PIONEER Community Advertiser FREE Contact Us at (231)796-4831 March 11, 2024 FREE ESTIM ATES FREE L O ANER C AR Deduc tible?? We C an Help! 89 Nor th 3rd I Sand Lake ( 616 ) 636 - 5341 NEWAYGO 8003 Mason Dr 231.652.5991 HARDY DAM 6245 E 36th St 231.689.5607 • Chainsaws • Lawn Mowers • Power Washers • Leaf Blowers • Snow Blowers • Generators REPAIR & SALES Specializing in Chainsaw Sharpening & Repair 2 Locations to Serve You TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT Powe r Equipment Sales & Ser vice BUY NOW AND SAVE 10% OFF SELECT PRODUCTS! CALL FOR DISCOUNT DETAILS WE OFFER FINANCING & SET UP & DELIVERY ALL OVER MICHIGAN! COME SEE US FOR ALL YOUR SHELTER NEEDS! (231) 689-8283 SHEDS STARTING AT $2,242.00 OUTDOOR FURNITURE, MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM QUALITY, AFFORDABLE HAND CRAFTED STRUCTURES WITH MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM! ON SALE NOW! DEER BLINDS STARTING AT $2,025 HORSE SHELTERS STA RTING AT $1 700 00 6977 E Baseline Road White Cloud MI 49349 EMAIL: KaufmansCustomStr tures@ibyfax.c Delivery available throughout the entire state of Michigan! Financing and Rent to Own options available* CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! ON SALE NOW! ON SALE NOW ! BODY ARMOR 16 OZ ASST 3/$5 Monday, March 11t h - Sunday, March 17t h, 2024 Sor r y, No R ainc hec k s Pr icing Good While Supplies Last 9559 S M-37 Baldw in, MI 231-745-2761 Store Hours : Sunday - Sat urday 8am - 8pm CUR BSIDE PICK UP AVAIL A BLE: 10am - 6pm Give Us A Call SENIOR DAY: W hite Cloud - Tuesday Baldw in - Thursday DAIRY FRESH CHEESE SHREDS OR CHUNKS 8 OZ ASST 3/$5 COUNTRY CROCK MARGARINE 15 OZ ASST $2.99 JACK’S PIZZA 13.8-15.8 OZ ASST 3/$9 KRAFT MAC N’ CHEESE 7 25 OZ ORIGINAL ONLY 3/$4 KEN’S SALAD DRESSING 16 OZ ASST 2/$5 CAP’N CRUNCH 13.8-18 OZ OR QUAKER LIFE 18 OZ. $3.99 COFFEEMATE CREAMER 32 OZ ASST 2/$8 TOTINO’S PIZZA ROLLS 50 CT ASST 2/$9 MICHELINA’S ENTRÉES 4.8-8.5 OZ ASST 3/$4 OUR FAMILY CHUNK LIGHT TUNA IN WATER 5 OZ ASST 89¢ KEEBLER CLUB OR TOASTED CRACKERS 7 1-13.7 OZ ASST 2/$6 COTTONELLE BATH TISSUE 6 PK $6.99 47 S Charles W hite Cloud, MI 231-689-1280 OUR FAMILY MICHIGAN RUSSET POTATOES 5 LB BAG $1.49 DORITOS 9.75-10 OZ ASST 2/$7 LITTLE DEBBIE DONUTS 8.9-10 5 OZ ASST 3/$7 LAY’S PARTY SIZE 6-18 OZ ASST 2/$9 BAI WONDERWATER 18 OZ ASST 10/$10 GREEN CABBAGE 49¢/LB www.housemansfoods.com AUNT MILLIE’S BREAD 16-22 OZ ASST. $1.99 FRESH ALL NATURAL PORK STEAK VALU-PACK $1.79/LB FRESH ALL NATURAL BOSTON BUTT PORK ROAST $1.79/LB OUR FAMILY BABY CARROTS 2 LB BAG 2/$5 BETTER MADE CHIPS 8.5-10 OZ ASST 2/$6 7-UP PRODUCTS 6 PK 16 9 OZ BTLS ASST 6 PK 7.5 OZ CANS ASST. 4/$12+DEP COKE PRODUCTS 12 PK 12 OZ CANS ASST 2/$13.98+DEP PEPSI PRODUCTS 6 PK 16 9 OZ BTLS ASST. 3/$12+DEP ITALIAN HONEY WHEAT BUTTERTOP WHEAT BUTTERMILK CRACKED WHEAT 100% WHEAT TEXAS TOAST ARTISAN WHITE POTATO WHOLE GRAIN WHITE CLEAN, COMFOR TABLE, STATE OF THE AR T FACILITY COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Mon - Fri: 8am -5:30pm 14905 220th Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 231.796.8320 WWW.QUALITYCARANDTRUCKREPAIR.COM IMPORT & DOMESTIC NIGHT DROP BOX MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES HONORED • CUSTOMER SHUTTLE (LIMITED AREA) $ 21 .9 OIL CHANGES CALL FOR DETAILS! STARTING bigrapidsnews.com Your Town. Your Trusted News Team. Need a handyman? Offer your handyman Check out our classifieds for more information! Or... services?

