Active Lifestyles 6/18/20 Telegraph/Intelligencer

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Power play at 82

Active Lifestyles What’s inside


2 Cover story: Power play at 82

ACTIVE LIFESTYLES PUBLISHER Denise VonderHaar (618) 463-2500

4 ‘Dear Dietitian’: Fibromyalgia


6 AMH going robotic 7 Online exercise sessions’ pros and cons


For Active Lifestyles

ON THE COVER: Rosewood Heights resident Shirley Webb, 82, wearing 17 of her 18 medals.

Power play at 82 By Jill Moon

and 25 Illinois records. She has records in her age group, as well as lower age groups, when no EAST ALTON — Illinois woman has set records in her State/U.S. weightlifting weight class. Her personal record A !Seasoned saedI hserF htiAWFirm Seasoned mriF deWith noFirm saeSWith AFresh Fresh Ideas! Ideas! record-holder and octogenari(PR) for deadlift is 265 pounds at an Shirley Webb held her own age 81 but it wasn’t a “good lift,” against septuagenarians Firm at her rules wise. Her PR for deadlift in F soned asoned A Seasoned Firm With Fresh Ideas! first world competition. competition is 259.1 pounds. Her The “weightlifting grandma,” total number of records set is 23 as described in the book “Ripley’s American (two current, plus 21 Believe It or Not! Shatter Your previous), 52 Illinois (25 current Senses!,” since Dec. 9, 2016, plus 27 previous) and four Miswhen her son, Kent Webb, startsouri (previous) for a grand total ed recording and tracking the of 79 records. total amount of weights lifted, Her records and compeshe has lifted more than four mil- tition results are located on lion pounds, as of last month. the USAPLs website: http:// She became a National g n i r e v o C w o d n iW m o tCustom s• u C Custom Custom Window WindowCoverings Coverings Window Coverings Custom Window Coverings C u s t o pion at the age of 79 and a World ers-view?id=24554. Blindsv•Design Upholstery v Design Services s e c i v r e S n g i s e D v s gBedcoverings n i r e v o c d e B• Bedcoverings Services Champion at the age 81. She has “My nickname her ise ‘HERv Design Services e d B c for o v e •v Furniture Accessories v Furniture s d n i l B & e r u t i n r u F v Accessories s eBedcoverings i r o s s e• c c AFurniture Accessories &&Blinds BlindsalwaysB been the oldest female cules,’” Kent Webb said. “The v Furniture & Blinds Accessories A c c A e s c s o c • Design Services competitor at each event and nickname came to me when 415 415 E. 475Vandalia 1.E. 2i 96Vandalia .816 • 5Street 2a 02Street 6 415 lI ,elE.liEdwardsville, vsVandalia drawdE tStreet eertS aEdwardsville, iladIlnIla62025 V62025 .E 5S 1Il4 62025 • 618.692.1574 • 618.692.1574 always becomes e a fanEdwar favorite. e thinking of strong individuals E ndalia al Edwardsville, Str • 618.692.1574 eet tr t ds 10 a.m.-5 yada.m.-5 seMonday uTp.m. .m.pp.m. 4-Monday, .m.aMonday, 01 • ya10do sra.m.-5 Wednesday, uhWednesday, T ,yap.m. dsenMonday, deW ,yadThursday Thursday Wednesday, noM .mn .p 5-.Thursday •a 010 1a.m.-4 •a.m.-4 10 a.m.-4 p.m. p.m. Tuesday Tuesday , Asa of W last month,y two months dawned on me that Hercum. M 10 •m.10 p.m. d Tuesday ednesday , and it W e t 10 n e m t a.m.-1 n i o p p A y b p.m. r o y a d i r F Friday . 10 m . p a.m.-1 1 . m or . a p.m. 0 1 by Friday Appointment or by Appointment 1 10 0 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday a.m.-1 or bya Appointment .m p.m. .p.m shy of her 83rd birthday, Webb 1 les startedFriday with ‘Her.’” nihw sinfi.www w www w .finishingtouc .fi n i s h i holds two American records Shirley won four silver med2 June 2020

