Heartland Kids Policy Handbook

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W E LCO M E Welcome to the exciting world of family ministry at Heartland Church. We are delighted and blessed that you have joined the Heartland Kids ministry team. It is our prayer that you will experience fellowship and unity on our team as we come together for a common purpose. Whether you are part of a classroom team or First Impressions, you will make a difference in the lives of children and in this church! As we all use our gifts for God’s glory, our love for the Lord, each other and the children will grow. As we sacrifice our time and energy to be a part of loving children into growing relationships with Jesus, we will experience life change as well as the kids. Helping God’s children grow their relationship with Him is something we hold dear to our hearts here at Heartland! Please take some time to read over this handbook as well as any materials emailed to you regarding classroom activities. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact your Senior Coordinator at any time. Understanding how everything works here in Heartland Kids will make your time serving with us more enjoyable, will enable you to understand how to handle different situations, and will prepare you to help someone new to the ministry. “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10

Your Family Ministry Team


PURPOSE The purpose of Heartland Kids is to partner with families in loving their children into a growing relationship with Jesus. Heartland Kids is intentional about meeting the needs of specific age groups. Infants and toddlers are provided a safe, loving environment where they are shepherded and introduced to Jesus through music and age appropriate lessons. Kindergarten through fourth grades participate in consistent small group connection and large group worship with creative teaching and music.

C O R E VA L U E S Child-targeted All children are special to God and need to be accepted and loved at all times. Jesus set the examples and clearly communicated His Father’s heart for children. We are called to model God’s love to them. Matthew 18:5-6, Mark 10:13-16,Matthew 19:14.

Scripturally-based Entering into a relationship with Jesus is a process-oriented experience. We want to lay a spiritual foundation of understanding so that when the Holy Spirit begins to move in the heart of a child, he/she will be prepared to make an informed decision about accepting Jesus Christ as his/her Savior. Deuteronomy 4:9, Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4, Luke 2:52, ll Timothy 3:14-15.

Intentional Shepherding Building relationships among and with children is an important aspect of ministry. We want to build meaningful relationships through which spiritual information is communicated in a loving and caring way. Acts 2:44-47, Matthew 18:5, ll Timothy 3:14-15.

Application-oriented The message of Jesus Christ must be presented to children in relevant, age-specific ways. We are dedicated to showing children how the principles of God’s word can be applied to their daily lives. l Corinthians 13:11, James 1:22-25, Matthew 7:24-27.

We will provide everything you need for the lesson. Please arrive at your designated serving time prepared to enjoy and engage In the lesson with the kids.

Creative and Fun God created children with creative imaginations, a variety of learning styles and a desire to have fun. We want to present the truth of God’s word through methods, which are consistent with how children are created to think and learn. Our curriculum is structured to help each child learn the foundations needed to grow their relationship with the Lord and his word. l Corinthians 9:23

H OW TO L E A D C H I L D R E N TO C H R I ST One of parents’ most common prayers is,” Please bring people into my child’s life who will model Jesus to him.” Children’s ministry leaders are often the answer to those fervent prayers. The greatest gift you can give a child is introducing them to Jesus as their Savior. Often, we are unsure of how to lay out the plan of salvation in a way that is child-targeted. Yet God requires us to “always be prepared to give an answer to every one who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have,” I Peter 3:15. The key to giving the salvation message to kids is by sharing your own salvation story. Kids learn through story, not lecture. The story of the change God has made in your own life is what you know best and what you may be most comfortable telling, Begin by describing yourself “before Christ.” Keeping within appropriate boundaries, honestly tell what you were like and what you thought about God. What was it that caused you to consider Christ and is it something a child can relate to? Next, describe what motivated you to accept Christ. Next, tell them about your life after accepting Jesus as your Savior. Tell them how your life is changing and about the benefits you are experiencing by having Christ in your life. Give the kids examples of how Christ wants to change their hearts and lives as well. Finally, give the Gospel in clear, age-appropriate words. Use concrete terms and simple phrases rather than symbolic ones. Describe how God is holy and loving and perfect and cannot ignore sin. Make sure kids know that everyone has sinned, and out of love for us, God sent His Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins by dying on the cross. Then tell the kids it is not enough to hear the Gospel. We must accept the free gift of forgiveness and say with our lips, “Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of my life.” If a child is ready to receive this gift, use the following acronym to guide her about what to pray. Do not have kids repeat what you say, but let them use their own words. A – Admit your sins and ask for forgiveness B – Believe in Jesus C – Choose to follow Jesus for the rest of your life Remember, children cannot be forced to accept and follow Jesus Christ. This decision happens only with the help of the Holy Spirit when the child is ready. Don’t try to insist on “making it happen.” After a child has decided to follow Jesus, celebrate! Make sure to tell the parents and be prepared for them to either rejoice or be totally confused. You may be given the opportunity to share the Gospel with them on the spot. Follow up by communicating the child’s decision with your Senior Coordinator who will send a certificate and a gift or Bible. In the weeks that follow, continue to ask about the child’s growth. Help him apply God’s Word to everyday life. As kids experience what it’s like to be forgiven, get caught up in the excitement and joy of being a child of God, feel the love of Jesus and know others are praying for them, they will be encouraged to pursue their relationship with God. To be present when God saves a child is the greatest privilege of all. Trust Him to give you the words and watch Him do the miracles.


