PIO - Community Advertiser - 03/04/2024

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PIONEER Community Advertiser FREE Contact Us at (231)796-4831 March 4, 2024 FREE ESTIM ATES FREE L O ANER C AR Deduc tible?? We C an Help! 89 Nor th 3rd I Sand Lake ( 616 ) 636 - 5341 NEWAYGO 8003 Mason Dr 231.652.5991 HARDY DAM 6245 E 36th St 231.689.5607 • Chainsaws • Lawn Mowers • Power Washers • Leaf Blowers • Snow Blowers • Generators REPAIR & SALES Specializing in Chainsaw Sharpening & Repair 2 Locations to Serve You TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT Powe r Equipment Sales & Ser vice 121 W Upton Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 465-4160 We help your loved ones live each day uplifted, inspired & connected. OUR SERVICES WE PROVIDE: Home Care- Traditional Peace of Mind Program Comm. Living Support • Medication Management (RN) Adult Day Center • Assisted Living M H M FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE FE ED FLAV R D RU $699 CHOOSE2 Any Regular Salad Pepsi 4-Pack 20 oz. Carrier y eg CHOOSE Flatbread 2-Topping Pizza Medium 1-Topping Pizza 3-Topping No-Dough Bowl™ An Reg. Howie Bread NE W! FE TURI G! FLATBRE AD PIZZA BIG RAPIDS 103S. S tate S t (231) 796-8000 Sun -T hu 11am -10 pm • Fr i & S a t 11am - 12am Limited time offer All stores independently owned and operated Prices and participation may var y Additional charges may apply or premium items Stuffed C ust Pizza ® or Deep Dish. Secret Menu items excluded fro all promotions Prices are subjec to change without notice Additional toppings deliver y and tax extra. Hungr y Howie s and its elated marks are trademarks of Hungr y Howie Pizza & Subs Inc BUY NOW AND SAVE 10% OFF SELECT PRODUCTS! CALL FOR DISCOUNT DETAILS WE OFFER FINANCING & SET UP & DELIVERY ALL OVER MICHIGAN! COME SEE US FOR ALL YOUR SHELTER NEEDS! (231) 689-8283 SHEDS STARTING AT $2,242.00 OUTDOOR FURNITURE MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM QUALITY, AFFORDABLE HAND CRAFTED STRUCTURES WITH MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM! ON SALE NOW! DEER BLINDS STARTING AT $2,025 HORSE SHELTERS STA RTING AT $1 700 00 6977 E Baseline Road White Cloud MI 49349 EMAIL: KaufmansCustomStr tures@ibyfax.c Delivery available throughout the entire state of Michigan! Financing and Rent to Own options available* CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! ON SALE NOW! ON SALE NOW ! Monday, March 4t h - Sunday, March 10t h, 2024 Sor r y, No R ainc hec k s • Pr icing Good While Supplies Last 9559 S M-37 Baldw in, MI 231-745-2761 Store Hours : Sunday - Sat urday 8am - 8pm CUR BSIDE PICK UP AVAIL A BLE: 10am - 6pm Give Us A Call SENIOR DAY: W hite Cloud - Tuesday Baldw in - Thursday OUR FAMILY CHEESE CHUNKS, SHREDS 6-8 OZ ASST TGIF APPETIZER OR SNACKS 8-11 OZ ASST ORE IDA POTATOES 19-32 OZ ASST EXCLUDES TATER TOTS OR CRISPY CROWNS KRAFT MAYONNAISE OR MIRACLE WHIP 30 OZ ASST KOOL-AID JAMMERS 10 CT ASST MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 22-31OZ ASST PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 7 5-8 OZ ASST WEIGHT WATCHER’S SMART ONES OR BAGEL BITES 6 49-10 OZ./9 CT ASST CLASSICO PASTA, MARINARA OR ALFREDO SAUCES 15-24 OZ ASST GENERAL MILLS REESES PUFFS 19 7 OZ LUCKY CHARMS 18 6 OZ HONEY NUT CHEERIOS 18 8 OZ CHEERIOS 18 OZ CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH 18 8 OZ NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS OR RITZ CRACKERS 3.5-13.7 OZ ASST PLANTERS DRY ROASTED PEANUTS 16 OZ ASST SALE PRICE: $1.99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: 99¢ SALE PRICE: $4 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $3 99 SALE PRICE: $4 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $3 99 SALE PRICE: $5 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $4 99 SALE PRICE: $3 49 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $2 49 SALE PRICE: $8 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $7 99 SALE PRICE: $4 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $3.99 SALE PRICE: $2 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $1.99 SALE PRICE: $3 49 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $2 49 SALE PRICE: $3 99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $2.99 SALE PRICE: $3 49 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $2.49 SALE PRICE: $2.99 BUY 5 SAVE 5: -$1.00 FINAL PRICE: $1.99 47 S Charles W hite Cloud, MI 231-689-1280 POWERADE 28 OZ ASST 4/$6 ASPARAGUS $1.99/LB FRITOS OR CHEETOS 7-9.25OZ ASST 2/$8 LITTLE DEBBIE MUFFINS 8.44-9.75 OZ ASST 2/$5 AUNT MILLIE’S DELI SUB BUNS OR ENGLISH MUFFINS 2/$6 COKE PRODUCTS 6 PK., 16 9 OZ BTLS ASST 2/$11 + dep BUBLY 8 PK 12 OZ CANS ASST /$ GATORADE 8 PK 20 OZ ASST. 2/$12.98 NAVEL ORANGES OR RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT EACH 4/$5 www.housemansfoods.com AUNT MILLIE’S LIVE LIGHT BREAD 2/$6 USDA CHOICE BONELESS ENGLISH ROAST $4.49/LB USDA CHOICE BONELESS DENVER STEAKS $4.99/LB BUY 5 SAVE $5 MIX N MATCH SALE BUY 5 SAVE $5 MIX N MATCH SALE LAY’S CHIPS 5-8 OZ ASST 2/$7 .housemansfoods.com CH 2 LTR BTLS ASST 2/$5+DEP 10 PK 7 5 OZ CANS ASST. 2/$10+DEP 12 PK. 12 OZ. CANS ASST. 2/$12.98+DEP /$6 3 11 + dep 12.98 COKE PRODUCTS 7-UP PRODUCTS 8 PK 12 OZ BTLS ASST K PEPSI PRODUCTS O . C S SS CLEAN, COMFOR TABLE, STATE OF THE AR T FACILITY COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Mon - Fri: 8am -5:30pm 14905 220th Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 231.796.8320 WWW.QUALITYCARANDTRUCKREPAIR.COM IMPORT & DOMESTIC • NIGHT DROP BOX MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES HONORED • CUSTOMER SHUTTLE (LIMITED AREA) $ 21 .9 5 OIL CHANGES CALL FOR DETAILS! STARTING AT



