Inner Tapestry “Prayers Of Peace” December 2008 January 2009

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A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! Dec 2008/Jan 2009






Volume 7, No . 4


Tapestry u Prayers of Peace?

u The Power of Perspective

u Herbology Today ~ Part Four

u Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ Ghost Stories in Feng Shui

u Loving Earth ~ Taking the Solar Plunge, Part Two

u Destination Healing SNE ~ Teaching Children to Practice Peace

u Modern Shamanic Living ~ Imagine Peace

u A Breath of Healing ~ Self Knowledge As Our Path to Inner Peace

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

u Assisi: The City of Peace



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"Creating peace in the world, one person at a time." Dr. Milton Trager Maine Certified Trager® Practitioners Marlena O'Hagan-Buzzell Fryeburg, ME 207-212-7721

Gail Edgerly Portland, ME 207-761-3765

Virginia Reidy Islesboro, ME Kissimmee, FL 207-734-8132 904-874-4896

Liz Berks Cornish & Portland, ME 207-637-2074 207-653-8148

Carla Keene Portland & Bath, ME 207-653-8393

Lew McGregor Hope, ME 207-763-3129

THE TRAGER® APPROACH Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

FMI: please contact Marlena O'Hagan-Buzzell at 207-647-3521 or Email:

Training Locations: Portsmouth, NH Marlborough, MA and Wakefield, RI 2 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009


Inner T APESTRY Contents

This Issue's Theme PRAYERS OF PEACE Februar y/March 2009: Integrity April/May 2009: Animalwize

A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!


Dec 2008/Jan 2009

Prayers of Peace?









by Ron Damico

June/July 2009: Home

Peace Prayer

August/September 2009: Movement

by Carney Brewer

God is Simple by Pamela B. Silberman

A Peaceful Path On Your Journey by Angelica Rose

Herbology Today ~

Page 17

Part Four

by Christopher J. Bashaw

Assisi: The City Of Peace

Page 19

by Megan Don

What is Acupuncture

Page 38

by Dorian J. Kramer

The Power of Perspective

Page 43


Modern Shamanic Living ~

Imagine Peace

by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

Loving Earth ~

Taking the Solar Plunge, Part 2

by Pat Foley

Page 10 Page 11

Destination Healing NNE ~

Prayer Promotes Peace ~ Birth Creates Peace

Page 14

Destination Healing SNE ~

Teaching Children to Practice Peace

Page 15

by Kevin Pennell by Karen Rider

Tales of Zin The Wandering Sage ~ Zin at the Inn

Page 16

A Breath of Healing ~ Self Knowledge As Our Path

Page 20

Awareness and the Art of Seeing ~ Dragonfly Prayer

Page 21

Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ Ghost Stories in Feng Shui

Page 23

Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna

Page 26

Exploring The World Religions ~ Satsang: Spiritual

Page 28

The Way of Life-Itself ~ Logos of Life-itself Emerges,

Page 29

by Aaron Hoopes

by Donna Amrita Davidge

To Inner Peace

by Jen Deraspe

by Werner Brandmaier by Asrianna Dameron by James Bean

Community, Guru Nanak's Conversation with the Yogis

by Norm and Skye Hirst

Just In Time

Mixed Media ~ Book, Website & Music Reviews

Pages 44- 46

Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory Directory of Resources Heart Visions, Calendar of Events, Classifieds

Page 39 Pages 30-38 Pages 40-42


Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 3

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by Nick Steele

4 INNER WORKINGS New this Issue: Happy Holiday Season to everyone! We all hope that thus far the season has been full of love and peace. Peace? Yes, peace. Something that I'm sure most of us pray for on a regular basis. This issue of the journal "Prayers of Peace" allows us to explore what prayer is, what peace is, what our perspectives are on the subject and in some cases ways that people have found peace within. Many of us have been looking for quite sometime, receiving glimpses for periods of time, but always finding the confusion and chaos that life has to offer once again. As I worked on getting the journal ready for print, I have had more than a few conversations with people regarding their experiences in not being able to hold that way of being "peace" within themselves during exchanges with others. It seems to be more and more difficult as our world is changing to find that peaceful center within and carry it out into the world. With our economy in so much trouble, changes in our government, rising prices of just about everything except wages in most cases people are finding it extremely difficult not to act out from the fear that this global situation is triggering in each one of us. More and more stories surface of people in conflict in their daily lives over something, anything to work out the issues around what is happening to them. So we have decided that we are postponing the theme for the next issue "Animalwize" to the April/May issue and will be honouring the theme for February/March as "Integrity." There are lots of other reasons that all of this is coming into the light currently; there are an abundance of energetic shifts taking place; one of which is the Mayan calendar shift from the 5th night into the 6th day. From a period of integration to a time of growth. These days and nights are happening a lot quicker and more and more is being experienced during this time. So once again, going into fall and winter energies are being asked to wake up and expand.

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The next issue's articles will need to be into the journal on or before the 18th of December so that we may all enjoy the upcoming holiday. I appreciate everyone's understanding of this change as I feel it is an important topic and one that will serve all to be explored. With this new surge of energy so expands the journal. Thanks to all who called and were interviewed for the assistant's position, it was a lot of fun to meet so many of you and to connect with those that we haven't seen in awhile. As an

4 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

outcome of this experience we have connected with someone to help us both with our practice and the journal, her name is Starr Wiseman and we would like to welcome her to our Inner Tapestry family. So many aspects of life are expanding and I am excited that we now have someone who can help with our day-to-day goings on. Our counselling & therapy section has added three new practitioners, Adi Philpott has added new services to her practice in the salons & spa section and many of our practitioners have been updating information and services so take a few moments to check it out. There are many holistic happenings coming in the February March issue. To help us move through the winter months, please consider all the classes that will be offered especially movement, as these will definitely help keep you warm. We are looking at expanding the distribution in the southern coastal area of New Hampshire and Maine. If anyone has any favorite places they visit and would like to see the journal carried there please email us with their information. As the year comes to a close on this time line, it is customary to reflect, look ahead and yet stay present in the moment—no wonder why we're tired! Many have acknowledged our recent changes in history as a non-violent revolution. We are now at a time in our evolution where we have never been before. Soon there will be no path to follow, our past will not help us live our future. There will be no references for the experiences that are to come. So when our minds hand us our references, lets all be gentle, thank ourselves for the journey so far and look with wonderment and innocence at what lies ahead. Through this we will become peace. Let's do everything in our lives for the first time. Our love and thanks to all our readers, writers and advertisers for their contributions in the journal this year and for your commitment to community and the growth and expansion of yourselves. Thanks for a wonderful year of friendship.

Mayyouaccessyour love this season. May you receive yourself.


A H olistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

Joan Emmons Ron Damico Betty Close Jacqueline Cone Publishers All inquiries call:

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PEACE OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION: As we weave from within, we begin the

creation of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Our intention is to provide a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community and its practitioners. The journal is advertiser supported. It can be found in businesses and services that promote complementary healing, and who support cultural, environmental and educational needs, where ideas of conscious living and integrative wholeness are welcomed and nourished. In our seventh year as a Holistic Journal celebrating and supporting the exploration of life, we have become a leading voice for people in their discovery of holistic health, natural living and spiritual wisdom and insight.

AVAILABLE IN MORE THAN 500 LOCATIONS Distributed bimonthly (six times a year) this free publication is filled with carefully selected inspiring and informative articles promoting conscious life choices that lead to a higher quality of life, unity within one's self and community and a greater experience of spirit! Our distribution area spans throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts with over 500 locations. If you would like copies placed at your business or location please contact us. Inner Tapestry is a great resource for your family, friends, clients and customers.

SEE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN INNER TAPESTRY SIX WAYS TO ADVERTISE Throughout Inner Tapestry's pages are the Display Ads. Toward the back of the journal you will find the Directory of Resources, a comprehensive listing of practitioners and descriptions of their services. Immediately following you will find our Calendar of Events and the Classified section. The fifth method is the Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Practitioners Directory, with a listing of styles and forms available for study. Our online website is the sixth way to advertise, with a side banner Display Ad or an online Directory of Resource Ad. For ad size and pricing information visit or call 207-799-7995. For those who need ad design, we offer a service to create a distinct way for you to present your business. To our readers, we would like to ask everyone to take the opportunity to email our columnists, feature writers, artists and advertisers with comments, suggestions and information inquiries. They all are extremely wonderful and dedicated individuals who look forward to hearing from you. We also look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions as we all continue to evolve and grow together. Articles are for information only and do not constitute medical advice. Please obtain written permission before reproducing any part of this publication. All rights reserved. ÂŽ 2008.

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 5

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Welcome to Inner Tapestry


Prayers of Peace? by Ron Damico What is prayer and what is its purpose? What is peace and how do I attain it? Over the past few years I have become more aware of the ways of prayer and of peace. In most anything I read, noticed, listened to, whatever it was, prayer and peace were very present. When we first chose this issue’s theme, “Prayers of Peace,” more than six months ago I was drawn to write something for submission. Since then I have been playing with prayer and the awakenings and expansions I have been experiencing as “I am prayer.” I opened to the way of prayer more purposefully when I was introduced to a person who focuses quite a bit on prayer being a vehicle of change and healing. As a result of that meeting I began to play with prayer more intently and opened to something I feel may be serving to explore. The following is an exploration of the ways of prayer and peace. I’m going to play with this in two pieces then I will bring it together and see what comes of it.

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What is prayer? There are quite a few ways of expressing and experiencing anything in life and prayer is one of them. After spending some time searching for expressions of prayer I have distilled those definitions of prayer as being anything focused on with the intention of receiving higher wisdom or guidance. Prayer is anything a person does with a focus of being more of or expanding into themselves in such a way to embrace a situation or way of being in a more accepting manner. Now this may not be the most common way prayer is used but as I have experienced for myself, seen of others, as well as what I have read, prayer is also used to change a current situation or future event. While I find no fault in the reasons and/or ways people choose to pray, I will question the overall purpose and long-term benefit prayer plays in the evolution of humanity. If we are evolving to awaken to the truth of who we are as individuals and as a collective I feel prayer can have a truly supportive role. I feel we would be well served to use prayer to become an embodiment of a way of being that is in alignment with the true nature of Self. If we are divine beings having human experiences, and we are awakening to our wholeness in physical form, then it would be helpful if we used the tools we have offered ourselves to support this awakening and embrace all we experience in this life. Quite often prayer is used in a way to ask for help or guidance in changing or removing our self from a situation we are not comfortable with. I’m not saying that we are to live torturous lives or stay in any situation that is repetitively painful or abusive. What I am stating is that we evolve and grow as beings as we experience ourselves throughout life and embrace all we step into and all that comes as a result of that step. I feel we would more consciously evolve and grow as beings if we would pray for the awareness of our wholeness, to embody and embrace all we are feeling which is being born from the situation we are currently in. If we allow ourselves to live with this level of embracement and love ourselves and all involved in any situation enough we would create a world that we have been dreaming of for centuries. But, as long as we are more focused on avoiding feelings we are not comfortable, with we will continue to turn our backs on ourselves and continue to live incomplete and temporarily peaceful lives. All we bring into our lives is an opportunity to awaken to, through experience, all that we are and are capable of bringing forth as creative beings. If we are focused on doing or not doing something because of how it may feel we will be limiting the creative process of life. Gradually this will lead to tension, which leads to disharmony and potentially dis-ease. All of which is a result of holding in and back, and there is nothing about us within our design that supports holding back and lack of flow. I feel expansive use of prayer can be a wonderfully supportive way of opening to the True-Self. 6 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

This leads me to the use of the word Peace. What is peace? As with prayer, there are numerous expressions for peace, which can and will vary with religion, culture, or subject of study and ideal. The clearest expression I came across, which I found online at Wikipedia is “Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between others where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance persists, conflicts are resolved through dialogue, people’s rights are respected and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity without social tension.” Peace as with prayer, is something we have put a great deal of emphasis on throughout history. Why have we not attained any lasting expression of it? That is for each of us to decide. For this expression there is a limited amount of space and I will focus on what I feel in this moment is a good place to start. With all I have seen, read, and experienced for myself and with all I have been blessed to be in relation with there is a common thread I have observed within it all. A majority of the time people are focused on changing their minds. What they think about or focus on from their mind’s eye, is a mental process of being at peace. If the focus is totally on changing the mind, any shift will be temporary. This is not to say that awareness of our mind’s focus is not serving, because it is. I do not feel changing the mind is the answer to our disharmony. Our mind alone cannot maintain focus for an indefinite period of time. The mind is meant to carry out tasks, work out solutions and bring forth the hearts callings in physical form. It is a tool that requires instruction to carry out direction or guidance. It has no direct access to Source energy. For centuries humans have been on this planet with a focus on survival and our minds have been the tool of choice.

To truly experience peace it is first necessary to let go of any preconceived ideas.

Because the mind and body are so closely linked if the body feels something the mind labels it and reacts according to its records. This has its place and purpose but it is not a serving process for the creation and living of life. This is where the shift can come in. To truly experience peace it is first necessary to let go of any preconceived ideas, definitions and beliefs of what peace is. Peace is a way of being, it is something that is created from our True Self. Our True Self (Higher Self; Source Self; Sacred Heart) is brought to physical form at what I will call Zero-Point. Zero-Point is the place where we are infinite and have direct access to All That Is. This is how our True Self enters into physical form. When we live our lives with awareness, honoring and embodying of this Source Wisdom all can be maintained without fail, without struggle. Our work is choosing to live every moment from that center and come to love and embrace the totality of our life. As we do this work and make our choices from our True-Self we begin to experience lasting synchronicity and peace as an embracement of the totality of all we are as human beings. This includes the love, embodiment and gratitude for all we are feeling in every moment of our lives without exception. When I share this with people I often hear “You are asking me to focus on the negative. Focusing on the negative brings more negativity into my life, so why would I want to do that?” I understand, but this is a reason why peace is short lived. So much of what we have been hearing and reading is “what we focus on becomes our reality.” This is an expression that has been repeatedly placed before us. What seems to be more accurate is that what we ignore, avoid or resist will continue to re-present itself in our lives until we, as love, embrace and embody the totality of the experience. Focusing on anything as expression of love, no matter what it is, is anything but negative. It is the very nature of our divine grace being expressed in physical form. In the world of positive and negative, from the mind’s eye, that which we welcome into our lives becomes positive and that which we push away or reject becomes negative. There will always be balancing energies in the Universe, this is not avoidable. What we can do is allow ourselves to begin to live as the Sacred Heart and begin to see the world through those eyes. This becomes an opportunity to awaken more of our Divine Grace and be the being all of the

7 world has longed for. If people are looking for change and peace in the world this is the way to begin. Prayers of Peace are nothing more than a way of being which honors All That Is in every moment without fail. The mind may distract and create anxiety, struggle, confusion, overwhelm, fear, worry, guilt… I could go on but I believe you get the point. All of these emotions may be something asking for deeper focus and support for something unresolved. It could also be empty patterns of fear of the unknown. Whatever it may be please provide yourself with opportunities to reassess if what you are thinking is real and entertain the idea that there may be more to you and life than you have experienced to date. Prayer can be used to bring forth life lived as love as we open to become aware of the beauty in all we are blessed to be in the presence of. When we are a prayer of wisdom and guidance, to embrace and embody all we are in the moment, life is joyous and we are peace. If you would like to experience yourself as prayer and peace let go of what you think they are and how you identify yourself with them. Begin by asking for Divine Guidance to feel prayer and to feel peace. For some this will take time because living without reference and living as reverence takes time and persistence. Surround yourself with those you feel are living their version of what you would love to experience yourself as. Over time you will begin to connect with a feeling that will be beyond words, which will bring forth an awareness of something that is indescribably wonderful. This is the beginning of your conscious re-birth of your Sacred Self… the True You. Enjoy the experience.

"Do not ask the Lord/Universe to Guide your Footsteps if you are not willing to move your Feet" ...A recent email entitled Psalm 23

Peace Prayer by Carney Brewer As I read Gregg Braden’s Secrets of the Lost Art of Prayer recently and began playing with being peace I found my ego needing something to do. It seems that my ego particularly likes to have pictures to watch and gets frustrated and fidgety when I am not “seeing” what I am experiencing. I am no longer willing to fight or give in to the ego so I asked for a visual I could use to soothe the ego and still be in line with my intention of being peace. I soon remembered a practice I used when I was a child and it’s been so very very helpful to my ego of today. I would like to share it with you here. Find a quiet time and space. Visualize a warm snuggly, golden blanket that is peace/gratitude/love. Start with your home or immediate surroundings, wrapping everything around you in this golden blanket. Now expand this blanket to encompass your block, your city, state, etc. Continue wrapping blankets around all the countries of the world. Consider paying special attention to areas where you are aware there is armed conflict, making sure to use peaceful loving intention. Eventually this becomes layers and layers of peace blankets

covering all beings. Finish by wrapping Mother Earth in a large, warm, golden blanket of peace. At times when you're feeling very expansive extend out even farther, intentionally loving all the heavenly bodies and the universe as a whole. This method of prayer opens a space to feel a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment that one can share love all with all things in a way that has surpasses the personality conflicts we sometimes feel with other beings. It is these personality conflicts that the ego creates which lead to acting in ways that are less than full love for all. As we strive more and more each day to participate in life from a place of full love and acceptance we need to gently soothe the ego when it flares up with indignation or even demands of knowing ‘when do I get to stop giving all the time‘. Using these blankets of love can help you help your ego to remember that peace is a good place to rest in.

Carney Brewer is an energetic body worker whose therapeutic background includes Reiki Master status, massage and polarity therapies, classical music training and core shamanism. To contact Carney please Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 7

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Ron Damico and his life partner Joan Emmons at this moment live in Raymond, ME. They are co-publishers of Inner Tapestry as well as partners supporting people in the awakening to their True Self by supporting the harmonization and healing of all aspects of the being. For more information about Ron and Joan and their offerings please visit their website You can contact Ron at or (207) 799-7998.


God is Simple by Pamela B. Silberman

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

“I’d be more spiritually centered if only I didn’t have so much to do in my life activities.”  “If I had more time for myself, I’d also have more time for God.”  “It is easy to be spiritual on a mountaintop! Gurus have an easy life! I’m sure if he or she had my job, commute, spouse, housework and children peace wouldn’t be so easy!”  “There are not enough hours in the day to be practice spirituality as I would like to do. I’m jealous of all the people who can make spirituality his or her personal career. I wish I could be independently wealthy just so I could be more spiritual!”    How often do you say that there is just not enough time in the day? Our calendars and To-do lists are full. Stress levels are out of control. In between caring for the kids, job, pets, spouse, and home, having enough time to pencil in God seems next to impossible. We may clearly recognize our need for God in our busy lives. However, as we beg for the time to practice the rituals of spirituality, we feel guilty for choosing the tasks of the world instead. The result is time lost in self-depreciation and jealousy towards those individuals who are independently wealthy or more available for his or her spiritual goals than our traditional life permits. However, does Jeshua expect us to compromise the complex needs of the world so that we may spend endless hours practicing meditation, personal reflection, or daily lessons? Simply, the answer is no. Only the ego is complex. Its complexity looms from the need to add more fuel to the fires of confusion. Truly, without a constant barrage of distractions, questions and needs, the part of our mind knowing Truth would quickly encompass our entire existence and game over. Imagine briefly considering yourself as the Magnitude of God while simultaneously standing before a mirror and viewing your body. Looking at the suit of flesh could not fool you. There would be absolutely no attachment to its appearance or functioning. Most likely, you would hysterically laugh at the mere insinuation of the body being any representative of the Known Self. If we consciously held the full awareness of Truth, the game of hide and seek would be over. Therefore, the ego needs to prolong the game by making a myriad of separate intense distractions. Here the ego keeps our mind occupied and away from accepting our natural awareness.  A Course in Miracles states: “God’s Plan is simple; never circular and never self-defeating.” Holy Spirit does not ask us to struggle with time, tasks, emotions, or needs in order to achieve God’s Peace. There are no dangling carrots nor does He lay out a complex pathway. All answers are simple, just as God Himself is simple. Research the origin of the word “simple” and you will see how it means “one, always” or “pure.” With this in mind, we can see how struggling never is the way to Peace of Mind. Experientially, we are not sensing tranquility amidst any struggle. Psychologically, we feel more internalized pressure and fear. Physically our muscles strain and blood pressure rises. In fact, the origin of the word “struggle” stems from “ill will.” Recognize the evidence and you can clearly see how struggle is not of God’s Will. God is not a God of requirement. He does not ask you for an ill will, but offers us the opportunity to yield from complexity to a clear and present Will of perfect happiness. Take this within you and you will see how any idea of sacrifice or comprehensive planning in not necessary for us to obtain The Peace of God. 8 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

So does this mean that you must deny any task of the world? No, you can always have time for God as long as you bring God into your time. When A Course in Miracles states “[we] need do nothing” all Jeshua is referencing is the fact that we of our own confused minds need to do nothing. This is because ultimately our browbeating methods of doing have rarely accomplished any real triumph. As we have kept the wheels of minimal functioning spinning, we have also equally kept the sense of Peace away. Therefore, the time we give to God is not separate or structured apart from our day’s activities but instead is a continuance of every experience, simply yielded over to God’s wisdom. Trust in Him and He will show you what to say and do in every incident. can always have time for God as long as you bring God into your time. Once I saw a bumper sticker that read: “If God is your co-pilot, switch seats.” Topping onto this metaphor, if we choose to give God the driver’s seat, He will still allow us to stick our head out the window, feel the breeze on our face, play with the buttons on the console, and flip the map around. However, no matter our distractive activities, the drive remains straight and serene. His Presence is Oneness existing in content far beyond any surface form. He is not asking us to drop our distractions reluctantly, but instead encouraging us to value them differently and bring each one of these tasks to Him for His Guidance. Thus in our surrender, God knowingly drives Homeward bound despite any bump in the road and our journey remains smooth.   Getting in touch with God’s Simplicity is easy. No really! The difficulty stems only from our thinking. Only our thinking feeds resistance, making the idea of giving over to God complicated. Being the pervasive storyteller our thinking-mind provides a million conflicting solutions for two million incompatible problems. Only the thinking-mind will run you around in your living room, exhausting you in analysis and judgment before taking a single step into the open air towards solving any predicament. It is possible to make our surrender to God easy. First, we must remember that any struggle exists only of the ego. It is essential that we be clear and vigilant for this awareness. If we can go as far as to make a perceptual world in the quest for self-discovery, playing the ultimate game of hide and seek, we can surely turn the desire for peace into our own game of tag. Therefore, as you notice any hint of complexity rising to the surface of your mind and attempting to get your attention, let your answer be strong and certain: “Gotcha!” Then, in that moment, laugh, cheer and let yourself notice how your thinking mind seeks only to invest you more into the dramas of the world. Discovering the option for peace instead, choose then to rest in trust.

