Higher Education 2021

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There is no place like Mid! I have faced and overcome many challenges throughout my life—just like many of you. From military transfers to abusive situations and mental health concerns to losing loved ones and living in a homeless shelter, I’ve pretty much experienced it all! I can be lighthearted about many of my challenges now, but there were dark days when I didn’t believe I could have a bright future. I remember when I first walked into Mid, just to check it out, and I immediately felt like I was home. I walked in and there was no fear, only hope. Mid faculty and staff have supported and believed in me from day one and throughout every step of my journey.

Mid is family. It’s an experience that shaped me and one I truly value. The people at Mid care and want to help you realize your potential. So, if you’re like me and you feel unsure about going to college or unsure if Mid is the right fit for you, take my advice. Walk in. Check it out. Meet the people. Share your story. You might just discover that there’s no place like Mid to help move you forward.

Laurie Kamrowski and her children have some fun with her new found billboard-fueled fame.

midmich.edu Laurie most recently graduated from Mid in 2021 and holds two credentials, including a Liberal Studies Transfer Associate Degree and Web Design Certificate. She continues to call Mid home in her role as the College’s Accessibility Intern. She plans to begin pursuing an advanced degree at Central Michigan University this fall.

Laurie K., MID Graduate 2021



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Ashley Sue Adan Memorial Scholarship for Special Education Provides a scholarship award to Midland County residents who meet the following criteria: a) special education paraprofessionals or Para-educators pursuing a teaching degree in Special Education, or b) graduating high school seniors, college or graduate students pursuing a teaching degree in Special Education. Preference will first be given to paraprofessionals or Para-educators or to other individuals who have demonstrated the compassion and commitment required to work with and help Special Education students. Previous recipients may reapply. Turner Alfrey, Jr. Scholarship Provides an award for a student who has completed his/her freshman year at a recognized institution of higher learning at the time of the application. The successful applicant is pursuing a career in teaching or research in the fields of science or engineering. Preference will be given to the following fields: polymers, mechanical or chemical engineering, mathematics, chemistry or physics. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, course of study, and explain career goals in the scientific and technical fields selected. This award may be renewed once, provided that the student submits to the Foundation a letter requesting renewal as well as an updated official transcript proving they have maintained a B or better GPA and that the course of study has not changed. These must be submitted by the then current scholarship deadline. Alpha Kappa Alpha/MAO (Mu Alpha Omega Chapter) Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to young people of color who are attending a four-year university or college or Delta College (or another approved twoyear college in plant communities serving Dow Employees). Eligible candidates for consideration will be descendants of African American, Native American or Hispanic ancestry and will be those with a grade point average of 2.9 or above. In addition, MAO scholars will demonstrate sound character, civic purpose and volunteer service in their school or community and interest in a specified career field. As part of the scholarship application, one of the references must be from a member of the MAO chapter. Richard and E. Mair Alsgaard Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior, current college/technical school student or nontraditional student who is planning to pursue a course of study in welding or other areas of the skilled trades.

American Association of University Women - Midland Branch Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for higher education to a woman residing in Midland County. Graduating Senior Woman: The successful applicant must graduate from a high school under the jurisdiction of the MCESA (Midland County Educational Service Agency) or be a Midland County resident graduating from high school in the year of the award. The applicant must be a female with a cumulative, unweighted 3.0 GPA or better. The award is based on a combination of merit and need. The essay for this scholarship should describe how this award will help the applicant attain her educational goals and her potential contribution to society. It may include such topics as career choice and reasons for that choice, involvement in school and community activities plus any special needs to be considered. Awardee must intend to pursue her education full time in the year following the award and be working toward a baccalaureate degree. Women in Transition: This scholarship will be awarded to a Midland County woman who has had a delay or interruption in education beyond high school and who wishes to work toward a baccalaureate or higher degree. Applicant could also already have a baccalaureate degree and be returning to college for re-education with a specific career goal in mind. A “delay” is any amount of time beyond one year after completion of secondary education. An “interruption” is equal to two full semesters or more en route to a baccalaureate or higher degree. The scholarship is based on a combination of merit, need, and potential contribution to society. Please include the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) page of your completed FAFSA. The essay for this scholarship should describe career goals, reasons for applying for this scholarship, activities or studies in the past five years and expand on potential contributions to society. A previous recipient may reapply for a second year if a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better is achieved during the first year. This award must be used in the academic year following the announcement of the recipient. Incomplete applications will not be considered. H. Floyd Andrick Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County graduating senior or current college student who is studying history or a related field at any Michigan two or four-year accredited college or university. Financial need will be a consideration. Previous re-

cipients may reapply. Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident. The essay should include information on your academic performance as well as your volunteerism. Please include any barrier you may have overcome in your life as well as your commitment to a career goal, work ethic and determination. Roger Asiala Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland or Dow High School graduating senior who is going into a STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and math) related field of study including medicine and the trades. Preference will be given to students that have financial need. James Ayre Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland County resident who should demonstrate financial need and be pursuing a degree in business or real estate from one of the following colleges: Delta College, Northwood University, Central Michigan University or Western Michigan University. The recipient need not have been an above average or excellent student but should show college potential as determined by school counselors. Available to students pursuing either undergraduate or graduate degrees. Gwendolyn M. Bagley Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to residents of Midland and/or Gladwin Counties who are either current college students or graduating seniors from public high schools within the two counties. Applicants should be planning a career in teaching in the health/ physical education area or a career in nursing.

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Dorothy J. Baker Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award(s) to a graduate of a Midland County High School who is pursuing and education in fashion/clothing design, retail merchandising or interior design. The applicant must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better and must communicate their passion and commitment to the industry in the essay. Dr. Shailer L. Bass Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual grant to a non-traditional student pursuing post high school studies at a community college, college, or university. Previous recipients may reapply. The Beaverton Lions Club Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship(s) award to a graduating senior of either Beaverton High School or Gladwin High School with a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 or higher. Big Brothers Big Sisters Education Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County High School graduating senior or current college/trade school student who is and/or has been a Big Brothers Big Sisters mentee with a minimum GPA or 2.0. Previous recipients may reapply by preference will be given to applicants who have not received the scholarship. Sharon Brady Michigan Technological University Alpha Delta Alpha Sorority Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a female student attending Michigan Technological University and is a member of the Alpha Delta Alpha Sorority with a preference to applicants of Midland and Gladwin Counties. E. N. (Ned) Brandt Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a student majoring in public relations or communications. Preference will be given to students who have given back to the community through service activities and have an interest in history, public affairs or philanthropy. Jeannette Brandt Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to encourage and foster study and use of foreign languages with a preference to those studying the French language. The student may be pursuing any college major but must evidence an interest in foreign language. Duane E. and Barbara J. Bremer Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a student

at Concordia University who is pursuing a career in church work. Terry and Eileen Brokoff Scholarship To provide two annual scholarship awards to Gladwin High School graduating seniors who have financial need, a grade point average of 3.0 or above with one scholarship for a student who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in human medicine and one scholarship to a student who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in a STEM (Science, technology, engineering and math) field with a preference to those studying engineering.

high school senior from Midland Public Schools. The successful recipient will be pursuing a career in fine arts (music, visual arts, theatre, dance, etc.) and will have demonstrated outstanding achievements in - and a passion for - the discipline. Financial need will also be among the criteria. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achievements and career goals, and should address why this student feels he/she meets the qualifications for this scholarship.

Ernest R. and Martha E. Britton Memorial Scholarship Provides up to two one-time awards of $2,500 for graduating seniors from a Midland County public high school. Financial need may be considered when all other factors are equal. The applicants must demonstrate leadership in service projects through school, scouting, church, etc., and participation in activities such as band, cheerleading, pom pom, Pep Club, etc.

Nancy and Parke Brown Scholarship Provides an award to attend Lawrence Technological University (LTU). Graduating high school seniors, current or transferring students, or previous recipients of the award may apply. The successful applicant must demonstrate financial need (a MAJOR factor) and must be accepted at LTU in the year of the award. The scholarship is contingent upon enrollment of student at LTU. The essay for this scholarship should describe financial need, education and work experience and career goals.

James T. Brooks Memorial Fine Arts Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating

Buell Family Scholarship for Foster Care Students Provides a college education for a student who in the



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation current year or previous three years is graduating or has graduated from high school or received his/her GED. The student must have come out of the foster care system. The student should be a Midland or Gladwin County resident (preference for Midland County), and plan to attend or be attending any public university, community college or private college in Michigan as a full-time residential or commuter student. Students attending a private college would receive an amount equivalent to the average cost of state universities in Michigan. It is expected that the recipient could continue to receive funding for up to four years or completion of degree or certification program assuming acceptable academic progress, and that every four years (or upon completion of a degree or certification program) a new recipient would be selected. Consideration could be given for a fifth year if it is required for degree completion, and the student is still attending college full-time. The student must maintain a 2.5 GPS and have evidence of completing 40 hours of community service annually. Bullock Creek Alumni Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Bullock Creek High School graduating senior or Bullock Creek High School Graduate. The successful applicant will be planning to attend an accredited community college, college or university, or technical or trade school in the year of the award. Preference will be for applications that show some work experience, financial need, and a career and community service focus Bullock Creek Area Business Association Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship(s) award(s) to a graduating senior(s) from Bullock Creek High School who has attended Bullock Creek High School for at least two years who is attending a Michigan college, university, trade or technical school. The applicant should display character traits and maturity as exemplified by but not limited to high school awards, extra-curricular activities and leadership positions. Barbara M. Burdon Memorial Educational Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Bullock Creek High School senior who is pursuing a degree in secondary education. Susan Burgess Memorial Flute Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a flute student to attend camp, take private lessons, purchase a flute or attend college studying music with an emphasis on flute.

