Inner Tapestry "Where Do We Go From Here?" June July 2012

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A Holistic Journal Celebrating & Supporting LIFE!




I nner

Tapestry u What To Do? u A Path To Meditation

u Classroom Mothership Earth u What Is Your View Of The Future? u Perspectives From The Sky u Wandering Sage Wisdom ~ Unplugged From Nature u Exploring The World Religions ~ The Heart Of Mysticism

u 21st Century Bohemian ~ The Redemptive Power of Story

u Behind The Book ~ Diana Cooper u Modern Shamanic Living ~ Creating The Space Between The Rock & The Hard Place u Awareness And The Art Of Seeing ~ Why I Wake Early

June/July 2012

Where Do We Go From Here?

Volume 11, No. 1

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

u Love More To Live More


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Let Me Read You, Then Heal You Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Ross J. Miller Psychic, Medium Healer

Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soul mates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life. Ross can also help you to identify and . communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading. Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more. . Ross is available for psychic and past-life readings as well as healing sessions in person or over the phone. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit my website at or call (617) 527-3583 1075 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465

Enchantments Our store now fills an entire theater!

Variety of Pipes and Clothing section features Grateful Dead Memorabilia Geetah, Celtic and New Age and Metaphysical Books Renaissance-style clothing 300+ Tarot Decks ± Runes Reversible floor-length Egyptian Statuary capes in velvet and satin Eastern Religious Items and Statuary Knives and Swords Angels ± Fairies, Crystal Balls and Bowls Dragons and Gargoyles. Scrying Mirrors Chimes ± Cards and Calendars Wiccan Supplies ± Magic Wands Crystals ± Jewelry Magic Spells and Candles Gems and Minerals Eastern Incense and Massage and Essential Oils Native American Sage, Body Jewelry ± Tapes and CDs Cedar and Juniper 10 Boothbay House Hill Boothbay Harbor, ME Open daily year round. Call for hours.


2 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

SANT MAT MEDITATION An ancient spiritual path from India called Sant Mat or Radha - Swami, the Path of the Masters, the Inner Light & Sound of God — Surat Shabd Meditation. Bangor, Waterville, & Portland Areas For a Satsang schedule, call: James, Maine Sant Mat Society, (207) 358-9381. or email: Website:


I nner Tapestry This Issue's Theme


UP COMING THEMES August/S eptember 2012

I n i ti at io n O f The Way O c tober/November 2012

June/July 2012

St ay i ng Healt hy

Where Do We Go From Here

D ecember/J anuar y 2012/2013

Features Where Do We Go From Here?

D e ath and R esur rec t io n Page






by Tara Ambrose

Love More To Live More by Ashok Nalamalapu

Ranging The Implicate: Finding Your Soul's Purpose by Dr. Charles Silverstein

A Path To Meditation

Page 11

by Jessica DuVal

Classroom Mothership Earth ~ Eyes of Creation

Page 23

by Ari Bouse

What Is Your View Of The Future?

Page 23

by Hunter Liguore

What To Do?

Page 29

Submission Dates August/September 2012 Articles – June 10th Display Ads & Directory of Resources To Reserve Space – June 20th For Ad Copy & Graphics – July 1st Calendar & Classified Ads – July 1st

A Few Pieces To The Puzzle Of Life: Happiness

Page 31

by Patricia Mullholland, M.A., M.T.B.C.

Columns The Way of Life It-self ~ A Lifeview Emerging And Unfolding Together What We Attend

by Skye Hirst, Ph.D

Tarot Wisdom ~ Tarot Reveals Solutions to Intergenerational by Karen Hollis

Needs in a Changing Economy

Behind The Book ~ Diana Cooper



Page 14 Page 15

by Karen M. Rider

Modern Shamanic Living ~ Creating Space Between The Rock And The Hard Place

by Evelyn C. Rysdyk

Loving Earth ~ Food For Urban Homesteading

Page 16 Page 18

by River J. Lee

Wandering Sage Wisdom ~ Unplugged From Nature

Page 20

by Jen Deraspe

A Breath of Healing ~ Where Do We Go From Here?

by Curtis White

So I Went With The Flow...

The 21st Century Bohemian ~ The Redemptive Power Of Story

Page 22

Page 28

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

Exploring the World Religions ~ The Heart Of Mysticism

Page 30

Directories Directory of Resources Yoga, T'ai Chi, & Meditation Directory Heart Visions, Calendar of Events and Classified Ads

Advertising, Billing & Distribution: Betty Close ~

(207) 799-7995 ~ (203) 779-0345

Media Coordinator/Staff Writer:

Karen M. Rider

Email: Or Visit:

Page 26

by Teresa Piccari

Perspectives From The Sky

Joan Emmons Ron Damico

Page 21

by Donna Amrita Davidge

Reflections of an Amateur Spiritual Spelunker ~

T apestry


Page 19

by Aaron Hoopes

Awareness and the Art of Seeing ~ Why I Wake Early

I nner

Pages 32-41 Pages 40 & 41 Pages 42-45

Subscriptions ~ $20.00/year, 6 issues Inner Tapestry can be found in over 500 locations, but to ensure you don’t miss an issue, subscriptions are available.

Payments and Correspondence To: P O Box 122, East Hampton, CT 06424 June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 3

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

by Momma Donna Henes, Urban Shaman


I nner W orkings by Ron Damico & Joan Emmons

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

NEW THIS ISSUE: Summer Solstice is upon us once again. As I was cruising around the Internet poking into Solstice nooks and cranies I found some great pictures of Solstice celebrations in other parts of the world. It reminded me of the opportunities that have been presented to the ITJ community to share our journal with many people, not only through the Internet, but also sending copies to readers in other countries. This helps us become aware of how we all are connected in the work we do and the lives we are living. I know with all of the immediacy, which creeps into our lives, this awareness is rarely a blip on our radar. To even think that while we are sleeping someone somewhere in the world is reading ITJ. A few of our articles this issue address meditation. When looking up meditation I was reminded of a teacher who once told me his life was a walking meditation. The definitions I found centered around meditation being an Awareness, Presentness, Consciousness of everything that is in the present moment. Why is it so many people look for an "altered" state of being? Is the state of presence altered because we are "not there" in our daily lives? For those readers who practice some form of meditation, shamanic journeying, yoga, T'ai Chi, etc., remember, the optimum result of a practice is to bring that awareness out into the world to share with everyone the healing you have experienced. I read an excerpt from an Andrew Cohen teaching today. "When we begin on the spiritual path, more often than not, it's all about ourselves. But if we stick with it, eventually we cross a threshold where it becomes more and more obvious that it never could have been a personal matter. Our motive for transformation changes spontaneously and dramatically as we come to recognize that our own development has always only been for the sake of the evolution of consciousness itself. And it's not a romantic ideal. That's just all there is. That's where I believe a new moral context is going to come from." Some of us were even silly enough to think we were doing this process for someone else, then the dawn came just as the summer Solistice and you realized that you were always doing this for yourself, then once again this same "enlightement" expands you into the reality or truth that you actually are evolution and you are the consciousness. That everything we do and everything that we do not do affects the whole. Eleven years ago Nitasia Timms started Inner Tapestry in a small town in Maine called Appleton. Today, we are celebrating the birth of this eleventh year with all of you in our hearts, with gratitude and appreciation for your support, friendship


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and love over the past years. We certainly have been blessed to have everyone in our lives, our readers, advertisers, distributors and artists that so willingly share themselves with all of us here, we thank you. There are many new and exciting things happening for ITJ. The website has been re-formated, we are adding new sections for reviews and a section titled "ITJ Recommends" where we will feature articles specifically written for authors, publishers, practitioners and destinations that support the growth and evolution of our readers. To facilitate this newest expansion, Karen Rider has joined our ITJ family as Media Coordinator and staff writer. I'm sure you will be seeing many of her contributions in the upcoming months as we go "Behind the Book" and get to know some of the great authors of our times. We have also added an online column to the website. Karen Hollis is now writing "Tarot Wisdom" for those who have been asking for insight and a better understanding of the Tarot and how you can apply it to our lives. Karen's first column is also in print this issue on page 14. Here is a short note from her; "This being the first column of Tarot Wisdom, I’d like to express gratitude for the opportunity to share, with the Inner Tapestry Journal community, the wisdom imparted by the Tarot and to show you the potential this ancient divination tool holds as a resource and guide in your personal spiritual journey. The column will often align the theme of each issue with Tarot wisdom and insights that can help you walk your spiritual path with practical feet! Topics that you may see discussed here include family and personal relationships; making wise life choices; overcoming challenges; dealing with grief or loss; consciousness raising and enlightenment; health and healing; managing change; letting go of the past and moving toward a soulful and happy life. Weaved into the writing, you will find simple details revealing how Tarot ‘works’ and, when necessary, how Tarot is different from other oracles/divination tools. On occasion, reader submitted questions or a world event may be the focus of the column. It is a blessing to be a part of this vibrant community of columnists, readers and advertisers. I look forward to sharing Tarot Wisdom with you for many years to come! In Spirit, Karen Hollis" Enjoy the summer months, share the love that you are as we move into the next steps of creation. Be well, healthy and grounded as the love that you are.


Where Do We Go From Here? by Tara Ambrose


When we trust “this is for me” and decide to make the best of whatever is occurring, life changes for good. Yes, this is easier said than done, but it is possible. If you’re curious and you’d like to build this muscle, try the following exercise: In each moment, notice how you feel. Right now, how do you feel? Let go of what anyone else feels, or how you felt yesterday or how you think you should feel. The only important question is how do you feel right now? From there, know that everything you want is where the joyful flow of life is taking you. If you are feeling joy, great, you’re linked up with all that is. If you’re feeling confused, or afraid, or sad, then the task is to see if you can relax into exactly what’s happening. Relax the whole body and mind just for a moment. Breathe. Let it be o.k. to not know just for a moment. From that momentary relaxed place, see if you can think and feel something a little more like joy, maybe hope, or curiosity? Try out “things are getting better for me.” Does that soothe you? Or “I believe this will work out somehow.” Or “I am trusting.” Or “Universe, please take what is occurring here and use it for good, for me and everyone else.” Or “there is plenty of money for everything I need and want.” Play with words till you find something to comfort you, and repeat it as long as it’s helpful, continuing to relax as much as possible, and to move toward joy. Know that it is the Source energy part of you that is sending out the magnetic signal that you are working to align with. The more often you can match up, the sweeter and more abundant your life will be, and the more available you’ll be for Life to use you in the world for good. From this perspective, action is natural and you’ll know that the power of life itself is behind you. So, where to go from here? How about ‘in’? In, to the place where with ease and inspiration we know what direction to move in. Toward what we came here to do, toward each other. It all starts with remembering who we really are and then making the decision to relax, body and mind. While we rest, the Universe can work through us to do the rest.

We even fight

against ourselves trying to

force ourselves to be different than we are.

Tara Ambrose is a Certified Life Coach in Belfast, Maine. Specializing in the manifestation of deeply satisfying partnerships, Tara uses aspects of lessons learned over 15 years from A Course in Miracles, Unity Church, The Work of Byron Katie, the Teachings of Abraham, the work of Bentinho Massaro and others to support clients who desire to shift negative thinking patterns and lack, and create a life abundant with ease and love. Tara can be reached for phone and in-person sessions at (207) 505-0185.

The journey is one full of many steps... Step after step, moment by moment... Until we reach the destination of where we began. June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 5

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

f we believe, as many of us do, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, then we understand that we were spirit long before, and will be long after, our birth and death. And we know that when we meditate, pray, spend time in nature and ask for guidance, we sink into and are held and guided by the great depth that is our Source. Why then do we struggle, why do we feel confused and agitated when we do? Why do we harm earth, then each other, and ourselves? There seems to be an essential misunderstanding that shapes the lives of human beings. We believe we’re alone, we believe we have to figure it out, we believe it’s possible for things to go wrong here and for us to not arrive where we are supposed to arrive along the way, or at the end. We believe we must fight against each other to stay safe. We do this in moment-to-moment ways with the people we love the most, at work, in our communities, and globally. We even fight against ourselves trying to force ourselves to be different than we are. It’s important to remember that this confusion, in its essence, is innocent. We just want to feel good. In the end, all of this is an attempt to experience joy, the joy we know we were born to experience. We have been kept from our innate joy due to essential misunderstandings taught to us by our families and the larger culture. No one did this on purpose but the lessons cripple us just the same. Can we sort out another way? When we access Source energy for guidance through prayer, meditation, trusting our insides, etc., we are tapping into a vast, unending source of knowledge and love. Imagine the ocean, deep, enormous, life giving. Our human experience is equivalent to the waves on the top of the ocean. It may feel like all there is when we are fixated in our human lives, but the reality is that there is so much more to us than that. This wise, vast whole of us is available always to guide us on our way here on earth. When we relax moment to moment into the quiet and clarity of source, our guidance can direct us to our part in the big picture. Try pausing thought for just a moment at the end of a breath. Can you sense the spaciousness that is there when thought is not? Can you feel the deeply nourishing quality of accessing Source? Let’s return to the original premise. We are spiritual beings. First and foremost, we are Source energy, part of the gigantic all that is. When we come into human form it is a small part of us that chooses to inhabit a body for this time. When we die we return to Source, to our whole selves. While we are here, the Source part of us wants to experience being human. It is excited, hopeful, curious, energized to be in a body and living! There is no fear for the Source part of us because it knows that at the end of this lifetime, we’ll return to Source. Meanwhile, there’s an interesting world to explore, an endless array of opportunities in which to experience being human. From the ecstatic to the tearful, the Source part of us knows it’s all for our learning, for our good, that it’s all love endlessly expressing. Now, in our human form, can we relax into that? Can we remember that everything that is occurring here is for us? We knew this once, and can know it again. Even if we can only stretch far enough to quietly embrace “I don’t know what this is for?” That sliver of an open mind can free us from fear and pain.


Love More To Live More by Ashok Nalamalapu

Love: we hear and use this word every day. However, rarely do we think about what this word really means. Love is hard to explain and easy to recognize. My natural personality style is a director. Although my intention is never to hurt anyone, my past actions have resulted in a few strained relationships. With time and financial pressures, occasionally I gave more importance to getting the job done than to my sensitivity to others. This approach has neither served me well in my personal life nor in my professional life. To turn things around, I set out to work on myself. I wanted to become a more loving and gentle person. In this process, I have interviewed four women, who I consider to be very loving. They are: Jan Born of The Cool Plant Lady, Elaine McGillicuddy founder of Portland Yoga Studio, Jessica McKneally, Yoga teacher, and Deborah Knighton Tallarico, co-director of Spiritual Renaissance Center.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

McGillicuddy emphasizes, “Love is everything.” She explains, “It is the whole purpose of life. It helps us in the choices that we make and how we spend our time. My late husband, Francis showed his unconditional love for me. I was able to cater to him because of it. We could be there for each other.” Loving helps us to nurture good relationships. It enables us to be more productive and to live happier and more peacefully.

Tallarico believes that “Unconditional love is possible.” She explains, “Love is connected with unity and oneness. I believe we are all connected. When I believe this, whatever I see in a person, it is a reflection of some part of myself. Unconditional love of someone goes hand in hand with unconditional love of oneself. We are always mirroring each other. When I see someone being irresponsible, my heart goes to that person and I say maybe that person didn’t get structure as a child. Maybe that person never learned how to be responsible. Maybe that person doesn’t love him or herself enough and is self-destructive. Love is not about what that person does. It is about who that person is, about loving that person’s Soul. You can see the Soul beyond the irresponsibility and love all. Unconditional love of oneself is the key to unconditional love of another.”

It is easy to love when

McKneally says, “Love is the essence of life. There are two kinds of love. One is conditional and the other is unconditional.” Tallarico describes the difference between conditional love, which is personal, and unconditional love, which is divine or universal. She says, “Personal love has attachment. Divine love and universal love do not have boundaries. Love is something that radiates from the heart. It is very spiritual. It is vibration. Love is the glue that holds everything in the universe together. When love is around, everything opens like a flower.” Universal love is to love people of all beliefs, colors, looks, ages, and genders.

we are at peace. The challenge is

What happens if we do not love? Born explains, “If we do not love, other emotions such as fear, anger, or sadness fill the void. If we connect with fear, anger and sadness we get back the same and disconnect ourselves from love. Love has profound divine presence. Love is healing. It is a balm. When a baby is hurt, mother says let me kiss it and baby feels that it is healed. Love comes in to us and goes out of us. Being human, we are not happy all the time. However, if we dwell in fear, anger and sadness, it becomes a habit.” It is easy to love when we are at peace. The challenge is to love others when we are under stress. Self-awareness and meditation help us to prevent negative reactions to stressful situations and to hold that calm, loving place. The other day, while waiting at a stoplight, a man wanted to move into my lane and I did not notice. When the light turned green, I started driving. That man was yelling and screaming at me. I let him go first with a smile, and I kept my peace. Hopefully my response calmed him down. At times loving another can feel difficult. Born suggests, in such a situation: “If someone is in your face, you need to realize that it is not about you, it is about that person. You may ask, what I have done to aggravate you to act like this?” Tallarico says, “If something really irritates me, I stop and look at myself. Why is this irritating me? What is this person reflecting back to me? Is it showing me a part of me that I have not loved in myself? When we are in a bad mood, everything looks bad. Everything mirrors. It is a law of resonance. We must strive to have compassion and understanding of what the other person may be going through. We can nurture our hearts by loving-kindness or imagining a flame that radiates energy outward.” McGillicuddy shares, “My teacher Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz is a very loving person. 6 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

He values people genuinely and accepts them with all their voices.” McGillicuddy quotes Jean Houston who wrote that we want to see someone who is not naturally attractive and say to ourselves “I know you! - God in hiding’.”

to love others when we are under stress.

At a young age, Born had her own revelation on the importance of loving herself. She recalls, “I see you and me the same. I see a homeless person the same. We are all the same. When I was 16, I had a relationship with someone, and I was gifted with a profound thought - before you go any further, you need to love yourself. I contemplated on it and started thinking how can I learn to love myself? I decided to BE love. Through a process of several months, I became love. When you love yourself, you are plugged into the Source energy and you don’t deviate from it.” McKneally’s friend, Traca expresses love for herself as well as all beings. “One could feel how open Traca’s heart is when you are around her. Anybody in her presence feels welcome. She accepts all people unconditionally no matter who they are or where they are at.” A loving person has traits such as presence, acceptance, kindness, patience, generosity, gratitude, honesty, forgiveness, courtesy, gentleness, humility and empathy.

Presence: On being present, McKneally says, “The best way to express love is to be present for people. If I am on the phone, it is very rare that I am also doing the dishes or something else. When I am with someone, they have my undivided attention. Otherwise it feels very unloving.” McGillicuddy adds, “A loving person will give the person they are speaking with attention and will put that person ahead of him or herself.” Acceptance: As love begins with Self, acceptance begins with self-acceptance. McKneally suggests, “People who feel that they don’t have a loved one need to first experience it within themselves. When we accept and are compassionate with ourselves, it becomes easy to be in a relationship with another person. No one can provide love for one, if that person can’t provide for self. Looking for love outside continuously makes one disappointed." McGillicuddy adds, “Each person has something unique to give that is needed. We need each other’s gifts. We need each other. Not only do we need to accept others, but we also need to accept ourselves.” Kindness: Tallarico uses Mother Teresa as an example, “In her presence, I felt her whole energy was humbling and healing. Loving is being aware and sensitive to another person. Loving is deeply caring about another being. It is about being in a sacred relationship with that person, about honoring and respecting them.” McGillicuddy says, “Love is more than being happy with ourselves and loving people around us. True love includes concern for justice and peace for all.” Patience: McKneally shares, “When you feel connected with God, you feel everything is love. Once you get the glimpse of it, it is a motivating factor to get

7 back in that state. With patience, through spiritual practices one can maintain that state of bliss.” Tallarico advises, “Loving is a practice of life and a conscious choice. When I catch myself not loving enough, I recognize that I am impatient with myself; hence I am impatient with others. It is important to love all parts of ourselves.”


Generosity: McKneally said, “My mother-in-law goes out of her way to make sure that people around her are very comfortable. She does it with love and joy and without expecting anything in return. My friend, Traca, is very generous with her time and energy. She radiates a universal love that does not judge or have requirements. “

Psychic & Crystal Fair June 9th 11:00am - 4:00pm FREEPORT

Gentleness: People are of different personalities and temperaments. Some people are very sensitive. I realized the importance of communicating with sensitivity to others’ feelings. Treating others, as they would like to be treated will help me in becoming a more loving person.

Diana Cooper

Courtesy: I take an extra few seconds to wait for the person behind me and hold the door open. Small acts to express gratitude for people who have helped us, such as sending flowers and thank you notes will brighten our lives.

Freeport June 29th - 7:00pm-9:00pm

Honesty: Being truthful in all situations, even if it comes with a cost is the best way to happiness in the long run. We love ourselves when we are truthful. People respect us and our self-esteem enhances.

Angels Can Help Us Thru The 2032 Transition

Forgiveness: I do not hold animosity with anyone. A few people disliked some of my actions over the years. I recently called these people and asked for their forgiveness. It did not matter whose fault it was. I feel lighter and freer without that negative energy. They were appreciative of my call. Even if I feel that someone has hurt me, I forgive and move on. I think maybe the conditions they were brought up in or current struggles that they are facing probably made them act like that.

June 30th - 10:00am-5:00pm Becoming An Enlightened Assended Master July 1st - 11:00am-1:00pm Angel Orbs

Gigi From Sedona Psychic Readings July 13th & 15th 11:00am-5:00pm Freeport

As a result of my recent work, I have found that my relationships are getting stronger. For example, my teenage daughter recently wrote to me, “Daddy, you are the best dad that I could hope for”; one of my colleagues who usually sees things differently told me that she liked the way I was more open to suggestions from others; and a good friend told me that I am much more empathetic now. My children and I started sharing kind things that we have done for others on that day. This brings joy and reinforces bonds among us. Thus by loving others, we will have positive relationships and live happier lives. Since we see things, as we are, when we are happy, we see the goodness in others. Let us love more and live more.

July 14th 11:00am-6:00pm Portland

Leapin' Lizards 123 Main St., Freeport 207-865-0900 449 Forest Ave., Portland 207-221-2363

© 2012 Ashok Nalamalapu. All Rights Reserved.

Ashok Nalamalapu can be reached at, www., 207-772-6898.

Full Schedule and Details Visit

Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer, was a homework assignment to write an autobiography on one page. This is one of the papers handed in. It summarizes all we need to know about life. Autobiography Of My Life ~ By Porshe Nelson Chapter One - I walk down a street... there's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in! I'm lost... I'm helpless... It isn't my fault... It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter Two - I walk down the same street... there's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it... I fall in again... I can't believe I'm in the same place but it isn't my fault... It still takes a long time to get out. Chapter Three - I walk down the same street... There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it there... I still fall in... It's a habit... my eyes are open. I know where I am... It is my fault!... I get out immediately. Chapter Four - I walk down the same street... There's a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter Five - I walk down another street. June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 7

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Through interviewing these women, I have found them to be very wonderful, energetic, simple, radiant, confidant, and content. I have learned by loving and accepting ourselves, we will feel the love for others. Loving is a continuous practice.


Ranging The Implicate: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose by Dr. Charles Silverstein


t is no accident that in the new hit TV show Touch, the dramatic thriller that explores the inner connectivity of all life, the lead character’s surname is Bohm. Bohm is also the surname of quantum physicist David Bohm, who developed an interpretation of the quantum world that accounted for the connectivity of all matter and energy at a deep and hidden level of reality he called the implicate order. The world of matter and energy, our physical universe, Bohm called the explicate order. Using the equations of quantum mechanics, he developed a physics that embraced a fundamental wholeness of the universe connected through the implicate order.

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The implicate order is holographic—each part contains the whole. As such, there is an interconnectedness and wholeness to deep reality. William Blake’s poem that begins “To see a world in a grain of sand…” may be literally true—at the level of the implicate order! Bohm described the implicate order as an enfolded level of reality. The explicate order unfolds from the implicate order. This process is rapid and continuous. In each moment, the explicate order enfolds into the implicate order and all information of the universe is shared. At the end of the moment, the explicate order unfolds in a way that is in response to all the information available in the universe. Bohm called the implicate order the information—in-formation—level of reality. Information and meaning are the fundamental aspects of the implicate order. Meaning is also the essential feature of consciousness, and so the implicate order is closely connected with consciousness. This is the source of non-local mental capacities such as telepathy, remote viewing, and distance healing. Consciousness is the enigma of our times. It is so close to each of us, yet science cannot explain how insentient matter can come together to develop the capacity to have an experience. In a few hundred years time, this era will be looked upon as a dark age in which the implications and power of consciousness were not well understood. But a current understanding that we do have relates consciousness to the implicate order. Karl Pribram, founder of the field of neuropsychology, developed a holonomic brain theory that in some ways matched David Bohm’s holographic theory of the implicate order. Bohm and Pribram met and agreed that the holographic nature of mind bordered the implicate order. On the one hand, one part of our consciousness is of the explicate order relating to sights, sounds, smells, etc. But another part of consciousness is connected to the implicate order. David Loye (1998), a psychologist and evolutionary systems scientist, says that “we may on occasion, range beyond our limited explicate-order consciousness, which captures the major portion of all of our lives, to apprehend the abiding truth ‘out there’ beyond the illusion.” In other words, there are times when we are able to range the implicate order. It is those times that we feel a certain clarity, creativity, curiosity, confidence, courage, connectedness and compassion. Those times of connectivity to the implicate order are also the times that intuition, wisdom and intelligence-of-the-heart lead us to our next step, stage or process in our journey of life. The most effective way to learn to range the implicate order is through processes that can quiet the mind. When we are busy thinking, especially about the past or the future, our consciousness cannot interface and range the implicate order. But when the mind settles down, then we can connect. But, we cannot decide to stop thinking. That is where contemplative practices play a role in allowing the mind to settle down. Through mindfulness, awareness of the breath, repetition of a mantra, or just witnessing whatever comes up, our minds naturally settle down. A mantra of a sacred word from your birth religion can work well. Regularity is important. One can start with only five or ten minutes a day, and work your up to 25 minutes once or twice a day, when you are ready. Then, at times, you will experience a deep inner quiet and will feel the direction for your next step that is resonant with your soul’s purpose.

