0090 Business Services
0090 Business Services

Ever y year during the fir s t f ull week of Februar y the Boy Scout s of America (BSA) celebrat e their anni ver sar y v s
The Boy Scout s of America is one of the lar ges t scouting or ganizations in the scout g countr y They ar e also one of the lar ges t
youth or ganizations in the Unit ed St at es. yout g zat O ver 2 million youths par ticipat e in Boy Scout s. Ther e ar e also one million adult volunt eer s. For over 100 year s the BSA has helped youth cr eat e memorable experiences and iences
develop f utur e leader s. Member s of the or ganization ar e encouraged t o par ticipat e ani a enc g in tr oop mee tings engage in challenges ing g c t ake par t in ser v ice pr ojec t s, go on out door ad ventur es, and do t eam-building exer cises.
Boy Scout Anni ver sar y Week is celebrat ed in Februar y ever y year in the U.S.
The holiday helps t o raise awar eness for the B.S.A or ganization and t o also show appr eciation for all their effor t s. The or ganization has been a gr eat ganization sour ce of education for the younger generation. They can learn usef ul sk ills that help them in life
The B.S.A was es t ablished on Februar y 8 in Februar 1910. That is why Boy Scout Anni ver sar y Week is celebrat ed in the fir s t the t week of Februar y
The B.S.A could trace it s origins t o Gr eat Brit ain. In 1908, the B.S.A was founded by a British Army officer named Lieut enant - General Rober t officer St ephenson Smyth Badin-Powell A newspaperman and entr epr eneur named r W.D. Boyce is cr edit ed for bringing the scouting or ganization t o the U.S. The Boy Scout s have experienced many changes thr ough the year s. The original purpose, however, has r emained the same It aims t o train youth in r esponsible citizenship, charac t er development , and self-r eliance It hopes t o self liance ins till indi v idualism and patrio tism in the younger generation. It t eaches e thical life choices, sur v i val sk ills, and how t o be r esponsible citizens thr oughout life
Boy Scout Anni ver sar y Week is obser ved by cr eating awar eness of the impor t ance of Boy Scout s. It launches financial campaigns for