13 minute read


drawn on Saturday 13th May, the lucky winners were Alison Newby 1st prize - $100 gift voucher for McDonalds Pharmacy and Elva Jones 2nd prize a $50 voucher for McDonalds Pharmacy. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and helped to make the raffe a success. Enquires Margaret Good 66621746, Jennifer Baker 043892060.


Fairy Hill Craft group is on Thursday, June 1, 10 a.m. at the Fairy Hill Hall, Summerland Way, Fairy Hill. This month continue U.F.O’s / current projects. Show & Tell: Candle holders. New members always welcome. Tea/ coffee supplied, BYO lunch. Phone Sue 66633233 for details.


Lion’s Club meeting is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at Casino RSM Club from 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Secretary: Denise Green 0448014682


Meets bi-monthly at Casino RSM, new members welcome. Ph: Chris 66293269 or Jim 0427400625.

THE PLATYPUS RSL DAY CLUB operates every Tuesday at the Community Centre from 10am to 2pm. The day consists of gentle exercises, mental stimulation, games and entertainment. Members are asked to pay $7 for their morning tea and lunch. Transport can be provided within the town limits. If you are feeling socially isolated or just need a day out, please contact Robyn on 66623871. New members are welcome.


EVANS HEAD CWA BRANCH meets every third Tuesday for lunch at noon. New members welcome. More info Roz 0427825560


The Evans River RSL Day Club meets each Monday in the Remembrance Room at Club Evans RSL Evans Head from 10am until 2pm Cost $10 includes Morning Tea and Lunch. We have several vacancies for volunteers and members, anyone who is feeling in need of some company are welcome to attend. Come along and join in the fun. Contact Merilyn on 0401493316.


Meet every Tuesday 9am12noon in the Recreation Hall (opposite the Kiosk). We invite you to join us for a relaxing morning of crafting, friendship and sharing ideas. Beginners are very welcome. Finishing UFO’s, Embroidery, Gold Work, Hexagons, & Group Projects are just some of the crafts done.




Life Story Writing Workshop at Goonellabah


Thursday 25 May at 11am –4pm. A practical three-hour workshop in creative non-fction. This workshop will support all areas of interest, including memoir, family history, personal essay, travel diary, local history and feature article. A range of exercises and discussions progressively build upon each other. Getting started can be the hardest part but it doesn’t have to be, especially when the right side of the brain comes into play. The writer’s voice, fnding an opening hook and sensory language get attention. Turning facts into a compelling story is at the heart of the workshop which explores the writer’s maxim, Show, Don’t Tell.

11am - 12pm: Inconversation on memoir writing with Bob Brace and Graeme Gibson

1pm - 4pm: Writing Workshop

Please bring writing materials. Catering provided. Ph: 02 66251235


FOR WOMEN- 6 Sessions

Would you like to have closer, more harmonious relationships with others? This small confdential group is for women who want to move from surviving to thriving in their relationships and lives. Learn new skills, discuss new ideas and have fun.

When: Mondays 22nd May-3rd July

Time: 9:30am-12:30pm

Where: Child and Family Health Centre, Oliver Ave. Goonellabah.

Facilitator: Pamela Craven.

Women’s Health Matters

Cost: FREE

Bookings: 66202999


Tuesday and Thursday mornings social playing: 9am-12noon; Monday and Wednesday nights social playing: 7-9pm; Training

Monday mornings: 9am12noon; Junior coaching after school Wednesday 3.30pm-4.45pm, $6 a session. Everybody is welcome – all levels. Phone centre on 66251602. MonThurs 9.00am-1.00pm

THE PROBUS CLUB of Goonellabah meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Workers Sports Club in Oliver Ave. All welcome. Goonellabah

Probus is solely a social club. We have a guest speaker each month and go for outings throughout the year. Meetings on Thursday commence at 10am and fnish at midday. For further information, please contact Gloria Francis on 02 6629 1442.

Grafton Grafton And District Garden Club

Connecting people with an interest in gardening, plants, fowers, and nature. It was lovely to get a bit of rain and now these great sunny days are welcome. Unlike summer when the garden dries out quickly there seems to be more time to simply enjoy it. Also, a great time of year for catching up on jobs that are easier to do in cooler weather outside.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 1st June at the Joan Muir Centre, 194 Turf St Grafton. 10am to midday.