Pat Bywater Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship for a graduating senior from either Midland High or H.H. Dow High School in the year of the award, or for a previous recipient of the award. The applicant must demonstrate financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achievements and personal goals. Bob G. Caldwell Memorial Engineering Scholarship Provides an award for a student who has completed at least two years of post-high school study and is enrolled at a school of engineering at an accredited college or university. Previous recipients may reapply. The successful applicant will be either a) a Midland County resident, or b) the child of an employee of Michigan Operations of The Dow Chemical Company. All selection factors being equal, preference will be given to children of employees of Michigan Operations of Dow. The applicant must achieve at least a B average in the first two years of college and must demonstrate financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, outline future course of study and explain career goals. One reference should be from one of the applicant's professors; one may be from a family friend or minister. Carey Family Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland County resident who is graduating from a Midland County Public High School or to a Midland County public high school graduate who is now attending a college or university. Previous recipients are welcome to reapply. Preference will be for Meridian High School graduating seniors or graduates who are studying business, environmental science or education. Walter and Therese Cepela Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland High School graduating senior who is in the top 10% of their graduating class, but who has had to work hard for his/her grades and has not been as active in extracurricular or community activities as some. The essay should describe personal background, specific interests and/or career goals, and should address why this student feels he/she meets the qualifications for this scholarship. Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a student pursuing post high school studies at accredited trade or technical schools, community colleges, colleges or universities. For a resident of Midland County who meets the about requirements, and who needs to

sharpen old skill or acquire new ones to re-enter the job market, or persons whose formal educations have been interrupted either at the high school or undergraduate levels. Robert W. Cermak Engineering Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an engineering student to assist him/her in pursuing higher education. The student is to be enrolled in an accredited school of engineering and have successfully completed at least two years of studies in an engineering curriculum. To be used for undergraduate studies only. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achievements, financial need, and personal and career goals. At least one of the references should be from a professor in the student's major. Duane Cherkinsky Midland Believes Scholarship Provides one or more scholarships in conjunction with the Midland Believes Scholarship program, which provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. This scholarship is renewable for a second year to students meeting scholarship requirements. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization. O. James Clark Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland Public-School graduate who is currently enrolled in college and is a junior or senior with preference given to those with financial need and a GPA of 3.0 or above. The student must be studying a humanities field (language, art, social studies, etc.) and previous recipients may reapply. Bob Cole Track & Field and Cross-Country Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of Meridian High School who participated in track & field or cross country for at least two years. The student must describe how track or cross country helped them become a team player and how athletics impacted their high school academic experience. A letter of support from their coach demonstrating the student’s commitment to their sport, their team and self-improvement should accompany the application. Coleman Community Schools Scholastic Award & Forsberg Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to graduates of Coleman Community High School who present evidence of acceptance by and enrollment in a Michigan

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation accredited educational organization of high learning. Preference will be given to those candidates with demonstrated academic standing who have financial need. Applications for succeeding years will be accepted from prior awardees, but first year applicants shall have priority. Scholarships shall be awarded for tuition, fees, books or supplies for a maximum of two academic years and is renewable each term based on recipient's satisfactory cumulative grade point average.

Janet M. Dean Opera Cum Laude Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a deserving graduating senior at Bullock Creek High School in the year of the award. The recipient will display characteristics that Ms. Janet Dean instilled in the school and her students: academic success, community service, citizenship, interests in the school. The recipient will be a person who has aided and dedicated his/her time to the community far beyond normal expectations. This is the most important criterion for this scholarship.

Donna "Teach" Comfort Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Gladwin County resident to attend an accredited program - college or university, or long- or short-term vocational training program. The recipient would have graduated from high school or obtained the GED prior to using this scholarship. Recipients may reapply in one subsequent year provided they demonstrate at least a 3.0 GPA and absences of three days or less.

Kent S. Dennis Memorial Scholarship Encourages and enriches the musical education of present and future church or synagogue organists by providing a scholarship for beginning or further study of the organ.

Community Outreach Team (COT) Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating high school senior or college freshman, sophomore or junior, whose parent is employed by the Dow Chemical Company, by another tenant of the Michigan Operations manufacturing site or by a contractor with the Michigan Operations manufacturing site, with preference given to applicants who have been involved in the community. Susan Olney Cozat Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland or Gladwin County woman whose education has been delayed or interrupted and is pursuing any post-secondary education. Preference will be given to single mothers who have underage children living with them and have financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. Noah Elliott Cummings Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to traditional or non-traditional students seeking a two- or four-year degree at an accredited college or university or a certification in the trades. Preference will be given to the non-traditional student seeking a trade certification. Doctors Dale and Lisa Davis Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of Midland Public Schools who is pursuing a degree in science such as but not limited to biology, chemistry, medicine or dentistry.

Virginia A. (Nicholson) Dent Scholarship Provides scholarships and/or camperships to able and deserving violin students for continuing study of the instrument. J. Cecil and Clara DeRemer Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarships to Midland County residents who have been accepted as music majors in a degree- granting college or university. Both college and high school seniors are eligible to apply. Previous recipients may reapply if the student maintains a B average in the music curriculum. Undergraduates will be given a preference. The essay for this scholarship should include your musical awards and accomplishments. Sarah Keishian Dergazarian Vocal Music Education Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a vocal music education student who will be either a college junior, senior or graduate student in the year of the award. Marcia and Wendell Dilling Agriculture and Chemistry Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County high school graduate or graduating senior pursuing a degree in chemistry or agriculture. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and preference will be given to those with financial need. Herbert D. Doan Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland and Gladwin County residents pursuing post high school skilled and technical education in the area of Advanced Construction, Advanced Manufacturing (i.e. chemical process technology), Health or Informational Technology. Educational opportunities can be taken

at a community college, university, trade or technical school, or through an industry-recognized certification program. Graduating high school students, current college students, adult and nontraditional students will be eligible. Financial need is not a consideration. The essay for this scholarship should describe motivation for choosing skilled and technical training, personal background, personal achievements, education or work experience and personal career goals. Steven and Kathleen Dolan Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of a Midland County high school who is pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, math, healthcare, or arts at an accredited four-year college or university. The applicant must have a 3.5 grade point average and demonstrate financial need. The essay for this scholarship should state the student's personal and career goals as well as a description of school and community activities in which the student has participated. Dorman Family Midland Believes Scholarship Provides one or more scholarships in conjunction with the Midland Believes scholarship program, which provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. This scholarship is renewable for a second year to students meeting scholarship requirements. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization. Dow Chemical Employees' Credit Union Employees Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an employee or dependent of an employee of Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union to pursue post high school studies at an accredited community college, college or university. The employee or their dependent must be a member in good standing with Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union. Previous recipients may reapply. Dow Chemical Employees' Credit Union Members Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a member in good standing with Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union to pursue post high school studies at an accredited community college, college or university. Employees and dependents of employees of Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union are ineligible for awards from this fund. Previous may reapply.



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Willard H. and Martha P. Dow Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to a student graduating from Midland County high schools in the year of the award, pursuing higher education in a humanities-related field such as English, foreign language, art, music, journalism, etc. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career objectives upon completion of formal education. Kenneth J. Dubiel Memorial 4-H Scholarship Provides annual scholarship award(s) to Gladwin High School and/or Beaverton High School graduating high school seniors for the purpose of attending an accredited post-secondary educational institution. The successful applicant will be a current and actively enrolled student in the Gladwin County 4-H program and will have been enrolled for at least 5 years.

Dyste Family Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a current Junior or Senior at a Michigan college or university who is pursuing a chemical engineering degree. Previous recipients may reapply. John C. Eckhold III Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a resident of Midland County who either a graduating senior or current college students. The successful recipient would demonstrate financial need and would show how he/she is overcoming or has overcome a personal or family difficulty. The successful recipient would also demonstrate a recent commitment to achieving academic success and would be driven to pursuit of service-oriented career, such as health/nursing/medicine, education, etc. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need, career objectives, and should address the other specific criteria for this award.

Elder/Civitan Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a college student who has some handicap or disability, or who will be studying to work with disabled individuals. Financial need may be considered when all other factors are equal. The successful applicant will be a Midland County resident who is completing or has completed his/her freshman year at a recognized university, college or community college. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, outline future course of study, explain career goals, and describe particular qualifications for this scholarship. References should be from professors. Robert E. and Beverly V. Erickson Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident pursuing a bachelor's degree in nursing. Must have completed at least their sophomore year in college. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, personal and career goals, and any involvements which demonstrate commitment to nursing as a career. Chase Erway Endowed Scholarship to provide annual scholarship award(s) to Gladwin County graduating seniors, prior year’s award recipients, or individuals who have obtained their GED and live in Gladwin County. Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to those individuals pursuing a degree or certificate in skilled trades at an educational organization. If there are at least two scholarships being offered, preference should be given to have one Beaverton High School graduating senior. If there are no applicants pursuing skilled trades, individuals attending a community college or university are eligible if pursuing a degree in education, engineering, or business administration/business management. Recipients may reapply in one subsequent year provided they demonstrate at least a 2.5 GPA and continue to show financial need. The Eyes Can See Clearly Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County High School graduating senior who is pursuing an ophthalmology, optometry or optician related field of study at a Michigan educational organization. Preference will be given to students who have financial need, possess leadership ability and community involvement. Previous recipients may reapply. Faith Scholarship Assists with the cost of tuition, books and fees for Meridian High School graduates who have a financial

need and wish to pursue studies at an accredited college or occupational program. Falender Family Meridian High School Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating Meridian High School senior each year for up to four years assuming acceptable academic progress is made. It will be the responsibility of the student to provide to the Midland Area Community Foundation each year proof of their academic progress and eligibility to continue to receive scholarship awards. The student's academic progress shall be satisfactory and the student shall be eligible for a scholarship award if the following conditions are met: a) the student shall maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 ( C ) and b) the student shall remain enrolled in a four-year course of study leading to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Upon receipt of this information a check will be sent to the school to provide funding for the next year. Every four years a new recipient will be selected unless the current student does not successfully complete the academic progress required in subsequent years. In that event a new student could be selected sooner. Christina J. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating high school senior who has been involved with the Midland County 4-H Horse Program. A previous recipient of the award may reapply one time only. The successful applicant will have achieved positive youth development in the area of horses, will have significant and active 4-H involvement, and will have demonstrated community service and financial need. Robert F. and Irene W. Fleming Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award of up to $5,000.00 to a student planning to attend or attending a four year accredited college affiliated with either: a) the Lutheran Church (ELCA or Missouri Synod); or b) the Presbyterian Church; with preference given to those who are pursuing either: a) a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering or math); or b) in music. Preference will be given to students meeting one or more of the following criteria, not necessarily in the order listed: a) students who are members of the Trinity Lutheran Church in Midland; or b) students who are members of the Memorial Presbyterian Church in Midland; provided however that students attending Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina, will be given the highest priority. Students must have a B average or above to be eligible. Previous recipients may reapply. In the event that the income of the Fund in any year exceeds $10,000.00 two scholarships may

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation be awarded.

should be from a senior pastor, minister or priest.

