PIONEER Community Advertiser FREE Contact Us at (231)796-4831 April 8, 2024 FREE ESTIM ATES FREE L O ANER C AR Deduc tible?? We C an Help! 89 Nor th 3rd I Sand Lake ( 616 ) 636 - 5341 CLEAN, COMFOR TABLE, STATE OF THE AR T FACILITY COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Mon - Fri: 8am -5:30pm 14905 220th Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 231.796.8320 WWW.QUALITYCARANDTRUCKREPAIR.COM IMPORT & DOMESTIC NIGHT DROP BOX MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES HONORED • CUSTOMER SHUTTLE (LIMITED AREA) $ 21 .9 5 OIL CHANGES CALL FOR DETAILS! STARTING AT NEWAYGO 8003 Mason Dr 231.652.5991 HARDY DAM 6245 E 36th St 231.689.5607 • Chainsaws • Lawn Mowers • Power Washers • Leaf Blowers • Snow Blowers • Generators REPAIR & SALES Specializing in Chainsaw Sharpening & Repair 2 Locations to Serve You TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT Powe r Equipment Sales & Ser vice GATORADE 18 PK 12 OZ ASST. $10.99 Monday, Apr il 8t h - Sunday, Apr il 14t h, 2024 Sor r y, No R ainc hec k s • Pr icing Good While Supplies Last 9559 S M-37 Baldw in, MI 231-745-2761 Store Hours : or Sunday - Sat urday 8am - 8pm ay S ur CUR BSIDE PICK UP AVAIL A BLE: 10am - 6pm ve Us A Call SENIOR DAY: W hite Cloud - Tuesday Baldw in - Thursday DANNON OIKOS YOGURT 5.3 OZ ASST. 10/$10 OUR FAMILY PASTA SAUCE 24 OZ ASST. 3/$5 OUR FAMILY PASTA 12-16 OZ ASST. 3/$4 CRAV’N FRIES, TATERPUFFS OR HASHBROWNS 24-32 OZ./10 CT ASST 2/$7 KRAFT PREMIUM MAC & CHEESE 5.5-7 3 OZ ASST 3/$4 HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH DRESSING 12-16 OZ ASST. $3.99 CHEEZ-ITS OR TOWNHOUSE CRACKERS 7 5-13.8 OZ ASST. 2/$7 OUR FAMILY PEANUT BUTTER 16 OZ. ASST. 2/$5 KELLOGG’S FROSTED MINI WHEATS 14 3-18 2 OZ RAISIN BRAN 16 62 OZ • RAISIN BRAN CRUNCH 15 92 OZ BUY 3 SAVE $4 3/$13 OUR FAMILY SOUR CREAM OR FRENCH ONION DIP 16 OZ ASST 2/$4 HUNGRY MAN DINNERS 14.5-16 OZ. ASST. 2/$8 KELLOGG’S POPTARTS 8 CT./13.5 OZ ASST 2/$5 47 S Charles W hite Cloud, MI 231-689-1280 LITTLE DEBBIE MUFFINS 8.44-9.75 OZ ASST 2/$4 AUNT MILLIE S SWIRL BREADS 16 OZ ASST $3.79 YELLOW SQUASH OR ZUCCHINI $1.29/LB OUR FAMILY HONEY CRISP APPLES 3 LB BAG $3.99 www.housemansfoods.com AUNT MILLIE’S HEARTH BUNS 8 CT./14-18 OZ ASST 2/$6 AUNT MILLIE’S BAGELS 6 CT ASSORTED $3.79 USDA CHOICE BEEF EYE OF ROUND STEAKS $4.99/LB FRESH ALL NATURAL WHOLE BONELESS PORK TENDERLOIN $2.49/LB 7-UP PRODUCTS 12 PK 12 OZ CANS ASST BUY 2 GET 1 FREE PEPSI PRODUCTS 6 PK 16 9 OZ BTLS ASST 3/$13 +DEP ROLD GOLD PRETZELS 10-16 OZ ASST 2/$5 BODY ARMOR 16 OZ ASST 3 Give COKE PRODUCTS 12 PK 12 OZ CANS ASST 2/$13.98+DEP BUY NOW AND SAVE 10% OFF SELECT PRODUCTS! CALL FOR DISCOUNT DETAILS WE OFFER FINANCING & SET UP & DELIVERY ALL OVER MICHIGAN! COME SEE US FOR ALL YOUR SHELTER NEEDS! (231) 689-8283 SHEDS STARTING AT $2,242.00 OUTDOOR FURNITURE, MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM QUALITY, AFFORDABLE HAND CRAFTED STRUCTURES WITH MANY OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM! ON SALE NOW! DEER BLINDS STARTING AT $2,025 HORSE SHELTERS STA RTING AT $1 700 00 6977 E Baseline Road White Cloud MI 49349 EMAIL: KaufmansCustomStructures@ibyfax.com Delivery available throughout the entire state of Michigan! Financing and Rent to Own options available* CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS! ON SALE NOW! ON SALE NOW ! 