Laker FFA - April 2023

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LAKER Agriculture Issues Contest

Students present the pros and cons of their chosen agriculture issue for this contest.They then put together a 15 minute presentation which shows both sides of the issue. At the conclusion, they must answer 5 minutes of questions relating to their topic.

Our team’s topic this year was, “Should horse slaughter and consumption in America be legal?” This topic took a deep look at the issues surrounding the number of wild horses, mustangs, kill shelter horses and companion and/or working horses and what could be done with them at maturity age or end of life to avoid the transfer of horses to Canada and Mexico.

Currently the U.S. does not have regulations put in place to monitor additives administered to horses which has created a rift between the USDA and FDA in regards to safety for human consumption.

Team members include:

Emily Smith, Tyler Hill, Izzy Herford, Heidi Keim, Tatum Boyce, Kadie Jarson, Mason Shaw

This team was named 4th in the state!

Our second Agriculture Issues topic was, “Declawing Cats: Paws or Claws?” This topic looked at the ethical standpoints of a common practice done in veterinary clinics across the nation. Recently we have seen the number of declawing cases decrease dramatically due to the influence of social media. Cats play an important role in the circle of life on a farm, however their claws can pose various health risks to both humans and livestock.

This team received a Silver award and team members include:

Audrey McNabb, Hannah Corp, Megan Strieter, Kate Hill, Sarah Courter, Anya Cardoza, Ally Smith

State Winning Proficiency

Devonee Gnagey was named the State Winning Proficiency in the area of Agriculture Education. Her project began two years ago through the chapters, “Project PALs” program. She uses the Ag in the Classroom curriculum matrix to develop grade appropriate lessons based on the host teacher’s/ request.

This year the topic focused on chicken; Devonee utilized the chapter’s broiler chickens to educate kindergarteners about: the life cycle of a chicken, the food they eat, byproducts, as well as helping them measure and weigh the chickens to track growth.

Huron Daily Tribune • April 2023 • Page 1
L-R: Kadie Jarson, Tatum Boyce, Izzy Herford, Tyler Hill, Emily Smith, Heidi Keim, Mason Shaw L-R: Kate Hill, Megan Strieter, Ally Smith, Audrey McNabb, Sarah Courter, Anya Cardoza, Hannah Corp Above: Devonee Gnagey

Junior High Conduct of Meetings

The Junior High Conduct of Meetings contest is designed to prepare junior high students for the upper level contests, such as Greenhand Conduct of Meetings and Parliamentary Procedure. Just like these contests, students must pass and reject motions, as well as go through opening and closing ceremonies. Students must have knowledge of 7 abilities, but be able to demonstrate 3 during their meeting and answer questions about parliamentary procedure at the conclusion of their meeting.

Our team that competed at the state level this year is: President Hesston Keim, Vice President Eva Zagorski, Secretary Olivia Hooper, Treasurer Henry Haag, Reporter Sadie Steinman, Sentinel Skylar Steinman, and Advisor Lydia Rokicki. Alternates included Evan Olson, Lucas Wehner and Leila Stone

Congratulations to this team on receiving a 3rd place Gold!

Job Interview Contest

Students in this contest select an age appropriate agriculture career.Then prepare for a traditional job interview one would experience when applying for a position. Students must manage their time in a 15 minute interview, as well as prepare a cover letter and resume.This year Kennedy Henry competed in this contest, and for the purposes of the contest “applied” to Nutrien Ag Solutions as an Assistant Entomology Intern.

Kennedy was named 4th in the state and received a Gold award!

State Office

Peyton Kuhn served the state association this past year as the Michigan FFA State Sentinel. At the state convention we were able to see her chair a session, award students for their accomplishments and give her retiring address to the 2,000 FFA members present at convention.

We would like to congratulate Peyton on her year of service and accomplishments in this role. We are proud to have her representing our chapter.

Page 2 • April 2023 • Huron Daily Tribune Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. PROUDLY SUPPOR TING THE FFA 7911 Murdoch Rd. Bay Port MI (989) 453-7097 Jason Cell (616) 329-9818 w w Call us for high quality farm equipment and long life tillage wear par ts We can help lower your cost per acre
Above: Kennedy Henry Back L-R: Evan Olson, Henry Haag, Hesston Keim, Skylar Steinman, Lubas Wehner
Front L-R: Sadie Steinman, Lydia Rokicki, Eva Zagorski, Leila Stone, Olivia Hooper

Parliamentary Procedure

The highest level of running effective meetings, students demonstrate over 12 abilities throughout their meeting, while solving a topic and providing debate related to their item of business. Students also demonstrate their knowledge through a written test, prior to delivering their presentation to a panel of judges. Our team placed 3rd in the state!

Team members are: chairman, Brianna Yoder, Devonee Gnagey, Lexi Smithers, Mikel Good, Reagan Boyce, and Kendal Boyce

State Degrees

The coveted State Degree is one of the most prestigious awards that an FFA member can receive, right under their American Degree.

This year the following earned the coveted State FFA Degree: Kendal Boyce, Reagan Boyce, Charlie Csanyi, Devonee Gnagey, Mikel Good, Kennedy Henry, Tyler Hill, Tori Iseler, Alivia Lubeski, Mason Shaw, Alexa Smithers, Tyson Steinman, and Brianna Yoder.

Huron Daily Tribune • April 2023 • Page 3 Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. Har Jo’s Ben Franklin CRAFT & VARIET Y WE SUPPOR T FFA! 9 South Main St. Pigeon • (989) 453-2323 Congratulations to Everyone! CONGRATUL ATIONS ON A SUCCESSFUL YEAR AT STATE CONVENTION! 866-862-3113 Where Relationships are Built on Trust
Top L-R: Mason Shaw, Emily Smith, Tyler Hill Middle L-R: Kennedy Henry, Brianna Yoder, Alexa Smithers
Front L-R: Kendal Boyce, Reagan Boyce, Devonee Gnagey
Back L-R: Mikel Good, Brianna Yoder, Alexa Smithers Front L-R: Kendal Boyce, Reagan Boyce, Devonee Gnagey

Gold/Silver State Degrees

Additionally, some of our seniors received honors with their degrees due to their extensive investment in their SAE and FFA involvement, placing them in the top 2% of our organization.

Alivia Lubeski received a Silver State FFA Degree.


Outstanding Junior Degree

Members who have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, participated in at least 1 activity above the chapter level and have 10 community service hours qualify for their Outstanding Junior Degree. The following received their award at convention this year: Haley Arntz,Tatum Boyce, Sadie Brooks,Lauren Esch, Cassidy Fritz, Jacob Henderson, Izzy Herford, Kadie Jarson, Heidi Keim, Abigail Mattice, Brady Richmond, Dustin Richmond, Crystal Sarles


Every year, a select few students are chosen to represent the Laker FFA Chapter in a delegate voting process. Delegates this year voted on bylaw changes to the Michigan FFA Board of Directors, experienced a house session at our state’s capitol, and recognized 2 House of Representatives with their Honorary Michigan FFA Degree. On Friday, they listened to the speeches of the state officer candidates, then voted to install the 2023-2024 State FFA Officer team.

This year, Caroline McNabb, Lily McNabb, and Jacob Henderson represented the Laker FFA as delegates at the State FFA Convention.

A true leader thinks more of the name on the back of his jacket than the one on the front.

Congratulations to the Laker FFA for another successful year at the State Convention!

Page 4 • April 2023 • Huron Daily Tribune Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
We proudly udly support the FFA
L-R: Lily McNabb, Jacob Henderson, Caroline McNabb

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