S TAT E M E N T O F P U R P O S E As a church, we believe that the spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of children is vital. These policies are intended to ensure that church activities involving children are consistent with the teachings and example of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the Christian tradition of nurturing vulnerable children. The primary purpose of these policies is to promote the safety and well being of children and youth by providing clear instructions about the operation of children’s ministries at Heartland Church.

Safe Environments Jesus gave some incredibly strong warnings about protecting the well being of children. We have been given the stewardship, by parents and by God, for the most vulnerable and the most valuable asset in God’s Kingdom. We are committed to doing everything possible to ensure Heartland Kids is a safe place. Matthew 18:5-6

Check-In / Dismissal of Children 1. 2. 3. 4.

All children MUST be dropped off and picked up by an adult. As parents check-in their child, they will receive an ID number that matches the child’s. All children must wear the ID number at all times. When picking up their child, a parent MUST present their matching ID number. No child is allowed to be released unless you’ve matched these numbers. 5. If ID number is lost, contact a Senior Coordinator who will collect and verify information before releasing that child.

Power Outage Protocol Should a power outage occur, there will be staff leaders in the hallways and rooms with flashlights to assist with normal child pick-up procedures.

Suspicious Person Protocol Who is a suspicious person? 1. Any person who is wandering or looks out of place. 2. A person who has walked away from a suspicious package. 3. Anyone you are not sure of is considered a suspicious person. Immediately call the Senior Coordinator. They will then take control of the situation. Please follow their instructions.

Fire Alarm Protocols 1. Understand the evacuation route for your classroom. 2. Know where the designated safe area is and how to get there. 3. When alarm sounds, before evacuating, count the number of children in your class. Take the class roster with you as you exit the room (if applicable).

4. Explain to the children that they will need to stay single file and follow you to the preplanned exit. All infant and toddler rooms use emergency cribs (if applicable). 5. Proceed to your designated Heartland Kids exit. 6. Keep children in order at all times and seated when possible. 7. Confirm all children are present. Report any missing children to the Senior Coordinator immediately. 8. Once evacuated, please wait for further instructions from a member of the Family Ministry staff. 9. Stay with your group at all times. Do not leave to go retrieve your own children, to obtain first aid or for any other reason. First aid will be brought to you if needed. 10. Do not release children to their parents (for ALL ages) during the evacuation process. Parents may walk with you, but children may only be released AFTER you have arrived at your designated location and attendance has been taken. Release children to their parent(s) after you have been given permission from a member of the Family Ministry’s staff. 11. When “all clear” is announced, return to rooms in an orderly manner and take attendance again or children may be released to parents with proper ID number or ID procedure. 12. Safety protocol will be kept. No children will be released without parent showing proper ID number.