2024 Graduation Edition Ad Deadline: May 8, 2024 • Big Rapids • Reed City • Morley Stanwood • Evart • Crossroads Charter Academy • Big Rapids Virtual • Chippewa Hills • Chippewa Hills Mosaic • Lakeview • Newaygo • Tri-County • White Cloud • Algoma Christian Creative Technologies Academy • Cedar Springs • Montabella Publishing Dates: • Pioneer ~ May 25th • Pioneer Community Advertiser ~ May 27th • Herald Review ~ May 29th Pricing: • Single Spot - $50.00 Double Spot - $90.00 • Banner ad - $150.00 Ben Brooks 231.527.5014 Ben.Brooks@Hearst.com Sue Ledesma 231.592.8354 Sue.Ledesma@Hearst.com Danette Doyle 231.598.1821 Danette.Doyle@Hearst.com Tim Hahn 231.580.9022 Tim.Hahn@Hearst.com Contact:

Joan Lemke, due to the death of her husband, Brad Lemke, will sell his collec tion to the highest bidder
195 Qualit y R ifles, Shotguns & Muzzleoaders; 25 Leupold VX scopes; O ther qualit y scopes; New thermal rifle scopes; 29 Marbles Gladstone, MI k nives new in boxes; 100+ Collec tor,vintage, modern & hunting k nives & pocket k nives; Quantit y of rifle & shotgun ammo; Bows; R ifle cases; Hunting & Shooting gear & more!
Friday, April 12 12PM-7PM This is a non-FFL transfer therefore all buyers will need a CPL or a seperate License to Purchase for each long gun you wouldlike to buy, these are available from your local sheriff

2 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 I STRIVE TO BE YOUR REALTOR CHOICE! 8520 100th Avenue, Canadian Lakes, MI 49346 w w w.cana dianl akeshom es.com www. cblakes.com 231-250-3197 D irec t 231-972-8300 O ffice KATHY ADAMS REALTOR Experience, S er vice, R esults 2022 Coldwell Banker In tern ation al Pre siden t ’ s Circle TO SPONSOR THIS PAGE, Contac t: S ue Ledesma, 231-592-8354 or sue.ledesma@hearst.com W ORD SEAR CH ANSWER: APRIL FOOLS BELLY BRAY BRIGHT CACKLE CHEEKS CHUCKLE COMEDIAN COMEDY CONTAGIOUS CRYING FUNNY GIGGLES HAHA HICCUP JOKING LAUGH LOL MOOD POSITIVE RELIEF SMILE SNICKER SNORT & BRAIN TEASERS T O OC CUP Y Y OUR TIME ! PO Box 499 - 120 Hemlock St., Howard City, MI 49329 (231) 937-4514 w w w.auntieace.com HOME HEALTH AIDES FOR MONTC ALM AND SOUTHERN MECOSTA COUNTY ! NOW HIRING Baldwin LUMBER 750 E. Eighth Street Located in Downtown Baldwin 231-745-4671 Monday - Saturday 8 AM - 5 PM Our Expert Advice is Available in All Areas Including: ng: Custom Indoor & O td Furniture Cabinets Doors Docks • Dr ywall • Electrical Fasteners Hardware Insulation L mb Masonr y Paint Paneling Plumbing • Roofing • Sidings Special Orders Steel Windows G d Supplies Vegetable & Flower Seeds • Flower Baskets & Pots 1- OWNER PRIVATE COLLECTION LIVE PUBLIC GUN AUC TION SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH @ 10 : 00AM Visit w w w.artsmithauctioneers.com or call Noah for flyer 616-633-4254 LOC ATION: GR ANT COMMUNIT Y CENTER 105 S . FR ONT ST., GR ANT, MI 49327 (NE WAYGO CO)
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of Newaygo
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then west.
Save a life. Don’t Drive HoMe buzzeD BUZZED DRIVING IS DRUNK DRIVING.

Monday, April 8, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 3 Need a handyman? Offer your handyman Check out our classifieds for more information! Or... services?

