“ Heart & Stroke research changed my life. That’s why I give back. ”
Caroline Lavallée Donor, volunteer, heart disease survivor
The power of determination Report to Donors 2017
Creating change one step at a time Advances in heart disease and stroke are like the journey of a thousand miles in the Chinese proverb. They begin with a single step. What the proverb doesn’t mention are the countless steps that follow: The long days in the lab; the consultations with policy makers and healthcare leaders; the drive to integrate new discoveries at clinics and bedsides; the tireless teamwork from volunteers. Your support is what keeps these journeys going, step after step. In this report you’ll read about some of our biggest successes in 2017: A public health advance that will save lives, heart research that pays more dividends with each generation, and a discovery that opens up a new focus for preventing stroke. Significant as these developments are, they are just milestones along the way to even greater understanding of these devastating diseases, new ways to prevent and treat them, and more moments saved for more families. Amid these high points of the past year, Heart & Stroke faced challenges in our progress toward the goals we set ourselves to reach by 2020: 1. To improve health by decreasing risk factors for heart disease and stroke by 10%. 2. To reduce the death rate from heart disease and stroke by 25%. The first goal is based on an index of six key health factors, including adequate physical activity, healthy weight and normal blood pressure. Improvements in some of these health measures were offset by declines in others, resulting in a flat outcome for the overall composite goal. On the second goal, there has been significant reduction in the death rate from heart disease and stroke, although not as much as we have targeted. These complex goals represent our highest aspirations, and we know that changing population-level health systems requires sustained focus. The need to keep pushing forward is more urgent than ever – with determination, patience and courage. Please keep walking with us on this critical journey.
Andrew Cockwell
Yves Savoie
Chair, Board of Directors Heart & Stroke
Chief Executive Officer, Canada Heart & Stroke
Cover: Read more about donor and volunteer Caroline Lavallée on page 17.
Table of contents Living proof
Keeping mothers safe
Nourishing the future
Our supporters
8 10
Persistence. Resolve. Determination. Meet a few of the people who moved us forward in 2017.
Researcher Dr. Jeff Reading, the BC First Nations Health Authority Chair in Heart Health and Wellness, is engaging Indigenous people in critical heart health research. Learn more
Stroke survivor Chuck Ley (front, right), gets a helping hand from his family crossing the finish line at Ride for Heart.
Volunteer Sandra Thornton is tapping her experience with heart disease to co-lead one of six new councils helping us identify the most important questions about heart disease and stroke. Learn more
Volunteer and heart attack survivor Praveen Varshney (far left) has become a crusader for healthy physical activity. Learn more
Thank you for saving moments, funding breakthroughs and saving lives in 2017. 3
Congenital heart disease Photo credit: Tyler Irving/U of T Engineering
Living proof
Research saved Bailey’s life; now she’s helping work toward a cure 4
Congenital heart disease
Bailey Bernknopf is researching why aortic valve disease affects men and women differently. She’s working towards her master’s degree in biomedical engineering at the University of Toronto under the direction of Dr. Craig Simmons, whose research is funded by Heart & Stroke donors. Bailey’s passion for this research comes from an exceptionally personal place. She was born with four congenital heart defects, which weren’t discovered until she was five months old. She is the face of a grim statistic – the one in 100 babies born with a congenital heart defect (CHD).
Dr. Seema Mital is part of that future too. As the Heart & Stroke/Robert M. Freedom Chair in Cardiovascular Science at Toronto’s SickKids Hospital, Dr. Mital is investigating the genetic causes of CHD. The goal, she says, is to “prevent CHD and to develop treatments that are targeted to the unique genetic makeup of each child in a way that may someday help us cure disease.”
When Heart & Stroke was founded in the 1950s, fewer than 20% of babies born with complex heart defects made it to adulthood. Today that number is 90%. Advances in surgery, cardiac imaging, medical therapies and genetics — many made possible by donors like you — have given a lot of hope to families like Bailey’s. Bailey had her first heart surgery at 5½ months to repair a severe narrowing of the aorta. As she grew, Bailey recalls, “I would be in a dance or gym class and have to sit out on the side. I’d get red and out of breath really quickly and not have any energy.” At 14 she faced more surgery, a complicated aortic patch repair that took a grueling 13 hours, after which the doctors were not sure she would survive. Now an active young adult and Heart & Stroke Ambassador, Bailey has dedicated her life to heart research. And she’s working toward a future of even more progress against heart conditions like hers.
My whole life revolves around hearts.
Dr. Seema Mital
Meanwhile, Bailey’s own research has the potential to reduce tissue scarring from aortic valve disease — a condition she could one day develop because of her own CHD. “I became an advocate for heart disease research about a year after my second surgery,” Bailey says. “My whole life revolves around hearts.” This could be our mantra at Heart & Stroke too.
Bailey Bernknopf
More congenital heart disease breakthroughs supported by donors 1964
Dr. William Mustard develops a surgical procedure to correct “blue baby syndrome,” a previously lethal heart defect.
The world’s first in-utero surgery to correct congenital heart defects is performed in Canada.
Healthy eating Photo: Scott McAlpine
Nourishing the future How your support helped transform our food supply 6
Healthy eating
Time’s up for trans fats. In 2017, the federal government committed to ban industrial trans fats from all food sold in Canada. It’s a public health advance that will reduce heart attacks and save lives. And it wouldn’t have happened without Heart & Stroke donors. The first time Heart & Stroke urged legislators to effectively ban trans fats was 2006. That was the recommendation of the Trans Fats Task Force, co-chaired by nutrition scientist Dr. Mary L’Abbé on behalf of the foundation.
“We were making progress but it was still a voluntary process,” Dr. L’Abbé notes. While some manufacturers got rid of trans fats, others increased their use. And levels remained high in foods often consumed by children. Then in 2009, when the government quietly stopped its monitoring, Heart & Stroke turned up the pressure — commissioning public opinion polling, developing statements, writing letters, placing ads, meeting with government officials and raising public awareness through the media. “It’s been a long journey but we eventually got there,” says Dr. L’Abbé of the 2017 ban. “I think Canada can be proud of that. We’re now seen as leaders on trans fats.”
We’re now seen as leaders on trans fats. Dr. Mary L’Abbé
Dr. Mary L’Abbé
Evidence was mounting that these partially hydrogenated oils — which began to proliferate in the 1970s to give foods a longer shelf life — were taking a deadly toll. They lower good cholesterol (HDL) and raise bad cholesterol (LDL). Even in small amounts they increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
Now Heart & Stroke is working closely with the federal government on the next phases of its Healthy Eating Strategy. Goals include updates to the Food Guide, restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children 12 and under, and a front-of-pack labelling system to help consumers avoid foods high in sugar, saturated fat or salt. With your support, Heart & Stroke will continue to promote healthier environments and help people make healthier choices.
But the ban did not happen in 2006. Instead, the food industry was given two years to voluntarily remove trans fats from its products. Health Canada also started monitoring trans fats levels in foods.
More healthy living advances supported by Heart & Stroke donors 2004
The INTERHEART study discovers the existence of nine modifiable risk factors that account for over 90% of heart attacks worldwide.
Heart & Stroke becomes the first Canadian organization to recommend limiting intake of added sugar to 10% of daily calories.
Stroke and pregnancy
Keeping mothers safe New insights on stroke risk are making birth better for mothers like Eva
Stroke and pregnancy
Eva Apatsidou Maragkakis wants every expectant mother to understand stroke. “They should know about the signs of stroke, and so should the people around them.” They need to be aware that their risk of stroke is three times higher than that of non-pregnant women of the same age, Eva says. This finding was revealed in a 2017 study, co-funded by Heart & Stroke donors and led by Dr. Richard Swartz.
Their findings are already making an impact. Heart & Stroke is leading the way by integrating the research findings into the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations, providing the most current evidence-based and expert guidance to healthcare providers on preventing and treating stroke in women before, during, and right after pregnancy.
Pregnant women are at an increased risk of stroke. Dr. Richard Swartz
Dr. Richard Swartz
Dr. Swartz is the stroke neurologist who has looked after Eva since her own stroke, six years ago. In the first days after giving birth to her son, Yiannis, Eva could not shake a persistent headache and she was exhausted. She thought she was experiencing post-partum fatigue. But when her vision went white and her arm was so weak she was afraid she might drop the baby, her husband took her to emergency. Tests showed she had a stroke. For their study, Dr. Swartz and his research team reviewed international studies done since 1990, analyzing their results to determine that 30 out of every 100,000 women experience a stroke during pregnancy, with the highest risk just before or following birth. He stresses that this risk is still very low.
Now more research is needed to better understand the link between pregnancy and stroke, to identify women at higher risk and potentially prevent strokes before they occur. Eva has made a good recovery and is working full-time as an architect. She still experiences post-stroke fatigue but has no paralysis. She and her husband are thrilled to be raising a healthy son. But they decided not to risk a second pregnancy. That’s a choice she hopes other women won’t have to make, thanks to this Heart & Stroke research.
More stroke breakthroughs supported by Heart & Stroke donors 1999
The clot-busting drug alteplase (tPA) is used to treat ischemic stroke — one of the biggest life-saving breakthroughs.
The ESCAPE trial shows treating major strokes by removing clots through blood vessels cuts deaths by 50% and significantly reduces disability.
Our Oursupporters supporters
2017 Caring Hearts Circle Lifetime Members These dedicated individuals and organizations have donated $25,000 or more cumulatively as of December 31, 2017.