Rick Foley Scholarship Provides and annual scholarship award to Meridian High School graduates or graduating seniors who attend or are planning to attend public university or college and are involved in community service. Preference will be given to students that are going into teaching and have financial need. Previous recipients may reapply.

Esther and Carl Gerstacker Scholarship Provides scholarship awards to Junior Achievement and Hiram College. Hiram: is an award of up to $20,000 for use by Midland County residents who are also graduates of Midland County high schools, at Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. Previous recipients may reapply if the students are full-time and maintain at least a B average. Applicant must provide evidence of admission to Hiram College. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests and jobs held. One reference from Hiram College is required for renewal applicants. Junior Achievement: is an award for students who have participated in a Junior Achievement Program and who attend high school in Midland County. Students must be graduating high school seniors. Applicants will be evaluated based on their participation in Junior Achievement programs, strong moral character and community involvement.

Michael F. Freeland Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a deserving student-athlete who is a graduating senior at Bullock Creek High School in the year of the award. The recipient will have a minimum 3.0 GPA and must be deemed by fellow students, teachers and coaches as a hard worker and unselfish person. The recipient would not necessarily be the most talented athlete or the best student, but someone who can always be counted on for their best effort during every class and every athletic activity. Elloweese Denise Freer Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award(s) to either a graduating high school senior or current college student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or a graduate student pursuing a Master of Nurse Anesthesia, or a graduate student pursuing Veterinary Medicine. The successful applicants will be Midland or Gladwin County residents and will demonstrate both financial need and strong academics. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achievements, financial need, and personal and career goals. Kristina Garafalo, A Person of Excellence Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Gladwin County High School graduate who is pursuing a degree in a medical-related field with preference given to those studying neuroscience or psychology. Applicants should have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Preference will be given to students who have worked a job during their high school years and to those who have been in dance. Previous recipients may reapply. The Glenn R. and Marilyn F. Garrison Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County residents. The successful applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA have a good work ethic, and be involved in Christian church activities, and must demonstrate that they are investing in helping others. Graduating high school seniors, current college students, or adult and non- traditional students may apply. One reference

Gerhard and Ruth Gettel Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a student graduating from a Midland County high school in the year of the award. The applicant must rank in the top 15% of his/ her senior class. The degree of difficulty of the courses taken, plus scores on the SAT and ACT tests are factors considered. The essay for this scholarship should follow the theme, What I Want to Achieve in Life. The essay may include the answers to: Why did I select the career which I have chosen? Or if a career has not yet been chosen, what factors will influence the choice? What events or situations in my life influenced my choice of career most? Also, the essay should include involvement in school and community activities. W. Herman Gieseler Scholarship for Chippewa Hills High School Provides an annual scholarship(s) award to a Chippewa Hill High School (located in Remus, Michigan) graduate who is pursuing a degree in Skilled or Advanced Technical Trades Education and Training which includes but is not limited to welding, engineering, refrigeration, heating and air conditioning, automotive service technology or mechanical or electrical engineering or someone pursuing and education in teaching in any of these fields. W. Herman Gieseler Scholarship Provides and annual scholarship award to a Midland Public High School graduate who is pursuing a degree in Skilled or Advanced Technical Trades Education and Training which includes but is not limited to machine shop, welding, engineering, refrigeration, heating and

air conditioning, automotive service technology or mechanical or electrical engineering or someone pursuing and education in teaching in any of these fields. Tom Gilstad Bullock Creek Scholarship This fund has been established in memory of Tom Gilstad who was a Bullock Creek teacher and administrator for over 30 years. The purpose of the fund is to provide an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of Bullock Creek High School. Bullock Creek held a special place in Tom's heart and the recipient of this scholarship must display that same love of their high school and school spirit by having participated in extracurricular activities such as but not limited to sports, band, class officer, drama or having represented their school doing volunteer work in the Bullock Creek Community. Gladwin Kiwanis Dallas Falls Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards for post-secondary education. Scholarship applications will be considered from high school seniors at the following schools: Gladwin, Beaverton High School, Skeels Christian School and Gladwin home schools. If there is not a qualified applicant at each of these schools, then more than one scholarship can be offered to the other schools. Preference will be given to applicants with a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher who is involved in community service activities. The essay for this scholarship application should describe the applicant's community service activities and should be no longer than 400 words. Gladwin Rotary Ken Kerswill Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship(s) award to Gladwin County graduating senior. Application letters for this scholarship should include how the student lives up to Rotary's Four Way Test and how they've been involved in community service. Preference will be given to students that have had family members that were Rotarians. Christian T. and Margaret R. Goralski Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to students who are graduating or have graduated from a Midland County High School. Applicants will be majoring in science, engineering, mathematics, or accounting at an accredited college or university and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better. The applicant must have achieved a 3.0 GPA in high school, be active in the community and their church, and demonstrate financial need. While all criteria must be met, financial need should be a strong priority. Previous recipients may reapply if they are full time students who



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation are majoring in the above fields of study and maintaining at least 3.0 GPA. Stephen E. Gorman Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual one-time scholarship to encourage a person less than 25 years old to attend a public college as a commuting student. Financial need will be considered. The applicant must reside in Midland County and be a first-time college student commuting to one of the following public colleges: Central Michigan University, Delta College, Mid-Michigan Community College or Saginaw Valley State University. The essay for this scholarship should follow the theme, Educational Goals and Interests. Crystal Graham Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to Midland County residents who wish to study in the Health Professions field. Preference will be given to the areas of Therapy (particularly Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy), Physician's Assistant, Nursing and Medicine, in that order of preference. The scholarship may be used at either the undergraduate or graduate level. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, personal and career goals, and involvements which support commitment to career choice. Great Lakes Safety Training Center Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a resident of Midland County who is pursuing a degree or certification in trades, construction or engineering with an interest in safety. The student must have a GPA of 2.50 or higher and provide an essay outlining their interest in the intended field of study and safety related career goals. Two letters of reference are required; one must be from an employer or instructor whichever is applicable. Risha and Julius (Jay) Grosberg Scholarship Enables residents of Midland County over the age of 25, whose formal education has been interrupted or delayed, to re-enter a formal educational program at the undergraduate level. must demonstrate financial need, and be accepted into or attending an accredited, publicly supported university, college or community college in the State of Michigan. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career goals. David Grosberg Memorial Scholarship Enables residents of Midland County to major in a health field in higher education at the undergraduate level. Applicants must be accepted into or studying in an accredited college and must demonstrate academic

achievement in sciences as well as financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe goals, interests and reasons for scholarship need. Dr. Albert A. and Caroline Gunkler Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to students who are/have graduated from a Midland County high school who are majoring in math, science or engineering at an accredited university with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. All things being equal financial need will be the deciding factor. Preference will be given to students entering their college junior or senior years, or past recipients provided they are still majoring in the field of study described above and has maintained a GPA of 3.0 or better. Oscar Hahn Construction Trades Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland and surrounding area High School students, or graduates, pursuing a career in construction trades. Lucas Hammar Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a graduating senior from Marion High School, Marion, Michigan. Ray and Flora Hart Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to seniors graduating from either Midland High School or HH Dow High School in the year of the award and who will be attending Delta College. Previous recipients who have maintained at least average grades may reapply. Deborah Lynn Hawkins Special Educator Scholarship Provides a scholarship award to Midland or Gladwin County residents who meet one of the following criteria: a) college students who are pursuing degrees in Special Education, or b) college students who are pursuing degrees in Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapy but only if their main interest area is working with special education students. Preference will be for the former. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, personal and career goals, and involvements which support commitment to career choice. Michael and Debra Hayes Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to Midland County High School graduates who have completed at least one year of college and maintained a minimum GPA of 2.5 while pursuing their undergraduate degree. Preference will be given to students with financial need. Scholarship recipients may reapply.

Harold and Francine Heinze Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an individual graduating from a Midland County High School in the year of the award, or a previous recipient of the award. The preference will be given to those pursuing a degree in teaching, and the applicant must show financial need. Claxton and Mildred Helms Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County graduating senior or current college student that is pursuing a degree in education. Preference will be given to those going into either Library Science or Art Education and students that have financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. Freda and George Hittel Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a student who has completed two years of college studies to continue in a degree program. Preference will be given to a person who has a record of community service, has maintained a 3.0 GPA and can demonstrate financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, activities, interests, personal and career goals; explain the relationship of the college choice, career goals and future courses; and describe involvements which support commitment to career choice. Gustav Dan Hobohm Merrill's Marauders Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to children of veterans who have served their country in any branch of the Armed Services. The student must have graduated from a Midland County high school and is pursuing a two year or four-year degree or a trade certification. James Hohmeyer Scholarship To provide an annual scholarship award to a Midland County high school student or graduating senior involved in instrumental or choral music or who is studying music privately. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist students as they pursue their musical endeavors or pursue further study in college. The scholarship award may fund college as well as lessons, camp or other programs associated with their music education. Tom Holder "Keep Your Beak Down" Golf Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland High School graduating senior or graduate who played at least one year of varsity golf at Midland High School. In addition, students must have a 3.0 grade point average and have engaged in at least two years of regular community service/volunteer activities in the Midland County area. Financial need is not a factor.

