Part 1: Heart Handmade Holiday Zine

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Part I. Pg. 1

>>Part I

Part I. Pg. 2

Editor’s Letter


I had a million thoughts and ideas when I began planning for the holidays and each week seemed to bring a new flash of inspiration.


But one thing remained constant, I wanted the end of the year wrap-up to include as many of the people who’ve contributed to Heart Handmade as possible.

Words of Wisdom... PAGE 3. Useful tips on how to survive this holiday season!

This site has grown into something that I’m truly proud of and that’s thanks to all of you - the incredibly passionate members of the handmade community who take the time to post, comment, offer advice, support and sometimes just stop-by to say “Hi”.

HH Holiday Slambook.... PAGE 4 - 11 Past HH contributors share their holiday wishes, traditions and Dear Santa lists.

So the holiday zine is no different - it’s a collection of stories, wishes, tips, DIY ideas, recipes and gifts from the people responsible for all of the great content on HH this year. I hope you enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together!!


So before I head-off to Texas to spend the holiday with the family I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Happy Thanksgiving (in the US) and happy handmade holiday shopping!

Cont... HH Holiday Slambook.... PAGE 2 - 8 Past HH contributors share their holiday wishes, traditions and Dear Santa lists.




PS. Speaking of contributions... In case you’re wondering - that kick-ass cover was designed by no other than the very beautiful and extremely talented miss RJ (pg.16). THANK YOU!!!

Heart Homecooked... PAGE 3 - 6 Chocolate truffles, Mulled Cider and other holiday favorites! DIY... PAGE 7 Greeting card templates, gift tags and other do-it-yourself holiday gift & ideas.

download your very own Ashley G an d Hanna Melin paper hous e! pg. 24

p Grandma Rosie's Shrim 19 . pg re! mo Dip... and

FREE! Holiday Gifts.... PAGE 8 Download & print-yourself art prints, gift tags, votive placeholders and holiday ornaments! Holiday ’08 Giftguide... PAGE 9 - 12 Need more gift ideas? Ideas for the gals, guys, couples and little ones in your life.

M! ideas for HI More gift pg.27

Part I. Pg. 3

Keep gift logs for the holiday season. During the bustle of the season, it's easy to forget. It's fun to read what you gave others and what they’ve given you the previous year. It also prevents you from (gasp) re-gifting to someone in the same circle of family/friends. - Angeline I never send Christmas cards, I send New Year's Cards instead. It gives me time to really write something meaningful to each person and send them good wishes for the whole year. - Natalie As with any holiday, never plan too much handmade gifts, otherwise the gift giving will be fraught with too much stress! - Jacqueline People shouldn't be so concerned about

words of wisdom surviving the holiday season... If you burn something in the frenzy of preparing the Christmas feast, take a sprig of rosemary and put that on top of a hot plate turned on low. The smoke from the softly burning herbs will erase the burnt smell from your kitchen in no time!

This tip works for ordinary days too: If you’re cooking some kind of fish dish for the holidays, you can erase the fishy odor afterwards by simmering water to which you’ve added a obtaining the material things that we think we need few drops of white vinegar. - Apol during the holiday season. I’ve seen people lose sleep over checking names off their Christmas shopping list, to the point that shopping for gifts becomes nothing more than drudgery. That isn’t what it should be about. It should be about giving yourself to your friends and family. Bake something delicious for them, or paint a picture, or knit a scarf. How many bottles of fancy My best advice is to buy gifts early and then shower gel does anyone need, anyway? just enjoy the holidays without frantic shopping trips in - Sarah loads of traffic. Simple is always better. Don’t overwhelm yourself with complicated meals and too many activities – just simplify, relax, and enjoy your friends and family. - Erica wear comfortable and stretchy pants... holiday dinner is a once a year deal. - RJ

The Holiday season comes and goes very quickly. I think it's important to keep things simple enough to be able to enjoy time with friends and family whether that means lots of baking, large parties or intimate gatherings. Oh, and I always keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator ....a glass of bubbly is all kinds of festive! - Beth

Be out in good time. If you see something good, get a few, and then give it to people as long as they are not at the same celebration. Saves the stress. I make all my gifts (ie I give away things I havent sold...) - Hanna

I try to purchase my gifts throughout the year so we can better "absorb" the expense. At a big superstore buying groceries sans children? Sneak in a much-wanted item and you'll hardly notice on your monthly budget. I also like to give (and receive) any items that "go away." Clutter is a constant struggle with three children and food-gifts and candles are always welcome as you don't have to store them for long periods of time and get to enjoy them in the now. - Bethany

