4 minute read
How to get your home Bushfre ready
University of NSW & FSA Firecoat
The New Year Resolution Chat
‘Come on Mum, tell me your New Year Resolution stu so I can then assess how I might be a ected, and if you may need to make adjustments.’ It’s ‘Leemo Cat’ having a talk with ‘Mum Jane’. As normal, her response was kinda what I had expected.
‘OK Leems, just for your information, I shall point out a valid fact about New Year Resolutions.’ (Aaargh, boring!!) ‘80% of New Year Resolutions are forgotten by February. Did you know that Leems? In other words I’m not wasting January on things that are quite likely NOT going to occur for either you or me. Gottit?’ Hmmm. Ponder. I shall move on. ‘OK, Mum, I’ll tell you MY Resolutions for 2024 anyhow, but then, you have to tell me yours.’ (She nodded with a complete lack of interest on her bored prune-like countenance) ‘Well, go ahead my boy, what ARE your Resolutions then?’ I took a deep exasperated sigh and started. ‘Mum, mine are as follows. I have 3 Resolutions. e 1st is that I must ALWAYS remember that you are a human; this puts you at a disadvantage compared to ME, a Feline. But, not to worry, I’ll look out for you. e 2nd is that I will appreciate more that humans need to sleep when it gets dark; I truly promise to TRY not noisily knock things o tables & bookshelves to wake you when I’m in need of a pat or a treat. I shall instead, just so ly (with intent,) poke your eyes with my velvety paws ‘till they open. My 3rd Resolution is I promise to try NOT to leave ‘presents’ outside the perimeter of my Litter Box ‘cos I know the frightful language you use when this happens a er my joy at digging into and inging ‘sand-like’ litter all over our laundry; like being at the beach.’ I looked at Mum in anticipation of a congratulatory word or pat. NUP, neither was bestowed. Hmmm? OK
Mum, enlighten me as to your own Resolutions? She spoke AT me. ‘OK, if you INSIST. I have decided that if anyone asks me about my New Year Resolutions like you have, I shall reply that it is to spend far less time in tri ing chatter and walk away. I shall also NOT even TRY to fold tted sheets again; life is far too short.
BUT, my truly and only genuine one Leems is the most important. It came from reading and contemplating the words of the human father to a puppy called ‘Clancy’, whose Dad Richard (Glover) wrote that he promised to ACCEPT himself EXACTLY for who and what he is as a person. In 2024 he will take joy in his occasional eccentricities; he will appreciate that his character qualities, both good and sometimes annoying to others, are inextricably linked, and he won’t allow the assessments of others upset him any more. I agree with ‘Clancy’s’ Dad Leems, and I reckon it is exactly what makes us humans what we are. e good and the annoying all mixed in come together, so to speak, in a quite acceptable end result. (like a cake that doesn’t rise perfectly but still tastes yummy!) Hmmm?
My interpretive skills tell me Mum’s approach to life will be the same this year, if not worse, as it was last year. Crikey!! Time to ponder & meditate about this dilemma & nd solutions. Nitey, & Happy 2024. Leemo.
With Australians being warned about one of the deadliest Bushfre seasons approaching, residents are being urged to get their homes bushfre ready now.
Lyn Gunter is the former Mayor of Murrindindi Shire; she was Mayor at the time of the Black Saturday fres in Victoria when 173 people lost their lives. “Coming into this summer’s Bush Fire season we need to be doing more to protect our communities. Australia is the most fre prone country on the planet and being prepared is one of the key ways to try to avoid tragedy.”
Prof. Guan Yeoh from the University of New South Wales Training Centre for Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies, says Australians need to be better prepared for bushfres.
“Flame Security International and the
University of New South Wales is developing ground breaking fre protection products with minimal environmental impact under the FIRECOAT brand,” said Prof. Yeoh.
The top tips to protect Australian homes from Chartered Professional Fire Engineer Ben Ignis are:
Clear vegetation and trees – Reducing the vegetation around your home is one of the most important things you can do when getting ready for bushfre season. The best place to start is to remove dead branches, leaves and undercoat. Depending on where you live though permits may have to be obtained. Contacting your local council is the best way to determine what can be cleared and what cannot. Use the world frst freproof paint, FIRECOAT - Use FIRECOAT, the frst paint to protect in extreme bush fre conditions. Paint you your house, sheds, decking, fences or any other property you need to protect. This product has been created in Australia in conjunction with world leading scientists and engineers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The non-toxic paint which has passed stringent testing both here and around the globe is a world frst and now available for consumer purchase from Bunnings.
Pre-pack for an emergency and know your location – Pack an emergency survival kit for yourself and your family. This may include fresh clothing, which include portable batteryoperated radio and waterproof torch with spare batteries, candles and waterproof matches, frst aid kit and manual, at least 3 litres of water per person, waterproof bags ready for valuables, cash and ATM or credit cards, medications, and toiletries, mobile phone charger. Also, draw up an evacuation plan for family and pets that designates an assembly point, responsibilities, and transport. Not everyone responds calmly in a crisis, so regular practice of the evacuation drill with the whole family is important preparation. Check windows and screens - Your home is your safe haven and a place that does not welcome fre. Fire can creep in though, quite literally through cracks in window and door fttings. Fire knows no boundaries and will spread itself wherever there is oxygen to nourish it, with your house no exception. Embers are the perfect size to billow into your home through gaps and crevasses in your windows and doors you may not have previously thought to cover. Assuage unwanted cinder with wire screens that are not only fre resistant but also block impinging fre threats. A good screen installation company will be able to ft out your windows and doors within a day.
From the Grafton Aero Club
“Yesterday I presented a cheque for $3,000.00 to the Oncology Unit at Grafton Base Hospital from donations made by the public and participants of the 2023 Wings and Wheels event.
Kerrie-Anne advised that it would be spent on something to make life more pleasant for the patients.”