We frequently hear people say,“I didn’t know you were in Howard City” Come together with the Chamber to spotlight our Howard City and surrounding area businesses. Register now for the Community Business Expo!

Saturday, April 20th from 10:00am – 3:00pm Tri-County High School

Why should people visit Howard City? Join us at the Expo to show the public who WE ARE and what WE ARE about Give away discount coupons, samples, and any thing to draw the public to YOUR business. Let’s showcase our area businesses to keep them coming back!

Hiring Do you have open positions? We will be highlighting businesses that are hiring in the Expo Director y! Bring applications for those that inquire about positions that you have open. This is a great time to find new employees!

Networking ~ Have conversations with your fellow vendors so that we can refer to each other We all know that word of mouth is the greatest adver tising!

“Where Community Connects”

Our goal is to get our community and surrounding areas connected with our local businesses This will be a heavily advertised event and is an affordable way to promote your business to many people at one time You do not need to be a Chamber member to participate This is a family friendly event with a lot of fun stuff for the kids such as a Bounce house, Magician/Balloon Artist, Food and other fun activities

FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION EMAIL: info@howardcityareachamber.com or call: 616-821-2415


e n t s t o l e a r n p r a c t i c a l s k i l l s f o r n e w j o b s i n a c h a n g i n g w o r l d s t i l l r e s o n a t e s l o u d l y t o d a y O u r e d u c a t i o n i s w h e r e t h e o r y m e e t s p r a c t i c e ” T h i s t o g e t h e r w i t h a committed faculty, individua l a t t e n t i o n a n d c a r e e r - o r ie n t e d d e g r e e s p r e p a r e s g r a d u a t e s w h o f i n d e m p l o yment in their field after graduation This posting is used for face to face and/or online ins t r u c t i o n h o w e v e r t h e c a nd i d a t e s e l e c t e d f o r t h e p o s it i o n m u s t r e s i d e i n M i c h i g a n a f t e r a c c e p t a n c e o f e m p l o y -

