Inner Tapestry "Walking in Grace" December 2007 January 2008

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A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE! Dec 2007/Jan 2008









Volume 6, No . 4

The Whole Health Expo Cromwell, C T January 27, 2008

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

u Holidaze No More

u The 21st Century Bohemian ~ The Princess of Tides...

u Being In Love With You

u Loving Earth ~ Taking the Solar Power Plunge... Slowly

u Exercising The Body, Mind and Spirit

u Destination Healing ~ Walking in Grace With Our Pets

u We Are In Control of Our Thoughts and Actions

u Modern Shamanic Living ~ The Grace of Our Being

u Ask Asrianna

u Exploring The World Religions ~ Exploring The Higher Planes...

A Happy and Joyous Holiday Season !


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 2 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008


This Issue's Theme Walking in Grace


A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!


Fe br uar y/M arch 2008 Elder Wis do m Apr il/M ay 2008 Hear t Sto r ies June / July 2008 Th e Ar t o f Sim pl ic it y August /S eptemb er 2008 Light' n Up

Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Exercising The Body, Mind and Spirit

Page 10

by Aaron Hoopes

Holidaze No More

Page 33

by Betty Crowson

We Are In Control of Our Thoughts and Actions

Page 33

Being In Love With You

Page 37

Random Acts of Rudeness

by Dr. Linda Mundorff by Rochelle Sparrow

Departments Pages 6&7

Loving Earth ~ Taking The Solar Power Plunge... Slowly

Page 8

The 21st Century Bohemian ~ The Princess of Tides

Page 9

Destination Healing ~ Walking in Grace With Our Pets

Page 12

by Evelyn C. Rysdyk by Pat Foley

Part One

by Teresa Piccari

and Her Lobsters

by Kevin Pennell

Cooking Consciously & Eating Healthy ~ My Holiday Recipes Page 13 by Meg Wolff

Feng Shui & Geopathology ~ Methods & Devices To

Page 14

Welcome Home ~ Ask Asrianna

Page 15

A Breath of Healing ~ With Grace You Can Win Any Race

Page 16

Awareness and the Art of Seeing ~ The Lesson of Leaves

Page 17

The Way of Life-Itself ~ Why War? My Life's Walk

Page 19

Exploring The World Religions ~ Exploring The Higher

Page 22

by Werner Brandmaier

Detect Geopathic Stress

by Asrianna Dameron

by Donna Amrita Davidge by Jen Deraspe by Norm Hirst

by James Bean

Planes, The Inner Space Within You

Mixed Media ~ Book, Website & Music Reviews


Directory of Resources Heart Visions, A listing of events, trainings & trips... Calendar of Events Classifieds Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory

Pages 24 & 25

Pages 26-32 Page 34 Pages 34-36 Page 36 Page 39

Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 3

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Modern Shamanic Living ~ The Grace of Our Being



An Approach for Every Body

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THE TRAGER® APPROACH Introductory Workshops FMI: please contact Marlena O'Hagan Buzzell at 207-647-3521 or Email:

Welcome to Inner Tapestry OUR EXPRESSION OF INTENTION: As we weave from within, we begin the

creation of the outward expression and celebration of our own unique tapestry. Our intention is to provide a pathway of support for all seeking the awareness of living a conscious life by creating and supporting a network of connection within the holistic community and its practitioners. The journal is advertiser supported and can be found in businesses and services, that promote complementary healing, wellness, wholeness and who support cultural, environmental and educational needs, where ideas of conscious living and integrative wholeness are welcomed and nourished. In our sixth year as a Holistic Journal celebrating and supporting the exploration of life, we have become a leading voice for people in their discovery of holistic health, natural living and spiritual wisdom and insight.

AVAILABLE IN MORE THAN 500 LOCATIONS Distributed bimonthly (six times a year) this free publication is filled with carefully selected inspiring and informative articles promoting conscious life choices that lead to a higher quality of life, unity within one's self and community and a greater experience of spirit! Our distribution area spans throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts with over 500 locations. If you would like copies placed at your business or location please contact us. Inner Tapestry is a great resource for your family, friends, clients and customers.

SEE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN INNER TAPESTRY SIX WAYS TO ADVERTISE Throughout Inner Tapestry's pages are the Display Ads, towards the back of the journal you will find the Directory of Resources, a comprehensive listing of practitioners and descriptions of their services. Immediately following you will find our Calendar of Events (the first 30 words per submitter are free) and the Classified section. The Fifth method is the Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido, & Meditation Practitioners Directory, with a listing of styles and forms available for study. Our on-line web site is the sixth way to advertise, with an online Directory Ad. Directory Ads can be placed just online or in conjunction with an ad in print. For those who need ad design, we offer a service to create a distinct way for you to present your business. To our readers, we would like to ask everyone to take the opportunity to email our columnists, feature writers, artists and advertisers with comments, suggestions and information inquiries. They all are extremely wonderful and dedicated individuals who look forward to hearing from you. We also look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions as we all continue to evolve and grow together. Inner Tapestry does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements. Responsibility for the products and services of our advertisers rests solely with them. Articles are for information only and do not constitute medical advice. Please obtain written permission before reproducing any part of this publication. All rights reserved. ® 2007

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$20.00/year, 6 issues A H olistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!

Joan Emmons, Ron Damico, Betty Close, & Jacqueline Cone

4 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

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ON THE COVER Unto Seven Generations

We welcome Jan Morgan Wood to this issue of Inner Tapestry's, Holiday Issue "Walking In Grace". There are volumes to be said as to how this piece is the expression of our title this issue, but sitting silently and allowing in the feelings of actually walking in grace as this work depicts is all that is necessary. Jan has written about her work and this is what I would like to share with all of you. "For me, life has always been an amazing dance, a journey towards beauty and wholeness. I have followed my soul path as an editor, a writer and primarily a shamanic painter and practitioner. I am blessed to live in a magical place, the Cych valley in West Wales, which is described in the ancient Welsh epic the Mabinogion as a place where the lands of men and faery meet. They still do, and this environment and my rocky hillside garden deeply nourishes my own soul and work. Many of my images come from magical experiences I have received from this land. My hope is that my work will tell others how incredible and beautiful this world of ours is, and to see it through wondering eyes, as if for the first time. I have never lost my own sense of wonder in this amazing planet home of ours, from the widest starfield to the tiniest details of a flower or stone." "My prints and original paintings are often hung in spaces that are used for healing or meditation, and I am told that the images bring a sense of peace and connectedness that is nourishing to the soul. For this reason I like to call them ‘soul gardens’. At my online gallery you can visit these soul gardens, discover their stories, and maybe find stories of your own." "When I begin a piece of work I never know quite what to expect. I put myself in the position of creative midwife to whatever colours and images are waiting to be born at that moment in the unseen Web of Creation. I leave the world of everyday reality and enter into an inner landscape that is a place of vision and great beauty. The images that recur in my work of trees, animals and landscapes may originate from everyday reality, or may record my experiences as I journey in the worlds beyond in meditation. I am often guided by my own wonderful spirit helpers who can be quite strict with me to be faithful to the experiences we share." "I am sometimes commissioned to enter this dreaming state to find specific images to guide and bring harmony to individual clients or to enhance healing spaces and sanctuaries and I am always happy to discuss such work. Sketches for commissions can also be found on my website gallery I also guide individuals and groups in accessing this deep imaginative inner landscape and to build grounding practices to help keep our feet on the ground too! In today’s world our creativity is often in need of nourishment and repair, and we do this through simple earth ritual and reinforcing that we are each a beautiful, vital part in this magical world – we are all related." For all queries and further information I can be contacted on 01239 682071 or via email: jan online gallery: For details of workshops and events please visit

INNER WORKINGS New this Issue: We would like to express to everyone our thanks for the support of time, energy and love this past year. Our special thanks go to Kevin, Scott and Steve as they continue to support us during "crunch times". To our advertisers, distributors, writers, artists and READERS none of this would be possible without you! This issue, "Walking in Grace" is a special one for me, one which brings me to an awe inspiring place within—to the realization that what we may see happening in the world is only skin deep. We all have within us the ability to love and walk in grace. Grace is defined and expressed in an infinite number ways, yet ultimately is a way of being, something that we just are. Something that if we look, we will see everywhere. If we will allow ourselves to let go of finding the answers in life and look for the messages that are in every moment, we surely will be in that way of grace, and we will find our ways of being and expressing Grace in every moment. So this Holiday Season to the best of our ability let's be present to the feelings that will show us all the way to a graceful, peaceful season and upcoming new year. There are many new advertisers this issue and we would like to welcome everyone to the journal and to thank them for their support of the journal and our community. I would like to relay to all the wonderful feedback that we have had everywhere we have been lately with the journal in New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. We look forward this coming year to the journal's expansion into these new areas and to serving the existing areas in a more expansive way. Thanks again everyone, we look forward to seeing all of you this coming year at the events that will be coming up. More and more are taking place to help everyone reach their full potential as grace.

Happy Holiday Season to Everyone ! May we walk as grace this coming New Year ! Ron and Joan ~ Jacqueline and Betty Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 5

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

‘UNTO SEVEN GENERATIONS We are encouraged by many wisdom traditions to consider the effect that our life will have on the next seven generations. By the same token, the present situation we find ourselves in is the product of the actions and decisions of the seven generations of our predecessors. This dance of lives is shown here, with the ‘present’ person holding the central position between ancestors and descendants, at the ‘crossroads of time’.


mod er n s ham an i c l i v i n g

The Grace of Our Being by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

Once a man asked the Buddha, “Are you a god?” The Buddha replied, “No.” The man then asked, “Are you a magician or wizard?” The Buddha replied, “No.” Then the man asked, “What are you?” The Buddha replied, “I am Awake.”

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To be aware and awake in this period of time means fully realizing the power each of us has to effect real positive change in our lives, our culture and our world. Not in some far off tomorrow, but right now. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. who is a cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles has said, “Civilization is on the verge of a massive transformation in consciousness, one so profound that it will change life on this planet.” In truth, this promise is already being manifested. Yes, you read that correctly. The shift is already happening and to realize it in our lives, we need to shed the old beliefs that still define us as fearful, victimized or in anyway separate from Divine Perfection. In essence, we need to “tune” ourselves to harmonize with the shift so that it becomes universally tangible. Firstly, we need to be intentional about raising our vibration. A wonderful way to begin is to turn away from the old trauma/drama energy, which is constantly reinforced by media. I learned a powerful lesson about the negative effect of the news media in 2001. During the events of September 11th, we were away teaching a retreat. We had no television and heard about the events through a student’s cell phone call back home. Since our work for the week included exercises where we felt ourselves and the rest of creation as all light–we as a community–intentionally focused on light, peace and seeing the world as beautiful and whole. When, after the week ended, we returned to “ordinary reality” we immediately felt the jarring energy of those who had been traumatized by seeing the events at the World Trade Center repeated over and over on the news channels. From our “outsider viewpoint,” it was easy to see that people who had been glued to the television were literally programmed into a profoundly agitated state by repetition of the horrific images. In this state, they were much more willing to surrender their freedom and their own, personal reality! A nation of people in this condition is much more easy to control and it is much easier for sinister forces to dominate under the guise of offering “protection.”

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6 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Later that same year, this was further reinforced to me during the anthrax scare. During that time frame, the incessant “bulletin crawl” at the bottom of the television broadcast kept repeating the “news” about the six people who were affected. This was done twenty-four hours a day, every day, for weeks! At no time were we reminded that everyday during that period the rest of us nearly 300 million United States citizens had awakened, brushed our teeth, gone to work and come home in perfect safety! Only the negative story was reinforced over and over. When you allow yourself to be programmed in this way by the “trauma/drama networks,” you inevitably come to believe that you are neither safe nor powerful, which in turn stimulates a lower vibratory energy.

Therefore, to live in a loving, harmonious and light-filled world, we must make changing our inner environment our first priority.

When we transmute our state of consciousness and raise our vibration, we transform our inner environment to one of love, unity, harmony, and light. As I have written and taught for years, what we experience inside is reflected in our outer world. Therefore, to live in a loving, harmonious and lightfilled world, we must make changing our inner environment our first priority. It is the highest action a spiritual warrior can embark upon. A lovely way to begin is to take an intentional “news fast.” (Believe me, in this cell phone/text message world, if something actually important happens, you will hear about it.) Avoid newspapers, radio news, and especially television news for at least ten days. I’m not suggesting that you totally disconnect from the culture, rather I’m suggesting that you seek balance. After those ten days, you will begin to notice that you feel differently about yourself and the world.


In the morning, during the time you would normally be watching or listening to the news, focus on being in Gratitude. Whether you express this as thankful prayers to the Divine, putting out offerings to the spirits, or using tools such as the guided imageries on Becoming the New Human, this is a critical component to accessing and transmitting our highest vibration. When feeling gratitude we immerse ourselves in our inner landscape–generating loving and peaceful energies into that “space.” As we feel ourselves shift toward more harmony, we again become aware of our limitlessness and power. We are vast–as vast as what we think of as Divine. It is only our lower vibratory thoughts and perceptions that separate us from this truth. If you have trouble thinking about things to be grateful about, start a gratitude list. Place your physical capabilities at the top of that list. You can see these words, smell the newsprint, touch the surface of the paper, and hear it rustle as you turn the pages with your remarkable human hand! The whorls of your fingerprints are uniquely your own–behold the miracle of your being and put all these abilities on your list. Much of the world goes without clean running water and indoor plumbing. Are you fortunate to have the luxury of a hot shower to start your winter morning? Feel grateful for this, too. Place your gratitude for another day of possibilities on the list. Remember, some people didn’t wake up this morning at all. Thank all the beings with whom you share your morning. Your partner, the cat, the trees slumbering just outside, the hens that provided the eggs in your omelet, the workers that collected your coffee beans, the snowflakes dancing in the sky. Right now, these many beings are contributing their energy to your life. Put them all on the list! Add all those beings that you love and have loved you. Whether they are still here or now deceased, you are a product of a long chain of human beings who gave you this body. Be grateful for the ancestors who gave you this gift–this opportunity to be a part of the world. By practicing gratitude each day, feeling our vastness and power can become our baseline reality. As we strengthen this baseline, we are much less likely to be taken “off course” by the turbulence of our culture. We may be temporarily swayed by the currents, but can right ourselves again much easier. This is particularly important because during this time when many people are becoming more conscious, the forces of our collective darkness and shadow are making a last stand to bring us down. We see this in the tide of fundamentalism and violence around the world. It is our fears trying to pull us backwards. Do

7 not succumb; instead remember that you have a choice. In the face of fear we can either contract into a small bleak idea of false” safety” or ignite our inner radiance to dispel the darkness completely. Defy the false logic of fear in favor of the Truth. When we are grateful, the illusions of separateness and scarcity lose their chilling grasp. Released from their stranglehold, we find ourselves living with and in—Grace. It has been said that living gracefully is a combination of many wondrous and miraculous things but I define living gracefully as simply being grateful, mindful, intentional and kind. Being/doing this means not only becoming more conscious of your actions, but of what you are thinking and feeling in each moment. Notice what shifts your feelings away from gratitude and kindness. Notice what of your old thoughts and perceptions create toxicity in your inner environment causing you to feel powerless, or small. I learned a catch phrase as a teenager, which was ”Don’t let the bastards wear you down.” As an adult, I came to realize that it is really my inner bastard–the part of me that thinks of itself as lowly or powerless– which has the greatest power to lower my vibration and wear away my vitality. By paying attention to those times when your thoughts shift to a lower vibration, you can intentionally bring yourself back into harmony. I find that by choosing to practice my gratitude meditation in these moments, I create an antidote, which immediately raises my vibration again. The more I practice, the less deeply I dip into lower energy vibrations. I become emotionally buoyant and more physically resilient. We all have our own inner bastard who needs reminding–through mindful practice of gratitude–that we are actually highborn and noble beings. My spirit teacher, Grandma, reminds us that each of us is “...a precious part of Creation–no more or less important than any other part.” She reminds us that, “ are equal to the wind, the singing bird, the crashing wave.” Gratitude can help us to live from that understanding.

Another useful tool to create and maintain balance is to receive your news auditorily or in print once you have broken your news fast. Instead of watching the flickering images on the television news, listen to the radio or read your news online. Violent and fear inducing images–like those on the television news–have the capacity to stimulate the part of the brain/unconscious that triggers the fight/ flight/freeze mechanism. For myself, I find listening to public radio and taking small “sips” of news is enough to have me feel aware of what is important without the “unwanted side effects” of anxiety or despair. In this way, I protect my energy system and reduce the amount of time that I spend in the darkness of lower vibrations. Choose, at this darkest time of the year, to kindle and nurture your inner light. Set your inner landscape ablaze with the glorious radiance, which is your birthright. As you raise your vibration higher, you grow more and more brilliant. With your focused and mindful attention to feeling gratitude and acting from kindness, you make the New Earth more and more tangible. In your gratitude, let yourself feel what it is like. Feel the renewed ecosystems, the abundance available for all, and the peace, which has broken out over the entire surface of the world. All of us with like minds and souls are standing shoulder-to-shoulder, breathing as one. Can you feel us? By the grace of our grateful hearts we’re breathing that splendid future into reality. © 2007 Evelyn C. Rysdyk Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the book, Modern Shamanic Living, is a nationally recognized teacher of shamanism, healer & artist in joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW as Spirit Passages.   Since 1991, they have offered workshops across the US and Canada. In addition, they have worked with hundreds of people in their private shamanic healing practice at True North in Falmouth.   Featured in the book, Traveling Between the Worlds, interviews with 24 of the world's most influential writers and teachers of shamanism, they may be contacted at:

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

We hope you enjoy this holiday issue of Inner Tapestry ! Our Love & Blessings for a wonderful New Year ! Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 7


lov ing e ar th

Taking The Solar Power Plunge... Slowly Part One by Pat Foley


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

his is the story of how one very non-technical person inched her way into the world of solar power. The story is still in process, but things are moving along – it’s really happening. I offer this account as encouragement to fellow non-technical enthusiasts who dream of off-grid living and as an incentive to hang in there when things don’t work quite right, until they do... The idea of using electrical power made by the sun has always been terrifically appealing to me. For years I visited solar powered houses, attended alternative energy talks and read about others who actually had made that solar decision of which I only dreamed. With each lecture, each story, the amount of new information I felt I needed to absorb left me feeling overwhelmed. Yes, I was fairly handy, but in a technical way? Absolutely not. Time passed. I subscribed to Home Power and learned yet again how much I didn’t know. The Real Goods catalog kept telling me how easy it was. I had serious doubts. Meanwhile the world was changing. More people were getting involved with selling component parts and with actually installing them. I came to wonder if I might find somebody with appropriate experience to do the designing and installing for me. Running the system myself didn’t seem like too daunting a task. I thought with proper instruction and back-up I could learn to do it. I had non-technically oriented friends who were living off the grid. If they could do it, I was encouraged to think perhaps I could, too. For a while, my luck wasn’t outstanding. I used the Internet in an attempt to connect with folks on this side of the Mississippi to help me get going. Most of them didn’t seem very interested in responding. I resorted to using the phone. Bingo. Excited, I talked with a lot of interesting people with varying degrees of success. One assured me I couldn’t go completely solar in Maine. (His system was tied to the electrical grid and only supplied power on sunny days.) Another told me I couldn’t pay for his travel time. How did he know? When I asked what specifically that might cost, it became clear the

8 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

truth of the matter was he didn’t want to travel. One person actually came, promised to do the installation for me, then called and said he could not. This all was beginning to feel a little weird to me. Because I had been looking at all those catalogs and magazines, I had an idea of what things cost. This was fortunate because the prices quoted me varied in a way I can only describe as “wildly”. The highs and lows for designing and installing a simple system were literally $10,000 apart. This was not a promising beginning. I felt frustrated and confused about what was happening. I wondered if I had really poor communication skills. Regardless, I continued to make phone calls.

I had non-technically oriented friends who were living off the grid. If they could do it, I was encouraged to think perhaps I could too. I eventually made contact with a company about an hour from my house that installed a nifty little direct current system on one of my outbuildings with minimal confusion and for a very reasonable amount of money. I can run lights, fans, a CD player and other low wattage DC accessories. In this particular application, it is all I need. I also have a small inverter, which can convert my direct current to the alternating current standard appliances use. But it hums, so I seldom use it. My battery is a sealed gel battery that does not require routine addition of water every couple of months. I brush snow off the collection panels in winter. I need to be aware of the wattage I use. That’s it. The cost was less than $1,000. Through using this simple set-up, I became more comfortable, but I still lacked a really good

understanding of what wires went where and why that was so. Without this understanding, I do not feel competent to add to or otherwise work on my system alone, something I would like to be able to do. Meanwhile, back at the main house, I monitored my electrical usage for about a year. I wanted to know where I could cut back my energy consumption. Because we have so few consecutive sunny days during the winter in Maine, I wanted to know how seasonal changes affected the amount of power I needed. I wanted to learn quite precisely how large a system I would need. In northern New England an average household uses 600 kilowatts a month. I was using between 100 and 400. I couldn’t figure out why the figures were not more consistent. Ultimately I found two reasons for the variations. Central Maine Power occasionally estimated my meter readings. On the CMP monthly bill, when the meter reading is estimated, the monthly kilowatts are starred. My estimates were based in some way on past history, not what I had been experimenting with the month the estimates covered, thus rendering them quite inaccurate. The second issue involved a deep well pump that sometimes ran when it should have been off. By locating and addressing these problems, although I never came to terms that satisfied me with CMP, I managed to reduce my actual electrical usage to between 100 and 200 kilowatts. This seemed workable. Solar power is expensive. Purchasing a system is something akin to buying a new car. When one is miles away from the nearest utility pole, it can cost less than running a new line to one’s site, but it is not cheap. Each dollar a user can save upfront by using energy efficient appliances and eliminating non-essential power run gadgets can save from $3 to $5 on the cost of the system. Knowing this, I was more than happy to shave off those extra 200 kilowatts.