Active Lifestyles

Always Competitively Priced

Webb wasn’t always dedicated to exercising. As she aged, prior to her 76th birthday, she struggled to get out of a chair and used a handrail to climb stairs. “I couldn’t climb a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing,” she recalled. “My granddaughter wanted me to start exercising with her, so we could both be healthy.” Webb first joined Club Fitness in Wood River. Upon building her workout over two years, she could deadlift 237 pounds. Also, Webb lost more than 20 pounds and 35 inches. As an adult, Webb’s main exercise consisted of yard work. “The only exercise I did at the time was mow the lawn,” she said. “And, I was barely doing that.” In early 2015, she became a member of USA Powerlifting so that she could compete. Wright, to whom Webb credits her success, also gives her written instruction that she follows while training with her own weights in her basement. Not only does she enjoy competing, she also enjoys better health and motivating others. The “media darling” has appeared on multiple news shows, including “The Doctors,” on St. Louis and Chicago television stations; sports shows, including on ESPN and Fox Sports; numerous publications, including National Enquirer; and, many websites. She also has made appearances in multiple countries. Her Facebook videos have gone viral (more than 16 million views for one “Now This” post) and in March/ April of 2016 Webb appeared on a trending list. Her videos have appeared in multiple countries as well. Reach Jill Moon at 618208-6448 and Twitter @ jill_moon.

Jill Moon|Active Lifestyles

ABOVE: Webb’s medals from Illinois State Champion in M5A(80-84)/84plus kg division, Illinois State April 2018 Lebanon, Illinois for deadlifting 253.6 pounds, and National Champion in M5(80-89)/84-plus kg division, Nationals October 2017 Orlando, Florida. BELOW: Four of many of Webb’s medals for powerlifting.

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Active Lifestyles June 2020 3

als earlier this month at International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) RAW World Championship, in Calgary, Canada, competing with more people than ever before, since it included all individuals age 70 and older in one group. In state and national weightlifting competitions she has competed against individuals within five to 10 years of her own age. “In ‘worlds,’ they don’t separate 70s and 80s. I was competing against those in their seventies, and if I’m 100 I’ll still be competing with people age 70-plus,” explained Webb, 82, who will celebrate her next birthday Aug. 12. Webb, who started weightlifting four years ago, usually has her personal trainer, John Wright, with her during competitions, but at the world competition trainers were forbidden from joining their student in the warm-up room. Webb is a member of Leisure World Health Club in Bethalto; Wright is with Anytime Fitness and coaches hockey, both in St. Louis. “I’m used to him being in the warm-up room,” Webb noted. In 2017, she qualified for world competition in Minsk, Belarus, a country in Eastern Europe, but due to unrest in nearby countries, she declined to attend the world competition. Thus, she finally was able to attend in 2018, accompanied by her family, including her husband, Dick, of 62 years. Webb enjoys relaxing since she works out three to four times a week. She’s taken the weightlifting world by storm (and has no plans to retire from the sport any time soon), not only because of her age, but also because of her innate ability and strength. “It’s just crazy for an 82 year old, but exercising really helps me. Age doesn’t matter,” she said.

Breathe Easier

with Fibromyalgia fix Breathe Easier Breathe Easier with

still in the works


Dear Dietitian, I recently was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. There is a lot of information on the internet about diet to help with this. Some websites say one thing, others say another. It’s very confusing, and I need your help. Thank you, Joyce