Entry is $2, please bring morning tea to share if you are able. We will supply coffee, tea etc. There will also be the regular Bring and Buy table so if you have some plants, cuttings or produce you would like to donate, they are greatly appreciated. Anything gardening related. All proceeds go to our Club.

A guest speaker from Rocky Point Products will also be present.

Publicity Offcer: Jane Rhodes: 0438 593032


Meetings of Grafton CWA are held on 2nd Friday of each month in the CWA Rooms, cnr Duke and Pound Sts. Morning tea is at 9.30am, followed by the meeting at 10am. Our next meeting will be on Friday, 9th June, when guest speaker will be Tanya Burman from Home Instead. New members are always welcome, members who join at this time of year pay a reduced rate until fees are due in October.

Craft mornings are held on 2nd and 4th Mondays at 9.30am-a good opportunity to get together to do some craft, meet other people, have a cuppa and a chat.

Anne McLellan




Perhaps it’s time to fnd out what it’s all about! If you would like to improve your communication and leadership skills. Make new friends and have fun, you are warmly invited to attend the Mighty Clarence Toastmasters Club. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. You may attend either from the comfort of your own home via zoom or join us in person at the Joan Muir Community Centre: 194 Turf Street, Grafton.


Grafton Senior Citizens

“Grafton Seniors recently had coach trip, with a small group of 22. Travelled highway north to New Italy, for picnic morning tea, & time to browse complex. Drive through Woodburn, Coraki, Casino, to Windara plant nursery, for organised lunch, & time to view complex.

Back to Casino for afternoon refreshments at McDonalds.

Sincere thanks to all for support, committee for serving morning tea. & Coach Captain, Geoff, for good trip. Next trip, Fri,23 June, to mystery venue, some seats available.

8 day tour to Narrabri, Dubbo, Tamworth, from 12 August, still requires more bookings.

Soup day, Mon, 19 June, still taking bookings, which close 13 June for catering. Enquiries, Sandra, 6642 7720 or 04 1 7 464 946.”


Every Friday at the Uniting Church, Prince Street. Join us for gentle exercises designed for Seniors. We meet at 10.30a.m. for a cuppa and a chat with the exercises commencing at 11.

All equipment is provided and there is no cost to the participants. Further information can be obtained from Joan or Brian on 6644 7347 or 0416 067 315, or from Dot on 66423248 or 0477 213 017


Grafton VIEW Club meets on the 4th Tuesday each month at Grafton District Services Club, Mary Street, commencing at 10.30am. Please come along, enjoy yourself with a tasty meal, a motivated guest speaker & ultimately disadvantaged children will be helped. Please phone Vorna at 66424719 for catering purposes no later than the Friday before the meeting. As well, a social outing is held each month. You are warmly invited to come along to the next meeting to have some fun & help disadvantaged children. See you there!


HISTORICAL SOCIETY “Schaeffer House Museum at 190 Fitzroy Street, Grafton. Is in full swing for 2023 with visitors starting to arrive by the busload! What do they see? First and last, the pretty gardens with a wide variety of plants, fowers, herbs and sheltering trees for the birds, butterfies, bees, and resident skinks. Inside the cool house they experience time travel as they see how people led their lives on the Clarence over 170 years ago, building for us a rich heritage to value forever! They will also see how to value the knowledge and help given by the original inhabitants on whose land the newcomers settled. It’s a never-ending story in your “Story House” museum.

Our vintage clothing collection will soon be stored away to make way for a new display, so pay a visit soon to Your Schaeffer House Museum! Don’t forget we have nine other great museums in the clarence Valley just waiting for another visit from you! PS: Our resident gnomes can be found somewhere in the garden. Others are tiny and hiding away!! Museum opening hours are Tues to Thur and Sunday 1pm to 4pm $12 – Family $5 – Adult and $2 – Child. Research hours are Tues to Thur only from 9am to 3pm. There is a small charge for researching. Our contact number for special openings is 6642 5212”. Should you wish to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to contact me on either (02)66425212 or 0406397404.

