Family & Farm Magazine 2020

Page 5

FAMILY & FARM • Supplement to the Pioneer, Herald Review, River Valley Shopper & Pioneer East Shopper • MARCH 2020 5

People with diabetes need flu shots Flu shots are one step you can take to stay healthy Take your temperature. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Wash your hands. If soap and It is important to follow your water aren’t available, use a hand doctor’s advice to prevent the flu, sanitizer. especially if you have diabetes. AcResist touching your eyes, cording to the Centers for Disease nose and mouth. These areas are Control and Prevention (CDC), ways for germs to enter your body. about 30 percent of adults who are Clean surfaces at home and hospitalized with the flu have dia- work when someone is ill. betes. Being sick can also prevent Keep a week’s worth of medyou from eating properly, which icine on-hand in case you are not may cause changes in your blood able to leave your home. sugar. The CDC recommends Even if you get the flu shot, the following to protect yourself you can still get sick. Call your during the flu season. doctor if any of these things hapGet a flu shot and encourage pen to you: others around you to get theirs. Trouble breathing People are infectious before flu Blood sugar less than 60 symptoms appear and can infect milligrams/dL or is over 250 milliothers. Find a flu shot near you by grams/dL on two checks typing in your zip code. Ketone level of urine higher Take the flu medicine prethan normal scribed by your doctor. Fever over 101 degrees FahrStay home from work or enheit for 24 hours school if you are sick and follow Drowsiness or trouble thinkthese rules: ing clearly Continue to take your diabetes Trouble keeping liquids down medicine, even if you can’t eat. for more than 4 hours Talk to your doctor about any Trouble keeping down food for concerns, or before stopping your more than 24 hours medicine. Severe diarrhea or vomiting Test your blood sugar every for more than 6 hours four hours and write down the Loss of five pounds or more results. If you take steps to prevent Drink lots of zero calorie liquid the flu, you have a better chance (water is best). of not getting sick. Don’t forget to Try to keep eating. If you can’t, get enough sleep, drink plenty of try eating soft foods and liquids water, eat lots of fruits and vegetathat contain the same amounts bles and exercise. Michigan State of carbohydrates you usually eat University Extension says that when you are healthy. these healthy behaviors can give Weigh yourself each day. your body the extra boost it needs Weight loss without dieting is a to make it through the flu season sign of high blood sugar. without getting sick.

BY CHRISTI DEMITZ Michigan State University Extension

Did you know? The next time symptoms of a cold appear could be well worth it to reach for elderberry syrup, lozenges or supplements. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, elderberry, or elder, has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Elderberry can be applied to the skin to relieve wounds, and it also is effective when taken orally to treat respiratory illnesses like cold and flu. Some evidence suggests that elderberry may help

reduce swelling in the mucus membranes and sinuses to help relieve nasal congestion. WebMD says elderberry may help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation to relieve pain throughout the body. Some people also rely on elderberry for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and as a laxative. Even though elderberry is an all-natural alternative to medicine, its use should be discussed with a doctor to ensure no contraindications.

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Saturday, March 28 at 10am Vehicles • Guns • Tools • Antiques Household Items 7523 W. Fremont Rd. | Blanchard, MI

Saturday, April 4 at 10am Estate of Harva Lou Raby 3191 W. Long Lake Rd. | Orleans, MI

Sunday, April 5 at 12pm Musical Instruments • Antiques • Tools and more! 6507 S. Greenville Rd. | Greenville, MI

Saturday, April 11 at 10am Motorcycles • Guns • Tools Old Tractors • Truck 5910 Lowe Rd. | Fowlerville, MI

Saturday, April 18 at 10am

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Saturday, April 18 at 10am

Jukebox • Toys • Antiques • Collectibles Lawn & Garden 14766 Howard City-Edmore Rd | Howard City, MI

Saturday, April 18 at 6pm

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Saturday, April 25 at 10am Great Northern Trading Company 10 Squires St. | Rockford, MI

Saturday, May 9 at 10am Antiques • Tools • Furniture (7) Barn Sheds • Real Estate 10191 N. Six Lakes Rd. | Six Lakes, MI

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