$1 Million+
The Winnipeg Foundation
The Paul Albrechtsen Foundation Fund All Charities Campaign ATCO EPIC Lilibeth Caberto in honour of Filipino friends Campagne d’Entraide, Gouvernement du Québec Goldcorp Inc. HealthPartners Ernest and Lillian Hiller Colleen and Brian Johnston The Kolstad Fund at the Calgary Foundation Joannah and Brian Lawson Manitoba Hydro Employees Charitable Donations Ontario Public Service Federated Health Charities Campaign Provincial Employees Community Services Fund Irfhan Rawji RBC Sauder Industries Limited Sobeys Inc. - Safeway Operations
and one Anonymous donor
$500,000 - $999,999 Canadian National Railway Employee Fund Mrs. Elizabeth Ellenor Cunningham Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Irene Elias Memorial Fund Federated Insurance George H. McKeag Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Lydia Dorothea Minaty Memorial Fund Gertrude and LeRoy Rellinger James T. Russell Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Scotiabank Employees of Sears Sobeys Inc. - Safeway Employee Payroll Donation Campaign Employees of TELUS J.R. Kingsley Ward
$250,000 - $499,999 3 D Petroleums Aventis Incorporated A. Janet Bell Bell Employee Giving Program Wilma Edith Blocher Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Boston Pizza Foundation Fund John and Judy Bragg Cenovus Employee Foundation Amar and Natallie Doman Beth Louise Edwards Samuel H. Gilfix Endowment Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation In memory of Chick Gurvitz Husky Energy Employees of Husky Energy Le Groupe Jean Coutu (P.J.C.) Inc. Donald and Marjorie Lenz Lewis MacDonald Endowment Fund at the Vancouver Foundation Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. Employee Charity Trust Maritime Electric Company Ltd. Frank and Yvonne McCracken Foundation Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation The Mizuno Family Rolly Montgomery North Growth Foundation Petrocom Construction Ltd. Fred Randle RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust Margaret Rothweiler Charitable Foundation Royal Bank of Canada Financial Group Employees Sanofi Award in Cardiology John Wesley Smyth Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation TELUS
Trades NL: Building Trades of Newfoundland and Labrador University of Manitoba - Employee Group Fund Willson International Ltd. and six Anonymous donors
$100,000 - $249,999 Employees of Air Canada Gundy’s Fund in memory of Gundega (Gundy) Ansklavins AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Lloyd and Marie Barbara The BC Hydro Employees’ Community Service (HYDRECS) Fund BMO Financial Group Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd. R.A.N. Bonnycastle Fund Christina Hay Bowie, Charlotte Avis Bowie, Ann Wilson Gibson Memorial Fund Bristol Aerospace Limited Employee Fund Province of British Columbia Midori Osumi Brown R. Diane Campbell Canadian Pacific Railway Employee Giving Canadiana Developments Ltd. Cargill Employee Voluntary Charities Fund Cargill Limited Wayne Chew in memory of Susan Chew Robert L. Conconi Foundation Judy Cosco Cox Family of Brownlee, SK The John and Myrna Daniels Charitable Foundation Fondation J.A. de Sève Mr. Daljit S. and the late Mrs. Pritam K. Dhillon and Family Edwards Charitable Foundation Andrew Faas Fraternal Order of Eagles Gaetano and Guiseppina Gagliano and family
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Our Oursupporters supporters
The Gazette Employee Charity Trust Great-West Life Assurance Company John Grot Memorial Fund H.Y. Louie Company Limited Elizabeth Hamilton Elmer and Penny Harbridge Fund at the Calgary Foundation Healthy Heart Society of British Columbia Florence and Hedley Hipwell Fund Investors Group J.E. Love & Sons Ltd. Kathryn Kennedy Hank and Janice Ketcham Brent and Tilly Komarnicki KPMG Foundation Lagniappe Foundation The Lawrason Foundation Robert W. Luba Manitoba Telecom Services Manulife Financial Employees of Marsh Canada David and Jenny McDermid Medavie Blue Cross Methanex Corporation Mike Vail Trucking Ltd. The Mosaic Company
Connie and Stanley (Bus) Muton Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Employees of Ontario Power Generation Ontario Trillium Foundation Jack and Lois Shirley O’Regan Charitable Foundation Mary O’Regan Burke Perry The Catherine & Edward Ransom Family Trust Traude Robertson in memory of Keith E. Robertson The Edward W. and Dorothy Rogers Fund at the Vancouver Foundation Richard E. Rooney Lewis J. and Pearl C. Roth Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Seacliff Foundation Shaw Communications Inc. Darryl Smith Ray Smith St-Boniface General Hospital Employee Charitable Fund Sun Life Financial Suncor Energy Foundation Sutherland Foundation Incorporated In memory of Ken Swain
TD Bank Group Base de Valcartier Vancouver Foundation Luc and Pam Vanneste The Victoria Foundation Vincor Canada Reginald Walton in memory of Denise Walton The Douglas Ian Watson Research Award The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Lissi Westergaard in memory of Ernie Westergaard Arlene Wilson The Joe Wo Joint Spousal Trust Alice Zajac and 15 Anonymous donors
$50,000 - $99,999 A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. and Associated Companies Alberta Blue Cross Frank Anderson, FCPA, FCA John Andrews Foundation Samuel and Essie Badham Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation
Donor Spotlight
Diane Campbell Innovations in cardiovascular medicine saved the life of Diane Campbell’s grandson, Logan. He was born with a hole in his heart and needed surgery at age three. Now, Logan is a nine-year-old soccer star. “He’s a great little guy,” she says. Meanwhile, Diane’s father-in-law had a heart attack one day while playing ping pong and died on the spot. He was only 56. “Everybody knows someone who’s had a heart attack or stroke,” Diane says. So this 74-year-old Halifax entrepreneur — CEO of the Berkeley Retirement Residences — gives back by volunteering on Heart & Stroke’s provincial board in Nova Scotia. And she likes to focus her donations on local research that might make a life-and-death difference. Her recent $150,000 gift to Heart & Stroke is funding cutting-edge work by Dr. Gail Eskes at Dalhousie University, on cognitive assessment and rehabilitation after strokes. “They have tremendous research taking place at Dal; it’s a very collaborative place,” says Diane. She thinks Heart & Stroke’s partnership with the university is an innovative move that will lead to life-saving breakthroughs. “That’s going to change the game for sure. This is the way to success.”
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Dr. Penny Ballem Michael Barrack and Andrea Cohen Barrack Bob and Francine Barrett Bayer Inc. Becel Canada Howard Bernick in memory of my uncle Irwin Bernick Claude Blanchette-Ebert Lori Bonnett The Brandt Group of Companies Bob and Brenda Brooks R. Denys Calvin Bruce and Lesley Campbell D. and J. Campbell Jo Campbell Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Employee Fund The Canadian Wheat Board The Canadian Wheat Board Employee Fund Fondation Jacques-de Champlain Dr. Chi-Ming Chow Andrew and Susan Cockwell Catherine Cooper Jim and Sandy Courtney Credit Union Central of Manitoba
Sir Thomas Cropo Foundation Inc. Crosstown Civic Credit Union Ltd. Dairy Farmers of Canada Davis LLP Leonard H. Davis The Delaney Family Foundation Tom and Julia Della Maestra Desjardins Financial Security Frederick and Douglas Dickson Memorial Foundation Don Wheaton Ltd. Regis and Joan Duffy Robert J. Duke The Dunin Foundation Edmonton Community Foundation Emera Inc. John Feld and Phyllis Yaffe Jean Ferguson Fortis BC Energy Brenda Fraser G.A. Paper International Inc. Stephen Gilpin Dr. Anthony and Shannon Graham Grosvenor Americas Peter and Catherine Gudewill Fred Hanson
Brian Hastings Health Sciences Centre Employees Charitable Fund Dr. Robert A. Hegele Hicks Memorial Fund at the Calgary Foundation Hoechst Marion Roussel Rudolph and Sylvia Hoenson Shirley Hopcott Houston Construction Ltd. Ted and Enid Jansen Fund at the Calgary Foundation Jarrod Oils Ltd. John Deere Limited Johnson & Johnson Inc. Signe Jurcic The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Foundation Rebecca Knapp Michael Korenberg in memory of Barbara Lewis Art and Deborah Korpach Jonathan and Marifel Lansky Allen Large in memory of Violet Large Laura Lenz and Bradley Hicks Lewis Family Fund at the NWM Private Giving Foundation Dr. Peter Liu and Dr. Elaine Wang
Donor Spotlight
Fred Randle Fred Randle was in his late 70s when doctors told him he needed open heart surgery. The newly widowed rancher, who lives in High River, just outside Calgary, then had to wait nearly six months to get his mitral valve repaired. “When I was sitting around, I read up as much as I could on heart disease,” recalls Fred, now 84. “Being a farmer, I understand that if something’s broke, I have to fix it.” Fred’s family has been doing mixed farming on this ranch since 1904. He worked the land himself until his 70s, when shortness of breath — and a diagnosed heart murmur — led him to retire. The surgery went well and Fred remains in good health. He has become a regular donor to Heart & Stroke and a member of our Caring Hearts Circle. He’s pledged $300,000 to support research at the University of Calgary and has arranged a planned gift in his Will. As he has learned more through Heart & Stroke events such as lab tours with Heart & Stroke researchers based at the University of Calgary, Fred has become a champion for a better informed public. “I want other people to know what heart disease is all about,” he says. “Early detection is the stumbling block.”