In my own experience, I used to believe that I had to wait until I arrived home from work in order to engage with God. Likewise, the hours at work often seemed oppressive at worst and at best drawn or futile. However, once I decided to open the door to my mind to God and give Him the driver’s seat, every moment at my job became a dance of happiness and sharing. Miraculously, my boss appeared to change from a demeanor of conflict to a supporter of all my contributions. In addition, all my coworkers were mighty companions. Furthermore, as I did extend this miracle to family, neighbors, and even my romantic life, a ripple of peace transformed all of my life experiences through complete surrender.    Perhaps you want to allow my witness to be an inspiration. Nevertheless, my own circumstances are incomparable to the peace that Jeshua felt upon the cross. It is better to use his experience as an affirmation of our glory despite the distracting or overwhelming moments. If we did yield to God’s simplicity through the drive to work, making phone calls or moving papers across our desk, conversing with our spouse and spending quality time with our children, we will soon come to recognize how God’s gentleness and peace expresses itself in all moments. Here, God’s peace would reign despite any appearance of redundant soulless actions. Only Love and magnificence would shine forth and every moment would become a moment of deep connection, Self-awareness, and bonding with God Himself. No longer would we be reserving a certain space of time to be temporarily present for God, but instead we would notice how all time centered in the constant certainty of God’s Presence.    Pamela B. Silberman is author of Simply Being: One Year with Spirit, now available through a multitude of online and independent booksellers. Her website is


A Peaceful Path on Your Journey by Angelica Rose


e all want to find a peaceful journey on our path in life. A peaceful journey includes an abundance of unconditional love and joy. It is easy to practice peacefulness when we are on vacation or in a nature environment. The challenges occur when we are surrounded by outside circumstances that seem unjust, unloving and unfair. This is when our peaceful journey tends to be shaken and chaos occurs both internally and externally. In order to have a peaceful journey on your path in life, it is important to learn how to hold divine love for self and the divine and acceptance, compassion and goodness for all living things especially during the chaos.

more peace, joy and abundance you will manifest. You accept and have compassion for others, especially when there is chaos, unjust, unfair and unloving situations. The steps for a peaceful journey is pretty simple, yet can be challenging when obstacles occur. The application for a peaceful journey begins when you hold self-love and acceptance. You value yourself and your work so others will too and you do loving things for yourself to increase self-love. You hold love for the divine who will keep you in the light of awareness, peace, joy and abundance. There is acceptance and compassion for other living things from your divine heart.

So lets examine the difference between a “Soap Opera” lifestyle and a “Peaceful Path” on your journey in life. This will give you the opportunity to discover your “soap opera” lifestyle and learn ways to change it to a more “peaceful path.”

* Practice meditations to quiet the mind and connect the heart on a deeper level * Practice being at peace with the unknown * Relax the fears and surrender to having to know the answers now * Come from compassion and desire for understanding, remaining free of all attachments.

Some helpful hints on staying on a peaceful journey in your path to life are as follows:

I define a Soap Opera Lifestyle as an emotional and mental attachment to unjust, unfair, and unhappy situations creating drama and judgment. Soap opera lifestyle occurs during the observation stage, where you analyze a part in self, a situation or others where there is a lack of peace. You perceive this occurrence that has lack of peace, with judgment and react with hate and anger. Your focus is on changing an external part of your life. There is a tendency to want to fix, change and improve the unjust, unfair, unhappy part in self, others and situations.

Attachments where you emotionally personalize, physically have addictive behaviors, and mentally over analyze.

This external focus will lead to a victimization and feeling of helplessness. You will become discouraged, frustrated, confused, and angry possibly becoming mistrustful and jealous of others’ success; you could have passive/aggressive behavior and feel you have to protect and defend yourself and/or even others. This feeling of helplessness will push you into a deprivation focus where you put your attention on what you don’t have and want. Our mind is like a computer, what we focus on expands and creates that reality. We can summarize the soap opera behavior as expecting results, which leads to trying to control the outcome and over doing. Trying to control the outcome, over doing and expecting certain results leads to conditions of want with a time limit of when and how you want it. The results are disappointments, victimization and feeling stuck when the conditions are not met. Many common reasons for the soap opera behavior stem from a “need” for approval, acceptance or love.

It is only in the state of the highest self that you can glimpse joy and release pain and fears. May peace, joy, abundance and love be with you. Angelica Rose, a gifted national training specialist since 1984 specializes in deeper relaxation for those mastering higher conscious living, communication/listening skills, relationship selling, and creative marketing. Angelica is the Author of the books, Secrets to Running A Successful Business and Living Life as You Always Dreamed in addition to a relaxation CD, 15 Minutes Revitalization, 40 inspirational messages on software, Inspirations and Inspirational stickers. She is a former Dale Carnegie Consultant and has a wide variety of media expertise such as being a former broadcaster of “Small Business News” on KEZX in Washington and a former producer of an educational television show in Washington. She appears on numerous talk radio shows and was a guest on KIRO Television. Angelica was both interviewed and has written numerous articles for a variety of publications. For more information, please review the website, or contact Angelica at (503) 997-4252.

I define the Peaceful Journey as an internal serendipity with circumstances that seem unloving, unjust, and unfair. You know there is a positive reason for this circumstance, which could lead to growth, wisdom and opportunities. Therefore, you don’t over analyze and you practice acceptance, enjoyment, appreciation, value, trust and faith with the unknown. You understand that if it’s important to know the reason in time you will know. The peaceful journey begins when you practice spiritual hearing. Spiritual hearing is where you have an awareness of your divine heart. You hold a divine love for self and the divine, knowing the more you come from your divine heart, the

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December 18th Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 9

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* Have gratitude for the desires for which you choose to experience * Visualize the desires as if they already exist now * Have faith and patience for the desire to manifest, continuing to be grateful * If you want to change an external part of your life, change the internal belief that holds those patterns in place. * If you become discouraged, quiet the mind and connect with what brings you pleasure, allowing the heart to expand and feel energized * Observe all the crosses your path- both in your reading and listening- and sense from the heart. Ask yourself if it leads you toward love, compassion, and self understanding or take away from self-love and self-worth. * Look and listen to your inner vocabulary that you use on yourself and others making sure there is no victimization, negativity or judgment.


m od er n sham an i c l i v i n g

I magine P eace by Evelyn Rysdyk

With so much happening this time of year, it is important—no, make that necessary—to make peace in your life. Taking time to create a quiet and peaceful place inside is the perfect antidote to the hustle, bustle and frantic energy that surrounds us. Whether it’s the holiday preparations, money worries or other stresses our nervous systems are maxed out. We need to hit the “pause button” to replenish the resources of our bodies, our minds and our spirits.

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Stress takes a terrible toll on the physical and emotional body. Giving yourself even a fifteen-minute “peace break” helps to reset the nervous system. During the reset, the body produces chemicals, which bathe all of your tissues. It relaxes the body and produces an inner environment that supports clarity and healing. This healing is not only physical, but emotional and spiritual, as well. To do this meditation, it is first important to have a few memories of gratefulness at the ready. I’ve written about gratitude in this column before. It is a feeling that supports well being and creates an atmosphere that is conducive to inner peace. Remember times in your life that had you feeling grateful or appreciative. Mine include the day I met my partner, cuddling with the cat on a snowy morning, holding my infant godson, the first time I hear the peepers in Springtime, enjoying a long hot shower after a sweaty day, the aroma balsam fir, my first taste of wild blueberries, a sunny afternoon during peak autumn color, and my favorite one—having a polar bear stand on its hind legs just under my tundra buggy window! Your list can include a range from the simple to the monumental. The important thing is that the memory elicits the feelings of gratitude. I have a list at hand just in case one doesn’t trigger the feelings. I work with the memories until I feel grateful. (Some of the memories are so powerful that at their remembrance, I find myself so full that my eyes begin to spill over. In my process, I know when my eyes fill that I’ve hit the right button. Those are the best moments!) Whatever is on your particular list, choose one and let yourself fill up with the memory. Remember the sight, sounds, and smells of the experience. Bring it back as richly as you can and let yourself remember the feelings you had in your heart. Remember how delicious it is to feel grateful! For me it’s like in the moment, the world around me gets fuzzy and warm. Give yourself the luxury of feeling these feelings for at least ten minutes. Don’t look at your watch. Find some other way to keep time. You could set a kitchen timer or, as I do, listen to a favorite piece of music that lasts ten or so minutes! Having music available that nurtures feelings of gratitude is a bonus. Music—especially pieces without words—is wonderful for heightening and enhancing our feeling states. Do a little experimentation and find music that supports you to attain and sustain the 10 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

grateful state of being. I have several instrumental selections from the classical repertoire and some "new age" music depending on my mood. Some of my favorite gratitude soundtracks include, Dreamstreams by Dean Evanson, Baroque Music for Trumpet with Wynton Marsalis, Mozarts' Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Galaxies by Kevin Braheny, Trois Gymnopédies by Erik Satie, Enya's The Celts, Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring, and J.S. Bach's complete Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould.

intentionally polluted beakers of water are “healed” in a matter of moments. It certainly makes logical sense. After all, how can we begin to create something new if we can’t first dream it?

Once you are in a delightful state of gratitude, practice a prayer for world peace. When I speak about prayer, I’m not talking about words that are memorized from a prayer book or lines of scripture. Rather, I am suggesting that you begin imagining a world that is peaceful! Actually feeling what it is that you desire supports bringing it into manifestation. (Using this “technique,” a recent global peace prayer experiment actually lowered violence in the designated region!)

You are a co-creator. When you step up and start utilizing your magnificent abilities, you join with the many others that are dreaming the new world into being along with you. You are shoulder to shoulder with the energy bodies of your compatriots. Together, we are making possible what has never been before.

Imagine a world in which all children wake up in a quiet, peaceful place. Imagine them smiling and jumping out of bed, eager to play! Imagine children of all nationalities and colors playing together and laughing. What would that feel like? How would it feel if a national holiday was being called to celebrate the outbreak of peace? Imagine the feelings that you’d have if you woke up tomorrow and read the headline "PEACE BREAKS OUT ACROSS GLOBE!" in the morning paper? Let your imagination take you deeply into that vision and let yourself fill with the feelings. Imagine first relief, then joy and finally exultation! Imagine calling all your family and friends to celebrate. Imagine embracing your own children knowing that they and children everywhere are free to grow up healthy— without the terror of war. Imagine that this peace touches every heart and every soul so deeply that no one ever wants to break the spell. As you are reading this, you might be hearing the voice of doubt rise up in your mind. "Ah, it’s just a dream." it says. How could peace happen like that? it asks. The mind is often a nay sayer in the process of growth and change. If it interferes, just go back to the feelings of gratitude. In that emotional atmosphere, the mind will settle down and cooperate with creating a new paradigm for you and the world. Yes, I said "a new paradigm." This kind of practice is part and parcel of creating the New Earth. It is also part of the work of the spiritual warrior. We are the dreamers who dare to believe that the world can be more magnificent, beautiful and peaceful. We who can collectively dream it into being will with our imaginations and the awesome power of our feeling energies. Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions." In Medicine for the Earthwork, we find that the power of imagination helps to create the possibility in which

So this season, make a pact with yourself to join the band of fellow dreamers who are helping create a peaceful world. Start with your daily gratitude practice and add the feelings of peace. Use your glorious imagination to dream immense possibilities for joy and tranquility into being for all of the Earth’s inhabitants.

Our times are special. More people are “aware and awake” than ever before. More people understand the power that is as inherent part of our splendid humanness. Even with all our frailties, we have the opportunity to make a huge difference—simply by becoming impeccable about our emotions. Using them for positive purpose and in so doing making the world a better place. When I was young, a young prophet once wrote: "You may say that I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will live as one." If we give it a chance, there is a chance for peace. Let’s gather that reality into our hearts and make it happen. Join me in feeling a peaceful world. © 2008 Evelyn C. Rysdyk

Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a nationally recognized teacher of shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages. Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world’s most influential writers and teachers of shamanism they are also Executive Editors of the emagazine for ecospirituality, Spirit Living ( Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the USA and Canada. In addition, they have worked with hundreds of people in their private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth, ME where they collaborate with physicians, nurses, a psychiatrist and other integrative health care practitioners.   Evelyn and her partner may be contacted though their web site:


lov ing earth

Taking the Solar Plunge, Part 2 Off the Diving Board and into the Water by Pat Foley


e offer our account of converting to solar power as encouragement for other non-technically oriented people who might themselves be thinking about plunging ahead into this new world of panels and batteries, inverters and charge controllers. If we can do it, so can others. We hope that explaining our process will both demystify the undertaking and also present some helpful information.

A QUICK RECAP By the fall of last year, after a certain amount of confusion and some false starts, we had located two companies that we thought might be able to help us “go solar” even though we ourselves were not even remotely technically inclined. We arranged for proposals to be drawn up for an off-grid electrical system. We wanted the system for business use as well as for our home. In addition, it was important to us to be able to disconnect completely from the grid for philosophical reasons. This we explained to both companies. Part one of our story ended temporarily as we waited excitedly for the proposals to be drawn up. “Temporarily” turned out to be longer than we expected, but eventually we got back on track.


Fortunately for us, the good communicator also offered the lowest price. Excitedly, we sent off a deposit. By now it was quite late in the fall, winter with its many cloudy days was closing in. We had heard from others who had been using solar power for years that, in Maine, November and January are the most difficult months to get through. We determined that perhaps we would be better off to wait for sunnier days to begin this new way of living, so we requested that installation be scheduled for first thing in the spring. Our panels arrived; we stored them in the basement and waited.

BURYING THE LINE FROM PANELS TO HOUSE In addition to changing the pump, we needed to dig a trench from the location of the solar array to the house. The power line from the array would go in this trench so it needed to be relatively straight. More rocks to consider. We called for the backhoe again, and again we were impressed with what a skillful operator can do. Our trench went through a stonewall, a large perennial garden, under shrubs and very close to a tall tree. All survived in good order. The job was done amazingly neatly with minimal damage. Truly. Horror stories aside, with the right sort of skilled people, this kind of thing can and does happen regularly. Meanwhile, although we had the correct pump and now had an almost straight trench, a window of opportunity had closed because of the delay with the pump. The solar folks, very busy at this point, were involved with other installations.

A LAST MINUTE DESIGN ADJUSTMENT Good thing we went into wait mode. As we waited, we began wondering if the panels were going to block our view. They were to be mounted on the end of a metal pole. There were 12 of them, to be configured in two rows of six each. Now that the snow was gone, we could scramble around outside with a tape measure. It didn’t look promising. After conferring with the designer, we realized the array would be

Continued on page 47

IF YOU HAVE A WELL Meanwhile, we understood that our old, albeit working, water pump was not the best choice for solar power. Traditionally deep well pumps start working with a high and sudden demand for electrical juice, not a good thing for a solar system. We needed a “soft start” pump. In order to have the correct size pump, we also needed to know what the water level in the well was, that is, how far from the surface the water was generally located. This was an interesting problem. Because it was completely buried, we were not even sure where the well really was. The only clue we had was something humming underground next to the driveway when the pump ran. The idea of having a backhoe dig up the driveway in search of the pump was a bit daunting, so when spring came, we started the job ourselves with a hand shovel. Bingo, we found the pump, nestled among large, small and medium sized rocks right where the humming sound had been. Having located it amidst all the rocks, we called for that backhoe to finish the job. Then we called the pump folks. Our pump was old enough to have been installed with metal piping instead of the lightweight plastic material used today. We weren’t sure exactly how much piping we had, maybe a lot. Small rigs can pull quite a bit of light weight piping out of a well, but metal is heavy. If a rig can’t handle the weight, the motor fails and there is a chance that the pump and piping will end up at the bottom of the well. If a well is hundreds of feet deep as we believed ours was, that could turn into quite a problem. We needed a big rig. Time passed as we waited to hear from a friend of the pump folks who had the right equipment to do the job. More time passed. Frustrated, we contacted a local operator with the appropriate equipment. It’s hard to know which story to believe Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 11

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At last our two proposals arrived. Each company had done a bit more than asked, but only one presented us with a system, which disconnected us from the grid. We felt the person from that company had listened to us most accurately. This was important to us because, not being able to rely on our understanding of technical aspects of the system, accurate communication was going to be critical down the road. Because neither company was local, we would be relying to a certain degree on communication by phone if we ran into any difficulties. We wanted to be sure of being accurately heard and responded to clearly.

when the whole field of discussion is the completely unknown territory pumps are to us. We asked neighbors for advice, got recommendations and in the end believe we were treated fairly by everyone. The company that ultimately removed the pump and piping did a fantastic job of bringing it up between the surrounding trees without damaging either trees, driveway or nearby flower garden. Although we had asked them not to, the company also determined our water level and charged us $40 for doing so. We had wanted the original pump people to do this job, but in the general confusion, the charge slid by us unnoticed until too late.


ON THE COVER Prayer for the Earth by Rassouli

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Inner Tapestry’s community welcomes an extremely talented artist, Rassouli. His soulful expressions are birthed through his creative work and have been shared with the community in many forms; all offer the opportunity to share his wonderfully created—experiential world. I am extremely honored and happy to share with you Rassouli’s work and have taken these excerpts from his website to share his biography and comments on his work with you. Rassouli is a visionary artist who has come to the attention of the international art world in recent years. What makes his art so unique is the way he translates spiritual experience from his subconscious onto canvas through meditation at sunrise. “I do not start a painting with sketches, 
I do not paint on location and I do not work from photos. 
Instead, many mornings, before the dawn, I climb a mountain to its peak.
 There, sitting in solitude, I observe rising of the sun. 
I watch plants open their leaves, buds tear up their dresses
 and the birds sing to the arrival of their creator. 
There is an interconnected serenity that allows all creatures to experience the divine unity. 
Having felt that creative energy, 
I rush to my studio, 
dip my brush into paint, 
and let it move freely on canvas.” With vibrant hues, Rassouli produces joyful color blends and circular brushwork that create a timeless perspective. He calls his unique painting technique Fusionart, a style that Rassouli has created, registered and is presently teaching to many artists in Southern California. Fusionart’s main theme is cosmic unity. VEILING OF THE SOUL The painting style is derived from mysticism, near-eastern spirituality, and a foundation in European painting technology. “Creation is the product of synchronizing our energy with the universe.
 Once we experience the whole and recognize it, 
 we become aware that we are nothing but the Divine Creative Force.” Rassouli represents this concept through illumination of the Divine Creative Light coupled with its manifestation reflected on his canvas in the form of feminine power and beauty. Isfahan-born Rassouli’s worldwide exhibits include numerous solo and collective shows as well as international art expositions. His most recent book, Inspirations of the Heart is an empowering book that fuses a collection of Rassouli’s artwork with meditative thoughts by Michael Beckwith, D.D. Selective paintings by Rassouli appear in many books, including: Jung, Journey of Transformation and Language of Souls, and on numerous magazine and book covers. The mural entitled Angel of Unity, a painting that spans 55 feet tall by 1100 feet wide, is one of Rassouli’s latest creations. The angel watches passersby at

12 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

the corner of Washington Blvd. and the pacific coast in the city of Venice, and has become a Southern California landmark viewed daily by thousands of residents and visitors. The concept of the Creative Light coupled with the Divine Beauty has evolved in Rassouli since early childhood, and is present in his paintings, relieves and sculptures, book illuminations and murals. He was raised in a historical home decorated with murals and intricate floral designs. Inspired and encouraged by his mystic uncle, Rassouli developed an early appreciation for painting and mystical poetry, and spent endless hours taking lessons from classical and impressionist artists, and studying mysticism. Soon he discovered new ways to transform his subconscious images into forms that he could share with others. “I like to share my feeling of joy and exuberance with others. 
I like to show devotion and love and all other pleasures of the world 
in their most sensual grace and timelessness.” Recognized as the Best Student Artist in Iran at 15, Rassouli was awarded a government grant to study painting in Europe. He migrated to the United States in 1963, where he studied painting and architecture at the University of New Mexico, and was honored with the Leadership Award from the Institute of International Education. Although he began his professional career as an architect, creating three-dimensional structures to satisfy his artistic drive, Rassouli’s passion for painting persevered. Through time, he has created hundreds of artworks that have received global recognition for his unique Fusionart style. "'Relationship' is the most important aspect of my work. 
I believe that dream and reality coexist in this world. 
Light and shadow, nature and concepts, technology and feeling, the actual and the imaginary exist together. All things are connected in a cosmic web. 
To me, the interrelations and interactions between the parts of the Mural of "Creation" - Lobby of Network Bank, Los Angeles California whole are more important than the parts themselves. That is why I like to paint motion with no objects to move, action without players, 
and dance without dancers.” I would encourage everyone to visit Rassouli’s website,, take in all his work with all of your senses; it will be a journey worth taking. The most recent publication of Rassouli's artwork is the 2009 wall calendar, entitled Rumi, The Journey of the Heart. This unique and empowering calendar features paintings inspired by the poems of the great mystic poet, Rumi, along with some direct translations of his life-changing concepts into English by Rassouli. This 13" x 12" calendar makes a perfect gift. To purchase and to see all of Rassouli's wonderful artwork visit


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destinatio n h e al i n g ~ n o r t h e r n n ew en g l a n d

Prayer Promotes Peace ~ Birth Creates Peace by Kevin Pennell Bethel, Maine


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rayers can create peace on so many levels: peace in our world, globally, 10.5 hours.” She applied the breathing techniques she was taught while Trevor used collectively, locally. Prayers can promote peace and birthing can create a light touch massage along with their nurse, Nicole. Nicole was “great. She knew a sense of peace. Not possible? Consider the following statement from HypnoBirthing® and made a real effort to use the terminology we used in class along HypnoBirthing® Maine’s website. “Imagine bringing your baby into the world while with keeping the music soft, lights off and without much loud talking. I could go on you feel calm, relaxed, and in control.” While birthing can create physical discomfort about the rest of the labor experience. It was the most amazing, miraculous thing I and anxious moments Megan Connolly helps mothers access resources deep within have ever experienced.” Emily explained that as long as she remembered what was their bodies, that help mothers alleviate physical discomfort during labor and birth happening and visualizing her body opening up for her baby all went very well. She through HypnoBirthing®. used the affirmation, “I trust my baby and my body to know what to do” several times during her labor and noted “there was no pain involved, only While HypnoBirthing® may be a term that is gaining pressure.” Emily said she lost her focus once and found herself recognition, what is it exactly? Basic research identifies tensing up which also resulted in experiencing the pain of childbirth, HypnoBirthing® as a technique that focuses on relaxation, but she refocused and regained her “out of body experience” which natural birthing instincts, and focus while the mother maintains relaxed her while easing the pain. Emily found her birth “experience control She becomes freed from the fear and tension that prevent incredibly special and magical instead of painful and scary.” the muscles in her body from functioning as nature intended. Through HypnoBirthing® giving birth becomes a fulfilling and loving The classes involve twelve hours of instruction taught over five experience for mother and baby. weeks. The instructions help the mother and her birth partner learn to replace the fears and tensions of birth with calm, comfort, Megan Connolly, a Registered Nurse, became passionate about and confidence. During the classes, Megan Connolly teaches and childbirth while studying in San Jose, Costa Rica, and through facilitates practice sessions of specific “deep relaxation techniques” volunteer work as a labor companion in a public hospital. Megan was that would be used during labor as part of the course. “The class will interested in and wished to study midwifery, so she decided to pursue cover the physiology of the body in labor, and how gracefully it will her goal by first obtaining a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing work when freed from the constraints of fear and anxiety.” Birthing from the University of Southern Maine in 1997. videos will be shown of women calmly giving birth with laughter After giving birth to her own sons, Megan’s passion for and ease. Group and private classes are available. Group classes are natural childbirth grew. “I experienced the amazing power of offered at $235 with private classes at $350. Her website offers class ...Giving Birth becomes natural childbirth during the births of my two sons. I received times, location, and a map for directions. HypnoBirthing® training from veteran instructor Jessica Porter in a fulfilling and loving Megan asks that those interested in taking the HypnoBirthing® 2007.” Today she lives, works, and plays on Munjoy Hill in Portland experience for course should contact her by email through her website with her husband Kevin and their two home-schooled sons Henry mother and baby. or by phone (207) 780 - 1004. and Andrew. As with most holistic practitioners, Megan Connolly’s work is According to her website,, the method of HypnoBirthing® more than work. It’s a way of life, a life of helping others bring new life into this world that she practices is called the Mongan Method which “is as much a philosophy as gracefully, calmly, and with joy-filled love. Her true passion about her work is summed it is a technique. This concept of natural childbirth is not new, but rather a ‘rebirth’ up in her words. “I am very grateful for the chance to do this work. It is an honor to of the philosophy of birthing as it existed thousands of years ago. More recently, it accompany parents on their path to a peaceful birth. Watching their transition from an was recaptured in the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, who expectant couple to a happy family brings me great joy. I believe every woman deserves first presented the concept of natural birthing in the 1920’s. In the late 1980’s, Marie to experience the surge of confidence that comes from birthing naturally,” and so it is Mongan, hypnotist and mother of four children, developed a course teaching these through Hypnobirthing® Maine. techniques now known as HypnoBirthing®.” Through class training, mothers gain “an understanding of how the birthing muscles Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers–Spiritual Seed Planter and work in perfect harmony—as they were designed to—when your body is sufficiently has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin Pennell is an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master relaxed. You will learn how to achieve this kind of relaxation, free of the resistance Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Ancestral Healing Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, that fear creates, and you will learn to use your natural birthing instincts for a calm, Vickie Cummings, own and operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and Therapeutic serene, and comfortable birthing.” Store located in Bethel, Maine.Contact or When mothers give birth through HypnoBirthing®, they are not in a trance or a sleep. They instead have an experience similar to daydreaming or focusing as they would when engrossed in a book or a movie or staring into a fire. Typically they can carry on a conversation and remain in good spirits… “totally relaxed, but fully in control.” The mother is awake throughout, aware of her body’s surges, but because she trained herself to reach complete relaxation, she’s able to determine the level of birthing surges. Mothers experience birthing with the awareness of “calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to. In this calm state, your body’s natural endorphins, replace the stress hormones that constrict your muscles and cause pain.” Megan shared some thoughts from parents that she worked with earlier. Portland, Maine’s Andy and Coleen expressed their thanks in working with Megan last spring. Andy shared some of his wife’s experience, "…as soon as the nurses got her (Coleen) into her bed she instantly felt safe again and went right back into her zone. She lay in the bed, breathing and even humming through the remaining surges. She was in complete relaxation and almost silent as she breathed down the baby. Anaia arrived by 6:34 and although it was a whirlwind for a moment we both think everything was just perfectly amazing." Parents Emily and Trevor are from Hollis. Baby Juliet was born in June of this year. “Trevor was amazing and knew just what to do to help me calm down. I closed my eyes, and I don’t think they opened for more than 5 minutes total over the next 14 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009


d estinat io n he alin g ~ s ou t h e r n n ew e n g l a n d

Te a c h i n g C h i l d re n t o Pr a c t i c e Pe a c e by Karen M. Rider Griswold, Connecticut


s I witness the events of the world—the words people choose to use, the emotions displayed, the choices made locally and globally--it becomes so very clear to me that peace is not something that just happens; the practice of peace begins with the individual. For peace to become our global reality, it must be cultivated by each and every one of us... in our thoughts, our beliefs, and especially in our words and our actions.