Try to relax and smell the cookies, and don't get too stressed out about presents. - Stephanie

Some inspiration if you're feeling stressed about the holidays... 1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess 2. Simplify Your Christmas - 100 Ways to Reduce the Stress and Recapture the Joy of the Holidays by Elaine St. James 3. Unplug The Christmas Machine - A Complete Guide to Putting Love and Joy Back into the Season by Jo Robinson & Jean Coppock Staeheli

- Lisa

My favorite survival tip is to wear a skirt on Christmas --- jeans are much too hard on my waistline after all of those treats! -Erin

A great gift for anyone and is great whether you plan ahead, wait until the last minute, have a lot to spend or don't. Heifer International- where you can buy a flock of chicks for $20.00 or a whole ark for $5000. They donate your gift to someone in need around the world and the gift keeps on giving for a long time after. Check it out! It is wonderful! :) - Melissa

I like to try and have the ingredients for mulled wine/cider on hand for any visitors over the holidays! I really love making festive drinks, I think it sets the right mood. I always tend to pick up a few extra bath bombs or melts from lush when I’m doing my Christmas shopping as they’re such a cute emergency gift and if I don’t end up using them for that I can make them an addition to someone else’s gift or I can treat myself to a lovely bath once all the busy christmas-ness is over. Ooh! Candy canes are fun to give out too! - Claire

Part I. Pg. 4

{Who?} Lisa of Savor

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? At the risk of sounding too romantic, our engagement/wedding rings were the best gifts I gave or received. They symbolize love -- the greatest non-tangible gift us humans can give! Favorite holiday song? I love Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, Kay Star version. Favorite holiday movie? Not into holiday movies, really, but I like The Grinch. What's your New Year's resolution? I generally never make them, since I don't keep them anyway! Favorite holiday family tradition? My grandparents were Italian Catholic, and did not eat meat on Christmas Eve. Having baked fish and pasta for Christmas Eve dinner was one of my favorite parts about Christmas.

Dear Santa,

my wish...

1. Corset of Black Silk & Lace by TheTailorsChest, 2. Pyrex Clear Glass Wine Tea Water Decanter/ Carafe by electriclime, 3. Large Slouch Bag by aandvdesigns, 4. Tres Elegant Cordial Glasses by surrenderdorothy, 5. Sterling and 14K CZ Ring by silversmith777

xo Lisa

I'm gonna center on America for a moment, and wish that 2009 be a year of healing for our country. I think we need it. By the time this is published, our presidential election will have been decided... I hope the good guy won :)


{Who?} Emma Kidd What was the best gift you ever gave & received? It is hard: perhaps the Amanda Blake Painting (Carlotta) for receiving. For giving (recently) a Hard Graft Felt Laptop Cover to my Man. He loved it. Favorite holiday song? Don't really have one, they are all pretty cheezy... "Holiday in Cambodia" by The Dead Kennedys... if it just has to have holiday in the title... Favorite holiday movie? "The Christmas Story" ... ( "you'll shoot your eye out"... i haven't seen that movie for years!) What's your New Year's resolution? My resolution is always there: to be more positive, and calm. Favorite holiday family tradition? We don't really have one. My man and I escaped to Morocco last Christmas, it was wonderful!

my wish... to be happy.

Dear Santa, 1. New Ectoplasm, alyoisiusspyker 2. abigail tempts fate Canvas, thisisalliknow 3. Shoulder Bag, stiksel 4. Lets Look at Ourselves Painting, Betsy Walton 5. Living things 2, mizudesigns

xo Emma

Part I. Pg. 5

{Who?} Heather Smith Jones “I love the traditions of Christmas and celebrating its meaning, the birth of Christ, by singing hymns like "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem". I also never tire of watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and look forward to it yearly. I love spending time with my family, attending the Christmas Eve candlelight service, eating homemade cinnamon rolls Christmas morning, and walking on the beach after Christmas dinner.� Dear Santa,

1. Alicia Alferman - Artist apron 2. Stephanie Levy - Veranda print 3. Sarah Parrott- pinecone letterpress note set of five 4. Wapa - Hanako-porcelain & silver necklace 5. Eve Behar - green leaf vase with handles

xo Heather

my wish... I wish you all a joyous season!