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Loblaw Companies Ltd. The Walker Lynch Foundation In memory of Alex MacTavish In memory of Brenda Ann Marshall Peter and Judith McCawley John R. and Ethel McCowan Elizabeth J. McEwan McInnes Cooper Rod and Jean McKay Patricia McManus Daniel and Cindy McPhee Merck Canada Ltd. Robert John Mineary Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Dr. Gordon Moe in memory of Dr. Woon Jan Au Moe In honour of Paul Morse Mr. Lube Foundation Kevin and Patricia Neveu Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. Harry Oakes Oasis Foundation Ken Odell Peter O’Sullivan The J.E. Panneton Family Foundation The Paterson Foundation PEI Liquor Control Commission James Peart in memory of Kathleen E. Peart Brian Penny and Wendy Alexander-Penny Christina and Edward Pest in memory of Henry Best Pirie Foundation Percival and Evelyn Pocklington Fund Pollard Family Fund The Jim and Laverne Popowich Foundation Aureen Richardson Al Roadburg Foundation Rogers Communications Inc. Harry and Margaret Rosenfeld In memory of W.D. Ross Louise Rousselle Trottier SAQ Michael S. Schurman Family Foundation Scott Family Fund David and Patricia Sculthorpe The Sensible Shoes Foundation Fund Shoppers Drug Mart Cynthia Smythe Frank and Irene Sobey Memorial Trust Order Sons of Italy, Garibaldi Lodge Incorporated Fund Sharon Spencer
Stephen Spitzer Standard Life Charles and Ret Swire Teck Resources Limited Fonds d’employés de Télébec The Brian and Susan Thomas Foundation Total Eye Care Center Fund TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. Transworld Management Ltd. Clay and Linda Ullrich Vale Veron Consultants Inc. Fund Walmart Canada Winners Merchants International L.P. City of Winnipeg Employees Mary Grace Wishart Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Greg and Linda Wolfond Allen and Karen Wong WorkSafeBC Helping Hands ZLC Wealth Inc. and 26 Anonymous donors
$25,000 - $49,999 Acier Wirth Steel Emma J. and William Adams Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Renée Addison Agrium Inc. Airlie Foundation AJG Enterprises Inc. Edvard and Mary-Louise Anderson Arbitrust AG ARC Resources Ltd. The Charles Norcliffe Baker & Thelma Scott Baker Foundation Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of Montreal Fountain of Hope Brock Barker BDO Canada LLP Dr. Rob S. Beanlands and Dr. Geneviève Moineau Alexander P. Beaton Dr. Guy M. Beaudin Max Bell Foundation BHP Billiton The Birks Family Foundation Bison Transport Inc. Blue Cross Color of Caring Fund Bockstael Construction Ltd. Trust Fund Katharine Boodt In recognition of the Borealis Infrastructure Team
Francis Bowers Brandon Clinic Medical Corporation The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation Doug Brewer André Brodeur The John Brouwer Foundation Dr. Charles and Margaret Brown Foundation M. Isabelle Butters Donald and Francoise Byrne Cadillac Fairview - Richmond Centre Mary Cameron Linda C. Campbell Lloyd and Elsie Campbell Foundation Fund Canadian First-Aid Training Ltd. Cando Rail Services Bruce D. Cappel Castor and District Community Chest CBRE Limited The Cedar Club Central Okanagan Foundation Laurine Cheer in loving memory of Norman Cheer Chevron Canada Limited CI Financial Corp. Gordon Clark Shelley and Donald Clow Coast Hotels & Resorts J. Brian Colburn Coleco Incorporated Computer Modelling Group Context Research Limited Conviron Coril Holdings Ltd. Countryview Golf Club Randolph Cousins Barry and Sandi Cracower Credit Union Central of Manitoba Employees Crescent Point Energy Joyce Crysler Brian and Felicity Curin Donald K. Currie Mary Beth Currie Deans Knight Capital Management Limited Deloitte John DeLucchi Zenith Denchak Memorial Fund Derksen Plumbing & Heating (1984) Ltd. Janie Doe
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Gary and Anne Dundas Dr. Alfred Duranceau Edith Dyck Janet and Owen Edmondson EECOL Electric Corp. The Egan Family Foundation Kim and Rick Elliott Emergency Medical Care Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Canada Limited Faithful Friends Foundation Farm House Furniture Paul Faynwachs Barbara G. Fitzpatrick Barbara Y.R. Ford in memory of James Clarence Ford Fred and Elizabeth Fountain John and Shirley Fox Foundation Maggie Fox in memory of Myrna Shreve Friends For Development Harvey and Leah Fruitman FGL Sports Ltd. David Galloway and Jan Venus Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited General Mills Canada Inc. Gibson Energy ULC George Gilbert and Heather Laurie Cliff and Pat Glen Fund Ori Goldman The Gray Family The Grayross Foundation Marian and Edward Grimwood Sam and Patti Gudewill Margot Hamilton Su and Bill Harbottle Carol Harvey Donna Hastings Jan and Bill Hatanaka Heathcliff Foundation In memory of Dr. Gérard R. Hébert Denise Herbert Len and Ethelwyn Hintz Judy and Tom Hofstedter B. Horn George Hrudie in memory of Lillian Hrudie HSBC Bank Canada Maggie Hsueh Employees of Hydro One IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Senator Olive L. and James C. Irvine Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Richard M. Ivey Jeffrey Jakobsen
Azim Jamal Joe and Liz Jarvis The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Johnson Group Fund Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Jones Trust Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Dr. David and Glenda Jones Leon A. Brown Limited Research Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation The Henry and Berenice Kaufmann Foundation Ruth Kelner Brian and Jill Kenning Audrey & Timothy Kenny KGHM International Ltd. Barbro Kimel Alan and Bernice Kirkpatrick Knelson Family Foundation Hanne-Lore and Dieter Knigge Andrew Krahn and Susan Kuhl-Krahn Kronier & Sparrow Limited Lita Kwari Jack Kwong Memorial Fund at the Calgary Foundation Dr. Eugene Lam Larco Investments Limited Ville de Laval Tamara L. Lawson The Lecky Foundation Leech Family Fund Marilyn Lew Eleanor Lewis Mary and Bruce Lewis Marian Lewis-Peel in memory of Clifford Peel Lind Family Fund Thelma Lindsay in memory of Harry and Mildred Jones Live To Play Sports Mr. and Mrs. Peter K.F. Lo Lohn Foundation Doreen Lougheed Jon and Nancy Love The Lowry Family Foundation Jerry and Lilli Luking Gerald and Eileen Macey Rina MacKay Betty Manning Allan Markin Martin Deerline The Masonic Foundation of Ontario Mattamy Homes Maxim Transportation Services Inc. Tom and Patti McAllister
John A. McCrudden McCullough Logging Robert and Debbie McFarland ME² In memory of Sheldon Meadows Domenic Mobilio Foundation Jennifer Molluso W.J. and A. Montgomery Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent Morris Industries Merry Myers Mark and Susan Neale R.J. Nelson Family Foundation New Gold Inc. Robert and Katherine Nicli North York Chrysler Verna Notman NuVista Energy Employee Matching Peter and Beth Oakes George Oliver Roy Olson Order of the Eastern Star Pacific Open Heart Association C. Gordon and Joan Packer Vetha Paine John M. and Bernice Parrott Foundation Peter B. Pearce Rheta May Pederson Memorial Trust Fund Nancy Hetherington Peirce and John Peirce Pendeshuk Family Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Zechariah & Doris Perlman Memorial Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Anne Marie Peterson Legacy Fund at the Calgary Foundation Sally Peterson and Bryan Pearson Rick and Karen Pettit Pfizer Canada Inc. Dr. Geoffrey Pickering Beverley J. Pinchin Fondation Famille C.A. Poissant Pratt & Whitney Canada Premier Printing Ltd. Fund PricewaterhouseCoopers Pro Locksmiths Ltd. Protech Foundation Robert J. Pyne Darrell and Chelsey Reid
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Iris Reilly Health Fund at the Calgary Foundation Sylvia Reilly-Smith Fund at the Calgary Foundation Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc. Floyd and Nancy Reynolds Fund at the Calgary Foundation Charlene Ripley and John Folnovic Andrew Rivkin Lloyd and Nancy Robertson Ross Robinson Fund Elaine Roper Anita K. Ross Fund Jonathan Ross Rocco and Rhonwyn Rossi William and Karen Rossum Sanofi Canada Saskatchewan Blue Cross Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) Edna M. Savage Herta and Otto Sawitzki / Vera and Max Morrison Andrew and Sophie Saxton Rebecca Schalm SCI Group Inc. Florence Scoppa Family Fund
Scott Builders Inc. Evelyn E. Scott Harvey Scrivener Memorial Fund Helen and Gerard Shearer Fund Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation Ernest I., Morris, David, Maier and Antzi Silverberg Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Hope and Jim Smith E. Phyllis Smith Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation Sofina Foods Inc. Sprott Foundation Patricia Stark Stewart Fund Stewart McKelvey Jim and Bernice Strachan Sun-Rype Products Ltd. Darrell and Laurie Szczerba Chris Tambakis and Rebecca Leigh Henk and Helen ter Keurs Terracon Development Ltd. The Thomson Corporation Dr. Sheldon Tobe Pauline Tremblay Dr. Jack Tu
UA Local Union 488 Bella Urie Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Saul Urie Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Velan Inc. Barbara Vengshoel In memory of Jack Wallace John and Josie Watson Dr. Philip S. Wells Brenda Welsh Henriette and Leonard White Endowment Fund W. Brett Wilson Winnipeg Free Press Employees Charity Alfred G. Wirth Bobbe Wood and Ian Pike Petra Wu Harrison L. Wynne Yaletown Mini Storage Limited YouAchieve Inc. John and Hedda Young ZCL Composites Inc. and 60 Anonymous donors
Donor Spotlight
Allen and Karen Wong “We’ve seen the impact of the disease,” says Allen Wong. He and his wife Karen (pictured centre, above, surrounded by their children and grandchildren) have lost several friends and family members to stroke, and seen others struggle with its complications. Donating at funerals first got the couple interested in the work of Heart & Stroke. Today Allen, 65, and Karen, 60, still put in hours on the thriving family vegetable farm in Burnaby, BC, which is now mostly run by their son, Chris. In semi-retirement, they’re also focused on spending quality time with their family and friends, fitness, travelling and supporting their community. After learning more about Heart & Stroke, they began giving regularly. They completed a gift of $30,000 and most recently pledged $50,000 at the 13th annual Heart of Gold Gala. They have been pleased to see Heart & Stroke leverage their gifts to motivate other donors to match the funds. “You always want efficiency with your money,” says Allen. Why do the Wongs keep giving? They support Heart & Stroke’s strong initiative, advocacy voice, connection to cutting-edge research and transparency. Says Allen: “Adrienne Bakker, the CEO in BC, and her team know how to direct money to where it’s most needed, and that’s really important.”
