PIONEER Community Advertiser FREE Contact Us at (231)796-4831 June 10, 2024 NEWAYGO 8003 Mason Dr 231.652.5991 HARDY DAM 6245 E 36th St 231.689.5607 • Chainsaws • Lawn Mowers • Power Washers • Leaf Blowers • Snow Blowers • Generators REPAIR & SALES Specializing in Chainsaw Sharpening & Repair 2 Locations to Serve You TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT Powe r Equipment Sales & Ser vice FREE ESTIM ATES FREE L O ANER C AR Deduc tible?? We C an Help! 89 Nor th 3rd I Sand Lake ( 616 ) 636 - 5341 CLEAN, COMFOR TABLE, STATE OF THE AR T FACILITY COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Mon - Fri: 8am -5:30pm 14905 220th Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307 231.796.8320 WWW.QUALITYCARANDTRUCKREPAIR.COM IMPORT & DOMESTIC NIGHT DROP BOX MOST EXTENDED WARRANTIES HONORED • CUSTOMER SHUTTLE (LIMITED AREA) $ 21 .9 5 OIL CHANGES CALL FOR DETAILS! STARTING AT GATORADE 8 PK 20 OZ ASST. 2/$12.98 COKE PRODUCTS 2 LTR BTLS ASST 2/$5 + dep Monday, June 10t h - Sunday, June 16, 2024 Sor r y, No R ainc hec k s • Pr icing Good While Supplies Last 9559 S M-37 Baldw in, MI 231-745-2761 Store Hours : or Monday- Sat urday 8am - 9pm a Sunday 8am - 8pm CUR BSIDE PICK UP AVAIL A BLE: 10am - 6pm Give Us A Call SENIOR DAY: W hite Cloud - Tuesday Baldw in - Thursday CAMPBELL’S CHUNKY SOUP 15.25-19 OZ ASST 2/$4 ANGEL SOFT BATH TISSUE 8 ROLL MEGA $5.99 SARGENTO OFF THE BLOCK SHREDDED CHEESE 8 OZ ASST 2/$5 JACK’S ORIGINAL PIZZA 13.8-15.8 OZ ASST 3/$9 HEALTHY CHOICE POWER BOWLS 6-10 OZ ASST 2/$8 LAND O’LAKES BUTTER 13-16 OZ ASST $4.99 MINUTE MAID LEMONADE & PUNCH 59 OZ ASST 2/$4 EGGO WAFFLES, PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST 8.4-14.1 OZ ASST 2/$6 OUR FAMILY MAC & CHEESE 5.5-7 3 OZ ASST 5/$4 BUSH’S BAKED BEANS 15.8-16 OZ ASST 2/$4 PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER 16 3 OZ ASST BUY 3 SAVE $3 $2.99 47 S Charles W hite Cloud, MI 231-689-1280 POWERADE 28 OZ ASST 4/$5 LITTLE DEBBIE SNACK CAKES 9 5-16.2 OZ ASST 2/$5 SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS 99¢ CALIFORNIA CHEERIES $2.99/LB www.housemansfoods.com AUNT MILLIE’S ASSORTED BREAD 20-22 OZ 2/$5 BETTER MADE CHIPS 8.5-10 OZ ASST 2/$5 KENTUCKY LEGEND BACON 12 OZ. ASST. $3.49 GRADE A BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREAST VALU-PACK $1.99/LB ITALIAN BUTTERTOP WHEAT HONEY WHEAT BUTTERMILK CRACKED WHEAT 100% WHOLE WHEAT ARTISAN POTATO TEXAS TOAST 7-UP PRODUCTS 2 LTR BTLS ASST BUY 1 GET 1 FREE COKE PRODUCTS 8 PK 12 OZ BTLS ASST 10 PK 7.5 OZ CANS ASST 2/$11.98 +DEP PEPSI PRODUCTS 12 PK 12 OZ CANS ASST 2/$12.98 +DEP FRITOS OR CHEETOS 7-9.25 OZ ASST 2/$8 LAY S PARTY SIZE 6-20 OZ ASST $5.49 SPARKLE PAPER TOWELS 6 DBL ROLL 5.99 POST CEREALS HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS 11-12 OZ RAISIN BRAN 16 6 OZ • PEBBLES 10-11 OZ BUY 3 SAVE $3 $2.99 + /$5 Bald 12.98 — EINSTEIN adopted 12-09-10 SURE, AT FIRST I WAS A LITTLE TAKEN ABACK BY THE WHOLE PEEING STANDING UP THING. BUT I TAUGHT HIM TO THROW A STICK AND NOW HANGING OUT WITH HIM IS THE BEST PART OF MY DAY. SUBSCRIBE TODAY bigrapidsnews.com 231-796-1710

