When it comes to cheesemaking, Mount Sterling farm ready to whey in

Ben Singson/Journal-Courier

By Ben Singson REPORTER
Shoppers in west-central Illinois might have noticed cheese from Buckhorn Dairy on their latest grocery run.
While the dairy farm’s been running for over threedecades,itspivotto cheesemaking is a recent one.
The Byler family has been milking cows at Buckhorn Dairy since around1993,accordingto manager Titus Byler. However, the farm began processing its own cheese in July 2024. The farm used to sell its milk toanothercompanyfora time, but was eventually dropped because it was too far away, Byler said.
“It was that, or quit,” he said. “I guess we decided this.”
Buckhorn Dairy keeps astockofaround25cows fairly small by most standards, Byler said. In February, the farm processed slightly under 20,000 pounds of milk, converting it on site into cheese. Between 150 and 200 pounds of milk can gointoasingle20-pound block of cheese, coming in one of four flavors — cheddar, mozzarella, baby Swiss and Colby, with more flavors of cheddar in the works, Byler said.
Being the manager of Buckhorn Dairy means Byler wears a lot of hats asherunstheday-to-day operations of the farm. An average day for him starts with him getting up between 4 and 5 a.m. tomilkthefarm’scows.If he is processing cheese that day, he will then get the first batch of milk

Modern Farmer
Saturday, March 29, 2025
The cows of Buckhorn Dairy in Mount Sterling stand in wait at the dairy farm's milking area. While Buckhorn Dairy has been making milk for decades, it only began processing that milk into cheese within the past year.
Rain gardens reduce flooding, improve water health
When more than an inch of rain fell on Jacksonvilleandacrosstheregion early March 4, many found themselves navigating streets that looked more like inland waterways on their morning commute to work.
A properly placed and well-thought out rain garden — or several — couldbothreduceflooded streets and help ensure the health of the region’s soil and its waterways, according to Cameron Ruyle of Morgan County SoilandWaterConservation District.
“We need to get something going (in the county)totrytolimitstormwa-
ter runoff,” Ruyle said. “What better way to do that than to plant rain gardens?”
A rain garden “is a depressed area in the landscape that collects rainwater from a roof, drivewayorstreetandallowsit to soak into the ground,” according to the US EPA.
“It manages to prevent erosion and reduce the quantityofrunoff,”Ruyle said, noting those two things limit how much rainwater ends up standing in streets and prevent the flow of water from dragging more pollutants intostormdrainsandrivers.
“Even though you might think rainwater from your roof is stopping there, it ends up
coming (through storm drains) down the Illinois River to the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, where we have that dead zone,” Ruyle said.
A dead zone — or hypoxic zone — is an area of lowoxygenthatcanharm fish and marine life near the bottom of the sea, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Ocean Today publication.
When farmers apply fertilizer, runoff from rainstormsandsnowmelt can drag excess nutrients — including nitrogen and phosphorus — into waterwaysthatfeedtheMississippi River.
Stormwater runoff “is affecting our drinking
Rain continues on A16

Carlos Osorio via Getty Images/2017 Toronto Star
Marc Yamaguchi says loose soil and native plants absorb runoff water, diverting it from storm sewers and preventing flooding.
Farmers face challenges as tariffs hit home
By Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree
Farmers are awaiting the impacts of tariffs placed on Mexico, China and Canada by President Donald Trump that will likely impact both exported and imported goods.
For them, they can get hit in two ways, with tariffs decreasing the demand for their products, as well as increased costs for the goods they import, including equipment parts.
“The consequences on agricultureareatthetipof the spear,” said farmer Marty Marr, owner of MDM Farms in New Berlin. “Almost immediately, themarketsstarttofalloff and it could trail off to porkandbeeftoo.Exports are a major part of the ag industry.”
Trumphasorderedtariffs be placed on imports from Mexico, Canada and China, resulting in those countries also imposing tariffsonAmericangoods.
Many farmers have nationalpurchasersfortheir products, but many rely on international partners to ensure increased demand for their crops.
Marrsaidmarketswere just beginning to improve buthavealreadyseenadecline as the demand for products has declined. As
demand goes down, the profit farmers make goes down as well, while the costs they incur go up as input costs increase.
“Agricultureisthemost circular business because we can be affected by trade, the weather, politics,” Marr said. “All these things have consequences thatcomealongandaffect how we do business.”
Recently, the cost of corn was increasing, about $5 a bushel, Marr said. It has already begun falling.
Farmers also rely on foreign markets for already-higher equipment parts.
“Thebigfearistechnology that we are using or saving for will cost more here and we will have to wait to see if the price adjusts back down,” Marr said.
Marrsaidit’snotnecessarily the cost on imports that could cause the most damage, though it will likely be seen first.
It is the lasting impacts onmarketsthatheismost concerned about.
Following the issuance of the tariffs by Trump, China responded by increasing10% to15% to U.S. agriculture products.
While the United States has been a major player in the agriculture sector, Marr said other countries have been growing in the

sector,addingnewsuppliers outside of American farmers.
JerryCostelloII,theexecutive director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, said the three countries most impacted by the tariffs make up about 48% of all exports for the country — roughly $91billionofthe$191billion exported each year.
“These tariffs are an attack on Illinois farmers. Countries forced to pay themmaysimplyfindnew trade partners beyond the U.S.,” Costello said. “Illinois farmers are then left tostrugglewithshrinking
markets on top of rising costs and declining crop prices.”
Illinoisisamongthetop three exporters in the country for agriculture products, exporting roughly$2billioninproductstoCanada,$2.9billion to Mexico and $1.9 billion to China.
If the tariffs imposed become too unreasonable, Marr said those countries currently buying goods from the United States could begin looking to other countries for their needs.
“If anything good comes out of this, I hope