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accredited program
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n iversity is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to inc l
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r n m o r e a b o u t t h e F e r r i s m i ssion, commitment to diversity and to equal opportunity and d y n a m i c s t u d e n t - f o c u s e d c o m m u n i t y a t f e r r i s e d u A pplicants requiring accommoda t i o n o r a s s i s t a n c e c o m p l e ti n g a n a p p l i c a t i o n / p a r t i c i p a ti n g i n t h e h i r i n g p r o c e s s s h o u l d c o n t a c t H u m a n R esources at (231) 591-2150 or fsujobs@ferris edu 0110 For Rent NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR & FAMILY HOUSING 1-3 Bedroom units located in Evart Housing Commission Income based rent with utilities included Close to Evart Public Schools Minutes from downtown Evart security cameras active resident council playgrounds and group activities Apply at: 601 W First Street Evart 231 734 3301 The application is also available at: www evarthousing org https://www facebook com/ evarthousing S H A D Y L A W N M O T E L : S a n d L a k e M I S p e c i a l r a t e s F u r n i s h e d c a b i n w i t h k i t c h e n e t t e $ 1 5 3 2 5 / w e e k F u r n i s h e d s m a l l c a b i n s , $136 60/week (Above prices include utilities) Call for availability (616) 696-0386 NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING AND FAMILY HOUSING 1-6 bedroom units located in Evergreen Village and Parkv i e w V i l l a g e I n c o m e b a s e d r e n t w i t h u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d O n l y m i n u t e s f r o m d o w ntown, active resident council, g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s N e i g h b o rh o o d W a t c h p r o g r a m a n d security cameras Apply at: 9 Parkview Village Big Rapids (231) 796-8689 The application is also available at: www bigrapidshousing org 0170 Items for Sale ( 2 ) 8 I N C H w h e e l e d w a l k e r s b o t h w i t h h a n d b r a k e s $ 5 0 each 231-510-2170 Manistee C T X E A S Y P R O p r o j e c t o r very good condition $75 OBO 231-510-2170 FISH TRAP PRO Fish Shanty i c e a u g e r ( 2 ) r o d s a n d r e e l s $ 3 5 2 3 1 - 7 3 6 - 0 0 6 4 M a n i s t e e GOLD STANDARD GENUINE p o r c e l a i n 8 4 p i e c e c h i n a s e t made in Japan Has pink roses d e s i g n g o o d c o n d i t i o n $ 2 0 0 OBO 231-510-2170, Manistee S U N J O E X T R E M E E L E CT R I C p o w e r w a s h e r 2 2 0 0 p s i m a x N e v e r u s e d , s t i l l i n b o x G r e a t d e a l a t $ 2 5 0 2 3 1 - 5 1 02 1 7 0 FURNITURE O A K A N T I Q U E H I G H b a c k c h a i r w a s g r a n d p a s b e s t o ff e r 2 3 1 - 5 1 0 - 2 1 7 0 M a n i s t e e
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Monday, March 4, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 3 ANDY’S TREE SERVICE 800-982-4540 or 231-937-5607 Andrew T Callender Owner CELL: 616-293-8867 MAIN OFFICE: 22300 M-82 • HOWARD CITY, MI 49329 Family O wned Since 1962 • www.andystreeser v ice.com Ser ving Montcalm, Kent, Newaygo, Mecosta, Osceola Counties & More SENIOR DISCOUNT • Call for a FREE Estimate WORK YEAR ROUND FULLY INSURED ‘WE GO ALL OVER’ Specializing in Working Around Power Lines & Houses T REE WORK OF ALL KINDS R W W HERE QUALIT Y WORK M AT T ERS. E QU T K W E KEEP YOUR YARD CLEAN! Y Veteran’s and Militar y Discount SPECIAL WINTER PRICING 1 Facility Wins Up to $2500 Towards Flooring Nominate your favorite facility today! H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 14150 Northland Drive, Big Rapids, MI 49307 231-796-2700 www.GilbertsCarpetsPlus.com 2017 Chev y Cruze LT Hatchback 2015 Jeep Renegade e Limited 4WD 2018 Ford Ecospor t SES AWD 2017 Lincoln MKC Select AWD 2023 Chev y Equinox LT AWD 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD 2021 Ford Expedition Limited 4x4 2022 Toyota Highlander hlander Platinum AWD 2022 Ram 1500 Classic Crew Cab Warlock V8 4x4 2022 Chev y Silverado 2500HD Crew Cab High Countr y Diesel 4x4 Complete Inventor y At: www.DonsAdoptACar.com Heated Seats Remote Start Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Black 48K Miles Sample Payments: $232.13 / 66 Months @ 7.74% APR* 4WD Heated Leather Navigation, Remote Start Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Alpine White 32K Miles Sample Payments: $248.26 / 72 Months @ 7.99% APR* All Wheel Drive Moonroof Heated Seats Navigation, 2.0L 4 Cyl Ecoboost, Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Shadow Black 64K Miles Sample Payments: $238.87 / 72 Months @ 7.99% APR* All Wheel Drive, Heated Leather Navigation, Remote Start Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Ruby Red Metallic, 35K Miles Sample Payments: $274.25 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* All Wheel Drive, Moonroof / Sunroof W/Rear Sky Light Heated Seats Remote Start Factory Warranty Mosaic Black Metallic, 20K Miles Sample Payments: $378.79 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* 4WD, Heated & Cooled Leather, Moonroof / Sunroof W/Rear Sky Light Navigation, Tow Remote Start Stone White, 77K Miles Sample Payments: $232.13 / 66 Months @ 7.74% APR* 4x4, Heated & Cooled Leather Navigation, 7 Passenger, Factory Tow Remote Start 1-Owner Iconic Silver Metallic, 74K Miles Sample Payments: $504.67 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* All Wheel Drive Heated & Cooled