2 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, June 10, 2024 & BRAIN TEASERS T O OC CUP Y Y OUR TIME ! HERE S HO W IT W ORKS: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid broken down into nine 3x3 boxes To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row column and box. Each number can appear only once in each tow, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes The more numbers you name the easier it gets to solve the puzzle LIKE PUZZLES ? You’ll love Sudoku This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku sav v y to the test ANSWER: TO SPONSOR THIS PAGE, Contac t: S ue Ledesma, 231-592-8354 or sue.ledesma@hearst.com LIVE ON- SITE FIREARM AUCTION 1-OWNER PRIVATE COLLECTION TUE SDAY, JUNE 18TH @ 5 : 00PM Visit w w w artsmithauctioneers com or call Noah for flyer 616-633-4254 LOC ATION: GRANT COMMUNIT Y CENTER 105 S. FRONT ST. GRANT, MI 49327 (NEWAYGO CO) DIRECTIONS: North of Grand Rapids 23 miles on M-37 or south of Newaygo 6 miles on M-37 to East Main St then west Ben Herr due to advanced age and health reasons will sell his 60 year collection to the highest bidder. OVERVIEW: 65 Collectible & Unique Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols & Revolvers (most 100+ years old & rare calibers) including 13 Savage 99s; 25 Winchester levers; Unique caliber ammo; Reloading & Dies; Collectible Knives; Hunting & Shooting gear; Gun safes INSPECTION: Auction day at 12:00PM This is a non-FFL transfer therefore all buyers will need a CPL or a seperate License to Purchase for each long or handgun. We have REC Gas & K-1 Kerosene • Pick Up or Deliver y ick Locally Owned & Operated Since 1948 MICHAEL OIL & PROPANE 18655 Nor thland Dr., Old U.S. 131, Big Rapids, MI 231-796-8681 www.michaeloilandpropane.com Online Payment Options Available! vailable! Premium Diesel Fuel• Highway & Off Road Heating Fuel • Gasoline • Kerosene • Propane FUEL UP YOUR OUTDOOR FUN THIS SPRING! e 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE! BIG RAPIDS GREEN HAVEN SUBDIVISION Annual Garage Sales (North Of Airport) June 13th 14th and 15th 9am-6pm METAL ROOFING REGULAR and shingle style HALF OFF SPECIAL COLORS! Lifetime hail asphalt shingles Vinyl siding Licensed and insured builders for 40 years AMISH CREW 800-983-0462 0090 Business Services POLE BARNS WE build ALL year long! BUILT BEST BARNS IN A RUSH? CALL US!!!! Best Quality Best Service, Now In Our 25TH Year! Over 4 000 Buildings In Michigan Call for QUOTES License/Insured 989-205-2534 0110 For Rent S H A D Y L A W N M O T E L : S a n d L a k e , M I S p e c i a l r a t e s F u r n i s h e d c a b i n w i t h k i t c h e n e t t e $ 1 5 3 2 5 / w e e k F u r n i s h e d s m a l l c a b i n s $136 60/week (Above prices include utilities) Call for availability (616) 696-0386
NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR & FAMILY HOUSING 1-3 Bedroom units located in Evart Housing Commission Income based rent with utilities included Close to Evart Public Schools Minutes from downtown Evart security cameras active resident council, playgrounds and group activities Apply at: 601 W First Street Evart 231 734 3301 The application is also available at: www evarthousing org https://www facebook com/ evarthousing 0110 For Rent NOW SEEKING! QUALIFIED APPLICANTS FOR AFFORDABLE SENIOR HOUSING AND FAMILY HOUSING 1-6 bedroom units located in Evergreen Village and Parkv i e w V i l l a g e I n c o m e b a s e d r e n t w i t h u t i l i t i e s i n c l u d e d O n l y m i n u t e s f r o m d o w ntown active resident council g r o u p a c t i v i t i e s N e i g h b o rh o o d W a t c h p r o g r a m a n d security cameras Apply at: 9 Parkview Village Big Rapids (231) 796-8689 The application is also available at: www bigrapidshousing org 0160 Real Estate For Sale 3 ACRES IN Morley with buildings and 1 home in Big Rapids call 231-586-3006 0170 Items for Sale 1970'S AVON cologne/after shave bottles Moose Pheasant Mallard Canada goose Quail all with contents $60 00 Mecosta 231-972-3228 ADJUSTABLE BED BRAND New with mattress Made is U S A , in plastic, with warranty Retail cost $3 995 00 sacrifice for $875 00 Call for showing or delivery: DanDanTheMattressMan com 989-832-1866 AMISH BUILT STORAGE sheds and mini cabins delivered to your site anywhere in Michigan! Starting at $2 500 00 mynextbarn com 989-832-1866 ARCHERY HUNTING EQUIPMENT eleven Bitzinberger fletching jigs with RH and LH clamps $250 00 Two tree climbing sticks both for 30 00 Martin Cougar Mag compound right hand 45-60# $75 00 Mecosta 231-972-3228 L A D I E S A N D G I R L S l e a t h e r w h i t e m o c c a s i n s $ 1 0 C l o s e out! Regular $82 Beulah 231510-0607 0170 Items for Sale BUILT RITE POLE BUILDINGS State-wide Prices starting at - 24x40x10 - $18 300 00 30x40x10 -$20,400 00 Erected on your site Call for price not shown on any size building or go to www builtritepolebuildingsmi com Or call 989-259-2015 or 989-600-1010 L O G S 4 - 5 F T i n l e n g t h , $ 3 0 0 e a c h , B e u l a h , 2 3 1 - 5 1 0 - 0 6 0 7 POND/LAKE WEED Removal Tools (The #1 alternative to chemicals ) Performs C P R Cuts-Pulls-Rakes Michigan Veteran Made Still $150 no price increase! 989-529-3992 WeedgatorProducts com ROUGH SAWN PINE boards 250 board feet 1 x 8 231-397-4413 ROUGH SAWN WHITE cedar boards 700 board feet 1" x 10' various widths $2 00 per board foot 231-397-4413 SOLID OAK COFFEE table 56 long x 22 wide with rounded corners on rolling casters In great condition $40 pick up in Irons 231-266-8193 WOODSTOVE GLASS CUT to size 231-510-7625 Manistee
0110 For Rent

Monday, June 10, 2024 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • 3 EJ MILLER ’ S F EED LLC Drive Through Pick Up Custom Mixing of Feeds for Chickens, Cows, Pigs, Horses and More CustomExtrudedBlending, Soy, & No Molasses Horse Feed Special 4H Show Feed for Pigs Contact us today! 231-924-9762 3225 S Croswell, Fremont, MI 49412 Specializing in Non-GMO Feeds ANDY’S TREE SERVICE 800-982-4540 or 231-937-5607 Andrew T Callender Owner CELL: 616-293-8867 MAIN OFFICE: 22300 M-82 • HOWARD CITY, MI 49329 Family O wned Since 1962 • www.andystreeser v ice.com Ser ving Montcalm, Kent, Newaygo, Mecosta, Osceola Counties & More SENIOR DISCOUNT • Call for a FREE Estimate WORK YEAR ROUND FULLY INSURED ‘WE GO ALL OVER’ Specializing in Working Around Power Lines & Houses T REE WORK OF ALL KINDS R W W HERE QUALIT Y WORK M AT T ERS. E QU T K W E KEEP YOUR YARD CLEAN! Y Veteran’s and