Tornado Protection Plan 1. Know where the designated safe area is for your classroom according to the posted map. 2. As soon as announcement is made, proceed to your “safe area” (use infant cribs for transport id applicable). 3. If you leave your classroom, count the number of children in your class. Take the class roster with you as you exit the room (if applicable). 4. Keep children in order at all times and seated when possible. 5. Confirm all children are present. Report any missing children to the Senior Coordinator immediately. 6. Once in place, please wait for further instructions from a member of the Family Ministry staff. 7. Stay with your group at all times. Do not leave to go retrieve your own children, to obtain first aid or for any other reason. First aid will be brought to you if needed. 8. Do not release children to their parents (for ALL ages) during the emergency. Parents may take cover with you, but children may only be released AFTER the threat has passed. Release children to their parent(s) after you have been given permission from a member of the Family Ministry’s staff. 9. When “all clear” is announced, return to rooms in an orderly manner and take attendance again or children may be released to parents with proper ID number or ID procedure. 10. Safety protocol will be kept. No children will be released without parent showing proper ID number.

Bomb Threat Protocol 1. If you are notified of a bomb threat by the Senior Director, proceed with fire evacuation plan immediately and follow all procedures getting as far away from the building as possible. 2. If you notice a suspicious package or bag, notify the Senior Coordinator immediately. They will then take control of the situation. Please follow their instructions from there. 3. Do not touch in any way the suspicious package.

Missing Child Protocol 1. If a child is missing, immediately notify the Senior Coordinator. 2. The Senior Coordinator will take control of the situation. Please follow their instructions from there. This may include stopping the service, locking down the auditorium and/or building, or calling the police.

Guidelines for Appropriate Affection Heartland Church and Heartland Kids is committed to creating and promotion a positive, nurturing environment for our children’s ministry that protects our children from abuse and our Dream Team from misunderstandings. When creating safe boundaries for children, it is important to establish what types of affection are appropriate and inappropriate; otherwise that decision is left to each individual’s discretion. Stating which behaviors are appropriate and inappropriate allows Dream Teamers to comfortably show positive affection in ministry, and yet identify individuals who are not maintaining safe boundaries with children. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by all Dream Team members, as well as staff, working around or with children. 1. Love and affection are a large part of Heartland Kids. There are many ways to demonstrate affection while maintaining positive and safe boundaries with children and youth. Touching should be initiated by the child and should be a response to a need for comfort, encouragement or affection. Some positive and appropriate forms of affection are listed below: • Brief hugs • Pats on the shoulder, back or head • Handshakes • “High-fives” and “fist bumps” • Verbal praise • Touching hands, face, shoulders and arms of children • Arms around shoulders • Holding hands while walking with small children • Sitting beside small children • Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children • Holding hands during prayer 2. The • • • • • • • • • • • •

following forms of affection are considered inappropriate with children in Heartland Kids. Any form of unwanted affection Inappropriate or lengthy embraces Kissing children Holding children over six years old on the lap Touching knees or legs of children Wrestling with children Tickling children Piggyback rides Hugs from behind Any type of massage given by a child to an adult Any type of massage given by an adult to a child Comments or compliments (spoken, written, or electronic) that relate to physique or body development.

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Being alone, behind closed doors, with a child while at Heartland Kids. Spending time alone with a child, other than your own, outside of Heartland Kids.

Restroom Policy •

Never be alone with a child behind closed doors.

Leave restroom door open when assisting very young children.

Older children can go in pairs or can be monitored by an adult outside the restroom.

Diapers may only be changed by female Dream Teamers who are 16 or older.

General Reminders: •

Never be alone with a child behind closed doors.

Never remove a child from a secured childrens area.

For first aid needs, contact a Senior Coordinator.

Use extreme caution when having hot beverages near children.

No personal electronic device usage during class time.

If an accident or incdent, resulting in harm to a child occurs, contact a senior coordinator.

Junior leaders must be at least ten years of age to apply to serve in preschool classrooms.

Supervision of Children’s Ministry Team Members •

Church staff and team members who supervise children’s volunteers are charged with the diligent enforcement of these policies. Violation of these policies is grounds for immediate dismissal, disciplinary action, or reassignment from children’s or youth ministry for both team members and staff, at the discretion of the church.

Supervisors and all team members who suspect any unhealthy or abusive activities must discuss their suspicions promptly with the Family Ministry Director.


DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN When responding to disruptive behavior, please observe the following guidelines: •

Never be alone with a child behind closed doors.

Deal with the problem individually and privately when possible.

Compliment good behavior.

Be consistent and use discernment.

Eye contact is very important when communicating expectations to children. Physical/corporal punishment is never appropriate!

Check with/inform a Senior Coordinator if additional steps are needed.

Pray for the disruptive children and commit to loving them well.

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