thefarmbillthatwilloffer market access protections and foreign market development,” Marr said. The currentFarmBillhasbeen expired for several years, with extensions being approved as legislators discuss a new bill.
While crops like soybeans and corn will likely seebigimpacts,Marrsaid he doesn’t believe livestock markets will escape impacts.
Markets for meats like beef and poultry have been pretty good recently, Marr said.
it’s that we find new trading partners,” Marr said, adding that is something that will need to happen, especially if current partners cancel their partnerships. “Higher costs makes it harder for us to be competitive.”
As the potential for decreased foreign trade rises, Marr said there are products that can be used within the country that could see expansion.
Development of biofuelsisanincreasingmarket and companies are looking at alternative fuels, which could increase local demand for corn and soybeans.
“About 33% to 38% of the corn crop goes into ethanol,”Marrsaid.“It’sa major driver four us, so it needs to be strong.”
There are other things thatcanbedonetoprotect farmers as well.
Marrsaidhehopesgovernment officials will finally pass a new farm bill that would increase protections for farmers.
“We need programs in
“Livestock has been doingwellonboththeexport side and customer demands,” Marr said. “Thereisagrowingdesire to have protein in diets, which beef and poultry provides.Thetariffscould affect the livestock sector also.”
Currently, the impact is yet to be fully determined as implementation dates keep getting postponed and there is uncertainty how other countries will respond to the taxes.
Marrsaidtoensurethat markets stabilize and are available to all farmers andcountries,therehasto be more cooperation among governments.
“Everyone hopes there isenoughdiplomacytoget issues resolved with our trading partners,” Marr said. “The quicker we can resolve issues, the better we’ll all be.”
What Marr does know is that he will continue to plant his fields and harvest his crops.
“Farmers are eternal optimists,” Marr said. “We are ready to plan our newcropandhopetocapture new markets for exportsandhaveaprofitable year. Farmers love what we do. There are some challenging times ahead.”
Samantha McDaniel-Ogletree/Journal-Courier
Evan Marr helps carry a section of fence across a field.
Growing horseradish a year-round endeavor
By Rhiannon Branch FARMWEEK
All grain farmers have something to occupy their time in the winter, but for Craig and Kenny Engeling, the “off-season” is even busier as they harvest horseradish.
“I started farming (corn, soybeans and wheat) back in the early ‘80s, and the farm economy was just horrible,” CraigEngelingtoldFarmWeek.“Mydadhadan‘in’ on the horseradish business, and that’s how I got my start in1985.”
NowC&KHorseradish in Glen Carbon grows about170 acres of the specialty crop in one of the highest production areas of the country.
“We have very rich, deep topsoil in the Madison, St. Clair and Monroe County area,” Craig Engeling said. “I think around 60 percent of the horseradish world supply comes out of here.”
His son, Kenny, said they begin planting in March as soon as the ground is soft enough to work,usingrootsfromthe previous season’s crop.
“Generally, after nine to 10 months, it’s starting to hit its peak yield and that is the harvest window we aretryingtomeetforquality and tonnage,” Kenny said.
The horseradish can be harvestedanytimeofyear, but winter is ideal.
“Everything about horseradish is hot, from theflavortoholdingheat,” Kenny said. “So if you’re harvesting it in hot months you really have to manage it to keep it from spoiling.”
And it is a labor-intensive process.
“Once it comes out of the field, every plant has

Employees at C & K Horseradish chop and sort horseradish roots by hand and set them on a conveyor belt system to be packaged according to grade. Some roots are even kept to plant for next year’s crop.
sword as it would slow down harvest but potentially increase yields.
“Those roots are deep into the ground,” Craig Engeling said. “If they’re under the frost and can
to be gone through by hand,” Kenny said. “They havetobetrimmed,sorted by different grades, and packaged accordingly.”
It then gets housed in a coldstoragefacilitykeptat 28 degrees before being sold to customers across the country in the wholesale market.
The process begins againinMarch,whenharvest and planting often overlap.
“A lot of times it’s a 13month season,” Kenny said. “Every year is different. There were some years we started harvest asearlyasSeptember,and there have been years where we’re running as late as June.”
The Englings cited labor as the biggest challenge in the horseradish industry. They have been
fortunate with one other full-time employee and a dozen local seasonal workerswhoreturnannually. But they are looking into more automated field harvesting equipment so theiremployeescanspend more time sorting.
As for the growing season,Kennysaidpestpressurewashighthisyearfor unknown reasons and drought made the crop lookpoorearlyon,butlate fall rains helped the crop finish strong.
“The roots really start puttingtheirweightongoing into the fall, and so a wetter fall is where you start getting your bigger yields,” Kenny said, noting that yields are determined by the pound.
Winter weather can also impact the crop. Heavy snow is a double-edged
keepgrowing,I’veseen20 percent yield increases over wintertime.”
Looking forward, KennyEngelingsaidtheyhave been working to increase productiontofilldemand.
“Butitisadefinedmarket,soyouhavetohavethe market share,” he said. “It’s all marketed a year in advance, so you have to know what you can and can’t do and be able to market towards that target.”
And as he nears retirement, Craig said he has enjoyed watching the next generation take charge.
“It’skindofneatwatching the changes, the new ambitionandthenewideas come to life,” the elder Engeling concluded.
This story was distributed through a cooperative project between Illinois Farm Bureau and the Illinois Press Association. For more food and farming news, visit FarmWeekNow.com.

Photos by Rhiannon Branch/FarmWeek
Craig (left) and Kenny Engeling show off a hardy horseradish root from their 2024 harvest.
Millennials, Gen Z lead herb garden revival
By Margaret Smith CONTRIBUTOR
Inadynamicshiftfrom traditional gardening demographics, millennials andGenZarespearheading a green revolution, transforming urban spaces into lush, productive gardens. Recent studies reveal more than 70%ofindividualsaged18 to 35 say they’re passionate about gardening.
Another 83% deem it “cool.”
roots of revival
The earliest humans relied on farming for their survival. After the Industrial Revolution, families found gardening a cherished hobby that could save them money. However, Generation Z and millennials have unexpectedly driven an upward trend recently. As they leave behind the moniker of children of the digital age, these generations embrace the tactile, hands-on experience of growing their own herbs.
An herb garden is a simple and accessible way to garden, requiring
minimal space and effort to grow basil, thyme, mint,rosemaryandother fresh greens. Millennials those aged between 29 and 44 — and Gen Z — those between 13 and 28 have grown up with mobile phones, video games and the internet.
Butthesegenerationsare increasingly taking breaks from screen time to garden.
In reports on the gardening industry, garden trade show Glee notes that more than 70% of adultsaged18to35areinterested in gardening. Millennial customers have increased by 65% at gardening stores, and Gen Zers have grown by 40%.
Several factors push these generations towards outdoor or indoor herb gardens. As younger generations become a larger group in the overallmarket,theirchoiceto focus their time and money on herb gardeningreflectsthevaluesimportant to these generations. Whether you are a millennial, Gen Z or another generation, these reasons may inspire you