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Home Builders Association of Midland Scholarship Provides scholarships to encourage higher education in fields supporting the home building industry. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, financial need, personal goals and career objectives. James F. and Mary R. Hopfensperger Art Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a graduating senior art student(s) or a past graduate of Midland Public School system pursuing an education in the visual arts, art education or visual design (including but not limited to digital, fashion, game, graphic, industrial, interactive, interior, multimedia, product, textile, visual communications, or other) degree at an institution of higher education. The recipient must demonstrate financial need. Grade point average is not a consideration for this scholarship. Selection will be based on the application and in some cases a portfolio of work. Preference will be given to first-time recipient, but previous recipients may reapply. Annis Closs Horden Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland or Gladwin County student who is enrolled in a nursing program leading to a baccalaureate degree at an accredited college or university. Previous recipients may apply. The successful applicant will have completed at least 24 semester hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA; will have been accepted at an accredited college or university in a baccalaureate nursing program and qualify for registered nursing boards. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests and jobs held. Hornsby Aviation Education Scholarship Provides assistance with tuition and/or fees for flying lessons and/or pilot ground school to students ages 15 to 22 who are residents of Midland or Gladwin County or to provide a scholarship to a student who is pursuing an education in an aviation related field at a 2 year or 4-year college or university. Preference will be given to the student taking flying lessons if applicants are of equal qualifications. Jeanette House Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland County resident who is enrolled in an accredited college and at the time of receiving the award will have senior class standing with a literature related major in any language. provides an award to a graduate from a Midland high school in the year of the award and must be accepted into an accredited college or university with plans to major in English or literature. The essay

for this scholarship should describe goals, interests, and reasons for studying English or literature. At least one reference should be from an English teacher. John M. Hoy/Arline Kroeger Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to assist a student in completing a degree program in either music education, history or early childhood education. Student should be pursuing a teaching degree and should be in either junior or senior yr. of college. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, activities, interests, and personal and career goals. Elwood J. and Helen H. Hunemorder Family Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior from Bullock Creek High School, Midland High School or H. H. Dow High School who has attended this high school for at least two years. The applicant must have a 3.0 or higher-grade point average, display financial need and must attend a state supported fouryear college or university in Michigan. Gerald and Phyllis Ilsley Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to a graduating senior, returning student or a non-traditional student who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to those who are pursuing a course of study in the skilled trades or office professions. Midland – Interlochen Scholarship To provide scholarships for Midland County residents to attend Interlochen Fine Arts Camps or Academy. Don Irish Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual non-renewable scholarship to a graduate of a Midland County high school who has been accepted into an accredited college to prepare for teaching, research, or industrial applications of biology, ecology, biochemistry, wildlife management or forestry. is an annual, nonrenewable award. The successful applicant will graduate from a Midland County high school in the year of the award and must be accepted into an accredited college to prepare for biochemistry, wildlife management or forestry. Financial need will be a major factor. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests, jobs held, and reasons for electing major field of study. Financial need should also be described. The applicant must be available for an interview with the selection committee if requested.

James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for African American Students Provides an annual scholarship award to an African American student from Midland County who is pursuing a college education. James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for Native American Students Provides an annual scholarship award to a Native American student from Midland, Bay or Saginaw Counties who is pursuing a college education with priority given to students from the Bay County Indian Education Program. Students who meet the Office of Indian Education’s definition of “Indian” are eligible. Roger Jennings Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of Midland High School or Dow High School with a grade point average of 3.0 or better who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree or equivalent at a four year college or university. The applicant must have earned a varsity letter in high school swimming or diving. Sharon F. Kalina Scholarship for Special Services Graduates Provides an annual scholarship award for graduating Midland Public Schools high school seniors or those who have graduated from the following programs: Learning Disabled (LD), Emotionally Impaired (EI), Educable Mentally Impaired (EMI), Physically or otherwise Health Impaired (POHI), Speech. The award would be used mainly for tuition, but may also support books, fees, and supplies. Connie Keicher Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a senior instrument music student of Midland High School who will be attending the University of Michigan. The candidate must demonstrate dedication and enthusiasm to the music program. Financial need will be a consideration. Preference will be given to a wind or percussion student. Lena True Memorial and Kevin and Jennifer Kendrick Scholarship Provides one or more scholarships in conjunction with the Midland Believes scholarship program, which provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. This scholarship is renewable for a second year to students meeting scholarship requirements. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization.



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Della Keyworth Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of H. H. Dow High School who is pursuing a teaching degree with a preference to those majoring in math education. The applicant must be active in their community, school or church; working with children or teens in a volunteer capacity is preferred but not required. Maureen Wright King Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland or Gladwin County resident who did not finish traditional high school, but rather earned a GED. Preference will be for students supporting themselves; financial need is a consideration. Kinne-Millard Memorial Scholarship for Gladwin High School Provides an annual scholarship award in memory of Gladys Kinne, Margaret Millard and Rosalie Kinne-Millard to a graduate of Gladwin High School who achieved a 3.0 grade point average or better and displays a financial need and is attending a state supported Michigan college or university. The recipient must display leadership qualities by having volun-

teered at Gladwin High School, in the Gladwin community or in their church. If applicants have equivalent qualifications, preference shall be given to any such applicant who is pursuing a degree in education. Jan LaCroix Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Bullock Creek High School graduating senior. The successful applicant will be a person of compassion, concern for others, integrity and good citizenship. They will also demonstrate involvement in their school in activities or athletics, and a commitment to volunteerism in the broader community. The essay for the scholarship should describe the applicant’s personal background, goals, school and community involvements, and how he/she has displayed good citizenship in those areas. Laurence C. and Janet Glover Lang Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident who is either a graduating high school senior or current college student in the year of the award, and whose field of study is pharmacy. Financial need will be a consideration. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achieve-

ments, financial need, and personal and career goals. Bruce Lange Memorial Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of a Midland County or Gladwin County high school with strong preference give to a graduate of Meridian High School or Gladwin High School. The successful applicant is one who is attending Michigan State University, is studying engineering and has already completed two years of college or more with a grade point average of 3.0 or above. If all factors are equal, preference will be given to an individual with financial need. This scholarship is renewable if the recipient continues to meet the scholarship guidelines. Laur Family Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Meridian High School graduating senior who does not smoke, drink or use illegal drugs, and who plans to attend a college (preference for Michigan public colleges) which does not issue charters for charter schools. Students should have a minimum 2.0 GPA and financial need will be a consideration, though not a requirement. Katherine Kirk Lee Memorial Meteorology Endowed Scholarship To provide an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior or current college student pursuing a degree in meteorology. Preference will be given to students with financial need and to applicants pursuing a fouryear degree. Loretta G. Lee Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to Midland County residents who have the objective of becoming a registered nurse. Applicants should show financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career objectives after completion of education. Lesh Legacy through Leadership Bullock Creek Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Bullock Creek graduating high school senior who practices philanthropy, is committed to making the world a better place, and is pursuing post-secondary education. Michael and Janet Leslie Memorial Youth Scholarship Provides a scholarship to a student who has been recommended by the Family and Friends of Michael D. Leslie and/or to promote youth leadership and citizenship within the community. is an award to be used to promote youth leadership and citizenship within the

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation community. The essay for this scholarship should describe youth leadership and community service. Grace Yu-Sheng Lo Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior from Midland High School and Dow High School who is pursuing a degree in science or engineering. A preference will be given to a female student. Lowry Family Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to Midland County High School graduating senior or current college student who is pursuing an engineering degree at Michigan State University. Previous recipients may reapply.

Jim Malek Central Michigan University STEM Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a senior at any Midland County high school or a graduate of any Midland County high school who will be or is attending Central Michigan University and is majoring in a STEM-related field of study (science, technology, engineering or mathematics). Jim Malek Delta College STEM Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a senior at any Midland County high school or graduate of any Midland County high school who will be or is attending Delta College and is planning to major in or is enrolled in a STEM- related field of study (science, technology, engineering or mathematics). Colice Pearcy Malek Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a senior at any Midland County high school or a graduate of any Midland County high school who will be or is attending Central Michigan University and is majoring in education. Preference will be given to Bullock Creek High School graduating seniors or graduates.

Donald and Grace Irene Lyons Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Gladwin High School graduating seniors or Gladwin High School graduates planning to attend an accredited community college, college or university. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need with other factors such as extra-curricular involvement, work experience, community involvement and personal challenges taken into consideration. Albert T. and Margaret H. Maasberg Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a high school senior to assist him/her in pursuing higher education. For a resident of Midland County who is a high school senior having demonstrated academic accomplishment and financial need, who will be attending a Michigan four-year college or University. Demonstrated community service is also desirable, but not required. The scholarship may be renewable; that is, a student may reapply for this award in subsequent years if it was originally awarded to him/her as a senior in high school.

Jim Malek Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a student majoring in electronic media/broadcasting or enrolled in an electronic media/broadcasting class or actively volunteering in the electronic media/broadcasting department at Delta College. Jim Malek Michigan State University Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a Midland High School senior or for a Midland High School graduate who will be or is attending Michigan State University and majoring in one of the following fields of study: a chemistry- related field, environmental studies or related field, or other “green” related field of study. Jim Malek Saginaw Valley State University STEM Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for a senior at any Midland County high school or a graduate of any Midland County high school who will be or is attending Saginaw Valley State University and is majoring in a STEM-related field of study (science, technology, engineering or mathematics). Pete and Patt Marsh Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior varsity baseball player from Midland or Dow High School who is pursuing a college or vocational

education. The recipient should possess the following attributes: dedication to team, school and self, competitiveness on and off the field of play, honesty to self and others. The recipient of this award must be a "winner". Deputy Sheriff Earl C. Martindale Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a first-year student at Delta College police academy who is a Midland County High School graduate and has financial need. Applicants should include in their essay why they want to become a law enforcement officer and how they hope to impact the lives of the citizens they serve. Lawrence G. and Eleanor Matthews Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to students graduating from high school in Midland County and that special consideration be given to students from Meridian and Coleman High School. Jessie Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Provides one annual scholarship award to a Beaverton High School graduating high school senior and one award to a Gladwin High School graduating senior. The successful applicants must a) be a resident of Gladwin County, and b) have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and c) be of upstanding moral character, and d) demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to those individuals pursuing post high school education in the area of construction or manufacturing at a community college, university, trade or technical school, or through an industry-recognized certification program. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, achievements, financial need, and how the applicant has demonstrated upstanding moral character. Arthur and Martha McComb Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior, returning student or a non-traditional student who demonstrates financial need. This scholarship is open to any course of study, but preference will be given to students’ pursuing a degree in chemical process technology/chemical process operator or Child Development. The recipient must be a graduate of a Midland or Gladwin County high school or reside in these counties. Mary McDonough Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to single mothers of Midland County who are raising a family on their own and pursuing a college education. Applicants must have been a Midland County resident for at least



Thinking outside the box starts inside our classrooms.