8 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

There are many other processes to reach that deep level of consciousness in which one can be in contact with the field of information, the implicate order. Through these processes we can consciously evolve to a higher order of consciousness. References: Bohm, D & Hiley B.J. (1993). The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory. New York: Routledge. Loye, D. (1998). The Sphinx and the Rainbow. New York: toExcel. Pribram, K. (1991). Brain and Perception: Holonomy and structure in figural processing. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Charles H. Silverstein, PhD., teaches adult development and transformative practices in the Masters Degree program in Conscious Evolution at The Graduate Institute, Bethany, CT ( He helps his students learn to range the implicate order and find their soul’s purpose. His dissertation topic is adult developmental growth and contemplative practices.

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t h e wa y o f l i fe i t - se l f

A Lifeview Emerging And Unfolding Together What We Attend by Skye Hirst, Ph.D. ife gives us infinite possibilities to be ourselves, to act, to live in concert with other life and yes, to be in conflict with other life as well. It’s as if the loving energy source says here is the gift of life, now you get to choose what to do with it. I will love you no matter what your choices hold always open to you the opportunity for redemption, for renewal and an opportunity to choose again. We act out of some inner wisdom of beingness, some kind of finger print of our nature that unfolds with gentle and sometimes intense creativeness, running like a river finding its opportunities to run wherever it can.


The actions we choose live on and on making ripples of impact in all directions into other living actions and beings’ choices. What a salad of concoctions we make together. Some are rich with flavors soothing and some are pungent, strident, bitter even. What do we do with that? What do we make of it? What actions will we choose next? To what do we attend and to what do we leave to fall away from lack of attention. So this day and epoch of dawning, another marking for renewal, starting again with fresh day, fresh hour, fresh moment, I sit with these Skye thoughts – life creates us as amazing beings – what I call on today in myself is remembering my amazing contribution to the concert and shake hands with others as they make their amazing choices and we create the next emergence “ensemble” together. There is no prescription for what should become, more I sense a description of a living process unfolding, ever unfolding. What a dance! What a miracle of hopefulness!

What a life! And by the way, Norm just keeps on keeping on. He’s home and improving each day. He told me his body/mind is working just fine for the coming new reality.

Visit us on twitter @ autognomics, and our website forum for conversations about growing a new mind and discovering the new emerging assumptions about reality and the meta organizing ways in the energy of life-itself.

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 9

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Always there are constraints. Some are from who we are in form and species, and some from the world in which we inhabit at any given time. Our creative core seems to be given the instructions for how to learn, to discover, to uncover, to find original ways of acting, being, functioning that have never been before. Such revelations come through such constraints I believe. They say to our river, you have this and that to deal with, now what can you make of it? Where do you want to run? How do you want to move with this gift of life you have?


On The Cover Jesus Meditating During the unrecorded years, the Master Jesus meditates at the sacred mountain Kailash.

by Bruce Harman Bruce Harman’s paintings are inspired by visions seen in meditations and moments of stillness.

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Bruce Harman is a full-time professional artist in Santa Cruz, CA. Born August 31, 1958 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with two brothers and a sister, Bruce has lived in New Jersey, Cambridge, England and New Hampshire. He received his B.F.A. in Printmaking from Philadelphia College of Art in 1980. Soon after graduating, he felt the pull to move to California. Bruce found home to be Santa Cruz, California in 1982, where he has lived ever since except for two years which were spent in Mount Shasta. In his reflection, perhaps the pull was to the mellow environment this area had to offer. After moving to Santa Cruz, Bruce found himself working with illustrations, specializing in airbrush techniques. His highly detailed and accurate depictions can be seen on book and CD covers as well as umbrellas, totes and a variety of other gift items. Also skilled in the digital realm, Bruce is well versed in Photoshop and Illustrator, having years of experience working in those programs. Many of his projects involve the computer in their early stages, and finalize with hand brushwork. Though the illustration work was there for Bruce, flashes of visionary inspiration started arriving. Being trained in a conventional art school atmosphere, the visions conflicted with the desire to make "serious art." After a few years of confusion, the visionary work became central to his painting. At the same time, his spiritual studies brought awareness of reincarnation, karma and other metaphysical realities. Many of these concepts inform the imagery he paints. By nature, a patient artist, Bruce may take as much as a whole year to finish a painting. Approaching the easel, the effort/focus is to get out of the way as much as possible and allow clear energy to work through... One of the mysteries of painting is the way the subject permeates the artist, imparting a subtle knowledge. Making a picture of a blossom takes one into the mystery of life expressed through the plant kingdom.

Strawberry Earth

Painting an expanse of stars opens one to the wonder of our incomprehensible universe. Drawing the columns and walls of a temple might connect one to an ancient line of mystics and stonemasons. If the person looking at the picture is touched by this light, if they are perhaps inspired to look within and breathe into the Mystery... the creative efforts are fully rewarded. Namaste!

Buddha Lotus

Bruce Harman's personal work is centered on the spiritual realm. Paintings of mythic figures, inspired teachers, goddesses and dolphins can be found on his website: - and you can follow Bruce's work through his Harmon Studio Blog, found at One interesting commission for Bruce has been traffic light boxes. Where there are traffic lights there are traffic light boxes on the side of the road. Towns have noticed that if they are artistically painted there is less graffiti on them. Here are a few, many more can be found on his website. Thank you Bruce for your willingness to share your work with us and to allow everyone to feel the expression of love that you bring to your work and your life, our best to you and your family.

"Painting brings life to a surface! The energy and intention of the artist actually imbues the formerly dull plane with an essence that is impossible to describe." ...Bruce Harman 10 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012


A Path To Meditation by Jessica DuVal


t seems that everywhere we look these days, there is a new a study sharing the benefits of meditation. It’s said that a regular meditation practice can help reduce stress, lower high blood pressure, reduce anxiety, alleviate mild depression; some even say it can help us lose weight! Meditation studies have shown that just 15 minutes a day can provide both long-term physical health and psychological benefits. What the studies don’t indicate is how challenging it can actually be to meditate. One definition of meditation is “the state of non-distraction.” I find it a very rare circumstance to actually be in the “state of non-distraction.” More often, I find myself recreating a stressful situation or getting caught up in my to-do list. I suppose this is why people say that we “practice” meditation.

During the meditation retreat, several skills were imparted to help integrate mindfulness into our daily routines. One was to create the atmosphere that serves as a trigger to inspire a session of meditation. Creating a small space, which could include a small shrine of inspiring images set up in our home, could help encourage us to take the time to meditate. For those of us with a spiritual teacher, listening to short teachings throughout the day could help us remember our motivation to be more peaceful and aware. I began listening to my teacher, Sogyal Rinpoche, author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, on my commute to and from work. It was also encouraged to have the intention of being calm and present in our interaction with others and not just while we are sitting on our cushion. This is a way to truly experience the benefits of meditation. All of these small things helped build the bridge between the retreat and my every day existence. Historically, going to a place to practice meditation has been the way many people have finally understood the importance of meditation and the vast benefits it can bring. The Buddha traveled to Bodhgaya and sat under the Bodhi tree to attain enlightenment – that’s quite a benefit! Every year, millions of people go on pilgrimages of all different religious backgrounds to help quench their spiritual thirst. While for me, going to a place to practice meditation was essential in establishing a foundation for my personal practice, I also needed to figure out how to build a bridge between being on retreat and being a part of society. On occasion, we need to give ourselves permission to care for our deeper nature. That could be allowing ourselves to occasionally go on a retreat somewhere or going to receive teachings from a spiritual teacher. Fortunately, this time, I do not need to travel so far to shore up my spiritual foundation. Sogyal Rinpoche, a well know teacher of Buddhism to western students, will be coming to the east coast this summer to give teachings. Many have said that Sogyal Rinpoche has the incredible ability to create the atmosphere I found so inspiring when I went on my first meditation retreat. I am very much looking forward to being reminded of the refuge that we all have within ourselves, and reinvigorating my daily habit of meditation.

What the studies don’t indicate is

They say it takes 3-4 weeks to form a habit. Establishing that habit at the same time and daily can help it become part of our routine. It has also been said that forming a trigger, some kind of small activity we do just before our habit, can help us to create a new pattern (or in some cases, get rid of an old one). I’ve tried using these tactics to some measure of success, but I never quite felt that meditation came to the point of relieving stress in this way. It always felt more like I was eating spinach – I do it because it is good for me. That is, until I took the time and went on a meditation retreat.

how challenging

it can actually be to meditate.

Outside of my normal routine, it was much easier to feel the direct benefits of meditation. I felt calm, present, aware of my thoughts and emotions, and aware that there is more to all of us than just the narrow world we usually live in. It truly felt like I was living all the benefits I had read about. I was inspired and committed to bring this experience back into my every day life. Rather quickly after my return, I felt the challenges of meditating return. Almost instantly, I noticed a difference between the way I felt when I was on a retreat to the way my mind was in my every day life. I no longer felt spacious but was back to my reactionary ways. I no longer felt present because I was constantly making mental checklists of what I needed

Jessica DuVal has been in the field of education for the past 10 years. She spent most of her experience working with underserved populations in the state of California. In 2010, she relocated to upstate New York with her husband to work for an educational non-profit. She has been practicing meditation since 2005 and (eventually) found it to be a great support to her.

“Real devotion is an unbroken receptivity to the truth. Real devotion is rooted in an awed and reverent gratitude, but one that is lucid, grounded, and intelligent.” ...Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 11

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With that being said, in our incredibly busy worlds, with packed schedules, too much time behind a computer screen, the stress of looming deadlines, obligations with family and friends, just the idea of taking time for you to meditate can feel like a luxury. Even though all of these studies declare the many benefits of meditation, why would I spend my very limited free time doing something that is so difficult? Just as we know that eating a diet filled with vegetables, whole grains, and regular exercise is good for us, our discipline naturally wanes as our schedules grow busy and French fries and a beer look too good to pass up. How can we continue to keep ourselves inspired to do what we know is good for us?

to do. But because I felt the tangible effects of meditation while I was away and knew that something beneficial was happening even if I couldn’t quite feel it, I was committed to integrating this new habit.

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12 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

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Our focus will be to help participants to become aware through feeling, how grounded and ungrounded, calm and chaos feels. You will learn what triggers these states and activities/focuses to become and stay grounded (internally calm). You will also learn how your ability to ground or be calm influences your health and well-being. Sliding Scale $45 to $60

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June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 13

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Celebrating 20 years of


Tarot Reveals Solutions to Intergenerational Needs in a Changing Economy Both the young and the elder generations are mired in economic strife that affects not only our ability to meet basic costs for living—shelter, food, safety, education, health and well care—it is affecting how we evolve spiritually. For both generations, prior to the economic crash of 2008, the world was a very different place. A soaring stock market in the late 1990’s allowed most Americans the ability to afford not only what they needed, they could spend money on things they simply “wanted.” High school seniors had a good chance for affording the cost of a higher education. They could be confident they would find a good paying job—if not their dream job—soon after graduation. Retirees, members of the Baby Boom generation, had nest eggs they could count on hatching for travel and leisure in the ‘second prime of life.’ Economically and energetically, the world, indeed, has changed.

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The Tarot Cards can enlighten us regarding how we might, as a conscious nation, work through solving the needs of both the young and the old during these economically, and spiritually, turbulent times. An ancient divination tool, the Tarot is both wise and direct, and so did not disappoint in the guidance it offered upon my inquiry.1 The first card that I pulled was the Ten of Pentacles. The image on this card shows a family that is clearly intergenerational, working together to provide peace and prosperity to the young and the elder generations depicted on the card. Families, not so long ago, lived in close community with one another. It was typical for two or three generations to occupy a multi-family residence or to live in homes within a few streets of one another. As I meditated with this particular card, I was reminded of my own family of Irish immigrants. My grandparents, my parents, and an aunt and uncle and all the children lived in a three-family home in New Britain, CT. This family living arrangement provided reliable childcare when a parent was ill or worked. It provided children (and parents, too) comfort that they were with family, not strangers. When my grandmother became ill, it was my aunt and my mother who nursed her back to health. When there was snow to shovel, or heavy work to be done, three generations of men put their muscle behind the job. With the Ten of Pentacles, the Tarot is revealing that this kind of close community—be it the “old fashioned” living arrangements of blood-relatives or the village of friends and neighbors who can be trusted and relied upon in the same way—is vital to the emotional, physical and spiritual growth of both the young and elder in our society. The Tarot, through this card, is advising us to seek a more sustainable way of communal living whether within families or amongst those of like mind and hearts. The Ten of Pentacles offered a “bigger picture” on an important contributor to the strife that many individuals and families are facing these days. This led me to my next inquiry: “What can be done to lighten the load so many people are carrying in this challenging new economy?” The Tarot’s wisdom brought forth the Six of Cups. This card depicts a girl putting her arm around the shoulder of a younger child who might be a brother. Six vases holding beautiful flowers surround them. I understood the wisdom of this card to convey the importance of the older generation investing in and guiding the younger generation. The seeds we sow with the young blossom in the future. It is the younger generation, having grown-up, who will care for and sustain all that we truly hold valuable in this world. It is only through our humanity that we are brought together and made stronger spiritually. So, we must invest our time and energy in guiding the young toward a more viable world, in mind, body and spirit. There are many ways to apply this Tarot Wisdom in our lives. You can take an hour a week to mentor a young person in our community. You can teach them a skill, a craft or just spend time in nature. You could coach a sport and be a positive 14 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

role model through physical activity. You might want to volunteer at a local food pantry or Habitat for Humanity. Consider shopping at consignment or Good Will stores that recycle household items and clothing to help support charities. You can grow your own vegetables. Think about the talents you have and the time you can spare to help others in an ever-changing economic landscape. The Tarot Wisdom, in this inquiry, shows us we would be wise to change the way we approach our lives and how we live and act among one another. We are likely to find a better life by nurturing relationships between the generations. Blending age and wisdom with the energy and optimism of youth would be powerful as an antidote for depression and frustration in difficult times. 1 For the purpose of this column, I drew only two cards from the Tarot Deck. I have no doubt the Tarot’s wisdom on this topic, using the entire deck would provide even greater insight and practical application.

Karen Hollis is one of Connecticut’s most highly regarded professional psychics. She is a sought-after Master Tarot reader who has over 25 years experience both reading and teaching the Tarot. A former marketing executive, Karen leads dynamic workshops throughout New England. Karen is also the Lead Psychic/Medium Investigator with Ghosts of New England Research Society a.k.a. G.O.N.E.R.S. She is writing her first book The Way of Tarot: Discover Your Life Patterns and Find Your Way to Happiness. For a reading with Karen, please call (860) 665-8024 between the hours of 9:00a.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST. You may find out more about Karen at, on Facebook:, Twitter:!/readingsbykaren or follow Karen’s Blog:

*To send a question for consideration for the column, please email Your message will be forwarded to Karen Hollis.


Behind The Book with Diana Cooper by Karen M. Rider Diana Cooper, author of 20 spiritual books for adults as well as a series for children, radiates a rare combination of luminosity, grounded being and exuberance in her well-known teachings on angels, orbs, Atlantis, ascension and worldwide forecasts on the New Golden Age-2032. Like many visionaries, Diana realized her life’s spiritual purpose after a period of personal crisis. Her first angelic encounter occurred while she was in the midst of getting divorced and had been feeling “desperately scared and a total victim.” She recalls the day she threw herself into a chair and said, ‘If there’s anything out there, show me and you have one hour.’ (She was going out an hour later, hence the deadline!) What happened, next? “A beautiful golden angel, about six foot tall stood in front of me and pulled me out of my body. We flew together and I was shown my future as a spiritual teacher standing on a platform talking to huge audiences. The angel brought me back exactly an hour later. I was somewhat in shock. That was my life changing event.” Diana has dedicated her life to working through the Spiritual Masters who have taught her about the spiritual realms. Diana spoke with ITJ about helping people access their psychic and spiritual potential, spirit guides, ascension and the Golden Age.

Diana: This is a difficult question for I have been blessed with so many experiences. A recent one was quite awesome. I was feeling very upset about something most unfair that had been said [to me]. It kept churning in my mind; I knew it was holding my energy down. So I walked to my local forest and asked the nature kingdom to transmute the painful feelings. Almost at once I felt a fairy on my shoulder and heard her singing my name. I was surrounded by elementals singing ‘Diana’ with great love. Then angels surrounded me and sang my name with them. Finally, I could see a unicorn above pouring light down on me. When they finished I thanked them with my heart warm and brimming with love. When I left the forest I could not even remember what the pain was about! Karen: Unicorns have always fascinated me. Can you share a little bit about your encounter with these creatures and what they have to teach us? Diana: I was sitting in my garden one day when I became aware of a high-frequency white energy behind me. I knew it was not an angel. I realised it was a unicorn. Unicorns are the purest of the pure, seventh dimensional beings of the angelic realms. Everyone was connected to his or her unicorn during the Golden Age of Atlantis but they withdrew when Atlantis fell. At last, we have raised our frequency so that they can return to help us. They work with the desires of our soul whereas angels work with the wishes of our hearts. As soon as a light goes on above your head to say that you want to serve humanity, your community or something beyond yourself, your unicorn will connect with you. They give you the dignity, light, joy and power to fulfil your vision. In my book, The Wonder of Unicorns, I tell many stories of unicorn encounters and just how they are helping us prepare for the new Golden Age. Karen: What’s the difference between soul desires and heart wishes? Diana: You may have a heartfelt wish that lights you up [inside] when you think of it; you can ask the angels to help you to bring this into your life. However, your soul carries the wisdom and experiences of all your lives and is very high frequency. In order to incarnate at the current time, your soul must be at least seventh dimensional. You then step down into lower frequencies when you incarnate. The unicorns work with the seventh to ninth dimensional frequencies and so try to bring about that which satisfies the highest and purest visions of your soul. Karen: On your website, you write: “Angels do not have free will. Their will is the Will of the Divine/G_d.” I have learned that Angels are tasked to carry out the Will of the Divine but they do have free choice. After all, it was Lucifer’s choice to turn away from Divine Will and go his own way. Many angels followed him. How do we reconcile these two different philosophies? Diana: As I understand it the desire of angels is to do the Divine Will. Lucifer was asked to support the lower frequencies and agreed to do so, throwing himself into the task. He got drawn into the lower energies and as the planet moves into the fifth dimension he will find his way back.

Diana: Enlightenment is a function of the third eye, which expands our understanding of the universe. Ascension is a function of the heart and Stellar Gateway in which we embrace our divinity and become one with All That Is. Karen: Your latest book on the Transition to the Golden Age of 2032 conveys spiritual forecasts. What would you like readers to understand about these types of predictions? Diana: In the Transition to the Golden Age of 2032, I write, “A forecast is simply that – an intimation of the probability based on the current consciousness.” We have the power to change it. If a prediction excites you and fills you with joy, then you know that this is a possibility that you can empower by energizing it. If you dislike a prediction, you can raise your consciousness and attract something better into your life. Karen: Personally, I avoid the nightly news as often as I can because it is too painful to take in. Like many other seekers, I want to usher in change. What is the next step every person can take to encourage the transition to the Golden Age? Diana: Whatever we focus on we energise, which is why it is preferable to avoid the evening news full of doom and conflict. The best thing we can do is focus on the vision of the Golden Age. Envision people and countries co-operating, picture abundance for all, and see a world at peace. Make a clear decision to be and to live with fifth dimensional energy. At the cosmic moment on 21st December wondrous energies will become available to help you on your ascension path. If you are ready, you can move into higher ascension and true happiness. The time is NOW. U.S. Tour Info: New England Tour Dates Circles of Wisdom Bookstore, Andover, Mass Thursday, June 21st, 7:00-9:00 pm ~ Angel Orbs Friday, June 22nd, 7:00-9:00 pm ~ How the Angels Can Help Us through the Transition to 2032 Saturday, June 23rd, 7:00-9:00 pm ~ Transition to the New Golden Age of 2032 Workshop Sunday, June 24th, 10:00 am-5:00 pm ~ Becoming an Enlightened Ascended Master The Vermont Inn, Mendon, Vermont Tuesday, June 26th 10:00 am-5:00 pm How the Angels can help us through the Transition of 2012 and Beyond Leapin’ Lizards, Freeport, Maine Friday, June 29th, 7:00-9:00 pm ~ How the Angels Can Help Us Through the Transition to 2032 Saturday, June 30th, 10:00 am-5:00 pm ~ Becoming an Enlightened Ascended Master Sunday, July 1st, 11:00 am-1:00 pm ~ Angel Orbs Transition to the Golden Age in 2032 by Diana Cooper ~ ISBN: 978-1-84409-558-2 Explaining what will happen after the spiritual changes predicted to occur in the year 2012 according to ancient prophecies, this handbook shows how to tap into the energies of the universe to gain understanding of the changes taking place. Exciting new spiritual energies will be coming into the planet and influencing specific areas, and economic, political, and climatic shifts are predicted to occur. Renowned cosmic scholar Diana Cooper includes a time frame for this massive transition that is anticipated to last until Earth moves into the fifth dimensional frequency in 2032. From what to expect to how to prepare, the teachings in this book serve as guidance for the next 20 years, so that people will be able to attune themselves to the spiritual forces that are coming. Karen M. Rider writes about all things holistic and metaphysical. She has interviewed many pioneers in the fields of natural health, consciousness studies and energy medicine including Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Judith Orloff and Joan Borysenko. An accomplished copy/ghostwriter, Karen is passionate about helping holistic health business owners promote who they are and what they do – with clarity, integrity and creativity. She is working on her first novel, The Gathering, a tale of metaphysical suspense set at Gillette Castle. Learn more:

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 15

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Karen: Of the experiences you have had, which do you consider most profound in your work with the many Energies that you have encountered?

Karen: Let us hope so! I’d like to ask you about Ascension — is this the same as “enlightenment” or different in its meaning?


mod er n s h am an i c l i v i ng

Creating Space Between

The Rock And The Hard Place by Evelyn C. Rysdyk


o matter how much attention we bring to our spiritual practice, there can still be those times that have us feeling as though we are being squeezed by situations that are unworkable or unmovable. For instance, you could be experiencing a physical illness or disability. You might be feeling financially restricted. You may be experiencing a difficult relationship issue, or you could feel trapped in your job. Everyone has these kinds of difficult times and it is important to use your spiritual resources to buoy yourself—especially in times of trouble. Indeed, a spiritual practice doesn’t exempt any of us from the ups and downs of being human; instead it provides us with an emotional, psychological and physiological lifeboat to carry us over life’s rough seas. There are simple steps that you can begin practicing right now that can help you if you are in a tough spot. And even if your life feels perfect now, practicing these steps will give you more resilience as your life’s circumstances bounce up and down. Indeed, creating spiritual and emotional spaciousness can help you ride over the bumps in life’s road with the suspension of a luxury vehicle instead of feeling like you’re a decrepit jalopy with bad shocks!