Leather, Moonroof / Sunroof W/Rear Sky Light Navigation, 7 Passenger Factory Warranty, Gray, 9K Miles Sample Payments: $554.37 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* 4x4, 5.7L Hemi V8, Heated Seats Remote Start Tow Pkg Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Granite Crystal Metallic 12K Miles Sample Payments: $490.50 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* 4x4, 6.6L Duramax Turbo Diesel Heated & Cooled Leather, Moonroof Navigation, Remote Start Factory Warranty Cherry Red Tintcoat 33K Miles Sample Payments: $825.65 / 78 Months @ 7.99% APR* $14,500 $16,500 $15,900 $19,500 $26,900 $14,500 $35,900 $39,500 $34,900 $58,900 231-775-2583 2 Miles East of US131 (Exit 180) • Cadillac, MI Locally Owned & Operated Since 1948 MICHAEL OIL & PROPANE ANE 18655 Nor thland Dr., Old U.S. 131, Big Rapids, MI 231-796-8681 www.michaeloilandpropane.com • Online Payment Options Available! ine vail 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE! HOUR Premium Diesel Fuel Fu Highway & Off Road • Heating Fuel ay Gasoline • Kerosene • Propane We have REC Gas & K-1 Kerosene • Pick Up or Deliver y — EINSTEIN adopted 12-09-10 SURE, AT FIRST I WAS A LITTLE TAKEN ABACK BY THE WHOLE PEEING STANDING UP THING. BUT I TAUGHT HIM TO THROW A STICK AND NOW HANGING OUT WITH HIM IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY.
4 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 4, 2024 Send a special shout out to your family and friends for their birthday, anniversaries, or any anniversa s, other special occasions! Prices start as low as $10.00 and they are custom designed by our designers! Email us at: classified@pioneergroup.com Arthur K. Eggerding Inc., REALTOR/BROKER Committed to marketing your property! 30 years Experience, VA loans. New Branch Real Estate Office Downtown Cedar Springs 21 E. Maple St. CALL TODAY! 616-453-7655 Brynadette Powellwell, Associate Broker 616-835-2624 • Public Notary Let’s Get Moving! Pioneer Community Advertiser ChurCh direCtory Rev Darryl Miller Phone: 616-636-5659 Worship Service 9:30 am FOR RENT Church Ed. Building with fully equipped kitchen. Make reservations now for your parties, family reunions, showers, graduations group meetings. Call Barb Gould at 616-636-5615 $75.00 Rental, additional $25.00 refundable cleaning fee • NO ALCOHOL • SAND LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH 65 W Maple Street Sand Lake Corner of Cypress & 136th Rev. Darryl Miller Office: 616-636-5659 Sunday Worship 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Find Us on Facebook! South Ensley Church South Ensley Community Church Deerfield Bible Church To know Christ and to make Christ known 759 150th Avenue • Morley Pastor Frank Taylor 231-580-9649 Sunday School • 9:30 a.m Worship Ser vice 10:30 a.m Evening Ser vice • 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. PINE GROVE Community Church A Christian Reformed Ministry Worship Sundays 10 am Boys & Girls Club Wed. 6:30 Youth Programs - Call Church 231-937-5250 On M-82, 5 miles west of Howard City Visit our website at pinegrovechurch.net 271 East State Rd. Grant, MI 49327 Pastor Shelby Gemmen Church Phone: (231) 834-8668 www.grantreformed.org Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Worship-on-Wednesday 6 PM Dinner Gems & Cadets High School Youth Group Bible Study Join the Church Directory Today! Contact Dani Smits for more information. Office: (231) 592-8323 Cell: (616) 422-3355 Or email at: danielle.parker@pioneergroup.com Come Worship with us! at Chippewa Hills Baptist Church 9166 25th Ave., Remus • Across from Remus Lumber 989-967-8205 Pastor Richardson • www.chippewahillsbaptist.com Sunday School 9:45am Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm Wed “Awana” Service 6:00pm - 3yrs-8th grade 11169 N M37 • Irons MI 231-862-3113 www.ironsanimalhospital.com Excellent Care Prof essional Ser vice Lake County Sheriff Animal Control 3390 S. Dog Track Rd Baldwin, MI (231) 745-3079 bmanier@co.lake.mi.uc We are normally closed for weekends If you have an emergenc y for animal control, please contac t dispatch at (231) 745- 2711. Meet Nala! Nala came in as a stray She is a 7 month old DSH, she is not spayed at this time Nala is a little shy of new people but she is friendly Meet June! June came in as a stray We are estimating that she is 2 years old June is not spayed at this time June is a shepherd mix of some sor t The water hose is her nemesis She loves to chomp and chase it June is full of zoomies and personality She is always accepting pets snuggles and treats We are unsure how she does with cats, but she doesn’t seem to mind other dogs DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE Texting while driving kills more teens each year than drunk driving. Save a life. Don’t Drive HoMe buzzeD BUZZED DRIVING IS DRUNK DRIVING.
Monday, March 4, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 5 River Valley Carpet 8391 Mason Drive (M-37) | Newaygo 231-652-3037 | www.rivervalleycarpet.com Huge selection of Carpet, Vinyl, Tile, Wood & Laminate Floors, Quartz, Granite, Luxury Vinyl Plank, and Solid Surface Countertops! G et trusted prot tion. protec Power your life and prepare for power outages with G enerac! Generac Home Standby Generators range from 10 - 26 kW so you can backup ever ything that matters CALL TODAY (989) 967-3624 • 2509 9 M ile Road • Remus, MI 49307 Mention This Ad for $100 off any new or updated install Valid through April 21st of 2024