to start your own herb garden.
Reconnecting with nature
Screens dominate in the digital age. The 2024 Gen Z Screen Time report by dcdx found that

mobile phone usage among Gen Z increased to an average of 7 hours and 22 minutes per day. With business and educationalsobecomingdigital, the average Zillennial experiences much of their world virtually.
Herb gardens are a tangible way to engage with nature and experience the joy of growing something. For those with limited time, space, skill or finances, herb gardens are an accessible waytosatisfythecraving forgettingbacktonature.
Small-space gardening
Evenforthoseinterested in gardening, space is aluxuryformanymillennials and Gen Z. Despite the desire to have larger yards for gardening, millennialshavebeenslower to buy homes than their parents.Only42%ofmil-
rocketing inflation. With cost-consciousness in mind, House and Garden saysyoungpeopleturnto something tangible and moreself-sustaining,and growing herbs at home is an easy way to cut down on grocery expenses.
Fresh herbs can cost several dollars per small bundle at the grocery store. If you’ve ever thrown away wilted herbs after using just a few sprigs, buying herbs can also feel wasteful. By nurturing your own, you can reduce waste and costbygrowingandpicking only what you need.
Herb gardens are also affordabletostart.Unlike traditional vegetable gardens that may require beds, irrigation and equipment, a few herb garden tools, soil, sunlight and water are enoughforherbstoflourish.
lennialsownedhomesby age 30 as compared to 48% of Generation X, according to Motley Fool. With rising home costs, many millennials are apartment or condominium dwellers. Likewise, GenZersaremovinginto their first apartments.
Withlittletonoyard,a vegetable garden can require too much space for many Zillennials. Herb gardens are the perfect option for small spaces.
Hangingplanters,potsor gardeninggrowbagsona balcony are large enough for various herbs. Indoors,herbscanthrivein a windowsill or sunny kitchen.
Saving money
The under-44-year-old crowdcameofageduring periods of economic uncertainty — the Great Recession, rising student loan debt and now sky-
Promoting sustainability
Sustainability and wellnessareprioritiesfor bothMillennialsandGen Z. In their market research, healthy-eating app Lifesum found that 62% of young adults would cut back on fashion spending, 55% on technology and 34% on travel to have more money for healthy eating. Consumer research firm Attest found that 70% of Gen Zers consider sustainability essential in their food choices.
Growing your own food has long been a way to get fresh, healthy and pesticide-free meals. It also reduces the environmental impact of shipping and supply chains. An herb garden is a great way to start small with sustainability and
020 Creative/Getty Images
In a dynamic shift from traditional gardening demographics, Millennials and Gen Z are spearheading a green revolution, transforming urban spaces into lush, productive gardens.
What makes bird flu virus so unusual
The H5N1 virus attacks specific body systems in each species and behaves differently in each depending on which body systems are involved, causing widespreaddeathinsomeanimalswhilebarelyaffectingothers,saysUniversity of Illinois UrbanaChampaign veterinary clinical medicine professor Dr. Jim Lowe.
He spoke about the biological factors that influence infection and mortalityinhumansand other animals.
What do you think are the most important recent developments on the bird flu front?
First, we have seen expanded and sustained transmission of H5N1 in cows across the U.S. — somethingwehadhoped to avoid.
Second,newintroductions of this H5N1 strain from wild birds into poultry flocks continue, marking the fourth consecutiveyearofsuchoutbreaks. Historically, we would expect a highly pathogenic avian influenza strain to circulate for only a single season, not four.
Third, since late spring 2024, we have observed transmission of H5N1 from cows to domestic poultry. However, the viruses involved in these transmissions show some variation.
How are the federal regulatory frameworks different for cows and poultry and how does that influence disease transmission?
Veterinary services within the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s AnimalandPlantHealth
Inspection Service have the authority to implement disease-control programs, but only for diseases officially recognized in a given species. Inpoultry,HPAIisadesignatedprogramdisease, meaning there is a codified control program in place. This is largely to protect exports, as other countries refuse to import poultry products from regions with HPAI outbreaks.
In cattle, however, no such program exists because influenza was not previously considered a disease of cattle. Until a year ago, it wasn’t even on the radar that type A influenza viruses could infect cattle. Since H5N1 is not a designated program disease in cattle, the USDA lacks the authority to restrict cattle movement or depopulate infected herds.
As a result, H5N1 in poultry is well controlled, with no evidence of flock-to-flock transmission. In contrast, in cattle, the virus is becoming endemic. At this stage, eliminating it entirely is likely impossible. This pattern is common with emerging viruses, such as West Nile virus or SARS-CoV-2, which initially caused widespread concern but nowpersistsatlowerlevels as host immunity has increased.
Thevirusseemstoaffect different species very differently. What are the factors that influence infection in different animals?
As we learned from COVID-19, a virus must bind to a specific receptor on a cell to enter and replicate. Receptors are proteins on the cell surface that are encoded by genes, meaning an or-
ganism’sgeneticmakeup determines its susceptibility to infection.
For influenza A viruses like H5N1, the key receptor is a sialic acid receptor.Humansprimarily have one type, while birds have another. Different species have varying mixes of SA receptors, which influences disease transmission.
Initially, we believed cows lacked these receptors entirely. While they don’t have them in their respiratorytract,theydo in the udder — allowing H5N1infection.
We’ve also seen H5N1 infect marine mammals like seals which have birdlike SA receptors in their respiratory tracts, makingthemhighlysusceptible. We have also
seen high rates of infection in other birds like penguins.
Pigs primarily have humanlike receptors but also possess a few birdlikeonesintheirrespiratory tracts. The longstandingtheorywasthat bird flu would infect pigs, then jump to humans, but instead, the predominant transmissionpatternhasbeenhuman-to-pig rather than pig-to-human.
In cats and many wild carnivorous mammals, H5N1 causes neurological disease rather than respiratory illness because their birdlike SA receptors are located in the brain. This explains infections in species like cats, foxes and opossums.

