DR Roto -Hog 36” 9HP pull behind rototiller; DR 42” gas powered pulltype brush mower; DR 48” offset pull behind wheel disc; 60” 14 ½ HP pullbehind lawn mower; 3pt plastic garden applicator w/ plastic rolls; 30” pull typedouble disc; Cub Cadet Z-Force 44” zero turn; Other riding mowers; Storm 30902-stage self-propelled 30” snow blower; Husqvarna walk behind linetrimmer; NEW 16HP elec t star t horz shaft gas engine; 8’X12’ metal framedgreenhouse; Lots of gardens tools & supplies
ICE SAIL BOATS: (2) SKEETERSice sailboats complete; (2) DN ice sailboats complete; RENEGADE ice sailboatcomplete; SKEETERS 2-seater ice sailboats complete (sell with matching trailer);Custom built 4 place ice sailboat trailer w/roof
SHOP ITEMS: ACRA RF-31 Milling& Drilling Machine 110V single phase; 8500w Duro -Max generator; QUICK-JACKtotal car lift & suppor t system; Acetylene torch set; Lincoln 225 arc welder;Centur y wire feed welder; Foley Bell Saw Sharp -All; Delta drill press; Deltaoscillating spindle sander; Delta compound miter saw; Woodmaster 16” woodplaner; Craftsman 10” table saw; Craftsman radial arm saw; Rockwell scroll saw;(2) 2HP dust collec tors; Air compressors; Pneumatic tools; Roll-a-round shoptool cabinet; 32” barn floor fan; 40-unit bolt bin full of bolts; 24’ Werner fiberglass ex ladder; Huge amount of power & hand tools! (Many new) RELOADING & HUNTING: Dillon Precision Automatic reloader; NEW MEC 65020ga shot shell reloader; (3) MEC shot shell reloaders; RCBS reloaders; A-5reloader; Reloading dies; Reloading supplies; Case tumblers; 2000+ 9mmbullets (not ammo); Qty of used 9MM brass; 6’ high metal deer blind standw/ladder on skids; 5- gun glass door gun cabinet; Precision shooting bench;Misc hunting gear PLUS: Whirlpool SS refrigerator; Chest freezers; Furniture;Large amount newer kitchen & household items; Canning jars; (10) Totes offreeze - dried sur vival fool; Antiques & Farm Primitives INSPEC TION: FRIDAY,MARCH 21, 3PM-5PM L ARGE 2-3 RING AUC TION!