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fresh perspectives. Getting the “spirit’s eye” view of what is happening can provide a larger context and help to support us to clarify what needs to happen in a new way. Expanding the consciousness gives the imagination a turbo boost and our divine imagination gives us the ability to experience undreamed possibilities. In journeys, dreams and visions, we are able to glimpse new possibilities for our selves and solutions for our situation. 3. While using your expansive method of journeying or meditation, ask for felt experiences of the new possibilities. When we feel a new possibility, we give our body mind and spirit a new “reality blueprint.” By feeling how we want our life to be, we initiate the process of dreaming it into reality. In essence, it helps you to embody changes that you desire. It also gives you a benchmark by which you’ll test out new opportunities! As your life unfolds and new possibilities present themselves, you can check whether they resonate with the feelings you experienced in your journey. Often, we get hung up on details of how we want this to be which can limit the spirit’s endless creativity! By being able to test new circumstances against feelings instead of preconceived ideas, we can make the choices that resonate with what we desire. Even when the presented Steps to develop “spaciousness” choices don’t seem to “make sense,” this method can 1. The very first step is to begin practicing gratitude Indeed, a spiritual practice help steer us in a more fulfilling direction. about where you are right now on your path. Find 4. Once you have felt how the new you or a new doesn’t exempt something(s) in your current life experience for which you circumstance can feel, begin doing feeling meditations are grateful. Even if it feels as though everything has gone or prayers to help move you toward your goal. These any of us from the bad, look for those things and experiences you are having involve feeling the desired changes as if they have that are worth celebrating! Be grateful for your senses— ups and downs already happened! Feel yourself immersed in your new the ability to see, or hear, or touch or taste the world. reality happening in the present moment. How does it of being human; Allow yourself to experience feelings of gratitude for the feel, smell, look or taste to be in this new life? During two-legged and four-legged loved ones you have around these meditations or prayers, give yourself permission instead it provides us you. Be grateful for being able to enjoy nature, even if to surround yourself fully in the new reality. Doing this it is through a window. Joyfully celebrate the sunrise or along with your gratitude practice can not only shift the with an emotional, the moon in the sky. Appreciate the summer rain. Feel perceptions you have about where you are—it can begin appreciation for cool water on a hot day and a cooling psychological and physiological to shift the situation itself. breeze. Be grateful that you are alive and able to feel. Remember there isn’t just one way to solve the lifeboat to carry us over It is critical to practice gratitude, “religiously.” This problem. You desire to feel a certain way—feeling practice will keep you in balance, help to reduce the it already accomplished is what you bring to the life’s rough seas. stress that you may be feeling about your current meditation. This begins weaving the solutions that will situation and will keep you in alignment with the bring those feelings into reality—perhaps in a form you universal flow. Remember that stress can create illness can’t imagine now! The last thing you want to do is limit and interfere with your body’s functions. Giving your universal flow. By releasing any attachment that you attention to being grateful actually provides an antidote to the effects of stress. The have to how your changes have to happen, you allow better circumstances to manifest feelings of gratitude, love, compassion and appreciation provide us with spiritual and than you could have created in your mind! emotional buoyancy that provides physical healing from the effects of stress and also 5. Practice openness so that you’ll be able to see and feel opportunities as they arise. gives all the systems of the body a huge boost! Remember, the solution you desire may not arrive in a package that you expect or imagine. For those of you that already have a gratitude practice – make it something that You need to cultivate an openness that will allow you to be able to see possibilities. Open you attend to even more often. Rather than only attaining a state of gratitude in the your heart, your eyes and your mind to even unusual solutions! If you aren’t sure how to do morning or during your prayers, make it a practice that you continually return to many this, or if it feels like too much of a stretch, do a journey to your primary teacher or take times over the course of your day. This is especially important when your situation has this into a prayer/meditation to ask how you can best develop openness. you feeling panicky or trapped. You need to keep releasing the restrictions that you 6. Make sure to follow up on opportunities. Your effort helps to support manifestation feel. Gratitude will help you to heal the damage that fear or anger creates in your body. of a new situation—a new reality. Bringing feelings and thoughts into alignment is one You can think of gratitude as an emotional, spiritual and physical salve—a soothing part of the equation. The next step is to take action. If you don’t immediately succeed balm for your being. at a goal or purpose, continue to make the choice to realign and take action. As you The resilience a gratitude practice provides can keep you from “sinking” into despair do this, you will continue to progress forward. Remember, since all is sacred, the path when you stumble, lose your way, become discouraged or become impatient. (If you toward your goal is equal to the goal itself. need support for your gratitude practice, please use the guided imageries on Spirit 7. Pay attention to what Nature provides for support. Our ancestors always sought Passages’ Becoming the New Human CD, wisdom of nature and looked for signs and support from the Earth. For instance, Evelyn Rysdyk Knowlton/dp/B00006UFP8) pay more attention to the cycles of the moon, the seasons and the weather. Nature is 2. While you are in the state of gratitude, you are able to access your full being always remaking herself. She flows in marvelous cycles and produces miracles at every and begin opening to possible solutions. From your baseline of gratitude, you can turn. Celebrate the new beginnings that are always unfolding around you. Look for signs then use the shamanic journey or meditation to get a broader perspective about your of new growth, notice shifts in color or changes in temperature and wind direction. If situation than your mind or personality can grasp. Often times, we trap ourselves when you are near the ocean, pay attention to the pattern of the tides. Notice the signs of we look at a situation from only the personality’s perspective. From this viewpoint, movement and growth in the Earth. That growing energy is delightfully contagious and we can “shut down” possibilities before they’ve had a chance to be explored. Using because you are a part of her body, growth is touching you in ways you might not realize! an expansive method like shamanic journeying can help to open up new ideas and 16 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

17 8. Connect with supportive people. Human beings were designed for connection with others of our tribe. We thrive in relationship with like-minded spirits. To support your shifts, you may want to form an alliance with one friend for whom you can provide reciprocal support. Look around your life for those people who are also growing. Your goal is to gather persons around you who can both support you where you are now and encourage where you want to go! 9. Keep doing all of these steps. Do not give up! The universe is always moving pieces around on the playing board, so your job is to keep being prepared, being open and taking action as the opportunities arise! Here is a meditative process that can help you to cultivate feelings of grateful spaciousness: 1. Begin by finding a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Sit down in a comfortable chair that allows your back to be straight with your feet on the floor. 2. With your hands folded gently in your lap, close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe. Allow your breaths to be both quiet and full–somewhat like the breaths of the deep sleep state. 3. As you begin to more fully relax, notice that your breath originates in the center of your chest. Imagine a light there that grows brighter with every breath you take. 4. Continue breathing and call the spirits that you trust around you. 5. Let yourself feel their presence and their love for you.

6. Breathe in with the awareness of being surrounded by loving support. 7. You are enough. You are loved. 8. Breathe out any tension-—any fear—any doubts. 9. Notice the stillness between your breaths. In this stillness, you are whole. All is well and you are bathed in the light of your heart. 10. You are a magnificent part of the splendid universe. Your light is a part of the fabric of light that underlies all matter. Breathe in this knowing. 11. Feel this awareness entering every cell of your being. Know that you are able to hold onto this awareness of your light. 12. Gently bring your awareness back your surroundings and thank your body, your mind and your connections to All That Is. © 2012 Evelyn C. Rysdyk Nationally recognized shaman teacher/healer, speaker, and author of Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path and the soon to be published Spirit Walking a Course in Shamanic Power, Evelyn C. Rysdyk delights in supporting people to remember their sacred place in All That Is. Whether through face-to-face contact with individual patients, workshop groups and conference participants, or through the printed word—Evelyn uses her loving humor and passion to open people’s hearts and inspire them to live more joyful, fulfilling and purposeful lives. In joint practice with Allie Knowlton as Spirit Passages, her web site is

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The Singletons are dynamic conference speakers, empowering workshop leaders and authors. Their Center consists of a team of highly skilled professional therapists who integrate the innovative and cutting edge EOL™ Healing Process into their sessions.

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June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 17


l ovin g ear t h Food For Urban Homesteading by River J. Lee Photo Courtsey of Yankee Post and Beam

Our deep love for life and this planet makes many of us want to live intentionally connected to the earth in good stewardship. In that vein, this column explores sustainable living, practical skills for nurturing the inner hunter/gatherer and stories from the wilderness. Urban homesteading is a popular and growing lifestyle that can counter many of today’s social, economic and environmental problems. People have ever increasing awareness about issues such as corporate greed and irresponsibility, consumerism, problems with industrial agriculture, environmental degradation, struggling economies and global warming. In addition many people may feel disconnected from wholesome community and the natural world. A quick internet search reveals that modern homesteaders are looking for simpler, more meaningful lives over which they have more control.

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The concept and tradition of homesteading is a part of our cultural heritage. From the pioneers who settled the country to the back to the land movement in the 1960’s and 70’s, the idea of homesteading has developed into a unique archetype. The Homestead Act of 1862 was designed to open up new land to small farmers who did a good job of clearing & farming the land. The act officially ended in 1986. Instead of settling wild lands, urban homesteading brings the principles of self reliance, supporting local economy, social and environmental action to the urban setting. Here is a description from Wikipedia: An urban homestead is a household that produces a significant part of the food, including produce and livestock, consumed by its residents. This is typically associated with residents’ desire to live in a more environmentally conscious manner.

Gardens Gardens are probably the easiest place for an aspiring urban homesteader to start. Some ideas include rooftop gardens, raised beds, window boxes, converted lawns and community gardens. At my family’s home in Maine, we built raised beds in our front yard. We made the boxes out of scraps of rough sawn lumber from a friend’s construction project and used some old plywood with holes drilled in it for the bottoms.

A large part of our homesteading lifestyle is spending time in the forests and waterways around us. Nature, in the form of waterfowl, deer, beaver, squirrel and porcupine provides us with a large percentage of our animal protein.

Wild Edibles Subsistence foraging for wild edibles is a lost skill that our family is trying to re-learn. One of my goals has been to become familiar with every plant, animal and tree in the forest and water communities. Every year I try to add new wild edibles to my diet and knowledge. This endeavor has been very time consuming, but rewarding as my knowledge grows. Many wild foods require lots of manual labor to harvest and then much more labor to process them into an edible form. Wapato or Arrowhead root is a plant that grows in marshes and has delicious tubers that grow about a foot under the mud. The way I harvest the Wapato tuber is to stand in the water and mud and stomp and kick until I dig a hole in the muck. Eventually the tubers are loosened up and float to the surface. Interestingly enough, if you find a Canada goose in a patch of Arrowhead you can watch it do the same thing and swallow the tubers whole. Back at home, the tubers can be scrubbed, peeled and cooked like potatoes.

Instead of settling wild lands, urban homesteading brings

Another time consuming endeavor involves processing cattail rhizomes. I harvest cattail rhizomes by standing in the water at the edge of a cattail stand. Bending over with hands in the water, I feel around for the horizontal rhizomes. With a knife underwater, I cut where the rhizomes attach to the root balls of cattail plants. The hard part comes when I make flour. I first need to peel the outer soft layer. I find that my fingernails get sore from scraping. Next I mash the core and vigorously shake the starches out from between the stringy fibers. The fibers and the pithy outer layer go into the compost and I let the starch settle to the bottom. This starch can be dried into flour or used wet to make pancakes, crepes or whatever else you want to bake. It can be combined with acorn flour, wheat flour, etc. as your creativity allows.

the principles of self reliance, supporting local economy,

social and environmental action to the urban setting.

We filled the boxes with a soil mixture of vermiculite, sphagnum peat moss and compost. This combination made light, loose and moist soil that will never need to be turned. I’ve had traditional row gardens that I roto-tilled each spring, but found the weeds to be horrible. I’ve since learned that roto-tilling or turning the soil helps the weed seeds germinate and destroys the soil structure.

Compost is nature’s way of recycling nutrients and is essentially decomposed plants and animal manure. Composting saves organic material from going to a landfill and puts it to good use. It is even possible to compost human manure and “complete” the nutrient cycle. Experts say that it is best to contain the compost pile in a three or four foot cube. This is small enough to allow an aerobic composting process, yet large enough to allow the heat loving bacteria to thrive. Use chicken wire, old pallets or just about anything to create the composting structures. To make the compost decompose faster mix it, break it up and turn it. We grow vegetables, herbs, rhubarb, berries and peaches and pears. I’d like to add Shitake Mushrooms to the list of edibles that we grow.

Animals We have friends and family who raise and keep chickens, pigs, sheep, cows, alpacas and llamas. We plan to raise some chickens for meat this summer and if all goes well will add some laying hens next year. In preparation, we’re going to build a chicken tractor which is a moveable enclosure for the chickens. The chicken tractor

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gives the chickens a chance to forage for insects and seeds while in turn fertilizing the soil. Each day the chicken tractor will be moved to a fresh spot in our small field. Next year we plan on keeping some hens for eggs. For this we’ll build a chicken coop complete with laying boxes and elevated perches. The egg hens will have a fenced in area as well as access to the forest that is adjacent to our back yard.

Preserving Food We save our harvest by freezing, canning, drying or storing in our cellar. We store all our meat and seafood in one freezer and have a separate freezer for fruit and vegetables. Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, peas, broccoli, spinach, kale, shredded zucchini and summer squash, cooked pumpkin and more are either vacuum sealed or placed in Ziploc bags prior to freezing. Because the contents of the freezer represent a huge investment of time, we are careful to borrow a gas powered electric generator if the electric grid goes down. Canning requires a lot of work and energy up front, but does not require any electricity for storage. The easiest foods to preserve in jars are fruits and veggies that either have high acidity or are preserved with vinegar or sugar. If done properly, the risk for botulism poisoning is fairly low. Examples of this category of canned goods includes jams, fruit preserves, tomato based recipes and pickles. For

Continued on page 41


w and erin g s age w i sd o m

and substitutes it with an artificial construct, in many ways similar to the concept portrayed in the movie The Matrix. Most people do not realize that when they turn on their television, they are seeing a repetitive pattern of flickering images, which creates a state similar to hypnosis. Studies have shown that within the first minute of television viewing, brain waves switch from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention. Our brain’s left hemisphere, the part that processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes information emotionally and non-critically, is allowed to function without hindrance. The result is that when viewing television, we do not consciously rationalize the information resonating within our unconscious depths at the time of transmission. We become more open and suggestible to the messages that are being conveyed. Is it any wonder that, in a world where children spend an average of 44 hours a week connected in some way to electronic media, levels of anxiety, depression and attention-deficit have gone through the roof ? And it is no better for adults. It is at times like this when we need to be guided back to the wisdom the other living beings of this planet have for us. We need to reconnect with nature to bring our lives back into balance. And I’m not talking about watching a show on the Discovery Channel.

Unplugged From Nature by Aaron Hoopes

Aya Itagaki


The Heart of Nature Recent discoveries in neuroscience have proven that more than 50% of the heart is comprised of neural cells. It is from our hearts that we process our energetic connection to everything we come in contact with. The problem is that we have cut ourselves off from this connection by allowing ourselves to be distracted by technology and all of its associated noise. We cannot hear it if we are not listening. The consciousness of plants may be vastly different from our understanding of consciousness. Interacting with plants is not simply about talking to them. It is much more about opening the lines of communication with them on an energetic level and sharing our lifeforce. By opening our hearts and experiencing nature in its fullness we can begin to realize this connection. It is a purely experiential experience. We have to spend time in nature to truly feel it. If you are reading this, then it is very likely that you already understand what I am saying. You have felt this connection to nature. You have probably also felt the frequency of distraction that comes from our fascination with electronic technology. It is also very likely that you know someone who is caught up in that frequency and unplugged from nature. It is time to pass this message on and change the dynamic that has ensorcelled us. Today, right now, go for a walk outside with someone you know who could really use some nature energy. Breathe deeply and open yourself to the life force energy around you. It is time to plug back into nature. Where do we go from here? Outside. Wishing you much peace. Please visit my blog to share any comments you may have. More Wandering Sage Wisdom at: Aaron Hoopes has spent 30 years studying and teaching martial arts, tai chi, yoga and meditation. He is an author, retreat facilitator and the founder of Zen Yoga. Zen Yoga offers online spiritual deepening and personal development courses as well as summer retreats at the Shen Qi Retreat and Yoga Center in the mountains of Vermont. The Zen Yoga Daily Warm Up DVD is a simple method for integrating breath and movement into daily life. To contact Aaron or to find out more about Zen Yoga, please visit the Zen Yoga website:

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June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 19

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hese days we seem to be plugged into everything. Handheld mobile wifi platforms are making it possible to stay connected everywhere we go. Wall-sized, flat screen, high definition televisions dominate our living spaces, feeding us a never ending diet of information and advertising. Facebook, Twitter and texting have become the preferred method for keeping in touch with people. There is no doubt that it can be very stimulating to feel so connected and yet it can hardly be denied that there is a feeling of underlying emptiness. We have lost something. The more plugged into things we get, the more disconnected from nature we become. Take a moment to reflect on your daily life and determine how much time you spend in front of the computer, on the phone, watching television, texting, blogging, facebooking or whatever. Now subtract the amount of time you spend sitting outside, walking in the woods, gardening or otherwise interacting with nature. The result is your Nature Deficit. The bigger the Nature Deficit the more out of balance with the life force of the natural world you are. All living things are connected by the life force that flows through them. If you can imagine this connection as billions and billions of tiny web-like fibers linking all things in creation, you can begin to understand how we are intertwined. This web of life is made up of the life force energy that is part of everything. And every living thing is part of it. The plants and animals of the world, including humans, all have a relationship to each other. At the most basic level this is obvious. It is no accident that the oxygen we breathe is a by-product of the plants as they go through the life process of photosynthesis. Just as the carbon dioxide we exhale is exactly what plants require to live. But the connection goes even deeper than that. In their book The Secret Life of Plants Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird proved, in experiment after experiment, that plants have a much more complex interaction with the world around them, than we think they do. They react to thoughts, feelings and emotions in a manner that could be described as quite humanlike if we were to be so arrogant as to assume we are the ones that originally developed such reactions. This is the same for animals as well. But something has gone wrong. We humans have become blind to our connection as we rush to cut down the forests, mine the mountains, and frack everything else in between. We are destroying the habitats of wild creatures and making much of the world uninhabitable. We don’t realize or even seem to care that we are damaging the web of life and, ultimately, ourselves. The reason for this is our Nature Deficit. When we are disconnected from the natural world we lose our ability of feeling empathy for what is going on. Our obsession with technological innovation and our infatuation with electronic connectivity cuts us off from the web of life force energy


Awareness and the Art of Seeing: Contemplations on the environment and interconnection by Jen Deraspe

Why I Wake Early Where Does The Temple Begin, Where Does It End? There are things you can’t reach. But you can reach out to them, and all day long. The wind, the bird flying away. The idea of God. And it can keep you as busy as anything else, and happier. The snake slides away; the fish jumps, like a little lily, out of the water and back in; the goldfinches sing from the unreachable top of the tree. I look; morning to night I am never done with looking. Looking I mean not just standing around, but standing around as though with your arms open. And thinking: maybe something will come, some shining coil of wind, or a few leaves from any old tree – they are all in this too.

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And now I will tell you the truth. Everything in the world comes. At least, closer.

Where does the temple begin? Where does it end? Getting swallowed in the notion of responsibility and obligation, the blind deaf-mute began to burn down the temple. What I mostly saw was only work left to do and it was never, ever done. How could it be? That's what we do, create and complete over and over and over. I lost sight of the trees, the sky, the water, the temple surrounding and within me. A winter of fragrant, blooming flowers pierced open my heart. Their sweet aroma penetrated the sleep walker. Sustainability has become personal. Choice in consuming, not consuming once seemed political, environmental, as if casting a vote for sustaining life on the planet. If all is energy and all is an extension of universal consciousness, I am that too. Can I live in a way that is sustainable for my consumption and regeneration, like a well being tapped and refilled? I am the natural world, an outgrowth, as is every human, every speck, every life form. Sustainability wreaks of balance, a solid foundation supporting the parts above it. Rooted feet holding up the merciful heart, the truth~loving mind. A hollow bone transmitting and transporting the Infinite through and to, unless there is a closed door along the way, blocking the natural flow of giving and receiving. Where does the temple begin? End? I live through this body temple and walk upon this earth temple. Everything and everyone the same. The flower in the field does not labor nor toil. The pine tree grows down, out, up to what feeds and supports it. It is strong enough to withstand gale forces, unless it is not. Even it is falling and dying, it gives back. Transformed into a nurse log. Show me death in the nursing of new life. So this one will return to the familiar and see about sustainability, moment to moment, choice by choice, following the voice, the wind, the flow filled with ease. Unless it does not. And it has a sustained reference for balance now.

And, cordially. Like the nibbling, tinsel-eyed fish; the unlooping snake. Like goldfinches, little dolls of gold fluttering around the corner of the sky of God, the blue air.

20 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

...Mary Oliver

Jen Deraspe, holistic life coach and founder of Nurture Through Nature Retreat Center is completing a 6 month sabbatical in California. She returns to Maine to see what she has learned. FMI:


A Breath of Healing by Donna Amrita Davidge

Where Do We Go From Here? A few weeks ago as I sat talking to a man I teach yoga to in his home I saw that he had this saying next to him on the side table: “Patience is the ability to end our expectations.” All my life I have been collecting quotes to live by but had never heard this one. It was part of this man’s work to heal himself, not knowing when and if that would happen. Today as I was leaving our session this man gifted me the book Morrie In His Own Words. He said he thought the quote on his side table might have been lifted from this book. I had read Tuesdays with Morrie years ago, hungry not only for inspirational quotes but also for books that help us grow spiritually and mentally. What I had forgotten was that Morrie had Lou Gehrig’s disease, which one of my cousins is now in the advanced stages of.


Feelings do not have to be rational. Feelings are what you feel. I was not going around all day acting dramatic, rude to people or teaching my 4 sessions of yoga that day by bringing my personal drama into it. Still the emotions were real and they were there. Here was Morrie telling me I should learn how to grieve, just as he had to learn to grieve the death of his mother when he was eight years old and to grieve the deterioration of death approaching that his disease gave him. Certainly it is healthy to shed the tears, whatever it is that you are facing that is making you feel that way. It was understandable that the student who gave me the book was reading books like this. He had studied yoga with me in the late 80’s, recalling how he was intimidated the first time because the class was all women, so he walked out. The woman who had told him to come because he had told her he was doing tapes and books at home then took him to class with her, initiating him to our yoga circle. I have moved on from this place, the first place I ever taught and where I stayed twenty years. I had not taught there in years when he contacted me asking if I offered private yoga lessons. In New York City this is usually for a busy executive or some fashonista who loves the physical workout and trend of yoga, knowing it will help their focus, fitness and life. On occasion I have even taught a movie star or two along the way. This man’s case was different.

We used to tease him that he resembled George Clooney. I never knew what he did for work, only that he came to the class at this residential health club and spoke of hiking on the weekends. He also worked out at the gym. His lifestyle was active. In 2007 he retired at age fifty, as some people are able to do in New York City. In 2009 his life would be changed forever. He was feeling fatigued, had plans for traveling the world in his retirement, spending time in Asia and coming to visit us at our yoga retreat in Maine. His world changed forever. Frustrated by not knowing what was happening, he kept seeking medical help to discover the diagnosis. Then he noticed that his stovetop was creating little burn marks on the counter next to the stove. He realized that the stove was emitting small doses of carbon monoxide. He replaced the stove and became homebound, his central nervous system deeply impaired. That was three years before I began to work with him; he worked with a doctor, tai chi and chi gong teachers and had someone come work with chanting and breathing. Gradually, extremely gradually, he began to function a little better. Still he can only do very gentle yoga, not do deep breathing with any force and is home bound. When working with him I must be careful to speak slowly and softly. And every day I am sure the question lingers in his mind, “Where do we go from here?”

Despite the challenges going on in my life and despite the challenges and uncertainties in this man’s path of healing, there is always the appreciation of the present. What can we be grateful for right now? There is a Native American saying: “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way” One thing that Morrie reminds us is that even if we spend our entire life seeking the answers of life and death, the mystery of this creation we are a part of, we may never find the answers. From an energetic yoga perspective we have a map in the body that we travel, the chakras. In New York City I also teach a series on the Chakras at the Open Center. This is an interesting way to study ourselves. The Chakra System can be studied and worked with from many perspectives – yoga, breath, sound, working with healers. Healing Touch is a fascinating healing system that works with the Chakras and was developed by a nurse. There are mantras we can direct to each Chakra: One- I am (base of spine) Two- I feel (groin and hips) Three- I act (navel) Four- I love (heart) Five- I speak (throat) Six- I see or know (third eye) Seven- I understand (crown)

If we can energetically elevate the energy to the crown, the center of understanding, we have achieved what yogis call enlightenment. When I first started studying Kundalini Yoga I was fascinated by it. It was lifting some of the fears and anxiety and buried emotions that had caused certain unconscious behaviors, things I was doing from some deep-seated and deep-rooted messages in my body and mind. I have discovered, like Morrie, almost thirty years into my practice, that we cannot necessarily expect that enlightenment to happen easily or likely in this lifetime. The more you experience you realize the less you know. Spouting off facts about the chakras or yoga or enlightenment does not give one the experience. Whatever you are going through in your life, you can use the roadmap of self-study to further feel or understand things. You may not find the answers or they may not be what you hoped they were. Or, like my student, you may not have been looking for any deep answers to the questions of life and death but, when faced with a healing crisis, you may be led to them. Donna Sewall Davidge (Amrita) has been teaching yoga since 1985 in New York City and since 1997 at her great grandfather’s historic homestead in Island Falls Maine Her recent chakra series can be found at for home use. Check the website for events at the retreat this summer. Retreats (personalized) are ongoing May through October. (888)-235-2395.

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 21

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Reading the first ten pages of the book on the quick subway ride, Morrie talked about the need to be able to grieve and feel sorrow, different than feeling sorry for your self. All day I have been feeling sad, bursting into tears on the phone with my husband this morning over the futility of fighting corruption, trying to save lives and do it with grace and courage. Several things that were happening in my life had cumulatively made a wave of sadness well within me. It was not just one thing—it was several. A longtime friend and healer in the Kundalini Yoga community had a car accident and was in a coma. Several things I had put a lot of effort into and others, I was still putting much of my time, energy, passion and love into them and they were feeling as if they were not going where I had hoped. How else to describe it?

We live in a time of much uncertainty and change. One day our life looks one way; another day it looks another way. It can happen fast. As humans we strive to be our best, to do our best and yet despite that our health can change, our job can change, our relationships can change. Our planet is changing. We are told to be alarmed by the climate change. We are told the economy is better—no it is worse. One day we feel hopeful and optimistic. The next we are down and discouraged. We can become angry, frustrated, depressed or discouraged. In yoga we are not meant to erase these feelings but to learn how to cope with them. Instead of reaching for the bottle, painkillers or food we reach inside ourselves and uproot the emotions and go through them. It is like being on a highway where you see an obstacle. There is a detour created. It might not be as convenient as the direct route. It takes you through some back roads. That is the way you have to go to get out to the other side. Anger can fuel action if you do not turn it inward to depression. Fear can cause us to overcome instead of becoming anxiety. Recently I heard this: “Depression comes from living in the past, anxiety from worrying about the future.” I could relate to that. Can you? If we realize that sometimes we don’t know the next step, we truly do not know where we are going, we might stop and truly be in the present. (Patience is the ability to end our expectations).


re f le c t i on s of an am at eu r spir it ual spelunker

So, I Went With The Flow, And It Took Me To Tunisia by: Curtis White

O Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

n our Second full day in Tunisia we went to the city of Sousse to see the 8th century medina, (the indoor marketplace) where Tunisians haggle for everything from fish to spices to housewares. It is a busy and colorful place where merchants sell everything from live snails to pots and earthenware, silks, candies, and dried scorpions of various sizes encased in glass boxes. I will admit to picking one up and thinking it was pretty cool. Then I remembered that I’m not eleven, and what would I do with a dried insect in a box. I had to keep reminding myself, too, because several shops were selling them. Instead, my wife and I bought 10 grams of fresh saffron, some harissa and something called 7 spice. This was a much more mature if slightly less satisfying purchase. But the promise of tastier chicken dinners down the line kept me on board. We went into several other shops. We heard things like, “Two dinar. I like you. Two dinar only. Look only. Is okay. Yes, please.” Even after you’d left it was not uncommon for shopkeepers to walk after you trying to get you back, saying, ‘Yes please.’ ‘Yes, please,’ was a familiar phrase. When a waiter said it as you sat down, it meant, ‘What would you like to drink?’ Or, if he said it at the end of dinner, it meant, ‘Thank you.’ When shopkeepers tried to flag you into their shops by saying it, it meant, ‘Take a look.’ When a Taxi driver shouted it at you from across the street, when you clearly weren’t looking for a taxi, it meant, ‘Do you need a cab?’ On the beach, a guy chased after us shouting, ‘Yes, please’ and wouldn’t leave until we took a picture of his pet chameleon on my shoulder and bought a bag of almonds. So, the phrase can mean quite a few things depending on the context. And by the way, salespeople ought to be sent here to learn how it’s really done. There were some pretty clever pitches. “You remember me. I work at your hotel. I served you breakfast. Come. Look in my brother’s shop. You like leather jackets? Feel this quality….” Everything was designed to get you to interact with the merchandise, like getting the fish to take just a small nibble of the bait. And if you kept walking, you’d hear ‘No buy. Just look! Yes, please!’ My favorite was a kid who came up to us and said, “Excuse me, you speak English?” We both nodded. “How much does a ‘kartett’ cost in your country? I need to know if my price is too high. For my shop.” “What’s a ‘kartett?’” I asked. “Right over here,” he started walking toward his shop still looking at us. “You come and look.” My wife and I leaned back and shook our heads. “I don’t think so,” we said, and laughed. But we had to respect the hustle. And hustle they did. In Tunisia they haggle for most things. Some places are fixed price, like the restaurant in the hotel, so you can buy an orange juice or a coffee in the morning without having to argue. But for most goods and services you have to haggle.