Militar y Discount 2016 Buick Verano Convenience 2014 Jeep Compass Limited 4WD 2014 Jeep Cherokee Spor t 4WD 2016 Nissan Juke SL issan AWD AW 2019 GMC Terrain Denali AWD 2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara Turbo 4x4 4 4 2016 Toyota Highlander LE AWD 2013 Ford Explorer Spor t 6 Cyl Turbo AWD o 2016 Chev y Silverado LS V8 Double Cab 4x4 2018 Ford F150 XLT V8 Crew Cab 4x4 Complete Inventor y At: www.DonsAdoptACar.com Heated Leather/Cloth Seats Remote Star t Bluetooth, Backup Camera, 31K Miles Cr ystal Red Tintcoat Sample Payments: $238.18 / 66 Months @ 7.74% APR* 4WD Heated Leather Moonroof Remote Star t Bluetooth, Backup Camera, 66K Miles Rugged Brown Pearl Sample Payments: $206.09 / 66 Months @ 7.74% APR* 1-Owner 4WD Heated Seats Remote Star t, Bluetooth, Backup Camera, 35K Miles True Blue Pearl Sample Payments: $239.69 / 66 Months @ 7.99% APR* AWD Heated Leather Moonroof, Navigation, Bluetooth, Backup Camera, 50K Miles Solar Yellow Pearl Sample Payments: $243.78 / 66 Months @ 7.99% APR* AWD Heated & Cooled Leather Moonroof W/Rear Sky Light, Navigation, Remote Star t 61K Miles Summit White Sample Payments: $333.45 / 78 Months @ 8.24% APR* 4x4, Heated Leather Navigation, Power Retractable Sky One -Touch Soft Top 30K Miles Firecracker Red Sample Payments: $506.85 / 78 Months @ 8.24% APR* 1-Owner, AWD, 8 Passenger Seating 3.5L V6, Bluetooth, Backup Camera, 59K Miles Attitude Black Metallic Sample Payments: $299.51 / 72 Months @ 8.24% APR* AWD Spor t Pkg Heated & Cooled Leather Moonroof W/ Rear Sky Light Navigation, Tow 7 Passenger 55K Miles White Platinum Tricoat Sample Payments: $270.26 / 66 Months @ 7.74% APR* 4x4, 5.3L V8, Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Tow Pkg, 79K Miles Black Sample Payments: $318.54 / 66 Months @ 7.99% APR* 4x4, 5.0L V8, Heated Seats, Navigation, Bluetooth, Remote Star t Tow Pkg 77K Miles Magnetic Gray Metallic Sample Payments: $381.66 / 78 Months @ 8.24% APR* $14,900 $12,900 $14,900 $15,200 ,20 $23,500 $35,900 $19,900 $16,900 $19,900 $26,900 231-775-2583 2 Miles East of US131 (Exit 180) • Cadillac, MI 0170 Items for Sale V A R I O U S P I C T U R E S & F R A M E S $ 1 a n d u p B e u l a h 2 3 1 - 5 1 0 - 0 6 0 7 o r 2 3 1 - 6 5 19 3 1 0 VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99 00! 100% guaranteed 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-835-7273 Hablamos Espano BUILDING MATERIALS 8 C E D A R P O S T S 6 t o 8 d i a m e t e r $ 1 0 e a c h S m o k e S t a c k T o o B e u l a h 2 3 1 - 5 1 00 6 0 7 0260 Auto Parts/ Accessories 1 9 7 9 F I A T S P Y D E R E n g i n e $ 2 0 0 B e u l a h 2 3 1 - 5 1 0 - 0 6 0 7 0280 Farm Goods PRODUCE URKA FARMS FOR fresh local strawberries Come taste the difference and pick some Ain t Nothin Sweeter than URKA FARMS Brethren 231-477-5537 U-Pick Like & follow us on Facebook for daily updates 0320 Auctions BIERLEIN ONLINE ESTATE Auction bid now through June 13 Cub Cadet 1450 w/belly mount grader snowblower snowplow welder metal band saw shop tools and more! To bid visit Bid SherwoodAuctionServiceLLC com Call 1-800-835-0495 0320 Auctions LARGE ONLINE FIREARM Auction Bidding open 300+ guns, ammunition, accessories Bid anywhere