Continued on Page 38


t he 2 1 st c e ntu ry b oh em i a n

The Princess of Tides and Her Lobsters by Teresa Piccari


s founder and Executive Director of The Lobster Conservancy, (TLC) Diane F. Cowan, Ph.D. has been referred to as Dr. Lobster, the Lobster Doc and The Lobster Lady but to me, she is The Princess of Tides. After all, her life is all about tides and oh, yes, lobsters. She spends five days each month going out during the low tides under full and new moons at all hours, in all sorts of weather dished up by an often unpredictable and sometimes unforgiving Maine Coast, to count and study young lobsters. Many of these very lobsters will, in a few years, be served up on a plate, the highlight of Maine’s glorious bounty. It is during such adventures that Cowan, 47, is truly in her element, doing what she considers her life’s work–spending time with and doing research on her “lobbies” as she likes to call them.

at Boston University’s marine program at Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute on Cape Cod. She has also been a marine policy fellow and a senior research scientist at Wood’s Hole.

In Her Own Words

Working in Community

The Path Less Traveled Exactly how did a woman from Michigan whose early years were spent in fresh water end in up in salty Maine devoting her life to lobsters? “In retrospect, I can look at it as if I was always preparing for what I am doing,” she observes of the leap from the Midwest to Maine, with a stop in New York State. “Here I flip rocks to find lobsters. There I used to flip rocks to find crayfish,” says The Princess of Tides. She makes it sound simple but a lot of science took place on her journey from fresh to salt water, too. Cowan’s undergraduate degree in biological sciences is from SUNY Binghamton. Her doctorate was earned

“I’m not doing what I was groomed to do,” Cowan announces with proud bravado. “The traditional path of a Ph.D. biologist is an academic one. I went to school for biological sciences. I planned to be a professor.” And she was, for a while, at Bates College. “After Bates I had a choice. I could go on with my career or go move to my field site. I moved to my field site to be with my lobsters. I wasn’t leaving my work for some job. That was my decision. My job was teaching but my work was my research on the lobsters. There’s a difference. You could do any job. A job is to make money and pay the rent and the bills. Your life’s work, if you know what it is, you have to do it no matter what,” she says. That was a pivotal moment. When I made the decision that my work was what was important. Not some job. That crystallized. My goal wasn’t being a professor; it was doing the research on the lobsters. That what I had to do, and so that’s what I did and that’s how it’s been.” In fact, she knows very clearly when it all began. “I picked lobsters in ninth grade. I wrote a paper on them. I started studying them in 1983, when I started my research. Since then I have not deviated from my path once and that has not been easy. I think it’s important if you know what makes you tick. You do it. You have to. It’s the best thing you have,” Cowan offers.

Asked what is next following the 10-year milestone of TLC, Cowan is quick to respond. “You know what I really think is a milestone, is 25 years. That’s how long I’ve been studying lobsters. For what I’ve done to live on, I feel very strongly that I want to write a book about it. I really do. I think I have something to say and I’d like to say it,” she says emphatically. Cowan may have the mind of a scientist but she has the soul of an artist, the heart of a writer. Here is another sample from her work in progress, “I was born in the palm of the state shaped like a mitten-covered hand. I studied marine biology in the armpit of the cape shaped like a fighter’s arm showing off his bicep. Now I reside alongside a six-acre lobster pound on the paradise known as Friendship Long Island.

Continued on Page 38

At Home on Island

For the last several years the scientist has been one of only three year round inhabitants on Friendship Long island, where she lives off the grid generating solar power and collecting her own water from a well a short walk from her home, in the winter months. It is from here, The Princess of Tides can survey much of TLC’s considerable holdings. The organization was in its infancy when a mysterious call came wondering if TLC would be interested in the donation of “two islands, three lobster pounds, two houses and associated buildings and wood lot on two islands in Friendship, Maine.” The inquiry has been committed to memory and rolls off the scientist’s tongue like a favorite poem. The gift of real estate from a corporation that was

Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 9

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Cowan is not the only one out flipping rocks to find young lobsters, tag them and collect scientific data, although she is the only one doing so 12 months a year. During April through November she is joined by 114 trained volunteers who sample at 25 sites along the Gulf of Maine coast, stretching from Maine, into New Hampshire and down into Massachusetts. When she is not out in the field, Cowan can sometimes be found in a classroom educating a new generation of youngsters on lobsters and helping to ensure future stewardship. “Sustaining a thriving lobster fishery through science and community,” is the mission of TLC and to do so really does take a village. Cowan characterizes TLC’s relationship with the lobster community as “great.” And elaborates, “They help us. We can’t do our research without them. We work together. Some of our volunteers are lobsterman.” “I think really highly of lobster fisherman, they practice good conservation, they love nature,” she adds. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer or making a tax-deductible donation to the not for profit organization may do so by contacting: The Lobster Conservancy P.O. Box 235 Friendship, Maine 04547 Email: Phone: 207-542-9781 or 207-832-8224 Fax: 207-832-8228

pulling out was “visionary” says the very grateful lobster expert. She admires that a company wanted to preserve the properties for research and education. “The Lobster Conservancy, my path, has provided everything I need but none of the things that most people want. It’s kind of funny because I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t want what I have but no one else does. I just don’t understand other people’s values because most people would rather have the big salary and the mortgage. They want a comfortable life,” Cowan observes. We joke that we don’t need three-car garages. “I’m glad I don’t even have a garage” she laughed, “I just need a mooring.”


Exercising the Body, Mind and Spirit by Aaron Hoopes

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he rigors of everyday living fracture our attention and disrupt our awareness. Our body becomes tired and our breathing, shallow. Our mind is scattered and concentration is poor. Our spiritual nature is blocked and remains unable to develop because body and mind are not coordinated. It is important to bring the body and mind into coordination or harmony. When the body and mind are coordinated our spiritual nature is able to expand. As this happens we begin to realize 10 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

that our potential is unlimited. In order to accomplish this, it is important for us to practice some exercises that enable us to fix the attention of the mind to the senses and feelings of the body. Learning to sense and feel both outer and inner sensations loosens the grip your thoughts have on you. Basically, we want to raise our consciousness from the chaos and noise of everyday life in which it is mired and anchor it in a freer and more peaceful, all-encompassing state of happiness and calm. When the mind has become calm and the body has relaxed we have created fertile ground to sow the seeds of awareness and fully realize our spirit. Letting the mind experience the feelings of the body will give us a sense of touching the essence of life in the world that is all around us and within us as well. In essence, we want to expand the mind to fill the body, becoming aware of it as a whole. There are two ways to experience this connection. One lies in focusing the mind on the feelings of the body when reacting to a stimulus from the outside. The other is turning inwards to link the mind to our own life force.

OUTER SENSATIONS The sensations we experience in the natural world can provide us with an excellent vehicle for expanding the mind to fill the body. What we want to do is release the mind and allow it to become completely immersed in the sensation that the body is experiencing. By putting our awareness directly into the feelings of the body, we can become part of the experience. This can be a little difficult to understand at first, but as you connect with nature in the following exercises, it should become clear and easily grasped. Sun: On a warm, sunny day, go outside and stand in the sun. Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing. Start out for a short period of time, relaxing and soaking up the sun’s warmth and energy. Breathe slowly and deeply. Gradually bring the mind’s awareness to the body and notice the feeling of the sun on it. Feel the heat soaking into the body. Release any mental constraints impinging on your awareness and relax. Continue to breathe as you merge your mind with the sensation of the sun on various parts of your body. Feel it sink in to your forehead or the nape of your neck. Notice your skin reacting to the sensation. Try to sense the energy of the sun filling the body. Concentrate on that feeling. Wind: Find an exposed place where a strong wind blows, such as the roof of a building, the top of a hill, or an open field. Wear comfortable clothes, warm enough so you won’t be chilled. Stand tall with your arms outstretched and let the wind wash over you. Relax and breathe deeply as the wind envelops your whole body. Bring the mind’s concentration to the feeling of the wind. Continue to breathe as you merge your mind with the sensation of the wind on your body. Feel it blow through your hair and brush across your skin. Try to sense the energy of the wind enveloping the body. Concentrate on that feeling. Rain: On a warm, rainy day, go outside. Make sure you are wearing comfortable old clothes or a swimsuit that you don’t mind getting wet. Usually, when it rains we run for cover as if the rain were some sort of corrosive substance we don’t want to touch us. Instead, this time, take a moment to let the rain fall on you. Breathe deeply and slowly as you turn your face upward and expose it to the rain as it falls. Let all other concerns go. Bring your mind’s concentration to the sensation of the rain washing over you. Continue to breathe, as you merge your mind with the sensation of the rain on your body. Feel the rivulets running off your hair onto your shoulders. Focus on each individual raindrop that falls on your outstretched hands. Try to sense the energy of the rain cleansing you. Concentrate on that feeling. There are many other outer sensations by which we can experience the expanding of the mind. Not only rain, but any sort of immersion in water is an excellent way to practice this approach to mind expansion. At the ocean, pool, or even the bath or shower you can concentrate the mind’s awareness on the sensations you feel. Remember to breathe deeply and relax as you focus the mind’s attention on what the body is experiencing. Saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs are also ideal venues to practice Outer Sensation exercises since they take the sensations beyond the normal realm of your everyday bodily or sensory experience.

INNER SENSATION While Outer Sensation is about letting the mind become immersed in the feeling of a stimulus on the body from the outside, Inner Sensation seeks to bring the mind’s attention into focus much deeper within the body. Ultimately, the idea is to try to connect the mind to the life force within. This is achieved by calming yourself enough so that you become aware of your heartbeat. Bringing the mind’s attention to one’s own heartbeat is quite difficult. Yet it is one of the most calming and profound experiences you can have. However, to achieve it, you must be able to reach a deep, calm state of relaxation. Heartbeat: Lie down in a normal lying-down posture in a dark, silent room. There should be absolutely no chance for outside disturbance. Begin deep, abdominal breathing and relax all the tension within the body. Next, calm your thoughts by concentrating exclusively on the sound of your breathing. When you have reached a state of deep calm, slowly begin to draw your attention further into your body. Pull your awareness deeper inside until you find a point of perfect stillness. Once you have attained this stillness, gently reach out with your consciousness and feel for your heartbeat. Of course, it is easy to feel the pulse in your neck or wrist, but sensing your own heartbeat can be a little more difficult. Don’t get discouraged if you cannot sense it immediately. This exercise takes a great deal of practice. Breathe and relax. Concentrate on achieving as perfect a state of peace as possible. Gradually you should become aware of it–a steady beat that was always there in the background, yet drowned out by everything else going on in your life. Let yourself merge with the sensation of your heartbeat. Don’t try to control the pace of the beats; in fact, don’t try to do anything. Instead, just let your consciousness enter into the sensation and feel yourself become your heartbeat. This can be one of the deepest spiritual experiences we are able to have, when all thoughts and stimulus have been quieted enough so you can hear and feel your own life force. These exercises focus on expanding the mind to fill the body. They give you a sense of cultivating an awareness of your existence in the world and the feeling of truly being alive. When you can reach this state you will realize that you have broken down the barriers between body and mind and allowed them to unite to manifest your spiritual nature. Aaron Hoopes is the founder of Zen Yoga and has taught his holistic programs to both children and adults in Japan, Australia and the US. He is the author of Perfecting Ourselves, and Breathe Smart. He is also the creator of the deep relaxation program, Inner Sunrise, and the Zen Yoga DVD Series. His new book, Zen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing, Movement and Meditation is due out in fall 2007. Zen Yoga Healing Centers are located in Orange, CT and Vershire, VT. For more information please visit the Zen Yoga website:

aaron will be at the whole health expo cromwell, ct january 27, 2007 aaron's books and dvd's will be available. classes and demonstrations are scheduled during the expo. FMI:


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destinatio n h e al i n g

Wa l k i n g I n G r a c e W i t h O u r Pe t s by Kevin Pennell With my kitten, Buddy, in my arms, Dr. Gary Stuer and I met in 1998 at the Bethel Animal Hospital in Bethel, Maine. Dr. Stuer treated Buddy for the typical needs of a kitten like the normal examination, vaccines, and eventual neutering. He seemed different, in a good way, from the other veterinarians I had known in life. He presented himself as very capable, a veterinarian who obviously cared for his patients and their caretakers.

Dr. Gary Stuer his wife Anne & Roxy

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Early in his career, Dr. Stuer worked well with animals using conventional veterinary techniques. The use of those conventional methods shifted about five years ago through a series of life changing events that brought him to the realization that “there’s more to us than our physical body; knowing that we are more than just physical beings” and the recognition that the same concept applies to animals. Dr. Stuer now views himself as “integrative” in his approach to help the animals, his patients, “by combining the best of both worlds.” In a recent conversation with Dr. Stuer, he shared insights into his world of veterinary medicine. During the conversation, I asked Dr. Stuer how he would relate animals to their walking in grace? “Our animals walk in grace. My goodness, I love animals.” His eyes began welling up as he continued. “I love animals. But I never ever appreciated them like I do right now. When I really understood, that they take in everything in their environment.” I asked him to give an example of taking on everything from a harmonious and loving environment. “They vibrate higher.” “So”, I asked, “if they vibrate higher, what are their chances of ever seeing you except for a cut or vaccinations.” “Right! It sounds too simple. If they’re happy they're healthy. If there’s joy they’re healthy. It’s no different than with people. He views our animals as “energy sponges” having no choice, as we do, to establish barriers, so we don’t

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buy in to each others' emotional baggage. Animals can’t turn off their emotional receivers, so to speak. “Dogs can’t do that. They do not have the ability to create a barrier, so they are open 24/7. So that means they are constantly soaking up our emotions, their physical environment, just as if they were energy sponges,” Dr. Stuer explained how this works at Bethel Animal Hospital. “When an animal walks in the door, they are completely open. We have twenty minutes with that animal. When they walk in the door, the owner may not understand, they may be thinking of other things, but that animal is open, like they’re open everywhere, every time, and every place, every moment. That animal immediately knows what’s happening. That animal immediately senses. Is there chaos? Is there anger? They know immediately. As a team, we need to understand that, so every moment we need to understand that those patients we see don’t know that when I’m angry, I’m angry at someone else other than them, all they feel is the anger and that’s what people don’t understand."

Acupuncture with Dr. Stuer, Chilla and caretaker Sally Sawyer

When asked about what Bethel Animal Hospital offers, he answered with, “This is evolving. Because there have been so many pieces that have coalesced recently. I’ve been doing acupuncture on animals and using some herbs over the past five years and paid attention to my feelings around them. If you want to say I communicated with them you can, but it’s really about an understanding of what they (animals) are feeling and recognizing those feelings in my own body. Now I’m evaluating the animal from an energetic perspective. We have our Western acute care that we cannot do without. We are now beginning to really understand why things happen. By clearing energy, clearing emotions from channels, by talking about diet, by using herbs, we can now address many of the things that prepare the way for truly preventative medicine. I work with two other veterinarians who are amazing veterinarians, each of them with over twenty years of experience. They are talented, knowledgeable, amazing veterinarians and

Bethel, Maine

people who I feel blessed to have working with by side.” So where is his work headed? Dr. Stuer beamed with excitement saying, “I just reserved a website, ‘Integrative Animal Medicine’... ‘I AM’.” So what is Integrative Animal Medicine all about? He explained it’s about applying the wisdom of Chinese physicians, by taking the power of their observations which have occurred over thousands of years, their observing patterns of disease, and looking back at the patient, human patients.” The Chinese “used nature. They used the elements. The beginning of acupuncture was five element acupuncture using words like wood, and fire, and metal, and earth, and water.” They defined and visualized people. For example, a person looks and acts like an object in nature, so they were able to define earth people and wood people, and kidney people, and liver people. Over time, they observed patterns and trends of disease in those people. The Chinese physicians could say earth people get these diseases or wood people get these diseases. Animals do the same thing! Now, when Dr. Stuer walks into the room, he looks at the patient using his acupuncture training. “I feel the active acupuncture points and I use those as a road map to answer the question, What is the underlying energy principle of this dog or dominating principle of this dog because that’s where symptoms show up.” We can understand how energy relates to us through a study of five personality or elemental types in Chinese Medicine. When Chinese Medicine is combined with an energetic approach, we can observe how energy works at the very core... our energetic core, according to Dr. Stuer. “We have this energetic core whose physical structure is DNA. At the core, we are energy, which has a physical manifestation in DNA and, in turn, a

Continued on Page 37

13 over the beans. Close the pressure cooker and bring the beans to pressure. Place flame deflector under pressure cooker; reduce heat to medium-low, and cook 30 minutes (if you don’t have a pressure cooker, cook beans in a saucepan with kombu over medium-low heat for 1 ½ hours).

MY HOLIDAY RECIPES With the holiday season coming up people start asking me what recipes I do for my holiday dinners. Here is what we do as a family for the special family gatherings. My husband Tom’s family usually all try to meet on Cape Cod where his parents live. (Yes, I do leave Maine.) All eight of his brothers and sisters come with their families from all over the country and MA (no, we don’t all stay at the same house) to spend the holidays together. Sometimes all 42 of us have been together at the same time, 20 adults and 22 children ranging in age from 22 years down to 1 year.

I usually also make some type of a brown rice stuffed winter squash, vegetables, a multiple variety of long steamed vegetables, and always a steamed green. Desserts vary and my choice is Grandma’s pie. This usually wins my family over, but I don’t make choices for them… and for the healthy, a treat is a treat. These are great recipes to bring and share with friends and loved ones at this holiday season. Chew, enjoy immensely, with gratitude and thanks! These are some of our favorite “holiday” choices:

CORN PONA LISA (BLACK BEAN AND CORN BREAD CASSEROLE) Another excellent recipe by Lisa Silverman. Come to Maine and take her classes!

For corn bread topping: sift together dry ingredients and then blend together wet ingredients. Mix them together until just blended. Pour batter over black-bean mixture and bake for 40-45 minutes. Let cool at least 15 minutes before serving. SERVES 6.

STUFFED SQUASH 1 medium-sized Hubbard squash or other hard winter squash of similar size 1 tablespoon corn or sesame oil 1 cup onions, diced 1 cup celery, diced pinch of sea salt 8 cups whole wheat or whole-wheat sourdough bread cubes (slightly dried out or toasted in a dry skillet until golden brown) 2 cups cooked seitan, cubed shoyu 1 ½-2 cups seitan gravy (omit if gluten intolerant) Carefully cut out a round section of the top of the squash just as would be done for a jack-o-lantern, and set it aside. Clean out all the seeds and set aside. Heat oil in a skillet and sauté the onions for 1-2 minutes. Add the celery and a pinch of salt. Sauté for 1-2 minutes more. Place this mixture in a large mixing bowl and add the dried or toasted bread cubes and seitan and mix well. Add a small amount of shoyu and mix again. Stuff the hollowed squash completely full. Pour the seitan gravy over the stuffing and let it seep down.

2 cups dried black turtle beans, soaked overnight with 2-inch piece kombu 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, diced 1 clove garlic, minced ½ teaspoon sea salt Kernels from 4 ears corn 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon ginger juice 2 tablespoons shoyu ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro Corn or olive oil

Place the top back on the squash. Oil the outside skin of the squash with a small amount of sesame oil.

Corn Bread

Variation. Use sautéed vegetables together with cooked brown rice and wild rice; squash and vegetables; millet and vegetables. Add sliced mushrooms, almonds or pine nuts to stuffing.

2 ½ cups cornmeal 1 ½ cups whole-wheat pastry flour 1 1/3 cups unbleached white flour 3 tablespoons baking powder 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 ¼ cups water 1 1/3 cups soy milk 2/3 cup light olive oil ½ cup maple syrup ½ teaspoon vanilla extract Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. After beans and kombu have soaked, discard the soaking water. Slice kombu into thin strips. Place beans and kombu in a 4- or 5-liter pressure cooker and cover with fresh water so that the water comes up about 1 inch

Place the stuffed squash on a baking tray or oven roaster and bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for about 2 hours. Remove the top and continue baking for another 2535 minutes. To test for doneness, use a shish kebob stick or chopstick to push into the hard skin. When it goes through easily, it is done. Serve with seitan gravy after scooping out the stuffing and squash for each person.

NISHIME-STYLE (LONG, SLOW STEAMING) VEGETABLES 1 cup carrot cut into large chunks 1 cup burdock root (If root is slender, slice into 1-inch pieces; if thicker, slice into ½-inch coin pieces.) 1 cup brussel sprouts (or chucks of cabbage) 1 cup rutabaga, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 cup parsnips, cut into large chunks 2- to 3-inch strip kombu soaked and sliced into small strips Place kombu and its soaking water in the bottom of a pot. If you picture a pie shape when looking down into 1½ quart pan, place each group

Cover pot and bring to a boil over a medium-high flame until there is steam from the pot. Lower flame and cook without disturbing the pot for 15-20 minutes or longer. If water evaporates during cooking add more water to the bottom of the pot. When vegetables have become tender, add a few drops of soy sauce and mix. Replace cover and simmer five more minutes. Remove from the flame, let sit, and serve after a couple of minutes. Vary the combinations of vegetables each time you prepare the dish. Try these combinations: • turnip, onion, carrot, shiitake • carrot, leek, cauliflower, corn, daikon, shiitake, daikon greens • burdock, carrot, onion, squash

OVEN ROASTED SWEET POTATOS WITH PECANS 3 jewel yams (or sweet potatoes) sliced into ½-inch rounds ½ teaspoon sea salt 3 tablespoons brown rice syrup ¼ cup toasted pecans, whole 2 tablespoons olive oil (to cover bottom of cookie sheet) Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Arrange sweet potatoes on bottom of cookie sheet so that they all fit on one sheet (slightly overlap each other). Place a toasted pecan on each slice. Take spoonfuls of brown rice syrup and drizzle small amounts over each piece. Repeat with the olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt. Roast for 40 minutes.