Jim Lowe, standing outside a
Humans do have some birdlike receptors, but they are deep in the lungs. This makes hu-
man infection extremely rare. However, when it does occur, the disease is
farm at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, talks about USDA measures to deal with a strain of avian influenza that has now crossed species to cows. Virus continues on A17

Fred Zwicky/University of Illinois
dairy cattle research

Illinois farmers fretting over USDA funding freezes
Funding freezes by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under President Donald Trump could have a “generational” impact on vulnerable Illinois communities and are already causing financial hardshipsforfarmers,astate House legislative committee was told.
“Farmers face so many challenges as it is, and now they must contend with the uncertainty of whether these contracts with the government will be honored,” said Anna Morrell, coowner of The Little Farm at Weldon Springs inClintonandamember of the National Young Farmers Coalition. “We need certainty, and we

need certainty so we can continue feeding our communities.”
The USDA has said it plans to cut off funds in fiscal year 2025 for a program that provides funds to food banks to purchase food from local farmers, among other funding pauses and program cuts. Some of the programs cut specifically helped newer farmers and farmers from historically disadvantaged groups, or brought food to disadvantaged communities, Morrell said.
As a first-generation farmer, Rachael Smedberg of Tulip Tree Gardens in Beecher said the grant related to food banks,calledLocalFood PurchaseAssistance,allowed her to “turn the traditional narrative of local, nutrient dense foods on its head.”
“What was once reservedforaffluentfarmers (markets) is now accessible,”Smedbergtold the committee. Her farm’s pasture-raised pork, for example, is now available in food banks throughout the state, she said at the hearing of the House Agriculture and Conservation Committee.
TheUSDAdidnotimmediately respond to a request for comment.
While the committee did not focus on any particular legislation during the hearing, the testimony could be used as part of a pressure campaign on members of Congress to force the executive branch to release funds affecting farmers, Illinois Stewardship Alliance spokesperson Nathan Ryder said.
Trump’s widespread halting of federal funds through executive action, which his administration says eliminates government waste, has sown confusion and chaos across federally funded programs in Illinois,thoughsomefunding has been restored.
The president’s tariffs and resulting retaliation from other countries could also cause issues for farmers, Illinois Department of Agriculture Director Jerry Costello told the committee. Trump has said those tariffs will stoke American industry after potential short-term economic hardship.
“Farmers, just like any other business, need and deserve stability. They’re businessmen and women making decisions,” Costello said.
Republican Rep. Charlie Meier of Okawville suggested the hearing was a partisan exercise by Democrats who control the committee.
“This is a hearing that maybe should be done six months from now … anditshouldn’tbebeing done today,” he said. Meier said the committee shouldn’t “overreact” to Trump’s funding moves, which at times have suspended federal money and then brought it back.
Rep. Sonya Harper, a Chicago Democrat, denied that the hearing was called for political reason, saying “it is evidentthattheactionstaken on the federal level are definitely hurting farmers and rural communities in Illinois.”
Joshua A. Bickel/Associated
Katy Rogers clears weeds out of lettuce at her farm. The USDA has said it plans to cut off funds for a program that provides funds to food banks to purchase food from local farmers.
NASA invests in grassland research
By Hannah Spangler FARMWEEK
A University of Illinois doctoral candidate received a $150,000 investment from NASA to create a detailed grassland map using remote sensing.
Wendy Dorman, the recipient of the prestigious three-year research grant, plans to map grassland habitats across Illinois — where 99% of the prairies have vanished.
Hergoalsincludefinding out which habitat features are most important for endangered birds to maximize best practicestoprotectthem in the small amount of grassland available.
“I’ve been really frus-
trated by the lack of available data to use when trying to understand what’s happening to birds,” Dorman said, adding that current research is not at the level needed for making management decisions and conducting effective modeling.
Dorman will use remote sensing, which involves using satellite imagery to collect information, to produce a highquality map of the cold and warm season grasses in grasslands across the state.
She believes this will help provide targeted support to individual bird species based on their survival needs.
“It’s important for conservation and for

management and wildlife or other environmental reasons that we have a good idea of where grasslands are and what their qualities are,” said Mike Ward, U of I professor in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences.
The research can also benefit farmers enrolling in conservation programs and help enhance habitats for birds like quail and pheasants, Wardexplained.Thedetailed maps can show where to place grasslands to maximize agricultural and new environmental benefits.
Ward said that the use of remote sensing in grasslands is a lot like theuseofprecisiontech-
nology in agriculture. They are working with small amounts of grasslandandusingtechnology to optimize conservation practices.
“A strategic placement of habitat can go a long way,” he said. “Right now, it’s kind of overwhelming to have so much information and so much data. But as we go on, all this information will keep on coming in and we’ll be able to do a better job of managing our resources.”
Research has already started on a small scale, and Dorman and her team are preparing to ramp things up. This semester, she will work withstudentsfromnatural resources and environmental sciences,

computer science and physicstobringtogether the different disciplines needed for the project.
Shehopestohavepreliminary results around March or April before moving into fieldwork throughout the spring and summer. The fieldwork will help compare
satellite data with reallife observations.
“You need to actually physically go into the field and see what is on the ground,” Dorman said.“Wedon’tjusttrust the models that we produce, we compare them against what’s actually in the field.”

Catrina Rawson/FarmWeek
A University of Illinois doctoral student plans to map the grassland habitat across Illinois.
‘Sustainable intensification’ reduces soil nitrate
A nine-year study comparing a typical twoyear corn and soybean rotation with a more intensive three-year rotationinvolvingcorn,cereal rye, soybean and winter wheat found that the three-year system can dramatically reduce nitrogen — an important crop nutrient — in farm runoff without compromising yield.
The new findings are detailed in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science.
“Subterranean drainage pipes called tiles transport nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, from
fieldstostreams,impairing downstream surface waters,” the scientists wrote. Nitrate runoff from farms pollutes streams and lakes, some of which supply drinking water for nearby communities. Nitrates also are carried down majorriversliketheMississippi to the Gulf of Mexico,contributingtoa vast oxygen-starved “dead zone.”
“For maximum crop production we need artificial drainage, in the form of tiles and ditches, across much of Illinois. Unfortunately, nitrate canbelostfromtherooting zone with tile water,” said Lowell Gentry, a researcher in natural resources and environ-
mental sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who led the new study with Eric Miller, a grower and landowner in Piatt County, Illinois, where the research was conducted. “Our study was designed to see if a more diverse crop rotation could reduce tile nitrate loss and still be competitive with the conventionalsystemofcornand soybean.”
From 2015 to 2023, the researchers determined crop yield and monitored nitrate loss from tile-drained fields on a working farm. Their “control treatment” consistedoftwoconventionally managed fields under a corn and soybean