2 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 11, 2024 Send a special shout out to your family and friends for their birthday, anniversaries, or any anniversa s, other special occasions! Prices start as low as $10.00 and they are custom designed by our designers! Email us at: classified@pioneergroup.com River Valley Carpet 8391 Mason Drive (M-37) | Newaygo 231-652-3037 | www.rivervalleycarpet.com Huge selection of Carpet, Vinyl, Tile, Wood & Laminate Floors, Quartz, Granite, Luxury Vinyl Plank, and Solid Surface Countertops! & BRAIN TEASERS T O OC CUP Y Y OUR TIME ! HERE’S HO W IT W ORKS: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid broken down into nine 3x3 boxes To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row column and box. Each number can appear only once in each tow, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle LIKE PUZZLES ? You’ll love Sudoku This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku sav v y to the test ANSWER: TO SPONSOR THIS PAGE, Contac t: S ue Ledesma, 231-592-8354 or sue.ledesma@hearst.com WWW.BURNIPS.COM Stop in to Burnips Equipment for Big Savings! BIG RAPIDS MI 18612 Nor thland Dr (231) 592-1200 COOPERSVILLE MI 7353 State Rd (616) 997-9190 We have REC Gas & K-1 Kerosene • Pick Up or Deliver y ick Locally Owned & Operated Since 1948 MICHAEL OIL & PROPANE 18655 Nor thland Dr., Old U.S. 131, Big Rapids, MI 231-796-8681 www.michaeloilandpropane.com • Online Payment Options Available! vailable! Premium Diesel Fuel• Highway & Off Road Heating Fuel • Gasoline • Kerosene • Propane FUEL UP YOUR OUTDOOR FUN THIS SPRING! e • P erosene 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE! 0050 Help Wanted WE ARE LOOKING for Class A drivers with 2 yearsʼ experience, most freight is round trip flower delivery includes rack pay Year-round work 401K insurance available Contact: tim@andymast greenhouses com 616 453 4711 ext 217 or 219 0090 Business Services AMISH BUILT MINI CABIN 12 x 24 $10,900 00 New construction, delivery included Call for details other sizes & options 989-832-1866 AMISH BUILT STORAGE sheds and mini cabins delivered to your site anywhere in Michigan! Starting at $2 500 00 mynextbarn com 989-832-1866 BUILT RITE POLE BUILDINGS State-wide Prices starting at - 24x40x10$18 300 00 30x40x10$20 400 00 Erected on your site Call for price not shown on any size building or go to www builtritepolebuildingsmi com or call 989-259-2015 or 989-600-1010 METAL ROOFING REGULAR and shingle style HALF OFF SPECIAL COLORS! Lifetime asphalt shingles Steel and vinyl siding Hail damage FEMA claims Licensed and insured builders Pole Buildings Quality work for 40 years! AMISH CREW 517-575-3695 0110 For Rent NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR & FAMILY HOUSING 1-3 Bedroom units located in Evart Housing Commission Income based rent with utilities included Close to Evart Public Schools Minutes from downtown Evart, security cameras active resident council playgrounds and group activities Apply at: 601 W First Street Evart 231 734 3301 The application is also available at: www evarthousing org https://www facebook com/ evarthousing S H A D Y L A W N M O T E L : S a n d L a k e M I S p e c i a l r a t e s F u r n i s h e d c a b i n w i t h k i t c h e n e t t e $ 1 5 3 2 5 / w e e k F u r n i s h e d s m a l l c a b i n s $136 60/week (Above prices include utilities) Call for availability (616) 696-0386 0110 For Rent NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING AND FAMILY HOUSING 1-6 bedroom units located in Evergreen Village and Parkv i e w V i l l a g e I n c o m e b a s e d r e n t w i t h u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d O n l y m i n u t e s f r o m d o w ntown active resident council g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s N e i g h b o rh o o d W a t c h p r o g r a m a n d security cameras Apply at: 9 Parkview Village Big Rapids (231) 796-8689 The application is also available at: www bigrapidshousing org 0170 Items for Sale ADJUSTABLE BED BRAND New with mattress Made is U S A , in plastic, with warranty Retail cost $3,995 00, sacrifice for $875 00 Call for showing or delivery: DanDanTheMattress Man com 989-832-1866