“MACRO” WALDORF SALAD ¼ cup toasted walnuts ¼ cup raisins 2 cups apples, diced 2 ribs of celery, diced 1 grated carrot 2 tablespoons of dulse flakes, or soaked pieces of dulse sliced and cut up (smoked dulse is especially nice) ½ cup Vegannaise (without cane sugar) or use *tofu mayonnaise recipe (listed below) 1 teaspoon umeboshi vinegar Put everything together in bowl and mix in a small amount Vegannaise and splash in some umeboshi vinegar. Taste and season to your liking. NOTE: If using the Tofu Mayonnaise recipe (below) in place of Vegannaise (listed above), use ½ cup in your “Macro” Waldorf Salad.)

*Tofu Mayonnaise 8 ounce tofu ½ cup water 2 teaspoons sesame or olive oil 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon brown rice vinegar 1 tablespoon mellow white miso (or ¼ teaspoon sea salt) sprinkle of dill (optional) Slice tofu; steam 3 minutes. Blend ingredients until smooth and creamy. Note: This keeps refrigerated for 2-3 days. If it separates, just reblend.

APPLE PIE CRUST WITH FILLING AND TOFU WHIPPED CREAM Apple Pie Crust 3 cups whole-wheat pastry flour ½ to 2/3 cup olive oil ½ teaspoon sea salt spring water Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Sift the flour and sea salt into a large bowl. Add the oil and mix through the flour to resemble bread crumbs.

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We all help with the meal preparation. Since my family and I eat a macrobiotic diet, it becomes a very eclectic mix of foods to say the least, but it now works great! My family and I don’t eat any animal products as a norm but most other members of Tom’s family do, so his mother prepares a traditional turkey. Tom and I bring our variety of macrobiotic/vegan entrees and desserts. I will share some of our favorites. They have changed over the years. I used to make a tofuturkey, but Jessica Porter (author of Hip Chick’s Guide to Macrobiotics) and Lisa Silverman’s Corn Pona Lisa, a black bean and cornbread combination, has replaced this as a family favorite. A lot of the family, the carnivores included, will partake in this entrée.

While beans are cooking, heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté onions, garlic, sea salt and corn until onions are translucent, about 5 minutes. Grate a 2-inch piece of ginger into a pulp and then squeeze out 1 tablespoon of juice. Add cumin, ginger juice, and shoyu, and cook for another 5 minutes. When beans are cooked, add to onion mixture. Mix in cilantro. Pour mixture into a lightly oiled 9-by-13-inch casserole dish – use corn or olive oil.

of cut up vegetables into their own pile (see photo). This keeps the separate taste of each individual vegetable while cooking.


Feng Shui & Geopathology by Werner Brandmaier

Methods and Devices to detect Geopathic Stress:


hen we explain geopathic stress (“geo”—the earth, “pathology”—study of sickness) to our clients, there is often the question of whether there exists a standard instrument that is able to detect and measure the existence and intensity of geopathic stress. This depends on the type of harmful environmental stress we deal with. Obviously, when assessing electro-magnetic fields (EMF’s) there are standard devices. When detecting subtle geopathic earth grid structures, dowsing is our first choice. However, there are additional techniques and devices that have been explored and some others that are currently in use.   About 15 years ago the University Of Munich conducted a study to verify the accuracy of dowsing, to determine if there was a scientific instrument that could detect “earth rays,” and if such an instrument could also distinguish the type and origin of geopathic stress.

Possible origins of Geopathic Stress:

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Electro-magnetic patterns Radiation particles out of the earth Radioactive occurrences from the ground Frequencies or vibrations from the atmosphere above

Competent dowsers had been invited to come and dowse a particular area for geopathic grid structures and water veins. Numerous technical devices were brought in to try and repeat these findings. At the end, the overall results of the study were inconclusive. Although the findings of the dowsers were acknowledged, there was no satisfying scientific explanation for their capabilities. (“Der Wuenschelruten-Report” Prof. H.L.Koenig, Prof. H.D. Betz – ISBN: 3-923819-05-6)   Today we have other models to explain energetic grids and their effect on a person. In Feng Shui, it is referred to as Chi/Qi (or in the case of geopathic stress the lack of Chi/Qi), the subtle life force that permeates the land. And just as an acupuncturist feels for the pulses and the meridian lines of a person’s body, a Feng Shui practitioner feels for the pulses of a home and property, traditionally done with divining rods. Dowsing instruments, including pendulum, L-rods, Y-rods and tensors (“bobbers”) are the preferred tools to determine direction, form, width and intensity of earth anomalies, water veins and geopathic stress zones.   Applied kinesiology (AK, “muscle testing”) is another method to determine elements that strengthen or weaken a person’s subtle system. In the mid 1960’s Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, found that the body automatically reacts with a strong response if something is beneficial, and with a weak one if it is draining. Today, Kinesiology is incorporated into many complementary practices, including chiropractic, homeopathic, naturopathic, BodyTalk, etc. Chiropractors often use it to access a problem, test for the best treatment and recommend supplements. I use AK to determine how much a geopathic stress zone affects a person and to determine the best option for shielding a person, their family or business from the energetic drain.

A brand new digital device from Germany, the Kimeter, has been developed to allow neutral strength testing via a pressure button in order to avoid any personal interaction between the practitioner and client. I had experimented with a version of a similar instrument from Switzerland before with a manual pressure column. For my purposes this was not practical, as it required tedious training for the client to use the device with any reproducible results.   A more sophisticated device, called EPFX Biofeedback is able to measure geopathic stress within a computer setup. My wife and I attended a demonstration of the earlier version, the QXCI (Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface), several years ago and were amazed by its capability to determine the finest energetic imbalances from gestational trauma to mercury toxicity. The client is hooked up with wrist and ankle straps and a headband, which pick up galvanic skin response readings.   Initially a calibration procedure takes place through adapting individual electrical parameters. The device determines at this early point if there is geopathic stress in the room, so later measurements are not impacted. As geopathic stress builds up over time as a superimposing charge, any similar imbalances found later relate to a client’s possible long-term exposure and need to be addressed in the further process.   Geopathic stress is a specific form of stress, the charge is stored in the body and it takes several weeks, sometimes even months, to discharge again. The EPFX shows reactivity to the Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, Szent-Giogi line, underground water, and metals, very similar to my findings when dowsing a house. We were so impressed by the device that we decided to get one ourselves.   After a period of training with some of the best practitioners in and outside the country, my wife started to offer biofeedback sessions. She now continues to grow her practice, as well as training new practitioners in the New England area. In her years of experience the correlation between geopathic stress and chronic immune challenges has become so obvious to her that she often encourages clients to deal with geopathic stress first, so that the biofeedback sessions may progress more successfully without impedance and frequent “setbacks.”   In my Feng Shui practice, dowsing is still my primary method for determining the presence, type and degree of geopathic grid systems. Changes in the energy fields can be detected quickly and precisely. The challenge is that dowsing only works when the dowser knows what he or she is looking for; with structures they are familiar with. Most dowsers are trained to find water for a well. Earth grid systems like the Hartmann grid, Benker grid or Curry grid are not that well known here in the USA.   In Germany and Austria, people are aware of specific earth patterns since the early 20th century and there is a general understanding, at least in the holistic community, of the correlation between noxious earth patterns and cancer or chronic illness. “Geopathologist” is a professional term for a practitioner coming to a home and advising on how to change bedrooms in order to avoid harmful earth grid structures.   When I first began exploring the field of Geopathology it was to further my understanding and practice of Feng Shui. As a technical trained person and an engineer, my first instinct was to find a meter, an electrical instrument, to register and measure these grid lines. However, my search finally brought me back to my roots. I remembered, as a child accompanying my father when he dowsed for wells for our neighbors. Dowsing has been used over centuries and has been a valuable tool. A big step in public acceptance in Austria was established in 2000 when the government of Upper Austria began reimbursing homeowners for the first two hours of a Feng Shui and Geopathology consultation.   Throughout the years I continue to explore and incorporate new tools in my work. I do appreciate the need for more testing apparatus and procedures and look forward to it. Understandably, instruments with numbers add a scientific touch to this field. As the trend in consciousness continues to move towards re-establishing our intuition and furthering our power of focus, dowsing and energetic methods will also find their place in the mainstream.

Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner at (207) 772-7888 or 14 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008


welcome ho m e

ask asrianna Questions and Answers on Relationships, Spirituality and Conscious Living. and you feel his doing so will be beneficial to him. It will also make it easier for you. You have an emotional connection, a history and a present with him that you’d like to express to a degree of completion so you’ll feel the cycle has closure. These are natural desires and if all the people involved are on the same place in their path, such a scenario is blessed and beautiful. Honoring where a person is in their process of growth and learning can be difficult if we feel we see further ahead, more correctly than they do. In many ways, dear Not Afraid, this is really about you. It’s about control and realizing what you can change and what you must accept. You can’t—and shouldn’t—be the architect of another person’s life because you aren’t privy to the soul lessons they’ve at some level chosen to experience. You can’t save your beloved uncle from his personal path toward learning and awareness. What you can do is be present. Visit him and do less talking and more listening. Love is pure energy; it’s an action of the spirit, of the heart and is often expressed most inadequately in the language of words. When your uncle talks of getting better you can gently encourage him to express what that means to him. Give him space to move forward toward his own acceptance and surrender. Share memories with him and by all means tell him how much you love him, how much you cherish his presence in your life. This needn’t be done with attendant regrets regarding his impending death. Celebrate the moments in joyful recognition of the history you’ve shared and of the time you have now, right now. Perhaps you’ll find that when you no longer exert the subtle or not-so-subtle pressure on your uncle to face his death on your terms, he’ll come to a place, on his own, where he talks about just that. Many blessings, Asrianna Dear Asrianna, I’m in college and right before school started I met a great woman. The problem is that we dated only three weeks before she left for a year away at a university in England. She’ll be back over the holidays and we’ve kept in almost daily contact through phone calls and email. I really like her a lot and feel she’s someone I could possibly spend my life with but everyone keeps telling me I should date other people. Am I doing the wrong thing by caring enough for her to wait? I’m really not interested in anyone else. Do you have any ideas? Signed, Willing to Wait Dear Willing, There was a time when I might have joined the chorus of those who tell you to keep your options open and continue to date while you explore this very new relationship. It’s still an option if your reasons for waiting are unrealistic. My suggestion is to look carefully at your nature and expectations. Some people have what I call a “sacred contract” nature. They look at the world through the lenses of holiness and approach life with a sense of reverence and emotional intensity. To them a promise is a covenant and their word is their oath. To a person with this energy it’s often hard to let the heart entertain more than one romantic interest at a time. If this describes you, dear

Willing, then the thought of dating other people when you feel an emotional connection and loyalty to someone else might seem nearly impossible. The difficulty of being this single-minded, however, is twofold. First it puts a great deal of energetic pressure on a person who might not share a similar nature, and it’s a great deal to ask after knowing each other in person for a mere three weeks. Secondly, this scenario can set up a level of expectation that can be hard to meet once the long-distance courtship is at an end and the day-today reality of interacting with another person sets in. You didn’t mention whether she’s expressed the same emotional commitment to you. Would your willingness to wait still stand if you found she was dating others? Contemplate your own, honest expectations and imagine how you’ll feel if after a year of waiting you find it doesn’t work out. If you’re willing to take that risk then not dating others might be a viable option and be in alignment with your nature. Be that as it may, make sure you’re not putting the entirety of your life on hold while awaiting her return. Many people conduct long-distance relationships successfully and it may be that yours stands the test of time. Yet for it to work you’ll be wise to bring to the relationship a happy you with interests and activities other than your single-minded desire for her. Remain optimistic while asking yourself tough questions, and stay true to your nature even as you honestly appraise your expectations. Many blessings, Asrianna Asrianna Dameron is a Psychic, a Spiritual Medium, and Certified Hypnotherapist in private practice. She offers individual and group sessions as well as seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of Psychic Development, Mediumship, Hypnosis and Shamanic healing. Asrianna can be reached at, by visiting her website at, or by calling 603-892-1268.

Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 15

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Dear Asrianna, I’m very close to my paternal uncle and have a close, loving relationship with him. Several months ago he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and is at home, now, being cared for through hospice. It’s heartbreaking to see him bedridden and ill and what makes it harder is that although he knows of the diagnosis he won’t accept it and keeps asking when he’ll improve. Any time someone tries to bring up the topic of his prognosis, he just changes the subject. I’d like him to be less fearful and feel more peaceful about what’s happening because hearing him say he wants to be better is breaking my heart. I’d also love to be able to talk to him about how much he’s meant to me without feeling like he’s not hearing me. Is there some way I can gently help him to face reality so we who love him can give him the comfort he deserves? Signed, Not Afraid to Die Dear Not Afraid, None of us truly knows how we’ll face our own death until the final moment arrives, do we? That being said, it’s noble and wise to live a full life even as we keep in mind the inevitability of our demise. Death is a natural part of the life cycle and having an awareness of this reality gives our days meaning and lessens the fear of the unknown as we explore what leaving the physical world will mean to us and those we love. When we realize there’s finality to our span of days, we’re reminded to live in the present, to show love to those we care about, and to follow the call of our dreams and goals. With that in mind, it’s admirable that you want to help your uncle face his impending death with peace and fearlessness. Yet just as we must each make our own choices and learn our own lessons along our life path, so to we must go through our own process of acceptance and awareness of our mortality. You can’t force your uncle to do what he’s emotionally and psychologically unprepared to do. Furthermore, I’m sure that at a certain level he’s utterly aware of the reality of his terminal illness. He’s giving you a very clear message when he’s changing the subject and the message is, “I don’t want to talk about it.” You mention his fear of death. How can you be certain it’s fear? There may be many reasons for his avoidance. Perhaps he doesn’t want to cause pain to those he loves and feels he’s saving them from being sad and uncomfortable. It could be that he wants to live each remaining moment to the fullest rather than focusing on what will arrive all too soon. He may indeed feel uncertainty about the death process and what—if any— afterlife there might be so, yes, fear may place a big part. Your role, however, is to allow your uncle his own process even as you become more cognizant of your personal motivations. You say you want to gently help him to face his own death. Ask yourself, why? Why is it so vital to you that he face his death in any way other than his own choosing, regardless of how it might seem to others? It’s normal for you to want to help and comfort your uncle, but you can’t force your vision of solace upon him. What simmers beneath your words are your own, understandable needs. You want your uncle to have your version of a good death because you love him


a b rea th o f he ali n g With Grace You Can Win Any Race by Donna Amrita Davidge


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his saying, or metaphor, which is the subject for this issue’s article, is a saying coined by Yogi Bhajan, the Master of Kundalini Yoga. He has created many of these points to ponder. Another one is “Excuses are self abuses.” Have you ever made an excuse when your behavior did not reflect the character and caliber to carry through and deliver? It is, of course, human to make mistakes, but can we learn and grow from them? Yogi Bhajan also gives us seven specific steps to happiness. He says that without all seven you cannot be happy! The journey starts with commitment. He says we are meant to commit. For some of us this is not easy. We may be unsure in relationships, in our career paths and in what our life destiny actually is. Yet Yogi Bhajan says that if we cannot withstand the pressure that comes with commitment, how can the jewel of our consciousness develop into the diamond it was meant to be? “I push a person to excellence and nobody wants to be pushed. The only beauty in the world is duty, done and delivered. There is no better joy than that” ...Yogi Bhajan The other night I chanced upon an Italian film called “The Last Kiss.” It followed four young men around age thirty on their individual paths and as friends. Three wanted freedom, finally fleeing in a van to parts unknown, leaving babies and family businesses in search of a life of non-commitment. The main character, whose girlfriend was pregnant, balked from commitment and made one mistake. But he realized in time that his happiness lay in duty, sacrifice and the ability to commit. He followed the seven steps only after learning that devotion was more fulfilling than commotion. He married, had a beautiful girl and held a responsible, creative job. Sometimes he fantasized about joining his friends… but not really. He had found happiness, not without its struggles and ups and downs, but he had found it. Maybe you wonder what these seven steps have to do with yoga. Yoga is a science and a technology that helps us learn from the inside out and not without honest awareness and self reflection. As Dharma Mittra, one of my teachers in New York, was quoted in the April 2004 Yoga Journal “People come to yoga to have the perfect figure or meditate so they can make more money at their job but the true purpose of yoga is self realization.” Yoga is a practice meant to enhance your respect, grace and trust. Yoga teaches us to deliver the work, to have honor and never lose our manners. Grace developed as we work to conquer ourselves is an attribute that helps us attain this self realization.

He speaks of an attitude of altitude, which ultimately is the energy and attitude of grace, which is associated with the highest physical center in the body, the crown. Success often has superficial measurements in our society, such as social status or income levels. Many of us feel under-accomplished as we assess our lives. How do we actually measure success, by other people’s standards or by those set forth in a yoga practice? Success is a smile. Success is peace of mind. Success is a radiant face, whatever age. Success is how we treat others. As another Yoga Master Sivananda wrote to his student Ram Krishna in a letter dated December 1, 1943: “Think carefully. Decide correctly. Act faithfully. Speak truthfully. Live honestly. Work diligently. Talk gently .Behave properly. You are bound to succeed in any walk of life. You will have peace of mind. You will have a pure conscience. You will get inexhaustible spiritual wealth.” Physical poses that allow us to feel our grace, like mountain pose, tadasana, are important to developing this feeling from within. The following meditation is especially effective for this as well. GRACE OF GOD meditation will give you self effectiveness. Any woman who does it will find grace in her behavior. Any man who does it will realize the grace in himself and those around him. It may take a little time, but the results will be positive. This is an ideal way to prepare for sleep. Lie down on the back, fully relaxing your face and body, eyes closed. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold the breath in and repeat silently ten times “I am the Grace of God”. (For men “I am in the Grace of God”). Exhale all the breath out through the nose and repeat silently the same mantra ten times. (I use my fingers to keep it straight! ...counting on my fingers, which are relaxed in sivasana, corpse pose). Do this for a total of five inhalations and five exhalations, making this a total of one hundred times repeating the mantra. After the cycle is completed, come sitting cross legged, eyes still closed. Bring the right wrist resting on your right knees, palm up and index finger meeting thumb in gyan mudra (reversed hands for men). The left hand is by the left shoulder, as if taking an oath, palm flat and facing forward. Tense only one finger of the left hand at a time, as you repeat five times aloud “ I am the Grace of God”. (Start with the little finger, the pinky.) Meditate on the governing energy of that finger. Concentrate on the particular characteristics you want to correct. Continue the sequence until you get to and do the thumb. Afterwards relax as you wish. Here are the governing energies of the fingers: 1) Pinky – Mercury, power to relate, communicate and make decisions 2) Ring finger – Venus and Sun, physical health and vitality, grace 3) Middle finger – Saturn, channel emotion to devotion, learn patience 4) Pointing finger – Jupiter, wisdom, expansion and knowledge 5) Thumb – Positive ego One note, if GOD seems religious to you, we are taught that it is the energy of the universe that Generates Organizes Delivers or Destroys all This is a lovely meditation. Grace is a contained energy that we can all win by developing! One way of thinking of grace is non-reactiveness, responsiveness instead. If this is too much for you, one other meditation is simply for ninety days to see if your vibration, your thoughts and words, can be promoting and complimentary instead of demoting and complaining. You would be surprised how often people demote themselves, let alone others. We might be surprised if we heard ourselves on tape! We can change the internal tapes and yoga is one great way to start!


Here are the Seven Steps to Happiness as given by Yogi Bhajan:

1) COMMITMENT 2) Commitment will give you CHARACTER, all your facets, flaws and facts are under control. Yin and yang meet here. There is balance. It is not you who wins in the end, it is your character. Are your life habits demoting or promoting this? 3) Character will give you DIGNITY, people start liking , trusting and respecting you. 4) This will give you DIVINITY where people have no duality or fear about you. 5) Divinity will give you GRACE a person of grace is gracious and has no hidden agendas. 6) This gives you THE POWER TO SACRIFICE you can stand pain for other people. 7) That sacrifice will give you HAPPINESS. Another thing Yogi Bhajan teaches is that if you have manners you have everything. “Let your manners speak for you, let your deeds prove you, let your deliverance impress you. Every person has a mission, every mission has a magnitude to deliver and fulfill the essence of magnitude. When one does it with devotion and conviction success comes from all sides” ...Yogi Bhajan.

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16 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008




AwarenessandtheArtofSeeing: Contemplationsontheenvironmentandinterconnection by Jen Deraspe

The Lesson of Leaves “And when I rise Let me rise up Like a bird Joyfully And when I fall Let me fall down Like a leaf Gracefully Without regret” (Chant, author unknown)

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Jen Deraspe, owner of Nurture Through Nature, is a holistic retreat facilitator and practitioner of The Work of Byron Katie. She lives off the grid on Pleasant Mountain in Denmark, Maine., (207) 452-2929.

The Thirteenth Moon

Susan Bakaley Marshall ATR-BC, LCPC board certified art therapist, licensed clinical counselor,                                           shamanic practitioner

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Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 17

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Lately, as the trees give way to a quiet, internal stillness, leaves falling all around catch my eye. It’s sweet to pause and watch the rust colored oak leaf float by and gently touch down to its final resting place. This leaf began from the soil’s richness, rising up into root, trunk and branch towards the sun. And, now, it gives back fully all that was gained during its life span. Another season has passed in the illusion of time.   With the forest opening, I can now see the forms, shapes and silhouettes once veiled by the greens of summer. Welcoming the change, I see with greater perspective the raw, simple beauty around and within. There is a softening of the spirit these days, a humility found in the quiet and space of these woods. As the trees begin to rest now, I can feel a wakening to the cause and effect of my small minded focus in the scheme of life. As I continue to question what I believed to be true, as I inquire into the “I-know” mind, I begin to experience the vastness of a higher vision that ultimately leads me home, like the quiet, steadiness of the great resting mountain oak standing before me.