A rewarding career in a wide variety of in-demand healthcare fields is now within reach. Thanks to the Michigan Rural Enhanced Access to Careers in Healthcare (MiREACH) program, those with a fondness for small-town life can become a vital and valued member of their community

There is a critical shortage of healthcare workers throughout Michigan, particularly in rural communities. Michigan Works! West Central is partnering with several education and training providers in an effort to prepare talented medical professionals to bridge the gap in underser ved areas throughout its region.

Through the MiREACH program we are working to increase homegrown talent to meet the critical demands of the healthcare industr y, ” said Jonathan Eppley Communication and Marketing Manager for Michigan Works! West Central “Michigan needs more Healthcare Heroes, and we now have a program that brings together resources to help make that happen.

MiREACH was created

to ensure critical healthcare jobs in Michigan are filled by training and employing individuals based on employer demand and feedback. MiREACH can cover up to $5,000 for tuition, books, testing and support ser vices. Participants can receive onthe-job training and related classroom instruction that leads to steady employment in a variety of fields.

Locally there is a pronounced need for workers in a variety of positions, but one of the largest voids is for medical assistants who support the work of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals.

Other occupations eligible for funding include:

• Nursing and medical assistants

• Nurses (LPN, RN, BSN)

Phlebotomist technicians and technologists

• Social Workers, counselors and paramedics


By growing local talent through MiREACH, we are helping to develop healthcare workers who might know their patients outside of the exam room, Eppley said Larger health systems have higher staffing

Medical Technician (EMT)

with her sights set on becoming a paramedic. She completed the rigorous paramedic training, but her aspirations stalled when she struggled to pass the National Registr y of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) exam.