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Annual Members These generous donors gave $1,000 or more in 2017.
$10,000+ Brushfire North Inc. Color Compass Corporation Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited Lucille and Alan Memorial Fund at the Calgary Foundation Kim McGonigal Merit Travel Group Inc. Sri Lanka Friendship Association of Edmonton Murray and Lina Suey Wheaton Family Foundation Wing Construction Engineering and 13 Anonymous donors
$1,000 - $9,999 A.W.B. Charitable Foundation Gail and Raj Abbi Judy Abraham Accu-Thread Machining Ltd. Acier Bata Inc. Robert Adamson Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Affleck Greene McMurty LLP AINAF International Inc. Stephen and Sharon Akazawa Alberta Traffic Supply Ltd. Sally Aldred Pat and Grant Allen Almag Aluminum Inc. Stephen and Heshy Altbaum Frank Alves Carol Ambler Cathy Anderson Chad and Ellen Anderson Connie and David Anderson Rae Anderson In memory of Carol Ann Anglin Lynne Helen Arling Armco Capital Inc. Aries Airflo Heating & Air Conditioning Tim Arsenault Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. Associazone Trevisani Nel Mondo (Edmonton) ATB Financial Athabasca Oil Corporation Thomas Atkins
Louis Auger Avail CPA AWI Anthratech Western Inc. Bill and Debbie Aziz Rajesh and Kin Babber Gary and Christy Babcock Greg Bagshaw Robert Baird Adrienne and Gary Bakker Fred Ball Kendall Barber Poppy Barley Peter Barr Dawn Bartusek Bazil Developments Inc. BC Instruments Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beamish Alexander Beaton Germain Bégin In memory of Hans Beretta Rick and Rita Bernard Jenny Bersinic Anne Bérubé Nicole Beulieu Ruth Birchall Scott Birchall J. Richard Bird Susan and Fred Birnbaum Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Blakey Family Roger and Debbie Bloom Blue Ridge Mountain Country Society Boardwalk Rental Communities Bobby Zorica Bogdanovic Andrew Boland and Lynn Elston Mario and Cathy Bottero Gray A. Braden Jamie Bras Murray J. Brasseur Dean Brayer Patrick and Tracy Brennan Deanne Brews Bridge City Chrysler Lethbridge Broadridge Financial Solutions (Canada) Inc. Danielle Brown Gail and Gary Brown
Marilyn and Mark Brown Family Fund at the Calgary Foundation Brownlee LLP Cathy Buchanan Bula Enterprises Ltd. Burstall Winger Zammit LLP Butler Family Foundation Keith and Gwen Byram Calgary BMW, Dilawri Group of Companies Calgary Chinese Seniors’ Recreation Society Calgary Southridge Lions Club Callidus Engineering Inc. Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Industrial Electrical Supply Ltd. Shirley Cane Capital Ideas Ltd. Bruce Cappel Frank and Lori Caputo Caring Hands of Jesus Charitable Society of Calgary Don and Janice Carmichael Jim Carter Dr. Leanne K. Casaubon J. Charles Caty CGI ISMC Inc. CGT Cares Carlos and May Chan Charlesglen Toyota Lorne Charlesworth Mark Chauvin Chevaliers De Colomb Du Conseil De Berthierville No 2928 Chevron Canada Limited Lee Chomiak Randi Christiansen Dennis Chua Warren and Bernice Clark James and Edna Claydon Barrie and Carol Clayton Jacques Cloutier In memory of the late Andrew Coady and Harold L. Leard Catherine Cockburn Mitchell Cohen David Cole Esther Cole
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Our Oursupporters supporters
G. David and Joan Cole Randall Pee Coltrane L. Comin Conglom Inc. David Connell William Conrad Christopher Considine Contour Earthmoving Ltd. Gill Cook Coopers Iron and Metal Bryan and Valerie Copp Copp’s Buildall Lesley B. Cormack Brent Cornelissen Corvette Club of Nova Scotia Monique Courcelles and Ted Jablonski Jonah Couzens Cremona and District Community Chest Jean Michel Crepin Crescent Point Energy Ron and Lori Cresey Tom Crist Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre John and Mary Crocker George Cruickshank
Jeffrey J. Cullen Malcolm Cullen In memory of Scott Cunningham CUPE Local 37 Rosalie Cupulka Teri Currie Christian Cyrenne Elsie Dalby Anthony Daley Dana Incorporated John Darmanin Anne Davidson Linda Davies Donald Davis Gordon Davis Marilynne Day-Linton Carlo and Sophia De Mello Leonardo de Melo John A. Deane John and Margaret Deeks Mark Dembicky Detour Gold Corporation Devlin Construction Ltd. Diamond Schmitt Architects Gordon Dibb
Marna Disbrow Cindy Ditner Division of Rheumatology, University of Calgary Sanja Djulepa Laura-Marie Doenz Kent and Judy Dorland Ian Douglas DOW Chemical Canada ULC David Downie DT Charitable Trust Bush and Sylvia Dumville Irene and Grant Duncan Cindy Dunn and Mark Florence Bill and Susan Dunsmoor Tom Dutton Eastgate Group Inc. Lillian Eastman EECOL Electric Corp. Norman and Beverley Ellingson In memory of Ray Ellis Ellis Families - Warren, Marlene, Josh, Brody Ellis Don and Karen Emond
Donor Spotlight
Caroline Lavallée Caroline Lavallée had never been frightened about the future. Then one morning she woke with a racing heartbeat and shortness of breath. At the hospital she was diagnosed with a heart condition called supraventricular tachycardia. She was 30. To control her heart condition, doctors performed a minimally invasive procedure called catheter ablation. Eighteen years later, Caroline feels better and is fitter than ever. Caroline threw herself into an even healthier lifestyle. She started eating better, began meditation and yoga, and increased her level of physical activity — even competing in triathlons. She completed several races, raising funds for Heart & Stroke along the way. As well as maintaining her busy career, she is a passionate volunteer with Heart & Stroke. Currently she is co-chairing a committee on advancing women’s heart health research. “I’m a strong believer in research, as I have benefitted from it,” says Caroline. “It’s research that makes breakthroughs possible.” Now she has ensured that her commitment to heart disease research will continue, by making a Legacy gift to Heart & Stroke in her Will. Her planned gift has made Caroline even more confident about the future. “It’s comforting to know I can continue to make a difference.”
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Community Partners Program Enertech Industries Inc. Robert and Marianne Eng Engineered Air- Resman Community Services Equity Builders Realty Inc. Ernst & Young LLP Essential Physiotherapy Donna Evans Becky Eveson Fabris Inc. Emily Y. Fan Tom and Isabel Feasby Bernie Ferbey George Ferguson Lee and Shannon Ferrier David Fesyk Henry Fetigan Fiera Foods Company Finning Canada Irene Fish Moira Fitzpatrick FL Fuller Landau Mr. and Mrs. David Fleming Nancy Foreman
Beverley A. Forester David Forgan Rod and Mary Forrest David Forsey Dagmar Fortmuller Danuta Fowler George and Susan Fowlie Spencer Fox Kenneth Fraser Freebird Games Larry Freeman Larry Fryer Future Tech Systems Inc. Jeff Gair Martin Gardner Dr. Michael Gault Indrani Gayadeen Rhonda Genereux Dianne Germain Nicholas Giacomantonio Deborah and Bob Gilchrist Anne Gillin Dr. Anne M. Gillis John and Ileane Gilmour Anthony Giovinazzo Colin Godbout
Sean Godfrey Aparna and Anil Goel W. Michael Goertzen Lori, Tom and Meghan Goldie Gordon Food Service (Edmonton Division) GPI Inc. In memory of Gladys Grant Donald Graves David S. Green Greg Mills Memorial Golf Tournament Groupe Ameublement Focus Ann and David Groves Holly Guest Sonia Gulia John Guthrie Allen Hagerman Todd Haibeck Verna L. Haljan Hammond Power Solutions Amy Hanen Rob Hansen Hansen’s Forwarding Bradley Hardie Hargrave Ranching Co. Inc. David Hargrave
Donor Spotlight
Rose Jarman It’s never too late to build a legacy. At 98 years old, Rose Jarman is taking action to help the next generation. “Heart & Stroke research has given me a lifetime of living,” says Rose. The Saskatoon resident has had three heart attacks, and credits advances in research with saving her life each time. Rose’s decision to become a Legacy donor will help others benefit from future life-saving research. For more than 50 years she has canvassed to raise funds during our February Heart Month campaign. By including a future gift in her Will, Rose is building on an incredible volunteer commitment to Heart & Stroke. “The world is changing and we need to keep up with change and medical research,” she says. “Our younger generation needs to be prepared and educated.” For Rose, family has always been important. In 2004, Rose’s husband, George, died of a stroke. A year later her son, Zenon, died from cancer at the age of 56. Investing in tomorrow’s breakthroughs, Rose says, ensures the memories of her loved ones carry on. “I can’t express in words what Heart & Stroke means to me. I’m glad that when I leave this earth young people will be educated with research.”
