By Jon Becker
Hearst Community Spotlight
Did you know someone in Michigan with a GED earns around $650 more per month than someone who never finished high school? That’s nearly $8,000 more per year!
Michigan Works! West Central a catalyst for boosting lives through better job opportunities, offers free GED training to those age 16 and older Through expert one-on-one assistance Michigan Works! West Central and its partners are preparing individuals of all skill levels to pass the GED exam – a crucial step to creating a better life for themselves and their families. If you lack at least a GED, you ’ re significantly limiting your earning power and opportunities.
The median wage in Michigan for someone with a high school diploma or GED is just over $32,600,” said Jonathan Eppley Communication and Marketing Manager at Michigan Works! West Central Someone with a GED earns about 25 percent more money than someone who never finished high school.
If you re interested in earning more money (and who isn’t?), Eppley has a suggestion: “Come talk to our Talent Specialist about getting free GED prep and completing your GED Michigan Works! West Central makes it convenient
by offering its free GED prep at each of its six ser vice centers.
“We also proctor GED testing at our Baldwin, Big Rapids, Newaygo Reed City and Shelby offices,” Eppley said “GED testing is available in Ludington, but it s conducted at West Shore Community College
If you re feeling a bit self-conscious about earning a high school equivalency diploma, don t be There is strength in numbers, with more than 8.5 million individuals over the age of 25 who have a GED as opposed to a traditional high school diploma. Nearly all colleges and employers accept the GED credential Without it, that job you want, that life you want, may be out of reach.
“Earning your GED opens you up for so many more job opportunities, and is a necessity for continuing your education at a college level Eppley said Completing the GED tests will give you a confidence boost and provide you with a sense of accomplishment.
The GED covers four subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies and Reasoning Through Language Arts. Michigan Works! West Central has got you covered
“If you ’ re looking to earn your GED, come meet with one of our Talent Specialists to see about free GED prep and how you can complete

the tests at your own pace Eppley said Veronica Perr y and Brandon Nowak did just that and today find their lives on a completely different trajector y Each faced challenges that derailed their education, but once they found their way to Michigan Works! West Central, it proved to be the beginning of a path to success for both of them.
As with many people who are attempting to balance adult responsibilities with studying, Perr y struggled She lacked confidence and found it difficult to stay on task. She took multiple GED readiness tests, yet still was unable to pass the exam. Her fortunes, though, began to turn once she received career guidance support ser vices,
transitional assistance and confidence-boosting help from Michigan Works! West Central and Quest Adult Education. Today, Perr y is a proud graduate of Quest s Adult Education GED program, with plans to continue her education.
Nowak s stor y is a vivid example of how it s never too late to turn your life around You might say he s a late bloomer He dropped out of high school and later made some poor decisions that led him to be incarcerated for 18 months. Now in his late 30s, Nowak did some serious soul-searching and came to an important conclusion: He wanted a better life Owning his past but willing to put in the work to turn his life around, Nowak’s first step toward a fresh start was
earning his GED through Quest Adult Education
which happens to be colocated in three of Michigan Works! West Central s six ser vice centers.
After completing his GED Michigan Works! West Central enrolled Brandon in WIOA Adult and MiLEAP programs, which ultimately paid for his CDL training through FCG Truck Driver Training in Byron Center
Now the proud holder of a Class-A Commercial Driver s License (CDL), Nowak is traveling the countr y as a long-haul driver with Coopersville-based Foreway Transportation. He ll be