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18 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008


t he w ay o f lif e - itse l f

Why War? My Life's Walk by Norm Hirst


remembered the parades I had seen with flags waving and soldiers marching. Then in a moment, all the values I had grown up with died. The values that justified our acts in the Korean War were gone. I was left feeling like a zombie. I had to begin to question everything at the most fundamental levels to rebuild my world. I dedicated my life to finding the causes of war and preventing war. I was soon to realize that it depended on better understanding of values, but I did not know how. For the next semester Robert Hartman arrived; a visiting professor of philosophy whose specialty was creating a science of value. From my physics training I knew what science is. I learned Hartman thought the same about science. Science combines the analytic theories of empirical philosophy with the synthetic theories of a formalism such as mathematics. Without the formal component there is no science, just a form of philosophy. Hartman became my teacher, friend and mentor for many years.

A Gift from our Grandfathers

Life cannot be controlled. Unfortunately force and control is all that we know from the old paradigm.

18,000 officers and men at Camp Dodge, DesMoines, IA, created this "Human Statute of Liberty," seemingly during WWI. © Mole and Thomas, Chicago, IL

Unfortunately, today, the nature of science has been totally lost. I’ve learned that today’s philosophy has lost the analytic and synthetic, an unfortunate regression. The practice of science has been thoroughly corrupted by greedy sponsors who suppress scientists from speaking truth. I hate to mention science; but we do need to restore real science to provide help for us now in confusing times. Learning and unlearning through many disciplines of my inquiry: I studied physics, gaining experience with an actual science. I studied the philosophy of science to help me understand science in general. I studied mathematics to understand the driving force behind scientific inquiry. I studied the theory of logic to understand the limitations of mathematics. I discovered the limitations of logic itself. I then studied the most modern theory of formalisms and discovered that logic, as we know it, is simply one amongst many possibilities for doing meaningful formalisms. What people today believe is rational is simply one choice. Believing that philosophy itself was a way of exploration, I turned to it. Mainstream substance philosophy offered a worldview, a metaphysics that further entrapped us. Way down deep human knowledge developed in a way that became committed to errors that destroy life. My fifty-year search found more useful knowledge, but I kept learning that what was accepted, as foundations

of our sciences, didn’t support the living domain. I concluded that values were only operative in living processes. Thus I considered biology. It became apparent to me that biology had tried to become scientific by adopting the protocols of physics. These conformed to materialism, cause and effect, and reductionism. I believed that biology would provide no answers. In one developing area I found great promise. At the end of the 19th Century there were crises in the foundations of mathematics. This I saw as very significant; yet I suspect that very few people have heard about it. This led to more research in logic in the 20th Century than all previous human history. I found the results electrifying. There are now forms of logic that do not require consistency; at least not truth consistency. I saw truth consistency as a catastrophic error. Life is creative. It does not conserve truth. Life requires both poles of categorical contrasts. Life works on self-knowing by self-reference. Consistency blocks self-reference. Given the importance of self-knowing we named our Institute “Autognomics” for auto gnosis, i.e., self knowledge. I had found an unbridgeable lacuna between mathematics and the logic required to understand life. Physics can no longer be considered the basic science. Beginning in the 70’s I began to see new disciplines such as autopoiesis, the theory of self-creation and astounding discoveries in both physics and biophysics. Physicists discovered the Dirac Sea consisting of zero point energy that fills what had been thought of as empty space. In 1992 the biophysicist, Dr. Mae Wan Ho, discovered that living tissue is liquid crystalline. Our bodies are an electro-magnetic environment that supports oneness of action. It may appear that our bodies consist of organs as parts, but functionally there are no parts. Our bodies function holistically. There are whole organism diseases that defy current medical models. All this totally changes our beliefs about reality, and now a paradigm change is underway and documented by The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). IONS has just published a report documenting the change, the 2007 Shift Report. Their web site summarizes the report as follows: “The 2007 Shift Report: Evidence of a World Transforming, attempts to chart the transition we believe is underway from a rigid, mechanistic, and materialistic worldview to one that is built on a foundation of interconnectedness, cooperation, and the intersection of science and spirituality.” Reviewing the growing catalog of unsolvable problems facing us today, it appears that all of the problems are based on errors of the old paradigm. I will write about them in future reports. For now, know that life requires every living entity to be autonomous. Every living entity can only do what it has learned through inner processes. Also, every living entity is unique and equipped to insist on fulfilling its unique meaning. Thwarted, it will turn to coping dysfunction and possible violence.

Continued on page 25 Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 19

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ome of you have been asking about the history of my research. And given today’s preoccupation with war and what war does to people, causing major turns in human history, I feel compelled to share my war story, and how it caused me to dedicate my life to finding the reasons for war. My years of investigation are now beginning to produce the findings that we are bringing to you in each issue and in this column, with a book now in progress. It began 60 years ago. I began to dig and dig deeply into what we believe about reality, about science, about fundamental structures that have continuously formed a war-filled world. We have just returned from delivering a paper at a Values Conference. I was thrilled to learn that a major point of our message was received and acknowledged. Our paper was received with a degree of enthusiasm I never expected. One of the participants has now sent us an email in which he wrote: “Being originally trained as a scientist, I’m specially impressed by your distinction between causality, as the explanatory tool in the natural sciences, and the concept of fluidity or process you presented to us as the explanatory tool in the human sciences, the distinction stemming from acknowledging man’s free will... Otherwise we would only be deterministic objects, and not the (unique and most valuable) subjects that, thankfully, we are.” Now I want to write about our message. To properly ground it I will begin at the beginning. It was 1951. The Korean War was in progress. General MacArthur had missed his promise to have the boys home for Christmas. I was in the Air Force and in Korea. My job was to maintain airborne radar. I was told to pack up and be ready to fly out. The fighting had come within 200 miles of us. If it came any closer I was to be out of there. As it happened it never came closer. I found myself in an unusual position. I was to have a ringside seat to the war; far enough away to be relatively safe yet close enough to witness the war. What I witnessed was horrifying. I was not prepared to see human beings inflict such pain, suffering, death and destruction on other human beings. I defended us on the grounds that it was our moral duty to snatch success from an evil enemy. Never would we engage in such acts if an evil enemy had not forced us to. Finally my enlistment was up! I went home. I applied to MIT and was accepted as a full time student. Because of my radar background I also had a part time job maintaining components of an unusual computer. One day I found a spontaneous party going on in the computer room. They told me they had finished running tests of a new weapon system. It exceeded their expectations. I thought, “They are celebrating a better way to kill people… They are celebrating a better way to kill people… They are celebrating a better way to kill people… They are celebrating a better way to kill people.” That thought went on for two and a half days, around and around. Then after lunch I was walking by the athletic field going back to work. I suddenly got an electric shock in the back of my neck. I could feel the electricity go up into my head and down my spine. I thought of two armies of little boys approaching each other with toy guns. In moments they would learn that they were no longer little boys; the guns were not toys. Then I

Korean War Memorial, Courtesy of


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20 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 21


ex p lori ng the wo r l d r el i g i o n s

Exploring the Higher Planes, the Inner Space Within You by James Bean


uring his series Cosmos, Carl Sagan once took note of a significant parallel between the ancient Hindu tradition and science. Both teach that there have been vast epochs of time: ages lasting millions or even billions of years. In Hinduism these ages or great epochs of time are called "Yugas." These days it is in the area of M Theory and Quantum Physics that some are finding parallels between the theories or observations of science and the intuitive and revelatory wisdom of certain schools of spirituality. For instance, Michio Kaku, in his book, Parallel Worlds -- A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, And the Future of the Cosmos, says: "How could it be that we live in a ten dimensional universe? Well, the skeptics hardly laugh anymore. Around the world, the nation's leading physicists are scrambling to learn this bizarre theory that may allow us to read the mind of God, called string theory, which says that music resonating through hyperspace may be the mind of God." I believe since that was written the consensus has shifted slightly and there is now the view that there are a total of eleven dimensions, not ten!

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The understanding that we are part of a vast multidimensional cosmos or multiverse containing possibly an infinite number of bubble universes or a cosmic foam of universes is not something new. Back in the 1920's a mystic and author by the name of Julian P. Johnson wrote about multiple dimensions and cosmic Music as being the First Cause of Creation "in the beginning." Julian Johnson in Path of the Masters: "Try now to get a picture of that luminous reality, the grand orchestra of the universe. Its heavenly strains are not only filling all interstellar space but they are ringing with far more enchanting Music through all the higher worlds beyond the utmost bounds of the physical. The higher we go, the more enchanting the Music. In those higher worlds the Music is less mixed with matter, and so it is not dulled. After passing the Third Region on the Path of the Masters, this sublime chorus becomes so overwhelmingly attractive that the soul grows impatient to go on up. It is absorbed in it. It lives in it day and night. It is its life, its joy, its spiritual food. There is not a cubic millimeter of space in existence which is not filled with this Music. Sweeter and sweeter its heavenly strains vibrate through every living being, great or small, from world to world, and from universe to universe. Its life-giving melodies may not be consciously heard by those who are not trained to catch them, but there is not one living being in all creation which does not derive its life from this Current." Johnson's spiritual Master; Huzur Baba Sawan Singh, once described an experience of seeing the universe from above as a kind of cosmic "foam" or, in other words, many bubble universes. Over the centuries contemplative souls have taught that the human body is a kind of temple, and that within this temple are portals that lead to other dimensions. By looking within this microcosm we may access the macrocosm of the heavens. The Sufi mystic and philosopher Ibn Arabi wrote in his Bezels of Wisdom: "He [Allah] brought the Cosmos into being as constituting an Unseen Realm and a Sensory Realm, so that we might perceive the Inner through our unseen and the Outer through our sensory aspect." We are children of both worlds. We human beings are a Tree of Life with roots in the earth and branches rising into a mystic sky. "The planes of heaven are about us 22 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

everywhere. One has only to know this simple truth consciously, and then we will be free." (George Arnsby Jones, disciple of Kirpal Singh) For many centuries Hinduism, Shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Christian Mysticism, Sufism, Santmat, and other schools of spirituality have described a multi-dimensional universe. Some even have their own symbols, diagrams or charts of the heavens. No doubt the Kabbalist Tree of Life is the most well-known of these. In the West some of the oldest descriptions of the "Seven Heavens" that have been written down are to be found in the Book of First Enoch the Prophet, a Hebrew scripture composed sometime around two hundred BC. Copies of the Book of Enoch were found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are also many other manuscripts of Enoch in various languages, and the Book of Enoch is preserved as part of the canon of the Ethiopian Bible. Christian Orthodox mystics describe several "Noetic Heavens." The Gnostic Universe as well consisted of many different heavens. A chart illustrating these Gnostic Heavens was included in the recently published collection of Gnostic texts called The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, edited by Marvin Meyer, published by Harper Collins. This is the Gnostic Universe as presented by a Syrian Gnostic teacher from the Second Century AD by the name of Mar Sans:

Seal 13 The Unknown Silent One Seal 12 The Invisible Spirit Seal 11 The Triple-Powered One Seal 10 The Barbelo Aeon Seal 9 (Kalyptos) Seal 8 Protophanes (Mind) Seal 7 Autogenes Seal 6 The Self-Generated Aeons (incorporeal; the individuals?) Seal 5 The Repentance (incorporeal; repentant souls "in Marsanes") Seal 4 The Sojourn (incorporeal; disembodied souls) Seal 3 The Third (noncorporeal but sensible; the planetary spheres?) Seal 2 The Second (corporeal; the sublunar realm?) Seal 1 The First (corporeal; the physical, material realm?) As you can see from this chart, the bottom-most plane represents the material universe, the visible cosmos that the Hubble Space Telescope has been revealing to us so beautifully in recent years. Above are more subtle regions, followed by middle planes or heavens, including Protophanes, which is apparently another name for the Universal Mind. Above the middle regions are more glorious and ethereal realms of Spirit. The Twelfth Heaven called "The Invisible Spirit" is a region beyond cosmic or mystical Light, and the Most High region, the Thirteenth Heaven in the Gnostic system of Mar Sans: "The Unknown Silent One," is at the very top. This name implies it is beyond cosmic or mystical Sound, and in many mystical texts is described as the Ultimate Reality, the State described as God or "The Nameless One" or "Soundless One" (Anadi Purush). Note: there are some variations in the number of planes or heavens from system to system depending on how they are counted, even amongst the various Gnostic schools of spirituality. One can divide planes as one wishes, for instance counting the astral plane

as one region, or dividing into "lower" and "upper" and so on. Some do this with the top-most heaven of All-Spirit, either labeling it as one region of spirit, while others may provide more details, dividing the top region into three or four levels. There are levels where the soul maintains individuality. There is one stage of the spiritual plane called "Nearness" in Kabbalah and Agam Lok in Santmat mysticism. In this region the soul has the option to become one with God and then revert back to its own state of individuality again. The "drop" merges into the "Divine Ocean" and then decides to become a "drop" again. Imagine! Freedom of choice even at that exalted level. Generally, the topmost region is considered to be the State far beyond all illusion of separateness. It is described as Nonduality, Oneness, and is given by some the name Kaivalya, the Ocean of Oneness or Pure Consciousness. Others have described it as Anurag Sagar, the Ocean of Love. As you can see, this next chart is quite similar to the first, but rather than illustrating the multidimensional universe of an Aramaic-speaking Gnostic school of spirituality from Syria dating back to the time of the Second Century AD, this is a chart illustrating the Inner Regions or Heavens according to a contemporary Hindi-speaking tradition from India known as Surat Shabd Yoga. As with the Gnostic Universe, the cosmos of the Shabd Yoga tradition has the lowest or outermost plane being the realm of matter and dark matter, followed by progressively more subtle and luminous astral and akashic or causal regions, also a Universal Mind or Demiurgical (pronounced "Demi-urge-ah-KAL") plane. Above these lower and middle regions of mind and matter are levels of pure spirit, eternal, above time and space, and these are considered to be the True Home or Paradise of the soul, where we prodigal souls came from and, fullcircle, where we will return to again, as we awaken from the soul-slumber of the ages. "We have come from the Light and will return there again." As Kabir once said, "For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?" Here is another helpful chart of the heavens from a different Hindu branch of the Surat Shabd Yoga tradition. I like this one best of all as it includes the chakra system as well as the subtle bodies: astral body-astral plane, causal body-causal plane, etc.... The Way Out Is Within As you can see, it is the Ajna Chakra, the Third Eye Center, that is the central focus in the Shabd Yoga system of meditation. The Third Eye or Seat of the Soul, for some during meditation, is a Portal to the subtle planes and heavenly regions above the Crown Chakra. The Sufi poet Rumi once said, "Open a window to God." This is the function of the Third

Continued on page 38


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 23


m ix ed m e dia We bs i te R e vi e w by Jame s Be an

Karma Caffe – Spiritual Social Networking

MIXED M E D IA Cyan Magenta Yellow Black


The newest social networking site online, only a few weeks old, is
. It is described as a free, interactive, social, business and spiritual networking site. I found it to be a very well designed website. It’s quite easy to figure out all the features and navigate without any difficulties. 

What’s unique about Karma Caffe is it’s a place on the web for spiritual seekers including singles, those who desire to be evolved souls, are in the process of expanding awareness, elevating consciousness, extending love, enjoying life, living in the moment. The content continues to grow. There are areas devoted to: music, videos, classifieds, book reviews, articles on spirituality and wellness, announcements, some e-books, also e-cards you can send to friends and loved ones. You can also do key word searches and other searches to find other members with similar interests. Karma Caffe is more interactive than other sites, with not only blogs and bulletins, but also live chat, forums, clubs, and even a weekly radio program that members can participate in and speak with live guests.

 Listen to the Karma Caffe Spiritual Hour -- Radio Page at Blog Talk Radio
Listen Live On Wednesdays at 8 PM Eastern, which is 5:00 PM Pacific Time. 
There is also a Library/Archive of ShowsOn-Demand

Karma Caffe Spiritual Hour – Announcements About Up-Coming Shows

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening. Address questions or comments to: P O Box 7, Newport, ME 04953, or Email:


Book Review by Jo an E mmo n s



REVIEWS and more

Gaia Girls ~ Way of Water By: Lee Welles ISBN:978-1-933609-03-4 Chelsea Green Publishing Hi Everyone, with the holidays coming soon and many children in our lives, here is a wonderful gift for them. Lee Welles is back with a new book, Gaia Girls ~ Way of Water, this newest addition to the series is an exciting adventure of Miho whose life has always been by the sea and shared with all of its creatures. The story is a beautiful expression of a young girl's struggle to fit into a culture, learn a new language and find her way through her grief of the loss of her family and her new life with her uncle in Japan. Her journey with Gaia is through the sea. Gaia bestows on Miho amazing powers to connect with the "minds of the water." She finds that she has access to the understanding of all the world's oceans and that her journey will lead her to the other side of the world. There are many questions to be answered for Miho and Lee Welles does an excellent job once again in the expression of a young girl's journey to self. This book has an expanded section of over 20 pages of games, questions, earth resources for our children, a glossary of terms and a list of topics for group discussions! You can purchase your copy by calling Chelsea Green at 800-639-4099 or visit Lee's next adventure, Gaia Girls ~ Air Apparent will be out soon so that we can be introduced to the third member of the team in upcoming books 5, 6 and 7.

24 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

B o o k R evi ew b y J o a n E m m o ns The Barefoot Indian ~ The making of a messiahress By: Julia Heywood ISBN: 1-84694-040-0 This absolutely lovely book starts out simply with a response to an ad. Most of us have had an experience in life that has changed us and we know that we will never be the same again. This is the premise for Julia's book. She has captured her journey into self in an interesting, light and inspiring way, expressing the eternal wisdom found in day to day life. The ad: MESSIAH/MESSIAHRESS URGENTLY REQUIRED Due to an increase in demand for people wanting to know the meaning of life, the above position is now available. For the right candidate, your role will be very varied and at times challenging but the rewards are significantly high. No previous experience necessary, full training will be given. A good sense of humor would be an advantage. We are an equal opportunity employer. Anyone is free to apply for this exciting career opportunity. Please e-mail your details for an application form to All applications will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Many of us, I am sure, feel that we have already answered the ad in our own personal lives. For me, it was a fun journey to read this great story of a woman who connects to who she really is and reconnect with my own experiences. This journey leads Julia through the application and training process of this wonderful new "position" in her life just to find the end of her experience was in actuality the beginning. I have shared this book with numerous friends and have enjoyed their stories and watching them share this book with family, friends and loved ones. It's definitely a fun book to read!

Book Review by Joan Emmons Being Here ~ Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment By Ariel & Shya Kane Many people know the Kanes, they have done many workshops in the areas that reach our journal. Being Here is a compilation of stories of people on their own journey to self discovery. The dedication in the front of the book says it all, "For all those who enter upon the journey of Self-Discovery and have the courage to keep going. And for those who look beyond the intention of "fixing" themselves to discover the magic in being of service, as that is what Self-Discovery is ultimately about." This is a book of ordinary everyday moments, yet profound moments, helping us all navigate our daily experiences with the resonation of universal truths of the ages. I feel if readers get one thing from this book it should be that we do not need to fix ourselves, we are not broken. We are the enlightened beings that we seek both out in our world and within ourselves. You can visit the Kane's website,, for their other books, audios and a schedule of their upcoming events.

25 Continued from page 19 life it-self... Why War? My Life's Walk

Book Review b y S co t t C ro w e n w e t h Choices in the Afterlife By: Gretchen Vogel Publisher: Choices Publishing ISBN: 0-9766779-0-3

Skye & Norm

Norm began this work at MIT as a physicist, mathematician and process philosopher seeking meaning and functioning of the role of values in today's science. Co-founder of The Autognomics Institute (TAI) in 1992, Hirst's research reveals the essential need for a fundamental paradigm shift in science and provides new understanding of what life is, its functions, and its processes. TAI is initiating a new science of organisms and life-itself. To subscribe to Norm's Newsletter contact him at or call 207-236-6331 or visit TAI blog at

Continued from page 13 cooking consciously & eating healthy... My Holiday Recipes Add enough flour to form dough. Handle the dough as little as possible to keep it light and flaky. Place the dough in the freezer for about 5 minutes. Roll out the pastry and place in a pie dish that has been lightly oiled. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and turn the oven heat down to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the pie shell cool before adding the apples. Any leftover pastry can be rolled out and cut into shapes with a pastry cutter. Use to decorate the top of the pie.

Filling 10 medium apples washed, peeled and sliced 2-3 cups apple juice pinch sea salt 1 tablespoon rice syrup 2 tablespoons kuzu diluted in ½ cup cold spring water Place the apples, apple juice and sea salt in a pot. Bring to a boil on a medium flame. Simmer for about 10 minutes or until soft. Remove the apples and place in the pie shell. Add the diluted kuzu and rice malt to the apple juice. Stir gently until thick. Pour over the top of the apples. Arrange the pastry shapes over the apples. Bake the pie at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 35 minutes. Remove and allow to cool before serving.

Tofu Whipped Cream

Inner Tapestry 6 Kristin Lane Raymond, ME 04071

1 cake tofu, firm 2 tablespoons tahini 1 tablespoon vanilla 6 tablespoons rice syrup Chill for ½ to 1 hour before using.