{Who?} Christine Schmidt of Yellow Owl Workshop What was the best gift you ever gave & received? Ever is a really long time. One year I got a hair crimper and thought the invention a true triumph of mankind. I can still smell that sizzle. Best gift I ever gave -- Once sculpted a slumbering crescent moon man out of clay for my grandpa. In the McDonald's commercial that inspired me, a crescent moon man wears a dark suit and plays a grand piano in the clouds. My incarnation put the moon man in a four post bed on top of a field of cotton balls. I remember gluing clear marbles to the top of the bed posts thinking "ohhh-- just right!" Not sure why this seemed like a good gift for my grandpa...

my wish...

I wish everybody will recognize how lucky they are.

Favorite holiday song? "Joy to the World." My mom took us to midnight mass and this is the song they played when it was finally, finally over. Favorite holiday movie? Gonna have to go with "Gremlins" on this. Not the whole movie just that scene where, hours after generation(mutation), they go bananas at that bar. One breakdances in leg warmers. One gremlin lurks in the corner with shades, a bottle of Jack and a gun. This occurs after they sing christmas carols to terrorize some lady (all the while neatly appointed with ear muffs and scarves.) Such good cheer. What's your New Year's resolution? No thanks. I don't like disappointment and I lack willpower. Favorite holiday family tradition? My mom would make my sisters and I pause on the stairs for a picture before we could bound down to the tree and rip open presents. That moment of complete still before a tornado.

Dear Santa, 1. Neil Freese "Laser Vision Safari", 2. A wardrobe from the Mint Mall (their original and modified vinatage works are dazzling), 3. Anything from Matt Leines, 4. Claire Nereim Seasonal Fruits of California Print 5. Heather Knight from element clay studio: i want to cover every visible surface with these.

xo Chris

Part I. Pg. 6

{Who?} Julie & Kathryn of Perfect Bound What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift that Julie gave/Kathryn received was a silver engraved medallion that read: "maison" when we got our keys to the apartment. The best gift that Kathryn gave/Julie received was a turtle dove ornament (from one of Julie's favourite holiday movies, Home Alone 2).

my wish...

e to Julie: My wish is for tim enjoy y full can we slow down so er. oth h eac this time and Kathryn: My wish is for the everyone to be touched by holiday spirit.

Dear Santa,

Favorite holiday song? it's a tie for both of us between Jingle Bell Rock and Winter Wonderland. Favorite holiday movie? Julie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) Kathryn: A Christmas Story What's your New Year's resolution? Julie: to create something every month. I'm bad at these so I'm going to stick to just one this year! Kathryn: to find the time... Favorite holiday family tradition? Julie: going through old photos from Christmases past on Christmas Eve. Kathryn: playing board games on Christmas day.

1. A Truffle tote by Morelle, 2. Ashley's adorable fern animals, 3. A beautiful creation by Abigail Percy, 4. Anything by the wonderful Krisatomic, 5. Studio Violet's lovely journals

n xo Julie & Kathry


{Who?} Carolyn Veith Krienke of jan & äya What was the best gift you ever received/gave? received: my children / gave: my very first christmas with Kai, before we were married, I surprised him with a little christmas tree for his apt. in the east village Favorite holiday movie? charlie brown's christmas Favorite holiday song? mon beau sapin (oh christmas tree, in french) What's your New Year's resolution? To be more serene Favorite holiday family tradition? Sleeping under the christmas tree with just the tree lights on and the smell of fresh pine.. Also a traditional swiss cheese fondue on christmas eve Dear Santa,

1. I would love one of Mia Hebib's hand hammered necklaces which we carry in the shop, 2. Unearthen's necklaces are pretty amazing as well, 3. White Forest Pottery is divine, especially their gift sets, 4. I'm craving to carry the scarves by "a peace treaty� in the store, 5. What a dream it would be to slip into this bed

xo Carolyn

my wish... inner peace within this complex and wonderful world we live in

Part I. Pg. 7

{Who?} Susan of Parkersewn

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? My family is not handmade friendly so I have to say a 80g Ipod, but I made photographs of my mom’s dog into greeting cards thru Moo & they were a huge hit last year. Favorite holiday song? The charlie Brown christmas soundtrack.

Favorite holiday movie? National Lampoons Christmas.

What's your New Year's resolution? Favorite holiday family tradition? To be more responsible with my business. Opening gifts on Xmas eve not day. I have no patience to wait that long.

my wish...