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Our supporters
Judith Hartley Lois and Richard Haskayne Jerry and Karen Haukedal Jamie and Kathy Havens Headwind Automotive Solutions Ltd. Sheldon and Mary Hellin Philip and Kim Henderson Henry Schein Canada Mary Hetherington James Hewitt Doris I. Hiltz U. Pak Ho April and Norbert Hoeller Dale Hohm Mrs. Muriel Hole Hollyoak Family Charles Holt Home Trust Company Hong Lok Support Society of Edmonton Peggy Horne Lily and Terry Horner Gary Houston Liane and Bryan Houston Dr. Richard Hsiung Andrew Huang Dwayne and Linda Huber Lilian Hudson Paul Humphreys Hungarian Veterans’ Association Ronald Hunter Marietta Hurst Hyatt Regency Toronto I.P.L.S IGPC Ethanol Inc. In memory of Dr. Anil Imbulgoda Ing and McKee Insurance Ltd. Al Ingram Jerry and Cheryl Inman Inshore Developments Ltd. Intergraph Canada Ltd. International Home Marketing Group Ltd. Gamze Ipek Iron Horse Energy Services Robert Jackson Shawn Jacula Dr. Shahin Jaffer Chai Yan Jang Rick Jans Howard Jones Marie José Ira Kagan Ian and Sharon Kaiser William Kalmanovitch
Kalwajtys Fund at the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Harjit Singh Kalsi John Karvellas Kawneer Company Canada Limited (Lethbridge) Niki and Taylor Kelemen Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Pat Kelley Catherine M. Kells Stephen Kennedy Audrey Kenny Cam and Teresa Kernahan Kick It In the Sticks Welding Ltd. Duk Sun Kim Kipp Scott GMC Cadillac Buick Paula King Dr. Adam Kirton and Ms. Karen Illsey Elizabeth Klassen Eden Klein Klick Health Archibald and Lavina Knight Fund at the Calgary Foundation Knights of Columbus Marge Kobewka Donna Koeltz Krabben Family Foundation Allen Kramer Lorne Krause Kreator Equipment & Services Inc. Allyson Kroeker Dean Kubicek Jill Kuzmich Irene Kvaale Harold Kvisle Michael W.H. Kwan Grace Kwong The Albert Abrum Lager Foundation Shishir Lakhani Matthias Lam Paul Lambke Ken Landsiedel Susan Lapointe Larson Family Fund Laurence R. Cutler Professional Corporation Law Family Matthew Law and Danelle Hames David and Amanda Laycock Charles Layton L. Layton Penny A. Leckie Ledcor Group of Companies Ledcor Charitable Foundation
Shoo Khoon Lee Robert Lehodey and Tracy Beaumont Robert Leibel Linda Leslie in memory of Garry Youngson Richard Leslie The Ken and Roma Lett Foundation Gwenyth Lewington Alison and Philip Lewis Beverly C. Lewis in memory of my beloved husband, Gordon A. Lewis Lewis Farms Ltd. Dave and Dawn Lilburn Victor Lim Lions Club of Leduc Frederick Livingstone Peter and Peggy Lockie Lorenz Conveying Products Corp. Bernadette Loucks Andre and Magrieta Louw In memory of Norman Lowe Peter and Cathy Lucas Eric Ludwig Gary Lukassen Richard Tsang Yiu Ma Jack and Faye MacDonald Rory MacDonald Susanne MacDonald John and Trisha MacKay Marilyn MacKay-Lyons Allan MacKearney Daphne MacKenzie Florence Mackenzie Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation Kirk MacLeod Keith MacPhail Magna International Inc. In memory of Ken Mainprize Bijan Mannani John Manning David Mapledoram Anthony Marano Diego Marchese and Irene VanderSpek Bianca Marcus and Greg Cumming Audrey Marler Paul Martella Jeff Martin Blair Mason Bharat Masrani Karena Mathers Matthew Maubert Sameer Mawani
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Our supporters
Tom and Patti McAllister Ross McBain Mary McCaffery Maurice McCaig Leslie McCarley Sean and Ashley McCrorie McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. Patti McFarlane Linda and Gary McGugan Lynn McIntyre Gerard McLarney T. McLaughlin in memory of Stephen Smith Mclean Hallmark Insurance Group Bruce and Janet McManus Joshua McMorland Gary and Joyce McMurray Dr. John and Sharon McNeill Maureen McVicar Patrick. W. Meagher Jana Meerkamper Dr. Sanjay Mehta Francesco Mele Robin Melnyk-Befus Duane and Sharmila Mendis Benedict Mendoza John Mercer Gary Meyer Robert and Beverley Meyers Microdea, Inc. Dorothy Mikalachki David Milia Tom Milroy Jack and Donna Minsky Seema Mital Mitel Networks Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. Dylan and Christine Modder Martin P. Molyneaux and Deborah Yedlin Ryan Montemurro Robert Montgomery Martine Montigny Barbara Moore Ronald Moore Mortgage Company of Canada Larissa Moscu Robert Motherwell Noel Mowat Laurence and Patricia Murphy Shirley Mushey Sarine Mustapha Nadooniz Global Beauty Inside Out NAV Canada
Evelyn Nawrot Nelson Industrial Inc. Rob Nespliak Adam Newman Patricia Newson Nexen Energy ULC Chieu Ngo and Ngoc Ly David Nichols Shawn Niemetz Nitrogen Technologies of Canada Ltd. Clayton Norris Fred North Charitable Foundation Northwest Atlantic (Canada) Inc. Nu-Life Medical Alan O’Brien Brent Ogonoski Glenn Ohashi Oliver Family Foundation Marlon Olsen Stuart Olson Patricia O’Malley and Ronald Hikel Order of the Eastern Star, Pioneer Chapter 135 St. Albert Orr Insurance Brokers Inc. Rick Paddock Edward J. Parker Marc Parrent Peter R. Paterson Susan Patten Scott Pattinson Amy, JQ and Nicholas Pavelick Pavia Gallery - Espresso Bar & Café Michael Pavkovic Ray and Marlene Peets PEI Snowmobile Association Inc. Jim D. Peplinski Barry and Nadine Perry Charles E. Peterson Jim and Margaret Phoenix The Phone Experts (Red Deer) Cameron Plewes Leon Joseph Plotkins Pocza Investments Corp. Frank Polanski William Porochnuk Jack Quartel Brian J. Quinlan Ata Quraishi Rahr Malting Canada Ltd. Marion Rake Dr. Vanessa Rambihar Sarah Ramer Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
Ted and Cathy Rechtshaffen Mark Redmond The Redpath Group Brenda Reimer Dave Renfrew Rexall Pharmacy Group David Richardson Kenneth Richards and Karen Myrfield Sherman Richardson in memory of Doris Right Wing Farms Ltd. Rodger Rijlaarsdam Victor Rinquette Riomma Technical Services Ltd. Ronald J. Riopel Riot Axe Barbara Ritchie Michael R. Bill and Fern Robertson Brad Robertston Joan Robertson Sergio Rodriguez Gladys Rogers Mary and Michael Rolland Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Romanow Eira Marie and Brad Romans Teresa Roncon Mike Rose Daniel Rosenberg Dr. Thomas Rossiter William Rotari The Rotary Club of St. John’s Northwest Royal Canadian Legion, Forest Lawn Branch # 275 Gale Rubenstein Maura Rumsey Rosa Ruocco and family in memorium of Anna Maria Ruocco In memory of Andy Russell Marvin Ryder Gerry Salvatore Laura Sandberg Pam and Bill Sanford John Sapp Harry Saunders Ashley Savage Fred Savelovs Jr. in memory of Fred Savelovs Sr. Rocco Saverino and Suzanne Friderichs Yves Savoie and Steve Young Clara Scanga Glen Scherger Alice Schmaus
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Our supporters
Bernie D. Schmidt Schmitz Family Foundation Emma N. Scodellaro Fund at the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Peter and Jane Scott Peggy and Chris Seaver Secure Energy Services Inc. Nels W. Seleshanko Naser Sharafaddinzadeh The Shaughnessy Family William J. Sheridan Sherman Family Robert Sherrin Sherritt International Corp. Own Shime Shin, Dong Sam Shiseido Canada Inc. Shoreplan Engineering Limited Shulman Law Firm P.C. William Sidey Murray and Margaret Sihvon Roger Singh Dimitrios and Ann Siomos Barry and Cristine Slawsky Steven and Cindy Slupsky Nicholas Smallwood Braden W. Smith
Edward Smith Ellie Smith Marilyn Smith Rhonda Smith Roger and Lorna Smith Joan C. Snyder Soderglen Ranches Ltd. Deena and Walied Soliman Nancy Jane and Stephen Sorensen Norm Southwood Joe Spencer The Spencer Family - Keith, Sheryl, Bridget and Virginia Springbank Lions Club Roger Stalsberg Paul Stanborough Stance Healthcare Standard Community Chest James M. Stanford Statoil Canada Ltd. Steelhawk Transportation Services Inc. Brice and Lorna Stephenson Robert G. Stokoe Norman and Leona Storch William Storey Margaret Stroyan Stryker
Alexandra Sundin Ida Sutherland Memorial Fund at the Calgary Foundation Judy Sutherland William and Gail Szego Beverley Tamboline Tata Consultancy Services Manny Tawadros Tbaytel The Tenaquip Foundation Barry Tendler Timothy Thompson Susan Thomson Tiercon Derek Tokarski Marshall Toner Tourmaline Oil Corp. Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. Eric Tripp Jeffrey Trossman Mark and Ruth Trueman Glenys Tudge Paul and Joan Turner Robert and Eloise Turner Perry and Janice Unrau Asia and Mark Van Spronsen Elaine Vandale
Donor Spotlight
Peter Love “I used to be a runner, and I smoked in my youth. All of a sudden in 2006 I was getting a bit dizzy and I didn’t know what was going on — and I found out I had atrial fibrillation.” Peter Love found himself in a situation he was unaccustomed to: “I hadn’t been in a hospital in forever, not since my wife was delivering our kids. It was a real eye opener.” Peter was not the first person in his family to experience heart disease and stroke, or the last. His grandfather — who founded the family business in Calgary 113 years ago — passed away from stroke. His father had a stroke and recovered, and his brother had bypass surgery in 2009. Peter had to undergo four complex surgeries to treat AFib as well as atrial flutter (two forms of rapid heartbeat known as tachycardia), and also a hole that went between two chambers of his heart. It was his own experience as well as his family connection that inspired the third-generation business owner (whose company, Cask Global Canning Solutions, will soon be run by a fourth generation) to give back. “We just wanted to say ‘Thank you very much,’” Peter says. “And that’s why we continue to give to Heart & Stroke.”
