.*

% % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 5,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 2,500 0 5,500 3,000 2,500 0 5,500 % % 0 2,500 4,500 500&Crew 2,500 % % % % 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 1,000 3,000 % SXT ram %Cab 1,000 3,000 Jeep Cherokee TowN CouNTy DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Cab JeepCharger Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 0 DoDge 1500 Crew 0 0 0 0 2,500 5,500 2,500 5,500 % % 500 2,500 % % 2,500 4,500 % % 500 2,500 1,000 3,000 2,500 4,500 % % 2,500 5,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 1,000 3,000 DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 2,500 5,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 0 DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 0 0 0 0 % % 500 2,500 % 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 % % 2,500 4,500 1,000 3,000 %% SXT 1,000 % JeepCharger Cherokee TowN &0 CouNTy 2,500 5,500 3,000 JeepCharger Cherokee TowN &0 CouNTy 0 2,500 5,500 DoDge SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 0 oDge ram 1500 Crew Cab 0 0 % % New 2015 500 2,500 % New 2015 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 2,500 4,500 % % 1,000 3,000 % 2,500 5,500 Jeep Cherokee & CouNTy 3,000 0 0 New 2020TowN Jeep gRaNd New 2020 dodge 2,500 5,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 2021 Ram0 1500 0%% New1,000 0 0 0 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs See%Us For2,500 All500 Your Automotive Needs Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy % % 500 2,500 4,500 ChaLLeNgeR R/t CheRokee aLtitude 4x4 % 2,500 LaRamie CRew 4x4 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 2,500& CouNTy 5,500 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Jeep Cherokee TowN 0 0 2,500 5,500 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 0 0 2 See%Us For 2All500 Your Automotive SUPERSTORE $% $Needs See% Us For Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE % 2,500 apr forAll500 apr for 2,500 4,500 % % 2,500 2,500 4,500 500 pluS 2,500 pluS Jeep Cherokee TowN & 0 CouNTy YOUR AUTOMOTIVE618-656-6070 Jeep Cherokee TowN & 0 CouNTy 0 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 0 New moS.* 75 moS.* 618-656-6070 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 SUPERSTORE See%Us For All75 Your Automotive Needs 2 rebaTe rebaTe 2015 SUPERSTORE % % New 2015 500 2,500 % 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy YOUR AUTOMOTIVE Jeep Cherokee TowN &0 CouNTy 0 Your 0$SUPERSTORE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 0 or 618-656-6070 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 2 See%618-656-6070 Us For 2All500 Automotive Needs ee%Us For All500 Your Automotive Needs $ SUPERSTORE % 2,500 or % 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowNCaSh & CouNTy 2,500 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 2,500 CoNSumer CaSh 4,500 CoNSumer YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 0 0 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 0 0 $ $ 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 for apr for 2 All500 % apr % %Us % SUPERSTORE 2 2,500 500 2,500 See For Your Automotive Needs 2,500 % SUPERSTORE See%Us For All Your Automotive Needs 500 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 75 Jeep moS.* 75 moS.* 2, 4,500 Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 0 0 0 0 0 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 %Us For 2All500 % 2 See Your Automotive Needs 2,500 SUPERSTORE % % See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 SUPERSTORE 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee &0 CouNTy $ 0 $ TowN Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy 0 or or 0 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE $9,603 2,500 OFF $7,041 OFF $6,080 OFF 4,500 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 % % SUPERSTORE 500 2,500 See%Us Price For All Your Automotive Needs 2 % 2,500 4,500 SUPERSTORE 500 2,500 Cassens $53,567 Cassens Price $42,614 Cassens Price $40,065 2,500 &0 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN &0 CouNTy Jeep Cherokee TowN CouNTy 0 0 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 2 See Us For 2All Your Automotive Needs %618-656-6070 % SUPERSTORE ee%Us For All Your Automotive Needs 500 2,500 % SUPERSTORE 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 2,500 4,500 02 0YOURSUPERSTORE AUTOMOTIVE 0 New 2020 Jeep CheRokee 0YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NewYour 2020 Automotive dodge ChaRgeRNeeds gt New 2020 ChRySLeR 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 All See Us For

3,000 5,500 % SXT ram2,500 %Cab 3,000 5,500 DoDge SXT ram 1500 Crew2,500 Cab % Charger %1,000 DoDge 1500 Crew2,500 500 % Charger %1,000 1,000 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 4,500 TowN & CouNTy Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy Jeep Cherokee $2,500% % or %$ or 1,000 3,0005,500 % 1,000 3,000 DoDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew2,500 Cab 2,500 5,500 % % DoDge SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 500 % Charger500 % 2,500 4,500 2,500 2,500 4,500 Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy Jeep Cherokee TowN & CouNTy % % Cab 1,000 3,000 % % DoDge 2,500Crew 5,500 1,000 3,000 Charger SXT ram 1500 2,500 5,500 % % oDge Charger SXT ram 1500 Crew Cab 500 2,500 % % 2,500 4,500 500 2,500 2,500 4,500 JeepCharger CherokeeSXT TowN CouNTy DoDge ram 1500&Crew Cab JeepCharger CherokeeSXT 1,000 TowN CouNTy DoDge ram 1500&Crew Cab % % 3,000 % %



New 2015

$ or

apr for 75 moS.*


New $ 2015

New 2015 apr for





apr for 75 moS.*



New 2015 apr for CaSh 75 moS.*

CoNSumer pluS *Residency restrictions apply. MustCoNSumer take delivery by 11-30-15. CaSh Vehicles listed basedpluS on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for CoNSumer CaSh ictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR forrebaTe 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. cturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR forrebaTe 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe


New 2015

apr for 75 moS.*




$ pluS or Cassens rebaTe

CoNSumer CaSh

New New 2015 apr for $ 2015 apr2 Miles forNorth of 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 or on $Hwy. 159 or $ pluS pluS I-270 or $ CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh pluS CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer 75 moS.* CaSh rebaTe 75takemoS.* Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for 75takemoS.* Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. New 2015 New 2015

New 2015 apr for

New 2015

New 2015

$$ $$ $$ apr North forof I-270 apr for 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 orpluS or pluS apr for 2 Miles on Hwy. 159 or CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh pluS CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery bymoS.* 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for 75 moS.* Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. rebaTe Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. $ New 2015 New 2015 $ New 2015 New 2015 apr foron Hwy.pluS apr for pluS apr foron$Hwy.pluS apr for or pluS $$ 2 Miles North75 of I-270 159 pluS or $ 2 Miles North75 of I-270 159 or moS.* 75 moS.* CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh moS.* 75 moS.* CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for

apr for orpluS$ $ 75 moS.* rebaTe



or $ pluS rebaTe

75 moS.*

rebaTe rebaTe





Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Stk# 21t127 Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Stk# 20L526

Stk# 20N625 New $ $ New 2015 apr for $ $ $ 2015 for or $ New 2015 apr for MSRP $ 2 Miles apr pluS or $46,145 pluS North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 MSRP $63,170 MSRP CoNSumer CaSh pluS or $49,655 pluS 2 Miles apr Northfor of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* 75 moS.* *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for

$ or

New 2015

rebaTe ictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. MustrebaTe receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. cturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.

New 2015

apr for 75 moS.*

apr for orpluS$ $ 75 moS.* rebaTe


or $ pluS rebaTe

CoNSumer NewCaSh 2015

New 2015 apr for

CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.*

or pluS

$ apr for or $ pluS CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.* 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 rebaTe


New 2015 apr for

CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.*



CoNSumer CaSh

$ CoNSumer CaSh or $ pluS CoNSumer CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed basedrebaTe on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed basedrebaTe on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.


$$ or pluS


apr for orpluS apr for or pluS CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CaSh 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 75CoNSumer moS.* 75 moS.* *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory.rebaTe Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for rebaTe *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory.rebaTe Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. apr for

CoNSumer CaSh 75 moS.*

$ All Your $ See Us For Automotive$4,500 Needs SUPERSTORE 2, 2, Latitude pLuS 4,500 paCifiCa touRiNg L YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 2 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE618-656-6070 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE618-656-6070 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 SUPERSTORE See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 SUPERSTORE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 2 See 618-656-6070 Us For 2All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs ee Us For All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 2 All Your See Us For SUPERSTORE See Us For Automotive Needs YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 2 See Us For 2All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE See Us For All Your Automotive Needs MSRP $31,290 MSRP $42,020 MSRP $34,385 SUPERSTORE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE $6,277 OFF $6,855 OFF $6,060 OFF YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 618-656-6070 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 $28,325 SUPERSTORE See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 2 Cassens Price $25,013 Cassens Price $35,165 Cassens Price SUPERSTORE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 2 See 618-656-6070 Us For 2All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs ee Us For All Your AutomotiveSUPERSTORE Needs YOUR AUTOMOTIVE YOUR AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs 618-656-6070 2 SUPERSTORE 2 See Us For All Your Automotive Needs SUPERSTORE 618-656-6070 YOURAUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 618-656-6070 YOUR 25 SUPERSTORE SUPERSTORE



Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.



2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

CoNSumer CaSh


2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 CoNSumer CaSh

CoNSumer CaSh CoNSumer CaSh *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.


2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for ictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. cturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.


2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed forCassens well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details.

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for *Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without20S402 notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. Stk# 20F104 Stk# Stk#



*Residency restrictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. all buyers 2 Miles North Not of I-270 on Hwy.will 159qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice*Residency & may affect dealer’s price. everyone qualifies Cassens price. Tax, titlerate.,Must license & doc feeCapital. extra. 0%for APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. restrictions apply. Must take delivery byselling 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for wellfor qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest receive financing from Chrysler See Dealer ictions apply. Must take delivery by 11-30-15. Vehicles listed based on inventory. Savings listed for well qualified buyers. Not all buyers will qualify for lowest rate. Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Cassens

Cassens Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affectlisted dealer’s selling everyonequalified qualifies for Cassensbuyers. price. Tax, title ,Not license &all doc fee extra. 0% APRwill for 75 months on selected Se dealer for details. Must by 11-30-15. listed based inventory. Savings forprice.well buyers qualify forvehicles. lowest rate. cturer incentives subject *Residency to change without notice &restrictions may affect dealer’s sellingapply. price. everyone qualifiestake for Cassensdelivery price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APRVehicles for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer on for details.

Must receive financing from Chrysler Capital. See Dealer for Details Manufacturer incentives subject to change without notice & may affect dealer’s selling price. everyone qualifies for Cassens price. Tax, title , license & doc fee extra. 0% APR for 75 months on selected vehicles. Se dealer for details. 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159 Cassens


Everyone qualifies for Cassens prices. Tax, Title, License and Docs extra.

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159



2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

Cassens Cassens

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

618-656-6070 618-656-6070 2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

2 Miles North of I-270 on Hwy. 159

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