22 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

There was a cabstand down the street from us. There were maybe 15 or so taxis lined up at any given time on either side of the street. And get this—they were trying to flag down customers. We got in one to go to a fixed price shop about ten minutes from the hotel. “How much to go to Miami?” I said. (That was the name of the shop.) “5 Dinar,” he said, “for both of you.” Offering to take both of us was a nice touch. “How ‘bout 3,” I said, smiling. “Okay, I take you,” he said, looking straight ahead. Later that night we met a Libyan diplomat in the hotel bar who clutched my hand, a cigarette dangling off his lower lip. He squinted earnestly and demanded that I promise to have at least 5 kids. He explained how important children are. He had several. He also had four wives—one of whom, he confided in me, was even Polish. I had no idea why this was important. I nodded seriously, also squinting. His associate, a large bald man in a suit with no tie handed the diplomat and I little squares of cheese on toothpicks. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t cheddar, but it could have been carbolic acid, and I would have eaten it and shaken my head in appreciation anyway. That’s my response to uncomfortable situations. I go all in. He patted me on the back and shook his head approvingly. My wife, feeling a bit left out of the discussion the diplomat and I were having over how many children she would be required to have, wanted to leave immediately. Then there were the dune buggies. Yes. Dune buggies. When I heard the words, I imagined a go-cart type contraption—and that there would be a dusty little trail we would amble through taking in the scenery. I was partly correct. The scenery was in fact nice—what I could see of it through the wake of rocks and sand blasting me in the face from the caravan of fishtailing buggies ahead of us. I’m not sure how I cleared customs taking out that much of the country with me in my teeth. But it sure was fun. You never know what’s in store for you when you travel. In fact, you never know what’s in store for you period. If someone would have told me when I was 20 that in ten years I’d be married to an Irish girl, living in Scotland and that I would eventually take a vacation where I’d be rambling through Olive groves past camels and ostriches in a dune buggy just north of the Sahara, I would have laughed myself unconscious. And yet there I was, and here I am. I wonder where I’ll end up next. Curtis White lives in Aberdeen, Scotland. He is a freelance copywriter, and an internationally ranked Chutes and Ladders champion (Grandmaster, 1st Class). Well, no. That’s not exactly true. He’s doesn’t play competitively. Not anymore. Not since that time in Istanbul when things got tragically out of hand. He’s given up that world now. Sure, he occasionally misses the razzle dazzle of the competitive board games circuit. The women. The cars. The cash. But, he rolled the dice. He took his turn at the table, and in the end he wound up with more ladders than he did chutes. And that’s the main thing. His email address is


Classroom Mothership Earth Eyes of Creation

What is your View of the Future?

by Ari Bouse

by Hunter Liguore Daniel Mcquestion

“You must do something to make the world beautiful.” …Miss Rumphius, Puffin Books Here on Mothership Earth, humanity hoists our sails, while soaring with the spirited winds at our backs as yang (masculine, light) energy is rising. In our brightening luminosity, we reach the peak of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere on the forthcoming Summer Equinox on June 20th. Aye, isn’t it the question, rather than the answer that drives us to press on? Energetically, summer is a season when Life abounds, while celebrating and nurturing our growth and prosperity. At this natural junction, specifically around the Solstice, summer is particularly a hot time to have a fire ritual to express gratitude for what is and state our intentions for manifestation on the year's horizon.

When one is journeying into the dark, jaguar's beautiful blackness helps us see beyond Life's crises and peer into the realm of Infinity, where possibilities and opportunities are revealed. When invoking jaguar's archetypal energy, we release stale, toxic and negative energies no longer serving us by composting, transmutation and ultimately breathing in transcendence by healing polarity when accepting paradoxical tension of opposites. Paradoxically, jaguar's darkness illuminates Master Yoda's light by reminding us to let go of the fear of loss and just let it be. Moreover, I remember my little green friend's wisdom asserting that a Jedi's strength flows from the Force (Chi)… But beware of the dark side… Anger, fear, aggression, the dark side of the Force are they… easily they flow… Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will… A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack. Given the intensity of this time of year, I couldn't agree with him more. I sincerely hope that the phat cats that sit on the top of the pyramid heed Yoda's wisdom when pounding their chests and war drums, while justifying the corporate propaganda that pushes drug addictions of violence, maximum economic profit and rampant consumerism that pillages our planet. Personally, I will be giving thanks for the blessing of being allowed to travel in my human vessel while visiting Mothership Earth and igniting a greater sense of inner peace to share with the rest of our Universe while I’m still breathing. Soaring yangward, we are cultivating projects already germinating in us from last winter that will allow us to spring into summer with a cat's leap. Whether feeling nostalgic while listening to Will Smith's "Summertime" at a family BBQ, exploring cultural festivals galore, visiting a community garden, soaking up the sun with toes in the sand at a public beach—it's a great time of year to leave behind and branch out of the creature comforts of familiar woodpiles and connect with folks in the greater community at large. And if it gets too hot, please consider picturing a waterfall while taking a deep breath through your nose and then slowly exhale through nearly closed, pursed lips. When picturing a figure 8, we step into the realm of Infinity and co-create Heaven on Earth—one step, one moment and one breath at a time. Ari Joshua Bouse is an awakening New Human, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Reiki Master, dreamer, writer, musician, proud dad and devoted husband, who is actively working toward the goal of co-creating a New Earth. Ari is passionate about his daily meditation puree, including his personal T'ai Chi and Qigong practice and enjoys studying Shamanism, venturing out in nature and playing sports. Although he likes to stay away from labels, Ari is a member of a «mutt rock» genre garage band called Surge Milker. He is especially committed to coaching folks in finding their way that is True to their Self and respectful in relationships. And this modern Western guy prefers eating with wooden chopsticks. If you would like to reach Ari, please feel free to contact him via email at: and/or visit his blog at

Hunter Liguore earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Lesley University. Her work has appeared in a variety of publications including, Bellevue Literary Review, Mason Road, The MacGuffin, Strange Horizons, SLAB Literary Review, Barely South Review, Steampunk Tales, and The Writer’s Chronicle. To learn more about the Ten Thousand Goddesses Project, visit: June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 23

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As we gaze Westward, picturing a jaguar and meditating on her medicine, she teaches us to "walk the line" by staying True to our Selves by reclaiming our power while facing our fears head on. Moreover, jaguar helps us awaken our Selves to the heroic quest by stoking the blowtorch of Chi within by allowing the light to illuminate the shadows. In this process, we become the change we want to see in the world. In much the same way as in the story of Dionysus, jaguar's energy facilitates the dismemberment process of saying good-bye to the old self, while pouncing on who we are becoming. Whether climbing, swimming and/or running, jaguar's medicine assists us in effectively navigating through the jungle of Life. Can't you hear the thunderous earworm of the original Guns 'n Roses band rocking, Where Do We Go Now?


used to believe that the world in the future would be scorched and desolate, filled with suffering, polluted soil and water, famine, war, and suffering. But I realized that this was a view that was taught to me—over many years, through many mediums, people and books. I learned to see the world this way. But I don’t anymore, because it is a false view. I had the opportunity to put together a tribute anthology to Mary Shelley and her novel, The Last Man. The anthology (of the same name) includes catastrophic short stories that deal with end of the world scenarios, cataclysms, disasters and other apocalyptic themes. Each story deals in some way with the concept of being last—the last bookstore, the last snowfall, the last philosopher, the last day house, and so forth. As I read submissions from all over the world I expected to see stories filled with doom, but I found the opposite—hope. What I found was that even in the last vestiges of humanity, there was still a banner of hope. Today, there are still many who see the future as a place of despair, but there are also many who see it with a sense of hope, a place where compassion for others exists, and the Earth is healed, and people are living in harmony once again. War is something that only museums display, and sickness, famine, and disease, are minimal. In order to get to a harmonious planet, we have to share a view of what that future might look like. Through collective awareness and consciousness, we can make the future a healthy place. Take a moment to write down what your view of the future looks like. Look at it from all angles. Do you see war or peace? Environmental damage that can’t be reversed, or clean streams and new forests? Do you see human rights violations becoming more prevalent, or equality? Corporate hegemony or corporations no longer sharing the same rights as people? Sickness or health? It is important to have a view of the future, one of your own. Because if you don’t know, and your neighbor doesn’t know, and your friends don’t know, then two things will happen: 1. Someone else will decide for you what the future will look like. 2. You won’t know how to take steps to achieve the future you’d like to live in. As a response to imagining what the future looks like to me, I came up with the Ten Thousand Goddesses Project. The project consists of a museum of history and art, a center for community and celebration, and a domus, or long-term home for women. Collectively it is designed to be a place where community is fostered out of compassion. If we learn together and celebrate together, then we can live together. We can find out how the next person is getting on, and establish balance. We can enforce positive change, rather than clinging to the dismal images passed on to us by the media. I remember reading a story about a group of modern shamans that sat together over a contaminated bottle of water. (See Light on the Water by Evelyn C. Rysdyk, Inner Tapestry, October/November 2011). Through collective mediation they were able to reverse the chemicals out of the water, and make it pure again. Do you believe it? Or is it a fairytale? Depending on your answer, depends on what you believe is possible, or within your power to change. The lesson here is that healing happens when we come together, and move past our own learned and established limitations. So what is your view of the future? Write it down. Envision it. Tack it up so you can look at it every day. Join me in deciding the future of Earth. It’s our home and everyone has a say—even if you don’t think you do—I’m here to say, you do. So get busy making a difference.


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Clyfdale Villa, a community house for women, Is Looking for an oder women as a 5th housemate, a Non-smoker, with no pets (we currently have one small dog). Community Includes: • 12 room house w/6 bedrooms • 2 1/2 baths • large eat in kitchen • dining room • upstairs laundry room • Nice yard and in-ground pool • Basement has some room for storeage

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Monthly Groups Energy Work & Readings

We are a group of 4 older women with grown families and full time jobs. We enjoy peace and quite, we are respectful and considerate of each other and have developed a community together while maintaining our individual and independent lives. For more information and a tour: Contact Jane Honeck at 207-233-7658 or



Bhola N. Banstola

Bhola is offering entirely new material this weekend! Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with this renowned Nepalese shaman/teacher for this experiential workshop! Bhola is a remarkable shaman who enriches his teaching with marvelous stories, dancing, drumming and healing heart energy. This weekend will be devoted to powerful, ancient Nepalese shamanic practices and rituals. If you’ve joined us before you know this is not to be missed. If this is your first visit with Bhola, prepared to be entranced! Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Shamanic Journeying.

JUNE 9 & 10, 2012 Sat. 10-5pm & Sun. 10-4pm Falmouth, Maine



$250 if received before April 30th A limited number of one-hour, ($90) private healings with Bhola are available during his visit. Contact us to book yours! 24 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

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If you're ready to open your heart to the secrets of the shaman's path, we're here to guide you on your journey! Evelyn C. Rysdyk,

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for the Soul with Roland Comtois Roland Comtois, a Rhode Island native is widely known locally and abroad as a Spiritual and Intuitive Consultant, who channels the world beyond. Every message is channeled from the Divine Energy in honor of your spirit and your life.

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OPEN HOUSE August 14th, 2012

How would it feel to let in the flow of blessings that is Grace? I was given a gift, the gift of initiating enlightenment with a touch. Come experience a Divine Opening and let the Divine do the “heavy lifting” in your life. Physical healing sessions also available.

Debbie Midgette, MA 207-522-8238 Brunswick, Maine June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 25

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Payment plans are available for our training programs.

Shamanic Journey Process Workshop

Channeled Messages


The Redemptive Power of Story by Teresa Piccari Ken Foster


loistered away in the fictional town of Storybrook, Maine is a cache of fairy tale characters stuck in their stories, devoid of memory and unable to realize their happy endings. The tragic heroes and heroines of the imaginative television series Once Upon a Time have been exiled to the outpost by the Evil Queen, Snow White’s stepmother, whose wrath over her own unhappy fate has caused her to place a curse on others, keeping them from their happy endings. One day an outsider arrives in the sleepy little town and the characters begin to wake up and regain their memories, granting them the power to revisit their stories, to “re-member” them in a different way, asking that they be infused with needed healing, which paves the way for happier outcomes. It should not surprise us to see this popular return of simple story in the media, seen also in the Grimm television series and the two feature films Mirror Mirror, and Snow White and the Huntsman, to remind us of its redemptive power.

Invoking a Better Outcome

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

A common scenario in fairy tales, notes Caroline Casey in her book Making the Gods Work for You is that when a character loses their way in the Enchanted Forest, after acting out emotionally and weeping, they finally sit down and tell themselves the story of how they got lost. “Something about telling yourself your own story invokes the resolution of the adventure. The magic horse arrives, the stairs descend from the heavens, and the next chapter of the journey begins to unfold,” she writes. “Telling the story attracts the molecules of its manifestation,” she adds. This is strongly aligned with the spiritual practice of stating positive affirmations to manifest what we aspire to in our human lives. Our thoughts, actions, words and visual representations, such as painting or creating a vision board, are all powerful tools for realizing what we wish to manifest for our souls and in the material world. It is exhilarating to think that in this lifetime so many of us who bore witness to Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon, understanding it was a giant leap for mankind, may also get to experience an evolutionary and huge shift in human consciousness. In order to manifest this shift each of us is being asked to participate by waking up and being present to our lives. To make sure that what and how we think, speak and act is in alignment with our highest wisdom and reflects our authentic Selves. It is time to be who we really are.

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…

The trek from our nightmarish stories to our personal happy endings is often an arduous journey that begins when life splits us open or metaphorically speaking, dismembers us, as experienced in a shamanic death. You may recognize this also as the dark night of the soul or astrologically speaking, as a Plutonic initiation and descent into the underworld, or a good old-fashioned midlife crisis. In her brilliant book Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Jungian psychoanalyst Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D., describes this dismemberment through an examination of The Handless Maiden tale. “In the underworld, whenever a thing is not able to live, it is taken down and cut apart to be used in another way. This woman of the story is not old, not sick, yet she must be dismantled for she cannot be the way she has been anymore. Yet forces are waiting for her to help her heal,” explains Pinkola Estes. Stripped of the protective layer of her ego, the young maiden wanders through the underworld vulnerable and defenseless, as we humans do in such initiations. “At this time, we see in our lives that no matter what we do, our ego-plans slip from our grasp. There will be a change in our lives, a big one. Our own powerful destiny begins to rule our lives–not the mill, not the sweeping, not the sleeping. Our lives as we once knew them are over… It is a time when all that we value loses its lilt,” Pinkola Estes writes. It is a dark and stormy night indeed. Through deep work we eventually give birth to a new self and emerge transformed. The wandering maiden is similar to another exile, the duckling in the author’s version of the classic tale, The Ugly Duckling. Extreme trials take the duckling to within an inch of his life but Pinkola Estes explains that the exile is tempering him. “…Its effect is similar to pure natural carbon under pressure producing diamonds – it leads eventually to a profound magnitude and clarity of psyche,” describes the author. As we get re-membered, we become stronger, wiser and conscious. We wake up from the nightmare of our former life. We get to do a major rewrite of our stories and dream a new dream.

Getting to the real truth sometimes means having to go mining for it in some dark places, which usually leads to discomfort.

Re-Membering Our Personal Stories

For several years I have worked with people to tell the stories of their lives. It is hard work to find the right voice to excavate our truth. From an archetypal perspective it may be the orphan, victim or destroyer who clamors for all the attention, before the creator, sage and ruler can bring the picture into balance. So often the stories we have carried around for so long, which may not even be true, have become etched into us on a cellular level, burdens expanding into obstacles that block our path to living a happy life. Getting to the real truth sometimes means having to go mining for it in some dark places, which usually leads to discomfort. Like many people, I have had some humdinger stories about my life, particularly around my family. Some of them were true and some of them were like fish tales, growing bigger and more distorted over time, tripping me up. Could my young mother have parented me differently? Absolutely. Often being left to my own devices imbued me with an independent spirit, made me extremely capable at a young age and afforded me the freedom to discover my creative gifts. Given the opportunity, I would not wish to exchange these benefits. Now, I am mostly grateful and feel tremendously blessed to have been brought up as I was.

26 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

Knock Knock!

And now we are being called to look around us and see how we are all connected and enmeshed in the giant web of life. Author Caroline Casey writes that, “We might say that where we stand culturally, in millennial time, is in the fourth act of human history, where evil and greed appear to be victorious on a vast scale.” But that doesn’t need to be the way our story ends! We could seek the help of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing. Casey says, “At the freshwater springs of the aesclepions (healing temples), people would come to incubate a healing dream, a better story for themselves and their community. They would leave reinvigorated by the vision of the journey ahead of them. And so are we, when we journey imaginatively to the healing springs of the aesclepion to ask for a larger healing story for ourselves, and our community.” In our transformational times, we have an opportunity to be like the mythic heroes in Joseph Campbell’s work, who by sharing the elixir, or healing, we have discovered on our personal journeys with the larger community, increase the odds of making the much talked about possible leap in human consciousness that is knocking on our door. ©2012 Teresa Piccari

Teresa Piccari is a writer, teacher and creativity coach living in coastal Maine. She is the proprietor of The Village Scribe, a professional writing and editing business, at The Wellness Center in Camden at 71 Elm St. She teaches creative process and writing workshops including Memoir/Personal Essay, Creative Writing and Mythic Structure. She also runs the monthly Ducktrap Writers’ Round Table on third Sundays at the Camden Public Library from 2 pm to 4 pm. Contact her at or (207) 975-7075.


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It’s time to THRIVE! Keita Annie Whitten Wholisitic Life Coach

Couples/Families * Individuals * Small Groups

...Are you excited about your life yet? LMSW-CC/IAYT 207.232.3092 PO Box 7831 Portland, Me 04101 [Keita specializes in support for mental health professionals] June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 27

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Our yoga instructor, April Dove, will lead you on a meditation of the senses as we sail across this protected and secluded bay from Belfast to the northern tip of Islesboro. Enjoy the serenity as she guides you through a 1 1/2 hour yoga routine overlooking the water.


An Astrological View for June/July 2012

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June is a quite powerful month, filled with many astrological events. As we move into June we are in the middle of the spring Eclipse Season 2012. The first eclipse of two in a row happened on May 20, a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini. The second one is on June 4th. It is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini/Sagittarius. This means that the Sun is in Gemini opposite the Moon in Sagittarius, which makes a Full Moon; and the Earth’s shadow is blocking the light of the Sun from the Moon—forming the eclipse. A Lunar Eclipse is Full Moon with many times more strength than a usual Full Moon. This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is on June 4th is at 7:03 a.m. here on the East coast, not visible but nevertheless powerful. In ancient times people were quite superstitious about eclipses, fearing the worst. In modern times the god of “science” sees no meaning in eclipses. Ancient peoples saw themselves as very small in relationship to the heavens and Universe, hence their fear and superstition. Nevertheless, they were in awe of natural events and had a more “spiritual” connection to what they knew was greater than themselves. Modern society sometimes rather arrogantly sees itself as superior and in control of nature, and has lost much of the wonder of the heavens and Universe. A true spiritual connection to the heavens and Universe has been replaced by scientific dogma and religious morality. In truth we have more creative power than early humans understood, but we nevertheless are a part of, not in control of, nature and the Universe. There is a connection between us and the cycles and forces of the Universe. Neither seeks to dominate, instead an evolved human consciousness sees the relationship. Eclipses are signs from Nature and the Universe to our world. Eclipses bring in systems of change, sometimes storms of change. During an eclipse season, which extends from a few days or a couple of weeks before the first eclipse to a few weeks after the last one, we have a shakeup of the status quo, breakdowns of toxic ways and patterns, and breakthroughs into new ways and new patterns of behavior and thinking. In the greater world there are usually powerful events that shake up our world and worldview. In personal lives, we are moved to see and do things differently. The first eclipse was at 0+ degrees of Gemini on May 20th. Gemini is an air sign, denoting rapidly moving messages. This means our minds are moving fast with greater activity and we are having greater activity in talking, socializing, writing, and/or electronic communication. There is a tendency toward being overwhelmed and scattered mentally with so much information moving in and out, especially in the form of an eclipse. The second eclipse on June 4th is at 14+ degrees of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign, denoting rising spirits. At this Full Moon with the Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius, high mental activity and fiery spirits bring much excitement and that might feel chaotic for some. Learning, education, inspiration, higher meaning, messages, communication, travel, and adventure are key words and activities during this Eclipse Season. A challenge may be to combine information and messages in a coherent manner, so solutions, answers, and meaning can be found. Neptune changes directions on June 4, the day of the Lunar Eclipse; so the days immediately surrounding this event may feel quite foggy or confusing, difficult to find clarity or solutions or meaning. It is best to be quite flexible and to let go of trying to control now. Trust the Universe, no matter how it may feel now. In the greater world, events in Korea and the Middle East will likely be in the spotlight, as well as news that shakes up our economy. Of course powerful surprise events and natural disasters that shake up our worldview are also quite likely. Remember the Eclipse Season will last into summer and is meant to help us transform our consciousness and lives. We are trying to release old energies and patterns that do not serve our authentic selves, and we are trying to lead healthier and more purposeful lives, gaining greater connections to each other, the human community and the Universe. All of this personal evolutionary activity helps us to make the transition out of a dying Pisces Age and into an Aquarian Age consciousness. Each of these Eclipse Seasons and other powerful astrological configurations bring accelerated transformational energies and patterns to assist us in our personal and global evolution. 28 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

We are also, during most of June, in a Venus Retrograde cycle. Venus went retrograde on May 15, and will go back direct on June 27. Venus retrograde is time to revisit and reflect on issues of the heart and relationship. Old patterns of relationships are seen more clearly, as people from our past return through memories, dreams, or in the flesh again. This revisiting is for the purpose of viewing more clearly our relationship patterns so we can make appropriate and healthy changes. It is a good time to seek couples counseling or healing modalities that will help you decide if you can change the patterns with your partner or if instead you need to leave the relationship. Either the pattern will change or the relationship will end. And this relationship challenge during Venus Retrograde applies to friendships, work relationships and family ties, as well as romantic. If a relationship is holding you back from your natural healing and transformation, then it either needs to transform and heal also or it may need to end. You do not deserve to be in an abusive or loveless relationship. Your higher self requires a healthy and loving relationship as does your creature self. On June 11th Jupiter, the planet of expansion, upliftment, and adventure moves out of Taurus, and into Gemini where it will stay for a year. This begins a time of progress, inspiration, and positive movement into new learning and communication. It is time this coming year to get the word out about your career or other interests. Get out and get into new activities, learn new things, meet new friends, expand your communication interests and electronic means of doing so. Write your book, get on the radio or television, start or expand a blog. The winds of the Universe will be at your back for such endeavors. June 19th-June 30th could be a time of a major turning point for you and for the world. We will still be in the outer throes of the Eclipse Season. And also during that time is the Summer Solstice, a New Moon in Cancer, a powerful Uranus square Pluto, Saturn goes Direct, and Venus goes back direct. The waves of change will be strong now. And a new summer season begins on June 19th at 11:02 a.m. Summer Solstice is the beginning of Sun in Cancer, a time to indulge your personal needs and to get in touch with your feelings and what nurtures you. It is time to be in situations that feel safe and unconditional and “at home”. Summer Solstice is when the light minutes of the day are at their greatest, darkness at its minimum. Nature is full and in its abundance. On June 24th Uranus makes its first square of Pluto. It will continue this awkward square dance for a few years. The last time Uranus made an important aspect with Pluto was in 1965/1966 when it made conjunction in mid Virgo. That conjunction brought on the powerful transformational ‘60s revolution. The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius was first being sensed. Now as Uranus and Pluto make their next major passage, we explode further through the transition between Ages. Look how much changed in the ‘60s. Now we are ready to break down again the walls of control and separation that limit the human heart, mind, and evolution of consciousness. We are ready again to set free those who are held down and held back by prejudice. We are ready to further leave the programmed control of society. We are ready to leave an old paradigm that separates us from our Authentic Self, from each other, from our free hearts and minds, and from the fresh air of a meaningful and sacred Universe. On June 25th Saturn, the hand of time, goes back direct. Whatever has been happening during the last few months is now ready to meet its destiny, to “get it together.” Saturn can feel like fate, like something that is meant to be, whether we like it or not. It is meeting our responsibilities and taking responsibility for ourselves and our own life. And on June 27th Venus goes direct, and we are ready to move forward with our relationships, and to leave behind old and toxic relationships and relationship patterns. All systems are go now. In July events and activities are opening up as a result of the immense and powerful planetary activity of May and June. The doors are now open. New Events will flood in this summer now, especially in the greater world.