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Our supporters
Monica Veira Alfreda Velting David Verbicky Paul Vézina Judith Voth Barb Voynovich Dean Vuong Sheila Craig Waengler Garrett Walker Michael and Lilianne Walker John Walter Lionel Walters Jeff Watchorn Lee Waterman James Waters John and Josie Watson Nancy and Scott Watson David Waugh Webster Medicine Pc Judy and Graham Weeks Cal Wenzel Werbar Investments Lawrence West Family Fund WestJet TechOps Jay Westman Christine Westover
Dan Widney and Family Charitable Foundation at the Strategic Giving Foundation Chris Wiggett Angie and Daniel Williams Joan Williams Dr. John Williams George R. Wilson Quinn Wilson Roy and Erma Wilson Steve Wilson Herbert Wimmer Joe Winkfein Tim C. Winslade Wipro Solutions Canada Limited John Wojcik Barbara Wolfe Mike and Andrea Wolff Albert G. Wong, MD Sigrid L. Wood Wood Canada Limited Donald R. Woods Julie Wright Wuis Brothers Construction Dr. George and Mrs. Bonnie Wyse Dr. Rickey Y. Yada Joe and Nancy Yamniuk
Herbert Yang K.C. Yeung Olivia Young Owen Young Harvey Zalcman Zhi Yang Inner City Seniors Recreation Club Mingjian Zuo Leon and Vonnie Zupan and 2,154 Anonymous donors
For details on our 2017 financial results and how we invest donor dollars, please visit heartandstroke.ca/finances.
Donor Spotlight
François de Champlain It was almost 10 years ago when François de Champlain’s father, the world renowned cardiologist and researcher Jacques de Champlain, died of a sudden cardiac arrest while cycling with his family. It happened in a rural area where the ambulance took 27 minutes to arrive. Where every minute counts, this was already too late. Today François, an emergency physician in Montreal, honours his father’s memory through the Jacques de Champlain Foundation. His goal is to improve resuscitation care and cardiovascular research in Canada so others can receive timely and appropriate care. “That’s why we partnered with Heart & Stroke. We are supporters and allies in making a difference.” One of the ways François is making a difference is through his foundation’s Award of Excellence. Since 2010 this joint initiative with Heart & Stroke has been supporting early-career researchers with much needed funds to undertake research projects that will help advance their careers and fuel discovery. It’s a particularly meaningful tribute to his father, whose own research was funded by Heart & Stroke. “I am hopeful that through supporting young, promising researchers we can build the next generation and further our understanding of heart disease,” François says.
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Our supporters
Legacy Donors These forward-thinking Canadians advanced research by remembering Heart & Stroke through a gift in their estates in 2017. Mollie Adamson Annie A. Archer Levon Asadoorian Raymond Barakett Dorothy Jackoline Barber Denise Bédard Berthold Bohm Georgette Bouchard Florence Bourbonnais Bernard Bourgeois Thomas Christopher Brayshaw Allan Breen Betty Nadine Brim June Mary Bristow Doreen Mary Brend Butler Madeleine Jean Buxton Violet Larivière Chaiton Rose Chapdelaine Helmut Christiansen Merle Yvonne Cleary Stephney Joan Cottrill Floyd Earl Coughlin Rose Marie Coughlin Heather Gail Coupland
Lillian Cozine Edna Craig Moore James Simpson Cressey Otis Daley Gordon Dandy Jeanne D’Arc Desbiens Clairette Desrosiers Marguerite Désy Lillian Devlin Mary Louise Dickinson Norma Audrey Dobbin Frances Annette Doran Norma Claire Doughty Madeline Leona Dries Françoise Dumont Claude Duplessis Pauline Duquette Aline Durocher Murray Eugene Elliott Albert Henry Fast Alexander Ferguson William Eric Fleury Ruth Elizabeth Foot Shirley Joella Forsyth
Carolyn Fothergill Beatrice Fraid Heilig Mary Louise Fritz Bella Alice Fry Jean Helen Gagne Ruby Elizabeth Garbutt Harold Garton and Marjorie Garton Eleanor Isabel George Ronald T. Gibson Emma Elizabeth Catharine Gittings Henry Richard Beevor Good Jean Irene Gorwill Angus Benjamin Gostick Robert Neuric Gowland Joyce Susan Grech John Alston Greenway Harald and Lehti Hanimagi Joseph Paul Hanusz Margaret Jane Hayward Betty Joan Hazen Arthur Hein Mary Kareen Heipel Rosalind Helfand Orva M. Henry
Donor Spotlight
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro The people at Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro want to help children in their province grow up healthy. That’s why they sponsor Jump Rope for Heart JUMPFest, which gets children and youth across the province skipping and playing with their classmates while raising funds for cutting edge research led by Heart & Stroke. “We’ve seen first-hand the positive impact that programs like JUMPFest have toward educating our province’s youth about the importance of staying active and maintaining heart health,” says Jim Haynes, president of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. Building healthy habits early on reduces risk of developing heart disease and stroke in adulthood. JUMPFest will soon enter its fifth year and with rates of obesity and overweight among youth and adults in Labrador and Newfoundland now some of the highest in Canada, it’s a program that Jim says is needed more than ever. “It’s so important to Hydro to continue our support for JUMPFest – to help people of all ages in our province access the programming and education they need to live long, healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke.”