Practicing Peace in Sweden

Peaceful Touch in the United States

In Glastonbury, Connecticut, Dori Sargent, a practicing yogini of 12 years, is one of a select few Peaceful Touch Facilitators and Trainers in the United States. Combining her background in vocational rehabilitation and school counseling for children with special needs with her passion for yoga, Dori blends the Peaceful Touch curriculum with Hatha Yoga resulting in creative, heart-centered classes and programs for families, children and schools. It was a delight to chat with Dori, who made time between teaching classes and traveling regionally to train school teachers how to use Peaceful Touch in their classrooms. Karen: Tell me about the fundamentals of Peaceful Touch programs. Dori: Peaceful Touch programs are based on three fundamentals. First, touch is necessary for human growth and development. There is considerable scientific evidence to substantiate this. Human touch is a life-transforming necessity, not a luxury. Second, our bodies produce a hormone, oxytocin, which generates a calming effect; oxytocin is activated through gentle, healthy touch. Finally, Peaceful Touch entails a permission granting process that helps establish appropriate boundaries. These fundamentals must be present in all P.T. classes.

Karen: You are one of a select few Peaceful Touch® facilitator in the United States. What effects have you observed in the course of teaching children, families and educators? Dori: Every time I bring Peaceful Touch to children and families I witness how it changes lives. It is thrilling for me to see how something so simple, something we think we know so much about, can be so powerful! While I have observed changes similar to those documented in the Swedish programs: improved body awareness, enhanced self-esteem, greater empathy, lower levels of stress, it is the small effects that are most significant to me. I remember one particular preschool age boy who did not want to participate with the rest of his class. He told me “It’s boring and it’s for girls!” All of his friends were participating; he reluctantly joined his peers. The next day, his mother shared with me that she had been having a terrible time with migraine headaches. Her son approached her and asked if she would like Peaceful Touch to make her feel better. The child brought Peaceful Touch into his home and even remembered to ask permission. What a beautiful thing!

Teachers frequently report transformations in behavior, for some of their most difficult students, shortly after practicing daily doses of Peaceful Touch. Those who are trained in Peaceful Touch have told me it was one of, if not the most powerful and practical trainings they have attended. I am so grateful to be involved in changing children’s and families lives one Peaceful Touch at a time. Karen: Tell me more about your creations, EarthWings Yoga and Yoga Wise Programs and the integration of Peaceful Touch®. Dori: The EarthWings Yoga philosophy is the foundation for all of my classes—those for children, adults, or special populations. Essentially, we begin grounded like roots in the Earth; as we practice yoga our hearts open and our wings spread wide as we soar into personal freedom, which is what yoga is all about. Incorporating a Peaceful Touch activity at the start of a yoga class stimulates a serene mood as the children or families enter into the physical yoga postures. Likewise, by closing a class with a P.T. activity the participants depart feeling very relaxed and connected to one another. The Yoga Wise programs are created for schools with children age 2 to 18. My philosophy is “Breath + Movement + Creativity = Wisdom.” It is a documented fact in education that movement directly affects learning and neurological development. Yoga Wise programs incorporate affirmations, movement and social interaction. I carefully select books, songs, games and the physical yoga poses with the intention of nurturing a child’s self-esteem, body awareness, building character and stimulating neurological development. Some of the most prominent gifts of yoga include self-confidence, healthy coping skills to use during life’s daily challenges and major transitions, body awareness, as well as love and respect for one’s self and others. Yoga Wise classes are designed to provide a safe, supportive environment in which children receive the many gifts of yoga… a gift that will last a lifetime. Karen: Many people have the impression that touch is not permitted in school systems but this is not accurate. Can you elaborate? Dori: Today, touching is legal, but many school systems have implemented a “no-touch” policy out of fear of legal repercussions. In fact, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) requires healthy and positive touch in its accreditation criteria. Teaching staff are encouraged to express warmth through behaviors such as physical affection, eye contact and tone of voice. Peaceful Touch was developed to bring human contact back into the classroom. In the P.T. curricula children learn to request permission from one another before touching, to honor each child’s reply and to provide feedback to one another. They learn respect for self and others. They learn healthy personal boundaries.

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In Sweden, more than 300,000 children are practicing peace through a program called Peaceful Touch® (P.T.), developed by Hans Axelson in Stockholm in the early 1990’s. The format for the program is an integration of respectful, healthy touch with children’s activities: from reading and storytelling to math, science, and physical wellness programs such as yoga. Children use their hands to trace numbers or letters, solve simple math problems or draw figures from a story on one another’s arm or back. When combined with yoga, children may draw story scenes aligned with themes such as peace, sharing or love. They can form a “massage train” or help each other roll into “cooked spaghetti” while lying in savasana (relaxation) pose. Peaceful Touch® is used in the home, in school classrooms, and other curricular settings. Swedish parents and teachers have reported that children partaking in a P.T. program, over time, have lower levels of anxiety and aggressive behavior, improved concentration, greater confidence and enhanced peer relationships including group cohesion and cooperation.

Karen: Can you elaborate further about the research that substantiates the importance of touch in mental and physical development? Dori: As far back as 1915, psychosocial studies conducted in orphanages and crowded nurseries demonstrated that failure to thrive in infants and young babies is directly linked to lack of human touch, even when sufficient nutrition and medical attention is provided. The Harlow monkey studies conducted in the 1950’s clearly showed the necessity for tactile affection in social and cognitive development. Your readers might recall that Harlow studied two groups of monkeys. In the first group, the “terrycloth mother” provided no food, while the “wire mother” provided food in the form of an attached baby bottle containing milk. In the second group, only the terrycloth mother provided food. The young monkeys clung to the terrycloth mother whether or not food was provided. In fact, the baby monkeys only went to the wire mother when it had food and they rarely stayed longer than it took to get the necessary food. (When the cloth model had the bottle, they didn’t go to the wire model at all.) The baby monkeys clearly preferred cuddling with the softer cloth model.*


t ales o f Z in th e w a n d er i n g s a g e “That would be most welcome,” the robed man replied.

Zi n

at the

I nn

The innkeeper signaled across the room for food to be brought. “I must travel a good distance tomorrow, perhaps you could spare a room for the evening.” The innkeeper frowned. “I’m very sorry, sir, we have a full house tonight. It fills up quickly. We’ve been full since dusk.” The man nodded and set to eating as the food arrived. “Then I thank you for the meal and will depart when I am done.” The innkeeper frowned. He didn’t want the man to leave. “I wish we could accommodate you, sir. The only room we have is the loft above the barn. It’s quite drafty and damp.” He quickly offered. “Sounds wonderful,” the man’s face broke into another smile.

Aya Itagaki

by Aaron Hoopes

Zin the Wandering Sage is a character I’ve created to embody the teachings of the great masters of the past. His philosophy is simple, direct and insightful. I use him to give a voice to the knowledge and wisdom that we are in danger of forgetting as we become more and more caught up in the challenges of our changing world. Aaron Hoopes It was late autumn. The evenings had turned slightly chilly and the nights were now a bit breezy. The tall trees of the Jurin forest swayed gently in unison as the Higashi wind caressed them. The occasional hoot of an owl was the only other sound that broke the silence deep within the huge swath of forest that covered this part of the world. Through the forest ran Doro road, which was made of hard packed dirt. It was well-traveled but still gave the feeling of moving through unexplored territory. Here and there a side road would split off from the main one and disappear into the woods. Deep within the forest there was a clearing where five roads came together to meet the main one. At the center of the clearing stood the Seki Inn. It was a large building with three large stables and a barn behind it. The inn usually did a brisk business. Not many people traveled at night along the Doro. It wasn’t that traveling at night was all that dangerous, it was simply that Seki Inn was a pleasant place to stay as one traveled from the city of Machi to the outer villages. In the center of the main room was a huge hearth with a roaring fire that was cracking and shooting sparks into the air. The patrons filled the room, eating, drinking, singing and laughing. The innkeeper smiled at his good fortune. He had a full house. Life was full of happiness.


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Late that evening there came a knock at the heavy oak door. The innkeeper opened it to find a lone traveler dressed in grey robes and a straw hat. He was not a young man, yet he didn’t seem old either, except for a little gray in his beard. He carried a worn walking stick and a small satchel. “Good evening sir, it is a chilly night this evening.” The innkeeper spoke. “Indeed,” the man replied. “Perhaps I could warm up by your fire.”

Aya Itagaki

“Of course,” the innkeeper stepped aside and motioned him to enter.

The man bowed as he stepped past the innkeeper into the brightly lit room, shaking the cold from his robe. He removed his straw hat. He had a strong face, yet now one could see that it was somewhat weather-beaten and wrinkled. His blue eyes held a bright crystal shine as he smiled. He gracefully moved through the crowd to the fire and began to warm his body. The innkeeper followed him. After a few moments the man spoke. “Thank you for the warmth of your fire.” “With pleasure, sir,” the innkeeper said. “Would you care for some food?”

16 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

“But it really isn’t wonderful,” the Innkeeper insisted. “You haven’t seen it. It actually is not very pleasant. The furniture is all piled up at one end and there is only straw on the floor. You won’t be happy with it.” “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like the room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged... it’s how I arrange my mind. Whether I think it’s wonderful or horrible, I’m right,” the man replied, “…and I’ve already decided on wonderful.” The Innkeeper looked at the man as he thought on this. “It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up,” the man continued. “Every day I have a choice: I can lie in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work… or I can get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do work. I can think about not having enough time or money to do what I want… or be happy for what I am able to do. Just as I can be miserable in the space you can spare for me… or I can enjoy it. It really isn’t a difficult choice.” “Well, that is truly an excellent way of looking at things,” The innkeeper sighed. “I wish I could do that.” “It’s not about wishing you could do something… it’s knowing you can and living that way.” The other man replied gently as he rubbed his hands in front of the fire. “Please sir, may I ask your name?” “My name is Zin.”

Aaron Hoopes is an instructor, healer and the author of Zen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing, Movement and Meditation. Please visit the Wandering Sage Blog for other inspirational writings,, also


HerbologyToday Part Four

by Christopher J. Bashaw, RN Consumers, what do you know about your herbal product?

First, we as consumers must take full responsibility for what we do to our self, and that means everything we put into our body.

Christopher Bashaw is a registered nurse with 24 years experience specializing in integrative medicine. Christopher currently is seeing patients at the Mizu Tama Dojo and White Lotus Healing Arts Clinic in Rochester, NH as well as Pinewood Medical Center at the Pinewood Healing Arts Center in Somersworth, NH. Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 17

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The practice of medicine is legally restricted in the United States to those individuals who have a license to practice from the state in which they are providing service. Generally speaking, the practice of medicine is defined as diagnosis and prescription, with a focus on the treatment of disease (please check with your local state to see the exact legal definition). Many professionals who already possess a license to treat patients, such as medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, physician’s assistants, and nurse practitioners, are starting to incorporate herbal medicine into their practice. And even some are including herbal medicine in their practice will by employing an herbalist to meet the needs of their patients with this specialty.   It is important to note that there are no legal restrictions regarding using herbal medicine for your own use or teaching others about herbal uses; nor are there any legal issues about manufacturing herbal products for personal use. There are many forms of herbal products on the market today. The question arises, what is what? So, with that said let me briefly try to put it all in some perspective. Most of us are familiar with herbal products at our local pharmacy in the form of tablets or capsules. Typically they are sold in the vitamin department. More often than not these products are mass-produced, packaged and shipped to a neighborhood apothecary near you. And it would not be uncommon for the pharmacist on duty to know very little about dosing or even the product itself. One thing that often is not on the label, and is something that each consumer will have to research for himself is the potency of the particular product, no matter what form that herb presents in. Things that one must keep in the back of their mind is that the term “natural” does not mean safe- nor does it mean unsafe; it does not mean that overdosing is impossible, nor that it may have specific drug interactions or interactions with other supplements; that “natural” automatically implies that the herb is either organic or wild crafted; in fact it does not even imply that the herb in question is safe at all or even in the product. Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture. These products are developed and sold by people. These people want to make a profit. And just because they are selling a natural product for health does not mean they are unscrupulous nor does it imply that they have morals. First, we as consumers must take full responsibility for what we do to ourself; and that means EVERYTHING we put into our body. Whether a medical doctor, an herbalist, or our mother recommends any treatment, we should know and understand, at least, the basics behind why this particular course of action has been suggested. That means we are responsible for our own actions. First the word natural is just that; only a word. There is no legal definition of natural. The definition of natural is designated to what the person using it intends. Think about this, natural could mean simply that it comes from the earth, that it is or was a living substance, or not a living substance as in the consideration of minerals. This does not mean that it was or wasn’t grown with man made fertilizers, or that synthetic pesticides were or were not used in the growing of it, that the soil it was grown in was or was not contaminated with heavy metals. It does not even note whether the active “pharmaceutical” compound of that particular herb is present in the product, and to what degree it may be present in. Natural is used as a key word to advertise the product. It catches your eye, and when it does you need to know what questions to ask and what to look for. Most importantly you need to know at what point when you find the answers to these questions you’ll put that substance into your body. And that is an individual and personal choice for each of us. As with any product, allopathic or natural, before purchasing it research the company, its ethics, its standards, its manufacturing guidelines, how long has this product been on the market, and what quality assurance steps have been taken to ensure its safety for consumption as well as its medical efficacy based on the quality of “active” compound found in it. Now for some of you reading this may be a new paradigm of thought; a thought stating that you are responsible to find this information on your own and not

simply rely on an advertisement, a particular practitioner or sales man, or even just trust another because he or she is in the medical field. It's your body, or your loved ones health. Don’t you want assurance that this is only the best for them? If a product promises a miracle cure that should at least send up a red flag. Listen to what they are promising. Does it really make sense or are they hoping to play off a person’s despair for an end to their suffering? Remember that to correct the body it will take longer than overnight. Realistically it will take more than just a pill, in fact to be totally effective it will need to include a lifestyle change involving diet, exercise, and commitment. Think about it, if you have had this problem for years it has already created a foundation and atmosphere of dis-ease in your body; a condition which has grown and changed and evolved, and though miracles do happens they are rare. This is not to say that there is no hope, but instead it cautions you to be realistic, that herbology is just one spoke of the wheel, and that you may need to ride a few miles in order to see progress. So, I say that the days of putting all the control into the hands of your health provider are gone. The day of the Medical Deity is dead. Yes, they are the experts and we do need to consult them, but each of us must assume responsibility for our own actions. We must do this by questioning why the prescribed treatment has been offered and why do they offer this particular one? Is it based on clinical studies, ancient practices, or merely a guess or assumption that this treatment may work? Do we agree with the methodology behind the prescription, and most of all are we willing to take responsibility for our own healing? If you have a provider who does not tolerate being questioned then maybe it is time to find another provider. As a provider myself I know that the true healer is the person who comes to see me; that I am just one tool in their arsenal of treatment; that I am a member of a team in that persons health care and they are in the drivers seat, whether I agree or not with their final decisions. Then there is the idea of how the herb is grown. The FDA does not have much input on herbs or food supplements, which has its pro’s and cons. Pro being that it allows the consumer to choose how to use and dose any particular treatment. Con because it means there is minimal legal guidelines on how a product is raised, manufactured/packaged, and sold to the public. What this means is what I have already said, that as a consumer each of us must independently research the product first, prior to consumption. Don’t forget the terms wild crafted or organic. In short wild crafted implies that the herb was grown out in the wild, in its unadulterated state in its raw environment. This means it was not cultivated. Again, wild crafted does not imply specifics. Take the herb mullen. Mullen often is seen here in New England growing along the side of a road. Technically if it were picked it would be wild crafted. But if it were picked near a busy road it would most likely be infected with the poisons and toxins of pollution such as heavy metals and salts so often left by traffic and the contaminants used in treating roads. To consume this mullen would place these contaminates into the body. Where as collecting the plant in virgin meadow miles from civilization would less likely have the same issues. It would be more pure. So, once again further investigation on the part of the consumer is necessary. Organic or not. Well here is a loaded term. What really does organic mean? There are many definitions of what organic means by different organizations. Research what each organization defines as organic. To some it means grown without synthetics fertilizers or pesticides; while some allow some limited synthetic pesticides and fertilizers to be used; some even allow genetically altered plants to be called organic while others do not. So, once again the consumer must be educated before purchasing the herb for consumption.


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18 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009


Assisi: The City of Peace by Megan Don


world and to work for others. She unhesitatingly followed this call and joined this medical order of nuns who do just that. Whyte comments on the medical order as a group who he perceived as trying to “right” a wrong world, whereas he felt the Poor Clare nun was simply sharing the rightness of who she was and how she understood the world to be, that is, one big reverberating Yes to life. A yes that was born in the silence, and born through being able to say no to everything except that most precious to her – a spirituality of stillness and listening – a spirituality of peace. He understood that she had been taken to the farthest end of aloneness and then led back into an active human community, without fuss, without complaint, one step, and one silence at a time. Not like his own complaining journey he adds (p.139). How does our complaining about the journey hinder us from being in the depth of our sacred aloneness? How does it stop the silence, the ability to hear and follow, and the ability to abide and live in peace? We are creators of our destiny. We are also the ones who hinder it, and yet we complain as if it is some other force that is wreaking havoc in our lives. Can we be like this Poor Clare nun and live one silence at a time in stillness and peace? Clare of Assisi (1193-1253), has long been overshadowed by her spiritual companion, Francis of Assisi, and yet she is described as “a new leader of women,” and a “light unto the world.” It was her inner perception that Francis trusted above all. Receiving divine revelations, he would first take them to Clare and only upon her confirmation would he act upon them. Similarly, it was to Clare that he would go when he was confronted with the dark times in his life. She knew how to soothe him in peacefulness and how to restore calm to his soul. Her prayers of peace came in many forms. She often withdrew on her own to sit in silence in the presence of the Sacred One. It was said that when she returned she was glowing with an aura of light and her words were divinely inspired, filling each person she spoke to with divine sweetness. She sang her prayers daily with the other sisters, and often meditated upon the loving heart of Christ, letting the water of life flow between their two hearts. Her prayers also turned to action when the monastery was under attack by a marauding army of Muslim men. The nuns were terrified and ran to Clare. She prostrated herself in prayer and then rose and strode out to meet the invaders. They saw a “gleaming woman” and fled in terror. Similarly, when the city of Assisi was under attack the officials came and begged Clare to pray for them. Clare and the sisters prayed incessantly and the city was saved. This act of faith is still celebrated in Assisi today. What does Clare have to say to us today? Continue my legacy. Do not let your heart become rigid. Have compassion for your brothers and sisters and their human frailties. Do not love them any less. Pray for peace. Live for peace. And, “Always, be lovers of your souls.” And Francis? Listen to one another, and even if you do not agree remain with each other in love. You do not have to agree to love one another. No one is the enemy. No one is wrong. No one is right. Honor Sister Earth and all Her creatures. Honor your body and soul. Know you are a loved child of God. Pace! Megan Don is the Award-winning author of Falling Into the Arms of God and Sacred Companions Sacred Community: Reflections with Clare of Assisi. Megan’s work blends the Christian and Sufi mystical practices, with special emphasis on rebalancing the feminine spirituality and consciousness. She leads pilgrimages to Assisi, Italy, is a spiritual counselor and leads retreats throughout the United States.

That's all nonviolence is...