University of Illinois natural resources and environmental sciences researcher Lowell Gentry and his colleagues found that an intensive three-year crop-rotation system reduced nitrate pollution runoff by 50% without compromising crop yields.
rotation.Themoreintensive three-year crop-rotation system was employed on an adjacent field. This field was planted with corn, followed by a full season of soybeans, then winter wheat. A summer harvestofthewheatwasfollowedbyasecondcropof soybean the same year, or double-crop soybean. Between corn and soybean,awintercovercrop of cereal rye was grown to protect the soil. The cereal rye was terminated with herbicide prior to soybean planting and allowedtodecomposeon the soil surface, delivering nutrients to the next crop.
A key difference between the rotational systems was the amount of tillage. The control fields were fully tilled in the fall and spring, but the researchers strip-tilled only a narrow swath of thecornfieldinthethree-
year rotation, minimizing the area tilled to onethird of the total field every third year. “By striptilling only about a third of the soil at a time, it takesusnineyearstofully till the field,” Gentry said. This enhances soil stability.
Crops like cereal rye and winter wheat are planted in the fall after corn and soybean crops are harvested. These cropskeepthesoilintact, helping reduce erosion and nutrient runoff, Gentry said. Tilling the soil and leaving it bare for the fall, winter and springincreasessoilerosion and boosts the growth of oxygen-loving microbes that consume soil-organic matter, releasing more nitrate.
Growers, policymakers and scientists have spent decades looking for ways to reduce the loss of nitrate from agricultural lands. Some ap-
proaches involve using woodchip bioreactors or installing wetlands to capture the runoff. But those approaches mean growers lose the fertilizing power of the nitrate.
“It’s very expensive to make fertilizer, and so I think it’s much more strategic to try and conserve the nitrogen, meaning keep it in the field, don’t let it leave in the first place,” Gentry said. “And that’s what the cereal rye and the winter wheat can do. They suck up enough nitrogen during the fall, winterandspringtolower the soil nitrate level. That reduces the tile nitrate level.”
The researchers saw a 50% reduction in tile nitrate losses in the threeyear rotation when compared with the normal rotation. This was accomplished without compromising yields,
Craig Pessman/University of Illinois

Shedding light on solar panel contracts
By Phyllis Coulter FARMWEEK
Allan Delphi, a farmer and landowner, felt the heatofthesunshiningon him when making decisions that would affect him, his children, grandchildren and possibly others who work his land in the future.
“I have had five solar companies approach me. Each one told me what they would do for me. I even had one more today,” he said while attendingarecentfarmland owners conference in Oglesby.
Attheevent,sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension at Illinois Valley Community Col-
lege,hegatheredmoreinformation. Delphi said he is thankful that the responsibility of making the decision isn’t his alone. He has involved familymembers,alawyer and his support team.
Delphi told FarmWeek he’s learned a lot during the process, studying the easements, learning about equipment and construction and details about decommissioning.
“I’m in my 70s. This projectwilllastatleast40 years,” he said of the care he is taking for his three sons and five grandchildren.
The company they have chosen practices agrivoltaics, the dual use of land for solar energy
production and agriculture. They will likely graze sheep initially, but more research is being doneonshortcornvarieties and other crops that might be compatible with thesolarsystem,saidDelphi, who likes the idea of the contracted land still being used for farming.
During his presentation, Garrett Thalgott, assistant general counsel for Illinois Farm Bureau, emphasized the importance of asking questions and having a good team whenconsideringsigning a solar project contract. Insuranceissomething to consider. It is important to discuss a solar contract with your insurance company and attor-

ney and see what is covered by the energy company and what changes might need to be made to the farmer’s or landowner’s policy.
Also, be sure to look at the acreage guarantees. It’s important to know if five or 50 acres are guaranteed to be involved in the contract.
In terms of compensation for land rented, it is important for landowners to have an escalation provision, so the rental pricekeepsupwithrising rates of rent over the next 50 years, the attorney said.
Thalgottagreeditisimportant to be clear on the details of decommissioning when in some cases it
won’thappenforasmany as 60 years. The energy companymightbesoldby then and other generations might be farming.
Some landowners may be against putting solar farms on agricultural land,buteminentdomain is not available to solar developers. The landowner has the right to choose what is right for his farming operation for the future and how to use hisorherpropertyrights, Thalgott said.
MaryLudwig,anattorney and partner with Johnson & Taylor in Pontiac, compared property rights to a “bundle of sticks.” That bundle includesair,waterandmineral rights in the present
and future, she told landowners at the conference.
As for solar and wind contracts,Ludwigoffered many of the same cautions as the Illinois Farm Bureau counsel. She said tomakesureattorneyfees areconsideredinthecontract costs to understand the contract length and provisions of decommissioning.
“About one-third of landowners receive a letter from an energy company,” Elizabeth Strom, anAccreditedFarmManagerandvicepresidentof Murray Wise Associates LLC in Champaign told landowners.
“Before you sign, make sureyoufullyunderstand the contract,” Strom said.

