The Northern Rivers Times
February 22, 2024!!!
BALLINA SHIRE HOUSING STRATEGY Council has prepared a Draft Housing Strategy, and we need your input. We’re talking better housing availability, meeting your needs for the next 20 years! The strategy features four principles to guide Council activities: 1. Make housing available to local workers and residents. 2. Encourage diverse housing sizes and types. 3. Encourage walkable neighbourhoods with smaller dwellings located close to shops and services. 4. New homes resilient to natural disasters and housing stress. Submissions close Friday 15 March 2024. Don’t miss out on the chance to have your say! Housing is a fundamental human need and contributes to individuals’ sense of place and belonging, which is the foundation stone of community wellbeing and cohesion. Ballina Shire Council has prepared the
draft Ballina Shire Housing Strategy to outline Council’s role in addressing local housing challenges over the next 20 years. This includes working in partnership with key stakeholders, taking a lead role in advocacy initiatives and ensuring planning controls contribute to appropriate housing outcomes reflective of the community’s needs. A series of face-toface workshops were held in 2022 involving a total of 54 participants across the Shire. A survey regarding housing issues was live for three months during 2022 and attracted 75 respondents. All this information plus technical research and demographic analysis, contained in the Background Paper, informed the Draft Ballina Shire Housing Strategy. The vision of the Draft Ballina Shire Housing Strategy is the timely delivery of housing in
the Ballina Shire that meets the needs of the local community in terms of locations, infrastructure and housing types that are resilient to change in environmental conditions and changes in household life stages. This strategy outlines four principles to guide housing development in the Ballina Shire over the next 20 years. To encourage more available housing, ensuring that a diverse range of resilient housing types are delivered in walkable neighbourhoods. MAKE A SUBMISSION Scan the QR Code or go to https://ballina.
the carved-out remains of an asbestos mine.
Daniella Heywire
I recently met with Daniella from Lismore in Parliament House, our local winner in this year’s ABC Heywire & Trailblazer Competition. This is a storytelling competition from the
Its deadly legacy has drilled deep into the core of my community.” U3A NORTHERN RIVERS 30 Years The U3A Northern Rivers – Lismore
Resilient Land Program
ABC, for young people aged between 16-22 in regional, rural and remote Australia. Daniellas story focuses on her family’s connection to Baryulgil NSW and its natural beauty alongside the devastating impacts of the nearby Asbestos mine. She mentions this with “It holds breathtaking beauty in the landmarks where my ancestors have walked and swum for thousands of years” and “About a kilometre away from Baryulgil is
recently celebrated 30 years of service. A fantastic organisation for retired and semiretired people in our community. Their newly released ’30 Years On’ E-Book is available for download via their website. They play an important role in our community providing social engagement and mental stimulation. I would like to congratulate the U3A Lismore branch on 30 years and thank them for what they do in our community.
RESILIENT LAND PROGRAMS Last week the NSW Government announced the Resilient Lands Program. This is too slow for our community. Most families who were flooded have already made their decisions. They have sold and moved from the area, bought another house, sometimes back in the flood area, or continued staying in their house and are fixing it up. It will be 4 years post the disaster before anyone is relocated and living on the land recently announced. This is not This is not something we should be self-congratulating ourselves for. Releasing 400 blocks of land should be a yearly goal of councils and a normal course of business. Today’s announcement will be 4 years after the event. This is too slow for our families who were flooded 2 years ago!
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