ORGANIZED LOVE . . . Joan Baez

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 19

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t is 1943, the German forces are occupying the land of Italy, and Jews and intellectuals are being persecuted by the fascists. Many seek safety and asylum in the city of Assisi, known as the city of peace. The Catholic Bishop, Alberto Nicolini, surreptitiously took in all those seeking refuge, hiding their Jewish identity papers on his own person under his cassock and illegally printing new papers, giving them identities as citizens of Assisi. Many of the families were housed in convents where the nuns provided food and shelter and even assisted them in celebrating their Jewish rituals. The citizens of Assisi accepted these “new citizens” readily, collaborating in their “open hiding.” The German commandant of Assisi was Colonel Valentin Muller, a Catholic who would attend Mass every morning celebrated by Bishop Nicolini. There was an unspoken knowledge between the two men. Colonel Muller knew exactly what the Bishop and his assistant, Father Brunacci were doing in helping the Jewish people, yet he made no effort to expose the false documents or their activities. When the Germans left in 1945 Colonel Muller gave all the German medical supplies to the city of Assisi, and more importantly, he disobeyed a direct order to burn the city to the ground. Years later when Colonel Muller died, a delegation of citizens from Assisi, carrying olive branches, went to his home to show their respect for the German officer. His children and grandchildren still return regularly to Assisi, passing along a street named Via.Col.Muller. One of the Jewish refugees was Professor Emilio Viturbi, a mystic, a Professor at the University of Padua, and a follower of St. Francis. He came with his wife and children believing in the peace that St. Francis preached, and knowing that it was genuinely lived in Assisi. His daughter Graziella, recalls how she used to walk around the streets with ease during the occupation, being lovingly welcomed and protected by all. She still lives in Assisi today and her son is a Rabbi in Rome. Bishop Nicolini has a tree planted in his honor in Israel, and he is portrayed on a bronze relief tablet in the cathedral of San Rufino in Assisi with his outspread arms sheltering a group of refugee children. The actions taken by these men, and all the citizens of Assisi, demonstrates the legacy of peace that St. Clare and St. Francis have left us. Francis traveled to Muslim countries and engaged in dialogue with those of the Islamic faith. It is said that both he and those he conversed with came to understand they were preaching the same message of unity and brotherhood. Clare’s reputation as a peace-maker spread rapidly as community after community formed worldwide, following her example of living in peace with her sisters and brothers. Over seven hundred years later, in 1943, their message was being lived in very practical ways in Assisi, through crossing all religious and cultural boundaries and valuing each brother and sister’s life. What is the legacy that we will leave? What message and prayer of peace are we practically living today? Are we able to erase boundaries in our lives that keep others separate, whether they are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan or those who belong to no tradition at all? And what of the political boundaries of Republican or Democrat? Very often today there is much judgment aimed at the religious traditions and our politicians. Valid or not, our judgment causes separation, even though we may be preaching unity. Can we include all in our prayers of peace? David Whyte in The Heart Aroused, tells of his experience with a modern day Poor Clare nun (the order founded by St.Clare). He was conducting a retreat, working with a group of nuns who had just returned from India, where they had been living and working for two years amongst the poor, tending to their largely untreated medical conditions. The nuns were burned out and frazzled from their time there, and from the seemingly endless and sometimes, hopeless tasks they were undertaking. There was however, one nun who was working in the dining hall, serving the food and taking care of their eating arrangements. She was young (he thought around mid-twenties), and she had a calmness and serenity to her being that was palpable. He cherished the moments he could be around her as she had a calming effect on him and all she came into contact with. There were only good wishes coming from her words, and no judgments placed on anybody. He discovered firstly, that she was in her mid-forties and that she had been a Poor Clare nun for twenty years, living a life of silence and contemplation, and what Whyte describes as “a Zen-like approach to spirituality.” From within the silence this nun heard the inner voice telling her to go out into the


a b rea th o f he ali n g

Self Knowledge As Our Path To Inner Peace by Donna Amrita Davidge

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“ Think carefully. Decide correctly. Act faithfully. Speak truthfully. Behave properly. You are bound to succeed in any walk of life. You will have peace of mind. You will have a pure conscience.. You will get inexhaustible spiritual wealth.” Sivananda Upanishad (letters written by the Yogi Shivinanada). Yoga is a method to introduce you to the teacher within. It may happen as a result of reading a book or attending a class. Some yoga students even travel to India, though most of us will not seek out a teacher, or guru, that way. The guru is meant to be that teacher which takes us from the darkness to the light. In our society yoga is often emphasized more as a physical practice than what it is in its entirety. Someone told me that the name the locals have given to a teacher in her area who is nationally acclaimed is “sweaty so and so”. Another person told me that when she went to this studio she was not allowed to leave when she decided it was too strenuous physically for her. In its pure form yoga is a path to self knowledge. Sat Bir Khalsa, the Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School interviewed in the Fall 2008 Integral Yoga Magazine, said, “ Perhaps some of the students who started out doing ‘yoga for the abs’ are going to eventually gravitate to a more comprehensive practice”. He labels many of the yogas practiced today as “physical yoga for cosmetic purposes”. Krishnamurti, another yogi, wrote “ This self-knowledge cannot be learnt through a book or another. To be aware of the total entity that you are, to be aware of the conscious and unconscious process of your thoughts, feelings and activites is self knowledge. The beginning of self knowledge is to be aware of your mental and emotional activities…If you do not know yourself there cannot be right thinking and acting.” This path will have its ups and downs but ultimately lead to inner peace. According to another yogi, Mahashi Raman, contemplating on the single question “Who am I?” can lead the aspirant to self realization. Swami Rama, the founder of the Himalayan Institute, said, “I have a firm conviction that no one can be enlightened by anyone else.- but sages can inspire and give great inner strength, without which self enlightenment is impossible. In today’s world human beings do not have an example to follow, there is no one to inspire them, and that is why enlightenment seems to be so difficult. Great sages are the source of inspiration and enlightenment.” (1978!). By reading the writings of the yogis who have gone before us, like these, we can see that yoga is much more than a group of physical exercises. In the yoga sutras, (Pantanjali). There is little written of the physical poses (asanas) but this: “Yoga pose is a steady and comfortable position. Yoga pose is mastered by relaxation of effort, lessening the tendency for restless breathing and promoting an identification of oneself as living within the Infinite breath of Life—from perfection of yoga posture, duality, such as reacting to praise and criticism, ceases to be a disturbance." Sutra II: 46-48. Yoga as many of us know and practice it becomes a physical practice, a system to connect with our breath, expand and control the way we breathe and also affect the mind. The well known Sutra I states that yoga is experienced in that mind which has ceased to identify itself with its vacillating waves of perception. Self study comes from allowing ourselves to experience life’s situations and emotions so we can learn from them and learn to be peaceful within. When the country and world go through major changes, as they have been, this is the kind of challenge that allows us to use our yogic tools. Iyengar, a still living Master, gives this guideline “Do not eat when emotionally disturbed. While dining, talk well and eat wisely – The fire of digestion is lit by the energy that arises from respiration – moderate and nourishing food is essential to maintain your strength and alertness. We are lucky in our culture that most of have these choices – to do things that contribute to our inner health and well being or not. Yogi Bhajan, the yogi I studied with, spoke frequently of converting our emotion to devotion. This practice truly brings inner peace and no longer the need to (over) eat, drink or do other destructive habits when feeling emotional. Here is a meditation from Paramansa Yogananda that may help carry you through times you are seeking inner strength and peace:

Guidance be audible to my Forgetful soul I will behold wisdom in ignorance, joy in Sorrows, health in weakness I am here to behold the tragedies and Comedies of this changeable life with an Attitude of unchangeable happiness. Each morning I will rouse the judge of My impartial introspection and ask it to try Me before the tribunal of conscience. I will direct the district attorney of discrimination to prosecute the rowdy errors and not steal the peace wealth from my soulThrough my self effort and Knowledge, let me climb the Precious ladder of realization. Whatever conditions confront me I know that they represent the next step in my unfoldment. I will welcome all tests because I Know that within me is the Intelligence to understand and the Power to overcomeI am a prince(ss) of peace Sitting on the throne of poiseI will cultivate calmness of mind(Author of Autobiography of a Yogi) Giving ourselves that hour in a yoga class or with a DVD, tape or yoga/meditation book can make us feel more peaceful. As we courageously move deeper within ourselves in our yoga practice let this lead us to the happiness and peace which Yogi Bhjana told us is our birthright. Here are two yoga poses to calm you: ( In both of them let go as best you can) CHILD – is a classic yoga posture that relaxes the body, known to be restorative in its effetcts. Start by sitting on your heels. If this does not work place a pillow between the heels and buttocks. Proceed to gently bow forward and bring the head to the floor, using a pillow for the head if it does not comfortably reach the floor. Make sure the knees are not strained. (or anything else like ankles or feet). Close your eyes and breathe deeply only through the nose, feel the breath pushing the belly against the thighs. Hold for 1-5 minutes, then relax on your back. LEGS UP THE WALL – is a great posture to take pressure off the internal organs and reverse the effects of gravity, aiding circulation. Bring your buttocks as close to the wall as possible, right up against it if you can. If you need a pillow to be more comfortable, use it or keep your buttocks a little from the wall if that works better for you. Bring the legs up the wall, have them as straight as you can, close the eyes and breathe slowly, gently and deeply into the belly, slowing the breath. Hold 1-15 minutes. Then bend the knees into the chest, lay on your side and gently come up. Love to all, Light to All, Peace to All.


“Wisdom and Understanding” Teach me to wipe away The superficial stains of ignorance May all demoniac noisy Thoughts take flight, that Thy silent song-whispers of 20 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

Donna Amrita Davidge has been a student of yoga and teacher of yoga for nearly 25 years. She continues to do both and owns and operates Sewall House Yoga Retreat in Island Falls, Maine in addition to maintaining a teaching practice in New York City (for now!).

Enjoy reading this issue of

Inner Tapestry!



Contemplations on the environment and interconnection by Jen Deraspe

Dragonfly Prayer

A September dragonfly landed on the end of a mountain oak branch. I thought it was resting. I watched and rested, myself. I thought, “I will stay here as long as you do.”   Shortly after my resting began, I noticed a wasp flying closely around the branch. Suddenly, the dragonfly snatched the wasp and flew off darting here and there as if it was taking down its prey with aerobatic wrestling moves.   I think it was waiting more than resting, “being” in its keen awareness watching for the perfect moment to move, to act, to get what it needed, to do what was next to do.   As I am dealt a life–changing question to contemplate, I am reminded of how I know nothing about the future and what’s best for me and for all involved. Similarly, some are facing jobs getting eliminated, retirement money evaporating, partners leaving, loved ones dying.... The whole world would say these are crises and everyone would agree—this is bad news.   Yet, I watch the dragonfly as it waits, moving when the time is right. It does what is next, fully attentive to what appears in front of it.    The deeper my inner stillness gets, the clearer it is that life will move me. I will be moved. What is next appears in the moment at hand. It's found in my inner voice.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Imagine a clear, open mind in all its creativity and receptivity; a mind sparkling with translucent light shimmering through transparent wings of consciousness, shifting and changing in the changing seasons of life. Dragonfly shows me the way. Nurture Through Nat u re

Let Us Guide You Home...

Pleasant Mountain, Denmark, ME

Jen Deraspe, owner of Nurture Through Nature, is a holistic retreat facilitator and practitioner of The Work of Byron Katie. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark, Maine., (207) 452-2929.

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 21


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f eng shu i & ge o pa t h o l og y

Ghost Stories in Feng Shui by Werner Brandmaier


host stories cover a rare segment in Feng Shui, but sometimes the topic of spirits in a home needs to be addressed in a Feng Shui consultation. Whenever I start dowsing a home I first ask for permission to change the energy of the house. Once in a while I feel resistance and then discover that there are foreign energies which do not like change. In order to proceed with the consultation we then need to start serious negotiations for the people living in that space.   Dealing with an entire and intact ghost energy is quite rare. Most often energies detected are just fragments, parts and pieces kept over after the shattering of the subtle layers of the body. When a person dies a dismantling process takes place. As soon as the life force leaves, the physical body disintegrates. It turns acidic and starts to deteriorate, the spirit, however, usually moves on. Other energetic components including emotions, thoughts, etc. shatter into fragments, which sometimes stick on something nearby. Energy does not dissipate, it just transforms into other forms.

Ghosts are entire beings where just the physical body is missing. All the other components are still together and therefore can be addressed as a person. Children especially seem to be sensitive enough to pick up those vibes. They suffer easily from ghost-related experiences and when not acknowledged might carry those stories through their whole life.   Years ago I got a call from a family whose house did not sell. The house had been on the market for several months. The owner, a successful business woman, complained that their charming antique home had not created any offers although many visitors and even realtors had expressed how nice and inviting the atmosphere was. At my visit I immediately noticed the presence of ghost energy. The flickering lights at the dinner table while we sat down to discuss my findings, confirmed my suspicion.   While I was still looking for the right words to introduce the delicate topic to the family, the owner cut off my attempts by stating bluntly that they were aware of the ghost of a small boy residing on the upper landing of the stairs since they moved in 20 years ago. The rumors said he had drowned 100 years earlier in open water at the back of the property and was since stuck in the house. The family’s son, now 23, never liked his room off the landing upstairs since they moved in. Even the dog tried to avoid the staircase, as the boy ghost often seemed to let the dog feel his frustration and bad mood.

A few years ago our friend was visiting Oxford County in England. She was staying in an old 16th century hotel called “The Fox,” in a very nice room, number 12. Later that night she was lying in bed reading, when she suddenly heard a big bang from the wall behind her. She first ignored it until it happened again. The third time the bump was so loud and hard that it actually moved her bed. It was late night and our friend, concerned, called down to the reception and informed the desk person of the bumping. As she was obviously distressed, the night manager offered to come up and see to the situation but could not find anything wrong. In fact, there wasn’t even another room behind the particular wall. So finally she went to sleep. The next morning when she returned to her room after breakfast, the chambermaid was there tending the room. My friend took the opportunity to ask if anyone else had ever complained of any loud noises in the room. The chambermaid responded, “Oh, yes, its the ghost.” She then went on to tell the story of a young mother who had murdered her baby in the room four hundred years ago and had haunted it ever since.

...a form appeared in front of her, she described as a body shaped veil of cloth.

When my friend went to check out later this morning, the person at the front desk asked if she had enjoyed her stay. Notoriously outspoken, she replied, “Well, yes, except for the ghost.” At that moment a panel window from behind the reception desk popped open and the hotel manager appeared. He quickly made his way through and asked if he could help. Our friend, amused by his concern, said everything had been fine except for the ghost banging on the wall last night. At that point the manager quickly escorted her into the unoccupied bar area, expressed his apologies, and before she could respond, offered her a gift as compensation for any inconvenience she had experienced. He reached behind the bar, brought out a Magnum (a giant bottle of champagne) and graciously ushered her out the door. Our friend, however, soon forgot her little encounter. Two years later, she was again visiting Oxford. This time she had booked a room in another nice old hotel. Upon arriving, she learnt that the hotel had been overbooked and there were no rooms available. The hotel staff was very accommodating and promised to find her another equally suited hotel in the area.

Continued on page 47

The clearing was done in two parts, but ended with the sale of the home for the asking price only a few weeks later. A phenomenon often connected with ghost like appearances is a specific large earth grid, in Germany, called “400 Meter System” or simply “ghost highway.” It is oriented north-south/ east-west, but also connects graveyards with each other. If a house is in one of these pathways the house may easily pick up easily uninvited travelers. Small children may express sightings as nightmares. Sometimes they describe ghost visitors in such detail that they can be identified as passed away neighbors who have not moved on. Not too long ago I had two cases in a row with similar characteristics. The daughter was a turning teenager, very sensitive, and seriously affected by ghosts all over the house, in her room, even outside the home on a quiet cul-de-sac. The geopathic examination showed a massive underground water stream crossing the property and passing through the house. I learned during the visit that a large cemetery was connected to the property in the very back, only separated by a narrow green strip of woods. It seemed that the underground water being such an easily memorable medium, carried energetic imprints with it. We finally decided to use one of our Feng Shui Power discs to shield any incoming impact and block possible “ghost traffic.” The appearances in the house disappeared instantly. The most fascinating and poignant ghost story I know was experienced by a close Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 23

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Have you ever wondered why the jewelry you inherited from an old aunt carries so much of her presence or why a house full of antiques sometimes feels quite strange? The mixture of energy of all the pre-owners still hangs around.

friend who does not even believe in “ghosts.” She is originally from England, very down to earth and had a long, successful career as a family therapist, particularly with infants and their parents.


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welcom e ho m e

ask asrianna Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living

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Dear Asrianna, I know you’ve touched on losing an animal in the past, but I’m just so heartbroken. My little toy poodle, Miss Priss, who I’d had since she was a baby was diagnosed with a terminal condition. When we realized that none of the treatments worked, we decided to take her home with us and make her last few days as loving and calming as possible. Although we had her tucked into her favorite little bed, she wanted to go down beneath the dresser where it was dark and covered so we let her. We checked on her every five minutes but in one of our absences she died. It broke our hearts to think she passed on without one of us there cooing to her and telling her she was safe and loved. Part of me knows we did the absolute best we could, and friends are very supportive of our loss—even my office seems understanding—but we just feel so much guilt! Is there something we could have done better? Were we neglectful in leaving her alone beneath the dresser for five minutes? Was she afraid? Anything you could offer us would be a help and blessing. We just miss her so much. Thank you. Signed, Missing Priss Dear Missing, When reading the many letters I get regarding the sickness our dearly loved pets experience, and our very real, human sense of loss when they die, I’m struck that regardless of the different details in each letter, a common theme winds through them all. A hint of apology for caring so very deeply for a pet, as though, being animals, they lack the basic human need of love, honor, and faithfulness. This is often combined with and ex-acerbated by a sense of having let our animal friends down in some way. Your beautiful email reminds us all, yet again, of the profoundly real love and connection we exchange with the precious pets in our lives. How wonderful that you have supportive friends and coworkers around you who can surround you in love and affirm your need to mourn. Be gentle with yourselves during this process. Still send love and healing to your beloved Miss Priss, and to both of you, do the same. It sounds to me, dear Missing, as though you and your companion did as much for Miss Priss as you could. Although you don’t go into detail, I sense that you went above and beyond the average individual’s ability to offer medical care to your ailing toy poodle. It’s a sad commentary that not everyone can shoulder the veterinarian costs should their precious pet become ill. That could be a story or letter all its own! I can’t advise you as to what more could have been tried; or, for that matter, if any other treatment would have been well-advised, because I’m not a veterinarian. My sense is that you’d both tried as many areas of healing as possible and that by the time you’d decided to take dear Miss Priss home, it was with the full knowledge that you’d done all you could either to find a cure or comfortably prolong her life. Animals respond in somewhat predictable—though not always, of course—ways when they are ill or close to death. In the wild they would find a hidden, dark place, curl in the protective cover of deep bushes or 26 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

tucked beneath a porch or rock alcove. There they would be safe on all sides and could rest and—if it was their time—die in peace and stillness. As the body shuts down, our dear pets become more and more interiorly drawn, readying themselves for their great and mysterious transition to the spirit world. So it’s not surprising that Miss Priss preferred a dark, wellsurrounded place in which to curl up to await meeting her spirit companions. As for her passing in the brief few minutes you were away, that, too, is fairly common both with animals and our human loved ones. So many, many times I’ve had clients weeping over having just missed their mother or father’s last breath, their cries filled with, “I should have been there! I let them down.” And yet the spirit is next to me with a gentle, loving smile saying, “but I didn’t want them to suffer my painful ending! I wanted to somehow make it easier for them so I waited for them to leave!” Perhaps dear Miss Priss decided that it was easier for her to go in that brief span of time in order to save herself, and you, from those possibly traumatic last moments. Traumatic, by the way, for the living because the dead have always told me that they no more remember those moments as painful or traumatic than we remember the exact seconds of our physical birth into this world in that way. Miss Priss is still very much around you, healthy, happy and filled with love. Think of her as the vibrant, whole, beautiful young adult she once was and now is again. While she’ll no doubt have other areas of busyness on the other side, she’ll visit you often and you’ll feel her small warmth and presence. Keep that in mind, dear Missing, as you go through the process of grief. My thoughts are with you. Many blessings, Asrianna Dear Asrianna, I’ve been reading about gratitude lists, prayers, and meditations. I understand the concept but I’ve a husband with back problems who hasn’t worked 13 years. I have diabetes. Debts and medical bills are crushing us and most days it’s all I can do to get up and go to work without breaking down. All I see around me is ill health, neediness, a horrible economy and more predicted to come. I know have things to be grateful for, but it just doesn’t seem to bring me the peace it seems to bring everyone else. Is it me? Signed, Ungrateful Dear Friend, I’m not going to call you ungrateful because to do so would be to add yet another rock onto the pile of heavy hopelessness you feel as you face your challenges. I’ve heard the books and talks about gratitude and I feel there is great merit in the idea of holding up those blessings we have so we can recognize just how fortunate we are in so very many ways. It can also be a starting point in uncovering the gifts we overlook when we’re mired in problems and overwhelmed by challenges. However, a dangerous theme frequently running through books and beliefs in gratitude is that if you’ve areas you’re struggling with, problems you certainly aren’t grateful for then somehow you’re negative and deserving of whatever troubles you get. This is the ever growing blame-the-victim-mentality and is both lacking in wisdom and compassion. Moving forward through

challenges isn’t about pretending they aren’t there as we turn our eyes only toward the positive. It’s about the ability to hold both gratitude and challenges aloft together. I guarantee, dear Friend, that you have a creative, intelligent mind and spirit. You also have a job to go to. These are not here so that I can say, “Hey! You’ve got this so quit your worrying!” Not at all. I point them out as a starting reference for the changes you can make in yourself one step at a time. Gratitude can be the lift in the step that gets you over the next very real hurdle rather than a word flung at you in blame. Find ways to be grateful that affirm your ability to be empowered toward beneficial change. You have diabetes. Can you be grateful that you have the strength to make one little change each day toward health and wellbeing? Your husband is unable to work and you mention medical bills. Perhaps you’ve already done this but look into disability programs and ways to lower costs as well as physical therapy and vocational therapy programs that might very well help him become productive both for his peace of mind and yours. I can’t say to you, Friend, that all your problems will go away. Nor do I feel that blind gratitude without a true awareness of one’s challenges will fix every problem. But if you see them as either/or, one or the other, you’re missing a very beneficial tool. My best wishes to you as you uncover more of your skills, gifts, abilities and talents. Many blessings, Asrianna Asrianna Dameron is a Psychic, a Spiritual Medium, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Certified Past Life Regressionist in private practice. She offers individual and group sessions as well as seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of Psychic Development, Mediumship, Hypnosis and Shamanic healing. Asrianna can be reached at, by visiting her websites at or or by calling 603-892-1268

To have your questions answered, please email your letters or comments to Asrianna at Questions become the property of Inner Tapestry and may be edited for content.



Massage Therapy Available

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Bells are a Symbol of Peace Their song is of Hope and Love May you listen and receive their song!

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 27


ex p lori ng the wo r l d r el i g i o n s

Satsang: Spiritual Community Guru Nanak's Conversation with the Yogis by James Bean

Guru Nanak

Below is based on: Peace Lagoon – Sacred Songs of the Sikhs, the Collected Hymns of Guru Nanak, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjun Dev, and Guru Gobind Singh, translated by Sardarni Premka Kaur, published by the Sikh 3HO, a very nice anthology of the Sikh scriptures of India in clear contemporary English.

Opening Verse of the Book of Sidh Gosht: “The Siddha Yogis formed an assembly, and sitting in their yogic postures spoke to Guru Nanak: ’Make your obeisance to this gathering.’”

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Answered Guru Nanak: “I bow only to Him who is true, infinite and beautiful beyond compare. My body and mind I surrender to Him and my head I place before Him. It is in keeping the company of the saints that one reaches the Truth, and by the Truth itself one is blessed. No goal is reached by wandering aimlessly. Purity is only achieved through the practice of the True Name [Sat Naam]. Without the True Name, liberation comes to none.” The yogis asked Guru Nanak: “Who are you? What is your name? What is your sect? What is your goal? We pray that you give us your true answers, for we are a sacrifice to the truthful ones. Where is your seat? Where do you live? From where have you come? Where are you going? The non-attached Siddhas wait to hear your reply. 0 tell us, what is your path?” Answered the Master: “The Lord is in every heart, and within Him is my seat and my home. I walk in the will of the Sat Guru [True Qualified Master-Teacher], and this is my only caste. I have come from God and I shall go wherever His will guides me. Nanak is my name, and I live to obey His command. My way is to sit in contemplation of the Imperishable Lord, and the attainment of such an all-encompassing Vision is my life’s goal. By the Guru’s grace I have come to know and recognize myself, and have merged with the truest of the true.” My Commentary: Sidh Gosht is my favorite book of Guru Nanak. It’s question-and-answer format serves as a kind of catechism for souls learning about the path of mysticism. What a spiritual feast! It sheds light on the teachings of Guru Nanak, one of the greatest Masters in all of human history, born during the year 1469 in the village of Talwandi Rai Bhoi, around forty five miles from Lahore (now part of Pakistan).