Dear Santa,

That I won't divulge I need it to come true.

1. This print from elsita... ,2. This poster from studio violet... 3. This print from swallowfield (if you can't tell I love prints)... 4. A tile from MisterRob..., 5. And this bag.

xo Susan


{Who?} Apol of La Pomme What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gifts are from my husband, because they’re always computergeeky and totally not me, but it’s the spirit of his giving that counts! He’ll come home on an ordinary day all excited with something wrapped up, and of course it’ll turn out to be some computer peripheral, like a mouse (no cable and shiny red, which he says is so my color), a memory stick with tons of capacity, a memory card for my camera with even more capacity, stuff like that. I like receiving these little gifts because I (still) think my husband is adorable for thinking I’ll actually get as excited as he is. There are actual high points, fortunately, like that one time the something wrapped up turned out to be a new laptop. Maybe you won’t call it the best, but l still laugh thinking about the stuffed serpent that my sisters and I made from an old necktie and gave to a younger cousin for Christmas. We were so excited and thought it was so cool, then my cousin opened the box and started bawling! He was so scared! Favorite holiday song? Always and forever: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Favorite holiday movie? I don’t want to be a Scrooge, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched a holiday movie. What's your New Year's resolution? To make more time to write. And to make more time to travel—I want to visit Tangier and Istanbul in 2009. Favorite holiday family tradition? I like the part where we spend all Christmas day eating, and then at night sort of fall into a food-induced semi-coma in front of the TV.

my wish... More tolerance and less fear all around, please.

Dear Santa, 1. A soft sculpture by Abby Glassenberg, 2. A boat from Ann Wood, 3. A Supergirl bag from Helisezenger, 4. A cushion from Manos, 5. A Year of Mornings by Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes

xo Apol

Part I. Pg. 8

{Who?} Sarah of kirby

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I’ve ever received is the engagement ring that my husband gave me – besides the obvious, it’s just so darn pretty! The best gift I’ve ever given was a baby oak tree that I gave my husband (then boyfriend). I love the idea of giving gifts that can continue to live and grow. (though, sadly, the tree died during a drought) Favorite holiday song? I’ve always loved “The Coventry Carol” and “O Holy Night.” There are so many more though – I’m that annoying person who starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st and doesn’t stop until after New Years!

my wish...

For everyone to have a blessed, peaceful, and creative holiday season!

Favorite holiday movie? “Christmas in Connecticut”, which in my family we always watch on Thanksgiving night, and “White Christmas”, which we always watch on Christmas eve. Both films evoke so many childhood memories for me that they will always be my favourites. What's your New Year's resolution? To get a little more organised with my time, and to learn and create more. Favorite holiday family tradition? Every year growing up, my brother and I would get a new Christmas tree ornament that in some way reflected our hobbies or the year’s accomplishments, like a figure skater ornament, or a piano ornament. I am really excited to take all of the ornaments I have collected over the years and decorate my first tree with my new husband!

Dear Santa, 1. Cuffed Knit Sweater Boots from Felted Finery, 2. Cosmos Fascinator from Pretty Good Things, 3. Hi Mr Oak Tree from HiTree, 4. Crocheted Lace Gloves from Grandma Was a Floozy, 5. Wonky Green Teapot from Vessels and Wares

xo Sarah


{Who?} Natalie of Salt & Paper What was the best gift you ever gave & received? Received: a beautiful carved mother of pearl cross on a silver chain, which my mum gave me Gave: A few years ago I made big denim totebags for all my girlfriends, which I lined in different fabrics based on the their individual tastes Favorite holiday song? Jingle Bells (the Batman smells version) Favorite holiday movie? A Christmas Story What's your New Year's resolution? To actually go to the gym that I joined for last year's resolution Favorite holiday family tradition? Christmas tree shopping with my dad. We used to make it our mission to pick the ugliest tree on the lot so it wouldn't get left behind and chipped. Dear Santa,

my wish... I can't tell, It's a secret!