COWPER ART GALLERY- Clarence Valley Woodworkers

The range of work in the exhibition includes everything from beautifully crafted bookmarks, wine goblets, hand carved sculptures, turned bowls and platters, to pieces of furniture, clocks and mirrors all made in a variety of timbers including jacaranda, cedar and silky oak. Don’t miss your chance to see these beautiful artworks that focus on the essence of working with wood. The Clarence Valley Woodworkers exhibition at Cowper Art Gallery and Studio: 90 Clarence Street Cowper Opens at 4pm on Sunday 28th May until 16th July, Ph: 0429357388 The gallery is open on Saturdays and Sundays, 10am-4pm.


Many items are being ‘rested’ and replaced with different interesting historical photographs, paintings, and objects. Come to see if you can “spot” the changes! Our museum is constantly changing, just like the lovely garden that surrounds it!

When did you last “drop in?”

All our museums have different collections and are entertaining so check out the opening times for Alumy Creek, Iluka, Yamba, Glenreagh, Maclean, Lawrence and Copmanhurst. Schaeffer House hours: Tues, Wed, Thur, and Sun 1-4pm Admission Family of four $12.00 Adults $5.00 and children $2.00

We have been welcoming many new members lately, if you would like to join our historical society, you too, can receive our quarterly newsletters and receive many benefts in the Research Area.

Hastings Point

Hastings Point Community Choir

Do you enjoy singing. Our repertoire covers a variety of music styles – both unison and part singing We would love you to join us. New members needed. You will be made most welcome

When: Tuesday Evenings from 7pm – 8.30pm Where: Tricare Residential Village Community Room Tweed Coast Road, next to Shell Petrol Station. For more information, contact Jean Berry 0414 794 380

Probus Club Of Hastings Point

The Probus Club of Hastings Point Tweed Coast meets at 10am on 3rd Tuesday each month, in the residents’ lounge at Hastings Point Tricare. Retirees and seniors are welcome to join this happy social group. Phone the Probus president 0409872773 for additional information.


The Tweed Hospital, it recognises that the new hospital will be located south of Tweed Heads and residents in those areas may be interested in volunteer work when the new hospital opens. The branch welcomes the opportunity to talk to those who are retired, unemployed or simply looking for a chance to give back to one of our most critical services – our hospital.

There is a range of jobs that can be performed. The branch runs raffes, a gift shop, fashion parades, jumble sales and luncheons. People with cars are very important to the running of these operations to transport material to the various venues. The branch meetings are held monthly, and the cost of membership is only $5 per year. There are some procedures that must be processed, such as police checks. Full vaccination is required for those volunteers who are working in the hospital. So, the public in the Kingscliff area and surrounds are invited to talk to our volunteers about our UHA branch of The Tweed Hospital.

For more information contact John on 0421085985.


Kingscliff 500 Card Club. Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1pm to 4pm Cudgen Surf Club

New players WELCOME

Contact: GARY 0499869992



Kyogle Country Music’s next musical day is on Sunday 11th June at Kyogle Bowling Club commencing at 11am. The club will have lunch afternoon tea coffee drinks available during the day. A $2 donation at the door appreciated.



Meets every Thursday at 9.30am. For more details contact 0499824274.



Held every Saturday morning in Stratheden Street from 8am -12. Come along grab some local fruit & veggies, experience all Kyogle has to offer. New Stall Holders welcome. Ph: Anne 66321851


Meeting is held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month at the Kyogle Lion’s shed from 6.30–7pm. Contact Neville Moon on 0448222334.



Meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Kyogle Showgrounds in the luncheon room at 7pm. Ph: Jan on 0427293455.


Fourth Saturday of every month.

See Rotary Kyogle Bazaar on social media for all the details or call 0459 512 249.



Handy Craft Mornings on Mondays 9.30am-12noon in the community centre at Lennox Head. Call Jan on 66816150.