Monday, March 11, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 3 Celebrate the sp e cial teache r s w ho ma de a diffe rence in o u r live s No m inate them fo r the Extrao rdinar y Educato r Re co g n itio n Award! SCAN THE QR CODE TO NOMINATE TODAY! Spo nso re d by: The World’s Finest Fish Fr y Dinner (and baked too!) MENU Deep Fried and Baked Pollock French Fries Green Beans Mac & Cheese Dinner Roll S alad Bar Coleslaw Desser t Drinks Sponsored by Christ the King-St Francis de S ales Parish 10% of all profits are returned to local food pantries Fridays, Februar y 16 - March 22, 2024 From 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. C hrist the King Fellowship Hall 9596 N. Reed Road, Howard C ity, MI 231-937-5757 at: We do accept Credit Cards! (with enience fee) Private Seating for Small Groups - Call Ahead to Reser ve Car convenience riv e ting PRICES Adults: $13 (CC $14) or 2 for $25 (CC $27) Children (ages 6-12): $6.00 (CC $7) Children (5 and under): FREE Family: $45.00 (CC $47) Mom, Dad, Childr (12th grade & younger living in the same house) C C , Childr , Children Providing Skilled nurSing, PhySical TheraPy, occuPaTional TheraPy, SPeech TheraPy, lPnS, Social Work and cerTified nurSeS aideS PO Box 499 - 120 Hemlock St , Howard City, MI 49329 (231) 937-4514 acehomehealthcareser vices.com ANDY’S TREE SERVICE 800-982-4540 or 231-937-5607 Andrew T Callender Owner CELL: 616-293-8867 MAIN OFFICE: 22300 M-82 • HOWARD CITY, MI 49329 Family O wned Since 1962 • www.andystreeser v ice.com Ser ving Montcalm, Kent, Newaygo, Mecosta, Osceola Counties & More SENIOR DISCOUNT • Call for a FREE Estimate WORK YEAR ROUND FULLY INSURED ‘WE GO ALL OVER’ Specializing in Working Around Power Lines & Houses T REE WORK OF ALL KINDS R W W HERE QUALIT Y WORK M AT T ERS. E QU T K W E KEEP YOUR YARD CLEAN! Y Veteran’s and Militar y Discount SPECIAL WINTER PRICING Baldwin LUMBER 750 E. Eighth Street Located in Downtown Baldwin 231-745-4671 Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 5 PM Our Expert Advice is Available in All Areas Including: ng: Custom Indoor & Outdoor Furniture • Cabinets Doors Docks Dr ywall Electrical • Fasteners Hardware Insulation Lumber Masonr y • Paint Paneling Plumbing Roofi g Sidings • Special Orders Steel Windows Garden Supplies • Vegetable & Flower Seeds Flowe Baskets & Pots E & K EXCAVATING • Septic systems • Ponds • Land clearing • Skidsteer work 231-287-2683 | 989-430-2461 13366 Beech Ave. Paris, MI 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE! 0170 Items for Sale AMISH LOG BEDS Dressers Rustic Table and Chairs Mattresses for Cabin or Home Lowest price in Michigan! DanDanTheMattressMan com 989-923-1278 VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99 00! 