1. I have a thing for chairs and have been eyeing the gorgeous prints in Leah Giberson's shop for some time now. I'd really like this one, 2. a gorgeous, simple ring with a stone that looks like it came out of a vintage jello mold! by Plum & Sage, 3. a sweet wallet to stash my cash from The Letter V - beautifully made leather goods, 4. a custom banner necklace from Laurel Hill. Mine would say "the greatest compliment you could give me would be to compare me to my mother" Can she fit that all on there?, 5. a Jennifer Strunge cotton monster

xo Natalie

Part I. Pg. 9

{Who?} Jacqui of Yumstie Tree What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was a little cuddly monkey called Mungo. He has been with me since I was about 8 years old and has been on my bed ever since. Not sure what was the best gift that I ever gave, but I'm really excited about giving my nieces a sock monkey each for Christmas this year. I made them myself and they do look pretty cute with hand knitted scarves on. Favorite holiday song? Last Christmas by Wham…I know all the words too! Favorite holiday movie? This is an easy one; it has to be It's a Wonderful Life…with Scrooged a close second. What's your New Year's resolution? To make my dream come true…. by opening my own bricks and mortar shop selling handmade lovelies.

my wish...

Favorite holiday family tradition? Watching a Christmas film late on Christmas Eve, with a glass of Irish cream liqueur, mum peeling the sprouts and everyone excited about opening the pressies in the morning.

I wish that my shop (when I eventually open one) will be a happy, smiley success!

Dear Santa,

1. Well at the top of my list would be these great hoop earrings made from old skateboards. 2. I really want some ofthese bangles made from twisted recycled telephone wire, 3. Oooh…what next? I adore these little purses from retreasured. I would love any one of their designs because they use such great vintage fabric and come up with such good colour combinations. Please Santa, can I have one of these., 4. Now I need something cuddly on my wish list and these little cuties just need to be hugged, 5. I would be so excited to have any of these brooches in my Christmas stocking. Or one of the lovely wooden ones she makes, but can't find a photo of.

xo Jacqui


{Who?} Beth Billups of Tangled Sky Studio What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was a small original oil painting by a local artist that my husband surprised me with our first Christmas together. It was the beginning of my collection of original art work and it hangs in my studio today as a source of inspiration. That same Christmas I surprised my husband with a beautiful acoustic guitar that he still plays everyday (14 years later!) Favorite holiday song? "Christmas Time is Here" by Vince Guaraldi. Favorite holiday movie? "It's A Wonderful Life" What's your New Year's resolution? To submit entries to a few juried shows next year (and hopefully get in...). Favorite holiday family tradition? Decorating the tree with my husband and three children. Dear Santa,

my wish...

I wish for the sense of hope and community that permeates the air right now to continue into the new year.

1. Mummysam's little angel, 2. Leililaloo"s printed vintage book pages, 3. Amanda Blake's painting "Sylvia often wandered the forest at Night", 4. Cathy Cullis' "Harmony" pendant, 5. This french dish by Rae Dunn

xo Beth

Part I. Pg. 10

{Who?} Melissa of Acts of Kindness What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was the bracelet my husband gave me when we found out we were pregnant with our first daughter (which happened to coincide with Christmas). It was a bracelet made by gkdesigns and every so often Joel adds to it with a new meaningful charm.

my wish...

I wish for everyone to have a happy and love filled holiday season.

Dear Santa,

Favorite holiday song? Oh, Silent Night.....I think it is beautiful. :) Favorite holiday movie? Oh, the Grinch who stole Christmas, A Christmas story and It's a Wonderful life! What's your New Year's resolution? I don't really have one! :) Favorite holiday family tradition? Ahh....when I was little, it was hanging up our stockings and I guess it is still that but, watching my girls have fun on Christmas morning! :)

1. Semi Charmed Kinda Life in Pink, Necklace by The Ardent Sparrow, 2. Oyster in Violet Suede by Morelle, 3. bonfire by tinctory, 4. Buttercup Pearl Hoop Earrings by Abigail Percy, 5. One 14k Solid Gold Band by kateszabone

xo Melis


{Who?} Ismoyo What was the best gift you ever gave & received? My best gift i got a couple of years ago, at that time me and my Love were still in a long distance relationship. It was right before Christmas and that morning i went to work unsuspectingly. Late morning, i got a call from the reception desk that there was a package for me that i had to sign for. "O please, i am so busy, can't you sign for it? I will pick it up later." "No, no. You got to come down yourself." Oh ok. So i went downstairs and even before i got through the security turnstiles i saw there was no courier, no package. It was even better than that! My heart jumped in my chest and i jumped the turnstile; my Love was standing right there in the reception area! I flew in his arms and the girls behind the reception where ooh-ing and aah-ing. It was so romantic. The best holiday gift i ever got.

my wish...