The Lennox Head Day VIEW Club meets on the frst Monday of each month at the Lennox Head Community Centre with the meeting starting at 11am and includes an interesting speaker and concludes with a light lunch. An informal Coffee and Chat meeting is held on the third Monday of the month. The Club sponsors three students through The Smith Family Learning for Life scholarship program that provides educational items for disadvantaged Australian children. New members and guests are most warmly welcomed, and enquiries may be made to Enid 047187511 or Dawn 0466717435.


Meets on the second Tuesday of each month upstairs at the Lennox Hotel at 6.30pm for dinner at 7pm. Guests are welcome. “VIEW members support the education of disadvantaged Australian children by raising much needed funds for The Smith Family. Through fundraising activities and social events in local communities, members raise money that goes directly to The Smith Family’s learning and mentoring programs for disadvantaged. students.” Lennox Head Evening VIEW Club currently sponsors two Learning for Life students.

Ph: Sue Brennan 0409728814.


New members welcome to join our close-knit club where the emphasis is on community service in a fun environment. Meetings are on the frst and Third Wednesday of each month at Club Lennox starting at 6.30pm. Members do what they can, when they can to facilitate the needs of our club.


Meets 9.30 for 10 at Club Lennox, 10 Stewart Street, on the frst Thursday of each month. Visitors are welcome, also retired, or semi-retired people wishing to join our non-service club to hear interesting guest speakers and to join in trips and outings are invited along. Ph: June Zentveld on 66871004


LISMORE BASE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Lismore Base Hospital Auxiliary are holding a

Christmas in July on 22nd of July at 12 noon at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club 181 High Street Lismore Heights. Tickets are $35.00 a head for a two Course meal. We will be having games, Raffes ,lucky door prizes and a Hundred club . Come along and have a great day out with friends. Contact Carol on 0414847199 for tickets. Money raised goes towards buying vital equipment for Lismore Base Hospital.


Rehearsals are held during school terms on Mondays, 6.15-7.45pm at Southern Cross University. If you can play a concert band instrument: brass, woodwind, or percussion, please come and join us! All ages welcome. We have some instruments available for loan. Ph: 0432575911


IT’S ‘23’ SO COME AND SEE what being a member of the Lismore CWA DAY BRANCH could mean to you. We would like YOU to join us for the opportunity to be involved with a truly friendly group of fun, diverse & interesting women of all ages. You will make new friends who will support you, plus you’ll be part of contributing to the lives of Women and Children in our area through our fundraising endeavours. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT! Why not come along as a ‘guest’ to see how you feel and experience the difference. being a CWA Member could bring to you and your life. We meet on the frst Thursday of each month at 9:30am for a 10am start. Our 2023 meetings commence in February.


INFORMATION call our President Allison Kelly on 0428 216 079. We also run CRAFT meetings each Friday. You’ll learn new things, once again meet new friends, and enjoy creating beautiful craft in great company.


INFORMATION call Vicki Boyle on 0437 465 642. WE LOOK FORWARD SO MUCH to meeting you.


Next Morning Tea Saturday 24th June @ East Lismore Bowling Club. Next day coach trip sat17th June Gold Coast Nursery visits. Ph: 0448294496


While the Lismore Library is under repair, you can fnd a Pop-Up Library at 146 Molesworth Street (Was Williams Shoes), for all your reading, watching and information needs.

The library has a fresh collection of donated community books, DVD’s, Puzzles and more, with weekly programs and events. The library is open 7 days a week.

Lismore Library - Social Circle

Friday 26 May at 10am –12pm

Come meet and mix with other seniors in our relaxed weekly social groups. This Friday, come and listen to this incredible local story, how our local journalist Lee created “Feral Cheryl”, the anti-Barbie doll. It all started as a joke! Refreshments provided; good times guaranteed.


President: Don Abrahams 0437576837 Vice President: Bob Greig 0404860504

Opening Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9.00am – 3.00pm We are a community based non-proft organisation. Everybody is welcome: men, women & people with a disability of all ages. We encourage social inclusion. Our aim is to promote the mental, physical & emotional well-being of people in our community.

Shed Activities

Members work on their own projects, Mentoring is available, General woodworking, Welding & light engineering, Repair & restoration of items for the public Constructing projects,

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