The yogis were asking Guru Nanak some serious questions about life, living, and the path to enlightenment. Indeed, each soul rousing from the 28 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

slumber of the ages may wonder: Where did I come from? Who am I? Why am I here? What is my path? Where is my spiritual community? What “tribe” or “caste” do I belong to? What IS my goal in life? Where am I going? What spiritual practice should I adopt? The earlier in life we ponder these big questions, the better. And blessed are those who have a Guru Nanak-like sage to call upon. An Emphasis of: “God, God, God, Guru, God”, and Not: “Guru, Guru, Guru, God, Guru”

Fortunate also are those who have a soul-mate that they share the journey with, who they can also converse with about the things they care about most in life. These particular yogis said to Nanak: “Make your obeisance to this gathering”, but Nanak’s reply seemed to beg to differ: “I bow only to Him who is true, infinite and beautiful beyond compare. My body and mind I surrender to Him and my head I place before Him.” For Guru Nanak, the genuine spiritual teacher does not seek to eclipse or undermine our direct relationship with God. Rather, Nanak presents the role of a genuine living Master as being that of someone who serves as a catalyst, that guides us into our own personal experience of God within. The hymns of Guru Nanak do include devotion for Masters – spiritual teachers play a vital role, but God is the goal, the primary focus of attention. To quantify this bhakti or devotion mathematically in the teachings of Guru Nanak and other lovers of the Beloved: a ratio of around ninety percent God-bhakti to ten percent Guru-bhakti. God is the destination, the Object of Contemplation. Thus, it is wise for spiritual seekers to be aware of such sacred texts as Sidh Gosht when evaluating contemporary spiritual organisations and teachers that claim to represent a continuation of the path of the masters and great saints of the past. Caveat emptor.

Satsang, An Association with Lovers of Eternal Truth Guru Nanak said: “It is in keeping the company of the saints that one reaches the Truth, and by the Truth itself one is blessed. No goal is reached by wandering aimlessly.” In the Gurmuki language, “sant” is a word with several meanings. It can refer to an advanced soul who has gone far in his or her spiritual practice. Spiritual movements over time may produce many such sants or saints, many mystic-souls or disciples who have made progress in their journey back to the Beloved. The term “sant” can also refer to those who have been chosen to be Sant Sat Gurus, the qualified teachers and guides, the leaders of whole spiritual communities. There is another usage of the word “sant”: a general term for devotees, disciples, satsangis, or initiates, one’s fellow-travelers and companions along the path, in other words a spiritual community or congregation of students who are, affiliated with and studying the teachings of, a certain Master, and meet together in his or her name. In this passage from Sidh Gosht, the word “saints” or “sants” can refer to

all of the above, in the varied circumstances of satsang attendance one may encounter over the years. Satsang is a word used in India for spiritual gatherings. According to the teachings of Guru Nanak however, a satsang is not just a meeting, but a fellowship of those that seek to associate with the Eternal Truth or God. Satsang is a very special time when all the distractions and illusions of “maya’s place” are to be put aside. It is an auspicious occasion when the Secrets, Mysteries, the Hidden Gnosis or Esoteric Teachings are freely shared out in the open. Satsang is a place of learning, of serious spiritual discourses being given by competent teachers. One may sing hymns known as banis, kirtans, or bhajans during satsangs. Group meditation is also part of the format of satsang. It is considered to be a great blessing for souls to meditate together, and an even greater blessing to meditate with those who are more advanced on the way. The New Testament passage: “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, I Am in their midst”, is a wonderful description of the group-energy that can be present when people come together to sing, meditate, and focus on the Eternal Truths of the spiritual journey as revealed by the great Masters of the past and the living present. In a similar passage from the Gospel of Saint Thomas found in Egypt, Yeshua said, “Whoever drinks what flows from My mouth will come to be as I Am and I also will come to be as they are, so that which is Hidden can become manifest.” (Logion 108, Lynn Bauman translation, White Cloud Press) Fortunate also are those who have a soul-mate that they share the journey with, who they can also converse with about the things they care about most in life. In the book of Sidh Gosht, Guru Nanak taught that: “No goal is reached by wandering aimlessly.” We human beings are social creatures. As the saying goes, “Spirituality is not only taught, but caught.” Even with a solitary practice such as meditation, done alone at home, we sometimes need the inspiration of others to stay motivated. Mystic paths or schools of spirituality which advocate meditation, also practice some degree of spiritual community, providing opportunities for social interaction, meaningful instruction, and they encourage one to remain committed to following certain ethical values and specific methods of spiritual practice. “Joining the satsang, my intellect is enlightened.” (Guru Ram Das) “Joining the satsang, I meditate on the Lord’s Name.” (Guru Arjun Dev in the Sikh scriptures) “Chanting, meditating on You in the satsang, You are revealed.” (Guru Arjan Dev) “There, sitting in the satsang the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung [kirtans, hymns].” (Guru Arjan Dev) “In the satsang, the Society of the Saints, the State of Supreme Awareness is attained. The Merciful Lord carries us across the ocean of life”. (Guru Ram Das) “They realize the essence of Reality, and know the state of their inner being. This is the true glorious greatness of those who join the satsang.” (Guru Nanak Dev)

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabd Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email:


t he w ay o f lif e - itse l f

The Logos of Life-itself Emerges, Just In Time by Norm Hirst


appropriate to them. Now research shows the same is true of the molecules in the cells, and so forth down to subatomic particles. This all seemed so outlandish that I have resisted saying it even though I believed it; the universe is a living organism. We are living organisms subject to the coherence conditions of earth, which is subject to the coherence conditions of the next higher organism. In our lack of understanding values we have become cancer cells for the earth.

We communicate with God by connecting with our inner "felt" sense awareness of the wholeness of what we are feeling not by what we say. In the last three decades leading edge biophysics has changed everything we ever thought we knew about life. Today I know there is nothing machine like about any living entity. Virtually all the concepts by which we understand computers cannot and should not be applied to anything living. Living organisms do not learn the order of the world through inputs. Instead living organisms impose order on the world. Physics as we have known it can no longer be considered the most basic science. Today there is developing transcendental physics. Transcendental means independent of human experience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge. There is more to physics than can be naively observed; even Newtonian physics as we have known it. Physics cannot make a major advance solely by observing phenomena. It needs a search-and-find activity. Philosophy explores experience and reports what it finds using natural language. Turning the observations into some form such as mathematics provides rules for reasonable search, and the ability to know what you are looking for. The difference between science and philosophy can be illustrated by Maxwell’s discovery of electromagnetic waves in 1860. He had before him many philosophical experiments showing the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. There wasn’t an experimental trace of waves, but when he reduced the experiments to differential equations he saw they were wave equations; thus electromagnetic waves were discovered. He wasn’t exploring; he knew what he was looking for, and found it. In our search for the logos of life-itself, our search and find activities are based on assumptions as to what is reasonable to be looking for in finding the logos of life. These assumptions have to be coherent, universal and necessarily true. This is the job of metaphysics. Assuming substance metaphysics you get materialism. The results from that foundation are found now to be incapable of explaining new discoveries about living phenomena. This demands a new metaphysics. Changing to process metaphysics we get results that can explain the new discoveries, and yes prayer. Also, process metaphysics greatly expands reality to include the

transcendental, a universe of living energy that creates matter and manifests our living world. Now it is possible to see that life produces evolution, not random processes of chemicals colliding, nor by survival of the fittest, nor by a designer. In the new paradigm it will be possible to understand what we now call spiritual, the meaning and role of values, how to peacefully resolve differences, the importance of differences and variety, how to harmonize differences and not homogenize. I also believe we will find a living God. Surely not the God I heard about in Sunday school, but the God of all inclusion, of connectedness and transcendence. This is called Panentheism, a definition of the divine character. I have a great deal of enthusiasm for the God of Panentheism. Panentheism is similar to Pantheism. In addition, as with Theism, God is transcendent. Being intimately involved in our lives, as in Pantheism, combined with transcendence as in Theism he/she is always communicating and co-creating with us. We know this communication as lures for our guidance through a kind of “felt sense knowing.” For example, I remember the morning I was getting ready to go to class at the University of Texas. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by feelings that I must not go. That was the morning of the sniper in the tower. Had I gone I would have been walking across his target area just as he started shooting. Communication with God occurs beyond words, although words may be found when searching our hearts to express what we are deeply feeling. We communicate with God by connecting with our inner "felt" sense awareness of the wholeness of what we are feeling, not by what we say. God communicates with us by providing lures of feeling. I remember from the Bible, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Render unto God what is God’s. In scientific materialism there is only Caesar. It has taken the meaning out of life. The new paradigm is revealing new meaning. With a new beginning on so many fronts, meaning is emerging as we come to our hearts to listen, to know what action to take for our living during these times. And from here, we move into new knowing, and a peace that passeth all understanding, until now. Life-itself is revealing her ways. Please visit our new website at and read our new publication of Life as Creative Organism; Cosmos and History Social Philosophy Journal on We look forward to hearing from you and welcome your participation in passing along news of the emerging logos of life-itself.

Inner Tapestry

6 Kristin Lane, Raymond ME,04071 207 799-7995

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 29

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

hen I think of prayers I am reminded of a poem. During World War I, “Gott strafe England” was a slogan of the German Army. The phrase means, “God, punish England!” The frequency of this slogan and similar oaths by British soldiers gave Sir John Collings Squire cause to write the following poem. “God heard the embattled nations sing and shout 'Gott strafe England!’ and ‘God save the King!’ God this, God that, and God the other thing – Good God!’ said God, ‘I’ve got my work cut out!’” This does reflect what I observed of the use of prayer as I was growing up. I often wondered if God is omniscient, why do we have to speak in some language such as English to tell God what we want? If God is omniscient we might be wiser to want what God wants! I believe praying means listening to God. The subject of prayer raises many questions needing better answers than we have known. If we believe the dominant world-view of scientific materialism there is no point to prayer. In materialism there is only determinism by blind forces. Prayer would be just a wishful delusion to make us feel better. However, new discoveries are revealing the Logos of life-itself. As knowledge of this Logos grows we can see that scientific materialism is profoundly wrong when applied to life. It is a partial view of reality that has been spectacularly successful in producing technology; machines. With regard to understanding life it is a disaster. There has been talk of a paradigm change for sometime. It is now occurring. Human consciousness has been changing worldwide. Also science is changing. I wish the changes in science were better known. As the old paradigm perishes life may become frightening. As the new paradigm takes charge, life will be better than we have ever known. Based on the circumstances of my experience I wish to illustrate what I believe will characterize the old and dying paradigm and characterize the new paradigm now beginning. In the old paradigm of scientific materialism the universe is non-living. It is nothing but dead matter except on earth some freakish conditions created life as an epiphenomenon. After years of inquiry there is no satisfactory explanation for the origin of life, we send space probes out looking for life, seeking to learn if it could have occurred on other planets? I repeat, new results in laboratories around the world could not occur if materialism were a complete view of reality. I think these new results give us good insights into the new paradigm. I believe it would be more correct to see matter as an epiphenomenon created by life. Life is energy flows, probably in the Dirac Sea. Life is manifest as creative organisms. A living organism is a society of living organisms. For example, a human being consists of 75 trillion cells living in a pure democracy. Each cell enjoys maximum freedom to act provided it conforms to the coherence conditions the body requires. (This led me to speculate that cancer cells were cells that had lost their ability to communicate, they no longer knew the coherence conditions. I am surprised to learn that several cancer research centers have confirmed this. They are working on ways to restore communication.) The cells in our bodies are living organisms capable of acting, and choosing their acts based on values


INNER TAPESTRY's Directory of Resources

Counseling & Therapy .................................... pages 30-31 Creative Healing Arts ...................................... page 31 Evolutionary Consciousness............................ pages 31-32 Healing In Nature ................................................... page 32 Holistic Healing Centers ........................................ page 32 Hypnotherapy .................................................. pages 32-33 Integrative Healing ........................................... pages 33-34 Life Mastery ............................................................ pages 34-35 Meditation ............................................................. page 35 Nurturing Foods .............................................. page 35 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship .................... page 35 Reflexology & Healing Massage .................... pages 35-36 Retreats ......................................................... page 36 Sacred Space .............................................. page 36 Salons & Spas ............................................... page 37 Schools & Trainings ............................................... page 37 Shamanic Healing ............................................ page 38

Holistic Practitioners, Products and Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states. co u n s e l in g & t h e rapy Maine

counseling & the rapy- cont. Patricia A. Burke, MSW, LCSW

Holistic Psychotherapy & Spiritual Development Work

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

I am a clinical counselor and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing© with a private psychotherapy practice in Portland, Maine. My work integrates traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy and mindfulness in work with individual clients. The emphasis is on helping people learn to access the innate healing ability of the human body. The end goal is to heal trauma, stress, compulsions Douglas Smith and other challenges in order to enjoy an open, embodied flow of experience. I also teach workshops in somatics and sensory awareness for clinicians and others interested in mind-body integration. Most insurance accepted. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP. 205 Ocean Avenue, Portland, ME 04103, (207) 773-7993 x19.

"When we are fully present to ourselves the light of who we are shines through and like a slow deep breath, fills the world with love." -PB

In over twenty-five years of experience I have merged a variety of psychological, sensate awareness, spiritual and creative practices into a process of deep awakening that can help you heal trauma, addictions & depression, rediscover meaning and purpose in life, build mutually empowering relationships, enhance creativity and embrace the deep stillness of being from within which all experience arises. I have been deeply engaged in my own inner work for over twenty years and call upon my extensive training in spiritual and transformational practices to guide my work with others. I offer individual, group and couples consultation, personal intensives, workshops, supervision and training. Offices in West Baldwin & Yarmouth, ME, (207) 625-7012,,

Mark Nakell, LCPC Live From Your Center

Paul K. Matteson MS. Ed., L.C.P.C. Humanistic Psychotherapy

Grief and Loss Issues Adult survivors of all forms of childhood abuse  " Moving Through Grief, Trauma and Loss Workshops "  Office hours by appointment in Portland and Lewiston Accepting most insurances  207 753-0135

Awareness-based Psychotherapy Growth and Self-Realization Individual & Couples Counseling

All of life happens in the present moment: Our natural condition is an

open awareness of each moment as it occurs. Increased awareness of this moment—now—and of yourself in the moment, provides an increased experience of life, more joy, and greater fulfillment. Developing the capacity of your own center enables a deeper, more immediate experience of your aliveness and presence now. The result is increased freedom—freedom of choice, freedom of action, freedom of purpose—and deepened participation in the events of your own life. For a FREE introductory session, call (207) 773-4413 or email, 25 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. Further information can be found at

Many Blessings For A Delightful Holiday Season 30 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

31 cou ns e l i ng & t h e r apy- co n t .

creative healing arts–cont.

Gestalt Your Life


Angela Hassenpflug Personal Development/Gestalt Work

Helen Warren, M.S.Ed., M.F.A., facilitator

Do you live your best life? Do you live up to your full potential? Where do you express your true self?

I work with you to: - articulate your vision of what your Best Life will look like - refocus on your strengths and talents - get back in touch with your authentic self, your core beliefs and values - define your goals and strategies to achieve them - stay focused so that you do not give up or lose momentum I integrate life/personal coaching tools and Gestalt Therapy elements in my work. We can meet in person or over the phone, I offer individual and group settings. Call 207-592-7888 or email me, at for more information and to set up a free introductory call.

creative healing arts Connecticut Zen Yoga is a journey of spiritual deepening that begins with the breath. Zen Yoga begins

Email:, Website:

Within each of us is the knowing of our oneness with the creative life force. In the silent, inner-directed

process of image-making as meditation, we reconnect with and are guided by our authentic selves, the ever-present creative and playful soul-child within who carries the imprint of this eternal oneness. The magical and profound process of Touch Drawing provides a unique portal. Retreats And Personal Journeys offer a safe and sacred space for experiencing deeper trust that fosters expanded intuition, imagination, and flexibility; reduction of stress, anxiety, depression and fear; and emotional and spiritual clarity that empowers us to live according to our soul’s blueprint. For those who aspire to live and experience life more deeply, creatively, and consciously! Visionary artist, art educator, facilitator and healer with over 40 years experience, Helen weaves together scholarship in the psychology of the creative process, intuitive insight, indigenous spirituality, and metaphysical wisdom in her facilitation. FMI or to schedule an appointment:; (207) 829-6876;

Creative Spiral Studio, North Yarmouth, ME 04097

Surry Music Therapy Center: Alan Wittenberg M.A., CMT Certified Music Therapist, (AMTA) American Music Therapy Association Music therapy opens new channels of communication and contact through the creative and interactive use of music towards self-expression and self-discovery. It goes beyond

words and emotionally, physically, and intellectually touches those with psychological issues and special needs. Music Therapy is a dynamic clinical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitative treatment approach. Alan specializes in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavioral issues, speech and sensory integrative delays; as well as work with the elderly and Alzheimer’s.The Surry Music Therapy Center is a unique facility in Maine offering individual and small group sessions, seminars, conferences, in-service training, and workshop programs throughout Maine. Contact Alan Wittenberg at (207) 667-1308,, visit the website at for seminar and conference information.

Maine Art Therapy & Shamanism

evolutionary consciousness Maine

Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy

and shamanic counselling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "ART from the heART," (207) 589-3063.

Di re cto r y of R es our c e s $375 for 1 year Print & Online Listing with An Active Link to your website! Includes 2.8 inch ad space, (approximately 130 words) Initial set-up fee $20

The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders TAI provides basic Research, Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principles within the energy of life-itself. Using a

"wholistic" perspective for social and individual change, TAI offers in-depth examination of old problems with new possibilities as we draw on emerging discoveries about how the energy of life-itself works. Bring your inquiry and find effective action for yourself or your organization. Call for consultation to explore how we can help you during this consciousness shift. or call (207) 236-6331.

Online listing (without print copy) with an active link to your website. $100 plus an Initial set-up fee $20

Call 207-799-7995 or email: Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 31

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

with deep breathing to gather energy and then introduces soft, flowing movement and stretches to facilitate the smooth flow of that energy throughout the body. Based on the fundamental principles of yoga, tai chi and qigong, Zen Yoga is like nothing you have tried before. Prepare to feel wonderful! Our instructors create programs specifically designed to meet the needs of your group. We are available to teach workshops and stress relief programs throughout New England. We hold special retreats in the mountains of Vermont in September. Our Online Correspondence Course is a 12-week email program that provides tools to assist you on your journey of self-discovery. For more information: Phone: (860) 805-6551,

Journey to the Authentic Self

32 ev o l u t i o n ar y c o n s c io usness- c o n t . Ann Hastings Conscious Channel to Support the Awakening of Self Do you want to know who you are? Vywamus,

a being of immense wisdom and compassion, channeled by Ann for many years, will help you achieve greater happiness and satisfaction in life through practicing the principles of reverence, fearlessness, integration, self-responsibility and unconditional acceptance. Ann is the author of The Mechanics of Reality: The Teachings of Vywamus and the co-founder of Reshaping The World, LLC where we offer a line of quality T-shirts bearing messages of acceptance, hope and unity that will support you energetically on your journey of self-discovery. Call Ann at (207) 625-8341 or email to schedule a phone or in-person channeling session. Groups, classes and workshops are also available. Visit to order our transformational T-shirts.

healing in nature

M a i ne Ecotherapy Dennis Grannis-Phoenix Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Turtle Journeys Ecotherapy and the nature-based practices offered by Dennis Grannis-Phoenix, MA are designed to support individuals in the challenging yet predictable life transitions experienced by everyone. Walking side-by-side with individuals or

group participants Dennis helps guide and mentor each person as they transition psychospiritually from one phase of human life to the next. This transitional movement is marked with co-created, earth-centered rites of passage which have largely been forgotten by our contemporary culture. Using nature-based ritual and ceremony helps to bring us into closer connection with nature, the more-than-human world, and the true Self contained within each of us. Sessions occur in natural and wilderness settings with office locations available as needed. For more information please call Dennis at (207) 273-1390 or email: Dennis has an MA in ecopsychological counseling from Prescott College and is a Registered Maine Guide.

Mountain Spirit Journeys Jamal Lee-Elkin

Mountain Spirit Journeys is dedicated to helping people become whole and vibrant human beings living in connection to the Earth and all of creation. Mountain

Spirit Journeys is owned and operated by Jamal Lee-Elkin who is a Shamanic Healer, Reiki Therapist and Registered Maine Guide. Jamal enjoys sharing his love of the outdoors with people and has been a guide for 12 years. He has been on his spiritual path for 17 years and has a passion for helping others. Shamanic Healing consists of ancient and powerful methods for restoring your spirit to wholeness and vitality. The Shamanic Practitioner uses the unlimited power and love of the universe to help you with problems of your spirit/soul. Jamal also offers Reiki treatments, which is a positive energy that promotes healing and balances the mind, body and spirit. Wilderness Trips and Expeditions are intended to re-awaken a spiritual connection between you and the Earth. These programs include the following: • Earth Based Wilderness Navigation • Rock & Ice Climbing • Wilderness Waterway Explorations • Mountaineering • Winter Survival Skills • Guided Walk With the Spirits • Wilderness Immersion   Please see our website, email Jamal at or call (207) 461-4840 for more information. Brownfield, ME. 32 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

holistic healing centers

Main e Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center May glad tidings be bestowed upon all of you and your loved ones this glorious Holiday Season! I hope you make the opportunity to

reach out to your community, touch the hearts of your neighbors and family. From the family of Gardens of Atlantis to yours! Georgi ~ DNA Healing & Qi Gong, Debra ~ Shamanic Practitioner & Ceremonialist, Pam ~ Tarot & Reiki teacher, Steve ~ Flute playing, Darlene ~ Numerology & Sacred Geometry, Heidi ~ Fun with Metaphysics, Schmel ~ Candle Magik, Jeanette ~ Yoga, Waynonaha ~ Drum Circles & classes, Debbie ~ Native Beading, Annie ~ Astrology & Spirit Guides. We all hope to see you this winter for some fun and laughter! Peace on Earth!  Join in anytime! (207) 929-5088

Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the

individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners, as well as a wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have a beautiful workshop/class space available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.

The area's premier location for the most comprehensive selection of holistic health treatments and integrative medicine, meditation, yoga & movement classes offered by a dynamic community of professionals...

Holistic Medicines

Reiki~polarity~life Coaching~ Nutritional Counseling Massage Therapies: Hot Stone, Integrative, Deep Tissue Ener - genetics: Healing Through The Energy Of DNA Acupuncture ~ Homeopathy & Naturopathic Medicine Sanctuary Studio: Classes & Private Lessons ! Yoga: Vinyasa, Kripalu, Hatha For Women Meditation ~ Power Pilates ~ Relaxation ~ Core Conditioning Gift Certificate available! This season, give the gift of well-being at Sanctuary. For more information, contact director Erinn Cayehal at (207) 846-1162 ext.2 50 Forest Falls Drive, 2nd flr, Yarmouth, ME 04096 or visit the website:

hypnotherapy Maine

Hypno-Health ~ Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., B.C.H. As a practicing Board Certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people take control of their lives. Together we have resolved

over 150 different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns—and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, natural and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or (207) 773-5200 (Portland),,

33 hypnotherapy-cont. ELISSAGARDE-JOIA

Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have

the tools and skills you need. Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy complements all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, and anesthesia need, and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a free phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, Home visits available.