4 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 Arthur K. Eggerding Inc., REALTOR/BROKER Committed to marketing your property! 30 years Experience, VA loans. New Branch Real Estate Office Downtown Cedar Springs 21 E. Maple St. CALL TODAY! 616-453-7655 Brynadette Powellwell, Associate Broker 616-835-2624 • Public Notary Let’s Get Moving! Pioneer Community Advertiser ChurCh direCtory Rev Darryl Miller Phone: 616-636-5659 Worship Service 9:30 am ~ FOR RENT ~ Church Ed. Building with fully equipped kitchen. Make reservations now for your parties, family reunions, showers, graduations, group meetings. Call Barb Gould at 616-636-5615 $75.00 Rental, additional $25.00 refundable cleaning fee NO ALCOHOL SAND LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH 65 W Maple Street Sand Lake Corner of Cypress & 136th Rev Darryl Miller Office: 616-636-5659 Sunday Worship 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Find Us on Facebook! South Ensley Church South Ensley Community Church Deerfield Bible Church To know Christ and to make Christ known 759 150th Avenue Morley Pastor Frank Taylor 231-580-9649 Sunday School 9:30 a.m Worship Ser vice • 10:30 a.m Evening Ser vice 6:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. PINE GROVE Community Church A Christian Reformed Ministry Worship Sundays 10 am Boys & Girls Club Wed. 6:30 Youth Programs - Call Church 231-937-5250 On M-82, 5 miles west of Howard City Visit our website at pinegrovechurch.net 271 East State Rd. Grant MI 49327 Pastor Shelby Gemmen Church Phone: (231) 834-8668 www.grantreformed.org Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Worship-on-Wednesday 6 PM Dinner Gems & Cadets High School Youth Group Bible Study Join the Church Directory Today! Contact Dani Smits for more information. Office: (231) 592-8323 Cell: (616) 422-3355 Or email at: danielle.parker@pioneergroup.com Come Worship with us! at Chippewa Hills Baptist Church 9166 25th Ave., Remus • Across from Remus Lumber 989-967-8205 Pastor Richardson • www.chippewahillsbaptist.com Sunday School 9:45am Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm Wed “Awana” Service 6:00pm - 3yrs-8th grade PARIS Multifamily Yard Sale 19192 Newcosta Ave , Paris Rain or shine Friday April 12 9-6pm Saturday 13th 9-3pm (noon to close on Saturday half price ) Kitchen and decor items, toys, books, puzzles children s clothing toddler bed, coffee table, treadmill, lots of misc items 0050 Help Wanted L O O K I N G F O R A c e r t i f i e d experienced mechanic techn i c i a n a n d f u l l - t i m e o r p a r ttime office help in both body s h o p a n d m e c h a n i c o f f i c e Apply in person at Schooley Auto Repair 7126 30th Ave Evart or call 231-734-6705 0050 Help Wanted DRIVERS DRIVER WANTEDMULTI axle and dry van Part-time local home daily Experience a plus must have good driving record pass drug test paid holidays Call 616-636-5580 0090 Business Services METAL ROOFING REGULAR and shingle style HALF OFF SPECIAL COLORS! 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QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR & FAMILY HOUSING 1-3 Bedroom units located in Evart Housing Commission Income based rent with utilities included Close to Evart Public Schools Minutes from downtown Evart security cameras active resident council playgrounds and group activities Apply at: 601 W First Street Evart 231 734 3301 The application is also available at: www evarthousing org https://www facebook com/ evarthousing 0110 For Rent S H A D Y L A W N M O T E L : S a n d L a k e , M I S p e c i a l r a t e s F u r n i s h e d c a b i n w i t h k i t c h e n e t t e $ 1 5 3 2 5 / w e e k F u r n i s h e d s m a l l c a b i n s $136 60/week (Above prices include utilities) Call for availability (616) 696-0386 NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING AND FAMILY HOUSING 1-6 bedroom units located in Evergreen Village and Parkv i e w V i l l a g e I n c o m e b a s e d r e n t w i t h u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d O n l y m i n u t e s f r o m d o w ntown active resident council g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s N e i g h b o rh o o d W a t c h p r o g r a m a n d security cameras Apply at: 9 Parkview Village Big Rapids (231) 796-8689 The application is also available at: www bigrapidshousing org 0170 Items for Sale ADJUSTABLE BED BRAND New with mattress Made is U S A in plastic with warranty Retail cost $3 995 00 sacrifice for $875 00 Call for showing or delivery: DanDanTheMattressMan com 989-832-1866 AMISH BUILT MINI CABIN 12 x 24 $10,900 00 New construction delivery included Call for details other sizes & options 989-832-1866 AMISH BUILT STORAGE sheds and mini cabins delivered to your site anywhere in Michigan! Starting at $2 500 00 mynextbarn com 989-832-1866 AMISH LOG BEDS, Dressers, R u s t i c T a b l e a n d C h a i r s M a tt r e s s e s f o r C a b i n o r H o m e L o w e s t p r i c e i n M i c h i g a n ! D a n D a n T h e M a t t r e s s M a n c o m 9 8 9 - 9 2 3 - 1 2 7 8 BUILT RITE POLE BUILDINGS State-wide Prices starting at - 24x40x10$18 300 00 30x40x10$20,400 00 Erected on your site Call for price not shown on any size building or go to www builtritepolebuildingsmi com or call 989-259-2015 or 989-600-1010 VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99 00! 