Rural education programs getting help in comeback
By Phyllis Coulter FARMWEEK
The long-held idea that a four-year university educationwasbestforeveryone is now recognized as flawedbymanyeducation advocates. Today, rural schools are bringing back displacedprograms,butit will take time and resources.
“Career and technical programs, once called vocational programs, were a significant part of the fabric of rural schools across Illinois and the nation. Several decades ago, a huge pendulum swing took place across the country that all but wiped out this valuable programming,” said Patrick Twomey, superintendent ofMacombSchoolDistrict 185, and a longtime rural school advocate.
“The push was that everychildneedsafour-year college education and in the process of addressing that belief, vocational/ CTE courses were eliminated one by one. As they say, hindsight is 20-20, and looking back, we all know that was a monumentalmistake,”Twomey said.
John Dunlap always saw the value of technical education. Directly after high school, he worked as an ag equipment technician and earned his certification, which eventually led him to the position of director of the Agco Service Technician Program at Parkland Community College.
“Earn-while-you-learn programsareaperfectoption for somebody who has to pay for their education.Mostofthetimethey are guaranteed a job placement,” Dunlap said. “Business and industry have jobs they need to fill,

and schools have a pool of students to draw from,”
he said of the model that has worked so well for him and his students.
However, rural schools struggletogatherresources to bring career and
technical programming back.
“Theylackthefinancial resources as well as the human capital necessary totacklethisissueandyet we all agree it is paramountthatwefindaway,”
said Twomey, who is on the executive board of the AssociationofIllinoisRuralandSmallSchools,one of the organizations leading the comeback.
John Glasgow, program director, is spearheading
the Rural Illinois Career and Technical Education Project, a joint effort between the Illinois State Board of Education and AssociationofIllinoisRural and Small Schools, founded in 2023, to revive and advance career and tech education for Illinois students.
Highschooltechclasses were once viewed as something for “kids who havenothingbettertodo.”
Attitudes are changing. “College is only one route tosuccesstoday,”Glasgow said, noting that college gradsoftenearnlesstoday thanthosein“thetrades.”
He and the team spent the first year of the Rural Illinois CTE mostly on research.Theirstudyquickly revealed a priority: the needfordirectandspecific support for rural programs. Glasgow and his colleagues created a webbased portal to share resources including webinars, newsletters and materials. Now, the site, airssedu.org/cte is live and provides centralized information from a respected source for rural districts, Glasgow said.
“We’re slowly playing
catch up but there is still really a long way to go,” said Glasglow of the team’s effort to get more resources and funding.
Among other things, the Illinois Rural CTE Projectislookingforways to improve options for regional career and tech schools, which have long been underfunded.
In 2024, the Illinois RuralCTEProjectteamidentifiedthehighest-needruralschooldistricts,noting their challenges and strengths. The biggest pocket of high-needs schools is in the south includingJefferson,Clinton, Marion, and Franklin counties. Other areas are scattered throughout the state including LaSalle and Bureau counties in the north and parts of Champaign and Vermilion in the east.
The next step is to create pilot projects.
Somenewpilotprojects will come from adapting innovations in urban centers. One such idea is a pharmacy tech program that allows students to work in a hospital pharmacy. It is offered by a

Phyllis Coulter/FarmWeek
John Glasgow (from left), Association of Illinois Rural and Small Schools program director; Duane Price, Bureau Valley High School principal; and Jeff Harris, who heads the cooperative program at the school, discuss career training options for students.
Military mindset of dedication, safety guides farmer
By Ali Preston FARMWEEK
Zach Taylor’s life revolves around two principles that have guided him through military service and farming: dedication and safety.
The lessons of readiness, awareness and attention to detail became second nature to Taylor, who enlisted in the National Guard the day after heturned17.Heleftforbasic training the day after graduating high school and turned 18 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
“It went pretty fast,” he said of his time from enlistment to deployment.
Taylor initially enlisted as a13 Bravo, or a Cannon Crewmember, then went into military police training.Thefollowingyear,he was mobilized for Iraq as a provisional MP.
“We transported around the prime minister of the country for a while, convoy security,” he recalled. “You name it, we did it.”
During his six years in the National Guard, Taylor learned that vigilance wasn’t optional.
“Nothing would happenforaweek,andeverybody would get kind of complacent or relaxed,” he said. “That’s when things would go really, really bad.”
When Taylor returned from Iraq, he faced a harsh reality: There was no family land left to farm.
“She didn’t want me to have anything to do with that,” he said, noting the challengeshismotherand father had faced. “Her and my dad started the farminthe‘80sandended up losing everything.”
But agriculture was part of Taylor’s identity. Growing up, he learned howtoweld,repairequipment and work the land from his grandparents.
“I spent a lot of time in theshopwithmygrandfather. He was patient, always teaching me to figure out what was wrong and fix it,” Taylor said. “I knew from a young age I wanted to farm.”
So,withnofamilyland, Taylor got a job in uniformasacivilianworking as a mechanic at the Rock Island Arsenal and saved everything to invest in his
own farmland.
“I started with hay and allkindsoflittleoddsand end pieces,” he said. He slowlyexpandedhisoperation with the help of friends and guidance from the Farmer Veteran Coalition.
“They tried to make you look forward more,” TaylorsaidofFarmerVeteranCoalition.“Iwasjust trying to get day to day, yeartoyear.Itwasgoodin thataspectoftryingtoget you to look forward.”
Today, he manages roughly700acresofcorn, soybeans and alfalfa, alongside a 35-head cowcalf operation.
“It was never really meant to be what it is,” he saidofthegrowingoperation. “That’s what I told the banker the first time I borrowed money, that I don’t ever plan to actually make a living off of the farm.”
Taylor has spent the past 15 years working full time for Lock and Dam 17 in New Boston.
“Ifoneofmykidswanted a start in agriculture, that would be it. If one of my younger kids decides they want to farm, I’ll

Zach Taylor poses on the farm with his kids, Nathan, Mitchell and Natalie. Taylor, a military veteran, applies his experience and discipline to implement safety measures on the farm, ensuring a secure environment for his family and operation.
probably let them do it and I’ll work for them part time,” he said.
On the farm and in his career, Taylor’s militaryinstilled focus on safety is ever present. He believes farming demands the samelevelofattentionasa military mission.
“It’s the same way with
a firearm, tank, weapon, tractor … they’re all machines,” he said. “Machinesdon’thavefeelings.
If you tell them to do something, they’ll do it — whether it hurts you or not.”
Taylor ensures his children,Nathan,19,Mitchell, 13, and Natalie, 10, learn
the same respect for safety. All three are active on the farm, including running equipment and showing livestock. And they’veallheardtheirdad repeat the lessons he learned in the military.
“My kids have heard me say it100 times — you
Zach Taylor/Provided
From page A2
ready to be processed, withthefirstbatchofthe dayinthecheese-making process getting underway around 8-9 a.m. and another getting started around noon.
Hopefully,byaround4 p.m. each day, Byler and the rest of his family are wrapping up production for the day — though afterwards, he still has to milk some cows. Depending on the type of cheese the farm’s making,itcantakejustunder a day for it to be pressed into cheese, he said.
“For cheddar, that’s usually one of the longer types,” he said. “From the time it gets into the vat until it’s in the mold, itwouldbe41⁄2 to5hours. Then, you have to leave it in the mold for at least four hours — usually overnight.”
For Byler, the long hours needed to manage adairyfarmcanbealittle draining, which is why he tries to limit the amount of times he’s in theprocessingareaitself.
“ItworksbestifIdon’t do this every day,” he said. “I try to keep it
down to four days a week. The other days, I still have to milk cows, of course, but not necessarilybeinherethefullday.”
That effort has paid off,however,astherehas been plenty of interest frombothcustomersand other farms in west-central Illinois, Byler said. There was a “fair amount” of interest in locally-made products, particularly from people who have a background indairyfarming,hesaid.
“People remember back in their childhood,” Byler said. “Grandpa milked a cow, or somethinglikethat,andit’sinteresting to them.”
As for Byler himself, he said his love of animals is what keeps him going when things get difficult. While there are some cows that he does notgetattachedto,others he and his family try to keep around for as long as they possibly can.
EachofthecowsatBuckhorn Dairy has its own personality, which he getstoknoweachtimehe milks them, he said.
“Being a steward of what God gives us (and) just seeing them healthy, that’sprobablyoneofthe biggest things,” he said.