Meg Wolf is a breast cancer survivor. Her memoir, Becoming Whole: The Story of my Complete Recovery from Breast Cancer, includes recipes and menu plans. Meg's new release photography book, Breast Cancer Exposed, The Connection Between Food and Survival is now available at local bookstores and both books can be found on her website at Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 25

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

What can we do and where can we go after death? This book addresses these questions from the viewpoint of a psychic medium who explores the terrain of the afterlife through her contacts with deceased family, friends and others. Moving beyond the traditional role of mediumship, “this book is not about the deceased.” Its purpose is to awaken us to the understanding of what the afterlife is really all about. Says the author, Gretchen Vogel: “We need the information that will give us the courage to face our own death transition — and all that this understanding means to the time we have left in life.” If we feel we have a clear sense of what happens after we die, perhaps we will fear death less and live more fully while we have the use of our bodies. Using her communications with the deceased as illustrative examples, Vogel describes each step in the after-death experience, including what happens to our personalities, the nature of our awareness and surroundings at different levels of the afterlife, the thresholds we cross and the transitions we eventually make. Her focus along the way is on explaining the realizations we have the potential to achieve and the choices that are ours to make as we process our prior lives, expand our consciousness and move on toward rebirth or what she calls “ascension” or reunion with “God/Source.” According to Vogel, “Enlightenment happens in life if it is to happen at all.” And regarding the so-called Near Earth Deceased: “Each person has to realize that they are still themselves even though they are out of the body they so strongly identified with in physical life. Our first task after we die is to realize that we have continued with the same personality, mental abilities and spiritual faith.” Subsequent key tasks include assimilating life experiences, healing on mental and spiritual levels, and progressing through higher/different energy levels as we move through the afterlife. A recurring theme throughout the book is that we create our own reality in the afterlife just as we do in our embodied state, only perhaps more obviously so. What we believe is possible becomes possible for us, especially on the “near earth” level. Vogel also describes what she calls the “human consciousness pool,” a “city of light” where we plan a next human lifetime if we choose one. Choices in the Afterlife also frequently underscores the power and value of prayer to support the dead, particularly those who have died suddenly, violently or by suicide. A question that might arise for many readers, as it did for me, is whether or not to take this material at face value. For myself, I chose to learn what I could—which turned out to be considerable—from Vogel’s perspective without negating or validating it. The territory of death lies outside the direct experience of most of us, though we may adopt beliefs about it through religious or cultural sources among others. Like most shamanic practitioners I’ve experienced death and dead people many times through my expanded awareness. And as a student of Tibetan Buddhism I’ve read translations, some of what the masters of that tradition have written on the subject, such as Sogyal Rinpoche’s well-known The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. About all I can say from this comparative viewpoint is that I personally found little, if anything, in this book that directly contradicts the awakened Buddhist masters or my own non-ordinary experiences. The greatest value, for me, in reading Choices in the Afterlife was that it gave me an opportunity to explore some of my feelings about death and dying, including a wide range of questions I hadn’t considered before. Whatever your starting point, if you keep an open mind and approach this material without undue preconceptions or judgments you’ll almost certainly be intrigued and very possibly provoked, triggered, and otherwise enlivened and expanded, even if not one word of what Gretchen Vogel has written is ultimately “true” for you.

Life cannot be controlled. Unfortunately force and control is all that we know from the old paradigm. There has been no room for understanding values beyond thinking of them as Sunday-School virtues. In the new paradigm, conscious awareness of value processes become essential to the way living entities choose their acts and assert their will. Since, as yet, we do not have sufficient understanding of the role of value processes we think force makes sense. Politicians stand up and promise to be tough. This is just futile posturing because under the heading “tough” there is nothing they can do that doesn’t exacerbate the problem they are trying to solve. I would reject such politicians. To give such an example, the United States has the largest percentage of its population in prison. It also has the toughest sentencing. We found that a contributing factor to the growth of the prison population was an increase in recidivism after imposing tougher sentences. That seems paradoxical. One might think tougher sentencing would cut down recidivism. By understanding how living entities function and that life cannot be controlled may explain why tougher sentencing increases recidivism. Life requires coherence laws, not control. I think legislators should know that laws that attempt to control will fail and will make things worse. In life, coherence laws are required. Coherence laws maximize freedom. An example of a coherence law is driving on the right hand side of the road. It works so well it rarely ever needs enforcement. Another example is the right to privacy. When governments spy on citizens there are people who say they don’t care because they have nothing to hide. That is not the issue. The issue is privacy. We all have different life styles. We don’t need to be in each other’s face all the time. Coherence laws are what enable life to work miraculously. Our founding fathers, in writing the Constitution, knew this. To not defend the Constitution is to sacrifice the coherence conditions desperately required. Life free to produce miracles will solve the unsolvable problems we face. It is life itself that produces evolution. Where life cannot find ways to fulfill itself, results will be abhorrent, unhealthy work-arounds. If subverted long enough, violence is inevitable. Life will not be controlled by any degree of force. War serves only to make people rich.



Directory of Resources Holistic Practitioners, Products And Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states. co u n s e l i ng & t h e rapy Maine The Couples Center

Supporting the heart’s desire for intimacy, meaning, and connection. Conscious

relationship is the art and science of using the inevitable challenges of relationship to evolve into more present, loving, and compassionate beings. We bring a unique blend of expertise, support, and challenge to couples who are ready to open their hearts, transform shadow into light, and heal ancient wounds in the context of relationship. We offer a variety of formats for this work: individual therapy, husband/wife co-therapy team, couples’ intensives, Integrated Marital and Sexual Therapy, and shamanic healing. Call for information: (207) 878Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

3141. Ron Feintech, Ph.D, Licensed Psychologist, Sex Therapy Diplomate, AASECT;; Deb Feintech, RC, Certified Shamanic Practitioner; Michele Keef, LMFT and Alison Caswell, LCPC-C, 222 Auburn St., Portland, ME 04103.

Counseling & Therapy .......................................... page 26 Creative Healing Arts ..................................... pages 26-27 Evolutionary Consciousness ................................. page 27 Holistic Healing Centers ....................................... page 27 Hypnotherapy ................................................. pages 27-28 Integrative Healing ........................................ pages 28-29 Life Mastery ..................................................... pages 29- 30 Living Spaces ......................................................... page 30 Meditation ............................................................. page 30 Nurturing Foods ................................................... page 30 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship .......................... page 31 Reflexology & Healing Massage ......................... page 31 Retreats ................................................................ page 31 Sacred Space ...................................................... page 31 Salons & Spas ...................................................... page 31 Schools & Trainings ................................................ page 32 Shamanic Healing ................................................ page 32

creative healing arts Connecticut Zen Yoga is a journey of spiritual deepening that begins with the breath. Zen Yoga begins

with deep breathing to gather energy and then introduces soft, flowing movement and stretches to facilitate the smooth flow of that energy throughout the body. Based on the fundamental principles of yoga, tai chi and qigong, Zen Yoga is like nothing you have tried before. Prepare to feel wonderful! Our instructors create programs specifically designed to meet the needs of your group. We are available to teach workshops and stress relief programs throughout New England. We hold special retreats in the mountains of Vermont in September. Our Online Correspondence Course is a 12-week email program that provides tools to assist you on your journey of self-discovery. For more information: Phone: (860) 805-6551, Email:, Website:

Maine I am a clinical counselor and practitioner of Somatic Experiencing© with a private psychotherapy practice in Portland, Maine. My work integrates traditional talk therapy, somatic therapy and mindfulness in work with individual clients. The emphasis is on helping people learn to access the innate healing ability of the human body. The end goal is to heal trauma, stress, compulsions Douglas Smith and other challenges in order to enjoy an open, embodied flow of experience. I also teach workshops in somatics and sensory awareness for clinicians and others interested in mind-body integration. Most insurance accepted. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP. 205 Ocean Avenue, Portland, ME 04103 (207) 773-7993 x19.

Psychotherapy with a conscious intention, can help us shift our focus from seeing life’s challenges as problems, to opportunities for spiritual growth. Exploring the dynamics of our

relationships can help us understand ourselves better, increase our capacity for intimacy and co-create fuller, more balanced lives. Mindful relationships, in this way, become spiritual life LCSW, LADC alchemy, transforming old wounds into inner gold. Together, we create a sacred space to find your inner wisdom where you can honor the truth of your authentic self. I specialize in group therapy for both men and women, as well as individual and couples work, for Spiritually–psychologically–oriented adults. A free monthly electronic wellness newsletter, "The Heart of The Matter," can be found by visiting For more information call (207) 846-3422, or,

David Ward

e-mail, 261 Main Street, Yarmouth, ME, 04096.

Art Therapy & Shamanism

Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy. Art therapy

and shamanic counselling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "ART from the heART," (207) 589-3063.

Dance/Movement Therapy Caroline Loupe, ADTR, LCPC

Dance/Movement Therapy helps people explore and extend their aliveness. Combining words and

movement in safe, developmentally appropriate structures, Caroline can help you tap into your deepest wisdom and creativity. Caroline offers individual therapy sessions as well as consultation for other professionals, therapists and educators who can benefit from the use of movement in their understandings. She also offers supervision to those who would like to include movement more effectively in their work with clients or students. Caroline also teaches classes and leads workshops in Contemplative Dance and T’ai Chi Ch’uan at Fiddlehead Arts and at her studio in New Gloucester. For more information: Call (207) 926-5983 or email

From all the practitioners that support Inner Tapestry and our community... A Joyous and Wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy, Prosperous New Year! 26 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

27 creative healing arts–cont.

holistic healing centers

Movement as Healer

Main e

Gail Edgerly, RN, CTP

Movement as Healer is rooted in the premise that movement is the expression of life, and movement on all levels is fundamental to health.

When we experience the possibilities of our own unique and authentic movement, we release into freer movement, deepening our awareness, sense of connection, and state of well-being. The offerings of Movement as Healer are specific and collaborative. The Trager® Approach to movement involves a one-on-one practitioner/client relationship using touch and rhythm to assist in the experience of fluid, free and pleasurable movement. The 5Rhythms™ Movement Practice (developed by Gabrielle Roth) is an improvisational and expressive exploration of our uniquely personal movement following a map of rhythms inherent in every body and in everyday life. Sessions can be one-onone, with a couple or in a class/workshop setting. The 5Rhythms™ can also be used in collaboration with the work of other teachers and facilitators, to expand and support the embodiment of the program's intention. I offer private sessions and classes in Portland and Kennebunk. FMI call (207) 761-3765

Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts is a beautiful place for people to gather, to learn, to teach and to be a part of a community interested in conscious living. We offer the

individual services of a holistic center through our community of practitioners, as well as a wide spectrum of wonderful workshops and classes. The practitioners at Meadow Wind offer services from massage, polarity, spiritual healing and life coaching to art, yoga, hair, skin & beauty. To contact any of our practitioners call Meadow Wind or go to for a list of practitioners and their personal contact information. We have a beautiful workshop/class space available to teachers who want to share what they have with others. To explore teaching at Meadow Wind contact Andrea Ferrante at (207) 878-3899. Our workshops and classes are also listed on our website, We are conveniently located at 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME.

or visit For further information: and

Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center

Surry Music Therapy Center: Alan Wittenberg M.A., CMT

Certified Music Therapist, (AMTA) American Music Therapy Association Music therapy opens new channels of communication and contact through the creative and interactive use of music towards self-expression and self-discovery. It goes beyond

at (207) 667-1308,, Visit the website at for seminar and conference information.

evolutionary consciousness Maine The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders TAI provides basic Research, Consulting and Education on the emerging new paradigm of living processes and the organizing principles within the energy of life-itself. Using a

"wholistic" perspective for social and individual change, TAI offers in-depth examination of old problems with new possibilities as we draw on emerging discoveries about how the energy of life-itself works. Bring your inquiry and find effective action for yourself or your organization. Call for consultation to explore how we can help you during this consciousness shift. or call (207) 236-6331.

here in lovely Dayton, Maine.  We are continually evolving to offer you the best for growth, learning, healing and FUN! Georgi Nelson ~ DNA Healing and Qi Gong, Pam Loffredo ~ Reiki Practitioner training and Tarot Readings, Jeanette Lakari ~ Yoga, Tina Both ~ Beginners Intuitive Tarot, Maggie Carle ~ ArtSprits, Brenda Colfer ~ Quantum Touch Workshop, Barbara Erkson ~ Mindful Meditation , Transformational Healing with Claudia Moore, Massage & Spa Therapies with Linda Stilphen, and Special Guest Michael Red Sky.  Let us help you begin the New Year with Love, Learning and Laughter! Route 35 – Dayton, ME 04005, (207) 929-5088,

hypnotherapy Maine ELISSAGARDE-JOIA

Harness the power of the mind-body connection. As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have the tools

and skills you need. Hypnotherapy eliminates fear and stress and creates a blueprint for health and healing that your mind can read and follow. Medical experts acknowledge that Hypnotherapy complements all medical procedures, maximizing their effectiveness and minimizing negative side effects. Pre/post surgical patients experience reduced anxiety, blood loss, and anesthesia need, and rapid healing. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective in treating many physical challenges such as chronic pain and disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Hypnosis for Childbirth removes the fear and pain of childbirth. Hypnotherapy played a major role in my own successful battle with breast cancer. After 16 years of private practice in New York, I am now privileged to serve my neighbors here in Mid-coast Maine. Please take advantage of a FREE phone consultation to discuss your questions and concerns. Contact: Elissa Garde-Joia at 207-338-1669, Home visits available.

D i r ector y o f R e s o u r c e s $375 for 1 year (6 issues) Includes 2.8 inch ad space, (approximately 130 words) Initial set-up fee $20 An online version on with an active link to your website. $100 plus an Initial set-up fee $20 Call 207-799-7995 or email: Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 27

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

words and emotionally, physically, and intellectually touches those with psychological issues and special needs. Music Therapy is a dynamic clinical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitative treatment approach. Alan specializes in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavioral issues, speech and sensory integrative delays; as well as work with the elderly and Alzheimer’s.The Surry Music Therapy Center is a unique facility in Maine offering individual and small group sessions, seminars, conferences, inservice training, and workshop programs throughout Maine. Contact Alan Wittenberg

Happy Holidays to All, especially our wonderful supporters.  Thank you for our second joyful year

28 hypnotherapy–cont. Hypno-Health ~ Hugh Sadlier, M.Ed., C.H. As a practicing certified Hypnotherapist since 1991 in Blue Hill and Portland, I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives. Together we have resolved over 120

different issues, ranging from abuse, anxiety, dejection and insomnia to smoking, sports performance, sexual dysfunction, weight concerns—and much more. As I guide people, they bring forward from their subconscious mind an awareness and understanding of “the roots of their problem.” They are then empowered to disconnect those roots and create a new, positive thought pattern, which becomes their permanent reality through repetition. I feel Hypnotherapy is a comfortable, gentle, genuine and powerful way to learn the techniques to heal one’s self. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. Call (207) 374-2344 (Blue Hill) or (207) 773-5200 (Portland),,

integrative healing

integrative healing–cont. Roberta Barnes Reiki Shihan & Herbalist

“Everyone is born with the right to be healthy and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps to fulfill that right.” -- Roberta Barnes, Gendai Reikiho & Komyo Reiki Shihan (master/ teacher), and Herbalist Nestled in

a wildlife habitat you are encased in harmonizing relaxation while balance and harmony set in motion the healing process within. Learn the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho – enjoy a healing session – receive a personal herb report – journey into your past – learn meditation – mobilize your awareness by connecting with nature. Roberta Barnes' Reiki lineage has only three Reiki Shihans between Mikao Usui, the founder, and her. Visit or call today (207) 445-5671.


Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

What we do not choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/ or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy, and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at


Rev. Lindsley Field

Trager® Practitioner, Intuitive, Shamanic Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher, Raindrop Technique ® Therapy, Vision Quest Leader

“helping you create peace from the inside out” We are each our own healer. Deep within our

cells there is extraordinary healing intelligence. As physical beings, we are also dynamic energetically and spiritually. Multi-dimensional by nature, we are exquisite "instruments," complex and uniquely gifted. True healing begins when those aspects are addressed. Each treatment responds deeply to the individual. An intuitive offering of bodywork, shamanic, energetic and metaphysical techniques is sensitively integrated. Treatment has helped with physical pain, restricted movement, tension, stress, PTSD, anxiety, depression, recovering from injuries or surgery, support with life changes and challenges, preventative care and health maintenance. Clients express they feel a renewed sense of well-being, reconnected with themselves, more comfortable in their bodies, clearer and revitalized. Offering long distance energetic and intuitive work. Maine-Colorado (207) 512-0744 ~

Marie Laverriere-Boucher, DMin, MSW, MA Our lives are so full of busy-ness that we sometimes find ourselves out of balance and in need of healing of mind, body and soul. I invite you to come and experience

the deep soothing effects of a variety of healing modalities that are offered at the Center. I offer hands-on energy healing, energy psychology, spiritual guidance and help in creating a sustainable spiritual practice. I would consider it a privilege to work with you. For more information or

an appointment call (207) 590-3884 or (207) 282-9722. For information and training schedule see web site The center is located at 69 Foss Street, Biddeford, Maine. Hours by appointment. Visa/MasterCard accepted.

Kim Egberts Holistic & Cranial Sacral Therapist Transforming the stress in your life.

Professionally trained for the last ten years by the Upledger Institute. Work has included advanced study in

CranioSacral therapy including pediatrics and Somato-Emotional Release. Related course work has included advanced brain work. Offering Craniosacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage, and Neurological reorganization with intuitive healing and therapy from the heart. Integrative use of various techniques assists with a wide range of conditions, including: Migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, learning disabilities, autism, cerebral palsy, central nervous system disorders, infantile disorders, feeding disorders and anxiety. For more information or for an appointment, please call  207-653-8263. Yarmouth ME.

Ron & Joan

...a pathway to you!

Beyond the logic and labels of healing modalities lives the heart-work that each of us is innately drawn to experience, to feel and to express the core truth of who we are. Within that ever-changing, ever-expanding

field of love and acceptance is where we play. This is a journey of limitlessness; every step is the possibility of change, growth and healing. You decide the next step, it’s your journey, your choice. Our choice is to support you within and through those choices as we are guided, and to help you explore ideas, options and possibilities. We offer individual, couple, family and phone sessions, playshops and gatherings to support you on your journey. As WE change so does OUR world. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. (207) 799-7998,, Raymond, ME. 28 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

29 integrative healing–cont.

Janet Gleeson

Energy Therapy, EFT-ADV & TAT EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is one of the most powerful tools for regaining emotional and physical health. Simply stated, EFT is psychological acupressure. By

tapping key acupressure points located on the face and torso while tuning into the problem, unresolved negative emotions, traumas and beliefs are gently and easily released causing the mind and body to relax into a natural healing state of well-being. Research now proves that our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pain and disease. EFT is a simple, inexpensive and clinically proven healing technique that usually works, often when nothing else does. Even if you have doubts, EFT can still change your life. I work on all issues, but specialize in releasing anger, fear, stress, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, grief, guilt and traumatic memories. Call Janet at 207-236-0269, or email Camden, ME.

integrative healing–cont. Are you where you want to be? Are you ready to clear

patterns, beliefs & behaviors without emotional drama? Are you clear about who you are at your core? Are you ready to live from that Jill Leigh place? Once we understand that our physical experiences are the manifestation of what’s activated in our energy field, we can become creative, rapid change agents! Jill Leigh uses her clairvoyant abilities to view clients’ patterns, beliefs, and energetic constructs that inform their life experience. Clients receive tools, skills and hands-on clearing support to release, refine & reframe their energy field (chakras & auras). Shifting your energy will evolve your life. (207) 247-2442,

life mastery Maine

SpiritWings CompassionateHealing

Kevin Pennell, Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher/Certified Hypnotherapist/Shamanic Practitioner and Vickie Cummings, Licensed and Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Cranio Sacral Therapist/

Usui & Karuna® Reiki Practitioner: Massage – Including Therapeutic Massage

Fern Dyer Healing with Crystals, Stones, Reiki, Quantum Touch Techniques and Spirit Messages incorporates several modalities for a unique blend of healing.

Each crystal and stone vibrates at a particular frequency. The stones we choose are invariably the ones whose frequencies we need to resonate with. Your chosen stones are placed on or near you during the Reiki session. Reiki balances the body, mind and spirit so our innate healing ability can be bolstered. If the need presents itself, some quantum touch techniques are added. At the end of the session, the messages received are presented and if you desire a write-up of stone meanings and messages it can be sent. This process helps restore a state of balance to the body and energy systems. For more information call (207) 657-5609 or email:

Deborah Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide

Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom, and

fun. In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms

and create a dynamic vision for your life – a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principals and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. For a complimentary coaching session or schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or email Phone sessions available.,

TAROTWORKS ~ Jeanne Fiorini The Tarot is an ancient system of symbols with relevant application to our everyday lives. A Tarot reading can

be an avenue by which to have an authentic conversation about your life, your goals, your heartfelt desires and how to achieve them. The study of Tarot is an unending path of deepened understanding of the life process, the movement of the spirit within the physical plane, and the larger patterns of universal development. A Tarot group can be a place of self-understanding, renewed perspectives, and support within community. TarotWorks provides individual and group readings, Classes from Beginner level through Readers in Training and ongoing monthly groups which allows you to experience the beauty and truth of this amazing system. TarotWorks also offers unique, made-in-Maine Tarot goods! For more information on readings, classes, Tarot goods and the Tarot Circle newsletter, check out the website or call Jeanne at 207-799-8648.

Dr. Adi Philpott

Osteopathic P hysician Acupuncture Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, EF T-Adv For those seeking gentle, safe, alternative methods to improve health and performance Dr. Philpott offers a multidisciplinary approach. Used

alone or in combination, osteopathy, auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture), hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and Quantum Touch Technique® modalities are highly effective in treating medical conditions and physical/emotional concerns. These treatments offer excellent results in areas such as pain, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, phobias, weight loss, and smoking cessation. Dr. Philpott also offers assistance to athletes, performing artists, public speakers and others seeking to excel in achieving their personal performance goals. Free initial consultation. For more information or an appointment call (207) 846-0728. Conveniently located at 26 School Street in Yarmouth, ME.

• Dowsing • Energetic evaluation of a home or property • Space Clearing • Special attention to sleeping problems • Products that neutralize the effects of Geopathic stress and electro-magnetic fields of cellphones & computers

• 20 yrs experience in health, engineering and energetic medicine.