100% guaranteed 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-835-7273 Hablamos Espano 0320 Auctions JOHNSON ESTATE ONLINE Auction German military, firearms, ammo & sporting goods long guns handguns mounts Fort Knox firearm safe more! 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Monday, April 8, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 5 ANDY’S TREE SERVICE 800-982-4540 or 231-937-5607 Andrew T Callender Owner CELL: 616-293-8867 MAIN OFFICE: 22300 M-82 • HOWARD CITY MI 49329 Family O wned Since 1962 • www.andystreeser v ice.com Ser ving Montcalm, Kent, Newaygo, Mecosta, Osceola Counties & More SENIOR DISCOUNT • Call for a FREE Estimate WORK YEAR ROUND FULLY INSURED ‘WE GO ALL OVER’ Specializing in Working Around Power Lines & Houses T REE WORK OF ALL KINDS R W W HERE QUALIT Y WORK M AT T ERS. E QU T K W E KEEP YOUR YARD CLEAN! Y Veteran’s and Militar y Discount SPECIAL WINTER PRICING Providing Skilled nurSing, PhySical TheraPy, occuPaTional TheraPy, SPeech TheraPy, lPnS, Social Work and cerTified nurSeS aideS PO Box 499 - 120 Hemlock St Howard City MI 49329 • (231) 937-4514 acehomehealthcareser vices.com By Jon Becker Hearst Community Spotlight Attracting and retaining talent is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today One of the ways employers can mitigate the costly and time-consuming churn of talent to greener pastures is by investing in their employees through the Going PRO Talent Fund The program, which now has spring and fall application periods, provides grant funding to employers to help with costs associated with training, developing and retaining current and newhire employees. Michigan Works! West Central a key player in this state-driven push to upgrade workers academic credentials and skills, announces the Cycle 2 application period is scheduled to open Monday April 22, and run through 5 p.m. May 10. Through the Going PRO Talent Fund employers can be awarded up to $2,000 per individual and up to $3,500 per USDOL registered apprentice entered into training This is an opportunity for businesses to put their best foot for ward for a chance to reap the benefits of financial assistance And make no mistake there have been a lot of beneficiaries through the years Since the Going PRO Talent Fund began in 2014, Michigan Works! West Central has helped secure more than $4.8 million to train more than 5,600 workers at 62 different employers in its six-county ser vice area, including 184 USDOL registered apprentices, said Jonathan Eppley Communication and Marketing Manager at Michigan Works! West Central Statewide those figures balloon to 6,000 grantreceiving businesses and more than 175,000 individuals who in turn were able to receive new training in the past decade The Going PRO Talent Fund also aligns with Gov Gretchen Whitmer’s Sixty by 30 initiative to increase the number of working-age adults with a skill certificate or college degree from about 51 percent today to 60 percent by 2030, Eppley said It s not so much that ample job opportunities don’t exist in Michigan, but rather there aren t enough workers with the skills and knowledge needed to fill them. Experts say more than 75 percent of all Michigan jobs will soon require some education beyond high school Most of these positions require digital skills, the kind of technical knowledge that allows employees to help drive the state s economy in key sectors such as agriculture healthcare, manufacturing and more The skills gap is a pressing workforce issue and Michigan Works! West Central devotes a great deal of its time, talent and resources to addressing it through programs like Going PRO Talent Fund Employers find value in the program because it upskills, trains and retrains their employees, as well as helps them afford the cost of valuable training, Eppley said “Employees value the program because it enhances their skill sets and makes them more valued to their employer and in the job market should they ever seek other employment.” Two local employers, UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries (UACJ) and Arbre Farms, are two recent examples of how this program can significantly boost a business. UACJ secured a $79,950 grant, funds it used for 51 employees to attain Lean Sigma 6 Operator Certification, which is considered the gold standard for improving a company’s efficiency and employees’ skills. As a result of the training, the company is setting new standards for product development and customer satisfaction, Eppley said, It s truly a testament to the transformative power of the Going PRO Talent Fund Arbre Farms received a $16,020 award to help pay for 12 of its employees to successfully complete a Master Super visor y Training program. The company understands the importance of employee development and through its partnership with Michigan Works! West Central and the Going PRO Talent funding, Arbre Farms achieved its objective of nurturing skilled super visors, Eppley said It proved to be a gamechanger for Arbre Farms. They were able to invest in employees without undue financial strain. It s another tangible example of how investing in human potential is probably the best decision a company can make All applications in the competitive-grant program must be submitted to the state through a Michigan Works! agency Michigan Works! West Central is ready to help businesses in Lake Mason, Mecosta, Newaygo Oceana and Osceola counties submit applications this spring During the 2023 fall awards cycle, 11 companies from the West-Central region were selected to receive awards. Welding, blueprint reading, CAD, pneumatics and mechatronics are among the many skilled-trades trainings that are eligible through the program. If your business is interested in applying for the Going PRO Talent Fund, please contact Michigan Works! West Central s Business Ser vices team today to put together a comprehensive application. For more information and to contact your Business Ser vices Specialist, visit MWWC.org/ GoingPRO G o in g P R O Ta len t F un d a p p lic a t io n p er io d o p en s Ap r i l 22 SPONSORED CONTENT Learn More at MWWC.org/GoingPRO UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries team members are all smiles after being presented a check from Michigan Works! West Central. The Ludington-based aluminum automotive components manufacturer recently completed its Going PRO Talent Fund training plan. Michigan Works! West Central Executive Director Shelly Keene (left) is shown presenting the $79,950 check to Mike Eby, UACJ Director of Engineering and Mike Wegener Director of Manufacturing Engineering The grant award allowed the company to fund valuable Lean Sigma 6 training for 51 employees. C o nt a c t Mi c h i ga n Wo r ks! We s t C ent r a l f o r i n f o ab o u t s p r i n g t r a i n i n g g r a nt Walkerville-based Arbre Farms proudly displays its reimbursement check after recently being selected as a recipient of a Going PRO Talent Fund award. Pictured (L-R) are Dennis Ramthun, Director of Operations, Cheray Laroue, HR Administrator Hannah Ramthun, HR Administrator and Kimberly Tagliareni, Michigan Works! West Central Business Services Talent Specialist The program now has both fall and spring application periods. The 2024 spring cycle one opens Monday April 22, and runs through May 10. Roofing - Roofing - Roofing SAVE MONEY NOW! Spring Specials • All Colors Shingle Roofs • Steel Roofs LIFETIME SHINGLE ROOFS VINYL SIDING • All Colors • All St yles 1103 N. State St. • Big Rapids, Michigan 1-888-761-1997 • 231-592-4823 LICENSED & INSURED GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP CALL us for BEST PRICES SA VE E N E R GY SA VE MON E Y FREE SHO WING Thursday, April 11th - 6:30 p.m. New Life Assembly of God 1229 East 40th Street, White Cloud, MI The parallels between the rise of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany in Dietrich Bonhoef fer’s time and today’s suf focating intolerance of the Woke left, in lockstep with a Weaponized media, should be a clarion call to the church to WAKE UP! The Church can not af ford to continue turning a deaf ear to what is taking place in our political and economic process It is time to take a stand in the face of evil. The point of this film is to give Christians a last chance to understand that THIS IS IT If we do NOT step up and take action now - including getting political - we will be guilty of precisely what the German Christians were guilty of during the rise of Hitler A FILM B ASED ON THE BEST SELLING BOOK BY ERIC ME TAXAS