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Financial Assistance & Scholarships You deserve to make your dreams a reality and SVSU is committed to helping you achieve them. We are dedicated to making a college education more affordable for you. No matter your financial need, we have financial assistance available to help make a first-class college education accessible to all our students. With the SVSU Cardinal Commitment, qualifying students can receive free tuition for up to four years. This grant is available for first-time in college students who have a Family Adjusted Gross Income of $50,000 or less.

SVSU is committed developing a STEM talent pipeline to meet the needs of Michigan’s Great Lakes Bay Region. In addition to increasing experiential learning opportunities for students in all grade levels, SVSU engages educators and STEM professionals to enhance teaching and learning in STEM disciplines. SVSU has earned a “Military-Friendly University” designation and we are a “Great College to Work For.” We are home to the No. 1-ranked student housing. SVSU has more than 100 academic programs taught by expert faculty — providing our hard-working students with an exceptional value. And we have done this while maintaining the lowest tuition of any state university in Michigan.


If your family income is over $50,000, we have plenty of additional scholarships and grants to help make your education affordable, including a recent $6 million gift from private donors. Bob and Ellen Thompson built their own business from the ground up and created the Thompson Working Families Scholarship at SVSU to help students from hard-working families reach their goals. SVSU matches dollar for dollar the amount that is awarded to a Thompson scholar. The typical four-year award total is $40,000! This is one of over 1,000 private scholarships available to our students. Over 90% of SVSU students receive scholarships and financial assistance other than loans, which means nearly one-third of our students graduate with no debt at all. They also graduate with plenty of real-world experience, so they are fully prepared for their careers. Our students have access to hundreds of internships and field placements in the Great Lakes Bay Region. This hands-on experience, combined with nationally ranked programs, results in a 97% job placement rate for our graduates. With an SVSU education, you will be able to fast-track your goals and start in your dream field as soon as you graduate.

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation one year. All areas of study are open with preference to those entering the office professional/administrative assistant field. An essay describing how the applicant qualifies for this scholarship must accompany the application. Marty and Jan McGuire Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of a Midland County High School who played high school softball for at least three years and displays leadership qualities by serving in a capacity such as class officer, student council or captain of the softball team. Sue McKinley and Alan Williams Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of a Midland County high school who is attending either the University of Michigan or Michigan State University pursuing study in Chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering or pre-medical. Preference will be given to individuals with a high school grade point average of 3.5 or greater and those who have financial need.

be given consideration. Additional criteria include a suggested high school GPA of 3.0 or a current college GPA of 2.5. Applicants not meeting suggested GPA requirements are encouraged to have two recognized health care professionals fill out the Scholarship Reference Form. Recipients of the award may again apply for a scholarship in subsequent years. These applications will be processed the same as new applicants.

GPA of 2.0 and have demonstrated community leadership or community service activities. This scholarship is renewable for a second year and preference will be given to recipients that maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and also take advantage of the Midland County Career and College Access Network mentorship program. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization.

F.L. (Larry) and Christine Mieras Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a resident of Midland or Gladwin County or a Midland or Gladwin County high school graduate or graduating senior who is pursuing a degree or certificate in architecture or building trades. Preference will be given to students with financial need.

Midland Christian Church Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to traditional and non-traditional students pursuing a degree in Christian Theology or a degree that would result in a career in Christian service through an accredited Christian college. Applicants must be a member in good standing at Midland Christian Church.

Bernie Meister Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of a Midland County high school who is pursuing a education in a science or engineering field and who has completed at least one year of education at a college or university in one of these fields. A preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in chemical engineering, chemistry or biochemistry. Ernesto and Virginia Mendoza Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County High School graduate or current college student who is pursuing an engineering or education degree with preference give to those that have financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. Meridian Scholarship Provides annual scholarship(s) for students graduating from Meridian High School. Michigan Blood - Ernie Wallace and Howard Ode Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship(s) to individual(s) who are continuing their education in a health-related field. The recipient(s) will be a Midland County resident pursuing medical certification at an accredited college, university, or technical training facility. An emphasis will be given to a non-traditional student who may be returning to, or entering, an institution of higher learning, or one who is currently studying in a health-related field. Graduating high school seniors will also

Midland Area Community Foundation Founders' Scholarship The Midland Area Community Foundation FOUNDER'S Scholarship is an annual award that is intended to enable an individual with financial need to pursue occupational programs that may be completed in two years or less. One scholarship will be available for a Midland County resident and one for a Gladwin County resident. The term occupational education includes, but is not limited to, such programs as welding, automotive mechanics, nursing, office skills, electronic repair and services, and residential construction. These programs would normally require 60 credit hours or less. Midland Believes Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. Preference will be given to students who have attended a Midland County High School for a minimum of two years, have a minimum

Midland County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship Assists Midland County residents financially toward careers in the health field. The scholarships are based primarily on academic merit, and community service is viewed favorably. Each year one scholarship will be given to a nursing student in honor of Dorothy Meisel and past presidents. Applicants must be residents of Midland County, must have a GPA of at least 3.0 and must intend to pursue a career in the health care field. They should be applying to, accepted into, or taking prerequisites for a health care program. Recipients may reapply for the award only once after initially receiving the scholarship. Essays for this scholarship should describe strengths, achievements, personal and career goals, and any involvement which demonstrates commitment to a health care field. Midland Section American Chemical Society Scholarship Provides financial support to college students seeking academic degrees in the chemical sciences at college and university in the Section's area. The Section's area is Midland, Bay, Saginaw, Gratiot and Isabella Counties as of this writing, but may be expanded. Eligible students will be those majoring in a chemical science who are entering the sophomore, junior or senior level of study. The requirements for receiving a scholarship will be based on academic achievement and potential for contributions to the chemical sciences. MidMichigan Medical Center - Midland Volunteers Scholarship Provides a college scholarship for students who have completed at least the equivalent of one academic year in an accredited post-secondary educational institution or have been accepted into a post graduate medical curriculum. Applicants must also possess



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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation a minimum 3.0 GPA. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests, jobs held and reasons for applying for the scholarship. Stuart Miller Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior or graduate of a Midland County high school who is attending Michigan State University and planning to enter veterinary medicine, animal science or a related-field working with animals. The successful applicant will have a grade point average of 3.0 or above. Financial need is not a factor. Beverly Milner Math Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a current college or university student who is pursuing a degree in a math related field of study with preference given to students who plan to teach math at the secondary level. Students must be attending a college or university in the State of Michigan. Preference will be given to students who have financial need and previous recipients may reapply. Beverly Milner Music Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a current college student in a veterinary science field of study. Students must be attending a college or university in the State of Michigan. This scholarship may be used for veterinary school as well as undergraduate study. Preference will be given to students who have financial need and previous recipients may reapply. Beverly Milner Trades Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a student pursuing an education in skilled trades. Students must be attending a trade school or educational institution (which can include cosmetology) in the State of Michigan. Preference will be given to students who have financial need and previous recipients by reapply. Beverly Milner Veterinary Science Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a current college student in a veterinary science field of study. Students must be attending a college or university in the State of Michigan. This scholarship may be used for veterinary school as well as undergraduate study. Preference will be given to students who have financial need and previous recipients may reapply. Dorothy W. and Elton K. Morris Scholarship Provides scholarships to Midland County residents who will use this scholarship at a Lutheran Missouri Synod college or university (preferred) and additional criteria will include a balance of academics, financial

need, school and church activities/work/community service. The institution's accreditation should be by a recognized accrediting agency. Either graduating high school seniors or current college students may apply. Previous recipients may reapply.

terprise system. The essay should describe the impact of free enterprise to the world and to you. The successful applicant must have achieved a B average and must provide evidence of motivation sufficient to complete a college course of study.

Ira George and Virginia Z. Morrison Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a high school senior to assist him/her in pursuing higher education. The purpose of the fund is to finance a scholarship for a resident of Midland County who is a high school senior having demonstrated academic accomplishment and financial need. The scholarship may be renewable; that is, a student may reapply for this award in subsequent years if it was originally awarded to him/ her as a senior in high school.

Roy Osmun Engineering Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County Public High School graduating senior or a Midland County Public High School graduate who is now attending a college or university, who will be or is currently pursuing an engineering-related field of study. Preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in chemical engineering. Previous recipients are eligible to reapply. When all criteria are equal, financial need should be a strong priority.

John Mullally Family Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to assist a Coleman High School graduating senior to attend the college of their choice.

Weyant M. Pangborn Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to persons who are either City of Midland classified employees or dependents thereof.

Jenna Paige Munger Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarships to Level I and/or Level II students enrolled in the Davenport University nursing program. Previous recipients may reapply.

Peele Family Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual, nonrenewable scholarship to a student athlete who demonstrates financial need and who graduates from a high school in the city of Midland in the year of the award.