100% guaranteed 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-835-7273 Hablamos Espano 0320 Auctions ESTATE JEWELRY & COINS Live Online Auction begins 7 p m March 19 Diamonds, gemstones, gold, silver, vintage costume necklaces bracelets earrings rings coin proof sets more! View catalog EstateAuctionExpertsMi com 313-600-8356 JOHN GALL ESTATE Online Auction 2011 Chrysler 300 4 Door Black Widow arch welder grinder tools comic books collectables more! Bidding ends March 20 Bid SherwoodAuction ServiceLLC com to view catalogue other auctions 1-800-835-0495 MARCH CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Over 170 lots! 1996 Ford F-150 XL, generators tools knives pistols collectables heaters antiques and much more! Bidding ends March 25 View catalog at NarhiAuctions hibid com Questions call 810-266-6474 SHORT NOTICE STARRS Online Estate Auction Bidding open Massey Ferguson loader tractor, Kubota Diesel UTV, 3-point items quality tools Bid at JohnPeckAuctions com Selling? Call John 989-426-8061 Offices in Gladwin & Charlotte

4 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 11, 2024 Arthur K. Eggerding Inc., REALTOR/BROKER Committed to marketing your property! 30 years Experience, VA loans. New Branch Real Estate Office Downtown Cedar Springs 21 E. Maple St. CALL TODAY! 616-453-7655 Brynadette Powell, Associate Broker 616-835-2624 • Public Notary Let’s Get Moving! Pioneer Community Advertiser ChurCh direCtory Rev Darryl Miller Phone: 616-636-5659 Worship Service 9:30 am FOR RENT Church Ed. Building with fully equipped kitchen. Make reservations now for your parties, family reunions, showers, graduations group meetings. Call Barb Gould at 616-636-5615 $75.00 Rental, additional $25.00 refundable cleaning fee NO ALCOHOL SAND LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH 65 W Maple Street Sand Lake Corner of Cypress & 136th Rev Darryl Miller Office: 616-636-5659 Sunday Worship 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Find Us on Facebook! South Ensley Church South Ensley Community Church Deerfield Bible Church To know Christ and to make Christ known 759 150th Avenue Morley Pastor Frank Taylor 231-580-9649 Sunday School • 9:30 a.m Worship Ser vice 10:30 a.m Evening Ser vice • 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. PINE GROVE Community Church A Christian Reformed Ministry Worship Sundays 10 am Boys & Girls Club Wed. 6:30 Youth Programs - Call Church 231-937-5250 On M-82, 5 miles west of Howard City Visit our website at pinegrovechurch.net 271 East State Rd. Grant MI 49327 Pastor Shelby Gemmen Church Phone: (231) 834-8668 www.grantreformed.org Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Worship-on-Wednesday 6 PM Dinner Gems & Cadets High School Youth Group Bible Study Join the Church Directory Today! Contact Dani Smits for more information. Office: (231) 592-8323 Cell: (616) 422-3355 Or email at: danielle.parker@pioneergroup.com Come Worship with us! at Chippewa Hills Baptist Church 9166 25th Ave., Remus • Across from Remus Lumber 989-967-8205 Sunday School 9:45am Worship Service 11:00am 11169 N M37 • Irons MI 231-862-3113 www.ironsanimalhospital.com Excellent Care Prof essional Ser vice Lake County Sheriff Animal Control 3390 S. Dog Track Rd Baldwin, MI (231) 745-3079 bmanier@co.lake.mi.uc We are normally closed for weekends If you have an emergenc y for animal control please contac t dispatch at (231) 745- 2711. Meet Nala! Nala came in as a stray She is a 7 month old DSH, she is not spayed at this time Nala is a little shy of new people, but she is friendly Meet June! June came in as a stray We are estimating that she is 2 years old June is not spayed at this time June is a shepherd mix of some sor t The water hose is her nemesis She loves to chomp and chase it June is full of zoomies and personality She is always accepting pets, snuggles and treats We are unsure how she does with cats, but she doesn’t seem to mind other dogs THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THE SALES MOVING! ADVERTISE IN CLASSIFIEDS! a comb. Recycle me.