two ways. Extra weight means more work for your muscles and can damage your joints over time. It follows that shedding those unwanted pounds will make it easier on your body. Fat cells also produce inflammatory molecules, which may contribute to pain. When fat cells MedResources the ofpremier MedResources is the premier is provider home oxygen are eliminated, pain is diminished. Similarly, the mostly raw and sleep therapy equipment including CPAPs and and BiPAPs. provider of home oxygen vegetarian diet is believed Dear Joyce, to improve symptoms by sleep therapy equipment including While the internet has Our Clinical Respiratory Program includes: decreasing inflammation. brought a world of informaand BiPAP’s. ● State-of-the-Art Sleep Center Many patients who suffer with CPAP’s tion to our fingertips, nutrifrom FM also have intestinal on-site for fittings, assessments with tion information must be problems, such as nausea, and education for all oxygen and for its authenticity. vomiting and abdominal Our Clinical Respiratory Program includes: evaluated CPAP/BiPAP patients. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disor- McCrate pain. The low FODMAP diet der characterized by chronic Center ●State-of-the-Art State-of-the-Art Sleep Center may ease FM symptoms by ●●Top ofState-of-the-Art the line equipmentSleep with an Center widespread pain, sleep probimproving the environment of the on-site for fittings, assessments and for fittings, assessments excellent selection of accessories lems, fatigue, and problems with on-site for fittings, assessments intestines, also referred to as the gut with and supplies. education for all oxygen and memory and thinking (“fibro fog”). andeducation educationforforallalloxygen oxygenand and microbiota. and According to the U.S. Centers for CPAP/BiPAP patients. CPAP/BiPAP patients. As for supplements, there is ● Enhanced outcomes through a Disease Control and Prevention, FM Jin Yi, RRT CPAP/BiPAP patients. some evidence that vitamin D or personalized approach to your care. Respiratory Therapist affects around four million Amermagnesium deficiency is common in Premium with an ● Top of theequipment line equipment with an icans. What causes FM is not well those who suffer from FM. You may ● Top of the line equipment with an Please callselection us todayof toaccessories learn more. excellent excellent selection of accessories understood, and there is no cure. ask your doctor to test your blood ================================================= It is important to note that, while and supplies. excellent selection of accessories supplies. levels to see if you need a supplenutrition therapy is a hot topic in 1688 Clarkson Rd. 2350 State Street ment. Supplementation with these and supplies. research, not all diseases are treatcare and Chesterfield, observation ● Personalized Enhanced through a MO 63017 able with nutrition. For example, nutrients is helpful only if there is a Alton, IL 62002 outcomes Jin Yi, RRT deficiency. from our on-staff Certified espiratory 618-466-5632 personalized approach to636-530-4500 your care. Respiratory treatment for Therapist diabetes and heart ● Enhanced outcomes through a Other natural remedies have been disease includes Fax: 618-466-4642 Fax: 636-530-4577 Therapist, Yi, RRT Jin Yi, RRT nutrition therapy. iratoryOur Program includes: MedResources is theJin premier provider of home oxygen studied to see if they have a benefit Clinical Respiratory Program includes: However, there is no dietary interpersonalized approach your care. Respiratory Therapist Please call ustoCPAPs today to learn more. for FM patients. These remedies and sleep therapy equipment including and BiPAPs. vention for the prevention or treatt Sleep● Center State-of-the-Art Sleep Center ================================================= ment of Parkinson’s disease. Wheth- include soy, Sam-e, and creatine. gs, assessments However, there is not enough evion-site for fittings, assessments Please call includes: us today to learn ermore. there will be evidence-based Our Clinical Respiratory Program dence to determine if these products 1688 Clarkson Rd. 2350 State Street for all oxygen and nutrition therapy for FM remains to and education forSleep all oxygen ● State-of-the-Art Center and are helpful. be seen. MO 63017 Chesterfield, Alton, IL assessments 62002 atients. CPAP/BiPAP patients. on-site for fittings, The development of well-designed Some claim that nutrition therstudies is needed to determine the 618-466-5632 and education for all oxygen and 1688636-530-4500 Clarkson Rd. 2350 State Street apies for fibromyalgia are promisequipment an line equipment effects of nutrition intervention in ● Topwith ofFax: the with an CPAP/BiPAP patients. ing, but more studies are needed 618-466-4642 Fax: 636-530-4577 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Alton, IL 62002 patients with FM. Not until then tion of accessories excellent selection of accessories before scientific conclusions can ● Top of the line equipment with an will we have a clear path on which to be made. Weight loss has been andexcellent supplies. move forward with nutrition theraselection of accessories shown to improve FM symptoms, py. Consult your doctor if you think and supplies. as have special diets including low comes●through a outcomes through a Enhanced you may have fibromyalgia. Jin Yi, RRT Jin Yi, RRT FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, ●to your Enhanced outcomes through a Until next time, be healthy! approach to your care. approach personalized care. mono- saccharides and polyols) Respiratory Therapist Respiratory Jin Yi, RRT Therapist Dear Dietitian personalized approach to your care. Respiratory Therapist and a mostly raw vegetarian diet. Improvements in pain levels, quality Leanne McCrate, RDN, LD, Please call us today todaytoto learn more. call us today to learn Please call usmore. learn more. of sleep, anxiety and depression, and CNSC, aka Dear Dietitian, is an ================================================= ==================================== ================================================= inflammatory labs were noted. If you award-winning dietitian based in Missouri. Her mission is to educate 1688 Clarkson Rd. 2350 State Street 1688Olive Clarkson Rd.200 choose a low FODMAP or mostly 2350 Street 1688 Clarkson Rd. eet 2350State State Street 15454 Blvd., Ste. raw vegetarian diet, it would be wise consumers on sound, science-based Alton, 62002 Chesterfield, MO Chesterfield, MO63017 63017 Alton, 62002 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Alton, IL ILIL62002 to consult with a registered dietitian nutrition. Do you have a nutrition Chesterfield, MO 63017 02 618-466-5632 636-530-4500 618-466-5632 636-530-4500 question? Email her today at deardi618-466-5632 636-530-4500 nutritionist, who will provide diet 2 Fax: 618-466-4642 636-530-4500 Fax: 636-530-4577 education to ensure that all of your Dear DietiFax: 618-466-4642 Fax: 636-530-4577 tian does not endorse any products, 642 Fax: 618-466-4642 Fax: 636-530-4577Fax: 636-530-4577nutrient needs are met. A weight-loss diet may help in health programs, or diet plans.