Andrew Murchison Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to allow individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to pursue post-secondary education. Northwood University Scholarship Provides annual scholarships to support students attending Northwood University. George E. Olson Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland or Gladwin County resident. Successful applicants would be college juniors, seniors, or grad students at the time of the award, and would be majoring in an earth science related field. Majors such as meteorology, geology, hydrology, ecology, forestry, etc. would be considered. The main criteria for selection will be academic achievement, with financial need considered to a lesser degree. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, outline future course of study and explain career goals and financial need. Elena Oreffice Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual, nonrenewable grant to the graduate of a Midland County high school and rewards an understanding of and interest in the American free en-

Pendell Family Scholarship Provides Midland county residents the opportunity to earn a business degree at Northwood University, Midland, Michigan. Lyle and Delbert Pevitt Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a person who is preparing for a career in a human health field. The recipient may reapply in following years and receive equal consideration with other applicants. The successful applicant must have completed at least 24 semester hours of credit and be studying at an accredited college with the intent to major in a health field. One of the student's references must be from a professor in the student's major field. The essay for this scholarship should describe goals, interests and reasons for scholarship need. Reed Phillips Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for post-secondary education to a Bullock Creek High School senior or Bullock Creek High School graduate who has been involved in High School athletics with preference given to those with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and participation in leadership activities.

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Gwendolyn Bennett Pike Vocal Music Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award, first to a graduating senior (based on vocal merit rather than financial need) who plans to major in voice performance or music education with a voice/choral major. In the event there is no qualified senior applicant, the scholarship could be awarded to an otherwise qualified student who would be already attending college. The successful applicant will be either a student attending or having graduated from a Midland County Public or Parochial High School or is a voice student of a Midland county voice teacher. The Pilgrim Technology Women in Business Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award for higher education to a woman residing in Midland County, and who has a vision of remaining in or returning to Midland County following completion of her education. Graduating high school seniors (not home-schooled students), current college students, and/or adult/nontraditional students may apply. The successful applicant will have demonstrated financial need, successful academic achievement, and will be studying in a business field with a plan to eventually become an entrepreneur. A preference will be given to students who have some history of extracurricular activities and/or service through their institution or community organizations. Miriam Pillos Memorial Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a high school student who is living in or studying dance in Midland County to attend lessons or camps. Nancy Pollack Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to Gladwin or Midland County High School graduate or current college student that has a passion for music and has participated in or been a member of their school orchestra, band or choir. Preference will be given to students that are pursuing a musical field of study. Ralph and Faye Prescott Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual college scholarship for "Midland County high school graduates who seek a degree in scientific disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology and the like. The essay for this scholarship should describe personal background and achievements, outline future course of study and explain career goals. George A. Rapanos Endowed Scholarship Provides one or more scholarships in conjunction with the Midland Believes scholarship program, which pro-

vides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. This scholarship is renewable for a second year to students meeting scholarship requirements. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization. Sheriff John S. Reder Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating high school senior of a Midland County high school with preference to a student from Bullock Creek, Coleman or Meridian high school. The successful applicant will be planning a career in law enforcement, corrections, probation, emergency medical technician or physician's assistant or related fields. Academic achievement and financial need are both considerations. Jack Redman DDS Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County high school graduate who has declared a pre-dental college major and has accumulated college credits to have completed their sophomore year. Dr. Redman was committed to his profession for 36 years. Therefore, the recipient must display this same dedication by having maintained a GPA of 3.2 or higher, participated in extracurricular activities and held a part-time or summer job. Stephen D. Redman, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship for a resident of Midland County who has been attending college and is a student preparing for a career in human health. Preference will be given to persons attending or planning to attend a medical school with the intention to practice in primary care. Previous recipients may reapply. Successful applicants will demonstrate both financial need and academic achievement (3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale). They must have completed at least 54 semester hours at an accredited college with the intent to major in a human health field. At least one reference must be from a professor in the applicant's academic major. The essay for this scholarship should describe motivation for career choice and personal commitment and should include reasons for scholarship need. Robert B. Reinhart and Jean W. Reinhart Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County high school graduate or graduating senior (I.e. from any high school located in Midland County) who is enrolled in or planning to enroll in any college or university in the state of Michigan. The scholarship shall be based on a combination of academic achieve-

ment, extracurricular activities and community service. Esther Keeley Rodabaugh Foreign Language Endowed Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Beaverton High School graduate or graduating senior who is pursuing a degree in the field of humanities with preference give to students pursuing a degree related to foreign language(s). Applicants much have a 3.0 GPA and previous recipients my reapply. Brent L. Romain Scholarship Provides an annual college scholarship award, to be used for tuition only, to a graduating high school senior who is also a member of the Boys Varsity Soccer Team at Dow High School. If at some point the fund grows large enough to offer additional scholarships, members of the other soccer organizations could also be considered. Academics and character will be the deciding criteria for this award. Pamela J. Rowe Music Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a flute student to attend camp, take private lessons, purchase a flute or attend college studying music with an emphasis on flute. Selection of the recipient will be handled by the Midland Concert Band under a process approved by the Midland Area Community Foundation. Stanford H. Rowe Music Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a low brass student to attend a camp, take private lessons, purchase a low brass instrument or attend college studying music with an emphasis on low brass. Louis "Bud" C. Rubens Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County high school graduating senior or current college student who will be or is currently pursuing a chemistry, physics or biology related field of study. Preference will be given to applicants with financial need, a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 and to those involved in leadership and community activities. Scholarship recipients may reapply. Jane Catherine Rubens Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident. Successful applicants will demonstrate financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe goals, interests and reasons for scholarship need.


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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Rupprecht Familly Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County or Dow College Opportunity Program graduate who is currently a junior or senior-level college student pursuing a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) related field of study. Preference should be given to graduates of the Dow College Opportunity Program at West Midland Family Center, grade point will be taken into consideration in the selection process and scholarship recipients may reapply. John W. Ryan Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior of a Midland County High School or current college student who will be completing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related class at Delta College and is planning to pursue a STEM related field of study. Preference given to those with financial need and scholarship recipients may reapply. Delia Sandow Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior or graduate of a Midland County or Gladwin County High School with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above who is studying veterinary science or an agriculture-related field of study. Scholarship recipients can reapply for subsequent years. Eric B. Schaper Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of Midland Public Schools who is studying engineering and has maintained a 3.0 grade point average. Sue "Dominowski" Schindler Scholarship Provides an annual, one-time scholarship award to a graduating senior from a Midland County public high school. Preference will be for those graduating from Bullock Creek High School. The recipient must have declared and demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in teaching. The essay for the scholarship should describe the applicant’s personal background and achievements, employment objectives after completion of schooling, and involvements which support commitment to career choice. William H. Schuette Memorial Scholarship Provides annual scholarship award(s) to student(s) graduating from Midland County high schools in the year of the award, pursuing higher education in a science-related field such as chemistry, physics, biology, etc. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career objectives after completion of education.

John and Bev Schwartz Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Bullock Creek High School senior or graduate with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.2. The applicant must be pursuing either an education degree in one of the STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) fields or an accounting degree at a Michigan two or four year college or university. Previous recipients may reapply. Curtis and Barbara Shaffner Family Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of Bullock Creek High School who displays a financial need and is pursuing an education in a field supporting the home building industry or commercial/industrial trade industry. Matthew W. Shephard Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior from Meridian High School who participated in the band program with a GPA of 3.5 or better. Joe and Ethel Simek Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County High School graduate or graduating senior who will be or is planning on attending Michigan State University and pursuing a degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related field of study. Preference will be given to students pursuing a natural science degree. Previous recipients may reapply. Jenifer Turner Sisco Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a senior at Midland High School who motivates others to give back, inspires other students, demonstrates school spirit, participates in extracurricular academic arts programs, and/or achieves success through overcom-

ing challenges. Eugene B. Skeebo Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a non-traditional or traditional student (graduating senior or current college student) who is working while attending college. Non-traditional students may be beginning or continuing post-high school education after being in the work force for a number or years. Applicants may plan to attend college on a full or part-time basis, including both day and/or night classes. Preference will be given to those working toward a business degree with an emphasis in finance, accounting or banking. Larry C. Smith Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an intermediate, middle school, or junior high school student in the Midland Public Schools to attend the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Significant consideration would be given to students who could most benefit from this experience and who also have financial need. Stafford/Rusch Midland Believes Scholarship Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County first generation college-going and economically disadvantaged students with preference given to candidates that have both. Preference will be given to students who have attended a Midland County High School for a minimum of two years, have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and have demonstrated community leadership or community service activities. This scholarship is renewable for a second year and preference will be given to recipients that maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher and also take advantage of the Midland County Career and College Access Network mentorship program. Recipients must be enrolled or plan on attending a Michigan educational organization. Steve Marsh/Terry Stanton Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to two Midland County high school senior student-athletes, one male and one female, who have demonstrated excellence in competition, in the classroom, and in the community and are planning to continue their education beyond high school. Students must have a 3.0 grade point average, demonstrate community involvement and have played a sport including during their senior year. Thomas L. Staples Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an individual graduating from a Midland County public high school in the year of the award who intends to pursue science or engineering in higher education. Financial need is not a factor.

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation Daniel G. and Ida M. Stevens Agricultural Scholarship To continue the wonderful work which was accomplished by the Midland/Midland, Alabama Agriculture Scholarship Fund which is no longer viable. After the flood of 1986, farmers in Midland City, Alabama collected monies which were sent to Midland, Michigan as an expression of appreciation for the hay which had been sent to them by the citizens of Midland, Michigan during their drought of 1986. These monies were used to provide an annual, nonrenewable grant to the graduate of a Midland County high school for the purpose of post high school study in an accredited college, trade or technical school in agriculture education. The term agricultural education includes, but is not limited to, such courses as Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, soil management and certificate programs in agriculture. Successful applicants should include among their references such individuals as teachers, farmers, or 4-H leaders. The essay for this scholarship should describe farm background (if any), financial need and goals to be achieved with the completion of study. When these monies had been fully utilized, the Stevens Family, recognizing the value of this scholarship, decided to provide funding for it themselves and, in a 2008 amendment, later expanded the scholarship to include both Midland and Gladwin County students. Edith Irene ( Stinchcombe) Gieseler Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduate of Midland Public Schools who is pursuing an education in horticulture, floriculture or floral design or early elementary education. Robert and Barbara Stoppert Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a junior or senior in college who has been admitted to a College of Education and plans to become an educator. Successful applicants will have graduated from a Midland County high school and will have a positive record of community service and/or extracurricular activities. Previous recipients of the scholarships are encouraged to reapply. The essay for this scholarship should describe motivation for career choice and personal commitment as well as why the individual feels he/she meets the specific criteria for this scholarship.