29 There is a Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn on July 3rd at 2:52 PM EDT. This is a good time to find a better balance between our personal and family needs and our professional and outer world needs. On July 13th/14th is another shift, as Uranus and Mercury go Retrograde. Much mental energy will be swirling around now, and it may feel overwhelming. Mercury goes retrograde on July 14th at 10:16 PM EDT. It goes back direct on August 7th/8th. As usual Mercury Retrograde is a time to re-adjust our mental perceptions, and to re-wind, re-member and re-flect. It is not normally a good time to make major decisions, to undertake major projects or sign contracts. Our usual left-brain way of thinking gets foggy or distorted. On July 18th-22nd is another shift, as there is another New Moon in Cancer on June 19th at 12:24 AM EDT, and a strong Jupiter sextile Uranus on July 21st/22nd, then the Sun goes into Leo on July 22nd. This combination will bring with it more energies for action and movement forward. Creative and inventive juices are brought into the spotlight, helping you to be more inspired. Jupiter/Uranus can also feel like revolutionary activities are getting stronger and people are breaking out of the boxes that confine them. World events may be continuing to bring great change. These events may tend to shake up our old world concepts for living together on the Earth. We must band together all over the Earth as one unified family now. The Aquarian Age we are on the cusp of is about Diversity in Unity, so an acceptance and sense of Unity of all Gods and Goddesses, creatures, races, genders, creeds and sexual orientations will show us the way. And the challenges coming our way will help us to let go of the old beliefs, paradigm, and age. Some of what is coming will not be pretty and in fact could be

quite chaotic and destructive; but it is what will be necessary to break open and break down the walls of Rome, which suffocate the free wills, minds, souls and hearts of life. So use the coming eclipses to break down the walls in your life and heart that keep you from your authentic self, and keep you from connecting with the fresh spiritual air of the Universe and its signs, symbols, synchronicities and connections. The coming times will be the best of times and challenging times all at the same time. We open more to all it is to be human, both dark and light. It is not our natural plight to fight the dark forces and kill the enemy. It is our natural movement now, in conjunction with our evolution into an Aquarian Age to be whole and integrated, dark and light, yin and yang, male and female, all together as one. The “enemies” are inside us, they are our shadows, shadows that seek to be known and seen, healed and transformed, integrated into the Oneness of each of us, each of us who is a micro cell in the macro Universe: I AM ALL. See you again in August. Leo Knighton Tallarico is co- director of Spiritual Renaissance Center with his soul mate Deborah. He has been a full-time professional astrologer, counselor, spiritual guide, and writer for 26 years. He specializes in guiding and counseling individuals and couples through the transformation of their consciousness and lives during change and crisis. Knowing the big picture of one’s life is essential for positive transformation, and is a big part of any consultation with Leo. For more information about Leo’s readings and consultations contact him at or call him at (207) 653-7717. He has a weekly forecast blog at, and has a website at

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What To Do? by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman


We have been inundated lately from all fronts — economic, political, environmental, astrological, and spiritual — with predictions and threats of terror and trauma. These are indeed scary times. What is at stake is our safety, our peace of mind, our centered inner selves, our very lives and the lives of all the species who share our lovely planet home. Indeed, Mother Earth, Herself, is very vulnerable right now.

What to do? We can shrink in fear and wallow in our worries — just close down. Or we can use this time to work toward the expansion, openness, and love that we all know in our heart of hearts is possible. We know that worrying is like praying for what we do not want. So, instead, let us put our intentions, attention and energy toward what we do want. We can actively resist the urge to freeze. We can breathe deeply to fill ourselves with the air of the ages, the oxygen than can calm us. And as we exhale, we can sing, chant, talk, and shout out our love of life and our sacred prayers for peace. One by one and all together we must learn and practice the ways of peace, cooperation, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. We must put our spirit into action and, be the change we seek — in our hearts, in our homes, in our relationships, and in our communities. Surely, this is the humble but firm foundation of Peace on Earth. We are the world, after all. The way I see it, we are at a crossroads in our evolution. Either we will figure out how we can all live together on one planet without violence, or we won’t. We are modern dinosaurs and it is up to us whether this meteor storm that swirls around us creating devastation in its path will drive us to extinction. I have just been reading Chang and Eng by Darin Strauss about the original

Siamese Twins who were, in fact, from Siam. Here were two men, fraternal twins, a double-boy, physically dissimilar and with radically different and antagonistic personalities who lived for 64 years connected to each other at the chest by a five inch long band of muscle and cartilage which housed their single stomach. They married two sisters and had 21 biracial children between them — this, in the constrained society of the Victorian American South. These twins managed to make an awkward, untenable, sometimes-unbearable situation work because they had to. They couldn’t just walk away or hurt the other without suffering that same harm themselves. They learned how to live together because they had no choice. Can we do less? If we don’t do it who will? And if not now, when? The times could not be more crucial. We must make ourselves accountable. We need to walk our talk wherever we go, whatever we do, remembering always, that by doing so we do make a difference. Let us each be a sun, sending our caring energy out into the world, shedding light wherever we go. You never know whom you might touch with the radiance of your warmth. Donna Henes is an internationally renowned urban shaman, ritual expert, awardwinning author, popular speaker and workshop leader whose joyful celebrations of celestial events have introduced ancient traditional rituals and contemporary ceremonies to millions of people in more than 100 cities since 1972. She has published four books, a CD, an acclaimed Ezine and writes for The Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI Religion and Spirituality Forum, and serves as ritual consultant for the film industry. Mama Donna, as she is affectionately called, maintains a ceremonial center, spirit shop, ritual practice and consultancy in Exotic Brooklyn, NY where she works with individuals, groups, institutions, municipalities and corporations to create meaningful ceremonies for every imaginable occasion. ~ June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 29


e xp l o r i ng the wo rl d rel igions

The Heart of Mysticism by James Bean

“Whosoever amongst us believes in this auspicious Gospel of Narada and has faith in it, becomes a lover of God, and attains the highest beatitude and goal of life.” (Narada Bhakti Sutras, the Book of Love)

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Cultivating love is one of the central teachings of mysticism, East and West. In India, masters often use the term “Bhakti,” which means love and devotion. Students of spirituality are instructed how to develop love for the Supreme Soul and for all souls. They’re taught that approaching spiritual exercises and meditation with an attitude of love will lead to a much more successful spiritual practice. An ascetic attitude of discipline can achieve some results, but love concentrates the mind much more effectively. Love takes the difficulty out of one’s practice. Instead of meditation being thought of as a dry “duty” or “chore” to be slogged through, going through the motions, it’s transformed into joy, a divine love affair! Enchanted Land, a book by David Lane published by the MSAC Philosophy Group, features encounters with several Indian mystics and spiritual masters. I remain in awe of this particular quote from Yogani Mataji, a Radhaswami Guru who now lives in Mumbai. I often use the following quote in my meditation classes, satsang gatherings, online satsangs, and at my network of spiritual social networking sites. The author asked Mataji: “How can one sit so still, repeat only holy names and think of God constantly?” Mataji serenely replied: “By falling in love, because when one is truly in love nothing but the Beloved can enter one’s mind. So the secret of Surat Shabda Yoga and of mysticism is not necessarily ‘practice and more practice,’ but love. To be so devoted to one’s Lord that nothing can stand in the way, this and nothing else is the truth of Sant Mat [The Teachings of the Masters].” The reason why love is so effective is, as many saints have revealed, the universe was created by love, is sustained by love, and is returning back to love. Love is the essence of everything including our soul. Our true nature is love. Kirpal Singh, an Indian master popular in the 1960’s put it this way, “Love is innate in our souls. God is love and our souls are the drops of the ocean of all Love, which is also love personified.” The great 19th Century mystic Shiv Dayal Singh, the founder of the Radhaswami movement said, “The essence of Spirit (Atma) and God (Paratma) is love (Prem). Bhakti and the Supreme Being are one. A genuine master is the embodiment of love. You are also love in essence, so are all souls.” (Sar Bachan Radhaswami Poetry, Volume One) Spiritual practices like silent meditation can gradually transform the practitioner in profound ways. Meditation is the method used throughout the ages to re-identify with our soul, the spark of love within. Instead of perceiving ourselves as being merely five dollars-worth of chemicals plus H2O, or a collection of neurons firing and molecules, we perceive who we really are: Soul. This process of self-realization, re-identifying with the love-essence of our soul is viewed as one of the most important steps of our spiritual evolution. “Who we think we are” will determine the course of our lives, both inwardly and outwardly. Rather orthodox-sounding academic voices sometimes portray our identity as solely materialistic: the “five dollars worth of chemicals and neurons firing.” Other rigid or closed “fundamentalist” belief-systems portray human beings as “ugly sinners” and “ugly saints” perpetually unworthy of partaking of divine mysteries, and that only after death will the meaning of life be revealed? This appears in the context of mysticism to be – too little – too late. Fortunately, other alternatives exist! The approach of the contemplative mystical tradition transcends blind faith in limited belief-systems and encourages individuals to directly verify the existence of the soul, higher spiritual realities and God through personal contact with them. For mystics, the human body is a kind of “laboratory” where spiritual claims can be tested and verified for oneself. My favorite quote from, The Nag Hammadi Library, is found in, The Book of Thomas the Spiritual Athlete, one of the Gnostic gospels: “Examine yourself that you 30 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

may understand who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be.” How logical! We’re advised to examine whom we are and how we have come to exist in this body of ours. This admonition implies that human beings have the potential to access higher intuitions and senses through which we are able to make new spiritual discoveries – that is, IF we are willing to make use of them. Contemplatives seek spiritual knowledge through meditation. This focuses all of one’s attention upon the soul, that life force which makes us alive. The Eastern and Gnostic way of self-knowledge is one in which the soul increasingly learns of it’s true nature. The “drop” seeks to discover the “divine ocean” from whence it came – the Ocean of God or Ocean of Love. Mystics call this looking within process, “inversion.” In this way, souls learn to know themselves as well as to gain perception of the Supreme Being. To communicate about this soul-God relationship, the enlightened masters and mystics have resorted to various analogies. Yeshua spoke of it in terms of “father and son.” Ramakrishna described it as “mother and child.” Mira Bai sang of it in terms of “husband and wife.” Mystics, Saints, Sufis, and Bhakta-devotees throughout the world depict the relationship of the soul and God as that of “lover and the Beloved”, of “bride and bridegroom”. As the relationship develops, the lover awakens to his or her Beloved and is transformed into love! Many mystics have used the language of romance to describe the ineffable joy of divine love and union. The ultimate goal of mysticism is the union of the soul with the over-soul. In, The Narada Bhakti Sutras, a 12th Century Hindu scripture and manual of Bhakti Yoga, it describes this union as intoxicating. The soul “is completely immersed in the enjoyment of the bliss of the Atman, the truest and highest Self.” Meditation and other devotional practices are done with an attitude of sincere love or a strong fervent desire and perseverance to approach the Supreme Being. Love removes all obstacles and forms a direct connection with the Creator. The medieval Indian mystic Dadu Dayal from Rajasthan composed many odes to this divine state of being: “When the heart merges into the Merciful One, then no difference remains. Like ice dissolved in water, in God is merged the lover. God has become the anguished lover, and the anguished lover has become God.” One of my favorite books of Eastern love poetry is, Songs of Kabir. The translator, Rabindranath Tagore, was himself a great spiritual poet. Kabir asks: “How could the love between thee and me sever? As the leaf of the lotus abides on the water: so thou art my Lord, and I am thy servant. As the nightbird Chakor gazes all night at the moon: so thou art my Lord and I am thy servant. From the beginning until the ending of time, there is love between thee and me; and how shall such love be extinguished? Kabir says: ‘As the river enters into the ocean, so my heart touches thee.’” Further to the west, the medieval Christian mystics of Europe also used the language of love to describe spiritual union with their heavenly Beloved. The Spanish mystic known as Saint John of the Cross spoke of “the touch of the Beloved as setting the heart on fire with love; as if a spark had fallen upon it.” Christian mystics also agreed with their Eastern counterparts that the soul, through mystical union, becomes deified – becomes divine. Said Saint John of the Cross: “And to make the soul perfect and to raise it above the flesh more and more, He assails it divinely and gloriously, and these assaults are really encounters wherein God penetrates the soul, deifies the very substance of it, and renders it godlike divine.” After reaching this exalted state he said, “The soul beholds itself as one immense sea of fire.” (“Living Flame”) Another example of love-consciousness or Prem-Bhakti manifesting itself in the west is the 14th Century English mystic Richard Rolle, who said: “Among these

Continued On Page 45


A Few Pieces to the Puzzle of Life: Happiness by Sitaji Devi

"The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions." Self control, imagine how great life would become if we stopped taking our bad moods out on each other. Why does it feel so hard to be happy these days? I don’t want to point fingers but I will anyway, could it be that we’ve been conditioned to become lifeless and staid, by being beaten down with depressing news programs on the television and programmed through advertisements to be dissatisfied with ourselves? It’s like life has dulled in some way and we are the by product – welcome to zombie land. Also, this may be my individual gripe, but who decided that women should be a size 0? The fashion industry? They probably just want to spend less money on fabric (smirk). What a racket they have going with pills, diet foods and plastic surgery. The weight loss industry is Big Business. However, Marilyn Monroe was considered the most beautiful woman on the planet and I think she was a size 12. So I’m done feeling bad about being a size 10, my new mantra is “Thank you, my beautiful, healthy and strong body, I love you!” So the question becomes how can we increase our happiness? We can start simply by returning to our original way of being, when we were innocent little children, before we began to identify with roles and labels. Begin to like yourself exactly as you are and remove all the external pressures to be different. I was just saying last night that I don’t think I’m ever going to change the awkwardness I feel going to social gatherings, I’ve tried to overcome it, but it stays with me year after year. However, when I gave myself permission to be me, accepted my uncomfortable nervousness, I ended up feeling better and had a really good time that night. Acceptance is key. “Know Thyself.” I have Aquarius Rising and Aquarius people tend to suffer from nervousness. Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) can wear themselves out with overthinking and need time alone to recuperate. Our level of happiness depends on our ability to think positively. Don’t be a prisoner of your own mind. We must learn to live more from our heart than our head; make our mind serve us with loving intentions. Find that place within ourselves that doesn’t judge or criticize and revel in that feeling of bliss, which can be found when we’re not mentally beating ourselves up. Look in the mirror and like whom we see. It’s also important to have things to look forward to in your life, don’t be stagnant, allow yourself to hope and dream. There have been studies done connecting happiness with an extended life span. I read somewhere that the body starts to break down and die if we stop feeling like life is worth living—by dimming our Light and draining our life-force energy. Therefore, it is vital to embrace life for better health and longevity—and happiness is a good way to start. Like the renowned Bobby McFerrin ditty from the 80’s; “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” it’s great advice and a good song too.

Look around you, how many shiny, happy people do you see?

Sitaji Devi is a Professional Astrologer and Psychic Medium in Farmington, ME offering “life coaching” Readings. Her website is Call or email (207) 491-2313 to schedule an appointment.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of Inner Tapestry! June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 31

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A few words to describe happiness would be contentment, satisfaction, and enjoyment. It has been recognized as a virtuous goal in our Declaration of Independence and considered an unalienable right for all citizens – “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, I disagree with the idea of chasing after it. Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. ~Thoreau I believe that you can be happy no matter what your circumstances are in life, whether you’re rich or poor. Some may still think that buying stuff can make you happy, but it is short lived and usually ends up giving the opposite effect because it’s like any other addictive behavior, like alcohol where you end up needing more and more to feel good. A recipe for disastrous debt if you’re a shopaholic. Ultimately, money can’t buy true happiness, in fact research has shown that many of the happiest people live in third world countries like Bali and are lucky if they have the basic necessities to stay alive, yet they are quite content and often smiling. Happiness is a choice you make in any given moment. What keeps us from dancing in the streets and singing in the rain? A hint of silliness is good for the soul and makes you smile from ear to ear. I love to croon and whirl about , but I haven’t seen many others display such delight on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes my partner joins in but only if I drag him. He’s a Virgo and a Minister’s son as well as a lifelong Mainer and can be quite reticent. I’m from New Jersey so I guess I don’t have that issue. At the risk of over generalizing, a jersey girl’s attitude is quite different from a typical New Englander; we are less inhibited and much more demonstrative. Of course that doesn’t mean we don’t have our fair share of neuroses; I would say anger is our greatest block to happiness. Many people from New York and New Jersey definitely have that challenge. It’s like we were born with a chip on our shoulder and we dare everyone we meet to knock it off. Thankfully I’m a recovering Jersey-ite and I’ve learned to temper my bad temper. The majority of people seem to have some degree of blockage towards experiencing regular states of happiness. How do I know that? Look around you, how many shiny, happy people do you see? (I don’t mean alcohol induced either.) I hope for your sake I’m wrong and that you know many joyful individuals. Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries) tend to be more enthusiastic and exuberant; it is their journey to learn how to enjoy life and overall they do a pretty good job at it. However the water signs (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) need to work at it, they can get quite depressed if they let their emotions rule them. Here’s a telling quote by Oscar Wilde; “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” We all can benefit from that wisdom. I’d prefer to elicit the former response. My friend had a great plaque over the sink in his kitchen that said: “The key to a happy marriage is a bad memory.” I thought that was very funny. While Lord Tennyson said,


INNER TAPESTRY's Directory of Resources Holistic Practitioners, Products and Resources Each category contains practitioners from various states. as tr o l ogy

Astrology ............................................................. page 32 Counseling & Therapy ................................... pages 32-33 Creative Healing Arts ........................................... page 33 Evolutionary Consciousness................................. page 33 Holistic Healing Centers ...................................... page 34 Holistic Publications & Radio ............................... page 34 Hypnotherapy ...................................................... page 34 Integrative Healing ........................................ pages 34-36 Life Mastery ......................................................... page 36 Living Spaces ...................................................... page 37 Meditation ............................................................ page 37 Nutrition ............................................................... page 37 Psychic & Spiritual Mediumship ..................... pages 37-38 Reflexology & Healing Massage .......................... page 38 Retreats ......................................................... pages 38-39 Schools & Trainings ............................................. page 39 Shamanic Healing ............................................... page 40 Writing Services.................................................... page 40 Yoga, Tai Chi & Meditation ............................ pages 40-41

counseling & the r ap y -con t. Maine

Astrology&MorewithAnanur Offering Astrological Chart readings since 1976, the Divine Feminine approach to Primal Therapy, Past Life Regressions and the Detoxifying Ionizing Foot Bath.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

A Course in Miracles, states that life is about, "removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's Presence, which is our natural inheritance." John Lennon said, "There are no problems only solutions." Astrological chart readings with Ananur bring this fact to light, that we all need the cosmic perspective. Often clients say that they see me as a Cosmic Cheerleader, born with the Moon and Jupiter rising, I do feel like a cosmic cheerleader! I look forward to connecting with you. 207-594-2565 Rockland, Maine in the Milky Way Galaxy


Live From Your Center Mark Nakell, LCPC Awareness-based Psychotherapy Growth and Self-Realization Individual & Couples Counseling All of life happens in the present moment: Our natural condition is an

open awareness of each moment as it occurs. Increased awareness of this moment—now—and of yourself in the moment, provides an increased experience of life, more joy, and greater fulfillment. Developing the capacity of your own center enables a deeper, more immediate experience of your aliveness and presence now. The result is increased freedom—freedom of choice, freedom of action, freedom of purpose—and deepened participation in the events of your own life. For a FREE introductory session, call (207) 773-4413 or email, 25 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. Further information can be found at

co u n s e l ing & t h er apy Maine

Patricia A. Burke, MSW, LCSW, CCS Holistic Psychotherapy, Spiritual Development Work, Wellness Counseling, Personal/Professional Coaching

"When we are fully present to ourselves the light of who we are shines through and like a slow deep breath, fills the world with love." -PB

In over thirty years of experience I have merged a variety of psychological, spiritual and creative practices into a process of deep awakening that can help you heal trauma, addictions and depression, rediscover meaning and purpose in life, build mutually empowering relationships, enhance creativity, discover what optimum wellness is for you and embody your full potential in your personal and professional life. I offer individual, group and couples consultation, supervision and training. Skype video conferencing now available. Yarmouth, ME, (207) 625-7012,,

What is somatic therapy?

Somatic therapy is a self-awareness process with a particular focus on the body. With guided practice to help you remain present in the body, you simply allow thoughts, emotions and sensations to emerge in their natural patterns. This combination – conscious awareness and observation of patterns – allows both increased capability of self-regulation and expanded capacity for awareness itself. Current brain research shows that the part of the brain involved in awareness also regulates emotions and behavior. So practice Douglas Smith of focused awareness actually strengthens and expands the brain cell connections in this area, making the benefit of this work cumulative. The difference between this and mindfulness practice alone is that you also have access to somatic, or body reactions. These come under conscious awareness, creating the possibility of physical as well as emotional healing. Somatic therapy is useful for the resolution of stress and trauma, anxiety, depression, habits, addictions, "stuck" patterns, or can be used to enhance personal growth. For an appointment or more information please call, email or visit me on the web at Douglas Smith, LCPC, SEP., 440 Forest Avenue, Portland, ME 04101 (207) 329-3566,

Knowing and Knowledge as it has been used is of no value during these next steps. Universal knowing of Truth and Understanding is the path of life and love. 32 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

33 c ouns e l in g & t h er apy- c ont . SoulMoves: Anna Abaldo, M.A. Family Constellations, 5Rhythms & Authentic Movement Individual & Relationship Counseling Since 1995, I’ve worked as a psychotherapist and workshop facilitator – in Europe, Aruba, & Maine. Visit for current offerings.

Family Constellations provide a powerful, immediate entry into our family dynamics on an energetic and soul level – without needing to bring your partner or family. Setting up a family constellation allows hidden tensions, conflicts and influential relationships within a family to become visible. What was buried is brought to light. We can then work with these dynamics, and often solutions can be found, releasing and shifting the unconscious energy that was stuck and pointing to new ways for you to be within your family system so love can flow again. I have seen this work greatly benefit people working through childhood trauma, issues of alcoholism, unprocessed grief, abandonment, separation from loved ones, challenging parenting situations, and difficult transitions. After participating in a family constellation, people often experience a heightened insight, a greater level of compassion, more connectedness and belonging, and peace with what is. Rockland/Camden/Portland ME, (207) 763-3322,,

creative healing arts Maine Art Therapy & Shamanism

Susan Bakaley Marshall, ATR-BC, LCPC Art therapy is a dynamic combination—powerful artistic creation with the insight of psychotherapy.

Art therapy and shamanic counselling will help you cultivate your strengths like a gardener tending plants. Together we can use imagination to design the garden. We can learn to tell flowers from weeds when your spirit is overgrown. Then we can plant seeds, nurture and water them and reap a new harvest. Everyone has an artist within. Our spirit and soul speak through the artwork. The art never lies; it gently reflects back those areas of life that need our attention, promoting positive change and healing on all levels. The best way to walk into your future is to create it! Board Certified Art Therapist, Licensed Clinical Counselor, Shamanic Practitioner with over thirty years experience. The Thirteenth Moon Center, "ART from the heART,", (207) 589-3063.

Surry Music Therapy Center: Alan Wittenberg M.A., CMT Certified Music Therapist, (AMTA) American Music Therapy Association Music therapy opens new channels of communication and contact through the creative and interactive use of music towards self-expression and self-discovery. It goes beyond

Based on feminist and Buddhist principles, our programs focus on building a life of long-term, sustainable recovery by addressing the fundamental human need for relationship and genuine intimacy – the basis of well-being.

FirstSteps™ is an intensive outpatient program that includes meditation, detoxification, acupuncture, and bodywork therapies. Participants meet in small, confidential groups three evenings a week for eight weeks. Footpath to Recovery™ is a two-week journey along Maine’s Hundred-Mile Wilderness section of the Appalachian Trail. Rather than dwelling on pathology, the focus is on restoring health and balance. For further information or to schedule a free evaluation, please contact: Peter Wohl, MA, LADC, CCS, Innovations in Recovery, (207) 619-2989,

Contact Alan Wittenberg at (207) 667-1308, Visit for seminar and conference information.

evolutionary consciousness Maine

Gestalt Your Life Angela Hassenpflug Personal Developement Body-Mind Life Coaching Gestalt Work This experiential and body-oriented approach supports you to

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reconnect with your body, its language and wisdom reinforce your strengths, passions and skills learn to relax, reduce stress and practice being fully present enhance your relationships, both with yourself and others make sustainable life changes happen

Dynamic life coaching tools combined with Gestalt Therapy elements and Mindfulness techniques are the foundation of this approach. We can meet in person or on the phone. Groups offered on a regular basis. Call (207) 592-7888

The Autognomics Institute since 1992 Norm and Skye Hirst co-founders Transcendental Autognomics (TA); going beyond scientific materialism to discover the emergent epi-principles within lifeitself... doing science the old fashion way.

TAI; New Field of Life-Energy and Transcendental Science/Philosophy is based on emergent epi-energy principles now being discovered throughout the Autognomics Research Community and Alliance. The mystery/the miraculous/ the wisdom of life-itself is revealing herself. To receive our email newsletter on how latest revelations are impacting us all, visit us at or join us on Twitter @autognomics for frequent tips and insights plus see who we are following. Co-founders – Norm and Skye Hirst, PhD.

or email for more information and to set up a free introductory call.

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 33

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Are you ready to make a profound transformation from addiction to fully engaged living?

words and emotionally, physically, and intellectually touches those with psychological issues and special needs. Music Therapy is a dynamic clinical, educational, developmental and rehabilitative treatment approach. Alan specializes in autism spectrum disorders, emotional and behavioral issues, speech and sensory integrative delays, as well as work with the elderly and Alzheimer’s.The Surry Music Therapy Center is a unique facility in Maine offering individual and small group sessions, seminars, conferences, in-service training and workshop programs throughout Maine.

34 holistic healing centers

holistic publications & radio


Gardens of Atlantis Healing Arts Center Have you ever felt like a part of you is missing or lost?

In the race to get through all the tasks of life, it’s easy to get on a path that’s different than the one we are meant for. Explore who you are with an Astrological Reading with John McLaughlin, Discover the Healer within with Linda Marshall’s Reiki classes or Peg Losee’s Angel Energy Healing, Examine your Dreams with Susan Morgan to learn what they are telling you about your true Spirit, Connect with Your Spirit Guides with Annie Stillwater Gray, Learn how to read the messages of the Ancient Runes with Roberta Gerkin, Hear your Heart song with Steve Meagher’s Flute classes, Find yourself in Atlantis with Alycja. We have an exciting summer of events to awaken the parts of you that you are longing to find! See you soon!