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Our supporters
Gertrud Herkenberg Elizabeth Herod Mrs. Anna Marie Margrethe Hogg and Mr. James W. Hogg Jessie Marjorie Hopkins Elaine Howard Kathleen May Inglehart Ida Jackson Ann Gertrude Jacobs Leslie Leonard James Thérèse Jean Mary Aileen Spooner Johnson Ludwig Kawa Genevieve Kennedy Mary Ann Kennedy Camille Kentziger Georgina Kirkpatrick Clifford Bruce Kitchen Nell Laird Alexander Landall Basil Ernest Langefeldt R. Marilyn Langille Mary Sharon Lavoie Doreen Leblanc In memory of Francis and Isabelle Lee Henry Lehr Edna Lemay Jeanne D’Arc Lévesque David Henry Lewis Joan Elizabeth Little Burton Lovell Alice L. MacDonald Richard Magee Hilda Irene Marchant Joseph Marques Gordon Marrett B. Eric Marsh Ivy Caroline May
Marjorie Mortlock May In memory of Elizabeth (Betty) McCann Robert George McKendry Frances Gamble Mckitrick Louis Claude Mercure William Innes Middleton Darlene Mae Millar Eva Mae Mills Janis Mitchell Mitchell Momot Doris Elizabeth Montague Germain Morel Lloyd Harold Morgan Arthur Hubert Muttart Margaret Wilhelmina Neale Margaretha Nikkel In memory of Harry P. M. O’Keefe Katherine Elizabeth Beryl O’Shea Rolande Péloquin Frances May Pendleton Peter Peters Fleurette Plourde Barbara Jane Poulson George William Procunier Doris and Donald Prout Merilyn Bernice Prout Adrienne Renaud Harry Victor Rice Alexander Risk Carolyn Anne Leone Robertson Cynthia Mary Robertson Earle Robertson Roden Lillian Rodtke Lorna Wayte Rowley John Rudenco Roselynn Said Ethel Yvonne Leslie Samuels
Edwidge Santerre Isobel Marguerite Sauder Mary Elizabeth Sedlak Michael Shalapay Catherine Jane Squires Donalda Leona Staples Kathleen Frances Stapleton Gail Stefure Shirley Adelia Eagles Stevenson Marguerite Tétreault Norman Theriault Roland Therrien Margaret Jane Treasure Danielle Tremblay Vera Trimble Roy Keith Urquhart Dionysius Van Gent Zorka Marie Wach Ralph William Waechter John Martin Wallace Trust Dorothy Bella Way Alan Webster Joseph Weisberg Gerald White Florence Williams Carl Edwards Wilson Phyllis Elaine Wilson Pauline Franklin Winn Bernice Lynn Woods Orville and Alvera Woolacott Foundation Pauline Susan Worrell Jill Worsley Howard and Marion Wright Mary Yarascavitch Wilfred Christopher Zinger Helen Zokol and 30 Anonymous donors
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Our Oursupporters supporters
Gifts of Tomorrow These generous Canadians have included a Legacy gift to Heart & Stroke in their estates. Susan Abbass Bud Adam Elizabeth Adams Lynn C. Adams Joyce Aitken Ann Marie Allen Denise Altschul Larry Amstutz James Anderson Lana J. Anderson George Andres Sheila Appleford Betty-Lou Archibald Dave and Susan Archibald B. and J. Attridge Tina Babij Kathy Baker Karin S. Baldwin Marshall Ball C. Bard Irma Bargent Dorothy Baris Debora Barnett Frank Baswick Ronald Batt
Debbie and Helene Bauer Louise Mary Margaret Beanish Dr. Rob S. Beanlands and Dr. Geneviève Moineau Alexander P. Beaton Lorraine Beattie Elaine Beaubien Hugh and Norma Beck Anil and Kiran Bedi Garnet Belfry Leonard Bellamy Howard Bernick in memory of my uncle Irwin Bernick Esther Berry Verna Blackler Helen and Lloyd Blondin David A. Boettcher Peter and Lynne Bogardus Joan Bone Sandra Bonin Katharine F. Boodt Tom Bourne Francis Bowers Vida Bowyer Pauline Boychuk Eleanor Bradley
George and Helen Bradshaw Lawrence Brann Jeanette Breman Donna L. Brown Doreen Brown William Bruce Mary Bunting Mary Burnett Howard Burton M. Isabelle Butters Jesusa P. Calupig Arthur C. Cameron Charles D. Cameron Judy Cameron Neil Cameron Doug Campbell Paul Candela P. Carmichael Jacqueline Cernat Ethel Chalmers Kathy Chambers Bruce A. Chapman Maurice and Anne Charpentier Sarah Chaves Robert and Margaret Cheel
Donor Spotlight
Louise Rousselle Trottier Louise Rousselle Trottier has a very personal reason to support Heart & Stroke. While she was on vacation in 2011, she had a mini-stroke. At that time, she did not know the signs of stroke. Her daughter was the one to notice her drooping face and slurred speech. While the stroke had no lasting consequences, it made Louise realize the importance of supporting the cause. “When you’re affected by a condition, you have more reason to donate. That’s why it was important for me to support research on heart disease and stroke. I especially wanted to support young researchers, because they have more trouble finding financing.” Her hope for the future is that people know more about the signs of a heart attack and stroke. “I recently learned that the symptoms and risk factors for heart attacks can be different in women. It’s crucial to make sure people understand these differences, and to find diagnostic tools and treatments adapted to women — without leaving men behind, of course.”
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Our supporters
Harriet Chew Peter Chilibeck Patrick Chippior Patricia Choma Jonathon Church Dorothy Clanahan Mireille Clark Lise Clarke Barrie Clayton Joanne Clements J. Collisbird James Conversi Kevin Corcoran Léo Courcelles Tracy Crosley Joanne Cullen Nan F. Curren Donald K. Currie Judith Currie Greg Curry Joanne E. Cushnie Maurice and Wanda D’Aoust Arlene Davidson Gordon John Davies D. Debly Amanda Demers and Brian Collins
Alan and Nancy Denmark Judith Dennis Yvan and Diane DesRochers Marc Desrosiers Bryan De Vouge Dianne Dias Lilian Disley Tammy Doerksen Marlyn Donald Charlotte Doucette Ann Douglas Jane E. Doyle John Drawbell and Heather Barnett Lillian Dreszel Ruth and Bill Drobot Louis and Rita Dudley J. Dunphy James Dustan Magdalena Dykstra Kenneth Earl Beth Louise Edwards Tom T. Edwards Paulina Effer Gina Eisler Arthur Elias A. John Ellis, O.C., LL.D., O.R.S.
Dr. R. Engman and Dr. D. Wiens Tim Enright E. Euler Anne Fabok Larry Fagan David and Joan Fanthorpe Allan Farrar Dr. Ross Feldman Bernice Feledechuk Cherry G. Ferguson Una H. Ferguson Mark Fernley Dalit Fichman Betty Fisher Betty J. Fisher Ed Fisher Iris Fisher Ronald Fisher Dianne Fisk Cynthia Fitch Philip and Karen Fitzpatrick Flo Flett Ella Forbes Shirley Forrester Anne Forsyth Donna M. Foster
Donor Spotlight
Jennifer Molluso Jennifer Molluso first got involved with Heart & Stroke in 2007 under circumstances unfortunately all too common. Her father, Tony, had passed away suddenly from a heart attack at 59. Jennifer recalls the pain of that sudden loss. Her father was “always present for the family: birthdays, family trips, graduations — high school, engineering degree, MBA — he was always there.” After becoming a Heart & Stroke donor, Jennifer went on to spearhead the Tony Molluso Award of Excellence. Her father’s life will not be forgotten by his loved ones and his memory will continue to be felt in the honour that bears his name. The award was granted to Montreal Heart Institute cardiac surgeon Dr. Nicolas Noiseux at a Heart & Stroke event, Coeur Quebec, in 2016. It recognized his work on the application of stem cells in the treatment of heart disease. The award will be renewed for another five years. For Jennifer, supporting research through Heart & Stroke just makes sense. “It’s about the work that’s being done. I’ve learned so much in the time I’ve been a Heart & Stroke donor, getting the reports and finding out about campaigns.”
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Our supporters
Mary Foster Brian Franson Gail Fraser-Chin Linda Freedman in memory of Sam and Eve Freedman Jim French Dr. Jiri Frohlich Beverley Fujino Rob Gador René Gadoury Michael Geary Don Gibson H. G. Giefing Elizabeth Giesbrecht Dr. Jeffrey Ginsberg and Nancy McEwen Gennie Girouard Elaine Goehring Donna Gordon Carol Gorsic Catherine Gosleigh Bill Goulios Jack Govier Brian Graham Brian and Geraldine Graham David Graham Les and Judy Graham Ann Grantmyre Bernd and Adelinde Gratzfeld Charles Gravel Richard Greene Lily Griggs Yvette Grisé Marilyn Guay Lily Guberman In memory of Chick Gurvitz
Haddad Family Margaret Hagerman Joan I. Black Hall Lesley and Fred Hall Gordon Hamill Larry Handley Fred Hanson Lenore Hanson Maureen Anne Harper In memory of Vernie Harper Glenn Harris Lori Hart Donna Hastings Margaret Hatton Keith and Julia Hazell Patrick Hearne Richard von Hehn in memory of Ingrid von Hehn Shirley Helmer Edna Henderson Bibianne Henry Andrea Herwig Fred and Katherine Higgins David Hill David G. Hill Frank and Irene Hinchcliffe David and Alynne Holness Norman Homenuk Clair Horan Harold Howard Allen Hughston Karen Hume Peter R. Hume David and Sybil Hunden Carol Hurst
David and Brenda Huston Frank and Ann W. Hutka In memory of Marie Hutton Irene Inglis Robert Ironside Esther Jackson Kenneth Jacobs Rose Jarman Lorraine Jensen A. Marie Jessup Helen Johnson Colleen and Brian Johnston In memory of Edna May Johnston Eurwen Jones Susanne Jopko Sach Kanayama Ignatius Keng Margaret Kennedy Sandra Kerr Peter F. Kilroy Paula King Brian Kirby Linda Kirk-Boyer In memory of Cliff Kirkland Kamla Kissoon Erwin Kitsch Dave Knight Herold Knodel Myron Koch Johanne Kolody Eileen Konopetski Liz Kovach Joanne Kraus James and Catherine Krock Ed and Gayle Kry
Donor Spotlight
Young Leaders Our Young Leaders Committee is a team of passionate volunteers dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and stroke among their peers and to raising funds for breakthrough research. The committee brings together young professionals from different fields, all philanthropists eager to lead healthy lives and to help shape the future of Heart & Stroke. Pictured from left: William Jones (chair), Dr. Adam Kassam, Kristina McCaughey, Larissa Moscu (vice chair), Charles Layton, Alice Lan, Jacqueline Martinz, Robert Saunders. (Not pictured: Dr. Vanessa Rambihar.)