HypnoWave Hypnosis Training Center Ernest VanDenBossche, BCH, CI - Director Is it time for a change? Let hypnosis work for you in so


FERN DYER - Reiki Master/IET Practitioner Reiki with Crystals, Stones, Integrated Energy Therapy, Reading, Write-up. Our intuition guides us to the stones and crystals

necessary for our development. Reiki is introduced to balance the body, mind and spirit so your innate healing ability can be bolstered. If you choose, Integrated Energy Therapy is added. IET provides a simple and gentle way to open the flow of vital life force within the human body and energy field by integrating suppressed feelings from cellular memory and clearing their associated energy blockages. Your messages are discussed. A write-up (detailing the meanings of the stones, the meanings of the flowers, animals etc. that I saw/ heard/felt during the session and any other messages received) is then sent to you. Call (207) 415-8638 or e-mail: for an appointment/more information.Visa/mc accepted. Jewelry, nature photos. Now in-town Portland,

Ron and Joan

As WE change so does OUR world. With that stated,

Ron and Joan are continually growing to welcome in opportunities to support those interested in awakening to the Truth as being fully human. The process they bring forth is simple and supports the creation of everyone's uniqueness as harmony with Source – we call this "Quantum Energetic Harmonization." We are excited to offer new trainings we have taken with Sue and Aaron Singleton, founders of The Way to Balance and the EOL process. The EOL trainings blend with and expand their offerings of harmonizing the physical, emotional and energetic aspects of each being beautifully. If you are interested in exploring how we may be able to support you please visit, see our ad on page 24 or call us at (207) 799-7998 with questions or for more information.

"There is more hunger for Love and Acceptance in the world today than there is for bread." (Mother Teresa).

and other trainings available.

integrative healing Connecticut

Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well.

What we do not choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy, and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at

Peace-making is a healing process and it begins with me, but it does not end there. ...Gene Knudsen Hoffman

Kim Egberts Holistic & Cranial Sacral Therapist Transforming the stress in your life.

Professionally trained for the last ten years by the Upledger Institute. Work has included advanced

study in CranioSacral therapy including pediatrics and Somato-Emotional Release. Related course work has included advanced brain work. Offering Craniosacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage, and Neurological reorganization with intuitive healing and therapy from the heart. Integrative use of various techniques assists with a wide range of conditions, including: Migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities, autism, cerebral palsy, central nervous system disorders, infantile disorders, feeding disorders and anxiety. For more information or for an appointment, please call  207-653-8263. Yarmouth ME.

Accepted & honored for who you are, just as you are, today. Encouraged & supported

to be who you are in your Highest Potential. You are invited to experience a new horizon of well-being with an energetic bodywork session custom-tailored to support you on your journey through life. Drawing on a Carney Brewer therapeutic background that includes Reiki Master status, massage & polarity therapies, classical music training, core shamanic practices & Young Living Essential Oils, I create a multi-sensory experience intentionally designed to induce a state of blissful relaxation. In this space of deep relaxation your body will naturally begin to re-align itself with its perfect state. Allow yourself to experience the wonders of feeling even better than you do today. Call (207) 450-8587 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 33

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

many ways. Become a Consulting Hypnotist. Training with Ernest VanDenBossche, Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (, President Maine Guild of Hypnotists. Take the NGH “Consulting Hypnotist” Certification Training, 100-hour course. Be a Certified Hypnotist. Learn – What is Hypnosis, Trance Depth Testing, Hypnotizability and Suggestibility, Rapid Inductions, Mind/Body Relaxation, Self-Hypnosis, Goal Development, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Stress Management, Pain Management, Age Regression, Reframing Trauma, Ethics for Professional Hypnotists, create customized scripts, CD's for your clients. You get: NGH Manuals, One Year NGH Membership, Local and International support by other professional hypnotists, supervised in-class practice time to master your techniques quickly, informational Hypnosis CD ROM, CDs and DVDs for your business. Call: (207) 453-6133, Private consulting

integrative healing–cont.

34 integrative healing–cont. Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner and Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/

SpiritWings CompassionateHealing

Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner: Massage – Including Therapeutic

Massage – Seated Massage – Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Craniosacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Ancestral Healing Techniques and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We offer Reiki and Karuna® Reiki Classes plus other workshops to guide you on your spiritual journey. Visit SpiritWings for a cross-cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey, including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 14 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at Credit Cards accepted.

integrative healing–cont. Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist “Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right.” -- Roberta Barnes, CHT, Gendai Reiki-ho

& Komyo Reiki Shihan (teacher), and Herbalist. Roberta's teaching and healing space, nestled in a wildlife habitat, is the perfect environment in which to receive a safe healing experience. Encased in harmonizing relaxation, begin your journey to return to your natural state of well-being by... learning Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho > experiencing one or more healing sessions > scheduling a personalized herb report > journeying into your past for healing or discovery > learning meditation you can do any place/any time > learning to connect with nature. Roberta's Usui Reiki Ryoho lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit or call today (207) 445-5671.

life mastery your brain with eegmaine. Bridgeside Counseling Train A parent’s quote, “When our and Neurofeedback daughter was 16 we discovered

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

neurofeedback. She had 14 sessions before end-of-the-year exams and she Elizabeth Millett, NCC, LCPC managed to pass her exams, which was a confidence booster for her.” Neurofeedback can be used for many issues, including attention issues, anxiety, depression, autistic spectrum, brain injury, peak performance and much more. Neurofeedback addresses the problems of brain regulation by allowing the brain to function better. It is training in self-regulation. Neurofeedback is the direct training of the brain, increasing its function, creating greater control and stability. By using computers and electrodes, brain waves can be observed moment-to-moment on a computer screen. Rewards and inhibits are set to optimize brain functioning, the brain is then rewarded for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns. This is a gradual learning process, which can be applied to any aspect of brain function that can be measured. I have seen excellent results with neurofeedback. Visit my website,, for other services that are available and complimentary to training your brain, such as proshi, HEG and individual counseling. Call or email for a free consultation (207) 767-0117 or

Dr. Adi Philpott

Osteopathic P hysician Acupuncture Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, EF T-Adv Holistic Facial Rejuvenation For those seeking gentle, safe, alternative methods to improve health and performance Dr. Philpott offers a multidisciplinary approach. Used alone or in combination,

osteopathy, auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture), hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and Quantum Touch Technique® modalities are highly effective in treating medical conditions and physical/emotional concerns as well as improving performance. These treatments offer excellent results in areas such as pain, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, phobias, weight loss, smoking cessation, sports and public speaking. Free initial consultation. For more information or an appointment call (888) 598-5445. Conveniently located at, 222 St. John Street, Suite 130, Portland, ME. Now accepting insurance,

Maine Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide

Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and

fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms

and create a dynamic vision for your life – a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. For a complimentary coaching session or schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or email: Phone sessions available.

TAROTWORKS Jeanne Fiorini A tarot reading can be an avenue by which to have an authentic conversation about what matters most in your life. Tarot Works provides numerous ways to

experience the wisdom and beauty of this ancient system of symbols, by offering individual and group readings, classes from beginner's level to "Readers in Training," ongoing monthly groups, and special events. Phone readings are available. Jeanne Fiorini is a Tarot practitioner and teacher with 16 years experience. She has training in both mediation and psychosynthesis counseling, bringing practical guidance and useful information to all her readings. Jeanne is currently a contributing columnist for the American Tarot Association's newsletter www.ata-tarot. com/reflections. For more information about all the TarotWorks offerings, visit or phone Jeanne at (207) 799-8648.


34 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

35 life mastery–cont.

nurturing foods Maine

Words for the Wise Anne Smith, M.A.

CarynTreister~Nutrition Made Simple

Certified Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner: TYLEM, IET, Reiki

Independent Reliv Distributor, AEA, certified fitness instructor with a nutrition background

Tired of settling for less than you want? Ready to free yourself of old, self-

defeating patterns and habits? Eager to create the life you know you deserve to live? You can achieve this and more through a unique blending of Life Coaching and Energy Medicine Therapies. I support, guide and assist you in releasing what has been holding you back from experiencing your true potential. I empower you to clarify your goals and take steps to create the authentic life you truly want and deserve. In my client's words: "Sessions removed deeply entrenched thoughts, feelings, emotions that were creating pain in my life and body. The experience has been effortless and profound. Anne is committed to being on your search 'with you'. Her patience, keen insight, and gentle nature make you want to go deeper into your soul's internal dialogue." I also share techniques and tools for you to use in your personal growth and self-care as you take the action steps you choose to reach your goals and create your own life. I invite you to call (207) 462-8757, or email, to schedule your complimentary session and /or receive more information. Convenient phone sessions, as well as in-person sessions available.


Do you want to feel better? Are you confused about

vitamins and how much to take? With Reliv Nutritional Supplements the formulas have been scientifically formulated for you. It’s easy, you don’t need to play chemist! My goal is to help you be successful in reaching the wellness level you want. I’ve been assisting people with Reliv for seven years and helping people with “fitness wellness” for almost twenty years. They go hand-in-hand… so nutrition became a real interest to me. I quickly learned most people were not getting enough nutrients in their food and was thrilled when I found Reliv. The Reliv products taste good, and are readily absorbed by the body for improved efficacy. The synergistic blend of nutrients in each Reliv shake provides maximum benefit by ensuring that each nutrient works to its full potential. The best part is that they are so simple to take; and you will receive my personal support to make sure you get results! I would be privileged to help you on your quest to better health…. why not change your life today? Please call (207) 767-3085, email:,

psychic & spiritual mediumship

Patti Greco ~ Intuitive Counsel for Lightworkers


in Motion

Heart-breaking and magical. That is your Soul Story and Patti Greco is your psychic storyteller. Her spiritual consultations tap multi-layered psychic writing, clairvoyant art, & psychic photography to shed light on your questions of the heart. Greco Writing offers the following visionary services through phone consult or email readings: The Soul Story, The Akashic Records (Past Life Reading), The Multidimensional Card Reading, The Cameo, Intuitive Dream Analysis, The Faerie (devic) reading, Intuitive Life Coaching & more. No matter what chapter you find yourself in, your Soul Story is a tool for understanding your key role in the Universe, and empowering your life’s work and relationships. Patti has worked as a professional clairvoyant for clients in all walks of life since 1985 (see her full Clairvoyant Profile on soul-stories. net). By appointment. MC/VISA accepted. Contact Patti Greco at (978) 448-5018,


PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy

Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years of experience. She

resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089,,, and

reflexology & healing massage Maine


Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,

a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabd Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib.

For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email:, Website:

Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds

and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands... and feet. To contact Lynn call (207) 767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit

Together we ARE creating peace ! Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 35

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Patti Greco acts as Intuitive Counsel, Soul Coach, and Catalyst to help her clients across the US find their own life invitations. Authentic. Meaningful.

36 reflexology & healing massage - cont.

Jennifer Bourget, RN, LMT, Reiki II Practitioner Jennifer Bourget holds a BS degree in nursing since 1983, is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki II Practitioner. Jennifer works from a belief that there is a

connectedness between all living things and it is through this relationship that we are able to find healing, harmony and balance. You are invited to experience deep relaxation and peace in a beautiful, energetically clear space. Choose from massage therapy, including pregnancy massage, Reiki, aromatherapy, Raindrop Technique, or a combination of therapies. Thirty-, sixty- and ninety-minute sessions available. Guigen Qigong instruction and on-site chair massage also available. Located in a lovely Victorian at 251 Main Street in Yarmouth,

Maine. Sessions by appointment weekdays and Saturday. Contact (207) 846-4704 or (207) 841-3053, Or visit www.


Sewall House Yoga Retreat Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna and healthy home-cooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes

and Baxter State Park, hike, bike, swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great granddaughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham. Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered. Sewall House Yoga Retreat Island Falls, Maine (888) 235-2395 July 3 – October.

retreats Maine

sacred space Maine

The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.

Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration. Come,

surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207) 625-4179 or email:

Nurture Through N at ure

Nurture Through Nature is celebrating its 10th season offering transformative women's holistic retreats through weekend workshops and holistic canoe trips.

We weave mind~body~spirit experiences through guided meditation circles, gentle Let Us Guide You Home... yoga, mindfulness practices and The Work Pleasant Mountain, Denmark of Byron Katie. Our unique offerings and reflective space together with professionally guided outdoor pursuits deepens connections to the living earth and our inner selves. Jen Deraspe, owner, is a Registered Maine Guide, Certified Yoga Instructor, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie and Community Faculty member of True North, Maine's Center for Functional Medicine and the Healing Arts. Our solar-powered green retreat is located on Pleasant Mountain, in the heart of Maine's western mountains, just over an hour from Portland, Freeport and Lewiston, Maine. (207) 452-2929, or, Contact

for your custom getaway, eco-cabin rental or to join a scheduled retreat.

Mahoosuc Mountain Lodge and Husky Farm are nestled on 60 acres in the beautiful Bear River Valley of Newry in western Maine.

The lodge is a traditional New England timberframe featuring hand-cut mortise and tenon joinery. It is the home base of Mahoosuc Guide Service and their working sled dogs ( In addition to the Lodge the original 3-bedroom farmhouse built in 1903 has been renovated and is being operated as a Bed and Breakfast. Our views are dominated by the 3,500-4,000’ peaks of the Mahoosuc Range. We are: 1 mile to Grafton Notch State Park, 4.7 miles to the Appalachian Trail, 14 miles to Umbagog Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 2 miles to the Grafton Loop Trail. Mahoosuc Mountain Lodge is a great facility to host a retreat, meetings, family reunions, dances/concerts, wedding or an outdoor activity. Please call Polly or Kevin at: (207) 824-2073 for more information or visit:

Directory of Resources Listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer.

For more information call: (207) 799-7995 or email 36 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

37 salons & spas

schools & trainings Maine

Maine Stephanie Kostopoulos is honored to bring her artistry and 25 years of experience to Meadow Wind. She has traveled the world


motivated by multi-cultural curiosity to explore the many truths, in all their aspects, HAIR BEAUTY GRACE that make our world beautiful. She happily cultivates this curiosity by assisting people to recognize the innate beauty that resides within each-and-every one. By creating beauty, Stephanie encourages people to take care of themselves, the environment in which they live, and the things they love. Her belief is that beauty is harmony and she gracefully communicates the inseparable unity between exterior and interior beauty. The intention that resides in her heart is soulfully communicated through her hands. Providing a nurturing environment Stephanie assists her clients in the decision making process regarding the expression and enhancement of their own beauty. Call to schedule a consultation or appointment, and you will understand why Stephanie has been embraced by Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts. Stephanie’s custom designed jewelry and organic products are some of the many treasures at Roots! Hours By Appointment call (207) 838-9535, email

is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization. We teach yoga to elementary school children and their homeroom teachers. We can come to your school and teach

formal yoga classes or we can come to your classroom and help you to initiate a yoga program you can use on a daily basis in your class. We also offer Tools for Teachers, an in-house workshop, which teaches teachers to use four basic yoga tools in their daily teaching. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction, which will complement their overall learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact Lily Goodale at or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the Yoga Ed foundation of yoga for children., or visit me at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, Me.

Treat Your Feet Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine

Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body.

rural comfort and relaxation in our woodfired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub.

(207) 845-2304 or visit

Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which

removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for School of Reflexology $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its Application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot, hand charts, footbath items & much more. For more information, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta (207) 626-FEET. Classes start in February, May & September, Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.

Holistic Facial Rejuvenation Take Beauty to the Next Level More than a cosmetic procedure, Holistic Facial Rejuvenation using ELR™ is a revitalization process for the entire body designed to make you look and feel renewed. Lose that under-eye “baggage”! Turn jowls into a

Chaplaincy Institute of Maine

Interfaith Spiritual Growth and Ordination

jaw-line! Look rested, awake and rejuvenated! A complete course of treatment is 10 to 12 sessions, but noticeable results occur after only 1-3 treatments.

World Religions, Art as Meditation, Creation Spirituality, Interfaith Worship

First Year: The Way of Contemplation • Second Year: The Way of Action The next two-year program begins September 2009

• Non-Surgical Facelift • Non-needle, Acupuncture based • No Side Effects • No Pain • No Downtime for Healing • Holistic Anyone can benefit from ELR™ treatments. From acne to aging, ELR™ is a whole body rejuvenation that will bring your facial beauty to the next level! Dr. Adi Philpott, 222 St. John St, Suite 130, Portland, ME 04102, (888) 598-5445, Osteopathic physician, Acupuncture practitioner. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED

ChIME offers a two-year program for Interfaith Spiritual growth and possible ordination as an Interfaith Minister. Students commit to attending class one evening a week and one weekend a month September through May. Two weekend retreats are also built into the schedule. Some weekend workshops are open to the general public. Tuition for the two years is $5,400. Information and applications: ChIME Admissions, P.O. Box 3833, Portland, Maine 04104 (207) 347-6740 • •

Deadlines for the Directory of Resources To Reserve space

January 1st

For all graphic and text material

January 5th

Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 37

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Deep tissue, Swedish, and myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep two. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call Lori Cressler at

A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.

38 shamanic healing Maine Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk As Spirit Passages, C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the

Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at:


…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence. At

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. My healing space is safe, quiet and nourishing. I regularly perform soul retrievals, communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones and facilitate healing the numerous wounds of life in the 21st century. I have completed a Three-Year The Center for Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Earth Light Healing Healing with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and other intensive trainings, including experiences with indigenous shamans from around the world. I graduated from a Two-Year Teacher Training Program with world-renown shaman, Sandra Ingerman, and this authorizes me to teach beginner and advanced shamanic healing methods. Please see my workshop schedule or make an appointment at, email me at, or call (207) 841-1215.

Pacha Works

Holding New Possibilities. Working with traditional shamanistic practices for healing. Eva Rose Goetz, director

"Healing is a collaboration. I love working with people privately or with groups. By working together we remove energies that may be in the way of our coming into wholeness and balance." Eva Rose Goetz: BFA University of Texas at Austin, MS Ed.

Bank Street College NYC, Medicine Wheel Training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Lisa Summerlott. Certified In Light Body Medicine with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Core Shamanism with Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton. Eva gratefully continues her studies with indigenous medicine people in Peru, New Mexico, Canada, Africa and Mexico. Eva hosts workshops, leads ceremonies and has a private Shamanic Energy Practice in Falmouth, Maine. A new 16-month course in beginning Shamanism begins April 2009. More information about classes, private sessions, or ceremonies can be found at or contact Eva directly at (207) 756-0488. "By

working with intentions of great love and spirit it is believed energy can move. A door opens and there is possibility of something new."

Our thanks to the many who support our community.

38 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

What Is Acupuncture? by Dorian G. Kramer So, what is acupuncture? Acupuncture is one aspect of Eastern Medicine. Eastern medicine is based on the belief that there is a flow of Qi (energy) and Blood through the body. Any interruption of this flow can lead to any disease state such as pain, asthma, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, chronic emotional states, and even cancer. The Qi and Blood flow through the body via a series of channels or meridians. Along these channels are the acupuncture points. These can be seen as way stations where the flow can be accessed and redirected as necessary. In Eastern medicine there is a fundamental concept of root conditions and branch conditions. The branches are symptoms but these symptoms are what in western medicine would be considered a diagnosis. So in contemporary medicine you may be diagnosed with migraines, in eastern medicine this is a symptom of a deeper condition. These deeper conditions are the root conditions; the root is what is causing the branches. So a person who complains of migraines, but may also have a history of hypertension, chronic constipation, insomnia, and issues with temper control may see these as separate conditions but to the Acupuncturist these are all pointing to a common source. The determination of the root condition is done through a series of diagnostic methods. Usually this starts with a series of questions to determine all symptoms the patient may be suffering from. Then the Acupuncturist will move on to use some of the more classic diagnostic techniques which include pulse palpation, abdominal palpation, tongue diagnosis, facial diagnosis, and palpation of the meridians. Once the root condition has been determined the Acupuncturist has a variety of treatment options. To start there is the classic use of the needles in order to influence the body to balance the flow of this Qi and blood. All the needles come individually packaged and are disposed of after use. Then there is the practice of Moxabustion. Moxabustion is the burning of a cured form of the herb Mugwort. This herb can be burned in the form of a cigar sized piece held a few inches over the channels and points, it may be burned on to pieces of other herbs to enhance it’s affects, or it may be rolled and broken up into rice grain sized pieces which are burned directly on to the points and extinguished before causing an actual burn. Eastern medicine holds that the needles will move around what energy the person has or influence its production; moxa adds the energy directly to the body. Then there is the use of herbs. Herbalism may be found in all cultures across the globe and is the basis for most of our modern medications. Most forms of herbalism use one or two herbs to address conditions. The Eastern approach generally uses elegantly balanced formulas to treat the conditions while alleviating the potential side affects of the individual herbs. Other techniques are cupping, gua sha or skin scraping, as well as forms of point massage. There is a great deal of research that has been and is still being done on how Acupuncture and Eastern medicine works from a contemporary perspective. The research is starting to show that Eastern medicine works through a variety of systems. Many of the acupuncture points lie near or on locations where nerves innervate the muscles and send a reverse signal up the neural pathway to the brain in order to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. Some of the points influence the glands they are near and stimulate the endocrine system. Certain combinations of points seem to stimulate whole neurological systems such as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Others are seen to relax chronic smooth muscle contractions in dysfunctional organs. Though there are still many points that just have empirical functions, meaning they don’t know why they work, they just do. So generally the next question is what can eastern medicine help with? A short list would be allergies, asthma, anxiety, addiction, bursitis, bulimia, chronic illnesses, diabetes, depression, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart conditions, IBS, insomnia, infertility, low energy, menopause, menstruation issues, pain of all kinds including sciatica and carpal tunnel, and so much more.

Dorian G. Kramer is a graduate from The New School for Holistic Medicine and Research in New York with a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine, and a NH, ME, and NY State licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Diplomate. He is trained in Japanese Meridian Therapy, Shonishin or Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture, Dr. Manakas style of Acupuncture, and Classical Chinese Herbal medicine. In addition, he is an avid practitioner of two styles of internal martial arts, Xing Yi and Ba Ji, as well as multiple forms of Qi-Gong. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dorian directly at Shen Dao Acupuncture (603)-986-7366, 24 Pleasant St. Conway NH in the T. Murray Wellness Center.


Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Practitioners Directory GLASTONBURY, CT Sacred Rivers Yoga Offers Yoga for Every Body, therapeutic massage and bodywork modalities, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal therapies. We are also a Yoga Alliance 200 and 500 hour registered yoga teacher training school.

BANGOR, ME The Fountain Yoga Studio & Therapeutics All levels welcome. Ongoing classes include: Gentle, Flow, Privates, Yoga for Pregnancy and Yoga for Heart Health. For schedule and more information contact: Teri at (207) 323-2024 or Laura at (207) 542-4103, 38 Fountain St. Bangor,


CAMDEN, ME Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.

FREEPORT Center Studio and Spa We view education and communication with one's body as the most valuable relationship a being can have. Classes are offered in a gorgeous, serene setting that will give you immediate comfort. Yoga, Meditation, NIA and Yamuna Body Rolling ( for all levels, as well as workshops in various psychic and spiritual modalities, Young Living Oils, sensuality dance and more! Private instruction is available. The Center also offers a full menu of holistic skin and body therapies and natural nailcare. Please contact us with any questions: (207) 865-0086,, 194 Main Street, (conveniently off exit 22).

GORHAM, ME Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tweens and Teens, Yoga for Tots. Private sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation and relaxation. (207) 839-7192.