6 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 GOOD LUCK THIS SPRING VIKING ATHLETES! 89 NORTH 3 RD I SAND L AKE FREE ESTIM ATES FREE L O ANER C AR Deduc tible?? We C an Help! ( 616 ) 636 - 5341 Lake view - Howard Cit y Trufant - Morle y Ph: (989) 352-6031 F x : (989) 352-61 7 1 TOWING SERVICE It Really Hauls! “24 Hour Towing Service” OWING SER McKay ’s Towin g McKa s To 231-937-581 9 9884 S C ypres s Ave , Newaygo • Howard Cit y 231-937-2271 • 231-937-6 490 KRIS S TEVENS, OWNER algstevens@hotmail.com S.R. AUTOMOTIVE IN C MEC HANIC FOR THE PEOPLE 757 ENSLEY S T., HOWARD CIT Y MI 49329 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5 • Sat 8 - 1 • Sun. Closed M-82 RECYCLING Cer tified Scales | 8878 E 88th St (M82), Howard City MI | 231-937-4175 CAR BODIES • TIN/STEEL • COPPER • BRASS CATALY TIC CONVERTERS • RADIATORS ALUMINUM • CAST IRON • BAT TERIES GOOD LUCK ATHLETES ! Area Rugs Carpet Laminate • Hardwood Vinyl Counter Tops Furniture Tile (floor/ wall/shower) Mattresses www.howardc ity.abbey car pet.c om OPEN Mon. - Thur 9am-6pm, Fri. 9am-5pm Sat 10am-2pm 7 794 Federal Rd Howard Cit y, MI 231-937- 42 06 P roudl y Ser ving You Since 1982 Good Luck to Jason Dewey and all the Viking athletes this season! Providing Skilled nurSing • PhySical TheraPy occuPaTional TheraPy • SPeech TheraPy lPnS, Social Work • cerTified nurSeS aideS and home healTh aideS PO Box 499 - 120 Hemlock St. , Howard Cit y, MI 49329 • 231-937-4514 acehomehealthcareservices.com/employment auntieace.com TRI COUNTY SCHEDULES H I GH S C H O O L Baseball Softball Soft DAT E T IME PL ACE OPP ONEN T 4/2/2024 4:15 PM AWAY Greenville A Greenv 4/2/2024 6:15 PM AWAY Greenville A Gr ille 4/9/2024 4:00 PM HOME Big Rapids g 4/9/2024 6:00 PM HOME Big Rapids R 4/12/2024 4:00 PM AWAY W hite Cloud 4/12/2024 6:00 PM AWAY W hite Cloud 4/16/2024 4:00 PM HOME Remus Chippewa Hills emus 4/16/2024 6:00 PM HOME Remus Chippewa Hills emus wa 4/19/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Central Montcalm r 4/19/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Central Montcalm AW c 4/23/2024 4:00 PM HOME Kent Cit y 4/23/2024 6:00 PM HOME Kent Cit y 4/25/2024 4:15 PM AWAY Belding 4/25/2024 6:15 PM AWAY Belding 4/26/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Grant 4/26/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Grant 4/30/2024 4:00 PM HOME Morley Stanwood t ood 4/30/2024 6:00 PM HOME Morley Stanwood 5/3/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Lakeview WAY 5/3/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Lakeview A 5/7/2024 4:00 PM HOME Reed Cit y R 5/7/2024 6:00 PM HOME Reed Cit y 5/13/2024 4:15 PM AWAY Fremont 5/13/2024 6:15 PM AWAY Fremont emont 5/14/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Newaygo wa 5/14/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Newaygo wa DAT E T IME PL ACE OPP ONEN T 4/2/2024 4:15 PM AWAY Greenville Gr ille 4/9/2024 4:00 PM HOME Big Rapids apids 4/9/2024 6:00 PM HOME Big Rapids R 4/12/2024 4:00 PM AWAY W hite Cloud 4/12/2024 6:00 PM AWAY W hite Cloud 4/13/2024 10:00 AM AWAY Cedar Springs 4/13/2024 12:00 PM AWAY Cedar Springs 4/16/2024 4:00 PM HOME Remus Chippewa Hills P R 4/16/2024 6:00 PM HOME Remus Chippewa Hills emus wa 4/19/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Central Montcalm C r c 4/19/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Central Montcalm entral Mont alm 4/23/2024 4:00 PM HOME Kent Cit y 4/23/2024 6:00 PM HOME Kent Cit y 4/26/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Grant 4/26/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Grant 4/30/2024 4:00 PM HOME Morley Stanwood St ood 4/30/2024 6:00 PM HOME Morley Stanwood 5/3/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Lakeview 5/3/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Lakeview 5/7/2024 4:00 PM HOME Reed Cit y 5/7/2024 6:00 PM HOME Reed Cit y eed 5/9/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Ravenna 5/9/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Ravenna 5/13/2024 4:15 PM AWAY Fremont 5/13/2024 6:15 PM AWAY Fremont 5/14/2024 4:00 PM AWAY Newaygo e 5/14/2024 6:00 PM AWAY Newaygo e T

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8 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 Van Dyke’s Engine Rebuilding 17 Westwood • Fremont 231-924-3170 Head Pressure Checking & Reconditioning • Crank Shaft Grinding Engine Parts & Kits Available Rich Sheldon, Agent 217 E. Todd Avenue Reed City Office (231) 832-5801 Fax (231) 832-5471 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there Established in 1979 356 W. W h e at l a n d, R e m u s, M I 989-967-8251 Serving Our COmmunity SinCe 1921 415 N. Main Street, Evart, MI 49631 231-734-2251 coreyfuneralhome.com Congratualations Jordan Hansen and all Dream Team Athletes & Coaches! eam TOWING SERVICE It Really Hauls! 