Children must be 3 years of age by September 1. This is a tuition based program Tuesday - Thursday from 7:55-10:55. This program is a faith based introduc tion to a school set ting, focusing on social/emotional skills and play direc ted learning
Children must be 4 years old by September 1. This is a tuition based program Monday - Thursday from 11:55-2:55. This program is a faith based introduc tion to a school set ting, focusing on social/ emotional skills and play direc ted learning
Kindergar ten at St Michael is an all day tuition based program. Children must be 5 by December I. Students will learn the core subjec ts with a faith based foundation. We ar Mrs Lange as our new teac

Monday, March 11, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 5 PO Box 499 - 120 Hemlock St., Howard City, MI 49329 (231) 937-4514 w w w.auntieace.com HOME HEALTH AIDES FOR MONTC ALM AND SOUTHERN MECOSTA COUNTY ! NOW HIRING 8944 50t 989-967-3681 Call for options for how we can help best serve you COMMUNI T Y PARTNERS HIP PRESCHOOL GSRP N ew this year, St
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6 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 11, 2024 Place your Service Directory ad in the Pioneer, Herald Review, Star & Community Advertiser email: classi ed@pioneergroup.com Call: (231) 592-8348 • • • • • • • • • • • service directory ATTORNEY WHITE LAW OFFICE P L C James R White Attorney At Law General Practice Including Title Insurance 116 N Main St P O Box 973 Evart MI 49631 (231)734-3531 BARN REPAIR BARN REPAIR: Repair/replacement of: Roofs • Floors • Doors Foundations Beams • Siding Structural Straitening (231) 519-0993 CAMPING 9214 WEST 5 MILE Rd Irons MI 49644 (231)464-6614 E-mail: leisuretimecampground@aol com www leisuretimecampground com CONCRETE CONCRETE GUY! Driveways steps porches small jobs 30 years experience Call Barney 231-375-4199 MNG CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION FOR ALL your concrete needs! Call us at (231)598-0403 Email us at merlin mngconcrete@gmail com Find us on Facebook at MNG Concrete! STEP UP TO PARKER'S CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Over 45 Years Experience Pole Barn Floors Excavating Basement Floors Driveways Patios Licensed and Insured Bob Parker (231)250-0047 Bob Parker Jr (231)679-5499 6545 155th Ave Stanwood MI 49346 (231)823-2329 DRYWALL DW2 DRYWALL, LLC FULLY INSURED - Commercial - Residential - Additions - Insurance Work - Small Jobs FREE ESTIMATES - Hanging - Finishing - Texturing - Insulation - Priming - Painting Dale Whaley Cell: 231-679-0475 Fax: 231-972-4593 ELECTRICIAN RESIDENTIAL COMMERICAL STAND BY GENERATOR SCOTT MILLER (989) 386-2418 scott@hawkelecticinc com HEALTH CARE HEATING/COOLING Furnaces Air Conditioners Ductless Mini-Splits Heat Pumps Gas Fireplaces Pellet Stoves On Demand Water Heaters Wood Stoves Financing Available* WiFi Thermostats Nest Products MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30AM-4PM 20928 18 MILE Big Rapids, MI fullmerandsons net 231-796-3403 LAWN CARE LAWN CARE & MAINTENANCE RESIDENTIAL & Commercial Licensed & Insured Call Paul for a free quote 231 388 0558 paulsmultiservices@gmail com MEAT PROCESSING FILL YOUR FREEZER! CORN-FED CHOICE BEEF! no antibiotics no steroids GMO free Order yours now! Taking orders for 1/4, 1/2, or whole $3 00/lb hanging weight, Plus 60¢/lb cut & wrapped to your satisfaction + slaughter fee Processed at Mackersie Brothers, Barryton (989)382-5600 Ask for Rob (Greg's Beef) PAINT/RESTORATION SVCS Furniture refinishing custom furniture and lighting Shop our furniture and lighting store in Paris Kelly & Ted Rickabus Paris MI Phone: 231-796-3058 Email: ourriverlodge@gmail com Facebook: Riverlodgerestorations ROOFING Ice and Snow Removal Flat Roofing Residential and Commercial Leaks and Repairs on all types of Roofing 14x70 Trailer-rubber Roof $1 900 Free Estimates 616 636 8288 TAPE, DVD TRANSFERS TAPE AND DVD DUPLICATION! Transfer your old VHS 8mm film, photos, slides audio tapes and flash drives to DVD s or CD s!! Great gift Idea! Quick service! Main Street Audio Video 701 N Mission Mt Pleasant 989-773-7370 GARAGE DOORS — EINSTEIN adopted 12-09-10 SURE, AT FIRST I WAS A LITTLE TAKEN ABACK BY THE WHOLE PEEING STANDING UP THING. BUT I TAUGHT HIM TO THROW A STICK AND NOW HANGING OUT WITH HIM IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY.