PORTLAND, ME Kundalini Community Yoga Offering classes, private sessions, group sessions, Sat Nam Rasayan Healing, meditation and workshops. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation and deep relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga–theYoga of Awareness, (207) 615-5405. Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace" a martial art for self-defense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland,

WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu-affiliated studio offers a full schedule of weekly classes for all levels. Our instructors are all Kripalu-certified and highly trained. We also offer weekend workshops, private instruction, and Kirtans (chanting events). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, or email: Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm. White Crane Qi Gong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

ROCKLAND, ME ShivaShakti School of Yoga Yoga classes from gentle to vigorous. All ages and abilities. A Yoga Alliance registered school offering workshops and 200-hour yoga teacher trainings. Massage and bodywork available. (207) 431-8079,

YARMOUTH, ME Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162,

The Inner Tapestry Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory


is an excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops!

If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory,

please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: Six issues in print costs $160 for 35 words Online placement in the Directory of Resources with a direct link to your website for an additional $75.


Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 39

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975, 137 Townsend Ave.,



Calendar and Classified GuidelinesAnd Advertising Rates Are Located on Page 41

H eart V isions

March 8th-15th, 2009 Women's Holistic Yoga and Meditation Eco-Retreat in the U.S. Virgin Island’s renowned eco-resort Maho Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands with Nurture Through Nature, (207) 452-2929, $978.

December ~Maine December 4th, 6:00pm-7:30pm How To Have A Guilt Free, Stress Free Christmas

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Marianne Berube, LCSW of Coastal Wellness Family Chiropractic located at 300 Ocean House Road in Cape Elizabeth is offering a 1.5 hour informational class that is open to the public for adults who want to learn how to celebrate Christmas 2008, stress free and guilt free. Sounds impossible? Come and find out. For more information go to or you may call (207) 799-9355 to reserve your seat. We are accepting a $10 donation for the workshop and will be giving away a Raffle Christmas gift Basket worth $50.

December 6th & 7th Shamanic Trance Dancing Live African and frame drumming. Come experience the Skeleton Dance, the Power Dance and other traditional shamanic trance dances. (207) 841-1215 or,

December 7th, 11:00am-4:00pm Holiday Open House @ Meadow Wind Meet our practitioners, indulge in their services and do some holiday shopping. Eat, drink and be merry. 100 Gray Rd. Falmouth, (207) 878-3389,

December 21st, Sunday Winter Solstice Fire Ceremony & Pot Luck  at Gardens of Atlantis, facilitated by Debra Holloway. 4:00pm~7:00pm,

Please send your formatted Calendar and Classified listings to

January ~Maine January 3rd Free Clinic ~ Leapin' Lizards - Freeport EOL Acpuressure, Rings of Oden and Detox Footbaths This form of acupressure and the Rings of Oden were developed by Aaron and Sue Singleton, from Way To Balance. It's a great way to start the New Year! Come and experience yourself in a new way. FMI see the ad on page 7. Reservations can be made by calling Leapin' Lizards.

January 8th, 22nd & 29th Self-Awakening Group with Ron and Joan Leapin' Lizards, Freeport (207) 865-0900. Call for reservations space is limited. FMI: see ad on page 11.

January 23rd-February 20th, Fridays, 6.30pm–8:00pm Life Design What motivates you? Are you living your best possible life? How do you express your beliefs and passions? Explorative and visioning exercises, reflective discussions, goal setting and strategy planning. Get closer to your best possible life! For more information call Angela Hassenpflug (207) 592-7888, or visit

January 31st, Saturday The Birthday of Trees A workshop using Kabbalah and Core Shamanism to heighten our spirit connection to the tree community, 10:00am-5:00pm, See display ad on page 24. The Thirteenth Moon Center, Montville, (207) 589-3063,

Upco m i ng February 2009 1st Session of the 2009 Shamanic Apprenticeship Program Weekend program meeting 6 times in 2009. Visit website for further information.,, (207) 841-1215.

February 6th-8th   A Women's Winter Retreat~Snow Shoe, Meditation and The Work of Byron Katie with Nurture Through Nature, Denmark,Maine,, (207) 452-2929, $250

February 12th & 19th Self-Awakening Group with Ron and Joan Leapin' Lizards, Freeport, (207) 865-0900. Space is limited call for reservations. FMI: See ad on page 11.

March 8th-15th Women's Holistic Yoga and Meditation Eco-Retreat in the U.S. Virgin Island’s renowned eco-resort Maho Bay, St John, US Virgin Islands with Nurture Through Nature,, (207) 452-2929, $978.

Ongoing~Connecticut Morning Zen Yoga in New Haven - 7:30am Wednesdays

Rita Lang teaches a gentle and energizing Zen Yoga class Wednesday mornings at Revive Wellness Center, 867 Whalley Ave., New Haven, CT 06515, (203) 640-9276 or

Sunday ~ Bhakti-Yoga Festival – 5:00pm

Holistic Moms Network Hartford County chapter of a non-profit support and discussion network for moms with an interest in natural, holistic and alternative health and parenting. Email or visit

Have you experienced sexual assault or incest? We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email

SunDo Mountain Taoism Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260,

ECKANKAR Temple of CT -- a place for all who love God. ECKANKAR, the religion of the Light and Sound of God. Worship services are the second Sunday of every month 10:00am with fellowship and refreshments afterwards. The Temple is located at the corner of Rte. 66 and Harvestwood Rd. Middlefield, CT. For information call (860) 346-2226; website:

O n g o i ng ~ M aine "Forest Circles," center for community and healing hosts: "The New Moon Rituals" with chief Oscar Mokeme and "Full Moon Drumming Circle" with Drum Connection Maine,

Tuesday Buddhist Meditation We practice Dzogchen Meditation; Natural Love and Awareness; and Natural Compassion and Awareness in the lineage of Lama Surya Das. All practices are for beginners and long-time practitioners, 25 Middle Street, Portland. 6:00pm7:00pm. Jane Burdick, or (207) 773-6809.

Belfast: Free Adult Reiki Clinics Last Wednesday of month (February – June) from 3:00pm5:00pm WCGH, 118 Northport Avenue, Room 205, Belfast. FMI call Cindy Swan, M.Ed., LMT at (207) 930-2549.

MOOSE Open Microphone-Spoken Word The Maine Organization Of Storytelling Enthusiasts serving the Storytelling Community of Maine meets monthly on the second Wednesday from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the North Star Cafe in Portland.

Earthrest Discussion Series Earthrest is offering a series of weekly discussion groups using workbooks developed by Northwest Earth Institute: Sustainable Living, Deep Ecology, Global Warming. FMI: (207) 625-4179 or

Harrison D. Barrett Spiritualist Church, 514 Broadway, Bangor, beside Coldwell Banker Realty, Sunday Services, 10:00 am; Gallery Readings 2nd Friday of every month at 7:00 pm $10, Medium's Day 2nd Saturday of every month 10:00 am to 2:00 pm $15 for 15-minute reading. FMI visit or call (207) 848-2273 or (207) 989-7266.

The Nia Technique

Join us for kirtan, philosophy and vegetarian dinner. No charge. Hare Krishna Temple. 1683 Main St. East Hartford CT 06108 (860) 289-7252,

Find joy in your body! Barefoot movement blending martial arts, dance and yoga. South Portland Community Center. Monday/Wednesday 6:00pm and Saturday 10:00am. Drop-ins welcome. Maggie Bokor,, (207) 899-5939.

Ongoing Monthly Group Reiki Sessions

ShivaShakti School of Yoga, Rockland

Individual & Group Reiki Sessions, Reiki Shares & Classes. Please call Carleen, RMT at (860) 642-7410 for more information.

Give yourself the gift of Yoga! Ongoing weekly classes morning and evening for all levels. Call (207) 785-5003 or visit

Calendar and classified listing submission deadline for February/March issue is January 5th Time flies don't forget! 40 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

41 Yoga Class in Windham

The Path of Celtic Buddhism

Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau

Mondays 9:00am-10:15am and Wednesdays, 5:30pm-6:45pm at the Masonic Hall on River Road. Please contact Rebecca at (207) 749-4150 for more information.

Celtic Buddist meditation in Rockland, ME. Group practice on Sunday mornings at 8:30am. Please call for information (207) 701-5022,,

Authentic Movement Dance at Bath Dance Works

Alternative Therapy Workshops

Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.

First and third Saturdays of the month, 10:00am-1:00pm, December 6th & 20th, January 3rd & 17th suggested donation $10, no experience is necessary. FMI: call (207) 725-9997 or email

For businesses, organizations, groups, schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email:

Inner Peace Retreat Weekends:

Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library. SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free,, (207) 938-3928.

Revitalize, Renew, Restore balance and inner peace to your Body ~ Mind ~ Spirit. Belfast: Every third weekend of each month., (207) 338-5168.

Spiritual Horizons Maine

Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang.

"Yokids" Yoga Ed Tools for Teachers Workshops

Meets every other Tuesday at 7:00pm, 75 State Street, Portland. Alternate weeks group on “A Course of Miracles.” Contact: Tom Peterson (207) 310-0030 or John Moulton (207) 874-7602,

Yokids instructors Lily Goodale and Lynnette Moore will come to your school and train homeroom teachers to use simple, yoga-based mind/body integration techniques to enhance their teaching and support a harmonious teaching environment. Please contact Lily Goodale,, (207) 236-6001.

Sharon Elaina would like you to know…

Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good

that women's groups have begun in her new space at 925 Sawyer St., So. Portland. Tuesdays 6:00pm and Thursdays 12:00pm. Groups are limited to 8. Please call (207) 247-2650 for more information.

Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit

Tarot Readings - Third Thursday each Month Gallery-style Tarot readings for all those in attendance. South Portland location 6:30pm-9:30pm. $25. Group size limited; register early! FMI/Register Jeanne Fiorini (207) 799-8648.

Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church. Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

Reiki Share second Tuesday of every month. Well-Being and Healing Classes Regularly. Offering Tibetan/Usui and Karuna® Reiki-Meditation Classes and Ancestral Healing, which examines various methods of healing employed by our ancestors. For further information call (207) 824-2204 or visit website

Doula tea, meet with doulas in person  Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Birth Roots, 101 State St., Portland from 4:00pm-5:00pm. There is no fee, preregistration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.

Aikido of Maine Portland Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. (207) 879-9207.

Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats Kennebunk Monday evenings, Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Waterboro Tuesday mornings, Dayton Wednesday mornings. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

The Birth House

USM Center for Continuing Education.

Bridgton's new freestanding birth center hosts monthly tours on the first Thursday, 6:30pm-7:00pm. Stay for free informational sessions. or (207) 647-5919.

Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.

Reiki: Healing Hands

Planetary Activation Organization in Maine

Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.

Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.

Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes:

Energy balancing sessions for artists, actors, and performers, recover your highest creative self. Post-performance rebalancing. $70 ($55 students) Holistic Pathways, Gorham, (207) 839-9819

Self-Hypnosis, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery Classes, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, BCH, CI; (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, ME.

The Womanly Art of Self Defense and Empowerment

Real-ize Your Integral Potentials

Ongoing course for women, awareness & prevention skills, verbal self-defense & empowerment, basic self-defense techniques. (207) 266-4902, Trenton Family Karate, Trenton/Ellsworth area.

Real-ize your multidimensional self!  Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. (207) 873-3514.

Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH, The Ballroom in Harrison Maine, Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH, Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at

Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham.   Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA. Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192,

Classes ongoing, Monday-Thursday, mornings/evenings, many styles taught. Iyengar, vinyasa, restorative, seniors (chair), yogilates, nidra and meditation. Yoga Alliance Certified FMI: Leslee (207) 625-4756.

Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks, 5:00pm Third Saturday of each month, with guest speakers from the rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899.

Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME

Massage, Yoga, Reiki, Labyrinth Walks

Inner Light Church of Spiritualism, Rev. Gloria Nye

Mindful Meditation™ Thursdays, 12:00pm-1:00pm

Inner Harmony in Portland’s West End serves body, mind and spirit to assist you on your path of wellness. (207) 772-1509.

Location: Governor King Lodge 649, U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs, 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.

All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Cancer Community Center 778 Main Street, South Portland, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI

Ayurvedic Massage

The Rose Cottage

Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.

Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.

Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang Classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. North Yarmouth. For full listing, see (207) 829-2700.

Friday Gallery Readings ~ Fourth Friday each month Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook for an evening of messages from the spirit, 7:00pm, $10.00 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673.

Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes

Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki Classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at (207) 474-9962.

Fridays, at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Classes start at 7:30pm FMI: call (207) 655-6673.

Calendar of Events

On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.

Continued on page 42

~ Ongoing Event Listings ~

Classified Ads

Inner Tapestry 's ~ calendar of Events and Classified Guidelines ~ Date Sensitive Listings ~ $12 per issue for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Please follow the format found in the journal and online, (Date information, title, description, location and contact information.)

A six-month (3 issue) listing is $25 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Classified ads are $20 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Please follow the format of our Ongoing Listings found in the journal and online, (Title, frequency, description, location and contact information.)

Please send formatted listings. We do not publish press releases.

All Calendar and Classified Listings are listed on the Inner Tapestry Website!

w w w .in n e rt ape st ry.o rg Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 41

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Energize! A holistic approach to performance

Beautiful Mountain views in glass studio.

SpiritWings–Workshops, Reiki Classes in Bethel ME

42 Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or:

Sacred Circle Dance Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI:, (603) 750-7506.

Experience the healing of Love without conditions Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or

Short-term Solutions-oriented Couples & Family Work Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarty-Darling at (207) 975-5200.

Wise Women Daughters of the Moon Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI:, or call Deborah, spiritual guide, priestess: (207) 883-1081.

Ongoing~NewHampshire NESHHA Educational Presentation The New England Seacoast Holistic Health Association (an organization of Healthcare Professionals), has meetings monthly, third Thursday, Potluck 6:30pm, Networking 7:00pm at the Herbal Path, 839 Central Ave., Dover, NH.

Eaton Satsang An informal gathering to discover and welcome the truth of one's inner nature. Eaton, NH is near the Maine/NH border. Most Wednesday evenings. or (603) 447-5401.

Ongoing~RhodeIsland Bridge Between Two Worlds Radio Show Psychic Pamela Edmunds, Mediumship, Physical Phenomena and more. Contact Talk Radio on the Internet, Mondays 8:00pm9:00pm EST, Listen Live (508) 273-0022.

Classified Lisitings HELP WANTED


BLUEHERON provides integral tai chi/qigong and reality based personal self protection.  Reasonable rates are offered for individuals, families, couples, and organizations. Please visit or call (207) 657-7711 for more information.

EVERGREEN TREE COUNSELING  provides traditional and alternative individual counseling. We provide Reiki, Tai Chi/Qigong, Meditation, Bioenergetics, Shamanism and substance abuse counseling. We have a user friendly and cost effective approach towards counseling. Please vist us at our website at or call (207) 228-3901.

Feldenkrais, Portland Tired of pain? Reclaim natural ease through subtle, surprising and powerful movement patterns and hands-on. The effects are cumulative and saturate breathing, thinking and moving with comfort. Monday-Friday, 10:00am-5:00pm, 75 Gray Street, Jane Burdick,, (207) 773-6809.


Phenomenal, weekend trainings. Learn from award-winning, hypnotherapy instructor, Julie Griffin, BCH, 16 years' clinical experience. Call (800) 497-1807. Free brochure and hypnosis CD. Or visit for instant hypnosis downloads. Free retakes and telephone support!

Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga

Retreat Cook Wanted~Nurture Through Nature

All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle & Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256.

Experienced whole-foods cook for group(s) up to 14. Trade for opportunity to participate in holistic nature retreats. Send indoor/outdoor experience to,, (207) 452-2929.



A Place In The Heart

Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: or

NDE Support & Interest Group

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group holds monthly meetings in New England via teleconference. FMI, visit or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217 (mobile).

“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or

Eco-Retreat in Thoreau's Cabin Experience deep quiet and nature's beauty in a Green Certified cabin on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark, Maine, only an hour from Portland/Freeport., (207) 452-2929.

Rustic Retreat in a Solar-Powered, wood-fired cabin. Experience deep quiet and nature's beauty while supporting an Environmental Leader in lodging recognized by the state and the EPA. $59/night for two. Denmark, Maine., (207) 452-2929.

Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations. At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179. Energetically clear, beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.


WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Two unique sunset lakefront offerings. Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.

Visit for updated information on calendar listings

Fall in love with yourself... by Jesh De Rox In all the world that was, that is and that will be... there has never been, and never will be, another you.

For a moment, step outside of yourself, move to the edge of your 10 ft perimeter and turn around. with unbiased eyes, take careful note of what you see.

You were the one person in the universe given the gift of you, and the one person able to choose what you will do with it.

What parts of you are the river, and what parts the dam? ask yourself why you have tied yourself to these things, and decide how you will exercise your right of free will to remove them.

This is no small thing. or maybe, the smallest of things, and the most precious. All we spend our lives looking for exists within us. love, joy, satisfaction, approval, forgiveness, peace - all of these are released and experienced through the vessel that is you.

Now, with your new perspective in hand, go back inside yourself. with the quiet strength of assurance, send the executive command:

Since you are an integral part of how you give, receive and experience love, the degree to which you love yourself cannot help but dramatically affect your entire experience of love and life both.

my friends,,,

Call a pause from the routine,,, declare yourself, and the 10 feet around you a free space. free from pressures, mental obligations, influences, sickness, distractions and fears.

you Are anything you want to be; a clean slate, a blank page, a magnificent history as yet unwritten. The life in you cannot be diminished, only hidden. like a river dammed, the potential energy welled up within you waits only on the circumstance of your decision to be free. You have an ability to love whosoever you will, in a way that is completely unique to you. your love will touch others in a way that no other can. why should such beauty remain unseen? 42 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

And watch the dam fly a p a r t * * * ! ! ! * * * love is the movement of the river,,, what happens when you let go of everything else. blessings,,,

Jesh De Rox is fascinated with life, and spends his time studying the way people perceive and connect with each other and the world around them. His work is centered in the desire to express these relationships. He has come to believe that the most important and precious parts of life are found in the small truths, easily missed -that the world within is the root of the one without-and that the search for meaning is more about the search than the meaning. Currently he lives in Western Canada with his beautiful family, where he runs a successful fine art studio and continues his exploration. To contact Jesh visit


The Power of Perspective by Nick Steele


experiences and understanding held by the individual. We can stretch this ideal to the internal human being. Emotions are not negative or positive but instead exist in the same context as the neutral song. Emotions and the events that trigger them are simply key components of an internal guidance system. Emotions are communicators and when humans become entrenched in their shaping of emotions they are unable to see past the initial “positive or negative” realizations and into the existential learning opportunities these emotions hold. Now that we can see the internal effects of perspective, let us shift to the external. An event is neither positive of negative as well it is simply a learning lesson. People will often say things such as “how can you view genocide as positive?” Genocide isn’t positive, but it is not negative either. Attempt to detach yourself from emotional attachment to human life for a moment as this concept is explained. There is genocide occurring in our world today and there is little to nothing being done to stop it. Now let's theoretically take all the beings who have passed away in past genocides and ask them if it has served humanity to focus on the negativity of their having died, or if it serves humanity to view their passing as a learning lesson for humanity (learning is always positive correct?) so we may take measures to stop future occurrences. Without moving into the moral aspects too much it could be safe to say that past genocidal events can be shaped as learning opportunities for the future generations to never allow this to happen again, an opportunity that few have obviously taken due to the re-occurrence and allowance of such events. While this subject may be controversial take a moment to ask yourself what parts of you are accepting or rejecting this philosophy. Is it your emotional complex’s uneasiness towards there being no definitive right or wrong? Is it your conceptual understanding of positive or negative? Or could it possibly be the fear that if this view were taken by all, there would be external chaos. The point lies in the fact that viewing any event as negative does not particularly help the individual emotionally or conceptually, where as viewing every event as a learning opportunity for humanity always will. Thus realizing no event is definitively negative can give you two choices, positive or its true state, neutrality. Humanity has the opportunity to transcend dualistic thinking and view everything; themselves, external events, past and future occurrences, and general experiential life as neither positive or negative and in doing so realize that they have the choice as to how to shape their reality (as positive learning or negative learning). The point that all this is leading us up to is as follows. You may not be responsible for how you feel, but you are responsible for what it means. Your perspective is a tool for shaping what everything around you and within you is to you. There will be some who claim external factors play a role but when all is said and done they do not. A teacher can scream at two students and one will cry, the other will laugh. It is the internal states of these students that determine their reaction; the teacher is a control in the experiment. Both students can even be feeling the same way, but one can choose to react on those feeling and the other can simply have the perspective that feeling such emotions is laughable. The perspective determines the result. This is exciting because we realize our betterment is completely within our means to facilitate. By simply obtaining a different perspective on what our emotions mean, events mean, and past experiences mean we can begin to shape our realities collectively into a more “positive” state. We have the choice, is this positive? Or is this negative? Remember that the power to bring that choice to fruition is within your perspective and thus within your ability to immediately manifest.

You may not be responsible for how you feel, but you are responsible for what it means.

Nick Steele is a 20 year old who’s hometown is Sanford, Maine. After going through many life altering and mind opening experiences with Bipolar Mania Nick has decided to begin writing a book that has yet to be completed. Nick is an avid supporter of the reformation of human consciousness to further humanity in an evolutionary context and is open to talk to anyone at

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self ...Aldous Huxley Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 43

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

here is a facet of our existence that all humans share, it determines what they perceive as truth as well as shapes it. Some of us may call this thought, some may call it feeling but it is actually something between the two. A cohesive framer of both feeling and thought that people often times seem to ignore as a conceptualized point of view remaining only within internal thought processes. I speak of perspective. No mater how you look at it, perspective (and its existential counter-part “perception”) is what shapes the reality we live in. For instance, if you view earth as a single organism, this will definitively shape how you do things on earth as a part of it. You may be less inclined to litter, treat others as you would treat yourself (as they would be under this framework), or hold special significance to the feeling of love, a primary unifying force on earth. The simple holding of a perspective shapes actions, thoughts, and feelings towards others and yourself. Some of the above may seem extremely obvious so let us attempt to move beyond the everyday. Within the context I described perspective can be seen not as a stance, or point of view, but as a tool for ones own everyday life. There are beings on this planet that do it everyday without realizing it through their belief systems. A belief system is a perspective often times infused with physical and factual backing to justify its existence. We see people that believe things that shape their reality and their actions (as stated above) but we also see people using their belief systems to do damage to themselves. This could possibly be because they are not conscious of the effect their perspective is having on their overall existence as a human being. Perspective is a needed facet of our existence and when it is ignored as an active part of our engagement to the reality that connects us all it’s not unlike ignoring thoughts or emotions. What can happen is we find ourselves not knowing why we do things, reacting in ways we do not wish to react, and entering into states of being that we do not wish to be in. Here is a simple test assuming that emotion, thought, and perspective are all essential to the human complex. Think about thought independent of any emotion or perspective (which means do not label thought as helpful, good, bad, or otherwise). Now what do you feel about feeling independent of perspective? What do you think about feeling independent of perspective? You may not be able to do much because you are attempting to use these functions of the human being independent of their connective force (perspective). Let’s now try this with perspective being independent of both thought and feeling theoretically. What is your perspective on perspective? What is your perspective on thought? What is your perspective on feeling? Hey! We can answer these questions! This could mean to us that perspective is actually the primary tool we use in discerning and shaping our reality, even our internal reality! So now that we’ve established perspective as a primary aspect of our overall experience on this planet, as a tool, we can move on to try to see how we can utilize this tool in our everyday lives. It was stated before that people seem to often times be unconscious of how their perspective is shaping their overall existence, this is crucial. Perspective can be used in productive or counter-productive ways, as will be demonstrated later on in this article. A feeling is neither positive nor negative; despite what people often times will say and believe. Feelings are neutral and your perspective on them is what creates them to positive and/or negative. If you are feeling down, are you sad or are you experiencing life from a different perspective through the vehicle of emotion? Emotions can tie directly into your perspective and shape your reality for you. Someone who is depressed may often times feel detached or hopeless. Hopelessness and detachment are perspectives on the internal and external reality withheld by the individual; they are not “facts.” Two people can listen to a song. One person can become happy because of the perspective they have on that song, and another can become depressed, does not make the song a happy song or a sad song? It is neutral and shaped by the individual as positive or negative based on past


m ix ed m e dia This issue we are approaching our book reviews from a different perspective. We have three authors who have shared an article about their published books and themselves. First is Soul Healing and Enlightenment with Master Zhi Gang Sha written by Diana Gold Holland, Second The Hidden Spirituality of Men by Matthew Fox and third Feel the Vibes by Joanne Brocas. We also have in our regular format two reviews, Discover Your Psychic Type by Annie Kelleher and In Harmony and Other Songs of Peace by me, Joan Emmons. We all hope that you enjoy our sharing these writings.