MedResources is the premier provider of home oxygen reathe Easier MedResources is the premier provider of home oxygen Breathe Easier and sleep therapy equipment including and sleep therapy equipment includingCPAPs CPAPsand andBiPAPs. BiPAPs. Our Clinical Respiratory Program includes:

Breathe Easier

s the premier provider of home oxygen MedResources is the premier provider of home oxygen y equipment including CPAPs and BiPAPs.CPAPs and BiPAPs. and sleep therapy equipment including


4 June 2020

Active Lifestyles

618-466-5632 636-530-4500 Fax: 618-466-4642 Fax: 636-530-4577



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Active Lifestyles June 2020 5


AMH going robotic with certain surgeries Alton Memorial Hospital Special to Active Lifestyles

6 June 2020

Active Lifestyles

ALTON — Alton Memorial Hospital (AMH) is taking a significant leap ahead with the addition of the da Vinci X surgical system. Dr. Christopher Aldridge and Dr. Matthew Musielak, general surgeons with Alton Surgery, as well as urologist Dr. Arjun Sivaraman, of Washington University Physicians in Illinois Inc., have been performing robotic surgeries at AMH since the end of January. Most elective surgeries were put on hold in late March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but activities are starting to pick up again. “The arrival of the da Vinci surgical system at AMH means that access to minimally invasive procedures will be increased,” Dr. Aldridge said. “The technology allows operations, that once required a large incision, to be done using smaller ports, similar to conventional laparoscopy. The robot translates the surgeon’s movements through a variety of wristed instruments with greatly improved binocular visualization.