24 Hour Towing Service OWING McKay ’s Towing 9884 S C ypres s Ave Newaygo Howard Cit y 231-937-581 9 53 Years in Business BO S BASKETBALL FIRST OND BRENNAN WALSH LOUIE JACKSON LANDEN JACKSON MAX HAMMOND NOAH VANDERLINDE SPENCER HANSEN SJ HOS MARCOS CUIDAD-REAL DEVIN G COLE Reed City Coach of the Year He led Reed City to a 19-5 record and the Central State Activities Association regular-season title. Junior • Baldwin West Michigan D League first team. 12 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists per game, 44 percent field goal shooting; 2.5 steals per game. He can post up and stretch the floor Junior • Reed City He averaged 9.6 points, 5.3 rebounds, 2.0 assists and 2.3 steals per game. Junior • Evart All-Highland Conference first team. 13.9 points per game, 7.0 rebounds per game, 1.4 assists per 2.5 steals per game. Senior • Reed City First team All-CSAA. 8.1 points, 3.3 assists and 1.6 steals per game Junior • Morle Honorable mention He averaged 12 rebounds Sophomore • He was point guard, the extremely high basketball a pass-first player; 41 pct. field goals; 2 steals per game, 4 or more 3-pointers. Senior Reed City Player of the Year First team All-CSAA. He averaged 15.9 points, 6.1 rebounds, 1.9 assists and 1.5 steals per game; shot 36.7 percent in 3-pointers and 63.5 percent in 2-pointers. Senior Reed City First team All-CSAA. He averaged 13 points, 7.2 rebounds, 2.4 steals and 1.3 blocks per game and shot 54.8 percent from the floor Senior Baldwin All-West Michigan He averaged 14 points, per game. He is

Monday, April 8, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 9 Lake view - Howard Cit y Trufant - Morle y Ph: (989) 352-6031 F x : (989) 352-61 7 1 Gingrich T ire Center TIRES, CUSTOM WHEELS, AUTO SER VICE Call to S chedule Your Appointment M-66 @ M-20, REMUS, MI 49340 989-967-3541 w w w.gingrichtire.com CON GRATS C OYO T E ATHLETES 119 S. Michigan Ave, Big Rapids Daum Insurance Agency LLC 231-592-4660 Tuesday - Saturday 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM WILLIAMS CAFE M-66 BARRYTON (BY THE BLINKING LIGHT) (989) 382-9602 Holihan’s Drug Store Sto e More Than Just a Drug Store 128 N. Main • Evart 231-734-2551 CONGRATUL ATIONS E VAR T ATHLETE NOAH VANDERLINDE ! BASKETBALL DREAM TEAM TEAM OND TEAM SSLER MASON GUGLE TY GIELCZYK CAELEN KINNALLY GARBOW HAIST JORDAN HANSEN GAGE SAATHOFF GAGE NJENGA RILEY VENNIX Morley Stanwood mention All-CSAA. 11 points and rebounds a game. • Big Rapids the team’s floor general; etball IQ; 9 points per game, 80 pct. free throws; goals; 3 assists, game, 4 games with 3-pointers. Sophomore • Pine River All-Highland Conference. 13.3 points, 5.4 rebounds, 2.1 assists, 3 steals per game, 32 made 3-pointers and 7 dunks. Junior • Big Rapids He was the team’s top rebounder at 8 boards per game; 54 pct. in field goals, 3 assists, 2 steals per game. 22 points high game. Senior • Chippewa Hills Honorable mention All-CSAA, averaged 12.6 points per game, led the team in rebounds (131) and assists, team captain, second in steals. Junior • Big Rapids First team All-CSAA. He was second in rebounds at four per game; 10.5 points, 1.5 blocks per game. He had 19 points vs. Grant and Tri County Senior Baldwin D League first team. points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals a solid defender Senior Chippewa Hills First team All-CSAA. He averaged 18.6 points per game, team leader in steals at 77, third in rebounds, second in assists, 48-point game vs Tri County Senior Big Rapids First team All-CSAA. 10.0 points per game. 66 percent free throws, 2 rebounds, and 2 steals per game; led the team in steals. Senior Big Rapids Honorable mention All-CSAA. 13.0 pts per game, 3 points, 2 rebounds, 2 steals per game; he guarded opponents’ best scorer 25 points (7 3-pointers) vs Newaygo.

10 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 (989) 967-3624 2509 9 Mile Rd. (M-20) Remus, MI 49340 Remus Repair We are ready for spring! A re yo u? • Spring Tune-Ups • Specials • Pick Up and Delivery Available SAVE $50 $14999 On FSA 57 Battery Trimmer Sets SAVE $20 $17999

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12 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 Celebrate the sp e cial teache r s w ho ma de a diffe rence in o u r live s. No m inate them fo r the Extrao rdinar y Educato r Re co g n itio n Award! SCAN THE QR CODE TO NOMINATE TODAY! Spo nso re d by: Stop in to Burnips Equipment for Big Savings! WWW.BURNIPS.COM BIG R APIDS, MI 18612 Northland Dr (231) 592-1200 COOPERSVILLE, MI 7353 State Rd. (616) 997-9190 EJ MILLER ’ S F EED LLC Drive Through Pick Up Custom Mixing of Feeds for Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Horses and More CustomExtrudedBlending, Soy, & No Molasses Horse Feed Special 4H Show Feed for Pigs Contact us today! 