anytime @johnpeckauctions com Inspection/shipping available Merchandise pickup Charlotte or Gladwin Selling guns? Call John Peck 989-345-4866 Michigan's Premier Gun Auctioneers LIVE AUCTION WEDNESDAY June 26th 10 am 1600 Euler Rd Brighton MI 48114 1995 Ford 8000 8 3 Cummins crane truck chains crated engines 16' rowboat & more Visit NarhiAuctions com 810-266-6474 MARINE CITY DPW Online Auction June 15, 8-4 p m Bucket truck, loaders, J D loader tractor vehicles zeroturn mower blade Generac generator trailer Visit CrydermanAuctions com to view catalog, other auctions Call 586-784-8890 Call 231-796-1710 and Subscribe Today!

4 • PIONEER COMMUNITY ADVERTISER • Monday, June 10, 2024 Arthur K. Eggerding Inc., REALTOR/BROKER Committed to marketing your property! 30 years Experience, VA loans. New Branch Real Estate Office Downtown Cedar Springs 21 E. Maple St. CALL TODAY! 616-453-7655 Brynadette Powellwell, Associate Broker 616-835-2624 • Public Notary Let’s Get Moving! CHECK OUT OUR FISH FARM & RETAIL STORE! 11073 Peach Ave Just 6 Miles East of Grant Live Fish for Pond Stocking Lake & Pond Management Water Gardening Supplies • Water Features Get your catalog today! stoneycreekequip.com 800-448-3873 Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturdays from April 13 - June 29: 8am - 3pm. Closed all other Saturdays Closed Sundays and Holidays Call Ahead for Fish Availability 800-448-3873 Pioneer Community Advertiser ChurCh direCtory Rev Darryl Miller Phone: 616-636-5659 Worship Service 9:30 am FOR RENT Church Ed. Building with fully equipped kitchen. Make reservations now for your parties, family reunions, showers, graduations, group meetings. Call Barb Gould at 616-636-5615 $75.00 Rental, additional $25.00 refundable cleaning fee • NO ALCOHOL • SAND LAKE COMMUNITY CHURCH 65 W Maple Street Sand Lake Corner of Cypress & 136th Rev. Darryl Miller Office: 616-636-5659 Sunday Worship 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Find Us on Facebook! South Ensley Church South Ensley Community Church PINE GROVE Community Church A Christian Reformed Ministry Worship Sundays 10 am Boys & Girls Club Wed. 6:30 Youth Programs - Call Church 231-937-5250 On M-82, 5 miles west of Howard City Visit our website at pinegrovechurch.net 271 East State Rd. Grant, MI 49327 Pastor Shelby Gemmen Church Phone: (231) 834-8668 www.grantreformed.org Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 11 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6 PM Worship-on-Wednesday 6 PM Dinner Gems & Cadets High School Youth Group Bible Study Join the Church Directory Today! Contact Justine Aspinwall for more information. Office: 231-592-8337 Or email at: classified@pioneergroup.com Come Worship with us! at Chippe wa Hills Bap tist Chu rch 9166 25th Ave., Remus • Across from Remus Lumber 989-967-8205 Sunday School 9:45am Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Evening 6:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm Wed “Awana” Service 6:00pm 3yrs-8th grade Spice things up with a subscription to the Classifieds. There are loads of exciting opportunities in store. 231-592-8348 DullCareer?
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