Lets all love a Favorite holiday song? little bit more. (i White Christmas by Otis Redding am such a romantic) Favorite holiday movie? Elf the Movie What's your New Year's resolution? Work wise: Be even more organized and on top of things. Dear Santa, Personal wise: Start everyday with a little dance and a smile.

Favorite holiday family tradition? Here in NY me and my Love are still setting our own new traditions. Back in the Netherlands we celebrate three days of Christmas, the eve before, first Chirstmas day, and the second day of Christmas (dec 24-26). On the eve before my whole family gathers at my grandma's house. Which is a crazy endevour, since my family is HUGE and her house is TINY. But that makes is only more cozy and fun. We eat, drink, chat and laugh. Just before midnight everyone starts getting nervous, every year it's the same thing for as long as i can remember, where are the candles, where are all the glasses, where is the bible? Everything must be in place in time. There are never enough glasses for everyone, so cups are used too. For what? For the traditional red berry wine we all have to drink at midnight. I was always the one who read a christmas story from the bible, we all burn our candle and say a prayer. We sing a song and then the chaos gets complete: Everyone gets up and starts making some sort of round through the small living room to kiss and hug and wish each other a merry christmas. Everyone bumping into each other. Forgetting who you already kissed, laughing, loving. I miss this now that i'm living in NY, but i'm there in spirit.

1. Cute Amigurumi figures like Ami Bunny from willynillywaterlily, 2. or any of the creations by Jennylovesbenny, they are perfection!, 3. Handmade soap like these bird soaps from LoveLeeSoaps, 4. Groovy Mushrooms Date Planner by Maluhia

xo Issey

Part I. Pg. 11

{Who?} Erica Daley What was the best gift you ever received/gave? My family was always very generous during the holidays so I have gotten so many fun things over the years, and especially as a child. The things I remember best are a dollhouse kit, which I then used to build a Victorian dollhouse and furniture. And I got my first calligraphy set when I was 16, and it started a whole world of making money as an artist for me. The best gifts of course were all the ones of love and friendship. As far as giving goes – well everything I have given was amazing! ;-) Really you’d have to ask the recipients.

my wish...

I I wish for world peace, a er, Coop a wish I had trip to Paris and Italy ces and too many other pla d coul I t tha to list, and have a ‘food replicator’ like on Star Trek so I could eat any treats I wanted and they would ! all really be health food

Favorite holiday song? More a winter song than holiday, but it’s always on this time of year – “Baby its Cold Outside”. Favorite holiday movie? Nightmare Before Christmas (does that count?), and A Christmas Story. What's your New Year's resolution? For 2009, as with every year, try try try to not eat too many sweet treats and exercise! Favorite holiday family tradition? We celebrate on Christmas Eve. I love celebrating in the evening because it’s dark outside and we can enjoy the Christmas tree lights, candles, and the fireplace. It’s so romantic. Dear Santa,

1. Pretty Necklace 2. A string puppet for my son 3. Pottery 4. Anything from lil fish studios 5. Anything from this artist: - he carves a mouse onto/into each piece of furniture he makes.

xo Erica


{Who?} Lisa of Sweet Beets What was the best gift you ever gave & received? best gift received - spa gift certificate best gift given - rental of violin for my son who was fascinated with violins for a time

Favorite holiday song? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Favorite holiday movie? don't have one! What's your New Year's resolution? work towards a better family/work balance Favorite holiday family tradition? baking and decorating gingerbread cookies with my two sons

my wish...

I wish I loved exercise!

Dear Santa, 1. 2009 letterpress calendar by Pikku, 2.lampwork glass pendant necklace by Formfire Glassworks, 3. handmade lyre, 4. handmade shoes by Mohop - especially the low wedge sandals, 5. log bowls by Loyal Loot

xo Lisa

Part I. Pg. 12

a) Make sure you download Part II. HH Holiday Slambook....continued! DOWNLOAD PART II HERE

b) download Part III PART II. Heart Homecooked... Chocolate truffles, Mulled Cider and other holiday favorites! DIY... Greeting card templates, gift tags and other do-it-yourself holiday gift & ideas. FREE! Holiday Gifts.... Download & print-yourself art prints, gift tags, votive placeholders and holiday ornaments!

PART III. Holiday ’08 Giftguide... Need more gift ideas? Ideas for the gals, guys, couples and little ones in your life. DOWNLOAD PART III HERE

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