Soul Healing and Enlightenment with Master Zhi Gang Sha by Diana Gold Holland Many people suffer from chronic diseases, acute illness and life-threatening conditions. Others struggle with addictions, depression or a general lack of well-being. Over the last few decades, the mind-body connection has become well-known, which has cleared the path for many advances in health and wellness.

MIXED M E D IA Cyan Magenta Yellow Black



EWS R E V Iand more

But “mind over matter” is not enough, says Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, author of Soul Mind Body Medicine (ISBN: 9781577315285) and several other best-selling books: for him, the most important breakthrough in healing for the 21st century is soul over matter. “Western medicine views biochemical changes in the body as the cause of illness. I respect Western medicine. I am an MD (in China) and a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. But in my personal opinion,” he explains, “all illness and dis-ease originate from energy and spiritual blockages. The root cause of most issues is spiritual. And so, it is at the soul level that all true healing and life transformation begin. Heal the soul first; then, healing of the mind and body will follow.”

Sha’s latest book, Soul Wisdom: Practical Soul Treasures to Transform Your Life (Atria/Heaven’s Library, 2008) (ISBN: 9781416588931) describes these practices in detail. Visit and you will find podcasts of all five techniques. Essentially, because your soul carries with it the wisdom of all its lifetimes and of all its teachers and guides, it can guide you to sing, dance, tap, move or communicate with your soul in the most healing and transforming way. These soul-guided techniques are extremely flexible and joyful. Healing and spiritual growth do not have to be so serious. Choose one or two practices that appeal to you and do them three times a day for 3-5 minutes and you will benefit greatly. In sum, you can sing and dance your way to health and enlightenment, if these activities are soul-guided. We tend to think that our minds lead us but in life, the soul is boss, says Master Sha. If it agrees with the plans and intentions of your mind, things go smoothly. But if your soul is not in agreement, your plan will never succeed. This is another key Soul Wisdom concept of “soul over matter.”

An extraordinary healer steeped in Buddhist and Taoist wisdom since earliest childhood, Master Sha teaches that everyone and everything in the universe has a soul: not only human beings but Mother Earth as well – each tree, each river, each flower, and all the stars, and all the universes both large and small. In this sense, he explains, each cell has a soul, each organ, each system of the body … and all are responsive to the healing vibration of love. “The soul loves to serve and has great healing capabilities,” he adds. “And so, you can simply request the SOUL to heal itself.”

Healing the soul, mind and body are only one aspect of the soul journey, says Master Sha. The other is soul enlightenment. “The enlightenment journey has taken hundreds, even thousands of lifetimes for most souls,” he explains. “At this time, only 15% of humanity are enlightened souls. But also in this special time, Mother Earth is undergoing a difficult transition, and the Divine needs more enlightened beings to serve humanity, Mother Earth and all souls. It is now possible for millions of people to obtain soul enlightenment in this lifetime. The key is to raise your soul standing.”

One way to do this is with a technique Master Sha calls Say Hello Healing, whereby you “say hello” to the small golden being within you – your soul or your Inner Child if you prefer – and ask your soul to use its own deep healing wisdom to heal, transform and rejuvenate your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body.

Good family, good health and good finances bring satisfaction in one’s physical life, but, according to Master Sha, they are not the mark of achievement in soul life. By the same token, love, care, compassion, generosity, kindness and purity are all qualities of an enlightened being, but they are not the standard for soul enlightenment either. Soul standing is.

You can use this simple but extremely powerful technique to improve your health and to boost your stamina and vitality, explains Master Sha. With Say Hello Healing, you call on the soul of your organs, systems, cells, DNA and RNA to offer a healing blessing. For example, if you suffer from back pain, say “Dear the soul of my back, I love you. Could you offer a healing to my back? You have the power to heal yourself. Do a good job. Thank you.” Say Hello Healing is simple and to the point. You say hello, express your love and appreciation and make a request. According to Master Sha, “this technique may seem too simple to believe. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and try it a few times.”

To raise your soul standing and reach soul enlightenment, you must purify your soul, heart, mind and body to remove selfishness, ego and attachment. One way is to serve humanity and all souls, explains Master Sha. Serve little, and you will make little progress in the soul journey. Serve more, and you will receive more blessing for your soul journey. Serve unconditionally, and you will quickly uplift your soul standing and reach soul enlightenment. From that point onward, the power and effectiveness of your healing and all that you do to serve the world will be transformed.

You will be amazed at the transformation that occurs when you do Say Hello Healing. A miniature version of yourself, the small person nestled within includes your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. In fact, this small person is your soul. Communicating often is a secret pathway to health, long life and happiness known and practiced by ancient Taoists.

Dr. and Master Sha is an extraordinary healer, spiritual leader and servant of humanity and the Divine. He is a medical doctor in China, a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and Canada and a Grand Master of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, I Ching and Feng Shui. His work is featured in the new film Soul Masters and he is a New York Times #1 best-selling author.

You can also use Say Hello Healing in conjunction with several other techniques including Soul Song, Soul Dance, Soul Tapping, Soul Movement and Soul Language. Master

44 Inner Tapestry Dec 2008/Jan 2009

“Transform the soul first; then, transformation of the mind and body will follow.”

Diana Gold Holland is a freelance writer and editor living in Vancouver, Canada and a student of Master Sha.


The Hidden Spirituality of Men by Matthew Fox As a 67 year-old who has been male all my life, there’s something I feel compelled to say to my brothers and the young men and boys who will soon be men. Our species is in trouble. And we men are a big part (not the only part) of that trouble. A renowned scientist at Stanford University told me two years ago: “We are the first species in 4 and a half billion years that can choose not to go extinct. But of course we have not yet made that choice.” As long as men are bogged down is superficialities — many of which our consumer-driven economic culture strives to addict us to — we will not be our real selves, our best selves, our most beautiful selves. We get into a locked squirrel cage of work, work, work and spend, spend, spend and have no time for asking: “Why am I here? What can I contribute? How do I give back my love and gratitude and wisdom?” While lecturing recently in Chattanooga, Tennessee about the spirituality of men, a middle aged African American man came up to me and said, “You are right. I am far too addicted to television and sports on television. I am wasting my life away on the couch. I really want to get going and contribute.”

I speak to the hidden spirituality of men because I think most of us have a kind of inferiority complex when it comes to spirituality. We think some minister or preacher, some pope or monk, some professional pray-er knows all about spirituality and we are just novices kneeling to hear their wisdom and kiss their ring. While we can hope that our ‘professional pray-ers’ know something about spirituality that is not the point. The point is that spirituality (unlike much organized religion) is about the wisdom we all carry inside of us: The dreams, the aspirations, the yearning of soul, the ability to let go, to forgive, to move

But we have to dig to access it. We have to go deeper than talk about the weather or the Mets or the A’s or the super bowl or the stock market to get down to where spirituality truly lives and breathes inside of us. For it is hidden. We are not rewarded for “going there.” We have to change our ways. We have to want to find the hidden parts of ourselves. Otherwise, how will we change? How will our species change? How will our species survive if we don’t search for the best in ourselves? It is from this depth that our creativity will come alive and we will find ways to create alternative energies, participatory politics, more fair economics, new ways to grow and distribute food, and alternatives to war. Our depths are often hidden even from ourselves. But they are there. We all carry depths within us. We need to remove the veils in order to uncover what is in us. Let us not fail to act. Let us not be hoodwinked into wasting our lives as couch potatoes. Let’s throw off the toxic messages about being male that society has been feeding us for centuries, messages that confuse the reptilian brain with manliness. Let us be lovers. The women in our lives will thank us for it and love us all the more. And the young will emulate us and become the men they were destined to become, as we become the fathers and elders we are called to be. Matthew Fox is the author of The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Spiritual Masculine and 27 other books. You can visit him online at Based on the book The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Spiritual Masculine © 2008 by Matthew Fox. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. or (800) 972-6657 ext. 52. Matthew will be at ChIME, Portland ME, May 1st-2nd,

Feel the Vibes A book for anyone interested in the Psychic Pathway by Joanne Brocas, Psychic Medium/Author/Healer You are already psychic. Everyone on this planet is born with a sixth sense and this natural psychic ability can be developed and fine tuned to a successful level, leading to becoming a successful psychic. Feel the Vibes written by psychic medium Joanne Brocas, published by O Books, ISBN: 1846941539) is a book that will show you how to strengthen your inner power and use your vibes to enhance your life and gain a spiritual understanding of life and death. It will explain how you can use your vibes to read the energy around people, places and objects as well as looking into the past, present and future, giving accurate psychic readings. Your vibes attract certain people and situations into your life and being aware of this knowledge will help to create what you truly desire. This book will show you how to do this. Feel the Vibes, will also include different ways to protect yourself from negative influences like earthbound spirits and what is known as psychic attack. You will learn about evil and its influences as well as the power of the light. You can find out how to open up to the spirit world in a controlled and safe manner to be able to receive messages and speak to loved ones who have crossed over.

You already use your psychic senses daily – most of the time this is done unconsciously. The psychic exercises and information in this book will help you to unlock the hidden senses and bring them to the surface to be fine-tuned. The more you practice anything in life, the stronger and more confident you become. This confidence will help you to use your vibes and give you the ability to tune into energy accurately. The word psychic comes from the Greek word ‘Psyche’ meaning soul – the creative and divine part of you that is connected to God. You are filled with this wonderful divine spark and have this power to use, to create the world around you. There are guides and angels assigned to each one of you helping you to fulfil your destiny and to keep you safe until it is your time to pass. This book will show you how to connect to your spiritual helpers that will serve you well in your psychic development. Feel the Vibes, will help you along your psychic and spiritual pathway for once you begin, you will never look back.

Joanne Brocas is one of the UK's leading psychic experts in the field of psychic and spiritual development. Joanne is the author of 'Feel the Vibes' a psychic book filled with guidance and spiritual knowledge for those who wish to follow the psychic pathway. Joanne has regular television appearances, including channel five and Florida News and is also a columnist for a tabloid newspaper and magazine. To find out more about Joanne and her work, you can visit her website at - Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 45

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We are fools if we think we are on earth to watch an infinite number of games of other men (not us!) playing their hearts out to puts balls in a hoop, pitches in the strike zone, footballs over the goal line, or a golf ball in a hole. Sports has its place, both personal and vicarious. But only a place. Not the space that our souls should be occupying. Not the space that should be communicating with the younger generation, so many of whom need relationships with elders and adults, males modeling how to live, love, relate, celebrate, care, learn, and grow.

on, to struggle, to survive, to care, to be strong, to honor what is beautiful and what matters, to stand up for justice. We all carry these things inside us. We have all tasted the Divine—maybe it was on a camping trip out at night with the stars; maybe while studying the history of our people; or nature; maybe it was in making music or dancing or making love; or in organizing for worker’s rights or civil rights. Wherever the best of us has been called forward, that is where Spirit dwells. And it dwells and works in each of us.


Book Review

by J o a n E mmo n s

In Harmony & Other Songs of Peace By: Sue Sheriff ISBN:9780980184501 Pine and Chadwick Publishing CD Production: Tom Acousti Sound Harbor Studios

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"In harmony, that's how I'd like the world to be, Living in peace and loving one another. In harmony, we can all be free, By treating everyone like he's a brother." This is the theme and the chorus to the new book released by writer Sue Sheriff. She and some very talented people have come together to publish, illustrate and sing this way of being in the world to life. Sue has written a children's book that most adults in the world should read. Readers of this book can connect to and feel the message of unity, brotherhood and as the jacket reads "humanity's hope for peace on earth." This book is an interactive way for parents to work with their children to foster peace in their lives, bringing the principles of peace and harmony to our children with lightness and fun. Your first step into the world of brotherhood and peace starts with a story, based on the lyrics to "In Harmony". The lyrics end with a most important message, "We all deserve life's goodness, There's enough to go around!" The next section describes symbols of peace with their pictures and origins. I actually learned and remembered things I had forgotten. Then onto the section that depicts thoughts on peace from Famous Peacemakers; Mother Teresa, Chief Seattle, John Lennon, and more. The section that I most enjoyed are interviews with children of all origins and their pictures, ages and comments on what peace meant to them. Rahma, age 11 expresses peace this way, "Peace is kindness from everyone's soul. If you want to find peace, don't go looking around for it. It's in you." Ethan age 7 says that "We can create peace by listening to how others feel." These children really do understand peace. Then for parents, there is a list of activities to help their children talk about and choose which brings peace and which conflict. Next, are situations that children may experience and parents are guided to ask their children... "What Peaceful Solutions can you come up with when"... Just reading the questions I felt the potential hurt being brought up; as I realized this exercise is as helpful for parents as it is for their children. Also included with this book is a CD with four inspirational songs; "In Harmony", "Feel the Peace", "Soul Stew" and "May All Children." Lead vocalist is Sue Sheriff, harmony vocals; Tom Acousti and Pauline Keenan. Kids chorus; Kaicee Flaherty,

Book Review

by Annie Kelleher

Discover Your Psychic Type By: Sherrie Dillard ISBN: 978-0-7387-12789 Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. According to professional psychic and therapist Sherry Dillard, intuition and spiritual growth are inherently linked, and in her book, Discover Your Psychic Type, she offers a guide to help individuals understand their own psychic and intuitive gifts. Aimed at beginners, this book provides an excellent foundation for assessing one’s own unique style. Starting with a Myers-Briggs-like quiz, Dillard suggests that all people fall into one of four main types or categories of psychic talent – physical,

Emily Keenan, Maggie Lamarre. Following the lyrics there is a poignant question to be answered and the sheet music to "In Harmony" is also included. A message from Sue: " Peace is in everyone of us. It is important to teach our children, from a very young age, to access their own inner peace so that they can have peaceful experiences in the world. My vision for In Harmony and Other Songs of Peace is to provide beautiful songs, with easily learned lyrics, as well as enchanting imagery, allowing children to more readily internalize the message of peace and more easily recall it in time of need." As I am writing this review and listening to the CD, which is full of hope and love, I am becoming aware of peace and love within me and the potential to see a world full of peace and love. This world will be seen through our hearts, no matter what we are seeing in the physical world. This awesome book helps bring that peace into our homes, our children's lives and into our hearts. I'd like to share in print, the lyrics to one of the songs by Sue, "In Harmony," as the journal has not quite caught up to the Harry Potter technology in journals, In Harmony Chorus: In Harmony, That's how I'd like the world to be, Living in peace and loving one another. In harmony, we can all be free By treating everyone like he's a brother And although we may have differences That make us all unique... We all want the same in life— It's happiness we seek Chorus We all have different faces; Thoughts and feelings too. But we all want a healthy earth With skies and oceans blue. Chorus Some of us need a wheelchair And some of us connot hear. But all we want is to be loved And live life without fear. Chorus Let's celebrate our differences, Yet find our common ground. We all deserve life's goodness— There's enough to go around! Chorus Thanks Sue for a great expression of Love. If you would like to contact Sue or purchase a copy for gift giving or just a treat for yourself please visit her website,

Joan Emmons and her life partner Ron Damico are co-publishers of Inner Tapestry. We support the unfolding of life's journey, so that everyone may have the opportunity to express and bring forth all of themselves into whatever they choose to do. Joan can be reached at, or through

spiritual, emotional or mental. Dillard then offers exercises, meditations and personal experiences to help the reader develop his or her area of inherent ability. The only place the book falls short, in my opinion, is that it is almost too reductive – by emphasizing only these four groups, Dillard fails to recognize those who have already begun to develop psychic or intuitive ability, and therefore may fit two or three or even all four categories to some degree. As a professional psychic and medium, I found all the meditations and exercises helpful. I would suggest, therefore, that readers who are not beginners approach this book as a guide for developing all aspects of their inherent abilities. I liken it to playing baseball – some of us may naturally be better at catching or throwing or hitting, but ultimately, if you want to play baseball, you have to have a grasp of all of them. I completely agree that we all have inherent ability and I think Ms. Dillard offers an excellent guide to accessing, developing and enhancing one’s innate skills...Annie Kelleher

Annie Kelleher is the author of eleven novels, a Reiki Master, as well as a former community mediator.  The mother of six, as well as a grandmother, Annie offers intuitive and psychic readings to bring forth messages and insights from departed loved ones, Angels and Spirit Guides.  She can be reached at 860-693-1613 or at

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47 Continued from page 11


loving earth

We should mention the system comes with a set of completely incomprehensible manuals, written in electronic language, replete with pages of strange symbols indicating how to do who knows what. That’s where the good communication between installer and owner comes in very handy. We found the best way to gain clarity about the workings of the system was to write down all instructions step by step, assuming nothing. We drew a few little diagrams of our own as well. These we keep with the manuals. As time has gone by, we have gotten more comfortable with doing the few things the system calls for. A techie would no doubt have a lot of fun exploring what’s possible. We are content not doing that. We got a portable phone so that if we need to call the installer for help, we can stand with the phone in front of the equipment and converse, rather than run up and down the basement stairs between the phone and the various component parts.

We ended up with a long, low array and kept our view. Our panels are arranged in a single row on a wood and metal frame. To receive the best light, the frame can be adjusted seasonally by two people working together, loosening bolts, tipping the panels and then tightening bolts. Simple. Let’s skip quickly over the installation of the various electrical components by saying this is a great job for a qualified electrician, and should be done according to appropriate electrical codes. In our case, we were working with an existing building and simply hooking into an existing electrical system rather than wiring the entire building. Nonetheless, following code is important. Briefly, we have photovoltaic panels collecting juice outside when the sun shines. That power runs through the buried line into the building and through the charge controller fills the batteries for use when there is no sunshine and supplies us with both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) as we call for power. The panels supply DC power. Inside the building we have an inverter, which converts the DC into the standard alternating current used in the United States. This connects to the building’s existing wiring. We use the DC to run a particularly energy efficient freezer, a SunDanzer, that is made to utilize direct current only.

SO FAR WE LOVE SOLAR LIVING That’s the nitty-gritty. The fun part has been working with the system and getting to know what it can do, watching the readouts of power input and usage, seeing what weather conditions generate how much power and what appliances use how much juice. The old days of a passing shadow on the panels shutting down the system are behind us. The current technology is quite exciting. We get a little juice even on rainy days. When the sun shines brightly, we can do just about anything.


To date, the system has been up and running for about three months, a few more by the time you read this. Both home and business applications have worked well. We had been instructed “you can’t run a business using only solar power”. We think that depends on the business. People here have been very interested in what we are doing and enormously cooperative about experimenting and working within the parameters of the system.

Maintaining all this is usually pretty simple. We keep a box of baking soda by the battery box to neutralize spilled battery acid. We check the water level in the batteries once a month. When doing this we wear protective safety glasses and rubber gloves. We add distilled water if necessary. Every two months, we equalize the batteries. Batteries are not drawn down completely evenly, some lose charge faster than others. If this situation is not corrected, the possibility is some might wear out long before others. This is not desirable. To avoid that possibility, about every two months, we overcharge the whole battery bank. This equalizes the charge in each battery with that in the others. We make this happen by pushing a few buttons, setting the system to “equalize”. Equalizing can take a few hours and is best done during full sun at a time one isn’t planning to use a lot of power. That’s basically it.

destination healing

We extend our sincere and enthusiastic thanks to all the people who helped make this dream of ours a reality. Copyright Pat Foley, 2008, Typed by sun power.

Pat Foley attempts to live a green and sustainable life just outside of Cornish, Maine. She is the owner of Earthrest, a holistic retreat center. The underlying focus of Earthrest is following Gandhi’s advice to be the change we wish to see in the world. You may contact Pat at or (207) 625-4179.


southern new england ~ Teaching Children To Practice Peace

Karen: Any closing reflections that you’d like to share? Dori: Twelve years ago I started practicing yoga for the physical benefits but realized something more than enhanced physical strength made me feel so wonderful. It’s the power of breathe that leads to an amazing connection between mind, body and spirit. So, breathe. Breathe deeply and breathe consciously. Throughout my yoga practice and training, I have learned that most of us need to get out of our heads and into our hearts… yoga can help with that. I have learned to teach from my heart and to help others learn to open their hearts. We need human touch, physically and neurologically— embrace your loved ones, especially your children. If you are going to teach a child “no bad touch” at home or at school—then you must provide a positive alternative. Peaceful Touch is that alternative.

Continued from page 23


Connect with Dori Sargent:; 860-559-7737;;, Peaceful Touch: *Note from KMR: Harlow was fascinated with the concept of “love” and used that term in his original journal article reporting the results of these studies. Needless to say, this was, much to the chagrin of fellow scientists. Though there has been criticism on Harlow’s studies, over the years researchers in health and psychosocial sciences have continued to demonstrate the importance of “caregiver attachment” in the social, psychological and neurological development of human children from the time of birth. For more information: and Karen M. Rider, M.A. writes a variety of articles, stories, and reviews to educate, enlighten and entertain the reader. As a promotional copywriter, Karen specializes in helping holistic health businesses communicate to their target audience with clarity, integrity, and creativity. Karen resides in Connecticut where she shares life’s adventures with her husband and daughters. She is working on her first novel.

feng shui & geopathology

When the clerk returned, she announced she had found a very nice room, number 12 at a lovely hotel called “The Fox.” Our friend was a bit shocked about the coincidence, but was willing to go with the flow and see what happened. Naturally she was a little apprehensive. When she arrived in the room she sat down at the edge of the bed and said a few little affirmations to herself. “There will be no loud noises in the wall, there will be no ghosts tonight...” Just as she said this, a form appeared in front of her, she described as a body shaped veil of cloth. Again, our friend is very grounded and practical. She pulled herself together, and remembering her professional background started to assess the situation. She began talking to the figure suspended before her and explained that she knew her story, who she was and what happened to her baby. She then went on telling that in all her years of working with mothers and their babies, she knew that a mom always has her baby’s best interest at heart. Whatever happened, happened for a reason and that there was no need to spend any more time here... and with that the silhouette wafted out the window and there were indeed no noises again that night.


Ghost Stories in Feng Shui

What a coincidence, which led a children’s therapist of the 21st century to a specific place in England to help a person in need of resolving a 400-year-old trauma stuck in the walls of an old English hotel. How many more cases like this are still unresolved, a never ending amount of work for a talented space clearer and ghost whisperer. With that in mind I’d like to thank you, our readers, for another year of staying true with Inner Tapestry. May all lost souls be redeemed and those who need support find it.

We wish you all very Happy Holidays and the best of Luck in the New Year! Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner at (207) 772-7888 or Dec 2008/Jan 2009 Inner Tapestry 47

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Taking the Solar Plunge Part Two


directly between our south facing windows and the view. That was not going to be okay. A new plan was in order.

Continued from page 15



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