“Specifically, we previously had to take patients to St. Louis for some procedures, which can now be done at AMH.” For the patient, the main advantages are a decrease in post-operative pain, less bleeding and a quicker recovery time. The surgeries done so far have mostly been hernias, for the general surgeons, and removals of kidneys for Dr. Sivaraman, with a prostatectomy also on his schedule in the near future. “The surgeon is at a console in the operating room,” said AMH’s Cathy Wagner, Surgical Services manager. “There is a patient cart and a video tower, where the rest of the surgery team can see what the surgeon is doing and assist. It’s much less invasive for the patient, which helps decrease pain after the procedure and quickens recovery time.” By enabling efficient access throughout the abdomen or chest, the da Vinci X system, a product of Intuitive, expands upon core da Vinci Surgery features, including wristed instruments, intuitive motion and an ergonomic design. The surgeon is 100% in control of the system, which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside a patient’s body.

For Active Lifestyles

Dr. Chris Aldridge of Alton Surgery works the controls of the da Vinci X surgical system in an Alton Memorial Hospital (AMH) operating room.

The surgeons will determine which procedures are best suited for the robotic system. For more information, call Alton Surgery at 618-462-3191, or Dr. Sivaraman’s office at 618-463-7174. Alton Surgery is located in suite 230 of Medical Office Building B on the AMH campus, while Dr. Sivaraman’s office is in suite 205 of AMH Medical Office Building A.

Online exercise sessions’ pros, cons: How Things have changed in the fitness industry By Dustin Heiser B.A., CPT, FNS Wellness Coordinator SSP Wellness For Active Lifestyles

have also been forced to flex their creative muscles exercising using home furniture as fitness equipment or even canned goods. If you are commissioning an online trainer for guidance they are limited with what they can actually see and monitor by what fits in the camera shot, and obviously wont be available to spot you or potentially catch you should you lose your balance. Essentially both parties, trainer and trainee, must be competent with the required technologies and platforms to participate in web based workout ses-

sions. With all things considered find what works for you as an individual, knowing that the best exercises are indeed the ones you do. Stay safe and well pursuing all your fitness goals for a healthier life. Senior Services Plus is located at 2603 N. Rodgers Ave., in Alton, which is open to answer telephone calls at 618-465-3298. SSP’s School House Grill offers curbside services but the SSP Wellness Center is closed to the public due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

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Active Lifestyles June 2020 7

Online Exercise Sessions Have Pros and Cons: How Things Have Changed in the Fitness Industry in Order to Adhere to Social Distancing. With the relatively sudden closures of fitness centers, and gyms both nationally and worldwide, the sudden halt of revenue led many in the fitness industry to adapt quickly to an online format. Tens of thousands of people worldwide who used to meet in person for fitness training or group exercise, were forced to adjust their routine and meet online instead. This quick shift away from in-person meetings, perhaps only for the time being, was made possible by web based programs allowing people to see and hear one another on phones, devices, laptops, and computers. The pros of web based fitness content became very apparent during these times of social isolation. The reason for the sudden boom of online content came about due to the fact that no virus could be spread from person to person if you are not physically present with anyone else. Workouts in isolation certainly are beneficial in preventing the spread of viruses, but what other benefits are there? More pros of web-based fitness With fitness content online you can essentially take your workout

environment anywhere you have web access or your cellphone. This can include working out from the comfort of your own home, this a relief for some people who fell uncomfortable in certain social instances, especially while exercising. Another pro can include, working out on your own schedule and pace. For example, instead of meeting twice a week at a certain time of day you have more flexibility to pick the days and the times you exercise. Also, if your working out alongside a trainer in a prerecorded video and you need a break, you could just press ‘pause’, freezing that high energy instructor in their place. This online experience can serve as a place for social interaction and encouragement. Potential draw backs of online workouts With in home workouts becoming apart of most everyone’s new normal, equipment has become a hot topic in the fitness industry. Online sales have boomed as a result and many people have gotten creative with their limited options of exercise equipment. This is due to either a lack of resources or space available to store or use equipment. Most people obviously don’t have the available space for all of the equipment that commercial gyms put in to their facilities. Equipment such as light free weights or light weight and portable elastic bands have been utilized like never before. People

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