Maine WRFR-LP is all-volunteer community radio, on the air at 93.3 FM in Rockland and 99.3 FM in Camden, and streaming world-wide at

We offer a wide selection of live and recorded music, and a wide variety of talk shows. Music genres include jazz, old time swing, classical, country, folk, classic rock, heavy metal, Broadway tunes, and more. Many shows feature live music with local guests. Talk shows range from news to public affairs discussions and often include live interviews and telephone call-ins. The station is supported by listener contributions and by business

sponsors. Contact Jo Lindsay, volunteer coordinator, to learn more

about how you can participate: Contact Ananur Forma, sales manager, to learn more about business sponsorship: (207) 594-2565 WRFR's studios are located at 20 Gay Street, Rockland, Maine 04841. You are invited to stop by.

(207) 929-5088,

hypnotherapy Maine

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

HypnoWave Hypnosis Training Center Exhale ~ Breath & Body Work, formerly known as Awake Healing Arts offers Therapeutic Breathwork and Holistic Bodywork in support of your wellness. With a membership you pay only $40 for a one hour massage. 222 St. John Street, Suite 208, Portland ME (207) 776-2006

Wild Grace Wellness Center Wild Grace Wellness Center is the only integral & sustainable healthcare center in Mid Coast Maine. We provide Aquatic & Physical

Therapy in a spa setting; accept most medical insurances and offer healing scholarships for area residents. We are a collective of complementary practitioners offering: acupuncture, chiropractic, meditation, tai chi, yoga, life coaching, spiritual development and more. The heart of Wild Grace is our 94° saltwater therapy pool. She reflects our belief that healing in water is a sacred practice. Our pool water is pure and sweet with disinfection through a high-tech saline generator. The air is kept fresh with no chlorine odor. We specialize in Watsu™, warm water Shiatsu stretching and massage. We also provide the advanced therapies of JFB Myofascial Release, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy, many types of massage and exercise classes. Wild Grace is a newly constructed green building with many energy saving features. The luxurious treatment rooms are spacious and quiet with views of birch and pine-filled woods along the Kennebec River. From “away?” Try our “Play & Stay” program. Stay as a guest in a gorgeous log home and immerse yourself in multiple therapy sessions for a week or a weekend. Breakfast of organic, locally-grown foods included. Wild Grace is just west of Wiscasset and easy to find on 36 Ludwig Road in Dresden, ME 04342. For pictures and directions: or call (207) 737-2478.

34 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

Ernest VanDenBossche, BCH, CI - Director Is it time for a change? Let hypnosis work for you in so

many ways. Become a Consulting Hypnotist. Training with Ernest VanDenBossche, Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (, President Maine Guild of Hypnotists. Take the NGH “Consulting Hypnotist” Certification Training, 100-hour course. Be a Certified Hypnotist. Learn – What is Hypnosis, Trance Depth Testing, Hypnotizability and Suggestibility, Rapid Inductions, Mind/Body Relaxation, Self-Hypnosis, Goal Development, Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Stress Management, Pain Management, Age Regression, Reframing Trauma, Ethics for Professional Hypnotists, create customized scripts, and CDs for your clients. You get: NGH Manuals, One Year NGH Membership, Local and International support by other professional hypnotists, supervised in-class practice time to master your techniques quickly, informational Hypnosis CD ROM, and CDs and DVDs for your business. Call: (207) 453-6133, Private consulting and other trainings available.

integrative healing Connecticut

Belanger Physical Therapy A neck or back doesn't walk into the office, a whole person does and all their history as well. What we do not

choose to express emotionally will show itself in our bodies through tension, pain, illness and/or dis-ease. Joe invites his clients to welcome and feel, in order to transition, the walls that keep each of us from expressing our authentic selves in the world. Everything you need for what you really desire in your life is right in front of you. All you have to do is surrender to feel what is there. Joe chooses to support people physically, emotionally and energetically through manual therapy (cranial, muscle energy, functional technique, myofascial release), a deep belief in osteopathic philosophy, and heart. Marlborough, CT (860) 295-0572, or e-mail Joe at

35 integrative healing-cont.

Inner Wisdom Chiropractic

integrative healing-cont. Pan Gu Shengong

Pan Gu Shengong is a specialized Qigong form that draws Qi/energy from the Universe regulating and intensifying our Life Force and Immune System. It is simple to learn, and its benefits to health and well-being can

be experienced immediately. The positive effects from regular practice include: • Balance, Harmony, Peace of Mind • Empowering the Immune System • Increased Well Being, Happiness & Inexhaustible Vitality FMI on Pan Gu Shengong, go to PANGU.ORG. For class schedules call Inner Wisdom Chiropractic and More, at (860) 440-6754, 76 Fort Hill Rd., Groton, CT 06340.

Drs. Kim and Ken Peterson are Chiropractors certified in Advanced Biostructural Correction, a unique Chiropractic Technique, which releases tensions from the soft tissue surrounding the spine, spinal cord and nerve system allowing the body to unwind naturally, correcting balance, posture alignment, and proper curvatures of the spine. The body's ability to function at a high, normal level is thus achieved allowing for true expression and freedom of life. FMI on ABC, go to and to get to know Drs. Kim and Ken,

Sherry Russenberger Energy Healing / Spiritual Healing Sherry Russenberger – Sherry is a 2005 graduate of Connecticut Healing Institute (CHI), co founder of NESHA the Wellness Connection facilitating many Wellness workshops and events, a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher and is a certified grief counselor. She is currently attending The College of

Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy. Currently Sherry works with the Middlesex Hospital Hospice & Palliative Care Unit and was the recipient of the 2011 Heart of Hospice Award. She also volunteers as a Bereavement Group Facilitator for the hospital. Through her own life altering health challenge she is able to support those in the process of grief and recovery. Her goal is to help people gain optimal balance and harmony in their live’s, and to support the healing process; of mind, body and spirit. Sessions in Marlborough and the Integrative Medicine Department of Middlesex Hospital, 536 Saybrook Rd., Middletown, CT. Phone (203) 314-1855, Email:


Energy and Sound Healing Holistic Spiritual Support Through free will we have the ability to affect change in our experiences as human beings. We

have a choice to continue to exist as we have or to access the aspect of our selves that exists beyond the human condition. It is what we focus our attention on that becomes empowered with our conscious energy. I offer you my support as you choose to allow the outdated ways of thinking and being to fall away and find the light of your true expression. The ability to be able to feel and express our true selves is often blocked by physical and emotional traumas, big or small, and releasing the root causes is the most effective path to healing. It is my honor to be of service to you in helping you explore the possibilities. Results can unfold on many levels, from feeling emotionally settled, being relieved of pain and/or stress, to receiving spiritual insight. I use an integrative approach of different energy healing modalities, vocal toning and song, as well as spiritual support. I have office space in Marlborough, CT and also offer distant healing for yourself or your pet. Call: 860-682-4640 or email:

Ron and Joan Are You Listening? Through the challenges of our lives

we are being asked to release what no longer serves us; to expand, living with an open mind and heart. Are You Willing? To embody the Truth of living your life as love in action. Ron and Joan support people to live the highest/greatest vision of themselves. Living Visions is a method of support that deepens levels of calm and joy, releasing the causes of emotional and physical trauma, which increases awareness of your true center and grounding. Living Visions is a way of realizing perfect union with one's self. If you are interested in exploring how we may be able to support you please visit, or call us at (203) 779-0345 with questions or for more information. Sessions and groups available.

"There is more hunger for Love and Acceptance in the world today than there is for bread." (Mother Teresa).

“Secret to Health and Happiness,” is what

Mikao Usui said of his spiritual practice to bring balance & harmony to mind/body/spirit. Roberta R. Barnes, CHT, Gendai Reiki-Ho & Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan, and Herbalist

teaches and practices Japanese styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho that go beyond hands-on healing. In classes and healing sessions, you experience the simple yet profound universal unconditional love and harmony that helps you connect with the unlimited possibilities within you. Roberta has practiced various forms of natural healing for over 30 years, but now focuses on Japanese Usui Reiki, Meditation, and Healing Herbs. Two of Roberta's Japanese Usui Reiki energy and technique lineages have only three teachers between her and Mikao Usui, the founder. Roberta's Natural Healing & Learning Center is nestled in a serene wildlife habitat, which reflects the tranquility, peace and joy of Japanese style Usui Reiki. In this harmonious place you can – Complete levels or enjoy Healing Sessions in Japanese style Usui Reiki – Learn Meditation – Journey into your past for discovery or healing – Enjoy workshops. You can also listen at home to 2 of Roberta's original relaxing guided meditations on the CD "Finding Your Solutions." Begin your healing journey, call (207) 445-5671 or visit

Lilysongbird Healing Jewelry, Sunsets & Flowers, etc. A Healing Session includes, Reiki, Integrated Energy

Therapy, Stones & Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Angel Work, Mediumship, Psychic Messages, Animal Guides, Flower Guides, Cord-Cutting. It is followed by a reading and write-up. Selling many stones and crystals in the office location and at outside events. Jewelry is made from beaded stones for their healing properties and is available in gold-filled & sterling silver. Earrings, Bracelets, Pendants/Necklaces. Photos are derived intuitively. Available in greeting cards, matted & framed prints. Learn Reiki and help yourself and others kickstart your body's ability to help heal itself. Now teaching all levels including Master/Teacher. I am now teaching Integrated Energy Therapy as an IET Master./Instructor Fern Dyer, Reiki/Master Teacher, IET Master/Instructor Call (207) 415-8638,, Located in Portland. June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 35

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Ana Smith


36 integrative healing–cont.

Susan Ortiz, MD Science + Intuition + Compassion = Healing Are you a "sensitive" person who is having a health issue? If so, you have likely found that most medical

treatments do not work for you and may even worsen your symptoms. There are so many options, so many different healing techniques to try. At the same time, you would like the safety and guidance that a knowledgeable physician can provide. Using my science and medical background as well as intuitive and healing gifts, I can guide you back to health. (207) 990-2934, Bangor, ME

integrative healing–cont. Balance your Energetic Body, Physical Body, Emotions and Spirit Experience your energetic system balanced through non touch MCKS Pranic Healing. Stagnant and

diseased energy is painlessly cleansed and removed and then balanced with specific healing techniques, which release natural flowing life energy to nourish your physical body. All aspects of your being are treated: energetic, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Treatment sessions offer blissful stress relief, alleviation of pain, and support in the healing of acute and chronic health complaints. Treatments are equally effective in person and at a distance. No distance is too far to receive a totally effective treatment. Pranic healing supports traditional and alternative healing methods. Contact: Miriam Smith, Certified Pranic Healer at or (978) 683-6129.

life mastery

Integrative Medicine & Medical Marijuana At Integr8 Health, LLC we care about the whole person.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Our focus is providing you with the best of care through the careful application of conventional and complementary therapies including but not limited to building a strong patient-practitioner relationship, osteopathy, cranial osteopathy, energy medicine, supplements, homeopathy, herbs, lifestyle changes and much more. One of the many herbs we offer as treatment is medical marijuana. We acknowledge the broad therapeutic potential of medical marijuana and recognize how many people can be helped by this often misunderstood herb. Marijuana has many holistic applications including the treatment of chronic pain, cancer, spasticity, nausea, or a variety of other conditions. We also recognize the limitations of pharmaceutical and surgical interventions, and emphasize safe, natural, and less invasive interventions whenever possible. As the leading Medical Marijuana Specialists in Maine, led by Dr. Dustin Sulak D.O., are ready to help you get your life back, legally. We will guide you through the process of becoming a legal medical marijuana patient in Maine. Our providers are experts in helping each patient learn how to maximize the medical benefits of marijuana for his or her condition(s). We stay up-to-date on medical marijuana research, the medical marijuana certification process and the legal routes of obtaining it. We offer in-office or telemedicine medical marijuana evaluation visits from Falmouth, ME. To set up an appointment call (207) 482-0188.To learn more about the health benefits and qualifying conditions for Medical Marijuana, please visit

Massachusetts Wendy Marks


"As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our

healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us." I offer Medical Intuitive sessions, energy healing and integrative therapy. With 30 years of experience in traditional and complementary healthcare, I am here to improve your physical, mental and spiritual health. I work with adults to develop and hone their own intuitive skills. (781) 449-5368,

36 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

Maine Ocean of Possibilities Life Coaching Deb Bergeron, CPCC, Certified Life Coach, Prosperity Guide

Create an intentional life… Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom and fun.

In our work together, you will learn to break through limiting paradigms and create a dynamic vision for your life – a vision that can pave the way to living your greatest potential and sharing your gifts with the world. By weaving in successful coaching principles and the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to access your inner wisdom, to get clear on what you want in your life and learn the tools that will support you in having it. Every journey truly starts with a single step. When you are ready to embark on your mission of life, I would be honored to walk with you. For a complimentary coaching session or schedule of workshops call (207) 797-9007 or email: Phone sessions available.

Jen Deraspe, MS

Certified Coach; The Institute for The Work, Holistic Personal Trainer, Retreat Facilitator I spent my life searching for truth and happiness outside of myself. All served me on the path, and I am

grateful. Because my seeking path was more external, I experienced only temporary relief. What ultimately led me home was the simplest of methods, The Work of Byron Katie. It is a direct, no non-sense path to personal truth, clarity and freedom held within and no teacher is required. I have been humbled and opened through my own personal inquiry into the source of my stress, fear and internal war with what is. If you are seeking sustained peace and to experience lasting wellbeing, you are invited to join me on an invigorating journey back to you. The tools used are customized for your individual plan and include The Work, Hatha yoga, meditation, holistic nutrition, lifetime fitness and wellness programming. It would be a privilege to be your guide, be it in person, by phone or webcam/Skype. I am happy to offer a complimentary phone consultation if you are interested in the possibility of working together., (207) 595-8260,

37 psychic & spiritual mediumship

living spaces Maine


Jennifer Page

Let us support your intention for change! For more information please visit: or call David Dobson and Kristine Schares at (207) 892-0221.


Intuitive Reader

Feeling Stuck? Let us:

• Clean & Vibrate your home's energy • Energetically prepare your home for sale • Clear the energy of past relationships • Balance toxic earth energies

I was almost a teenager before I realized everyone did not perceive the world as I did. Growing up

on a farm, the fairies & angels were more a part of my life than other children. Perhaps that is why I believe the truth of our own paths are clear inside of us & we all need help sometimes remembering or reconnecting to that truth & our heart’s desires. It is my desire to assist you in gaining clarity in your life circumstances and help you to make conscious decisions. Over 25 years ago I found myself going public with my readings and soon after began teaching & lecturing. I earned several labels including Reiki Master & hypnotist. If I may be of service or if you would like to learn more about me, intuitive phone readings, or guided mediations on CD please visit, email me:, or call 860-919-7107. Enjoy the day you are creating!

Maine Maine

Sant Mat Radhaswami, The Path of the Masters meditations and satsangs around Maine facilitated by James Bean, a local representative of the Sant Mat tradition of Inner Light & Sound Meditation known as Surat Shabd Yoga, in the lineage of Tulsi Sahib. For More Information call (207) 358-9381, or Email:, Website:


PsychicMediumship, Hypnotherapy

Bonnie Lee Gibson is a professional Psychic Medium, Hypnotherapist, Registered Counselor, Reiki Master, healer, teacher and lecturer with thirty years of experience. She

resides in Fairfield and Northport, Maine. Her first experience with Spirit was at the age of four. She has connected many people with loved ones who have crossed over, as well as their angels and spirit guides. Bonnie Lee communicates with pets, both here and on the spirit side. She gives spirit readings all over the world by telephone and travels in the US and Canada. Services include: Hypnotherapy, Psychic Mediumship Readings, Gallery Readings, Workshops, Classes and Lectures, Reading Circles and Private Groups in the comfort of your home. Call (207) 453-6133, cell (207) 649-7089,,, and


Kat Logan

Intuitive Readings and Healing

Holly Noonan, CHHS, CELC — Food Empowerment Counselor, Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Certified Empowerment Life Coach

Food is the foundation of both your physical life as well as your emerging consciousness—what you choose to put into your body becomes your blood cells, your muscles and brain cells and then becomes your ability to think clearly, connect lovingly and envision your future. As humanity approaches a new era, getting nourished by your life and breaking free of food drama means that you can become a powerful catalyst for higher consciousness in our community. Discover your “food fingerprint” to find out which proteins or grains serve your body best. Learn about ancestral food and experiment with fermented foods, sprouted grains, pasture-raised animal products and getting addicted to vegetables. Comb through your unique life to find out what’s holding you back from your most ambitious vision for yourself, then experiment with how vital food, sleep, exercise and creativity can catapult you forward. Learn how fierce self-compassion can help heal even decades of emotional eating patterns. 20% discount on initial consultation if you mention this ad. Camden Whole Health 91 Elm Street Camden, ME 04843, (207) 975-9442

• Intuitive Readings (personal, group, parties, phone or email) • Energy Healing (also offering... Sound, Aromatherapy & Flower Essences) • Sacred Space Design for home and garden • Dowsing and Space Clearing Intuitively aware since childhood, Kat has been offering readings and energy work for over 25 years. As a spiritual medium, empath and clairvoyant she lovingly brings the messages from the Divine Energies that are resonating with you, to assist you on your life's journey. My work is not to tell you your future but to intuitively counsel you of the many potentials that are resonating with you. You have the personal power and will to create the life you want. I want to assist you in that process. I also offer sliding scale fee schedules if money is a problem. Kat also offers other services such as Sacred Space Design, Intuitive Art Work, Medicinal Herbal Teas and Flower Essences. For class schedule see the ITJ Calendar listings. For more information, please check the website: or email: Kat is located in Friendship, Maine. Telephone (207) 226-7446.

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 37

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

The Maine Sant Mat Society presents the Enlightenment Experience as taught by Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj of Bihir, India, a series of free lectures,

38 psychic & spiritual mediumship

retreats Maine

Camp Etna

2012 Summer Program Mediumship Readings and Healings Beginner - Advanced Workshops in Developing Mediumship, Intuition, Healing Modalities & Self-Discovery.

An international camp dating back to the Victorian era. Once home to many historical mediums and healers who are still present in spirit today. Come experience the healing rock, our hiking trails, swim in the pond, or meditate in our organic gardens. Bring the family for a day, a week or the season. Affordable lodging available. • Message Circles - Mondays & Wednesdays 7pm 7/9, 8/29 • Table Tipping - Saturdays 7pm July - August • Mediums Days - 10:00am - 3pm 6/16, 7/14, 8/18 Please refer to our website for: • A complete list of Mediums available for readings. • Our complete schedule & workshop descriptions. Program subject to change.


The knowledgeable and experienced practitioners at The Wellness Center offer a full spectrum of holistic, traditional and alternative techniques.

Enjoy engaging seminars that will flex your intellect. Join a movement class to tone your heart and spirit. Experience the skilful touch of artists sensitive to the subtle thread of muscle and mind. Freshen your outward glow from head to toe. For more information about ongoing programs, upcoming seminars and suite availability, please call (207) 465-4490 or visit us on the Wellness page at The Wellness Center, 69 & 71 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843. - (207) 269-2094 This land is a living resource! The 24 blessed

reflexology & healing massage Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Maine Hands on Feet ~ Lynn Danforth, Certified Reflexologist Reflexology is a science-based, non-invasive method to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.

The deep relaxation found through this wonderful technique comes through the delicate manipulation of nerve centers in your feet and hands to send messages to the brain, which in turn sends the signals to the rest of your body. Many find the experience to result in a meditative, cleansing state, which can last days. Problem areas and issues are easily and gently relieved and reduced, from plantar fasciitis and arthritis to basic tension and foot pain.

acres on which “Forest Circles” is located continues to provide visitors with uniquely personal mystical experiences. Overnight solo retreats in the forest are popular. Come for a gathering in a peaceful inside space, a program around the sacred fire pit or a walk. All are invited to experience this parcel of Earth that is eager to communicate and teach you how to find your way back to your heart. At Forest Circles we offer programs which include: multi-cultural spiritual ceremonies, classes for enhancing one’s connection to Earth and inner self, solo and group retreats, classes on native medicinal plants and children’s programs. Strongheart Healing with Regina Strongheart is featured at the retreat center. Self-Retrieval” is a technique developed by Regina that helps you reclaim your personal power and peace. Using healing energy, shamanic journeying and medical intuition, Regina will assist you in finding health and peace. Regina Strongheart has an MA in education from UNH and experiences including 29 years teaching high school chemistry, 8 years in the medical field and 14 years as a spiritual healer and teacher. She is the owner of “Forest Circles,” Topsham, Me.( 207) 776-3152,

Don't force yourself to stress another minute, contact Lynn today: call either (207) 767-5776 or (207) 318-0129, or visit

Help us harmonize & balance our world! Through acts of: Love ROLLING MEADOWS RETREAT A sanctuary for yoga, meditation and silence


Grace Understanding Abundance

Compassion 38 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012


Silent residential meditation and yoga retreats scheduled throughout the year at 100 acre rural retreat center overlooking the hills of coastal Maine.

Guidance for beginning, deepening or inspiring your meditation and yoga practice. Small group environment supporting inner stability, compassion, stillness, silence, and the recognition of your True Nature. From their 30 years of practice and teaching, Patricia Brown and Surya Chandra Das focus their retreats to encourage the development of a personal practice to provide self-sustanence after the retreat is over. Miles of wooded walking trails, spring fed swimming pond, sauna, organic vegetarian meals, uninterrupted, vast expanse of night sky and deep quietude. 83 Sullivan Road Brooks Maine 04921. Two hours north of Portland, 10 miles inland from the coastal town of Belfast., (888) 666-6412.

39 retreats-cont.

Sewall House Yoga Retreat Enjoy yoga twice daily, meditation, massage, sauna and healthy home-cooked vegetarian cuisine. Near pristine lakes

and Baxter State Park, hike, bike, swim, canoe, kayak or simply porch sit! Five days suggested, weekends, shorter and longer stays arranged. Step back into time in the comfort of this bed and breakfast style retreat listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Nature guide William Sewall shared the healing attributes of nature with a young Theodore Roosevelt, who restored his health from life-threatening asthma here. The tradition continues since 1997 with William Sewall's great granddaughter, yoga instructor Donna Davidge, with over 25 years experience in the healing arts, and her Swedish husband, musician and chef Kent Bonham. Experience the friendly hospitality Sewall House has always offered. Sewall House Yoga Retreat, Island Falls, Maine, (888) 235-2395 Open All Year, prearranged retreats available upon request.


your life by addressing body, mind, food and lifestyle via mindfulness, meditation, yogic, shamanic and other Eastern healing traditions. Enjoy daily home grown & home cooked vegetarian meals, gentle Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation and Outdoor Activities in a peaceful rural setting. We offer guidance for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Our programs are developed to encourage, inspire and deepen yoga and meditation practice. Learn and take home simple but effective tools for integrating these practices into daily life. Groups are small so personal attention is assured. Your hosts Aaron Hoopes and his wife Elfeya have over 3 decades of combined experience in the Eastern healing arts and offer unique, holistic and personal retreats for individuals, couples and small groups. 1152 North Road, Vershire, Vermont 05079 Phone 802 685 4448


Treat Your Feet

A Very Rewarding Career ~ Nurturing your physical Nervous System through reflex points found within your feet & hands.

Learn about a specific touch technique of applying pressure, using your thumb and fingers, to reflex points of the feet and hands that relate to other parts of the body. Reflexology is credited with improving circulation and reducing body stress, which

removes blockages along the nerve pathways what we call Zones. A 250-hour certification course for School of Reflexology $3,300 to learn Reflexology and its application. Cost includes two Reflexology chairs, all required reading books, foot, hand charts, footbath items & much more. For a reflexology session, call Denise Johnson in Rockland at (207) 701-1028. For more information, call Board Certified Foot & Hand Reflexologist Myra Achorn, Augusta, ME, (207) 626-FEET. Classes start in February & September, Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education.

Healing Ways of Kennebunk Reiki Certification Classes

For Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers Reiki I and Reiki II training offered monthly NCBTMB approved – 8 CE hours per class Learn the ancient hands-on-healing technique known as Reiki. This training is designed to inspire and teach massage therapists to integrate Reiki into their existing practice. Reiki is a powerful yet gentle therapy. Reiki has no contraindications so you will never have to turn another client away. This practical, hands-on workshop allows you to work on yourself, others, pets and animals. Reiki is essential for every massage therapist, even if you do not need continuing education hours. Register early – class size limited for individual attention. For more information on class details contact Rachel Pelletier, LMT, Kennebunk, Maine (207) 967-0035 or

“Rachel Pelletier is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.”

schools & trainings Connecticut

Therapeutic Bodywork Learning Center (TBLC) Bangor, ME (207) 947-7087

The Graduate Institute (TGI) is an accredited, not-for-profit institute that offers Masters Degrees in emerging fields of inquiry. The institute

strives to enable professional development through personal transformation, and many of its unique degree programs are not offered anywhere else in the U.S. Its ground-breaking and experiential programs are facilitated by internationally-recognized artists, scientists, healers and educators. TGI offers six Masters degree programs: Organizational Leadership, Integrative Health and Healing, Oral Traditions, Learning and Thinking, Conflict Transformation and Conscious Evolution. Regarded as "colleagues" instead of students, program participants join a cohort of approximately 15-20 individuals who meet one weekend per month for class (Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The Institute's personalized and self-directed learning model encourages participants to apply what they are learning in the classroom to their real-world endeavors. For more information please call (203) 874 4252 or visit:

TBLC students gain the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to become an exceptional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker. Through comprehensive curriculum our students learn how to combine expert technique with caring presence. We provide weekend training programs that allow the flexibility to continue with your job, care-giving, etc. We offer an affordable avenue of study and licensure qualification through small hands-on classes and clinical experience. Learn an integrated approach to bodywork that encourages the body/ mind/ spirit connection. * 500 Hours (plus) Massage Therapy Training * 171 Hours Associate Polarity Practitioner APTA Certification * 50 to 100 Credit Hours in Advanced Hands-on “ Engaging the Mind of the Body”

Licensed by the MAINE DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION Maine State Approved Initial Massage Curriculum NCBTMB Approved Initial Massage Training

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 39

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Shen Qi Gardens is a rural outdoor retreat center situated on 150 acres of Mountain, Ledge & Forest. With Camping Area - Yoga Studio - Zen Shiatsu Massage - Meditation Garden - Swimming Pond Hiking Trails and Organic Vegetable & Herb Gardens, it is the perfect environment in which to relax and let go for the weekend. Learn to enjoy more of

schools & trainings-cont.