Howard G. Swift, III Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to an individual who is looking for a "second chance" by seeking higher education. Usually this person will be older than the typical college freshman, will have financial need, and will have experienced significant difficulties and/ or hardships in their life. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need, how the applicant meets the criteria for this scholarship, and career objectives after completion of education. Irene T. Takahashi Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual, nonrenewable grant to the graduate of a Midland County high school for the purpose of further study in chemistry or a closely related science. is an annual nonrenewable award of to encourage study in chemistry or a closely-related science. Successful applicants must be college-bound seniors graduating from Midland County high schools in the year of the award. Academic achievement, financial need and personal goals will be major factors in the selection process. Appropriate references would be teachers, employers and other adults. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests, jobs held and reasons for applying. Taylor University Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to assist a student to attend Taylor University. Betty Thompson-Shuler Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior from Meridian High School who is pursuing a teaching degree in English, a general teaching degree or a degree with a major in English. A preference will be given to a student pursuing a teaching degree in English. Sharon Tomzcak Memorial Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a person who is pursuing an office professional program or a business program. The term "office professional" includes, but is not limited to, such programs as secretary, medical secretary, legal office professional, administrative assistant, office clerk or stenographer.


The successful applicant must have a demonstrated interest in preparing for a career as an office professional, and must be enrolled in a related curriculum, and must demonstrate financial need. One of the applicant's references should be a teacher. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career objectives after completion of education. Kirsten Beth Triebes Memorial Scholarship ($2,000) Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a college student to complete preparation for a career in engineering or in a health field (including but not limited to nursing, pre-medicine or physical therapy). Successful applicants will have completed a minimum of 24 semester hours with a 3.0 GPA or higher and will be enrolled in a public college in the state of Michigan. Suggested references include teachers and employers. Applicants should write an essay which includes their family situation, how they have helped to pay for their education, volunteer activities, personal and career goals, and how this scholarship will help them achieve these goals. John A. Trumbell Memorial Scholarship ($1,000) Provides an annual scholarship for students graduating from Bullock Creek High School. Dale Waller Memorial Scholarship ($1,500) Provides an annual, nonrenewable scholarship to a graduate of a Midland County high school enrolled in a college vocational curriculum. Anne Marie Walsh Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating high school senior, current college student, or student returning to college, including nontraditional students, to pursue a bachelor's degree in nursing or master's degree in nursing. Preference will be given to those planning to pursue a career in neonatal nursing. Richard G. Waterman Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior or a graduate of a Midland County high school who is pursuing an education in a science or engineer-

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Scholarships offered through Midland Foundation ing field. Preference will be given to students pursuing a degree in chemical engineering. Talisa J. Waterman Scholarship Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior or a graduate of a Midland County high school who is pursuing a Bahcelor of Science degree in nursing. Jay Weaver Scholarship ($500) Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior from Bay City Western High School who will be a business major, who displays financial need, and who will be a commuting student. West Midland Family Center / Dow College Opportunity Scholarship ($500 - $1,500) Provides scholarships for participants in the Dow College Opportunity Program to pursue both academic and vocational courses of study. Donald R. Weyenberg Memorial Scholarship ($1,500) Provides scholarships to outstanding graduating seniors in Midland County so they might pursue degrees with majors in the field of chemistry or biochemistry from accredited universities as full-time students. Previous recipients of the scholarship may reapply, and all else being equal, will be given preference. Ken and Irma Wildes Memorial Nursing Scholarship ($2,000) Provides financial support for a person whose ultimate goal is earning a bachelor's degree as a registered nurse (RN). Up to two scholarships are available this year. Successful applicants must be college-bound seniors graduating from Midland or Gladwin County high schools in the year of the award, or current college students who are residents of Midland or Gladwin County. They must demonstrate financial need, must be accepted by an accredited college with a school of nursing, and must be pursuing the ultimate goal of a bachelor's degree. The essay for this scholarship should describe activities, goals, interests and jobs held. Judge James E. "Pinky" Wilson Scholarship ($2,000) Provides an annual scholarship award to graduates of Midland County high schools (public or private/parochial) or those who have been Midland County residents for at least a year. It is intended to assist students in pursuit of a Baccalaureate degree. Successful applicants will be those most likely to share and act upon Judge Wilson's philosophy that we should "expand the bridge of opportunity" for others, and to "reach back to

help those less fortunate to make the same journey." Sadie Wolf Memorial Scholarship ($1,500) Provides an annual scholarship award to a nurse who has completed an associate degree and is pursuing a bachelor's degree. In addition, this can also be used by a bachelor's degree nurse who is pursuing a master's degree. The applicant must be a graduate of a Midland County High School with preference given to those that have a 3.5 college GPA and demonstrate financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. Woman's Study Club 100th Anniversary Scholarship Provides a scholarship award for a woman to attend a leadership camp or seminar with preference given to those attending Camp Miniwanca. Richard E. Woodward Family Engineering Scholarship ($2,500) Provides an annual scholarship award to a resident of Midland or Gladwin County that has completed at least two years of college, pursuing a bachelor’s or graduate degree in engineering; including but not limited to chemical, mechanical, industrial or electrical engineering. The applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA and have demonstrated ambition and leadership in the field of engineering through involvement in extra-curricular activities, work experience or community service. One reference must be from a college instructor or professor. Eugene C. and Mildred G. Yehle Scholarship ($3,000) Provides scholarship awards to encourage Midland County residents to continue their education beyond high school toward a "skilled or technical career". Preference will be given to persons who want to find employment in the field of health care in Midland County and to persons already so employed who seek advancement in their careers. Applicants should have an aptitude for their chosen field, financial need, and integrity. Previous recipients may reapply for up to three additional years of education, assuming acceptable academic performance. Alice B. and Earl E. Ziegler Scholarship ($2,500) Assists with the cost of tuition, books and fees for college students in preparation for a career in early childhood education. It is for a resident of Midland County who has completed at least 48 semester credit hours of college. The student must be enrolled full time in a curriculum for early childhood education at the time the award is received.

Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship ($2,000) Provides annual scholarship awards to women of all ages pursuing career goal that till positively impact the status of women. The scholarships may be used at any post-secondary education institution. The scholarships are for women re-entering the workforce or who are in the workforce going back to school. Those entering/ vocational certification directly from high school will be considered as well. Applicants must have been a Midland County resident for at least one year. Previous recipients may reapply. The successful applicant will have achieved at least a 2.5 GPA. Preference will be give to women who have supported, and/or plan to support through their education, the advancement of women. Award will be based on financial need, work/life skills, community service/extra- curricular activities (depending on the situation of the applicant), GPA/GED, honors/awards, and references. The essay for this scholarship should describe career goals, what events/situations influenced choice of career, how the scholarship will help the applicant to attain goals, how the applicant plans to help the advancement of women through her career choice, and any circumstances that have created the need for this financial support. Cristoforo and Alma Zuliani Memorial Scholarship ($1,000) Provides an annual scholarship award(s) to a Midland County high school graduate who is pursuing a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) at an accredited four-year university or college in Michigan or at Delta College (or another approved two-year college in plant communities serving Dow Chemical employees). Students must have graduated with a cumulative GPA over 2.5 and demonstrate financial need. This is a one-year renewable scholarship and recipients that maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above will be awarded a consecutive scholarship for their second year of study. Corporal Casey P. Zylman Memorial Scholarship ($500) Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating senior(s) of Coleman High School. The applicant must have a 3 point or higher-grade point average and played a sport in all four years of high school. The applicant must display leadership qualities such as being a member of the National Honor Society or holding a class officer position and display financial need. Along with the application the applicant must also include an essay on their leadership qualities and how they qualify them for this scholarship.

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Huron County Community Foundation scholarships The Huron County Community Foundation administers nearly 50 unique scholarships. They are listed below starting with the scholarships available to all Huron County graduates. Caseville Scholarship This scholarship was established by the former Kiwanis Club of Caseville. This scholarship honors any graduating senior that lives in Caseville Township or the City of Caseville regardless of high school. • Pursuing a trade/certificate program, Associates or Undergrad Degree. • Must have a 2.0 GPA or higher • Financial need will be considered Clarence & Loraine Braun Scholarship This fund was established in honor of Clarence and Loraine Braun, avid promoters of education. Eligibility criteria: • Participant of a Huron Area Technical Center program for a minimum of one-year or rural school student for at least four years. • Graduate of a Huron County high school. • Minimum 2.5 GPA • Pursuing a trade/certificate program, Associates or Undergrad Degree. Gib Rooney Family Scholarship The Gib Rooney Family Scholarship was established in 2008 by his late wife, Helen Rooney. Eligibility criteria: Open to all Huron County graduating seniors pursuing an education in a construction-related career pursuing an Associates or Undergrad Degree. That career could take the form of business, heavy equipment, engineering or related business aspects of construction. Those applying for the scholarship must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Consideration will be given to

students who have held a part-time job during high school. Huron Area Tech Center Staff Scholarship The Huron Area Tech Center Staff Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior attending any Tech Center Program pursuing their education for a Trade/Certificate Program, Associates or Undergrad Degree. Jason Kiehl Memorial Scholarship The Jason Kiehl Memorial Scholarship Fund is for graduates of the Huron Area Technical Center. Eligibility criteria: • Must participate in programs at the Tech Center – Automotive Technology; Architecture; Engineering & Design Program; Construction, Building, Electrical Technology and Power Tech. • Pursuing a Trade/Certificate Program, Associates, or Undergrad Degree Judge Neil R. MacCallum Memorial Scholarship to Central Michigan University Florence MacCallum King established this fund as a memorial to her brother, Judge Neil R. MacCallum of Bad Axe. The fund shall be used to provide scholarships for students requiring financial assistance and enrolled at Central Michigan University. Eligibility criteria: • High school graduating senior or student already enrolled at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. • Scholarship can be renewable up to 4 years. • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Keith & Bertha McTaggart Scholarship The Children of the (Late) Keith and his wife Bertha started this scholarship to honor Keith’s efforts in starting the Huron Area Tech Center. • Eligibility Criteria: Must attend the Huron Area Tech Center and be pursuing a Trade/Certificate Program, Associates or Undergrad Degree. Maurer/Yageman Bowling Scholarship For graduates in Bad Axe, Harbor Beach, North Huron, Ubly, Laker, Caseville, and Cass City that participate in the Upper Thumb Bowling Association. The Maurer/Yageman Bowling Scholarship Fund honors the memory of both Clayton Maurer and Biff Yageman for their dedication and inspiration to all of the bowling community in the Upper Thumb. Eligibility criteria: • Scholarships will be awarded to one male and female applicant that has participated in youth or high school bowling