Monday, March 11, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 7 NEW Made In U.S.A WRAN GLER TRAILRUNNER AT 235/75R15 BSL $10999 50,000 Mile Warranty While 24 Last Smooth Quiet Ride Made In U.S.A SAVE Clearance KELLY/ TOURING EDGE A/S P195/60R15 $8999 P195/65R15 $8999 P205/65R15 $8999 P215/70R15 $9999 P205/55R16 $9999 P215/55R16 $10999 P205/60R16 $9999 P225/60R16 $9999 P235/50R17 $13999 P235/55R17 $12999 P225/65R17 $12999 P235/50R18 $13999 ea., 65,000 Mile Warranty Call For Your Size KELLY TIRE BATTERY SALE KELLY TIRE EDGE ALL TERRAIN P245/75R16 BSL $13999 P235/70R16 OWL $14999 P245/70R16 OWL $14999 P255/70R16 OWL $15999 P265/75R16 OWL $16999 P265/70R17 OWL $17999 ea., 50,000 Mile Warranty Ot her Sizes Available SPECIAL PURC HASE P275/60R20 WRANGLER SRA OWL $19999 50,000 Warranty OE Ram 1500 While 12 Last SPECIAL PURC HASE WINTER MAX 21560R16 $10999 22565R17 $11999 While 16 Last WRANGLER TERRITORY AT P265/70R16 BSL $16999 265/60R18 BSL $18999 P275/65R18 BSL $19999 24 In Stoc k GIN GRIC H TIRE CENTER SERVIN G THE AREA F OR 9 7 YEARS M-66 AT M-20, REMUS, MI 493 40 • 989-967-3541 No Interes t if Paid in full wit hin 6 Mont hs wit h Goodyear Credit Card. Ask for Details! See us at GIN GRIC HTIRE.C OM 1927 2024 97 AC DELCO® PROFESSIONAL $11999 75 - PG 65 - PG 78 - PG 42 Mont h Free Replacement Prices Valid t hru 3.16.2024 Installation Available w/Exc hange Made In Canada AT V — MOWER — MARINE — DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES ON SALE N OW! ea. BUY N OW & SAVE! GOOD THRU 3.16.2 4 ASSURANCE® Comfor t Drive As Low As $16999 Sale Price 6 0 0 0 0 1MILE TREAD LIFE LIMITED WARRANT Y 21555R17 21565R16 $15999 22550R17 $17999 22565R17 $18999 23550R18 $20999 24560R18 $21999 23565R17 $19999 22560R18 $18999 24550R20 $22999 25550R20 $24999 23560R18 $20999 35 SIZES AVAIL ABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE & AVAIL ABILIT Y SAVE NOW Confident Traction 6 0 0 0 0 MILE TREAD LIFE LIMITED WARRANT Y P215/60R16 $15499 P225/60R16 $15999 P215/55R17 $17999 P225/50R17 $19999 P255/55R20 $24999 P235/50R18 $21999 P245/60R18 $22999 255/60R19 $22999 255/65R18 $23999 255/50R20 $24999 35 SIZES AVAIL ABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE & AVAIL ABILIT Y ea. SAVE NOW ASSURANCE® Weat her Ready® As Low As $15999 Sale Price SET OF 4 $100 OR $200 Mail-in Rebat 3 With your Goody Credit Card3 Best WinterTraction P205/55R16 SET OF 4 $25 OR $50 Mail-in Reba 