Undaunted Ericka pressed on and last year took that key first step: walking into Michigan Works! West Central That pivotal move set the wheels in motion to advance her career through MiREACH. Erika then enrolled in the paramedic training program at West Shore Community College

is the kind of success stor y that is possible through MiREACH.

Although larger health systems in larger communities are an attraction for some Erika enjoys working in the community where she has lived for years.

levels, so it s sometimes harder to build the same kind of relationships with your coworkers and patients that you can in a smaller community setting ”

Just ask Erika Flowers, of Remus, who was able to utilize the MiREACH program to advance her career Her remarkable stor y one marked by rising above formidable challenges to become a paramedic, is


It s a great example to show how others can become what we like to call a local Healthcare Hero Erika’s success stor y inspires us all to reach for new heights, no matter the challenges we face, Eppley said Erika s obstacles to fulfilling her dreams loomed large back in 2015. At the time, she was an Emergency

With a network of support that includes Michigan Works! West Central and Michigan Rehabilitation Ser vices, Erika excelled earning academic high honors with her newly developed learning study and retention skills. Today, Erika is a valuable member of Mecosta County’s EMS Department.

“Erika’s future looks bright as she continues to make a lasting impact on emergency medical ser vices in Mecosta County, Eppley said Hers

Larger cities may have more specialized healthcare positions available and can often offer more amenities in their respective communities that make those jobs more attractive to some but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are better positions or a better fit, Eppley said MiREACH is helping us bridge the gap the meet the needs of our local healthcare providers.”

Become part of the solution to Michigan’s critical need for talented and dedicated healthcare professionals today by reaching out to Michigan Works! West Central They’ll get you started on a fantastic career path in an in-demand field

For more information about the MiREACH program, visit MWWC.org/ MiREACH.

6 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 4, 2024
B e co m e a He a l t h c a r e Her o w i t h M iREACH SPONSORED CONTENT Learn More at MWWC.org/MiREACH MiREACH helped launch the healthcare career of Erika Flowers,who is now highly regarded in her capacity as a paramedic with the Mecosta County EMS Department Flowers blossomed in the program after facing earlier setbacks that delayed her professional dreams. Mi c h i ga n Wo r ks! We s t C en t r a l p r og r a m p r o v i d e s t r a i n i n g f u n d i n g f o r t h o s e l o o k i n g f o r a c a r e er i n h e a l t h c a r e Special R ates for Real Estate, Church, and Ser vice Direc tories *Impressions are to be used at the adver tiser ’s discretion within three months from the publication date on any of these news websites: BigRapidsNews.com, ManisteeNews.com, LakeCountyStar.com or TheHeraldReview.com, RecordPatriot.com. Impor tant Dates Ad Deadline: April 23, 2024 | Publication: May 18, 2024 Destinations is a free public ation distributed in our leading newspapers and shopper and available for pick-up across the state, including: Big Rapids Pioneer • Manistee News Advocate • Herald Review • Lake Count y Star • Pioneer Communit y Adver tiser B enzie Count y Record Patriot • MDOT Welcome Centers - 12 locations • Chamber of Commerce O ffices • Convention and Visitors Bureaus 2024 Spring Destinations Mar y S hudark 989.839.4215 Ben Brooks 231.527.5014 Ryan Vallon 989.839.4214 Julie Wiersma 231.592.8373 S ue Ledesma 231.592.8354 Denise Nelson 906.430.1386 RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! #1Michigan ranked best place to travel for outdoor enthusiasts in 2020* 2M illion+ Leisure trips to Michigan from regional and feeder markets influenced by adver tising** $3.1Billion Visitors spend in Michigan in 2022*** Print and D igital S olutions AD OPTIONS SIZE DIGITAL DISPL AY PRICE Back Page 9” x 9 1/4” 20,000 I mpressions* $1,250 I nside Front / I nside Back 9” x 9 1/4” 20,000 I mpressions* $1,100 Full Page 9” x 9 1/4” 20,000 I mpressions* $950 Half Page Horizontal 9” x 4 1/2” 20,000 I mpressions* $550 Half Page Ver tical 4 1/2” x 9” 20,000 I mpressions* $550 Quar ter Page 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” 10,000 I mpressions* $350 Eighth Page 4 1/2” x 2 1/4” 10,000 I mpressions* $225
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