(207) 772-7888 • Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 29

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

– Seated Massage – Couples Massage and Outcalls available, Craniosacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Healing and Readings. We consult with each client to identify the appropriate modalities to achieve self-healing and overall well-being. We offer Reiki and Karuna® Reiki Classes plus other workshops to guide you on your spiritual journey. Visit SpiritWings for a cross-cultural variety of enchanting gifts, supplies and accessories to aid your spiritual journey including an exquisite selection of healing crystals and quartz crystal singing bowls. SpiritWings is conveniently located at 14 Main Street in Bethel, Maine. Sessions by appointment. Store hours Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 5. Telephone (207) 824-2204 or visit us on the web at Credit Cards accepted.

Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching

30 life mastery–cont.

Back to the Source Life Design

Ronda Alley, Certified Life Coach “Go confidently in the directions of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imaged!” This quote by Henry David

Thoreau provides the foundation for our work together. I firmly believe that each person brings a unique set of strengths and gifts into the world and that these gifts can lead us in the direction of our dreams. During our sessions I offer time for focused reflection, support and encouragement as you define and clarify your true desires, and an atmosphere that facilitates the exploration and identification of your gifts. I help you: stay motivated, identify any obstacles that may be blocking progress, and discover the potential for achieving your goals. To schedule a free sample telephone coaching session please call me at (207) 565-3125, email or visit

Jasmina J Agrillo, Licensed HeartMath® Provider ENGAGE THE POWER OF YOUR HEART... Special Coaching Sessions with Licensed HeartMath® Provider, Jasmina J. Agrillo; learn the HeartMath System: Practical & Easy to Use Tools & Technology for Heart Intelligent Living in the 21st Century.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Research and case studies are showing many folks the world over are able to transform stress upon impact, improve health & spiritual well-being, relieve depression & anxiety, improve heart rate & brain function, enhance intuition & performance, experience more appreciation, joy, and peace in the moment for yourself and your relationships. “I bring to my coaching practice a love and dedication to help empower the hearts of others for transformation, healing of the body-mind, and positive, practical change in one’s life. After experiencing the success that the HeartMath System played in my own healing as a brain tumor survivor, I now dedicate my life’s purpose to helping others apply these tools of the Heart in their own life-journeys.” To schedule a free initial consultation, call: (207) 856-6042 § email: § visit § (HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)

living spaces

meditation Maine

Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters The Maine Sant Mat Society Presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India,

a series of free lectures, meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabada Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 368-5866, or email: James@, Website:

Learn Primordial Sound Meditation Learn the timeless practice of Primordial Sound Meditation, an easily learned mantra based meditation technique taught by Chopra Center certified instructor Brent Krizo. The Primordial

Sound Meditation program was developed by world renowned doctors and authors Deepak Chopra, MD and David Simon, MD based upon the ancient wisdom traditions of India. Learn how meditation can reduce the stress in your life and help you to live a happier, healthier and more meaningful life. Brent also hosts group meditations for meditators of all practices, beginners welcomed! Brent can come to you or you can come to Belgrade on the shores of Great Pond. Conscious based Life Coaching is also available. Call Brent at (207) 512-5844 to find our about the next FREE introduction class into meditation, or visit www. for more information.

nurturing foods Maine



Carole Rothschild Personal Shopper

As an experienced image consultant and professional organizer, Carole Rothschild offers her expertise in image consulting, wardrobe consulting, home organizing, staging, paper management, time management, budget management and organizational skills teaching.

What makes her company, Carole Rothschild Personal Shopper, so distinctive is the individual approach. Carole provides consulting and organizing services for adults and students. Using understanding, encouragement and teaching techniques, Carole helps her clients reduce stress and organize their home, wardrobe or business. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), the Connecticut NAPO chapter and the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce. To start living your life to the fullest, call (860) 523-0447, email or visit

Independent Reliv Distributor, AEA, certified fitness instructor with a nutrition background

Do you want to feel better? Are you confused about

vitamins and how much to take? With Reliv Nutritional Supplements the formulas have been scientifically formulated for you. It’s easy, you don’t need to play chemist! My goal is to help you be successful in reaching the wellness level you want. I’ve been assisting people with Reliv for seven years and helping people with “fitness wellness” for almost twenty years. They go hand in hand… so nutrition became a real interest to me. I quickly learned most people were not getting enough nutrients in their food and was thrilled when I found Reliv. The Reliv products taste good, and are readily absorbed by the body for improved efficacy. The synergistic blend of nutrients in each Reliv shake provides maximum benefit by ensuring that each nutrient works to its full potential. The best part is that they are so simple to take; and you will receive my personal support to make sure you get results! I would be privileged to help you on your quest to better health…. why not change your life today? Please call (207) 767-3085, email,

Directory of Resources listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer.

% TAKE A LOOK AND SEE WHAT'S NEW! % 30 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

For more information call: (207) 799-7995 or email

31 psychic & spiritual mediumship Maine PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy

Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years of experience. She

resides in Fairfield and Northport Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089,,, and

reflexology & healing massage Maine


Sewall House Yoga Retreat Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna and healthy homecooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes and Baxter State Park, hike,

bike, swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great granddaughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham. Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered. Sewall House Yoga Retreat Island Falls, Maine (888) 235-2395 July 3 – Columbus Day.

sacred space Maine

Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is an amazing stress-relieving technique. Relaxation is a skill that most Americans do not practice often. Stress builds

Lynn call (207) 767-5776 or 207-318-0129, or visit

625-4179 or email

retreats Maine Nurture Through N at ure

surround yourself with natural beauty in a country setting of organic gardens, open fields, woods and water where the land is still a little wild and the animals remember their true names. We are just 35 miles from Portland on 350 acres of very special land, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains. Inside enjoy the large gathering spaces, both with fireplaces. Outside walk the land, the labyrinth and hiking trails. Many options available. FMI call Pat at (207)

For 9 years, Nurture Through Nature has been offering transformative women's holistic retreats through weekend workshops and holistic canoe trips. We weave

mind~body~spirit experiences through guided meditation circles, gentle yoga, mindfulness practices and The Work of Byron Katie. Our Pleasant Mountain, Denmark unique offerings and reflective space together with professionally guided outdoor pursuits deepens connections to the living earth and our inner selves. Jen Deraspe, owner, is a Registered Maine Guide, Certified Yoga Instructor, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie and Community Faculty member of True North, Maine's Center for Functional Medicine and the Healing Arts. Our solar-powered green retreat is located on Let Us Guide You Home...

salons & spas Maine Ravens’ Crossing — Come find some Raven’s Crossing Appleton, Maine

rural comfort and relaxation in our woodfired sauna and/or therapeutic hot tub.

Deep tissue, Swedish, and myofascial-release massage available by licensed massage therapist. Rustic retreat cabin can sleep four. Available by appointment in private setting. Trails to walk, ride horses, or X-country ski. Space for small gatherings. Please call Lori Cressler at (207)

845-2304 or visit

Pleasant Mountain, in the heart of Maine's western mountains, just over an hour from Portland, Freeport and Lewiston, Maine. (207) 452-2929, or, Contact for your custom

getaway, eco-cabin rental or to join a scheduled retreat.

The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.

Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skillful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.

Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 31

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

and builds until it becomes a lifestyle. Lynn Marie Danforth has been practicing Reflexology for over 5 years. Lynn specializes in therapeutic Reflexology. Her greatest success is with tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and relief of tension. Lynn’s Reflexology sessions are quick, effective and could be the answer to your body’s cry for relief. Lynn has been able to show clients that change for the better is possible, that improved health is truly in your hands... and feet. To contact

Earthrest offers indoor and outside gathering space for retreats, workshops, spiritual questing, ceremony and celebration. Come,

32 schools & trainings

shamanic healing


Maine Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk As Spirit Passages, C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW and Evelyn C. Rysdyk (author of Modern Shamanic Living) have facilitated shamanic healings and taught shamanic workshops across the U.S. and Canada since 1991. Graduates of the

Westbrook, ME: Learn to be a successful Massage, Polarity or Aesthetics professional in 6 to 12 months. Spa Tech Institute is the exclusive provider

of the Polarity Realization Institute programs, a pioneer in the field of transformational education. Advanced energy based teaching concepts contribute to accelerated learning. With over 30 years of experience training adult learners for the bodywork and spa professions, our profound understanding of what it takes to be successful is at the core of your education. The school is accredited by NACCAS and programs are approved for state licensing exams and national registration/exams. Financial Aid is available for those who qualify. Call (207) 591-4141, 100 Larrabee Rd., Westbrook, ME.

Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, they have also been fortunate to study with indigenous shamans from Peru, Ecuador, Tuva and Siberia. Working heart-to-heart with Spirit, they offer all traditional forms of shamanic healings at True North (207) 781-4488 ~ a unique, multidisciplinary medical center that they helped to found. They may also be reached at:


is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization. We teach yoga to elementary school children and their homeroom teachers. We can come to your school and teach

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

formal yoga classes or we can come to your classroom and help you to initiate a yoga program you can use on a daily basis in your class. We also offer Tools for Teachers, an in-house workshop, which teaches teachers to use four basic yoga tools in their daily teaching. These tools will allow teachers to help children with relaxation, breathing, and stress reduction which will complement their overall learning and create a harmonious learning environment. Workshops can be scheduled as in-house workdays for teachers in public and private schools. These workshops are individually tailored, and price varies according to the length. Please contact Lily Goodale at or (207) 236-6001. Workshops can be given from Portland to Bar Harbor and are certified and part of the Yoga Ed foundation of yoga for children.

Treat Your Feet

A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.

Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body. Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which

removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for School of Reflexology $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its Application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot, hand charts, footbath items & much more. For more information, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta (207) 626-FEET. Classes start in February, May & September, Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.

Massachusetts The Hypnotherapy Training Company Julie Griffin, Director Become a Certified Hypnotist. Begin an exciting career earning money helping others! Affordable weekend

certification programs at our Wakefield, MA lakeside location. Julie Griffin, BCH, director, is a renowned, dynamic, award-winning international instructor, author of 10 hypnosis books, and regular presenter at Jonathon Podolsky’s Whole Health Expos. Hypnosis certifications available: International Association of Counselors & Therapists, National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, and more. Great value for your education dollars. Programs range 7 to 100 hours. Program costs: Basic $595; Advanced/Medical $625; Metaphysical $525. Multi-program discounts, free retakes and free telephone support. CEU’s available: Nurses, LICSW, and LMHW. Call for a free brochure and audio cassette. (800) 497-1807 Julie Griffin, Director. 32 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Transform your body, heal your soul and change the way you live and die with the ancient healing techniques of the South American Medicine people. The core of

healing occurs in the energetic or Luminous Energy Field; this is the blueprint for the physical body, and an archive of our physical and emotional strengths and wounding. Illuminating this field transforms these wounds into sources of knowledge and power. The loss, pain and sorrow may remain as a memory but they no longer define who we are; we realize that we are not our stories. The Illumination Process is powerful, efficient, effective transformation. In training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Appointments in Brunswick (207) 729-7270,


…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence.

At the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable, and functioning at our highest potential. Soul retrieval, divination, extractions, shamanic energy healing, and communication with those who have passed on, can all help us fulfill this potential. My training with the Foundation for Shamanic Healer Shamanic Studies, including completion of the Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval, provide a solid footing for my work with adults, children and animals. Call me for information about workshops or appointments for shamanic healing sessions at (207) 841-1215 or email me at

Pacha Works

Holding New Possibilities. Working with traditional shamanistic practices for healing. Eva Rose Goetz, Director

"Healing is a collaboration. I love working with people privately or with groups. By working together we remove energies that may be in the way of our coming into wholeness and balance." Eva Rose Goetz: BFA University of Texas at Austin, MS Ed.

Bank Street College NYC, Medicine Wheel Training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Lisa Summerlott. Certified In Light Body Medicine with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Core Shamanism with Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton. Eva gratefully continues her studies with indigenous medicine people in Peru, New Mexico, Canada, Africa and Mexico. Eva hosts workshops, leads ceremonies and has a private Shamanic Energy Practice in Falmouth, Maine. A new 16-month course in beginning Shamanism begins April 2008. More information about classes, private sessions, or ceremonies can be found at or contact Eva directly at (207) 756-0488. "By

working with intentions of great love and spirit it is believed energy can move. A door opens and there is possibility of something new."


Holidaze No More

We Are In Control Of Our Thoughts And Actions Random Acts of Rudeness

by Betty Crowson

by Dr. Linda Mundorff


s the holidays approach, many of us feel our stress levels begin to climb. We may even make reference to “getting through the holidays” as if they were a challenging obstacle course rather than a time to enjoy family, friends, and seasonal festivities. In previous years, we may have promised ourselves that “this year will be different,” only to end up in the same condition – worn out, stressed, financially overextended, and maybe even a little bit resentful. Well, the truth is, if nothing changes, nothing will change! So why not put the following few suggestions into action this year? If you do, it’s guaranteed that you will decrease your holiday stress and increase your experience of the peace and joy the season proclaims.

Take an inventory of past years.

Think about past holidays. What worked and what didn’t? For instance, in previous years, did you exhaust yourself by saying ‘yes’ to each and every invitation and request? Did you get caught up in the insanity of spending more than you intended? By trying to fit it all in, did you feel hassled and harried rather than serene and joyful? On the other side of the spectrum, think of the moments and activities that were truly meaningful. What did they consist of? Working in a soup kitchen with your family members? Putting together an anonymous basket for somebody in need? Making a gingerbread house or holiday cookies with loved ones? Quiet moments of reflection or contemplation? Attending a Christmas concert or religious service? Throwing a family get-together? Relive your fondest memories of holiday seasons gone by and then make a decision – right now – to include more of “what worked well” and less of “what’s expected.”

Follow the commitment through.

Use “special” rather than “perfect” as your standard.

Whether shopping, baking, wrapping, decorating, entertaining, or dressing up, think about making the event or the outfit or the gift or the meal “special” rather than “perfect.” Striving for perfection is a disappointment waiting to happen. It can also require us to spend more than we have or want to spend; make choices that don’t reflect who we truly are; or attempt to live up to what we perceive as other’s expectations, an undertaking which often backfires. On the other hand, “special” implies something individual, magical, unique and not necessarily costly. Remember the simplicity of less. If you are one of those who gets easily seduced by the holiday lure of bargains, you might want to “pause and think” before jumping in with your credit cards. Remember, a bargain is not a bargain if you don’t need it, won’t use it, or can’t afford it, or if they don’t need it or they won’t use it. In fact, this might be the year to incorporate the principles of a Navajo Indian tribe who believed in using only what you need, providing for others, and not wasting.

Hold a vision.

A good way to guard against holiday “impulse and excess” is to keep a mental image of how you want to look and feel when the fat man stops Ho-Ho-Ho-ing. You might consider drinking a large glass or water and/or eating an apple or hard-boiled egg before attending parties or functions. Remember, when we are hungry and thirsty, we are far more apt to make unhealthy choices regarding what we eat and drink. The cumulative price we pay for this is often reflected back to us as we step on the scale and look in the mirror on January 1st.

Treat everyone with politeness even if they are rude; not because they are nice, but because you are nice. Dr. Linda Mundorff is a registered nurse and a board certified traditional naturopath. She provides clients an alternate to traditional medicine that focuses on natural living and healthier lifestyle choices. Her new book, “Take Control: A Guide to Holistic Living” is now available.

Respect that not everybody is in the holiday mood.

There are some people for whom the holidays can be extremely difficult, especially those who are coping with a recent loss, illness or misfortune. When someone is in the midst of physical or emotional pain, they might need special consideration. While it is good to include these individuals whenever possible, we must not insist that they enjoy themselves or feel as if we have failed if they don’t! We can also apply this same principle to ourselves.

Shift the focus.

For those of us who consistently find the holidays stressful and exhausting rather than special and enjoyable, it might be time to simply shift our focus. To take our energy and attention off the plethora of stimuli and commercialism which bombard our every waking moment and place it ever so gently on the “reason for the season.”

This article was submitted by Betty Hill Crowson, Holistic Life Coach, Retreat Director, and Author of The Joy is in the Journey: A Woman’s Guide Through Crisis and Change. Betty is also a popular speaker and conducts teleclasses. For more information, visit

Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 33

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Before you commit to doing something, making something, giving something, or showing up somewhere, visualize what it will actually entail. Does it mean that you will be out three nights in a row? Are you committing to something that will absolutely put you over the edge in terms of time and energy? How well will it work for others in your family? Does it involve a school night? Could somebody else do it or at least help? Far too often, we put ourselves in the martyr role when all we really need is to: a) ask for help, or b) just say no. We don’t have to do it all and we don’t have to do it all by ourselves.


e have all heard about random acts of kindness, whereby we do something nice for someone we may not even know. But have you heard about random acts of rudeness? Random acts of rudeness are thoughtless behaviors inflicted upon someone we may not know. We see and experience random acts of rudeness every day of our lives. Just yesterday I was in the grocery store and the cashier rang up one of my items wrong. I mentioned to her that the fruit was on sale and she looked at me and rolled her eyes, made a loud sighing noise, and proceeded to correct the price. I ask you, was it necessary for her to editorialize in such a manner? Was it necessary for her to get upset that she had to do a price adjustment? Did she really want me to pay $1.00 more per pound just to lessen her stress? And to top things off, I actually felt guilty for a moment that I caused her discomfort. I am sure if you stop and think for a moment you can visualize incidents when you might not have been so kind to someone. Perhaps you were having a bad day, or you were in a rush and the cashier was moving too slowly for you, or you were not feeling very well and easily irritated, or you didn’t get enough sleep and you were tired, and the list goes on and on. Realize the issue was with you and not the other person. You were having a bad day, you were in a rush, you were not feeling well, and you did not get enough sleep. Why is it that we take out our daily frustrations on others? More importantly, why do we think it is okay to take that frustration out on others? I have certainly been guilty of practicing random acts of rudeness. But I like to think that I am big enough to apologize when I am wrong, and that I can be the first to admit when I am wrong. Oftentimes people will misunderstand our words, body language, and such, as an act of rudeness. However our perception of the interaction might be different. Wouldn’t it be better to just acknowledge that the other person felt hurt and apologize for what they perceived, rather than argue semantics? I would like to propose to all of you to reduce your practice of random acts of rudeness. When you are having a particularly difficult day take note of your behaviors towards others. We all know when we are on edge, and if we all took responsibility for our own behavior, and not look to place blame on someone else for our mood, we might just have a much nicer world to live in. I find it especially challenging when someone says to me, “It is your fault that so and so happened,” or “I did that because you did this.” We all are in control of our thoughts and our actions. We can choose to engage or choose to disengage. When we make the choice to argue we are doing it, no one is forcing us to argue. When we are rude we are making the choice to be rude. It doesn’t matter that we perceive the other person as being the catalyst. What matters is how we choose to handle the confrontation. For many of us, we can see when a situation is getting out of hand and we can take the positive steps to circumvent an emotional explosion. Unfortunately, for many of us, we are not able to see what is going on until we are in the midst of it. Someone once said, “It is difficult to judge another until you walk in his or her shoes.” Perhaps this is true, however, does it really matter if we understand? I believe that it is not for us to understand; it is just for us to accept each other as whole, complete, and perfect human beings. Maybe if we were more accepting of ourselves we might be able to be more accepting of others. I leave you with this motto that I have hanging on the wall of my office (and believe me, there are many days I just read it over and over again as an affirmation):


eart Visions December 2007~ Pilgrimage to Portugal: The Land Of The 7 Chakras and The Knight Templars. Contact,

January 2008 - December 2009 Two-year Apprenticeship In Advanced Shamanism And Shamanic Healing. Meets one weekend per month for two years. Numerous initiations, exploration of ancient shamanic traditions from many cultures, learn shamanic healing including soul retrieval, extraction, working with death and dying, healing with spiritual light and much more. Testimonials from past students available. Meets in Brunswick area. (207) 841-1215. Application required. Space limited.

Through March 2008:  The 2008 Herbal Apprenticeship Certification Program Registrations are being accepted, early-bird discount. Crescent Moon Herbals, 76 Center Road, Lebanon, ME (207) 457-1114, Wednesday-Sunday, 11:00am-5:00pm.

March 2008 - December 2008 Deepening Your Shamanic Practice

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

For the experienced shamanic practitioner this series of 4 intensive weekends in 2008 will involve additional initiations and ceremonies. Please call or email for details. Led by Dory Cote, shamanic healer and experienced trained shamanic teacher. (207) 841-1215. Application required. Space Limited.

April 4th-6th 2008  Building a Medicine Body:

6 month apprenticeship in beginning shamanism; see description at www. Contact Eva @ (207) 756-0488 for more information.

May 17th-18th 2008  Knowing the Medicine Heart With Eva Rose Goetz and Gina Mastroluca, www. for description. Contact Eva @ (207) 756-0488 for more info.

JUNE 8th-14th 2008 Assisi Pilgrimage - Journeying Into Love Join award-winning author Megan Don on this sacred pilgrimage. See for more details or email:

December~Maine December 1st & 2nd Mystical Graces Retreat: Reclaiming The Spirit Of Christmas with Megan Don; see for details. Meadow Wind, Falmouth, Telephone: (207) 878-3899.

December 1st Northeast Professional Psychics, Mediums & Healers Guild Fairs Merriconeag Grange Hall, Harpswell Rd., Harpswell, ME, 10:00am-4:00pm. Workshops, Free Demonstrations, Metaphysical Supplies, Chair Massage, Reiki & Bio-Cleanse Detox Foot Baths. FMI: visit or call Eddita Felt (207) 428-4449.

December 3rd, Monday 6:30pm-8:00pm Rebalance Your Energy at the End of the Day With Cynthia Atkinson, CEMP/S/I, CHTP $20, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth, ME. (207) 781-4488.