40 shamanic healing

writing ser vices

Maine Spirit Passages Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW & Evelyn Rysdyk Spirit Passages is the partnership of nationally recognized shamanic teacher/healers, Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path and C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW. Whether through powerful heart-to-heart contact with individual patients or with workshop groups and conference participants—Evelyn’s & Allie’s extensive experience ensures you of safe shamanic healing encounters, as well as opportunities to train in shamanism with confidence. They are committed to help you increase your personal power, feel your intrinsic sacredness and expand your connections to All That Is!


The Village Scribe The Wellness Center, Camden, Maine

(207) 975-7075

Communicate your authentic message. Writing and Editing services for the Creative and Holistic communities.

Original Copy for: Ads ~ Business cards ~ Brochures Articles ~ Memoirs ~ Websites Writing Workshops Creative Writing ~ Memoir ~ Mythic Structure Ducktrap Writers' Round Table ~ Supporting writers in their craft. Camden Public Library, third Sundays, 2:00pm-4:00pm $15.

Custom crafted words that represent who you are and what you do.

Yoga ~ T'ai Chi ~ Meditation Pacha Works

Holding New Possibilities.


Working with traditional shamanistic practices for healing. Eva Rose Goetz, director

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

"Healing is a collaboration. I love working with people privately or with groups. By working together we remove energies that may be in the way of our coming into wholeness and balance." Eva Rose Goetz: BFA University of Texas

at Austin, MS Ed. Bank Street College NYC, Medicine Wheel Training with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Lisa Summerlott. Certified In Light Body Medicine with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. Core Shamanism with Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton. Eva gratefully continues her studies with indigenous medicine people in Peru, New Mexico, Canada, Africa and Mexico. Eva hosts workshops, leads ceremonies and has a private Shamanic Energy Practice in Falmouth, Maine. More information about classes, private sessions, or ceremonies can be found at or contact Eva directly at (207) 756-0488. "When working with intention

and holding the blessed energy of gratitude, with spirit's help, energy moves. A door opens and new possibilities are now available."

GLASTONBURY Sacred Rivers Yoga

Offers Yoga for Every Body, therapeutic massage and bodywork modalities, acupuncture, nutritional and herbal therapies. We are also a Yoga Alliance 200- and 500-hour registered yoga teacher training school.

Maine BELFAST Monthly Meditation and Healing Class (FREE)


…Follow the Path to Your Own True Essence. At

the core of my shamanic healing practice is the belief that we have the capacity to be whole, stable and functioning at our highest potential. My healing space is safe, quiet and nourishing. I regularly perform soul retrievals, communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones and facilitate healing the numerous wounds The Center for of life in the 21st century. I have completed a Three-Year Earth Light Healing Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and other intensive trainings, including experiences with indigenous shamans from around the world. I graduated from a Two-Year Teacher Training Program with worldrenowned shaman, Sandra Ingerman. In addition to my private practice with adults, children and animals, I lead a One-Year Shamanic Apprenticeship Program, a Two-Year Advanced Shamanic Initiations Program, Shamanic Retreats, Vision Quests and teach a myriad of other weekend workshops. You may join my mailing list to receive my shamanic blog and to visit the Marketplace on my website. Please see my workshop schedule or make an appointment for a private session at, email me at:, or call (207) 841-1215.

40 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

Join me to discover inner pathways to healing and joy. Let go of stress and discomfort. I am Suzanne Camp, a practicing Energy Healer and Teacher for the past 30 years. Testimonial: "The class is wonderful. I recommend it to anyone on a spiritual path." SG, Belfast, ME. Location: Belfast Library. Call for dates and reservations (207) 338-3081 or

DENMARK, GREATER BRIDGTON LAKES REGION Nurture Through Nature's Donation Based Yoga Center Our intention is to offer the gift of yoga in a sacred space, supporting healing, restoration and healthy active movement. We offer weekly, quality classes in a beautiful, natural setting. Design your own healing yoga retreat., (207) 452-2929,


Yo g a ~ T ' a i C h i ~ M e d i t a t i o n - c o n t .

Yo g a ~ T ' a i C h i ~ M e d i t a t i o n - c o n t . Vermont

GORHAM Wai Nei Academy of Health What does the Tao, Chi and Traditional Chinese Medicine have to do with it? ...Everything.


Come and experience authentic, genuine Taoist healing and protective arts. Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Pakua, Tung Pei, Ching I. Study ancient Taoist Cannons, learn how to heal yourself and others. Experience a chi transmission treatment, eastern “wu” shamanic sound healing, or receive private self protection teachings. “Teaching those to teach themselves.”

Shen Qi Gardens Yoga & Outdoor Retreat Center

Mention this ad and receive a free private consultation.; (207) 839-LIVE(5483).

Midcoast Maine Wicked Good Yoga

Offering classes, workshops and private sessions for all levels in yoga, tai chi, qigong, meditation and the martial arts. Also available Zen Shiatsu Massage. Personal development and spiritual deepening programs are offered online in addition to teacher training courses and retreats. For more information please visit the Shen Qi Yoga website:

Website: We are also on Facebook or call us at (207) 882-6892.

Directory of Resources Listings are easy to compose. Write as though you are speaking to others about the work you do and the services you offer. For more information call: (207) 799-7995/(203) 779-0345 or email:

safety, low acid, non vinegar and non sweet items like canned string beans, meats, clams, broth etc. need to be processed longer and at a higher temperature with a pressure canner. We dry herbs immediately after their harvest by hanging them upside down from the ceiling of our home. An alternative method is to place the herbs loosely in clean brown paper bags; staple the bags shut and hang them from the ceiling. After they are dried, we crush the herbs and consolidate them into air tight jars. In this way we store basil, mint, sweet fern, sumac clusters and the like. Grinding and drying seeds and roots into flours is a lot more work and each plant requires its own process. I’m hoping to make deer jerky from a friend’s recipe this coming fall. Our basement serves as a root cellar for potatoes, carrots, apples and the like. Apples store best in 32 degree temperature and high humidity but need to be separated from potatoes to avoid spoiling. Potatoes need to be cured for a period and then stored at 40 degrees with plenty of ventilation. Onions need to be dry and cool. Winter squash need to be kept warm and dry. Carrots and parsnips can be left in the soil if they are covered with lots of insulation. Ordinances and Neighbors Many communities have official rules for homesteading activities such as raising chickens, bees and composting. For example, one Maine town requires residents to have their chicken coop set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property boundaries. In this town, no roosters are allowed, slaughtering on site is not allowed and there are restrictions on the amount of chicken manure allowed on the property.

So know the rules, make good friends with your neighbors, and have a great homesteading adventure! References 1.

All New Square Foot Gardening, Mel Bartholomew, Cool Springs Press







The Forager’s Harvest, A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants, Samuel Thayer, Forager’s Harvest

River lives an abundant life and loves to spend time with his family, hunt and gather food, cut firewood and maintain his home. River’s professional life reflects a tapestry of skills and interests. River leads trips and teaches outdoor skills through his guide service, Maine Bound Guides. River owns and operates Ridgetop Construction, a small company with a green focus. To help people grow and heal spiritually, River offers counseling and healing work through Mountain Spirit Journeys.,, (207) 461-4840.

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 41

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Awaken your own personal power with heart pumping Baptiste inspired power vinyasa yoga. Become lighter as you shift your energy, peeling away layers of physical, mental, and emotional toxins. Our studio (with changing rooms and showers) is conveniently located off Route 1 in Wiscasset at the Snow Squall Inn. Daily classes are all levels and drop ins are welcome. Massage is also available by appointment.


Calendar And Classified Guidelines And Advertising Rates Are Located on Page 45

H eart V isions July 21st-28th, 2012 100-Hour NGH-Approved Hypnosis Certification Course Learn how to use this powerful tool to enrich your life and the lives of others! The course will be a balance of detailed lectures and hands-on learning. Location: The Farmington Valley Arts Center, Avon, CT Cost: $2,199 (before June 15th), $2,399 thereafter. To Register: Call Lisa Zaccheo, BCH, BCI at (860) 693-6448 or go to

June ~ Connecticut Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

June 3rd, Sunday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With Ron and Joan Avante Garde Salon, Spa, Holistic Center, 328 East Main (Route 1) Branford. CT. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 481-8443 or email

June 6, 4:30pm-6:00pm FREE Information Session at The Graduate Institute on the Master of Arts in Integrative Health and Healing. Learn about a transformative M.A. program that focuses on humane, empathic, and holistic approaches to health and wellness. Meets at St. Francis Hospital’s Center for Integrative Medicine, 114 Woodland Street Hartford, CT 06105 Call (203) 874-4252 or visit to RSVP.

June 8th, Friday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With Ron and Joan Joseph N. Goff House, 2 Barton Hill Rd., East Hampton. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email

June 12th-17th, (Tuesday 3:00pm-Sunday 2:00pm) Retreat with Sogyal Rinpoche, author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. With his remarkable gift for presenting the heart essence, spirit and flavor of Tibetan Buddhism in a way that is both authentic and profoundly relevant to the modern mind, Sogyal Rinpoche is one of the most renowned teachers of our time. Join him at Connecticut College for a 5-day meditation retreat and experience the love of the teachings for yourself. Visit or call (866) 200-5876 to learn more.

June 22nd, Friday, 2:00pm & 6:30pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With Ron and Joan

June 16th-17th, The Way of the Shaman®

at Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center Wellness Room, 536 Saybrook Rd. #280, Middletown. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of gongs and crystal bowls. Open to the public, reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email There will be no concerts July 27th.

The Shamanic Journey, Power and Healing, Port Clyde, Maine Led by: Nan Moss & David Corbin. This is the basic workshop of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and is the pre-requisite for all Foundation workshops and training courses. (207) 593-6016, or

June ~ Maine June 1st-3rd Mid-coast Women's Retreat: Cleanse The Body - Celebrate The Soul ~ Deep mind-body-spirit healing. Cost: $324 (includes Cleanse Kit). Hallie Holland, MSW, RMT - (207) 751-7537 Awaken Awareness: Reiki, The Polarity Way - Member of Team Northrup.

June 2nd, Saturday, 10:00am-3:00pm Energy… Our Bodies, Our World Offered at My Great Full Heart Healing Studio, Friendship, Maine. Contact Kat Logan at (207) 226-7446 Web:, Email: and you can friend My Great Full Heart on Facebook. Bring your lunch, $45-$75, sliding scale.

June 9th, Saturday, 10:00am-3:00pm Dowsing and Divining Offered at My Great Full Heart Healing Studio, Friendship, Maine. Contact Kat Logan at (207) 226-7446 Web:, Email: and you can friend My Great Full Heart on Facebook. Bring your lunch, $45-$75, sliding scale.

June 9th, 11:00am-1:00pm Meditation and Healing Workshop Life is an adventure and we each possess the tools to make it richer and more fulfilling. Come join me to discover your inner resources. I am Suzanne Camp, a practicing Energy Healer and Teacher for over 30 years. Testimonial: The class is wonderful. I recommend it to anyone on a spiritual path. SG, Belfast, ME. Free to the Public! Location: Belfast Library. Call for information (207) 338-3081 or

June 9th & 10th, 9:00am-4:00pm Council of All Beings: Shamanism and the Spirits of the Earth. This workshop is based on Joanna Macy’s and my own work, and is a way to connect with earth/animal spirits shamanically, and how this can be healing for all, including our Earthly Mother. It is a movement towards balance and peace. A basic knowledge of shamanism helpful, but not required. FMI-Yvonne Thibodeau, Sacred Heart of the Wolf at (207) 356-2662.

June 10th, Sunday from 1:00pm-4:00pm Making and Using Flower Essences workshop with Linda Tisdale of Alchemilla Herbal HeartStone House, Hampden, Maine. FMI, contact Eileen Mielenhausen at (207) 441-2785; (207) 667-2019 or

June 11th, 9:00am-12:00pm Portland Free Well Woman Clinic Offered by local midwives and midwifery students. Routine well woman care; all services are free. Located at Birth Roots in Portland. Call (207) 647-5968 for appointments.

June 16th, 11:30am–5:30pm Meg’s is proud to host: Secrets of Crystal Healing 3

June 11th, 10:00am-4:00pm Bridgton Free Well Woman Clinic

Come join us at our experiential, hands on healing workshop with Deep Arrow Woman, Lorraine Simone, M.S.Ed. Learn the basic properties and care of these Beings of Light; explore the many uses of crystals “to help and to heal” (support overall wellness in body, mind, soul and spirit). Enhance your meditation, spiritual practices and other healing modalities, super-charge the Laws of Attraction, Cause and Effect, and clear, balance and rejuvenate the body’s electromagnetic fields. Cost: $75 Contact Meg: call (860) 649-9941, email:, or visit for more information.

Offered by Birthwise Community Clinic at The Birth House in Bridgton. For more information or to book an appointment, call us at (207) 647-5968.

42 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

June 16th, Saturday, 10:00am-3:00pm Flowers, Aromatherapy and Herbal Brews Offered at My Great Full Heart Healing Studio, Friendship, Maine. Contact Kat Logan at (207) 226-7446 Web:, Email: and you can friend My Great Full Heart on Facebook. Bring your lunch, $45-$75, sliding scale.

June 30th-July 1st Women in Business Retreat This retreat at Nurture Through Nature supports women in business in how to fill their own cup and to walk in balance. All proceeds, after expenses, goes to supporting their mission. All-inclusive package: $195. Denmark, Maine. (207) 452-2929.

June ~ Massachusetts June 16th, Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm, Newton Psychic Development, Past Lives & Angel Communication Workshop with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583.

June~NewHampshire June 10th, 10:00am Dover Community HU Chant Want to learn a simple love song to God that can bring healing, inner peace, & harmony to your life? HU (pronounced hue) is an ancient name for God sung in many cultures around the world. Join a community of fellow spiritual seekers from all faiths in singing HU at the Hampton Inn, 9 Hotel Dr., Dover NH, and continuing on the second Sunday of each month. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. For more information call (800) 713-8944 or go to

June 10th, Sunday, 11:00am-noon Dover Eckankar Worship Service Gather with like-minded spiritual seekers at a nondenominational worship service at the Hampton Inn, 9 Hotel Dr., Dover, NH, and and continuing on the second Sunday of each month. The service offers an uplifting love song to God, HU (pronounced hue), discussions, and sharing of spiritual experiences. Sponsored by Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Eckankar teaches ancient spiritual wisdom for people of all faiths, with practical tools for thriving as a spiritual being in today's world. For more information call (800) 713-8944 or go to

June 19th, Tuesday, 6:00pm The HU Chant is offered in Dover Want to learn a simple love song to God that can bring healing, inner peace, & harmony to your life? HU (pronounced hue) is an ancient name for God sung in many cultures around the world. Join a community of fellow spiritual seekers from all faiths in singing HU at the Wentworth Douglas Hospital, Cocheco meeting Room, 789 Central Ave., Dover, NH, and continuing on the third Tuesday of each month. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. For more information call (800) 713-8944 or go to


June ~ Vermont June 9th, Saturday, 9:00am Heal Your Bio-Plasmic Field to Enhance Your Health World renowned Medical Intuitive Healer, Sue Singleton defines the bio-plasmic field, your body’s intelligence system, which stores information and how it relates to the aura, the body and DNA. Data in the field can be damaged or its connection with the body scrambled by toxins, injuries, electricity, emotional or karmic imprints, etc. Example: if your gallbladder was removed and the bio-plasmic field still transmits sick gallbladder data, health cannot be restored. Experience Sue’s healing of your bio-plasmic field, in addition to re-connection, synchronization and alignment of your bio-plasmic field with various critical systems, including your chakras. American Society of Dowsers Convention, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT. Free with Convention admission.

June 10th, Sunday, 9:00am New Bio-Morphic Geometry Tools for 2012 and Beyond Healer-Visionary Aaron Singleton brings new Bio-Morphic Geometry Prototypes from the super-consciousness realm. See, feel and experience 6 Bio-Morphic Geometric Patterns that demonstrate how our consciousness transforms information into energy and creates DNA changes. Traditional Sacred Geometry describes patterns, shapes and forms of all living things, and is replicated in art and the design of cathedrals and ancient temples worldwide. Rapid planetary/celestial changes have created the need for totally new geometric codes. Aaron’s prototypes will enable you to evolve with these rapid, ongoing, dramatic energy shifts. American Society of Dowsers Convention, Lyndon State College, Lydonville, VT. Free with Convention admission.

June 28th-July 1st Weather Dancing:

June 30th, 10:30am-3:30pm Qigong/Tai Chi Day Retreat Join us for a special day of insightful Qigong theory and practice; learn a yang style Tai Chi short form; enjoy a healthy vegetarian lunch; discussion and tour of Shen Qi Gardens; relax and unwind with a guided meditation. Learn simple practices to incorporate into your daily routine, while taking in the peaceful natural beauty of the Green Mountains. No experience necessary. $50 includes lunch. Shen Qi Gardens, Vershire, Vermont, Phone (802) 685-4448.

July ~ Connecticut July 1st, Sunday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With Ron and Joan Avante Garde Salon, Spa, Holistic Center, 328 East Main (Route 1) Branford. CT. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 481-8443 or email

July 10th, 8:30am–10:30 am FREE Leading from Within:

July 2012 Camp Etna Events June 30th-July 2nd: Awaken Your Spirit Weekend July 3rd-July7th: Sustainability Week, Medium Janet Decker July 8th-July14th: Medium Sue St. Jean July 15th-July 21st: Medium Karen Heasley July 22nd-July28th: Medium Reverend Gail Hicks July 29th-August 4th: Medium Reverend Charlene Hicks For more information go to

July 5th-8th Inner Freedom - Yoga & Meditation Retreat w/Surya Chandra Das at Rolling Meadows a 100 acre sanctuary in Brooks, Maine. Vegetarian meals, nature, silence. or (888) 666-6412.

July 14th, 11:00am-1:00pm Meditation and Healing Workshop Life is an adventure and we each possess the tools to make it richer and more fulfilling. Come join me to discover your inner resources. I am Suzanne Camp, a practicing Energy Healer and Teacher for over 30 years. Testimonial: The class is wonderful. I recommend it to anyone on a spiritual path. SG, Belfast, ME. Free to the Public! Location: Belfast Library. Call for information (207) 338-3081 or

July 15th-21st The Wisdom of the Heart - Yoga & Meditation retreat

Upcoming ~ Maine August 2012 Camp Etna Events August 5th-August 11th: Medium Reverend Rosy D’Elia August 12th-August 18th: Medium Louis Gates August 19-August 25th: Medium Steve Herman For more information

August 12th-18th Body Prayers Yoga and Vipassana Meditation Silent Retreat w/Patricia Brown at Rolling Meadows Retreat Center, a 100-acre sanctuary in Brooks, Maine. (888) 666-6412.

July 20th-22nd Green Living Weekend Retreat

August 24th -25th Downeast Spiritual Life Conference- Ellsworth

At Nurture Through Nature ~ with journey dance, yoga, meditation, tours and presenters, come see how you can live a more simple and earth ~ friendly life. End the workshop with a community sauna. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Loon Echo Land Trust. FMI: (207) 452-2929, Cost $227-$327 depending on cabin choice. Denmark, Maine.

July 21st-22nd Shamanism and the Spirits of Nature Port Clyde, Maine Led by: Nan Moss & David Corbin. This is a Foundation for Shamanic Studies advanced workshop. Prerequisite: The Way of the Shaman - The Shamanic Journey, Power & Healing with authorized Foundation for Shamanic Studies faculty member. (207) 593-6016, or

July 26th-29th, Shamanic Retreat For Women (3rd Annual) sponsored & led by Dory Cote of The Center for Earth Light Healing. On sacred land at Borestone Mountain Sanctuary. A restful, spiritual, time with the bounty of nature spirits with nightly fire rituals and blessings. Cost: $390 includes 3 nights lodging and all programs. for details.

July 28th, 7:30pm The Hanumen with Gaura Vani, Benji Wertheimer and John De Kadt at Deering Grange, on the corner of Washington and Cypress St., Portland, ME. For tickets, contact Lisa Silverman at (207) 233-6846.

July ~ Vermont July 14th - 10:30am-3:30pm Qigong/Tai Chi Day Retreat Join us for a special day of insightful Qigong theory and practice; learn a yang style Tai Chi short form; enjoy a healthy vegetarian lunch; discussion and tour of Shen Qi Gardens; relax and unwind with a guided meditation. Learn simple practices to incorporate into your daily routine, while taking in the peaceful natural beauty of the Green Mountains. No experience necessary. $50 includes lunch. Shen Qi Gardens, Vershire, VT, Phone (802) 685-4448.

July 13th, Friday, 7:00pm Harmonic Sound Immersion ~ With Ron and Joan

July 14th-15th The Way of the Shaman®:


Spend a weekend immersed in sitting and walking meditation, asanas and contemplation. Enjoy nutritious vegetarian cuisine cooked onsite. Discussions and group guidance are offered daily. Surround yourself with serenity and join us to develop mindfulawareness practices in a wholesome nurturing environment. We’ll be grounding ourselves in Mother Nature. When was the last time you slept under the stars? Come prepared to Touch the Earth. This retreat is an occasion to experience your Whole Being. Shen Qi Gardens is a rural outdoor retreat center situated on 150 acres of Mountain, Ledge & Forest. With Camping Area - Yoga Studio - Zen Shiatsu Massage - Meditation Garden - Swimming Pond - Hiking Trails and Organic Vegetable & Herb Gardens, it is the perfect environment in which to relax and let go for the weekend. 1152 North Road, Vershire, VT 05079. Phone (802) 685-4448.

w/Surya Chandra Das at Rolling Meadows a 100 acre sanctuary in Brooks, Maine. Vegetarian meals, nature, silence. or (888) 666-6412.

An Exploration of Leadership and its Unlimited Possibilities. Join Dr. Andrew Summa, Program Coordinator for The Graduate Institute’s M.A. in Organizational Leadership, for a free networking breakfast and special presentation on “Leading from Within: An Exploration of Leadership and its Unlimited Possibilities.” The Graduate Institute, 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT. Visit to RSVP.

Joseph N. Goff House, 2 Barton Hill Rd., East Hampton. $20 Come immerse yourself in vibrational sound healing through the tones of Gongs and crystal bowls. Reservations necessary and FMI: call (203) 779-0345 or email

July 20th-22nd Touch the Earth Retreat

The Shamanic Journey, Power and Healing Led by: Nan Moss & David Corbin, Montpelier area, VT. This is the basic workshop of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and is the prerequisite for all Foundation workshops and training courses. Contact Sue Jamieson (802) 223-2521, or

Pre-conference workshops on Friday. Saturday conference with Fr. Richard Rohr, Andrew Harvey, and Phyllis Tickle followed by Paul Winter concert. More information at

August 26th-September 1st Camp Etna International Week Featuring International Mediums Sandra McFadden- Mixed Level Mediumship & Colin Hall- Psychic Art, 9:00am-12:30pm$125. Hurry spaces are filling fast! For more information go to

September 12th-16th Got Fear?? This is a retreat inviting you to freedom from fear and insecurity. This Nurture Through Nature retreat offers layers of opportunities to discover the source and way of the subtle and obvious fears, insecurities and anxieties that affect your freedom. For those familiar with The Work of Byron Katie. FMI:, (207) 595-8260. Denmark, Maine.

October 5th-8th Fall Foliage Yoga ~ Meditation Eco-Retreat at Nurture Through Nature. Experience Maine’s magical splendor in a beautiful setting. Open yourself through daily yoga, mediation, woods walks, canoeing, sauna steam bath and the bounty the fall harvest offers. FMI: (207) 595-8260. Denmark, Maine.

October - Classes starting Study Traditional Zen Shiatsu! Affordable and convenient professional certification programs. Saturday classes in Portland, ME or evenings in Brunswick, ME. New classes start October 2012. Shiatsu I, II and III (50 CE hours each/ $675 per course). Biomechanics For Professionals (8 CE hours/$150). Also Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation and more! Human Element Center is a NCBTMB continuing education Approved Provider #421848-12. Get certified today. FMI: or (207) 798-8488.

Ongoing~Connecticut Every Monday 6:00pm YOGA class The Sunflower Bungalow all levels, (with heated Floor in the Dream Room) 1273 Queen Street Southington, CT 06489 (860) 747-1100.

Second Wednesday, Meditation with Clare Vidich Willimantic - Windham Hospital, Women's Center for Health, 7A Ledgebrook Drive, Mansfield Center, CT (behind the East Brook Mall). For more information call (860) 456-6766, Time: 6:30pm. Cost: Free

Continued on page 44 June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 43

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A Shamanic Path of Personal Growth and Global Healing (Levels I & II) Montpelier area, VT. Led by: Nan Moss & David Corbin Pre-requisite: Shamanic journey experience. Weather Shamanism is about the shaman’s long-held, respected task of looking after relations between the human community and the beings of Nature. It is about our potential as “fully human beings” in relationship with the spirits of Earth and Sky. At the heart of Weather Shamanism is Weather Dancing - the essence of the spiritual relationship, its practice and ethics. Contact Peter Clark, (802) 253-7846 or

July ~ Maine

44 Sunday ~ Bhakti-Yoga Festival – 3:00pm

Women’s Group

Meditation and Buddhism:

Join us for kirtan, philosophy and vegetarian dinner. No charge. Hare Krishna Temple. 1683 Main St. East Hartford (860) 289-7252,

Meeting weekly for support and relaxing body-mind exercises. Thursday’s 6:30pm-8:00pm in Damariscotta. Call Angela Hassenpflug at (207) 592-7888 or email

Are you searching for happiness, freedom, transformation and positive thinking? "We become what we think" (the Buddha). Learn more at Nagaloka Buddhist Center, 54 York Street, Portland. Our program includes weekly meditation sessions, regular scheduled introduction classes on meditation and Buddhism and events for all levels of practitioners., (207) 329-8041.