231-924-9762 3225 S Croswell, Fremont, MI 49412 Specializing in Non-GMO Feeds SYKORAAUCTIONS.COM PRESENTS! ONLINE ONLY AUCTION TAYLOR FARM AUCTION L AKEVIEW, MI. 48850 DUE TO HEALTH REASONS I HAVE DECIDED SELL THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT VIA ONLINE AUCTION LOC ATED AT LAKEVIEW, MI. @ M-46 & M-91 , GO NORTH 0F LAKEVIEW, MI. 3 MI. ON LAKEVIEW RD. (COUNT Y RD. 597). THEN EAST 3 MILES ON 1 MILE RD. AND NORTH ¾ MI. TO 1921 65 TH AVE LAKEVIEW, MI. 48850 (MECOSTA CO.) TUESDAY APRIL 16TH, 2024 7 PM LOTS START CLOSING AT 7PM EST. RAIN SNOW OR SHINE-BID COMFORTABLY FROM HOME OR YOUR OFFICE! *INSPEC TION : (2) SATURDAY ’S APRIL 6TH & 13TH FROM 8AM TIL 4PM *FOR INFO C ALL BRIAN @ 616-520-3264 *PAY & PICKUP DATE THURSDAY APRIL 18TH, 2024 FROM 9AM TIL NOON! TRAC TORS 1964 JD 4020 2WD DSL. TRACTOR| 1966 JD 2510 2WD DSL. TRACTOR CASE 1210 2WD DSL. LOADER TRACTOR JD 2010 N.F GAS TRACTOR 1974 MASSE Y FERGUSON 165 2WD DSL. TRACTOR MF 72” TRACTOR DOZER PUSHBLADE MF HYD LOADER FRAME W/ 72” MATERIAL BUCKET JD COMBINE 1974 JD 4400 2WD DSL. COMBINE JD 914 BLANK HEADER WITH INNES BEAN PICKUP 4 ROW PLANTER & TILLAGE TOWABLE COMMERCIAL SMOKER/ HORSE TRAILER HOLSTIEN MFG. (IOWA) TOWABLE COMMERCIAL CHARCOAL ROASTER/ SMOKER TUFF CAT 12’ T/A 2 STALL HORSE TRAILER. MISC. SHOP & FARM SMALLS MANY MORE FARM SMALLS TO BE ADDED TO ONLINE C ATALOG! NOTE: VISIT SYKORAAUC TIONS.COM FOR COMPLETE C ATALOG AND FULL ONLINE AUC TION LISTING AUC TIONEER ’S NOTES: SYKORAAUCTIONS.COM WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE BRIAN TAYLOR FOR THIS AUCTION OPPORTUNIT Y! THIS WILL BE A ONLINE ONLY FARM AUCTION W/ ONLINE BIDDING @7PM SALE EVENING. FREE LOADING PAY & PICKUP DAY AND LIMITED STORAGE AVAILABLE BE THERE!!! BRIAN TAYLOR, PROP 1921 65TH AVE. • LAKEVIEW, MI 48850 FOR INFO CALL BRIAN @ 616-520-3264 ONLINE BIDDING FROM THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR HOME OR OFFICE SYKORAAUC TIONS.PRO XIBID.COM PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED 877-505-7770 Special R ates for Real Estate, Church, and Ser vice Direc tories Ad Deadline: April 23, 2024 Publication: May 18, 2024 Destinations is a free public ation distributed in our leading newspapers and shopper and available for pick-up across the state, including: Big Rapids Pioneer Manistee News Advocate Herald Review • Lake Count y Star Pioneer Communit y Adver tiser B enzie Count y Record Patriot MDOT Welcome Centers - 12 locations Chamber of Commerce O ffices Convention and Visitors Bureaus 2024 Spring Destinations RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! OUR SP CE TOD Y! Ben Brooks 231.527.5014 S ue Ledesma 231.592.8354 Denise Nelson 906.430.1386 Danette Doyle 231.598.1821 Tim Hahn 231.580.9022

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14 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024 Send a special shout out to your family and friends for their bir thday, anniversaries, or any other special occasions! EMAIL US AT: CLASSIFIED@PIONEERGROUP.COM PRICES START AS LOW AS 11169 N M37 • Irons MI 231-862-3113 www.ironsanimalhospital.com Excellent Care Prof essional Ser vice Lake County Sheriff Animal Control 3390 S. Dog Track Rd Baldwin, MI (231) 745-3079 bmanier@co.lake.mi.uc We are normally closed for weekends If you have an emergenc y for animal control, please contac t dispatch at (231) 745- 2711. Meet Belle! Belle came in as a stray She is a 7 month old DSH, she is not spayed at this time Belle is a little shy of new people, but she is friendly Meet Maggie! Maggie came in as a stray We are estimating that she is 4 years old Maggie is Spayed and up to date on rabies vaccination. Maggie is loving and full of energy Maggie needs to be with her people or kept secure The News Is Just the Beginning Your Community… Your Family…Your Interests… Your Home…Your World… It’s All a Part of Your Local Newspaper! Support Local Journalism, Subscribe to the Big Rapids Pioneer TODAY! Call 231.796.1710 today or go to www.bigrapidsnews.com/account Local & Beyond In Print & Online | 231.796.1710 | www.bigrapidsnews.com

Monday, April 8, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 15 WE OFFER DISCOUNTS FOR MILITARY , SENIORS AND TEACHERS ! 989-598-0534 Remus, MI www.SIRHVAC.com Serving Local And Surrounding Areas! Now Is Th e Tim e To Prepare For Sprin g Storms An d Summ er Heat! $1000 OFF A NEW Generac Home Generator System Expires April 30, 2024 UP TO $2000 off a new high efficiency Amana furnace and A/C system $25 OFF SERVICE CALL Spring Specials Public correction to ad in 3/25/2024 Pioneer Community Adver tiser Expires April 30, 2024 Expires April 30, 2024

16 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, April 8, 2024