• Students must have a 2.0 GPA. • Changes may occur with the addition of future high school bowling programs. Michael B. & Regina V. Lasceski Scholarship This scholarship was established by the children of Michael B. & Regina V. Lasceski, who valued the importance of education. Michael was a major advocate in establishing the Huron Area Tech Center. Eligibility Criteria: • Attend the Huron Area Tech Center • Must obtain a minimum 3.0 GPA • Pursuing a Trade/Certificate, Associate or Undergrad Degree. Steven Kuzak Memorial Golf Scholarship This fund was established by a gift from Verona Hills Golf Club in memory of Steven Kuzak. • This scholarship will be awarded to a Huron County graduating senior who is pursuing an Undergraduates Degree. • This applicant must be a member of his/her high school golf team or is employed at a Huron County golf course. Thumb Chapter MPCMA Scholarship The Thumb Chapter of the Michigan Plumbers and Mechanical Contracting established this scholarship to support students seeking to enter the skilled trades. Eligibility Criteria: • Must be a graduating senior at a Huron, Tuscola, or Sanilac High School. • Must be pursuing a Certificate of Associates Degree in a skilled trade. Bad Axe • Bad Axe Rotary Norah Dowde Scholarship • Claude Marsh Scholarship • Collon & Todd Scholarship



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Huron County Community Foundation scholarships • Douglas Pankratz Scholarship • Dr. Edward Steinhardt & Family Science Scholarship • Ervin R. Ignash Bad Axe Schools Scholarship • George E. Green Scholarship • Jean A. Kasserman Memorial Scholarship • Jimmy Morell Scholarship • Judge Neil R. MacCallum Memorial Scholarship for Bad Axe Students • Linda Rowland Drama Scholarship • Thelma A. Allen Scholarship Caseville • Janet Watts Memorial Scholarship • Judy K. & Stephen Zagorski Memorial Scholarship • Mary K & Robert Quinn Memorial Scholarship Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port • Dr. Donald W. & Sally A. Rogers Family Scholarship • ETL Agricultural Legacy Scholarship • Judy K. & Stephen Zagorski Memorial Scholarship • Tom Gettel Memorial Scholarship • Virgil & Verneta Bouck Family Scholarship Harbor Beach • Annabelle Jenks Scranton Scholarship • Beth Kubik Manteuffel Memorial Scholarship

• Charlotte Talaski Family Scholarship • Deer Acres Agriculture Scholarship • Esther E. Lincoln Scholarship • Harbor Beach FFA Alumni Booster Club Mary Holdwick Memorial Scholarship • Harbor Beach Rotary Clement M. Kubik Scholarship • Marla Muter Scholarship • Sgt. Aaron E. Elandt Memorial Scholarship • Warren S. Eilber Family Scholarship • William R. Eick School Family Scholarship North Huron • Marla Muter Scholarship • Robert & Verneta Thuemmel Scholarship • Warren S. Eilber Family Scholarship Owendale Gagetown • Cooley Family Scholarship Ubly • Betty Zulauf Academic Scholarship • Francis & Opal Hund Scholarship • Gemini Plastics Inc. Scholarship • Madeline M. Bauer Ubly Community School Scholarship

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Post Grad/Adult Learners • Beth Kubik Manteuffel Memorial Scholarship • C.A. Scheurer & B.G. Kamlapurker -Medical School Scholarship • Charles & Roseline Gliniecki Memorial Scholarship • Harbor Beach Comm. Hospital & HBCH Foundation Medical Practitioner Scholarship • Kenneth W. Laughlin Scholarship • Sara Elizabeth Wood Scholarship This scholarship information was obtained from the Huron County Community Foundation. Visit www. huroncountycommunityfoundation.org for more information on scholarships or the Foundation. The Foundation administers other scholarships that are specific to a particular school. For a complete eligibility criteria and application information visit the foundation website at www.huroncountycommunitationfoundation.org The Huron County Community Foundation is honored to assist in the management and distribution of many scholarships for Huron County students. In addition to applying for HCCF Scholarships, we encourage all local students to seek out their school counselors for additional scholarship opportunities. - HCCF Executive Director Mackenzie Price Sundblad

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How-to establish a well-rounded school résumé A quality education is priceless. Lessons learned in the classroom are vital to students’ long-term success, serving as a foundation as young adults transition from the role of student to professional. An academic résumé is a great vehicle for young people to illustrate how well-rounded their educational experiences have been. Such résumés also give college admissions departments a snapshot of students’ accomplishments, hobbies and extracurricular activities. In fact, the National Society of High School Scholars says there are certain criteria that colleges and trade schools look for in students — and things graduate schools may look for in university students who hope to do postgraduate work. Recognizing these attributes can help students better prioritize their time as they look to build strong résumés. • Grade point average: The NSHSS says some colleges will recalculate students’ GPAs based only on core subjects, such as math, language arts, social studies, science, and foreign languages. It is essential to do

well in these core subjects. • Advanced placement classes: Many schools weigh honors or AP classes more heavily toward GPA or acceptance requirements due to their rigor. AP courses often translate directly into college credits, which can make them even more valuable to high school students. • Extracurricular activities: Schools and even future employers look at more than just test scores and GPAs. In a competitive admissions climate, colleges will weigh the entire picture of a student. Someone who was heavily involved in sports, clubs and peerrun groups like scouting organizations may find that such participation is what sets them apart from other applicants. Pick extracurricular activities that align with passions rather than just ones that will look good on a résumé. According to Christine Chu, a premier college counselor at IvyWise, a New Yorkbased education consulting company, students who demonstrate grit, authenticity and integrity stand

out. • Well-crafted essay writing: Essays give students an opportunity to tell their unique stories in ways a résumé cannot. An essay should be highly personal and thoughtful, and also present students as a real person. Students should write essays even when they are optional, as the essay can be a window into what makes applicants tick. It is important for students to continually hone their essay-writing skills, which they can ultimately utilize to make a strong impression with university admissions departments. • Depth, not breadth, of experience: Students should focus their passions on a few select activities over widespread participation in many different ones. Activities that carry over into academic focus and a future major may be especially valuable. It’s never too early for students to start building their school résumés. Achievements in and out of the classroom can lay the groundwork for both short- and longterm success.



Saturday, September 25, 2021 | Page 23

CHANGING LIVES for a Changing World. Your tomorrow isn’t going to be the same as today. That’s where Mott Community College can help. We offer the ideal supportive learning environment for future-focused students like you in Lapeer, Flint, Clio and Fenton. You want a relevant, life-changing education that furthers your opportunities. MCC can prepare you for tomorrow, today.

mcc.edu For important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended these programs, please see the following link: http://www.mcc.edu/gainful_employ_disclosure/index.php As an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution, the College encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. The College does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, gender, gender expression, gender identity, national origin, veteran’s status, age, disability unrelated to an individual’s ability to perform adequately, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. Title IX Coordinator Contact Information: 1401 E. Court St., Prahl College Center – Student Success Services Center (PCC-2280E), Flint, MI 48503, (810) 762-0024. Title II, ADA, Coordinator Contact Information: 1401 E. Court St., Curtice-Mott Complex (CM-1117, Flint, MI 48503 (810) 762-0373. Section 504 Coordinator Contact Information: 1401 E. Court St., Prahl College Center (PCC-2280A), Flint, MI 48503 (810) 232-2557. Mott Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org), a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Page 24 | Saturday, September 25, 2021

one of the best in the country.



Delta has 140 programs and 100+ pre-approved transfer options.

state-of-the-art technology and Handson learning.

Looking for an associate’s, certificate, bachelor’s, or more? You can start here and go anywhere. Our graduates are making their dreams come true around the country and in every profession.

For five years running, Delta has been selected as one of the country’s top five tech-savvy colleges of our size. We want you to have the best learning environment so, when you enter the job force, you’re prepared.

Think big. Don’t pay big.

You’ll find your path here.

Who doesn’t want that, right?

Delta has the lowest tuition within 75 miles. That, combined with financial aid, means many Delta grads have been able to complete college without taking out loans.

You have Support.

Choose when, where and how.

There are nearly 1,500 community colleges in the U.S. Delta is regularly ranked in the top 10 percent for student achievement, caring about the environment, and more. You can benefit from that.

No debt means no loan payments, more cash flow, and more financial freedom, right from the start. Some things in life really are that straightforward.

Studies show it’s twice as difficult to reach a dream without support. At Delta, we know your name, your goals and your dreams. It’s like being part of a big family. And, we have everything from free tutoring and presentation support, to counseling and veteran services, and so much in between.

With online, in-person and blended class formats that are offered during the day, evenings and weekends on the main campus and in Bay City, Midland and Saginaw, you have many choices when it comes to when, where and how you take your classes.

You’ve got this.

A new adventure is closer than you think.

delta.edu • admit@delta.edu • 989-686-9093

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