December 3rd, 10th & 17th, Mondays, 9:15am-10:15am Essential Plus Pilates with Lynne Spugnardi $18 for drop ins as space allows, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth ME. (207) 781-4488.

December 5th, 12th &19th, Wednesdays, 9:00am-10:15am Intermediate Yoga with Carolyn Megan, RYT, MFA

$18 for drop ins as space allows, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth. ME (207) 781-4488.

Enjoyallthewonderfuleventsbeingofferedthisseason! 34 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

December 5th, 12th &19th, Wednesdays, 10:30am-11:30am Intermediate Mat Pilates with Lynn Spugnardi

January 5th Beginning a Writing Project

$18 for drop ins as space allows, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth. ME (207) 781-4488.

A five-session series with Joan Lee Hunter every other Saturday in Bridgton. FMI or or call (207) 647-3506.

December 7th, 14th & 21st, Fridays, 9:30am-10:45am Yoga for Aches and Pains with Carolyn Megan, RYT, MFA $18 for drop ins as space allows, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth ME. (207) 781-4488.

December 7th, 14th & 21st, Fridays, 12:00pm-1:00pm Essential Mat Pilates for Beginners With Lynne Spugnardi, $18 for drop ins as space allows, True North, 202 US Route 1, Falmouth ME. (207) 781-4488.

December 8th Coping with Seasonal Stress Disorder-Winter Blues With Tim Walking Bear Goodblood. Tim will speak about alternative ways of coping with depression and seasonal mood swings. He will show how this disorder biochemically works within the body and talk of a few herbs to treat this condition and how to use them. Herbs specifically being addressed will include tintures and infusions (strong tea) of St. John’s Wart, Oatstraw, Hops, Rose and Catnip. 10:30am-12:30pm Unitarian Universalist Church,159 Pleasant Street, Auburn, ME Contact Eddita Felt 207-428-4448,

December 8th Northeast Professional Psychics, Mediums & Healers Guild Fairs Unitarian Universalist Church, 159 Pleasant St., Auburn, ME. 10:00am-4:00pm. Workshops, Free Demonstrations, Metaphysical Supplies, Chair Massage, Reiki & Bio-Cleanse Detox Foot Baths. FMI: visit or call Eddita Felt (207) 428-4449.

December 12th, Wednesday, 6:00pm-7:30pm Yoga – “Shoulders: Opening the Heart" With Carolyn Megan, RYT, MFA $25, True North, 202 US RT 1, Falmouth, ME (207) 781-4488.

December 21st-23rd Winter Solstice Custom Retreat In Maine's Western Mountains. Come to Nurture Through Nature's sweet cabin in the woods to fill your cup on a private winter getaway retreat for 1-2 people. $220,, (207) 452.2929, Denmark, Maine.

December~NewHampshire December 8th & 9th ChildLight Yoga Teacher Training Learn to share the gifts of yoga with children ages 3-11  during this fun and interactive weekend! Whether you are seeking to incorporate what you learn into your current work with children, or whether you are looking to teach yoga to children as a career, this training will provide you with what you need to get started immediately. (Future training dates: April 19th & 20th)  Held at Dover Yoga Studio, Dover, NH. FMI: or call (603) 781-3323.

January~Connecticut January 19th Sound Healing Meditation – Salon Naturell, Lebanon, CT Experience Sound Healing with voice and quartz crystal bowls. The Session includes a brief discussion of what sound healing is, the actual sound healing, and then quiet time allowing the sound to integrate into the body. Contact Carleen at (860) 642-7410 to register.

January~Maine January 5th Northeast Professional Psychics, Mediums & Healers Guild Fairs Unitarian Universalist Church,159 Pleasant St., Auburn, ME. Workshops, Free Demonstrations, Metaphysical Supplies, Chair Massage, Reiki & Bio-Cleanse Detox Foot Baths. FMI: visit or call Eddita Felt (207) 428-4449.

January 12th Northeast Professional Psychics, Mediums & Healers Guild Fairs Merriconeag Grange Hall, Harpswell Rd., Harpswell, ME, 10:00am-4:00pm. Workshops, Free Demonstrations, Metaphysical Supplies, Chair Massage, Reiki & Bio-Cleanse Detox Foot Baths. FMI: visit or call Eddita Felt (207) 428-4449.

January 12th & 13th Ways Of The Shaman Worldwide In this two-day workshop, participants will be actively participating in the shamanic journey process facilitated by Dory Cote, a trained shamanic healer and teacher. You will learn to meet your helping spirits in non-ordinary reality, and how learning shamanic journeying can facilitate healing, gathering of vital information, and restoring your spiritual power. No prior experience required. FMI:, (207) 841-1215,

Upcoming~Connecticut March 1st-2nd   “CLEAR CLUTTER & PERSONAL CLEARING”  with STEPHANIE BENNETT VOGT to be held in Waterbury, CT. (This class is a prerequisite to our Space Clearing Certificate program). For information: The New England School of Feng Shui (203) 266-4211

March 29th-30th A SPECIAL EVENT with DENISE LINN “THE SECRET OF MIRACLES,” Waterbury, CT. (See our Display Ad on Page 2.) For Information: The New England School of Feng Shui (203) 266-4211

Upcoming~Maine February 8th-10th Snowshoe, Meditation and The Work of Byron Katie, A women's winter weekend retreat. Nurture Through Nature,, (207) 452.2929, Denmark, Maine.

February 9th The Whole Writer Joan Lee Hunter shows you how to enlist your whole self in the writing process in order to remember, feel and invent. FMI or or call (207) 647-3506.

Ongoing~Connecticut Ongoing Monthly Group Reiki Sessions Come learn about Reiki and receive hands-on work from two Masters for only $20. Locations: Unwind… Body & Mind in Hebron, CT and Salon Naturell in Lebanon, CT. Contact Carleen at (860) 642-7410 for more information or to register. Reiki shares and classes forming.

Holistic Wellness Support Group Monthly meetings include discussions on holistic therapies such as: Nutrition, Digestion, Detoxification, Lifestyle Changes, Proper pH, Positive Attitude, Weight Loss, Supplements, Herbs and much more. Contact Cheryl O’Donnell N.C. in Bolton, Connecticut at (860) 268-6916.

Alternative Cancer Therapies Group Join like-minded people who wish to learn more about the many alternative therapies available for cancer. These methods may be used in conjunction with conventional treatment or as a primary therapy. Contact Cheryl O’Donnell N.C. in Bolton, Connecticut at (860) 268-6916.

Holistic Moms Network A non-profit support and discussion network for moms with an interest in natural, holistic and alternative health and parenting. Contact Heather LeFoll (860) 665-9766 or

35 Have you experienced sexual assault or incest?

Energize! A holistic approach to performance

Reiki: Healing Hands

We are Survivors of Incest Anonymous. We meet every Monday evening in Hartford, CT. Call Mae at (860) 236-1770 or email

Energy balancing sessions for artists, actors, and performers, recover your highest creative self. Post-performance rebalancing. $70 ($55 students) Holistic Pathways, Gorham, (207) 839-9819

Offers classes, Reiki Therapy sessions, and Monthly Clinic every 2nd Sunday of the month at United Methodist Church, West Kennebunk. FMI call Pauline Wilson, BA, CRM (207) 985-3575.

Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260,

The Womanly Art of Self Defense and Empowerment

ECKANKAR Temple of CT-- a place for all who love God.

Beautiful Mountain views in glass studio.

ECKANKAR, the religion of the Light and Sound of God. Worship services are the second Sunday of every month 10:00am with fellowship and refreshments afterwards. The Temple is located at the corner of Rte. 66 and Harvestwood Rd. Middlefield, CT. For information call (860) 346-2226; website:

Classes ongoing, Monday-Thursday, mornings/evenings, many styles taught. Iyengar, vinyasa, restorative, seniors (chair), yogilates, nidra and meditation. Yoga Alliance Certified FMI: Leslee (207) 625-4756.

Dynamic Facilitated Group Sessions $20 6:00pm-8:00pm Falmouth, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - The Vywamus Foundation, Oxford, 2nd Thursday - formerly Dancing Trees Lodge, Auburn, 2nd Friday - Yoga Center of Maine, Harrison, 4th Friday - The BALLROOM. Pre-registration required. Breathe In & Beyond (207) 583-6603.

SunDo Mountain Taoism

On g oi ng ~ M aine Still Waters Run Deep Small professional development gathering & workshop for quiet, reserved, shy, or introverts. Please join us as we explore ways to be authentic and effective. 2nd Tuesday 7:00 pm each month in South Portland, begins January. (207)797-4595,

Intuitive Energy Release with Kathy Dowling

At Touchstone Bookstore and Leapin' Lizards, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 12:00pm-6:00pm. Locate and release blockages at the source, deep relaxation frees healing energies, cells rejuvenate. Call (207) 337-5533.

Kripalu Yoga Class in Windham Class is held at the Masonic Hall Chapel on River Road on Wednesdays, 5:30pm-6:45 p.m. Drop-ins are welcome. Please contact Rebecca at (207) 749-4150 FMI.

Ongoing course for women, awareness & prevention skills, verbal self-defense & empowerment, basic self-defense techniques. (207) 266-4902, Trenton Family Karate, Trenton/Ellsworth area.

Massage, Yoga, Reiki, Labyrinth Walks Inner Harmony in Portland’s West End serves body, mind and spirit to assist you on your path of wellness. (207) 772-1509.

"Forest Circles,” A Center for Community and Healing Located on 47 magical acres of forested land and offering: Individual healing sessions, classes, workshops and solo as well as group Retreats (207) 776-3152.

Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Satsang Classes in Psychological & Spiritual Development & more. Based in the Tradition of the Himalayan Sages. North Yarmouth. For full listing, see website. (207) 829-2700.

Call For All Artists ~ Visual, Musical, Dance, Storytellers Who live, have roots in Casco Bay Islands, please contact Maggie Carle, or regarding creation of a cooperative/association/organization to support & promote arts by Islanders. No commitments, 1st step a list.

Avanti Healing Arts®

Authentic Movement Dance at Bath Dance Works

Friday Gallery Readings ~ Fourth Friday each month

First and third Saturdays of the month, December 1st and 15th, January 5th and 9th, February 2nd &16th, March 1st &15th, 10:00am-1:00pm, suggested donation $10, no experience is necessary. FMI: call (207) 725-9997 or email

Inner Peace Retreat Weekends: Revitalize, Renew, Restore balance and inner peace to your Body ~ Mind ~ Spirit. Belfast: Every third weekend of each month., (207) 338-5168.

Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook for an evening of messages from the spirit, 7:00pm, $10.00 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673.

Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes Fridays, at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 719 Main St., Westbrook, Classes start at 7:30pm FMI: call (207) 655-6673.

The Path of Celtic Buddhism

Thirteen Moons, Millinocket, FREE Wednesdays, 6:00pm: Live & Learn introductory discussions, topics change weekly. Thursdays, 6:00pm, Coffeehouse: local talent, Penobscot Avenue, (207) 723-5313,,

Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes: HypnoBirthing® Parents, Self-Hypnosis, Weight Managment, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation Guided Imagery, Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, CH; (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville, ME.

Real-ize Your Integral Potentials Real-ize your multidimensional self!  Integral Energy Healing ~ Explorations in Consciousness ~ Leadership in Consciousness ~ Life Transformations. We offer sessions, classes, circles and workshops. (207) 873-3514.

Kittery, ME: Rawfood Potlucks Third Saturday of each month, with guest speakers from the Rawfood community. Support, learn, share, and build a local rawfood community. Call Aimee, (207) 409-0899.

Inner Light Spiritualist Church, Rev. Gloria Nye Location: Governor King Lodge 649, U.S. Route 1, Scarborough, ME, Sunday Services: 10:00am Healing Chairs 10:30am Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit, 12:00pm Fellowship Hour – Refreshments.

Ayurvedic Massage Experience Abhyanga, Garshana and Shirodhara, the ancient healing bodywork techniques of India. Ruthanne Harrison, LMT. Located in Richmond, ME (207) 737-8593.

Reiki Works offers all levels of Reiki Classes, sessions and free clinics. For schedule please contact Andrea Smith, B.S. Rehabilitation at (207) 474-9962.

Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau

Celtic Buddist meditation in Rockland, ME. Group practice on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Please call for information (207) 701-5022,,

Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.

Work privately with writing coach and workshop leader Joan Lee Hunter. Your own room with bath at Fifth House Lodge in Bridgton, ME. FMI or call Joan at (207) 647-3506.

Alternative Therapy Workshops

SpiritWings–Workshops, Reiki Classes in Bethel ME

Spiritual Horizons Maine

Science Of Spirituality is sponsoring a satsang.

Personalized Writing Retreats

For businesses, organizations, groups, schools. Educational and entertaining. Cost and length varies per subject. For brochure call Kate Boyer: (207) 858-5899 or email:

Meets every other Tuesday at 7:00pm, 75 State Street, Portland. Alternate weeks group on “A Course of Miracles”. Contact: Tom Peterson (207) 310-0030 or John Moulton (207) 874-7602,

Last Sunday of every month 1:00pm at Hartland Library. SOS is under the leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Jyoti meditation. Free, (207) 938-3928.

Sharon Elaina would like you to know…

Openings available in weekly men's & mixed psychotherapy groups. Intentionally build your relationship skills, communication, personal and spiritual growth. David Ward, LCSW, LADC, (207) 846-3422,

that woman’s groups will begin November 27th in her new space at 925 Sawyer St., So. Portland. Tuesdays 6:00pm and Thursdays 12:00pm. Groups are limited to 8. Please call (207) 247-2650 for more information.

Tarot Readings - Third Thursday each Month Gallery-style Tarot readings for all those in attendance. South Portland location 6:30pm-9:30pm. $25. Group size limited register early! FMI/Register Jeanne Fiorini (207) 799-8648.

Raja Yoga Ottercreek Hall, Bar Harbor, ME, Wednesdays 10:00am. All Ages, (207) 288-0974, ask for Liz.

Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

Mondays – Sound Therapy and performances by Kalee Coombs. With Crystal Singing Bowls & Voice at Leapin’ Lizards, Portland & Freeport FMI:,


Ongoing Psychotherapy Groups, Yarmouth, ME

Healing Touch sessions with Gail Meyer Certified Healing Touch Practitioner Thursdays from 11:00am2:00pm at Touchstone Bookstore, 1832 Forest Ave. Portland. Call (207) 878-3866 to schedule your appointment.

"Yokids" Yoga Ed Tools for Teachers Workshops Yokids instructors Lily Goodale and Lynnette Moore will come to your school and train homeroom teachers to use simple yoga based mind, body integration techniques to enhance their teaching and support a harmonious teaching environment. Please contact Lily Goodale,, (207) 236-6001.

Thank God It's Grace: Women in God, Women in Good Please join Women In God each Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm at Meadow Wind 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, for an hour of peace, grace and Spiritually-based conversation. Women in God is a non-denominational spiritual support group that welcomes all women on a path of love, hope and inspiration. For more information call (207) 233-7658, or visit

The Birth House Bridgton's new freestanding birth center hosts monthly tours on the first Thursday, 6:30pm-7:00pm. Stay for free informational sessions. December topic: infant massage. or (207) 647-5919.

Reiki Share second Tuesday of every month. Well-Being and Healing Classes Regularly. Offering Tibetan/Usui and Karuna® Reiki-Meditation Classes and Ancestral Healing, which examines various methods of healing employed by our ancestors. For further information call (207) 824-2204 or visit website

A Gathering of People Exploring Conscious Living Join us Thursdays. 6:30pm-8:30pm at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth, ME. Sliding scale $5 - $15. FMI: (207) 799-7998, or visit

Doula tea, meet with doulas in person  Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet Sundays at the Ballard House, 131 Spring St., Portland from 10:30am-11:30am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.

Aikido of Maine Portland Aikido for Women classes, Wednesday and Friday a.m. classes. Daily beginner’s classes and youth programs. (207) 879-9207.

WholeHeart Yoga Center, Portland Full schedule of weekly classes for all levels with experienced, Kripalu-certified instructors. Private classes, workshops and regular Kirtans (chanting). Call Pam Jackson (207) 871-8274 or visit

Ongoing Yoga Classes, Vacations & Retreats Kennebunk Monday evenings, Saco Tuesday and Thursday evenings Dayton Wednesday mornings. Dance, Chant & Meditate in Portland, Friday, 6:30pm-9:00pm, December 7th Yoga Vacation in Virgin Islands, February 16th-23rd, 2008. FMI: call Jeanette Schmid Lakari (207) 282-5528.

Continued on Page 36 Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 35

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

First and Third Monday of each month, 6:00pm-7:30pm. Unity Church, 54 River Rd., Windham. FMI call Jane at (207) 232-2773.

Restore wholeness to body, mind and spirit with Dr. Gianna Settin, psychologist, dancer, licensed Reiki Teacher. Discover the sacred nature of inner healing! (207) 735-3900,

A Course in Miracles

Breathwork/Intuitive Healing In Maine

36 USM Center for Continuing Education.

Wise Women Daughters of the Moon

Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.

Ceremonial Wisdom Circle honoring our Inner & Outer Seasons & Cycles. Sliding Scale. FMI:, or call Deborah, spiritual guide, healer & ordained priestess: (207) 883-1081.

Planetary Activation Organization in Maine

Is actively looking for people to join this group, for info: Visit If interested, call (207) 743-2613, E-mail, or write Maria Ham, 51 BumpTown Rd, South Paris, ME 04281.

Belfast Yoga Studio. Iyengar style Hatha Yoga

Women’s Workshops

Aaminah School Of Middle Eastern Dance

Designed exclusively for you to address your unique problems online & in-person. Henderson, NV. $75 per workshop Fridays 6:00pm-10:00pm, FMI: (702) 408-1783. email:

Children’s Aikido Kokikai Class Josiah Bartlett Elementary School in Bartlett NH, The Ballroom in Harrison Maine, Water and Stone Yoga Studio in Conway, NH, Contact Jane Biggio for more information at (603) 374-6326 or email at

Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center, Gorham.   Energy Vibrational Healing Therapies including Polarity and Energy Interference Patterning of DNA. Ongoing Reiki & Therapeutic Touch classes. FMI: (207)-839-7192,

Artists Support Group, Inner Balance, Belfast, ME On 156 High Street. Third Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm-8:30pm. Call Elliot Benjamin at (207) 338-4576.

Crescent Moon Herbals Ongoing classes and events, psychic readings and energy workers. 76 Center Road, Lebanon, Maine. (207) 457-1114, email: Website:

All levels including, Beginner, Level I, Level II, Gentle & Private classes & workshops. For more info and schedule see or call (207) 338-3930/338-4256. All levels of belly dance classes taught by experienced and caring instructors. Bangor and Waterville classes. Visit our website: or

NDE Support & Interest Group Light on the Water NDE Support & Interest Group holds monthly meetings in New England via teleconference. FMI, visit or contact Rev. Juliet Nightingale at (615) 292-2217 (mobile).

“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 368-5866 or

Ongoing~NewHampshire NESHHA Educational Presentation The New England Seacoast Holistic Health Association (an organization of Healthcare Professionals), has meetings monthly, third Thursday, Potluck 6:30pm, Networking 7:00pm at the Herbal Path, 839 Central Ave., Dover, NH.


Mindful Meditation™ Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

All are welcome, no experience necessary. $15 or 4 classes for $50. Mind/Body Therapy at Meadow Wind, 100 Gray Road, West Falmouth, Maine, (207) 650-3964, FMI

The Awakening Process Learn about a simple path that will eliminate depression and anxiety, leading eventually to peace and enlightenment. First and third Tuesday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Call (207) 286-8060 for directions.

Oriental Brush Painting Classes and Workshops Frederica Marshall, an artist who lived 28 years in Japan, teaches sumi-e in her Deer Isle Studio. Basic to advanced levels. (207) 348-2782.

The Rose Cottage Teaching Reiki Master, Transformational Breath, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Hypnobirthing. Private sessions by appointment. Gift certificates. Ongoing classes. Contact Vicki Kupferman 14 Weed Rd., Knox, Maine. (207) 568-3782.

Kripalu “DansKinetics” The body, mind, spirit workout blending yoga and dance. No experience necessary. Free trial class. Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd. Kennebunk. (207) 985-6896 or:

Sacred Circle Dance Dances from a multi-cultural folk dance tradition. Steps taught at all sessions. No experience/partner needed. Fourth Friday of every month, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Portsmouth, NH. FMI:, (603) 750-7506.

Ongoing Usui Reiki Classes in all levels private sessions and free clinics, Gift certificates available. Please contact Judy Fisher, Reiki Master Teacher in Camden, Maine at (207) 236-0359.

Dancing Xigong: Twelve movements to music Every Thursday morning, 8:30am-9:00am Summer at Merryspring Park, Winter at Quarry Hill, in Camden. FMI call (207) 236-8732.

Experience the healing of Love without conditions Ongoing classes. Learn the freedom of healing without limitations. Shamballa 1-4 and 13D Certification. Contact Elizabeth, Center of Momentum, (207) 873-3514, or

Short-term Solution-oriented Couples & Family Work Guiding Couples & Families from conflict to communication, from disengaged to connected, from hurting to resolution. Group and private sessions. Call Maureen McCarthy-Darling at (207) 691-0023.

36 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008


Retreat Cook Wanted~Nurture Through Nature Experienced whole-foods cook for group(s) up to 14. Partial Trade for opportunity to participate in holistic nature retreats. Send indoor/outdoor experience to,, (207) 452-2929.


Fifth House Lodge Light-filled retreat space in exquisite natural setting one hour west of Portland, Maine. Rent for lectures, workshops, ceremonies. Overnight accommodations available. FMI www. or or call (207) 647-3506.

DRAGONFLY TAIJIQUAN Spacious studio to share in Portland. Natural light, high ceilings. Free off-street parking, handicap accessible. Ideal for movement & meditative arts & therapies. FMI call Larry Landau (207) 761-2142

Space Available for Gatherings, Ceremonies, Presentations. At Earthrest, Cornish, ME. Call (207) 625-4179.

Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Shared practitioner space for rent as well as rooms for yoga classes, workshops and office space. Great location, 100 Gray Rd., Falmouth. Easy access to Routes 95 and 295. For more information contact Andrea at Meadow Wind (207) 878-3899 or (207) 939-1124, or visit

A Place In The Heart Energetically clear, beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.


WWW.BESTMAINEWATERFRONT.COM Perfect for your dream home, B&B or retreat facility! Privacy with accessibility to both Bangor and Bar Harbor. FMI see website or call Alison Cote (207) 632-3662.


Retreat: "The Retreat"... A personal retreat center on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. www.

Private Guide Service : 10 and 14 Day Pilgrimages To Guatemala, Honduras And Portugal.

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Feeling Stressed Out? Relax at Botanica Campus, Nature Retreat in central Maine. Re-connect with your SELF, nature, friends, family, colleagues, your soul mission, the planet… Holistic Counseling and Healing sessions available. Open year round. For appointments call (207) 568-3139 or e-mail

Inner Tapestry's Calendar Listings The first 30 words submitted per issue are free! 75 cents a word thereafter.

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37 Being In Love With You by Rochelle Sparrow


ound uncomfortable? To many people the title of this article may jolt them a bit. People are just not used to thinking in terms of loving themselves without feeling, well, kind of strange or awkward about it. When I am talking about this subject to people, there is this little tinge of hesitancy about the very topic! We have been so programmed to think in terms of love as something we give out, rather than something we are in for ourselves. And we have been programmed to think that if we are “in it” for us, well, that is not such a good thing; in fact, we should not feel good about it. In fact, some of us believe that we are so poorly equipped to be a “good” human, that we need a savior to come and save us. Why is that? What facets of our humanity have been slowly divorced away from ourselves through beliefs that those traits, which make us human, also make us unacceptable to ourselves?  I watched the new television show Saving Grace the other night, hoping that I would see something new and different being presented about spirituality. I was disappointed. The same old messages were there, people are sinners; they don’t seek God enough or pray enough so that they are not sinners. Boring. So boring I turned it off halfway through. I truly don’t belief that the great enlightened spiritual masters of the past, both female and male, such as Jesus, Mother Mary and Buddha believed that people are “bad” and need something other than themselves to be an authority to mend their shameful ways.

Isn’t that what the great masters were and are about? Healing? Certainly to be told yet again, that we are sinners and need to pray is not going to heal us, but will aid us in divorcing ourselves from ourselves and ironically, beget more sin. In that case, we would need a savior! No, the path of empowerment is enlightenment. Bringing into conscious awareness the unconscious recognition of who we are and through knowing who we are the greater connection to God. That can only be made with love. Love of who we are, love of all and love of ourselves, not just the pretty parts of ourselves we think look good to others. When we love ourselves, we give ourselves unconscious permission to allow all of the parts of who we are to live. Including those parts of ourselves that would be discounted because we are too busy or inclined to think of ourselves as “bad.” What would happen if those parts we thought of as “bad” came to life through understanding? Then through understanding, a greater connection to God can unfold, to knowing a deeper depth of who we really are which would automatically broaden our choices about who we are? Isn’t that what grace really is… to allow acceptance to happen through understanding and love? I believe that is the path, that is the way towards the light, the light that shines within us, the light that does light the way and the light that is true love. The love inside of ourselves is the key, the simple antidote to our ills and the ills within us all. You can start with the cure. Right here, right now. Love.  Rochelle Sparrow, Psychic Trance Channel, offers individual and group sessions and is now offering a ten week intensive course, Manifestation: Healing Your Relationship with Spirit. See www. to sign up for newsletter and more information on events, 602-430-6447 or info@

the animals are walking in grace and are open 24/7. When

Continued from page 12 he brings their emotions into balance “they know exactly destination healing... Walking In Grace... what’s happening. They look at me like, ‘Ahhh... thank physical manifestation in our structure. At our core we have an energetic blueprint or trends. So, if we have an earth person, all of these energies that are constantly affecting us work at the core. And then our diseases occur according to the type of energetic core we have.” These principles also apply to animals! Then Chinese physicians took herbs and combinations of herbs. For example, they used certain herbs for earth type people, observing how they responded and doing the same for river and fire people. It was a medical system based on observation, trial, and error. “They defined, say... an earth type person. They used a combination of herbs known to work for earth type people to support the energetic core, not treat the problems, which is what’s done in Western Medicine. So, I like to say treat the why not the what because we constantly treat the whats in Western Medicine. What is going on with the patient? The problem is defined. We come up with a thinking diagnosis about what we think is going on. Then we make a decision about treating the problem based on whats.” For example, he identifies an earth dog through acupuncture, by putting his hands on the dog’s active acupuncture points. Dr. Stuer says he also knows through a description of what earth people or earth animals look like, their characteristics, and their unique patterns of disease. So, Dr. Stuer looks at his patient, asking, “What’s the energetic makeup of this patient? Okay this acupuncture point is active. I need to work on it.” For example, perhaps a dog shows evidence of dampness. Rather than treat the what or the dampness, he knows, because the spleen acupuncture point is active, he needs to look deeper to the energetic core of the patient. In his practice, Dr. Stuer believes we need to raise up the core. “We need to support the energetic core. And the solutions will follow. The beauty of it is... you really have to look at everything” emotions included because

you... thank you’. And then the acupuncture, if I need to do that, is more effective. The action prepares the way for the herbs, for diet, or even for Western Medicine.” We discussed other examples, including behavioral issues. Dr. Stuer reassures the pet’s caretaker by explaining it isn’t necessarily their fault. “The behavior is like it is because there’s an underlying issue at the energetic level.” He takes great care in assuring people there’s no need to feel guilty about stuff their dog has taken on. “Our pets have that role. We can’t stop that role. It’s who they are. What needs to happen is learn from the past and look to the future.” What about the point in an animal's condition where there’s no turning back? “If we wait to talk about preventative medicine, when we have a crisis, like a malignant tumor or liver failure, or whatever it is. Treating the problem at its core can help, but sometimes there’s just no going back. So when to intervene? The time to intervene is not during a serious illness. The time to intervene is when we recognize patterns of disease, look to the why, support the why, and still treat the whats when they happen. We don’t ignore the whats. We fix the what now, but support the why over the long haul. That’s the future of medicine." Bethel Animal Hospital offers Integrative Animal Medicine as well as boarding with a well trained staff of technicians and support staff. In addition to Dr. Stuer, there are two other highly qualified staff veterinarians, Dr. Julie Schubert and Dr. Robin Gorrell. The hospital is located just outside Bethel Village at 179 Walker’s Mills Road (Route 26). Their phone number is 207-824-2212, fax 207824-4542 and their email is You can also find more information on their website (under construction) at Dr. Stuer recently attended a meeting in Oklahoma City with about 400 veterinarians from across the country and different parts of the world supporting holistic protocols in veterinary medicine. He felt the meeting was wonderful, yet divisions still remained

between contemporary and holistic care. That’s where Dr. Stuer saw a great need for Integrative Animal Medicine. He’s currently working on a book that discusses his thoughts on integrative medicine. Dr. Gary Stuer realizes, “The animal is open 24/7. You walk in the door, whether happy or sad or mad or depressed or desperate or joyful, they are open. Dogs are not thinkers. Animals are not thinkers. They are feelers. Hence they walk in grace. They’re amazing. They completely live in their heart.” Vaccinations and acute care remain needed in veterinary medicine according to Dr. Stuer, but why not combine the best of both worlds? “If I have a dog that comes in with a raging infection, I am going to treat that dog with antibiotics. If that dog has a bleeding tumor on its leg, I’ve got to remove it. I need to treat acute conditions and practice preventative medicine at the same time.” And he does through western acute and diagnostic care, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and energy to help the animal as they continue their walk in grace. Dr. Stuer recognizes the need and is following the call to combine Western, Eastern, and Holistic Medicine for the benefit of all.

“The future of medicine is integration.”

Yowzer, an un-official resident of Bethal Animal Hospital

Kevin Pennell, an author from Bethel , Maine, wrote Two Feathers - Spiritual Seed Planter and has written for other periodicals and media. Kevin is an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Psychic Empath. He conducts Reiki workshops and other workshops that assist spiritual and personal development. Kevin, with his wife, Vickie Cummings, operate Spirit Wings, their Compassionate Healing Center and Therapeutic Store located in Bethel, Maine. Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 37

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In fact, I think these empowered people went inside of themselves to find the path of truth in greater connection to themselves. The path requires courage, courage to love what is already there, love what is seen and love what is felt, not forfeit ourselves in the already beat-to-death message, that we are sinners, we don’t deserve, we don’t deserve what we know, we don’t deserve to love what we know. The truth is the path of greater understanding of who we are and cannot be made without love. Love is the only way to allow ourselves to see who we are without closing the door on what we see. It is not that we are pretty, there may be parts of

ourselves, well, that we may just not like, but love can lead to understanding why those parts exist and help us heal those parts that kept us unhealed.

38 Continued from page 9 the 21st century bohemian: The Princess of Tides...

Continued from page 8 loving earth... Taking the Solar Power Plunge...

The fragrance of my island depends on how she’s feeling and how much work she’s been doing. She reveals her own scent best in the spring when she’s growing things, in the summer when her grown things are sweating in the heat and in the fall when her flora and fauna are starting to decay. In the wintertime, she relinquishes her odor to the sea. Sometimes the sea overpowers her in other seasons but not like it does in the winter when she is too frozen and weary to bear her own scent.”

I was ready to roll. In late September, I took myself to the alternative energy section of the Common Ground Fair in Unity, Maine. This event, offered annually by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA), is a wonderful place to meet people who are using, explaining and selling just about everything that falls into the category of alternative power. There is nothing like meeting people face-to-face and talking with them. It was at this point I felt my luck change. I talked, listened and collected cards and printed information to take home for mulling over. Again I made phone calls and scheduled site visits. Checking out the location of a possible installation is important. Although optimal orientation to the sun is vital in this part of the country, there are a number of ways collection panels can be set up. If a house roof is facing properly south and not shaded by trees or other objects, panels can be placed on the roof. They will need to be kept clear of snow in winter so access to them is important. If the roof is not suitable, panels can be located on a number of different kinds of frames on the ground. Some setups even turn with the sun. Although the benefit of this in Maine is debatable, I know people who use and swear by them. In my case, the roof faces west, not the necessary south. There is ledge to consider, but a good southern exposure. This could be workable. There is another aspect of a site visit. An astute installer can check out the habits and mind frame of the homeowner. Living with solar is more than a matter of switching sources of power. Changes in thinking and habits need to happen for the conversion to be satisfactory. Conservation is important. Household use of power needs to be scheduled around sunny days. For example laundry, vacuuming and running that skill saw in the shop all are best scheduled during sunny hours. For some people this is no big deal. Others are not willing to make these adjustments. The site visit is a good time to ask any questions one can think of. If the answers are clear, willingly given and understandable, that’s a good sign. Good communication is important. Some of the best people have such different styles of thinking and conveying information that serious communication problems can arise. Expect to pay for this initial visit and determine if the cost will be taken off the price of the system when it is installed. Generally that is the case. Within a reasonable length of time after the visit, a proposal is drawn up and sent to the property owner. It should include itemized component parts, pricing and the amount of power generated. Review it carefully and ask questions. Keep asking until you reach a point at which you feel you really understand what it’s all about. And here, Gentle Reader, is where I will leave you. My proposals are currently being drawn up. Part two lies in the future, to arrive after installation is complete. © Pat Foley 2007

The Mystery of Lobstermen

It is not just lobsters that are mysterious, but also the men and women who fish them also seem to be a different breed. Rising in the dark of early morning, they slip from the shores of Maine’s beautiful and fierce coast, just as monks, nuns and devout yogis around the world are deep into their chanting, prayers, meditations and practices. These traditional ambrosial hours are considered to be a highly spiritual and auspicious time. “They love sea life. They call petrels, the birds that look like they are walking on water, 'touch birds'. They have named every piece of the bottom. We look and we see island and water. They see the contours of the bottom. They have named the rocks. They’ve named all the ledges, the bottom of the bay. I started writing on a chart these names,” Cowan explained. Here, from the book she has begun writing, is Cowan’s take on one lobsterman she had the pleasure of working with on a tagging project TLC did a few years ago: “Alvin was an 80-year-old lobsterman. Alvin couldn’t have looked or felt a day over 39 when he was fishing. That was how it was with most lobstermen. They were divine in action. I was always startled to meet up with any one of them at the Post Office or General Store. They were part of the sea. At sea they were ageless and timeless. On land, they looked just about like anyone else.”

The Counting Tides

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Over the course of 15 years, sometimes venturing out twice a day to take stock of her beloved crustaceans, Cowan estimates she has racked up 1,000 tides, an impressive number for anyone who, like she, is interested in counting. It is late October at low tides. Cowan puts in 17-hour days, rising at 5 a.m. to prepare and pack her gear. She motors the short trip from her island to Friendship, sets her boat at mooring and rows into the town dock. She drives to Harpswell, makes her way out across exposed beach, a light from her helmet guiding her path as she begins mining for juvenile lobsters. On the last day, the lowest tide of the year so far, Cowan makes her journey back home to Muscongas Bay early. “Gale force winds and dense fog have deemed the search for lobbies impossible this evening,” she reports in. She prepares to settle in for the night. The hundreds of lobsters that make their home in the pound that lays just outside her window are busy doing whatever lobsters do when we are not watching—what will probably be discovered by The Princess of Tides on another day, after she rests. © 2007 Teresa Piccari Teresa Piccari is a writer and teacher living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, a professional writing service meeting personal and business needs. She teaches writing workshops including creative writing, memoir and journaling. She also performs house blessings and is an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and practitioner. Her business and practice are located at The Wellness Center, 71 Elm St., in Camden. Contact Teresa at or (207) 344-7070.

Continued from page 22 exploring the world religions... Exploring the Higher Planes... Eye Center according to the Path of the Masters. Those studying under the guidance of living Masters get to learn various meditation techniques that make it possible to rise above body-consciousness, still the always-agitated "monkey-mind" with all of its distracting thoughts, and make this amazing transition in awareness from the outer world of the five senses, passing through several inner stages or regions along the way, with the final destination being Kaivalya or Nirvana, the Ocean of Pure Consciousness. Mystics teach that our birthright as human beings not only includes access to the outer material world of the five senses, but also the "Unseen" or subtle dimensions. The Catholic mystic Saint Teresa of Avila spoke about "the seven rooms of the interior castle." The human body is a castle or temple with many "rooms" inside available for us to explore. This is "the Kingdom of God within." A great poet-mystic and musician from India by the name of Kabir once sang: Within this body are bowers and groves, and within it is the Creator: Within this body are the seven oceans and the unnumbered stars. The touchstone and the jewel-appraiser are within; And within this vessel the Eternal soundeth, and the spring wells up. Kabîr says: "Listen to me, my Friend! My Beloved Lord is within." 38 Inner Tapestry Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Pat Foley attempts to live a green life just outside of Cornish, Maine. She is a professional writer, artist, shamanic practitioner and the owner of Earthrest, a retreat center offering space for groups and individuals. You may contact Pat at or (207) 625-4179.

Says Rumi, "To Him We Shall Return" I died as mineral and became a plant; I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I was a man. Then why fear disappearance through death? When was I less by dying? Next time I shall die To soar -- with angels blessed, But even from angelhood I must pass on; All except God doth perish. When I have sacrificed my angel soul, I shall become what no mind ever conceived. What you cannot imagine, I shall be that. Oh! let me not exist, for non-existence Proclaims in organ-tones,

James Bean reviews books and music for the Wisdom Radio Network and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabda Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to PO Box 7, Newport, Maine 04953, or email:


Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Practitioners Directory

GLASTONBURY, CT Sacred Rivers Yoga Offers Yoga for Every Body, therapeutic massage and bodywork modalities, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal therapies. We are also a Yoga Alliance 200-and 500-hour registered yoga teacher training school.

BELFAST, ME Belfast Yoga Studio Iyengar Yoga, Relax&Renew® (restorative) Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling®, Yamuna Body Logic®; classes, workshops, individual sessions. Marianna Moll (Iyengar, Relax&Renew®, Yamuna® certified) and Belinda Pendleton (Iyengar style, Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Cardiac Wellness). (207) 338-3930.

The Yoga Firm Studio Join our ongoing movement inspired Beginning and Flow Yoga Classes to restore the supple nature of your body and mind. Also offering Shiatsu/Acupressure bodywork. For schedule and info please contact Romee May, (207) 380-6975, 137 Townsend Ave.

BRUNSWICK, ME Wild Lotus Yoga Offers Anusara-inspired yoga for all levels. Classes are inspiring, transformative and fun! Also offering Yoga, Nidra, both in classes and private sessions. Anne Dellenbaugh, RYT, instructor. (207) 721-9229,

CAMDEN, ME Open Door Yoga Center Offering a wide variety of Yoga classes, 5 Rhythm Ecstatic Dance, Feldenkrais Movement, Mindfulness Meditation, Shamanic Drumming, T'ai Chi and Tantra Workshops. Morning, evening and weekend classes for all ages and levels. Conveniently located less than 3 miles from the center of Camden. Call for brochure or info: (207) 236-8971.

DAMARISCOTTA, ME Heartfeather Yoga Center Hatha Yoga Classes, all levels. Ongoing classes, retreats, women's yoga insight group, children's classes. Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy-Individual sessions. Sanctuary in Yarmouth and Damariscotta. Mary Snow M.Ed.,RYT,PRYT. (207) 319-8024.

FALMOUTH, ME Meadow Wind Center for Holistic Arts Offering several styles and levels of yoga from beginner to power yoga. Call (207) 878-3899 for class schedule or go to for more information. 100 Gray Road, Falmouth, ME.

Holistic Pathways Yoga & Healing Center All abilities/ages. Beginner, Continuing, Intermediate, Toning & Sculpting, Pregnancy Yoga, Couples Pregnancy Yoga, Mommy & Me (infants), Yoga for Tots. Private sessions available. Postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation. (207) 839-7192.

NORTH YARMOUTH, ME Turning Light Yoga & Meditation Center Classes in Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Psychological & Spiritual Development. Free Monthly Satsang. Personal, group and corporate programs available. Director Darcy Cunningham certified by Institute of the Himalayan Tradition and Yoga Alliance. (207) 829-2700,

PORTLAND, ME Kundalini Community Yoga Full class schedule including beginners and children. Workshops. Groups. Private sessions. Certified Instructors. Class includes Kriya (set of specified exercises), breath, mantra, meditation, relaxation. Try Kundalini Yoga – the yoga of Awareness. 52 Pine St., (207) 615-5405, Portland Yoga Studio Highly trained dedicated instructors, Iyengar certified, Anusara influenced. Beginner to advanced yoga, Prenatal, Teen, Life-Long and Restorative classes. Weekend workshops! Private Lessons! Massage! Beautiful studio! 616 Congress Street, Portland, ME (207) 799-0054, www.PortlandYoga. com, email Aikido of Maine Aikido: "The Art of Peace" a martial art for selfdefense and spiritual development. Connecting movement, breath and energy through partner practice. Seeking harmony from conflict. Creating an alert mind, calm body and enhanced health and awareness. Daily classes: beginners, adults & children. Flexible schedules, (207) 879-9207, 226 Anderson St., Portland, Dragonfly Taijiquan ~ Larry Landau Taijiquan, Qigong, Authentic Breathing, Meditation. Cultivating enhanced awareness of physical alignment, relaxation, groundedness and breath. Creating effortless fluidity in motion & stillness. Offering group & private instruction for over 30 years. Studios in Portland & Kennebunkport, (207) 761-2142. WholeHeart Yoga Center Portland's Kripalu-affiliated studio offers weekly classes for all levels, including Beginner, Vinyasa and Meditation & Yoga. Our instructors are all Kripalu-certified and highly trained. We also offer weekend workshops, private classes, partner yoga and regular Kirtans (chanting). 150 St. John St., Portland. (207) 871-8274, www.wholeheartyoga. com or email

The Yoga Center Quality instruction for 25 years. 30 weekly classes– all levels, restorative, therapeutic, power, pre-natal. Master teacher workshops and Yoga vacations in Mexico & Maine. Two lovely studios & supply store. Directors Vickie Labbe and Jennifer Cooper, (207) 774-YOGA (774-9642). Portland T'ai Chi School Traditional Yang Style T'ai Chi classes at the Portland New Church Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm. White Crane QiGong is taught to develop internal energy. The focus is on developing a healthy body and emotional being. (207) 272-8286,

SEACOAST REGION ChildLight Yoga® Yoga Programs for Children and the Adults Who Love Them. Sharing the amazing gifts of yoga with babies, toddlers, children, families and classroom teachers in Southern ME, NH, and MA. Also offering the ChildLight Yoga Teacher Training, Summer Camps, Birthday Parties, Y.E.S (Yoga Education in Schools) Residency Programs, Tools for Teachers Workshops, and more. Please visit: or (603)-781-3323.

YARMOUTH, ME Sanctuary Holistic Health & Yoga Center Spacious & beautiful newly built studio. Professional instruction in KRIPALU & HATHA YOGA and MEDITATION. Now also PILATES and QI GONG! Group & private classes, all levels: youth, teens, adults. See website for schedule. (207) 846-1162,


The Inner Tapestry Yoga, T'ai Chi, Aikido & Meditation Directory is an excellent resource for getting the word out for your classes & workshops! If you and your group or school hold classes and workshops and would like to be listed in this Directory, please call: (207) 799-7995 or Email: Six issues in print costs $160 for 35 words Online placement in the Directory of Resources with a direct link to your website is an additional $75. Dec 2007/Jan 2008 Inner Tapestry 39

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