Ongoing Reiki Offerings Individual Reiki Sessions, Crystal Healings, Reiki Shares & Classes in Eastern CT. Please call Carleen, RMT at (860) 884-3125 for more information.

Holistic Moms Network National non-profit organization for parents with an interest in holistic health and green living. Visit to find a local chapter.

SunDo Mountain Taoism Classes in Taoist breathwork, meditation and postures for all fitness levels. SunDo Taoist practice enhances the body's qi-energy flow, which promotes health and higher consciousness. (860) 523-5260,

ECKANKAR Temple of CT -- a place for all who love God. ECKANKAR Worship services 10:00am, 2nd Sunday of the month. Inspirational talks and uplifting music awaken spiritual understanding in everyday life. Middlefield.;

O n g oing ~

M aine

Yoga Alliance School Southwest Maine Year round, ongoing monthly modules 200hr. yoga certification/brush up, thematic, courses (CEC) for certified teachers. Always the first Saturday/Sunday of each month 8:00am-4:00pm, $300 per module/$2300 for the entire 8 months. FMI: (207) 625-4756.

Twin Hearts Meditation Group Every Thursday at 7:30 PM at The Maine Center for Pranic Healing, 47 Pleasant St. Oxford, ME 04270. FMI call (207) 240-4637 website:

Holistic Life Coaching Residential Immersion

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

at Nurture Through Nature Retreat Center with Certified Facilitator, Jen Deraspe. Discover the source and way out of your stress on a transformational, personalized immersion into you. Denmark, Maine, (207) 595-8260,,

A gathering together as a community Third Saturday of each month. Those of us in this Spiritual Field can come together to meet and to create a community. This will be a potluck lunch, with good laughter, good company, and a chance to meet each other, face to face, in a safe environment. We will meet at the Unity of Greater Portland facility, at 54 River Road, in Windham, Me. The gathering will be from noon until 4:00pm. FMI: Bob Beane, (207) 749-1857, or email

Experience New Options in Life! Release stress and discomfort in gifted healer, Suzanne Camp’s ongoing Meditation Class. Testimonial: "The class is wonderful. I recommend it to anyone on a spiritual path." SG Belfast, ME. FREE to the Public! Location: Belfast Library. Call for dates and reservations (207) 338-3081 or

Access Consciousness™ The Bars Ongoing private sessions and classes with Anneshin. Energetically release thoughts, beliefs, emotions that keep you from being you. Windham, ME. FMI (207) 523-9941

Augusta Spiritualist Church Sunday Service 10:30am, First Thursday, Mini Readings 7:00pm-9:00pm $15/15 min. Awareness Classes, Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm. Corner of Perham/Court St. FMI call (207) 504-1088 or visit our website,

Monthly Dowsing Classes Learn how to dowse with a pendulum or L-Rods. Check out or for classes and times. FMI call Paul at (207) 332-9681.

44 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

Wai Nei Academy of Health Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00pm we study ancient and sacred Taoist healing arts, martial arts and meditation. Come by and join us for free! Facilitated by Shifu Kelcey Hart. FMI call (207) 839-LIVE (5483). Also offering private teaching, healing and consultation.

Healing And Prayer Circle ~ Free 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Come in community to pray, meditate and send love to those who you are concerned about, or ask for healing for yourself. Open to all! Bring a goodie to share for refreshments after. Sacred Circle Studio, Friendship. Contact: Kat Logan, (207) 226-7446, or email:

The New Moon Rituals with Chief Oscar Mokeme and the class "Developing Your Personal Healing Gifts" with teacher, healer and medical intuitive Regina Strongheart at "Forest Circles," Topsham,

Thursday Buddhist Meditation We practice Natural Wisdom and Love/Compassion and Tonglen. All practices are for beginners and long-time practitioners, 25 Middle Street, Portland. 6:00pm-7:00pm. Jane Burdick, or (207) 773-6809.

Have a problem with food?

Spiritual Horizons Maine

Does your eating behavior make you or others unhappy? There is help available in OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS! Check out to learn more, or call 211 for meeting times.

Seeking a spiritual community? Share illuminating, spiritual discussions/presentations in an open, welcoming environment. Meets every Tuesday at 7:00pm at 75 State Street, Portland. We've Changed Our Programing Format! For more Information:

Kirtan at Portland Yoga Studio, 1st and 3rd Fridays Join us on a vocal journey through the sacred sounds of ancient India with call & response group chanting. Beginners welcomed. $5.00 suggested donation. 7:00pm-8:30pm, 616 Congress St., 3rd floor, Portland. FMI:

Reiki - Healing Ways of Kennebunk Reiki classes offered monthly. Learn this ancient art of hands-on healing for yourself, loved ones, and pets. FMI Rachel Pelletier, LMT (207) 967-0035 or

The Ducktrap Writers’ Round Table meets on third Sundays at Camden Public Library from 2:00pm-4:00pm. A venue for writers who wish to share work, receive feedback and be supported in their craft. Call Teresa Piccari, proprietor of The Village Scribe, at (207) 975-7075 for more info. Suggested fee is $15.

Taoist Tai Chi TM Internal Arts of Health Sustain or reclaim your good health with the Taoist Tai Chi Society® internal art of Tai Chi Chuan. In more than 25 countries around the globe, people of all ages and abilities enjoy the many benefits of practicing this art of holistic health. Classes are offered in Westbrook, Bridgton, Brownfield & Blue Hill. FMI: (207) 329-4346, or email:

Wednesday Women’s Meditation Group All women welcome to a weekly meditation in the Greenfire tradition. Location: Newcastle, St. Andrews Parish House, Glidden St. 6:30pm–7:30pm (not on the 3rd Wednesday of the month). For more info please call: Angela H. (207) 592-7888 or Mary A. (207) 677-3229.

Sunday Night: Portland Spiritualist Church meets at 17 Dunn St., 2nd floor, Westbrook (American Legion) for 6:30pm Service, Healing Meditation, Inspirational Talk, Messages from Spirit. FMI call (207) 655-6673 or visit our website at

Fourth Friday of each month - Gallery Readings. Join us at the Portland Spiritualist Church, 17 Dunn St., 2nd floor, Westbrook (American Legion) for an evening of messages from Spirit. 7:00pm $10 event. FMI call (207) 655-6673 or visit our website at

Friday Night: Weekly Psychic Development and Awareness Classes, except for the 4th Friday which is Gallery Readings - see above. Portland Spiritualist Church, 17 Dunn St., 2nd floor, Westbrook. (American Legion) Classes start at 7:30pm. Most classes are by donation. FMI call (207) 6556673 or visit our website at

EnergizeTM Sessions with Emmanuelle Chaulet Stress relief, energy clearing and balancing, RYSE®. Self-confidence, boundaries and empowerment issues. For artists, performers, women, body workers. $80 ($70 students) Holistic Pathways, Gorham, (207) 929-2651.

The Birth House Bridgton's freestanding birth center is available for free tours. FMI: contact, or (207) 647-5919.

Wavelengths Hypnotherapy ongoing classes: Self-Hypnosis, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Relaxation, Guided Imagery Classes. Bonnie Lee Gibson, CH and Ernie VanDenBossche, BCH, CI; (207) 453-6133, (207) 649-9655, Waterville.

Regular Oneness Deeksha Circles (free) Experience the transmission of Divine Grace – declutch the mind and awaken the kundalini – shift your life! Oneness Trainers Elizabeth and Maha'al. Contact or (207) 619-1663.

Center of Inner Light, Rev. Gloria Nye Located at 267 Congress Street, Portland, (within the synagogue). Sunday Services: 10:30am-12:00pm followed by fellowship. FMI call (207) 576-7276, visit

Dragonfly Taijiquan, Larry Ira Landau Group & Private Instruction in T’ai Chi Ch’aun (taijiquan) & Chi Kung (qigong) for beginners & experienced students. Studios in Portland and Kennebunkport. Ongoing classes, workshops & retreats. FMI: (207) 761-2142 or (207) 967-4070.

Doula tea ~ meet with doulas in person  Learn how doulas help families during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We meet one Sunday each month at the Birth Roots, 101 State St., Portland from 9:00am-11:00am. There is no fee, pre-registration is required. Call Rebecca Goodwin at (207) 318-8272.

USM Center for Continuing Education. Ongoing classes in Complementary Therapies, (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, Reiki, etc.) Visit for course & registration information or call (207) 780-5900 for catalog.

“SANT MAT RADHASWAMI SATSANG” Inner Light & Sound Meditation. Surat Shabd Yoga. For a Bangor, Waterville, & Portland meeting schedule, call James at: (207) 358-9381 or

Ongoing~NewHampshire Eaton Satsang Near Conway, an informal small group meets Wednesday evenings to support meditation, awakening to nondual (Advaita) awareness and spiritual understanding. All are welcome. Details at: or (603) 447-5401.

45 Dancing Angels Wellness Studio & The Maine Center for Pranic Healing

Learn to develop your gifts Unicorn Cove School of Metaphysics offers private classes in-house and online. Psychic development, astrology, numerology, tarot, dream interpretation, spellwork, healing and others.

We are happy to provide you with tools for Mind, Body and Soul Expansion! Angel Therapy®, Pranic Healing, Reiki and so much more! or e-mail

HEALING PLACES & SPACES ~ Vermont Touch the Earth Retreat

Portsmouth Spiritual Chats Every Saturday during June and continuing on Saturdays weekly. Bring your spiritual questions to a free public spiritual chat offered on Saturdays from 10:00am-11:30am, throughout the year at Breaking Grounds Coffee House, 14 Market Square, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sponsored by Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God. Eckankar teaches ancient spiritual wisdom for people of all faiths, with practical tools for thriving as a spiritual being in today's world. Monthly themes & discussion topics are listed on our website Note: No Chat on June 23rd only.

Tai Chi for Kids

Zen Shiatsu Healing Massage

Daytime Class - Basic Tai Chi movements help to develop coordination, structure and discipline in a fun and mentally stimulating environment. Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm Ages 5-7 $10. Shen Qi Gardens, Vershire, VT. Phone (802) 685-4448

Zen Yoga Breathing, movement, stretching and deep guided relaxation meditation. Every Wednesday evening. Beginners 6:00pm7:00pm. All levels 7:00pm-8:30pm. $10 per class. Location: Studio Time and Space in Springfield, VT. Everyone welcome. (802) 591-0990.

Shen Qi Yoga Evening Class - Breathe & Movement with Gentle Yoga, finishing with a Guided Relaxation. Mondays 6:00pm7:15pm. $10 Beginners Welcome. Shen Qi Gardens, Vershire, VT. Phone (802) 685-4448

HEALING PLACES & SPACES ~ Maine Nurture Through Nature specializes in holistic personal retreats. Experience peace, healing and connection with self and nature in a simple and earth-friendly environment. Enjoy yoga, body work, a Finnish wood-fired sauna steam bath, dips in the mountain brook, hiking, meditation, The Work of Byron Katie, canoeing, kayaking... create your own getaway for individuals, couples and small groups. Bridgton Lakes Region, Denmark, (207) 4522929,

Please follow the format found in the journal and online, (Date information, title, description, location and contact information.)

Green-Certified Eco-Retreat Space available for rent. Nurture Through Nature offers three solar-powered eco-cabins, yurt, private camping, wood-fired sauna, yoga studio, hiking trails, mountain brook, Denmark, ~ Greater Bridgton Lakes Region,, (207) 452-2929.

Gardens of Atlantis Rental space available to practitioners/teachers. We are committed to providing our best to our community to support growth, beauty, healing and Love. Call Linda at (207) 929-5088.

PRACTITIONERS ~ Connecticut Intuitive Phone Readings: Jennifer Page has been giving intuitive phone readings for over 25 years. If gaining clarity or assistance in decisionmaking would benefit you; dial (860) 919-7107 to make an appointment. See for more information.


PRACTITIONERS ~ Maine Indigo Hypnosis Gentle relaxation process to experience past life memories. Receive guidance from your higher self in this calm state. Trained in Dolores Cannon Quantum Hypnosis Technique. FMI: (207) 730-1781.

Radiant Healing Linda Deming, Reiki III Master and certified Full Spectrum Healing practitioner, is a graduate of The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. She invites you to experience deep healing on many levels. Located in Blue Hill. (207) 374-9292

Reiki: The Path to New Beginnings New Reiki Practice in Portland/Free introductory treatment. One on one classes for certification in Reiki. Please call or email Mary Jo DiBenedetto at (207) 233-7181,

Inner Tapestry ' s ~

$12 per issue for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Energetically clear, beautiful spaces for classes, workshops, celebrations, and ceremony. Outdoor ceremonial space available. Located in Falmouth. Reasonable rates. FMI call The Vywamus Foundation (207) 797-6106.

Energy balancing massage for pain releif, injury rehabilitation, stress reduction and deep relaxation. Trained in Japan, Aaron Hoopes has over 25 years experience. If your body needs healing visit:

delights which he tastes, moreover, he experiences in love so sweet, the secret sent into him from heaven, which no one here knows unless he receives it, and bears within himself the potion which intoxicates lovers rejoicing in Christ. ....The love of God takes up to itself with marvelous rejoicing the soul of the one whom it perfectly penetrates and sets it truly ablaze by the fire of the Holy Spirit, and does not permit it to stray for a moment from the memory of so great a love.” (“The Fire of Love”)

Calendar of Events ~ Date Sensitive Listings ~

A Place In The Heart

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Classified Listings


Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

Ongoing ~ Vermont

Hosting your own wellness event? If you are interested in putting together your own local wellness event and need assistance in planning, please contact Doug Reighley at (207) 749-1961 or

Shen Qi Gardens is a rural outdoor retreat center situated on 150 acres of Mountain, Ledge & Forest, With Camping Area - Yoga Studio - Zen Shiatsu Massage - Meditation Gardens - Swimming Pond - Hiking Trails and Organic Vegatable & Herb Gardens, it is the perfect environment in which to relax and let go for the weekend. See main ad under Directory of Resource Retreats, 1152 North Rd., Vershire, VT 05079. Phone (802) 685-4448. Zen Yoga Online Courses, Workshops and Retreats provide CE hours for Licensed Massage Therapists. Zen Yoga is certified with the NCBTMB. Please contact us for more information.

Holistic Event Organizing and Planning

James Bean interviews guests, reviews books and music for HealthyLife. Net Positive Talk Radio and other stations via a syndicated radio program called Spiritual Awakening, and teaches Sant Mat Meditation and Surat Shabd Yoga in the Bangor, Waterville, & Portland areas. Address questions or comments to, (207) 358-9381.

Calendar of Events and Classified Guidelines

~ Ongoing Event Listings ~

Classified Ads

A six-month (3 issue) listing is $25 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Classified ads are $20 for 30 words, additional words are 50 cents each.

Please follow the format of our Ongoing Listings found in the journal and online, (Title, frequency, description, location and contact information.)

Please send formatted listings. We do not publish press releases.

All Calendar and Classified Listings are listed on the Inner Tapestry Website! June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 45


mixed media reviews Book Review

by Suzanne Pera

Love Has Wings by Isha Judd ISBN: 978-1-60868-121-1 Publisher: New World Library

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Isha Judd is considered an "ambassador for peace" by international leaders. She speaks to people about love-consciousness and teaches, this is the truest essence of who we truly are. She says consciousness is love; a love that is unconditional, different from all the kinds of "love" we are accustomed to and this love is within ourselves. Her careers have included being a professional racehorse breaker and trainer and a professional singer-songwriter of soft rock. Her life experiences led her to go deep within to uncover the unconditional love that she speaks so graciously about. Isha lets her readers know that her

Enlightened Communication in the Workplace An Excerpt from Love Has Wings by Isha Judd At work we often think we shouldn’t express what we feel for fear of hurting or alienating someone. We say, “Hello. How nice to see you,” while internally we are thinking, I hate him, but I have to work with him every day, so I’ll just smile and say, “How are you?” when in reality I don’t care how he is. Being polite and friendly without feeling is not real. Because it comes from the head, it’s intellectual, disconnected; the heart is not present in the feeling, and the other person always knows it. Recently, lies have come to light that have exposed corruption and manipulation on a global scale in many different situations. WikiLeaks has played a prominent role in this trend, yet I see it as a reflection of the increasing honesty that is coming on a personal scale, in the lives of people around the world who are beginning to go inward and face the truth. Only truth can set us free; truth is the language of love-consciousness. As we become more truthful, the world we live in will begin to reflect that honesty. We can march for equality, demand more of our politicians, and work to expose injustice, but we can best contribute to an honest and fair society by becoming more transparent in our own lives. In the workplace, we tend to ignore our emotions and pretend everything is fine. That way, we avoid disagreements and live in a state of apparent conviviality, but beneath lies all the frustration, all the rage, often toward the people we have to work with every day. We need to express ourselves with clarity, to be real; if we don’t, we start to hate ourselves. The mind says, “But I’m afraid! I might hurt someone! or I might make enemies at work or I might get fired.” But if you continually swallow your discontent and bury your grievances, you are already hurting someone: you’re hurting yourself. Truth flies the highest. Truth always generates unity. Protective dishonesty increases fear and generates separation. Make a habit of voicing your concerns with your coworkers in a compassionate way, open to hearing what they have to say in response. When they see you free of fears, judgments, and resentment,

46 Inner Tapestry June/July 2012

journey was not an easy one, but people can access this love if they are willing. Love Has Wings, is a book filled with the power of love to change how we live our lives. With each chapter it shows how we live in the mind's illusions of how life is seen, instead of through the eyes of our hearts and souls. Isha Judd, gives you the tools to help change your perceptions of life with wonderful little sayings, meditations, exercises, scenarios and contemplations asking the reader how they are perceiving a particular situation. As the reader engages in the process of letting go of old patterns that are no longer helpful, they reach a love-consciousness that we then can use to begin to heal ourselves and bring this healing into the world.

your relationships with them will start to change, and soon you will feel much closer to them. Another tendency on the job is to get so caught up in the routine of our days that we forget to ever say anything nice. How many bosses take their subordinates for granted, forgetting to acknowledge the countless ways those assistants make their jobs — and consequently their lives — easier? Conversely, assistants often get resentful about their lowly positions, forgetting that their roles are just as integral as those of the managers and grumbling when anything additional is asked of them, rather than welcoming the chance to learn something new or challenge themselves. When we focus on our difficulties, complaints form the base of our workplace conversations. But we can counteract this tendency by consciously offering praise, the appreciation that opens the doors to the infinite. Has your boss just given you a new type of assignment that offers more creativity than your usual humdrum tasks? Tell her you’re excited about it, and thank her. Has your assistant done a great job typing up the minutes from the board meeting? Tell him so. Do you like the shoes that Carol from HR is wearing? Compliment her. By giving praise or compliments, you can completely change the energy in the room. Selflessly acknowledging those around you offers the added bonus of making you feel happier too. Get in the habit of saying something nice to someone at work every day, and you’ll discover a new experience based in warmth and love, beyond your wildest workaday dreams. ISHA JUDD is the author of Love Has Wings and Why Walk When You Can Fly. She travels the globe teaching a simple, yet powerful system that shows how to find the state of mind she calls “love-consciousness,” where every moment of life — even the most challenging and frustrating — can be filled with love, joy, peace, and self-acceptance. Visit her online at Excerpted from the book Love Has Wings: Free Yourself from Limiting Beliefs and Fall in Love with Life ©2012 by Isha Judd. Printed with permission from New World Library.


Book Interview with Vimala McClure The Tao Of Motherhood An Interview with author Vimala McClure ISBN: 978-1-60868-013-9 Publisher: New World Library

Vimala McClure is the author of The Tao of Motherhood. She’s also the founder of the International Association of Infant Massage Instructors and author of Infant Massage. She lives in Boulder, Colorado. With all of the demands on their time, how can Moms make time for their spiritual life? I believe that caring for children is spiritual practice. Many people think that prayer and meditation constitute spirituality, but when you have a baby, your practice must shift; everything you do with and for your child can be spiritual practice. You can set aside time that is specifically for that practice. In the early morning, usually you can find time when your baby or child is in a happy mood. For a baby, you can use massage as a way to connect deeply with him/her and let your baby know how much you love him/her. With older children, you can just focus on being with them with the intent of strengthening your love for each other.

If you wish to continue to be full of life, you must learn to relax and yield, to flow. Like the young tree, you will be flexible and strong, ever growing, with abundant youthful energy. If you cannot relax, you cannot listen to and truly hear your children, and you miss their messages, misinterpret their needs and wishes, and lose touch with who they really are. What advice would you offer to new Moms? Remember that it is natural for you to try, in some way, to return to your “old” way of life. The Tao teaches slowing down, relaxing, yielding, listening, and letting go. Try to think deeply about what these concepts mean to you. Our culture pushes you to rush, hurry, produce, win, excel, achieve. In a sense, it is earning your very place as a being on this earth, that you must question. You must rethink what is driving you each day. New babies require mothers that are warm, relaxed, move slowly, and who can take time to listen, eye-to-eye-, skin-to-skin. Take thirty minutes out of your morning, when your baby is calm and playful, and massage him/her. My book Infant Massage, a Handbook for Loving Parents goes deeply into this time of your baby’s life and shows how to massage in a way that will be comfortable and joyful for you both; or, you can take a class, which adds the fun of connecting with other moms and babies.

I don’t believe practices per se are important during childhood. I believe that strengthening the loving bond between parent and child whenever possible constitutes spiritual practice for both. Then, when Mom is able to return to a time for spiritual practices herself, such as meditation, it will be a continuing of that energy.

Do you have any specific words of wisdom based on the Tao to offer working Moms?

What do you feel is the most challenging part of being a mom? What does the Tao say about that specific challenge?

My advice was for Mom to change into relaxed clothing after work, breathing deeply and relaxing. First, I’d ask them to warm the room. Then connect with baby in whatever way was comfortable for them. Often the baby would need some crying time to release the tension held by being without Mom for a long period. I advised them to allow the baby to release this tension, and join them; often, especially with newborns, I’d come in finding both Mom and baby crying! After that was exhausted, usually the baby would need a diaper change, so Mom could use it as a time to remove baby’s clothing. After the release of crying, and perhaps the need of feeding, the baby would be relaxed and ready to connect.

I believe the most challenging part of being a mom is to remain in a relaxed and yielding state regardless of what is happening around you. This is the most important principle of Taoism – to relax and yield. The Tao uses water as an example of this teaching. Water yields, flowing through and around all things, and yet it is the strongest of all things, carving the Grand Canyon, moving in tsunamis across the earth. If you can remain relaxed and yielding with your children, your home will be peaceful and happy, and yet all will know the strength of the mother when it is called upon. When babies cry, children fight, teens rebel, it is challenging to remain relaxed. If you can cultivate a deeply relaxed way of being from the beginning, you will be able to see clearly what is needed in every case. Does the baby need to cry for a while to release tension, or does he/she need a quiet room and rocking to sleep? Does a child need a “time out” or a listening heart? Does a teen need firm boundaries set or boundaries loosened a bit to lovingly show trust? Only a deeply relaxed and yielding heart can solve all these problems without mirroring pain and frustration. Deep relaxation allows you to listen deeply, and often listening is all that is needed. What is the most important source of wisdom for Moms? Why? The most important source of wisdom for Moms is nature. Look around and find examples of how nature brings itself up and follow that flow. For example, water is the most yielding of all things, yet it can overwhelm that which is most hard – rock. It nourishes without needing to be nourished. Thus, you can nourish yourself before fatigue or frustration goad you to shame your children for requiring so much of you. Water flows into places where there is seemingly no room. Rigid things can’t do this. Only that which is relaxed, yielding, and fluid can go into places of seemingly no space and be effective. While a rushing stream may push obstacles out of its way, a lazy river will flow over, around, and through all things in its path. There is harmony and serenity outwardly, and great power underneath.

For several years I worked one-on-one with working Moms, teaching massage. Often their babies had “colic” and difficulty adjusting to the massage; moms were frustrated and guilty, blaming themselves for their crying infants.

Using a natural massage oil, I taught them, gently and very slowly (one week, the legs, next week, the tummy, etc) baby massage. I showed them the technique I developed for curing colic. It was noisy and difficult the first week and a little bit less each week. By the fifth week, Mom was relaxed, baby was relaxed, colic was cured, and the massage was fun. If you can’t use massage, try using the idea, carving out a time after work or before work, for the two of you to bond. Hold your baby, swaddled, and rock, meeting his/her eyes and sing or tell a story. Even 15 minutes of this kind of one-on-one time can re-create your bond, and you will feel connected again with your little one. The constant repetition of the ritual will be soothing to your baby, and in some way he/she will look forward to this time with you. You will find that you will feel less guilty at work if you can have this simple, concentrated 15-minute bonding time at home. I found that one of the most important messages I brought to Mothers was that their babies cried because they loved their Mommies so much and missed them, not that the baby was “angry” or rejecting Mom for being gone. The Tao teaches relaxation, yielding, slowing down, being present, accepting and validating. All can be accomplished in this ritual before or after work, whether you use massage or simply cuddling and being fully present and loving with your baby. Based on the book The Tao of Motherhood: 20th Anniversary Edition © 2011 by Vimala McClure. Printed with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA.

All rushing streams end up in lazy rivers that follow their nature to merge with the great ocean. Young trees are flexible; they bend when a raging wind

June/July 2012 Inner Tapestry 47

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Some parents are able to teach their children how to meditate in a simple way. They can sit on the floor together, close their eyes, and breathe deeply in and out, thinking “I am” “peaceful” (or happy, or any other word that may strike a chord with the child). Start with 5-minutes and work up to 15.

assaults them. Old trees are brittle and will break at the first snowfall. If you are fearful, you want to stop the flow of time and change. Acting out of fear, your inner “juice” dries up and, like a dead tree, you can easily be broken.





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