Raw dairy sits inside Buckhorn Dairy's holding tank. The Mount Sterling dairy farm has around 25 cows it milks for both drinking milk and cheese.
Photos by Ben Singson/Journal-Courier
Milk curds are stirred inside a holding vat at Buckhorn Dairy in Mount Sterling. The liquid, or whey, will be drained and the remaining curd will be pressed into cheese.
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water and aquatic habitats,”Ruylesaid.“There’s a lot of pressure on farmers, but it’s not just farmers. Nobody thinks about urban runoff.”
Fertilizer from lawns and golf courses, along with sewage treatment plant discharge, also feeds into the Mississippi River, setting off a chain reaction, according to NOAA.
The excess nutrients leadtothegrowthofalgae that eventually sinks, decomposes and consumes the water’s oxygen. Fish andshrimpleavethearea and “anything that can’t escape — like crabs, worms and clams — dies,” according to NOAA.
A rain garden is an attractive and cost-effective way to help prevent the problem in one’s own
backyard or community, long before it comes close to affecting a body of water some 800 miles away.
It also can make those rainy morning commutes a tad drier and provide habitat for a range of wildlife and pollinators, Ruyle said.
“Tall grasses, especially,wouldconservealotof water,”hesaid.“It’sgoing to beautify the landscape and help with runoff.”
Rain gardens typically are planted with grasses andfloweringperennials, accordingtotheEPA,and native plants are even more beneficial because they’re better suited to the region’s weather conditions, Ruyle said.
Even though plants hadn’t started their spring greening in early March, rain gardens filled with native plants still could have helped with drainage, he said.
“Native plants would help (in early March) be-

cause they still have roots there, but they would really help during our summer storms,” Ruyle said.
While Ruyle is hoping to work with city and county leaders to identify areasinthecountywhere rain gardens could be planted to help with drainage issues, the conservationdistrictalsohas a cost-share program — funded through the Illinois Department of Agriculture — that helps homeowners cover the expensesofestablishinga rain garden, including helping with design and labor.
Participants must apply through the district office at1904 W. Lafayette Ave., Suite 2, and agree to maintain the established garden for at least three years, Ruyle said, noting that maintenance, once established, tends to be minimal.

Gordon Chibroski/Getty Images
A chart in the Sense of Wonder rain garden identifies the plants in the garden and encourages people to include them in their own gardens.
Angela Bauer/Journal-Courier Rainwater pours from a downspout March 4 in Jacksonville, where heavy rains flooded some city streets. Rain gardens could help ease storm-related flooding while also preventing erosion and problems stemming from runoff, according to conservation officials.
Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images
Homeowner Carrie Wassenaar shows off her newly installed 1,320-gallon water tank for capturing storm water.
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healthier eating.
Gardening in the Digital Age
Although a few minutes a day tending to an herb garden may provide a welcome break away from phone screens, technology is a major force in getting younger generations into gardening. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest are filled with home gardening inspiration. YouTube video tutorials and bloggers with step-by-step guidance on how to start seeds and keep them thriving help beginners find their green thumbs. Online forums and social media have also developed gardening communities, providing space for new growers to troubleshoot issues, swap tips and share successes.Appsdesignedfor tech-savvygardenerscan alsohelp,withreminders
to water and guidance on sunlight and soil for specific herb varieties.
Get started
Whether for financial savings, sustainability, health or simply the joy of growing something, Millennials and Gen Z are leading the herb garden revival. With a few pots, some seeds and a little care, anyone — regardless of experience or age — can start growing theirownherbs.Joinotherslivingtheherbgarden trend this spring and summer and bring more fresh flavors to your life.
Margaret Smith is the creator of Days Well Spent,ablogdedicatedto balanced recipes, homestead resources and gardening classes. Since 2005, she has shared her passion for homegrown living with thousands of readers and social media followers. Margaret develops healthy, wholesome recipes inspired by life on her farm in Texas, where she lives with her family.
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severe because the virus mustreachdeeplungtissue to replicate effectively.
Do you think the spreadofthevirustoso many species and the firsthumandeathinthe U.S. suggests another human pandemic is on the horizon?
Despite widespread human exposure — particularlyinChina,where data collection is strong — only a handful of infections have occurred. ThissuggestsH5N1isnot well-adaptedforhumanto-human transmission.
Our lab collaborates with the National InstitutesofHealth’sNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as part of the Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response network. This network comprises seven centers, bringing to-