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Our supporters
George Kuss Dulcinia Kutschera Irene Kvaale Vickie Laine Edna Lake Norman Lalonde Stella Lamirande Pilar Lamprea Paul Landry Lise Laroque Lynn Larsen Caroline Lavallée Harry La Vasseur Lucien and Eileen Lavellee Ka Law and Naw Aye Myint Lah AJ Lawrie Colleen Learn Viviane Leblanc Jacques and Gemma Leduc Philip Lee Linda Leon Maureen Leroy Marilyn Lew Horst Lietz
Meryl Lindale Thelma Lindsay in memory of Harry and Mildred Jones Hazel Lloyst Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. F. Lo Joan M. Loames Bernd D. Loosen Jessie Lovatt Sharen Love The Lowry Family Foundation G.J. Lukassen Janet Lund Shirley Lund Charitable Remainder Trust Lavina Lychuk Corinne Lye and Michael Richard Judy Macdonald Constance MacDougall Richard and Marilee MacFarlane Maureen and John MacLachlan Eileen MacLean Mary Elizabeth MacPhail In memory of Alex MacTavish Barbara and Jaak Magi Orville Malcomson
Anita Mann Karen and Chris Marcellus Murray A. Marko Lorne Martin Maureen Materi Iris Maurstad Margaret Mavrou Victor Maxwell Mona McAlister Louise McCauley Donna McClellan R.S. McDowall Patricia McEachern Lynda McInnes Hugh McKay Anthea McLauchlan Doug and Sharon McLean Deborah McLellan Bruce and Janet McManus Patricia McManus Corona McNally Gordon and Angeline McNulty Mary McNutt Elaine D. McQueen
Donor Spotlight
Trades NL In the construction industry, heart disease often hits close to home, says Darin King, Executive Director for Trades NL, a council of unions representing about 15,000 building trades workers in Newfoundland and Labrador. “We all know someone who has experienced challenges from heart disease and stroke.” People in Newfoundland and Labrador are also at risk of inheriting arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). This genetic condition can cause abnormal heart rhythms and cardiac arrest leading to sudden death. Trades NL is partnering with Heart & Stroke to save more lives from cardiac arrest. Their gift of $400,000 funds AEDs in Schools, a program that equips every school in Newfoundland and Labrador with an AED (automated external defibrillator), along with training for teachers and staff. An estimated 40,000 cardiac arrests happen every year in Canada — on average, once every 13 minutes. Only one in 10 individuals survive a cardiac arrest that happens at home or in a public place. But with immediate CPR combined with an AED, the chances of survival are doubled. “Supporting youth and the health of our community have always been priorities for Trades NL and our members,” Darin says. “Partnering with Heart & Stroke fit everything we wanted to do.”
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Our supporters
George and Sylvia Melendy Janet Menzies David Mills Douglas Moore Garfield Moore George Moore Robert L. Moore Patricia and Richard Morgan Carl W. Morris Daisy Morrison Paul and Lynn Morse Elisabeth H. Mulder Doreen Muloin Maurice Muloin Jose Navarro Dave Nichols Frank Nieboer Lynn Nissenbaum Betty Nixon Clara S. Norris J. Noyes Theresa Nugent Joanne Olchowecki Gerry Orchard C. Gordon and Joan Packer Jean Palmer Olivia V. Panis
Ann Patterson Blanche Patterson Jane Patterson Colin and Eileen Payne Stephen Peers and Donna Pettipas Margaret Percival Elsie Peters Lenore Petersen Connie Petley B. Pettifer Hans and Gena Pfister Dr. A.G. Plant Diana M. Plant Frank Polanski William Poluha Dorothy Poole Sylvia Potter Hazel Preece Richard Prevost Norman and Connie Price Merilyn Prout Steele Pruden John Pyatt and B.A. Cameron Daniel Edward Quinlan Fred Randle Irfhan Rawji Robert Raymond
Bette A. Reader Lyse Remillard Peter Rens Kenneth Reycroft Judy and Paul Reynolds Shirley J. Richards Mary Isabel Richardson Dorothy Rimbault Margaret Rimmington Brian Rintoul Norman Robertson W. Ronald Robertson Michel Robineau and Diane GuindonRobineau Harry Robinson Helen Ross Mel Rossmo Joanne Rothwell Jeff and Freda Rout Peter and Joan Rudland Bruce and Juanita Russell Percy G. Russell John and Lorraine Ruttan Robert Rutz Harry and Victoria Ryckman Kim Sanderson Doris Santha
Donor Spotlight
Manulife Encouraging people to live healthy lives is in Manulife’s DNA. That made it a natural step for its leaders to support Heart & Stroke’s mission, allowing Canadians to live longer, healthier lives. Manulife has become a major supporter of the Caring Hearts Dinner, Montréal — Heart & Stroke’s flagship event in Quebec — by participating for many years. In 2017, Richard Payette, President and CEO of Manulife Quebec, reinforced the company’s commitment by agreeing to become a co-president of the event. Manulife’s commitment was furthered even more when the company became a presenting partner of the 2018 Ride for Heart, a major event in Toronto. “At Manulife, we believe that it is essential to promote a healthy, active lifestyle by encouraging healthy life habits, as they prevent chronic illnesses like heart disease and stroke,” Mr. Payette says. “We are pleased and proud to support Heart & Stroke. Our partnership is part of our commitment to being active participants in our communities, and to helping Canadians live well and improve their health.”
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Our supporters
Ken and Carol Sargeant Lise Saucier Don and Joni Saunders Yves Savoie and Steve Young Elaine Schaeffer Otto and Gertrud Schmalz Evelyn E. Scott Harry Scott Richard Sehl Donna Selski Robert Selwood May Servant Heidi Shaw Geraldine M. Sheehan Marjorie Shefchyk Janet Simon Ursula Sinha Bernice Siudy A. Smith Diane and Ken Smith Jim and Lori Smith Robert and Beverly Smith Winsome Smith Mike and Mary Smolcic Keenan Smyth Margaret E. Snider Stan Solski Andreas Souvaliotis and Joseph A. Gisini Mimma Spagnolo Ruth Sparling Lavern Spidla Sophie Spurr Hope St. Jean Gayle Stafrace Patricia L. Stark Kathleen Steele
Gail Steiger Stanley Stempien Brad Stevens Bill and Helga Stewart Jim and Bernice Strachan Mary Sturrock Aggie Suetinglen Barry and Lori Sussman R. Victoria Sutherland Ron Sweet Jacqueline Sykes Carol Simpson Szarga Beverley Tamboline E. Jeanne Taylor Violet Taylor Joyce Taylor-White Marbell Teakle Gail Tesch Bill and Sheila Thomas Barney Thompson Louise Thompson Joan Thomsen Nancy Thornton John and Christine Thurtell Brian Tinkler Sonja Tobin Arvena Tokarek Albert and Joanne Tom Shirley Topinka Alice Claudette Tremblay Albert Trent Brigitte Turcke Donna Turner James Turner Joan Tyldesley Barry and Henrica Tyrer
Lillian Walker Michael and Phyllis Ward Marjorie Warney June Warren Scot Warren Douglas I. Watson Joan Delores Webber Dr. Jeffrey Weitz Richard West Monna Whicher Maria Whitmarsh Sylvia Wicks Benjamin and Marlene Wiebe Norma V. Wiebe Nancy Wigle Christine Wilke Mark Wilkinson Stephanie Williams David Williamson Gail Wilson John R. and Catherine Wilson Sandra Wilson Sue Wilson Theodore Wilson Marianne Winter William and Veronica Yorke Linda Young Zachariah Family, Ottawa Alice Zajac, in honour of Foster McNabb Kelly Zinken Didz Zuzens and one Anonymous donor
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Our supporters
Our corporate partners These generous corporations helped save moments and save lives by investing $25,000 or more in 2017.
$1 million+
$50,000 - $99,999
$25,000 - $49,999
Bristol Myers Squibb-Pfizer Alliance Canola Council of Canada Couche-Tard Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Parq Vancouver Precision Drilling Corporation Sanofi Pasteur Ltd.
Allergan Inc. AstraZeneca Canada Inc. BMO Bank of Montreal Fortinos Goldcorp Inc. Jim Pattison Auto Group Medavie Blue Cross Medtronic of Canada Ltd. Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Ontario Pork Richter Management Ltd. Servier Canada Wheaton Precious Metals WN Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
$250,000 - $999,999 Bayer Inc. Dairy Farmers of Canada Desjardins Insurance Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
$100,000 - $249,999 Jean Coutu
Donor Spotlight
Desjardins Preventing disease may not seem like an obvious interest for Canada’s leading co-operative financial group. But for Desjardins, prevention and education are central to its mission. “We want to be able to improve economic and social well-being for people and communities on the financial side, but also on the non-financial side,” says Marie-Josée Labelle, national marketing director, Wealth Management & Insurance. She points out the connection between financial, physical, and psychological stress on health. “Our partnership with Heart & Stroke makes a lot of sense as we are both seeking to help people reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke.” As a co-operative financial group, Desjardins empowers its members and clients with tools to help plan for their financial future, reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. By supporting Heart & Stroke, Marie-Josée explains, Desjardins is empowering Canadians — including its seven million members and clients, and 45,000 employees — with crucial information and tools to promote healthier lifestyles. Heart disease and stroke takes a life every seven minutes in Canada. “It’s a cause that touches all our lives,” says Marie-Josée. By focusing on prevention and education, Desjardins and Heart & Stroke are helping Canadians live healthier lives.
Think of the impact you could have on the health of Canadians. Contact us to learn more about how you can make a difference. Email Jasvir Nijjar, Vice President, Philanthropy and Campaigns at Jasvir.Nijjar@heartandstroke.ca
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