3 With y Goody Credit Ca d3 $75 OR $150 Mail-in Rebate With your Goodyear Credit Card3 4 WRANGLER STEADFAST HT® As Low As $16999 Sale Price TRUCK & SUV CAR AND MINI VAN CAR AND MINI VAN 7 0 0 0 0 1MILE TREAD LIFE LIMITED WARRANT Y 22565R17 30 SIZES AVAIL ABLE CALL FOR YOUR PRICE & AVAIL ABILIT Y SAVE NOW WRANGLER ADVENTURE AT® As Low As $21999 Sale Price Great Traction P265/70R16 OWL $18999 P265/70R17 OWL $22999 P265/50R20 BSL $26999 P265/65R18 OWL $26999 P275/55R20 OWL $26999 LT275/65R18 C $21999 LT245/75R16 E $25999 LT265/75R16 E $28999 LT265/70R17 E $25999 LT275/70R18 E OWL $25999 TRUCK & SUV 6 0 0 0 0 1MILE TREAD LIFE LIMITED WARRANT Y 20 SIZES AVAIL ABLE 27565R18 ea. SAVE NOW 26565R17 $20999 26570R17 $18999 24560R18 $20999 23565R18 $18999 26565R18 $20999 27565R18 $21999 25555R20 $21999 26550R20 $22999 27555R20 $23999 27560R20 $23999 WRANGLER DURATRAC As Low As $15999 Sale Price 235/75R15 LT31/1050R15 C $22999 265/70R17 SL $23999 LT265/75R16 C $24999 LT265/75R16 E $27999 33/1250R15 C $28999 275/65R18 SL $27999 275/55R20 SL $299.99 275/60R20 SL $29999 LT265/70R17 E $25999 LT275/65R18 C $25999 LT285/65R18 E $34999 LT295/65R18 E $34999 35/12.50R20 E Fierce MT $33999 18 SIZES AVAIL ABLE IN-STOCK ea. Hard working Versatile Traction T ire WRANGLER WORKHORSE AT® As Low As $16999 Sale Price NEW 30 SIZES AVAIL ABLE - ASK FOR YOUR PRICE 24575R16 23570 R16 $16999 25570 R16 $17999 26565 R18 $23999 27565 R18 $23999 25570 R17 $20999 26570 R17 $19999 LT28570 R17 $26999 LT27565 R18 E $24999 28545 R22 $25999 ea. SET OF 4 $50 OR $100 Mail-in Reba 3 With y Goody Credit Ca d3 SET OF 4 $75 OR $150 Mail-in Rebate With your Goodyear Credit Card SET OF 4 SALE With your Goodyear Credit Card3 Mail-in Rebate3 SAVE SET OF 4 $50 OR $100 Mail-in Rebate3 With your Goodyear Credit Card3 5 0 0 0 0 1MILE TREAD LIFE LIMITED WARRANT Y $75 OR $150 Mail-in Rebate With your Goodyear Credit Card SET OF 4 Please Call For Appointments ents ETHAN OL FREE REC FUEL EE AVAIL ABLE! 1Mile Tread Life Limited Warranty may vary by size or speed rating of tire. See store for complete details on warranties, other sizes and prices available. REMUS LIONS CLUB ANNU AL GOLF & BO WL OUTING W E D. M AY 8 T H , 2024 SIGN UP AT REM U S BOWLING OR RO YAL GOLF COURSE ea. SPECIAL PURC HASE WRANGLER TERRITORY MT LT27565R18 $17999 LT26560R20 $21999 While 16 Last TRUCK & SUV

8 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, March 11, 2024