gether leading experts in influenza transmission, virology, immunology, vaccinology and zoonotic potential.
From these experts, I hear a consistent message: While we must remain vigilant for zoonotic events, there is no imminent threat of a pandemic. We have extensive knowledge of influenza, robust monitoring systems in place, and well-established pipelines to assess zoonotic risks. This is a disease we are well prepared for, supported by the expertise and collaborative networks necessary to monitor and control potential outbreaks effectively.
At this stage, H5N1 is primarily a livestock issue. While concerns about human transmissionpersist,therealityis that this virus is 98% a domestic livestock story and 1–2% a domestic cat story. Right now, it’s more of a food supply issue than a human health crisis.
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the team found.
The long-term experiment, made possible withcontinuousfunding from the Illinois Nutrient Research and EducationCouncil,allowedthe team to learn some important lessons. One year, wet weather prevented early termination of the cereal rye cover crop, allowing it to grow too tall. The added biomass reduced tile nitrate runoff by 90% — a positive outcome — but the excess rye also undermined soybean productivity, lowering yields by 10% that year. Another year, an early killing freeze of the double-crop soybean reduced crop yield and increased tile nitrate loss the next spring.
Gentry also noticed over time that the conventionally managed fields sometimes held standing water after heavy rains, while the
experimental fields did not.
“I think that’s the result of much less tillage intheexperimentalfield, and the fact that earthworms are now abundant in the diverse crop rotation,” he said. “It’s interesting to note that both rotations used a conventional herbicide regime, so we know it’s not the herbicides that kill the worms; it’s the tillage.”
Early indications are thattheeconomicsofthe two systems are comparable, Gentry said.
“This study is a proofof-concept that a more diverse rotation can achieve this sustainable intensification, reducing nitrate losses while also improving soil quality,” he said. “Hopefully, recreating conditions that promotethenaturalprocesses of soil generation will improve soil quality and soil health, reversing the decades-long trendofdecliningorganicmatteracrossouragricultural soils.”

Venison a game-changer for fighting food insecurity
By Hannah Spangler FARMWEEK
Hunters Feeding Illinois is taking a shot at tackling food insecurity throughout the state by connecting hunters, meat processors and food pantries.
During the 2024-25 deer hunting season, the programprovided24,278 pounds of venison to 54 local food pantries. Hunters donated 584 deerto20localmeatprocessors, increasing access to lean protein acrosscentralandsouthern Illinois.
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high school in Elgin, in a school district of more than 33,000 students in Kane County. “It offers a foundational knowledge base for every student wanting to go into a medical area. In rural areas that kind of medical experiencemaybehardtoget,” Glasgow said.
Glasgow is already working with schools in TazewellandPeoriacounties in central Illinois to seehowtheycoulduseElgin’sideaasamodeltoget a pathway for medical careers in their rural schools.
In southern Illinois, BrookeMay,co-directorof the Southern Illinois Future Teachers Coalition and Leslie Bradley, director of student career services and co-director at Vienna High School District in Johnson County are leading a 25-school networkofmorethan400 high school students in technical programs.
Career and technical pathways have tradition-
“Allofthevenisonthat is donated stays local, whichwe’rereallyproud of, and the funding that israisedalsostayslocal,” saidKaitlynStreitmatter, a senior manager of Illinois Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education at University of Illinois Extension. “It’s hunting that’s happening locally, supportingourlocalfamilies and local meat processors.”
The process starts when a hunter donates meat to a local food processor. Streitmatter noted that the program
ally been seen as lacking in value, especially when compared to academic pathways that lead to perceived higher wages and benefits, said May.
“It is challenging to showcasethevalueofhigh school CTE pathways when funding for requiredequipmentislimited,aninsufficientinstructor pool exists and inequities in the access to programs is a hurdle that many students are unable to overcome,” May said.
Yet, even with the glaring challenges, groups such as Southern Illinois Future Teachers Coalition has at its helm two qualified career and technical instructors, dual credit education programs in 14 of their schools, and a large budget to support high school students who wish to enter the field of education, which continues to face a shortage,” May said.
As the Illinois CTE Project and other efforts enter a new year, Glasgow saidhehopesthatallthese actions will “help all rural districts enrich and grow their programming.”
helps address the deer nuisance issue, especially in areas where hunting is popular and venison is relevant to the community. Hunters who have more meat than they need can donateittofamiliesintheir communities.
“This is a way that hunters can use their passion of hunting and then also give back to their community by donating the excess deer that they are unable to use at home,” said MeredithProbst,UofIExtension SNAP-Education educator.
Following the donation, Feeding Illinois financially supports the food processors who turn harvested deer into ground meat. Probst explainedthatinpastyears U of I Extension would reimburse meat processors,butpartneringwith FeedingIllinoishelpsthe reimbursement process run smoother.
“Withourpartnership with Feeding Illinois, they can actually reimburse our meat processors on a monthly basis, aweeklybasisorhowever many invoices the meat processors sent to Feeding Illinois, they were able to reimburse
From page A14
can’t take your eye off the ball,” he said.
Though farming comes with its challenges, Taylor’s unwavering commitment to safety ensures that the operation — and his family — thrives.
“You come from a culture where quitting isn’t an option,” he said of his time in the military and

on more of a streamlined and faster process than whatourprocesswasthe past two years,” Probst told FarmWeek.
Streitmatter added that the deer donation program included in Illinois Senate Bill 2160 would further stream-
on the farm.
“Even things I wish he would,” his wife, Jennifer, said with a laugh while sittingatthekitchentable next to him.
Whether it’s operating machinery or guiding the next generation, Taylor’s lessons in vigilance and safetyensurethatbothhis familyandfarmareready for whatever comes next.
“You just got to do it,” he said. “And don’t take anything for granted.”
line the reimbursement process. If passed, the legislation would establish the Hunter Food Bank Fund to support grants for food banks to pay processors for donated deer.
Hunters Feeding Illinois also helps food processors find food pantries for partnerships. U of I Extension provides education on venison to thefoodpantries,including recipes, tastings, food safety instructions and handouts to help clients prepare the meat at home.
The goal is to expand the reach of the Hunters Feeding Illinois program. It has already grownfrom11to44counties in three years, but Probst and Streitmatter hope to see it become a
statewide program. “Ifacountyisinterested, if there’s a meat processor, if there is a food pantry, then we’re open to expanding to that county,” Probst said, addingthattheonlystipulation is that deer cannot be accepted from counties facing Chronic Wasting Disease. “If the county does not have CWD, you can donate to a partnering meat processor within the program, in any of the participating counties.”
Hunters, meat processors or food pantries interested in getting involvedcanvisitextension.illinois.edu for more information. Donations to the Hunters Feeding Illinoisprogramcanalso be made through the website.
Altmodern/Getty Images
During the 2024-25 deer hunting season, the program provided 24,278 pounds of venison to 54 local food pantries.